#for an epic breakfast
i am so concerned about those kids sleeping schedule, actors included, because they have to hunt at night but they have to research during the day and sometimes breakfast is at midnight and other times its 7am and what time do these kids get to sleep, also the actors would fall asleep in their respective characters rooms sometimes, which is adorable
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completelymindfucked · 3 months
When Dean feels neglected and unwanted, he puts a little bit of rat poison into the smoothies Sam likes to drink. Not enough to seriously hurt him! No, just enough to get Sammy sick and clingy. It makes him feel somewhat guilty until Sammy’s all nauseous and upset needing his big brother to take care of him and make him feel better.
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leshyleaf · 2 years
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fizzycereal · 9 months
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Lice but Kade and Midas 🤯
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cakesmelons · 1 year
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The MTT touching Error was not coincidental(I just couldn't resist like Error can't be excluded)
But but what if in the rizz tl Error gets a happy ending- with the help of Epic and Horror(maybe someone else like Ink or sum(def not the Dreamtale bros)) Error learns the better ways and becomes a better person(true love 💕)
Horror is probably the one most around Error- Dust would be a good listener but he's prob quiet and a lil distant and Killer is,,, busy with Nightmare(and maybe Dream)
Had to search up Hans' motivations bc he was such a minor character that I genuinely forgot everything about him(except a random moment in that one song he had with Anna) and honestly? It makes the idea even better(but I'm not going deeper into this bc lore and stuff isn't my thing-(liar liar pants on fire))
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #132
I did a few things today. But as per usual, I started today with making a mug of tea. Today's was genmaicha; mine is loose-leaf:
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...This means you gotta stick it in a tea ball. The glass mug is about 2 cups, so 2tsp of leaves have to go into the tea ball:
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...Hunter is blurry, but he follows me literally everywhere I go, and looks on with great interest as I do most anything in the kitchen, haha! My tea ball is really old. I've had it since before this shop called Teavana stopped being a thing. As far as I know, it was bought out by a bigger corporation and then ruined, so now all the wonderful tea flavors they used to make, like "strawberry misaki blooming tea" and "tiramisu" are nothing but distant memories now.
...That strawberry misaki blooming tea... I think you really would have liked that one. I surely would have enjoyed taking pictures of it for you...
In any case, you pour the boiling water over the tea ball like this:
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...And you wait for it to brew...
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Today I thought it might be neat to add buckwheat honey to the tea. This is very dark, somewhat bitter honey that tastes somewhat like how dried hay smells. And... yes, I realize that I probably described it in the least appetizing way possible, but I promise you, it's actually pretty good - it's just that a little goes a long way.
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...Unfortunately, it's been so long since I've had it in the house that I may have forgotten that little detail...
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Well. One of the things I got at the co-op yesterday was a half gallon of goat milk. I used that in today's tea:
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Milk swirls in the cup a little differently than cream does, but I still think it's kinda neat:
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...Shortly after this, J asked for me to come along as emotional support while he talked to the local airplane mechanic about the plane we crashed in recently. As it turns out, the cost of materials and labor would exceed the price of the plane itself, so it is likely going to be scrapped. It's a shame, but it is what it is, and it's important to remember that J and I are extremely lucky to have walked away from what happened without even getting injured. Everything else is kinda small potatoes by comparison, ya know?
On the way there, I managed to snag this picture of a bird-of-prey for you; maybe you'll think it's neat:
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I had intended to make myself a breakfast in the morning, but I waited until J and I got back from the airplane mechanic before doing that.
I started by cooking some rice:
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From there, I cooked some garlic-and-wine sausages that I got from the co-op yesterday:
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As you can see, once they were done, they left behind a lot of delicious juices in the pan:
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...I cooked some duck eggs in those juices.
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...I wonder if you might be able to see where this is going! Haha! Yesterday, I found fresh natto, and black garlic kimchi at the co-op:
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...From there, with all the assembled ingredients, it becomes easy to throw together a pretty epic and wholesome rice bowl!
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...I know, I know, using a fork for this is probably blasphemy, hahaha! Suppose I just didn't really wanna dirty some chopsticks when the fork I used in order to pull out some kimchi was just as usable.
In my experience, the best thing to do is to mix the ingredients in the bowl together in order to get a balanced flavor:
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...It was delicious!! But I felt like it was still missing something, so I fixed it by adding a little bit of cheese (also blasphemy, I know, hahaha! but blasphemy can be delicious, I promise!):
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...As per usual, I find myself wishing I could have shared this epic concoction with you. It tasted amazing. I wish you were here.
...Today was mostly another chill day. I mostly did leisure writing instead of productive writing. So unfortunately, I don't have anything insightful or profound to say to you today, either - just good tea and tasty snacks. But I like to think that these are just as valuable, especially on an empty stomach and a lonely heart.
...I used the salt and oil trick on the pan again to make the eggs. I let it sit on the heat for a long time. Perhaps a little too long; it smoked mightily, and it was enough to make my eyes water and make it hard for me to breathe (asthma is another one of my numerous physical glitches...). I got really dizzy at one point. It was super dumb.
I took the pan outside to cool off, opened all the windows, and flapped a towel around to try to get the smoke from the oil and salt out of the house. I got somewhat lightheaded in the process, and my head still feels kinda weird and fuzzy, even though this took place hours ago by now...
...Those eggs didn't stick though. Not this time. Not even a tiny little bit. It seems almost impossible - like a dream; I wonder what the physics are that make this trick work...
Hey, Sephiroth? My head still feels really weird and it's kind of hard to write (I wonder if you can tell? Hmm...). So I suppose I'll end this one here.
I love you. I wish more than anything that you were here so you could experience all the wholesome and awesome things at my house. Please stay safe at least until my next letter; you can expect another one tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
eelektrik nose review: no nose/10 but if you remove the teeth it would look like the letter Ö and that would be silly so this guy gets a pass
uh oh. we have competition:
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that is kinda silly. that they would look like Ö. but now the actual nose rater has come in to disagree so you two can fight that one out
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aaronofithaca05 · 7 months
Today I extracted casein and lactose from SHEEP milk for biochem lab, and when the teacher said it was from SHEEP, my sadistic brain tuned into: look at all this sheep. 👁
My mental health obliterated, my morning destroyed
I was sobbing while holding the dang milk glass to heat it up T T
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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piplupod · 2 months
idk there is genuinely something a little bit funny how your body can somehow hurt from the nervous system acting up and your brain can be blaring alarms and you can feel yourself on the verge of crying and yet the whole time you're just kind of sitting separate from it all and being vaguely irritated about the fact that you have to get up and make a dinner for yourself
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cremepuf · 1 year
Twitch is offering me a chance to be a featured creator this week! It would really help if y’all came along :))
I stream Valorant, Horror games, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Splatoon etc. So come along if that entices you 😏
I am still just a little streamer but I’m hoping to grow my community. If you join then you’re a part of ClubMA where we throw things at the neighbouring country club and also do events like swimming (with REAL jellyfish!). Super cool 😎
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lollytea · 2 years
broke: hunter names his future child after caleb woke: hunter names his future child after flapjack
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uzibrainrot · 4 months
Woa today was so epic
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gutxpupz · 6 months
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Goodmoring to you too spotify?
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lumine-no-hikari · 25 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #257
I must have come up a little bit from the funk today, because I had energy enough to make a breakfast. Today, I decided to make bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches on toasted rye bread.
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...And if you're wondering why the bacon isn't on the griddle, that's because I put it in the oven, at 400 degrees F (or 204.4 degrees C) for approximately 20 minutes, until it became nice and crispy!
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...The resulting sandwiches were spectacular. I made one each, for me, M, and J:
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...I wished you were around so that I could make you one, too.
I tried combining the lavender bergamot tea with the vanilla rose tea today. I wasn't able to get very good pictures of the tea swirls this time; I'm sorry about that. But still, I thought you might like how it panned out. The flavor was floral and soft, but also kind of zingy, like sunshine sparkling on the dewdrops resting upon daylily petals.
...Suddenly, I wonder if lilac blossoms could be dried and used in tea... Hmmm...
I suppose part of the reason I've come out of my funk a little today is because I was trying to help J out of a funk today; I really only feel alive when I am trying to bring joy to someone else. I think he must not have slept especially well, because he had all these ideas about what he wanted to do today (one of them was for us to go check out a couple new stores at the nearby mall that piqued his interest), but he wasn't able to muster up the gumption, and he ended up falling asleep instead.
When he woke, he had a hankering for burgers, pizza, ice cream, and popcorn. He also wanted to make a cake. But we didn't have the supplies for any of these, and he was too tired and overwhelmed to go to the store (he has the 'tism, too, and he's easily overwhelmed by visual and auditory clutter). So I went to the grocery store and got the things. He felt guilty about it, and I felt sad in response to that. Still, he's gotta learn that he's worthy of basic care, and I'll keep reminding him of that in all the ways I can until he can remember it on his own.
When I think about it, he has already made a lot of progress - asking me for things used to be something that he could not do. But he asked me to go to the grocery store today, and that's pretty huge for him!! I felt very proud!!
I played some Dead Cells after that. To my surprise and delight, one of my friends from this space joined me!! They told me a little about a project that they are working on, and they said it'll be a while before it's done, but still, I'm eager to see it when it's ready!
I managed to get a little further than I have on previous days. I was having a really good run, but the Ancient Sewers was a cursed biome for this run. I killed an enemy that makes you have a Curse Stack of 3 upon killing it, and I was just about done with reducing that stack when, out of nowhere, I was struck unexpectedly by an underground tentacle, and then... well. I died. It kinda took the wind out of my sails a little. I tried a couple runs after that, but... my heart wasn't really in it, so I stopped to cuddle Mogwai instead.
...I haven't really done much since. I'm in less of a funk today than I was yesterday, I think, maybe? But still, the inside of me feels pretty empty. I have... maybe the whisperings of a new music box at the edges of my periphery, but... it's still fuzzy and hard to make out. It still too soon to say conclusively whether or not I'll do anything with it.
It's all right. I know from experience that states like these are temporary. Even if they last a long time, it won't be like this forever. I still remember things like how excited I got in response to that tiramisu tea I made and wrote to you about. I know that joy exists, even if it's a little hard for me to find right now.
Everything is temporary. We just have to ride out the waves of things. Even if it's difficult, I'll keep looking for the sparks of joy in little things. There's power in acknowledging that our eyes are clouded over with things like uncertainty and anticipation. Acknowledging it helps us to see around it and to plan for it. Even if the feelings decide to settle heavily in the space within my ribcage, I can still feel them, carry them lovingly, and take nice care of myself until they pass.
...I can only hope that my words might somehow help you to be able to carry your own emotions lovingly. Sephiroth... will you promise to try to take nice care of yourself so that way your emotions will seem a little less unbearably heavy to you?
...I'm still working on building a world in which my voice, or someone else's kind, loving voice... can reach you. I don't know what you get up to over at the Edge of Creation, but... whatever it is, please try to hold on, okay? Because someday you're gonna come up for air and look around and realize you're not actually alone, and with that knowledge, you're going to be able to build something beautiful, loving, and wholesome for yourself.
I love you. Please stay safe out there. I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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Here's this:
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"The fountain doesn't give you back your youth," felt right in the context of the limited time they have their talent.
"You're staying up too late at night," makes sense for their work hours.
"And laughing under kitchen lights," is an homage to their epic breakfasts in Portland Row ofc.
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