#fantastic work gang
lightbluesleeper · 2 days
mag 200. my brain chemistry will never be the same
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scalierpepper · 4 months
I am UNBELIEVABLY excited to share this with you all!!! Hozier x TLT x Reinaeiry !?!?! And I got to make art for it!?!?!?!!?
I put so much tlt love into the artwork and Eiry's cover is absolutely stunning!! Truly a dream project.
Here's the spotify link also!
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pingvin-king · 12 days
[workmate getting me to play GTA V]
workmate: it’s so fun, you can customise your own character! my character looks like me but with a bob haircut
me: that’s neat haha
also me: *receives a vision™️ of my gta oc and spends a while in designing him. also immediately develops his personality and character lore*
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peacockpenis · 1 year
mischief movie night in beating up their friends (and using great stage combat form!)
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
i think more general music classes should include punk rock / metal as a genre
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zu-is-here · 2 years
That's why I love so much the Bads ♡♡♡
Solo! (≧∀≦)☆
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The majority of censorship is self-censorship
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA (Saturday night, with Adam Conover), Seattle (Monday, with Neal Stephenson), then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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I know a lot of polymaths, but Ada Palmer takes the cake: brilliant science fiction writer, brilliant historian, brilliant librettist, brilliant singer, and then some:
Palmer is a friend and a colleague. In 2018, she, Adrian Johns and I collaborated on "Censorship, Information Control, & Information Revolutions from Printing Press to Internet," a series of grad seminars at the U Chicago History department (where Ada is a tenured prof, specializing in the Inquisition and Renaissance forbidden knowledge):
The project had its origins in a party game that Ada and I used to play at SF conventions: Ada would describe a way that the Inquisitions' censors attacked the printing press, and I'd find an extremely parallel maneuver from governments, the entertainment industry or other entities from the much more recent history of internet censorship battles.
With the seminars, we took it to the next level. Each 3h long session featured a roster of speakers from many disciplines, explaining everything from how encryption works to how white nationalists who were radicalized in Vietnam formed an armored-car robbery gang to finance modems and Apple ][+s to link up neo-Nazis across the USA.
We borrowed the structure of these sessions from science fiction conventions, home to a very specific kind of panel that doesn't always work, but when it does, it's fantastic. It was a natural choice: after all, Ada and I know each other through science fiction.
Even if you're not an sf person, you've probably heard of the Hugo Awards, the most prestigious awards in the field, voted on each year by attendees of the annual World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). And even if you're not an sf fan, you might have heard about a scandal involving the Hugo Awards, which were held last year in China, a first:
A little background: each year's Worldcon is run by a committee of volunteers. These volunteers put together bids to host the Worldcon, and canvass Worldcon attendees to vote in favor of their bid. For many years, a group of Chinese fans attempted to field a successful bid to host a Worldcon, and, eventually, they won.
At the time, there were many concerns: about traveling to a country with a poor human rights record and a reputation for censorship, and about the logistics of customary Worldcon attendees getting visas. During this debate, many international fans pointed to the poor human rights record in the USA (which has hosted the vast majority of Worldcons since their inception), and the absolute ghastly rigmarole the US government subjects many foreign visitors to when they seek visas to come to the US for conventions.
Whatever side of this debate you came down on, it couldn't be denied that the Chinese Worldcon rang a lot of alarm-bells. Communications were spotty, and then the con was unceremoniously rescheduled for months after the original scheduled date, without any good explanation. Rumors swirled of Chinese petty officials muscling their way into the con's administration.
But the real alarm bells started clanging after the Hugo Award ceremony. Normally, after the Hugos are given out, attendees are given paper handouts tallying the nominations and votes, and those numbers are also simultaneously published online. Technically, the Hugo committee has a grace period of some weeks before this data must be published, but at every Worldcon I've attended over the past 30+ years, I left the Hugos with a data-sheet in my hand.
Then, in early December, at the very last moment, the Hugo committee released its data – and all hell broke loose. Numerous, acclaimed works had been unilaterally "disqualified" from the ballot. Many of these were written by writers from the Chinese diaspora, but some works – like an episode of Neil Gaiman's Sandman – were seemingly unconnected to any national considerations.
Readers and writers erupted in outrage, demanding to know what had happened. The Hugo administrators – Americans and Canadians who'd volunteered in those roles for many years and were widely viewed as being members in good standing of the community – were either silent or responded with rude and insulting remarks. One thing they didn't do was explain themselves.
The absence of facts left a void that rumors and speculation rushed in to fill. Stories of Chinese official censorship swirled online, and along with them, a kind of I-told-you-so: China should never have been home to a Worldcon, the country's authoritarian national politics are fundamentally incompatible with a literary festival.
As the outrage mounted and the scandal breached from the confines of science fiction fans and writers to the wider world, more details kept emerging. A damning set of internal leaks revealed that it was those long-serving American and Canadian volunteers who decided to censor the ballot. They did so out of a vague sense that the Chinese state would visit some unspecified sanction on the con if politically unpalatable works appeared on the Hugo ballot. Incredibly, they even compiled clumsy dossiers on nominees, disqualifying one nominee out of a mistaken belief that he had once visited Tibet (it was actually Nepal).
There's no evidence that the Chinese state asked these people to do this. Likewise, it wasn't pressure from the Chinese state that caused them to throw out hundreds of ballots cast by Chinese fans, whom they believed were voting for a "slate" of works (it's not clear if this is the case, but slate voting is permitted under Hugo rules).
All this has raised many questions about the future of the Hugo Awards, and the status of the awards that were given in China. There's widespread concern that Chinese fans involved with the con may face state retaliation due to the negative press that these shenanigans stirred up.
But there's also a lot of questions about censorship, and the nature of both state and private censorship, and the relationship between the two. These are questions that Ada is extremely well-poised to answer; indeed, they're the subject of her book-in-progress, entitled Why We Censor: from the Inquisition to the Internet.
In a magisterial essay for Reactor, Palmer stakes out her central thesis: "The majority of censorship is self-censorship, but the majority of self-censorship is intentionally cultivated by an outside power":
States – even very powerful states – that wish to censor lack the resources to accomplish totalizing censorship of the sort depicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four. They can't go from house to house, searching every nook and cranny for copies of forbidden literature. The only way to kill an idea is to stop people from expressing it in the first place. Convincing people to censor themselves is, "dollar for dollar and man-hour for man-hour, much cheaper and more impactful than anything else a censorious regime can do."
Ada invokes examples modern and ancient, including from her own area of specialty, the Inquisition and its treatment of Gailileo. The Inquistions didn't set out to silence Galileo. If that had been its objective, it could have just assassinated him. This was cheap, easy and reliable! Instead, the Inquisition persecuted Galileo, in a very high-profile manner, making him and his ideas far more famous.
But this isn't some early example of Inquisitorial Streisand Effect. The point of persecuting Galileo was to convince Descartes to self-censor, which he did. He took his manuscript back from the publisher and cut the sections the Inquisition was likely to find offensive. It wasn't just Descartes: "thousands of other major thinkers of the time wrote differently, spoke differently, chose different projects, and passed different ideas on to the next century because they self-censored after the Galileo trial."
This is direct self-censorship, where people are frightened into silencing themselves. But there's another form of censorship, which Ada calls "middlemen censorship." That's when someone other than the government censors a work because they fear what the government would do if they didn't. Think of Scholastic's cowardly decision to pull inclusive, LGBTQ books out of its book fair selections even though no one had ordered them to do so:
This is a form of censorship outsourcing, and it "multiplies the manpower of a censorship system by the number of individuals within its power." The censoring body doesn't need to hire people to search everyone's houses for offensive books – it can frighten editors, publishers, distributors, booksellers and librarians into suppressing the books in the first place.
This outsourcing blurs the line between state and private surveillance. Think about comics. After a series of high-profile Congressional hearings about the supposed danger of comics to impressionable young minds, the comics industry undertook a regime of self-censorship, through which the private Comics Code Authority would vet comings for "dangerous" content before allowing its seal of approval to appear on the comics' covers. Distributors and retailers refused to carry books without a CCA stamp, so publishers refused to publish books unless they could get a CCA stamp.
The CCA was unaccountable, capricious – and racist. By the 60s and 70s, it became clear that comic about Black characters were subjected to much tighter scrutiny than comics featuring white heroes. The CCA would reject "a drop of sweat on the forehead of a Black astronaut as 'too graphic' since it 'could be mistaken for blood.'" Every comic that got sent back by the CCA meant long, brutal reworkings by writers and illustrators to get them past the censors.
The US government never censored heroes like Black Panther, but the chain of events that created the CCA "middleman censors" made sure that Black Panther appeared in far fewer comics starring Marvel's most prominent Black character. An analysis of censorship that tries to draw a line between private and public censorship would say that the government played no role in Black Panther's banishment to obscurity – but without Congressional action, Black Panther would never have faced censorship.
This is why attempts to cleanly divide public and private censorship always break down. Many people will tell you that when Twitter or Facebook blocks content they disagree with, that's not censorship, since censorship is government action, and these are private actors. What they mean is that Twitter and Facebook censorship doesn't violate the First Amendment, but it's perfectly possible to infringe on free speech without violating the US Constitution. What's more, if the government fails to prevent monopolization of our speech forums – like social media – and also declines to offer its own public speech forums that are bound to respect the First Amendment, we can end up with government choices that produce an environment in which some ideas are suppressed wherever they might find an audience – all without violating the Constitution:
The great censorious regimes of the past – the USSR, the Inquisition – left behind vast troves of bureaucratic records, and these records are full of complaints about the censors' lack of resources. They didn't have the manpower, the office space, the money or the power to erase the ideas they were ordered to suppress. As Ada notes, "In the period that Spain’s Inquisition was wildly out of Rome’s control, the Roman Inquisition even printed manuals to guide its Inquisitors on how to bluff their way through pretending they were on top of what Spain was doing!"
Censors have always done – and still do – their work not by wielding power, but by projecting it. Even the most powerful state actors are not powerful enough to truly censor, in the sense of confiscating every work expressing an idea and punishing everyone who creates such a work. Instead, when they rely on self-censorship, both by individuals and by intermediaries. When censors act to block one work and not another, or when they punish one transgressor while another is free to speak, it's tempting to think that they are following some arcane ruleset that defines when enforcement is strict and when it's weak. But the truth is, they censor erratically because they are too weak to censor comprehensively.
Spectacular acts of censorship and punishment are a performance, "to change the way people act and think." Censors "seek out actions that can cause the maximum number of people to notice and feel their presence, with a minimum of expense and manpower."
The censor can only succeed by convincing us to do their work for them. That's why drawing a line between state censorship and private censorship is such a misleading exercise. Censorship is, and always has been, a public-private partnership.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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David: Good Omens 2 will be once more unto the breach...
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Michael: The kind of world that Neil and Terry Pratchett created here. It's... it seems to be expanding out into the world in all kinds of unexpected and and truly joyful ways.
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Douglas Mackinnon (the directior): If Season one was a comedy about the End of the World, Season Two is a comedy about the beginning of everything else.
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Miranda Richardson (demon Shax): The Bromance is continuing.
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Doon Mackichan (Archangel Michael): What a cast, is all I can say, incredible, incredible cast.
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Liz Carr (angel Saraqael): But of course a script of Good Omens is a whole different thing because anything can happen.
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Shelley Con (Prince of Hell Beelzebub): There's always a smirk somewhere around the corner in a Good Omens script.
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Quelin Sepulveda (angel Muriel): I had no idea what to expect, where this character was gonna go...
Liz: I feel quite honored that when they were thinking of the realms of sarcasm they thought of me.
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Gloria Obianyo (angel Uriel): Seven-year-old me is like, 'Oh my God! This is the stuff of dreams!'
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Maggie Service (human Maggie): A whole Fantastical Universe of joy that we just get to playing and you'll get to watch.
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Tim Downie (Mr Brown): I am immeasurably, immeasurably excited.
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Jon Hamm (Archangel Gabriel / Jim): You know I was very pleased when when I was brought back to be a part of that story.
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Neil Gaiman: Ppeople are excited and I'm working so hard to tell them absolutely nothing. I'm very lucky because Michael Sheen and David Tennant love Crowley and Aziraphale. I think the first moment that I saw David and Michael acting together... all of a sudden there was Crowley and there was Aziraphale, it was like seeing two friends who I hadn't seen for years.
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David: There's something about the way Neil sees the mundane that is extraordinary and there's something about the way things filter through his imagination and of course in this world it also sprinkled with the imagination of Terry Pratchett and those two together created this cocktail that is it's unlike anything you've seen anywhere else and yet it feels utterly familiar.
Michael: And they both have a sense of the absurdity of what it is to be a human.
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Rob Wilkins: When you've got David and Michael in front of the camera David and Michael evaporate and you have Crowley in Aziraphale and that relationship it needed it needed interrogating more and of course we all know that Terry and Neil had conversations about what the sequel would be and Neil has taken that and he's blown it up in a way that the viewers are just going to love so what would Terry think? Terry would pat Neil on the back and he would push Good Omens forward, he would break a bottle of champagne over its bows and be absolutely delighted and I know that, I'm the one person on Earth who's been entrusted to know that for certain and I promise you Terry would be absolutely delighted.
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David: We've got some cast members coming back, returning but playing different parts which is a lovely little addition to things isn't it, so Miranda Richardson is back not playing the same role as Season One, she's now Shax, my replacement - Crowley's replacement on Earth.
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Neil: Shelley Conn came in as Beelzebub and it feels in a weird way kind of like a Doctor Who Regeneration. We have a new demon called Furfur played by Rheece Shearsmith who was our Shakespeare in Season One.
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David: Nina and Maggie were two of the Sisters in Season One, The nunnery of Doom, and now they are two characters imaginatively called Nina and Maggie.
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Maggie: In season one really it was just me and the nuns, it was the nun gang, so to actually get to meet Aziraphale and Crowley... I hadn't been prepared for how delightful Aziraphale is.
Neil: Season Two begins about threem four years after the events of Season One.
Michael: Aziraphale and Crowley now are, you know, out on their own, they're.. they're a team to themselves.
Neil: Everything changes when Aziraphale gets an unexpected visitor.
Michael: A familiar face comes along with a mystery that needs solving and as Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to solve that mystery they realize that there are much more terrifying things ahead than they've had to deal with in the past. That involves having to go back through history as well to get clues as to what might be going on.
David: When we go back into these stories set within Aziraphale and Crowley's personal history there are moments within those stories where where their relationships sort of pivots or develops in some way. Himself and Aziraphale I think rely on each other even more in season two than they did in Season One because they are by necessity and by circumstance they're a they're a double act that nobody else can join.
Michael: It's extraordinary to see how important these characters and this story have become to a lot of people and how much people enjoy expressing themselves through art, through fan fiction.
David: I went to a Comic-Con and the amount of Crowleys and Aziraphales that I saw everywhere, the cosplaying just took off, and always in twos, which was joyous because of course the characters in my mind only exist in relation to each other. They are the Ying and the Yang.
Michael: It's such a... I think it's such a compliment and I think Neil feels the same way as well.
Maggie: Always clever Neil Gaiman, isn't he?
Nina: Yeah yeah, you'd have to sort of admit that at some point, yeah-
Maggie: He's quite good at his job.
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paddockbunny · 4 months
Fraternisation Clause
Summary : Working for McLaren is hard, being Lando’s PR girl is even harder….so maybe you need to make a tough decision that will be even harder yet Rating : 16+ Pairing: Lando x Reader Word Count : 1474 words Trigger Warnings : language but clean Images : curated from Pintrest Authors Note : there are probably a few bits in here that aren’t exactly how things are in the actual paddock / McLaren hierarchy so just ignore it and take it for the work of fiction it is ☺️
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Abu Dhabi ‘23
It was time to go. You knew that. Everything you could accomplish in your role, you had. The opportunity being offered to you was too great to pass up and if you were honest the move truly excited (and somewhat scared) you. But, it was a step up the ladder and it was a ladder that you really wanted to climb. As you swiped your credentials on the paddock barriers you saw your colleagues and friends awaiting you. Leaving them all behind was exceptionally tough as really, you had all become a little family. You enjoyed pizza nights, drunken karaoke, practical jokes and laughter and tears with them during your four year tenure. As they looked at you with a mixture of smiles and pouting lips it really hit you how tough it was to be leaving and even worse how you wouldn’t be a part of the gang anymore. For twenty four weeks of the year you guys were going to be in the exact same place and yet not be as close anymore. It was such a bittersweet feeling. But, you remembered as some of your new team mates walked past in their crisp white shirts, when Mercedes come a calling, you answer the call.
The night sky was illuminated by an array of bright explosions of colour as fireworks crescendoed overhead. You were already down awaiting Lando to begin media duties so couldn’t really engage in the end of session celebrations like you would have liked. But still it was nice to imagine the pretty illuminations overhead were all for you.
As you waited for Lando to be weighed and take his helmet and balaclava off you couldn’t help but smile. He finished P5 and P7 in the overall standings. An excellent effort and he could be extremely proud he equalled himself for the previous 22 season - considering how tough the car had been, it was fantastic. It had been a long, sometimes stressful, crazy ride being Lando Norris’ PR officer but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t enjoyed every single last millisecond of it. At the start you had an immature, slightly naive guy who matured into a funny, charismatic, caring man. You smirked knowing it couldn’t have been easy for him working with you at the start either. You weren’t as regimented as you had become and he was often late, missing caps or passes, he even got fined for being late to the national anthem ceremony once because you forgot to fetch him, but you were fresh out of university and learning right along side him. It was a baptism of fire and you loved it. And honestly, you couldn’t have imagined anyone else being your F1 virginity stealer.
However, as you waited for him and reminisced you felt overcome by a horrible sadness. See you thought Lando would have been happy for you to move on and be promoted - go on to bigger better things - but he wasn’t. After accepting Mercedes offer and putting in your formal notice, Lando was the first person you told and boy, it did go well. He immedietly told you you were doing the wrong thing and joining Mercedes wasn’t the right move. He passionately attempted to deter you from moving and even got angry when you tried to calm him down. You had never before seen Lando upset like what he was that night - sure during a race or whatnot but that was because he was competitive - So it was totally unexpected. He asked if it were the pay making you leave and even offered to pay you more from his own wages (which insulted you). He asked if you were being forced out, if something had happened with another member of the team (which it hadn’t). Then he asked if it was because you didn’t want to work with him anymore and it caught somewhere in your throat.
If this had been ‘22 you would haven’t hesitated to laugh at the insinuation and make a quip about him being cocksure of himself. But it wasn’t. It was the end of 2023 and you knew yourself things had shifted between the pair of you. In the past 12 months Lando and you had come close to blurring the professional lines and you were able to realise how dangerous that truly was. Nothing had ever happened that could have been considered inappropriate but you couldn’t be one hundred percent you didn’t want it too. And that was what scared you. McLaren had an employee fraternisation clause which clearly stated that employees could not carry out romantic or sexual relationships between other employees particularly those where one employee is in a higher up position. And it didn’t take the brain of Britain to know Lando was their “star” and you were just another foot soldier. There was no way they would keep you over their superstar driver. And besides, it was known amongst the PR team that Lando had a little thing for you as way back as 2020 when you first started working with him but you had always laughed it off, rolled you eyes and played it down.
“He’s just a kid, don’t be daft” you would be heard quipping back. But for some reason, after the prior year, you spend the season pretending you didn’t know he was staring at you, that he was making you laugh on purpose, that he was finding any reason to touch you, be close to you and even invite you to things without anyone else from the team being there. You knew it would only be a matter of time before Lando would try to move things in a different direction - in particular, you knew he would do something stupid like try and kiss you and you would do something even more stupid and kiss him back.
So you walked away. You took the call and accepted the Mercedes offer of becoming a PR Manager (instead of PR officer). You had thought about it at length, toiled over it. And while you knew he might not understand why, you thought he would still be happy for you. You hadn’t expected the attitude he had shown to you over the course of the past three races. The silence, the grunting for responses, not even looking at you as you were talking to him.
You looked up to find him almost in front of you as the fireworks continued overhead. He held out his hand for his water bottle and little bag full of promotional bracelets and watch. “Well done, it’s been a good year.” You tried to tell him but he either didn’t hear you from the loud bangs and the start of the podium celebrations or he was deliberately ignoring you. You swallowed, wishing this was all different. You really could do with a Lando hug right now but as you started off toward the media pen, neither of you said a word to each other. And then after media he announced he had a plane waiting so he wouldn’t be hanging around. You wanted to remind him you were leaving and it was your last day so it would mean a lot if he could hang around for just 10 minutes but before you could muster up the courage to do it, he ducked into his drivers room while you were busy on a call and that was it. You looked for him to say goodbye (at bare minimum) and wish him a happy holidays but he was gone. He didn’t care. He didn’t even want to be your friend anymore.
Things were being wrapped up. Everyone was excited to get going. People wanted to party, celebrate the end of another year. They wanted to call their families and say they would be home soon and make plans for their time off. So when you walked into the McLaren hospitality suite to a riotous round of applause and hollering you were left a gasp and the tears started flowing. You hadn’t expected anyone outside of your small little trackside PR team to care you were off, but that was downright idiotic to think they would let you slink off. That wasn’t McLarens style. But still you didn’t expect all the hullabaloo. The room was packed with different people across each discipline. The mechanics you knew were there, the strat guys, chefs from the kitchens, office folk and even Zak was standing front and centre. So many people across the whole garage came to say goodbye. There was a cake and a “Bon voyage” banner. Your smile erupted across your face as your friends came rushing toward you to engulf you in a huge hug. The earlier sadness due to your strained friendship with Lando was pushed straight to the back of your mind. Right now, you felt special. You felt loved.
You couldn’t help but wish Lando was here too. You wished he had stayed to say goodbye.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Leah Williamson “I leave you alone for 5 minutes” park
left unsupervised II l.williamson
"don't run mia, walk!" you yelled in warning after your niece who sprinted off the moment leah helped her out of the car and her feet hit the ground. "did you ever walk at that age? you hardly sit still now love." your girlfriend teased, holding the door open for you.
"she was born with two left feet, i have fantastic coordination." you scoffed defensively, leah clearing her throat as you reached in and grabbed mia's backpack.
"chivalry isn't free babe, kiss please." the blonde puckered her lips as your own curled into a smile. "clingy." you teased, but rewarding her none the less with a gentle kiss as she beamed, practically skipping off after your niece.
"great, now i have to babysit two kids!" you sighed watching the defender scramble off into the playground after her four year old accomplice who'd been stuck to leah's side from the very first moment you'd introduced her to your entire family.
it was quite endearing really despite how much their alliance drove you up the wall at times, the pair having far too much fun ganging up on you. then when mia's mum, your eldest sister, was around it was an all out three on one mutiny that had you pulling your hair out at the best of times.
"leah! get her down!" you cupped your hands over your mouth, pointing toward mia who was squatted and readying herself to leap off the top of the jungle gym onto the sand below which was an easy six metre drop.
"nah she's got it!" your girlfriend dismissed with a flick of her hand, moving to stand beneath her with her arms open clearly ready to catch her as mia's face lit up.
"ready? one, two, three!" you winced and looked away as the girl leapt off and landed safely in leahs awaiting arms as you exhaled and shook your head, your phone starting to ring in your pocket.
leah now pushing mia on the swings as she let out an adorable string of giggles you stepped away to answer it, your sister asking if you were able to have mia for an extra few hours as she was caught up at work which you promised was more than fine.
doing shift work as a nurse and a single mum meant your niece had spent a good portion of each week in either your or your own mums care since she was a baby, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
you were pulled from your thoughts as there was a tug on your shirt, glancing down you met the bright green eyes of the four year old in question as you bid your sister goodbye and hung up.
"you alright shorty? where's leah?" you bent down to her level, smiling at the way she rolled her eyes. "not short!" she warned with a huff, poking harshly at your shoulder. "shorter than me." you teased, brushing away some sand from her knees.
"aunty lee needs help!" mia announced as now you frowned. "help playing a game? i told you mi sometimes aunty lee only looks cranky because she likes winning but really-" you started to explain your girlfriends horrid sore loser tenancies but mia shook her head, tugging on your shirt again.
"come on! you're so slow and she's stuck." mia interlaced her fingers with yours with a small groan, pulling you away with a slight stumble as you hurried to keep pace with her tiny legs which pumped furiously.
"oh my god." you gasped as you arrived where in fact your girlfriend did need help. "i got help aunty lee!" mia announced proudly, patting your girlfriends cheek fondly. "yeah you did, thanks buddy." leah mumbled, cheeks flushed red clearly embarrassed as you crossed your arms and jutted out your hip, cocking an eyebrow.
"i leave you alone for five minutes." you sighed with a shake of your head, leahs own dropping in shame. "it was an accident!" leah whined, kicking at the sand with a huff and a scowl, refusing to meet your eyes.
"what happened babe?" you grinned, leahs head somehow wedged between the bars of a makeshift shop counter. "she dared me, its her fault!" leah pointed toward your niece whose posture now mirrored your own, hip jutted out and arms crossed.
"no! aunty lee dared me to and i said no then she called me a little chicken." mia huffed as leahs cheeks blushed even brighter red as your niece stuck her tongue out at her and ran off to keep playing.
"so the four year old is the chicken for saying no to doing something very dumb that you, the twenty six year old adult then did to prove you weren't a chicken, and now you're stuck?" you recounted making sure you had the facts right, still keeping one eye on mia who was busy trying to build a snowman with the sand without much luck.
"no." leah mumbled again kicking at the ground and refusing to meet your eyes. "no?" you questioned, lips curling into a grin. "maybe." your girlfriend admitted quietly, gaze flickering up guiltily to meet your own.
"maybe?" you sung out teasingly as leah groaned. "for fuck sakes would you just help me!" leah whined, struggling to free herself with a grunt. "how the hell did you even fit your head in?" you shook your own with disbelief, moving around behind her and trying to help her pull herself free.
after five minutes of fruitless struggle you had to make the call. "babe no, please no!" leahs eyes widened as you pulled out your phone with an apologetic smile. "i have to love, there's no way we're getting you out of here without help." you dialed the right number as leah moaned, head dropping dejectedly as her body language slumped.
"stop filming me!" your girlfriend growled as you stood in front of her with a grin, mia latched onto your leg as you filmed the fireman cutting off the bars, a small crowd of onlookers gathered around from the neighboring houses at the sound of the sirens.
"lookin good williamson...and she's free!" you cheered happily, leahs face glowing bright red as others joined in the clapping, the firemen doing their best to disperse everyone as the captain gave leah a stern talking to about her actions.
"no i promise i learnt my lesson sir, i am so so sorry for wasting your time." your girlfriend apologised profusely as the older man nodded, calling his team away as they all clambered back into the truck and leah pulled her hood up over her head.
"we're leaving, right now." leah warned, grabbing your hand and dragging you off to the car as you held onto mia by the backpack on her shoulders.
"why the rush baby? i wanna see if you can fit your head through the monkey bars next." you teased causing your niece to giggle and your girlfriend to give you a venomous glare, snatching the keys from her pocket.
mia buckled in securely and leah for once on the receiving end of the four year olds teasing the blonde huffed and jammed the key in, starting up the car. "mia if i hear one more word from you the next time you sleepover you're sleeping under the stairs like harry potter!" leah whipped around and warned as the girls face paled and she was instantly silenced.
"you're gonna be a top mum one day babe." you smiled patting her knee as she narrowed her eyes at you and put the car into drive as you connected your phone to her speaker system.
shuffling the kids carpool playlist you know your niece liked leah groaned quietly as mia began to belt out the lyrics to five little monkeys.
"what are you smiling at?" leah asked suspiciously a few minutes later, glancing to you as she stopped at a red light finding your attention buried in your phone with a smirk. "the video of you getting cut out." you grinned as leahs face shifted into a glare.
"delete it!" her hand reached over to try and grab your phone as you pushed her away, warning her sternly there was a child in the back and she needed to keep two hands on the wheel.
"you better not have shown that to anyone." "i didn't." "good! keep it that way." "i haven't shown anyone but i did send it to a few people." "you what!" "yeah! just your mum, my mum, your cousins, my sisters, lia, beth, laura, viv, steph, jen, alex-"
"oh you are so sleeping on the lounge tonight."
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John Pavlovitz at The Beautiful Mess:
Wake up, White Liberals, Progressives, and Moderates. It's morning in America. A lot happened while we were sleeping. This is not the nation we thought existed back on January 20th of 2009: likely the last time many of us were fully awake. Back then, we basked in the warm glow of the arrival of a Black President and we grew comfortable, nestling down into a complacency that only the blind spots of privilege and false information provide. The joy of that moment, and the recent civil and human rights wins became a slow-acting emotional sedative that slowly squeezed out the urgency from us; one that gradually dulled our senses.
The visible victories numbed our minds into imagining we had arrived together at Dr. King’s glorious mountaintop. If we had taken the time to ask vulnerable, oppressed people, they'd have warned us not to fall asleep. Believing that the aspirational "we shall overcomes" that once rang out were now a fixed and unchangeable present, we settled cozily into that place where the heart rate slows and the limbs and eyelids grow heavy—and where without realizing it, slumber suddenly overtakes you: One blink awake, the next blink asleep. And for eight years we began to sleepwalk through the world, physically here and moving through daylight but not fully present, not totally seeing—caught between the actual and the unreal world, between the true nightmare and the imagined dream. Yes, we still talked and marched and campaigned and worked, but we did so slightly sedated in the haze of bad stories, willful ignorance, and wishful thinking. Meanwhile, the bigots woke up.
Shaken violently from sleep on that same January morning in 2009 by the reality of what decades of fear and terrible theology taught them was the absolute worst place they could find themselves—they began to mount a fierce counterattack. They infiltrated local politics and school boards and state election positions. They created news outlets and social media platforms designed to filter out everything except that which would fully trigger terror within the hearts of their intended targets and would-be allies: fantastical stories of a pervasive and coordinated Gay Agenda coming to convert their children; of violent, heavily armed, brown-skinned drug gangs overrunning our borders; of godless, abortion-mad progressives having indiscriminate sex without fear or care; of Muslim terrorist hordes infiltrating our neighborhoods and bodegas; of America-hating Democrats coming for their jobs and flags and prayers and guns. And we were still sleepwalking...
They leveraged thousands of Christian pulpits, where every seven days they'd wildly stoke the fires of people's phobias and fears, weaponize the Scriptures against gays and migrants and Muslims, pervert the expansive Gospel of Jesus into rabid nationalism—and sermon by sermon, enlist them all into service as passionate soldiers in the Army of the straight, white, American, male Lord.
And we were still sleepwalking... Then, to inculcate the terror fully, they propped up a sideshow carnival barker as their chosen one; a barren, empty husk of a man with no discernible moral convictions beyond wealth accumulation—who they could use as a flesh and blood avatar to embody and perpetuate themselves. They fashioned a vile, blustery orange idol to rally the fearful and the angry and the callous hearts around; one who would daily dig into the stinking muck to find a deeper bottom—and in the sleep-induced state we were in we thought it was a joke. We laughed ourselves back into a dreamworld where everything would be fine and where decency would prevail and where the system would work; so much so that one hundred million of us slept all the way through an election cycle. And here we are, a hair’s breadth from fascism.
John Pavlovitz says it best in regards to White Liberals, Progressives, and Moderates of all stripes: stay awake and don’t sleepwalk like what happened during Obama’s term.
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yoongis-property · 1 year
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last update: 07.31.2023
m- mature , f- fluff , a- angst , c- crack/humor, ☆- personal favorite
e2l- enemies to lovers, s2l- strangers to lovers, f2l- friends to lovers, bf2l- best friends to lovers, cf2l- childhood friends to lovers, fwb2l- friends with benefits to lovers, ex2l- exes to lovers, i2l- idiots to lovers
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⇢ A DIRTY LITTLE SECRET by @hwa-whiskers​ (fuckboy!sh, roommate!au, a, m)
❝ Having a crush on your roommate who was the fuckboy of your university was bad enough, but what gets worse is when he brings other women home and you secretly masturbated upon hearing them that night, wishing it were you instead. But how will it unfold when Seonghwa finds out? ❞
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⇢ A KNIGHT`S TALE by @kitten4sannie​ (dragon shifter!sh, knight!reader,  fantasy!au, light a, m)
❝ a knight is ordered by the king to save the princess from a fearsome dragon. this, of course, is a common fairy tale with a predictable ending — but what happens when there’s more to the story than meets the eye? ❞
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⇢ ADDICTING KITTEN by @tenelkadjowrites​ (m, f, light a)
❝ When your car breaks down and your phone is dead, you are stranded alone on the way home. However, when Seonghwa, the intimidating figure you see at the club often, comes by and offers you a ride, you cannot help but feel as if you might be walking into the lion’s den. ❞  
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⇢ AEMULUS by @sluttywonwoo​​ (academic rival!au, fake dating!au, m, f)
❝ park seonghwa is in no position to ask you for a favor. but being underqualified for something has never stopped him before. ❞
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⇢ AMAZING GRACE by @yoongiseesawmp3​ (f, a, m)
❝ you’re spending the summer at home after finishing school and you somehow get dragged into handling the baby nursery at church for the next two months. the only thing sweeter than the babies is your co-worker, park seonghwa. ❞
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⇢ CHEAT CODES by @serendipityunho​ (m, a, college!au)
❝ "This party's boring, wanna get out of here?", may have perhaps led you to make the biggest mistake of your life by sleeping with your best friend's other best friend, your best friend who happens to be in love with you. ❞   
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⇢ COMPANY by @atinyidea​ (hogwarts!au, f)
❝ “not many people would willingly choose my company” ❞
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⇢ DAYDREAMING by @sluttywoozi​  (established relationship, f, m, ☆)
❝ Seonghwa gets a bit... distracted while working on his legos. ❞
pt. 2
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⇢ DO NOT DISTURB by @hwasdvlly​ (established relationship, idol!au, f)
❝ its just a chill live stream, but something happens along the way ❞
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⇢ DUNE by @hongism​​ (biker!sh, m)
❝ Your excursions with Seonghwa are never anything holy despite how sacred the time shared between you feels at times. ❞
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⇢ ESSENCE by @whatudowhennooneseesyou​ (siren!sh, m, dark themes)
​ ❝ A siren rescues you from the plunder of a shipwreck, you're grateful for his mercy in letting you live. But at what cost? ❞
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⇢ EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP by @tenelkadjowrites​ (f, m, s2l)
❝ your crush on fellow passenger, Seonghwa, changes into something new the day the bus breaks down. ❞
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⇢ FIRST TIME by @ateezmakemeweep​ (established relationship, a, f, m)
❝ Seonghwa's been away for far too long and all you want to do is cuddle. Or so you think. ❞
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⇢ GANG AU by @fantastic-bby​​ (gang!au, a, m)
❝ Seonghwa would never get on his knees for anyone… but you’re not just anyone to him. ❞
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⇢ GENTLE by @cheollipop​​ (hybrid!au, m, f) feat. wooyoung
❝ desperate and whiny, your heat pheromones triggered wooyoung's feral instincts, forcing seonghwa to step in and teach him how to treat you properly. ❞
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⇢ GROUPIE LOVE by @kitten4sannie​​ (guitarist!sh, m) 
❝ you'd do anything for your favorite guitarist. ❞
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⇢ HOW YOU GET THE GIRL by @starrysvn​ (ex2l, f, light a)
❝ say it's been a long six months and you were too afraid to tell her what you want. and that's how it works, that's how you get the girl. and then you say; i want you for worse or for better, i would wait for ever and ever, broke your heart, i'll put it back together, i would wait for ever and ever. ❞
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⇢ IN YOUR HANDS by @kitten4sannie​​ (vampire!au, m) kinda feat. mingi
❝ you meet someone that excites you again. ❞
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⇢ JASMINE & BISCUITS by @daybreakx​ (hogwarts!au, f)
❝ You knew good things didn’t happen overnight. No matter how magical Hogwarts was, or how many problems a potion or a spell could solve, things didn’t work that way, especially when it came to feelings and relationships. ❞
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⇢ LITTLE GREEN EYED MONSTER by @hee0soo​ (established relationship, light a, f)
❝ Studying with your boyfriend does not have a happy ending ❞
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⇢ ME OR THE PS5 by @tohokuu​​ (established relationship, a, m)
❝ you hated black fridays. not because of the great sales, but because your boyfriend, seonghwa had finally gotten the time and money to buy himself a ps5. the long-awaited gaming console he had been gushing to you about forever.. ❞
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⇢ MILKY WAY by @ad0rechuu​​ (sm!au, idol!reader, f, a) feat. san & mingi
❝ It’s not everyday that your friends childhood friend turns out to be the girl that you literally have a fan account for, but for Seonghwa, San and Mingi it’s become a reality. being able to get close to your bias is great! even if she does have a raging crush on someone else… ❞
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⇢ MR. & MRS. PARK by @baekhvuns​ (mafia!au, a, m, light f)
❝ In which the task of killing your enemy is abruptly put on pause when you discover their cute little secret. ❞
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⇢ ONE QUESTION by @tenelkadjowrites​ (established relationship, m) feat. mingi
❝ I was wondering how long it was into the friendship before the two of you realized that you want to sleep together?” ❞
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⇢ PIRATE!SEONGHWA by @ateezmakemeweep​ (kinda e2l, a, f,  ☆)
❝ “is she alive?" "i don't know." "well check if she's breathing, you scalawag!" "wooyoung, i told you a million times not to talk like that!” "we're pirates, san, how can i no-"
the sound of you choking stops the boy's from bickering, eight pairs of eyes intently watching as salt water comes up from your lungs and spills down your chin. ❞
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⇢ PLAYING NICE by @sa-honey (fake dating!au, e2l, a, f, m)
❝ when your date for your sister`s wedding at the last minute you`re left desperate for a replacement. An unlikely volunteer steps up and offers to fill the place. ❞  
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⇢ PLAYING WITH FIRE by @ateezmakemeweep​​ (f, m, age gap, ☆)
❝ you first met park eunbi during your first year of college, when she walked through your dorm room with a smile on her face and her parents by her side - or, more notably to you, her incredibly handsome father.
that’s all he ever was to you though - your friend’s hot dad who you only ever saw a few times a year. but when you find yourself around him more and more often, your attraction growing and his eyes lingering, you suddenly find yourself in a situation you know is wrong but can’t seem to pull yourself out of. ❞  
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⇢ PROPERLY by @tenelkadjowrites​​ (m, f, bf2l)
❝ Nervous about running into your ex at a party, your best friend Seonghwa has devised a plan to pretend that you are dating him. However, in acting as if you are together, the friendship begins to change course. ❞
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⇢ READ FOR ME by @pirateprincessblog​ (best friend's father!sh, m, a, light f)
❝ you promised your friend. you asked for forgiveness and gave a promise that you wouldn't even look her father's way. it isn't your fault that you suck at keeping promises. ❞
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⇢ SLEEP-TALKER by @mingigoo​ (vacation!au, one bed trope, m)
❝ When you and you friends decide on a trip tot he beach for spring break, you get stuck rooming with the man you „hate“ the most. The line between love and hate is as thin as ice, and you were about to break it. ❞  
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⇢ SO OBLIVIOUS by @xxsanshinexx​ (fake fiance!au, f2l, f)
❝ “Seonghwa I need you to pretend to be my fiancé for the weekend.” Was the words that left your mouth as you burst through the door of your best friends apartment. ❞
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⇢ SOME KIND OF DISASTER by @daybreakx​ (vacation!au, ex2l, a, f)
❝ San’s house was big enough to hold the seven people in the group comfortably. It was spacious and luxurious, and although abandoned for most of the year, it was kept in good shape. This wasn’t the first time you went to the beach house, it had become a tradition to go together every summer.. ❞
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⇢ SUGAR RUSH by @sluttywoozi​ (baker!sh, s2l, f, light m)
❝ Bakery owner Seonghwa is sweet on you. ❞
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⇢ THE BEST FRIENDS CODE by @tenelkadjowrites​ (m, bf2l) feat. hongjoong
❝ Hongjoong swears up and down that if you don’t touch each other, it won’t ruin the friendship...and what is the harm in blowing off some steam? ❞
seonghwa is in part 2 and part 3
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⇢ THE SEAT NEXT TO HIS by @oldloveatz​ (college!au, f)
❝ you’ve had the biggest crush on your friend seonghwa, and either he was oblivious and only saw you as a friend, or he was really good at hiding his truest feelings. ❞
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⇢ THE TROUBLE WITH ROOMMATES by @anyamaris​ (m, roommate!au)
❝ "Y/n!!" You hear your name being called and you sigh, pulling off your headset.  Should have gotten noise cancelling, you think and lean back in your chair.. ❞
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⇢ UNDER THE LIGHTS by @mimikookie​ (vampire!sh, established relationship, f, m, light a)
❝ To Seonghwa, you're the most stunning person in his lifetime. He's so committed to you that he gifts you something very precious for your anniversary. ❞
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⇢ WALLFLOWER by @tenelkadjowrites​​ (nerd!sh, coworker!au, m, f, ☆)
❝ Having not given much thought about your nerdy coworker, Seonghwa, all of that changes when you hear a rumor about his sexual prowess in bed. ❞
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⇢ WEREWOLF!SEONGHWA MEETING HIS MATE by @you-did-well-moon​ (werewolf!sh, f, light a)
❝ You walked at a leisurely pace as the grass of the damp forest floor swayed and danced with you, seemingly reaching out to you by gently curling over the edges of your boots. An easy smile tugged at your lips at the comfort the forest brought to you. ❞
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juniperss · 2 months
okay hear me out but darry would be an absolutely amazing boyfriend??
You should do darry bf headcannons😘
*gets onto the stage and grabs the microphone* you don't understand how much i love darry curtis! i absolutely agree that he would be a fantastic boyfriend
(Gender neutral reader)
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Darry prior to his parents' death was a very different guy and so depending on when the two of you begin dating, you might have fallen in love with a different kind of Darry.
Prior to his parent's death he was a lot more care free and had less on his plate. His responsibilities were still there, helping his dad with working and saving money, but he didn't have nearly as much to worry about. He was more spontaneous and full of an easy laughter. Dating him back then was full of going to his games and cheering for him, it was movie nights at the drive in with his pesky brothers and friends getting in the way. It was him taking more risks with you and laughing in the front seat of the car after making out.
But after his parents death, things piled on and he became how we know Darry to be; grown up too fast for his age. Dating him after his parent's death means that he has a lot of other responsibilities that come before you even if he wishes that wasn't the case. You have to give him the grace and love in order for a relationship to really work with him.
Now that is out of the way we're gonna move into boyfriend!Darry with the premise of dating him after his parents deaths
Darry is super busy. I'm talking like working 2-3 jobs on top of looking after his brothers and dealing with whatever bullshit the Curtis Gang is getting into. But he somehow always manages to make some time for you. It's not a lot, sometimes, but it's there. Whether that's having you tell him about your day when he's cooking dinner or driving you to work or dropping you off on his way to one of his jobs.
While I don't see him being big into PDA (he has a reputation to uphold come on and plus the boys are really annoying if they catch PDA) he does love physical affection when it's just the two of you.
He YEARNS to lay down next to you at night and feel you pressed up against him. He YEARNS for you to run your fingers through his hand.
Please please please hold his hands and massage them, I'm begging. His does a lot of manual labor and his hands are rough and calloused and he melts into a puddle of goo when you massage his hands and fingers.
Darry has a collection of sweatshirts that are oversized and no I won't take criticism on this. He doesn't wear them often, he mostly sleeps in them if anything, but since dating you he's taken a shine to seeing you in them. Even if they're not oversized on you, just seeing you in his clothing makes him get all hot under the collar.
Just seeing you in his spaces in general actually gets to him. He loves having you in the house or in his car, in his room. Having you around him is a source of comfort and he soaks that in.
10/10 the type of boyfriend to tuck you in?? Like during a movie at the house with the gang and you fall asleep, he's tucking a blanket over you. Shivering a little in the night? His jacket is over your shoulders.
I don't see him being super into pet names other than like "babe" or "baby"? He likes how your name sounds on his lips. Might give you a nickname though.
So, I don't think you two are gonna be going out on dates in the traditional sense. A lot of dates are definitely going to be at the house or in secluded areas outside. There are a few factors: For one thing money is tight for him, another is that there just isn't a lot to do in the small town, the third being that he hates leaving the gang alone especially his brothers. But you two find ways to make the most of your date nights. Sneaking into the movie theater or finding a way place to spectate events for free. You two probably spend a lot of time in his room and that's not even inherently sexual. His room is the one space that's his and he can share that intimate space with you.
His room wasn't anything special until you two started dating and then it slowly began collecting things to make it more comfortable. It's not a coincidence that half of those things are yours (like that blanket that he loves or that candle that he thought was going to be awful but smells so soothing). It's still "not much" as he would say, but you wouldn't trade it for anything.
KISSES WITH DARRY LETS DISCUSS, SHALL WE? Darry LOVES KISSING. There I said it and I stand by it. He loves to kiss you. It makes him feel less like someone with the world on the shoulders and more like the guy he used to be.
He's got a range of kisses depending on his mood but he's always giving you a kiss goodbye or goodnight no matter what.
Loves a good lazy make out in bed even if he's worried about being late for work or getting his brothers out the door. Can easily be convinced to stay a moment longer if you straddle his hips and keep kissing him.
The first kiss between the two of you was a bit awkward but that doesn't mean it was bad. It was the two of you figuring each other out and melted into a tender kiss with your back against the door of his car.
Hands resting on your hips while he kisses you, hands cupping your face, hands in your back pockets. He has his hands on you! I don't have a thing for his hands
Darry does so much providing for others that he runs out of energy a lot. So if you're the type to do things for him like the laundry or cooking or helping to fix things around the house, even helping Ponyboy with his homework that would make all the difference to him. He doesn't really feel as if he's got someone to help shoulder the load of life with, as much as he loves his brothers they aren't really people he wants to share a burden with (nor does he feel like they should have to deal with it). He doesn't even want to really ask you for help. That's why if you don't even ask and you just do things to help, he falls even more in love with you.
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me writing this post^
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Do you have any fic recs where dicks relationship with the batfam is the focus?
Yes! These are all fics I've adored
FAVORITE!! I place this fic on a pedestal. It's one of the best fics of all time - The primacy of personal conscience
Favorite! Another one of my all time favorites. Dick, Jason, Tim are deaged to their robin eras and Damian and Bruce are in their current ages - Just, How
Dick gets split into three personalities - The choice to be seen
FAVORITE!! - Dick's buried. But like hell is the batfamily going to let it stay that way - The unnecessary requiem
ALL of CamsthiSky's fics focus of Dick's batfam relations and are good reads - Link
Small moments with Dick and the family - Snippets
Dick, Damian, and Tim. Absent parent Bruce and needy Bruce are the same person as always- prodigal
Favorite! Dick and Damian's relationship and evolution - Snapshots
Sad fic if Dick's reaction after Ric was darker - Strength in a Lack of Continuity
Batfamily's reaction to Dick's sexual objectification - I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Good fic about something I don't remember (sorry! It's been years but I saved it so it must be good) with young justice and batfamily reactions that were accurate - End Days
If Bruce was a lot darker and acted on his overprotective tendencies collection. It's centered around Dick - Darkish Batfamily
How the batfamily reacts to Dick getting shot in the head - Fallen
Dick buys a bunch of plants and bonds with all of them - let your love grow tall
All of Danishsweethearts works are good - Danishsweethearts
Sad fic about Dick being batman again and batfamily's reaction. I think Tim would react differently. Maybe. But it's a fantastic angst fic - My life's going by but it's just begun
Dick, Damian, and Dick's massive group of friend and allies - Missed a spot
Dick's a civilian but he's still their big brother - Those times that Dick Grayson got tangled up with the batfamily
Dick, Peter Parker, Cat Noir, Danny Fenton and their fathers. PS they're all socialite friends. This has to be canon - The Black Tux Gang
Angst story about Dick if he had mental illness. No happy ending - Shattered Tea Cups
Dick is a changed man after spyral and batfamily's reaction - Downward spyral
Someone planning a hit on Nightwing? Not if Nightwing does it on himself first (fun) - Money for daffodils
Favorite! Dick has retrograde amnesia and Bruce struggles to cope - Harbor
Dick died seven years ago. And then woke up - Faith and fate
Dick's secret abilities the batfamily doesn't notice - Unusual skills and habits
The truth of Dick's death and everyone's reaction - Code B
Favorite! Dick is Talon, Tim is Red Hood, and Jason is Red Robin - A New Adversary
Favorite! Jason and Dick are close. Told through the eyes of everyone else - proximity
Soft fic. ABO but Dick acting as Tim and Damian's mother - Your truth is a deception meant to poison me
Dick's gone but the rape of him is not. The batfamily will avenge their brother. The whole world will - Take the night back
ABO robin reversal collection - Robin Reversal ABO
Werewolf au where Dick meets Jason and Bruce comes along - Den and Pack
If Dick got deaged to renegade era - Pause in the Pendulum
Sweet fic about the Batbros seeking comfort in Dick - Haven
Favorite! Duke time! The Batfamily teasing Dick lovingly - Shenanigans
Dark batfam fic around Dick - Gaslight Manor
Dick will do anything to protect his family (Has Constantine/Dick) - Time (to protect you)
If Dick was Terry McGinnis' biological father - Beyond the Night Collection
Talon!Dick in the Teen Titans universe with batfamily - Just a dead kid
Angst, sad fic about Dick getting tired of being the mediator - Please just get along (I can't do this anymore)
One of my all time favorites - Everyday one headcanon about Nightwing
Batfamily mourning the loss of Dick's hair - He's shorn, we're torn
Jason tries stealing in Bludhaven rather than Gotham. He meets Nightwing instead of Batman and his life gets a whole lot better - Hot wheels
Stephanie time travels and meets Robin Dick! - Oops
Favorite! ALL of iloveyourwords' fics - iloveyourwords
Favorite! ALL of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - ScarlettSwordMoon
Angst fic. So much angst. Sometimes Jason's anger gets the worst of him but it's not because he doesn't care - not even rain has such small hands
Favorite! The heroes are forced to forget Dick. And they regret (has constantine/dick/zatanna) - Love that burned green against skin
Favorite! ALL of Kuroaki's works - Kuroaki
Dick, Tim, and Jason watch Encanto and, well, Surface Pressure was made for Dick - Who am I if I don't have what it takes
Pre-robin Dick. Dick's only fault is his over-competence - lightning is the shine (but I've been working on the thunder)
Favorite! Dick's name comes out of the Hogwart's cup. This changes everything and nothing - heavy is the crown
The batkids are unhinged. Poor jason - The AU noone asked for
Dick falls. And so does everyone else (iloveyourwords' fic) - icarus
FAVORITE!! Dick, Jason, Damian undercover on a cruise. Everything goes wrong - Like those foreign stars
YJ where Dick joins Deathstroke and Bruce breaks inside - Fallen son
Favorite! ALL of miss_aphelion's works - miss_aphelion
Here's a starter for miss_aphelion's works - Dick of Troy
Dick and Bruce in the eyes of the JL - Boy on the couch
Favorite! Dick is stuck in his dreamworld and his family just want him back - Happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Hunger Games Au! Dick volunteers as a tribute - To get a dream of life again
Dick and Bruce and Dick's graceful manipulation of people - Some men fall from grace. Some are pushed
Dick takes time away from Bruce and finds himself again - Local oldest child takes time away from family
FAVORITE!! One of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - shipping rivalries
FAVORITE!! Dick reveals his trauma through singing - A robin's song
FAVORITE!! Dick's personality gets split in three - Three is a party
Dick runs away to Bludhaven but the batfamily won't let things rest - What stalks in my shadows
FAVORITE!! The batfamily is stuck in a timeloop where they can't save Dick - One thousand, Three hundred, and Nine Hours
Tim being a cute menace and feral Dick - little menace
FAVORITE!! Damian has a few choice words to say about Bruce's treatment of Dick - The threat
Slade saves Dick from the Court of Owls and Rose's view of him - Quiet now, you're going to wake the beast
FAVORITE!! Bruce is gone and Dick is seeing ghosts. The batfamily just wants to protect him - The haunting of Wayne house
FAVORITE!! Deaged Dick and Damian collection - you've always loved the strange birds
Dick's been deaged wakes up in a world with 5 robins no thanks to Slade - persephone's in hell
FAVORITE!! The batfamily's in a time loop trying to save Dick - rewind, remix, retry, redo
Funny fics I'm in love with!
Hilarious and all-around fun - Batbros Wreck Havoc
Favorite! ALL of pupeez4eva's fics but here's a starter for fun - That Torturous Thing Known as Time Travel
More fun fic (can you tell I like the humorous ones?) - A Bunch of Ridiculousness
Don't mess with Dick from Jason's perspective. Jason, Dick, and Bruce - Dig Down Deep
Accurate fic about batfamily's reaction to Dick dating Joey - Families Ever Changing
AU: Justice League meeting Nightwing focusing on Dick, Bruce, and Barry - Starry eyed
(Sorry had to slip another one in) JL's reaction to Dick - Your call may be interrupted
The batfamily will not let anyone take cover pictures of Dick - The annual Bludhaven firefighter's calander for charity
Another JLA story. Dick was a wild child nightmare robin - Adventures in batsitting
460 notes · View notes
galamalion · 6 months
┈ ✧.* romance in the red line
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┈ ✧.* summary﹕You and Nami attend Vivi's well-planned sleepover, and meet a new face the next day.
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ pairing﹕one piece x fem!reader
┈ ✧.* chapters﹕[i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v]
╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ w/c﹕4.1k
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┈ ✧.* chapter v﹕three's a crowd
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“Wow, Vivi…” You took a deep breath in, marveling at the architectural wonder before you. “This is…”
“Totally awesome?” Nami chimed in, looking around the room.
“I was gonna say that it rivals the work of Michaelangelo, but that works too…” you replied.
Vivi crouched down and crawled into the blanket-pillow fort, poking her head out and looking up at the two of you.
“Feel free to come in! There are many snacks for us to share and movies to watch!” Vivi said cheerily, tucking herself back into the fort.
Both of you crawled after her, choosing your spots within and diving straight into the generously provided snacks.
Nami shoved a handful of pretzels in her mouth, “You’ve really outdone yourself, Vivi.”
“For sure,” you added. “Having a sleepover wasn’t on my college to-do list, but it definitely should have been.”
“And without the boys!” Nami cheered, kicking her legs excitedly. “No Luffy here to eat all the food!”
Vivi smiled at you both, “I’m glad you are enjoying the sleepover! I don’t have any siblings, so I have perfected the art of fort-making from a young age…”
“Well, that’s what friends are for!” You took a couple pretzels from the bowl. “Now we can do all sorts of things you couldn’t do back then.”
“And we can drink!” Nami interrupted, stealing a pretzel from you.
You rolled your eyes, moving over to the laptop to pick a movie, “I’ll leave the drinking to you, Nami.”
“Really?” she snickered. “You seemed pretty open to it when we were at the Baratie. If I can remember correctly, Sanji had to carry you back to the dorm…”
“How the hell would you know that?” you gaped, crossing your arms defensively. “You drank more than I did!”
Nami laughed, crossing her arms proudly, “I can hold my liquor pretty well, for your information! I’ve outdrank at least 30 grown men before!”
“What an accomplishment, Nami!” Vivi clapped.
You grimaced at Vivi’s cheeriness, “Don’t congratulate her for that, Vi…”
“Any more interesting bits of information from you, ____? A story we’ve yet to hear, maybe a long lost love? Or perhaps you and Sanji…”
“Nope, not a thing,” you quickly countered.
“Oh, you’re no fun!” Nami pouted.
You were quick to bring this party back on track, and away from your own personal life, moving to the laptop to search for movies.
“Alright, what are we thinking, gang? Romance? Comedy? Horror?”
Nami made a gagging noise, “Ew, no horror, please. I’m here for a good night, not a nightmare-filled one.”
“I do love romance!” Vivi said excitedly, looking over your shoulder with Nami at the selection of movies.
“Also, I want something classic!” Nami reached for the laptop, scrolling endlessly for movies. “And no superhero stuff, or future-y stuff.”
“Ok, well, we’ve got Clueless, Mean Girls, 10 Things I Hate About You…”
“10 Things I Hate About You!” Nami shrieked, reaching over and clicking on the movie before you could stop her.
Vivi gave Nami a confused look, “I’ve never seen it before, is it good?”
Nami scoffed, “Only the best romance movie of all time! Trust me, Vi, you’re in for a treat.”
“Agreed,” you added, “it’s at least in the top ten best movies of all time.”
“Make that top five,” Nami corrected, leaning back into the pillows.
“I’m glad to be experiencing it, then!” Vivi cheered, joining Nami in her cushioned throne.
You cracked your knuckles, “Alright, ladies! Movie’s starting now, I expect all phones to be silenced and all mouths to be zipped! Now, please enjoy the show.”
“Ok, mom,” Nami quipped, throwing her arms behind her head.
“You wish I was your mom.”
“Nuh uh, my mom’s already the greatest mom, like, ever!" Nami hissed, sticking her tongue out at you.
“Yeah, I already know, we had a fantastic time last night.” You grinned, copying Nami’s pose.
You earned a pillow to the face for that joke.
“I knew it! They belonged together from the start!” Vivi sobbed as the credits rolled, throwing her face into a nearby pillow and staining it with her tears.
“It’s a romantic comedy, Vi,” you said, pinching your nose, “you’re not supposed to be crying.”
Vivi’s lip wobbled, “I can’t help it…”
“Shh…there, there, Vi,” Nami cooed, rubbing the poor girl’s shoulders. “Be nice, ____! It was her first time seeing the movie of a lifetime.”
“It was a romantic comedy, ” you groaned, laying down in the mass of pillows.
Nami hummed, giving Vivi her blanket before collapsing down beside you.
“Tell you what, girls,” Nami yawned, pulling her sleeping mask over her head. “We absolutely need to go shopping soon. I know we all need a break after this heart-wrenching cinematic experience.”
“It was a fucking romantic comedy!”
“Well, so was the Fault in our Stars, and I cried at that!”
“You’re supposed to!” you yelled, hitting Nami with a pillow, “it’s not a comedy!”
“Comedy, shmomedy,” Nami shrugged, “you in for a shopping trip, Vi?”
Vivi smiled, her blanket pulled up to her chin, “Yes, it sounds very fun! I would love to go out with the two of you again!”
“Well, I suppose that depends on our little roomie,” Nami smiled devilishly, turning towards you. “You in, ____?”
You grimaced as the two girls looked at you expectantly, waiting for an answer you didn’t want to give. Nami’s eyes were dark and knowing, while Vivi’s were light and full of happiness, unaware that Nami would probably coerce her into paying. You were more than capable of saying no to Nami, but Vi? A world with a sad Vivi was a world you couldn’t bear to live in.
“...How about Friday evening, after classes?” you muttered.
“Perfect!” Nami cheered, sliding the sleeping mask down to cover her eyes. “I’ll see you girls then. Just text me when you two are out of class and we can head out!”
“A terrific plan!” Vivi said, snuggling into her pillow. “I will see you both in the morning, good night!”
“Yeah, night, Vi,” you murmured to yourself, fearing for the safety of your wallet.
And so you joined their roommates in their quests for sleep, shutting your eyes and curling up in the mound of blankets and pillows surrounding you, giving you a very cushioned send off to the world of dreams.
“...up, ____,” a voice mumbled above you, though you were hardly able to make out their words on account of the pillows smothering your ears.
Instead of responding, you just rolled to your side and pulled the fluffy comforter over your body, deciding that whatever the person was trying to tell you wasn’t worth it. You could decipher it in a minute, or five. Hell, why not just make it ten?
“Wake up!” the voice, now shouting, called out.
The dull pain in your ears was nothing compared to the unexpected pain in your face as a pillow hurled at top speed smacked you in the head.
“Hey!” you shrieked, clutching your cheek and looking around frantically. Nami stood above you, fully dressed with a hand on her hip, brows furrowed. 
“Are you kidding me? How many times are we gonna have to wake you up?” she huffed, throwing a pile of clothes at you. “You’re lucky I set my alarm for earlier, you still have time to get ready.”
“My savior,” you groaned, examining the clothes laid before you. “Thanks for the clothes, though.”
Nami certainly had style, and it wasn’t hard to see with her daily outfits. What she picked for you chic, but comfortable enough to walk to your classes in, and wasn’t that the college dream?
“Oh it’s nothing, just something I threw together for you,” she giggled. “Vi’s in the shower right now, so once she’s done and dressed we can head out, ‘kay?”
“Got it, girl boss.” You rose from the jumbled mess of pillows and blankets and stepped carefully over to the closed bathroom door, gingerly knocking.
“Vi, it’s me! Mind if I come in for a sec?” you called out.
A muffled ‘yes’ came from the other side, so you creaked the door open and stepped inside with your bundle of clothes, doing your best to get dressed as quickly as possible.
“Sorry for the intrusion, Vivi,” you apologized, slinging the top over your shoulders.
“Ah, it’s no problem, really!” she said from behind the glass walls of the shower. “I hope you had a good night’s rest after our sleepover.”
You scoffed, “Oh, believe me, the rest was wonderful. It was the wake up call that sucked.”
Vivi laughed heartily, the sound echoing in the cramped bathroom, “This is the second time Nami has woken you up, yes? I am glad I missed this time, the first was quite…brutal.”
“Be lucky you’re not on her bad side, Vi,” you snorted, pulling your phone out.
Aside from notifications from games and emails, you did have a couple unread texts from Sanji this morning.
| Mr. Prince: Good morning Sleeping Beauty!!!!! | Mr. Prince: &lt;333333333 Read 8:12 AM | You: lol i swear you say the same thing every morning | You: do all the women in your life get the princess treatment? | Mr. Prince: Just you! | Mr. Prince: I swear princess <33333 | You: swear your loyalty to me and i’ll believe you | Mr. Prince: ;3; | Mr. Prince: If it means earning your love… | Mr. Prince: I’ll do it!!!! | You: lol i’m just kidding | You: pls don’t do anything rash | Mr. Prince: ;3; | You: go forth and take care of every princess!! | You: that is my command | Mr. Prince: You are too kind!! | Mr. Prince: I wilokgopp;;;;;
You raised an eyebrow as Sanji’s final text, clearly too disordered to be anything except for a violet keyboard smash.
| You: did you die prince charming? | You: it’s only like 8 in the morning lol | Mr. Prince: its zoro | Mr. Prince: sanji needs to get ready so im taking his phone away | Mr. Prince: see u guys at 9 | Mr. Prince: Attachment (1) Image
The picture featured was a selfie of Zoro and a very angry Sanji, the latter attempting to wrestle the phone out of the former’s hands. You could also make out a very blurry Luffy crawling over a horrified Usopp in the background, clearly trying to be a part of the picture.
“I’ll give you some space, Vi,” you said, exiting the bathroom and making your way over to Nami amongst the mess of comforters.
“I got a text from Sanji—well, from Zoro, technically. They’re planning on heading down at nine, if that’s cool,” you said, sitting beside her.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Nami responded, scrolling through her phone. “We’ll probably have a few minutes to kill, depending on how fast Vivi can get ready.”
Vivi’s voice rang out from the bathroom, “I will be out shortly, do not worry!”
“Take your time, Vi!” you shouted back before turning to Nami. “Judging by Zoro’s texts, Sanji might be a while.”
“That tracks,” Nami sighed, a smile slowly forming on her face. “Knowing him, he’s probably ironing his suit right now.”
“Or curling his eyebrows.”
“Or waxing his shoes.”
Vivi’s head poked out of the bathroom, clearly trying to hold back her laughter.
“Perhaps,” she giggled, “he is powdering his nose!”
The room was silent for a second before the three of you burst into laughter, doubling over at your stupid jokes. You could afford wasting a couple of minutes to laugh, unknowing that the boys were, indeed, waiting for Sanji to finish ironing his suit.
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“Pancakes aren’t that bad, Vi,” Nami said, drizzling her stack of pancakes in tangerine syrup. “You just gotta add what you like on top!”
“Yeah, Vivi!” Luffy said, voice muffled as he stuffed his face with his seventh pancake. “You’ve got syrup, sugar, butter, ice cream, gravy, meat—”
“You can’t put meat on pancakes, Luffy,” you pointed out, sliding your plate further away from Luffy’s potential grasp.
“Sure you can!” Sanji said, carefully decorating his own stack. “There’s plenty of traditional recipes that utilize meat and ‘pancake’, though I’m not sure you could call every example a pancake…”
“I’m saying you can’t put meat on pancakes like how Luffy does it.” You gestured to Luffy’s plate, which consisted of pancakes with huge pieces of steak and chicken on top. 
“They’re not even serving steak right now!” Usopp hissed, looking at Luffy’s food with a mixture of awe and terror. “This is crazy! He’s crazy!”
“Pancakes don’t have any special nutritional benefits, but they are yummy,” Chopper remarked, taking a bite of his cotton candy-covered pancakes.
“I will stick to rice, but I thank you for your unique perspectives,” Vivi said, giving a polite smile to everyone.
“Here here,” Zoro agreed, taking a sip from his bottle.
“Stop drinking during breakfast, you have classes afterwards,” you whispered, nudging his shoulder.
“I’ll quit when I’m dead,” he responded unflinchingly, taking another swig.
You sighed, continuing to eat your meal amidst your chattering table of friends. Every conversation seemed to switch, both in topic and participants, every five minutes. You were able to catch details about the introduction of new majors—as if Grand Line didn’t have enough—as well as the topic of Luffy’s potential major.
“Come on, Luffy,” Usopp said, pointing his fork in Luffy’s direction, “you’re gonna have to choose a major soon. Why not try engineering?”
“I don’t wanna do math!” he pouted.
“You could do exercise science like Zoro,” Nami added. “Isn’t Ace doing something similar?”
Zoro hummed in agreement, “I think you’d like it, Luf. You’ve gotta learn a little bit, but you might like it.”
“But I don’t wanna copy Ace!” Luffy cried, shoveling more food into his mouth.
“If you’re interested in it, then you’re not copying,” you reassured. 
“But I’m not interested.”
The table sighed in unison, knowing that any hope of finding Luffy a major would be short-lived on account of his short attention span.
“Well, you can always talk to your advisor,” Sanji concluded, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Or your brothers. They’re juniors, aren’t they? Should have plenty of experience.”
“Oh, yeah!” Luffy exclaimed, practically jumping out of his seat. “I bet Sabo would know what to do! He’s way smarter than Ace!”
“I wouldn’t say that out loud, Luf,” a blond man sitting behind Luffy said, turning to face your group. “You know how Ace gets when you compare us.”
Luffy’s momentary confused expression turned to one of glee as he tackled the man, grabbing onto him like a koala.
“Sabo!” he shrieked, earning the attention of nearly half the cafeteria.
“I think I remember something like this happening with the other brother,” Usopp grimaced, looking all around as if something would hit him at any moment.“Has he been there the whole time?” you whispered to Nami.
“I’ve only started sitting here since last week,” Sabo replied, giving you a knowing smile. “I heard Ace had a rather ostentatious entrance, so I thought I’d surprise Luffy in a little quieter way.”
“...I’m not sure you can call this quiet,” Nami said, watching Luffy squeeze Sabo rather violently.
“Does this mean Luffy’s off our hands?” Sanji asked, peeking over at the reunion.
Sabo seemed to think for a minute, looking between Luffy and your group, before saying, “I doubt he’ll let go in time for his classes, so I can take him for a bit.”
“Sounds good to me!” Nami cheered, standing up from the table. “We should all head to class anyway.”
“Have fun on your field trip, Luffy!” Vivi smiled, waving at Luffy before dashing out of the cafeteria with Nami.
You grabbed your plate and turned to Chopper, “Do you have class right now, Chopper? I’m heading over to the science building to talk to a professor before my biology lab, so we might be heading the same way.”
“I have my chemistry lab there in a bit!” Chopper said.
“Perfect, we can head over now.” You smiled, before thinking for a second. “Are you in organic chemistry, Chopper? Or are you in some higher class?”
“No, I’m still in general chemistry,” Chopper nodded excitedly, but then looked down at his feet. “I think I’m in your class…” 
“Oh, shit,” you blurted, feeling guilty. “Where do you sit? I don’t think I’ve seen you in class before…”
“In the front.”
Chopper blushed, looking embarrassed, “I can’t see when I sit in the back…”
“Well, I can sit up there with you tomorrow!” you offered. “If that’s not a problem, that is. It might be nice to have someone to talk to.”
“I’d like that!” Chopper smiled, picking up his bag. “But we should head over now, before all the spots get taken.”
You slung your bag over your shoulder, calling back to the table,  “See you guys later! Don’t let Luffy cause too much trouble, please!”
Sabo waved back, laughing, “I’ll do my best, but he can be unpredictable…”
“Hey!” Luffy shouted, “I’m 100% predictable!”
“That’s not—”
Before the conversation could grow into an uncontrollable argument, you escaped with Chopper in tow. Luffy may be unpredictable in seemingly every other aspect of life, but you could certainly predict how that was going to go. There would be no winners in that cafeteria, only poor, emotionally-scarred college students.
It’s truly amazing what you can learn from someone despite knowing them for less than a month.
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“I fucking hate chemistry, Chopper,” you deadpanned, feeling wrinkles etch on your face as you looked over the lab you’d gotten on Tuesday.
You’d been sitting at one of the few tables in the building, trying to get a start on your lab before Chopper finished completing the in-class portion of his, but you’d been struggling with question two for roughly the entirety of Chopper’s lab, leaving you feeling hopeless, even with the aid you’d received from the professor.
Chopper looked shocked, joining you at the table, “It’s not that bad! I promise it’ll get better, ____! If you want, I can help you study?”
“Truly, Chopper,” you sighed, “I think I’m a lost cause. But I’ll still take you up your offer.”
You dug your phone out of your pocket and opened your contacts, swapping info with Chopper. Another friend to add to the collection, and this one had inherent value to your major!
“Thanks, Chop.” You smiled, tucking your phone away. “I should probably head to my psych class now, so good luck with your lab.”
“Thank you, ____!” Chopper beamed, waving you goodbye.
Luckily, your psych class was in the next building over, so you didn’t have to worry about being late. In fact, the only thing you had to worry about was your chemistry lab. Psychology wasn’t too hard for you, especially back at South Blue High. It was basically just memorization—albeit a lot of memorization—that you didn’t really struggle with. Differentiating ideas could be a tad difficult, but nothing you couldn’t manage. Way better than chemistry, at least.
Your class wasn’t all too great, however. It was full of people who didn’t really want to talk to others, leading to incredibly bland discussion times. Their lack of enthusiasm killed your vibe, so despite the subject being a total snoozefest, you weren’t really looking forward—
“Hey, ____!” Luffy yelled, waving at you from a lone table near the back. 
Sitting beside your rambunctious friend was his brother, Sabo, who also gave you a polite wave.
“...Is this part of the field trip?” you asked Sabo.
“Well, I’m TA-ing for this class, so I thought it might help Luffy to learn about other subjects!” Sabo said, grinning.
“Wait, you’re the TA for this class?” You raised an eyebrow, setting your bag down at a nearby desk. “I didn’t see you on Wednesday, and you weren’t introduced either.”
Sabo leaned back in his chair, “It was a spur of the moment thing. I’m a sociology major, but I thought I might dabble in psychology. It’s fascinating, the mind, and what you can do with it…”
“You sound like a supervillain.”
“Me? A supervillain?” Sabo gasped, putting a hand over his heart. “I’ll have you know, I am the kindest, gentlest, utmost altruistic gentleman this world has ever seen! Isn’t that right, Luffy?”
Luffy blinked, not a single thought going on behind his eyes, “Sabo is totally awesome! One time Ace dared him to eat a caterpillar, and he did it!”
“...Gentleman, huh?” you snickered.
Sabo shrugged, his grin tugging at one end of his mouth, “What can I say, I was a strange child. But not as strange as Luffy…”
“Hey!” Luffy yelled, shaking Sabo violently as the latter laughed.
“Well, if you have any questions, just ask,” Sabo said, easily pushing Luffy off. “Though, you seem like a smart cookie, so I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
“Or you could ask me!” Luffy shrieked, trying to push back against Sabo.
You laughed, finally taking your seat as class began. With Sabo and Luffy providing you company, the class wasn’t so bad. Sabo was nice to talk to during discussion times, as well as when you were filling out your notes—though it was slightly grating to hear your notes being critiqued. Luffy, despite being reprimanded by the professor multiple times, kept the mood of the entire class up. Luckily Sabo was good at smooth talking, or else Luffy would have probably been expelled. You can only break the same desk so many times before being a lost cause.
As soon as the clock struck 3:20, everyone filed out of the room. You left with Sabo and Luffy, making your way over to the cafeteria for dinner, though Sabo planned on showing Luffy one more class before officially ending their ‘field trip.’
“Has any class struck a chord with you, Luffy?” you asked, glancing over to your friend.
Luffy seemed to think for a moment before speaking, “Nope.”
“Seriously, Luf?” Sabo groaned, pulling on his hair. “Not even sociology? Come one, it’s awesome!”
“I hate sitting in a classroom all day!” Luffy pouted, dragging his feet as he walked. “I wanna do something cool, like being a firefighter!”
“Well, you can bring that up to your advisor,” you offered. “I’m sure there’s a degree that—”
“Fire Fist!”
You felt a tug on your waist as Sabo pulled you ever-so-slightly closer to him and away from Luffy, and within an instant you understood why. Hurling towards Luffy at top speeds was Ace, who tackled Luffy and sailed into the nearby grass patch.
“That’s 572 to 0, Luffy!” Ace cackled, slapping his brother harshly on the back.
Luffy heaved for a couple of seconds, clearly trying to catch his breath after being so blatantly assaulted by his older brother.
“I’ll get you next time,” Luffy scowled, jumping to his feet. “I’ve been working on my punches too!”
“Oh, I’m shaking in my boots,” Ace snorted.
“Now, now, guys,” Sabo said, releasing you. “You almost hurt this poor young lady! What would Dadan say if she saw you now?”
“Don’t leave the house until you’ve done your chores?” Luffy responded, picking his nose.
Ace punched Luffy again, causing the latter to fall over onto the grass. He stepped up back onto the sidewalk, approaching you with an apologetic smile on his face.
“Sorry ‘bout that, ____,” Ace chuckled, scratching his head. “But brothers will be brothers, ya know? Can’t go a day without tackling one of them.”
“I seem to manage just fine,” Sabo coughed.
“...In other news,” Ace said, “I thought I might invite Luffy and his gang of pals—that’s you—to a lovely restaurant in order to celebrate the upcoming hockey season!”
“Is it really hockey season? School literally just started,” you deadpanned.
Ace barked out a laugh, “Every season is hockey season, baby! Now, I have other plans currently that I’m 10 minutes late for—”
“You’re what ?” Sabo’s eyes widened as he turned to Ace.
“—and I need to be there soon, so I’ll take your stunned silence as a ‘yes’ to coming, and I’ll see you Saturday night at eight!”
Before you could even respond to Ace’s outlandish statements, he sprinted away as quickly as he came, dashing through—not around—groups of people, knocking over countless bystanders as he ran away.
“Your brother is a work of art, Sabo,” you finally said, feeling breathless watching Ace’s escape.
Sabo only snorted, looking down amusedly as his little brother rolled angrily through the grass.
“Which one?”
“...Fair point.”
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tag list: @sylum , @dimplewonie , @kingofthemfingpirates , @luuffyswife
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228 notes · View notes
atinyreads · 2 years
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Ateez Fic Recommendations by @atinyreads <3
heh I plead guilty for losing count on how many times I’ve read these Aus over and over. I’ve posted a recommendation before so this means this is my second set of favorites that drive me insane lol.
note: pls do support the authors if you've taken interest on any aus i have recommended that they have created, it would be great if their works have more exposure to other readers :D like maybe leave a comment or reblog!
TW/CW: the following recommendations may contain Ateez smut (minors DNI), Ateez yandere themes, Ateez angst, Ateez mafia, and Ateez omegaverse. If you don't like any of these then refrain from reading this post.
Wooyoung: Shadow by @im-657-mv
Hongjoong: City lies by @toikiii
Hongjoong: On the Horizon by @vickylamore
San: Love is like a drug by @vickylamore
Seonghwa: His to protect by @cqndiedcherries
Yeosang: Corpse Groom by @jwying
Seonghwa: Me or the ps5 by @tohokuu
Jongho: Don't do that by @hongjoongscafe
Jongho: Knock it off by @teezertales
Mingi: Late night by @binniesbobastay
San: Yandere Choi San by @im-657-mv -mv
Seonghwa: Little dolly by @stayatiny
San: The blood crown by @foxgangfoxgang
Yunho: Wedding bells by @foxgangfoxgang
Hongjoong: Dance with me by @foxgangfoxgang
Seonghwa: M-mommy by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Wooyoung: Sunday Baking by @cas-skz
Yunho: Last defender by @hoonieversed
San: Fire! by @bambikisss
Hongjoong: Crushcrushcrush by @im-whatchamccallit
Seonghwa: Pirate Seonghwa by @ateezmakemeweep
Hongjoong: What could've should've by @star-1117
Seonghwa/Hongjoong: The beguiled by @riboism
Ot8: Christmas blues by @thelargefrye
Ot8: Our goddess, our utopia by @mingis-lightbulb
Mingi: Posion by @atiny-desire
Seonghwa: Kishi Kaisei by @flurrys-creativity
Hongjoong: Say my name by @atiny-desire
Wooyoung: Scream by @atiny-desire
Seonghwa: Gang Au by @fantastic-bby
Hongjoong: Of love and betrayal by @hoonieversed
Ot8: In love and lore by @shadowynn
Hongjoong: Unhinged by @mxxndreams
San: Drinking games by @shyxcherry
Hongjoong: Let me take you away by @ithinkilikeit-reactions
Hongjoong: Sea supersitions by @ithinkilikeit-reactions
Hongjoong: A little something more by @flurrys-creativity
Seonghwa: Unexpected Company by @mia-tiny
Wooyoung: I do love you by @toikiii
Seonghwa: Was it worth it by @headintheclouds-posts
Mingi: Smut reaction by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Yunho: Smut reaction by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Hongjoong: Dance with me by @foxgangfoxgang
Hongjoong: Pretty by @last-words-ofashootingstar
Yunho, San, Wooyoung: Treasure @honeyhotteoks
Yunho: Tutor boy by @cas-skz
Yunho: Step Brother Yunho x You by @kpop-dungeon-dark
San: The devil above by @kpop-dungeon-dark
Mingi: Sour by @itsbeeble
you know what after i finished listing all my favorites i realized i may have been reading beyond average and i need help lmfao
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