#single dad Peeta
mollywog · 10 months
december prompts: fairy lights (I think it's #20 alfhkdbgadfg?)
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Thank you for the prompt and your patience @thelettersfromnoone!! From December Prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
“You came,” Peeta has the door open before she sets foot on the porch. He’s wearing a relieved smile, his hair disheveled in the way it gets when he can’t stop raking his hands through it.
He’d called her at 9 pm in a panic. Three weeks ago his daughter Bree had flipped through a catalog, pointed out a fairy playhouse fort and subsequently placed it at the top of her Christmas list. His nephews had asked Santa for spears and maces, so a glorified tent seemed a reasonable enough request. Or at least it was until Bree informed him that Santa’s elves made their own toys, after he’d asked her opinion on one in the window of a store they passed.
And just like that, his easy purchase had turned into a major pain in the ass. But his daughter's faith in Santa depended on it; what choice did he have.
Now after a Pinterest board, hours of planning, several trips to the hardware and craft store, he’d made his own.
Well almost made his own.
There was nowhere to hide a fully assembled fort in his home in the days leading up, so he’d had to wait until she’d gone to bed on Christmas Eve.
He leads Katniss to the living room where the floor is a sea of mossy green and sunny yellow, “you were right, this is really a two person job.”
Beyond discussing his project with her as a friend, he had consulted her on the structural integrity of his design as an engineer. It was a little absurd; The man created installation art for a living, but she supposed he’d never made something his child would play in. Not that she minded. She loved that he included her in his and his daughter’s lives.
She shrugs off her jacket, tossing her braid over her shoulder. “It’s a burden really; being right all the time,” she deadpans. His smile falters at her words and hers follows suit. “Peeta, I’m joking. I’ve been offering for weeks to help. I’m glad you called.” She grabs his arm and gives a reassuring squeeze.
In all honesty, this is the highlight of her day; Seeing him always is, but today especially. With her parents gone, and sister abroad saving lives, there had been nothing marking today as special. She’d Skyped with Prim for a bit but mostly lounged around the apartment alone, save the cat. Tomorrow would just be another day; made worse because Christmas fell on a Monday this year and she wouldn’t even be able to have her traditional Christmas Day Chinese takeout.
“Good news! You have Santa privileges. There’s a plate of cookies, or carrots for the reindeer if you prefer that. And I forwent the milk in favor of hot chocolate when you agreed to come.” He leans in, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “I even pulled the crème de menthe out for you.”
“I accept. As long as you know I would have come even without the bribe.”
They grab cookies and adjust her drink before returning to the living room to begin the fort assembly. “How was the Mellark Christmas Eve?”
He groans.
“That good?”
“I wish you were there. It might have been bearable if I could have watched you pretend to not be annoyed. You really should have come.”
“Wow! Way to sell it. Mark me down for next year!” she says as she sorts through pieces. The last time she’d been at a Mellark event, Peeta’s sister-in-law had cornered her, and unceremoniously told her to ‘shit or get off the pot.’ She knew it was Enobaria’s way of looking out for Peeta and Bree, but Katniss had been offended by the implication.
She and Peeta had been friends as kids but lost touch when he’d gone abroad after graduation. They’d run into each other earlier this year when he’d returned to Panem with his daughter and they had slipped back into their easy friendship. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed him.
He laughs, “I’m going to hold you to that.”
She sighs dramatically, “then you better give me the highlights so I know what to expect.”
“Nothing too dramatic, but you know Baria, she can be a bit…”
“Much?” She fills in.
He winces, “Is ‘intense’ a nicer adjective?”
She hums in understanding as they work together and he regales her with tales of his sister-in-laws precisely planned itinerary. “She's always been this way, it was just easier to handle in small doses. Now I’m seeing them all the time. I should offer to have Christmas Eve here next year. Then I’ll just have to deal with her disapproving glower rather than her timelines. Then we got home and it took forever to get Bree to sleep. Otherwise I would have called you sooner.”
“What? A four year old, excited for Santa and hopped up on Christmas cookies didn’t want to go to bed? That must be a first.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” They’ve completed the frame and begin draping the canvas and tulle covering over top, before crawling inside to tie it in place. She arranges the new pillows from Santa to complete the effect as Peeta strings the fairy lights. He really doesn’t need her at this point, but she’s glad he hasn’t suggested she leave.
“Alright, moment of truth! Can I get a drumroll?”
She rolls her eyes but obliges as he counts down, “3-2-1,” He flips the switch on the battery pack and the lights twinkle on, “oh thank god!” He lets out a relieved laugh, before collapsing to the floor, rolling on his back to stare up at the lights, “not too bad.”
She sinks to the ground to lay next to him. It’s a snug fit with two adults; her shoulder bumps his. “Peeta, it’s perfect. She’s going to love it.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he pulls her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. Their hands are still clasped when he lowers them back between them.
His hands are solid and steady, like the man himself; She yawns, lacing their fingers, “you’ll have to send me pictures of her reaction.” She didn’t drink enough to be anything more than warm and tired. She tells herself she’ll just lay here for two more minutes, then head home, though she has no real desire to leave.
In her drowsy haze, she hears the clock chime; midnight.
“Merry Christmas Katniss.”
“Merry Christmas Peeta.”
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adsosfraser · 1 year
I feel like the capitol would’ve gone crazy if peeta carried around a little murse man satchel for all of katniss’s and his stuff (also the little pebbles and flowers she shoves into his hands like the little crow that she is). Everyone in the capitol would go crazy trying to get the exact kind of bag and all the women start shoving their bags into their partners hands instead of their own. And all of this is just a completely normal tuesday for peeta but the capitol citizens act like it’s revolutionary because they see one photo of him with it and go feral
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theymademesignup08 · 9 months
I can’t believe I didn’t get a rom com starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson where both of their characters don’t have their life together and they get into some messy shenanigans and fall in love for Christmas this year. :(
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
Facing my fear of movie theaters by going to the first showing of the day sgdggdgd
I think I'll be the only person there which would be awesome tbh
AND I dont have to break my streak of having seen every hunger games movie in theaters :D I'm excited man
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
Story: The Cassie Chronicles
Such a lovely series by @xerxia31 . Everlark all the way!
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springmagpies · 9 months
I love the idea of Katniss and Haymitch being able to communicate telepathically and that that ability never goes away. So after all these years there’s just random moments where they’re silently communicating and Peeta’s like… what’re you guys OH! You’re talking! Sorry! I’ll leave you be. Like imagine Peeta just comes in with his son on his hip and holding his daughter’s hand and they walk in to find Katniss and Haymitch looking across the dining table at one another with a plate between them that holds a single cookie and the little girl asks her dad, “why are mommy and Uncle Haymitch staring at each other.” And Peeta’s just like, “they’re talking.” “About what?” “I dunno, but it’s probably something about the cookie.” And he reaches for the cookie and they both just stare at him and he just laughs because even though he doesn’t know what they’re talking about he still knows them.
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taytrashmouth · 10 months
Heyy I was wondering if u could do prompt 22 with peeta I’ve been having peeta brainrot for so long 😭
This is so real!!!!! Peeta supremacy. I really hope you love it.
Prompt 22: “You’re staring!”
Requests are open so please send them in!!!!!!!! Prompts under my profile.
(Set before the games)
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It was a cold day in district 12, the snow had started to fall. But it was a good day, because you had somehow giggled your way into getting a date with Peeta Mellark.
You pulled your small brown bag, that’s been patched up so many times you couldn’t tell which fabric was the original. And began to walk to the bakery.
You pulled your dark blue beanie over your ears as you approached the door. You contemplated for a minute before knocking.
Peetas family were gathering supplies from the local market, they wouldn’t be back for the next few hours.
He opened the door and smiled the minute he saw you. You smiled back.
“Hey.” He ushered you inside, looking at the snow that dusted your shoulders.
“You must be freezing.” He took your coat and put it over the chair by the entrance.
“Only slightly.” You joked.
“You’ve got- umm snow.” Peeta pointed to your eyelashes. You giggled “oh, would you?”
You closed your eyes and he gently dusted the snowflakes off of your long eyelashes.
His hand lingered on your cheek as you opened your eyes.
“Thanks.” You spoke just above a whisper.
“I’m making bread.” He let out as he pulled his hand away. You smiled at his awkwardness.
“I’m glad! Your bread is like what I look forward to the whole week.” You told him as you walked to the kitchen.
He smiled shyly.
“I just need to get this in the oven and then we can do whatever you want.” He spoke, walking over to a metal bowl where the dough had been rising.
You sat on the kitchen counter and watched him knead the bread. You were mesmerised by the muscle in his arms, and the way he used his whole body to knead the dough.
He was talking about something but if you were honest you didn’t know what.
“Y/n-“ he called and you broke out of your trance. “You’re staring…” he smiled cockily.
You turned crimson looking at your hands and swinging your legs. “Sorry-“
“Don’t be…” he let out as he placed the bread into the oven.
“Come on.” He spoke and helped you down from the counter by your hips.
You blushed more.
He led you to the living room where a fire was going, it was small like all the houses in 12. But it was nice. Cozy.
You took your beanie off and attempted to smooth out your hair. Messy curls bouncing everywhere.
There was a severe lack of chairs in the living room. All single chairs in every corner of the room and a huge table in the middle. Furniture wasn’t one of the luxuries the Capitol provided.
You noticed some daisies lying on the table. Peeta picked them up. “I- I uh picked these for you. They grow down by the river.”
You smiled. “They’re beautiful.” You smelt them.
“Like you.” You both blushed then.
He took a daisy out of the bouquet and placed it behind your ear.
After a while of talking Peeta spoke “what do you wanna do? Unfortunately when it’s snowing there’s not much to do is there?”
“We could read.” You suggested fishing a book from your bag.
“Where did you get that?” Peeta examined it in awe.
“My dad, he knows a guy in 7 that owned a library before the rebellion. He’s really old. But every month my dad travels to get wood from 7 for our district and he gives him a book for me to read.” You explained.
“That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, when I was little he said that if the Capitol ever crumbles the library’s mine.” You smiled at the memory.
“You’ll have to take me with you.”
“Always.” You looked at every feature on his face. “You can lend some of them anytime you want. I have a feeling we’re gonna have to wait a long time for the whole library.” You joked and Peeta laughed
I would love to, but I’m not that great at reading.” He hesitated to speak. You could tell he was embarrassed.
“That’s okay, my mom taught me. Honestly I don’t blame you, schools here just care about coal and the rebellion.”
“Yeah…I’m sorry by the way.” He was talking about your mom. She died a few years back.
“It’s okay.” You smiled sadly.
“I can read to you if you want.” You offered.
He nodded. Hiding his excitement.
He sat on one of the chairs, and you sat on the floor next to him.
“Hey don’t sit on the floor.” Peeta sat up.
“No no! I’m fine, you won’t hear from over there, really.” You insisted.
“Sit with me.” Peeta suggested.
Blush crept into his face the second he said it.
“You don’t have t-“
“I want to.” You stood up.
He sat back onto the seat squeezing as far right as he could. You tried to squeeze next to him but you were half on top of him. You were both tomato’s.
He carefully placed his hand on your lower back and under your thigh. You took a sharp breath in as he moved you to sit on his lap, legs over the armrest.
“Is this okay?” He asked.
You began to read and he held onto every word. He was in deep and he knew it. He watched your lips move and the way you smiled when something good happened. And giggled when something romantic happened.
“Peeta-“ he broke from his trance when he realised you weren’t reading anymore.
“You’re staring.” You smirked.
Now he was the blushing mess. “It’s hard not to.” He moved some hair behind your ear.
You squealed and hurried your head in his chest at how perfect he was. He chuckled and stroked your hair as you continued to read, head on his chest.
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cutpaperbleedswater · 29 days
Keep thinking about a short fic where Peeta’s a single dad and takes his kid, or his brothers kid(s) to a little kids arts and crafts session at a local crafts shop and the person running it is Katniss who is grumpy at having to instruct a room full of kids to do origami (basic stuff, maybe even a paper plane) or just decorating a picture frame, something like that. Peeta purposely keeps messing his up so she has to come over and help him which further irritates Katniss and amuses the kid he’s with because they know that he is a world class artist. Peeta is mortified when they point it out and Katniss scowls at him and he mentally kicks himself for thinking that she’s actually way more attractive when she scowls.
Later, Prim or Madge or someone Katniss is close to who is into art forces her to come to an art gallery with them gushing about the artist and his work saying how it’s so awesome he decided to do a show in their town. Katniss goes to the exhibition and realises the artist is the annoyingly attractive pest at her crafts thing and decides to confront him about it which ends in Peeta asking for her phone number and her out on a date.
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endlessnightlock · 6 months
If you feel inspired, #10 “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” from the random prompt list <3
Her dad's guitar takes up a fair amount of space in Katniss's lap, boxy but lightweight, with room to hide behind when her nerves get the better of her. Slightly battered and smooth from use, the balsawood is cool to the touch when she picks its strings and makes it sing. But she's getting antsy, so she puts her guitar in its case and wanders over to the corner of the stage. She's careful to stay hidden behind the heavy velvet curtain. Ms. Trinkett will give her the devil if she catches her peeking out.
People are trickling into the high school auditorium: classmates, a few teachers, and a smattering of parents. She sees Gale and the rest of her cousins file into a row near the stage with Hazelle. Prim and her parents have been here for a while. Katniss hopes the auditorium won't be too full when Principal Flickerman starts the show. She's not a confident performer. Singing and playing are more of a compulsion for her, a hunger she has to feed rather than a bid for attention.
When the clock ticks down to zero (performance time! Ms. Trinkett brightly states), she's waiting for her turn to go on stage with the guitar strapped to her chest.
Madge starts the show with a classical piece. The school's piano is out of tune, but her best friend makes it work. Katniss can't keep the smile off her face. Madge is the shyest person she knows, and she's proud of her friend for getting over that fear to play tonight.
"Wow. Did you know she could play like that?" Peeta Mellark asks. Somehow he'd wandered away from the group he was standing with and up to her side.
Katniss gives a sharp nod, surprised he said anything at all. Not that he doesn't talk. He's popular, friendly, and always hanging out with one group or another. He just never talks to her.
"I mean, of course you do," he laughs at himself. "Is that why you're such good friends? Shared talent?"
She shrugs. "Maybe." She's never considered that before, but he might be on to something.
"Nothing like twenty questions before we go onstage. I'm just a little nervous. Talk too much when that happens."
"No, it's okay," she says. A strain of nervousness makes her insides tight, too. She decides she likes talking to Peeta. He says what he's thinking, but in a more thought-out way than she can pull off. Words stumble across her lips, leaving her embarrassed more often than not. "You can talk. It's not too much."
Peeta grins at her.
"Um, what are you doing?" she asks. "Not like, life in general. For the show."
"Comedy. Going to try getting laughs out of my dumb jokes."
"Oh. I didn't know you did that."
"Me neither, until two weeks ago when they posted the sign-up sheet. I had to find a way to get into the show."
"I was dragged here kicking and screaming. That's brave of you to try something new."
"Or stupid. We'll see." Peeta says. "I know you have a beautiful singing voice, but I didn't know you played."
"My dad taught me. This is his, actually." She pats the fretboard, keeping her eyes on the strings, feeling shy at the compliment. "I didn't know you'd heard me sing."
"I think it was your first public appearance. Kindergarten. Mrs. Paylor asked if anyone knew The Valley Song. Your hand shot up, and when you stood on your chair and sang, my fragile 5-year-old heart was lost," he says.
"That didn't happen," she says.
"Swear to god. You had on a red checkered dress, and your hair was in two long braids. I like your hair tonight, too. It's really pretty."
"Thank you," she murmurs. Katniss pats the braided, pinned updo her mother did for her. She likes the old-fashioned style because it feels in keeping with her mountain heritage.
Vague memories of that red and white dress invade her mind. She does her hair in a single braid most days because it's long and gets everywhere if she doesn't, and she did wear it in two as a child.
"You have an incredible memory."
Peeta shrugs, smiling down at the tips of his shoes.
"Peeta, you're next dear," Ms. Tinkett says, bringing Katniss back to herself. Madge's song was over three students ago in the rotation, and she hadn't even noticed.
"Wish me luck?" Peeta asks her quietly.
"Good luck," she says, kind of dumbfounded by their conversation. She'd caught Peeta looking her way when he thought she didn't notice but never considered what that meant.
She couldn't hear most of Peeta's stand-up routine, but she caught amused laughter from the audience. When it was her turn to go onstage and stand in the spotlight, their conversation was still in the forefront of her mind, and she found her fingers moving over the strings, playing The Valley Song and remembering the little curly blond headed boy from kindergarten.
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fantasy-nerdddd · 3 months
Just imagine Willow Mellark's reaction (the girl toast baby, fanon) when she was learning at school about her parents' story. I think that they would have procrastinated for years because it was such a horrible story, and the school teaches the kids way too early regardless, so she would start learning at school. I think she'd have her textbook and read ahead so she'll be kind of mentally prepared for what's coming, but at school she'd be like:
"Holy Shit. The Games are cruel."
"Woah, that's that little blonde girl in our living room? I always assumed she was related to dad."
"So Haymitch was an even worse drunk?" (I feel like his drinking got way better post war)
"Hell, I'd be screaming in my sleep too if I had to witness a guy being eaten alive by mutts."
"Well I never expected to be that thankful towards a handful of berries."
"Oh so they got in the arena twice? And why didn't I ever hear about that?"
"A fucking clock?"
"Idiots. I know my mother and I know that she wouldn't cooperate without dad. You're just stupid."
"What was the Capitol doing to these people? I know I don't know anyone but still it hurtssss!" (This is the description of Capitol torture to people Willow doesn't know by name. Darius and Lavinia were definitely on there.)
"What?! I cannot stand hearing about torture on strangers, let alone my own fucking father."
"That's how Aunt Prim died? Oh you're assholes, 13." (No she didn't comment on Finnick. Sorry couldn't find anything fitting)
"YES MOM! I knew you have balls of steel!"
Note: every single day she returned home, first thing she did was to hug Katniss and Peeta, because she knows no matter how much affection she shows them it will never suffice for the things they've been through.
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waywardangel-wilds · 5 months
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
How old was Katniss when she gave birth to her daughter?
I know that canon is somewhere around 30-32 but my soul wants it to be 35. Probably because I personally consider 35 to be the best age to get pregnant by. I also like the idea of K&P having elementary-aged kids while they're in their 40s. 40 is such a hot age, its also such a good age to be parents IMO. 40 is just great.
How many years apart are they in age?
I picture them as being 4 years apart at the maximum. I think that makes sense for the epilogue ages we get hinted at. Toddler is 1-3 so the boy is somewhere in that range while the girl is between 4-7. I think that makes sense.
Your headcanon for their name?
I'm a strong believer in Willow and Rye. Those names just sound so Twelve to me. There's also something 'traditional' about those names, in that they're callbacks to Katniss and Peeta's own families (that is assuming the baker names all the kids after bread/bread-related/adjacent items). It's a way of honoring the dead, which I think is extremely important to them.
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
I'm the controversial everlarker. I don't love stories where one kid is super Peeta-like and the other is super Katniss-like. In my experience kids aren't like that, they don't typically take after their parents' talents/hobbies/skills. I think each kid might have a special bond with either parent surrounding one of these skills but I think it's unrealistic to expect one of them to be super artsy and the other to be super outdoorsy. I just don't see it. I also think Katniss and Peeta would love it if their kids pursued other interests that are in no way connected to their own just because that is something they never got the chance to explore at all. I might be biased by my own family (my family has lived through war and military occupation), but because of that context I see Katniss and Peeta being those parents who go all out for every single interest their kids have. Oh, this summer little Rye is into swimming? It's swim world now baby. Little Willow wants to do soccer? The whole family has jerseys now. I don't think there's anything wrong or bad about the kids doing their parents' hobbies or anything like that - I just think it's unlikely they would inherit so much from their parents. I think both kids have wonderful memories of baking and painting with Dad as well as hunting, camping, and singing with Mom. I don't think either of them is necessarily amazing at those skills nor do I think Katniss and Peeta push them in that direction because one way or another all those skills were cultivated from a need to survive. Peeta bakes for work but also paints for therapy. Katniss hunted to survive and also sang for the emotional value she got out of it. These hobbies/skills have their baggage to them. I think that's something to keep in mind. Hell, my grandpa is a hunter, grew up a hunter, and used to hunt during the war so my family could eat something other than rations. None of us know how to hunt. It's something he decided he didn't want to trouble us with. There's baggage there.
Bonus question: please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
I am the worst for fic recommendations because I never remember the titles of anything. Rn I can recommend my friend @vasilissadragomir 's fic Us Among The Living (it is very good and she puts so much love and care into it!!) and my own growing together fic which is (I swear) going to be updated soon. Other than that I'd have to go on a hunting spree myself to figure out the names of stuff lol.
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finnickfan8 · 10 months
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Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x reader
Genre: high school AU, fluff, smut
Summary: Peeta is the same age as Finnick along with the other tributes and they’re all 18 year old seniors in high school! Reader and Peeta have crushes on each other and one thing leads to another.
Warnings: Smut, language
Your dad, Haymich Abernathy, was a victor. This meant that you were one of the richest families in District 12. Your mom, Effie Trinket, was very supportive of everything you wanted to do. This meant that you mention wanting something or wanting to do something and the next week it was done. This was how you had played at least ten different sports throughout the years and had thousands of toys. Your dad, however, was more of a disciplinarian in a sense. He wanted your people skills to be top notch in case you ever were reaped, leading to the compromise of pageants. It was a way where you could show off your talents, your mom could dress you up, and your dad could coach you on speaking.
Your walls were filled with crowns, medals, and trophies. The soft glisten of your triumphs were sometimes blinding, but in a good way. Glitter and rhinestones lined not only your dresses, but also your future.
Your grades were pretty good, they have to be for pageants. Everything you did just screamed pageant girl; you were popular, you were very feminine, and you were adored. Everyone loved who they thought you were, your performance. You had everything, but a boyfriend.
Your best friends were living the life with their cliques and boyfriends. Well, not Johanna, everyone thought the two of you were dating for a while. You didn’t mind, she agreed that y’all would get married if you’re both single at thirty, but for now you had other plans. You had had a crush on the shortest captain of the football team, Peeta Mellark.
Peeta was always at your house, hanging out with your dad, and you always ran your pageant walks for him. Katniss was also over frequently, but less now that she was caught with Gale in the broom closet. Katniss was your friend and she knew you liked Peeta, but that never really got in the way.
Your first period, you sat between Johanna and Annie, but behind Peeta. You slowly tapped the blonde boy on the shoulder, Peeta jumps, turning his head slowly. “Yeah Y/N?” The attractive man smiled, twirling his pencil.
“Dad wants you over for dinner tonight if thats okay with you.” You gently smile at him. You glance at his hand, watching the pencil swirl rhythmically in his burly hands.
“Yeah, of course it’s okay.” The male notices you staring and chuckles internally. “Six still?” You nod, glancing in to his puppy dog eyes. Today he was wearing a white cotton shirt and some brown cargo pants. The shirt was baggy but tight on his arms, making his biceps bulge gloriously. The purity of the white fit him like a puzzle. Although 18, Peeta was less tainted than his peers. Peeta had never had a real kiss, only an on camera one with Katniss in the games. Compared to the desperately promiscuous gremlins at your school, Peeta was an angel; pure, sweet, and radiating light.
You smooth over the hem of your skirt, nervously pleating it back up again before repeating. Although a moderate temperature in your house, you felt cold in your core, your abdominal muscles contracting. The frigidity of the room faded as you flapped your hands up and down to shake the nerves. Tonight you were going to catch Peeta’s attention. You curtly head downstairs, your heels clicking on the hardwood floors, your hair flowing swimmingly behind you as you accumulated some speed in your step.
Peeta had every girl in school fawning over him now that he was rich. Love notes were a daily for the young adult, nevertheless he diffidently declined all of his admirers and vixens. One thing was on his mind; becoming Haymich’s son officially. By that he intended on marrying you. Admittedly, it was a little fast for him to already have images of you in a white dress. Peeta paid no mind to the fact that the two of you weren’t even dating yet, he wanted to make you the happiest girl ever.
This is why his breath stopped at your elegant waltz down the grand staircase in the middle of the Abernathy house. Your eyes traced his figure, his dress shirt and slacks doing it no justice. You had seen what you would call “sporty Peeta” in all of his glory; pads on, jersey raised slightly revealing his glistening abs, tight white snap in football pants, and messy wet hair sticking to his sculpted face. You had much discernment as to what he hid under the button up.
You sat next to Peeta, your perfectly manicured nails pressing against the table to provide mental relief. Your dad signals for you to eat as soon as your well adorned mother joins the three of you. Effie had always been a doting mother and to your dismay, an oversharing one too. This entailed anything from her sharing baby pictures to strangers to inviting random classmates of yours to your pageants.
“Y/N here is participating in the ‘Miss Career’ pageant next week, isn’t she just so talented?” Your mother started the conversation out with an awkward gloat about ‘her precious Y/N.’ Peeta looked you dead in the eye, boring in to your soul before nodding at your enthusiastic mother. “She’s about to make an appearance on the big screen for the next Hunger Games if she wins. As a prize, you get to be the opener for the games.” Effie claps her eager hands.
“Oh I know, Y/N is quite beautiful.” Peeta smirks at you, searching for a reaction on your now thunderstruck face. “She’s also one of the smartest girls in our class.” Your father lets an approving smile grace his lips, nodding at you. “Would you guys mind if Y/N helped me on some assignments after dinner?” a chorus of ‘no’ from your parents rang melodically through his willing ears. The dinner got progressively more lively before coming to a halt via Peeta’s ‘academic drive.’
You lead the older to your room, softly taking his calloused hand in yours. The shine of silver crowns blinded your study buddy’s doe eyes, “Your mom wasn’t kidding.” He mused, taking a seat on your bed. “I guess i’m not the only one who thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in Panem”
You whip your head towards him, “Is that what you tell all your fangirls?” You roll your eyes narked at his roster of women who would be happy with him simply sighing in their direction.
“No, actually.” Peeta motions for you to sit before gently cradling your face. “I tell them that I have a girl I’ve liked for a very long time.” The warmth of his touch was nice on his rough yet weirdly velvet hands.
“Who? Katniss? What you said on T.V. seemed pretty legit.” You leaned closer on the last few words to emphasize them. Your breath warmed his lips, his large lands moved to brush them through your hair.
“What I said, was about you Y/N, or should I say Miss Americana?” That was your latest title that you had just won the week before. Enamored with how Mr. Capitol had found out, you put your clammy hands over his.
“How’d you know?” The weary words cracked past your lips like an impossible feat. A smile greeted you from the blonde athlete’s face.
“I was there.” You haphazardly tosses caution to the wolves, pulling him in to kiss you. His buttery soft lips pressed back against yours, lovingly. “Wow. I never figured the Y/N Abernathy would be the one kissing me.” He teased before pulling you in again. You broke the kiss, much to Peeta’s complaints, to go lock your door.
You continue to lock your lips and let them dance in feverish passion. Your hands roamed over the silk of his freshly pressed charcoal dress shirt. Peeta’s ready hands start to unbutton his own shirt, helping you slide it off of his broad shoulders as you start on your own garment. His taught muscles are hungry for your cherished touch. You slide your now unbuttoned blouse off your body.
Peeta wasted no time before kissing on your neck, nearing your round bosom. “May I?” Peeta never wants to make you uncomfortable, so he insists on affirmative consent. You simply not in response, although you seem just as needy as him, a nod wasn’t enough. “Use your words please Lovely.” His voice isn’t demanding, but it’s firm and strict yet caring.
“Yes, please Peeta. I’ve liked you for so long please I want you to do this.” You pleaded before he finally took your red bra off, your breasts hardening in the crisp air of the room. He slowly trails love bites starting at your neck. ‘Love bites’ was the only way to describe the marks he left. There was no feeling of possessiveness or even lust in them, just a physical expression of how much Peeta loved his woman.
Peeta suckled on your tender nipple softly, making sure to be gentle with his ‘Love.’ You let out a soft breathy moan as his sucking gets a little rougher. “Mm Peeta you’re doing so good.” you praise quietly. Blood flushes to Peeta’s now hard member at the praise.
“I don’t really know how to say this, but can I please eat you out?” Peeta had always wanted to make you feel good and your first time was going to be the best, he’d do whatever it took. You continue to moan at touches to your hips.
“Please Peeta, Please do that.” Your wish is Peeta’s command, he hangs on your every word. He hikes up your skirt, leaving kisses on your now soaked underwear. He basks in the delight of being between your thighs. He pushes your panties aside, taking a long strip up the middle and around the outside. The taste of your arousal was intoxicating, addicting, his new vice.
With a pointed shape, his tongue slowly drags in a zig zag pattern, flicking his tongue to your swollen clit. The skill in his mouth elicits a wanton moan to escape from your puffy lips. His tongue draws patterns and shapes in to your greedy heat.
Your hand flies down to Peeta’s hair, tugging gently. “Oh my goodness, Peeta!” you cry, thank goodness for thick walls. He slowly adds his ring finger in to your soaked hole. You squeeze your thighs gently around him, writhing under his skilled touch.
“Feeling good, Princess?” You moan in response to the nickname. He speeds up his finger in your hole, curling upwards. You nod at his question, earning a stern look from the older. He speeds his finger up, “Words, Lovely.”
“Yes oh my, yes!” You cry, wiggling your hips up at him as he adds a second finger. You wince at the stretch but are okay with it after a second. Peeta leans in to lick your clit, causing a build. Your walls flutter around his thick fingers. He could tell you were close.
“Please Y/N, please let me make you feel good.” He begged. You whined, needing more as you bucked your hips at him. Your edge was near. “Come on Baby, cum on my fingers. You got it, you’re doing so good.” With that you came undone, liquid coating his fingers. You panted and looked at him with half lidded eyes. A large hand rubbed at your thighs lovingly, “Would you like to continue? We can just cuddle and watch something if you would like.”
“No, I need you inside me now please.” You pulled him in for a desperate kiss. You put your hands were on the back of his head/ neck, pulling him in for more. He got the idea and started to undo his belt without breaking the kiss. You both gasped for air as he slid his tip in your slick, swiping it back and forth. He slid his tip in and paused.
He slid in inch by inch until he bottomed out. Before he started to move, he noticed blood run down your thigh. “You’re a virgin?” he held your hand as you nodded. He kissed your forehead tenderly, transferring the warmth of his heart to yours. The pain caused by his huge length and the stretch of your puckered hole. Then he started to move, giving his all to you like you’re giving to him.
His eager hands palmed at your breasts, his girth filling you out in a way like no other. You never knew your first time could feel so euphoric. The Brobdingnagian amount pleasure you felt right in that moment made all of the pain worth it. All of the waiting to have Peeta in this position had paid off. Call you a prognosticator because you knew you could have him twirled around your finger eventually.
Peeta put your legs over his shoulders so he could hit your spot better. His big hands pressed down softly on to your stomach, feeling himself moving within your tight walls. He was besotted with the mesmerizing sensation of you clenching round him, sucking him in subsequently to his ravaging thrusts.
“Peeta” You groaned before pulling him in, syncing the thrusts of his hips with your mouth. You lean up to mark his muscular neck. You left sloppy kisses atop of him. As Peeta starts to get close, he tweaks at your perky nipples. You’re both nearing your edge. “Peeta you make me feel so good!” you scream, clawing at his bare back. He flipped you around, your knees on the expensive comforter, your fleshy ass up so Peeta could see the fullness of your cheeks.
He threw his head back in ecstasy as he thrust up in to your muscly heat. You needed closeness to your lover, you kept your hands behind your back. He took a them and held them, rubbing his thumb over your white knuckles. He left small kisses on your neck, pressing his affection in to you. The intimacy in the acts sent both of you to the edge of your climax.
“Shit babe, close.” He mutters to you. As you cum, he pulls out and cums in to a condom that you didn’t know he had on. Your legs were still quaking when he went to your attached bathroom to go get you a towel.
As Peeta wiped you off, he kissed your inside of your thigh. “You’re.” kiss. “So.” kiss. “Perfect.” Then he placed a kiss on your lips. Peeta had his own room in your house, as did Katniss, because their families usually spent holidays and other events with yours when they weren’t doing so well. Peeta slid his boxers back on and headed to his room, grabbing a shirt and a water out of the mini fridge that Effie constantly restocked. Peeta headed back to your room, giving you the shirt and water.
Peeta searched your drawers to find a sports bra, figuring it would be more comfortable. “I’ll go in to the bathroom so you can change.” He started towards the restroom, pausing at the door fran before turning his head. “Drink some of the water, call me when I can come out, I’ll go get you a snack once you’re done.” You gave Peeta time to wash up before calling him back in.
“I’m not hungry.” You proclaim before remaking your bed and collecting the discarded clothes. Peeta makes you go sit back down, continuing the clean up. You sip on your water, observing. “Would you like to cuddle, or do you want to be left alone?”
You didn’t even think, “Stay, please.” You pat your bed and climb in. You let him put new boxers on before he climbs in next to you. Peeta pulls you in to his chest before handing you the remote so you can pick a movie.
Peeta cranes his neck down to look at you. “Y/N, would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?” Your golden angel boy asked. You shoot your head up to look at him.
“Duh” You responded before pecking him on the cheek and pulling him closer to your now warm body.
“I can’t believe the queen of pageantry herself is my girlfriend.” You roll your eyes playfully at the comment.
“Whatever Mr. Heartbreaker.” You tease back before he kisses you. What a perfect night.
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avoxrising · 1 year
Isla - Part 2
(Part 1) (Part 3)
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The first few days in District 13 were the hardest of Finnick’s life. He would gladly go into the arena all over again if it meant you and Isla were safe.
Finnick didn’t mean to push everyone away, but he did. Annie tried to help with Isla but Finnick wouldn’t let his daughter out of his sight in fear of losing her. He would shower with the curtain open and Isla resting in her bassinet on the bathroom floor. He’d bring her to his therapy sessions and even to the training room.
It had been a week since Finnick arrived in District 13 and he had barely slept. Isla was super fussy and it was hard to get her to eat anything. District 13 had very little baby formula available as single fathers in the district were practically unheard of.
Finnick’s therapist, Dr. Aurelius, ended up forcing him to attend a support group of new parents in District 13. He was the only dad there as the rest of the fathers of newborns were either working or deceased, as was the case with two of the mothers rescued from District 12.
The mothers fawned over Finnick and Isla, something he did not enjoy. He hated attention, especially from women who weren’t you. One of the women, however, quickly developed a friendship with him.
Eve and Herd were new parents from District 13. Herd worked as a maintenance worker so he was usually gone all day, leaving Eve to take care of their daughter, Kara. Kara was three months old and had beautiful brown hair, almost the same color as yours.
Eve pitied Finnick’s situation. Not only was he taking care of his month and a half year old daughter by himself, but he was grieving your absence and struggling to take care of himself. Finnick didn’t know why he trusted Eve with Isla, but he did.
Isla was able to nurse on Eve, making her a lot less fussy. Eve taught Finnick how to tie a wrap around him so he could carry Isla hands free. Gradually over time, Finnick felt himself getting the hang of being a single dad.
The residents of District 13 watched as Finnick would walk around the halls with Isla in his arms, pointing things out to her like the signs on the walls or the smells that wafted in the air. Although she was too little to understand, Finnick wanted to teach her about all the good things in the world.
Finnick healed to the point where he would let Prim watch Isla while he went to his appointments. Mrs. Everdeen was able to perform Isla’s 2 month checkup and she’s as healthy as possible. Annie comes around to see him and Isla occasionally, but she’s cautious not to disturb him too often. She reminds him too much of District 4 and everyone he’s lost.
When footage of Peeta was broadcasted throughout the cafeteria, Finnick was stunned. Was it possible that you were still alive? He raced up to command to see if anyone had any answers.
Unfortunately, nobody knew if you were alive. Beetee suspects that they’re keeping Peeta alive as leverage over Katniss so it’s quite possible that you are alive too. President Coin won’t send a rescue mission just yet, so all Finnick can do is wait and hope for you to come back home.
AN: Do y’all want a part 3?
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sejanusxcoriyo · 8 months
Pretty Lil Thang
Pairings: Josh Andreś Rivera x Fem!Actress!Reader / Rachel Zigler x Tom Blyth
A/N: I know Rachel and Josh are together, and Tom also has a girlfriend, but my page is related to Sejanus. For this, she's gonna be dating Tom, cus chemistry. I wanted to try something new, so I tried a social media post! Please, criticism is appreciated 🫶🏾. I will probably be making this into a mini series.
Face Claim: Coco Jones (The pictures with Rachel and Josh just imagine they are Josh, and you)
Type: Social Media Au
Summary: You auditioned for Mai White, Sejanus' love interest in the Ballad of the Songbirds and Snakes. Rachel notices that you and Josh have taken a liking to each other. Mini series!
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune
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Ynuser Welp, filming starts soon, and my co star is pretty cute😋
Tagged: joshandresrivera, Theballadofsongbirdsandanakes
Liked by: joshandresrivera, Rachel Zigler, tomblyth, and 30,000 others
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Joshandresrivera I mean, you're pretty cute 2😉
↪️ynfan1 My new mom and dad😫
↪️rachaelzigler New power couple alert???🤨🤨
↪️ynuser oh hush, just a little innocent flirting🫶🏾
↪️rachelzigler mhm👀
Tomblyth no love for coryo?
↪️ynuser I read the book, I don't like you😂
↪️tomblyth you mean coryo right??🤨
↪️ynuser I said what I said🤷🏾‍♀️
Ynhater1 How did she get the role of Mai? I could do much better🙄
↪️ynuser yet you didn't, try someone else, toodles😁
Ynfan2 Josh and Yn, my new ship😫
Joshlover @/joshandresrivera I've loved you since la la land🫶🏾
Ynfan3 she looks so sexy, I am feral😭
↪️ynfan4 right? I just want to take a bite🫦
↪️joshandresrivera back off, she's mine🤺
Ynfan5 look at him defending his girl🥹
↪️joshhutcherson she's single😉
↪️ynuser don't you have a gf? Get out my comments, peeta, I am not tryna come between you and Ms. Everdeen🙅🏾‍♀️
Text messages
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Ynuser Three of my favorite people ever, love you guys🫶🏾
Tagged: joshandresrivera, rachaelzigler, tomblyth
Liked by: joshandresrivera, rachelzigler, tomblyth, and 42,000 others
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Ynfan1 she's holding on kinda tight to him👀
↪️ ynfan2 most of her photos of her and Josh😫
Joshandresrivera ❤️
↪️joshyn WHATS THIS^^^^
↪️ynuser miss you sm🫶🏾
Rachelzigler I'm supposed to be your bestie, IS MY SPOT BEING REPLACED??
↪️ynuser no, stop being dramatic
↪️tomblyth baby, leave them alone, let them dream of each other
(comment deleted)
↪️joshyn HUH???^^^
↪️ynuser @/tomblyth delete that now
Comments have been limited
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Ynuser Maybe I can see your appeal for Coriolanus
Tagged: @/tomblyth @/rachelzigler
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Rachelzigler you stole those...🙄
↪️ynuser we are best friends what's yours is mine🤷🏾‍♀️
↪️rachelzigler be glad I love you
↪️ynuser love you more bestie
↪️ynfan2 mother is mothering😩
Tomblyth well I thought all the photos looked good except for the last one🥹
↪️rachelzigler you look as handsome as ever😘
↪️tomblyth thank you ml❤️
↪️ynuser ugh, if you look closely you will find me burning alive in their fire😩
↪️joshfan1 same Yn same
Joshandresrivera 🎶what about me🎶 🎶what about meeeee🎶
↪️ynuser you also look handsome as ever🫶🏾
↪️joshandresrivera thank you love❤️
↪️ynfan1 love???
↪️joshynfan it's giving power couple!!!
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Why I like my top 4 otps an updated summary:
1) Kanthony: I love it entirely for Comedic purposes if I'm being honest with you, Anthony pretends he's super serious in all the other books. In his book we learn he's a total dork. Infront of Kate he's an out of depth horny teenager that makes me giggle. And Kate is not too far behind in dumbassery, kanthony is that couple who was supposed to be a romantic drama and ended up as a comedy instead
Polin: THE DRAMA! *Cough* I mean, contrary to popular belief no, I don't like polin because of the friends to lovers trope. I love them because of the whole, 'character who always pretends to be nice is actually just one insult away from burning down the place' romance. Which is seriously something so compelling, the thin line of Chaotic romance that is Polin, Colin and Penelope's temper when they set each other off! Chef kiss! Angry kiss!! Hungry kiss!.
Philoise: I'm just a fan of found families. And I love romantic relationships where the female lead just owns the story, lays down the law and the male lead goes along with it without being any less of a Alpha male. It's just really cool ok (Actually Phillip is right up there with the not-afraid-of-a-dominant-heroine male leads in that I adore, like Peeta Mellark, Captain America, Felix from Wreck it Ralph... You get my point I have a type) Also, I really like the single dad x manic pixie dream girl thing that Philoise has going on. And I'm not afraid to admit it
Honorable mention:
4) Benophie: because Sophie exists and she deserves all the cuddles. No Seriously I ship Benophie because I love Sophie's character, she has gone trough literal hell with her step family, survived stuff that was pretty tough, and still remained hopeful and positive and true to her standards. she's been in love with Benedict since she first danced with him so I ship it. But only because it makes Sophie happy. Make no mistake I still think book Benedict is a blind dunderhead who's most redeeming quality is worshipping the ground Sophie walks on for the rest of his life. (As he should, because she's awesome) but if Sophie likes him, then I support them as a shipper. Although I will continue posting memes about Benedict needing glasses
And that's the tea
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Everlark (The Hunger Games, Ch. 2)
I've decided to track the development of Katniss and Peeta's love story as I reread the Hunger Games trilogy. There's already so much great discussion on tumblr so I'm gonna throw my two cents in on one of the greatest love stories ever written. It's probably going to be nonsensical and not laid out properly as I'm tracking Katniss's own thoughts (that are definitely not straightforward!) - but I just want to capture my thoughts.
It's amazing how their story doesn't even begin in Chapter 2, but years before, when they were just 11.
So on the day of the reaping, after she herself has volunteered for Prim, Katniss says she doesn't even have time to wish for Gale's safety before she hears Peeta Mellark being called and she finds herself stressed. She thinks "oh no, not him" straight away. And of course we find out why: he's the boy with the bread. The boy who saved her at her worst time.
We all know the story so I'm not going to recount it here and I know many people have talked about just how kind and revolutionary Peeta's act of burning the bread and throwing it to Katniss was. What I'm focused on is the clear building of Everlark as the key romance and central relationship that drives the whole trilogy.
Before Katniss even sees Peeta, when she's stopped outside the bakery, she's mesmerised by the heat and the "luscious scent" coming from the bakery. Big focus on the heat because throughout the trilogy we're about to see how heat/warmth is about to play a part in who Peeta is and what it means to Katniss. The bread is burning as she clutches it to her and runs home, it's still warm when she reaches home. Katniss can't explain his actions, she's confused by why he would've done this. She's preoccupied with this lovely boy from then on, he bore visible signs of his mother's beatings as the result of his kindness.
Katniss didn't know Peeta's name then but by the time the reaping comes around, we know she knows his full name and that he has two brothers older than him. She knows who he hangs out with. Later on in the book, we'll find out that she's been keeping more tabs on him and knows more about him but I believe his act of kindness completely captured Katniss's attention. She developed a curious affection for this boy who suffered a beating just to help her. Through her narration we see that there's multiple times where she's looking out for him and where she catches him looking at her and it honestly makes me want to weep. "More than once, I have turned in the school hallway and caught his eyes trained on me, only to quickly flit away" (THG, 39). Key thing to note here is that Katniss has also been looking "more than once." She seeks him out, find out information about him like his name and who his brothers are. Neither of them has the courage to speak to the other but there seems to be a tether between them forged by the bread.
Of course, as a result of looking away from Peeta (after she's been caught staring at him). her eyes fall on the dandelion. The dandelion that gives her hope, that reminds her of her skills in hunting and foraging for food that her father taught her (we'll see Katniss connect Peeta to her dad many times throughout the trilogy too). "To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me I was not doomed" (THG, 39). I think Collins set up who the central love story of Katniss was going to be right from this second chapter, and it's very powerful because it's put into the framework of the other key themes in the book: survival, kindness, humanity. From his single act, Peeta becomes to mean so much more to Katniss and to us as readers of the books and critics of the Hunger Games.
Back to the reaping and when Katniss and Peeta shake hands up on stage, Katniss remarks that Peeta's hands are "as solid and warm as those loaves of bread" (THG, 39). Again, notice the solidity and warmth she connects to Peeta.
It's weird to me that people consider that Katniss didn't love Peeta, only stayed with him due to shared trauma, didn't really care for him etc. because it's clear from chapter two that Collins is masterfully setting up an epic love story. From chapter two she's laid the groundwork for their relationship and these same themes and tokens in this chapter are going to be found again and again through the trilogy.
A side note: Katniss's mother after the death of her husband goes into a state of darkness and sadness that Katniss can't understand, as she outlines in chapter 1. However, we'll see how she similarly falls into that dark sadness in Mockingjay when Peeta is captured and tortured by the Capitol.
A petty note: for all the people who deny the importance of Everlark as the main love story still (for some reason) or hang on to the whole 'Gale was there first and therefore is more important' line of thinking, Can I just say: Katniss and Peeta's connection predates Katniss and Gale's. The only reason Katniss even ends up knowing Gale is because of Peeta. Peeta and the dandelion reminded Katniss she can hunt and that's how she ends up in the woods meeting Gale. Gale wouldn't even be in Katniss's life if it wasn't for Peeta. So y'know, just another lovely thing Peeta gave Katniss.
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