#fanfic related pics
starclast · 2 months
FINALLY!!!!!! After almost a year or so of struggling to write a fanfic, I‘VE FINALLY MANAGED TO WRITE ONE!!!! 😭😭😭 All thanks to my current obsession for Persona 3 I have to say 😅 In any case, I leave you here a few spoilers from the fic 😘
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Now, enjoy!!! 🥰👇
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kari-izumi · 2 months
I'm not gonna get into the debate as to whether or not J/C is canon after this last season of Prodigy, but I think both sides can agree that we got done a whooooooole lot better than what Picard/Crusher got in Picard?
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barbedwirebats · 1 year
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i’ve just started this blog as my space for fic-writing and sharing for Stranger Things. i followed a lot of ST accounts on my original account, but i was primarily a lurker before so i plan to engage and post a lot more on this account! i’ve already been working on some Eddie and Steve stories, and i hope to branch out to more characters and storylines soon. so excited to meet some people and share some writing!!
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
RE: Someone write me a fanfic of L jealous of N and JD. Plot could be N is not dating JD but L is worried she is. JD, like Nic, is quite touchy feeling, it seems, it would be hilarious to read a fic of him watching him touch her, hug her etc. OH OH maybe L reading the Deux pap pics and being angsty about it. two good fics plots. Come on, give to me, Rachels! Maybe something like... (not great, but let's scratch that itch)
Few days into S4 filming. N is in her trailer. L knocks on her door. Usually his knocks are soft, tentative, but N can't help but be startled by the force.
"Uhm is that you, L?", she squeaked.
"Yes..." the way he sounded was different too. She couldn't put her finger on it, sort of frustrated, but also laced with apprehension.
She unlocked her door and his face was hard to read. Eyebrows furrowed, jaw tense, and forcing a faint smile. He walked in tentatively. She didn't understand what was going on? Why was he here looking at her like that? It had been a long, hard day on set. Their relationship was different. Things seemed to take more time. Things had to be forced instead of flowing freely like in the past. She didn't entirely know why, but when she thought back to Summer, she experienced a pang of irritation that hinted at the source of their disharmony. He had his fun, why couldn't she? She was an adult after-all, and the sexual tension that had been brewing over 6 months touring needed to be released somehow. JD was the perfect escape. Witty, energetic, sexy. He knew how to push all the right buttons...
L stood in her trailer awkwardly, looking at the lino floor. "So... how was the rest of your Summer?" he began, looking up briefly to meet her eyes. It was the first time he asked about it. Before shooting, his texts were usually vapid and wholly work-related. Never personal like it used to be.
"It was fine," she admitted, nonchalantly. She saw him scoff and became instantly annoyed. What the fuck was he scoffing about? "What?" she probed in a huff.
"Just fine? By the looks of it, you were having lots of fun!" he blurted. It came out of him like verbal diarrhea. It had begun and it wasn't going to stop now. He was awash with rage as those photos came to mind. Of them together. He knew the minute he saw those photos something was going on. JD had that goofy smile HE used to make when he was in her presence. The image of his hands on her body flashed in his mind and he became incensed.
"Seriously N, with him? You gave me such a hard time for dating a younger person, and then you go and do the same thing? What were you thinking!?" his nostrils flared and his head looked like it was about to pop off his neck. He had never been so angry. His reaction was completely over the top and he was acutely aware of it.
N was as enraged as him. She watched him rant, clenching her fists, her eyes darkening. She stepped towards him and his energy dropped ten-fold. "What. was. I. thinking!?" she said slowly, teeth gritted. "Maybe I was thinking, shit, I should have some fun in my life, instead of always being the good girl? Always doing the right thing for the team, stepping up when required... then there's you, Mr I can't keep it in my pants. I had to sit there and watch you... watch you..." she stumbled, she didn't want to complete the sentence. Her eyes started filling with tears. He saw her distress, and couldn't help but mirror her feelings. He had no choice but to cut her off, stop her from wounding further.
"N I don't fucking understand. I wanted to pursue this. Pursue us. You said, 'Not right now. Go have some fun, continue the narrative.' I did what you said! I... I tried" he choked out, feeling completely vulnerable. She saw it, but she couldn't help but give him an extra serve of her wrath.
"I know what I fucking said, L. But why did you have to block me out? Go on living like I never existed? We never existed? And now you have the nerve to come at me with your jealousy? Are we still calling it professional or...?" she half-smiled, rolling her eyes with petty frustration. She saw his face drop. His visible sadness tempered her fury, and in its place came empty regret at her choice of words.
He couldn't believe how she was speaking to him. He had been miserable the last 3 months. Couldn't she tell?? His sadness began to shift into a well-tread emotion, one he knew how to express. Angst. SHE had put him through hell, and now she has the nerve to make fun of him? Degrade him. No, he wasn't having it. He was done listening to others and trying to do the right thing, but always getting it wrong. He was going to do things his own way.
He strode towards her, eyes fixed on hers, and a dark expression on his face. She stumbled back against the trailer wall not expecting his advance. He liked the effect he had on her, and suddenly the angst molded with something more, something from deep inside his fantasies. She shyly looked away not daring to meet his steely, denim gaze. His thumb and forefinger grabbed the tip of her chin and guided it forward, facing him. She scanned his face and was taken aback by his intensity. He was breathing heavily, quickly, and she couldn't help but breathe in rhythm. He looked at her eyes with careful consideration, then to her lips, full and soft, licking his lips unconsciously. Her lips parted as if having a mind of their own.
He whispered slowly, exaggerating each word, "Don't speak. I'm done listening. I'm done talking," once again, his eyes darted back to her lips, parted just so. He pressed his body closer to hers and gripped her wrists, pushing her further against the trailer wall. She let out a little noise, not quite whimper, not quite moan, his touch like warm tea steeping into her skin, flowing through her veins. His face dipped down and ghosted hers, lips hovering over lips, noses lightly grazing, breathing in soft pants. Electricity crackling between them. "I'm done playing games. I know what you want.... And I want to give it to you," he continued gruffly, thumbs stroking her wrists, feeling her pulse quicken. He looked at her eyes, searching for a reaction.
She gulped in disbelief, every bit of lust overtaking her body. She was his, body and soul, and she wanted to claim him too. He saw her eyes darken with impurity. He took his time, once again hovering over her lips, teasing her mercilessly. "Please..." she begged, breathless, starving. With a slight smirk, he lightly pressed his lips to hers, so softly, so slowly, it was almost torture. She leaned into the kiss, quickening the momentum, lightly sucking and pulling at his bottom lip. He let out a soft, guttural moan, not expecting her level of hunger, and unconsciously eased his grip on her wrists. She wriggled them free and her hands found their way gripping the back of his neck and stroking and tugging at his wavy, thick hair. One of his hands met the side of her cheek, guiding their movements and deepening their kiss. Her tongue brushed along his bottom lip begging for entry, and he obliged greedily, taking each other in with fervor. Months of buried sexual tension bubbling up to the surface, overflowing with heated anticipation. His other hand brushed down her breast, lightly down her side and along her hip, holding the curve and slightly pulling her forward. She pushed him back towards her bed, still peppering his mouth with greedy kisses. He fell back with a humph, both smiling like dorks at the sound escaping his lips. Her smile shifted mischievously as she settled on top of him, her knees straddling either side of his body. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her down onto his lap, unable to hide his growing desire. Her hands dropped to his chest to steady the ride...
Ok, I better stop there as this could get x-rated rather swiftly. But goddamn, do I like an assertive L. Respectfully, release the beast, sir.
Please link the next installment on your AO3 anon
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startrekpotluck · 2 months
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Time to get the dough proofing and ovens preheating! It's just one week to go until StarTrekPotluck2024 - and there's still room at the table if you want to join!
We have a truly dazzling array of delicacies on the menu this year and would like to welcome our latest chef to the kitchen:
@boldlyqueertastic SNW/AOS/TOS/DISCO fanart & poem, 12th August
... who joins our other culinary greats (listed under the cut).
Don't forget to check out two new, exciting potluck treats this year: @the-goofball will be hosting an end-of-potluck twitch-stream, so let them know if you'd like your contribution featured. And @pc-corner has generously offered to draw illustrations for people's fics and there are still a few open slots, so get them while they're hot 🥞✨
And for anyone still debating whether to whip up something to bring to the feast: StarTrekPotluck2024 welcomes fan creators of all types, from across all the Trek fandoms!
Do you have a foolproof recipe for jumja sticks you've been meaning to share? Feel like writing a series of drabbles describing your favourite crew's favourite delicacies? Are you keen to show off your label designs for the latest Andorian Ales?
Then ready your spoons and spatulas and send us an ask to book one of the open dates between the 1st and 14th of August! We're happy to accept new sign-ups right up until the start of the fest.
Serving 1 Serving 2 Serving 3 Serving 4: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th)
Remember: Any Star Trek fandom, any media, anything food or drink-related! For more info, see here.
The StarTrekPotluck2024 Menu:
@regionalpancake VOY fanfic, 1st August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 1st August
@majormiles AOS fanfic, 1st August
@dustydahorse TNG fanart, 1st August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice TNG fanart, 2nd August
@saccharinestardust PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@grissomesque VOY fanfic, 2nd August
@the-willow-tree DS9-TNG-mashup fanfic, 3rd August
@marymoss1971 LWD fanfic, 3rd August
@yarboyandy (fandom tbd) fanart, 3rd August
@thebiwifeonao3 TNG/VOY fanfic, 3rd August
@wonderofasunrise VOY fanfic, 4th August
@iwritesometimes PIC fanfic, 4th August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanfic, 4th August
@kejsarinna DSC fanfic, 5th August
@astrotrek86 SNW fanfic, 5th August
@miisakee AOS fanwork(tbd), 5th August
@stpaulofsuburbia (tbd) TOS/TNG/DS9 fanfic 5th August
@iffnotwinter DS9 fanfic, 6th August
@spongynova LWD fanart, 6th August
@onmytallesttiptoesspinning SNW/LWD (tbd) fanfic, 7th August
@starry-bite PIC fanfic, 7th August
@aurora-cycle TOS fanfic, 7th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 8th August
@dogearedfriends TOS fanart, 8th August
@altumvidetur TNG/DS9/VOY (tbd) fanfic, 8th August
@divinemissem13 VOY fanfic, 9th August
@coffee-in-that-nebula VOY fanfic, 9th August
@73chn1c0l0rr3v3l DSC fanfic, 9th August
@swordanddaggerarts TOS fanart, 9th August
@lipstickonmylabcoat (fandom tbd) fanfic, 10th August
@celestialvoyeur (fandom tbd)(fanwork tbd), 10th August
@candycurlsofmaddness SNW/DS9/TNG/VOY (tbd), 10th August
@curator-on-ao3 & @fiadorable AOS/SNW fanfic, 11th August
@pilcrowtudinous PIC fanfic, 11th August
@evieaves TOS comic, 11th August
@song-spero PIC fanfic, 11th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 12th August
@enterprise-come-in SNW fanfic, 12th August
@silvermillenniumqueenneptune TNG/PIC fanfic, 12th August
@robosexualunderground LWD fanfic, 13th August
@pc-corner SNW fanart/fanfic, 13th August
@iliveinfantasylife SNW fanart, 13th August
N_Squared SNW/DSC fanfic, 13th August
@android-and-ale SNW/TOS/AOS (tbd) fanfic, 14th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
@jaegermonstrous DS9 fanart, 14th August
@horizonproblems & @procrastinatorproject PIC fanart & fanfic, 14th August
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trash1129 · 2 years
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×,.·´¨'°÷·..§SELF-SABOTAGE§.·´¨'°÷·.. -a Soobin smau (+ written chapters)
Summary: After (Y/n) breaks up with her ex, Do Jaeyi, she isn’t left alone by him. Finally after being bothered nonstop, she breaks and tells him she is dating her high school rival, Choi Soobin. Now they are left to keep up the act of being a couple till this all blows over. Little does (Y/n) know Soobin has been waiting for a chance like this.
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a/n: here we go again with me attempting another smau! I’m more excited about this one because I actually planned stuff for once :D I really wanted to try my hand again at one of these and wanted to try an enemies to lovers type situation
☆Rating: 16+
☆Release date: March 2nd, 2023
☆Ending date: August 15th, 2023
☆Status: ended
☆Pairing: Choi Soobin x Fem! Reader, mentions of past relationship with an OC, and maybe some pairings on the side if I wanna add some spice ;D
☆Content: smau with written chapters, fluff, crack (idk if it really is bc I don’t really think I’m that funny), some angst at some point tbh, fake dating, semi-enemies to lovers, semi-mutual pining, psych major!(y/n), dancer!(y/n), psych major!soobin, barista!beomgyu, college!au, slow burn ig???
☆Warnings: lots of swearing (I have potty mouth myself so they all will too), some suggestive parts maybe and some mentions of sex but no smut bc smut isn’t something I write, chapters may be long idk yet, I didn’t really pay attention to like grade levels in relation to age so we don’t need to pay attention to if it’s accurate or not
☆Featuring: the rest of txt, lee chaeyeon (iz*one/solo), Lucy (weki meki), probably some other idols in passing
DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of pure fiction and do not represent txt artist, iz*one/solo artist, weki meki artist, any other artist or reflect their actual selves or morals. All in this fan fiction is 100% fake and not real at all
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The ass shakers
Soobin’s emotional support group
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02. You see how easy it is to lie?
03. Twinkle toes
04. Don’t HMU😣😭😿💔
05. I’m meeting Lucifer today! (Written, 1.9k + sns) unedited
06. That's the spirit!
07. That is a (Y/n) response
08. Very Soobin core
09. Is that Choi Beomgyu?
10. Soob is a broke ass bitch
11. I was threatened 🥺🥺 (Written, 2k + sns) unedited
12. I do but I don’t :D
13. Darling baby girl
15. Slay or be slain
16. Mean girls Christmas routine
17. Love birds (Written, 3.6k) unedited
18. Because sleepover :)))
19. In the words of Twice
20. And I’m Hyojeong
22. Skill issue
23. Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth
24. I’m concerned (Written, 1.2k + sns) unedited
25. No pics🗣️ No proof🗣️
26. Not you too
27. Oh f*ck
28. Prettiest face I’ve ever seen
29. …what?😃
30. I know. I’ve known.
31. fanfic levels
32. Master manipulator (written, 1.9k + sns) unedited
33. Crush (written, 2k) unedited
34. Limited addition animal crossing switch
35. Epilogue
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Bonus!: New privs
Bonus 2!: Daily bf texts
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ash-eats-film · 5 months
So I’m in the middle of drawing something related to my new Saw fanfic, when I finally get to drawing young Hoffman, so I look up a young pic of Costas Mandylor for an idea of how I want him to look and
I already thought he was fine af when he was older as Hoffman but DAMN HE’S ON FIRE HERE 🥵🔥
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zepskies · 1 month
🚨 New Podcast Fic for the Midnight Espresso-verse! ("Show Me") ☕
Since you guys seem to be liking Touch Me, here's another fun story from the Midnight Espresso-verse -- now in podcast form!
Narrated by the lovely Sandra, @talltalesandbedtimestories, here's the podfic version of Show Me (Parts 1 & 2).
And yes, with all the steamy bits 😘❤️‍🔥:
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-size!Reader (Latina)
Story Summary: Dean meets your infamous ex-boyfriend at a fallen hunter’s funeral. You just forgot to mention that he’s a hunter as well. Maybe because he still has the power to get under your skin…in the worst of ways.
If you enjoy the podfic, please feel free to like/comment on the vid! (Or even the original story post!)
And remember to check out the Idling in the Impala Podcast, @idlingintheimpalapodcast, for even more narrated stories, interviews with fanfic authors, and all things SPN fandom-related with the lovely hosts, Sandra and Kasey - @sam-is-my-safe-word. 💋
🥧 Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @iamsapphine
@roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @just-levyy
@samanddeaninatrenchcoat @lacilou @adoringanakin @midnightmadwoman @chriszgirl92
@lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @deansbbyx @sarahgracej @kaleldobrev
@mimaria420 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords @waynes-multiverse @twinkleinadiamondsky
@my-stories-vault @cevansbaby-dove @kayleighwinchester @rizlowwritessortof @syrma-sensei
@mrsjenniferwinchester @charmed-asylum @k-slla @jackles010378 @deanbrainrotwritings
@alwaystiredandconfused @deans-daydream @deanwinchestersgirl87 @rachiem4-blog @leigh70
@kmc1989 @ghostslillady @siampie @pieandmonsters @globetrotter28
@spnwoman @stoneyggirl2 @spnfamily-j2 @mostlymarvelgirl @artemys-ackles
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foranpo · 1 year
ੈ˚ʚ welcome to my notion tutorial !!
♡ my notion took me a month to make. It's a bit frustrating sometimes, but i want you to know that it's possible to have some organization in your life.
notion is meant to help you have a more organized life: trackers, goals, diary entries, anything can be turn into a notion page and i'm here to teach you how ♡
ps: sorry for being so long and with some typos and whatnot ♡
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♡˳────── 1st step: the choice of an aesthetic.
it's important to have an idea when you start your notion;
for me, i wanted a place cozy and warm that reminded me of spring.
my main color is green. and with that defined, i started looking for color palettes with the types of green that i liked the most.
(i used this website, but any is good enough. it's just to give you an idea of what you're going to work with.)
i chose an aesthetic more gloomy, academic, and obviously green, (for my main layout, a retro blue-ish layout for my fanfics and a melancholy yellow for my original works) and with that i jumped to step 2.
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♡˳────── 2nd step: hunting images and inspiration.
pinterest, pinterest, pinterest.
i can't stress this enough. use keywords to find what you actually need.
if you're a beginner, start with notion inspo, notion [aesthetic] ideas, anything notion related. pick your favs and choose what you like most about each one:
the font, the pictures, the layout, even a small detail like an aesthetic quote design -just make sure you know what you like the most.
once you have a list of what you want, you start searching for images.
keywords i suggest are: [color] aesthetic, [color] cinematography, [color] photography, and, especially, [color] png icon.
i find it really satisfying having pngs on your notion: it gives a better sense of home and they cute, so it's a plus!
(most png aren't transperants on pinterest, so i use this app to make it a real png. now, know that it's not perfect and on dark mode might look funky, but it's worth a shot ig ♡)
now you should be left with a small gallery of photos with the same color scheme and this takes us to step 3!
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♡˳────── 3rd step: dividers save lives.
pick one image to be the base of your notion layout.
it might be for your notion icon, header, or just a random pic laying around your notion. but make sure you only have one.
with that, go to an app that finds colors (i use this one) and pick the 3 most predominant colors! i suggest one darker, one lighter, and one in between.
this works not only as dividers but to enhance any quote or pic that you have. e.g.:
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as you can see, this little dividers (size that i use: 948x8) work better than the ones provided by notion and they're easy to make. just open paint and you're done!
and once you have all the inspo, all the pics and dividers, it's time to create some art ♡
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♡˳────── 4th step: the creation of art.
is time to make pages and more pages.
now, please know that this requires lots of work, frustration and patience. sometimes the website doesn't want to collaborate and it might get a bit annoying. but know that it's totally fine to take breaks and take your time. this is something for you and you only.
you can take all the time you want ♡
ㅤㅤ♡˳────── 4.1 step: page outline.
choose the number of pages !
i suggest you have one homepage with quick links to your other pages:
trackers, school related, hobbies, anything really.
it's your notion after all, you can do anything.
after having the number of pages you can star outlining the pages.
the beginning is always difficult and embaracing, but if you give it a try, i'm sure you will create art!
i suggest, if you do a full page, to use 4 to 6 columns. it might be a bit overwhelming at the start, but i found it easier to work with more columns and less rows. also, it's more compact which makes everything x3254 cuter.
nut you can literally do whatever you want! so here's my organization ♡
my personal organization !
homepage (5-6 columns, 4 rows): quick links to my other 4 pages. daily routine. quick reading and writing trackers. my performances schedules and feedback. goals for the month. clock, weather, year progress bar (see end of post).
original works (4-6 columns, 2 rows): my three wips. websites that help me with writing. my progress in each work. motivational quotes.
fanfic works (4 columns): folders for each fandom with more folders for hcs, one-shots, multi-chapter and ideas. motivational quotes. goals for the year. pretty pics and quotes.
trackers (5-6 columns, 4-5 rows): media that i'm currently consuming or consumed, with details such as rating, author, and some sub-pages with my extensive thoughts.
in short !
have one big page at the beginning to help you navigate easier.
don't be afraid to had columns and rows! if there's a blank space, throw some png's and quotes at it. it always makes everything 10x cuter.
ㅤㅤ♡˳────── 4.2 step: widgets are your best friends.
add some widgets to make it prettier ♡
i use this website. it's pretty easy and has the main widgets.
a quick google search might take you to other websites so feel free to explore ♡
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♡˳────── 5th step: a touch of magic and stardust.
the start of a new page is always frustating: what aesthetic to use? what do you put first? what if it's corny? too much quotes? so many questions and, hey!, i hear ya! it's a pain in the ass.
that's why i'm here to tell you that you will change your layout lot's of time. even if you have already in mind what you have, it's only normal to change stuff every now and then until you have the perfect page.
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you can see how my first homepage (pic. 1) changed drastically to my current homepage (pic.2). not only the color scheme changed, but the layout itself.
more artistic pictures, cuter png's and quotes, and my homepage changed completely!
so don't be afraid of change! it is important fr ♡
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♡˳────── don't forget about...
you can change the font and size of the page by clicking on the three dots on the top right of your screen ♡
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make your text pretty with cool symbols !!
again, just surf the internet and tumblr and i'm sure that aesthetic bios will provide you with the cute little symbols to make everything cute ♡
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be creative with your picture layouts ! ♡
i personally use pinterest (frame template) and clipstudio to make prettier pictures, but i'm sure any photoshop app can give you this effect as well.
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play with png's and make your notion look more alive ♡
any hanging or 2 png's similar can help with a look cleaner and more organized.
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add spotify playlists (it had to be public, i'm afraid) and youtube videos for more diversity!
table view is a life changer for organizing trackers, especially books and movies ♡
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let me know if you want a deeper tutorial on how to use any function or if i forgot mentioning something you would like to know more about ♡
i hope this helps you and it's clear. know that i'm here for anything you need and i'm sure you're gonna do amazing things there ♡
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ofmdrecaps · 3 months
07/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Leslie Jones; Ruibo Qian; Dominic Burgess; Samba Schutte; Logie Awards; AdoptOurCrew; Auxillery Wardrobe Zine; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Spotlight Cont'd; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
New month, new blog! Thanks everyone, as you probably can tell there's a new blog for the recaps! I'm doing this to allow for some more silly shenanigans to happen on my main, but also keep the recaps available and more easily accessible to those who want them! For the first few weeks I'll be reblogging them from main, but then will eventually move to just here so as not to overwhelm anyone following. Thanks so much for reading! I love doing these and I was actually surprised how many people followed! I didn't realize so many people were reading, so tysm that warms my heart and made my day!
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys will be join Baron Vaughn and Rory Scovel on AfterMidnight with Taylor Tomlinson on July 8th, 3 PM PST in Los Angelos, CA! Are you in the area? You can request tickets on their website!
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Source: 1iota's Instagram
Next up-- Peacock has posted an exclusive clip of the upcoming The Hungry Games: Alaska's Big Bear Challenge-- starring the voice of our very own Rhys Darby!
== Taika Waititi ==
Awesome new promo for Time Bandits! I'm gonna keep reminding you because I'm actually super psyched for this. July 24th on Apple TV!
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Source: Matt_Grace_Photography
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie out with the LA Sparks! <3 Also, did you know Leslie will be voicing a character in the New Hulu series Hit Monkey? I didn't know! New seasons starts July 15th!
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Source: LA Sparks IG / JoshuaGordon
== Ruibo Qian ==
Our Pirate Queen is going to be taking on the role of Ms. Sherlock Holmes in Ms.Holmes & Ms.Watson in APT 2B at the Old Globe Theatre in San Deigo CA! You can buy tickets for July 27th, opening day -- or any of the showings here!
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Source: OldGlobeTheatre Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Dominic is gracing us once again with cat pics. I love it <3
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
== Samba Schutte ==
More pictures with Samba at Dancing with Fire LA with the cast / crew of Advanced Chemistry!
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Source: alecmoore219's Instagram
== Logie Award Nominations ==
REMINDER! Our beloved Mads, aka Eddie Redcliffe in Deadloch, aka The Baddest MF in Tasmania, has been nominated for a 2024 Logie for Best Lead Actress! So was Kate Box, her costar, and Deadloch was nominated for Best Scripted Comedy Program!
-- and guess what? It's done by vote! If you feel so inclined, please take a moment to go and vote for our dear Archie/Deadloch (or Dulcie whomever you'd like)! https://vote.tvweeklogies.com.au/ Note: You do need to use your email to submit, just FYI!
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
Looks like something exciting will be coming soon from @adoptourcrew! I think I might have an idea what it may be related to...
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Auxiliary Wardrobe Zine ==
There's a new non-profit charity zine starting up-- in honor of our beloved Captain Stede and OFMD!
"From his flamboyant coats to his sword-slashed shirts, we want to celebrate EVERY way that Stede and fashion come together! Whether this be a canon look you're fond of, his job as a luxury fashion designer in an AU, or Stede in a style of clothing you personally love (or lack of clothing… pinups anyone?!) we encourage contributors to make this prompt their own. This zine will be a digital-only PDF and will consist of a SFW edition and a NSFW edition featuring fanart and fanfic. All proceeds for the zine will go to Care for Gaza."
Want to learn more? You can visit their carrd.co below for scheduling and FAQ's!
Info & FAQ: https://auxiliarywardrobezine.carrd.co
Artist & Writer Signups will start July 6, 2024!
Follow them on Instagram and Twitter!
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Source: The Auxiliary Wardrobe: A Stede Bonnet Zine
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Spotlights ==
Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week may be over, but that doesn't mean the spotlights have to end! Tonight we have the fantastic @hameko1019! I absolutely adore her style and use of color! You can check her work out on Hameko1019's Twitter! Thank you again to @garlicsoupweek for the wonderful prompts!
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Bonus
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Source: Hameko1019's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card by our fantastic @melvisik is Jordan Feldman who "was listed as 'Heavily Made-Up Man' in The Best Revenge is Dressing Well."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Well lovelies, you've made it half way through another week. Only half more to go-- for those of you in the UK, good luck at the elections! For those in the US, tomorrow is July 4th, and while I know there are mixed feelings this year in the US, please remember to take some time to relax and enjoy a day off if you have it.
You're doing so very well friends. There is SO much going on in the world, so much going on in the fandom, so much going on in your lives. But you are still kicking, and I'm so very proud of you for that. If you need to take a break-- do it. Give yourself some grace and get some rest, the world will still be there in a few days. If you've already done that and you're taking some time to yourself-- great job-- you deserve it. Remember that we will still be here, and we will still love you when you get back. Ed and Stede? Still in love when you get back. They're off terrorising some poor patron of their Inn with stories of being gut stabbed, or forcing them to watch a puppet show they came up with.
You're kicking ass at whatever struggles you are dealing with right now-- give yourself time to celebrate the fact you're surviving them. Rest well lovelies, see you soon <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is these two goof balls singing. Someone help me find Taika singing Queen, cause then we'll have some gif smushes <3 Tonight's gifs courtesy of @celluloidbroomcloset and @eddie-redcliffe!!
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starclast · 1 year
Okey-okey-okey, lets just say that...there are 3 songs that got stuck in my head since I first heard them as a kid. One of them was *All in your mind* from the movie Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw. Though I didn't know English back then, I really liked the movie and ultimately LOVED this song (so much so that it somehow stuck wit me although forgetting about the existence of the movie from most part of my life). Every since then, I was lookin for it...and maaan, when I finally found it I knew I had to write something to do this song justice!!
...So yeah, I wrote a fanfic. And the following pics you are going to see here are (kind of) *spoilers* for it if you haven't read it already. You choose if you want to read it first or prefer to just see the fanarts, that's your own decision and I wont interfere with it 😌
Soo, either if you came here after reading the fic or not, here are the complementary fanarts of the story!
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here, you can watch the songs video (the video is NOT mine, obviously, but you can find the source cannel on youtube easily if you look for it!)
Now, let me introduce you to my ocs, who make a little but important first appearance on this fic.
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First, we have Eskie, a little werewolf girl who appears like a huskie dog normally. She almost never talks but its an important member of the Nyx guard and emotional support for the team.
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In order, this *Nyx Guard* is conformed by Lance, Debbie, Bell and Shawn, with Lance functioning as the leader.
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As you can see, Bell is very cheerful and kind of a *free spirit*, Shawn is as grumpy as an old man and Debbie is the calmed one who basically babysits these two.
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This is the symbol of the Nyx Guard...though I'm currently revising it 😅
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So yeah, that would be all folks!!
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lemotmo · 1 month
ABC hire Ali, please!!! I want this!!!!
Q. You said awhile back that if they went full fanfic and gave us a storyline you'd want it to be amnesia. So how would you do that this season and have it end with Buddie becoming canon?
A. Way to put me on the spot, anon, haha. But since we're playing make believing here, if it were up to me I would do it like this :
I would open the show with a 3 month time jump, just long enough for Eddie to have been in therapy, and Buck to be newly single (this also means Chris hasn't been gone ages, because none of us want that). I would have a scene of Eddie talking to Frank during his session about his issues surrounding his relationships. Frank asks him if it's possible that Eddie believes the role of partner and coparent has already been filled, and because of that when someone else comes along and tries to take over that role Eddie spirals and begins to sabotage the relationship. The scene goes quiet while we watch Eddie's face go through a million different emotions and we see him look directly at Frank and simply say 'Buck'. Then the scene cuts to the other character block for that episode, so probably something Bobby and Athena related. The next scene would be Buck and Chimney or Ravi goofing off while cleaning the ladder truck, or some other chore. We see Eddie in the loft smiling fondly at whatever antics Buck is in the middle of. Hen walks over to him, and he looks embarrassed about being caught, she just smiles knowingly at him and tells him something along the lines of having no say in who we fall in love with but how lucky the people who get to be in love with their best friend are. Eddie faulters for a moment and admits how scared he is of messing things up between them. Hen tells him it's Buck and it's not possible for him to ever mess up enough to actually lose him. Then we see shift A leaving for the night and Eddie asking Buck if he wants to come over for dinner.
Our next Eddie and Buck scene is the two of them in his kitchen cleaning up from the dinner Buck insisted on cooking, despite the fact that Eddie told him take out sounded just fine to him. We see them standing at the sink, one washing, one drying and Eddie just kind of starts talking and doesn't think he's saying anything Buck can follow but Buck is able to follow and suddenly stops and looks directly at Eddie, eyes flickering down to his lips for a moment, and asks if he can kiss him. Eddie whispers 'yes' and Buck's soapy hands find their way to Eddie's face, they giggle at one another momentarily, until Buck dips his head down and captures Eddie's mouth in a soft gentle kiss. They part just enough to let their foreheads touch, and Buck asks him if he's sure and Eddie says he thinks he's been sure for years now, we see Buck's beaming face and tears filling his eyes as he says, 'really'? Eddie says 'really' and Buck says 'me too, god Eddie me too' and their next kiss is more heated with Buck backing Eddie into the kitchen counter. That's as far as things go that night. They agree they need to talk and Buck asks Eddie on a date after their shift tomorrow.
Cut to passengers boarding the plane we've been getting in the BTS pics before we see a beaming Buck arriving at the firehouse the next morning, coffee for Eddie in hand. He bounds up the stairs where Eddie is smiling fondly at him and we see their hands touch and linger just a bit when Buck hands over the coffee. Buck asks him they're still on for their date and Eddie tells him he can't wait actually. Just then the bell rings and off they go to the airplane emergency. Because Gerard is an ass he separates Eddie and Buck at the scene so Buck goes one way and Eddie is sent off in the opposite direction. We see Buck going through his assigned section and then hear screaming coming through the radio that a firefighter is down and we see a frantic Buck rush off because he knows without being told that it's Eddie. We see Hen and Chimney working on him in the back of the ambulance while a helpless Buck looks on, holding his hand and whispering over and over again that everything's going to be okay. We get to the hospital where Eddie is wheeled away from them leaving them all standing there trying to comfort Buck. Later that evening Buck is in the room waiting for Eddie to wake up. When he finally does and the doctor is asking him questions they realize that Eddie has temporary amnesia and can't remember anything from the last year.
Meaning Eddie forgot about Chris leaving, the Kim fiasco,Buck coming out, and of course their first kiss. So we get several episodes of Eddie not remembering things, Buck spiraling because he finally had Eddie and of course the universe took him away because Buck doesn't get to be happy. We get the 3 month time jump stuff filled in as Eddie's memories slowly return. That's also how we get the bachelor party scenes. And that allows us to see Buck and Eddie interact with Buck knowing where they were headed, and remembering the kiss and everything about that night, and Eddie still believing they're just friends.
Give me all the angst, anon. Lol, this would never happen but yeah this is how I would do it if they ever gave us fanfic.
Thank you so much for this Nonny! I read this with bated breath!
All right, this is it! This would be such a great scenario. It's one big giant trope, but who cares?
Now I want this in season 8 and I'm afraid nothing else will measure up. 😁
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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prismaticpichu · 6 months
Why not, y’know?? :3c Let’s have some fun! Never done one these so go easy on me lmao. Feel free to reblog and ask away!
FF7 Ask List 🌎 ☄️
1. Gotta start with the obvious: favorite character? How come?
2. Favorite piece of music?
3. Favorite scene? What makes it so impactful to you?
4. Favorite installment in the compilation? (EC + AC included!)
5. Have you played every game? If so, wowsers! Respect!
6. Favorite ship? You into platonic stuff? No sweat! Favorite friendship?
7. On that note: favorite character interactions in general?
8. A line of dialogue you find hilarious? Heartbreaking?
9. Who do you consider the most “evil” in FF7? Sephiroth? Jenova? Pres ShinRa? Hojo? Hollander? Lucrecia? Other?
10. Do you believe Sephiroth is being controlled? To what extent?
11. Most underrated character?
12. Most overrated character? (If you think one exists!)
13. Favorite location?
14. Favorite weapon?
15. Favorite member of AVALANCHE?
16. Favorite Turk?
17. Favorite enemy/monster?
18. Favorite DMW cutscene?
19. Favorite fanfic? Fanfics?
20. Have you seen Advent Children? Thoughts??
21. If you could have one plushie of a character, who’d it be?
22. What is YOUR ideal Nibelheim fix-it? <3
23. If you could say one thing to one character, who and what would it be?
24. Who do you want to be real?
25. Would you want to be a SOLDIER? What color would you want your eyes?
26. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite snack? (Yep yep we know Seph likes pasta shssjshhs)
27. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite movie?
28. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite song?
29. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite ___? (insert your own!)
30. What adjective would you describe each of the First Classes with? Can only pick one!
31. Write a small letter to one character of the asker’s choice
32. Doodle a pic of one character of the asker’s choice. (Art skills don’t matter here! No judgment <3 Only fun!)
33. Write a 3-5 sentence fic crumb of ___! (Asker’s choice; can be pairing, platonic, or just a single fella!)
34. Make up your own materia/spell!
35. Favorite memory with FF7?
36 Favorite part of the FF7 community? <3
37. Make an FF7 joke/pun :3c
38. What’s a fanon thing that you believed to be canon for the LONGEST time?
39. Favorite fan theory?
40. Favorite side quest?
41. Favorite cutscene?
42. What’s one thing about any of the FF7 games (+ AC) that you would change or add?
43. How many lines of Loveless do you know by heart?
44. Create a propaganda slogan for SOLDIER
45. Make a silly acronym for SOLDIER!
46. Rank all the games/AC in the compilation
47. What character do you relate the most to??
48. How would you describe FF7 in 7 words?
49. What got you into the series?! <3
50. Bonus! Ask your own question!
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aspiringtrashpanda · 9 months
✨Fic Rec✨ - Divergent Fist 🍙💍
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Buckle up, Inuokko enjoyers! It's time to check out Divergent Fist! If this story doesn't already have you in a chokehold, constantly on the edge of your seat, then it's time to dedicate a whole afternoon getting caught up. Make a tea, grab your weighted blanket, and read the 12 current chapters of this incredible doujinshi.
RATED M. Content Warnings - Canon-typical violence and gore, post-Shibuya incident, sexual content, lots of angst, trauma and related physical and emotional reactions (AKA Toge has no food left in his stomach).
Divergent Fist follows the stories of Toge Inumaki and Yuuta Okkotsu, navigating the world of jujutsu sorcerers, trauma and healing, and budding romance in the aftermath of the Shibuya incident. Expertly balancing the soft moments with the devastating, ArtMop (she/her) is in the midst of crafting a doujin that is sure to stand the test of time and become a classic for any fans of BL in the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom.
To start off, I'd like to be transparent that yes, I do edit ArtMop's chapters and help with the general planning of the series. I have a clear bias. That being said, I genuinely believe that this doujin is not getting the attention it deserves, and I just want to shout my love for it from the top of a mountain. Let me give a hardworking creator some love, okay?
First off, let's talk about the #1 selling point of DF - it is an illustrated fanfic that updates regularly and is accessible entirely for free. What more could you possibly ask for? You wanted more Toge content? More Yuuta content? Well, here you go!
It is worth noting that the art itself, despite being above average to begin with, improves drastically throughout the story. The anatomy, expressions, and details in the last few chapters are breathtaking. With each installment in the DF series, ArtMop improves and improves and improves. I, personally, wait with bated breath for the drop of the next color cover, the next insert art. There doesn't seem to be a ceiling in sight when it comes to ArtMop's swiftly growing skill, and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for her. If she applies a fraction of the same dedication to honing her craft to anything else in her life, she may become the next president... or something far cooler.
Stunning visuals aside, the story itself is magnificent. It integrates canon world building, mixed with original cursed techiques and characters, so seamlessly that it feels as though this is an actual spin-off of Jujutsu Kaisen. Perhaps an alternate universe where underutilized characters are given a bit more depth (shots fired 👈😎👈)?
The character arcs have been set in motion! We have Toge refusing to acknowledge his trauma. We have Yuuta's sexual awakening. We have a deeper look into Maki's friendship with Toge, and a delightful duo of new first years. And best of all? We have a villain with an interesting motive. It's clear that ArtMop has so much planned, more than we can possibly imagine! We are already starting to see how relationships are developing, how each character manages the aftermath of certain choices differently, and the story is only going to build from here.
Chapter 12 has just been posted on Tapas and Tumblr, and if you're craving even more Divergent Fist content, there are even a couple behind the scenes moments found on Archive of Our Own. Listen, as someone who knows the trajectory of the story, please check out this amazing series. You may be chewing your nails (like Toge) waiting for the next chapter, but I promise you that being along for the ride is part of the journey, and it will all be worth it in the end.
Okay, ramble over! Thank you for listening! Here, have a cute trio pic from the cover of Chapter 8:
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Huge thank you to @artmopworks for this incredible work, and for letting me scream about her doujin. 💕
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kyngsnake · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
Thank you for the tag, @bury-me-standing! Tagging in return, @hotwifeluigi @wishbonemotel @bigfan-fanfic @druidgroves and whoever else would like to join! RULES: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Avery Moreno
The Basics: Name: Avery Angel Moreno Age: 30 Gender: Trans Man Pronouns: He/him Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Demisexual but he doesn't know that term exists. Self identified bi.
Pros: - "Submissive like a guard dog is submissive" bf. - Outspoken and extroverted. Great wingman for an introvert. - Will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone, won't force it. Surprisingly patient in that regard. - Openly affectionate. - Mexican-Irish; you'll be eatin' good. - Great emotional awareness; you know how dogs just know when you're feeling down and lay their head in your lap? - Warm. Bodily warm. Runs about 101-102 fahrenheit. - Will tell them you asked for no pickles. - Impulsive, loves to do things spur of the moment, you'll rarely be bored. - Submissive vers. Whether topping or bottoming, aims to please. - Strong but not obscenely cut. Nice balance of muscular and plush. - thighs like two fine christmas hams
Cons: - Impulsive. Also a con as this also makes him prone to getting into trouble. - Short-tempered. Can't just let shit go. - Emotionally-driven; while not inherently bad it lends to bigger reactions. - Over-protective. - High energy, rarely idles. - Intense personality, loud, rowdy, has to be reminded what an inside voice is. - Not inherently cons, but present challenges; recovered chem addict but a recreational drinker. PTSD. Weird health issues related to mutations. - Aggressive. Likes a good bar fight every now and then. - Warm. Runs about 101-102 fahrenheit. - adhd king, no he does not remember where he put that
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
Thank you to everyone who supported my blog in 2023 🤍
I can't put into words how much I love every single one of you for your support. No matter if you like one fic of mine or my whole blog, no matter if you write me anon or leave a comment. Let me tell you that I appreciate every minor interaction with the stuff I create over here 🤍
When I started this blog in September (I think lol) I was so scared of sharing my thoughts. But you were supportive right from the start, encouraging me to follow my ideas even in times I didn't feel like it. You might not even know how much you helped me through dark times, how much your constant support lifted me up and helped me getting over the shit that happened 2023 (like Shibuya damn). You have become such an important variable in my life that this blog is literally like a baby to me 😭
Thank you for sticking with me through 2023. I hope you'll stay in the new year as well 🤍
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Also, I'd like to take this moment to pay a special thanks to my lovely moots:
@belovedvamp I know we basically just started talking, but you seem like such a fun person and I totally relate to your Yuta affection lol. Thank you for supporting my works through your constant likes, comments, reblogs and requests. I hope we'll stay in touch this new year 🤍
@risuola you are such a sweetheart. Not only is your writing chef's kiss and you were one of my first ever obsessions here on Tumblr (you are still lol), but you make me laugh and cry like no other. You literally seem like such a fun person and put a smile of my face the second you post. Please keep up being so damn cool and please NEVER stop writing those amazing fanfics 🤍
@kawaiiakamaru we aren't moots for that long but you are supporting me for so long. Just seeing a comment or a blog entry from you makes me happy, as well as your cute profile pic (please never change it hehe). Your first ever fic was absolutely amazing, please keep up the good work and make sure to tag me in your new fics of this year 🤍
@sorrowfulrosebud it's funny how we met through that dang annoying anon who still keeps bugging you lol. In some kind of way, I'm actually thankful for them. Not because of the nonsense they are getting on your nerves with, but because I got to get in touch with your wonderful blog. You are funny, you seem passionate and are so talented like it's absolutely insane! I hope you finally get to live in peace on your blog and continue blessing my timeline 🤍
@ynackerman9499 first of all let me tell you how absolutely sorry I am for not publishing any of your requests recently. They're all so good I literally don't know where to start 😭 you are such a sweet person, our little talk made me giggle the entire time and I love that we basically have the same taste in anime and anime men hehe. Thank you for supporting my blog and especially looking out for me the whole time, I hope we'll talk again soon 🤍
@sitarawrites you actually were one of my first moots over here and our conversations were priceless. I was so happy when you finally decided to share your great works with us! You are truly such a talented writer who makes us feel the emotions of our favorite jjk characters like none other. Also, I love that you are a badass bitch who takes no shit from others. You are actually my example when it comes to badass characters 😭 I wish you all the best and hope that you get the love, appreciation and clamness you deserve in 2024 🤍
@sunshine7queen you are my no 1 supporter since day one and I love you from the bottom of my heart for it 😭 Everytime I open up my tumblr and see that you left a comment under my works (like you literally always do), I get excited immediately, like why is it so fun to chat with you. Also, you share the greatest treasures when it comes to cool artwork or other fics: you're my greatest source for great content over here! Let me thank you for every comment, every like and every reblog and how you always make me feel good about myself. You are a true sweetheart, stay the way you are and have the lovliest new year 🤍
@wifenanami your obsession for Nanami is just as great as mine and I love you for it. But not only that, you are my number one when it comes to Nanami requests and therefore fics on this blog. Literally half of my Nanami fics exist because of your great request that make me laugh and warm my heart while shattering it and making me cry. Also, your artwork is way too good for this world. Sometimes I go through my requests just to see your pics 😭 Thank you for making my 2023 better with your comments, your aesthetic blog and your request. I hope you're sticking with me through 2024 as well 🤍
@selen1um-hexafluoride you are such a funny person, your blog entries made my day so often that I lost count. Let me tell you that your unnecessary opinions definetely matter to me and that I enjoy every single one of them. You write your hcs like a pro, I literally can't wait to see more of you. Please don't stop writing and make sure to tag me in your works (when you find out how hehe) 🤍
@sanicsmut girl, you're the love of my life. Seriously, since that day you decided to comment under my first ever Choso works you've been by my side and supported my works even though they didn't have your favorites (=Choso and Hiromi lol) in them. Even though we don't chat that often, I love your lil comments under my shitpostings as well as I love to see what's going on over there on your blog. You seem like such a funny talented person it's seriously unfair 😭 Also, see this as a petition for you to post more artwork of yours because it's GORGEOUS! Love ya, thank you for all the support and let me see you again this year 🤍
@lees-chaotic-brain oh Petra, you are such a sweet, passionately and badass chick it makes me all emotional. You were my first moot over there and stuck with me ever since. Even though we didn't talk much these last weeks because we're both pretty stressed, I still adore you and our conversations with all my heart. You are such a strong person, going through all this hate of last year with confidence, not letting anyone getting you down that you have been a true example for me. Despite all the things you've been through, despite all the shit you have to endure, you're still so fucking strong and I truly admire you for it! Also, you are one of my all time favorite writers here on Tumblr - no one does it like you! Let me take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for being my first ever moot, thank you for listening when nobody else did, thank you for the amazing content you gift us with. I'm so glad I met you and I am beyond glad that you are the person that you are. Let nobody ever take your spark away from you (and I publicy promise to finally get your request done) 🤍
@lizziespoem we didn't hear much from each other the last few weeks, but let me tell you how proud I am that you're looking out for yourself and that you put yourself first. Even though I miss your gorgeous fanfics and to just talk to you, I hope with all my heart that you are doing well my german tumblr bestie (melde dich gerne mal wenn du Zeit und Lust hast) 🤍
@hitori979 you're truly making me emotional. You have to be one of the few people who supported me from day one. Your endless comments, you defending me, you liking my whole stuff. Like...I can't even put into words how much you mean to me. I know how busy you are and that you rarely find the time to scroll through Tumblr and get in touch with my works, but you always make sure that I feel appreciated. Even though you don't even know me (and how I just realized I don't even know your name) you check on me from time to time and cheer me up when I feel down. I love our little conversations about jjk manga, I love your opinion on basically EVERYTHING and I love how geniuely funny you are. Let me tell you that your support means the world to me and that I get excited just when reading your blog name. Let me tell you that your ideas inspire me and are actually the source of like half of my best works! You seem like such a smart and empathic person. I really hope the new year brings you less work stress and all the things you ever wish for. You deserve the world, love. And I will be forever thankful for you finding my blog and deciding to support me through everything 🤍
@lavenderdrxp thank you thank you thank you for your likes, reblogs and comments. I loved our lil chitchat and actually enjoyed chatting with you so much that I hope we'll be able to do it anytime soon again 😭 Also, let me promise you that I'll publish your request this year hehe. Have the happiest new year with new episodes of our favorite anime coming soon 🤍
Okay, now I'm crying a lil on my own. Just...thank y'all. Have the nicest 2024 ever 😭
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