#fucking insurance
r3musmoony · 1 year
bruh why is the NDIS so unnecessarily complicated what the fuck
(for those of you who don’t know the NDIS is just the ‘National Disability Insurance System’ which is like, if you have a disability that impacts your daily life and you need adaptive technology or aids the NDIS will pay for it (as long as you actually need it for your disability and the reason you need it is directly linked to your disability))
rant beneath the cut lol
I’m considering going on it to help me pay for my wheelchair (cuz 5000 AUD is impossible for me to save) but like, it’s so complicated and i need an official diagnosis and evidence supporting WHY I need financial help to afford it and WHY I need a wheelchair in the first place and it’s like ughhhhh just trust me when I say I need it like wtf. Doctors are notoriously bad at telling people when to use mobility aids because they consider it ‘giving up’ which is fucking stupid, like I’m ‘giving up’ because I want to be in less pain but still go to class and live life?? how does that make sense!?
Like srsly all I wanna do is just live life, go to my uni classes, go out with friends and eventually dates but I also know that I can’t do that without help! and at the moment. yes, crutches are helpful in that but also so was my cane and now after only 7 months of using it, it’s not helping as much as it did when I first brought it.
The pain that started in only my left hip has now moved to both hips, my thighs, my knees, hell even my fucking arms hurt sometimes and it’s not getting any better! I just don’t understand why it’s seen as ‘giving up’ when all I wanna do is just, live?? and be able to go out??? and be in minimal pain???? like jfc can someone please explain to me why that’s considered giving up? because I truly cannot understand it!!
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[id: black text on a purple background reading: “this post is for cripples only”. there are two of the wheelchair disability symbol in black on each side of the image. /end id]
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jay-wasstuff · 1 month
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Bonus: the old man (+insp)
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dirty-little-animal · 6 months
I was supposed to get an MRI tomorrow to make sure the little white spot in my brain hasn’t changed, but guess what?
My insurance coverage changed!
What was free last time, is now $500!
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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scramratz · 3 months
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I’m gonna get a consolation soon! Once I get a concrete price I’ll probably set up a GoFundMe alongside the money I’m already saving. What are some unique ways I can fundraise for top surgery?
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felsicveins · 8 months
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crimson-nail · 9 months
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she was running a little late for the photo but she’s here now!!
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Who the FUCK decided that insurance companies get to decide what’s medically necessary????????
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see-arcane · 5 months
I must have been asleep, for certainly if I had been fully awake I must have noticed the approach of such a remarkable place.
Oh. Oh, hell. This is the first time I've caught this.
We already saw how Dracula was driving the caleche around the same route at first--biding time for midnight and likely trying to throw off Jonathan's direction--but this? If Jonathan is telling the truth, that he really did nod off in order to miss their arrival at the castle?
I'd put my money on Dracula having willed him down into a trance sleep.
So he wouldn't know how one is meant to get to and from the castle.
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harbingersecho · 6 months
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they had to pause their morning workout to drive wash to the ER at 7 am bc he somehow got hit by a car while getting mail. there's traffic. maine fiddles with the radio and carolina is imagining herself parkouring over the other cars
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its-hai-time · 2 days
Me: I don't understand people who project their experiences onto fictional characters, the beauty is that they're *not* you
Also me after one incredibly minor fender bender: I have to write Klavier Gavin getting into a car accident or I will explod
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pillarofna · 5 months
please help me by reblogging ‼️
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hello im dylan. i make what money i can through doordashing but that barely covers even half of my bills and nowhere else will hire me rn (slow season in a tourist town). my car payment and car insurance are both scheduled to come out of my bank acct today and i barely have enough to cover the $135 in my checking account leaving me to have to use my credit card for my $150 car insurance. i also really need to buy groceries and get gas which i desperately need to keep working.
i currently am over $1000 in debt on my credit card and i really can’t afford to keep piling up the bills on it. the monthly fee ($99) for my HRT service just came out as well so i really need at least $400.
$155 (insurance) + $99 (hrt) + $60 (gas) + $100 (groceries) to at least get my credit card back down to only owing $1000. ideally i want to pay that all off but i know there’s no way i’m crowdfunding 1400. thank you guys this isnt terribly urgent but the sooner i can pay it off the better. ❤️
$60 / $400
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soberscientistlife · 6 days
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American insurance is a scam. We need Medicare for all
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2spirit-1spoon · 22 days
Remember how I've been waiting months to see a doctor.
Their office called asking me to list them as my PCP. I call my insurance.
The doctor is not credentialed with my insurance.
I'm scheduling a new appointment with a new doctor now.
Receptionist says this doctor is currently scheduling out in December
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So it'll be a year then since I've seen a doctor as a disabled person LITERALLY just trying to get care for what's CHRONIC PAIN AND DISABILITY
Listing dona-info because I would really like to be able to order my kid dinner so I can cry in the shower instead of trying not to lose my fucking shit. Maybe even get myself one of those squish stress things or maybe a bomb to throw at the doctors building.
Not really I'm just mad but still 😭😭
Y'all I'm so fucking tired. I feel like I'm doing everything right and for someone reason it's never enough???? I just want to see a fucking doctor why is that so hard
cashapp: $CEOofAnfifa
Venmo: CEOofAntifa
PayPal: click
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celestie0 · 6 months
i wanna write a fake dating gojo fic so bad idk i was thinking something like reader's mom is sick n needs hospice care but her health insurance is ass so she asks gojo (maybe he's her neighbor) to marry her bc he has better health insurance than her lol n then he can add her mom to his list of dependents for better healthcare (lmfao i just realized how absurd this might sound to anyone who isn't american hahah)
but anyways they have to live together n convince the court that they're actually in love n it's not just for the benefits✋🏼😔 maybe the city's judge is reader's ex n he's super jealous of gojo for (allegedly) being married to her now so he's tryna gather evidence that their marriage is void hahaha
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alighterwithlove · 3 months
if you talk to the average conservative voter, they'll always talk about their conservative representative with unabashed enthusiasm. "this guy is supporting my rights!!!!!" even when the representative is very much not supporting their voting constituents' rights in some cases (ie. poor white ppl not realizing they're getting poorer because of their representative)
and I bet that's why conservative candidates are so good at winning. any person listening to their voters only gets a great impression of the candidate.
and if you talk to the average liberal/leftist voter, they all hem and haw. "oh yeah, I voted for them but they're Okay, they're Disappointing. they haven't done this. they haven't done that." and I bet if you fucking pressed them to state some Good Beneficial Legislation they've passed, either the voter 1. can't name any, or 2. has to attach caveats. ("yeah biden passed student loan forgiveness BUT not ALL loans were forgiven")
why aren't we ever excited about incremental progress. why aren't we cheering to the sky about every win. maybe more people would vote if there was genuine excitement, the same type of excitement that conservative voters seem to have about anything labeled "conservative".
I'm just so fucking tired of hearing ppl be like "I'm just disillusioned with my leftist representative" EVERY TIME but are DEAD SILENT on the small victories, the progress. conservatives know how to do this, and that's why they build momentum into the next election. why does this seem impossible for the other side.
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