#every party needs a chaos duo
rollforpersuasion · 18 days
The DM: After walking through a haunted and barren wasteland you find a cave sitting at the base of a cliff.
The party: We go inside.
The DM: You hear the eerie clattering of what sounds like bones coming from around a corner. Ahead of you are a series of glowing sigils carved into the cave wall.
The Cleric and Bard: We stealth around the corner to fight!
The Monk and Warlock: As soon as they turn their backs we touch the sigils.
The DM: You what?
Monk/Warlock: We. Touch. The. Sigils.
The DM: drops a hundred dice and narrates the cave starting to collapse
Cleric/Bard: YOU IDIOTS
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5mary5 · 4 months
I just learned how to twerk and it was SO fun which is why I just can't help but imagine trying to teach the obey me boys how to twerk too (minus luke ofc) like imagine diavolo showing up with a crop top and booty shorts and trying to shake ass barbatos and lucifer are having an aneurysm while asmo and solomon encourage him
i can imagine belphie doing surprisingly really well
Levi is filming of course because let's be honest you don't see this happen every day
mammon is a pro ofc (same goes for asmo honestly)
now simeon is a little confused at first but he gets the hang of it and ends up having so much fun that he manages to make raphael join!
Raphael is fighting for his LIFE but! His ass jiggles so nicely that every girl withing a 3 mile radius ends up jealous of him
Also mephistopheles isn't amused by all of this BUT he joins because diavolo is breaking his back and he NEEDS to show his lord how to shake ass gracefully
OF COURSE thirteen is there do you think she will miss the chance to gather blackmail material of solomon?! Jokes on her tho because solomon asks her to send him the footage man's doesn't give a fUck!
Also after that thirteen goes ahead and dances with mc
Now here is the thing satan wouldn't originally entertain the idea of twerking but he joins because he wants to piss of lucifer and show him that he is the better twerker between the two, he and belphie end up forming a dance duo
Chaos ensures as the these two join diavolo so all three of them throw it in a circle together
THEN lucifer has enough and joins as so does barbatos
Mammon is laughing so hard when he sees lucifer twerk he forgets to take pictures to sell for grimm
YOU THOUGHT ITS OVER?! The real dumb truck has yet to appear!
Oh look it's beel! And he just came back from doing cardio!
Beel immediately joins when he sees such FIERCE competition going on and let me TELL YOUU even tho he doesn't know what he is doing (since he missed when mc was giving them instructions) his ass still shakes like a leef in the wind
Mans so caked up he doesn't even need to move
On another note mammon gets up from the floor after laughing and he forces levi to join and not just sit around
Levi does join after complaining and he does well (please tell him he is doing well mc)
If any student even DARES to take a peek inside the rads student council they might as well run cause ain't no way this is getting out (jokes on them because michael ends up hearing about it and has the laugh of his life)
Late addition to the party but barbatos twerks so well that earth shakes, Megan the station and nicky minaz style
Last but not least, everyone (mainly mammon) when they see mc throw it back
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Feel free to add your own thoughts!
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remidyal · 5 months
Seen a lot of speculation that all of the ratgrinders died and came back in the mountains of chaos, but that doesn't line up with where Lucy's body was found nor with the time of her death. We'll probably get an actual answer, but have a horrible one instead!
Jace's target in the mountains of chaos was exclusively Kipperlily. The party gets split, he gets her alone, and...
The others are used to Kipperlily being in a mood, of course, and them having this minor quest when the Bad Kids had just been broadcast to the world a couple of weeks before fighting a villain of legend had made it worse, but she seemed like she might spit fire every time she opened her mouth. Even Reuben didn't want to argue with her at the moment, and he always wanted to argue with her. Getting the mission done fast seemed like a good idea, so splitting into duos was fair enough.
Ivy had wanted to protest, when Kipperlily had paired herself up with Oisin instead of letting Ivy and Oisin stick together as usual, but she'd paired up with Lucy nicely enough and in fact Oisin and Kipperlily were the last to meet up. Oisin seemed to be in a foul mood, too, probably because of having to deal with the rogue.
"I've got something to show you, Ivy." Oisin had offered, while they were camping that night before heading back to Solace, and she hadn't suspected her friend for a moment before their mastermind's knife had found her back.
Reuben was easy to isolate, after. Just pretend they were interested in hearing his music for once.
Mary Ann was harder, but they just needed to hide it from Lucy now; four on one was strong enough odds to overcome even their barbarian.
It wasn't until the first day back in school from the quest that they got Lucy alone, the five of them in the woods with her, and by then whatever small qualms Kipperlily had had that had caused her to take on the harder fights of Mary Ann or Ivy or Oisin first had been quelled.
Of course she'd come back for them. Of course Lucy loved them more than her god. Why would Kipperlily have ever had a doubt?
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andreafmn · 9 months
12 Days of Ficmas ❅ Day 1
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Word Count: 4.8K Paring:  Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Prompt @alloftheprompts: Character A and Character B broke up but now they meet at a Christmas party.
Summary: In unpredictable Beacon Hills, Stiles and (Y/N) being together was one of the only things that made sense. But sometimes the smallest of changes can create the biggest of chaos. And a simple college admission letter can do just that. Maybe all it takes is the right Christmas gift to make things better.
A/N: yup, that's right, I'm doing 12 Days of Ficmas again (even if I haven't finished Kinktober 🫣🫣 but I am nothing if not a masochist (and a slight procrastinator) But enjoy!! This story actually made me tear up, honestly. But it wouldn't be one of my stories if there wasn't an insane amount of angst 😅 Also, disclaimer, I have not seen the last two seasons of Teen Wolf or the movie so, sorry for any inconsistencies.
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“Let’s just get this over with,” (Y/N) sighed as she fixed the Santa hat on top of her head. “They don’t have to know yet.”
“Yeah,” Stiles grimaced. “It’s better to wait until after the holidays, I guess.”
It was the first time Stiles and (Y/N) had ever been terrified to enter Scott’s house and face all of their friends. Even worse, they had to pretend everything was fine between them. 
Since they were little, the pair had been inseparable. Being next-door neighbors allowed them to grow close at a rapid pace. It was in her that he found solace on the nights his mother’s illness would take the best of her mind. He would run over to her house and climb the lattice that ran all the way up to her room. 
And she wouldn’t ask questions. (Y/N) would simply let him in through her window and distract him until he eventually drifted off to sleep. She did not need any explanations or reasons to comfort Stiles. She simply knew he needed her, and so she was there for him. Because if there was anything she knew of, it was the pain of slowly losing a parent.
They shared a bond that no one could break. Even as Scott entered their duo and they became the perfect trio, Stiles and (Y/N) shared a connection like no other. So, it came as no surprise to anyone when they got together. Even after Stiles had continuously professed his love for Lydia. Even after (Y/N) and Boyd had a quick fling. Everyone knew that it would be the two of them at the end of the day. 
What no one expected was that one day, they wouldn’t be Stiles and (Y/N) anymore. Hell, not even they had seen it coming. 
Their downfall had begun the second week of December. For some reason, the couple had not spoken about what happened after high school. In their senior year, they were focusing on the present, leaving the future where it was. Because what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. 
(Y/N) had applied under early action to various colleges, thinking nothing of it. But there was one college that had been her dream since her father had passed, and that was her only early decision application. She had worked every day since to make sure she was at least close to being accepted. But it was never a sure thing. 
She had promised herself to put it in the back of her mind. Stressing over that envelope would only drive her into madness. As much as she wanted it to be true, she knew the reality of the situation. The chances she could ever get in, much less with a full ride, were slim to none. And hoping only made things worse.
Still, that hadn’t stopped her from applying; it hadn’t stopped her from wishing. 
“Honey,” her mother had said one afternoon after she got home from school. “Look what came in the mail.” 
In her hands, there was a white manila envelope with blue lettering that clearly read: University of Oxford. 
(Y/N) could have sworn she could feel her heart in her throat, beating at an unnatural pace and threatening to leap out of her body. She crossed the distance between her front door to the kitchen faster than she had ever done before, needing to feel the paper in her hands. Only seeing it was not proof enough that it was real. 
“I don’t think I can open it,” the girl worried. “What if it’s bad, mom?”
“You won’t know unless you see, my darling,” she smiled softly. “But no matter what, you will still be the most impressive young lady I have known. And any college would be lucky to have you.”
With trembling hands, she broke open the envelope and pulled out a beautiful and crisp piece of white paper. “Dear (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” she read before taking a steadying breath. “It is with greatest pleasure that we inform you that the Admissions Comittee has decided to offer you admission to Oxford University through our binding Early Decision (ED) option on a full scholarship.”
As (Y/N) read those words, tears spilled from her eyes, and the papers fell from her hands. Her mother wrapped her arms tightly around her, showering her with words of love and encouragement. It had been everything she had worked for. Something not even the supernaturals of the world could take from her. 
“You’re going to Oxford, baby girl,” her mother cooed. “I knew you could. Your dad would have been just as proud as I am.” 
That moment should have been the happiest in her life so far. But there was a dark cloud that lingered over her as she celebrated. She had not told anyone she was applying to a college so far away, much less the reason she would be doing so. Mostly because she was terrified she wouldn’t get in. But part of her knew it was because she was leaving all her friends behind, leaving Stiles behind. And that was the hardest part. 
For the rest of the week, as she celebrated internally, she hid the biggest news of her life from all of her friends and the boy she had deemed the love of her life. Anyone would have thought she was the one harboring a secret supernatural life with the way she was guarding her secret. And, maybe it shouldn’t have been something she kept to herself. Maybe they would have all been excited for her and understood the reason for the distance. But something deep in her stopped her every single time. 
If her friends had noticed there was anything different from her demeanor, they didn’t say a thing. In the midst of final exams and the Christmas holidays soon approaching, everyone seemed to be stuck in their own heads. So, if they were in their heads, they couldn’t know there was something happening in hers.  
But that Friday night, at the same hour Stiles would always sneak in, (Y/N) knew there was no way she could continue to hide her secret any longer. 
“Come on,” he chuckled as he jumped onto her bed, holding his arms open. “Tell me what’s going on with you.” 
“What do you mean?” she said, forcing a smile. “Why do you say that?”
“You know you can’t lie to me. I may not have super hearing, but I can tell, (Y/N).” 
“Yeah,” she chuckled softly. “You know me too well.” 
“Of course I do,” he smiled as he crossed the distance between them and caressed the softness of her cheek. “Now, please, tell me what’s wrong?” 
That was it. That was the moment that had changed them, the moment that had broken them. 
(Y/N) took a steadying breath and took his hands in hers, focusing on the veins on his hands rather than his worried eyes. “I got a letter last week,” she started with a sigh. “I told you about all the colleges I had applied to as early action.” 
“Of course, you bright mind, you,” he said. “Did you already start getting the acceptance letters?” 
“Uh, there’s another college I actually applied to. Early decision.”
“Like binding early decision?”
“Yeah, exactly,” she said, her voice trembling as she spoke. “I, uh, I applied to the University of Oxford. And I got in.”
Instead of embracing her, Stiles dropped her hands, taking a step away from her. “In England?” he asked as though he was offended. “Why would you wanna go that far?”
“It’s not about the distance,” she grimaced, finally meeting his hurt eyes. “It’s about what that school means. That’s where my dad went to school. That’s the place my parents met. That was the school that started my entire life, Stiles.” 
“So, why didn’t you tell me about it? If it was so damn important, why did you never mention it?” Stiles seethed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “You wanna start a new life, is that it? Follow in your parents’ footsteps and meet the love of your life there? Great, (Y/N). And you made sure you did it in a way you couldn’t back out.”
“Stiles, that’s not…”
“So, what? Were you gonna wait until graduation to tell me that you were moving halfway across the world to get away from us? From me?” the boy cried. “Or were you simply going to disappear and start a new life without telling anyone? But I guess that’s your thing now, huh? Keeping big shit like this until you can’t anymore.”
“That’s not fair, Stiles,” she frowned, hugging her arms tightly across her torso. “I didn’t want to get my hopes up, so I didn’t say anything. That doesn’t mean that I would have never told you about it. I’m not looking to escape. I’m looking to start my future.” 
“And it looks like you were starting it without me then,” he croaked. “What does that mean for us, (Y/N)? We ride it out until graduation, and then you leave for the rest of your life?” 
“I don’t… you wanna b-break up?” 
“It’s inevitable now, isn’t it?” Stiles said in a tone that broke her more than the words he was speaking. “You’re gonna be in England, and I’m gonna be god knows where. It’s better just to do it now.” 
That night was nothing like she had imagined it would be. She had hoped Stiles would have been excited for her and promised her everything would be alright. That somehow he would have the answers to how they could withstand so much distance because they had to make it. Out of everyone in their friend group, those two had to make it. 
Instead, it had taken a turn for the worse. One second, Stiles was standing before her with a smile on his face, and the next, he was leaving through her window with tears streaming down his face. What she had most been dreading was that scenario to play out, and a week before their friend’s holiday party, it had. They had gone through life-threatening and mind-boggling situations, but it was a college acceptance letter that broke them apart. 
The coming days (Y/N) spent buried in bed. Although she should have been celebrating one of her biggest achievements –other than saving lives and defeating many, many creatures– she had wasted more tears during that time than she had done the past years of her life. She was distraught and defeated, and she had no idea how she would make it through the last semester of high school, much less how she would have made it through a Christmas party. 
Somehow, they had arrived at Scott’s house at the same time, even after she had made sure she left twenty minutes after Stiles. The universe liked to play its mean tricks, but that one was almost unforgivable. 
“Let’s just try to stay out of each other’s way,” he grimaced. “The less we are near each other, the harder it’ll be for them to find out.” 
“Harder to find out what?” Scott asked as he swung the front door open, his signature goofy grin stretched across his mouth. Instinctively, Stiles draped his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and smiled brightly. “Ooh, did you bring your brownies, (Y/N)?” 
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Still warm from the oven.” 
“Wouldn’t be a party without them,” Stiles commented. “Now, let us in. It’s kinda cold out tonight.” 
The second they were inside, Stiles broke for the living room while (Y/N) moved to the kitchen with Scott. She set the tray on the overfilled kitchen island, noticing to the side that the dinner table was perfectly set up. “Oh, the table looks nice,” she commented. “But I thought we’d be doing something more low-key.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled awkwardly. “Lydia thought it’d be fun to do a more grown-up dinner party.” 
“Yeah. Place settings and everything.” 
“We were waiting for you guys to start eating,” he said. “We’re doing gifts after.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Slowly, the rest of the group trickled into the kitchen, greeting and hugging (Y/N) as they looked over all the food and served themselves their plates. And, of course, her seat was right next to Stiles’. Even if she had wanted to sit anywhere else, the rest had already taken their assigned seats, and the only open spot was the one that had her name. 
She gave her ex-boyfriend a small smile, looking anywhere but into the brown of his eyes. Her heart beat against her chest, threatening to jump out of her body. It made her fidgety as everyone ate, thinking any of the wereanimals around her would be able to tell how she was feeling. 
But Scott was laughing with Stiles, Malia was talking to Lydia, and Hayden, Liam, and Mason had their own conversation running. (Y/N) was all by herself. She was surrounded by all the people she loved, but it was the loneliest she had felt in a long time. Without the usual comforting words from Stiles, she couldn’t help but feel so out of place. It was the happiest time of the year, but the girl was miserable, and it hurt that it didn’t seem like the boy she loved was sad as well. 
“Alright,” Lydia spoke up as everyone ignored their mostly empty plates. “Now that our bellies are full, I think it’s time for Secret Santa! And I truly hope you all kept it a secret this time.” 
“Not that it’d matter anyway,” Liam chuckled. “We all know we ask for help every time.” 
“Anyways,” she said, ignoring the soft laughter that erupted from the group. “Let’s go to the living room, and (Y/N) you’ll go first.”
“Oh, uh, sure,” she smiled as she followed the group into the living room. She crouched under the decorated Christmas tree, pulling out the gift that had been there for almost two weeks. “I got Lydia.” 
“How wonderful!” the redhead mused, quick to hug her friend and rip away the wrapping paper. Inside the gift box was a mosaic picture of Lydia, Allison, and (Y/N), the first time they had finally considered each other friends. “Oh, it’s beautiful! I wish I could take it with me everywhere.” 
“It was hard to get it just right, but I loved how it turned out.” 
“It’s perfect, (Y/N),” she beamed. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I love you, Lids.” 
“Love you too,” the girl said as she wrapped her friend in a tighter hug. “My turn!”
Lydia had gifted Liam nine books out of his TBR list —nine because of his lacrosse number. Then, Liam gifted Scott a new leather jacket so he could “actually look cool when riding his motorcycle,” Liam snickered. Scott then gifted Malia a light blue hoodie to add to her ever-growing collection, while Malia gifted Hayden a journal and pen set, saying it was for when her mind felt too busy. After a warm smile and a hug, she announced her gift was for Mason, laughing as he pulled out an ugly cat sweater. Once the loud laughter subsided, Mason gifted Stiles a massage mat for his Jeep. 
“For when you’re taking really long drives,” the boy smiled, clearly proud of himself. “There’s quite some distance between here and D.C. It’ll come in handy.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled as he hugged Mason. “Thanks, man. It’s great.” 
“Don’t mention it.”
As Mason sat back down, Stiles cleared his throat as he pulled the last gift. Everyone knew by then who it was for. There was no one else left. “Well, I guess you all know who this is for,” he said. “I hope you like it, (Y/N).” 
The girl received the bag with a soft smile, trying her best to swallow the tears that were threatening to spill. She had forgotten for a second how cruel the universe could be. She pulled out the white tissue paper first before finding a beautiful brown bear dressed in a blue knit sweater. Around its neck, there was a necklace with something she could only assume was a soundwave. With curiosity washing over her, she looked to Stiles for an explanation. 
“Uh, so, it’ll make a lot more sense if you press the bear’s hand,” he stammered. Once she died as told, the sound broke her. From deep in the belly of the teddy bear, her father’s voice rang out, singing the words of “You Are My Sunshine.” There was not a single night when she was little that her father didn’t sing that to her, and even as she grew old for the lullaby, he would call her sunshine. “I got a recording from your mom of your dad singing the song when you were a baby,” Stiles spoke over the music. “And the necklace is the image of the soundwave of your dad calling you sunshine.” 
Tears had long since fallen down her cheeks, clutching the bear in her arms as though it was her own father. With her eyes closed, it was almost as though he was right there, singing to her. But it was what came after the song that shattered her. “You’re gonna do great things, (Y/N),” her father said through the bear. “I love you forever, my little sunshine.” 
At that moment, all she wanted to do was hug Stiles and kiss him like she had done a million times before. That was the boy she had fallen in love with. The one that cared and listened. The one that had made her heart race and her stomach turn into butterflies. She wanted to tell him she loved him and never let him go, but she couldn’t. Just like she could never do with her father. 
“I, uh,” she said as she stood from the couch, feeling as though she would faint in the crowded room. “I need some air.” 
(Y/N) stammered her way out of the living room and through the front door, only allowing herself to break down when she was at the end of the driveway. She fell to her knees and hugged the bear to her chest as she cried, letting the hurt that had accumulated over the years spill onto the pavement. In less than six months, she was going to walk into a new life halfway across the globe without the support of her father and now, without the support of Stiles. All alone. 
She should have been celebrating. She knew that. She should have been crying tears of joy and jumping into her love’s arms. Instead, it was the bear’s arms that she could feel. The softness of its fur, the sound of her father’s voice. 
Without even realizing it, she had begun singing along to the lullaby, sniffling between words as the tears didn’t relent. “You’re gonna do great things, (Y/N),” her father said once more through the bear. “I love you forever, my little sunshine.” 
“I love you too, dad,” she cried. 
“Hey,” his voice startled her. Through teary eyes, she looked up to find Stiles draping a jacket over her shoulders. He slid to the ground next to her, facing the house before them as she was now. “I’m sorry. I bought the gift weeks ago, and I wasn’t sure if I was still allowed to give it to you.” 
“No, it was… i-it was perfect,” she stammered, running her hand over the bear’s fur. “It’s just everything rushed over me. Like the breakup, the fact that I won’t be here next year, the fact that my dad won’t even see me gradua…”
Another string of sobs ransacked (Y/N)’s body, but that time it wasn’t the bear she was hugging. Stiles had wrapped his arms around her, pressing her into his chest. She could smell his cologne and feel his warmth, a feeling she had missed for the past seven days. All she wanted was to melt into his touch and profess to him all that she felt. But she couldn’t. Not anymore. Because he didn’t want it. 
“I didn’t want things to be this way,” she cried into his chest. “I didn’t want everything to fall apart.” 
Stiles remained quiet as she cried, a hard feat for someone like him. But he let her cry and cry until only quiet sniffles filled the air. Because he hadn’t wanted things to be that way either. 
He knew he had overreacted. When he had told (Y/N) his plans of enrolling in George Washington University all the way across the county, she had told him they could make it work. Especially if she got into any of the ivy leagues she had applied to on the East Coast. It had been fine. Hell, it had been perfect. 
But when she told him that she wouldn’t just be a couple of states away but that she would be on another continent, he couldn’t help but let his abandonment issues take control. 
He knew she was brilliant. He knew she deserved to do and be all that she had dreamed. But he feared that once she achieved all of her goals, he would just not fit into her life anymore. 
“You’re gonna go on to do great things, (Y/N),” he sighed sadly as her tears stopped. “You’re gonna go to Oxford, just like your parents, and you’re gonna probably graduate at the top of your class on your way. And I’ll be here —well, in Washington, technically—cheering you on.”
“But why couldn’t we be great together, Stiles? We couldn’t we both go on to do great things, together?”
“Come on, (Y/N). Once you’re there, you’re gonna meet so many people, and you’ll have guys falling on their knees for you,” he chuckled dryly. “I won’t fit into your new world. I mean, you said it yourself: that’s where your parents met and your life began. And now, maybe you’ll have a new beginning. And years from today, we’ll run into each other, and you’ll tell me about your job and your husband and your kids, and I’ll be so happy for you. Because you serve all the love and happiness in the world, even if it’s without me.”
“Have you even asked yourself if that’s what I want?” (Y/N) asked as she left his warm embrace, her red eyes boring into his. “I’m not leaving because I’m searching for a new life. I want to go to Oxford because it’s one of the last things I can share with my dad. I can walk down the same halls he did, I can take classes in the same classrooms, and eat at the same places he did. But I was always going to come back, Stiles. Because my friends are here, my mom is here, because you are here. I don’t want to run into you and talk about another man or the kids I would have with him. I don’t want to run into you at all. I want to walk beside you, Stiles. If I ever have kids, it’s only if they’re a part of you too,” she cried, fresh tears falling down her already-stained cheeks. “If you don’t love me anymore, then fine. I can understand that, and I can walk away. But don’t you dare say that you wouldn’t fit into my life because you’ve been there longer than anyone I know, and I need you to be there until the end. Because I already lost someone important to me and I can’t lose you too. Not you.” 
“(Y/N), I don’t want to lose you either,” he sobbed. “But how can we fight with the distance? How could we ever withstand the fact that we’ll be an ocean away?”
“We have gone through worse battles than a plane ride, Stiles. We have been on the brink of death more times this past year than any person would in their lifetime. Do you really think being in a different time zone is the limit to our relationship? I know the future isn’t promised but you were the one person I always knew would be there.”
“I’m scared, okay?! I’m scared that you’ll meet someone better than me, (Y/N). I’m terrified that you’ll realize that maybe I’m not the guy that can give you your happy ever after,” he finally confessed. His voice croaked, and his chest heaved as the words fell out of his mouth faster than he could ever stop them. “This week has been torture without you. But it’s made me realize that Beacon Hills has always been too small for you. After May, you’re gonna go out there and find your place. And this town will be nothing but a memory you’ll come back to.”
“There is no one better for me than you, Stiles, and Beacon Hills will always be my home,” she replied softly. Her cold hand found his cheek, and she wiped away his tears with her thumb. “I don’t want to know a life where you’re not there. You can’t give up on us without even trying, Stiles. You just can’t.” 
Without thinking twice, (Y/N) crashed her lips onto his, sinking into the warmth of his mouth. After a week, kissing him felt like the very first time. It was desperate and filled with need —the need for closeness and passion, the need for love. Instinctively, Stiles’ hands found her waist and pulled her closer to him, wondering how he ever thought he could live without her touch. 
“I love you, Stiles, and I don’t even want to think about ever having to love someone else,” she whispered as she parted from him. “My heart belongs to you. And if this is the end, it’ll still remain in your hands.” 
“I couldn’t love anyone else like I love you, (Y/N),” he replied with a soft smile. “But I just can’t help the thoughts that flood my brain sometimes.” 
“Then don’t listen to them and listen to me when I say that since the moment I met you, I’ve known you were it for me. There is no other man waiting for me in Oxford. It’s you, and it will always be you,” (Y/N) said before kissing him softly once more. “You’re the best thing that has happened to me, Stiles Stilinski, and you’re the only thing that I want to keep happening to me.”
“I can’t believe I ever broke up with you. Especially during Christmas,” Stiles chuckled as he rested his forehead against hers, flicking the tip of her nose with his own. “It was honestly the worst week of my life.” 
“Including being possessed?” Scott’s voice startled them as he came into view. “Although, I get it because this was completely avoidable.”
(Y/N) chuckled as she took Scott’s extended hand and got on her feet, wiping away any tears that still remained. “Did you hear that whole thing?”
“More or less,” he chuckled. “It’s a bit hard not to when I was coming to see if you guys were okay.” 
“We’re good now, Scotty,” Stiles grinned. “Just had some unresolved feelings to work, though.” 
“Can you not mention the whole thing about the breakup? I don’t wanna make it a whole thing.”
“That’s a bit hard, (Y/N),” Malia called from the open front door. “We all kind of already know.”
“Oh, cool, great,” she said as she hid in Stile’s embrace. “That’s not embarrassing at all.”
“Eh, at least our parents are back together,” Liam commented. “Best Christmas present.” 
“It really is, huh?” Stiles whispered as he kissed the top of her head. 
“Yes. Very cute and adorable,” Lydia added in a desperate tone. “Now, can we go back inside before Hayden and Mason finish all the brownies?”
As the group walked back into the house, Stiles and (Y/N) shared one more moment together on the front porch. “Hey, look up,” Stiles said with a smile. “Mistletoe.”
“Funny that they’d hang that at a werewolf's home,” she chuckled. “Although, I’m pretty sure that one’s plastic.”
“And I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to kiss me.”
“Maybe I’m waiting for another guy to kiss under the plant.” Stiles frowned at her words, and all she could do was laugh. “Too soon?”
“Much,” he said. “Now, come here.”
He snaked his hands on either side of her face and kissed her passionately. He kissed her for every day they had spent apart. He kissed her for every hurtful word he had spewed. He kissed her as a promise of his love for her. Stiles kissed her like she was his future. 
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OMITB S4:E3 ‘Two for the Road’
This episode was interesting and raised even more questions. While we start off and end the episode with the trio, in most of the episode we watch them branch off with their respective actors and have their own mini adventures. I thought it was a great idea to give us a better idea of who Zach, Eugene, and Eva are in this universe and to delve more into the main characters’ personalities apart from each other. There were several bombshells dropped so as always spoilers are behind the cut.
At the beginning of the episode, we find out from Detective Williams that the FBI has taken over meaning she won’t be on the case. That doesn’t stop her from giving them what information she does have as well as breaking the fourth wall in reference to the three previous seasons which was hilarious. We also learn that she’s a fan of Zach Galifianakis when she discovers the actors are also in the apartment and threatens Oliver not to let him get hurt and implies he’s her hall pass 🤭 Honestly same bc the man is not only hilarious but handsome as well. Shortly after she leaves is when everyone branches off so I’m going to break up each segment based off the duo.
Oliver and Zach don’t do any intentional sleuthing this episode. Oliver is fed up with Zach’s indifference and lack of desire to connect so he lies saying they need to monitor the ham radio and whisks him off to his apartment. I know Oliver is a mess but I really don’t like the way that Zach treats him like a loser. At some point they appear to bond as Oliver teaches Zach how to snort, grunt, and dress like him which seems to have gone well until Zach is overheard saying otherwise. Howard tries his best to stand up for Oliver in that passive aggressive way and we know he means well but it ultimately does nothing to change Zach’s impression. I agree on one thing though: Oliver’s resilience and choosing to wake up happy every day despite the chaos is admirable. That’s what life is about because every day is a chance to change your fate.
Charles and Eugene’s dynamic was different. Are they buddies? No but they both have the same goal in mind which is to get Vince to take off his eyepatch to see if he’s hiding damage from the gun recoiling. These two clearly share one brain cell because every attempt failed. First they come up with a story about Charles having a cousin who is an eye doctor with magic eye drops that they swear will work wonders. Instead of taking off his eyepatch then and there, Vince instead goes into the privacy of his bathroom. Take two goes even worse because Eugene’s idea of doing a spit take to get the eyepatch off leads to him getting punched in the face by Vince after he spits water on him. It does lead to a clue though. When they all hug it out, Eugene notices a photograph and signals for Charles to view it. It’s all the Westies and a figure with their face scribbled out. What in the world is going on here? Is Dudenoff Moriarty? Is Dudenoff not even involved and someone else just utilized his apartment as originally suspected? I’m so confused.
Mabel and Eva were giving frenemies. No actual hate, just two people forced together with nothing in common. Though her methods were unconventional and unhinged, Eva did manage to get a lot of info for Mabel.
The gun on the mantle is a movie prop that shoots nerf gun like ammo
Christmas Guy HATES Christmas; now this had me shook ngl; this man is a fitness influencer who has been typecast into a Christmas role and is basically held hostage by his decor 😭
The tinsel is not tinsel!
A few days ago I made a post about a theory regarding the killer(s) and whether or not they were in attendance at the party in the S3 finale and @bbeeebbo brought up a really good point about the tinsel being a red herring for Christmas Guy and that it very well could have been from the party. While we have yet to confirm if it was from the party, we now have confirmation that it’s actually not tinsel at all!
The sleuthing with the two ends shortly after this reveal and we see Mabel get the idea to look up squatter’s rights and temporarily move into the Dudenoff apartment. When they all reunite at the end for Mabel’s housewarming party, they put their clues together and realize that 445 is a radio frequency. Earlier when Mabel and Eva were sleuthing they discovered a ham radio in the Christmas apartment as well so clearly the Westies have some secret communication going on. When Mabel turns on the radio to the right frequency, a woman responds and tells them to stop snooping because the last person that did so is dead (Sazz). She also was in a hurry to disconnect giving the impression she’s on the run. Is she the mysterious Dudenoff or a tenant we have yet to meet? I’m so confused!
Final Thoughts
I feel like the writers have caught on to how smart the redditors are because a lot of theories were confirmed or debunked this episode. Someone theorized Mabel might end up squatting in the Dudenoff apartment which she does at the end of the episode and another theorized that Vince’s eyepatch was to cover a bruise from the gun’s recoil which is false (he actually does have pink eye and it’s gnarly 🤢). I’m bracing myself for the moment in the season finale where everything was obvious af and I was just overthinking everything 😂 What do you guys think so far now that we’re 3 episodes into the season?
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lilacura · 9 months
Realms apart | Jang Wonyoung
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pairing: Sorcerer!Jang Wonyoung x Fae!Reader
>wc: 1.4k
sypnosis: two souls, Y/N and Wonyoung, discover an otherworldly connection through a magical portal. As their enchanting journey unfolds, unforeseen challenges lead to a heart-wrenching separation, leaving them yearning across realms.
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In the midst of enchanted realms, Y/N, a delicate fae with wings that shimmered like the moon, stumbled upon an ancient portal during her ethereal wanderings.
"Hello there," Y/N said softly, her wings fluttering delicately. "I'm a fae from the realm of moonlit dreams. And you are?"
Out from the other side emerged Wonyoung, a sorceress with silver hair flowing like starlight.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Wonyoung said with a gentle smile. "I'm Wonyoung, a sorceress from realms unknown. Looks like we've stumbled upon quite the enchanting encounter, haven't we?"
Unaware of each other's origins, Y/N and Wonyoung found themselves drawn together by the intrigue of unexplored landscapes. "This place is something else," Y/N continued. "Feels like a whole new world."
Wonyoung grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Yeah, a world filled with surprises. Let's see what it's got."
Their days unfolded with a rhythm of unexpected moments. Amidst vibrant wildflowers, Y/N admired the colors. "Nature here sure knows how to throw a party, huh?"
Wonyoung chuckled, brushing off a stray petal. "Absolutely. It's like every day is a festival."
As they ventured deeper, they encountered mystical creatures. One day, mischievous sprites decided to test their wit with a riddle. Y/N smirked, turning to Wonyoung. "Ready for some brain exercise?"
Wonyoung raised an eyebrow. "Always. Let's show these sprites what we've got."
Their cleverness unraveled the puzzle, earning the sprites' playful laughter. The duo's laughter joined the woodland chorus.
In the heart of ancient ruins, Y/N traced her fingers along worn carvings. "These markings tell tales of the past. Feels like we're stepping into history."
Wonyoung, examining the carvings, nodded. "Who knows, maybe someone will find traces of our mischief someday."
However, their enchanting journey faced challenges. A day marked by ominous clouds brought forth a torrential storm. Y/N and Wonyoung sought refuge in a hidden cave, the echoes of thunder creating an intimate melody.
"Looks like nature decided to test our resilience," Y/N said, her wings slightly dampened. Unable to move her wings, she tried fluttering them but failed. Her whimpers of pain echoing through the cave.
Wonyoung frowned, conjuring a shimmering shield against the rain. "Are you okay? Do you want me to help with anything?." 
Y/N smiled softly “Thank you Wony but there really isn’t much to do, all we gotta do is wait till it dries.” 
As they faced challenges, the strain on the portal became apparent. Sitting by a moonlit pool, Y/N sighed. "We can't ignore the portal's instability. We need to find a way to fix this or risk being stuck here."
Wonyoung nodded, her expression determined. "Agreed. Let's not let some wonky portal ruin our time in this magical mess."
Nights beneath the starlit sky turned into moments of shared warmth. By the crackling fire, their eyes met. A soft smile tugged at Y/N's lips. "Guess we've found our own kind of magic in all this chaos."
Wonyoung, captivated by the flickering flames and Y/N's presence, reached out. "Maybe the real magic is us, together, navigating through the unknown."
Days turned into nights, and beneath the starlit sky, Y/N and Wonyoung embraced the unpredictability of their adventure. The magic of their days wasn't just in the realms they traversed but in the laughter, banter, and shared understanding that made each moment and every touch unforgettable.
Amidst the enchantment, more moments unfolded. They discovered a hidden grove where luminescent fireflies created a mesmerizing dance. Y/N grinned, her eyes reflecting the soft glow. "Looks like the stars came down to join our little party."
Wonyoung chuckled, the fireflies casting a gentle glow on her features. "Our own private light show."
Their journey led them to a tranquil meadow, where they lay side by side, watching clouds drift lazily across the sky. Y/N pointed to the sky, tracing imaginary shapes. "See that cloud? Looks like a dragon."
Wonyoung followed Y/N's gaze, a playful smile forming. "A dragon, huh? I see it now. Your imagination is something else."
The simple moments, like sharing laughter and creating imaginary tales, became the threads weaving the tapestry of their shared days. In a spontaneous gesture, Y/N reached for Wonyoung's hand, fingers intertwining effortlessly.
As they strolled through a field of blossoms, the air filled with their laughter. Wonyoung playfully plucked a flower, tucking it behind Y/N's ear. "For the most enchanting fae in all the realms."
Y/N grinned, a blush tinting her cheeks. "And for the sorceress who weaves magic into every moment."
In these quiet and unexpected moments, their connection deepened. Whether facing challenges or reveling in the simplicity of shared laughter, Y/N and Wonyoung embraced the unpredictable beauty of their intertwined destinies.
The final moments approached, and Y/N and Wonyoung faced the heart-wrenching truth—their enchanting journey was reaching its tragic conclusion. The once-stable portal now pulsated erratically, casting a cold, uncertain light upon their somber faces.
As they sat by the moonlit pool, the air became heavy with the impending farewell. Wonyoung's voice trembled as she spoke, "Y/N, the portal's instability... it's tearing us apart. I never imagined our story would end like this."
Y/N, with tearful eyes, whispered, "Sometimes, even the most beautiful stories are marred by cruel endings. It feels like the magic we found is slipping away."
They clung to each other's hands, fingers desperately entwined as if trying to defy the inevitable. The once-vibrant realms echoed with the haunting melody of separation, each note a painful reminder of what they were about to lose.
The moonlit pool, once a reflection of their shared laughter, now seemed to mock them with its cold, indifferent surface. Y/N's voice cracked as she uttered the words that shattered their hearts, "Wonyoung, we can't escape this. The portal is taking you away, and I can't follow."
Wonyoung, tears streaming down her face, replied, "I thought our love could defy the forces that govern these realms. But it seems we were just fleeting stars in a vast, indifferent cosmos."
They held onto their final moments, as if stretching time itself. In the cruel dance of fate, the portal surged, demanding its toll. Y/N and Wonyoung shared a tearful gaze, a silent farewell etched with unspoken love and agony.
"I'll carry the echoes of our laughter, the warmth of your touch, and the haunting memory of our shared journey," Wonyoung whispered, her voice breaking with sorrow.
Y/N, her voice choked with grief, replied, "And I'll hold onto the fragments of our magic, the stolen kisses beneath starlit skies, and the love that defied the boundaries of realms."
As the portal enveloped them, their final desperate words hung in the air, lingering like an unfulfilled promise. The realms that once witnessed their joy now bore witness to the brutal separation.
In the heart-wrenching silence that followed, Y/N and Wonyoung found themselves torn apart, stranded on opposite sides of an unforgiving magical chasm. The moonlit pool, a cold reflection of their yearning, stood as a silent testimony to a love that transcended dimensions but succumbed to the inevitable tragedy of a world where magic dictated merciless endings.
As the portal's shimmering glow subsided, leaving them in their respective realms, a strange sense of emptiness settled over Y/N and Wonyoung. Wonyoung, standing alone in her realm, felt the weight of separation press upon her. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, as the reality of their parting sank in.
She gazed longingly at the place where the portal once connected them, aching for the presence of the delicate fae who had become her everything. The air in her realm seemed to echo with the distant laughter and shared moments, now haunting reminders of what was lost.
Meanwhile, in her own realm, Y/N crumpled to the floor, overwhelmed by the agony of their separation. Her cries reverberated through the magical landscapes that once felt so alive with the shared joy of their adventure. Tears streamed down her face as she called out, a desperate plea carried by the unseen forces that now kept them apart.
"Wonyoung! Please, come back! Don't leave me alone in this endless emptiness!" Y/N's voice wavered with sorrow, reaching across the realms in a futile attempt to bridge the insurmountable gap.
In her realm, Wonyoung clutched her chest, feeling the resonance of Y/N's pain. The unspoken connection that bound them seemed to stretch and strain, a testament to a love that refused to be severed by mere distance.
As Wonyoung stood, heavy with unshed tears, and Y/N cried out in the solitude of her own realm, the moonlit pool reflected the heartbreaking duality of their shared grief. The realms, once filled with enchantment, now bore witness to the somber aftermath of a love that faced the cruelest fate imaginable—forever existing in the echo of what once was.
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a/n: this was super rushed but happy new years!!! (I'm so late ik)
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
Top 5 character dynamics on d20? (Intrepid heroes seasons + side quests; so 10)
oh i love this and thank you for splitting it into the 2 groups, making it slightly more possible lol
point of clarification: the slashes are NOT being used as a shipping indication. it's just faster than using and a million times. in fact, the only one i ship is colin/deli/skarna.
Side Quests:
1- Colin/Deli/Skarna. I don't need to explain this one, I think. Everything is wrong with them and it's painful and wonderful.
2- Squing/Alexsandr. Squing ate over 2500 letters Sasha wrote. Sasha wants to play with his weirdly soft head like silly putty. Every single interaction has me in hysterics, really.
3- Evan/Jammer. EAT TRASH BEAT TRASH. FAMILY ON SIX. Jammer constantly being Evan's strongest hype man is just so great.
4- Chirp/Squak. Emily and Lou decided they wanted to be an iconic, chaotic duo, and my god they knocked it out of the park. The scene where she tells him about her wife and kids?? 100/10.
5- Lila/Jaysohn/Thorn. It was really hard to not say the whole damn party, honestly. But Thorn trying to cool-uncle parent these goddamn nightmares was incredible.
Intrepid Heroes:
1- Amethar/Caramelinda. I wrote a whole fic about their early relationship. I rotate them in my mind constantly. As complicated and painful what we know about them is, what's left unsaid is even more so. (if you just meant pc/pc dynamics, i'm sorry!)
2- Sofie/Kugrash. If I start talking about the million reasons I love them and their friendship, I'll start crying, so. Not gonna do that. But you understand.
3- Pete/Kingston. Pete seeing Kingston as an authority figure to rebel against -> father figure. Kingston not giving Epona Pete's information in the same day that he says that if it comes down to NYC or Pete, he'll pick NYC ten out of ten times. The Voxes, starting diametrically opposed and ending up family, really.
4- Saccharina/Ruby. You can be my queen or my sister, but not both. The prisoners' dilemma. Jet just died, Ruby can't let anyone else in vs Ruby representing everything Saccharina has ever wanted. 100/10 Siobhan and Emily killed me.
5- Pib/Pinocchio. Literally partners in crime. Just a pair of little dudes causing Big Chaos. Pinocchio holding Pib up to Baba Yaga and saying "where the white women at?" is canon to me.
That's a lot of Lou characters oop 😅
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cocktailjjrs · 11 months
I'm late to the party. But...
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a few thing...
How can he look so good?
They both look sooooo shocked!!!
AND It's actually going just like the anime!!!
The only thing is with the Manga pacing i don't think we are getting any new content anytime soon. The earliest i can think of is maybe in February or March.
Though maybe we can get some new shots (or a much needed explanation) of Soukoku's prison break plan... As much as i love the whole Soukoku's undying trust in each other, i still need that mind-blowing logical plans that BSD is famous for.
But there must be some way the Chuuya knew how to act around Fyodor enough to fool him into believing that he was actually under vampirism, say like a character study, that every actor needs to do before they perform. Because in this chapter, the Shock on Fyodor's face was evident, more than in Anime (how that is possible i can't exactly say, but you know what i'm saying right?), and he really seemed out of cards till this moment at least.
(Not that i believe that Fyodor is dead or will remain dead)
It's also import to note that Soukoku are not completely out of hot waters.
They are still stranded just outside the best Prison in the world
Are away from their homeland, in a completely foreign country on the other side of the world.
One of them in injured (maybe heavily)
There is a group of dangerous ability users in the country they are stranded in
And the world is still in chaos after the whole vampirism and nukes and all
So, it's still as dangerous as it gets.
Not that its anything new for this duo.
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jsungshine · 1 month
could we get a list of your ocs that are friends/close, we need more internal karaverse interactions 🙏
❥𓂃🪩⋆˚.•📁✩‧₊⋆ kara !
omg YES I WILL I LOOOOOOOOOVE THE KARAVERSE EEEE. ao imma focus on cross group friendships cause each group has their own dynamics and that’s a different post. i also don’t wanna add romantic relationships so this is all just friendships for now.
so our main group is heeyoung , minji and taeji, the fucking chaos triplets. jen is a recent addition the squad but she’s really fitting in with them i love it. mimi joins them every now and then but she’s quite a solo person but when she’s there they have fun. they get in a lot of shit together but they’re so fun and fresh. a sub division of this group includes the boys like james of triptych, jisung and hyunjin.
taeji is especially close with james since they’ve known each other since their trainee days. taeji , james and jeongin are a very close trio.
next is our party girls sora, kelsey and kiera. calling them friends is even a stretch they kinda just are around each other and go out together. sometimes they hang out with minchae she’s an npc oc i created that is jangmi’s ex childhood best friend. she’s a model and actress and gets the best drugs so they hang out. non of them really like each other but are a lot more involved in each others lives than they will admit.
sora and sol are one of the closest pairings in the karaverse. they’re like brother and sister and adore each other. he really is her support system and so sweet. they used to include fin a lot in their friendship but ever since their breakup they obviously are back to being a duo.
a fun little group stella, mila and nova. the three of them are very close and i looove them cause they’re all so different but mesh together so well. they’re literally the coolest people you’ll ever meet. they’re so like aloof and mysterious ugh so sexy.
next is our artsy gays; mila , stella , dayna and arin. they love to frequent galleries and go to fun exhibits not super close but hangout a decent amount.
next we have akiko and trin. theyre a cute lil duo , trin is a lot more quiet and doesn’t stand up for herself but luckily she has akiko. they’re joined at the hip and in basically in love with each other i’m obsessed fr.
iris used to train at cube and so she’s close with vivid but she’s one of sora’s best friends. they liked each other as trainees but decided to just stay friends and that was the best thing they could’ve done honestly because they make amazing friends.
lastly there’s jangmi and minseok as well as jangmi and sam from triptych. minseok and jangmi were mcs together and jangmi fell for him but he’s in love with his bandmate jun so they’ve become really good friends. jangmi has struggled with friendships and through minseok she met sam and they are instantly clicked. she decided that they’d ignore their romantic interest in each other to focus on their friendship because it means so much to her.
honorable mention to jinah bora and jade. nothing significant but like at parties they interact a lot
that’s all the significant ones i can think of. obviously they cross paths a lot at like parties. lemme know if you want all the romantic relationships or like people they hate too cause this was so fun lmao yayyy
find my ocs here; @alwaysvivid , @nct-krown , @inter-stellar-jyp , @karaverse , @p0ppingjelly
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jonnnysuh · 2 years
(probably) rejected going seventeen ideas
On the off chance someone from the seventeen team is reading this (((like you probably did with the hide and seek post AHEM COUGH COUGH jk unless)))) I present to you my GOSE ideas:
They are in a courtroom and have to defend each other. The case should be something that actually happened (i.e one of their petty fights) They can present their arguments with irrelevant proof (for example, Mingyu is a lawyer, and the other party’s lawyer Seungkwan presents a picture of Mingyu flexing his muscles and says he’s a show off or some shit bc he wants to EMBARRASS HIM) Since there’s 523 members of svt some could be lawyers, defendants, judge, key witnesses and jury… hell, someone could be a security guard. Also I am merely a fan of seventeen in suits (update: they actually did this one omg)
BET ON MY BESTIE. They are all given a prompt and they have to bet on which member they think would do it best. The betted on members have to prove whether or not they can do it. For example, “Which member can do 30 pushups in 15 seconds?” You have everyone SCREAMINGG hyping up Woozi Mingyu and Joshua. You’d have Hoshi making crazy promises like “JOSHUA IF YOU WIN THIS I’LL BUY YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT” and then when Joshua wins Hoshi’s like “🤭 just kidding”
SVT building ikea furniture in two teams. One member is blindfolded, another member is wearing noise cancelling headphones and another is not allowed to talk -> these three have to some how relay the instructions to the rest of the team
This is definitely a long shot but seventeen WIPE OUT edition. I wanna see Dino bounce off a huge red ball
An actual serious game of dodgeball pleaseeeeeeeeee. I know y’all did it for the Jun appreciation day video but they were purposely trying to let Jun win. I wanna see S coups whip a ball
They each design an article of merch (hoodies, shirt, sweatpants, hat, etc). The twist is they have to keep passing on the merch to the next member and add on to the design every 15 minutes until it’s gone thru all 13 members. It’d be cool to see the behind the scenes of something they made collectively and it would be CHAOS. Imagine The8 being really proud of his drawing and then Hoshi gets it next and draws a big ass evil banana or something idk. The merch gets sold on their website for a limited amount of time.
Seventeen in a BIG ASS MAZE and each person has to find a specific member among it in order to exit. Imagine DK runs into Jun but needs to find Vernon so DK starts yelling “GET OUT OF THE WAYYY” Minghao would do some shit like wait by the exit until his partner found him pls
They get to style a member and make them pose however and wherever they want for a picture. At the end, the pictures are presented and the members have to guess who styled them and who got the best makeover ((winners get a wish ticket))
All 13 of them (or two teams) have to shoot a low-budget music video for one of their b-side songs
They wear prosthetics and go undercover in public and have to fulfil 5 tasks
MAFIA (DONT LIE) BUT pairs are handcuffed together (one team of three people). Ideally, the pairs are of the most unlikely duo/the ones who bicker a lot. If you want it to be simpler, ask every member many days prior to compile a list of who they would most to least like to be handcuffed to. Only on the day of do they find out they are handcuffed to the person they listed last. They play Don’t Lie Mafia as they usually would. Throughout the set are a limited amount of handcuff keys (so not every duo can separate) This would be A MESS. If your partner is eliminated, they become separated and the remaining member goes on solo. My goal here is to have a lot of fighting i.e Wonwoo wants to go left but Woozi wants to go right but they BOTH can’t have what they want. Josh is mafia and Mingyu is getting close to finding the prize money so Josh leads the poor man astray bc Mingyu trusts him. Okay, honestly I can’t think of a full concept but I would still love to see them handcuffed to each other. In my head it’s Hoshi-Seungkwan, Jeonghan-Dino, Mingyu-Josh, DK-Jun-Scoups, Vernon-The8, Wonwoo-Woozi
Shark Tank Parody. The8, Joshua and Woozi are sharks. Each member has to present a product… the catch is they have no idea what their product is until it’s their turn. Really reliant on improv (similar to their seventeen got talent GOSE)
Idk what the actual scenario is but one member is wearing a secret headset and is being told what to do by the staff. Either no other members are aware and think that one member is being a weirdo OR all members are wearing headsets and they have to figure out who is being controlled (Similar to Mystery Mystery GOSE and Secret Santa GOSE)
They recreate their PLEDIS auditions. They are styled with similar hair, outfits and introductions. They sing and dance to their audition songs. The members are not allowed to laugh or they get shocked.
A chill GOSE where they sit around a campfire roasting marshmallows and tell each other their real life ghost stories. Potentially a prank on DK where they disappear into the darkness one by one
Likely would be an end of year video but a trivia game where they are shown moments of their year (or even their overall lives together) and it’s in a game show format where the goal is to select the right answer. (For example, they are shown a picture and asked where it was taken with A,B,C,D options) It’s a recap of their year and they can explain the moment in more depth
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myymi · 2 years
i love all of your headcanons sooo much. do you have any more about the shadow and tails duo?? or perhaps tails and some other characters we dont usually get to see him with all that much (charmy, cream, rouge, etc?)
sure thing!! ^^
he and tails like to communicate their feelings through music (usually classical music)
nobody else really gets it, but they do :]
if shadow’s shoes need repairs, he’ll do them himself but he’ll do it in tails’s workshop (its totally only because tails has the best tools and not because shadow wants to spend time with him)
shadow lets tails stay up late
shadow has most definitely offered to kill tails’s bullies spdsvgr
when civilians throw parties for the heroes for saving the world again, tails immediately goes off to find shadow so he can chaos control them the fuck outta there (he appreciates it !! but no social interaction after saving the world, he sleepy)
tails was actually a little scared of shadow after the war against infinite :( he knew it wasn’t actually shadow, but still
they play dumb kid games like shark and minnows every time they meet up
cream and tails bake together :]
charmy is actually the one who got tails into gaming (he’s SO salty that tails is actually better than him now)
they should not be left without adult supervision when together.. it will not end well
tails gives them both flying lessons and tips on how to go fast even while carrying someone
charmy and tails are lego guys !! they build all kinds of shit (they never use instructions)
cream taught them how to make flower crowns <3
certified chao protection trio
cream and charmy constantly remind tails he’s a kid like them and deserves to let loose and have fun :]]
after tails disappeared during the war in forces, cream started a little flower bed that she added onto once a day until he returned
she’s his wine aunt
rouge helps him with learning how to carry heavier objects/people
tails is allowed to do practically anything he wants when rouge watches him
she’ll say she doesn’t care for him, but rouge is soft <3
rouge beta tests a lot of the stealth gadgets tails creates
tails gets flustered a lot because she praises him a LOT and he doesn’t know how to cope
rouge gives him a lot of classified gov. info because why not (he gives her gems in payment)
she absolutely spoils him (so does everyone who’s older than him but like,, rouge especially)
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Stranger Things Leverage AU:
(You don't need to know anything about Leverage except that they help people through cons and thievery like Robin Hood, sorta.)
Nancy is the mastermind, the one who instigated the whole thing because of what happened to Barb. Who is knowledgeable about so many things and knows how to piece information together. She's exceptionally adaptable and has many unexpected talents.
Robin is a thief with a knack for languages. She'd be surprisingly good in certain con situations, but absolutely horrendous and chaos prone in others. Steve is trying to teach her how to improve her acting skills, but it's never going to be something she's good at. She's socially awkward and incredibly knowledgeable about the things pertaining to her interests, such as various types of safes, etc.
Steve is the grifter. He can charm the pants off of anyone. He struggles with who he really is but desperately loves this little family they have formed even if they don't know his real name in the beginning.
Jonathan is the hitter. This man has been through some stuff, and he knows how to take a hit. Knows how to give one, too. He has some serious trauma, but he will do absolutely anything to protect the people he loves.
The older group doesn't allow The Party into the thick of things, not to the same extent at least. They are less involved with actual cons and infiltration and help from a distance.
For example, Dustin, with the occasional help from Susie, is the hacker. He is exceptionally good with computers and other technological inventions. He stays behind with the computer unless a situation is dire.
Mike and Will work in law, with Mike and Nancy's original work having an unexpected number of overlaps when she was an insurance agent. They contribute help and support to the team as the need arises.
Lucas and Max are a dynamic duo of knowledge and physical know-how. They sneak their way into cons and fights far more than any of the other Party members. Max has a talent for thievery that Robin fosters behind Nancy’s back. Lucas is more of an athlete than his partner and handles a lot of action alongside Jonathan. Their official jobs have to do with handling the literal business side of things
El is the secret weapon that no one tries to use. They all work to keep her out of things, to let her live a normal life, but she doesn't let them. She uses her powers to frequently help with cases, be it through spying, thievery, or knocking people out. She is capable of quite a lot of what they do, but the one thing she is absolutely horrendous at is acting. She accidentally messed up more than one con by being found at the wrong time and place.
The original group was formed through various connections coming together at once. Nancy and Jonathan met through their brothers, who are married. Steve and Robin had a tenuous partnership and trust from past crimes. Nancy and Steve had a small thing when she was an insurance agent chasing after him, but they are both over it by the time they team up. Nancy had dealt with Robin's crimes before, but she'd never been able to find the elusive thief.
I'd say they still handle the occasional supernatural situation, but they handle plenty of typical corruption as well. The older group are the core four who run the show while every single one the Party cajoled and snuck their way into the action. Mike figured Nancy out instantly when she worked a case he happened to be involved in. Dustin hacked his way into the coms and made himself their official tech guy. Lucas and Max got directly involved when a con went south, and Dustin contacted them to save the team from danger. Not one of the Party tried to keep the secret from El or Will. They all ended up making themselves at home in the Leverage Offices one day and never left.
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
My oc Lukka (based off of Lago, the bird from Aladdin) loves the heat surprisingly, he enjoys long naps under the hot sun, so Lukka will probably just enjoy himself just by sunbathing during the party. But he will REFUSE to get in the water (hates getting wet)
his favorite color is dark red, and to a beach he would just be wearing short pants, with a short-sleeve tropical button up. Most likely to be the one bringing ice cream in a cooler for the others to enjoy, he would definitely drag along Jamil by promising him that he’ll take care of Kalim for a whole week- (Jamil definitely doubted him but needed a break so he agreed to it anyway)
Here’s a image of Lukka! (I don’t know how to reference link so this is me trying my best-)
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--- Sunscreen? Check. Water bottles? Check. Tropical t-shirt? Check. Ungodly amount of ice cream? Check. Jamil and Lukka were going through everything after arriving just to triple check that all was going to be ok. Kalim of course wanted to bring more, but after being convinced by Jamil that this didn't need to be so extravagant he settled on following Lukkas idea of bringing a bucket load of ice cream. Almost immediately Kalim was off and racing around with the other guests. You'd almost think he was the one hosting with how he tried to greet every person in site. His bright smile rivalled the sun. Meanwhile, on the other side of the beach, Jamil and Lukka settled and took in the lovely warmth of the sun rays. Jamil sighed as he took a seat "Now then. I expect you to be on the look out for Kalim today ontop of the week long babysitting." Dumbfounded Lukka wasn't about to give up the day just yet, "Come-ooon, I'm sure it'll be fine to let Tuna and the others keep a watch over him right? There's plenty of faces we know here, no reason to watch him like a hawk~" Jamil scowled and motioned to the 'lovely' guests "Oh your right let's see... a chaotic trio of mers, the infamous heartslaybul duo, the cunning big cats... yes what reliable bunch" He rolled his eyes as he turned back to everyone. Lukka retorted sarcastically "Aww well don't you just love them all~. Alright fine, I'll keep an eye open while we sunbathe. But don't say i never do anything for you!" The two began their somewhat of a retreat, things going pretty smoothly for the most part. That is until a screech from Kalim and several others resonates throughout the beach. The two sat up almost immediately, ready to fly onto the scene, only to be speechless at the sight before them. Tuna had started tossing seaweed around to prank people, but a lost crab had found it's new pass-time, pinching at everyone. The two sunbathers shared an intense stare, a look that said 'I'm not dealing with that' Deciding to let fate take it's course they reclined back into their seats and enjoyed the show of chaos before them. Lukka handed Jamil an ice cream from the cooler, "Dinner and a show~!" ---
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOININ THE EVENT!!!! LUKKAS HAIR I LOVE <3 I can also appreciate his brutal honesty cause SAME LMAO- I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE EVENT !!! <3
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tigreblvnc · 2 months
Your match is...
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— Bachira Meguru
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✦ I am certain that Bachira wouldn’t be easily put off by sarcasm; on the contrary, he likes people with a bit of bite! He has a hearty laugh and would surely find your quick wit very amusing.
✦ In fact, he would appreciate every facet of you, the one that is hard to grasp at first glance and the one that is funny and energetic once you get to know it.
✦ Cheerleader duo!!!
✦ Honestly, Bachira is the first to want to join you in your passions, even (and especially) the most unusual ones. He loves trying new approaches, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it even inspired him with new techniques for football.
✦ One of the things you both excel at is being that duo in the middle of a party who doesn’t really get what everyone else is up to but enjoys just being together. I don’t see him particularly liking drinking, smoking, or that sort of thing, so he would probably isolate himself with you because he prefers joking around in your company.
✦ Moreover, he always finds it amusing that you dare to assert your opinions in front of anyone, no matter if it ruffles feathers or causes a bit of chaos. In fact, I think those are his favorite moments: when you speak your truth to someone and shake things up. He’s a bit like that too, so you probably have little squabbles now and then, but things always end with a hug.
✦ He would follow your energy and desires. I can totally see him being the one who helps fire up the room with you, and eventually, everyone ends up following you both.
✦ Bachira shares with you both the moments of high energy and the lazy times when you play video games together without a care.
✦ Actually, I think most people who see you together wonder what could possibly work between you…
✦ … and after a few minutes in your presence, they realize that things couldn’t be any other way.
✦ I like to believe that the INTP/ESFP duo works like a charm for all the complementarities they bring to each other.
✦ Your fashion style intrigues him, and he loves to ask you forty questions about why this piece, where you found that, and if this thing would look good on him too…
✦ Overall, Bachira is interested in what you do in science and learns a lot about people through your extensive knowledge of psychology. Actually, I think it even helps him on the field to understand others, as that’s not particularly his strong suit.
✦ Totally the cuddle man by definition.
✦ Even though he is shown as eccentric and uncontrollable most of the time, we’ve seen that Bachira is also capable of listening and giving very pertinent advice in the most desperate moments. When you’re stuck, he brings that optimistic light that you lack.
✦ Bachira is very socially oriented but also values his freedom; as an introvert, you appreciate that he knows how to respect your independence and your need for solitude when requested. I can even imagine him being able to understand when to leave you alone without you needing to say anything.
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A word about your match: I think you two are really cute <3
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duckapus · 10 months
Mario & Sonic Party part 3
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Okay, now we're doing Minigame Mode
So the framing device for the Minigame Mode menu as a whole as well as the Free Play menu is that Peach's Castle ended up in Spagonia and the Submode Selection and Minigame Selection uses magic portal paintings like in Super Mario 64, with Toadsworth and Professor Pickle curating the gallery. If a submode or minigame is still locked, the painting will be obscured by abstract blobs of color.
Fishing Battle
That one mode in nearly every Mario Party where you pick a minigame category (4-Player, 2-vs-2 and 1-vs-3) and whether you need 3, 5, or 7 victories to win. In this case, it's represented by the Players' characters fishing with Big and a Lakitu, and when you win a minigame you catch a fish.
Duel Simulator
Professor E. Gadd and Eggman Nega's laboratories got fused together in such a way that the doors are missing, and they've decided to make the most of it and simulate the playable characters going head-to-head in Duel Minigame Tournaments. We've got the two duels in round 1, then the 3rd-4th playoff, then the final round, as you'd expect. The Players can decide who squares off with who in the first round.
Extreme Racing
The single player Minigame Endurance mode. The Player must compete in 100 consecutive Minigames of any type (except Item and Boss Minigames) and can only lose 3 times before getting a game over. The host duo and racecourse aesthetic are different depending on the difficulty level. On Easy, you race against Storm and the Spooky Speedster through ancient ruins, with elaborate depictions of both Ancient Babylonians and Thwomps carved into the walls. On Normal, you race against Wave and Koopa the Quick through a tunnel that appears to be part of an Eggman base, with a window on one side that reveals the tunnel is hanging over a lava lake near one of Bowser's Castles. On Hard, you race against Jet and Il Piantissimo on a path made of clouds and vines high in the sky, with Sky Babylon visible in the distance. On Master, you race against Metal Sonic 3.0 and a Cosmic Mario on a mechanical version of Rainbow Road, with both the Comet Observatory and a not-blown-up Death Egg visible in the distance. On Super, you're on a comically long wooden pier being chased by the Sonic Adventure Orca. It gives up and swims away at the halfway point, only to immediately be replaced by a giant Cheep-Cheep.
Tile Trial
It's basically just MP5's Mini-Game Wars with a bigger grid, because it's my favorite of the Colored Tile Minigame Submodes. Sticks and Orbulon are the Hosts because I think they'd play off each other well, and there's now a 2-vs-2 version called "Badgers Versus Aliens."
The usual Minigame Decathlon framed as a Chao Race. It's hosted by Toad and Omochao, and every character uses a Chao that looks like them...with a few exceptions.
Cream obviously uses Cheese.
Ashley's Chao is clearly just Red under the effect of a transformation spell of some sort.
Petey Piranha uses a Nipper Plant
Bowser Jr. uses a Hero Chao wearing a Bandana identical to his.
Metal Sonic and Omega both use modified Omochao Because Robots.
Boss Rush
Kamek and Sage challenge 1 or 2 players to play every Boss Minigame back-to-back. The order is random, with the exception of Dimensional Collision Zone's boss, which is always last. This is the only way for Blaze, Ashley, Junior and Metal to fight the bosses, and it's probably a bit awkward for Junior and Metal because they are the boss fight for BowsEgg Battle Cruiser.
That's it for Minigame Mode, but this post ain't over yet!
Bonus Mode
The Dream World and Maginaryworld got fused just like everything else, but because they're both just Dreams it isn't that big a deal. So, Prince Dreambert and Illumina collaborated on three special dreams that house Bonus Games for the playable characters to enjoy.
MicroDream Mayhem
A single player bonus game hosted by Lumina. It's literally a WarioWare stage with "Mario + Sonic" as the theme. There's about 30 mirogames (which I will not be coming up with. nor will I be coming up with the Minigames. That Way Lies Madness.)
Dream Ralley
Four players race through a platforming course created by Dreambert, because of course you'd put platforming challenges into a crossover between two of the most famous platformer series of all time. Each difficulty level has three courses to choose from (Dreambert has a lot of free time).
Nightmare Shuffle
Void has created a few small, simple boards that use the mechanics of Sonic Shuffle instead of Mario Party. I bet you thought I forgot about Sonic Shuffle, didn't you?
Extras Mode
Hosted by Starlow and Shahra, this Mode houses the Star Bank and has some extra content that didn't quite fit in the other modes. Namely:
Unlockable figurines like the ones in MPDS.
3 special single-player Minigames.
Unlockable artwork of the characters, usually involving the various counterparts interacting.
The soundtrack, available for your perusal and listening pleasure.
Options Mode
Exactly what you expect. Hosted by a Goomba and an Egg Pawn.
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greyias · 2 years
Highlights from last night's stream (I swear, if I had the wherewithal I would actually do clips/highlights properly with Twitch's interface, but eh, effort):
Spending a good ten minutes or so to finish beating that stupid Ithorian at the spaceport so I could finally get the HK part I needed. As I finally beat him, and we cheered in chat, I realized: he had no HK droid parts. That was just being sold like normal by a different vendor a few meters away
Finding a room full of deactivated mute protocol droids, and without any reason whatsoever other than "chaos", activating them all at the exact same time, and cackling madly as they all bunched up and got caught in doorways as they tried to clank past one another to start their patrol routes
Baby Voice Padawan and Holly the Holocron -- most unlikely padawan/master duo
Not realizing the spider enemies somehow breathed fire until like, 45 minutes in of bonking them on the head
Running around for over an hour inside of the Enclave, progressing story bits, gaining light side and experience points, and in a moment of hubris-fueled chaos, decided to overload a computer terminal with a one second timer, insta-killing the entire party. I had not saved since setting foot inside. We had to do everything again
Mical. Just... Mical (being in the party .05 seconds before talking to the Exile like a stalker, "oh god I didn't mean to click on him! I was trying to talk to the turret!", "The Jedi Council convinced Revan to change her mind", *gives a guy some credits and tells him to stop breaking the law* "I've never seen a Jedi do anything nice ever! You're sooooo cool")
Running around Dantooine acting like a little missionary for the militia, asking every single soul on this godforsaken planet if they've heard the good news about Zherron and his gravelly faux Clint Eastwood Voice
And maybe my favorite moment, fueled by my own particular brand of blonde obliviousness, where I am completely and utterly lost trying to find a stupid cave, and talk to our favorite bald, old Jedi hater hanging out near our ship:
Me: [proceeds through passing all of the persuasion/charm checks, probably making bi-disaster finger guns to get Baldy to talk]
Old Bald Guy: You're right random stranger who gaslighted me last stream! [proceeds to give detailed strategic info about all of Dantooine's weak points]
Atton: Wow! You're as smooth as the barrel of a blaster. I like that. 🤩
Me: WHOA THERE, ATTON! Are you talking about that guy's head? THAT'S SO INSENSITIVE!
Atton, probably:
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Also Atton: [influence goes up], internally "My god she's so stupid. Why does that make me love her even more?"
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