#fic writer prompt request
I'd love love love to get my teeth into Steddie/stranger things fic writing so if anyone wants to send a prompt my way 👉👈 I would big appreciate it 🍄
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cosmophoriia · 7 months
"i made it so obvious" : angry love confessions. 𝜗𝜚
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ღ request from: @inlovewithpandora. Prompt request for angry love confession where character b is oblivious and doesn’t realize that character a has a crush on them and character a gets fed up with character b acting clueless so while character b is talking to them about their love life character a blurts out their feelings
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"how can you not know, i made it so obvious!" "clearly, you didn't make it that clear!"
“i’ve had feelings for you for so long.”
“it’s a bit frustrating to how oblivious you are.”
“how did you not notice, i always flirted with you.”
“you deserve someone who would treat you right.” “who might that be?” “… how about me?”
“i’m right in front of you.”
character b going on and on about how they never find someone and character a is just looking at them ready to snap.
“you just got to be fucking kidding me, right?”
“are you messing with me?” “no, why would you think that?” “because i gave you all the signs to me liking you and you haven’t notice one bit.”
“why are you so clueless?”
“did you ever stop and think that maybe just maybe the person you’re looking for is me?”
character a choosing to ignore character b for a while after b goes out on a tinder date and b is so confused on why a been avoiding them.
^ “did i do something wrong?”
“what do i have to do or say for you to notice that i’m in love with you?”
“everyone knew but you!”
character a having to hear character b talk about the sweet gifts that character c claimed they sent reader.
^ "they didn't send you those gifts, i did!"
"wait... you're in love with me?"
"why do you care!" "because i’m in love with you!"
"you claim to know everything about me but you never noticed that i’ve feelings for you, not even once?”
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scarasdiapers · 11 days
sakuatsu au where they both like to sing with and for each other except theyre terrible singers like kiyoomi just isnt on key and atsumu is straight up yelling and everyone in their vicinity is ready to kill them
(bonus: both atsumu and kiyoomi are aware of their diabolical singing but they're also sadists who like to watch their friends suffer)
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 5 months
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I found this on Instagram and I want to write so many of these!!!!
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roseshewrites · 3 months
@pearlofamphitrite it's done boo!! Thanks for this request. I really ran with the idea of it. And I hope you enjoy!! I appreciate your engagement!! 🥰🥰🥰
Fallen Angel Reader x platonic comforting Lucifer
Supposed to have been fluff but ended up angst. 😂
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"And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone.."
- Fast Car, Tracy Chapman
When you first saw him, you thought he was Michael. This was initially what had you screaming hoarsely and backing up, crawling backwards like a feral child till your shoulder blades hit the rocky cliff.
Then, the panic in your throat turned into a nigh silent keen as the sharp rocks dug red hot iron spikes of pain throughout your entire back and you ended up curled over your knees, shaking till the stars in your darkened vision subsided and turned into the void. 
When you came to, you were greeted with that face again; circular and pale, and framed by a cropping of blond hair that curled around his cheeks...the sight of this had you growling and hissing, till he spoke- 
"Hey! Hey, hey, I'm not him. Listen to me. I'm not Michael. And you need to stay still, okay?" His brow wrinkled in concern, he steadied your shoulder as you gaped up at him. "You've lost a lot of blood," he said grimly. He swore. "They really did a number on you, kid.." 
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His voice was deep. He had red eyes. That was what silenced you after all that. You panted, catching your breath, that constant string of hateful fire coasting up and down your back where they had cut off- 
They had cut off- 
Oh, dear god, they'd cut off your wings- 
You had a sensation of gentle small hands turning you over on the barren ground, a glow of golden healing touching the bloody nubs on your back while you finally found your voice again, albeit a hoarse whisper instead of a scream. 
"My wings." 
Hot, angry tears tracked down your face and fell onto the dusty ground.
That was all you managed to say. 
"I know, darlin'. I know." 
"They- they- cut off..." 
"Shh," he said, "Shush now. Focus. Breath for me. I don't need you passing out again." 
Through his coaxing and the soft healing tingle of the golden powers emanating from his hands, you were able to quietly measure out your breathing though your chest while his magic knit up the violent wounds on your shoulders with a cool icy and sometimes itchy sensation that had you tensing. 
"They'll grow back," he continued. "They will. It might take some time, but they'll grow back, I promise." 
His hands, light but firm, investigated your neck, head and shoulders for breaks and cuts. You had no choice but to let him. The both of you stayed like that for a long time, his magic and hands soothing wounds you didn't even know you had. His voice took on a strangely conversational tone while he worked.
"I'm Lucifer. But I guess you know that already." 
The King of Hell. 
"I find a lot of you down here. Classy of them, isn't it?" 
You shut your eyes. Scrunched them up real tight, as the memory of what had just happened played in your mind. 
You had been held down. It had taken several of Lucifer's brothers to keep your arms behind your back, another couple of Sera's female commandeers to keep your feet from kicking out and you had actually managed to brutally punch in some noses before the inevitable had happened; Michael, fierce blue eyes blazing, approaching with a freshly sharpened dagger, Emily screaming your name, yourself casting desperate glances between Sera and Michael in tandem as you eventually begged and pleaded for them not to do it. 
But they did; Sera, turning her face in shame as she ordered Michael to make the cuts. You had been turned brutally, your arms yanked fiercely as you fought and fought, your heart beating rapidly as Michael's blade sang and the first wing had been severed in a white hot flash, golden blood running down your legs while you screamed and screamed..
"Hey." Lucifer's hand patted your cheek. "Get back to me, now. Come on back. There you are." 
He eventually helped you in a sitting position and he himself sat cross legged beside you. Waiting, it seemed. Poised to sit patiently for however long it took. You were taking in the sight of him now. His white pants and shirt, red pinstriped vest, an apple cane and a jacket abandoned somewhere off to the side. You noted his rolled up sleeves and the golden stains on him, the dirt coating him that he didn't seem to mind.
"How long will it take?" You asked him, your voice barely carrying with how hoarse it was. 
Lucifer smiled grimly. "For me, it took a long time. Millenia. All six of them. For you, I don't really know. Seems to differ from angel to angel. We all have a unique healing period. You seem young," he added after a moment of taking in your appearance, "It shouldn't take you as long as you'd think." 
You didn't have to say anything at all because you knew he understood. It was in his face. Written all over it, actually, that deep seated hurt that reflected yours like a ripple in a crimson pool. 
He helped you stand. You did so, and stumbled, but he caught you with steady arms and stood there as long as it took for up and down to right themselves in your mind. 
"They were my family." 
He nodded. "Yeah." 
"They were my family, and they were supposed to love me." 
It's like you were pleading with yourself. With the sky, with god, with your soul, to reach out and understand- that nonverbal wrenching of stability that had tossed everything you knew aside like a child's toy become garbage. 
"They were our family," he said, "And they were supposed to protect us. Come on," he held out his hand. 
You hesitated. 
In that moment, the devil looking at you with crimson eyes, his mouth quirked in a handsome crooked smile that revealed the edges of white sharp fangs, you were considering. Your options. You had none. 
"You don't have to trust me. But I'd like to help you if you'll let me." 
You hesitated again, then took his outstretched hand, a motion that had him fully grinning. Like he had secrets. He had jokes and secrets, and hidden pathways in his mind. You supposed he would, being who he is. Especially the jokes part. 
He had so many.
Whether you wanted him to or not, he told a relentless number of them on your way to his daughter's hotel, some of them going over your head and others that pulled you back from a darkened cavern in your soul that had you almost cackling from the pure ridiculousness of it. 
You had gone through quite possibly the most traumatic event of your entire existence and here you were wheezing about the mental image of a duck who went to the doctor because he had a fowl cough. The laugh made your ribs hurt.
Yet, when you had gotten settled into the hotel, when you had chosen your intentionally barren and tiny room despite Charlie's protests - a series of meaningful stammers that insisted you deserved more than that- a bigger room, a softer bed, maybe something warmer with bigger windows; you insisted no no it was fine. This is perfect for me. 
It's perfect. 
You stood there in the room after they all left you alone then sat on the bed, bare feet on the wooden floor and stared at the whiteness of the ceiling and walls. Counted cracks and imperfections in the plaster. Drank in the silence and unfamiliar scent of a home that wasn't yours. You were just beginning to feel this distress that hurt like no other when the muscles on your back seized reflexively in a movement that would have unfurled your wings.  
This undid you in a tumultuous manner that hit you like a ton of bricks, keeling you till your face was pressed into white unfamiliar sheets and you screamed and screamed for an unknown amount of time till you felt dizzy, clutching at your own hair, at covers, at your own aching neck and at anything that could ground you. Anything at all. 
Your habit of screaming at nothing landed you in a series of unconventional situations at the hotel. When you felt one coming on you would disappear. Into a closet here, a distant unused and red-painted living room there, that smelled of dust and old books. An abandoned office. The cubby under a stair that led to an attic. The sun-warmed balcony beside an upstairs greenhouse full of hellish plants that smacked their teeth greedily at you as you walked past them. 
You had a habit of just sleeping wherever at that point. When you did make it to your room, the King of Hell himself had a habit of busting in toward midmorning to tap his cane on the side of your headboard, yank open the curtains of your small window overlooking the hotel yard and boom, "Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey!" 
And whether you got up or not, the regular visits did not stop. He came by to give you coffee (untouched), a series of meals from the day (left cold as you ignored them before they were swept away and replaced), sometimes to offer spurts of cheerful conversation or anecdotes about the doings of the hotel that you just did not understand at all. Sometimes, you thought, he talked just to hear himself. His voice though was about the only sound you didn't mind. 
Lucifer was small, but his voice tended to carry pretty far. As you laid there with your cheek pressed into your pillow you would hear it in different places around the hotel deep and resonant; snippets of conversation, a golden series of singing notes as he went about his business. 
One night you heard him playing the fiddle, and that was something that finally filled you with an emotion other than this constant panic mixed with numbness that had been clouding your mind for however long you had been here. 
For one, you knew it was him because the sounds he was pulling from this instrument was like no other you had ever experienced. It was a cascade of notes and swirling rhythms that coasted into your open window, filling you with awe, and you couldn't help but go to it and lean out, searching. There he was. Perched like a bird on the balcony outside his room, about a landing below you, all six of his red and white wings unfurled and drifting in the moonlit hellish sky as he played the golden fiddle in his hands like it was an extension of himself. 
The music was both fast and soft, melodic and aching. It was a series of vibrations that didn't seem like it all came from one instrument. There's no way it did because his music harmonized with itself, multifaceted and swirling like the layers in an orchestra. 
 When the music stopped, you leaned out further, bracing your hands against the brick outside your window, your voice hoarse as you yelled, "Hey Lucifer!" 
He looked around for the voice then found you looking at him from the window to his upper right and cheekily tipped his hat at you. 
"Did you really go down to Georgia?" 
"What do you think?" He responded. 
"I think you did," you yelled. You wanted to. You wanted this; to yell, not scream. "But I thought you lost! Why do you still have your golden fiddle?" 
He leaned back and laughed, his wings catching the air when he lost his balance from doing so- he effortlessly looped around to perch back onto the balcony. 
"You know what I did?" 
You looked at him in silence. 
"I went back to that kid and I stole it back. That motherfucker cheated." 
Then came the morning he waltzed in to tap the floor with his cane, walked over to the window and yank the curtains up- oh, that blinding sun-
"Rise and shine!!!" 
"You know the drill. Let me look at your back, ducky." 
Despite your protests he yanked your covers down till your whole pajama-covered self was subject to the elements beyond comfy blanket land and you let out a series of increasingly creative expletives at him that had him chuckling deeply. 
"Good to know they haven't bred the pure sass out of the current angelic generation. Damn. Now stop being cheeky and let me see your back." 
You glared at him for disrupting your peace. 
He deadpan stared back at you, eyes sparkling with mischief. 
"Easy way, or hard way. Your choice. But if you want wacky wings when they come back I guess that's on you...whatever! Guess I'll let them grow back crooked!" 
Whistling, he turned to leave. 
Lucifer stopped.
You sighed and turned over till you were on your stomach. You hated your back being messed with, and even though you knew he meant well about it, you gave him hell every time. 
"Go ahead." 
"Good girl," he chirped. "You didn't let me change the dressings yesterday. So mind you this is about to hurt." 
And it did. It was like yanking the bandaid off a scabbed over cut times a thousand, but for once you didn't scream. You'd had enough of that. And the nubs on your back where your wings used to be had taken to itching, bleeding randomly, and then aching through the night which is why you twitched when Lucifer jabbed softly at the left one to test for bone breaks he might have missed on one of the many healing sessions he'd already put you through. 
"Well, well, looky what we have here! It's a pair of little baby wings!!! How adorable." 
You started. "Wait, what??" 
You didn't believe him till you leapt out of bed, made him stand outside the door so you could strip, then stood in front of your floor length mirror to gape at your bare back with trepidous excitement. 
There they were. The beginnings of wing-shaped appendages that, when you reflexively twitched those unused muscles, made them 'unfurl' as best as they could and feathered your shoulders in a motion that felt like a bird tapping you on your arm. 
You dressed quickly, tugging a tank top over your head and grimacing at the scraping of fabric over your delicate brand new wings, dashing to the door to slam it open to find Lucifer standing there grinning. 
"I told you it wouldn't take long," he said impatiently, "But NoooOO, you didn't believe me. Someone said 'oh it's gonna take forever, I'm gonna be a flightless angel for the rest of my life-' what did I tell yah?" 
"You uhhh" 
"I told you. You believed me when I told you how much healing hurt. But not when I reminded you that it wasn't forever. Hmm? Is that not what happened?" 
You nodded, smiling sheepishly. 
"Whatever, whatever," he waved off your worries, "We've got CELEBRATING TO DO! It's been long enough. You're coming downstairs for breakfast. And what's more..." 
He was still talking, fully thinking you were right behind him, but his ceaseless cheerful chatter moved off with him as you stood in the hallway and looked back at your plain tiny room...then you looked at the stairs going down to the bottom floor. 
You smiled, knowing that night you were going to ask Charlie for a bigger room after all; maybe one with carpet and its own bathroom.
You were still standing there when Lucifer popped back up to the top of the stairs, wings unfurled keeping him afloat as he stared at you with his arms crossed.  
"Have you even heard a word I've been saying?" 
"I lost you at 'what's more' ," you responded with a little giggle. 
"Oh get your ass downstairs."
"Race you!!" 
"You can't even fly yet-" 
"I didn't say anything about flying!" 
You thumped down the stairs with Lucifer hot on your heels, cursing at you for your head start, your laughter eventually echoing together in the sunwarmed hallway as you ran down to your first real breakfast in the Hazbin Hotel. 
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alj4890 · 1 month
Say It
(Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
As requested by @hopelessromantic1352 with the quote: "Say it!"
A/N Alright my sweet friend. Here's your last request for Ethan and Chris. Once again, I'm going back to Book 1 for you so Tobias can't interfere LOL.
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"Chris?" Ethan stood there shocked at seeing her at his door. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?" She asked a touch hesitantly.
Without a word, he stepped back and allowed her inside.
He followed her into his kitchen, curious as to why she would bother to come see him of all people. After all, he was the one to disappear on her. After everything that happened between them and with his failure to cure Naveen, he'd hoped to never have to face her again.
How could he possibly stand to see the disappointment he'd caused in those expressive eyes of hers?
"Can I get you something to drink?" He offered, reaching past her for the half empty bottle of scotch he'd been nursing the night before.
"Yes." She snatched it out of his hand then searched his cabinets for a glass.
Ethan's eyebrows lifted. He didn't think he'd ever seen her nervous before. Yet with the way she was acting, he'd swear it was himself putting her on edge.
She poured a good three fingers of scotch in a Baccarat glass tumbler. Without looking his way, she lifted it to her lips and downed half of it.
"Easy there." He said with a great deal of surprise. "You're starting to drink like I do."
She reached for the bottle again after finishing the last dregs in her glass. Glancing at him, she poured another large amount.
"Hold on." He took the glass from her. "What's going on?"
"You honestly don't know?" She asked.
"What?" He drank a few gulps then handed it back to her. "About your upcoming hearing?"
Her nose wrinkled as she leaned against his counter to sip what remained. "Yes."
He sighed, running his hands down his face. "I heard about it when it happened."
Chris's head shot up.
"You knew?" She bit out. "You knew and didn't bother to call and check on me? You arsehole."
Ethan cursed. "What in the hell could I have possibly said to you?"
"Anything!" Chris snapped. "You could have said I'm sorry you're going through this! Or how about asking me if I needed anything? Hell, I'd have preferred a kiss my arse than silence!"
Ethan glared at her. Snatching the glass out of her hands he finished off her drink then refilled it.
"Welcome to a lifetime of disappointment, Chris." He mocked in a toast to her. "Because I'm not the man who can give you what you need."
Chris took the glass and bottle away from him. Before he had a chance to argue, she dumped the remains in his sink then whirled towards him.
"What is wrong with you?" She yelled at him. "My life is crumbling and you stand there as if you don't care!"
She gripped his collar and gave him a violent shake. "Are you the heartless bastard everyone claims?"
"You think I don't care?" He growled, tearing her hands off of him.
Stepping towards her, he pinned her between himself and the counter.
"You certainly act like you don't." She replied defiantly.
"Damnit Chris!" Ethan yelled back. "I begged Harper to let me testify in your hearing. I argued with her for over an hour when she refused."
She shoved him away from her. "I don't believe you."
Ethan released a string of expletives over her stubbornness and that quick temper she possessed.
"She knew I shouldn't testify. As soon as I got up there, everyone would see why I was fighting so hard for you, which is why I can't."
Chris's chest rose and fell with each furious breath. Her cheeks were flushed as her eyes darted over him.
"Everyone would see what?" She demanded.
"You know damn well what they would see." He snapped.
"No. I don't." She hissed, stepping forward once again. "Be a man and say it!"
When he remained silent, she gripped his shirt once more. Before she could stop herself, the words she'd held back for so long came rushing out.
"Say it, Ethan! Say you don't want me! Say that I mean nothing to you!" She ordered, voice cracking with emotion. "Say that you don't think about Miami every single night like I do!"
Her eyes drifted down his body.
"Say that you want me to walk away. Forget everything between us. Find someone new."
She lifted her eyes back to his.
"Say you want me to touch and kiss someone else the way I only touched and kissed you."
She gave him a hard shake.
"Say it so I can move on!"
He grabbed her, mouth slamming down on hers, and backed her against the counter once again.
Her hands slid up his chest, arms winding around his neck as he lifted her up onto the granite surface. She pulled him closer, locking her legs around him as the anger fueled kiss went on.
"I'll never say it." He swore against her lips.
His once cold blue eyes burned with desire. Hope, one that she'd never let die, began to flicker a little more strongly with his harshly spoken words.
"And you know why I won't."
"Then tell me you want me." She pleaded, needing him to finally admit it.
He softly groaned as he kissed her once more. She moved restlessly against him. The intensity of his next kiss made her yearn for what was always out of reach when it concerned him.
"God, I want you, Chris." He said a touch breathlessly. "I've always wanted you."
She cupped his heavily stubbled cheek and brushed the corner of his unforgiving lips with her thumb. A sad smile formed the longer she looked at him.
"Why do you still fight it?" She asked.
"Us?" He shrugged, turning to kiss her palm. "I have no idea."
"Then stop." She pressed her lips to his for a tender kiss then slowly moved them down his throat. "Stop for me."
His head dropped back, eyes closed with the feel of each caress. His hands slid into her silky red hair as she continued the achingly sweet touches his heart had yearned for so long.
"Chris." He moaned under her hands. "I think we should--"
"Unless your next words are to tell me to get into your bedroom, I don't want to hear it." She snapped.
A harsh laugh slipped from his lips. He loved how even that temper of hers could not only set him in his place but also make him want her even more.
"Get in there." He ordered, his tone laced heavy with desire.
Chris smiled through another kiss before sliding off the counter. As she walked into his room, she dropped one piece of clothing after another like a trail of bread crumbs so he'd be sure to follow.
Ethan did so without any hesitation whatsoever, ripping his own clothes off to join hers, eyes never leaving her body.
After all this time fighting against it, he was finally giving in to the inevitability of them.
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kaufmann-6 · 2 months
Okay, I'm actually committed to finishing @badthingshappenbingo this time.
Here's my card:
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Feel free to send me Batfam requests!
Here's my AO3, in case you'd like to check it out. If you're interested, I have a whumpy Jason Todd & Tim Drake fic I posted back in february. (link to the fic on ao3)
Also, if you want to get to know my other fics, go to this post, where there's a masterlist of all of my works from my favorite fandoms like TUA and PJO.
I'm thinking of writing some of these prompts with Jason Todd but I'm not sure which ones yet so I'm open to suggestions. (yes, I'm a big JT stan)
Hit me!
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rk-tmblr · 6 months
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From the top of the skyscraper, Yokohama shone in the night for miles down there, extending over the horizon. It was impossible to tell the ocean from the starry sky, and it felt like being swallow whole from the city.
“I won’t follow you this time.”
His words flew into the same breeze that had his red locks escaping under the hat he wore. He didn't turn to challenge his gaze, to scream at his face like he was used to. No, he stayed still with heavy feet on the pavement, gravity grounding him in a place where it had heads spinning.
“This shit’s old and I got tired of all of this… nothing! ‘Cause this is nothing you give me while I always spend everything I own,” at least anger remained in his voice, “And it’s not fair.”
“Whenever is it?”, he questioned with his eyes fixed on his petit figure, hands balled into fist inside the pocket of his trench coat and a red and white, half empty package of cigarettes crumpling between fingers.
“Never, but I won’t hold onto it anymore, Dazai.”
He hid the crawling feeling running under the bandages against his skin with the lame excuse of circumstances. From that height, summer turned out to be incredibly chilly.
“Finally I obtained to find the limit of a dog's loyalty, huh?”, he couldn't help but jab him just to get one of his normal reaction back.
But he looked at him by the corner of his eye, the electric blue iris seizing him up with finality.
“Goodbye then, Chuuya.”
It always came easy the fake cheeky grin on his lips, the little tilt of head on the side that made his brown wavy locks hide one of his eyes -like he used to do with bandages back then- and a mocking hand shaking in a salute gesture.
As if it still was friendly. As if it was a see ya soon instead.
It always has been so fucking easy to pretend until everything around him just became his own play-act to have fun with.
And now both parties did have enough of this cat and mouse game.
It was over.
I hope you liked this Soukoku one shot for the "What if they had given up?" prompt, @chris-da1265!! If any of you have other requests, I leave you here the link of the writing prompts list and I'll be happy to write for you! <3
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ficsick · 8 months
im craving a fictional illness similar to Hanahaki, but like, instead of onesided love-caused flower puke, what if the victim becomes sick because of jealousy? like, he is extremely jealous his friend has been hanging out with someone new and not been around him much, and due to his extreme jealousy he becomes really sick from it. like. most symptoms i imagine are basic flu-like symptoms, or some which are also virus related. this sickness starts off easy to manage but gets worse every day, and the only way he can make it go away is to confront the person about his jealousy, or have the person take care of him until he no longer feels forgotten.
is this anything
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fortunekookie07 · 25 days
Hey guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I am diligently working on the wonderful requests I've received. Just got a bit of writers block at the moment and my muse took a vacation without me. 😅
I am doing my best to push through it and trying to write multiple stories at once to break it. Please be patient with me. 💜
I am still working on the stories and I can't wait to see how they are received.
I feel you guys deserve to know why it is taking so long. My family is falling apart around me.
A divorce is happening. My aunt has literally lost her mind and has accused me multiple times of inappropriate relations with my uncle. Who is like a dad to me.
I feel so heartbroken that I'm losing the other person who was there at the hospital the day I was born. I just don't want to put that kind of pain into my work. I feel like it would sour the core of what I originally wanted.
I promise to deliver a story to delight all.
I love all the support I've been given so far
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kaisntbreathing · 6 months
Prompt one:
"You painted your nails? Then go ahead and claw my back with them"
Promt two:
"Swallow. All of it"
Prompt three:
"I wanna eat you out so bad right now baby."
Prompt four:
"You feel so good baby..."
Prompt five:
"Jesus you're still..."
Prompt six:
"You like my cock in you baby?"
Prompt seven:
"Baby we don't have to-"
Prompt eight:
"Shhhh..I've got you honey"
Prompt nine:
"Look at you already a whimpering mess and I haven't even touched you yet"
Prompt ten:
"Hmmm no underwear/panties?"
Prompt eleven:
"I need you to cum all over my mouth please-"
Prompt twelve:
"Did you atleast lock the door?"
Prompt thirteen:
"I want to hear you scream"
Prompt fourteen:
"So tight just f'me"
Prompt fifteen:
"I'm not hurting you am I?"
Prompt sixteen:
"Such a needy little thing huh?"
Prompt seventeen:
"My hand would look so good around your throat"
Prompt eightteen:
"Jesus, you're already dripping for me"
Prompt nineteen:
"You're so fucking gorgeous, taking my fingers so good"
Prompt twenty:
"Suck. Now"
Prompt twenty one:
"You're a goddamn slut you know that?"
Prompt twenty two:
"Ah fuck...I knew you'd feel good"
Prompt twenty three:
"Christ baby the filthy fucking things I'd do to that hole"
Prompt twenty four:
"I love you, I love you s'much, gonna make you feel s'good, gonna fill you up just like you want baby I promise"
Prompt twenty five:
"Your legs are trembling, sweetheart...Do I make you feel that good?"
Prompt twenty six:
"What did I tell you sweetheart, legs apart"
Prompt twenty seven:
"What I really want is to pin you against this wall and fuck you senseless darling"
Prompt twenty eight:
"Right th- Shit! (Name), don't- don't move please, please"
Prompt twenty nine:
"I need you right now Princess"
Prompt thirty:
"God that's s'good"
Prompt thirty one:
"Tell me how much you love it when I fuck you"
Prompt thirty two:
"I want you to say it, say you want me"
Prompt thirty three:
"Don't touch me, just watch"
Prompt thirty four:
"If I have to stop what I'm doing, you won't be able to walk for the next week"
Prompt thirty five:
"No, just relax, lem'me take care of you darling"
Prompt thirty six:
"I'll make you feel so good I promise"
Prompt thirty seven:
"If you want to stop tap on my wrist"
Prompt thirty eight:
"New plan. I want to be face-to-face with you"
Prompt thirty nine:
"Yeah... Yeah. You, god look at you Doll"
Prompt fourty:
"Fuck yeah baby....Just stay still, gonna give it to you harder"
Prompt fourty one:
"What am I going to do with you?"
Prompt fourty two:
"You ready babes? I'm not going easy"
Prompt fourty three:
"Fuck are you crying? Crying on my cock? Oh baby. Baby, baby, baby. You're so sweet"
Prompt fourty four:
"Holy fuck- baby you're so tight"
Prompt fourty five:
"More? More? You want more sweetheart?"
Prompt fourty six:
"You think ones enough? No you're gonna keep count"
Prompt fourty seven:
"Finish inside me, I mean it"
Prompt fourty eight:
"Try to stay quiet f'me ok? Can you do that baby doll?"
Prompt fourty nine:
"I want you to break me"
Prompt fifty:
"Turn around"
Prompt fifty one:
"Are you shy?"
Prompt fifty two:
"Shh baby, not so loud"
Prompt fifty three:
"Hold onto my hand sweetie, I've got you, I promise"
Prompt fifty four:
"Open your fucking legs whore"
Prompt fifty five:
"I'm so close baby, a little more"
Prompt fifty six:
"You heard me. Take. It. Off"
Prompt fifty seven:
"Lem'me see you gorgeous"
Prompt fifty eight:
"You can put your mouth on it"
Prompt fifty nine:
"God, baby, I need to be inside you"
Prompt sixty:
"So pretty the noises you make"
Prompt sixty one:
"Fuck yourself silly on my fingers Hun"
Prompt sixty two:
"I don't have the patience to take off your clothes right now"
Prompt sixty three:
"So fucking beautiful baby"
Prompt sixty four:
"I wanna taste you, is that alright?"
Prompt sixty five:
"I want to hear you beg"
Prompt sixty six:
"Take your shirt off sweetheart"
Prompt sixty seven:
"God look at you, absolute perfection in the flesh"
Prompt sixty eight:
"Either you take them off or I rip them off"
Prompt sixty nine:
"Roll over let me get a good look at you"
Prompt seventy:
"Honey make those perfect sounds again for me"
Prompt seventy one:
"Look what you do to me"
Prompt seventy two:
"I love it when your eyes roll back like that"
Prompt seventy three:
"God baby I need to be inside you"
Prompt seventy four:
"When...Did you buy those?"
Prompt seventy five:
"Come on, I want the neighbors to hear you scream my name"
Prompt seventy six:
"This toy looks so pretty inside you... Want me to turn it on baby?"
Prompt seventy seven:
"Mm-mm, you're staying right there darling"
Prompt seventy eight:
"Open your mouth"
Prompt seventy nine:
"You wanna try all the way in?"
Prompt ninety:
"The way you say my name, babydoll..."
Prompt ninety one:
"You want it right here? Right now?"
Prompt ninety two:
"Spread your legs and finger yourself for me, baby"
Prompt ninety three:
"Oh sweetheart... Let me clean you up"
Prompt ninety four:
"I know, sweetheart. I've got you"
Prompt ninety five:
"Turn over baby, I'll warm you up"
Prompt ninety six:
"Look at the mess you made baby"
Prompt ninety seven:
"Bend over so I can punish you"
Prompt ninety eight:
"Your cunt/pussy is so fucking perfect"
Prompt ninety nine:
"I can't wait to be inside you"
Prompt one hundred:
"Let me breed that fucking cunt"
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lilac-hecox · 9 months
Okay so I'm still thinking about Shayne and Ian getting drunk together. They shoot the shit and have a good time and one thing leads to another... I'll let you handle the rest.
Ian/Shayne - Shian - Glass
“Hey man, thanks for coming over and hanging with me,” Ian says, tipping his bottle of beer towards Shayne in a mock cheering.
“Of course,” Shayne says in a grin, tipping his own matching bottle back, “that’s what friends are for, right?”
Ian huffs a laugh and for a second his eyes go far away, distant. Shayne regrets the choice of words, but he doesn’t say anything and just a handful of seconds later Ian’s eyes brighten again. It’s only been a few weeks since Anthony left Smosh and Ian’s been their de-facto leader outside of Defy working to make things seem normal, working too hard, their efforts making everything seem false. Ian hasn’t talked about it, at least not to Shayne, or Courtney, or any of the other cast members.
“You, okay?” Shayne asks instead of ignoring the silence that settles over them like a layer of dust.
Ian looks up and nods, but he holds Shayne’s gaze a beat too long before he looks into the amber glass of his beer bottle and shakes his head.
“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know.”
Then, he looks far away again, somewhere too far where Shayne can’t follow. Shayne is about to change the subject when Ian starts talking again.
“You ever feel like you don’t really know who you are?”
“I think everybody feels that way at some point.”
Ian shrugs, “Just, I thought I knew who I was. All these things I’ve been known for all my life, you know? Anthony’s best friend and co-founder of Smosh, and a comedian, and ‘the funny one’ but never the hot one, and never the leader but always the sidekick. All these years I’ve been defined by him and my friendship with him, and he has with me, and now he’s just…gone? He’s gone and I’m here and Smosh is here, but it’s not the same,” Ian says, his voice sad, more emotional than Shayne has ever heard it, “So, who the fuck am I now?”
“Hey,” Shayne says softly, setting his beer down next to him. The two of them are sitting on the carpeted floor of Ian’s living room because Ian had been showing Shayne his video game collection, and they had been drinking, and laughing, but now the room is quickly shifting into something else, something bigger and darker, and heavier, “You’re Ian Hecox. You’re a great dude. You are Smosh now.”
Ian shakes his head. “Smosh was never…I mean, he started the website, you know? I was just in the right place at the right time. Anthony was the one who made Smosh. Defy thinks you guys are doing great, by the way,” Ian adds, “I do too. Fans love you guys, especially you, Shayne.”
“Thanks,” Shayne says quietly. He squeezes Ian’s shoulder, aiming to comfort him.
Ian looks at him, then his hand, then meets his eyes and smiles.
“It is strange to feel haunted by someone that is still alive.”
Shayne nods. He wasn’t very close to Anthony, but he knows the history between Ian and the other man, the friendship, the bond, and he can see the impact Anthony’s departure has had on Ian.
“I’m sorry, Ian.”
Again, Ian shrugs. “Probably for the best…I guess. That’s what he said before he left.”
Shayne may not have known Anthony as well as Ian did, but right now he feels Anthony’s presence in every corner of the room, hanging over Ian like a shadow, a cloud that Ian can’t escape from.
Shayne squeezes Ian’s shoulder and again Ian smiles, but it doesn’t meet his eyes.
“I know you’re not big on physical affection, but you want a hug?” Shayne offers.
Ian laughs, his face red from the alcohol and he shrugs.
“Why the fuck not.”
Then Shayne turns and pulls Ian into a hug, rubbing his hand along Ian’s spine. He feels Ian take a shuddery breath, and somehow Shayne’s other hand skates up to the back of Ian’s neck, holding on so he can pull back to see into Ian’s clear, blue eyes.
They look at each other for a moment, a long and quiet moment, and then Shayne isn’t sure who leans forward first, or who accepts it, but their mouths meet in a kiss. It’s innocent and kind of shitty, but Ian fists his hands in Shayne’s t-shirt and Shayne keeps kissing him.
Ian’s tongue is in his mouth, Shayne presses Ian down on to his back on to the carpeted floor. Ian can’t have time to overthink or be sad when Shayne’s kissing him breathlessly. It might be a mistake. They have been drinking and Ian’s in a vulnerable place, and he’s Shayne’s boss. Neither of them stops though. Neither of them is strong enough to say no.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year
could u do headcanons with steve-o dating reader who’s a pro skater and essentially just as gnarly as steve-o is?
love your fics btw!
Steve-O Dating Reader Headcanons
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted. No gender implied so take it as you will.
- He never would’ve thought that he would date someone just like him.
- He definitely boasts about you to the guys, and sometimes it pisses you off.
- Definitely met through Big Brother, and at first you hated his guts.
- You two have gone through so many drug binges together; and all have them have been a blast if you asked him.
- Steve-O wants to hold your hand EVERYWHERE, he’s always holding it regardless; even during stunts.
- During his rapping era he definitely wrote a rap song about you, and got you to do some rap in the backgrounds.
- Your rap was the only rap anyone found good in that whole album.
- That hurt Steve-Os ego, but you comforted him.
- When you get hurt in a stunt you usually brush it off and almost always are fine, but Steve-O gets really worried.
- He’s always there when you need him, he will drop everything and come over shit faced just to be there.
- You probably got sober first, and if not you two got sober together.
- Y’all are each others rock.
- Definitely trade burnt cds to each other.
- Steve-O and you do a lot of body shots of each other, and always involve you in his party tricks.
- You have a lot of party tricks of your own, if not more than Steve-O.
- You never fail to amaze him.
- You probably got famous first.
- Unlike Steve-O you manage your money, but sometimes you slip up and buy something outrageous.
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raven-hackett-writes · 2 months
Prompt List for Request
Request Rules!
You can request a one-shot, drabble, headcanons, or a full series fic for any fandom in my fandom list. If a fandom isn't listed, request for it to be added before making a fic request.
You do not have to choose a prompt from this list. If you have an idea feel free to request it!
I am a MDNI page. I will not accept requests from minors no matter the content. While I don't expect to be able to stop people from reading my works, appropriate for them or not. I will stop them from making requests and if I find a minor I will block them for their safety.
Finally, if I notice hate to specific people based on their requests I will take action. I will not tolerate hate or bullying.
Please be respectful and thank you for reading!
Fandom List
Comforting them after a nightmare.
Snowball fight
Sharing a bath
Cooking together
Fighting each other
Getting hurt to protect them.
Using nicknames
Teaching to kiss
Picking Flowers
Trying to help with the discomfort
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Marriage of Convience/Arrange Marriage
Fake Dating
Best Friend's Sibling
Friends to Lovers
Forbidden Love
Grumpy and Sunshine
Office Romance
Two Idiots in Love
Cafe AU
Role Reversal AU
Soulmate AU
College AU
High School AU
Royalty AU/ Nobility AU
Mafia AU
Modern AU
Detective AU
"You really know how to fuck up my day."
"You have a crumb just there. Yeah, just-here let me."
"That's your mom!?"
"You can't keep running away!"
"Why must I be surrounded by idiots."
"Tree." "What?" "TREE!"
"Just one chance please!"
"Don't say anything."
"Are all men this dumb?"
Mom singing their child to sleep
Trying to remain strong for friends
Spa day
Dance party!
"They just drank the entire bottle."
Going ghost hunting
Tired Mom Friend
"You love me!" "Do I?"
Becoming parents
Trying to be better
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mamirhodessxox · 3 months
Hi my loves! I am 1 month away from my birthday which means my inbox is now open again to take requests so go flood it up while you can!! If you have any questions please DM me personally! <3
Also for the record I am going to take a break from writing smut since it’s a little hit harder for me to write so for not please try to send fluff or angst requests :)
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @bones-rhodes @cococodysleevlesshoodie @edtomh
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livelaughwhump · 11 months
Heyy sorry I don't know if u write non worthless related stuff atm but if u do can I request something
2 characters, the big protective one and the innocent cinnamon roll, get kidnapped together and the captor always chooses to torture the cinnamon roll . The big protective one is furious and says to take them instead but its useless. so all they can do is cradle their friend's unconscious body and comfort them when they wake up
Of course!! So sorry I haven't gotten to this sooner. I wanted to finish chapter 19 first, but I'm finally getting around to it! It's fairly short, but I wanted to get it out quickly since this has been in my inbox for so long. I hope you enjoy!!
Content: captivity, mention of blood and bruises, mention of self-sacrifice, creepy whumper, protective caretaker, hurt/comfort
Whumpee sobbed into Caretaker's chest. Their small body was trembling from both fear and the cold of the dank cell they were trapped in. The warmth of Caretaker's strong arms calmed them slightly, but it wasn't enough to completely rid them of the fear plaguing their mind and body.
"C-Caretaker?" Whumpee stammered. "I'm scared."
"I know, sweetie," Caretaker said as they began carding their fingers through Whumpee's tangled locks. "I'll protect you. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise."
"Oh now, Caretaker," a separate, sinister voice cut in. Whumpee flinched and squeaked as they tried to bury themself in Caretaker's protective embrace. Whumper strode into the cell, a devilish smirk splitting their face. "Don't make promises you know you can't keep."
Caretaker glared at Whumpee with fire in their eyes. "What do you want with us, Whumper?"
Whumper chuckled. "Well, I don't want anything with you, you see. You merely got in my way, and I couldn't have you alerting your friends, now could I. Whumpee, on the other hand." Whumper reached a hand out to stroke Whumpee's hair, but Caretaker swatted their hand away before they had the chance.
"Don't touch them!" Caretaker shouted. "I won't let you hurt them!"
Whumper chuckled again. The sound was lower and much darker than before. "And how would you, in your predicament, be able to stop me? Hm?" Caretaker was silent, but they held Whumpee tighter. Whumper smirked. "That's what I thought. Now, hand them over. I'm in the mood for some entertainment."
Caretaker shielded Whumpee's body with their own. "Over my dead body."
Whumper scoffed. "Don't tempt me." They reached forward and pulled Whumpee out of Caretaker's grasp with surprising strength. Whumpee screamed and reached out to Caretaker, but Whumper manhandled them with ease and began lightly petting their hair. "Shh, don't be scared, little one. I promise to take good care of you."
Whumpee sobbed and tried with all their might to pull away from Whumper, but to no avail.
Caretaker furiously yanked against the chains binding them to the wall. "Let them go, Whumper! They're innocent!"
Whumper chuckled. "So? The innocent ones are the most fun to break."
Caretaker's energy began to dwindle the longer they fought their restraints. "Please, Whumper. Please, don't hurt them. Take me instead, please!"
"Not a chance," Whumper said. "You both belong to me now and I'll play with whomever I choose whenever I choose. Come now, darling. It's time to have some fun." Whumpee screamed and sobbed as Whumper began dragging them out of the cell.
"Whumpee!" Caretaker shouted, desperate to reach their friend. "No, please! Let them go! Whumpee, I'm sorry!"
With that, the large iron door shut with a loud clang and Caretaker was alone.
. . .
Caretaker had been drowning in silence since the moment Whumpee was dragged away. They hadn't heard any screams or weaponry or even any footsteps that would indicate what was going on. They didn't know how long it had been, but as the seconds ticked on, Caretaker grew more and more frightened for their friend's safety.
Just then, as if on cue, the heavy cell door swung open and the small, frail form of Whumpee was shoved inside.
Caretaker gasped and scrambled over to their friend's limp body. "Whumpee? Can you hear me?" They lifted Whumpee off the ground and brushed away the hair that clung to their sweat-slicked forehead.
Whumpee groaned and opened their eyes slightly. "C-Caretaker?"
Caretaker sighed in relief and hugged them close. "Oh, Whumpee. I was so worried. Are you okay? What did they do to you?"
Whumpee whimpered into the hug. "H-Hurts."
Caretaker immediately released them. "I'm so sorry. I'm just so relieved you're okay. What happened?"
Whumpee coughed, blood trickling out of the corner of their mouth. "C-Can't talk. J-Just wanna s-sleep."
Caretaker nodded. "Okay, that's okay. Just sleep, I'll protect you, I promise." Whumpee was already asleep before Caretaker even finished their sentence.
As Caretaker stared upon the face of their bruised and beaten friend, fury began to boil in the pit of their stomach. Whumpee didn't deserve this. They were so sweet and pure and would never do anything to hurt anyone. So why was this happening to them? Why would Whumper want to hurt them so badly?
No matter the answer, Caretaker knew they had to protect Whumpee, even if it meant giving up their own life in the process.
I hope you liked this! Sometimes it's refreshing to write something outside of Worthless. I will never turn down a writing request, unless it's something I'm extremely uncomfortable with, of which there isn't much.
If anyone else has any writing requests, suggestions, or questions, feel free to send them to me!
I don't have a general taglist, but if anyone wants it, I'd be happy to start one!
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