Johnny Knoxville
75 posts
Roleplayer/Writer/ComedianPlease comment on my fanfic'sI do requestsDm to rp
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
philipjohnclapp · 25 days ago
ahhh i think i asked before but i forgot! do you write yandere/dark fics?
I do!!
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philipjohnclapp · 26 days ago
Your fics are PEAK they're literally so good I hope you're doing well
I am doing well, anon! If you want more feel free to send a request in.. thank you for the praise!
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philipjohnclapp · 2 months ago
hello jackassers,
also, if you wanna rp hit me up.. and as always leave requests in the inbox
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philipjohnclapp · 11 months ago
༄ 🕸️ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸️
welcome to the se hinton/ supernatural roleplay server and hangout! as it says in the title. you can roleplay as a canon or an oc or both! theres a ton of channels and roles to choose from. theres countless bots, and other people to meet. we are system friendly, and also we allow nsfw and other topics! we allow partnerships, roleplay styles very. preferably literate writers, though! theres movie nights, music discussion, plot discussion and more! this roleplay takes place pre-events in se hinton books, and at the beginning of the television show supernatural. we love music, and everything se hinton! hope to see you guys here very soon!
༄ 🕸️ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸️
this server is basically an alternate universe of the se hinton books/movies. the major difference is instead of it taking place for the most part in 1965 to (lord knows what the other years are for the books) it takes place in 1985. along with that in this alternate universe supernatural beings exist and this collide with the show ‘supernatural' which means characters from that show can be claimed as well. along with that some of the outsiders characters can be supernatural beings as well- but they are not seen as socially acceptable and to the average person they do not know they exist. as it is in real life it is just 'fairytales'
this server sets off following the beginning of season one in supernatural, dean winchester goes to stanford to get his brother (sam winchester) to help find their father. as they embark on that journey they run into this creature that knocks them in a whole different timeline, thus ending up in tulsa oklahoma; how will they adjust? running into greasers and socials trying to fight supernatural beings themselves, and find a way home… the rest is for you to decide!
talking about tulsa as a whole, as of late theres been strange occurrences in town, sightings of creatures 'less' then human,, weird noises at night.. people in town that arent from there, and more people disappearing. especially since the winchester boys showed up in town,, and its only a matter of time until you vanish too.
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we offer!
༄ 🕸️ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸️
> - great & friendly staff!
> - tons of roles
> - movie nights
> - tons of different channels
> - random giveaways
> - multiple canons to play as
> - many many ocs
> - no roleplay restrictions
> - writing, drawing, and more channels to help express yourself!
> - tons of emojis
> - hard to find content
> - tips and resources for writing
> - graphic roleplays
༄ 🕸️ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸️
what are you waiting for? your adventure ahead of you awaits! pick your legacy! get rivals, start drama, find love! it all could be yours!
see you soon!
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༄ 🕸️ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸️
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
Looking for a Sam Winchester for a literate roleplay server I’m in, it’s oc and canon,, and I need a Sam to my Dean. Dm me if you’d like to join and be my Sam it’s on discord.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
ahh okay awesome!! just fyi i love really really dark stuff so feel free to make it as dark as you want! could i please request a chris pontius x reader taking place in the early 00’s, maybe reader is a celebrity/actress/tv personality and their close friendship is all over the tabloids. she’s also in jackass occasionally. but the whole world and especially chris wants it to be more, but she just isn’t sure. maybe one day the jackass crew is getting really wild and they’re doing some drugs, and chris gives her something that’s laced? he takes what he wants from her and is trying to get her pregnant so she can’t leave him. feel free to change anything you’d like! and if you need to post it on Ao3 that’s ok just let me know what your username is! :) thank you so much!!!
I think that you made it up, I think that your mind is gone.
Word Count: 5715
A/N: It is not very good, to my standards anyways. It just seems rushed. The ending is bad, the smut feels rushed. And I’m sorry for that, but it’s lengthy. And I think there’s plot, and you freaky people might like it. I have plenty other fanfics as well that I think are better so don’t judge this as my best work. As always I hope you like it anyways, and feel free to leave requests. Also, this takes place in MTV era. Obviously a girl YN.
There weren't many girls in Jackass or strung to it, there were medics, and other people who were around, but that didn’t have much to do with Jackass. They were so in and out so frequently that they really didn’t matter to the Jackass image, but there was one girl. One girl who was really starting to get tied to it, she was more famous than them, probably more famous than Bam. A true celebrity, and Chris was just absolutely infatuated with her. He truly didn’t know what to do with himself.
Chris usually had no issues with getting what he wanted, well, when it came to chicks anyways. He was practically swimming in them, but lately, fuck, he only wanted one thing. One person. He was lucky enough to string on some sort of friendship with this Jackass girl, actually he’d say they were pretty close if she just wasn’t so disinterested in him most of the time. It was really getting under his skin trying to plan ways to corner her, to get closer. Because this friendship just wasn’t cutting it, he needed to have her.
Even the papers were starting to reflect this, this want, his desire. They’d make articles trying to push and shove at this relationship, “look at the way he looks at her!” And fuck, he wished she seen it too. He was determined for her to see it too. Because he wasn ’t gonna let this slip, even if she said no. There had to be a way; there was always a way to get what he wanted. Not just any girl would do.
He really has tried other fucks since this lust, this life taking fascination has started, but it just couldn’t stop it. Or at least lesson his animalistic urges. In fact it’s gotten to the point where he can’t get hard with any girl. Without the images in his mind of fucking her, the Jackass girl. And now his fantasies weren’t even cutting it, so he had to find something else. He had to get this shit on the road, have this come into fruition before he fucking dies or something. Because he’s got a huge sex drive, and a crush like a boy in kindergarten.
He thinks he might’ve found his opportunity, one of the guys was hosting a rager, or maybe it wasn’t a party and it was just them. Or maybe it was some random person he knew throwing the party, he couldn’t remember all the details, the only thing that registered him was Y/N was gonna be there, the Jackass girl. The one who caused this rut, the girl who made his heart swell, and his palms sweaty. This was his chance to finally get what he deserves, the one time he actually wants something and it plays hard to get.
So, Chris does the only logical thing, what every guy his age does when they have a crush. He calls around for dealers looking for something in specific, he even went as far to ask Steve-O, and in his squeaky gruff voice he said, “fuck no dude, I’m not into that type of shit.” And Chris just frowned, he didn’t get upset often, but that surely bothered him. This wasn’t wrong, Steve-O was nuts and strung out on every drug. He resisted so much trying not to beat him up, stay the bubbly Chris and not the blood lusting one because that’s what this girl was making him do. Luckily, Steve-O gave his details to someone who could help him, and he went on his way with his tail wagging between his legs.
Chris met with the dealer the day before the party, just in case. He’s never put so much thought into something before, he’s never been so on edge. He never even told Steve-O why. His palms were all sweaty, and he kept looking around while he got the roofies, shoving a wad of cash into that guys hands before he headed on home with a racing heart.
He cleaned his apartment, once- maybe twice. Fuck. He was just in the zone, making sure everything just looked the way it should if that made any sense at all. He even cleared his search history. He was so paranoid, but the more he thought about it the more wrong it started to feel. He shook that thought from his head, discarding it. His mind was just playing tricks on him. So, he set the pills on his nightstand and then he went to bed. Like a kid the night before Christmas, he just couldn’t wait.
He tossed and turned all night, waking up more than a handful of times. Anxious, wanting the night to go by faster, but it didn’t. Eventually he gave up and he just got out of bed, deciding he’d just get ready for the day. Call it quits. He had a rewarding day ahead of him, and his cock jumped at the thought of it, but he couldn’t be so lucky to get a hard on. He just signed and hopped on into the shower, taking a lengthy shower, a cold one. And when he was done he slipped on some cameo shorts, no boxers, and a shirt with some cheesy slogan plastered on the chest. When he was done he went back over to his dresser, grabbing his truck keys, and the pills and shoving them into the pockets of his shorts before he headed out of the door. He wouldn’t show up empty handed.
The party was starting relatively early, as some sort of hangout and then it’ll just escalate into drinking and whatnot later. But he wasn’t gonna go empty handed. The drive to the liquor store was a rather quick one, he picked up two 24 packs of beer, not even really caring for the brand as he flashed his ID, paid for the items and then he left. Putting the drinks in the passenger side before heading to the designated party house. His heart was racing. Hopefully the stars aligned for him tonight. With the help of some sweet old roofies.
To his surprise a decent amount of people were there, quite a few cars parked outside the giant house. Maybe it was Jeff’s, he couldn’t tell. It’s not like he went to his place often enough anyways. Exiting his truck as he carried both packs of beer, with a silly grin on his face as he walked up the drive in, someone running up beside him as he walked. Cocking his head to the side only to be met with good old Knoxville, who greeted him.
“Hey, party boy.. you brought drinks!”
He said enthusiastically, once they were inside, Knoxville ripped open one of the boxes Pontius was holding and he snagged himself a beer without question. It was the key to his heart. Even if the beer wasn’t exactly for him. Then again, that didn’t matter as long as his pills were safe, which they were. He hoped Y/N showed up, his whole night counted on it. If it didn’t he’d probably go home and cry. Pontius’s smile turned into a frown as he headed into the kitchen. Setting down both sets of 24 packs, fetching himself a beer too. Though, he wanted to stay as sober as possible so he could marinate in the experience.
Opening his own beer can as he stayed in the kitchen, just sipping on it for a while. He didn’t know how much time had passed until some strangers started flooding in, which he talked to for a moment until he peeled away to find someone he knew. He ended up finding a few of the guys, Tremaine, Preston, and Spike. Who he happily chatted to, until Y/N had come on over, he practically jumped when he seen you, a huge grin plastered on his face as he wrapped his arms on around you into a rather tight embrace.
“Hey Chris-“
You spoke. Being cut off by the sudden embrace, you just smiled and laughed. He probably already drank a decent amount, you liked hanging out with him though. Honestly, you weren’t even sure you were gonna go, mostly because of how big the party was gonna be and you could always drink at home. At least Chris was here, and you could always sneak off with him later.
“You’ve already had a lot to drink, haven’t you?”
You asked, purely out of curiosity as you pulled away from his embrace, eyeing the can of beer. And Chris’s brain just sorta short circuited for a moment as he quietly nodded. Even if this was his first beer, and he barely drank half of it. He was that careful. One was good enough to keep the edge off. He was playing it safe after all.
“Not enough, want me to fetch you a beer?”
He asked you, finishing off the rest that was in his own real quick. Before pulling it away from his lips and setting it down on some random countertop. He looked at you real carefully for a moment, and that focused look made your brows twist. Shaking off that random unnerving feeling that crept up your spine as you agreed.
“Yeah, okay. I might as well.”
You mumbled, even though for a moment you thought if you listened hard enough you could hear your mind screaming at you not to. But you shrugged that off too, just all that stress from the media and everything else getting to you. Just needed to relax a bit, and the beer would
Certainly do that for you. Also a bit of chatting with Chris always made your days a bit better. And you were glad that for once everyone was in the same
place, maybe you’d even go find Bam later. You’ve been wanting him to introduce you to his brother since you’ve really been starting to take a liking to CKY. The music was really good, maybe you were just delusional, though. Who knows.
Once you gave him the go ahead (he was gonna get you a drink anyways regardless) he parted ways from you briefly. Even though that was the utmost last thing that he wanted to do, he wanted to be as close as possible to you, but he’d have to wait. He couldn’t mess that up.
He smiled at you, it was sharp. Actually; everything about Chris was sharp right now, all of his features, all crooked and seemed sharp enough to stab you. It was different. That was different, his boyish shine was nowhere to be found, and you’ve never felt so terrified before. Maybe you were just being paranoid, it’s okay. Chris was always fine, now wouldn’t be any different.
Chris slipped back into the kitchen, leaving you with that uneasy feeling in your gut. He thought about the drink of choice, and he went for some sort of hard beverage, to of course enhance the experience. Pouring the strong liquid into the cup, and mixing it with some sort of soda. He left the solo cup on the counter as he felt around his pants pockets until he pulled out that baggy he had achieved earlier that day. Or maybe it was yesterday, he couldn’t exactly remember. Crushing the pills up in the bag until it was a fine powder, before he opened the baggy and shook all the powder out into the drink. Making sure he got every grain out before discarding the baggy in his back pocket. He stuck his index finger into the drink, swirling around the powder in it until it dissolved enough for him to be satisfied. Once he was done he picked back up the drink and left the kitchen, trotting back over to Y/N like an obedient dog. But he was anything but that, he was one bad dog tonight.
While he was gone you just stood there, debating leaving or not, but you decided you didn’t want to be an asshole for no reason. So you waited, defying your mind and soul. And then Chris was back before you knew it, with a solo cup of some sort of liquid. Your brows furrowed to one of confusion as you looked into his brown eyes, one’s that lacked that usual warmness. There wasn’t a sparkle in them,
“That’s not beer, is it?”
You asked. The look he had on his face was weird, as if he forgot how to control his face. Like he was making it up on the spot, and when he replied he stumbled over his words a bit. Making it all up on the spot as he held the drink forward, shaking it a bit to bring your attention to it. So you would take it.
“No,, there wasn’t any that I could see, but this stuffs better, trust me.”
Assuring you, well, pleading with you to take it. Like if you didn’t he might die. Fabricating a story and throwing in a few white lies, there was obviously beer. You knew it too, hell, you seen the beer in the kitchen when you were in there. But you ignored that sign again, of course you did. Caving in and taking that drink from him. He watched you take a long swig of the drink, it tasted bitter, but that could be because it was one of your first drinks, it was probably nothing.
“Good,, right?”
He says rather nervously as he watches you take your first sip, you weren’t so sure on how to react so you just give him a nod and a slight smile. A nervous one that was rather forced when you pull the brim of the solo cup away from your lips. You shake away that feeling again and decide fuck it, you’re at a party, your friends party. And nothing will happen to you because of that, so you start drinking more of the drink and Chris starts to loosen up a bit and converse a bit more. Before you knew it almost all of the drink was gone and your body was starting to sway.
And then you felt a rather firm hand grab onto your waist, supporting most of you as you leaned into it. Turning your head to the side to see whoever was grabbing you. Your head feeling all fuzzy, and your vision getting blurry. It was Johnny, you could tell by his shades, and you could see the concerned look on his face,
“You alright, Y/N?”
And Chris intervenes, knocking his hand against Johnny's wrist rather sharply, pushing him away. He traded Johnny's hand on your waist with his own as he interjected.
“She’s fine, don’t touch her PJ.”
You opened your mouth to say something as you turned your head to meet Chris. You were barely able to do that, moving your head was a whole lot harder than it was moments ago. No word came out of your mouth, just a glob of drool. And before you knew it your vision was fading. The last thing you heard was Johnny's muffled voice, you weren't able to make out the words as your vision faded to black.
“What the fuck did you do to her?!”
Chris caught your very limp body as you started to fall, switching from the way he held you to bridal style. Shooting Johnny sharp daggers as he growled at him in a way that could only be described as animalistic.
“You don’t understand, man, I fucking need this.”
He was no better than a dog, Johnny could hear the low guttural growl fall from his mouth. He said nothing, Johnny smiled at him through his dark shades. Putting his hands up in defense,
“Alright, alright. No need ta go all feral on me,, but, man.. She’s fuckin’ hot, ya gotta lemme fuck her”
Johnny's accent was strong, eyeing Y/Ns passed out corpse. The same way Chris did, with the utmost desire.
“Fuckkk… her tits are wonderful.”
Chris actually laughed at that, but frowned at the idea of having to share Y/N with him. Furrowing his brows as he replied, he sounded off. Not as warm as he usually was, his voice was all sharp like a cactus.
“Only if you keep your mouth shut about this, PJ. I’ll slice your neck if you tell a soul.”
Something told Johnny that he wasn’t lying, he swallowed hard and nodded his head obediently. Honestly, he wouldn’t complain. Not a soul, this would just be a fond memory to look back upon. He understood the assignment.
“Yessir, you’ve got it.”
With another firm nod from Johnny, he followed Pontius whom started to walk rather quickly. And then he went up a flight of stairs, disappearing into a bedroom that wasn’t his. PJ shut the door right behind them, making sure to lock the door real well. This is where the fun started.
Pontius threw your limp body onto the bed, it was like you were a doll. An unconscious doll, anybody would think you were dead if it wasn’t for the fact you had a pulse. You must’ve done something really bad to end up here, perhaps this was all of life’s karma adding up to conspire against you.
Chris smiled to himself, letting out a soft exhale as he watched you from the foot of the bed, Knoxville somewhere behind him already pulling down his jeans and boxers to his mid thighs.
Your “best friend” did the same. Pulling down his loved cameo shorts in one swift tug before he palmed himself through his striped boxers, something of a blue-green color. Already developing himself an erection. He rubbed his calloused palm against his clothed dick until his semi became a full on hard on. He let out a sharp groan. He decided to spoil himself, pulling his hand away and pulling down his boxers. Letting a small clothing collection build at his feet, and then pulling off his shirt. This is one of those things in life that you do completely naked.
When he was done stripping, he decided he didn’t need a condom. He needed the full experience of you, and no protection involved, because getting you pregnant was just a plus to him. He got closer to the bed before just climbing on top of it, mumbling something about Johnny waiting his turn as Chris got onto his knees. Sinking them into the bed as he watched you hard. You didn’t move, but he watched your chest rise and fall. Your clothed chest. You were wearing such a pretty dress. He’d try his best to not ruin it too much, but Chris could make no promises.
Chris had already gone far enough, and why waste an opportunity like this with a condom? This could be his only time and it would definitely just get in the way, so he didn’t bother. Of course he didn’t bother, even if he had a condom in the pockets of his shorts. Screw protection. He wanted to share liquids with you.
He could gawk at you forever, but time was limited. This wasn’t his place, and he didn’t know when his potion of “love juice” would wear off. Plus, he wanted to enjoy you as long as he could. And he feels like he would just explode if he didn’t get to touch you, so he did.
Pressing both of his hands against your thighs. Running them up and down your smoothed legs, going as far as to your skirt, and then back down again. His heart jumped every time he neared the hem of it, it was a very short skirt anyways. He wondered if you did that on purpose, so all the guys would stare at you. That thought made him jealous. It really bothered him.
And then he stopped abruptly. Johnny had stepped closer from where he was in the corner of the room. He had his hand pressed against his clothed dick in his dickies. Rubbing himself as he watched you and Chris through his dark shades, like the pervert he is.
Chris couldn’t contain himself any longer, the longer he postponed this the less time he would have with your luscious body- and he wanted to enjoy it thoroughly. And he would.
His dick was pressed into the sheets, his tip an agitated almost purplish color as he ruined the sheets with his precum. Leaving a wet stain on the almost pristine bed set. He was antsy, and eager. A dog losing its patience when waiting for a treat, he’d take his treat now thank you very much.
Finally taking his hands off your legs he had been caressing ever so sweetly, his hands ghosted the edge of your skirt. Stopping for just a moment, before he resumed and grabbed onto the small piece of fabric, flipping your skirt up. He wouldn’t take it off; at least not yet.
His breathing hitched for a moment as he gazed at your lacy underwear, the colors complimented your skin perfectly. He wondered if you wore them for him, and the idea that you might’ve made his heart flutter, he couldn’t take them off either. Not something so pretty. He could work around them too, probably.
Chris couldn’t wait much longer, well, he wasn’t gonna wait any longer. The clock was ticking. Johnny was getting rather fidgety back there, and well, he couldn’t have tonight gone wrong. He’s already waited a lifetime, how much more should he have to go through to have you? He deserved this. He deserved you, all of you. And you were gonna know that by the time he was done with you.
Inching himself closer to your smaller frame, he was between your legs and was probably barely an inch away from your groin. His right hand was pressed into your inner thigh, sliding upwards until his fingers could drag against the borders of your precious lingerie. Which definitely wasn’t what it was.
Grabbing onto your underwear, he pulled it to the side so he could reveal your pussy to himself. And for that moment he held his breath. His head hung low, and the anticipation was killing him. It felt like a dream, but it wasn’t. He knew it wasn’t. It was a dream come true. This was officially the best day of his life. He boasted to himself mentally. He wondered if Knoxville would think he was crazy if he said that out loud? Deciding he didn’t care. It didn’t matter. Knoxville should be happy that he’s allowed to even watch,, maybe even touch you if he’s good. But maybe not.. Why should Johnny be allowed to touch you when he’s barely gotten to touch you himself?
Chris knocked the thoughts of Knoxville out of his head, he wasn’t fucking Johnny. He was fucking you. The once in a lifetime opportunity that he was wasting to instead think. Yeah, he’d pass on that
His left hand wrapped firmly around his rock solid cock, as he pressed his tip against your entrance. As if your body knew, you were already wet for him. He could feel it. It sent chills down him as he wished he could bask in it longer, but he couldn’t. His manhood couldn’t take it.
Rubbing his tip up and down your folds, just testing the water works. It felt heavenly, he let out a groan and he shut his eyes. Embracing the feeling just for a moment. That is all he needed and then he was ready to go at it.
Sliding his dick down until he was pressed against your opening, he slowly pushed himself in. Using his hand as guidance since your unconscious body couldn’t.
It wasn’t easy, no, not one bit. Your body was rejecting him, and that beyond thrilled him. Feeling the tightness of your cunt only fueled him more. Getting antsy, and lacking any sort of humanity, he thrusted forward. Even though he was probably less than a quarter way in. He let go of his dick, and your underwear. Putting his hands somewhere else instead.
He reached them forward, his dick still inside of you as he instead grabbed onto your boobs. Your clothed boobs, still wearing that dress. And as he did so he pushed himself (almost) all the way inside of you. His body was all tense when he did.
“…Jeezus baby..”
He breathed out, as if you could hear him. It fell onto deaf ears as he waited a second, just staring down at you. You almost looked peaceful, except the crinkle in your brow. But peaceful to him. And he was gonna wreck it, claim your humanity, and mark you as his.
Chris slid back out almost all of the way before sliding back in rather roughly, his breathing hitching as his grip on your chest tightened.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.. so tight for me.”
His voice was husky, deep. And even Knoxville was on his heels listening. He was pretty sure by now Knoxville was so close that his knees were touching the back of the bed. He wasn’t checking, his eyes were all on you.
Slowly starting to rock himself back and forth until he got some sort of pace, and he did. Biting down on his bottom lip. His whole body was clammy. And by now he was more so gripping onto the top of your dress than he was your breasts. Just because it was easier to grab.
Pontius could only be satisfied with a slow pace for so long, and the fact he didn’t have anyone complaining to him about speed.. or his fucking gigantic dick was nice. And for once he preferred the quiet. But he’d be lying if he didn’t say that he wanted to hear your moans. He did. Maybe next time he could.
He had to work with what he got, and his time was draining quickly. So, he picked up the pace for the sake of him and his painful boner. His thrusts started to quicken into targeted thrusts. Slamming into your cervix every time. His breathing starting to get heavy with every thrust, he was like some horn dog desperate for its next climax. And he was. The excitement of being inside of you was unreal. All of his dreams were coming to fruition.
The longer strands of his short hair falling forward and into his face, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Or slow him down. He didn’t need to see to get the job down; and it didn’t dull the experience either. This has already been memorable and he wasn’t even done yet.
Grabbing fist fulls of the top of your dress, pulling you up slightly as his grip had tightened. Thrusting forward like his life depended on it, his hips staggered as he let out a groan, cumming inside of you,
“..Take it all baby.. shiiit.. take it all.”
He breathed out as he thrusted forward one final time, deep inside of you as he emptied himself completely. Painting your insides with white.
Chris squeezed his eyes shut as he stayed still. He wanted nothing more than for this to be an everyday thing. To be with you until the end of time,, and so he was a little careless. Of course he was. And the worst thing he could do right now was cum inside of you. But he never said he was smart, and he never said that this wasn’t his plan all along. He in fact wanted nothing more than to come inside of you. To make you his, to have a child with you. Even if he had to do this again, make history repeat itself. He’d do whatever he had to do.
Pontius didn’t wanna move but he knew he had to. What made that certain is he thought he felt you move. And that spooked him, as he opened his eyes he heard Johnny speak,
“Hey, party boy. Think she’s waking up, let’s go.”
And then he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was cold. It was Johnny, and he was right. Even if he didn’t want him to be. Chris slowly pulled out, with more careful consideration than he had earlier. Wiping his dick off on your dress. Before he got off the bed and turned to face Knoxville.
Johnny was completely clothed, and he had Chris’s clothes in his hands now. He couldn’t tell what Johnny was thinking either, the glasses covered his eyes. Bastard had a weird habit of wearing sunglasses inside, and his facial expression was unreadable otherwise. Johnny handed his clothes back over to Chris.
“I’m heading out, I’ll see you later Pontius.”
Johnny stated, a slight smirk noticeable on his face before he turned away from him and headed to the door they came in from initially. He had some sort of small camera in his hands that he tried his best to hide. But Chris didn’t say anything, favoring it to be nothing instead. Knoxville opened the door and headed downstairs lord knows where.
Chris nodded his head, frowning slightly as he got dressed. His eyebrows furrowed as he took one glance back at your stirring form, before he turned away and left the bedroom as well. Disappearing down stairs into the party. Becoming one with the other forms downstairs. Leaving you to your own demise. After all, it was the least he could do.
It had been terrible, truly. Your night has been terrible. You woke up with a foggy head not really remembering the night that had happened, and it took you a long moment to come to reality. Your body was sore, unbelievably sore. And your crotch had hurt even more. It was like an excruciating pain. And when you really looked around the room you realized you didn’t know where you were, but you were alone. And that you have been violated. You felt liquid inside of you, jizz dripping down your leg and you cringed. But you had to get up and get out of here, so you did.
Somehow managing to try and fix yourself and get downstairs. Most of the party was gone, still you avoided everyone you saw because you looked absolutely terrible and the last thing you needed was someone seeing this. Seeing you like this.
You exited the “party” going straight to your car and entering it. Sitting in the driver's seat. You leaned back, mumbling a bunch of profanity. This couldn’t be happening to you, could it? Trying to clear your head enough to think of what to do now. And once you had a solid plan you drove off. Driving home because thankfully you had everything you needed there. Well, not everything. But being at home now would really make you feel a whole lot better.
When you got home you went straight to the bathroom, digging around in all the cabinets until you found what you were looking for. By now you were barefoot, ditching your heels as you had walked to the bathroom. You pulled a pregnancy test out of one of the cabinets. Standing in front of the toilet as you managed to pee on the test, even though it hurt. And for the moment this was about the only thing you thought about. The only thing right now you could do. Bringing the test with you as you waited for the results, praying to god for a negative as you exited the bathroom and went to the living room.
Setting down the test on the coffee table because you couldn’t care less about the sanitation, you punched in the numbers to the only person you thought you could call, picking up the phone as it rang. Hoping to god your publicist would answer. And they did. Thank fucking god.
He said, his voice sounded funny but you chalked it up to it being early. It was the early hours of the morning.
“Hey.. I have a problem.”
You said, your voice quieter than intended. Taking a nervous glance at the test. Your eyes widening when you seen two lines on it,
“Shit… fuck! It's positive.”
“What’s a positive??? You’re pregnant, aren’t you.”
“Yeah.. fuck. Shit.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry. It’s fine.. who were you with?”
“I.. Chris..? Last night,, but..”
You froze. As all the pieces started to click in place, shit. He really did this to you? Your best friend? Of course. This couldn’t be happening to you. You hung up on him rather quickly. Sitting down on the couch, absolutely devastated. You were fucked, this was career suicide. And you didn’t even want this to happen, you didn’t even know.
You didn’t know how long it had been when your phone went off, you spent the past probably about an hour on the couch nervous brainstorming all the possibilities, and then probably another thirty pacing back and forth. And then you were on the couch again when your landline went off. You stopped what you were “doing” and you picked up the phone instantly on the second ring, and it was some person who worked at TMZ asking about your pregnancy?? And talking about details no one knew. You freaked, not even getting any words out before you hung up and called back up your publicist,
“The tabloids are already on it?? What the hell do I do???”
“Don’t even worry about it, no publicity is bad publicity, Y/N. This will be good for your career, after all the fans have been hinting at you and Chris for months. It's about time you made it official to the world.”
Your face fell as you heard a knock on your door, and a very familiar chipper voice boasting about some news article of you and him, and rambling about the fact that they were calling you a slut, and he thought otherwise. And that he couldn’t wait to be a dad, and that you would come around. Whoever said Jackass was a good idea should kill themself.
It wouldn’t be long until the footage was released, Knoxville was an excellent camera man.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
Do you have any requests for Pontius or is there anyway I can send a couple in? My man doesn’t get enough love and it’s almost sickening 😩🫶🏼
Send them on in! I always want more, whatever itches my brain just right will be written!! (Well, I’ll get to them all but there’s a time and place)
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
One of you guys roleplay Jackass with me, if you want to use an oc sure, but I prefer canon. Pretty please!! Dm me or something!!! I can roleplay anything, I’m pretty damn literate (a lot of words) I’ve got ideas, I’m not afraid of anything no matter how fucked up- and I can write some bitching smut.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
Drop a request, I’m feeling frisky.
You can request AS MUCH AS YOU WANT IDC
(Check my pinned for what I’ll write for and if it isn’t there just request for whatever anyways, I’ll write anything no matter how immoral. Nothing is off limits REMEMBER THAT. Also stop asking if requests r open THEYLL be open forever no matter how old this post is.)
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
Rigged Game of Ping Pong
Goretober Day: 3
Prompt: Bullet Wounds
Word Count: 602
A/N: This is Bam Margera from Jackass forever and it is a Drabble, I know I dont quite follow the rules, but I come up with ideas as I go, so, suck it.
He wanted to one up Knoxville, he always did. After all he started this whole Jackass thing, he should be the main guy. He fucking deserved it, all of it. And now that he wasn’t even a part of the whole “clique” he had to do something to get the gaze back on him. To get his TMZ articles, to get his name. And that was one upping Johnny, doing something far more gnarly, beating him and his stupid gun trick.
Bam got his dumb gun license for this stunt, picking up an awfully powerful gun. One that trumps Johnny's puny girl gun by a long shot. Only the best. He wasn’t a puss. He’d do a closer range, he’s got the balls that Johnny lacks. Fucking pussy.
Dunn was gone so he couldn’t film his dumb shenanigans, he had no team to film him, and no family either. So, he was on his own. Bam had his phone connected to a tripod. Right in the back of Castle Bam. He was standing on some pathway. Unlike Johnny he didn’t have one of those “safety vests”, well, you know. One of those bullet proof vests. He was lacking one. It wasn’t like he didn’t have the funds, it was just to look better. How much better could suicide look?
Bam was swinging the gun around in his right hand as he looked at his phone camera, nothing but a slight smirk on his face. He didn’t have zero protection, he had one of those life jackets that you’d wear on a boat. Which was nothing, but he thought it would add a nice touch; and it did.
“Hello, I’m Bam Margera, and this is the REAL safety test. Fuck you Knoxville.”
Bam boasted, giving the camera a fierce glare. He had all the confidence in the world, what could go wrong? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It is funny to say that he was as sober as he could be too.
After his introduction he adjusted his feet, and he stopped swinging around his gun. After all, it was really dangerous. As a joke he pointed the gun at a camera and made a pew noise, before he pointed it at himself. Aiming a bit higher on his chest as best as he could. The gun already cocked and loaded as he squeezed the trigger.
His ears ring like church bells and it felt like he was kicked right in the chest. The gun flying out of his hands, landing more than ten feet away. Bam stumbled backwards, and then he tripped. Falling straight onto his ass.
And the dumb vest did as much as you would expect, nothing at all. The bullet went through it like ease, like a knife and some cheese. It was too easy. And it didn’t stop there, in fact it plunged straight into his chest.
Shattering where the clavicles met the Manubrium, and shattering the manubrium into thousands of micro pieces at impact. Blood spewing right out like a hose, his skin peeling, and chunks of muscle torn from the close shot. It was excruciating, and inoperable. Nobody could fix that, the shards of bone were ricocheting anywhere internally it could, like micro knives stabbing everything. Like a rigged game of ping pong. Scoring every. damn. time.
Bam Margera yelled out in pain, squeezing his eyes shut as if that would help him. The camera continued to roll, capturing all of that. His hands shooting up as he clawed at his chest. Begging for help even though nobody was there. And certainly nobody would be coming for him.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
Cheap cologne, even cheaper cigarettes, and Tennessee whiskey.
Goretober Day 2
Prompt: Strangulation/Choking
Word Count: 1317
A/N: This beats yesterdays, I hope y’all like it. It’s a bit rushed, but, you know. I’m also filling a request with this too- a win-win for me.
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Drinking was always fun, especially when it was with Knoxville. Or just with Knoxville, when his eyes were just on Steve-O, and Steve-O alone. Away from the eyes of everybody else. This was the only time he could shut down his attention whore antics; well, not completely. Just for everyone else, but he always wanted Knoxville's attention. Whether that was requited or not, he fed off it like a tic on a dog.
It was another one of those times, one of his favorites. Just Knoxville in him locked in the bathroom of some frat house. The bathroom was trashed and Knoxville was leaning his back against one of the tiled walls. Steve-O was hovering in front of the sink, he had just done a line; well, Knoxville did too. And Knoxville watched him with an amused look as he watched through the mirror's reflection, watching the light blood trail from Steve-O's nose. Watching his nose scrunch up, as he wiped the blood with the pad of his thumb. Staying there for a moment before he had turned to face Knoxville.
“Fuckkk, dude.. that shits strong.”
Steve-O rasped, finding himself leaning his back against the brim of the sink, as if he could barely keep up and needed something to hold him. His hands ghosted the edge of the sink. Perhaps to hold onto it. Feeling like he was starting to lose all mobility in his waist down, his head all fuzzy from his mixed substances. He wished he could see Johnny's eyes right about now, and not just that taunting, amused, smirk.
“I got only the best for ya, doll.”
It wasn’t a complete lie. He didn't do blow often, but when he did, he REALLY did it. Plus, it felt like a time of celebration. Why not celebrate in a locked bathroom with a bony chick with the only feminine feature about him being his chicken legs, and maybe his Angelina Jolie lips. Otherwise he was about as masculine as they come, no chick has a dick, but Steve-O's barely counted anyways.
Steve-O started to wobble on over to Knoxville, tripping over his feet as he did. Knoxville grasping onto both of his arms, helping to keep him standing. Steve-O just looked at him with dazed eyes, and he laughed. Even though his cheeks tinted with a light shade of red, slightly embarrassed.
“Sorry, dude.. but fuck, thank you so much.”
He hummed, not even backing away from the arms that held him, it was probably the only thing keeping him upright now. His body swayed forward as he got a nice whiff of Knoxville. His cheap cologne, and even cheaper cigarettes. Fucking Tennessee whiskey, he found himself taking a deep inhale. It made his head spin.
“You know…”
Knoxville started, if he didn’t have his shades on Steve-O would be able to see that weird look in his eyes, his stomach flipped at the thought of it. Bringing his head up slightly as if to try and look into his eyes, see past the too dark shades. And maybe even predict his next words,
Steve-O enlightened him, even the hm sounded slightly slurred. Couldn’t even get that right. His head felt like it was weighing him right back down, so he stopped trying to look up and he looked straight back down at his worn sneakers. Toe and toe with Knoxvilles.
“You could pay me back with a kiss, O.”
His voice sounded too cool, too serious to be a joke. That made Steve-O's nose scrunch. To make it even worse, Knoxville changed the placement of his hands from grasping onto Steve-O's arms, to his waist instead, hulling his ass up pretty much.
He laughed again, a rather nervous one. Unsure how to go about it. It felt wrong, it was wrong, but when did he ever do something right? Nobody was here, and nobody would be there. It wouldn’t hurt to indulge in something. Fill that deep desire that was starting to make itself a home in his gut, so he agreed. Like a sorry fool; nobody could resist Knoxville's charms. Not even Steve-O apparently.
“If you insist.”
As the coke started to kick in, he found himself with the balls to go through with it. Barely managing to lift up his head enough to almost be at levels with Knoxvilles. Kissing the edge of his mouth, cause that’s all he could reach from how he was standing.
Johnny pulled him closer. It surprised him, it made his heart skip a couple beats. His face was flushing. He was now chest and chest with Knoxville. Johnny tilting down his head enough to where they could kiss, Johnny pushing his fingers down onto his hips. Digging them into his bones until it started to burn, and he squealed. Which was muffled by Johnny suddenly pressing his lips completely against Steve-Os. Steve-O deepened it rather desperately.
Johnny's tongue flickered out and he licked Steve-O's bottom lip, before pulling away and somehow managing to flip them around. To where Steve-O's back was now pressed hard against the bathrooms tiled walls. Johnny spoke in a husky voice, it was low and made shivers run down Steve-O's spine as he leaned his head back against the tile. Looking at him with eyes of want, his stomach started to burn with desire, even though the pain of Johnny's grip was there. Even though Johnny was a guy and he shouldn’t be turned on by this.
“Yer a fuckin’ needy whore, Stephen.”
He growled, if his grip could get any tighter, it did. He was gonna have Knoxville shaped bruises tomorrow, he let out a whine as Johnny spoke, rubbing his groin against whatever part of Knoxville was closer. Desperate. He wasn’t even sure what for.
And then Johnny suddenly let go of his waist, only one hand did, but still. It was his right hand. He wrapped it before Steve-O could say a word around his neck. Pressing about as hard as he did on his waist. Hard enough to leave his vision all splotchy, to prevent any word from falling from his now agape mouth. Not even a needy noise.
Johnny pressed his groin against Steve-Os, he could feel Johnny's semi through his jeans. If Johnny wasn’t cutting off his oxygen he’d be on his knees right now. If his bones weren’t all mush he’d have his dick in his mouth.
Knoxville pressed his lips against Steve-Os mouth, kissing him rough and hard. Dragging his teeth against his lip and biting at it. He was sure that his lips were chapped and starting to bleed now. But Johnny licked whatever blood came from his lips without a word. With each kiss, Johnny's hand tightened around his throat, his vision was starting to tunnel as he started to grind himself against Johnny like the dirty dog he was. Trying to let out a moan that wouldn’t escape.
Steve-O's heart starting to race with worry, like the fight or flight was starting to kick in. His hands shooting up to grasp onto Johnny's arm. Subconsciously digging his nails into it. It felt like his eyes were about to bulge straight out of his head. Like they would explode like water balloons. He was leaving deep crescent moons into Johnnys arm. Steve-O had tears coming from his eyes as his head started to lull forward, he could barely keep his eyes open now. They were so close to shutting, and then Johnny adjusted his grip, and it felt like his head would pop off like in a cartoon. His face flushed a deep shade of purplish red as he slipped into a blissed out unconsciousness, coming in his slacks.
The last thing he heard was Johnny letting out a low moan, one he hoped to remember when he woke up. He needed to do cocaine with Johnny Knoxville more often.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough
Goretober Day 1
Prompt: Stab Wounds
Word Count: 748
A/N: This is REALLY bad, I wrote it rather quickly (like ten minutes) and I haven’t written anything in a while, so, read at your own risk.
It was just another day on set. They finished up whatever stunts they were filming for the day, and went straight to the bar. Somewhere he spent the majority of his time, usually trying to get free drinks. Because he couldn’t pay the five bucks for a drink, but a free five dollar drink and an ego boost is so much more worth it, so, Steve-O decided to show off.
And show off he did. Sitting on one of those dumb spiny barstools with a cocky shit eating, yellow, grin on his face. Looking at the customer next to him who was showing off his cool “butterfly” knife to whatever chick was on his opposite side. And that’s when an idea came to his mind, a way to snag a drink, a way to get everyone’s attention. So, he got the knife holder's attention.
“Hey, dude, bet you a drink I can balance the tip of that knife on my nose.”
Steve-O found himself boasting, as he turned on his chair to face the man. Something he’s done quite a few times, he’d say he perfected it by now. The man looked at him with curious eyes, looking away from the fair lady, and giving his gaze to Steve-O instead,
“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try.”
The man let out a rather amused laugh. Handing over the pretty purple knife to Steve-O. He took it earnestly, ready to get himself a free drink. Hopefully a real strong one too.
Steve-O flipped open the knife, and eyed the pristinely sharp blade. Tilting his head back and letting out a just as sharp exhale as he put the blade tip against the tip of his nose. Somehow getting it to start to balance. His head shifted to the side a bit to keep it still; as still as he could anyways.
And then something he really didn’t expect to happen, happened. Knoxville put a rough hand on his shoulder, shaking him completely. Taking him by absolute surprise as his head lulled forward and the knife slipped, slicing the edge of his nose and starting to fall. His head jerked suddenly as he let out a whiny groan in pain, panicking and trying to catch the knife with his hands. Instead he full heartedly grabbed the knife by the blade with his left hand, slicing open all his digits. It felt like molten lava. While he tried to switch the knife from his left to the right he managed to stab himself right in his right palm, all the way through it in a rather clean plunge. Steve-O's eyes started to water.
“What the fuck, man??!”
The knife's owner on the stool next to him yelled at Steve-O, a look of disgust and anger was present on his face as he stood up, pushing Steve-O hard. Kicking him right when he was at his lowest, absolutely pissed.
“Fuck.. holy fucking shit, O!”
Knoxville yelled out as he took his hand straight off the others shoulder, looking at him with absolute horror, and major disbelief. Like he couldn’t just believe what he saw, Steve-O was trembling as he grabbed onto the counter with his left and right hand trying not to fall off the stool from the shove. Lodging the knife even further through his palm, severing more muscle and bone and important tendons and veins. He let out a sharp cry. As he stood up. Mumbling a few curses, as he tried to grab onto the guy he was trying to impress earlier with his rather bloodied hands. One had a fucking knife through it.
His breathing was all labored as he ruined the man’s white button up. Clenching onto it like he was the next coming of Christ, absolutely pleading with him, like a child pleading not to go to school. Pleading for help, pleading for just about anything right now. Steve-Os ears rung, and that man’s look of anger changed to one of surprise. And then disgust once more. Shoving Steve-O right off him, and spitting in his face.
“Yer fucking scum!”
His voice slurred slightly as Steve-O fell down, hitting against the bar stool behind him as he got knocked to the floor. In absolutely agonizing pain. He watched as the blood pooled from his nose, and both hands. Looking down at his now ruined shirt, and then back down at Steve-O. Giving him one more final vengeful kick, before he averted his gaze to Knoxville.
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year ago
Something I’ve been working on, it’s a series so it won’t be uploaded onto here, but it’s on AO3. You have been warned, please leave comments because I love them so. Feel free to leave requests for that story, or requests for other fics here. And as always message me if you want to talk about it. I’ll try to update this frequently, I’m filled to the brim with ideas.
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philipjohnclapp · 2 years ago
Can you write Steve-o x Johnny Knoxville. They kiss eachother like homiesexuals. But Johnny is dressed as a cowboy, and Steve-o as a clown.
Clowning Around
A/N: No, I didn’t wait a year to write this, yes it’s short, yes it’s quick, and it is technically not a ship. Just bros being bros.
Steve-O almost always threw ragers, and when he wasn’t he was at someone else’s rager, or by himself having his own “personal” rager when money was tight. And boy was it always. He spent every nickel and dime on substances, and barely made his rent on time. Not that it mattered if he lost his apartment or not. It wouldn’t be his first time being homeless, plus one of his buddy’s would gladly take him in if he threatened them the right amount. If not, he always had his sister.
Now that she was having kids it made that a bit more difficult, she was more adamant in him not being around them when he had any sort of substance in his system, but he could care less: he hated kids, and that meant less responsibility.
Steve-O was in his crummy bathroom. So messy that if he even attempted snorting coke he’d get some sort of rachid std. He didn’t care. He actually just finished up doing a line, a thick trail of oozy dark blood dripping down from one of his nostrils. His nose was sensitive, and he was dazed. The blood tainting his costume, well, the face paint. He didn’t seem to care as he haphazardly brought up his shaky druggy hand and smeared the blood and makeup all down his face, before grabbing onto that golden doorknob and swinging the door open. Successfully bonking into whoever stood in front of him. His body swayed as he practically collapsed on him.
Two strong hands found their way grasping onto his waist, the only thing holding him upright was the man in front of him. Steve-O let out a weak laugh, smiling a dopey smile to himself as he met eyes with his savior. It was Johnny Knoxville! He came! He was too fucking coked out to give him a proper greeting, trading it to just rest his forehead against the crook of Johnnys neck; letting out a breathy sigh. Knoxville smelt of Walmart cologne and whisky, that made him laugh again.
“Hey, cowboy.”
Steve-O mumbled against his neck, pulling his head away to look right back at him. Admiring his costume and his stupid hat, sniffling as Johnny stared back at him.
“No thank you kiss?”
Johnny asked, Steve-O couldn’t read his expression, he couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. He never could. Steve-O's lips pressed into a thin line as he tried to give it some thought, Johnny's southern drawl lingering heavily in the air. He let out a breath of air that he didn’t even know he was holding in.
“..mmm, if you insist, dude.. ‘m not gay, though.”
Whether he was confirming that for Johnny or himself was a mystery, he slurred his own words. Everything he’s done that night could be smelt from his breath as he sorta stood on the top of his toes. Leaning forward and pressing his bloody dry lips against Knoxvilles.
Knoxville's hands never left his side, instead his grip tightened up a bit more and he pulled Steve-O closest until their chests were touching. Groin to groin as he deepened the kiss, making it last. He swiped his tongue across Steve-O's lips, tasting the copper blood, worn makeup, bitterness of the coke, and whatever cheap drink Steve-O had been nursing the whole night. He kissed him tenderly, in a passion filled way that only two best friends could understand.
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philipjohnclapp · 2 years ago
Did you delete some of your SteveO fics? or is Tumblr dumb and deleting links?
They aren’t deleted, so my guess is Tumblr is. I’ll update them now. But they are also on AO3, my name on there is JohnnyKnoxville.
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philipjohnclapp · 2 years ago
Would you by chance write smut for ftm trans reader?
Hell yeah! Go send a request!
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philipjohnclapp · 2 years ago
I didn’t realize male reader was your preference so if you don’t wanna write the request i sent it for x female reader that’s okay <3
I would love to write that don’t even worry! I love to do requests! ❤️❤️❤️
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