renee-writer · 11 months
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Fictober 23 Day 18 We Can't Do This On Our Own
Outlander Fanfic
“We can’t.” Faith rolls her eyes at her little sister.
“Yes we can. I have seen mama do it enough times.”
“Mama knows which ones. What if we get the wrong one?” Bree replies.
Faith studies the garden. Her baby sister may be right. A lot of the plants look alike. Maybe they can’t do it on their own.
“Alright. We will get da to help.”
Bree grins and runs off to get him. They are going to surprise Mama by weeding her garden.
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outlanderrepublic · 8 months
What if...?
Y que hubiese pasado si las cosas se daban de otra manera...
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La pequeña Faith nace en Francia...
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Jamie puede cruzar las piedras, no se queda a luchar en Culloden y se va con Claire embarazada y la pequeña Faith al futuro, Inverness finales de los años 40
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Entonces Jamie es el feliz y orgulloso padre de Faith y Brianna Fraser y las cría en un futuro que nunca creyó posible.
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elysabeththequeene · 4 months
thinking abt girldad jamie fraser
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mickimagnum · 1 year
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Harvestfest is one of Bree's favorite holidays. This year, she hosted the family at her house. Here she is preparing her signature tofurkey.
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Everyone was feeling Bree's cottagecore playlist.
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And of course it wouldn't be Harvestfest without someone over-indulging in the spirits. Easy there, dad.
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ariesmusingz · 6 months
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ╱ one syllable name masterlist ( below the cut is #181 one syllable first names. they are a mixture of feminine, masculine and neutral names, but please use as you see fit. please like / reblog if you found useful. )
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breelandwalker · 6 months
Hey Pennsylvania pals - Are you a fun-loving geek? Do you love the outdoors? Do you love medieval fantasy? Do you love the idea of running around in the woods beating your friends with padded plumbing supplies?
Then come join me and my LARP fam April 27-28 at Olivet Blue Mountain Campground in Hamburg PA for Game 2 of the 2024 season of Xanodria Productions, Inc!
Xanodria (or XPI) is a Medieval Fantasy Live-Action Roleplay group based in Southeastern Pennsylvania, with over 30 years of history and lore and a lively, inclusive atmosphere where all are welcome, whether you're a veteran LARPer or just picking up your first sword.
You can create your own character in a well-established and deeply-immersive medieval fantasy world with many nations, faiths, and professions to choose from. Learn swordplay, magic, alchemy, physiking, and other skills to help you on your journey. Join a faction or forge your own path. Join your fellow wanderers as we explore new lands and battle the forces of evil. Or if you'd rather, join the cast, get your monster on, and give those foolish mortals what for!
(Onsite accommodations for lodging and camping are available. Food is provided with your admission fee and new player orientation is held before every event.)
Visit the Xanodria Productions Inc (XPI) Facebook page for more information or check out our FAQs and feel free to message the staff with any questions you may have.
Pre-registration for Game 2 is now open! Tell 'em Bree Landwalker sent you. 😉
Hope to see you there!
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
The Little Sorrows That Make Life Worth Living
[Mountain thinks about his family.] Below the cut.
Mountain gazes out over the rolling fields on the far side of the abbey's grounds, at the lakeshore, and beyond, to the edge of the forest shielding them from the outside world, and the faintest glimpse of smoke rising above the tree tops.
There's a cabin there -really more of a cottage- homely and familiar, with markings etched into the wooden beams that have stood for more than a century.
Thirteen marks; One for every year that passed during his marriage, and spaced out to show the height of the child he raised.
Despite the years and his fall from God's favor, Mountain remembers carving each mark above Bo's head, looking to his mother and remarking about how, "We'll need to make the ceilings higher!"
His wife never found it particularly amusing, but, Bo, bless his heart, would always laugh, even if when he got older it was preceded by the boy rolling his eyes and giving a bemused, "Pappa..."
Things had been simpler then.
The only thing Mountain ever had to worry about was feeding his family, and, well, even before he awoke as an earth ghoul, he'd always had a green thumb.
It all came naturally to him, even back then.
Shaking his head, Mountain draws himself back to the present; To the smoke rising from the cabin's chimney.
The abbey's head groundskeeper -Beatrix Milne, Bea to friends, Milne to Mountain only- lives there now.
She's a firecracker, that Milne, when she's mad, she's meaner than a junkyard dog, but she maintains the grounds nicely, and she keeps the cabin in good condition, so he can't complain.
Sometimes, when he's feeling low, Mountain will stop by the cabin and ask to come in, and despite how often they argue over things like potting soil and pH levels, Milne never tells him no.
Milne had offered to give the cabin back to him once, but he'd refused; For as much as he liked visiting the place, it held too many memories, and so many more little sorrows.
He thinks of his wife.
He thinks of Bo.
And he thinks about the last time he saw them together, in happier times.
It was a week before the worst snowstorm he'd seen in years, and Bo had taken ill.
He was a sickly child, Mountain recalls, ever since he was born, and it seemed the only thing that made him feel better, was when Kajsa held his hand.
And every night, until Bo's fever subsided and the pain stopped, she kept herself firmly planted at his side, his hand in her own.
Kajsa may not have been a faithful wife, but she was a dutiful mother, and it often pained Mountain that he couldn't give her more children.
They'd tried for years, to make more marks along the beams of their house, but the cradle Mountain had lovingly crafted for Bo before his birth had been turned into kindling by their tenth year of marriage.
It had been a struggle, and a hard road to acceptance, but maybe it was the universe's way of telling him something much worse than a storm was coming on the horizon.
Had Mountain left behind more children...
"Enjoying the view?"
Mountain turns and sees the gardener standing there, still dressed in the clothes she wears to tend to the fields; Blue overalls and flannel covered in dirt, and a pair of boots that look like they've got maybe one more season in them before they fall to pieces.
"Hardly." he replies, settling in the grass, leaning back on his palms, "...Shouldn't you be over at the cabin watching the fire?"
Bea sits down beside him.
"Nah, I made Rain keep an eye on it." she says, then adding, "He got too cold coming out of the lake, so he's parked in front of the fireplace warming up."
"And you?" he asks.
"Needed to clear my head."
He tilts his head, eyeing the introspective look on her face.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Not particularly... not unless you wanna hear me bitch..." she huffs, folding her hands in her lap, "What about you? What's on your mind?"
"Family." he says, fixing his gaze back on the lake, watching the water ripple in the breeze, shivering slightly when it carries a sharper chill than expected up the hill, "...Missing them."
Bea hums thoughtfully and looks at the cabin.
"Bo and Kajsa, right?"
He nods.
"Mn." Bea shifts slightly, her knee bumping against his, "Y'ever... ya know, look them up? Done one of those genealogy site things?"
Mountain shakes his head.
"It was a long time ago, we didn't even have a surname when we married, Kajsa and I, and Bo... Even if this body still had the same blood flowing in it as it did back then, Bo was not..."
"He was my son." he says, then softly whispers, "...he was my son."
Bea lays back in the grass.
"Do you think you were you a good dad?" she asks, and Mountain tilts his head to look at her.
"I... I don't know." he admits, "I tried to be."
"And was Bo a good son?"
Mountain smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling, the fondness bleeding out in the tears gathering there.
A lone bird calls across the lake, a gentle whistle in the silence that falls between them.
"...The best I could ask for."
Bea gives a little laugh and smiles at that.
"I think you were probably a good dad." she says after a moment, "...What's keeping you from having that, again?"
"It's not so simple." he shrugs, "I know it's been centuries... but being here, back in this place, so close..."
He eyes the cabin.
"...It's hard to move on." he says, "I think it must be an earth ghoul thing."
"Mn, maybe you're just nostalgic... Or whatever the word would be..." she mumbles, closing her eyes, "Can't relate."
"You don't get caught up in the past sometimes?" he questions, and Bea stretches, giving a yawn.
"Can't say I do, 'least not in a good way." she says, "My experience with family isn't... It's not great. Not gonna get into that though, cause, again, I don't think you wanna hear me bitch."
"Honestly? You never talk about your family, so... Bitch away?" he tries, and Bea cracks an eye open to shoot him a look he can't quite unpack the meaning of, "If you want to that is."
Bea sits up.
"Okay." she shrugs, "I'll give you the basics."
She turns to face him.
"High school dropout falls for a drummer in a shitty indie band from fucking Scranton, who's at least ten years older than her, but she loves him soooo much that she lets him hit even though she's barely nineteen, and winds up with a baby in return." she points at herself, "Her overly religious divorcee mother kicks her to the curb and she winds up raising the brat out of the backseat of a Honda Civic, until she decides it's a waste of her time and drops the kid off on her dad's doorstep in fuckin' middle of nowhere Ohio, who fucking hates her."
"Kid spends the next few years counting down the days until she turns eighteen, leaves home." she says, "...Almost makes the same mistakes as her mother. Couple more years go by, and, boom, here we are."
"That's..." Mountain frowns.
"Some other stuff probably happened in-between," Bea scratches her chin, "But I legitimately can't remember shit, man, I blocked, like, 98% of my childhood from my brain."
"...Sounds like the past comes back to haunt you in a differently than it does for me." Mountain lands on after processing the information he's been given, "...Fuck."
"Yeah..." she blinks, "I just realized that was pretty intense out of nowhere."
"I mean, it's..." Mountain plucks some grass and twists it between his fingers, "...I never learn things about you in a normal way."
"I'm working on that." she says, "I can never tell how much to... words and all that. I'm not fanciful or articulate like you, Mount. I've got no gauge that tells me to shut up when I'm being too much."
"If it was too much, I'd tell you." he comments, flicking the grass into Bea's lap, "I'm the one who asked."
"Still... Ugh, forget it." she sighs, ripping up a clump of grass and shaking the dirt from it, "You were being all... thinky about your family, and I'm over here like, 'Bah, family sucks!'... Sorry."
"It's fine."
Mountain watches the dirt scatter into the undergrowth.
"Do you... You asked me if I ever wanted to have a family again, but what about you? Do you want to get married? Have kids?"
Bea scrunches up her face.
"Marriage isn't on my agenda right now... Maybe in the future, but it's not a priority." she shrugs, "As for kids, can you seriously imagine me as a mom? I'll let you stick to the parent thing."
"Fair enough."
The smoke from the cabin grows a little darker.
"...You think he's burning something in there?" Mountain asks, then sniffs the air, "Smells like... salmon?"
Mountain snorts as he watches the gardener run off.
"She's an odd duck." he says, laying down in the grass and closing his eyes for a second before sitting back up again, "...Then again, if the cabin burns down, I think Kajsa will haunt me for real-"
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
I'm not even trying to rude because I would like to believe that question was asked in good faith. Seriously though if you have been watching this all play out since E4, yes once they started to be able to pay LFJ for a narrative they switched up on Tim and used his original kindness against him. Then they did treat him like LFJ, like they were puppetmasters.
And if Tommy is not back I will always believe that's why. You don't turn and insult the producer into your puppet. The only reason things didn't change earlier I think is because Tim was 2 weeks behind what Lou was doing and by the time he caught up a mud monster was already born. They still to this day use the thriving comment as cannon when it was said by a recurring paid to say it for them. And now we have the scenes that show no they aren't even "boyfriends" at that point. You don't think a show runner would take issues with that?
Honestly, I know a lot of people don't realize how bad the cameos situation was or even didn't witness Bree's craziness claiming to have insider information because she was talking to Tim, but all you have to do is look at the way their reaction to anything is "I'm gonna tell Tim and I hope they punish you for it by making Tommy the greatest character ever" and you can see that that dm is not farfetched in the slightest. The whole ship I was built on top of what Lou said in those cameos and they keep trying to find a new person to validate their hc now that they can't pay Lou to do it anymore. Hell, they were trying to get Ryan's father to say something. They were using something Ryan's father said THREE YEARS AGO as some sort of gotcha. I don't know why the cameos didn't get Lou in trouble earlier, and while I do believe he will come back because the narrative can't really handle Buck having another off-screen breakup, if he got fired because of them it wouldn't be surprising at all. He was profiting out of selling them a false narrative that actively went against what the show was telling and it created all this chaos. I don't think anyone could have predicted things going this way, but everything can be traced back to those videos, it was of poor taste to say the least, unprofessional to say a bit more. Like, come on.
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blueberrywhale123 · 2 months
Shasta to Cor
Do you ever think about the Horse and His Boy and just get floored by the biblical parallels?? Cuz of course they're there, C.S. Lewis wrote them all to be allegorical on some level and even this book has it though it's not as obvious as the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. But when Shasta starts out he's a poor boy that has been condemned to a life of slavery and is given the "good news" that there is hope and freedom and safety in Narnia (salvation). So he goes with Bree, by faith, trusting that when he reaches the end, he will be free.
And when he gets there to the north, he has an encounter with Aslan - one of his many but this time he can see Him for who He really is - the King who has protected him and guided him and was waiting for this moment to speak with him.
And later Shasta discovers he's a prince (the son of the King, if you will) and that he has a new name, Cor, to go with his new clothes and new life. No longer is he a slave but now royalty. He has been given a new name to do away with the former things. His slave clothes are gone and replaced with royal garments.
And one day we will be given new names by Jesus!
I hope this makes sense but I just love this parallel with Shasta/Cor's story and salvation.
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
you can feel the beat within [a 7x02 story]
Her tears had stopped some time ago. Her breaths had calmed, no longer gasping for air, her back softly rising and falling as his fingertips skimmed her spine.
Again he kissed her forehead. Watched the breeze swirl the curtains across the room, the black night an endless void beyond. Shifted her in his arms, sheltering her.
Her hands tightened at his elbows. Knees hooked behind his.
He felt her swallow against his shoulder.
“What happened, when you watched me go?”
He sighed. “I suppose I’ve never told you.”
“You don’t need to,” she whispered. “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.”
His hand splayed over the small of her back. Pressing her deeper against him.
“You were in my arms. And then you were just…gone. In a blink. I had thought it would be slow, like salt dissolving in water. But no. It was as if you had never existed.”
Her thumb traced two parallel scars on his back. “I was so scared it would pull me apart. Me and the baby.”
“I ken it was the right thing.” She heard the tears in his eyes. “I meant to die, and I meant to save my family. But…God, Claire. You were gone, and all I had was your arisaid, and it smelled of you.”
He inhaled deeply at her hairline. Gasping.
“I was ready for my body to die on that battlefield. Because my heart was already dead.”
She pulled back from his shoulder. Rose up on an elbow to look at him. Cradled his face in her hands.
“Your heart beats within me. It beats in our daughter, and our grandchildren. They are worth it. All of it.”
“I…” his voice broke, pulse elevated, eyes bright with tears. “I ken that. But…”
“You don’t hate me for it, Jamie?”
His brows furrowed. “Hate you? How?”
She pulled away, drawing into herself. Sat up, wrapping her hands around her shoulders. Wishing she hadn’t discarded her shift, damp with sweat and tears, sometime before.
“All of the losses you’ve had…that we’ve had, Jamie.” She couldn’t look at him. “It’s because of me.”
“What? Sassenach, I dinna understand.”
“You lost your parents and brother before I knew you. But everything after that – your home. Your soul, after Wentworth. Our Faith. Angus and Rupert and all the men we knew in the Rising. You lost your birthright as laird. You went to prison. William. Your printshop. Murtagh. You’ve lost all of it because of me. Because you married me. Because I told you what would happen to the Highland culture. Because I came back, and because I know how this war will end. Because I know what’s wrong with Mandy.”
Now she dared to look up at him – torn, beautiful, so beautiful in the candlelight that her heart almost burst.
“How can you not hate me for that, Jamie?”
He reached out, tentatively, and rested a big, warm hand on her knee.
“We had a conversation like this in Paris. We forgave each other. But how long have you felt this way now?”
She rested her hand – her right hand – on top of his. Silver ring softly glowing in the candlelight.
“Too long.”
He smiled sadly. “We are a pair, mo chridhe. For I have long feared you’d think the same of me. Hate me for it.”
She pursed her lips, not understanding. He shifted to sit in front of her, interlocking their fingers.
“You lost your world when you first came to me. Your husband, who I ken was a good man. It tore you up inside, Claire. I made you choose between us when it should have been me against him.”
“Jamie – ”
“I couldnae give you a proper home until we built this one. We lost our daughter in Paris. We returned to Lallybroch, and it was a wonderful time, but we lost that too. We lost the chance to raise Bree together. We lost a life in Edinburgh, and then at Lallyboch because of Laoghaire. We came to the Ridge, but we lost it being a safe place for you.”
Her thumb traced the scars on the back of his fingers.
“I’ve wondered - how could you not hate me? For it’s because of me, all this has happened to you. To us.”
Somewhere outside, a dove cooed mournfully.
He brought the back of her hand to his lips for a kiss. “But I cannae hate my own heart. Can you?”
She looked at him for a long moment. “Of course not.”
He made a small sound, and in a rush gathered her to him. Squeezing so tight.
“I have loved you from the very beginning of it, Claire. Holding you like this, in my arms, when you wept at Leoch. It felt right, did it no?”
She rested her forehead against his. Kissed the salt at the corner of his eyes.
“You are my heart,” she whispered. “As I am yours. When yours hurts, mine hurts. When mine hurts, so does yours. Two hundred years can’t change that.”
A kiss.
His thumb traced her heart.
Jamie pulled away, smiling. Softly spun her around to rest against the steady strength of his chest.
She settled against him. Looking out the window. Smiling at the shower of tiny kisses against the shell of her ear.
His heart a low, steady thump against her back.
Her heart singing.
Watching dawn – the gift of another day together – touch the Ridge.
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Wednesday 100: At the End of the Day
Jamie came inside, stopping just long enough to discard his mud-laden boots before going upstairs. He couldn’t wait to relax beside the fire with Claire, but he had one more task. He pushed open the door, setting sight on two red heads peeking out from the blanket, pretending to sleep.
“Och, my lasses are asleep already, I s’pose I’ll head downstairs…”
“Da! We’re no’ truly asleep!” Faith and Bree bound out of the bed and clung to each of his legs.
“Aye, but ye should be ye wee sticklers,” Jamie smirked at them, “come, tell me what ye did today.”
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breeistired · 5 months
All seven of the deadly sins embodied me. Repenting, and praying, maybe I could be free. But sometimes god doesn’t have faith in me”
-Bree Murillo, chapters of a teenage girl
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mollywog · 10 months
december prompts: fairy lights (I think it's #20 alfhkdbgadfg?)
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Thank you for the prompt and your patience @thelettersfromnoone!! From December Prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
“You came,” Peeta has the door open before she sets foot on the porch. He’s wearing a relieved smile, his hair disheveled in the way it gets when he can’t stop raking his hands through it.
He’d called her at 9 pm in a panic. Three weeks ago his daughter Bree had flipped through a catalog, pointed out a fairy playhouse fort and subsequently placed it at the top of her Christmas list. His nephews had asked Santa for spears and maces, so a glorified tent seemed a reasonable enough request. Or at least it was until Bree informed him that Santa’s elves made their own toys, after he’d asked her opinion on one in the window of a store they passed.
And just like that, his easy purchase had turned into a major pain in the ass. But his daughter's faith in Santa depended on it; what choice did he have.
Now after a Pinterest board, hours of planning, several trips to the hardware and craft store, he’d made his own.
Well almost made his own.
There was nowhere to hide a fully assembled fort in his home in the days leading up, so he’d had to wait until she’d gone to bed on Christmas Eve.
He leads Katniss to the living room where the floor is a sea of mossy green and sunny yellow, “you were right, this is really a two person job.”
Beyond discussing his project with her as a friend, he had consulted her on the structural integrity of his design as an engineer. It was a little absurd; The man created installation art for a living, but she supposed he’d never made something his child would play in. Not that she minded. She loved that he included her in his and his daughter’s lives.
She shrugs off her jacket, tossing her braid over her shoulder. “It’s a burden really; being right all the time,” she deadpans. His smile falters at her words and hers follows suit. “Peeta, I’m joking. I’ve been offering for weeks to help. I’m glad you called.” She grabs his arm and gives a reassuring squeeze.
In all honesty, this is the highlight of her day; Seeing him always is, but today especially. With her parents gone, and sister abroad saving lives, there had been nothing marking today as special. She’d Skyped with Prim for a bit but mostly lounged around the apartment alone, save the cat. Tomorrow would just be another day; made worse because Christmas fell on a Monday this year and she wouldn’t even be able to have her traditional Christmas Day Chinese takeout.
“Good news! You have Santa privileges. There’s a plate of cookies, or carrots for the reindeer if you prefer that. And I forwent the milk in favor of hot chocolate when you agreed to come.” He leans in, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “I even pulled the crème de menthe out for you.”
“I accept. As long as you know I would have come even without the bribe.”
They grab cookies and adjust her drink before returning to the living room to begin the fort assembly. “How was the Mellark Christmas Eve?”
He groans.
“That good?”
“I wish you were there. It might have been bearable if I could have watched you pretend to not be annoyed. You really should have come.”
“Wow! Way to sell it. Mark me down for next year!” she says as she sorts through pieces. The last time she’d been at a Mellark event, Peeta’s sister-in-law had cornered her, and unceremoniously told her to ‘shit or get off the pot.’ She knew it was Enobaria’s way of looking out for Peeta and Bree, but Katniss had been offended by the implication.
She and Peeta had been friends as kids but lost touch when he’d gone abroad after graduation. They’d run into each other earlier this year when he’d returned to Panem with his daughter and they had slipped back into their easy friendship. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed him.
He laughs, “I’m going to hold you to that.”
She sighs dramatically, “then you better give me the highlights so I know what to expect.”
“Nothing too dramatic, but you know Baria, she can be a bit…”
“Much?” She fills in.
He winces, “Is ‘intense’ a nicer adjective?”
She hums in understanding as they work together and he regales her with tales of his sister-in-laws precisely planned itinerary. “She's always been this way, it was just easier to handle in small doses. Now I’m seeing them all the time. I should offer to have Christmas Eve here next year. Then I’ll just have to deal with her disapproving glower rather than her timelines. Then we got home and it took forever to get Bree to sleep. Otherwise I would have called you sooner.”
“What? A four year old, excited for Santa and hopped up on Christmas cookies didn’t want to go to bed? That must be a first.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” They’ve completed the frame and begin draping the canvas and tulle covering over top, before crawling inside to tie it in place. She arranges the new pillows from Santa to complete the effect as Peeta strings the fairy lights. He really doesn’t need her at this point, but she’s glad he hasn’t suggested she leave.
“Alright, moment of truth! Can I get a drumroll?”
She rolls her eyes but obliges as he counts down, “3-2-1,” He flips the switch on the battery pack and the lights twinkle on, “oh thank god!” He lets out a relieved laugh, before collapsing to the floor, rolling on his back to stare up at the lights, “not too bad.”
She sinks to the ground to lay next to him. It’s a snug fit with two adults; her shoulder bumps his. “Peeta, it’s perfect. She’s going to love it.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he pulls her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. Their hands are still clasped when he lowers them back between them.
His hands are solid and steady, like the man himself; She yawns, lacing their fingers, “you’ll have to send me pictures of her reaction.” She didn’t drink enough to be anything more than warm and tired. She tells herself she’ll just lay here for two more minutes, then head home, though she has no real desire to leave.
In her drowsy haze, she hears the clock chime; midnight.
“Merry Christmas Katniss.”
“Merry Christmas Peeta.”
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mickimagnum · 1 year
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Devin & Bran's Wedding Day is Finally Here! 🕊🤍
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They had a lovely ceremony on the ranch with only immediate family in attendance.
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And enjoy a super fun bonus shot of what actually was going on through the ceremony. 🙃
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Round 2, Poll 6
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Poll at the bottom of the post.
Ghost of a Chance: (Haunted Wedding AU)
 It was entirely possible Bilbo was in shock. 
“Bilbo, please say something. Are you hurt?”
Bilbo did his best to focus in on those blue eyes. Those familiar, soul-sucking blue eyes. It started to become harder though when his own began to water.
“I want to go home.” He breathed, his chest tightening to a painful degree.
“Okay.” Thorin murmured, still touching, still staring. “Okay, we can get you back to your room.”
Bilbo suddenly surged to his feet, glaring down at the kneeling man. 
It was like the room had suddenly been sucked free of noise as Bilbo’s ears rang with his declaration. His eyes swept the room, taking notice of all the pitying and worried looks. Some familiar, some strangers. Bilbo buried his face in his hands, trying to disguise the overwhelmed feeling as exasperation. He felt more than saw Thorin stand up and place his hand on the back of Bilbo’s neck. He leaned in close, his breath tickling Bilbo’s ear.
“Do you want to go some place a little more private?”
Bilbo nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak again.
“Can you promise me you’re physically okay?”
Bilbo nodded again. Almost immediately after he did, that hand on his neck moved down to the middle of his back, propelling him forward.
“He’s fine. Just a little shaken up. No need for an ambulance. He just needs some rest.”
Guardian of Kings (sequel): (BAMF Bilbo)
“I assume you have a plan?” Thranduil pestered him for the umteenth time. 
“I’m working on it.” Bilbo grit out.
Thranduil pursed his lips but didn’t utter another word. Bilbo could see he was hurting. His leg injury was no joke, and the orcs weren’t about to take it easy on them. Sometimes speeding up to a jog until Thranduil would fall over. Then they would drag him back to his feet and begin their march again. 
The problem was, they were outnumbered, they had no weapons, and even worse, Bilbo had lost his clever little ring. In fact, he had gone nearly maniac when he realized that fact until an orc bashed him over the head with its fist. There was still an itching under his skin that demanded he go back, but he needed to bide his time. Figure out why exactly the orcs were keeping them alive. All too soon, he was about to find out.
Dol Guldur stood in the distance, a dark looming ruin, promising evil things. However, the orcs stopped a little ways outside the fortress. Where the webs were still thick in the trees. 
“Bring the little one forward!” The orc in the lead ordered.
Bilbo cursed and struggled, Thranduil almost looking worried for him, as he was brought to the front and thrown to the ground.
“Ugzaul!” The orc cried into the woods. “We have brought your Stinging Fly!”
Bilbo felt his blood freeze in his veins. He immediately tried to pull himself to his feet, only for an orc to plant its foot on his back to keep him there.
From the Pieces of Your Shattered Memories: (Amnesia Modern AU)
Could he have possibly chosen a more unattainable guy? He just wished for his poor heart’s sake that Oakenshield would quit putting such faith in him. It was clearly clouding Bilbo’s judgment. 
Bilbo ducked inside thinking not for the first time that Odo really ought to start locking the door as he made his way through the hallway of foreign antiquities to the curator’s office. He paused for just a moment at a new display advertising for Erebor. Bilbo had almost forgotten! The King of Erebor had come to Bree which was the next city over. That must be how Oakenshield got here. If this lead didn’t work out, he could always try Bree next and…wasn’t Bilbo supposed to be done after this? 
He had just gotten his thoughts back in order, leaving the dimly lit room only to almost run head first into his cousin. Bilbo jumped back, clutching his heart as he tried not to scream.
“Odo! For Yavanna’s sake, warn a guy if you will!”
“You are many things, Bilbo Baggins, but sneaky isn’t one of them. What are you doing here?”
Bilbo could only grimace, thinking of Oakenshield's teasing comments earlier about Bilbo’s sneakiness as well. 
“I need a favor.” Bilbo cut to the chase.
“You have some nerve, Cousin! I called you two days ago after having practically broken my ankle, and now you need a favor.”
Bilbo tried his hardest not to roll his eyes even if they did flicker down to the wrapped ankle that Odo seemed to be standing on perfectly fine now.
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certifiedflower · 5 days
👬 What Tarlos moments are you most looking forward to?
💔 Which couple is most in danger of breaking up?
🤏Which minor character(s) will we see again?
I could literally go in about this FORVER but I’ll say a couple 😌👀.
OOH 🎉 I COULD SCREAM , Thank you for the questions Anne I love it ✨✨💕
👬 What Tarlos Moments are you most looking forward to ?
🤪 I’m looking forward to Sexy times , Tarlos is finally married & WE GET TO SEE IT ?? We get to see Carlos taking T.K to pound town & I love that for us … and for them 🤪
🗣️ I’m looking forward to seeing the EMOTIONS, Every season has been emotional but the growth and the conversations they have when dealing with HARD situations.
🚑 🤠 On The Same scene interactions , they are soo professional when they’re at work and on the same scenes together, I definitely would love to see the lingering looks at eachother and maybe a quick touch.
❤️ I’m looking forward the most to seeing how they support eachother this season with the obstacles they both face , T.K with his “surprise visitor” and Carlos with becoming a new rookie & dealing with a partner that AT FIRST doesn’t like him & trying to find Gabriel’s killer 💔.
💔 Which Couple is most in danger of breaking up ?
Soo I actually have two couples in mind 😳
FIRST couple goes to
🚑 ⛪️ TOMMY & TREVOR 🗣️ , with Tommy’s storyline this season I could see it being a lot of pressure on her & with her person ( GRACE 😭💔) not being around to give her some peace of mind and comfort, she could think breaking up with Trevor would be better for him & his daughter and also her daughters . I ask so think Trevor’s strong faith in god might be a good route for Tommy this season ❤️
& the other couple ? 👀👀
🧑‍🚒 🚑 NANCY & MATEO 🗣️ , So I absolutely love Nancy & Mateo , they are definitely the Comedic relief couple , Tommy’s Storyline in S5 directly affects Nancy , becoming Interm Captain could definitely change the dynamic 😬 of Fire & Paramedics we have saw how it affected FRIENDSHIPS in S4
( Judd & Tommy) , so I can only imagine a Relationship, BUT at the same time Mateo might just think it’s hot that his “shawty” is a captain. 🤣
🤏 Which Minor character(s) will we see again ?
We are definitely Going full into Ranger Carlos Reyes storyline this season so
Ranger Bridges - working with Carlos this season ALOT might be a possibility 🤠
Call Center Bree - It’s not Grace but Grace loved her coworker so I will be happen to see Bree 💕
Det . Washington- WE CANT LOOSE HER IN S4 & NEVER see her again ☹️☹️
Enzo 🧔🏻‍♂️- I’m not the biggest Enzo Stan BUT we need to see him and the dynamic between T.K & Enzo and see the emotions that T.K has about the other father figure in his life ❤️ , plus I absolutely need to see Enzo & Owen interact with eachother
Jonah 👦 - The baby is no longer a BABY , he’s like 4-5 years old I NEED to see how Carlos interacts with his brother in law 🤣, I also cannot wait to see the emotional feels T.K is going to feel seeing his brother ❤️
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