#forbidden lands combat system
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legionofmyth · 7 months ago
Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing
Venture into the dark fantasy world of Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing! 🌌 Survive, explore, and conquer in this immersive sandbox RPG. Perfect for fans of gritty adventures and deep storytelling! #ForbiddenLands #RPG #TabletopGaming #FantasyRPG #FreeLeague
Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing What is it? Forbidden Lands Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing is a dark fantasy tabletop role-playing game set in a cursed and perilous world. Players take on the roles of adventurers and rogues exploring a land filled with ancient ruins, dangerous wilderness, and supernatural horrors. The setting is grim and gritty, emphasizing survival,…
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lets-try-some-writing · 1 year ago
The Rites of Cybertron
Cybertronians are not without religion, nor are they lacking in holidays. While there are plenty of smaller ones scattered across the planet for various city states and historical events, Cybertronians have thirteen major holidays in celebration of the original thirteen. Although the celebrations are far less religious than the Primacy would like.
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The Rite of Prima
It is customary for every able bodied mech to endure the rite of Prima once a vorn on a pre-selected cycle that changes every few millennia. It is by far one of the most loathed or loved holidays. It completely depends on who is engaging in it.
The practice begins the moment the light of the nearest star touches Cybertron's surface. Every mech who is capable must then select a weapon and stand guard in absolute silence in a safe location of their choice. Rain or shine, they must keep to their station stoically until the local priest of the Primacy rings a bell just before sundown. Failure to stand guard will have them marked and prohibited from the remainder of the activities. All of this is done in remembrance of Prima's long watch and his supervision of Cybertron during its early history. It doesn't matter if anyone actually believes that is what went down. Not when they know that if they follow the tradition, the fun will begin in no time.
As soon as the bell is rung, that's when the true joy of the holiday begins. Every mech who stood guard is legally allowed to engage in a spar with whoever they make optic contact with first. The loser has a mark placed on their frame to indicate their loss and the winners will travel around their city state to fight other victors until one comes out on top. The victor of each city state (if a victor is found before the following cycle that is), will then be presented with a reward of their choosing by the Primacy. It is often so rare for a winner to turn up before the next morning that it is a grand event when one mech actually comes out on top.
Most are not fond of this holiday since it can lead to extreme crime spikes, but police are always on patrol and are forbidden to engage in the holiday so that they can stop troublemakers who wish to use the holiday as their chance to create chaos. Oftentimes, fights between high ranking combatants will be put on television for the population to watch throughout their activities. Those who don't participate will make bets.
All in all, it is one of the least reverent of holidays, but a well needed excuse for Cybertronian citizens to settle their scores legally and in a nonlethal manner. Although it has been said that long ago, Prima's rite was far more... mystical. A few who still follow the old faith have stated that when they hold their vigil, they maintain it for the entire cycle and in turn find themselves strengthened for trials to come.
The Rite of Recollection
The Rite of Recollection is a holiday devoted to Vector Prime and serves as an excuse for Cybertronian citizens to indulge in the wonders of the stars. While primarily focused around the young, The Rite of Recollection is a time for all of Cybertron. Mecha young or old will travel from every single corner of Cybertron in order to gather around with family or open locations for one sole purpose.
They gather to witness the stars.
Every light is turned off, save for the most essential. Work is put on hold, school is canceled, and not a spark is allowed to have a light brighter than a candle. All of Cybertron goes dark and its citizens come together quietly to watch as Cybertron finishes its rotation and a rare meteor shower graces the skies. The young are regaled with information on Cybertron's solar system and given sparklers to chase each other with in symbolization of Vector Prime's purpose as a keeper of space. Couples have been known to go out of their way to hunt down fragments of the meteors that land on the planet's surface to create gifts. Mentors will take the opportunity to witness constellations usually invisible due to light pollution. Vendors will sell trinkets modeled after the holiday, and quiet night markets will appear and promptly vanish over the course of a cycle.
Most of the cycle is laid back. The only ones who are frantic are the priests of the Primacy who throw their very sparks into recording as much as physically possible and try to collect as much meteor as they can. There are beliefs that the shards of meteor bring good luck, and the priests take that to another level and believe them to be a gift from Vector Prime himself that was sent from his divine domain amidst the space between the stars.
The Rite of Wisdom's Vigil
Modeled after the recorder Prime (Alpha Trion), Wisdom's Vigil is a deca-cycle long event dedicated to messing with everyone's perspectives. It was highjacked during the height of the golden age as a way to earn additional shanix through underhanded means, but its original purpose was quite clear. And despite the corruption, the Primacy was still able to maintain the event well enough to keep it going without completely losing its meaning.
Traditionally during Wisdom's Vigil, all Cybertronians under a certain age and with no serious health conditions, would be shipped to different parts of the planet to study a new culture and under a new mentor. It was one of the greatest student exchanges on the planet, and its entire function was to show citizens how others lived. With the Council's corruption, this ability to exchange students was limited to the higher castes and served as a form of political warfare amongst the higher castes. However, those who were able to engage in the holiday were required to adapt.
A mech from Iacon sent to Kaon would be taught the ways of Kaon and have to integrate into the culture as seamlessly as possible while serving under a new mentor in what was likely a completely different field than the one they were used to. A mech from Rodion sent to Praxus would need to roger up and adapt really quick just as much as a mech from Tarn would need to get used to falling a lot while being sent to Vos. Was the holiday chaotic? Absolutely. But it always yielded interesting results and gave every city a chance to share their culture. There have been many immigrants to various city states after those who engaged in the holiday found they preferred one culture over the one they were forged into.
The older Cybertronians who are not mentoring or being mentored have their own way of celebrating. The non religious will go to their closest archive and listen to various speakers who are brought in by the archives. The religious will go to an archivist and ask for the rite of confession. Upon being granted it, they will go somewhere where none save for the archivist can listen and pour out their spark, revealing whatever has been weighing them down and asking for guidance should they be lacking in information. This rite was hardly ever enacted prior to the war simply because many archivists were paid to sell whatever information they gleaned to the Council. Too many vanished after confessing, and so the rite died for all but the most unassuming individuals.
The Rite of Symbiosis
Developed as a way to honor Micronus Prime, the Rite of Symbiosis is a holiday that is actually banned in several city states with far more restrictive legislations when it comes to who counts as a citizen or not. The whole point of the rite is to celebrate the symbiotic relationships between minibots, intelligent mechanimals, symbiotes, and their carrier units. It is a time to remember how special such things are and how much stronger Cybertronians can be as a whole when they rely on one another, regardless of size or structure.
The rite begins for already bonded companions a few cycles before the actual holiday. It is customary for both parties involved in a companionship to go on some sort of trip or test their bond with trial. It doesn't need to be extreme, just something to reaffirm their reliance on one another. That is the only true holy aspect of the rite as the rest is largely commercial thanks to the Council. On the actual cycle of the rite, minibots without a companion who are looking for one will use their opportunity to show off their skill. The entire cycle is filled with performances from those looking for carrier units and carrier units attempting to show off their services to those looking for a team to hire. While technically one huge advertisement, there is actual joy to be found.
Circus teams have been known to be very prevalent and it is by far the best time to part ways and find new companions for carrier units who are unhappy with their situation. During the holiday minibots can also group together and legally register under one name if they fail to bond to anyone, therefore ensuring they are viewed as citizens sharing the same name instead of property to be owned. The rite is also the only time minibots and symbiotes who are unhappy can earn their freedom through contests. If an contest is issued, those watching much uphold it. The Primacy ensures this rite is honored.
Of course its not all hidden drama covered by a loose celebration. There are treats and dances. But the bit event revolves around the displays carrier units, minibots, symbiotes, and various teams put on to showcase their abilities. There is also a feast at the end of the whole event, but that is to be expected. Any holy aspect was long lost to ancient documents in the archives.
The Rite of Bounty
Created vorns before the Council was even formed, the Rite of Bounty is exactly what it sounds like. Made to honor Alchemist Prime, the only holy aspect about the whole thing is the fact that every bot will pray over their fuel before mixing and consuming. There entire cycle is one giant potluck and food fest. Mecha prepare stellar cycles in advance, collecting wild energon and additives to add to their creations. Then when the cycle arrives, brewers, mixers, purifiers, bartenders, and other fuel concoctors will emerge as one with their creations.
Every city is filled with vendors and stalls. Fuel is absolutely everywhere, often being given out for free as a way of sharing the joy. High-grade and energex flow like a river and drunk mecha are absolutely everywhere. The young are given treats and taught to purify energon safely. The old will bicker over who's energon is better and which high-grade is superior. The higher castes can't even get involved because it is simply too wild of an event. Not even the police are willing to try and stop whatever goes down for that whole cycle.
The people are happy, fueled, and more often than not, drunk off their afts. Not even the Primacy gets around it. They purposefully push their priests to go learn to mix up high grade to honor Alchemist. Many young brewers and fuel mixers have found their spotlight in winning one of the many many competitions across Cybertron during the course of the rite.
Those who still abide by the old faith tend to be a little quieter in their celebration and spend the cycle carefully creating a fancy meal for their loved ones with purely foraged supplies. But those mecha are few and far between. Most are more than happy to go get drunk with the rest.
The Rite of Convergence
Made to honor Nexus Prime, this holiday is still heavily commercialized, but it has managed to maintain some of its holy origins. During the rite, combiners, split sparks, and those who holds close bonds are given their chance to shine. The cycle begins with song where those who are bound to another will come together and sing a blessing of their own creation or choice. This lasts until halfway through the cycle when the solemn atmosphere will lift and festivities will slowly begin.
First, combiner teams will parade through the streets, showcasing their unity in their combined form. It is the only cycle they are allowed to wander fully combined without mission orders, so most relish in it. Combiner teams will often engage in games to showcase their unity in mind and frame after their various parades, all of which are observed keenly by the public. Most of the time, combiner teams, being so rare, will represent their entire city. They will go up against other teams in activities which the public vote on and the winners of said activities are allowed to select their next assignment and even change their city allegiance if they so desire.
Most regular mecha will engage in smaller versions of the combiner games. It is akin to the rite of symbiosis, but mean to include everyone. Mecha who may not know each other will group up and play to win. Teams of veterans will gather to prove their worth. It doesn't matter where one comes from. If you have a team or a partner, you can join the games. The most popular game amongst non-combiner teams is what they call the stilt wars. Mecha will group up and try to turn themselves into a makeshift combiner by standing on shoulders and swinging smaller companions around like arms. It's an absolute mess, but its the most fun many have all vorn long.
The religious will gather in quiet places to pray as one, usually holding servos and chanting in sync to try and feel Cybertron. Those who adhere to the old faith will enjoy the festivities for a time, but they will spent at least half the cycle communing with Cybertron itself through whatever means they deem appropriate.
The Rite of the Wilds
Developed in honor of Onyx Prime, the rite of the wilds is largely an excuse for those who have embraced Onyx's teachings to show their worth. Beastformers from around the entirety of the empire come together to perform feats and legally preach regarding the benefits of taking on an animalistic alternate mode. But that is not all, not in the slightest. The average Cybertronian will spent the cycle wandering.
Previously forbidden wilderness reserves are opened to those who feel inclined to explore. Guides are given and the cycle is dedicated to learning. Young Cyber-felines and Cyber-hounds are given or sold to those who want one. Various other mechanimals are put on display for those in need of a pet to take a look at. And surprisingly, seekers use the Rite of the Wilds as an excuse to show off their skills. They have their own holidays to celebrate the gift of flight, but since Onyx had wings, they take every excuse to show off.
The skies are filled with seekers and other flight frames showing their skills. The ground is covered in various dealers and animal sellers. The wilds are busy with guides taking eager mid-caste mecha around to see the natural wonders of Cybertron. Stations are set up to educate the young and give them the chance to interact with wild creatures under the watch of a a handler. It is a simple celebration and not nearly as beloved as many others, but enjoyed all the same.
Those who adhere to the old faith are known to up and vanish for the entire cycle before turning up like nothing happened a few deca-cycles later. No one is entirely sure why they do this, but they always head into the wilds, so most assume its a communion thing much like the Rite of Convergence.
The Rite of the Shapeshifter's Revelry
Created to honor Amalgamous Prime, the Rite of the Shapeshifter's Revelry is fully intended for stress relief. Those who participate will select a new identity and become the person they are imitating for the entire cycle. Mecha will go to increadible lengths to match their target, even prepping stellar cycles in advance. It is a test of skill, and it is during this time that many an actor makes their debut. There have even been actors so good at their jobs that they have been outright mistaken for their identity. Comedic relief regularly comes from those with the same faked identity participating in a battle of wits regarding who knows their target best.
It is a time of fun and mischief. Harmless pranks will be played on the unsuspecting and masked parades are all but mandatory. The young will try their hardest to emulate their mentors and the older amongst society will aim for greater challenges. Not even the Council and higher castes are exempt. Everyone tries to imitate someone. Although emulating a deceased Prime was outlawed after one particular incident where the population were convinced Onyx Prime returned from the dead when a shapeshifter got too excited. Even still, it is considered an increadible honor to have someone mimic you during the rite. As such, there is incentive amongst the population to be memorable if not loved.
Those who adhere to the old faith do not emulate. Instead they will wear masks based off horrific creatures from folklore. Their reasoning is quite simple. They are attempting to ward off the evil that lurks. Not even they know what it is, but it is tradition and they adhere to it.
The Rite of Discovery
Modeled in honor of Quintus Prime, the Rite of Discovery is about what it presents itself as. Most average civilians cannot actively participate, but they are all encouraged to watch as Cybertron's brightest minds gather together for debates, exhibitions, and scholarly discussion. Geniuses from every plausable field will gather in the center of whatever city state they live in and will group together to show off the fruits of their labor. It is not merely for pride's sake either. By showing off their work, they can gain additional funding, support, and assistance from potential investors.
Philosophers will all debate over heated questions (a fact that the council has abused to remove dissenters quietly). Physicists will work on group projects and try to one each other up in space bridge design. Researchers will present their findings on foreign worlds and get into bawls over who found what first. Astronomers will attempt to murder one another with their optics as they argue over star distances. Linguists will screech at anyone and everyone who disrespects their dialect in strange shifting tongues. Archivists with their digits too far deep into certain files will actively try and assault one another over translation issues. Not even medics are exempt. Doctors from around the world can and will create line long grudges over potential medical malpractice.
It is some of the most amazing argumentation of all time, and civilians love to watch. Not just because of the arguments of course. Civilians are able to watch the pinnacle of the Cybertronian race at work and are even able to watch many young upstarts cement themselves amongst the greatest of the great. Anyone who cares for drama knows to keep their optics and audials on the rite while it progresses. Most who engage in the rite get into controversy at some point.
Those who lived through the reign of the Quintessons devote their entire sparks to throwing effective middle fingers at their former overlords with their accomplishments. Many a scientist has laughed maniacally after presenting something the Quints would have never allowed.
The Rite of Truth
The Rite of Truth is not one that anyone loves a great deal. It is one of the few holidays that the Primacy fully owns, and the entire purpose of it is to get everyone to confess their sins. The story of Liege Maximo is told all throughout the rite and not a spark can go anywhere without getting it preached to them by a priest. Civilians are required to be silent unless they are going to be confessing something. Most opt to speak over private comms to avoid a priest or religious fanatic trying to get them to speak their truth. Those who are caught speaking without confessing something or other can be fined by the Primacy. It is by far one of the least liked holidays ever, even if it does get everyone a cycle off work.
Most are encouraged to actively rat on one another and become a whistleblower if they don't want to confess anything personal. This has led to the rise and fall of many an organization since the Primacy will take all big confessions seriously. The Council has used this to their advantage many many times. The average mech will usually take the change to drag skeletons out of the closet regarding those they dislike (at least if they are particularly spiteful). The best of the tea will make it into the media in no time.
Of course that is not all of it. Since most mecha decide to remain at home to escape the Primacy, small traditions have taken root. Most often, families and close comrades will gather to share a meal together and sort old scores and bitter grudges in a polite private manner. Secrets are shared and revealed. Drama is dealt with. It is a quiet affair for those who decide to be decent and not throw shade at everyone and everything that has ever wronged them.
The Rite of the Fallen
Created as both a warning and another way to help citizens deal with their issues, the Rite of the Fallen is complex. The Rite of the Fallen differs for absolutely everyone. Those who have issues and things they wish to repent for will have the one they wronged decide what they are to do (those whose victims are no longer living will go to a sanctioned friend or priest). These remorseful sparks will then spend the entirety of the rite fulfilling whatever they were ordered to do. Other mecha without anything they wish to outwardly deal with will spend the cycle mourning the dead or something they lost. Almost all of Cybertron will scrub off their colors to lament.
The story of the Fallen is retold to the young through quiet retellings. The old will gather and quietly grieve whatever they have lost. Often, those who grieve are not even grieving for themselves. If one has nothing to lament, then it is polite to lament alongside one who is suffering. Every mech is obliged to mourn alongside those who are already doing so. The religious aspect of the whole affair is found with the common prayer uttered by even the unfaithful in order to bring a cold comfort to they who suffer.
Those who follow the old faith know more of the Fallen, and instead of lamenting, they curse. They utter curses to keep the Unmaker away. They prepare elaborate strings of prayers to ensure that the evil cast away once never returns. They remember what was, and they fear its reawakening more than anything.
The Rite of the Arisen
There were genuine attempts made to turn the Rite of the Arisen into a holiday celebrating the reigning Prime, but that was shelved after a while. A separate holiday was made for that affair, leaving the Rite of the Arisen to fulfill its purpose.
The population are largely dubious about the mythical Thirteenth Prime, and often they can mix him and Primus together to create one legendary entity. This has resulted in the Rite of the Arisen turning into a celebration of the largest wave of newsparks to emerge from the Well each vorn. The cycle is never the same every vorn, so when it does come and the newsparks emerge, the rite is enacted in full. Every mech wanting to mentor a fresh mind will present themselves and go through a series of religious rites if they are faithful.
The Thirteenth represents rebirth, so often, those who recently passed away will have their designation given to one who emerges from the Well. A name can be left as an inheritance, and those who were given it can offer it to a newspark freely. It is a special event, a bond between the young and the old. There is no specific procedure, it simply it. The magical experience of watching new life emerge from Cybertron's core is special enough.
Those who adhere to the old faith will watch every time the rite begins. They wait, they observe, and they eagerly hope for the cycle when the lost Thirteenth Prime will return to the living realm. Many a priest is there to watch and warily write down designations of those they may find of interest.
Life is a gift, and all of Cybertron knows that when the rite begins.
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our-lady-of-haymakers · 17 days ago
The lesbian love confession in a girl's band show is an incredibly powerful move that is very hard to fully charge up, usually taking up the majority of the episodes (though some may throw out a weaker version that can't make a dent in their opponent's guard, or simply one that they cancel into the "quirky bestie joke" move since that is a lot harder to punish).
Despite the obvious catharsis of landing it on a girl's beloved and watching her defenses shatter as her world is rocked by this value-altering impact, the love confession is also dangerously easy to whiff, and also requires careful positioning so as to avoid knocking your target so far off their feet that they land out of reach of your "stay with me forever" combos, since the "so, about our conversation last night" chain is far less effective and can easily be dodged out of by an astute friendzoner. A band lesbian's use of this dangerous and occasionally forbidden technique reveals a great deal about her mastery of lesbian music as an art form, as well as the ways in which she expresses herself within the rules of her particular homosexual combat system.
The characters of Ave Mujica are adept practitioners of these arts, and have been known to deftly launch and land their confessions on each other at crucial points. Sadly, the world of Ave Mujica is not a fighting game, but an RPG, and one with particularly binding roles to boot. A girl builds her powers up. She bides her time. She launches her ardent appeal, moving with what she feels to be the force of destiny itself, stringing in fluent inputs those words that she hopes shall win over her beloved's heart. She succeeds. The confession lands. It strikes hard, ten times as hard as any earlier declaration she'd made. It is a thing of beauty, gorgeous in the moment and grand in the labors that led up to it.
The gauge shifts, marginally. The conviction of her beloved to some strange and shadowy cause, the health of her peculiar destined disease, registers a decrease. From a million to 999000 and change. It was the best shot she could land. But in this economy of sinister oaths, love is just one among a million desires. Even those that are weak to it shall not be toppled at a blow, for their bodies are reinforced by countless hours of hate and pain and emptiness, entirely too staunch to believe in something as silly as a happy tomorrow.
This is not a place for moments of brilliance. The currency of Ave Mujica is eternity. And these girls have spent a lifetime and more believing that they shall never, ever be loved.
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comradefleur · 4 months ago
the ninja system so crazy and fucked up that you can't even leave your village of your own will 😭 like is it not madness that you're classified as a criminal simply for leaving? leaving is literally considered defection and it's forbidden unless you're sent out on missions to do their fuck shit in foreign lands... like you don't even have to go out and make any big moves like joining a combatant group or plan to attack people cause they already done wrote you off simply cause you left the walls of your village. i can't even describe how deeply unhinged that is ☠️
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 year ago
I'm a TTRPG designer, and also a big fan of the video game Terraria. I'm stuck on fun ways to handle material gathering and crafting. Send me some inspiration! Thanks!
THEME: Gathering and Crafting
Hello friend! Putting this one together was very fun. I hope you enjoy it!
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Stoneburner, by Fari RPGs.
Stoneburner is a sci-fantasy solo-friendly demon-hunting community-building tabletop role-playing game.Inspired by the new school revolution movement, players take on the role of a group of dwarves who must assume control of a demon haunted mine, along with its accompanying settlement, which they inherited after the death of their distant relative.The game focuses on the dwarves' journey as they navigate the challenges of their new responsibilities, rebuild a new thriving community, and clear the mine of its fire spitting monsters.
A techno-fantasy game of exploration and survival. You’ll be delving into a mine to extract resources and attempting to maintain and protect your community not just from magical beasts, but also greedy and plotting rivals. The system is built on Breathless, which is pretty rules-lite on the face but has a lot of possibility to expand, borrowing quite a bit from the NSR but giving the GM specific cues where they have a license to complicate the story. You’ll find a lot of familiar pieces here, with character classes, special abilities, and loot tables. Stoneburner isn’t fully ready to be published quite yet, but in the meantime you can check out the free preview!
Hostile (Rules and Setting), by Zozer Games.
Welcome to the gritty, retro-future universe of HOSTILE. Based on the Cepheus Engine, these rules add in realistic combat rules as well as setting-specific rules from some of the eighteen HOSTILE supplements. When combined with its companion book, the HOSTILE Setting, you will have a complete, stand-alone, retro-future sci-fi game. HOSTILE is a gritty, near future roleplaying setting that is inspired by movies like Outland, Bladerunner and Alien. It is a universe of mining installations, harsh moons, industrial facilities, hostile planets and brutal, utilitarian spacecraft.
When I looked up info about this game, HOSTILE was described as not an ALIEN RPG, but rather an RPG that you could plug Alien into. It’s a space horror setting, but what kind of space horror is up to you. The Rulebook has rules on trade, salvaging, and other pieces of resource management, while the setting book contains construction rules for your own mega-ton spaceship. There’s also plenty of colonies, survival rules, campaign advice and encounter tables. If this is interesting to you, I’d recommend checking out the Double Shift Bundle, which offers both the Rulebook and the Setting Book for 20% off.
Forbidden Lands, by Free League Publishing.
Forbidden Lands is a new take on classic fantasy roleplaying. In this open-world survival roleplaying game, you’re not heroes sent on missions dictated by others - instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. You will discover lost tombs, fight terrible monsters, wander the wild lands and, if you live long enough, build your own stronghold to defend.
As raiders and rogues, in Forbidden Lands you will need to scavenge to survive. Built on Free League’s Year Zero Engine, this game uses an abstract resource called consumables which your characters will have to find regularly, because food goes bad and you can only carry so many things. The game focuses on the dangers of the road, although not all dangers are terrifying - you’re not fighting orcs all the time - sometimes you’re just battling mosquitoes and cold weather. There’s also rules about building, maintaining, and defending a stronghold, which sounds kind of similar to building and defending your house in Terraria. There’s a lot to keep track of in Forbidden Lands, and as long as you don’t mind playing characters with a somewhat loose moral compass, this game might be for you!
A Fistful of Darkness, by monkeyEcho.
A Fistful of Darkness is a Weird West Fantasy hack of Blades in the Dark with heavy emphasis on the fantasy part. It’s not intended to be an accurate history lesson or a simulation of past times. It is designed to be a cinematic game which lets you play all those Weird West tropes towards the end of the world.
Imagine a world with the magic and mystery of the frontier: wide open plains of the Old Wild West in all its beauty and madness, where violence and sacrifice dominate every single day. Now add the Hellstone rush, underground mayhem in mines and brand new sciences & machines. Don’t forget immigration, injustice, vigilante justice, outlaws, gunslingers, slick talkers and setting suns. This all in the face of an impending doom: Demons and the four riders bringing the end of the world as you know it. How do you make it to the top of this powder keg, which side will you take in the impending war and how much will your soul suffer? Let’s play to find out!
Forged in the Dark games abstract your resources a bit, but the Hellstone of A Fistful of Darkness is so important to the setting that you’ll find yourselves doing whatever you can to get your hands on it. It’s a crafting material, it’s currency, and it’s the bringer of mutations and curses, what with it being a demonic material and all. Because you’ll be running a group playbook alongside your own characters, you’ll be working together to improve your tools, allies, abilities and home base, especially if you choose the Scavengers Posse. If you like action and suspense as much as you like inventory and communal goals, then this game is for you.
LOOT, by Gila RPGs.
Do you love loot? Then you're in the right place.
Go on quests, find loot, do it all over again. Your character is entirely defined by the loot they wear and carry. Loot is generated and passed out at the end of each quest with a dynamic loot pool system.
This is an application of the LUMEN system that eschews dice. Players have a number of uses for each of their approaches, which can be spent to overcome obstacles. Complications arise when you have to cobble together a solution using a different approach, or when you avoid marking an approach at all. This is a game still in a free playtest, so the designer is happy to hear feedback if you decide to give it a whirl!
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occasionalflicker · 23 days ago
Hiiiii! I has a question about your au!
How did you come up with the zone names? What inspired those? They're very cool!
Hiiii! Thank you!
At first, I thought about how the zones are distributed, their landscapes, and colors, and only afterward considered their possible purposes
Branch 1 - Garnet Woodlands was the hardest to name. Initially, the idea was to name it after a place where a forest stands above a cave system, but that either didn’t exist or didn’t quite fit. So, a synonym for a forested area and the garnet color was chosen instead. It’s a safe but little-explored place used for training young Lightfolk in navigation and combat. It has several small settlements and serves as an agricultural hub for food production and weaving. The entrances to the caves are hidden, making them hard to access - unless the ground suddenly gives way beneath your feet
Branch 2 - Carmine Gorge looks like a massive river once flowed here, carving out numerous branching passages in the landscape, which is why a gorge was chosen as its defining feature. It represents a major mining region, a processing facility, and a trade route for the Darkfolk
Branch 5 - Mountain Bastion gave me the impression of a battlefield. The sharp rocks resembled abandoned spears left behind after combat, and the whole area had a mountainous feel. The OST Opaque Height further pushed the idea of calling it a mountain. As for why it’s a bastion, it’s because the location is quite close to Branch 6, making it something like a strategic stronghold
Branch 6 - Flaming Spire got its name from its massive stained-glass windows and the color of the structure, which reflect and emit light, creating the illusion of an eternal flame. It serves as the capital of the Darkfolk
Regarding the other locations:
Branch 3 - Soaring Gardens is something like the capital for the Lightfolk. It’s a place for relaxation and the final stage of their training
Branch 4 - Lilac Plains serves as lands for the primary source of food for the Darkfolk
The transitions between locations, areas with lore tables, and the LUCA hub are referred to as Nowhere or the Ghost Path.
One of the unused locations, which looks like a gray/white forest, is called Ashen Valley. The place is poorly explored and even forbidden to visit. It is considered no-stars land
The training area (where Remembrance OST plays) was named Dust of Past Day
The place created by Summum is called Meadow Haven. Though the Fused Starfolk themselves have come to call it the Last Refuge
There are many other lands where other Starfolk reside and where they are ruled by others. But about them maybe sometime later
And it's probably worth mentioning that a significant part of the inspiration came from the people in the Worldless fandom and their AUs based on it
You are all amazing! And I’m grateful to be part of it!
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anantplayingdnd · 3 months ago
embarking on a silly (read, reddit would cyberbully me for it) new quest to change my curse of strahd game to a new system. midway through the game. but god dammit combat isn’t fun. i’m having such an unpleasant time running combat and my players aren’t getting much from it either.
sooo, suggestions are welcome! i haven’t played many other ttrpgs, but my current list of things to look into is
- Grave
- Kairn
- Monster of the Week
- Kids on Bikes
- Forbidden Lands
- Worlds Without Wonder
- TOX + Cortex Boss Rules
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Since I think it's safe to say the Erins are too busy shoving River Ripple's first love in the freezer and are likely preparing a second, I doubt his past home will effect early RiverClan in terms of it's culture. Does the River Kingdom retain what little we saw of the park cats' culture in BB!DOTC, because I thought the Cats of the Park had a lot of potential.
In BB, there are two major cultural groups at the beginning of DOTC. There's the Park Cats, and the Tribe Cats.
Everything about the Clans is a mix of these two things. Clanmew is the child of Parkmew and Old Tribemew, the naming system borrows from both cultures, and even the things that Clan Culture has come to value is a continued conversation from the ancient period.
Here's how I've divided them so far;
Nature is a thing to be observed and respected. The river is alive and has a will of its own, you do not control the natural world.
"Vandalism" is a very serious sin; to intentionally ruin a place.
Battles are discussed beforehand, times and places are agreed on between parties, diplomacy is a value.
Combat is ceremonial, goal is to impress the King
"Decorum" is a virtue because not upsetting human parkgoers was a serious concern.
King owns the land; 'leases' it out to individuals and approves challenges between cats.
Generally more individualist
Born nameless, "titles" collected over time, often bestowed by the King. A "true" name that is very long is a status symbol. Mentor's best known name + Paw typically the first name a cat carries.
Mentor/Apprentice system very personal, a one-on-one experience to learn what they know
Religion is nature-based, inner peace, meditation, and enjoying the bounty of the world are part of their spirituality.
Nature is a thing to be guarded and managed. The natural world is in a constant state of flux and you, like it or not, are a participant in it
"Poaching" is a very serious sin; to wrongfully kill animals, either because the animal was forbidden or its materials were wasted.
Battles are discouraged, but BRUTAL when they do happen. To choose to fight is to "make prey" of your opponent, and a sign of extreme disrespect or even carries a serious accusation.
Combat is ferocious, goal is to hurt opponent into submission
"Nobility" is a virtue, meaning that you value your reputation and that of others, state your intentions clearly, and provide for those around you.
Wards collectively oversee and manage the land they live in, as if Clans were able to see themselves as smaller parts of a greater whole
Generally more collectivist
Born with two names; a given name (Gray), and a last name (Wing). Alterations can be done for major achievements, especially for last names.
Young cats learn from many adults, based on their interests, talents, and familial connections.
Religion is ancestor-based. Honoring spirits and listening to their wisdom is part of their spirituality.
If you look closely, you can see values that were taken, forgotten, or changed with time. Some things are even a mix of both!
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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Ability to intercept an SR-71: Victor Belenko states the Mig-25 cannot intercept the SR-71 for several reasons: The SR-71 fly too high and too fast; the Mig cannot reach it or catch it. The missiles lack the velocity to overtake the SR-71 and in the event of a head on missile fire (The Golden BB), the Guidance system cannot adjust to the high closure rate of the SR-71.
The Mig-25 has a jam proof radar but cannot distinguish targets below 1,640 feet due to ground clutter. The radar was so powerful it could burn through jamming signals by approaching bombers.
Upon dismantling the Mig-25, the data was analyzed by the Foreign Technology Division of the Air Force at Dayton, Ohio. There were many surprises:
1The Mig had been manufactured in February 1976 and thus was one of their latest most sophisticated production aircraft.
2Transistor circuitry was not used but instead the Soviets relied on vacuum tubes for most of their electronics. The Soviets reasoned the vacuum tubes were less affected by EMP waves in the case of nuclear attack; were more resistant to temperature extremes and they were easy to replace in remote airfields where transistors may not be readily available if repairs were needed.
3Welding was done by hand.
4Rivet heads were exposed in areas not critical to parasitic aerodynamic drag.
5Pilot forward vision was highly obstructed.
6With huge Tumansky R-15D-300 engines the Mig was considered almost a rocket.
7Pilots were forbidden to exceed Mach 2.5. There was a total of three engine instruments and the airspeed indicator was redlined at 2.8 Mach.
8Above Mach 2.8 the engines would overheat and burn up. The Americans had clocked a Mig-25 over Israel at Mach 3.2 in 1973. Upon landing in Egypt, the engines were totally destroyed. We did not understand that the engine destruction was inevitable.
9The combat radius is 186 miles.
10Without using afterburner; staying at optimum altitude and not maneuvering, the Mig can fly in a straight line for 744 miles.
11The plane was so heavy at 64,200 pounds, that according to early rumors Soviet designers had to eliminate a pilot ejection system. However this was disproved.  Most MiG-25s used the KM-1 ejector seat. The last versions used an early variant of the famous K-36 seat. The speed record for the fastest successful ejection (Mach 2.67) is held by a KM-1 equipped MiG-25.
12Maximum operational altitude: Carrying two missiles, 78,740 feet (for maximum two minutes duration); carrying four missiles, 68,900 feet is maximum.
13Maximum altitude of missiles: 88,588 feet.
14Maximum G load: With full fuel tanks 2.2 G's is max; with near empty fuel tanks, 5 G's is dangerous. The Mig-25 cannot turn inside a U.S. F-4 Phantom fighter!
15The plane was made of steel alloy, not high temperature titanium, although strips of titanium was used in areas of high heat concentration.
16In a tight turn the missiles could be ripped from the wings. thesr71blackbird.com/Aircraft/Stori…
@Habubrats71 via X
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satoshi-mochida · 18 days ago
Dotemu announces arcade beat ’em up Absolum for PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC - Gematsu
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Publisher and developer Dotemu, and developers Guard Crush Games and Supamonks have announced Absolum, an arcade-like beat ’em up game with “spells, counters, upgradable abilities, and uniquely powerful playable fighters.” It will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Crafted with passion by the dream team that redefined side-scrolling beat ’em ups, Absolum mixes top-of-the-class combat action with modern roguelite elements, bringing all the vibes of the fantasy arcade hits of the past into an immersive adventure set in the original world of Talamh.
An Epic Adventure in an Original Fantasy World
Talamh has been shattered by a magical cataclysm caused by ambitious wizards, leaving magic mistrusted by the common folk. Sun King Azra took advantage of this panic, enslaving wizards through his Crimson Order and placing loyal princes to rule over the conquered realms. As Azra’s forces claim more and more lands, the high enchantress Uchawi and a small group of rebels rise from the shadows, wielding forbidden magic to challenge his oppressive regime and defy his absolute magic power.
From the Destruction, New Heroes Rise
Meet the outcast heroes of Talamh, each with their unique fighting style. From the shadows of Yeldrim, Galandra emerges as an unstoppable force of nature. Her colossal sword strikes with deadly precision, combined with chilling, destructive necromantic powers. Her calm demeanor is a thin veil, barely concealing the furious anger brewing inside her. Karl is the last free dwarf of Talamh. Armed with an ancestral blunderbuss and his bare fists, he’s a master of close-range brawls and explosive tactics. What he lacks in reach at mid-range, he makes up for with raw strength and quick thinking, making him a stalwart ally in the revolt against Azra’s oppression. During their ordeals, two mysterious heroes will join them on a quest to overthrow the Sun King: Brome, a prodigy wizard on a mission to preserve the future generations of his people, and the enigmatic Cider, a nimble skirmisher in search of answers among the scattered fragments of their own soul.
The Rogue ‘Em Up Original by Dotemu
Absolum combines Dotemu and Guard Crush’s mastery in beat ’em up gameplay with Supamonks’ best-in-class art and animation. With its fast-paced action and endless replayability, Absolum will challenge you with multiple paths to explore and unpredictable encounters for a new experience each time you play.
A New Thrilling Gameplay to Master
Take down Azra’s elite guard with a mix of rapid combo chains and spellcasting powers, unleashing moves that feel as raw as they are strategic. Use magical counters and rare items to turn the tide in your favor and experience a combat system that demands skill and timing, pushing you to craft new strategies at every run to wreak havoc among the enemy ranks.
The Beat ‘Em Up Genre at Its Very Best
Lead the uprising against Azra’s regime as a lone hero, or team up with a friend on your couch or with coop. Combine your elemental powers and synchronize your attacks into incredible chained combos! The world of Talamh is an intricate tapestry brimming with secrets, stories, and betrayals. From the majestic mines of Grandery to the lush forests of Jaroba, every step of your odyssey will be accompanied by a magnificent soundtrack by composer Gareth Coker (Ori, Halo Infinite, Prince of Persia), with collaborations from Yuka Kitamura (Dark Souls, Elden Ring), Mick Gordon (DOOM Eternal, Atomic Heart), and more!
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
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no-nic · 3 months ago
kakashi gaiden liveblogging
just saving screenshots & taking notes like i'm in an 8 credit class i can't afford to fail
(tumblr allows max 30 images in one post so it's been cut a bit)
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oh no he’s cute
minato is sitting there just listening to kakashi’s tirade
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when your pre-teen not-son quotes the rulebook
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kakashi’s teeth are deserving of their own sound effect; self-control indeed!
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just say “i’m uchiha obito”. or shut up. you’re delusional, baby obitobito you need a terrible makeover by an elderly relative
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anyone told you it’s trauma related? or are you just squinting really hard and hoping?
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i have no idea what wee wee means but it’s very close to wheeze
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how dare you interrupt their argument for some pointless mission
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kusagakure = land of freaky flora (& fungi)? hashirama’s experimental ground?
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no more arguing. get fucked sensei. CHIDORI!
fun details:
obito: 2 bum bags
kakashi: 2 bum bags + tanto harness. is one of those bags that med pack gift from rin?
rin: backpack
minato: backpack
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big stick-finger-in-socket energy
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puppy got the zoomies!!!
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shortcut to mushrooms (goes through)
QUESTION! …aren’t shadow clones (doppelgangers here) supposed to be a konoha special? (if not a forbidden technique? or are mass shadow clones the taboo?)
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OBITO FAIL! love rin’s expression of despair here
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bby kakashi is so cute… he’s been scolded by his sensei… minato: dust can’t get into your eyes when you’re wearing goggles. it’s fine to speak of self-control, but you must be strong at heart, not just in words. like dude, shut up, that’s a kakashi-level bullying comeback.
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is it a choice to hide obito’s eyes here?
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“it was five years ago, on a top secret mission…” i sense another TIMELINE disturbance. CINEMA SINS! arrest this guy! kakashi genin 5 -> chunin 6 -> sakumo’s suicide some time later (implied by order of events in kakashi’s birthday column) -> kakashi currently 11 years old or more minato: unfortunately, a great deal of damage resulted. in the end, both the land of fire and his peers blamed him for everything. CINEMA SINS! how was this mission “top secret” if everybody and their aunt knew about it? FANON! “sakumo was blamed for the third shinobi war” nope
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she’s so tiny!!! “she has found a new master.” shut the fuck up you pervert
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and now he’s back to laws. oh boy. and you were so right earlier. now you’re just giving obito speech material.
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OBITO WIN! KAKASHI FAIL! the idiot boy is going for the [combat] dialogue option!
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kakashi: if you give in to your fleeting emotions, and fail an important mission… you’ll regret it later. does obito have a lot of “fleeting emotions”? kakashi: but like i told you yesterday… better nothing, than a useless burden. a shinobi needs tools suitable to the mission at hand. emotion is just a useless burden. i don’t know if he read it in danzo’s root handbook or if this is just A Fact. emotions are not needed if you’re just a tool armed with tools. how will tears help you when you’re bleeding out? how dare you be human, obititio
of course kakashi doesn’t truly believe this. obito keeps asking if he’s for real, kakashi is making sad faces and flashbacking to his father.
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obito: sure, in a ninja’s world, those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders… are lower than garbage. however… those who do not care for and support their fellows… are even lower than that! if i’m scum… the rules are no good to me! and if breaking them makes me the wrong kind of shinobi… i’ll crush all the so-called shinobi!! anyone wants to convince me that obito is happy with konoha (and the whole system)???
242: Chronicle 4: The Crybaby Ninja (it’s embarrassing that you immediately know it's obito)
flash to minato
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“there are probably at least fifty on the enemy side. by comparison, the four of us are all that’s left on our end.” iwagakure sent 1000 shinobi, konoha numbers unknown. now its 50 vs 5 (4+minato). minato isn’t even throwing his own kunai FANON! “minato massacred 1000 enemy shinobi alone” he wishes
obito (to himself): okay… let’s go! invisible enemy: where are we going?
my boy is glowing!!!
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white light blade and silver hair! he’s here and now he’s there! KAKASHI WIN! the iwa guy really looked at this tiny gremlin and went “white fang???”
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first time in years he’s talked about his father!!!
243: Chronicle 5: A Gift
iwa jonin i can’t be bothered to look up: remember, you’re standing in the palm of your enemy now… a fun way to say you can control rocks and they are in a cave
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OBITO WIN! not for long tho
obito: i was the only one… who didn’t… give you a gift… i didn’t know… what was proper… but… i do now… he actually thought about kakashi’s jonin gift!!! obito: i’m about to… die. but i’ll… become your eye… and we’ll see what happens… in the future…
244: Chronicle 6: Sharingan Hero
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kakashi: rin… obito… he loved you… you were his only one… he gave his life to protect you. rin: then… kakashi! you should know how i feel about you… kakashi brought up confessing, rin was just staying on topic. btw obito “gave his life” to protect kakashi, not rin. just a reminder
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let her look at stars
(narration) the third great ninja war. with the sacrifice of many nameless shinobi, the protracted war finally came to a close. it its wake, it also left legends… the stories of great heroes, to be told and retold for generations to come. the battle of kannabi bridge. that day, two heroes were born in konohagakure, each with his own sharingan. one found his name engraved on the memorial stone… the other came to be known as kakashi of the sharingan. in time, the tales of his bravery spanned all borders, and beyond.
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CINEMA SINS! obito wears goggles (on his forehead) after he awakens the sharingan. when they go to the cave where rin is held he doesn’t have them on. are they in kakashi’s bum bag?
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darth-jess · 27 days ago
Alright, I've been reading Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Tales of the Jedi Volume 1 and I have to say, something that stands out to me is that the Je'daii do not have lightsabers yet!
Which makes sense of course, because they don't have hyperspace travel and they're only operating within the Tython system at this point in time (25,793 BBY). So they don't have access to kyber crystals. At this time, they use regular swords.
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The first time they encounter a lightsaber (or a Forcesaber, as they call it) is when Xesh, this guy ⬇️
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crash lands on Tython.
However, there's an interesting difference between Xesh's Forcesaber and lightsabers of later generations. Forcesabers can only be activated by using the Dark Side.
So when the Rakata (an alien enemy that is off enslaving the rest of the galaxy) come to Tython using Forcesabers, the Je'daii must build their own Forcesabers to combat them, since their regular swords are sliced to bits by the Rakata.
This isn't a huge problem for the Je'daii at this time, because they are not forbidden to use the Dark Side, they just must remain balanced. However, because they end up in a war with the Rakata, they must engage in battle with them quite often for about a year. Using the Forcesabers that long brings the Je'daii out of balance.
When the war is over, most of the Je'daii swear off using the Forcesabers to regain balance.
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sarenhale · 1 month ago
Weird question, what’s a PnP game and what’s Forgotten Lands? I tried looking into it but I uh,,, only got kirby and I think Disney,,,,, thank u
Hello!! So PnP stands for Pen and Paper game, so with that you include any roleplaying game that can be done at a table, like Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire the Masquerade, Call of Chtulu, etc... So any roleplaying table game.
And the game I'm currently playing with my friends is this one: https://freeleaguepublishing.com/games/forbidden-lands/
It's called Forbidden Lands! My bad, I wrote Forgotten* instead, I confused the adjective haha.
It's really fun, high fantasy game, reminds me a bit of Lord of the Rings, The Witcher and more grim/high fantasy setting. So far, I've been enjoying it, it can be a bit punishing and hard to play (especially combat), but it's a nice change of pace from D&D (that can get a bit repetitive at times).
Personally, I think the magic system in this game is the best I've tried and ever seen. It's really creative, fun, and detailed.
I love how different and unique the magic schools are in this game, and you can do some really cool and crazy stuff with it, but also magic comes with consequences and responsabilities, and it's a hard thing to practice and do, as it should be.
You can feel the weight magic has in this world, and how incredible but dangerous it can be, Lord of the Rings style. Not like D&D where every idiot can cast a fireball lmao (I love D&D but it can get a bit too 'casual' at times with stuff like magic)
So yeah, I highly recommend trying it! I hope you have fun checking it out!
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infernal-general · 11 months ago
Fight talk on the dash *cough* @metaladam made me FINALLY write this post I've been wanting to in years.
War machine.
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Rozália is an absolute, devastating all rounder when it comes to combat. Versatile in every way possible, if her hand to hand combat was to fail, she can fall back on weapon proficiency, if the situation gets worse she can spike it with her powers. If everything isn't enough, then comes the Hellfire as last resort of mass & raw destruction. She is extremely dangerous because she is both trained and by now in tune with her power.
8'5 (260 cm) & weighs around 350 lbs (160 kg) of muscle and bone
15 years of general training regarding warfare & combat
Approximately 7-8 years of martial arts training
Honing, perfecting those skills over 170 years.
Can comfortably lift up to 400-460 lbs (180-210 kg), up to 660 lbs (300 kg) with effort; she doesn't risk going higher than that
Close combat: You don't want that to happen. One would logically think she is relying on her strength, instead the trick lies in acrobatics. Which brings to the first of many terrifying facts: she is fully in control of her body and bodyweight to be a taekwondo acrobat. Her physical strength isn't increased by any spell/magic/deal; she simply adapted to her height and weight in the afterlife with multiple training styles & heavy emphasis on own bodyweight training. Imagine the force her punch/kick can carry. Improvisation, adaption play a large role as well, she's versed in more than enough styles to mix them together as counter. No problems regarding endurance either, she's trained to participate in active warfare 24 hours straight, then oversee the damages, deaths, wounded, quick repair plans. Pain tolerance. That one stems from her terrific reaction regarding any substance; she hasn't taken any painkillers since the incident happened, worried how they would be amplified by her flawed system.
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That left her growing almost comfortable with being in pain, making her tolerate almost ridicously high. And if it wasn't enough, that combined with her healing factor on steroids if the injury isn't from something angelic.
Her anatomy is perfectly designed for close combat: her feet are covered by armored plates with openings to allow desired mobility and flexibility with talons to not only bruise but shred with kicks:
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Her horns are sturdy, sharp, tilted forwards and she totally impaled a few people before, making retaliating blows difficult if not outright dangerous to land
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Her blood is liquid hellfire, so even if one succeeds in wounding her...well they are still getting the worst of it. A purely physical fight against her is rigged from the start due to her anatomy.
Still, there was one draw in her career: In the Viper club, where using magic in the ring is forbidden, against her own relative @phoenixborn who was generational traumatized by her existence & wanted to defeat her own literal demon haunting her since childhood. It wasn't because they were related and she let her off easy. But because Cindy, although not as durable but just as slippery and skilled, utilized joint locks and breaks. So Rozy couldn't really continue with a broken left knee and right elbow, healing would've taken too much time without her powers so...a very bregrunding draw. It wasn't the pain stopping her mind you. But the imbalance.
Armed combat: Almost as versatile as with her body and mindful of her surroundings, almost anything can be a weapon. That being said, her usual arsenal consists of her twin hussar swords (modeled after Polish winged hussar sabres), one blessed, one filled with and forged in Hellfire. Although traditional fencing isn't exactly how her style would be described, she still excels in as her own style with a sturdy base taught since early childhood.
Five short daggers with their grip, infused with her hellfire, therefore she is able to control the blades with her mind; faint crimson trails show the daggers' path. A silent, unexpected truly assassin weapon.
4.5 feet tall (54 inches), -not counting the hidden blades at the ends- recurve bow to cover long range. It also has a tiny scope above the grip which can be flipped out in case of using it very long range. The quiver of hellfire infused arrows is strapped to her right thigh; she is ambidextrous but prefers to handle this weapon with her right. Draw weight around 60-70lbs (27-31 kg). Perfectly able to handle heavier draw warbows as well as crossbows.
Thanks to her upbringing and the revolution Rozy is a great esquetarian, capable of precise archery from horseback along with the usual hussar techniques.
Modern guns, rifles, handguns are weapons she actually has a struggle using and would rather avoid. Along with more difficult/unorthodox weaponry such as zhua-iron claw designed to pull someone, off horseback, swordbreaker long daggers & hook swords. That she doesn't have enough experience with handling and/or effectively counter her own arsenal.
Hellfire: may god give you strength. You will need it.
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thegamemaster1 · 2 years ago
Top 5 best games for ps5 in 2023
Hello everyone today I'll explain some of the best games you can play on the PlayStation 5 in this 2023.
5. Horizon Forbidden West
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Aloy's post-apocalyptic adventure that began in Horizon Zero Dawn continues in Horizon Forbidden West, which takes us to the Forbidden West after which this open-world adventure is named. But the sequel goes far beyond exploring new areas of its universe, getting to know the protagonist better, and delving into the interesting background of how the cataclysm that caused the dominance of the machines occurred. The Guerrilla game improves on its predecessor in everything: in the narrative, in the combat, in the graphics and in the production values ​​in general.
4. Spiderman Miles Morales
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Though not a full-blown sequel, this standalone expansion sends Peter Parker on vacation, leaving his young spider apprentice Miles Morales to look after New York. Building on the solid foundations of Insomniac's first game, New York has been covered in snow, holiday cheer, and next-gen polish. The improvements aren't just cosmetic, however - the eponymous hero has a few more spider powers at his disposal than Peter Parker, and these are cleverly accommodated with new gameplay mechanics that, while they don't reinvent the wheel, do put just enough of a twist so it feels fresh.
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
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Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the best remakes ever made. Square Enix's JRPG adapts a portion of the original work, until the release of Midgar, but doing more than just a simple reinvention of the classic: it's its own game. Of course, seeing the 1997 characters and environments with modern and generally overwhelming graphics is amazing, but even more so is a new, agile and strategic combat system, how the story is self-aware that another Final Fantasy VII exists, the deepening of previously undeveloped characters and the interesting expansion of the plot. All this, with slight visual improvements, is in Intergrade, which also expands the game with a DLC dedicated to Yuffie, who is difficult not to like, who stars in some great sequence and who gives a twist to the confrontations.
2. God of War Ragnarok
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Kratos adventure through the Nordic lands comes to an end in God of War: Ragnarok, a sequel that keeps the level of the previous title at bay by providing a truly remarkable narrative depth and, of course, much more breadth in the playable systems, both in terms of combat and puzzles. The situations that we live with the god of war and his son Atreus are overwhelming, exciting and are up to the closing of a series that has become part of the Olympus of video games.
Elden Ring
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Elden Ring is much more than the adaptation of the FromSoftware formula to the open world. It is one of the best games ever. The Intermediate Lands is an endless and tremendously dense setting, full of dungeons, levels that will remain in our memories as the best Souls settings, with secrets hidden everywhere, and with the capacity to surprise at every turn. All of this complemented by a deeper, more dynamic, fun and also accessible combat system, allowing a wide variety of play styles without detracting from that great feeling of overcoming a challenge that seemed impossible. And for those who want to investigate and pay attention to details, with a plot background that is at the best level of the titles directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Thank you for stopping by, hope you liked the content.
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guidedbynors · 2 years ago
Journal of a Paid GM: Part 6: Bad Fantasy Novels Make Good Inspiration
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When I was a kid, say 7th, 8th, 9th grade, I was severely dyslexic. I am still dyslexic. It isn't something that goes away. I learned to adjust. To compensate. To read. The above image is the cover of the first book I ever read. First novel, anyway. I don't count See Spot Run or Hop on Pop.
I was an avid Diablo II fan when it came out in. . . whenever it did. It was only natural that when a friend of mine who also played let me barrow the book he'd just read that was based on the game, I was determined to struggle through it. I think it took me something like 9 months to work through it. But I did.
Why do I bring this up? Well, because Richard A. Knaak, the author of the above book, put me on a path I am still on today. Coinciding with my love of Diablo II and my determination to read the tie-in novel, came my 8th grade English teacher. While I couldn't write papers, I could dictate them to my parents. My English teacher told me I should be a writer. That the work I was turning in was different than my peers. I didn't see how. She, of course, knew I was dyslexic and wasn't writing my own papers and that my parents were helping me, but for whatever reason, she thought that was what I needed to hear. I hope it was the thing she believed to be true, also.
So, how does this have anything to do being a paid GM? Pretty much everything. I'm not going to pretend I think Richard A. Knaak's work is quality fiction. That sounds snobbish. Let me get this right. . . I love Knaak's books. I recently discovered the Legends of the Dragon Realm omnibuses. I'd only ever read books he'd written in OTHER peoples worlds, and so picked up the first omnibus (books 1-3 in the series).
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Firedrake, the first novel set in The Dragonrealm is. . . dated. That's a nice way to put it. It has some unsavory tropes and depictions of women in it that are frankly difficult to read without rolling your eyes and shutting the book completely. There's also liberal uses of the construct of race, superior races. It makes me grimace just thinking about it. But its also written at a breakneck speed. It focuses on things happening and happening right now. There's no slow burn here. And this is why I think it's actually the exact type of book that is helpful in running TTRPGs.
*NOTE: I think it bears saying that reading novels such as these must be done with a critical eye. The stereotypes and tropes it relies on are disappointing. This is a book from 1989. The same sensibilities do not apply. This isn't an excuse, but it is a reason. The great thing about D&D and other TTRPGs today, is that they try to eliminate these unfortunate fantasy tropes. (I believe there are other books you could find that function in the same way as this book. . . maybe without the sexist and racial insensitivities).
I read a review of the D&D movie the other day. It was all about how fun and fast and interesting the combat scenes were. I haven't seen the movie--and probably won't. But this review struck a cord with me. It mentioned how the reality of D&D 5e is so far flung from what the movie portrays, why is there not a reimagined combat system that feels cinematic and cool like the movie? I don't know why--I do know there are better combat systems out there, Forbidden Lands is one of them, Warlock! is another. But these are not D&D. As someone who runs 5e as a paid GM, this review, and indeed, Richard A. Knaak's Legends of the Dragonrealm remind me what the best part of D&D can be. Fast paced, frantic, fun. There shouldn't be times in which players are wondering what to do. If there is--DMs should throw something into the session that makes them react and DO something. That's what Knaak's stories are all about. There very akin to Jack Vance's work, though less science fantasy and more hard fantasy fiction.
(I still have 1 seat in my bi-weekly Eberron campaign of 5e. Check out Demon Wastes Rising. There is still time to sign up before out next session on Sunday.)
In planning for my next session, which is on Sunday, I created a list of 10 "Action Triggers" to spring on my players at any given time. If there's a point at which they are all wondering. . . what do we do now? And sorta milling about with indecision, I can introduce these triggers at any time. Something like: The local bandit clan set a building on fire in retribution for one of their numbers being imprisoned.
Does this have anything, really, to do with the plot? Maybe. I don't know yet. But it's something exciting for players to deal with--so it will spur them to action and create improved drama. The point is, and it sounds like the D&D movie captured this, this game is about action. Things need to happen. If they don't, why are we playing? Sly Flourish does a great job of focusing on this aspect of the game in his Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master prep book. I enjoy using the book and would recommend it to anyone GM who wants to make their games just better--in, like, every way.
I hope this has been helpful. It's been less about the being a paid GM and more about where to find inspiration for our games. Hopefully it still holds, as I think it points out another aspect of why we, both GMs and players, love to play these games--adventures in imaginations.
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