#exclusionists do not fucking touch
faggotstump · 2 years
hi trans people I love you ❤️🏳️‍⚧️❤️🏳️‍⚧️
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doomgendr · 21 days
I have a proposition for a bi-lesbian symbol, and it's the Lilith symbol "⚸". Here's why.
(under the cut)
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my first thought when i saw the symbol of Lilith, was that it's a mix between the double venus ( ⚢ ) and the double crescent ( ☽☾ ) symbol. therefore...
☽☾+⚢ = ⚸ !
i've always known about the tale of Lilith and how she was cast away to flee the garden of eden in many a religious myth, and the reasoning behind her being "turned into a demon".
she is a symbol of rugged feminine strength, self-protection, and assertiveness. in many myths, she "disobeyed" adam (fought back against abuse/sexual assault and would not submit) and was banished from the garden of eden to become a "she-demon".
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i believe that her story feels somewhat similar to how we as bi-lesbians are treated and percieved in our communities and throughout history, measured in worth by our proximity to men, sexualized, fetishized, cast out to make our own spaces, violently hated, threatened, abused, harrassed, demonized, and seen as harmful just by existing and asserting ourselves, even though we aren't "harmful". we're just people asserting our equality like lilith "was".
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this is precisely why i decided that her symbol symbolizes us as bisexual lesbians! i hope people pick up my idea, i put a lot of thought and effort into it :)
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
AMAB non-binary people don't have the same privileges as AFAB non-binary people because AMAB non-bianry people are often seen as predatory and dangerous in cis and trans spaces, while AFAB non-binary people are almost always celebrated, respected, and supported. AMAB non-binary people and binary trans people don't get that saftey that AFAB non-binary people get, while AFAB non-binary people are also usually aligned with TERF and radfem ideology to some degree that both protects them and makes the community dangerous for AMAB non-binary people and binary trans people. Basically, AFAB non-binary people have privileges and saftey and support from bigots that the rest of the community doesn't have, while not having to unlearn any of said bigotry and making the trans community a much less safe place to be. When I see somebody who's afab and non-binary, it's pretty safe for my to assume that they're aligned with radfem ideology to some extent since it supports them. Why do you think afab non-binary people hate AMABs and trans men so much? Why do you think they're almost always the ones who write off AMAB trans people and trans men as predatory while they play up their AGAB? Why do you think AFAB non-binary people are majority the people who start radfem adjacent queer discourse and support exclusionist movements more than the rest of the trans community? Because they don't unlearn their radfem rethoric and often make the trans spaces they're in more dangerous to people who are impacted and hurt by radfem rethoric (trans men and AMAB trans people).
AFAB non binary people are the members of the trans community who aren't hurt, harassed, and abused by radfems. They're supported and comforted while being seen as progressive for using they/them when many of them at most could pass as women in jeans. You know what happens to AMAB trans people and trans men when they try to break gender norms, they're abused and assaulted and even killed. You know what happens to AFAB non-binary people? They're celebrated and seen as progressive. That's AFAB non-binary privilege, and it does nothing but hinder trans rights to deny that they have privilege over the rest of the community.
[same anon as this ask]
this is all so extremely out of touch with the reality of nonbinary people's lives i don't think there's any hope of convincing you, but just a quick runthrough for everyone else's benefit:
The idea that there are no benefits at all from being perceived as a cis man, only danger, but that being perceived as a cis woman can only be a privilege, is out of this fucking world.
This is also one of the big problems I have w/ baeddels & the like. This recognizes the reality of misandry/antimasculism (altho most refuse to name it as such) being used to treat marginalized men/mascs/people percieved as men as a threat, and that dominant womanhood/femininity can weaponize itself against them, but forces this into a binary oppressor/oppressed model instead of embracing the complexity of these dynamics. We can discuss trans people who were amab being treated like monsters without this inane idea that somehow, misogyny doesn't exist, or at least somehow NEVER IMPACTS NONBINARY PEOPLE WHO WERE AFAB?
Nonbinary people who were afab have been harassed, degraded, misgendered, and have been frequently used as the face of nonbinaryness by exorsexists who want to paint everyone as shrieking deranged ugly women. There can be situations and spaces where nonbinary people who were afab may be given more support than others, but that doesn't make it universal. And this is where the "out of touch with the reality of others lived experiences", because I promise you it is very easy to ask nonbinary people who were afab (I AM ONE?? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SENDING THIS TO??????) and hear about their experiences with discrimination and violence. You are scapegoating all nonbinary people who were AFAB.
"Nonbinary afab" doesn't mean feminine you fucking dweeb. There are many nonbinary people who, from an outside perspective, would seem to be exactly the same as a binary trans man. Nonbinary people get HRT and surgery. Trying to act like somehow, magically, nonbinary people who were afab are all... what? Identical to cis women? Even the ones who pass as cis women in everyday life can still face violence, both misogynistic and transphobic. But you know whats funny? Being nonbinary did not stop my best friend's bigoted father from viewing me as a threat. He knew I identified as nonbinary, knew my friend used they/them pronouns for me, and somehow I was still a threat. Before I even medically transitioned. Despite popular belief, many cis people see nonbinary people who were afab as weird freaks and don't actually feel any desire to protect or cherish us. I didn't really feel this supposed love and support when he didn't want her to spend time at my house specifically because he knew I was gay and nonbinary.
Again, you are literally doing baeddel rhetoric but grouping trans men in with the oppressed and finding a new scapegoat to blame for misandry/antimasculism. Congrats on the new flavor of exorsexism I guess
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reveseke · 2 years
Why is there no Morgan x Hotch x Reader poly ships at all in general ??? This shit has consumed my mind for the past few months as an after thought and now I'm going to do it myself :( .
Soooo rogue and spontaneous headcanons time !! bc i can't keep track of new things and work on old things.
Feature ... Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner | Derek Morgan | nonbinary reader ( they them )
CW nothing much actually – absolutely nothing, I'm swearing here and there but nothing extreme. Bolded words highlight the headcanon's main topic and will continue to be of same topic untill it meets the new bolded words headcanon lol.
Disc ... Reader is nonbinary coded even if it's not outrightly said and all of my stories are towards masc intended readers.
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
General headcanons – Grumpy meets the guard dog and sunshine.
Interpret it as you want, but we all know reader's the sunshine here when it comes to that sentence.
But i kinda see something akin to that that the grumpy is just Aaron and Derek is the guard dog who is as much talk as he can be bite.
Also imo Morgan and Hotch can mask and generally hide their relationship in BAU so fucking well behind general banter and professionalism nobody would suggest their together. It's surprisingly easy looking back at how the whole team in their hands is full of profilers and still they manage to share some touches and glances here and there away from the unsuspecting team. (Bc if I've understood correctly you can't date someone in your team and cannot be family to them bc emotional ties and rash/impulsive thinking when one is in trouble.)
Which leads to kind of fun situations with Hotch being asked if he found someone to be in his life after Hayley and he answers yes but never actually slips names out so everyone else but Morgan is kinda on the edge with the fact that they know he's dating, but don't know who. Bc i really think he would other wise be encouraged to meet more people if he didn't tell he was already in a relationship and it could became a nag.
But when it comes to off-duty work their guards just drop around each other knowing they don't have to hide it anymore. They'll just kinda be in comfort silence both knowing their safe and don't need much more on the topic. Bc i don't see either of them being really uh lovey-dovey if they are not in the mood and home.
Wkvdvdj thinking thinking ... if R was not part of the BAU but instead worked somewhere else and just spontaneously met the two or was part of a case by accident like as someone who may have seen something, as a suspect etc etc or just plainly seeing him work when they were on a date and both regonice the interest they share for the Reader.
Cuddle piles. Really it's going to be Morgan, then R and then Hotch depending on if your actually smaller than them. If your bigger then by all means it's going to be R, Morgan & Hotch. ( I'm thinking this perspective from laying in a literal pile on the sofa and trying their hardest to have the heaviest/biggest on bottom and lightest/smallest on top so nobody feels like they're going to die lmao) but otherwise it's alternating on who feels like being a side piece and who an in-between piece of the cuddle sandwich in bed.
Ooh also thinking of Jack, just when R comes and if he isn't part of the BAU he's got time to spent helping Hotch's SIL and lending a hand on taking care of Jack. Making sure he knows he's cared for and can trust them even if building that trust may take awhile.
Silently making fast friends with Aaron's SIL and Derek's family.
Also the reader in this is normal, there's no aus on it yet . But mark my fucking words I'm going to make a hybrid, spider maybe even BAU team aus off of this fucking ship at some point in time lmao.
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
you know being an endo kind of fucking sucks. safequeer hates us endos but there no way in hell im touching radqueer with a 100 foot pole, is there anywhere im allowed bruh???
i just wanna be inclusive but for some reason they hate tulpas and endos :(( not even hating tulpa as a term, like hating tulpamancy as a practice.
its so fucking exhausting. i just have my little head family. but everywhere i go i get lumped in w pedos, zoos, necros n shit for fucking making mind people??? what the hell???
don't get me wrong, i love the few endo postive spaces we have. i feel safe and happy there and that's great. but it is so sad to have so little spaces like that. especially when all other spaces are so very violent and aggressive to us.
we can't win unless we actually speak out. unless we have fun being who we are. unless we scream and shout and LIVE. but LIVING is hard.
let endos rest is all i'm saying.
actually, nah, scratch that, let SYSTEMS rest.
let everyone rest because i think we all need it.
It is really frustrating how hard it is to find spaces to exist in.
This is actually my first time hearing of safequeer, and I had to look up what it even was. It seems like it's some sort of exclusionist ideology that's trying to mask itself as inclusionist?
It's kind of wild how even the blog that created the term hates the word now!
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Anyway, I do think there's a pretty wide spectrum between safequeer exclusionists and radqueer, and I believe most MOGAI spaces are accepting of endogenic and pro-endo systems.
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puddlellama · 9 months
Decided to put all my stuff in one post at the top of the blog so I don't have to repeat things.
My name is PuddleLlama, or just Llama if you're short on time. I'm a panromantic abrosexual, non-binary person from the UK. they/it/ey pronouns. Right off the bat. if you are discriminatory on the basis of gender (as assigned at birth, or through identification as transgender in any way), race, sexual or romantic orientation (or lack thereof. Aphobes, you aren't welcome here), gender non-comformity, physical or mental impairment, religious practice, system, or hobby: leave right now. I will not put up with you. I will not debate you. you will be blocked and reported. I do not have the patience to deal with your bullshit. I am active here and on Discord, and have an inactive Reddit account. if people want to get in touch with me through Discord send me a message here and I'll send you my Discord name. I believe in peace and empathy. I would consider myself to be a pacifist, but pacifism only gets you so far. In cases where peaceful protest has failed, I support the use of careful force, avoiding as much collateral damage as possible. I will treat a person as a person, and I do not have the patience to coddle you if you cannot do this. Militarists, fuck off. I believe in the climate crisis, and disavow any environmental fuckery. Flat Earthers, fuck off. Climate deniers, fuck off.
I believe in modern medicine, including psychiatry and medical transition techniques. However, when a proven natural remedy can be approximately as effective as synthesised drugs, the natural remedy is superior. Anti-vaxxers, fuck off. Transmedicalists, fuck off. Essential oil pyramid scheme fuckers, fuck off.
I do not believe in the right of any person to claim ownership over a land or a people group. People deserve to travel freely and safely, with restrictions only serving to protect others. Restrictions should only serve to protect others and the individual freedoms of someone who acquired the rights to ownership over their land. Nationalists, fuck off. Zionists, fuck off. Monarchists, fuck off. Anti-democracy idiots, fuck off.
I do not believe in capitalism. I view capitalism as a system designed to squeeze profit from the people and funnel it into the hands of the elite, to the detriment of the people. Throughout my life, I have seen my family and people around me suffer as a result of capitalism, and I cannot in good conscience support its continued existence. Capitalists, fuck off.
I disavow the right-wing of the political spectrum. This includes British Conservatives and Labour, American Republicans, the Polish PiS, Canadian Tories, German AFD, and any others. I disavow religion as a dominant power in any area: religious-run parties are unacceptable to me, no matter their placement in the political spectrum. I especially disavow far-right movements such as authoritarianism, fascism, neo-Nazism, racial supremacy, and supporters of ethnostates. If you belong to any of these groups, seriously fuck off.
I do not tolerate exclusion of "fringe" communities, such as the furry community, the plurality community, the ASD community, communities of those with mental health issues. so long as your community is good-faith, you are welcome here. exclusionists of these communities, fuck off.
Pedophiles, fuck off. Zoophiles, fuck off. Groomers and manipulators, fuck off.
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torialefay · 2 months
hiya! so i wanted to pop in because of the whole changbin exclusionist writer thing. i'm not a writer but i do still feel like there's some things i wanna say about this whole situation.
i'm gonna put a disclaimer here just to say that i don't have that many details on what exactly this person writes or says. this goes out to anyone who excludes one of the members just because you don't find them attractive
personally, i'm attracted to all the members except for changbin and seungmin. but that doesn't mean that i love them any less. i read that the author said something along the lines of "oh, i just don't want him to rail me like the others haha" and yeah, that's completely okay, but what isn't okay is saying that you're a stay and are ot8 when you aren't.
these guys, all of them, deserve the world and they've worked their asses off to be where they are today. so yeah. it's genuinely completely valid if you don't feel attracted to one, multiple or any of the members. but that doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. do you really think that the other members would like what you're doing? that they want to see one of their best friends, their family, be put down like this time and time again?
tldr; if you hate on any of the members just because you don't find them attractive, go outside and touch some grass ffs
i truly agree with this. it baffles my mind to think that this is normal in some people's heads.
like i genuinely could not IMAGINE a world in which i was like "yeah im just not gonna write for him bc i don't know him like that since i'm not attracted to him & don't pay attention to him." like that truly takes some balls that i would be MORTIFIED to show fr.
i think everyone has those members that they love & adore, but that they don't necessarily think of in any sort of sexual way and that is completely FINE. completely NORMAL. for example, although innie is turning into a v manly toast, he is my baby sister's age, so it can be hard for me to see him that way sometimes. like that's a baby for real, you know??? even though he's not even 2 years younger so it's kinda stupid 😭 just that mental block kinda thing from seeing people his age that i've always put into a "too young" category my whole life. but at the same time, i can appreciate the fact that he is objectively grown & handsome & has so much sex appeal. and i genuinely think the world of him and know that he should be included in what i write... bc he is inherently just as sexy as the other members & just because i have biases, it doesn't take away from that fact. and REGARDLESS, i appreciate him in stray kids. never in a million years would i leave him out.
it's completely normal to have biases & members you're more attracted to than others. & if you don't feel comfortable writing for them *sexually*, then okay, wtv do your thing. but to not include them AT ALL (even in a non-sexual way) in a post including everyone else in skz? i'm sorry, but it really does scream having no respect for them in the group. also screams that you don't actually give a fuck about them as individuals, but rather this is just about you wanting to fuck them. if you don't appreciate bin & don't write for him at all bc you don't wanna fuck him, then you're not ot8. just say that. do your thing, but own up to it being shallow. aint never heard a bitch say anything negative ab bin's personality or talent, so that sure as hell is NOT why you don't wanna write ab him 😭😂 i mean unless you really don't jive w his personality... which is all i have to know really lol.
point blank: just because you do not find someone attractive does not make them "less-than", nor does it support why you couldn't write for them in a non-sexual way. if it's superficial for you, then it's superficial for you & i'm sure there will still be people that support that. just don't go acting like it's "i just don't really know him" when you've had just as much exposure to him as the others. don't make lame-ass excuses.
like imagine being in your own idol group that means so much to you. your fans are your livelihood & mean the absolute world to you. you love them more than anything else and center so much of your life around giving them what you think they'd want. but then you see stuff like this. posts including all of your members EXCEPT for you. how would you feel? would you feel appreciated at all? left out simply because you're not as "sexually attractive" as the other members? literally not even ACKNOWLEDGED until pressed about it.
but people grow up and learn that saying "this community wasn't what i thought it would be" when everyone is collectively telling you that you're problematic... hopefully to god at some point you'd believe them. it's not everyone else's fault that most people are ot8 & you're not, thus not supporting your work. sorry if you expected a bunch of people who love changbin to suddenly not give a fuck, but it's quite the opposite 🫶🏼
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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Soulmates & Twin Flames !!
Soulmates: Two or more separate souls that come together in a way that feels destined and who complement each other, whether they be friends, family, lovers and partners if applicable, or even pets, individuals can and do have multiple soulmates in a single lifetime with a variety of different connections, all meant to help each individual personally develop and blossom into themselves, each soulmate connection is different, some are meant to only remain in a season of our lifetime while others will remain with us our whole entire lifetimes, and for many, many soulmates have been with you in past lives and when given a chance to reincarnate again, together you all decide to find each other and meet again.
Twin Flames: One soul split in two separate whole bodies, forever one entity and forever two physical beings. In contrast with soulmates, there is only one twin flame, it is always romantic in nature and these connections are exceptionally rare. A twin flame is a mirror and brings up everything one or both individuals involved haven't dealt with when they're together with them and reflects the deepest parts of yourself; they are everything that you are, but in a completely different direction which challenges you to grow and learn specific life lessons, it's whom one feels connected to on the deepest level in all aspects, reincarnating together across many lifetimes reflecting back to us all of our hidden fears and shadows. This relationship has the capacity to be very fast paced and extremely intense. Twin flames come together to achieve bigger things together, and their mission is always related to uplifting humanity.
Flags requested & created by The Imaginarians Galaxy!
Disclaimer: Do not tag these as your own and please give credit if you plan on using these flags, if you want to make edits of these flags, please ask, but please no recolors. Do not fucking remove credit from us& being the creators of these flags. Please do not repost or add these flags to a wiki without my& and our& explicit collective consent. All exclusionists, TERFs/SWERFs, radfems, c.ringe/f.lop accounts, -phobes, racists & antisemites don't touch, these are not & never will be for you. If you do not believe in the concept of soulmates and/or twin flames, that's fine, just don't come in the notes bashing on people who do as it's a very personal thing to many people. These flags are inclusive to all genders, sexes, orientations & amory statuses, as well as alterhumans and systems. These are okay to use for if you yourself are in said connections and for "[insert characters/ship] are soulmates/twin flames!" edits and the like, just as long as you don't use it in stupid shipcourse bullshit or for "shipping" actual real, living, breathing people.
Tagging @radiomogai for visibility.
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charmanderxerneas · 1 year
God i just got reminded of this while looking something up so here’s a hot take:
You are evil if you don’t support everyone under the lgbt umbrella. And I’m talking about: You are evil if you’re an exclusionist.
If you hate aro/ace people, if you hate he/him lesbians, if you think that pan or bi people are wrong or assume bi people are transphobic, if you hate funky trans people who have weird identities or neoprouns, if you hate people who have reclaimed slurs and call themselves queer or fag or tranny or dyke, if you think queer people who openly engage in kink are gross, if you dislike gender non conforming people, literally just anything: You are a fucking evil fed, and a nasty horrible person.
All you’re doing is creating division in a community. You are actively helping every conservative who wants us dead. They’re going to see that you’re big enough of an idiot to believe that people in your own community are expressing themselves “wrong”, and use that as justification to be like “yeah those queer people are wrong and gross and they should have no rights or deserve to die.” and if they can find a way to come after the “weird” disliked queers, they arent going to stop there. They’re going to come after you too, you moron. Because they think we’re all disgusting.
There’s no right way to be queer. Even if you don’t understand the identity at all, that doesn’t give you any right to dictate how someone else feels about themselves and their body and their sexuality. It’s not “homophobic” or “transphobic” for someone to identify in a way that is different from the preconceived notions you have about queer people. its not fucking lesbophobic for someone to identify as a bi lesbian, they are clearly just trying to find labels they feel fit them and if it doesnt match what you think a lesbian is: so fucking what! They aren’t fucking harming anyone. We are all the same in the sense that we deviate from what cishet people consider “normal”. (Though this can also apply to cishet people who just dont conform to what people think of as cis or het, for example I’ve seen some cis people use differing pronouns even if they identify as cis: pronouns don’t necessarily equate to gender, and they can do what they want! They arent taking anything away from queer people, in fact theyre only helping to normalize when people want to use different pronouns)
Radfems/Terfs are also evil, do not fucking touch this post. Same goes for pedos (i refuse to call you maps or proshippers, you’re just a pedophile and that does not make you queer.)
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foxfairy06 · 11 months
HIIIII poookkksss its ollie, u banned me so ill yell at you on tumbllrrr <33333. YOU ARE A JOKKKE. "No cause i literally got diagnosed on the phone but ok hunn go off". okay sure, seriously doubtful because you could lie over the phone... did you know that... bet you didnt. anyway. like thats your reply to what u actually have to do to get a diagnosis, so your over the phone shit is actual bullshit. like its not covid no reason to do that, and also they need to see you in person and have you explain how your feeling aswell as your movements and the way that you respond to questions to get a diagnosis, or they will ask your family and friends or your teaching if they have noticed behavior that is needed for your diagnosis. so BULLSHIT BULLSHIT :333. Telling me to touch grass, god you so basic oml. also calling me a hypocrite when your a literal exclusionist , which you get to decide what is and isnt in the lgbtqia+ community is hypocrisy. from the merriam webster "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings" and something you said in our messages, "The basis is lgbt topics. It's meant to be a place for lgbt exclusionists to gather" you say you support ppl of lgbtq but if they dont meet your criteria or if you dont think their queer you exclude them. thats hypocrisy. anyway hope you actually get the help you need so you can WAKE THE FUCK UP for you stupidity <3 which i will continue to state because my proof above proves it <3.
-ollie p.s you are still a ball of sperm we all are its not rude its a literal fact
p.p.s if you bring up what i said in the server here is a message i sent to you "i was spewing BULLSHIT" which you know is because i am a troll and i was gathering dirt on you pooks
p.p.p.s i have screenshotted all of out chats <3 karmas a bitch she is coming for you.
Karma for??? Being a good person? I didn't say anything rude, homophobic, or bad to you so you have no actual leverage here. That's like saying "i took screenshots so karma is coming for you<3" to the poor child you just harassed that eas being respectful and kind to you the whole time.
For those who don't understand, green text to the rescue!
> be ollie
> be sitting at your moms computer, bored
> decide your life isn't angry enough
> create an entire Tumblr spewing radmed shit thinking transmeds will follow you
> find a transmed with a server
> start saying super homophobic shit and harass everyone
> get muted for being homophobic and transphobic and harassing people
> message all the mods and call them names for muting your
> admit you were trolling then scream and cry at the owner for being transmed while calling him names and making strawmen and adhominem
> get banned
> still be a pissbaby who can't stop being angry with his life
> decide touching grass is too much
> go leave a novel of an ask under the owners Tumblr that makes several assumptions and zero sense then question their means of diagnosis.
For those who don't have context, i am trans, I am duosex, I went to a therapy place for free, and saw a therapist. He immediately started going through the criteria for dysphoria because I asked but we ran out of time. So I'm getting my diagnosis finished over the phone. It took me two appointments and $0 to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis. So stop acting like this is difficult or hurting anyone.
It's not hypocrisy to provide a safe space for a group and exclude people. You would provide a safe space for enben that has binary people in it? Because they aren't enby. Thus they don't need that space, and could fuck it up.
You're the hypocrite calling me names and crying and screaming at me calling me crazy. Seriously get some help. Therapy is an option. If you don't feel safe in your current mental state you could always check in at an ER and tell them you need help. You could also look around. Many places provide therapy for free. Utilize these resources and stop harassing strangers online. I hope that goes well for you.
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aware i'm creeping close to a hornet's nest and please don't misunderstand me, but i'll also say this: occasionally, r*dfems say things that are true and insightful and even good for the same reason a broken clock is still right twice a day. OF COURSE cis men have, by and large, historically oppressed cis women. it's not up for debate, it's a fact. it's also a fact that cis women are still being oppressed. it is important to understand that because of intersectionality between racism and misogyny, too. it's where we get into bioessentialist, outrage porn-ass, exclusionist, evil torch-passing bullshit where their horrifying bigotry becomes perceivable.
i only say this because lately, we've been repeatedly making this mistake where we feel the need to condemn every single point a r*dfem has ever made as idiotic and wrong. that's not helpful or realistic. in fact, some of the things i hear being said wind up being incredibly harmful and problematic. some of it amounts to literal, verbatim, core beliefs of incel crap right down to "actually? women oppress men" and "it's not true that women get assaulted a lot and it's unhealthy to indulge that fear, it's like indulging doomsday preppers."
worse, i'm seeing more and more that there's a whole faction of the younger generation which has internalized these types of views to the point that they think people who fight misogyny are fighting to protect a longstanding privilege rather than standing up against their oppressors...and that they are solely standing up for cis women rather than all victims of patriarchal systems (all genders belong to this group, btw).
i've seen so many instances now where we're falling right into the same logical traps which characterize the ideology we're condemning, right down to functionally aligning with the conservative agenda and the torch-passing.
we can do better than this.
[transandrophobes don't even fucking touch this post.]
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idk I find exclusionist discourse in the queer community very sad but also kinda funny because like. brother. those are just words. letters. a label will never be able to accurately portray exactly how you experience your own queerness no matter how broad or specific. just because you interpret this particular set of letters in this specific manner doesn't mean everybody does. that doesn't make your view correct or wrong, just different. The diversity in our community is what makes it beautiful and he/him dykes or straightromantic aces or people who detransitioned aren't "invading" queer spaces or whatever the fuck y'all keep talking about. kill the cop inside your head and open your eyes to the beauty in the many facets of queerness instead of pulling your hair out because of shit that is just damaging for everyone, including yourself. We didn't go from homophile groups to gay rights activism for this bs, conservatives are gonna hate no matter what you do. Go touch some grass. Or boobs. Or dicks. Or neither. Or whatever the fuck you are into. Go to a sex dungeon and experience some kinky sex. Bitch. Idiot. Stop trying to force rigid categories onto an inherently fluid and everchanging group to make us more "palatable" for the cishets. fuck.
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System DNI
Please do not interact if you are; LGBTQ+ phobic (or prejudiced against them) in any way, exclusionist of complex or niche queer identities, MAPs/NoMAPs or whatever it is they keep trying to label themselves as these days. (aka PEDOS. Pedos fuck the hell OFF.)
If you are anti-xenogender and anti-neopronouns, discourse/syscourse, are a yandere blog (or support any), proshipper, transabled/transrace etc., antisemetic/zionist/support JK Rowling, are racist, etc. Stay the fuck away, we don't want your rancid vibes. If you try to message us and pick a fight or defend your "opinion", you're just going to get blocked, so don't even try it.
Also, if you're a true crime fan and defend/excuse it then please stay FAR away. That shit is absolutely rotten and I refuse to have anything to do with it. Take a hike and touch grass, please.
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purlturtle · 1 year
people "invading a space" is based on what you actually are. for example if you're not a gay man and enter a space specifically for gay men, you are invading regardless of your intentions. like how if you're white and enter a space for Black people, you are invading. good intentions don't matter. we have our own spaces for a reason. it's so obvious you don't think homophobia is a real form of oppression
Okay, so receipts:
This ask is in reaction to my addition to this post. I wrote:
People "invading a space" isn't based on how they identify, it's based on them being an asshole, a bad faith actor, someone with ill intent. The identy they claim isn't in good faith, it's a fucking means to an end. Learn the fucking difference, exclusionists.
(and if you're this quick to insinuate ill intent and bad faith, take a good long hard look in the mirror.)
Love how you can only speak out anonymously about this, Nonny. Love how you hide behind a grey face.
For everyone who's wondering about this in good faith, a few points:
Most people are perfectly okay with boundaries. If you tell them "hey, this is a space for X," and they know they're not X, they'll leave. Consider the possibility, though, that they didn't know this was a space for X before you told them. Consider also the possibility that they *are* indeed X, even if they might not look it to you. I find it helpful to approach a situation with both of these in mind, and react according to *their* reaction.
This isn't even touching on the fact that some people's identities can change over time, and/or are fluid. Someone might have identified as a gay man before, but now identifies as a binary trans woman (who's still into men - or heck, maybe not!). Someone might be bi-gender, or gender-fluid. Someone might be a system, with people of different genders within. Someone might be questioning!, and being met with hostility is not a good way to support them in that. Always keep in mind that you have no way of "proving" someone's identity beyond what they tell you. Always keep in mind that most people approach this in good faith; the number of actual bad faith actors who "claim an identity to invade a space" is minuscule. The whole "men claiming to be trans women in order to invade women's changing rooms/bathrooms" thing has been a terf fearmongering campaign from the start.
If a person continues to feel entitled to the space *despite definitely not being X*, they are being an asshole; this is precisely what I meant with my addition, and has nothing to do with how precisely they identify, and everything to do with being an entitled asshole.
Consider if the space you're talking about has an actual hard boundary (say, women's night at a local public pool so that Muslim women can use it free of the worry about not wearing hijab or other garments), or if it's a soft boundary (technically this is a lesbian club but they have the door policy that if someone brings a male gay friend that's fine, as long as it doesn't get out of hand). Behave accordingly.
Yes, I know (as in, personally know and witnessed) lesbian clubs and bars and parties that used to be women only and then had to adopt a softer door policy because they couldn't afford anything else. It fucking sucks, because capitalism sucks, and *that* is at the heart of the problem here. (Plus, again, entitled assholes.)
However, I have also personally witnessed this fearmongering being weaponized to exclude trans women from women-only spaces. And that sucks the fuck more.
Exclusionism divides our community, and infighting will lead to our downfall. I will always rather open a door to someone who might not actually need it rather than slam it in the face of someone who does just because I don't believe them. Exclusionism kills. Plus, community isn't a finite resource; there isn't less of it to go around when you share it.
This is a hill I am one million percent ready to die on, Anon. I hope you understand my reasoning. Have a good day.
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violexides · 2 years
been thinking about it and like. i really do appreciate users that compile websites and documentaries and videos about queer history or go through and correct these things because like. the one post that linked to the dyke marches and actually watching that documentary fucking changed my life (and once I’m out of school and college shit I’m going to watch a lot more on that archive) and the recent post i saw that corrected the whole notion of what “stone” and “high” means in the lesbian/wlw community has also been really helpful for me in getting in touch with my identity so. i just really appreciate it because i feel like through my IRL life i have a lot of other queer people around me and I’m very thankful for that but often don’t have many who are as in touch with media and information stemming from older generations. and sometimes fall into a lot of the gatekeepy exclusionist traps that really fuck up the LGBTQ+ community. so all that to say i just really appreciate that people post those kinds of things because it’s really really exciting to like. know that information.
and also if you guys have resources especially ones about the lesbian and asexual community please please please send that my way and i’ll look at it when i can, i want to be so much more in touch with the history of my community.
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🌲Hello and welcome!🌲
This is the sideblog of the Strange Paths Hiking Club for all our system stuff. (We used to be known as Team Mesa, if that rings a bell for anyone)
Generally Useful Info:
We are bodily 21
We’re white and Canadian, and we live in Mi’kma’ki
Sometimes we’re one person, sometimes not. It’s weird.
In the case that we are one person, you can refer to that person as Niamh or Sunrise. They use they/them pronouns, they’re a nonbinary lesbian, and they love a good ghost story.
Due to the inconsistency in how many people there are in the SPHC, it’s hard to say how big the system is at any given moment. At the time of writing this, our numbers are ambiguous and rapidly-shifting because of stress in our current lives.
We may be traumagenic but we do not conform well to medical ideas of plurality. We technically meet the criteria for P-DID? But only barely. It’s a weird situation out here.
On a similar note, we don’t really bother with role labels. We respect people who do, of course— they just don’t work well for us.
Use they/them pronouns for us as a whole. Some of us use different pronouns individually though
We’re studying for a bachelors’ degree in history!!
We practice witchcraft, mostly of the green variety.
We’re autistic and have ADHD. If we struggle to figure out your tone over text, that’s why. Sorry
Okay but who the hell are any of you
Niamh: they/them, described above, also sort of exists whenever we’re out of singlet mode (but is like. different??? in a weird way. they get simplified, for lack of a better word)
Glitch: he/it, does a lot of behind-the-scenes work, sort of technically a demon but it’s chill
Melody: she/they, possibly our first ever fronter, tends to be younger than body age (she is 16 at the time of writing)
Thistle: they/wisp, has some difficulties with speaking and focusing, likes the colour grey. Probably the most obvious one of us when fronting, due to wisps higher voice and unusual behaviour. They’re cool though
Velvet: she/her, a cool woman who gets angry on our behalf. Perhaps a little too angry sometimes. Used to be a persecutor but has since sorted that shit out
James: he/him, helps us do unpleasant social tasks (emails, asking for help, etc.). Very matter-of-fact, sometimes irritable but not externally
Kallie: she/they, alt girl, recovering from normalcy and making myself strange again. I’m writing my own bio now btw hello
Gio: he/him, jjba fictive with minimal similarities to his source, (still very interested in nature, though), inexplicably here for emotional support.
Nix: he/they, teenage vocaloid fan, kind of edgy (self-described)
Various others who aren’t interested in this blog!
Rules and regulations:
If you’re a bigot of any variety, find somewhere else to go. We can’t stop you but rest assured you are not wanted here.
Related to the above point: this system supports freedom for Palestine. If that bothers you, consider leaving us alone (and also consider reassessing your opinions, values, and current level of knowledge. and, if that doesn’t fix the problem, consider getting a fucking heart.)
No exclusionists either!! Specifically in regards to queerness and plurality.
None of us even want to touch the transid discourse but y’all can also leave, thanks. “But that contradicts the last point—“ no it doesn’t. When your ideas start to cause harm, that is when you have violated the social contract and are thus exempt from its benefits
This is a drama free zone. Please do not drag us into The Nonsense
We used to have a tagging system, but it has since fallen apart. We’ll try to tag anything triggering though, feel free to ask if you need us to tag something specific
Enjoy your travels, and stay safe!
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