#star trek dsc
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trek-tracks · 6 months ago
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Sarek REALLY regrets teaching his children this
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xfilesposterproject · 11 months ago
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It's been a while since I've had time to make one of these but I really loved today's newest Star Trek: Discovery (and the whole season so far) so I made time tonight.
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thewomancallednova · 11 months ago
every tv show should be allowed one self-indulgend 'look how far we've come' time travel episode in its final season
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startrekpotluck · 7 months ago
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Time to get the dough proofing and ovens preheating! It's just one week to go until StarTrekPotluck2024 - and there's still room at the table if you want to join!
We have a truly dazzling array of delicacies on the menu this year and would like to welcome our latest chef to the kitchen:
@boldlyqueertastic SNW/AOS/TOS/DISCO fanart & poem, 12th August
... who joins our other culinary greats (listed under the cut).
Don't forget to check out two new, exciting potluck treats this year: @the-goofball will be hosting an end-of-potluck twitch-stream, so let them know if you'd like your contribution featured. And @pc-corner has generously offered to draw illustrations for people's fics and there are still a few open slots, so get them while they're hot 🥞✨
And for anyone still debating whether to whip up something to bring to the feast: StarTrekPotluck2024 welcomes fan creators of all types, from across all the Trek fandoms!
Do you have a foolproof recipe for jumja sticks you've been meaning to share? Feel like writing a series of drabbles describing your favourite crew's favourite delicacies? Are you keen to show off your label designs for the latest Andorian Ales?
Then ready your spoons and spatulas and send us an ask to book one of the open dates between the 1st and 14th of August! We're happy to accept new sign-ups right up until the start of the fest.
Serving 1 Serving 2 Serving 3 Serving 4: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th)
Remember: Any Star Trek fandom, any media, anything food or drink-related! For more info, see here.
The StarTrekPotluck2024 Menu:
@regionalpancake VOY fanfic, 1st August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 1st August
@majormiles AOS fanfic, 1st August
@dustydahorse TNG fanart, 1st August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice TNG fanart, 2nd August
@saccharinestardust PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@grissomesque VOY fanfic, 2nd August
@the-willow-tree DS9-TNG-mashup fanfic, 3rd August
@marymoss1971 LWD fanfic, 3rd August
@yarboyandy (fandom tbd) fanart, 3rd August
@thebiwifeonao3 TNG/VOY fanfic, 3rd August
@wonderofasunrise VOY fanfic, 4th August
@iwritesometimes PIC fanfic, 4th August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanfic, 4th August
@kejsarinna DSC fanfic, 5th August
@astrotrek86 SNW fanfic, 5th August
@miisakee AOS fanwork(tbd), 5th August
@stpaulofsuburbia (tbd) TOS/TNG/DS9 fanfic 5th August
@iffnotwinter DS9 fanfic, 6th August
@spongynova LWD fanart, 6th August
@onmytallesttiptoesspinning SNW/LWD (tbd) fanfic, 7th August
@starry-bite PIC fanfic, 7th August
@aurora-cycle TOS fanfic, 7th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 8th August
@dogearedfriends TOS fanart, 8th August
@altumvidetur TNG/DS9/VOY (tbd) fanfic, 8th August
@divinemissem13 VOY fanfic, 9th August
@coffee-in-that-nebula VOY fanfic, 9th August
@73chn1c0l0rr3v3l DSC fanfic, 9th August
@swordanddaggerarts TOS fanart, 9th August
@lipstickonmylabcoat (fandom tbd) fanfic, 10th August
@celestialvoyeur (fandom tbd)(fanwork tbd), 10th August
@candycurlsofmaddness SNW/DS9/TNG/VOY (tbd), 10th August
@curator-on-ao3 & @fiadorable AOS/SNW fanfic, 11th August
@pilcrowtudinous PIC fanfic, 11th August
@evieaves TOS comic, 11th August
@song-spero PIC fanfic, 11th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 12th August
@enterprise-come-in SNW fanfic, 12th August
@silvermillenniumqueenneptune TNG/PIC fanfic, 12th August
@robosexualunderground LWD fanfic, 13th August
@pc-corner SNW fanart/fanfic, 13th August
@iliveinfantasylife SNW fanart, 13th August
N_Squared SNW/DSC fanfic, 13th August
@android-and-ale SNW/TOS/AOS (tbd) fanfic, 14th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
@jaegermonstrous DS9 fanart, 14th August
@horizonproblems & @procrastinatorproject PIC fanart & fanfic, 14th August
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belannaswlonkderfulworm · 2 years ago
gotta love the star trek trope of "shouting at something they know full well is a hallucination in a public place"
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allstartrekgames · 1 year ago
The Roddenberry Archive
Original Release: 2023
Developer: The Roddenberry Estate, OTOY
Publisher: The Roddenberry Estate
Platform: Browser
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The ultimate bridge explorer is finally here. The Roddenberry Archives brings up digital recreations of a ton of Enterprise bridges, including concept bridges brought to life. The website provides a lot of information about the various different version of the Enterprise, and what the digital recreation of the bridge is based on.
All of these bridges can be explored in full 3D. It uses cloud technology so that you get the full detail no matter what PC you’re running (although it does have to be a desktop with Chromium browser) and can walk around, interact with some objects, sit down in chairs or turn on a fly camera. With the vast amount of detail, it’s a phenomenal experience and it’s amazing to look at the bridges in detail.
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It starts off with a concept bridge: the XCV-330, the ring ship Enterprise seen in pictures in films and in Enterprise. It uses an early concept for the original Enterprise, with a round holographic table and a science room above it before moving on to the NX-01, which I loved seeing in closer detail, even finding doors I never knew were there.
Then onto the NCC-1701, which gets by far the most love. It has versions of the bridge starting with a concept bridge from early production then showing us the set from The Cage, Discovery, Strange New Worlds, the TOS pilot, TOS Season 1, TOS Season 2, Mirror Universe, TOS Season 3, a live action version of the bridge from The Animated Series, the bridge from the cancelled Phase II show, The Motion Picture, Wrath of Khan and two versions of the Kelvin version bridge, each one showing different versions of the bridge.
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Then we get a look at a recreation of a wild concept for a cancelled film called Planet of the Titans, which featured a redesigned Enterprise from Ralph McQuarrie, which ended up inspiring the USS Discovery. It’s a lovely bridge, but not very practical.
From there we see the Enterprise A, B, C, D and E (with the D having multiple extra rooms), all looking absolutely stunning, but it doesn’t end there. It’s fully up to date with the bridges of the Enterprise F and brand new Enterprise G, which looks absolutely glorious. It ends the Enterprises with a new version of the Enterprise J featuring a see-through hull with visible cities, parks and water inside.
But it doesn’t end there, there’s a bonus Voyager bridge, with more to come in the future – hopefully we see the rest of the hero ships as well as other locations on ships, and some non-hero ships as well as alien bridges.
I look forward to the future updates of this software.
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morns-fevered-dream · 9 months ago
Well I've tried to avoid spoilers but their are a few things I know going in the appearance of a character from ENT I'd originally guessed Trip Tucker because he died in a weird way and in non-cannon he did things after his "death" but a sci fi news article discussing Daniels gives me a feeling it's him makes more sense though and I saw two images one of a old Burnham and one of Burnham and Moll standing in front of some light on a cliff or something due to a current boycott of Paramount and Paramount+ I'm watching this from a pirate cove and I'd encourage you to do the same and without further ado live blogging of Star Trek Discovery and as always 🌟SPOILERS🌟
Season 5 Episode 10
I'm still sad this is the last episode of DIS
Well I'm glad it's longer then a regular episode but part of me was hoping for a 2 hour finale but considering it wasn't known until after shooting that it was the last episode and then reshoots that I'm sure are the extra length of this episode
I wonder if we'll see the Breen that went in before Moll and Burnham?
Huh Burnham had the same thought
Nooo Burnham
Oh there's one of three Breen cracked like an egg
And their is the other Breen not a happy one either maybe if the Breen had sent scientists instead of Soldiers they'd be more willing to work together Burnham
Damn that was a football tackle
About to be pulled away by a hurricane and still trying to punch damn Burnham is right "STOP IT"
Lots of slow mo
Damn the Breen is back
Why is Moll flying with a gun?
Why did Moll shoot the Breen? I mean the Breen is under her command
No wonder the Breen was so mad their own boss killed the other Breen like a cracked egg I'd be pissed too
Damn Moll is not likable even for a villain
Yeah that's what I thought
Now thinking about it I definitely thought that Detmer and Owosekun would be back by now tbh
Yeah Nhan stepping up suck it admiral
"At least the Breen have a vested interest" didn't you just kill your own Breen soldiers?!
Return of the spinning camera and a surprise appearance of shaky camera
Since it's the last episode I want to say I think DIS has my favorite Engineer crew out of all the Trek shows between Stamets, Adira, Reno and the occasional Booker, Tilly or Culber it has my favorite dynamic
There's one of the images that was spoiled them standing in front of whatever that ripple thing is
Oh they aren't fighting Tahal yet? Then what Breen Is Discovery fighting oh is it the Ruhn Breen Dreadnought or whoever runs it now Moll or that Asrisar Breen
"Ambassador Saru are you insane?" Is hilarious
Just like her Breen colleagues don't turn your back on Moll
Moll isn't very smart Burnham told you the clue and you didn't even use it
What was that scream Moll that was some serious yelling in lower case
Yes trust the good doctor odd visions or whatever
Damn Seru that was cold as ice
I swear Burnham is like the perfect Federation Captain because I would have been pissed
I kind of like that the most powerful tech in the universe is represented with some simple glass triangles
Ancient humanoid appearance!
Something before the progenitors? Mmmh interesting I know Q and the Guardian Of Forever were before the ancient humanoids I'm pretty sure but not much else is known
I love that it's Booker that's with Hugh others would try to explain or theorize but Booker is just like "damn that's crazy" the same nonchalant attitude when Hugn decided to join in the shuttle in the first place
Wow that's a lot of camera spinning
Separate the what?
Damn the ancient humanoids really trying to put this technology off on someone else
A TNG Enterprise D style saucer separation WOOOOOOOOOOO BABY
Is that the Breem Scout ship it looks nice
Ain't no way they just spun that colossal giant Dreadnought like a bayblade that was totally cool
Damn the Progenitor really gave Burnham a crash course on almost all of existence huh?
Honestly I've been thinking all season that kind of technology needs to go permanently
I'm sad Stamets won't get his legacy dream the spore drive program was canceled and made secret, spore drive didn't replace the regular warp drive in the 32nd century and now unable to study the progenitors tech what I'm really sad about is that this arc for Stamets won't be resolved because this is the finale
Picard Wine, Geordi old visor and a baseball presumably something to do with Sisko interesting
Kovich was Daniels all along?! This isn't what I thought the returning ENT thing was gonna be I'll be honest I was actually surprised
Yes! The Saru x T'Rina wedding what everyone was hoping for
Talaxian pirates? Mmmmh
All of the dress uniforms and fancy wedding clothes look great
Old Burnham and old Booker look like themselves but with gray hair I look forward to seeing irl old compared to TV old like they did for TOS, TNG and DS9 episodes where it showed a older version of a character and then people put up a image of them later irl when the actor was actually older
Burnham 33nd century civilian clothes look like she ready for the wild west I guess some fashion just comes around huh
Admiral you say
Oh that's a alien deer cool
Ooooo another uniform
They got kid in Starfleet already wow future jumps do that though
I like these even further in the future 33nd century uniforms that admiral one is nice I like the line going down the pants but I also liked that on the PIC S3 uniform too so I guess I'm just a sucker for that uniform design choice
I also like the new 33nd century Starfleet logo
For future versions of the Starfleet logo post ST Nemesis I think this new one and the Future Imperfect TNG one from the fake future are probably my favorites
Damn how many refits has that ship undergone to be still be in service
For a minute I thought she was about to pass down Discovery to her son
So a short explanation of Calypso but I still don't understand why Zora had to wait for Craft or the importance of Craft tbh and poor Zora has to wait 1000 years alone is so strange I also assume it was a life or death thing with the crew abandoned ship rather then this whole red directive thing its just kind of odd
Ah Detmer and Owosekun finally returned for the last few minutes of the finale
Ah a impressive fleet shot I do love the Merian Class, Kirk Class, Courage Class of my personal favorite out of the 32-33nd century ships the Eisenberg Class
So that's it the end of Discovery it had its hurdles but it also started Nu-Trek I personally am indeed a fan of the show this and Lower Decks are definitely my favorite of the Nu-Trek shows I am sad to see it go
It started my tradition of watching Nu-Trek and drinking canned Guayaki Yerba Mate late at night and it started many fond memories I've never said this online before but I never watched the last episode of ENT until the pilot of DIS came out I waited years to watch it but I couldn't bring myself to "finish" Star Trek until a new show was announced so I waited years to watch that last episode of ENT and after years of waiting and it was terrible but luckily this finale was better then that
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The 2024 Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange is here!
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Q: What is the Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange?
A: It’s a fanworks exchange for any fandom within the Star Trek universe, from The Original Series to Strange New Worlds!
Q: How does it work?
A: When you sign up, you’ll provide three options of gift ideas you’d like to receive, as well as gifts you’re open to making. Once sign-ups close, the mod will send you the url of the person you’ll make a fanwork for and their requests. You’ll have the month of January to fulfill one of the requests. Make sure your ask box is open so the mod or your Secret Santa can contact you!
Q: Do I have to make fanart/fanfic for the exchange?
A: Nope! All types of fanworks are welcome :) Fics, art, edits, fanvids, playlists, moodboards, podfics, among other things! As long as you’re creating it, it’s welcome.
Q: What are the important dates I should know?
A: December 29, 11:59 pm CST: sign-ups close
January 1-3: You’ll be notified who your recipient is.
January 21-31: Post your gifts! Details here.
Q: Sounds awesome! How do I sign up?
A: Fill out this form!
Q: What if I only want to be a pinch hitter?
A: If you ONLY want to be a pinch hitter, fill out this form!
If you have other questions, send an ask. And don’t forget to spread the word!
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hopebfull · 9 months ago
Apparently this week was ST Discovery's final episode. I'm genuinely quite sad. Kinda forgot they cut the season back down to 10 eps, thought I had a few more weeks to process. Few more weeks to deliberate on getting a Paramount+ subscription. It hurts. I have such a deep connection to these characters and then poof, the shows gone, and I didn't even get to see it go. What stings more? I'm reminded through a post reccomended to me by Reddit because I "visited a similar sub reddit" celebrating the death of this show. Absolutely ecstatic this show, these characters, don't get to continue. It just sucks. It's been like that the whole shows run and it just gets worse. I hope maybe, with some distance, in a few years we'll get Discovery Retrospectives going back and remembering what was good but I know for at least the next year or so, the loudest voices will be the fireworks dancing across the funeral of a show that is very very dear to me.
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capsfromtrek · 2 years ago
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trek-tracks · 1 year ago
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Starbie (2023)
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xfilesposterproject · 10 months ago
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Caught up this morning on making Star Trek: Discovery posters for the current season. Here are my retro posters for episodes 1-5 of the show’s stellar Season 5. Looking forward to episode 6 dropping later this week!
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thewomancallednova · 10 months ago
things that we learned this episode that should surprise no one except for some reason Adira:
Reno fucks
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An amazing reaction shot though :D
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startrekpotluck · 9 months ago
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With an INCREDIBLE 34 sign-ups in 1.5 days, this is shaping up to be the biggest StarTrekPotluck yet! 🩵🤩
We're so happy to welcome Potluck veterans and newcomers alike to our 3rd round of sign-ups for this celebration of food, drink, community, and Star Trek! 🖖💕
A warm welcome to the kitchen to:
@saccharinestardust PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@marymoss1971 LWD fanfic, 3rd August
@yarboyandy (fandom tbd) fanart, 3rd August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanfic, 4th August
@pilcrowtudinous PIC fanfic, 11th August
@dogearedfriends TOS fanart, 8th August
@coffee-in-that-nebula VOY fanfic, 9th August
@73chn1c0l0rr3v3l DSC fanfic, 9th August
@candycurlsofmaddness SNW/DS9/TNG/VOY (tbd), 10th August
@evieaves TOS comic, 11th August
@song-spero PIC fanfic, 11th August
Who join our existing chefs:
@regionalpancake VOY fanfic, 1st August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 1st August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice TNG fanart, 2nd August
@the-willow-tree DS9-TNG-mashup fanfic, 3rd August
@wonderofasunrise VOY fanfic, 4th August
@iwritesometimes PIC fanfic, 4th August
@kejsarinna DSC fanfic, 5th August
@astrotrek86 SNW fanfic, 5th August
@beautyofsorrow SNW fanfic, 6th August
@onmytallesttiptoesspinning SNW/LWD (tbd) fanfic, 7th August
@starry-bite PIC fanfic, 7th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 8th August
@divinemissem13 (fandom tbd) fanfic, 9th August
@lipstickonmylabcoat SNW/VOY/LWD/DS9 (tbd) fanfic, 10th August
@celestialvoyeur (fandom tbd)(fanwork tbd), 10th August
@curator-on-ao3 & @fiadorable AOS/SNW fanfic, 11th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 12th August
@enterprise-come-in SNW fanfic, 12th August
@robosexualunderground LWD fanfic, 13th August
@pc-corner SNW fanart/fanfic, 13th August
@android-and-ale SNW/TOS/AOS (tbd) fanfic, 14th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
Remember StarTrekPotluck2024 welcomes fan creators of all types, from across all the Trek fandoms. Want to try embroidering some osol twists? Fancy writing a poem about Neelix’s love of Leola root? Think you can make a fanvid tribute to Pike’s cooking?
If so, put on your aprons and send us an ask to book a date between the 1st and 14th of August!
Serving 1: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th) Serving 2: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th) Serving 3: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th)
Remember: any Star Trek fandom, any media. For more info, see here.
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belannaswlonkderfulworm · 2 years ago
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has this been done before
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Happy 6th birthday, Disco! We love you!
Thank you, everyone who participated in Celebrate Disco 2023! I wish Paramount was doing more to send Disco off in style, but this is about what I expected.
I hope you're wearing a DISCO shirt and rewatching "The Vulcan Hello" today - or doing whatever feels Disco to you (petting large cats, eating mushroom risotto, telling your found family how much they mean to you).
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