#feel free to add more guys
pinkwhite · 4 months
Being ostracized, the society Hazel was living in was cruel to black girls (still is) but we see how hazel's powers negatively affect her life hazel doesn't have any friends besides sammy, kids bully her many black girls feel ostracized in their communities, movements (white feminism, and misogynoir in historical black movements) here's an article that talks about black women feeling ignored in social justice movements https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/07/black-women-social-justice
2. Hazel & Her Mother
Hazel's mother plays a huge role in her life and SON her actions led her to freeing alcyoneus and she is also responsible for her curse. Hazel and her mother is something a lot of black girls can relate to, Hazel has a complicated relationship with her mother her mother is responsible for her death but regardless Hazel still loves her I want to mention this genius article right here that articulates what it's like growing up with a black mother https://therealarah.medium.com/the-strained-relationship-between-black-mothers-and-their-daughters-cc9673cd403f Hazel's mother does exploit her position as a mother ( using Hazel's curse in order to live more comfortably which is understandable considering that they were living in poverty but I think somewhere in SON they mention that she wanted to live like a queen ) While Hazel's mother does try to make amends, me personally i still dont forgive her. I think hazel is a fascinated character and i wish rick had more understanding of black mother daughter relationships enough so we can see it more in hazel's character
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heyitsspaceace · 9 months
“doctor who is too silly now!”
oh you mean the doctor who that has flattened human skin as a character? the doctor who that has the episode love and monsters? the doctor who that says that the english royal family is werewolves? the doctor who that has james corden in it? the doctor who that in the same episode that james corden is in not only does the doctor speak baby, but the baby wants to be named Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All, AND the doctor can also play soccer very well.
doctor who has always been silly
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ichorai · 3 months
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vagueconfusion · 2 months
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keymintt · 2 years
i’m sure this has been at least mentioned before but one of the things that’s so fucking funny to me abt kim is that, for all the shit he gives you (harry) when you try to get him to dance or wear the piss jacket, he actually wants to do those things to some extent
over the course of the game you can’t get him (or other characters for that matter) to do things he doesn’t want to do. disco elysium isn’t a power fantasy game like that. don’t get me wrong some things he needs to be convinced/challenged for, but he can and does outright Refuse things at times like when you suggest getting on the kineema and cutting the body down from there, not going into the tent with the ravers, or not climbing up the shitty feld building ladder, etc. and there are also definitely moments when he reluctantly puts up with harry/the player’s antics bc harry’s persistent and it’ll just put a quicker end to things to be like, “yeah sure fine i’ll eat the sandwich“ or, “i'll spare you another *20 hour mind-project*— yes, i am”
when you really badger him into dancing in the church and pass the authority check, he of course puts up some resistance but then goes, “now check *this* shit out!“ and starts busting it down! if he was reluctant to dance, he’d totally just do some stupid lil shimmy to appease harry with the same enthusiasm of, “oh god more cryptids” but no! he starts “heel kick[ing] the church floor with such intensity, it’s reasonable to fear he’ll kick a hole right through it“ he had those moves Locked And Loaded, but it’s not like he was gonna bust them out oh god no, then harry pulls his rank on him and he thinks “well everyone else here can see that the guy making a bigger fool of himself is ordering me to do it so i guess it’s okay for me to“
(thinking abt that, there’s prolly something to also say there abt music being a sort of outlet for kim. in my brain the anodic dance music and the shit speedfreaks fm plays have more in common than not, but kim also strikes me as somewhat of a music snob about that sort of stuff so. i dunno)
and then the pissfaggot jacket! when you’re trying to convince him to put it on he essentially says “you’re gonna keep bothering me about this no matter what“ but at the end of the interaction he still puts the jacket on and keeps it on! “the first chance i get, this thing’s coming off“ yeah right, the first chance he had was immediately after putting it on, harry clearly doesn’t give a shit if kim leaves him hanging fashion-wise, he’s the one who puts on the fuck the world jacket first! and once harry takes off the fuck jacket, the piss jacket is gone too, so it basically boils down to “as long as i’m following around this guy who’s making a bigger fool of himself, i can do this thing that i wanted to do got coerced into going along with“ 
kim’s also like “it really *does* look cool to have both of these jackets on right now“ once he puts it on like who are you kidding bro. your lame ass wanted this. sure he wanted to be a jackass and take the jackets but he also confiscated those hubcaps because they were cool and he was gonna eventually install them, was he not gonna steal the jacket to wear it?
he has his pristine little Image to uphold so he’ll only do things he wants to do if it looks like he’s being forced to and/or he won’t be the biggest fool in the room because god forbid he expresses himself. there’s plenty of deeper analysis here in conjunction with how he relishes in having control over his desires and how harry’s someone who can get him to break his rigid self-control and let loose a bit, but for me it just boils down to:
he’s so fucking lame and it’s so fucking funny
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weepinghollow · 1 year
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arecaceae175 · 8 months
Gratitude Part 2: Twilight
Summary: Eight times Sky receives a gratitude crystal from the chain plus one time he gives some away. Twilight's turn :D
I said I was going to wait to post these on AO3 BUT I changed my mind XD. So here's the AO3 link.
Part 1. Art for part 1!! Art for part 2!!
“Hyah!” Twilight yelled as Epona galloped past. 
A whoosh of air made Sky’s sailcloth flutter and the stomps of the goats barreling into the barn echoed in his ears. He scooted closer to Colin.
“So…” Colin trailed off uncertainly. 
Sky glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow. He consciously tried to relax his muscles and make his body language as unintimidating as he could. 
“So?” Sky asked lightly. 
“You’re a hero too? Like Link?” Colin asked. 
“I am,” Sky said. He fought to keep the reluctance out of his voice. Colin didn’t need to be subjected to Sky’s true feelings about his place in the world. 
“From far away, though,” Sky said. 
“I’ve been to Kakariko! That’s pretty far,” Colin said. 
Sky smiled. “A lot farther than that.”
“Woah,” Colin said. 
One of the goats stomped past and Sky gulped. He pulled his sailcloth tighter around his shoulders for comfort and leaned even closer towards Colin.
“Are you scared?” Colin asked. 
“A little,” Sky answered with a chuckle. 
“What? How are you afraid of the goats?” Colin asked. 
“We don’t have big animals like goats or horses where I’m from, besides our Loftwings. I get nervous around them.”
“Oh. Huh,” Colin mumbled. “You must be from really far.”
Sky laughed and nodded. “Really far,” he agreed. 
Colin looked like he wanted to ask more questions, and Sky wasn’t sure how much Twilight wanted him to know, so he quickly changed the subject.
“From what your brother has said, it sounds like you’re a hero, too,” Sky said. 
Colin blushed and straightened his back. “I- not like Link. I’m not the hero, or anything. But I did save my friend, once.”
“Oh yeah?” Sky asked. 
“Mhm,” Colin mumbled. “I pushed her out of the way of a giant bullbos. It grabbed me instead of her.”
“That sounds pretty heroic to me,” Sky said. “And pretty scary.”
“I wasn’t scared,” Colin said. “Heroes don’t get scared. Link isn’t afraid of anything.”
Sky wasn’t willing to tarnish Colin’s image of Twilight, even if Sky knew his fears. More than once, Twilight had woken up panicked from nightmares and Sky was the one to comfort him. Twilight always worried over the others, so he tried to take care of them in whatever ways he could. And, most of all, Sky knew Twilight worried about his little brother. 
“I get scared,” Sky said. “Sometimes. But being brave is about doing hard things even when you’re scared.”  
“I wasn’t scared,” Colin said. His ears flattened against his head and the tips turned pink. His gaze was locked on the last goat running towards the barn. 
“I believe you,” Sky said. “Thank you for telling me.”
The slam of the barn door startled Sky. Twilight fastened the lock then turned Epona to gallop over to where Sky and Colin were sitting. They both rose to their feet and Sky clapped for him.
“All in,” Twilight said. 
“Yes!” Colin cheered. 
“I’ve never seen anything like that,” Sky said. The tips of Twilight’s ears turned pink as he jumped off his horse with a wide grin.
“It ain’t hard, once you learn how to do it,” Twilight said, his accent thick. 
Twilight’s accent was stronger in the last few days of being in Ordon than Sky had heard throughout their entire journey. Sky wondered if he realized, or if it was subconscious. Sky also worried he was toning it down on purpose around them. He would have to make sure to ask Twilight about that, later. 
“Tomorrow, we should take Sky to feed the goats,” Colin said. 
Sky blinked in surprise. “What?”
Twilight grinned and slung an arm around Colin’s shoulder. Colin pretended to look annoyed, but Sky didn’t miss the way he leaned into Twilight’s side. 
“I’m not so sure about that,” Twilight said. “Our Skyloftian isn’t too fond of ‘em.”
“That’s why we have to show him how to feed them! They always let me pet them when they get their food,” Colin said. 
Twilight glanced uncertainly towards Sky, clearly torn between not wanting to push Sky and appeasing his brother. Sky swallowed his fear and pulled back his shoulders. 
“I’d love to join,” Sky said. “Besides, you won’t let anything happen to me. Right, Colin?”
“Of course not!” Twilight said. “You’ve got the two heroes of Hyrule right here! You’ll be perfectly safe.”
Colin beamed up at his brother as Twilight squeezed his shoulder. Sky held back an awww with monumental effort. 
“We best be heading back now,” Twilight said. 
“Oh! Oh! Can I take Epona?” Colin asked. 
“Sure you can, so long as you’re careful,” Twilight said. 
“Yes!” Colin said. He was able to pull himself into Epona’s saddle, though Twilight’s hands hovered just in case he fell. 
“Hyah!” Colin yelled as he flicked Epona’s reins. She galloped towards the gate and jumped over at the last second, then thundered down the path. Sky and Twilight followed at a much more leisurely pace. 
“Thanks for comin’,” Twilight said. “I like to give Fado the night off, when I can.”
Sky glanced over and saw the beginnings of a gratitude crystal forming over Twilight’s head. Sky felt a warmth spread through him. He knew how much spending time together meant to Twilight.
“Thanks for asking me to. I’ve never seen goats before,” Sky said. “And talking to your brother was nice.”
“Thanks for doing that, too,” Twilight said. The beginnings of the crystal pulsed, doubling in size. “He doesn’t meet strangers often.”
“He’s a cool kid,” Sky said. 
“You really want to feed the goats tomorrow?” Twilight asked. 
Sky shrugged. “Sure. Colin seemed excited about it. And I know how much you love your goats, farm boy.”
Twilight laughed and the gratitude crystal burst to life above Twilight’s head. Sky laughed along with him as the crystal floated down to his chest and filled him with his favorite feeling of warmth. Sky bounced on his toes and skipped a few paces, then bounced back next to Twilight. 
Sky reached out and grabbed Twilight's hand, loosely enough that he could pull away if he wanted to. Twilight was never one to deny physical touch, in Sky’s experience. Twilight squeezed his hand and gave Sky a wide smile as Sky swung their arms. 
“The goats may look big and scary, but they’d never hurt a fly,” Twilight said. “Just don’t try to take their food.”
“Noted,” Sky said with a happy laugh.
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chiropterophilia · 2 months
what do you think different characters post nut clarity thoughts would be?
Depends on the character and the pairing, so I’m just gonna do my favorites <3
Bruce: He cuddles after Clark fucks him, no thoughts, head empty, ass filled. With Talia, he stays awake wondering how he got her. When he jerks off (happens rarely) he has the typical ‘disgusted how’d I think that was a good idea what the fuck’ type thoughts before going to sleep. Clark Bonus: He puts his nose in Bruce’s neck and wraps his arm around his waist, he likes how his boyfriend smells.
Dick: He kind of, curls himself around Wally after sex. He wraps his arms around his waist and chest, and his legs around his calves. He likes feeling close to him. After sex with Kory, he wraps his arms around her waist and nuzzles his face in her chest. After jerking off, if he’s in a good mood, he just goes to bed or eats. If its a bad day, he hugs his pillow and covers himself fully. Wally Bonus: He runs his fingers through Dick’s hair, pulling him as close as he can.
Tim: When he’s the one behind Kon, he rests his chin on Kon’s shoulder, then wraps his arms around Kon’s mid torso (height difference) because he’s kind of protective. He has random thoughts after a solo round, sometimes its things like ‘I should’ve called Kon’ and other times its ‘why are there no people or actual living organisms in the cars movies’
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bleue-flora · 6 months
So um, in light of my last post I was inspired to look into other dsmp people's ages because I feel like we don’t really think about it too often and oh does it make things interesting…
Just for reference and consideration, here are some United States Legal Age Minimums:
Drive: 16-18
Adult: 18-21
Vote: 18
Drink Alcohol: 21
Political Office: 25 (Representative) 30 (Senator) 35 (President)
Military: 17-18
Also Note: On average the brain is scientifically not fully developed until age 25 - and oh wouldn't you know it 90% of the server fall under that, meaning no wonder we have a bunch of wars their prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed and wouldn't you know it that part of the brain is responsible for regulating attention, behavior, and emotion as well as the processing that Actions Have Consequences... huh whelp that makes sense.
Anyways… age data is below (I didn't do everyone nor every event - nobody got time for that ;D... I didn't have time for this to begin with lol...) But I specifically want to highlight that not only was Dream 21 from Jan-Aug of his Imprisonment, but Sam was also 21 till Jun, and Quackity was literally 20 while he was daily torturing Dream... 20?! They were roughly a year apart, all of them so close. Like can you imagine, treating your peer like that? Sam is like a couple months older than Dream and that's it. Quackity can't even drink legally in the United States. That's insane...
(* to signify canonical Immortality)
Ok, so the full list of members and ages is at the bottom, but first, here are so key events I picked just to highlight their ages at the time.
Server Creation - April 24, 2020
GeorgeNotFound - 23 Callahan - 23 Dream - 20 Sapnap - 19
L'Manberg War - August 2, 2020
BadBoyHalo - 25 WilburSoot - 23 GeorgeNotFound - 23 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 Eret - 21 Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 20 Fundy - 20 Skeppy - 20 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 19 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 17 Purpled - 16 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Pogtopia vs Manberg War - November 16th, 2020
Philza - 32* BadBoyHalo - 25 HBomb - 26 WilburSoot - 24 GeorgeNotFound - 24 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 Karl Jacobs -22 Antfrost - 22 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 21 Technoblade - 21* Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Connor - 21 Schlatt - 21 Fundy - 21 Skeppy - 20 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 19 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Purpled - 17 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Exile - December 4, 2020
Ghostbur - 24 Technoblade - 21* Dream - 21 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Doomsday - January 6, 2021
Philza - 32* HBomb - 27 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 21 Technoblade - 21* Dream - 21 Fundy - 21 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 16
Disc Confrontation - January 20, 2021
HBomb - 27 BadBoyHalo - 25 Callahan - 24 Punz - 23 Antfrost - 22 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 22 Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 16
Quackity’s First Prison Visit - March 16, 2021
Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Quackity - 20
Techno's Visit- June 6, 2021
Technoblade - 22* Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21
Jailbreak - November 28, 2021
Philza - 33* HBomb - 27 BadBoyHalo - 26 George - 25 Callahan - 24 Punz - 24 Karl Jacobs - 23 Antfrost - 23 CaptainPuffy - 23 Foolish Gamers - 22 Eret - 22 Technoblade - 22* Awesamdude - 22 Dream - 22 Connor - 22 Fundy - 22 Skeppy - 21 Hannahxxrose - 21 Ponk - 21 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 20 Niki Nihachu - 20 Jack Manifold - 19 Purpled - 18 Ranboo - 18 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 17
Comprehensive List From Oldest to Youngest: Name - Date of Birth (Current Age) - [Join Date] Age when Joined
Philza- March 1, 1988 (36) – [Nov 16, 2020]  32 *Immortal*
HBomb- Jan 4, 1994 (30) – [Sept 22, 2020]  26
BadBoyHalo- April 2, 1995 (28) – [May 19, 2020]  25
Wilbur- Sept 14, 1996 (27) – [July 12, 2020] 23
GeorgeNotFound- Nov 1, 1996 (27) – [April 24, 2020]  23
Callahan- Jan 19, 1997 (27) – [April 24, 2020]  23 
Punz- Jan 31, 1997 (27) – [July 7, 2020]  23  
Karl Jacobs- July 19, 1998 (25) – [Aug 26, 2020]  22 
Antfrost- Aug 27, 1998 (25) – [Sep 5, 2020]  22 
Captain Puffy- Sept 18, 1998 (25) – [Nov 16, 2020]  22
Foolish Gamers- Dec 18, 1998 (25) – [Jan 16, 2021]  22 *Immortal*
Eret- Jan 9, 1999 (25) – [July 19, 2020]  21
Technoblade- June 1, 1999 (23) – [Sept 22, 2020]  21 *Immortal*
Awesamdude - June 8, 1999 (24) – [April 28, 2020]  20 
Dream - Aug 12, 1999 (24) – [April 24, 2020]  20
Connor- Aug 26, 1999 (24) – [Nov 16, 2020]  21
Schlatt- Sept 10, 1999 (24) – [Sept 20, 2020]  21 
Fundy- Oct 10, 1999 (24) – [July 7, 2020]  20 
Skeppy- Jan 17, 2000 (24) – [July 18, 2020]  20 
Ponk- April 18, 2000 (23) – [May 7, 2020]  20 
Quackity- Dec 28, 2000 (23) – [Aug 11, 2020]  19 
Sapnap- March 1, 2001 (23) – [April 24, 2020]  19 
Niki Nihachu- Nov 3, 2001 (22) – [Aug 6, 2020]  18 
Jack Manifold- Aug 14, 2002 (21) – [Aug 3, 2020]  17 
Purpled- Oct 24, 2003 (20) – [July 9, 2020]  16
Ranboo- Nov 2, 2003 (20) – [Nov 17, 2020]  17 
Tubbo- Dec 23, 2003 (20) – [July 7, 2020]  16 
Tommy- April 9, 2004 (19) – [July 4, 2020]  16 
They are all babies confirmed... things make so much more sense... brain development guys it's important ;)
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pharawee · 6 months
Thank you so much for your thorough response. I'm not always good at following production companies. Please ignore this if I'm overstepping, I've already asked for a lot of your time and research, but other than 9naa are there other companies you boycott because of how they treat actors? I know there were some issues with 2moons and I know there were some issues for Saint, though those were long before my time in the fandom.
That's completely understandable. There's so many companies now that do BL - some of them aren't even primarily into entertainment (a skincare company did The Promise, and I think there's at least one car dealership delving into BL things now too, while other companies are purely for investment and why would you even follow those if they're only about money?).
I'm trying to stay up-to-date because I'm interested in the industry side of things but I probably missed a lot of stuff as well.
Here's what I know for sure:
Motive Village
Motive Village did 2Moons. Then they did 2Moons2 with the same characters (and story!) but all different actors. THEN they did 2Moons: The Ambassador with (some of) the same characters (and story) and different actors again.
Why did they do that? Probably because they're so bad at managing their actors that they're all collectively running away as soon as possible. But that's not even the worst part. One of the actors from 2Moons2, Din Teerapat (then known as Earth Teerapat), was actively excluded and blocked from all promotion while being completely trapped in his contract. Other actors weren't paid and were badly mismanaged. Then there's very serious allegations that Din might have been (I'm phrasing this as carefully as possible) harrassed by one of MV's higher-ups. Din never spoke about it and has since decided to move on.
Aam Anusorn, who directed 2Moons2 (and isn't related to MV in any way) has spoken up about this, and his series Call It What You Want is supposedly based on some of what happened.
Other actors who "escaped" MV include Bas Suradej, Copter Panuwat, Kimmon Warudom (who went on to sign with Star Hunter for a while and did the very delightful Gen Y which is basically 2Moons fanfiction), Tae Darvid & Tee Thanapon (who did Triage), Boun Noppanut (who was never with MV but wasn't paid for his guest role in 2Moons), Joong Archen, Pavel Naret, Benjamin Brasier & Dome Woranart. The latest escapee seems to be Park Anandatej who will be in Monster next Door.
Benjamin Brasier and Dome Woranart seem to be back to working with Motive Village recently and I'm honestly a bit ?? ??? about it.
Y.Ent did Unforgotten Night and For Him the Series. Recently, the leads of For Him, Tor Atagorn and Dew Nitikorn (along with Yoon Phusanu who starred in Unforgotten Night and had a cut guest role in For Him), have come forward saying that they were never paid for their work in For Him. Additionally, Tor has opened up about being continuously harrassed and stalked by someone on and off set during filming. It affected him so badly that he is now in therapy and on medication for depression and anxiety.
Just yesterday Yoon Phusanu held a press conference because he still hasn't been paid. He's one of the few actors who actually have the means to hire lawyers and go against his company. His lawyer has stated that not many young actors in Thai BL can afford to do the same.
9NAA did Check Out, Venus in the Sky and, most recently, Kiseki Chapter 2. You know about 9NAA already but for everyone else reading this and wanting to know what's going on with them, here's a short summary.
Here's some other companies involved in Thai BL who have done some mildly questionable things:
Maximon who have since rebranded as Harikarn (with another company now named Maximon that might also have been emerged from the original Maximon... it's complicated) might have not paid their actors for Chains of Heart until the series had long finished airing. Haii Sarunsathorn and Boom Raweewit, the leads, made some very carefully worded joke tweets about it - which kind of makes you go hmmmm. There was also a freelancer who spoke up about not getting paid for his art, but nothing more ever came of it. Both Maximon and Harikarn have since ramped up production again - with some of the same actors - so I'm not especially concerned for the moment.
Well.Thailand recently annouced a bunch of new BLs and then promptly went bancrupt. One of their former producers immediately picked up the slack and founded EntSync in order to take over all projects and talent. They've already held the blessing ceremony for Black Forest and everything seems to be back to normal for the moment except for Born to be Y the series which should have aired this month but has since been indefinitely postponed.
Fix Entertainment is behind The Whisperer and is holding the series' final episode hostage because apparently a planned fanmeeting didn't sell enough tickets so they seem to have run out of funds. This is very ?? ???
Studio on Fire recently announced that one of the leads of their upcoming series Live in Love will be replaced, citing creative differences and "different work attitudes" (hate that phrase yet?) as the reason. Weirdly enough, said lead (Non Ratchanon) is from another company and was part of an acting pair with their own actor Hearth Chindanai. Hmmmmmm.*
*This kind of reminds me of what happened with Saint Suppapong during and after Love By Chance when he was basically almost bullied out of the industry because he wasn't with the same company as all of the other actors.
As I said, there's probably more but I didn't include actor scandals, unfounded rumours or stuff that has already been resolved.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Could u do headcanon for how you think Mick would be as a boyfriend?
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT!!! Let's go, nonny hahaha
Boyfriend!Mick headcanon | MS47
Warnings: mentions of food; not proofread.
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Mick's love language: ACTS OF SERVICE and you can't change my mind on that. I can totally see him doing small stuff that nobody would pay too much attention but you would absolutely notice, like trying to wake up before his alarm so that it would not wake you up, leaving breakfast ready for you before he leaves to work out, and although he's not into PDA he would totally guide you around to make sure you're safe aka hands on your back.
Homeboy is shy around too many people, but he's totally WILD around his close friends and you can bet he's probably into dirty talk in bed.
Will totally listen without judgment to any rant you have.
PROTECTIVE!BOYFRIEND!ENERGY! Will ask you to share your location every time you're out or ordering an Uber just to make sure you're safe and got home safe too since he cannot be there every time. BUT WHEN HE IS AROUND Mick would totally pick you up, would be DD a lot of times, and wouldn't mind driving your friends to their houses after a happy hour with your work buddies.
I think at home Mick's the clingy type, he would make you sit on his lap while he plays video games, and would enjoy being around you in silence because silence with Mick is something comfortable and never ever awkward.
PLAY DATES WITH ANGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would love to have you as his backpack when he goes around and about using his bike, but he would always check if you were ok with the speed and feeling safe.
Besides acts of service and quality time, I think he has a tendency to gift giving, especially because he travels a lot so it's not uncommon for him to see something that reminds him of you, and mind you not, he doesn't even blink about price or whatever, he will buy whatever and do whatever for you, that simple.
Loves to cuddle with you and Angie whenever you have free time.
His family is really important to him, so, of course, he would make sure you were included in most of their activities, he would love to watch you interact with his mom and sister.
Mick will totally send you paddock gossip and you two would have fun reading some comments and creating theories together, but that would probably happen when you decide to get a bit tipsy together and shit-talk about stuff.
Overall, I think he would be very communicative, he would share his fears and feelings after some time and would be happy when you did the same with him.
And, he will probably be the first to say I love you.
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jamiethebeeart · 6 months
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Lineart by me! (extra info for colorists in og tags) I couldn't resist a dappled light variant on this. @green-with-envy-phandom-event
fun fact: this lineart originally had the actual lunch/picnic table ridges and then i realized that was too much, especially without access to the layers of lineart (personally, I would color the lineart for the table and then the support bars would be colored and the layer moved underneath the table top. I decided not to put colorists in a position to try to color it with one layer of lineart, but I did get quite far before making that decision)
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ricopop · 8 months
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mini oscillo ref aahh what EVERRR dies @superbellsubways @cephalonheadquarters
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creaturefeaster · 6 months
Wiiirrreeee, is there a swamp on theia?
Oh absolutely!
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A very large portion of the lower east convex vertex in the focus continent is just a bunch of swampland. Along the rivers are a bit less stagnant but much older swampland, whereas the vast majority of land is stagnant overflood. Most of the water and plant life in the area is heavily endowed with the same magical essence you can find north west of the region, where Michael & his friends live.
A lot of the terrain is not considered habitable by most, and it's in these regions that you find a lot of plant people, treeple, fish people, pixies, or any other race that's heavily in tune with the earth & water.
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mamamouches · 1 year
SAGAU except they're aware of what goes on when you go into the character menu???
Particularly when they pray as you hop onto the artifacts menu to raise em, whether is for for them, another character to which some might try to purposely mess the rolls up bc oops! looks like they can't use that now! :) guess they'll have to wait., or just to make space for more bc HOW IS YOUR ARTIFACT STORAGE FULL ARE YOU OKAY??? Σ(・∀・;)
Whenever you raise their artifacts they kinda feel bad if it rolled into the wrong subs when you raise it with them and would either apologize or say that it'll roll better on the next one, they know it will!! (it did not 😔)
That or they don't bc they felt silly and wanted to spite you so guess you gotta do a few more runs to try again teehee 😗👉👈 they eventually roll a ridiculously amazing artifact at some point, but just this once!
(or y'know the opposite where there's always this one character you always use to raise artifacts bc they always get the best rolls and best subs? yeah imagine them celebrating w you at how good the stats rolled too!!)
Kinda like how if you try to make gear in tkrb there's a chance of it shattering (therefore failing) instead of being able to create one and when that happens the character you brought with you for those will say things like "oh no, it broke! i'm so sorry :(" or "i-it's okay!! let's try again...!" or you just flat out hear sobbing noises bc your new feather low rolled all 5 into defense FLAT 😭 BASICALLY THAT YEAH
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My Headcannons for how Infected and Kasper operate
Buckle up, this is a long post. Thinking about how characters function in relation to the world around them is basically a hobby of mine, so expect more. (I have others planned for both lampert and unpleasant at the very least)
(Not ship related) (angst heavy sorry)
Kasper’s infection is a brain-rooted/cognito-hazardous parasite
He got it after purposely ignoring a chainmail curse, both as a sort of “fuck around and find out” as well as an outright form of self-harm/self-sabotage.
The parasite is the one that primarily controls all the conscious actions of infected, while kasper now acts sub-consciously.
Its less of a split-mind situation and more of a Venom + Eddie or Gundam + Pilot situation they are two separate entities inhabiting the same body that can potentially act at the same time
It just so happens that the parasite from the chainmail curse has VERY similar desires/interests/motivations to Kasper, so the host/parasite relationship actually works very well.
Infected accidentally makes Kasper lose a decent chunk of weight after it takes over, due to it not being able to feel when Kasper is hungry and forgetting to let him eat
Kasper and Infected can be addressed separately (Lampert, UnpleasantGradient, Folly and maybe a few others know this) and Kasper tends to choose not to respond due to his own apathy, instead opting to let Infected take the lead.
Being able to respawn/no permadeath on the regretevator is the reason why Kasper opted to infect himself, as he saw it as the next closest thing to death/suicide.
Allowing infected to enter his mind has radically reduced Kasper’s lifespan. (He’d be lucky if he made it to his late 30’s)
His nose bleeds when Kasper and infected try to act at the same time
Infected is only transferrable via chainmail
Infected doesn’t feel any of the bodily necessities that kasper has, so its not uncommon for him to collapse of exhaustion, dehydration, hunger, ect. If someone doesn’t remind him.
Infected doesnt feel pain either
Kasper feels it though. A lot.
In fact the whole process of infected entering his mind was incredibly painful as is.
Infected isn’t the reason why things in the elevator/on his own body suddenly lose their texture, neither of them know why that happens now.
They personally aren’t physically effected by it and both find it cool, so neither are bothered.
It’s probably just the result of infected’s malware (thats only technically supposed to effect machines) managing to attach itself to a human. Or maybe Kasper could do that and never previously knew. Who knows. ;)
Kasper/infected can phase through objects that are textureless, including parts of his own body. Anything else will collide as it normally would, and take damage.
Infected will always talk with full leetspeak, (L13k D1$) while Kasper will only have one letter/number substitution (L1ke Th1s)
UG unintentionally named infected that. Basically just looked at Kasper, who had just let a parasite into his mind, and looked at the chainmail virus on his computer, and it went “huh… Bro’s Infected”
Bro is, in fact, infected.
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