#Hero x villain
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Hero x Villain Prompts
They may be archenemies, but outsiders couldn't really tell, because they only call each other by cute nicknames.
One of the villain's experiments goes wrong (or right?) and it body-swaps them with the hero. Now they are having an annoying sidekick by their side and get to know the hero and their life more.
The villain has lost their immortality and when the hero finds out, the villain expects them to finally end their feud for good.
Being friends with both the designated hero and the villain was taking a toll on them.
The hero and the villain grew up together on the same street and it's still always awkward to meet each other's mothers and them treating them like the little boys they once were.
When the villain loses their memories, the city decides that they can end the fighting by acting like the villain is just a normal person. But they have to live with the hero, in case they get their memories back.
The hero and the villain have to work together to defeat the greater evil, putting aside their differences and issues with each other.
The villain disguises themself to get close to the hero as a new friend. And they get really close. So close that they don't want to think about eventually having to betray their new friend.
More: Hero & Villain Masterpost
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autocrats-in-love · 1 day ago
Prompt (533)
The hero stared at the fire engulfing their car. They crossed their arms, unamused. The hero turned around to scold the villain
“Really mature. I’m only leaving town for a few weeks,” the hero said.
“A few weeks of torture!” The villain said dramatically, bringing their arm up to shield their eyes.
The hero snatched the lighter from the villain’s hand. “You’re filing the insurance claim.”
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assortedcriminality · 3 days ago
snippet #4
Contains: blood, mentions of violence and death
Hero stumbled into the alley, hand clutching their side. Blood stained their ripped costume, dried flecks of it splattered across their face. Their assignment had gone badly wrong. It was supposed to be a simple case, investigating the robbery of some prototype technology in the manufacturing district. Hero had told Superhero they could handle it alone. 
But the minute they had entered the building, Supervillain ambushed them with the modified tech. Some kind of destructive blast cut straight through their enhanced suit, so painful they couldn’t even reach for their power to fight back. Hero had been lucky that the weapon backfired on Supervillain, giving them just enough time to escape. 
Now, they pressed their back against the rough brick of the alley, trying desperately to get their thoughts straight. Pain shot through their body with the force of a hundred daggers. It was unlike anything Hero had experienced in their years as a crimefighter. Even worse was the knowledge that they hadn’t been able to do anything to defend themself. If and when the villains perfected this technology, how could the heroes stand a chance against them? They had to warn their team. 
That was it: their team. Hero scrambled for their phone with shaking hands. The screen was badly cracked from being sent flying back from the blast, but it was still usable. It turned on, showing a barrage of texts and calls. But not from their team. A sinking feeling took over Hero as their fear compounded. Villain had been trying to reach them. They had never missed Villain’s calls before—there was no telling what their nemesis might do if they were ignored. Their fear rising to levels of panic, they tapped the call button. 
Villain picked up immediately. 
“Where the hell are you?” Villain snapped.
“I-I don’t know.” Their voice came out strained from pain. “The… manufacturing district.” 
“What happened? Why didn’t you answer me?”
“My assignment… I was ambushed.” They slid down the wall, the movement eliciting a groan. “They shot me with-with some kind of… new weapon.”
Villain was silent for a moment. “Who did?”
When they spoke again, it was with so much fury that Hero nearly flinched. “Don’t move. I’m on my way.”
Before Hero could say anything, the call ended. Their hand dropped to their side, phone skittering across the ground, their body utterly exhausted and wracked with pain. They slid down the wall, their breathing coming in short, shallow bursts, skin growing ashen at an alarming rate. Sweat dripped off their body, joining a growing pool of blood beneath them. Hero leaned their head back against the brick and closed their eyes. 
They didn’t realize they had passed out until a gloved hand roughly shook them awake. 
“Hero. Hero,” an equally rough voice said. 
The crime-fighter’s eyes fluttered open. Their sight was blurry, surroundings looking more like gray-brown blobs than an alleyway. Before them knelt a dark figure, slowly coming into focus as they blinked rapidly. 
“Villain?” They managed to croak out. A rattling cough shook their body, reigniting the white-hot agony that pulsed from the wound in their side. Hero fell sideways, letting out a low moan. Villain caught them before their head hit the ground, carefully supporting them back to a sitting position. The criminal’s usually stony face was soft as they surveyed Hero’s battered body.  
“My darling…” they said quietly, wiping a tear off their cheek.
Despite their better instincts, Hero flinched away. “D-don’t,” they said through pain-gritted teeth.
The other tilted their head. “Don’t what?”
“Don’t pre-pretend to care. You don’t.”
Villain’s features hardened. They stood up, leaving Hero only a second to catch themself, half-collapsed on the dirt-ridden stone. 
“Of course I care,” they snarled. “You weren’t answering your phone. I didn't know where you were. I thought you were dead.” They turned and walked a few feet away, fists clenched at their sides. “Supervillain. That fool. Thought they could hurt what’s mine. That’ll be their last mistake”
“I’m not-“
Villain ignored them, voice rising. “They thought they could have you like I do. Tried to kill-“
“They dared to touch MY HERO!” Villain roared, spinning on their heel, cape fluttering. Their darkened eyes fixed on the Hero, filled with murderous rage. 
“I AM NOT YOURS!” Hero shouted back, trembling. Adrenaline and pain was making them bold—Villain was too unpredictable to antagonize, usually Hero wouldn’t even try. 
A shadow crossed the criminal’s face. Hero heard a low growl, and Villain disappeared from their spot in the grimy alley. Before the crime-fighter could react, they reappeared directly in front of them, grabbing their chin and forcing it upward. Hero cried out, their injury sending yet another flare of pain through their body.
“You are whatever I say you are,” Villain hissed. “And I say you’re mine. Understand?”
“I-I understand,” they said in a choked voice, momentary burst of defiance gone. A tear trailed down their cheek.
“Good.” The criminal released them. Hero sobbed, head falling to their chest. They buried their face in their hands, strength leaking out of them like blood from an open wound. Crying was supposed to make you feel better, but with every second they wept, Hero felt worse and worse.
“Oh, don’t cry, darling.” Fingers twisted into their hair, tugging gently until they looked up. Villain smiled. “I’m here now. And I’m going to hunt Supervillain down and give them a very painful death.”
They knelt, pressing their lips softly against Hero’s forehead. When they pulled away, their enemy just stared at their departing figure, tears still falling from their defeated eyes. Numbness crept over them, erasing the overwhelming emotions they should have been feeling. It was hopeless. They’d never escape them. They belonged to them. There was nothing they could do. 
Hero slumped to the blood-splattered ground and closed their eyes. By the time their team finally found them, Supervillain was long dead. 
word count: 985
taglist: @sausages-things
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noobtiedoo · 6 hours ago
Hero: Not this again, haven't you had enough?
Villain: Enough of you, darling? Never.
Hero: Wha- Babe! Not in public!
Villain: What did you just call me?
Hero: Ba- oh.. oh no.
Villain: If the headlines confirm our relationship tomorrow, it's all your fault.
Hero: My fault? You started it!
Villain: I'm the villain! I'm supposed to be flirty!
Hero: You don't flirt with anyone else though...
Villain: Fair point.
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luluthespectator · 2 days ago
I believe I fell in love with those characters. They are so different and yet so respectful of each other. I especially love the villain and understand the hero. 11/10 please read this!
🦎Fame and Flourish🌹
Series synopsis: the popular, undefeated, and lonely hero meets a curious villain with a carefree attitude and a tendency to overshare.
The story of Hero's and Villain's relationship will be told via various, disconnected scenes from their lives. The individual arcs and snippets within this series will be posted in non-chronological order and can be read as stand-alone stories too. But for convenience's sake I'll list the miniseries here in chronological order.
First Impressions
[Part 1] Synopsis: the city has a new superhero. Villain is intrigued and plans to take a closer look, much to their best friend’s dismay.
[Part 2] tw: anxiety Synopsis: Hero is struggling with their anxiety, and that confusing, quirky villain who just won't leave them alone isn't helping.
[Part 3] Synopsis: Hero meets Villain again a week after their first encounter and finally gets to learn what Villain's superpower is.
Favours Among Frenemies
[Part 1] Synopsis: Hero unexpectedly turns up at Villain's house, maskless and in civilian clothes, and asks for a most unusual favour.
[Part 2] Synopsis: Villain invites Hero into their house for a hot drink, a warm blanket, and a talk. Hero has a lot to confess.
For my other stories, visit my [MASTERLIST] ♥
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the-bar-sinister · 8 months ago
Obsessed with villainous displays of affection.
violence on their beloved's behalf.
deranged compliments and praising bad deeds.
stealing nice things for their beloved.
jealousy and possessiveness.
encouraging their beloved to be worse.
crimes together.
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anime-villian-irl · 4 months ago
"id let the world burn for you"
"I'd kill for you"
"id die for you"
"I'd sacrifice the world for you"
Yawn snore snore. Honk shoo honk shoo.
I got twelve other guys ready to that for me. You already do that. You already destroy the world I would just happen to be there while you did.
The real question is.
Would you save the world for me?
Would you put aside your hatred for humanity and put my love for it Infront? Would you save the world because I love the world? Would you stop killing because I hate killing? Would you find a way to live because I want you alive?
Death and destruction are easy as hell. Do you know how fucking easy it is to kill someone? To blow up a building? Shure security is in the way but if it wasn't there it would be easy as hell.
You'd do the basics Shure. But would you do the hard thing and save the world because I asked you to?
Would you push aside your hatred of everyone but me because I asked you to nicely?
Would you?
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the-modern-typewriter · 2 months ago
Hiii! Could you please write some hurt comfort hero and villain? Where it has a “who did this to you” vibes! Thanks! No pressure if you don’t want to!
"You look..." The villain's gaze travelled slowly up the hero, taking in the hard lines of them, the uncanny iciness that had replaced a once warm, familiar face. "Different."
"And you look like hell. Let's get you out of here."
Despite the fact that the hero had just blown the villain's chains to smithereens, the villain didn't move. They leaned heavily against the cold concrete wall of their cell, still staring.
The hero's fingers flexed agitated at their sides.
"I can - if you're hurt, I can help you stand. I don't - you're safe now."
It was like an act they didn't know how to play any more. The script was the same, but the tongue behind the words was a sharper thing. A whittled thing. Made hard and venomous with desperation. Like the world had taken an axe to everything that made the hero them and started hacking.
"Who did this to you?" the villain demanded.
"You're all..." Their head lolled, as they tried to tilt it customarily to one side. Their broken fingers hurt too much to wiggle them effectively in the hero's direction, but they did their best. "Not you. All..."
"They hurt you," the hero said. Flat. Deadly.
The villain wet their cracked, swollen lips. Their voice came out raspy. "I heard screaming."
"Yeah." Something dark and protective simmered in the hero's eyes. It looked awfully a lot like 'they deserved it'. Like how the villain's eyes used to look, through a mirror darkly, until the pain scorched through everything cold and steely inside them.
"You killed people. You killed...you came for me."
"We need to go," the hero said, through gritted teeth. "We need to get you out of here. Come on." The hero ducked down, only to falter when their gruff tug immediately made the villain's whole world go fuzzy with hurting. The touch turned gentle as the villain flinched. The hero's hands floundered, like they no longer knew the language of caring, but still remembered that they wanted to try.
A stupid prickle of tears stung the villain's eyes.
"Who did this to you? Who-"
"-Please," the hero said. "Put your arms around me. You need to work with me here. Please."
The villain wrapped their aching arms around the hero's shoulders. The hero lifted them up, holding them oh so carefully. Being upright was still enough to make the villain's vision pop and then blacken.
When they regained consciousness, they were walking through a slaughter house. Blood everywhere. As if a hurricane given teeth and claws had ripped through the building.
"Did I do this?" the villain asked.
"No, love."
But that wasn't quite right.
"No, I mean - I was gone," the villain said. Their head felt so fuzzy with everything they had been given, but the sharp edges of the hero were so clear, if only they could find the words to paint the picture half as well, let the knowledge swirling inside them settle. "You were on your own. How long have you been trying to rescue me?"
"It's going to be alright, okay? I've got you. You're alright."
"Are you?"
"I'm not the one who's been tortured!" It came out a snap, and maybe the villain should have flinched after an eternity of raised voices and raised weapons, but they didn't.
"You don't do so well on your own," the villain said instead, softly. "You never have."
The hero's throat bobbed as they swallowed, convulsive, choking something down. "Don't."
The villain raised a hand, rubbing their thumb over the gaunt line of the hero's face.
The hero flinched back.
"It's going to be alright," the villain said. "You're going to be alright. I've got you."
"You -" The hero laughed then, a broken thing. They jerked their head to the side but it didn't hide the tears glinting in their eyes. "Maybe let's not focus on me right now. You were - what they did to you - they told that they - I should have got here faster."
"I'm sorry they used me against you."
"Tell me their names?"
"They're all dead."
"Tell me anyway."
"I killed them."
"I know, love. Tell me anyway."
The hero swore, but the villain could practically watch some life creep back into those icy eyes. Some horror. Some thing that wasn't a stranger. Their hero. The hero held them a little tighter, cradling them a little closer against their chest.
"Just - later. Let me get you help. You need help."
Well, the villain couldn't argue with that. Still. Their own body didn't feel half as perturbing as the way the hero's eyes iced over again, determined to see through the job, to not shatter no matter what they'd done to get to where they were. To get the villain back. To save them.
They tucked themselves closer to the hero's chest, to their heart - thumping proof of life, proof of hope, proof that maybe they hadn't entirely lost the thing they cared about most of all.
Who did this to you?
But the villain didn't really need to ask.
The answer was always their own name.
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save-the-villainous-cat · 16 days ago
The villain couldn’t help but stare at the hero.
They’d gotten thinner, the villain realized.
“Listen...” The villain brushed the hero’s chin with their fingers until they took it altogether. Slowly, they leaned forward, but the weary eyes didn't meet them. “Just let me help. Just let me say the words, let me do the evil monologue and join me.”
The hero brushed the villain’s wrist with their fingers.
“You’re fully aware that I cannot do that.”
“Come on.” The hero shot them a sharp look and for a second, the villain considered retreating. With a groan, the hero leaned against the wall. Ultimately, they sat down, clearly too tired to stand up. “This is eating you. This stupid job, this stupid costume. When was the last week all your bones were intact?”
“It’s not that simple,” the hero argued. They frowned and even that looked like it was draining. The villain tried to, but they didn't understand. They feared they would never be able to fully grasp what the hero was aiming for, nor why they were so adamant.
“It is that simple. Your obsession with justice is ludicrous," the villain said. "You know the law doesn't function as a guide for moral decisions."
"I can't just watch and let people die, can I?" the hero answered. Their fingertips against the villain's wrist were cold and very slowly, it dawned on the villain that they were shaking.
At first, the villain didn't say anything. They simply kneeled to be on the same eye level as their counterpart. Then, they took the hero's face into their hands.
"You also can't blame yourself every time someone dies." The villain leaned in, nearly instinctively, and lowered their voice. "Please, just come back to me."
Their lips brushed the hero's cheek and they closed their eyes, taking their time to concentrate on the proximity and calm down their racing heart. They didn't want to think about the past, they didn't want to think about the endless fights and the many tears. It was all gone now - right now, in this moment, resentment didn't linger.
All that remained was affection.
"Please," the villain begged again. By now, they were hugging their hero, holding them closer than ever before, taking in deep breaths and burying their face in the hero's shoulder. They could feel the hero's hand move; snaking up their back and eventually finding a place in the villain's hair.
It was unbelievably painful to hold the hero like this. It was unbelievably cruel as well. All the things they had thrown at each other before, all the insults and the schemes, all those plans and conflicts...still being able to hold so much love for a person felt specifically dreadful to the villain.
But then again, the hero wasn't simply a person. Once, they had been everything.
"Please come back to me," the villain begged again. "This is killing you. This job, it..."
They felt the tears.
God, they felt the tears. After months of pushing their feelings away and replacing them with rage. After months of suppressing their emotions, they could feel how heavy their heart truly was.
They pulled away, blinking tears out of their eyes, and stared at the hero who had already let their tears roll down their face. The villain brushed them away.
"It is so exhausting," the hero whispered. Their voice was shaking.
"I know."
"And it hurts so much."
"I know, darling."
"But I can't quit, I can't- I mean, there is so much pressure and so many people are counting on me and if I fall, I mean...I'm not a person anymore, I'm a symbol of hope and inspiration and if I...I can't, I just can't-" The hero took in a trembling breath and the villain hugged them again, softer this time.
"Take a break, please. I can't stand this anymore." The villain pressed a kiss to the hero's cheek and slowly, let their fingers intertwine. "I can kidnap you if that makes it easier."
"Yes," the hero said. "For a few days, okay? Just a few days."
Given the hero's physical state, a few days turned into two weeks.
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gassymasky · 2 months ago
Imagine being a vigilante just trying to protect your city. Everything is fairly normal, until you meet a certain villain. Unlike others this one seems to like being hit. Likes being beaten to a pulp, handcuffed and thrown in a cell. It's to the point their "crimes" are just obvious attempts to gain your attention. One day, after months of flirting with you, you give the villain what they want. Instead of dragging them to jail you drag them to the nearest thing to bend them over. Taking them hard and fast. Reshaping their guts roughly as you spank, grope and degrade them. And them absolutely loving every second of it.
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villainousauthor · 3 months ago
"I'm sorry," Villain murmurs, trailing a soft kiss down the side of Hero's neck. "I'm sorry."
Hero rolls their head back, giving them complete access to their shoulders, knowing they're giving too much trust as those teeth nip gently at their flesh.
"You're not sorry," Hero's voice comes out in whisper, almost solemn, as if speaking too loudly will break the sanctity of this stolen moment. "If you were sorry you'd quite. You'd stop hurting people." Those warm lips travel back up to their ear, pressing another kiss, another graze of teeth against the bottom of their jaw.
"I'm not sorry for what I do," Another kiss pressed tenderly to their jaw, to the underside of their ear. "I'm not sorry for what I am." Villain's voice is low, a calm rumble. They press a soft, open-mouthed kiss to their shoulder. "But I'm sorry it hurts you."
As they speak this last part, they bite down ever so slightly, drawing blood as Hero gasps quietly, before pressing an almost apologetic kiss to the spot.
"Yeah." Hero's voice is thick now with unspoken emotion and unsaid words. "Yeah, I know."
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the-cypress-grove · 1 year ago
Insults (Fantasy Edition)
They're as useful as a wet blanket in the middle of winter
I could talk to my horse and have a better conversation
She did love her family, but she'd rather have an ocean between her and them.
He was the kind of man to stumble across rational thought quite by accident and dismiss it as absurd
'Quite frankly, I'd rather eat Hemlock.'
I know the gods do not exist, because if they did, they would've struck you down by now.
Well, you're clearly got some troll ancestry.
That's probably the wisest thing you've ever said and yet still you are wrong.
Do you just sit there all day and hope some sort of sentient through floats in your direction
She was tolerable. From a distance.
They were often wrong but never in doubt.
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autocrats-in-love · 3 hours ago
Prompt (534)
The villain’s snapped their fingers in the hero’s face. “Hey! I’m kidnapping you right now. At least try to fight back.”
The hero yawned. “I haven’t slept in three days. This is the perfect excuse to take a long nap. Carry on.”
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dizzizk · 9 months ago
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months ago
Hello, my fellow DC fans! Miss me? 👀✨
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Back at it again with some Supersons! I've always wanted to draw an evil Jon and while their pose above may seem quite forward, in my head, they're just a hero and a villain with no history and no future. Doomed enemies if you will. It's funny how much more tension they have here because of it than when I actually try to draw them as a ship. I blame it on my asexual ass confusing intimacy. To think I actually finished drawing this just now too! The power of delulu has returned stronger than ever, bae-bee! XD -Bubbly💙
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