#eye centric fic
bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter One: Arrested
They locked eyes as Barbara rose from her perch, and in the dim alley lighting, Jason cursed under his breath and said, "Man am I in trouble..." He sank down to the ground and covered his face.
Barbara sighed and came down to meet him, and she sat down by his side. "You're gonna turn me in, huh?" he asked, still hiding his face.
She didn't say anything at first. "Where are your parents? Maybe I can just take you home after you return the tires you took," she offered. Jason didn't answer her. "Or I could just turn you in."
"My parents are dead," Jason mumbled, "Do you sit and talk to every crook you meet or am I just special?"
"Now, if I tell you you're special, it's gonna make me seem like a jerk," Barbara joked, "But if you don't have any parents to go home to... I kind of have to take you in."
"Can't you just save me the trouble of running away from a foster home and let me off with a warning?" Jason asked. Barbara sucked her teeth and knocked the back of her head against the Batmobile as she tried to think of something to do. "What part of Gotham are you from?"
"Why?" she asked.
"You don't sound like you're from here," Jason whispered, "Are you gonna turn me in?" She shrugged. "You are gonna tell your dad, though?"
"My dad?" Barbara asked. "Oh! He's not my—."
"Is he your boyfriend then?" Jason asked. Barbara screwed her face up and shook her head.
"Please stop talking and let me think for a second... Also, no, he isn't my boyfriend. Let's go get that tire back, and then I'll make my decision. Okay?" Barbara suggested, and she helped him up.
Jason led her back to his apartment, where he kept the tire. They both climbed up the fire escape, and Barbara took a look around at the rundown apartment. Jason's mattress sat in the corner of the living room by the door. He rolled the tire back towards the fire escape window, only stopping when Barbara let out a sigh. "What? I'm gonna put it back the same way I left it, I swear," Jason reassured her.
"No, it's not that... Do you wanna get something to eat after this?" Barbara asked. Jason turned and cocked his head at her. "What?"
"You don't have any Batgirl stuff to do? You and Batman don't go out to dinner—?"
"Again, we're not dating... Also, no. I'm on my own time. If it's too embarrassing to eat dinner with me as Batgirl, I could hang back, and we could eat on one—."
"No, I'm just saying that if I was you, I would do anything to not have dinner with me," Jason interrupted. Barbara chewed her bottom lip.
"Come on, kid. Let's go put the tire back and get something to eat before all the good food places close up for the night," she nudged him before making her way out the window and helping him get the tire out onto the fire escape. They went back to the batmobile, and Jason put the tire back. "Good, now we can—."
"I gotta tighten this one before we go. I loosened the nuts on this one," Jason interrupted as he crouched down with the tire iron and tightened it back up. "Now, I'm done." Barbara smiled at him, and she led him back to where her bike was. "So, if Batman isn't your dad... Does your dad know you ride motorcycles in a bat costume all night?" She messed up his hair.
"No, and you won't tell him," she laughed as she passed him a helmet. Barbara climbed on her bike, and Jason put on the helmet she gave him and climbed on after her. She put her helmet on and turned to him. Jason looked around for something to hold onto, and she chuckled and shook her head. "You're gonna have to hold onto me." Jason nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist. She started her bike up and drove off.
Jason tightened his grip and held on that way until they stopped at a food truck. Barbara told him to order anything he wanted once they got off. Jason took his helmet off to reveal a complete look of bewilderment, and Barbara chuckled. "You'll get used to it," Barbara reassured him.
"You say that like you're gonna be picking me up again after tonight," Jason chuckled uncomfortably. They ordered their food and took a number. "So, are you gonna turn me in?" Barbara nodded.
"Yeah, I decided. You're a hardened criminal... No, I'm not gonna turn you in. I'm gonna take you somewhere, though, because you can't go back there. What's your name, by the way, I forgot to ask?" Barbara whispered as she leaned against the wall. Jason stood next to her.
"My name's Jason," he introduced himself to her, "And I'm kind of glad I didn't go with my first plan of action..."
"What was that?" she asked.
"Hitting you with a tire iron and calling you Carrot Top," Jason raised his shoulders out of embarrassment, and he was a little startled when she laughed at him.
"Carrot Top? Oh yeah, that was a horrible plan. I would've been pissed," she chuckled, "So glad you didn't do that... Also, it's nice to meet you, Jason."
They got their food and ate on the curb together. "Where are you gonna take me?" Jason asked.
Jason spilled a little barbecue sauce on his hoodie. Barbara nudged him. "Want a bite?" Jason asked.
"N—. Why not?" Barbara took a bite of his burger and nodded. "Mm, I was gonna tell you you've got a little something on your jacket."
Jason shrugged and went back to eating. "No big deal... But you never answered my question."
"I know, but I just think it'll be easier to show you than it would be to tell you," Barbara explained, "You trust me?"
Jason looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah," Jason smiled a little half-smile, "Sure." After they finished eating, Barbara took a napkin and wiped her hands, and gave Jason one.
"Wanna ride around for a little bit? Or are you tired?" Barbara asked.
"I'm never tired," Jason replied as he put the helmet back on, and Barbara climbed on her bike. He held on tight while they rode around in circles for a few hours, and she decided it was time to take him back. She parked in an alley and climbed up the fire escape.
"Wait out here, just one second, okay?" she whispered and motioned for him to stay quiet. Jason nodded and stood against the wall as he watched her close the curtains. Barbara came down a few minutes later in civvies and took his hand. "Now, you're not gonna tell my dad anything. If he asks, I met you at my job at the library. Okay?" Barbara asked.
Jason nodded wordlessly, and she moved to lead him into her building, but he didn't move. "What's wrong?" Barbara asked, turning to look at him.
"You look like my mom," Jason mumbled. He swallowed hard, and he wouldn't make any further eye contact with her. The look of her freckles and the softness in her eyes made his chest hurt. Barbara didn't notice. She just wanted to get him inside before she lost the courage to speak with her dad.
"Shush, okay. Now come on," Barbara whispered as she moved again, and he didn't budge. Barbara looked back at him, and she softened up. Tears streamed down Jason's face, and he turned his head away from her. "Come here." Her voice was soft and sincere.
Jason embraced her, and for the first time since his mother died, he wept. Barbara was taken aback by the sudden shift in his emotions, but she hugged him back. "Wanna talk about it?" she asked.
Jason shook his head. Barbara nodded and held onto him until he stopped crying, and he let her take him into her apartment building. They went up the elevator, and as soon as Barbara got the door unlocked, she called for Commissioner Gordon. "Hey, Dad? I brought a friend with me, hope you don't mind. We already ate," Barbara explained, and Commissioner Gordon came out of the kitchen with a bowl of macaroni and cheese.
"Your friend doesn't look old enough to be out this late... Where's his—?" Barbara shook her head. "Oh. Sure you're not still hungry, err... Um..."
"Jason, I met him at the library. I was kind of wondering if maybe he could crash here for a while," Barbara suggested, "Like a long while?"
"Help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen, son... Babs, can I talk to you in private?" Jim asked. She nodded and followed him to his room.
Jason looked around at their family pictures and their furniture. He sniffed and kicked off his shoes and set them aside before going into the kitchen and washing his hands. Jason could hear them arguing, but it didn't sound bad, so Jason made himself a plate of food and sat on the floor at their coffee table. He was about to get up and make himself another helping when Jim and Barbara came back out. "Jason, how old are you?" Jim asked.
"Almost thirteen," Jason answered.
"Why do you look familiar?" Jim asked.
"You might've taken my dad in back when he was around... She didn't tell me you—." Barbara shot him a look. "Were such a good cook..."
"Thanks, and you can stay here. We'll figure things out as we go along, I guess. Also, you can finish eating... I'm gonna go see if I could find something for you to wear," Jim replied. Jason nodded and went back to the kitchen, and Barbara followed him.
As soon as Jim was out of earshot, Jason shot her a look. "Your dad is a cop. The commissioner at that. That's like the king of cops. Are you crazy?" Jason whispered.
"Jesus Christ," Jason turned away to make his plate, "You don't think you could've warned me a little?"
"I knew you wouldn't have gone for it. Besides, it's either this or foster care, kid. I don't know what else to tell you. This way, I can keep an eye on you," Barbara whispered.
Jason knocked her as he passed and sat down on the floor at the coffee table. "Jason—."
"I'm only gonna stay because I have a feeling you're not gonna get off my back... But I want you to know I'm pissed," Jason muttered as he ate. Barbara sat next to him and turned the tv on.
"My dad's fine, trust me... And you'll like it here. We'll fix up your room and—."
"You want me to stay here. How come?" Jason asked. "And you don't have to sell me on staying here. Dinner already did." Barbara smiled and embraced him. Jason went red in the face and stumbled over his words. "Well... Gosh, I guess that answers my question." Jason went back to eating, and Jim came out of his room.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to the store," Jim announced, "Don't let her give you a hard time, Jason."
After Jim left, Jason looked at her. "What?" Barbara asked.
"Your dad's a cop. Why didn't you just become a cop?" Jason asked. Barbara sighed.
"Not for lack of trying, kid. He would rather die than see me put myself in harm's way," Barbara whispered, "Which is why you can't tell him anything about what I do."
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trying to write the decapitation fic and it's like there's been a Franklydear Renaissance in my head. my fucking god those two
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rapidhighway · 4 months
when I include ships in my ao3 search and there's romance in there
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
We should totally have more jl fics where someone is acting ooc and immediately everyone is trying to determine whether they're an imposter or brainwashed or possessed without making it obvious.
Like, a running joke on the tower. Batman makes a sarcastic joke and flash immediately asks him to blink twice if he's under mind control.
Someone starting a sentence with 'Not to be possessed but -'
People calling off sick by saying 'if I come in today that's not me and you should arrest them' and then dragging themselves in to pick up something they accidentally left and everyone takes the mick by saying stuff like 'this isn't you! I believe in you, you can fight this!' when they're grabbing a hoodie from a chair like har har.
Superhero community slang just in general slipping into their civilian lives. Clark says 'before I start I assure you I have not had my will superseded by mister mind' as an ice breaker at a presentation and gets weird and worried looks all night.
It actually ends up helping on several occasions because it's so very very hard to infiltrate an extremely high risk team and then respond in kind without missing a beat when people casually accuse you of being an imposter because you didn't hold your pen the way you normally do. It'd wreck any controlling consciousness' self esteem XD. They've made several shapeshifters cry.
Also the exasperated sighs when you make a suggestion you normally wouldn't and everyone starts squinting at you looking for anything out of the ordinary.
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cosmiado · 9 months
not enough oakworthy fic. I Will Fix This
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celira · 1 month
i take back every good thing i said about discord; large communities should stay on reddit or something more decentralized or bring back LJ or
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alightcaseofohno · 1 year
I'm just thinking about like...when did Jonah fall for the Eye?
We know he must of had some form of power around 1924 when Barnabas got banished because he decided to watch him, he wanted to see what would happen.
Did he gain his powers around the time he established the institute? Maybe he was already an avatar before he met Smirke, and he used Smirkes research to feed himself and the Eye. I got no clue.
Maybe we'll get more backstory to Jonah in the magnus protocol. Perhaps a statement from himself, instead of his story being told from an outside perspective. I think that's why, out of all of the TMA villains, people hate him the most. His story is the one we don't hear. His side of things, what happened.
TMA is a story about choices and the lengths people will go to achieve some ounce of power. Why does he want power and immortality. There must be a deeper reason. All avatars struggled and felt so deeply that they became the thing that both haunted them and they relished in. So why did Jonah become an avatar. Just because he was an obsessive academic? Because he was an elitist snob? There has to be a deeper reason, people!
...Anyway, this won't be my final ramble about Jonah. There's so much more I can say about him
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regaliasonata · 13 days
Honestly need more monster ideas for the Hexverse, context is that it’s a PRAU with magic and supernatural creatures. Main story is SPD vs Mystic Force where they are magic teams fighting and eventually go against a common threat but there are other stories like Demon Shane/Arcanist Cam’s own thing(Shane hot here look at his hair) and Vampire King Javi and his sister Izzy who’s a hunter, but any other ideas?
So far for one shots or arcs I got Werewolf RJ, Demon Hunter Dillon/Demon Ziggy, guess any ideas from you guys. Not everyone is a monster but there is magic system etc so guess just anything that seems cool.
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Suggestions, mainly cause October is coming soon so😭 @skyland2703 @mahi-wayy
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mnh-wrks · 1 year
obkk prompt #1
AU: post-canon, alive!Obito
One of the conditions for Obito to be released from prison is to have his eyes removed and sealed away. What Obito didn’t know was during the surgery to remove them, they would also gave him Kakashi’s left eye as instructed by the Sixth Hokage. Kakashi wants Obito to have the chance to be able to see the world and redeem himself.
Something about seeing the world through someone else's eyes, something about finding yourself in a new era, something about reconstructing an old answered question, something.
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 3 months
The two creatures in my ears are arguing: in the end neither wins.
Should I write a 5+1 fic where Edwin and Charles swap surnames and nobody comments on it (and one time someone did) or the angsty fic where Charles is dragged to Hell alongside Edwin in episode 6 sans the notebook or his bag?
Highlights of both are:
• reversal to form of death due to distress
• inter- and codependency galore - Edwin will try to use magic from memory to different levels of success, Charles will fistfight a doll (or a thousand): neither can think straight (in more way than one) without the other safely tucked away by their side
• old married couple on acid (yes even in hell)
• Niko and Crystal will feature as deus ex machinas on earth that will never reach hell - in different ways for the two fics tho
• Charles being just as good of a detective as Edwin - also being two cm shorter than him
• their dance parties aka the intro. I will figure out a way for Edwin to dance like that. I will
• the idea that haunts me: part of Edwin's disdain for the Cat King's shtick is that he was more than once caught in Lust - the only times he was glad the babydoll demon caught him when he did - touch aversion due to even more trauma - I like traumatizing my characters
• Charles and Edwin regularly go on walks and trips around the country - festivals, events, landmarks - I definitely have to look up so many British things
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kaseyskat · 10 months
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woke up in a fugue state yesterday and decided that if i didn't write a whole thing about the oak twins being their usual codependent selves i would self destruct so here's a wip
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Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 44/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Forty-Four: New Roads
After Jim gave Jason the keys to his car, Jason drove to Reese’s house to surprise him. AJ was the only one at home with Eleanor, which felt strange. “AJ, where is everyone?” Jason asked. AJ’s face was drained of all color. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t come to see you,” AJ whispered, “I’m going through some—. Can you keep a secret from Reese… and everyone?” Jason furrowed his brows as he nodded. 
“Before you tell me, are you in any kind of trouble with the—?”
“No, it’s not legal trouble. I’m—. I got Mason—.A few weeks before you went to Greece, Mason came over to swim and she threw up on the deck… And I—. She never gets sick, so I—. She’s late,” AJ confessed.
 Jason’s eyes widened, and he plopped down on the porch beside AJ. “What does she wanna do? How late is she?” Jason questioned. 
“She wants to keep it, which means we’re gonna have to tell our parents we—. God, Jason. I feel like such an idiot. How could I mess something like this up? I feel like I’m ruining her life,” AJ frowned. 
“Well, I don’t have a lot going on… So at least you guys know you have free childcare,” Jason whispered. 
AJ chuckled. “Jase, I’m sorry. I’m whining about something like this, and you—. How are you?” AJ asked. 
“Everyone’s worried sick… And I just want to get my answers and move on,” Jason replied, “You know what the weirdest part of it is? I wish she would’ve kept me for a little bit longer. I’m getting answers in bits and pieces and the more I find out, the less I know… I know it sounds messed up, but I’m glad you told me about your problems. It makes me feel better.”
“Well, you’ll never forget your sixteenth birthday,” AJ teased. Jason laughed and nodded. “Oh, and—. Hey, are you and Reese—? It’s not any of my business, but he’s been over there a lot lately...”
“I wanted to—. No. I thought I wanted to when I got back because I figured it would take my mind off of how—. I wanna wait a while. Figure out some stuff,” Jason replied, “Is Mason on her way here?” 
“Mason’s in the house… You can go in and see her,” AJ replied, “And can you take Ellie? I need a minute before I head back in there.”
“You good?” Jason asked. 
AJ smiled and nodded. “It felt good to talk to you about it. I wish you could be here when I tell my dad,” AJ replied. 
“Call me and let me know when,” Jason smiled as he took Eleanor inside. “Mason? Where are you?” 
“Jason, what are you—? I thought you were at home,” Mason smiled as she came down the hall. “You look good.” 
“So do you,” Jason smiled, “AJ told me about your situation,” Jason replied. Mason laughed before bursting into tears, causing Eleanor to cry as a result. “Sorry, girls. I just—. Mason, you know I’m gonna support you no matter what. You’re one of my best friends. Also, I’m homeschooled, so I’ll be able to watch the baby while you’re at school.”
“It’s so weird, Jason. Also, I can’t stop eating stuffed crepes and kimchi. It’ll change your life by the way,” Mason sniffed. 
Jason set Eleanor down in the bassinet on her stomach before hugging Mason. “You’re gonna be a good mom,” Jason whispered. 
Jason’s phone rang. “Hey, Barbie,” Jason answered as he hugged Mason and waved. 
“I want you to swing by and pick up your chaperone tonight at nine. I told Daddy you’d be at my place for a few days,” Barbara replied. 
Jason nodded. “But I won’t be, right? Is that what you’re saying?” Jason asked. 
“Mhm. Come by here and pick up your bag. I packed everything you’d need—.”
“I have my stuff in the car already—.”
“You have new stuff now. I think you’ll like it,” Barbara replied, “And I wanna say goodbye in person. I won’t be seeing you for a few days.” 
Jason stepped outside and hugged AJ. “Okay, Barbara… I’m on my way right now. Love you, bye.”
“Love you,” Barbara replied before hanging up. 
“Gotta go?” AJ asked. Jason nodded. 
“I’ve got a therapy camping thing… They say it’ll help me… Decompress. So, if you see Reese, can you tell him I’ll be back soon? And tell him I love him,” Jason whispered. 
AJ chuckled. “You sound like you’re going to war… But yeah. I’ll tell him,” AJ answered. Jason waved once more as he got in his car and drove away. 
Barbara snap buckled his backpack around his chest for good measure. Jason moved to unbuckle it and she shook her head. “So, which one of Charlie’s Angels are you sending with me? Kelly? Jill? Sabrina? Kris? ” Jason teased. Barbara smiled. 
“Think Kelly, but blonde,” Barbara replied. 
“Guess that makes me Bosley,” Jason joked. 
“Nope... Julie,” Barbara corrected him.
“Who?” Jason questioned.
“We haven’t gotten to that season yet,” Barbara smiled. She held Jason’s hand. “I’m not going with you.” 
“I know,” Jason answered, “I’ll be careful… And thanks.” 
Barbara pulled him into a hug. “Don’t thank me… Just come home in one piece. Okay?” Barbara replied. Jason nodded. 
“We still on code names? Or—?”
“You can use real names if you want. I trust them,” Barbara replied, “And they know me. I just wanted to maintain your privacy if that’s what you wanted.” 
Jason kissed her cheek. “See you soon,” Jason whispered as he headed out. 
Jason knocked on her door wearing his regular clothes. A brunette wearing a navy cropped jacket and matching sweatpants answered the door. Jason cocked his head. “Barbara told me you’d be blonde,” Jason replied. 
“I usually am… But not for this mission. I’m Dinah… A friend of Barbara’s,” she introduced herself. 
Jason shook her hand. “Jason,” he replied, “Did she explain the situation to you?” 
“She gave me a location and a picture. That’s it. What’s all this about anyway?” Dinah asked. 
“Let’s head out. I’ll explain on the way,” Jason answered. His stomach ached, and he wanted to call it off. But Dinah was there. Jason drove to the airport with her, and they stood together while Dinah flashed their fake passports and tickets. Barbara set up their cover as a brother and sister going to visit their mother in Thailand. Andrea and Eddie Erikson . Fake names for a fake family. 
It’d be over twenty hours before they arrived. And the thought of spending that kind of time on a plane with a stranger overwhelmed Jason completely. He turned away, trying not to panic as he looked out the window, but it all rushed to the surface. Every moment. He remembered waking up on the plane ride home. The way the authorities looked at him when they arrived. His throat caught. “Hey, are you feeling sick?” Dinah asked. She reached over and felt his forehead. “It’s something else, isn’t it?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Jason replied. 
Dinah shrugged. “Okay, but you’ve gotta tell me something. Are you in danger?” Dinah asked. 
“No… I wish that was my problem,” Jason whispered. He was half out of breath, half out of his mind with fear. Dinah squinted at him. “I’ll explain when I have to… Not a second sooner.”
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 10 months
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Have a Bessie
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volivolition · 5 months
Is the Wip game finished? Can I still ask for stuff? If I still can, can I get a snippet from the one that give me the most rot (meet the parts)? If no, then I'm just swinging by to say hi how are you doing? <3
HI RED!! thank you for swinging by, im doing better than earlier!! my ear is getting better and im eating pizza :]!
okay so TECHNICALLY it's no longer wednesday, but i LOVE spoiling my fics so of COURSE you can have a snippet from Meet the Parts hkjh <33 you are always free to ask anytime, i will always be happy to share bits of my stories <3 AND SINCE THERE'S NO RULES I CAN SHARE MORE THAN THREE LINES!! here's like, a whole React Speed thing i just wrote :]
LOGIC – Along with Coach and Sparks – Flighty and Fingers too, I suppose – they're why you have trouble sitting still for long periods of time. The attention deficiency disorder... Or are they exacerbated by it? I still haven't figured out which is the cause and which is the effect...
REACTION SPEED – Point is, we got zoomies! Can't sit still. Always more to do, more to see, more to say.
YOU – "Are you why my leg is always-"
REACTION SPEED – Bouncing, yep! Fingers tapping, hands flapping, feet moving, words flying- hey, if you had wings like me, we'd never be touching ground.
YOU – "You have wings?"
KIM KITSURAGI – He jots this down with an interested hum.
REACTION SPEED – Yes! Books, what- which animal–
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] – You have the hovering wing type of trochilidae – hummingbirds, colloquially – with their ability to rotate their wingspan at the shoulder and elbow joints to create maximum lift. However, though you exhibit some iridescent feathers associated with the birds, your wings also connect to membranes, which share the Voronoi tessellation of the species anisoptera, the common dragonfly.
REACTION SPEED - Yeah, exactly! I'm a hummingbird and a dragonfly. Both of 'em. :)
#task: meet the parts#inland drabbles#volta transmissions#the :) is not in the original but i added it here for fun <3 :)!!! ALSO YAY my reaction speed has wings :]#im glad you like meet the parts :'] its hard for me to work on it but i just wrote this scene thinking ''oh but red loves these guys'' hkjg#like! i LOVE the premise of meet the parts as much as the next guy but i dont like how im writing it hkjgh? i dont know what im doing :']!!#i need to finish my character analysis for all the skills first because i feel like im writing them too shallowly... ough im trying#how am i introducing kim to the skills when even i dont know the skills!! im building a house with a foundation made of peanuts hkjh#like hm. ency wouldn't touch on so many subjects so briefly? he'd zero in on one topic and talk.... or not? idk!! im not an int guy!!#reaction speed does use a LOT of exclamation marks though i love this for him. his sentences are often short and cut into phrases.#''Blam! Straight in the eye. Straight in the old eye-orb. In *the lookin' ball*!'' short pointed sentences. also oh my god he's silly <3#restless and energetic. coach wants you to move; echem needs the dopamine; but react speed puts the Hyperactive in ADHD!#sidenote: canon in reaction speed's description ''working in tandem with your Intellect skills'' GUY WHO GETS ALONG WITH THE INTs :D <3#anyway this is also the one of the few skill-centric fics im writing that don't have my usual skill actions :0#''REACTION SPEED flutters excitedly; twisting to try and catch a glimpse of his own wings - Yes!'' vs just ''REACTION SPEED - Yes!''#which means a lot of what the skills are doing or thinking as characters are cut out unless i have them mention it in dialogue#which SUCKKSSS for me because i LOVE focusing on the skills but i often leave it out when the outside world is involved (harry and kim)#it presents a unique challenge to just write characters with only dialogue. ough... curse my current lack of interest in the humans hkfjh..#ANYWAY im running out of tag space so im done rambling hkjhg thank you for asking red! :D#esprit: Red
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Extra extra chapter: Song & co part 2 of part 2:
“I have a question.”
“Ask away.”
“Did- did I have spirit dreams when I was younger?” She asked. “Or… did I talk about a nun with golden eyes and flying like a bird?”
I am exhausted:) but I am here with this!!
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pesteringchum · 2 years
list of interesting beta kid-centric fics:
this list is mostly for me to keep track of my favs so i can revisit them, but i wont spoil anything and you can feel free to add your own favs! im always on the lookout for good fics :D
fics are linked in the titles! also, for the older fics, heads up for possibility of homestuck-typical slurs n such. also also lmk if any of these links dont work
KEY: jade-centric, john-centric, dave-centric, rose-centric, all of them
At Rise - brechtian on AO3 (pub: 2022-07-17)
absolute masterpiece exploration of jade during “the alternate timeline 3 year journey, where john and davesprite die at the beginning” (<- quoted from ao3 tags)
written in a stage play style. light horror-ish elements, involves major character death.
And We’re Alive - RedPen on AO3 (pub: 2011-01-04)
exploration of the beta kids coping and surviving on a post apocalyptic earth all alone
interesting play on their aspects by using them to describe their location/time of day
Identical - X15lm204 on AO3 (pub: 2011-01-12)
chat fic btwn jade n john
not as action packed or dramatic as the other two but it was just so sweet. john jade best siblings
built on an interesting premise of the ectobio stuff. idk how i feel exactly about certain details but I enjoyed it overall and think there’s some potential here for more fics about this concept!
Liminal Space - floralmarsupial on Tumblr (pub: idk some time in 2022 i think)
fan comic w stellar storytelling and visuals but make sure to read the about for warnings!
many characters are explored but still quite jade centric
i think it’s based on the epilogues or smth bc vrissy has an appearance, but i haven’t read past homestuck so idk
Knitting, or, My Life In Yarn: A Rose Lalonde Story - orphan acct :( (2010-11-02)
fic where rose knits a lot for her pals as they play sburb
super interesting use of knitting metaphors! never seen that before :0
only criticism is the jade/davejade portrayal. feels off
[MILD SPOILER] i dont think jade would have any issue w shooting things if it was necessary. plus i hate davejade portrayals where dave is unironically the cool knight in shining armour and jade is the damsel in distress. let her kill shit! let her fuck shit UP!! [SPOILER END]
Hold Your Colour - lantadyme on AO3 (2011-03-18)
TW: idrk what to tag it with but it’s like. kinda stressful in a realistic way? dave has to figure out how to take care of himself after bro goes missing. mild mild sexual content [dave has to maintain bro’s smuppet websites (ie making smuppet porn) in order to make enough money to survive, but it isn’t described in too much detail] also there’s some blood and violence [dave beats up bro a little bit].
premise is that after sburb, all the kids are spat back out on earth and everything is normal—all of their guardians are alive and the earth is intact. except bro isnt there and none of them know why. dave has to survive alone until bro returns or until dave can no longer live in their apartment—due to running out of money and being evicted, running out of money and dying of hunger, or cps finding out and relocating him, whatever comes first
interesting read. stressed me out tho lol im a real wuss when it comes to reading stuff where the adversity is smth realistic like paying bills. nothing scarier.
Closing Time - Cephied_Variable on AO3 (2011-03-18)
this fic and the last being published on the same day is kinda funny to me lol. good day for beta kid angst
fic exploring how a normal person would experience the beta kids post-sburb
interesting exploration of them and how they cope. they are all so problems.
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