#for arresting a hostage victim
codenamesazanka · 4 months
Deku "can't forgive" Shigaraki/Tenko for all he's done and needed to stop his cycle of sadness? And this is him being heroic?
Well, I think it's only fair that the Villains never forgive Hero society for managing to produce a dipshit like Deku.
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the-lady-maddy · 2 months
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
Israelis used perfidy to enter a safe zone #warcrime
They used a humanitarian aid truck to hide in.
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jewreallythinkthat · 6 months
For those who missed it, a Jewish man was threatened with arrest in London this weekend for being "openly Jewish" (that's a quote form the policeman who stopped him) while being near a pro-palestinian protest. He was then abused and harassed by protestors. The policeman said that the man's presence could lead to a "breach of the peace"
The police proceeded to release the most victim blamey apology I've ever seen - one so bad that they then had to withdraw it and issue a second apology
The original apology talks about a "new trend of those opposed to the main protests appearing alongside the route to express their views", and "knowing their presence is provocative".
The guy the police stopped was literally walking in London post shul. Not on a counter demonstration, not on a free the hostages demo, or a pro Israel demo. He was just there, and wearing a kippah.
Like I'm sorry but saying Jews being obviously Jewish is causing a breach of the peace when near a pro-palestinian protest makes it very clear that the police know that these are not actually peaceful.
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I'm sure a huge number of people on these demos are not actually antisemites and have no intention to harm Jews, however herd mentality can make even the most reasonable person into a bigot, and frankly if people are afraid to stand against the antisemites, it shows that they now how dangerous the people around them are - so WHY are they still there?
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matan4il · 5 months
To the Nonnie who asked me about the mass grave in Gaza, you're pretty close to the truth of it rather than the anti-Israel propaganda.
First of all, the mass grave next to the hospital in Gaza has been shown already to have been dug before Israel got there.
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Now, it wasn't untouched by the Israeli army, but that is a result of two contributing factors, both of which linked to Hamas.
One is because of the bodies of terrorists, who were using the hospital, and were killed during the fighting. They had to be buried somewhere. This is the Nasser hospital, the biggest medical center which was still active in Gaza after the very biggest, the Shifa hospital, had to be raided twice, because Hamas terrorists returned and re-took it, after the IDF evacuated it to allow the place to function as normal. If during the second operation in the Shifa hospital, there were 200 terrorists killed there, and at least 900 more suspects arrested, of which at least 500 were confirmed terrorists as of the end of the operation on April 1, how many terrorists were fighting against the IDF from Nasser, the last big medical complex they could use, when we know the abuse of Gaza hospitals for murderous purposes by terrorists is systematic? (I'm not accepting any numbers claimed by "Gaza's health officials," where no terrorists are mentioned at all, because that's Hamas speaking) Where do people think all those terrorists went to, those who did not surrender? Do people think this is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and if you stake a villain through the heart, then their body just goes "poof" into thin air, and there's no need to bury it?
The second factor is that Israel did exhume corpses that had been previously buried on the Nasser hospital grounds, to test them for DNA, in case they were what was left of murdered Israeli hostages, still held captive.
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This has been done for a while, before this mass grave by the Nasser hospital started making the social media "headlines," so no one can claim this is an excuse made up now, because of this, and in fact, several bodies of Israeli hostages were returned to Israel thanks to the IDF's work, and the first one that comes to mind is that of 19 years old Noa Marziano, because her body was exhumed from the Shifa hospital grounds. She was held hostage in an apartment near the hospital, then moved into Shifa itself, and murdered in its basement. So yeah, guess where they buried her... Together with Noa, Yehudit Weiss' body was also recovered from the Shifa hospital grounds, and returned to her family in Israel.
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If people don't like that the Israeli army has had to check bodies buried on hospital grounds for DNA, and then re-bury them together in a mass grave in the same place, then they should take it up with Hamas for murdering people on hospital grounds and for holding corpses as hostages in the first place. We're all living in the twisted reality created by Hamas.
And you know how we can tell that this part, about the bodies being exhumed to check for DNA isn't made up? Because we have regular Palestinians themselves admitting the bodies they're currently looking for in the mass grave are of their loved ones who were already dead by the time Israel got there.
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Just to summarize this lunacy, we are being accused of massacring terrorists (who are legitimate targets, killing them was not a massacre, even if we were really successful at it) and already dead people. Make it make sense.
As for the added accusations that Israel skinned the Gazans and stole their organs... The anti-Israel crowd literally claims Israel stole organs in Haiti, when all we did was to send our military emergency medical staff to set up a field hospital there (to help the victims of the earthquake in 2010), and these lies are currently being repeated in print by The Palestine Telegraph (which is based in Gaza. You know, the place where nothing is published if it goes against Hamas interests). If that act of kindness and help could be turned into something sinister and monstrous just because the Jewish state was involved, it's almost a given the same would happen when Israel is at present dragged against its will into a defensive war. It's a recycling of the age old antisemitic blood libels, portraying the Jews as bloodthirsty and capable of any monstrosity. It's antisemitism, pure and simple. THAT is why the Jewish state has to be "comically evil in every way imaginable," like you said. Remember how for centuries in Europe, the 'bloodthirsty Jew' trope served to lie that we kill Christians to use their blood when baking our Passover matzahs? The following cartoon isn't from the Middle Ages, it's from 2018, and depicts Gazans, not European Christians (see the tire in one Palestinian man's hand? In Hamas-organized violent riots that aimed to breach Israel's border in 2018, as they succeeded in doing on Oct 7, many participants burned tires to create a screen of black smoke that would impair IDF soldiers' vision):
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Meanwhile, the Islamist terrorist organization and Hamas' buddy, Hezbollah (which has been intentionally firing at civilian communities in northern Israel for months), has killed yet another Israeli civilian overnight, Sharif Suad, an Israeli Arab Muslim Bedouin. Watch the anti-Israel crowd ignore his murder, just like they erase all Israeli civilians victimized. Arab deaths don't count if they can't be used against the Jewish state.
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I hope this helped! Take care. xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
Subterranean Affairs (Homelander x Reader)
I love how seeing Homelander in normal clothes sent everyone completely unhinged lol. Also available on Ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/57191485 Applause rained down like thunder, spotlights and the dozens upon dozens of cameras flashing brightly. Almost as brightly as the sharp-toothed, megawatt smile on the Homelander's face.
"We cannot overstate enough the heroic efforts of the Seven in their latest daring rescue!" a reporter was saying into her microphone, a safe distance from the disaster zone, the victims being escorted off the bus and bundled up into shock blankets in the background, but the camera focused on the heroes standing front and center. "All hostages are safe and accounted for, and we're told repairs for the damage of the bridge will be minimal, so hopefully it should open within a few short weeks!"
A few cheers erupted, whistles and people clamouring, stamping their feet. Homelander, A-Train and the Deep were lapping up the attention, the latter smiling and waving. Behind them, Queen Maeve stood with her usual disinterested, sulky expression and Black Noir was, unsurprisingly, silent. Starlight looked like their little sister who had unwittingly tagged along, her costume spotlessly white, not a hint of grime or debris touching her. The reporter approached The Seven, making a beeline for their leader.
"Homelander, reports state that this terrible event was the handiwork of the self-professed vigilante, the Raven. Is this true?"
Homelander’s eyes found the camera immediately.
"That's right, Carol - a video of the hostages was sent to us at Vought, as well as the companies the Raven was demanding the ransom from. We knew we had to act and do it fast. Innocent lives were at stake!”
"Of course, no doubt your fast thinking saved so many lives!" Carol gushed.
"Yeah, uh, nobody's getting blown up today, guys!" The Deep put in helpfully, giving a thumbs-up and a wink to the camera, which perhaps wasn't quite the right tone to be striking, but nobody thought to say that over the shrieking of the crowd.
Starlight pursed her lips, squinting against the glare of the flashing cameras. She still wasn't used to being stared down by so many of them at once.
"Vought has also pledged one million dollars towards the reconstruction of the bridge!" A-Train said, gesturing behind him with an expansive sweep of his arm. "Can't stop people from just trying to live their lives! That's not how we do it in America!"
"And what about the Raven? Are you guys any closer to catching this guy?" another reporter spoke up.
Homelander gave a languorous blink and a small silence settled – even the clicks of the cameras seemed muted.
“Arrests have been made of suspects in this terrible attack. Remember that this…criminal has evaded the very best law enforcement in the whole country. This isn’t just a normal lawbreaker, folks. This…is a villain.”
The word rippled, spreading on impact, and gasps surged forth from the gathered crowd, and Homelander raised a finger, wagging it as he paced back and forth, cape billowing importantly behind him.
“But know this! It doesn’t matter what threats he makes, or who he tries to use against us. I- we, The Seven, will always stand against criminals like him, and always fight back! America will stand strong!”
Applause exploded forth, cheering and screaming the names of The Seven, and the camera went wild, flashing like little explosions. Homelander’s smile widened beneath the endless clicking of shutters, basking in the worshipful gratitude of the adoring public, their need for him to save them washing over him in a wave.
“Stand strong! Stand strong! Stand strong!”
You fuckin’ cocksuckers.
Your room was lit up by a multitude of screens, your eyes flicking from each of them, missing nothing.
Images of all different news stations made a cacophony of murmuring voices in the living room, though you keep the volume low so you could listen to the music drifting through your laptop speakers. In your hand you held a milkshake, sucking on the straw and enjoying the creamy, tasteful thickness of it. You’d never been much of a milkshake fan before, but in the past couple of months you’d been…converted.
A knock sounds at the door, one you’d been waiting for all evening, and your heart jumps in your chest.
“Come in,” you call, setting down your drink and swivelling in your chair so you faced the door.
You’d left it unlocked because you didn’t want it broken again, and the door swung open silently to reveal a man standing there in plain clothing, baseball cap jammed low over his face. Even though he looked smaller without his usual suit, more slender, the look in his eyes stayed the same. He leans his head back to stare at you imperiously, his gaze commanding attention.
Homelander cocks his head.
“You’re still working?” he asks as he steps inside, shutting the door behind him. It seems odd not to see a cape trailing behind Homelander, like a bird without its plumage.
“Crime never sleeps.” You reply in a deadpan, before smiling. “That was quite the motivational speech back there. ‘America will stay strong’, jesus – how long have you been dying to use that tagline?”
“Not every day I get to face my nemesis on national TV, right?” he replies in a drawl, stepping closer until he’s standing between your parted legs. “A bus full of kids? Seriously?”
You roll your eyes at his tone.
“People get so sentimental when children are involved.” You say mockingly, smirking. “It makes them pay attention.”
Homelander’s lip curls at your cavalier reply, amused, his eyes going half-lidded as he looks down at you, his hands settling on your thighs.
“And what if I didn’t get to that bus on time, hmm? We’d’ve looked like a bunch of fuckin’ amateurs.” He says, in a mock-scolding voice.
“No, you’d look like martyrs.” You correct him, watching his hands slide further up your legs. “People would have felt so sorry for you and how terrible you must feel. And I’d look like an even bigger threat, everyone feels just a little more unsafe in a world where little Billy or little Sally can go kaboom just like that, and everyone turns to you, desperate for you to swoop in and save them and knowing there’s a chance that even you might not be able to. That this time, they could get very unlucky. You get to swear great justice and vengeance and I get to make the corporations look like the sociopathic conglomerates they are for not paying the ransom, and next time I can demand even more money because they know the Raven doesn’t bluff. Everybody wins.”
“But we did save them,” he points out, tongue perched on the very edge of his bottom teeth, almost sticking it out but not quite, as he leers down at you with his eyelids lowered. “Everyone loves me even more now. What do you get outta this?”
“I still got some of the money, remember? The companies weren’t willing for me to expose them on national television if it meant coughing up a little. And more importantly, notoriety. The next one, when I win, will make everyone more afraid. More desperate to pay for safety. Fear is very profitable, you know.”
“And how d’you know you’ll get your way next time, hmm?” he says with a smirk, a hint of a purr entering his voice.
“Because that’s how it works. You don’t want your nemesis to be a total fucking loser, right?” you remind him in a singsong. “The bigger of a threat I am, the more people love you when you foil my dastardly deeds. Ergo, next time, you let me win.”
You rise to your feet and press a kiss to the underside of his jaw, punctuating it with a little teasing lick, and he chuffs like a big cat.
“I should be punishing you, you know…” he croons, hiking you up like you weigh nothing – to him, you don’t – and plonking your ass down on the desk, nearly sitting on a keyboard so you’re at a more accessible height for him to play with you. “Hmm? Drag you down to the police station or to Vought Tower and let them deal with you. Or maybe I should get a little rough…”
He's kissing your neck as he says this, his words colliding together in eagerness, breath hot on your skin. One hand was clamped at your thigh, kneading the flesh beneath his bare palm. You hiss and arch your back as his teeth clamps on the skin of your neck, putting those fangs of his to good use.
“Should teach a bad girl like you a lesson.” He murmurs in a low voice, dripping with promise, right in your ear. “Maybe I should put you over my knee and spank you, hm? Make that pretty ass raw until you say you’re sorry…”
Something in you clenched at the very suggestion, heat crawling over your body. His hand snakes up your dress, brushing against the flimsy material of your panties, which are already slightly damp from anticipation of his arrival. Homelander traces the outline of your cunt through the fabric, a lazy smile spreading slow and smooth as honey across his face.
“Or, I could fuck you how you like it, nice and deep, and just when you’re about to come, I’ll tie you up and leave you here. All fuckin’ desperate to finish yourself off…”
He's not bluffing, and you know it. The thought of how easily he can overpower you is one hell of an aphrodisiac – his plain clothes may hide who he is, but you know what strength lies beneath his little disguise, and knowing there’s someone who isn’t scared of you, the Raven and all your clever machinations, is thrilling.
“Mm, fuck…” you mutter, reaching up and batting his silly baseball cap off, tousling his hair between your fingers and taking pleasure out of rumpling it from its slicked-back state. “You wanna play the hero, huh? Vanquish the evil villain?”
Homelander growls, tugging your panties down like they've personally offended him. His hand skims up your thighs, and you twitch as his finger tease at your crotch.
“You’re pushing your luck, missy.” He mutters darkly.
"Mmph...but I'm so good for you." You remind him, panting as he brushes your clit, massaging it with an infuriatingly feather-light touch, refusing to give you the friction you want.
"You'd - hmm- be so bored without me..."
Homelander hums in acknowledgement. You’re his dirty little secret, one he holds close to his chest. He’s the only one who knows who you really are – everyone else thinks the Raven is a man, all thanks to a simple voice-changing modulator and never showing yourself on camera – the few times you’ve had to address anyone directly, you go Black Noir and wear a mask. When Homelander tracked you down after you’d taunted Vought one too many times for his liking, he was surprised to find a young woman masterminding the attacks, and even more surprised that you had a proposal.
“I can boost your precious ratings better than anyone can. You’re bored, aren’t you? Catching me has been one of the most thrilling things to happen to you in a long time. I’m right, aren’t I? Doesn’t every hero need a villain?”
You hadn’t been wrong.
So, fast forward to the present, whenever you set up one of your plans, usually involving extorting a ludicrous amount of money from people who need a lot of nudging to give it up, you make sure to give Homelander a head’s up. You don’t always tell him every single detail, you insist that it’s better if some of it is a surprise, so his reactions are authentic, so he can still experience the thrill of the chase, but he knows enough. He gets to swoop in as the world’s strongest man and save the day, and you get to antagonise some very dangerous people and walk away without a scratch on you. Homelander finds ways of giving you funds, should it be his turn to thwart your plans and you have requirements to be met. All secretly taken from Vought’s coffers, of course.
The best part is that Vought have no idea who the Raven is. No-one, not one of the Seven, or Ashley, or Stan Edgar or the shareholders, knows what your next move will be.
In exchange for this, you have intel on who in Vought is working on tracking you down, (apparently there’s a whole department dedicated to you now, which you find hilarious) and Homelander can easily get info on the police too if need be and your schemes get national – sometimes international, attention. In a way, you’ve become a bit of a celebrity, yourself. And you have your own personal hitman on speed dial. If you need something or someone out of your way, Homelander’s number is on your burner phone, and he has no issue with taking out the trash every now and then. And if he can’t do it himself for whatever reason, he can always point a finger and send Black Noir like his own personal phantom. The masked Supe never asks questions.
Perhaps, then, the other arrangements were simply inevitable. A natural occurrence, if you will. Having such dangerous, intimate knowledge of one another is a surprising shortcut to sexual attraction, of knowing the other person in a way nobody else does. And you’d be a dirty little liar if you said you weren’t curious about what fucking America’s golden boy would be like.
You’re firm about these little trysts, though. You haven’t gotten away with your shit for so long for nothing, and there’s a reason it took a man with flight and super senses to finally catch you. If anybody saw The Homelander flying to where you live, seemingly for no apparent reason and roughly around the time either The Raven makes an appearance on TV or after “his” schemes are thwarted…well, then there might be questions, and you’re not willing to risk it.
Hence, the civvies. Plus, there’s something hot about an incognito Homelander, without the mantle of being the face of the Seven and symbol of America weighing him down. It’s illicit, forbidden, the man behind the curtain.
“You think I need you?” he sneers, pulling back to show his pointed fangs, but his affected disdain is unconvincing when he has his fingers buried deep in your pulsing cunt, and you can feel every ridge of his knuckles, his breath excited hot puffs on your neck.
“We’re good for each other,” you reply hoarsely, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck, leaning up to bite his bottom lip and he growls in approval – he likes a little rough play. “Don’t pretend it doesn’t feel good…knowing something nobody else does…being the one in control the whole time and nobody is any the wiser?”
You know you’ve hit the nail on the head as he plunges his fingers as deep as they can go inside you and you throw your head back, keening out loud. The truth is that nothing beats that rush, setting off these earthquakes and watching everyone else scramble to gain their footing, people falling as predictably as dominos. Having the man who swoops in to save the day visit you in the cover of nightfall for a quick fuck afterwards is just the cherry on top of it all, and you know he’s riding some of the aftershocks of his own, knowing he has everyone eating out of the palm of his gloved hands.
“Oh, fuck…” you hiss as he curves his fingers inside you in a come-hither motion, sending shivering jolts through your body, and your body automatically tilts your hips forward for more friction, more motion, without you having to even think of it. “Homelander…like that…”
“Yeah? This what you want?” he asks, half amused and half horny, doing the motion again and watching as your eyes get a glazed look about them, the usual sharp, wary gleam giving way to a fog of pleasure. “Greedy little brat.”
He doesn’t stop, though – he loves the look on your face as you lose yourself to it, swallowed up in sheer, undiluted lust. Your inner walls flutter around his fingers, making him slide them in and out, teasingly.
With his free hand, Homelander rips open the front of your dress as if it were made of wrapping paper and you make an indignant noise – perhaps a little dramatic given it’s not like you don’t have the cash to buy fifty dresses if you want, but your annoyance dies a quick death when his free hand palms one of your breasts.
“Mm…you wore your slutty lingerie for me, huh?” he says, a grin like a highschooler looking at his first Playboy curving his mouth as he traces over the lace detailing that skims the cups of your bra. “Very nice.”
“And it wasn’t cheap,” you can’t resist saying, tilting your head back like you’re a duchess being showered in trinkets. “All bought and paid for with Vought’s dirty money.”
Homelander laughs at that, delighted, lowering his head to drag his tongue over the sensitive skin and you shiver, his mouth is hot in the cool of your room, and you wrap your legs around his hips. He’s hard, you can see the outline of his dick through his jeans, but you let the moment stretch between you, like pulling bubblegum between the teeth.
He's impatient, snapping the front clasp (he notes you chose an easy access bra with approval), watching the pretty material slide off you to expose your tits to him, and he latches on with just as much greed as he accused you of having.
“I can hear your little heartbeat, you know,” he remarks conversationally, glancing up at you from beneath unfairly lush eyelashes on a man. “Going like a fuckin’ jackrabbit’s. It’s cute how you act like you’re this cold, calculating bitch, but really…you’re just desperate to be fucked.”
You look down at him, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, lust at how he’s playing with you and irritation that he’s calling you out at war with each other, and you can’t quite resist running your mouth.
“Yeah? Well, maybe you should hurry up and fuck me, then.” You throw the words down like a gauntlet.
His blue eyes snap to yours and for a split second, you think his pupils go from black to a sizzling red. It’s gone when you blink and Homelander’s hands wrap around your hips and he hoists you up, holding you, a full-grown adult, up off the ground like a ragdoll. With one hand – the one is busy freeing his cock from the confinements of his jeans, hissing under his breath. Relief skims over him when he pulls it out of his briefs, hot and throbbing in his hand.
“You asked for it, you fuckin’ brat.” He snarls.
You did, no denying that. You let out a groan when he sinks into you, letting you impale yourself on his cock, and he sighs, long and luxuriantly like he’s gotten into a hot bubblebath instead. Your hands tightly grip his shoulders and something about the fact you’re both mostly clothed really gets you going, the rushed, dirtiness of bouncing on his cock for a little while before he’s inevitably called away, before it’s time for him to go shine in the sunlight once again.
Homelander agrees with you - it's delicious, the heat of your snug, wet cunt engulfs him and he groans, nuzzling his face into your tits, which are conveniently right at face-level. You may have an excellent poker face, but your body is so responsive to even the slightest of touches, your nipples hard and flesh covered in goosebumps, either from the chill of the air conditioner or anticipation. Probably a potent mixture of both.
“Ah, fuck, yes…” you pant against him, clinging onto his jacket for dear life, nails embedding in the fabric. “Just like that…fuck me, ah…”
He doesn’t need telling twice – for someone who loathes being ordered around, Homelander is quick to take to instructions and he snarls as he picks up the pace, manhandling you with an ease that sends butterflies taking flight in your stomach. Your thighs clench, hooked around his waist as they are, the balls of your feet digging into his lower back, and you bury your face into his neck, breathing in the scent of his fancy cologne and just a faint whiff of something metallic. His skin is so warm like he’s constantly running a fever and you press little kisses and bites to his neck – you may be a Supe but you’re not strong enough to break his skin, but he seems to appreciate the effort.
“You shoulda - ngh- fuckin’ seen Stan Edgar’s face – when you first showed the hostage video-“ Homelander says, gasping out the words as he fucked you, maneuvering your body up and down with a mere flex of his wrists – all you had to do was cling onto him for dear life. “Shit, I nearly flew right here to bend you over this desk just for that. Got everybody in Vought losing their fuckin’ minds…”
“Glad to know I’m living up to my reputation,” you say against his ear in a thick voice, like you’re trying to speak through a mouthful of treacle, mouth falling open in a silent cry as his cock thrust deeper into you, hitting somewhere deep inside that sent bolts of pleasure zipping up and down your body, and your thighs and cunt clenched around him in tandem. “Fuck-!”
“Yeah,” he growls back, purposefully upping the back to drive more of those needy gasps he loves so much from you, the sound of bodies smacking together loud and clear in his ears even when it’s muffled by your clothing. “Got everything under control, don’t you? Everyone dancing to your tune? All except me. I’m the only one who gets you, only one who knows…”
“Yes, yes, fuck…” you hiss – you’re going to come, you can feel it, if he just keeps going, just a little more…your nails are digging so hard into his shirt you’re sure you’re going to pierce it with them alone, but neither of you care, nothing matters except chasing that high. “Only you, only you, Homelander…”
It's exactly what you know he wants to hear, and he groans in a hoarse way that finishes you off – you can’t hold back the heady kick of exhilaration and pleasure, conjoined and making you throw back your head as you come, a moan rising up to the ceiling fan that’s still whirring away above you. Tingling, throbbing heat engulfed you as you came, slick coating your thighs and you’ve probably gotten some on his pants too. Homelander’s concerns were less on his dry-cleaning and on chasing his own orgasm, his teeth sinking into the spot that joined neck and shoulder, making you give a soft whine. Your thighs tremble with the effort of keeping them clamped around his hips.
“Atta girl…” he mutters against your neck, planting a sloppy kiss against it like a stamp of ownership. Your skin breaks out in fresh goosebumps where his lips touch you, his lips burning like a brand.
It takes you a moment to recover yourself, and Homelander sets you back down on the desk with all the care of placing down a priceless vase. You give a little sniff and wipe your face with the back of your wrist, pushing your hair back off your sweaty forehead.
Homelander, in a surprising moment of decorum, turns away to tuck himself back into his jeans, a smug little smile lingering on his lips, and you pull your bra back into place and fasten the clasp. There’s not much to be done about your ruined dress, but all you have to do is say the word and he’d buy you whatever you asked for as a replacement. Price tags aren’t a concept that high and mighty beings such as himself need concern himself with.
“Ugh. Got a press junket tomorrow morning.” He mutters, giving a bitchy eyeroll. “All this goddamn promoting the brand now roster’s changed. They want another Seven movie too.”
“Jesus, they really don’t believe in letting a franchise die, do they?” you scoff, grateful that you’ve never once been tempted into the glitz and glamour of being one of Vought’s Supes – the red tape and smiling would be unbearable. And all those selfies with fans. “They sure do keep you busy.”
He scoffs, eyeing you out of the corner of his eye, watching your lip curve in a smirk as he matches it with one of his own.
“Yeah, well.” He says, in a sarcastically breezy tone, a can-do Boy Scout voice. “Anything for our fans.”
You laugh and shake your head. Rather you than him.
“I’ll send a bomb scare to set and make everyone evacuate for a few days,” you say, fluffing your hair. “Give you a little me-time.”
He eyes you, like he’s trying to work out if you’re joking or not, but you simply give him an enigmatic smile – you know he likes the mystery, so you keep quiet on if you’re actually planning on following through. He shakes his head.
“I’ll see you next time then, my pretty little criminal.”
He leans over and tilts up your chin, one last kiss before he goes, and you give it to him, enjoying the feeling of his mouth pressed hungrily against yours. He pulls away with obvious reluctance, but you force yourself not to invite him to stay – you have to keep yourself somewhat professional, after all.
“Til then.” You reply, running your tongue across your bottom lip, and his blue eyes follow it.
By now, it’s dark enough that he can get away with flying more easily. You watch him step out onto your balcony and disappear, probably landing outside and walking a few feet before he takes off properly, in the spirit of making sure not to draw any unwanted attention.
You run a hand through your hair as you eye your desk – you should tidy up but you’re too wobbly on your legs now to think of doing any more work. Plus, you want to run yourself a nice, relaxing bath after a day of extortion and disturbing the peace.
You go to grab your milkshake and not with grudging amusement that Homelander swiped it just before he left. Asshole. He took your panties too, though you’re less surprised about that – quite a few pairs have gone missing thanks to him, even if he denied it last time you asked.
With a yawn, you stumble to bed, rather more wobbly on your legs than you were about an hour ago. You’ll be sore tomorrow morning, but it will be well worth it. You’ll lie low for a little while, let everybody get comfortable and let their guards down again, get swept up in whatever new media circus captures their attention. Your plans take time to coordinate and carry out, and you like to make sure it’s something unexpected each time. So, for now, everyone can wait until you’re ready to rock their safe little worlds again.
And with any luck, Homelander will return to rock yours.
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biscutpoo · 2 months
Cult-survivor Jean Moreau fanfic.
TSC is basically cult-survivor Jean Moreau adapting to real life anyways but like I want a criminal minds type fic where Jeremy is an FBI agent specializing in special victims and the Moriyamas run a cult in West Virginia. Kevin escaped and ran to his father, Wymack, who happens to be an FBI agent too. And they spend years getting Kevin reacclimated before Kevin is able to testify enough to bring down the organization.
I just need Jeremy and his squad (the Trojans) busting down the door to the compound and arresting Riko and Tetsuji. Jeremy finding Jean who is cowering on the floor, no idea what's going on. I need Kevin (maybe he came with them because he knows the compound best and could take them on the fastest route to where the "hostages" would be kept) running past Jeremy to fall to his knees before Jean and just start speaking in rapid French. Because maybe Jean doesn't really speak much English as Riko wanted to keep the cult members isolated and dependent on him so they couldn't escape.
I need Jean slowly learning how to live in the real world and Jeremy being a big help.
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spielen-verrueckt · 3 months
Kyle Adam Carrozza manipulated me and my family. He manipulated everyone to have his back. He has a habit of lovebombing people to get them to trust him and them sneaks his way into overstepping boundaries, and according to some people now, molesting them.
I knew him IRL for a decade and now I feel extremely disgusted that i knew him since I was a kid. I wish my parents and I never met him. He is an evil monster, worse than John K and Dan Schneider. I almost worked on an animation project with him. Specifically the Moobeard reboot. Thank God I didn't, and I dodged a bullet. He was my only animation connection so I felt like I had to be on good terms with him, and that's how he keeps relationships- by holding you hostage and dangling an animation-industry carrot above the heads of young artists like a starved horse.
I was privately in the defense of him before because everyone I knew was and how they described the Ang controversy didn't seem that bad at the time. but I never spoke about it publicly, only with close friends. I told a mutual on my stance on his controversy and they harassed and blocked me over it but it turned out they were in the right all along. They're having the last laugh right now, whoopty do.
Being a shota/lolicon is disgusting but it's a coughing baby compared to owning actual CSEM. If drawing that stuff prevents real crime then I can't say I'm completely against it existing, as fucked up as that sounds. I'm already sorta neutral on the whole proship/anti thing and I don't think I'm ever gonna talk about that kind of topic ever again in fear I'll be seen as someone like Kyle who's hiding skeletons.
I wasn't the only person who knew about his google drive- he talked about it publicly on twitter, which was fucking stupid of him but at least it gives me proof. I am however, for some fucking reason the only one who put 2 and 2 together and realized it could be correlated with his arrest. If you haven't seen my NewGrounds journal, please read it.
When that happened, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and excused it as being either a hack or the same situation with Naoki Saito, who also had his google deleted for a similar reason THE SAME YEAR (it was a false positive)
someone told me that Ang took credit for his google being deleted, but if i'm being honest I think she's talking out of her ass. She also believes aliens visited her. I'm almost positive that Google tripped a hash and investigated privately, leading to his arrest. but again it's just a theory. if not, it's a wild coincidence.
I am so, so deeply sorry and I wish the best for the victims. Outing myself as his ex friend and providing more evidence against him will be my form of repent.
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agentlizardofowca · 27 days
Perryshmirtz / …in secrecy / I know you love your forbiddeen love trops so 👀👀👀
I mixed two asks! Anon asked for 9. In public and @inators asked for 8. in secrecy. Enjoy~
"Agents," Monogram announced seriously as the last chair in the room was filled by Agent Serpent. "We've discovered the location of the dangerous-machine-with-evil-intent convention." He looked around the room. Perry was joined by four other serious looking agents.
"Oh no, DMWEI-con?" Agent Iggy gasped, and he checked the other grave-faced agents for a reaction. "That's bad news."
"It is indeed," Monogram grumbled in agreement. "And all your nemeses have been spotted on the floor. We need you to infiltrate, dismantle the convention and arrest those evil-doers. By being in the building, we have reason to detain them for now. Evidence of their ill intent should be easy enough to find," Monograms eyed his agents, who all nodded seriously. "Good luck agents." As one, the group rose from their chairs.
The evil convention was held in one of the large rooms in the Googleplex Mall, and the easiest way to infiltrate was through the air duct, which was large enough to hold 5 agents. On the way there, Perry had sneakily grabbed his phone and texted an unknown number: 'Don't let me arrest you.' As the agents parked their unmarked vans he received only a 👍in response.
It was tight in the air vent. Agent P was at the front, guiding the other agents through the dusty tunnel. Behind him was Agent Earwig, followed by Agent Narwal, Iguana, and special Agent Slug in the back.
Noises from the convention floor floated up into the vent, when all of a sudden a raspy, accented voice rose above all other sounds.
"Rodney! This is absurd!" Heinz Doofenshmirtz shouted with enough volume to be heard clearly in the air vent. "These machines are going to kill people, I refuse to take part. I am leaving!"
Rodney wrestled himself out of a gaggle of villains, stomped up to him, crossed his arms and huffed. "You had no complaints before."
"That was before I saw your murder-inator!" Only Perry saw how Heinz glanced at the ceiling. "I have to leave right now!"
"Oh no you don't" Rodney replied with obvious frustration. "I did not spend fifteen minutes helping you lug that big-ass machine in here, for you to just leave!"
"What are you going to do, stop me?" Heinz asked in his most annoying and grating tone, which Perry recognized as him trying to frustrate Rodney even more, but to the other agents it just sounded like Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
"You're here till 5PM, you hear?" Rodney hissed, and he pointed at Doof threateningly. It seems that his attempt to annoy was a success.
"This is Agent Iguana, come in." Iggy mumbled into his earpiece softly. "Come in OWCA." He was trying to keep his voice down, but the stuffy airduct wasn't a great place to speak. "Dr Doofenshmirtz appear is being held at the convention against his will."
Perry could hear that there was a response, but he couldn't quite catch what it was. No matter, now that Heinz had manipulated himself into a hostage situation he was a victim.
Agent P quirked an eyebrow at Iggy, who was still actively listening. He then turned to Perry. "He appears to have a machine on the floor, take him down just in case."
Perry nodded and turned back to the vent, from there he could spy on everybody on the floor. He shot off several hand gestures, informing the other agents of their nemeses' locations, checked if everybody knew what to do, and counted down from three.
When he hit zero, all five agents burst from the vent to go fight their respective enemies. To his own frustration, Perry landed in a very cliché superhero pose. He jumped up as quickly as he could and met Doofenshmirtz's eye.
"Ah, Perry the platypus, as you know I am extremely surprised to see you here." He lied. Luckily the other agents were too distracted to pay Heinz's bad lying much mind.
Agent P adopted a fighting stance, and his nemesis mimicked the pose with some confusion. "You're still going to fight me?! I am innocent!"
Perry barely nodded before he jumped into action. He attempted to swipe his lanky nemesis off his feet, but Doof jumped to the side with a proud "Aha!"
He couldn't allow his colleagues to see him struggle in this fight, so he threw a punch, which landed a little harder than he had meant it to be. As Heinz clutched his shoulder and groaned, Perry jumped up on one of the couches.
The room was fairly large. Across the space were around twelve inators, some so large that they stood on the floor and almost reached the ceiling. He wondered how they'd been moved here. It must've been a hassle.
In the back of the room, where Perry and Heinz were fighting, were a few smaller inators, which were presented on tables. There were some handheld models and a few machines the size of microwaves or kitchen aides. Except they didn't make delicious food, they made evil.
Doofenshmirtz attempted to retaliate and jumped Perry, but from his higher vantage point, Perry could easily chuck his nemesis over his shoulder. He jumped after him to go restrain him.
"Not my hair!" Heinz bit out as he got grabbed. He kicked his legs against the floor to try and get away, but all that happened was that they ended up under a table that held some sort of raygun.
Perry almost bumped his head into the table, but he ducked under at the last moment. He didn't want to rock the table -who knew what would happen if he toppled the gun- so he pressed himself against his nemesis, grabbed his hands and forced them above his head.
Now that Doof was finally restrained, he huffed and puffed and struggled for a moment before deflating. "I thought that would work, are you arresting me?"
Perry couldn't sign because his hands were too busy holding Heinz's down by his wrists. As an answer, he just pulled a vaguely frustrated expression and hoped that he would understand.
"Well shit, it's a good thing my inator is absolutely useless." Heinz said and he attempted to shrug even though he was flat on his back with a heavy man on top of him.
Perry blinked in surprise, and when Heinz saw he smiled smugly. "What? As if I didn't expect Francis to send you guys in. That's a gumball machine." And Heinz nodded at a giant Inator that took up an entire corner of the room.
Perry turned his head to look. It really was an impressively large gumball machine. Agent Serpent was fighting Professor insatiable on top of it without any fear of falling off.
"Do you think they're almost done?" Heinz asked as he awkwardly tried to peek past Perry's bulk. "Or do we pretend to fight some more? Do you think they can see us down here?"
Perry watched his fellow agents chase their enemies around the room, vaguely mortified that they were having this much trouble. Then he turned back to Heinz, who was blinking at him. "Is it handcuff time?" He asked.
It was probably meant to be an innocent question, but Perry's mind conjured visions of Heinz in handcuffs that were not workplace-appropriate, and he felt himself blush red.
"Perry?" Heinz asked, and when his nemesis' attention snapped back to reality he squinted his eyes and smiled wickedly. "Were you thinking what I was thinking?"
Agent P was not in the mood to be bullied. This whole conversation was completely inappropriate! Then again, the other agents really couldn't see more than their legs peeking out from under this table.
"Oh you were thinking what i was thinking!" Heinz said with a deranged giggle that Perry wasn't supposed to find attractive, and yet.
"You're going to have to wait, Perry, I think you are arresting me right now. Unless we are living in a reality where things that happen in a certain type of internet video become a reali-"
Heinz couldn't keep talking because his nemesis had gotten so horrified with the things he was insinuating that he had to put a stop to it. Not because he was disgusted or embarrassed, but because he was picturing it; them being inappropriate under this table, whilst people they both knew were right there, just out of view.
If Heinz ever got a chance to ask, Perry would blame adrenaline, or insist he had gone temporairly insane. But Heinz couldn't ask, because Perry was kissing him.
Instead of clutching thin wrists, Perry moved his hands to intertwine their fingers as lips pressed against each other. Because of surprise, Heinz made one high squeaky tone, followed by a deeper, more appreciative noise. Despite the suddenty of the kiss, he didn't seem to mind, because when Perry's warm tongue pressed against his bottom lip he gladly met him in the middle.
After a moment, Perry pulled away to change the angle and dive back in. Before he did, Heinz mumbled a warm, appreciative "Perry" against his lips, and then were kissing again.
For a moment, Agent P forgot where he was, or what he was doing. The way his name had been spoken echoed through his head, only spurring him on, but then a very differeny voice also rang out.
"Perry?" Agent Slug called from across the room, and Perry sprang away from the kiss with such speed that he crashed his head and shoulders into the table they were hiding under.
He saw a worried expression in Doof's eyes for a moment, before Perry dragged him out from under the table, and his expression turned to surprise.
"Perry?!" A moment later, he was chucked against a wall.
Perry was nervous they'd been spotted all through the rest of the mission. But when all the L.O.V.E.M.I.F.F.I.N. members were loaded into the van, and still nobody had looked at Perry funny, he determined they had gotten away with it.
He went to go close the door of the car and caught Heinz's eyes for just a second. Perry shut the door with so much force that Iggy asked him if he was okay. Perry nodded stoicly. Who knew being winked at could be so upsetting.
On the way back to the office Perry determined that Heinz would definitely be free to go home by the end of the day. Now he just had to figure out an excuse to go visit.
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i-am-aprl · 4 months
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FACT: Israel has 26 times more hostages in captivity than Hamas does. These are people Israel kidnapped and holds hostage for years, even decades, ALL without charge or trial. The thousands of Palestinians, many of them children, arbitrarily held in 'administrative detention' by Israel are every bit as much hostages as those seized by Hamas on 7 October. Israel has detained one million Palestinians in the occupied territory, including tens of thousands of children, for various lengths of time, since 1967 according to the UN. At least 9,500 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank are in captivity — a sharp uptick from the 5,200 who were in prison before Israel launched an assault on Gaza. Since then, Palestinians have been arrested for actions as innocuous as raising a Palestinian flag or social media posts expressing empathy with victims in Gaza, where more than 35,000 people have been killed in Israel’s genocidal war. Most Palestinian captives captured by the Israeli army in the West Bank or police in occupied East Jerusalem, are hostages. Under Israeli law, any Palestinian of any age can be seized at any time — day or night — with no warrant, no charges, and held for months or years under “administrative detention”. If eventually charged, the charge is typically a broad threat to state security or is never disclosed, according to many attorneys of apprehended Palestinians. This is worse than textbook hostage-taking … this is actually textbook state-sponsored terrorism.
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sage-nebula · 3 months
There has been a lot of speculation about how Jinx and Ekko will interact in the upcoming season, and as someone who both loves the tragedy of timebomb, but also loves both Jinx and Ekko individually as characters and wants to see them both respected, I want to speculate on how they might interact in the upcoming season with particular focus on Ekko, and how their interactions in season two can be handled while treating his character with the dignity and respect that he deserves.
So, with that said: Let's start with what he know about Ekko and how he feels about Jinx, and how that might inform how he interacts with her in season two.
Ekko did have a crush on Powder when they were kids, as one of his quotes from the card game says: "I used to have a crush on you, before you started talking to the gun." We know from the "Enemy" music video that they were childhood besties; they jumped on beds together, rode around on that circle bike mocking enforcers together, et cetera. And we know from their fight on the bridge that they played a game together involving Ekko's pocket watch and Powder's toy guns, that they then recreated in their actual fight. (And that while Powder always won as kids, Ekko won in their rematch as teens, because his growth and development wasn't arrested like hers.)
But we also learned something else on that bridge, from Jinx herself.
"Well, look who it is. The boy savior!"
Jinx says this in a mocking tone. In a Reddit AMA, we learned that there was originally going to be a flashback showing Ekko trying to save Powder from Silco, believing her to have been taken hostage / kidnapped. Powder, however, refused to go with him, telling him, "Powder is dead." This is why she mocked him on the bridge with the title "boy savior": Jinx was mocking Ekko for trying to "save" her from Silco. She was twisting the knife that she wanted to be with Silco, that he couldn't save her like he intended.
And how do we think that made him feel?
There's a reason that Ekko was so insistent to Vi that Jinx wanted to be with Silco, that she worked for him voluntarily and didn't want to leave. It's because he knew that from firsthand experience. He tried to get her out of there, and she not only didn't go, but she still mocks him for trying years later. She was his best friend in childhood, the only one he had left after Benzo, Vander, Mylo, and Claggor died (and Vi was arrested, but he thought she was dead too), and she essentially spat in his face, rejected him in the harshest way possible, and continues to mock him for even trying to rescue her, for even trying to still be there for her after they had lost everyone else.
And then, on top of that, in working for Silco, she also ended up killing a number of his friends in the Firelights. (Well, we know that she at least for sure killed the pink-haired girl; I don't think we know for certain that she killed others, but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility.)
Suffice to say, Ekko has more than enough reason to raise his hand if someone asked, "Who here feels personally victimized by Jinx?" It's easy to see how Jinx has been traumatized and hurt, because we saw everything that happened to her; but Ekko also suffered traumatic losses, had no idea what happened to Powder the night everyone died, but he cared about her so much (even setting aside his crush, he just loved her as a best friend) and put himself in danger to try to save her, only to be rejected for no reason he could understand, then continued to be mocked for it years later while also losing his friends to, if not Jinx directly, than to the man she works for and decided to see as a surrogate father. Ekko lost everyone in that same night, too, for reasons completely beyond his control, for reasons he probably still doesn't understand or have closure on. And I'm not saying that Jinx needs to open up to him about her trauma, but I am saying that I don't think that this would make her very attractive to him as a romantic partner or even a friend at this point.
(As a side bar: I don't think that Jinx ever felt true malice toward Ekko. She did him dirty by mocking his attempt to save her on the bridge absolutely, and cutting ties with him after Silco took her in is a lot more complicated and messy than we have time to get into right now, but to try to tl;dr it . . . I think that Powder saw Silco as her only lifeline. He was an adult who took her in, gave her a home, and was promising to be her family. He also, crucially, didn't know her as the person she was before. Ekko, on the other hand, was a child who did know who she was before. So Powder felt she had to cling to Silco and push Ekko away for her own sake. But -- and this is headcanon on my part -- I do still think she cared about Ekko as her childhood bestie, and I think this because Ekko is still alive. I think that Silco would have killed anyone who would cause Jinx distress, even at that early stage, and Ekko definitely would have triggered Jinx's psychosis (albeit by accident) by asking about Vi and the others. And I think that Jinx/Powder, caring for Ekko, would have told Silco not to kill him, saying something like, "He's not worth it, he's just some guy, let him go," or something of the sort, to make Silco back off. Something that would make both Ekko and Silco think she didn't care, when she did. So I don't think Jinx ever hated Ekko, or held true malice toward him. She was absolutely out of pocket and mean with that taunt on the bridge, but I don't think she was ever actually malevolent toward him.)
So, what do I see possibly happening between them in season two?
Well, if we remember how their fight on the bridge concluded: Ekko was winning the fight, and was essentially beating Jinx to death when he got a really good look in her eyes for the first time in years and realized that Jinx = Older Powder. That made him hesitate long enough for Jinx to pull a pin from a grenade, intending to die and take him down with her. (I think it might have been Amanda Overton who stated that Jinx "does not have a healthy fear of death," and that she wanted to take Ekko down with her because he was the only one who never left her? Which is truly funny considering how he tried his goddamn hardest to stay with her and she actively shoved him away and then mocked him for trying to stay with her literally right before that fight lmao. But that's our mentally ill girly at her finest.) Ekko, of course, saw what she did and escaped enough to not die, but to still be wounded. And Jinx would have died had Silco not taken her to Singed, and, well . . . we all know how that turned out.
So, season two.
From the trailer, we can see that there are at least some people in Zaun who see Jinx as a revolutionary figure. Some have pointed out that the mural looks like it was made in the style of Firelight art, with some speculating that perhaps it was even Ekko himself who painted it. Given all of the above, I really, really, really doubt that it was Ekko himself who painted it. In fact, I would actually be pretty upset with the writers of the show if they did make Ekko the one to have painted it, because I feel it would be a disservice to his character. Again, quick recap:
Jinx rejected him soundly when he tried to save her from Silco / reconnected her after everyone else in their lives was killed.
Jinx continues to mock him for this to his face years later.
In working for Silco, Jinx helped pump Zaun full of shimmer, which actively harms the very people whose lives Ekko wants to make better.
In working for Silco, Jinx has killed at least one, though probably more, of Ekko's friends in the Firelights. (Silco's other employees have also undoubtedly killed them as well and, again, Jinx still aligns herself with them.)
The big revolutionary act that others in Zaun are hailing Jinx as a heroine for is blowing up the council tower, which is bringing the military might of Piltover down on Zaun, guaranteeing bloodshed that I highly doubt Ekko wants. He wants change, but not like this.
It simply doesn't make sense for his character for him to have painted the mural. More likely, there are some Firelights who see what Jinx did as "the base violence necessary for change," believing in her "cause" over Ekko's -- not realizing that Jinx didn't do what she did because of a grand, overarching cause, but because she was lashing out as a result of the sustained agony the system had been putting her through for her entire life. She isn't going to be leading a revolution in season two; she didn't ask for that mural to be painted and she isn't going to be raising a flag. She'll be raising hell, no doubt, but not a flag. That's not who she is. The person painted in that mural isn't Jinx, not really, and Ekko knows that better than the actual artists.
Instead, I see Ekko as being in a sort of 90 / 10 situation regarding Jinx. 85% of him still feels all of the negative feelings he had about her regarding everything in the past six or seven years, plus her recent murder of the pink-haired Firelight, attempt on his life, and blowing up of the council tower that brought the Enforcers down on him. (Because don't misunderstand, he doesn't care about the Pilties in the tower, but he does care about the innocent Zaunites that are about to get murdered by the Enforcers who are going to blow apart the undercity's streets looking for Jinx.)
But then 10% of him is going to keep thinking back to that moment on the bridge, where he looked into her eyes close-up for the first time in six or seven years, and realized that Jinx is Powder, just older, and be just wracked with sorrow. No, he doesn't want to date her. No, they can't be friends when she's doing all this shit. She's literally killed people that he cares about. Her actions have resulted in the deaths of innocent people and she doesn't seem to give two fucks. (Again, not the Pilties, but the innocent citizens of Zaun that the Enforcers are now killing, and yes Piltover and the Enforcers are choosing to do that, but the reason why they are choosing to do that does matter, and if other Zaunities can hail Jinx as a hero for it, then he can call her out as a fucking dumbass for it, too.) But Janna, he wishes she wasn't doing this shit. He wishes she wasn't like this. He wishes things could have turned out different. Why didn't they turn out different? Jinx is Powder. Powder is Jinx. So what went wrong? When she left that night, why did she come back under Silco's wing? Why did everyone die, with Vi in jail? What happened? Was it his fault? Could he have stopped it somehow?
But there's not enough time to think about that, and it doesn't matter when here, in the present, she is like this and she is doing this shit and it's not his fault that she, here and now, is like this and doing this shit. He's not responsible for her. And she made it clear she didn't even WANT him to be in her life, so -- !
It's messy. It's messy and tragic and painful, but since when are the relationships in Arcane anything but?
The point I'm getting at here is: I don't think that Ekko will be supportive of Jinx. And if they work together at all, I think it will be with gritted teeth on his part, out of forced necessity. Or more like . . . it seems, from the trailer, that Jinx and Sevika may be teaming up to take down the chembarons. (I say "may," because the idea of Jinx and Sevika teaming up is still very hard for me to believe. But like, Sevika has Jinx's gun, and her new arm looks like it was made by Jinx, and we also see Jinx standing at the other end of the alleyway when Sevika is fighting one of the others so like . . .) We also know that the distribution of shimmer hurting Zaunities is something that Ekko doesn't like. So it is possible that Jinx and the Firelights could potentially work together in order to take down the other chembarons, with Ekko seeing it as a "the enemy of my enemy is my ally" situation, and Jinx agreeing to those terms while also, in her way, still viewing Ekko as "the one who never left" and thinking, hey, maybe we could start over.
As with everything else in Arcane, I fear it can only end badly for her.
It's also possible that, because of that moment they had on the bridge (and because of Vi's insistence to Ekko that she could talk Jinx down), Ekko could use this temporary truce to try himself to talk Jinx down again, to talk reason into her to some degree, especially now that Silco is dead. He might see it as an opportunity, a sort of, "Now that he's dead you don't have to work for him anymore, you can start over." Which, again, would end badly because Jinx herself is the one who killed him (by accident), and he was the one who gave her the affirmation of unconditional love that she'd always wanted, and as such his death is something she deeply regrets and would not appreciate hearing lauded as a good thing. So again, yet another thing in Arcane that would go horribly wrong. Still, I could see him potentially trying that avenue if in fact they did work together. Not as a romantic or "let's be buds again" angle, but in a "it would be better for everyone if Jinx stopped killing people" angle. (And then, you know, maybe after years of no murders and less hostile behavior, maybe then they can be friends again.)
Of course, that would never happen, but I think that would be Ekko's thought process nonetheless.
Bottom line here is, if Jinx and Ekko do end up teaming up, my hope is that Ekko's feelings and character are respected. So far, the Arcane writers haven't given me a reason to think they won't respect him, thankfully, but I still wanted to put it out there regardless. Ekko's trauma and how the tragedy of arc 1 impacted him is often overlooked, particularly since he is one of the more well-adjusted members of the cast (especially on the Zaun side, good god), but he still was traumatized and hurt horribly by what happened and he deserves to be treated with as much respect and dignity as anyone else. He certainly doesn't deserve to have his character or motivations pushed aside or forgotten just to prop up Jinx.
But those are just my thoughts. Everyone else is free to have their own. :)
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ghoulie-67-baby · 1 year
Gentle man- Criminal Minds.
Summary: Imagine being saved by the team and hiding behind Spencer, because the rest of the team scare you, and having him calm you down.
Warnings: Usual criminal minds occurrences, blood, gore, descriptions of dead bodies, angst.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader.
Word count: 1,324.
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My eyes ached with lack of light and straining, my limbs had fallen numb long ago from the binding holding my arms and legs to the cage I was cruelly crammed into. I could barely keep my eyes open as I was left to stew in the remains of other victims. All of my energy had been spent on trying to fight back for the first two days I had been stuck here. As far as I could tell I was on day seven and I couldn't help the feeling of hopelessness that overloaded my fragile systems. The reports were clear that the man kept his hostages for a week before torturing and killing them. My body was so close to giving in and letting go.
I winced slightly as the door slid open and the all too familiar, sound of heavy boots descended towards me. I readied myself as he trudged over, kicking pieces of rotting flesh around, before dragging me to my feet by my hair and throwing my, already beaten, body against the wall of the basement. I groaned as my head slammed against the wall, sending my vision blank, and struggled to breathe as the air was knocked from my lungs. All too soon he got bored of throwing me around and resorted to carving into my skin, sending searing pains down my torso from the wounds. He dragged it out, enticing every sound of pain from my being to maximize his pleasure as I wallowed in self-pity and agony.
After a few minutes of slicing, he gave up, opting for clenching his hands around my throat and cutting off my air supply up until the edges of my vision were turning black around the edges. Just as I was about to slip into unconsciousness, he released my throat and watched with a sick fascination as I spluttered and gasped before doing it all again. Time after time, he smirked as I struggled to catch my breath, the metallic taste of blood crawling up my throat. Occasionally, he added his blade to the torture making it last even longer.
Although I knew it was coming, each slash of the blade sent a feeling of shock and terror down my spine. My mind forcefully zoned out as protection against the intense pain. I managed to gather my remaining strength, scratching at his arms wildly as my eyes bulged in fear. I could hear myself choking for air, my chest rattling and suffocated whimpers encasing the room.
Just as I was, once again, on the brink of passing out, we heard doors slamming open and yelling overtook my gasps. I gulped air down as he dropped me to my knees, agents filled the room, covering the exit and cornering him. I massaged my throat, ignoring the tears that streamed from my eyes and heaved sobs. The overwhelming feelings and unfamiliar faces set my mind into panic mode and I could feel myself reaching for my hair and tugging on it to keep me spaced in reality instead of having a panic attack and passing out.
Everyone was a blur as they moved around, arresting my kidnapper and moving to crouch around me. I couldn't tell what they were saying: their voices sounded like they were underwater which only added to the panic of not being able to breathe properly. I attempted to bring their faces into focus, noticing glimpses of concerned looks but began to feel overly claustrophobic, clenching my hands around my knees whilst I felt my body rock back and forth.
After a few minutes, I managed to calm myself enough to fully see their faces. My eyes widened: they all looked stern and, in a way, furious. The only one who was the total opposite was a tall, thin man with slightly wavy, longish hair. He looked gentle, concerned and a lot less intimidating than his teammates. I instantly stood up, pushing past a tall, African American man and hiding behind the tall, gentle-looking man.
Once more, I was startled when they all turned to face me. They must have thought I was about to run away. I only moved because I was scared and being shielded by someone who looked trustworthy seemed like my best option. I watched as his body tensed as if he didn't know how to react but I stayed in the same place, beginning to hyperventilate.
"I'm going to need you to move away from our agent. I know you're scared but do you think that it's something you can do for me, then we can get you outside and in an ambulance?"
I gazed at the dark-haired woman as she placed her gun in her teammate's hands and took a small step forward. My breath hitched and I stumbled back, shivering and attempting to cover my body, having only been in my underwear. Eventually I backed into the wall of the basement where an old body was hanging. I couldn't help but let a scream slip past my lips as I spun around and saw the face of another lifeless girl. I covered my mouth as I sobbed to myself, forgetting about the team behind me for a few moments.
"It's okay Prentiss, I got this one." My chest heaved from the stench that radiated from the dead girl and I jumped as a warm hand rested on my shoulder, trying to turn me around gently.
"I need you to look away. Can you do that for me? You don't need to see that anymore okay?" The gentle man stood before me, looking dead into my eyes and then began to take off his bulletproof vest: recognising I wasn't a threat to him. He proceeded taking off his woolly cardigan and putting my arms in it before buttoning it up. It was a little long on me because I was a lot shorter than him so it fell to the middle of my thighs.
"I'm Spencer. Your name is Y/N isn't it?" He spoke, prompting me to give him an answer so I nodded slightly. "Okay, Y/N I need you to hold my hands. I'm going to walk you out of here and to an ambulance. You can walk, right? Or do you want me to pick you up?" I blinked and took his outstretched hands, taking a deep breath of the rancid air and cringing internally.
"S'okay I can walk it." Whispering under my breath, I stepped towards him and buried my nose in the collar of the cardigan, much preferring his calm scent to that of rotting flesh. My flesh burned from the open wounds and I worried that my blood might ruin Spencer's cardigan. I could tell by how worn the wool was that he wore it often, probably meaning it was his favourite or at least one of them.
Once we reached the outside, I was swarmed with medics and my heart raced but Spencer tightened his grip on my hand slightly and wrapped the other around my shoulders. I leant into him, wincing as I walked and lay down on the gurney inside the ambulance, not once did he leave my side. As they removed the cardigan, I lost sight of him as they began to stitch and gauze the wounds on my torso.
It felt like hours before they were finished and had driven us to the hospital. When we had arrived and been situated in an isolated room, Spencer came and sat by my bed with a book. The two ladies, from his team, sat together in the corner of the room, asleep on each other's shoulders and I smiled softly at their peaceful faces.
"You should get some rest too Y/N, I'll be here when you wake up." That was the last thing I heard as Spencer's hand tightened around my own and I drifted off into a restless sleep.
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the-lady-maddy · 2 months
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
If you know something won't work...!?
U.S. officials calculated that even if Hamas and Israel reached an initial short-term cease-fire deal, there was a high possibility it would break down. Cease-fires have a history of falling apart in Gaza during wartime and both sides are steadfast in their conditions for ending the war under Phase 2 of the deal.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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[ 📹 📸 Scenes of massive destruction and carnage everywhere following an Israeli occupation forces (IOF) firebelt that destroyed an entire residential block in the Beit Lahiya Project, in the northern Gaza Strip today, killing and wounding large numbers of Palestinian civilians, with children among the casualties. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 227th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 10 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 106 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 176 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted, as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
Speaking in an interview with CNN, the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague, Karim Khan, said he was requesting the Judges of the ICC to issue arrest warrants against Israeli occupation Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, along with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.
The ICC prosecutor said he was also seeking an arrest warrant for occupation Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as two other top Hamas leaders, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri, leader of the military-wing of Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas' political leader.
A panel of judges from the ICC will now consider Khan's request for the warrants, which include charges of "Extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexual assault in detention."
The arrest warrants would mark the first time a close American ally has been targeted by the Court.
As the ICC looks to indict the Israeli Prime Minister and the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, the Americans are working to track Sinwar, looking to give the Netanyahu regime a "total victory" so it can end the war in Gaza.
According to US officials who spoke with the Middle East Eye under the condition of anonymity, the US has expanded efforts to track the Hamas leader, whom the Biden administration believe is still hiding inside Hamas' expansive tunnel network under the Gaza Strip, but are also exploring the possibility that Sinwar has fled to Egypt, or even Lebanon or Syria.
According to the report, the Biden administration remains about one month behind the movements of Sinwar, who's last known location was within the Gaza Strip.
When asked what this means, practically, the anonymous official said "One month means you aren't even close to real-time information."
The MEE says tracking Sinwar has taken on a new urgency in the US Intelligence community because the Biden administration believes that tracking down Sinwar's location (likely for an assassination attempt) would help pressure the Israeli occupation authorities to end the war by declaring victory over Hamas.
In an interview with CNN last week, President Biden told reporters "I said to Bibi (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), 'Don't make the same mistake we made in America. We wanted to get bin Laden. We'll help you get Sinwar'."
In other news, Ireland intends to become the next country to recognize a State of Palestine. That's according to a speech delivered by Irish Prime Minister, Simon Harris commemorating the victims of the Great Irish Famine of 1845-1852.
It should be noted that Ireland would become the eighth member of the European Union to recognize Palestinian Statehood, alongside the nations of Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden and the Southern administration of Cyprus.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation ramped-up its bombing and shelling of the Gaza Strip overnight, continuing and intensifying its genocide of the Palestinian population of the enclave.
Israeli military operations expanded in the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, over the weekend, pushing more than 800'000 displaced Palestinians out of the city, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, also known as UNRWA.
In an announcement by UNRWA on Monday, the Humanitarian aid agency said that Israeli ground operations in the Rafah area had forced over 810'000 Palestinians out of the city, most of whom had already been displaced from their homes elsewhere in Gaza due to the occupation's seemingly endless 8-months-long blockade and bombardment.
For the 14th consecutive day, the Israeli authorities continued to keep the Rafah and Karm Abu Salem border crossings near the border with Egypt closed, continuing the policy of starvation and torture, while medical and humanitarian aid trucks continue to be blocked from entering the Gaza Strip.
Nearby, Israeli Merkava tanks were seen advancing towards the Salah al-Din Gate, south of Rafah, and into the Brazil neighborhood near the border with Egypt.
The occupation military was also seen pummeling residential homes in the Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah, while additional tanks and armored vehicles were stationed in the vicinity of the Martyr Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital.
In one Israeli raid, occupation fighter jets bombarded a residential home belonging to the Khafaja family, in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah, resulting in the deaths of at least three Palestinians, including the Deputy Director of the Tal al-Sultan Police, Ayman Hamdan Khafaja.
Another 8 civilians who were wounded in the assault were taken to the Kuwait Specialized Hospital in central Rafah.
Violent Israeli airstrikes also hammered neighborhoods east of the Khan Yunis governate as well.
In another horrific war crime, warplanes belonging to the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bombed a residential home belonging to the Hassan family in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing an astounding 31 civilians and wounding many others.
The occupation army also killed the Deputy Director of Investigations in Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza, along with an assistant.
Israeli warplanes further bombarded the area near the Al-Qastal Towers, east of Deir al-Balah, while another raid targeted a residential neighborhood east of the Bureij Camp, also in central Gaza.
Meanwhile, IOF air, missile and drone strikes, along with intense artillery shelling, hammered the Jabalia area, in the northern Gaza Strip, for the second consecutive week, further displacing large numbers of civilians.
Occupation soldiers, stationed along the Netzarim Corridor, an infrastructure built by the Israeli occupation amidst the ongoing war to divide the Gaza Strip into its northern and southern constituent halves, fired shells into the eastern areas of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, while Zionist fighter jets launched at least two raids on the same neighborhood.
Israeli aircraft also bombed in the vicinity of the Sheikh Zakaria Mosque in the Al-Daraj neighborhood, in central Gaza City, after which, the bodies of three martyrs were taken to the Baptist Hospital in the city.
Similarly, occupation warplanes bombed a civilian residence in the Al-Sabra neighborhood, south of Gaza City, while three civilians were killed following an airstrike on the Al-Attar family home in the Abu Iskander area of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City.
The Israeli occupation army went on to bomb neighborhoods east of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, while occupation Apache helicopters opened fire on the Jabalia Refugee Camp, in the north of Gaza.
Meanwhile, Israeli fighter jets bombed a residential apartment belonging to the Labad family in Beit Lahiya, in the northern Gaza Strip, slaughtering 6 Palestinian civilians.
Another Israeli raid bombarded the Abraj al-Qastal area, east of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, and also destroyed a civilian residence east of the Bureij Refugee Camp.
In Gaza's south, Israeli artillery shelling pummeled the outskirts of the town of Al-Qarara, north of Khan Yunis, while occupation gunboats fired shells and machine guns towards the coast of Rafah.
Israeli air raids went on to target various areas of Khan Yunis, Nuseirat Beach, and the Al-Zawayda Beach area.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the local population has risen to exceed 35'562 Palestinians killed, including at least 15'000 children and over 10'000 women, while another 79'652 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
May 20th, 2024.
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matan4il · 5 months
We've lost so many people since the last time I could make a news update post, that I find it hard to write about them all. I guess at the very least, I need to write about 38 years old Elad Fingerhut, father of 3, who was murdered by Hezbollah on our Independence Day. He was a civilian, who happened to be nearby when a terrorist rocket attack on Israel's north started, he realized soldiers were hurt, and ran in to help. That's when he was hit directly by a following anti-tank missile fired at the same spot. He was murdered for being a decent human being, willing to help others even under fire.
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The IDF has recovered the bodies of 4 Israeli hostages, all of them were murdered on Oct 7 and it was their bodies that the terrorists had kidnapped. The corpses were found thanks to military intel in a tunnel in northern Gaza, next to explosive devices, so Hamas was actually using these bodies as a booby trap to kill Israeli soldiers. I will never understand people stanning an organization capable of murdering innocent civilians, and then using their bodies like that. The four hostages were Shani Louk, Ron Benjamin, Itzhak Gelerenter, and Amit Buskila. As far as I'm aware, only Shani was confirmed as murdered on Oct 7 before this operation, so bringing the bodies back allows, in addition to proper burial of the murdered, for the families to finally know what happened to their loved ones, get to mourn, and hopefully start processing, and eventually, healing. As for Shani herself? Just a small reminder that on Oct 7 itself a vid was published, showing her body stripped down, leg broken, tossed into the back of a truck, guarded by armed terrorists, with a random Gazan teenager was spitting on her violated corpse, and after that, a Gaza "journalist" called her family to lie to them and claim Shani's alive, just injured, and being treated in a hospital for her wound. If that's not enough, a Gaza "photojournalist" won an award for taking a picture showing the Hamas terrorists riding the truck on top of her. Now her family can finally find comfort in knowing their kid is at rest.
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There are at this time 128 hostages in Gaza still, at least 39 are believed to be bodies. This includes two Thai men who were kidnapped from Israel, for whom there is now evidence that they were murdered on Oct 7, and their corpses are held hostage.
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May the memory of all Palestinian terrorists' victims be a blessing.
I assume everyone knows already that the (undemocratically elected) president of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi, known as "the butcher of Tehran," has been killed in a helicopter crash. What people may not be aware of is that the UN has actually observed a moment of silence for the man who personally oversaw the murder of countless innocent Iranians, many of them as part of the Islamic regime's gender-targeted violence, and who, as part of the regime, was responsible for many more deaths of people around the world, including financing Hamas and so enabling the Oct 7 massacre. In fact, the UN secretary general has extended personal condolences to the people and government of Iran for Raisi's death, as per his official statement. Here's what the UN's one tweet about it looks like:
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(I'm not surprised that the top comment is an angry one from a Ukrainian woman, since the Iranian regime does supply Russia with attack drones and missiles)
Meanwhile, do you know how long it took the UN to officially discuss for the first time the hostages abducted from Israel on Oct 7, as part of a massacre enabled by Iran? Seven and a half months (discussion held on May 16, five days ago). But sure, the UN isn't biased at all, and is totally reliable and a force for peace. Please keep this in mind as the UN's judicial arms, the ICJ and ICC, continue to make a mockery of justice and the idea of international humanitarian law. Hey, did you know that the ICC's chief prosecutor never asked for arrest warrants against Raisi?
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Meanwhile, around the world, antisemitism has only been intensifying. Some recent incidents include an Israeli father living in Belgium being attack by an anti-Israel mob in front of his visiting daughter, in France they burned down a synagogue (great how I couldn't find a single headline where the synagogue attack was mentioned before the fate of the attacker following it), in Sweden there were shots fired near the Israeli embassy, and in NYC a man randomly stopped his bike by a group of religious Jewish kids playing on the street and physically attacked them...
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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