#cky imagine
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cvmsterfire · 2 years ago
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ryan and bam >>
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vivaladicamillo · 2 years ago
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partying with the cky guys, a mood board
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bleach-boyz · 1 year ago
Chapter 7: The Date
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prev. //
warning: nsfw/smut
The morning after that night out with Ryan and the others, you take your time waking up and greeting the day. You have a small headache from the drinking, but in the grand scheme of hangovers, it’s barely anything. After staring out your living room window for half an hour and having some coffee, you finally decide to call Jenn.
She had texted you after you fell asleep last night, asking you to tell her everything. You don’t know how she found out about you and Ryan’s escapade in the bathroom so quickly, but you know she’ll just keep bothering you until you tell her what happened.
“Hello?” You hear Jenn say on the other side of the line, and you can barely hear the sound of Bam and April’s voices in the background.
“Hey Jenn.” You say as you walk back into your bedroom and flop down in your desk chair.
"Shit, hey, hold on.” You hear her shuffle around a bit and tell Bam and April she’ll be right back. After a few moments of silence, she continues, “So what the fuck?”
“How did you find out?” You ask.
“Your little boyfriend isn’t very good at lying. I felt a vibe between you two, so after you left, I asked Ryan about it, and he tried to say he didn’t know what I was talking about, but it was clearly a lie. It was so unbelievable that Bam started interrogating him about it too until he finally spilled.” She explains.
“What did he say?” You start biting your nails.
“He was cagey, but basically that you guys like did some stuff in the bathroom. He wasn’t specific, but he seemed flustered.”
“Did he seem embarrassed?”
"No, I think he was probably just being vague for your sake, but like he seemed a bit smug, so whatever happened, I think he liked it.” She says. You sigh as you digest it all.
“I need the details, though, and if you don’t tell me, I’m gonna show up at your apartment and annoy it out of you.” Jenn continues.
“You have to promise you won’t tell Bam.” You say.
“Promise.” She says and you wish you could believe her.
"Okay, fine, well, so I did what you said and, like took some shots and psyched myself up. And then he came over to me, so I just mentioned how things were weird between us, and then I brought up when we kissed, and then I don’t know what came over me, but I asked him to meet me in the bathroom. When he met me, well, we kissed, and then I gave him head basically.” You recount, and when you’re done, you can hear Jenn laugh on the other end.
“Holy shit, that’s awesome; I’m proud of you.” She says in a genuine yet teasing way.
“Thanks.” You say sarcastically.
"Oh, come on, isn’t this what you wanted? Was it not good?” She asks.
“No, no, it was good. I just know I’m gonna have to have a talk with him soon about what it all means or whatever.” You say.
“You sound so grumpy, though. Things are moving; you should be happy!” Jenn says and you know she’s absolutely right.
"Yeah, I know—wait, hold on, I’m getting another call.” You say as you pull your phone away from your ear. You see that it’s Ryan, and your breath hitches.
“Uh Jenn I gotta go.” You say.
“Is it Ryan?” She asks playfully.
“Goodbye.” You respond as you hang up on her and answer Ryan’s call. You try to slow the beating of your heart.
“Hello?” You say.
"Hey, it’s Ryan.” He says and you can’t help but smile at the sound of his voice.
“What’s up?” You ask, wondering if he was calling to bring up last night or if there was some other reason.
"Well, uh, I guess I’ll just ask—are you free tomorrow night?” He asks, and you feel your face flush.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” You say and hope your voice doesn’t waver too much.
"Nothing; I just wanted to hang out.” He says and your leg starts shaking up and down.
“With everyone?” You ask, making sure there isn’t any way you’re misreading his intentions.
“Uhhh, no, I was just asking you. But if-“
“No!” You say a little too loudly. “That’s cool. Did you want to meet somewhere or..”
“I’ll pick you up. Is 8 good?” He asks, and you feel giddy.
"Yeah, that sounds good.” You say, grinning from ear to ear.
"Alright, I’ll see you then.” He says.
“Okay.” You say and you don’t know if you should hang up or not.
“Okay.” Ryan replies quickly before hanging up himself.
No one called it a date, but it’s a date, right? You’re choosing to assume so. In all the years you and Ryan have been friends together, he’s never once asked to hang out alone with you, which is kind of weird when you think about it. Sure, you’d end up alone sometimes when you’d break off from the group for a bit or be the last ones left at the bar, but this is extremely out of character.
It’s actually very him to ask you out in that way—so nonchalant and unconcerned. Ryan is usually a very expressive guy, fueling conversations with raging opinions and lively banter. He only ever reels back and plays it cool if he’s nervous and feels like there’s someone to impress. Your heart flutters thinking about how you may be one of those people now.
Except he doesn’t need to impress you; you know that. You’ve seen Ryan do some of the most disgusting and embarrassing things imaginable, and none of it was ever enough to deter you from developing feelings for him. The last thing you would want is for him to not be himself around you.
Historically, your interactions have always been twinged with an air of cheekiness, but in the past few months, it’s been more awkward than anything. You know this is largely because of your unacknowledged feelings, which were only exacerbated by what happened when you were filming Haggard. It wasn’t just you who had changed their behavior, though, because around the same time, Ryan had started to put on his aloof, cool guy persona with you. At first, you thought it was because he was uncomfortable, but now you understand it was possibly because he also had some unacknowledged feelings of his own.
If anything, you’re just hoping the date will allow the two of you to clear things up. Get everything out in the open.
That night, you suggest to Dico that he maybe try to spend the next night elsewhere. You attempt to be vague about it, but there are only so many reasons why someone would want to have an apartment to themselves.
The next morning, while you are eating breakfast, Dico launches himself out of his room.
“You’re going on a date with Ryan?!” He asks as he comes up behind you and shakes your shoulders. You can’t help but laugh as you try to shove his hands off of you.
“Who told you?” You ask as he moves away from you to the fridge.
“Bam did, obviously, though I do wonder why my roommate and best friend couldn’t tell me that the real reason they need the apartment to themselves tonight is cause they’re fucking Ryan Dunn.” He says as he grabs the milk and fixes himself a bowl of cereal.
“I’m not gonna fuck him! Well, actually, I might, but I don’t know; you guys make fun of me for everything; I just wanted to see how the date went first.” You say, and Dico rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. I guess I should be glad you won’t be laying around here all depressed about him anymore.” He jokes as he eats his cereal at an alarmingly fast rate.
“Shit, he’s probably freaking out; I’m gonna call him.” Dico says as he puts his half-empty bowl down and pulls out his phone.
“Don’t do that,” you start as you get up, reaching out for Dico’s phone. You don’t want him messing anything up by teasing and meddling. He laughs and runs to the living room, avoiding you, as he puts his phone up to his ear. You cross your arms and glare at him.
“Voicemail.” Dico mouths to you after some silence.
“Hey Ryan! Heard about your big date tonight. Just wanted to let you know that I won’t be home, so feel free to have sex at whatever volume-“ Dico starts, and you lunge at him, eventually wrestling his phone out of his hand.
You look down to hang up and see that Dico had never even dialed Ryan’s number.
“You’re a dick.”
You spend the rest of the day trying to distract yourself from thinking about the date. You watch some TV, go for a walk, and listen to music, but none of it really calms your nerves. You can’t help but bite your nails and zone out every few minutes, imagining what will happen.
You start getting ready at 7, not entirely sure what to dress for. You don’t really expect Ryan to take you anywhere too fancy because it’s not his style, but you still want to put in some amount of effort. You opt for well-fitted jeans and a tighter t-shirt than what you’d usually wear. You also put on a bit more makeup than you usually do for your everyday. 
He arrives in his car around 8:10, and when he pulls up, you wonder why you agreed to let him drive. Ryan is a notoriously reckless driver, as evidenced by his many accidents, and usually you all avoid getting in any car with him. You suppose you’ll just have to put up with it tonight, though.
Ryan hops out of the driver's seat and walks around the front of the car to greet you. It’s a little weird because you can tell he doesn’t exactly know what to do, but you end up having a casual side hug before he opens up the passenger door for you.
“How chivalrous.” You joke as you get inside.
“What can I say? You look great, by the way.” Ryan says as he smiles and closes the door for you. He then walks back around the car and gets in the driver’s side. You can’t help but blush at his compliment.
“Thank you; I can’t believe I’m letting you drive me, though. When did I get so careless with my life?” You say cheekily as he starts the car.
“I’ll behave. Also, we’re all careless with our lives; it’s what we’re paid to do.” He says, and you roll your eyes.
“So where are you taking me?” You ask.
“I was thinking we could grab dinner at this Thai place that just opened up by that biker bar I like downtown. After that, we could get a drink or something.” He says, and you nod. It isn’t the most grand or romantic date idea, but that doesn’t bother you at all. You are actually glad the plan is something casual, as it takes a lot of the pressure off both of you.
On the car ride over, you stick to small talk, mainly movies you've seen recently and random anecdotes. Once you make it to the restaurant and order your food, though, you’ve run out of trivial things to say.
It‘s after a particularly long period of silence that you finally break the ice. “I’m glad you asked me to come out tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” He says and shifts around in his chair.
“It’s a date, right?” You ask boldly to settle the matter once and for all.
“Well, yeah, if that’s alright with you.” Ryan says and smiles.
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.” You respond, smiling back at him. You feel both relieved and excited now that it’s official.
“So you like me then?” Ryan asks with a smirk, and you laugh.
"Yes, I do." You start to wonder exactly how honest you should be about the breadth of your feelings for him. You don’t want to freak him out, but you also think that getting it out in the open would feel really good. Perhaps if he wasn’t somebody you trust or know so well, you’d hold back, but in this moment, you are compelled to let it out.
“Well, if I’m being honest, I’ve liked you since shortly after Chad and I broke up. I just never knew how  to..." You say, trailing off. You are waiting for some sort of reaction from Ryan, maybe disbelief or amusement, but he doesn’t give you anything.
“Does that not surprise you? It’s okay if you wanna make fun of me or something; it’s kinda pathetic that it took me so long to do anything.” You say, hoping to God that it at least didn’t freak him out. After a moment, he chuckles, and you tilt your head in confusion.
“To be honest, I think I’ve liked you since the moment I met you.” He says plainly. Your eyes widen, and you don’t know what to say.
Only Ryan would know how to say something so big and affirming in such a nonchalant way. It’s like everything suddenly makes sense. You two were always inevitable, and not in some fairytale way, but in a way that’s far more simple. You’re just compatible; you fit together; you've been drawn to each other for years. Something was bound to happen.
“So that makes me way more pathetic than you.” He adds after some silence, and you shake your head frantically.
“No! No. Wow, it’s just that I’m a little confused; how come you never said anything?” You ask, equally flustered over his confession and in awe of how easy it was for him to say it. He doesn’t appear to be overthinking like you at all; he seems so at peace with himself.
“Well, it takes me a long time to figure feelings out cause I’m an idiot, but, well, so I first realized I liked you around the time you and Dico moved into your first apartment together, which I told you about a while ago.” He starts, and you nod, hanging on every word.
“But I thought you weren’t interested, so I moved on and you dated Chad, but after you guys broke up, I kinda thought about it again, but I was stuck in that nightmare relationship, so I ignored it. But then, after she and I broke up and I got over it, I realized I was still into you.” He says.
“But I didn’t ask you out earlier, mostly because I’m a dumbass, so please accept my apology.” He adds, and you shake your head and smile.
“We’re both dumbasses; I should have said something earlier too.” You say.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna be mentally kicking myself forever.” Ryan jokes.
“Don’t do that, I’m here now.”
The rest of the dinner is lovely. Now that everything is out on the table, you’re both noticeably more comfortable in conversation. Additionally, you learn that Ryan has a tendency to be heavy-handed with flattery when it comes to someone he likes. He starts dropping random compliments and calling you cute and such; at first, it’s a bit embarrassing to hear, but over time, you start to like it.
After you finish your food, Ryan suggests you go to the bar down the street. You agree, and you end up sitting intimately at a high table for a while, just talking about nothing. He offers to buy all your drinks, even though you make it clear he doesn’t have to. He jokes that it’s a “first date thing” and after tonight he won’t stop you from buying your own.
Around midnight, you see a group of guys your age walk into the bar. Among them, you make eye contact with someone you hooked up with over a year ago.
“What’re you looking at?” Ryan asks, and your eyes snap back to him.
“Nothing, sorry.” You smile and take a sip of your drink.
“You’re a terrible liar.” Ryan says, and you see the guy and his friends heading towards you.
“Hey.” He says in a flat tone as he passes by and looks between you and Ryan.
“Hi.” You respond as disinterestedly as possible. Luckily, he and his friends continue past you to another table.
“Who the hell is that?” Ryan asks, seemingly annoyed. You look back and see his friends laughing at him as they all glance over at you.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” You get up and put your jacket on, wanting to get out before answering any questions.
“Do you need me to go over there?” Ryan asks in a protective manner. You know Ryan isn’t the type to get confrontational or fight anyone, but you appreciate him looking after you in that way.
“No,” you start, and you put your hand on top of Ryan’s. “I appreciate it; just go close your tab and meet me outside.” You say, and he nods and gets up, but not without sending some glares over to the guy and his friends.
You head outside and light a cigarette, and after a couple minutes, Ryan meets you out there. You hand him a cigarette and signal for him to follow you on a walk down the street.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be weird,” you say and start to feel shy. “I hooked up with that guy a couple times over a year ago, and he got kind of—I don’t know, possessive?”
“Hmm.” Ryan hums as he listens and walks aimlessly down the street with you. You’re both probably a little drunk at this point, so you aren’t exactly moving in a straight line.
“We only hooked up two or three times, and then I stopped contacting, but then he wouldn’t stop calling and leaving me weird, drunk voicemails and stuff. So seeing him just kinda freaked me out.” You ramble and keep your eyes forward, trying not to trip on the pavement. Ryan continues to listen quietly, and his silence makes you a little nervous.
“Do you think I’m like, a slut or something?” You ask even though you know it makes you sound insecure. In the past, your friends have made little jokes about your sexual escapades anyway, so you want to know what Ryan specifically thinks.
“Have you met my ex-girlfriend?" He jokes. “As far as I’m concerned, you can do whatever you want when you’re single. If anything, I’m just jealous of this guy.” He says, and you stop in your tracks.
“Jealous?” You ask. Ryan turns and looks at you a bit mischievously. His cheeks are a little pink from the cool air and the alcohol. You feel compelled to kiss them, but hold back.
“I think you know what I mean.” He says, and you shake your head.
“I don’t know if I do.” You lie and move closer to him. You truly hadn’t thought much about whether the night would end in something physical, but you certainly aren’t opposed to it.
“That he got to fuck you.” Ryan says in a low voice, and your face heats up.
“Interesting,” you say with a cheeky smile. “Dico isn’t home tonight.”
Ryan raises his eyebrows, and you can tell desire has taken him over by the way he looks at you. It turns you on to think about how you’re the one making him feel this way.
“Let’s go.” You say and turn back towards the parking lot of the bar, Ryan following close behind.
You suggest calling a taxi, but Ryan is too stressed about his car being left in the parking lot of a biker bar. You concede, but insist on being the one to drive you back, even though you know you don’t have any business being behind the wheel in your current state. Ryan ends up complaining the whole ride about how slow you are going, but his criticisms only end up making you laugh.
When you get back to your apartment, you tell Ryan to grab himself a beer out of the fridge while you do a quick tidy-up of your room. After throwing away some trash and tucking random clutter under your bed, you come back out to see Ryan sitting on your couch with a beer in hand.
“Just throw something on; do you want some pretzels or something?” You ask as you head into the kitchen. You are having a drunken craving for something salty.
“Sure.” You hear Ryan say and then the sound of your TV turning on. You grab yourself a beer and bring a big bag of pretzels into the living room with you. You plop down next to Ryan, who is flipping through the channels. He finally settles on some cheesy horror movie.
You two spend around a half hour making jokes and bantering while only half watching the movie. Once you’re both done with your beers and the pretzels are gone, though, you feel the vibe starting to shift.
After trying to pay attention to the movie for a minute, you look over at Ryan, who is already looking at you. You smile.
“It’s getting late.” You say and look at the clock on your wall; it’s almost 2 a.m.
“Yeah..” Ryan trails off, and you see his eyes flick down to your lips.
You scoot closer to him on the couch and wait for him to make the move. After a couple seconds, he grabs the side of your face and pulls you in for a kiss.
It’s gentle at first, but you both slowly melt into it, letting it build. You place your hand on Ryan’s leg and, after a few moments, pull away from the kiss. Ryan looks a little confused.
“Let’s go to my room.” You say, tilting your head in the direction of your door.
You and Ryan get up, and you turn the TV off before guiding him into your room. When you’re inside, you close the door and turn on your dim desk lamp, just so you can both see a little bit.
Ryan then suddenly grabs you and starts kissing you again, running his hands up and down your body. You’re a bit surprised by his eagerness, and you end up backing up against the wall as he touches you.
You cup his face as you kiss him back, doing your best to keep up with his pace. Not long after, Ryan goes to lift your shirt over your head and throw it on the floor. He seems much more confident and intentional with his actions now than a couple nights ago. He clearly wants to take the lead, so you let yourself be compliant.
After groping and kissing you a bit more, his hands drift down to the waistband of your jeans. He unbuttons them after unbuckling your belt, and you gasp when he abruptly shoves his hand into your underwear.
He kisses your neck as he begins to roughly rub your clit, and you moan as you feel yourself getting embarrassingly wet.
“Fuck, Ryan.” You whisper before he lifts his head back up to kiss your lips again.
After abusing your clit for a bit, he shoves his hand down lower to slip one finger inside you. You groan as he pumps it in and out of you a few times before adding a second finger.
His fingers stretch you out nicely as they are substantially bigger than your own, and Ryan pulls away from your lips to watch your reaction as he slides them in and out. You would feel embarrassed by the obscene noises being made by your wetness as he fucks his fingers into you if he himself didn’t seem so into it.
He gives you a quick peck before pulling his fingers out, and you whine at the sudden loss.
“Get on the bed.” He instructs authoritatively. You quickly do as you’re told and lay down on your back on the bed, waiting impatiently for what’s next.
Ryan moves over you and pulls on your pants, yanking them all the way off of you.
“Take off your bra.” He says, and you do. He stares at you quietly for a bit, and you feel very vulnerable.
“I’m gonna pay you back.” He says as he starts dragging your underwear down. You blush as you lift your hips up to help him, and you feel so exposed. As attracted as you are to Ryan and as much as you want this, it’s still weird to think about being naked in front of someone you’ve been friends with for so long.
After your underwear is off, Ryan comes back up to kiss you again, and with that, you relax a bit. He soon leaves your mouth, though, planting kisses down your neck, then your chest, then your stomach. You groan and look down as he finally places his head between your legs. He looks up at you before he kisses your inner thigh.
“Please don’t tease me.” You say, lightly pushing his head closer to your vagina with your leg. You can hear him snicker softly as you feel his hot breath on you.
You’re about to continue complaining when he finally starts to lick you. You let out a heavy sigh of relief as he flicks your clit with his tongue at an increasing rate.
“Fuck.” You say as you reach down to grab onto Ryan’s hair. He hooks his arms under your legs to pull your pussy even closer to his face, and you know you’re not going to last long if he keeps up this same intensity.
After some time, he moves his mouth away and brings his hand over to rub at your clit furiously. He looks up at you, his lips shiny and his eyes glazed over, and you swear you’ve never been so attracted to someone in your life.
He looks back down to slip his middle finger inside of you, and you squirm. He then drives a second finger inside you as his tongue darts back to your clit. You moan salaciously as you push your hips forward, wanting more and more.
It isn’t long before your breathing and moans become faster and more uncontrollable, and your grip on Ryan’s hair gets even stronger.
“Ryan, I’m gonna,” You get out as you feel the pleasure wash over you and you reach your peak. You feel yourself clench around Ryan’s fingers and your back arch. Ryan holds on tight to you as he gets you through your climax, not stopping until you’ve finally calmed down. As he pulls his fingers out of you and his face away from your crotch, a wave of exhaustion hits you.
You pull Ryan’s head up to kiss you with the hand that is still gripping his hair. He complies, and you can taste yourself in his mouth.
“Shit,” you say as you pull away, “who knew you’d be good at that? I thought you were the guy who’s bad at everything.” You joke, and Ryan rolls his eyes.
“Give me some credit.” He responds as he lays down beside you.
You look down to see the prominent bulge in Ryan’s jeans.
“I can help you with that.” You say and he lifts an eyebrow.
“Okay, but I’m not gonna last long. Like at all.” He says as he gets up and takes his pants and shirt off.
“That’s fine,” you say as you scoot yourself up so that your head is resting higher against the headboard. “Just come here.”
Ryan gets back on the bed, straddling you, with his erection pointing straight towards your chest. His cock is red and leaking, and you can tell he wasn’t joking about not lasting much longer.
You spit on your hand and then wrap it around Ryan’s cock, yanking it aggressively.
“Kiss me.” You say and he nods and leans down to kiss you as you keep jerking him off at a rapid pace. His cock gets wetter as your spit mixes with precum and you can tell Ryan is on the edge.
“Shit.” He pants before his cum suddenly sprays onto your tits, neck, and chin. You’re taken by surprise, but keep your cool as you stroke him down from his high and he catches his breath.
“Shit.” He says again as he moves back a little and sees the mess he made. He zones out as he takes you in for a moment before getting off of you and laying back down on your right.
You roll towards him and give him a couple more kisses before breaking apart and smiling.
“I’m gonna clean myself off; have you gotten a good enough look?” You tease, and Ryan examines you up and down before nodding. You giggle and get up, putting on some clean underwear before heading to the bathroom.
After you clean yourself off, you go back to your room and look for a clean shirt to wear to bed.
“Have I told you how hot and sexy you are?” Ryan asks with a smile from your bed. You laugh and grab an oversized CKY shirt from the floor and throw it on.
“I don’t know if you have.” You say as you flop down onto your back on the bed next to Ryan.
"Well, you are,” he says as he turns and drapes his arm across your stomach. “And after tonight, you’re never gonna be able to get rid of me.” He continues as he closes his eyes.
“Feels like a promise and a threat.” You say as you turn on your side, away from Ryan. He adjusts his arm and pulls you closer, so he’s spooning you.
Been a minute! Trying not to run out of steam with this one, hopefully people are still enjoying it. I’ll still hopefully finish this story but lowkey if anyone wanted to send me one shot requests or something that could be kinda fun 🤔
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anarchistalchemist · 2 years ago
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toughandbitter · 1 year ago
Jess Margera general relationship headcanons
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Just some headcanons, very sfw.
not spell checked either... sorry :/
I feel like for all the guys they have a tougher exterior but they're secretly sweethearts. They just don't let on about it all that much.
Jess is not an exception and he's very private so it's likely he's not super out there about your relationship
That doesn't mean he's ashamed or anything, he just doesn't feel the need to show you off or anything
However, always has an arm around you or something
and that's more likely to be close to you 
He's kind of like 'casually dominant' ig?? Like, I feel like he has that air about him
Has a way of guiding you to him 
Probably the type of guy to touch the small of your back if he needs you to move or something at a party
Speaking of, I can see him being a bit more out there with his affection when he's had a few to drink
Like I can see him hugging you from behind at a party, you holding a beer or something for you both to share when you're talking to other people. 
I feel like he's probably super affectionate in secret
A big fan of hugs from behind, kisses on the neck, SPOONING 100%
He is always the big spoon idc
but like even if he's not affectionate with you all the time, he's super proud of you
like totally in love
If someone asks about you he's like, 'yeah, that's my girlfriend.'
However, does like a bit of affection from you 
like doesn't mind being kissed on the cheek in front of his friends
kind of brightens up a bit when you do that
ALWAYS watches you walk away
likes to admire the view, obviously???
The guys make fun of him for doing it
The guys love to make fun of him when it comes to you
His demeanor changes a lot when you're around
He always seems a bit more settled when he's with you
Also loves to listen to you talk, looking at you enamoured
Dico noticing it, making fun of Jess' heart eyes for you
You poking fun at him for it when no one's around
Him kissing you to shut you up
He's just totally whipped for you
I feel like it's crucial for your guys' relationship that you get along with his friends and family
I bet Ape and Phil are really welcoming
He thinks it's really cute if you help Ape out as well
Like if he's ever sat with the guys and sees you helping her clean up or cook he's definitely got a stupid smile on his face because of it. 
When he's on tour, you might spend a lot of time at Ape and Phil's or Bam's
It means you're probably featured on Viva La Bam a bit
You being one of the reasons he watches VLB
Likes to see you rep CKY merch on there as well
Plus he thinks it's funny to watch you take the piss out of Bam
It's like you're doing his job for him
Plus being on VLB means you can sometimes get sent to visit him on tour for free when there's like a crossover episode
Both of you finding hard when he's on the road
You guys being really cute when you guys reunite
You picking him up from the airport, being a total cliche and doing one of those hugs where you jump into his arms
Bam saying it's cheesy after seeing it at some point, neither of you care at all
Him enjoying domesticity when he's home because of that 
Likes stuff like home cooked meals, cooking with you, really likes to wake up with you
Low key loves shopping with you, even if he's just carrying bags for you
Likes to just sit and do nothing with you sometimes
it's kind of an unspoken rule that if you guys don't have anything to do in a morning you guys stay in bed waiting for the other one to wake up 
This had to start because he's definitely the type to pull you in closer if you try and get up before him
If he wakes up before you, he will definitely lie there cuddling you, maybe kissing your forehead every once in a while
If you have your back against his chest will kiss your shoulder and the back of your head
This is definitely done if he's leaving for tour that day
You guys wake up earlier to just do this before he leaves
Also being on Radio Bam as well
Always sat next to each other
Bam harassing you for embarrassing things about Jess 
Bam also telling embarrassing stories about him, and both of you just laughing about it
Jess getting fed up of arguing with Bam
You just sitting next to him, playing with his hands while he chats shit with the rest of the guys
He seems like he'd be a chill boyfriend as well
like very secure in your guys' relationship
Never getting mad if another guy flirts with you
Tends to turn the other guy into a bit of a joke
Which isn't hard for him because of how funny he is
Is also able to make you laugh in any situation
He just likes being in your company 
You seem to cheer him up a lot, especially if the band pisses him off
You guys just being a really solid couple and supporting each other
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steve-osahottie · 2 years ago
Friends to lovers?
Dico x reader
Warnings- Drinking, Novak being a little shit
Disclaimer- This is my first time writing so I’m sorry if it’s bad and I would love some feedback so if I ever write again I can make it better
You’ve known the CKY boys since your were 16 (you’re now 21) and you got along with all of them but your were the closest with Dico. You love hanging out with him and he loves hanging out with you. You would never admit that you liked Dico and even though all the other guys kept telling you he liked you back you never believed them.
“We should play a game” Bam blurts out clearly drunk, everyone agrees and you all sit in a circle of the floor with a bottle in the middle.
“Alright so someone spins the bottle and whoever it lands of have to kiss” Bam explained.
“Ladies first” Novak said while raising an eyebrow at you.
You sighed “Alright” as you’re spinning the bottle you start to regret agreeing to play this game. The bottle lands on Ryan you sigh again really regretting this game as Ryan comes closer to you and closes the small space between your lips, the kiss was short. You heard a scoff come with Dico who was sitting next to you and went you turned to look at him you noticed he looked beyond pissed
“What’s wrong?” You whispered to him
“Nothing just don’t worry about it” He replied
The game stopped soon after that when everyone had enough, thankfully you didn’t have to kiss anyone else. You went to get a drink from the kitchen whilst the others sat back on the couch and when you came back you noticed Dico was gone
“Hey Raab where’s Dico?”
“I don’t know I think he went upstairs, why?”
“Oh uh no reason he was just acting weird tonight that’s all”
Raab just nodded not really paying attention. You went upstairs to check on Dico when you saw him asleep in your bed, you were confused at first but then remembered Novak puked in his bed the night before and you said he could bunk with you. It was getting late so you decided to get changed and get into bed. It was hard for you to fall asleep because all you could think of was how angry Dico looked before, you were too worried that you had done something wrong to notice that Dico had rolled over and had his arm around your waist and was nuzzling into the your neck. You were hoping by tomorrow everything would be better between you and Dico. You took in how warm he was and how pretty he looked when he was sleeping as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
“Holy shit look at them” Raab whisper shouts
“Quick someone take a pic” Bam hurriedly said
“Already got one I’ll send it to you” Ryan says trying not to burst out laughing
“They look so cute together” April says as she comes into your room to put the clean clothes on your bed
You slowly open your eyes trying to make it look like you just woke up and realised you were cuddling with Dico, you jump up acting disgusted when really all you wanted to do was kiss him. Dico stirs when you get up to go into the bathroom not saying anything to anyone.
“You guys are assholes you know that right” Dico tells them slight anger in his voice.
“No we’re not, your the one gettin’ all cozy with Y/n and your just mad you got caught” Novak slurs clearly still drunk from last night
You went into the bathroom to try an compose yourself of what just happened the last thing you wanted was for Dico to find out you liked him he was your best friend and you weren’t gonna risk ruining the friendship so you splash some cold water in your face to really wake you up and walk back to your room. When you got there Dico was in bed laying on his stomach and his face in the pillow still waking up, you hadn’t noticed he was shirtless before but damn you weren’t complaining
“Holy shit he looks sexy” you thought to yourself
“Horny already Y/n? It’s not even noon” Dico replied back slightly lifting his head so you can hear him better. Your eyes immediately went wide coz you realise you had just said that out loud.
“Shut up” you reply trying to sound normal when in reality you were as red as a tomato
You pick up a Dico’s discarded shirt from yesterday and throw it at him as you tell him to put in on and come down for breakfast. You walk down the stairs into the kitchen still in shock that you had just said to your crush that he looked sexy and he didn’t seem to care I mean was that a good thing, was it a bad thing you were to distracted to see Bam waving his hand in your face you snap out of that little daydream and ask him what he wants but he just replies with asking if your ok and you nod. Dico enters the kitchen shortly after and sits next to you, you try to act as normal as you can but that doesn’t last long as Novak comes up from behind places a hand on each of your shoulders.
“So lovebirds when’s the wedding?” He says grinning ear to ear. You laugh along with everyone else but when you look at Dico you see the pink on cheek and realise he’s blushing but since nobody else sees you decide not to bring it up and add to the embarrassment. After breakfast everyone goes into the main room to watch TV but you and Dico go up to your room to hang. After a while Bam comes up and asks if you two wanna go to the skate park with everyone else but you both turn it down as skating wasn’t really a hobby of yours or Dico’s Bam just rolls his eyes calls you both lame and everyone goes leaving you and Dico in the house alone.
“Hey Y/n can we talk” Dico asks nervously
“Of course we can what’s up” you reply sitting up from your bed and turning to face Dico. Dico just stares at you for a bit and as you were about to ask him if everything’s ok he smashed his lips into yours with a breathtaking kiss you were almost immediately kissing him back he pulls you into his lap causing to moan against his lips which makes him slip his tongue into your mouth. You both hear the sound of a camera click and break the kiss turning your heads to see who’s at the door you two freeze unable to move or comprehend what you were just doing you when you see Raab with his phone out and a shit eating grin on his face “I knew it! I fucking knew it” he half screamed as you scrambled to get off Dico’s lap and try to grab Raab phone to delete that picture. “Nope your not deleting a thing I’ve already sent it to the group chat” he said seemingly proud of himself as you snatch the phone out of his hand and see that the photo was in fact sent to the group chat. Seconds later the group chat is blowing up
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(just pretend that’s you and Dico)
“I fucking called it”- Random Hero
“Rake you owe me $20”- Bammy
“Finally!”- Novak
“So proud of you two”- Mumma bear April
You and Dico look up at each other and burst out laughing as he gestures for you to come sit back on the bed and when you do his lips are back on yours and you hear Raab groan “Ew”.
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d1ckfarmdunn · 1 year ago
3 months later and i still stand by this statement 🙏🏻✨
this world needs more ryan dunn fics 🙏🏻
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missusdunn · 1 year ago
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Bam Margera X f!reader X Ryan Dunn pt.1
Warnings!! - Smut, Oral f!giving, cussing, 18++++
Dating Bam Margera threw you into a lot of spontaneous adventures. The parties, impulsive trips across the world, dangerous stunts. It became normal to expect the unexpected. The only predictable thing about Bam was his selfishness especially when it came to you. You are his and his only. You couldn’t even have a friendly conversation with another man without Bam going into a bitch fit. However, there is one exception. Ryan Dunn. They’re a two-in-one deal. You can’t get close to one without the other. And Bam trusts Ryan so no reason for jealousy. Just a trio of pals.
One night, Ryan invites the two of you to his apartment to drink and hang out. Anticlimactic but fun nonetheless. You and Bam head over there with a bottle of vodka and let yourselves in. “Oh hey, you two! Thanks for knocking, so considerate!” Ryan greeted. Bam chuckles and says “Don’t act like you don’t walk into my house like that, asswipe.” “Whatever,” Ryan grabs the vodka from Bam “this’ll make up for it.” I roll my eyes, kick off my shoes, and make my way to the couch. Bam follows suit and Ryan goes to the kitchen to get cups. Bam stretches and melts into his seat. “Finally a night to relax with my two favorite people.” He smiles and puts his arm over my shoulder. I playfully roll my eyes “Don’t be sappy just to get into my pants later.” He sarcastically puts his hands up “Sorry, sorry.” He smirks. “I have better tactics anyway.” He cups my face with his right hand and leans in for a kiss. Of course, I kiss back and it doesn’t take long until his tongue is in my mouth. After a few more seconds Ryan is back. “Excuse me but I’d appreciate it if you two didn’t fuck on my couch!” He says playfully. “We’re not fucking, Dunn,” Bam grumbles with a slight pout having cut the make-out short. “Yet. Thank god I stopped it just in time.” Ryan says placing cups on the coffee table. I laugh and pick up my glass to fill with liquor. Ryan stops me from picking up the bottle and pours it for me. “Oh, such a gentleman,” I say sarcastically while taking a sip. “Anything for you, darling.” He playfully winks filling up the other two glasses. “You fuckers know I’m right here right?” Bam rolls his eyes as Ryan and I laugh. Bam grabs the remote and tosses it to Ryan. “Put some shit on, Dunn let’s get fucked up.” As he chugs his first round.
A couple hours later we’re all buzzed. It didn’t take long for the TV to become background noise. After multiple conversations filled with slurs and giggles the topic of Ryan’s love life came up.
“You really haven’t been getting any lately?” Bam laughs. “Dude it’s not a big deal!” Ryan defends himself. “I’ve just been busy!” Bam continues to laugh “Yeah you’re so busy binge drinking on your couch!” Ryan’s brows furrow “fuck you.” I hit Bam on the shoulder and give Ryan a sympathetic look. “Ry, there’s no shame in not having sex! Not everyone can be sexually active twenty-four seven.” I say “Unlike some whores…” I motion to Bam. Ryan lets out a chuckle and Bam rolls his eyes. “If I’m a whore that would make you one too, idiot,” Bam argues. “Oh babe you and I both know that’s not how it works,” I sigh “Your body count is 10x times mine!” “Whatever since you’re fucking me you’re a whore by association.” He snickers. “You’re such an idiot.” I sip my drink. Bam smirks and leans in. “Your idiot.” Kissing me and turning it into a full-on make-out session in less than ten seconds. That’s gotta be a record.
Ryan groans. “Again please do that anywhere else.” Bam pulls away and looks at his friend. “Yknow what just fucking join, Dunn.” Ryan’s eyes go wide and I’m too shocked to say anything. “What?” Ryan asks, thinking it’s a joke. “It’ll help with your blue balls that make you so pissy,” bam smirks “and I know how long you’ve wanted to fuck y/n.” Ryan keeps his eyes on Bam with red coating his cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bam chuckles “Yes you do!” He points out “Before we started dating you, I would talk about all the things we’d do to her!” Now I’m the one with cherry-red cheeks. “Come on, Dunn you down or not?” Bam looks at me as if he’s asking with his eyes. “I’m down if Ryan’s down…” I stumbled out. Bam looks back at Ryan “Alright, let’s do it then.” Ryan agrees. Bam smirks in satisfaction and motions Ryan to sit next to me. Now I'm in the middle. Bam goes for my neck kissing and sucking. While I’m left looking into his friend’s eyes. Ryan hesitated a little bit but then kissed me like it was the end of the world. My throat vibrated with moans and Bam’s hands made their way to my chest. Groping me through my top before pulling it over my chest to expose my tits. I gasped into Ryan’s mouth from the sudden movements. Ryan pulls back to look at my breasts, groaning at the sight. He pushes Bam’s hands away and replaces them with his own. Bam immediately starts to kiss me sloppily. As Ryan has begun sucking on my tits making sure both nipples get the same amount of attention. My moans gradually increase the hotter it gets. I push both the boys away from me. They give me a confused and concerned look. Before they could say anything I got down on my knees in front of them. Their eyes widened in realization before slightly scooting closer together so they weren't too far apart. I began to palm them through their jeans, both of them already hard. “I need you both now,” I whine. Immediately the two start fumbling with their belts whipping their dicks out.
I spit onto both of my hands and begin to jerk my boyfriend and his best friend off. Bam’s groaning and Ryan has his eyes closed letting out breathy moans. I wrap my mouth around Bam’s dick and begin to deep throat him. Trying to get his cock covered in as much saliva as possible. As my left hand continues to stroke Ryan’s Bam grabs my hair and pushes me down on his length a bit more. Groaning when he reaches the back of my throat. I push back off his lap and replace my mouth with my hand. I shift my attention to Ryan and I start to suck the tip of his cock, swirling my tongue around it. And jerking off his shaft twisting up and down. Ryan’s heavily breathing with his eyes locked on mine. I continue to switch between the two men with my mouth, whilst jerking the other one off. Bam’s moans get louder letting me know that he's close. I have a hand on each of the men's shafts. I begin to firmly stroke Bam, twisting up and down. My tongue hovers over his tip waiting for his cum. With a final groan, Bam shoots his load onto my face. From the lewd image of my face covered in cum Ryan finishes in my hand. “Shit.” Ryan curses. I move my face towards my cum-covered hand and clean it up with my tongue. Both boys catch their breaths before sharing a chuckle. “I can’t believe we just fucking did that.” Ryan laughs. “I remove my hands from them, cleaning myself up with a nearby throw blanket. “Consider it an early Christmas present.” Bam continues. “You may wanna wash this…” I smirk, tossing the soiled blanket at Ryan. The two laugh as I get up to go to the bathroom. Until Bam interrupts my movements “Hey, where are you going? It’s your turn.”
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1800miserablethot · 8 months ago
𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝔹𝕒𝕞 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕒
Plot: You all go swimming and some chick comes up and tries to flirt with you and Bam gets a bit jealous while watching. (Ya’lls friends don't help because they just tease him about it and it makes him even more jealous)
Setting: Iceland in the blue lagoon
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“Hanna you’re really letting yourself go, man,” Dico jokes, causing everyone to laugh and look at Hanna who replies, “I don't give a fuck,” which causes Bam to jump in and mumble “Pear ass body,” which causes everyone to erupt into laughter again. 
Bam looks around while laughing trying to spot eyes on you and when he does his smile falters and his laughter fades out. Instead, a soft glare replaces it as he sees you on the other side of the lagoon talking to a random chick who was way too close for Bam’s liking. “Uh oh, look’s like [Y/N] switching teams,” Bam hears Rake say which makes his glare darken, “shut the fuck up,” Bam hisses, his eyes going back over to you and the random chick. She wasn't bad looking, skinny yet toned body, and black medium-length hair that had streaks in it. “Bam if he was a woman,” Ryan joked but it goes one ear out the other. Along with the comment about the tattoo, the chick had on her upper thigh and the other near her boobs. His fist clenched knowing that the chick would probably try and draw your attention there, “No more hearing Bam and [Y/N] getting it on at night, instead we’re gonna be hearing her.” One of the other boys had said which another replied by saying “That’ll be hotter to listen to,” and that broke Bam. He snaps around and yells “fuck you assholes! That skank isn't stealing [Y/N] from me!” He must have shouted a bit too loudly because all his friends were now looking at him weirdly until Dunn finally spoke up, “Dude they heard you say that,” 
Bam stiffens at the realization and awkwardly turns his head toward your direction seeing you and the random lady both looking at you. He sees her giggle and you grin down at her and that causes his veins to boil with anger. When your eyes meet Bam’s he looks down before shaking his bangs out his face and looking away pretending to ignore you. You couldn't help but chuckle at how Bam was acting, quickly waving bye to the girl you make your way back over to your friends. “[Y/N] has a girlfriend,” Dico teases, “hell no, I’m taken,” you say which earns a snicker from Ryan and Rake when Bam chimes in by saying “By who, her or me?” You laugh softly at his bratty attitude, knowing that there was no bite behind those words. “Might be her if you keep your attitude up,” you joke which makes everyone else laugh and react but it only earns a scoff and an eye roll from Bam. “Fine, she can have you,” Bam retorts, going to get out of the water but you quickly grab his wrist and pull him back in. “Baby I’m kidding,” You cooed, turning Bam around to wrap your arms around his waist. Smiling softly at the pout that formed across his lips. “You know that I only want you,” You continued, seeing how his face started to flush a small shade of pink. “You better, asshole,” he mutters which makes you grin before you plant a small kiss on his pout. “You done pitching now?” you joke, moving your hands from his waist to grip his hips pulling him closer. You see his gaze glance over to what you assume to be the chick and when you glance over as well you are correct. Before you can say anything you feel lips crash onto yours, a tongue slipping its way into your mouth. You hum into the kiss knowing what he’s doing, so you decide to play his little game back. You move your hands up to cup the sides of his face, your nails digging into his skin as you deepen the kiss as much as you can. You keep him like this until you start to hear him huffing and panting into the kiss, you take his bottom lip in between yours and pull on it gently before letting it go which earns a groan from Bam. Seeing his half-lidded eyes flutter open to meet yours. “Now are you done?” you ask, your grin reappearing when he nods and takes your hand into his. You glance over quickly to see that the chick is now gone and you can't help but shake your head with a small laugh. Well, at least Bam got what he wanted. 
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jackassbrainrot · 7 months ago
Bam x m!reader
Tired whiny bam
kiss it better [bam x m!reader]
desc: bam comes home after a stressful day and wants you to take care of him
a/n: male reader my beloved and so rarely written <33 and whiny bam <333 reader is bigger than bam if that's something important to mention here idk. I think I'm going to make a smutty part 2 for this whoopsie
warnings: none, it's just fluffy and cute
word count: 462
The front door slams and the familiar sound of a skateboard hitting the floor reaches your ears, signaling to you that your boyfriend is finally home, and not in a good mood. Looking up, you see him drag his feet across the floor, gaze downcast, shoulder slumped. His hair is covering his eyes, sticking to his forehead from sweat. You adjust your position on the couch, spreading your legs a bit and opening your arms, wordlessly inviting him to sit in your lap. His body goes limp when he sits between your legs, curling up to you chest. his head buried in the crook of your neck.
"Long day?" You ask, running your hand through his messy hair while your other hand rests on his thigh. He doesn't give a verbal response, only whining like a wounded dog and nuzzling his face further into your neck, the hand on your chest gripping your shirt tighter. "Wanna talk about it?" You feel him shake his head, his hair tickling you. "You gonna talk at all?" Your tone is teasing but soft, trying to coax him out of his slump.
"No." He mumbles into your neck, making you smile.
"That's talking, Bam."
"That doesn't count!" He whines, pulling a laugh out of you.
"That's just more talking."
"Shut up." There's no real malice in his voice but he pushes at your chest weakly, trying to get up. You wrap your hands around him, pulling him back down onto your lap. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Away from you 'cause you're being a dick." He pouts, still trying to wiggle out of your grasp. Even though he's a professional athlete, you have a size advantage over him, making it hard for him to escape you, though he's not even putting much effort into it anyway.
"I'm not letting you up until you feel better, Bambi." He melts into you again, and you ignore the mumbled "asshole" that slipped from his lips as he rested his head on your shoulder. You comb your fingers through his hair as you other hand finds its way under his shirt, tracing his side tattoo gently.
"Y/n?" His voice was muffled by your shirt and you respond with a hum, letting him continue. "You haven't given me a kiss yet." You can hear the pout in his voice and you chuckle, before tilting his head up by lightly pulling his hair and pulling him into a gentle kiss. Before you're able to pull away fully, he grabs your face, keeping you in place.
" 'm not done." He could make you do anything as long as it was said in that desperate, whiny tone, and you tell him as much before he pulls you down to kiss him again.
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cvmsterfire · 2 years ago
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look at him 🥹
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vivaladicamillo · 2 years ago
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well i finally got past the five minute mark on the ryan dunn tribute video and im hysterical but i think im gonna fixate on him ALONG with dico bc j refuse to let that man out my grasp omg im going crazy
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bleach-boyz · 1 year ago
Chapter 1: The Chick Next Door
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So your family moved next door to Dico when you were six years old, and although he was two years older than you, you became fast friends. This was mostly due to proximity and your parents' strong encouragement of you two spending time together (they were scared of you not making friends, which you admittedly had trouble with). Outside of that, though, you actually had a lot in common: you liked to watch the same cartoons and movies and loved to roleplay with your toys in each other's front yards. You were pretty inseparable until Dico’s first year in high school.
It wasn’t that you two made a conscious effort to stop hanging out; it was just sort of a natural side effect of getting older and going through your awkward phase. You both just became too aware of the way your friendship was perceived by others, and it made you insecure. There was no ill will, though, and you’d still stop and say hi to him and even occasionally go to a movie together if neither of you had plans. 
At some point, he started hanging around this group of boys; some of them were skaters, but if you ever saw them, they were usually just being loud and recording each other with a camera in Dico’s yard. Every time you had to interact with them, a ball of anxiety would form in your chest, mostly due to the fear of being the butt of one of their jokes but also because you were at an age where you couldn’t talk to a boy without blushing. 
Over the years, you grew to recognize all the members of Dico’s group and had your own assumptions and impressions of each of them based on the little interactions you had. The group gave off an air of immaturity, but there was never a time when they appeared to not be having fun. It made you a bit jealous that you weren’t part of a close group of friends like that. 
When Dico graduated, you assumed that that would be the last you’d see of those boys outside of school, but you found out from your parents that Dico wasn’t going to college and was going to keep living with his parents. You didn’t want to admit that you were actually glad to hear this. 
Your junior year was extremely uneventful. The boys used to provide occasional entertainment for you and the rest of the student body at school, but after Dico and a few others graduated, one of them was kicked out, and another dropped out, day to day became even more boring. You’d still see them messing around at Dico’s, but the visits became less frequent. 
At the end of that school year, Dico stopped you in your yard one day to tell you he was having a party at his house while his parents were out of town that weekend. You spent the days leading up to the party debating whether or not you should go. You stood in your kitchen an hour after the party started, staring at Dico’s house through your window. You only managed to force yourself out of the house after taking two shots of tequila from your parents liquor cabinet. 
Walking out your front door, you can already hear the sound of the music blasting inside Dico's place. You worry about whether or not the sound would be enough to drive one of your more ill-tempered neighbors towards calling the police, but figure if that happens, it’s a short dash back to your place so you could probably avoid getting in trouble. 
You walk slowly over to Dico’s front door, following a group of girls whom you didn’t recognize, giving them a small, friendly smile when you accidentally make eye contact. They lead the way inside and seem to immediately bump into some people they know, leaving you alone in the entryway. 
You have an impulse to immediately turn around and leave, but then you see Dico and one of his friends rounding the corner and heading towards you. 
"Hey dude, did you just get here? You haven’t seen a tall guy with ginger hair running around here, have you?" Dico asks, stopping in front of you. 
"Uh yeah, I just got here, and no, I don’t think so.." you respond. 
"No worries, you need a drink?" Dico gestures back towards the kitchen. His friend elbows him and clears his throat. 
"I’m Raab, by the way. Geez, Dico, don’t you know how to introduce people?" The friend says, and Dico elbows him back harder. 
"Weren’t you the one who got expelled for smearing shit on someone’s locker?" You ask without thinking. Dico laughs and looks at Raab, who has a smug look on his face. 
"Your reputation proceeds you." Dico teases and then invites you both to follow him to the kitchen. 
In the kitchen, you see a few more people that you know are from that same friend group. Dico introduces you to each of them, and they all surprisingly recognize you as "the chick that lives next door." 
A couple drinks later, Dico corrals everyone to the basement, where a band has set up to play. The drummer was a tall, ginger guy who you realize must be the person Dico was looking for before. You also realize that he is in your grade, and you two have had a few classes together in the past year, but you can’t quite remember his name. 
The music is rock/metal in genre, so all the boys start moshing in the center of the room, which causes you to stay close to the back wall. At some point, a blonde guy comes up to you and wordlessly offers you another drink. After finishing it, you can say with absolute confidence that you are officially drunk. 
Following the set, a bunch of you go outside to smoke cigarettes and weed. You refuse the weed, knowing that you are already a little too far gone, but when that same blonde guy who gave you a drink earlier offers you a cigarette, you feel compelled to take it. 
"It’s Ryan, by the way." The blonde says while lighting your cigarette. You take a substantial inhale and, surprisingly, don’t cough despite never having smoked before. 
"I’ll try to remember that." You say and he raises his eyebrows at you. 
"Oh no, I just mean that like.. I’m drunk, and I’m not good with names." You backtrack, and Ryan chuckles. 
"You’re good."
The rest of the night is filled with cheerful conversation, and you end up going home feeling giddy over how well you got along with these people that you’ve been too scared to talk to for years. The entire night just put into perspective how silly you were to be intimidated by these guys.
You wonder why Dico suddenly decided to invite you to a gathering after you two had drifted apart. Part of you felt like he avoided having you around because you wouldn’t fit in or would embarrass him, though you knew that that was probably just your insecurities talking. Whatever, it was a conversation to be had with him some other day. 
Right now, you just need to go to bed.
Hello! So this is the beginning of my CKY fic 🤭. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be interested but I already got a few follows which is so dope. I know this chapter is short but I just wanted to get something out there. The first few chapters are probably going to be similar to this in that I skip through some big periods of time and then drop in on events I want to show in more detail. If you have any thoughts or just wanna chat hmu! Thank you :)
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godsworstson · 7 months ago
need me one of them bam margeras
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babybammargera · 2 years ago
POV you’re the reckless grunge chick of the jackass crew
Always covered in bruises.
Getting scraped up and the boys covering you in cartoon bandaids (which are featured in most of your scenes at this point)
You’re like Steveo in the sense of documenting gnarly slams except you take pics with a Polaroid.
Longish nails that haven’t been broken during filming but are covered in chipped nail polish.
^Bam or Dunn probably painted them one drunk night bc they found a random nail polish at a party.
Nosebleeds from slamming are normal for you but surprisingly you haven’t broken it yet.
(as far as you know anyway)
Somehow always getting hurt in stunts when you’re paired up w Ryan or Steveo.
“Ow Ry your big ass foot went right into my ribs.”
Broke your arm within the same week Ryan did and Jeff was pissed.
He still refuses to let either of you hear the end of it.
He was also mortified seeing the two of you randomly smacking each other with your casts.
You bounce back from said injuries faster than most of the guys would.
And sometimes you pull off stunts the guys couldn’t and never let them live it down.
Annoying Spike Knoxville and Tremaine like it’s your job. Bc technically it is.
To be fair you bully all of them bc they do the same to you.
You’ve definitely tripped Dave before bc he made a sly comment as darf.
Honestly you probably need a shower but you’re still hot so.
Can’t keep up with things to save your life.
Never having clean clothes and ending up raiding all the guys luggage.
Like you’ve definitely stolen a pair of cleanish jeans from Steveo or Bam or Dunn.
And who knows how many shirts from the others.
Not when it comes to stunts but outside of filming you trip on air or run into walls bc you’re not paying attention.
You’ve punched bam for laughing when it happens on more than one occasion
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philipjohnclapp · 2 years ago
Did you delete some of your SteveO fics? or is Tumblr dumb and deleting links?
They aren’t deleted, so my guess is Tumblr is. I’ll update them now. But they are also on AO3, my name on there is JohnnyKnoxville.
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