tigreblvnc · 40 minutes
Bye bye Rin emo haircut.
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tigreblvnc · 11 hours
If you are the tin soldier from The Nutcracker (which just premiered in December (?)), I am Ophelia from Hamlet.
Did you know that Victor Hugo liked to draw? Especially the castles.
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tigreblvnc · 11 hours
Now yes, from the Middle Ages to 1760. ✨️👀
Which animal am I, mini Sunny?
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tigreblvnc · 11 hours
i actually don’t know all that much about typology (i’m still learning >_< it’s interesting to read about it) but i know i’m enneagram type 2 and sp/sx! it’s very fun to type different characters as well!
Who from Blue Lock did you type?
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tigreblvnc · 13 hours
will THE burger king himself break the mutual upon learning i only eat veggie burgers 😨⁉️
Since I want to taste the burger in all its forms, I actually bought a veggie steak last week to try. And it's really impressive. The texture of the patty can be compared to that of meat because you have to chew a lot. You could still tell that it wasn't a real steak, but it's a good alternative.
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tigreblvnc · 15 hours
The best Disney character that suits you is... Eugene Ryder from the Rapunzel movie, or Dimitri from Anastasia.
If you were a car, *ahem, Cars*, you'd be a French car – I have no proof, nor doubts.
If we're talking about Disney villains, you'd definitely be Evil Queen from Snow White. (?) or also, Faciller from The Princess and the Frog.
In Disney Fairy, you would be Silvermist (?). I don't know, but I think so — it suits you quite well.
I only know Eugene and it's the best comparison ever. Thank you. (Even if that wasn't on purpose)
Talk me about the other characters.
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tigreblvnc · 16 hours
Je deviens obsédé par la France des années 1830 (maintenant je connais son histoire politique hahahahahahhaa.)
Que s'est-il passé dans les années 1830 ? Je n'étais pas encore né.
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tigreblvnc · 16 hours
hiii ( ⸝⸝ ᴖ.ᴖ ⸝⸝ ) i love your profile it is very nice to look at! i also noticed in your ‘about’ you have your typology listed, are you interested in typology too? ^_^
Hello, yes, it's one of my greatest passions in life. Basically, everything related to psychology. What do you know about typology?
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tigreblvnc · 16 hours
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This is an actual depiction of me at night sometimes when i reread your matchups for me
suo the beloved moot that u are
But the real question is: do you reread the SFW or the NSFW one?
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tigreblvnc · 17 hours
What’s your standard for a good burger?
(Oh my god this is so random 🤣)
I take this question very seriously.
But first.
Fun fact: Did you know that the name "Hamburger" directly refers to the city "Hamburg" in Germany? Indeed, it was German immigrants from Hamburg who brought their recipe of ground meat, onions, and spices to the United States in the 19th century, before the dish became what we know today.
What makes a quality burger and leads me to label it a "beautiful burger":
Bun: an essential element. Preferably a brioche bun. It should neither be dry nor too soft. Your fingers should be able to hold onto it firmly. More beautiful if the surface is shiny and smooth.
Meat: the cornerstone of the recipe. A generous amount is a must. It should be juicy, tender, and slightly rare. The flavor of the meat should dominate in each bite.
Sauce: subtle. Not too heavy. It adds a "twist" to the flavor of the meat but must not overpower it.
Cheddar: creamy and generous. It should never overshadow the taste of the meat.
Onions: fried and crispy. They add a surprising texture to the dish.
Lettuce: it serves to bring freshness to each bite. It should balance the heat and the richness of the rest of the burger. It’s the "landing strip" in the burger experience.
Fries: the ESSENTIAL side dish!!! Without them, a burger isn’t a good burger. Crispy texture on the first bite but tender once on the palate. Best with paprika. They can either be dip fries to catch the sauce or shoestring fries for more presence in the mouth.
This is what makes a "beautiful burger".
I can rate your burger if you send me a picture :)
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tigreblvnc · 20 hours
DiSC personality test.
This gives the pie chart. Important detail since we all are a blend of the four styles. My main type is D while my subtype is i.
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I searched for the Di combination and here's what I found:
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What is your combination? :)
The DiSC model describes four main styles: D, i, S, and C. D is for Dominance, i is for Influence, S is for Steadiness, and C is for Conscientiousness. Everyone is a mixture of each style, but most people tend to fall into one or two main DiSC style quadrants. Source. You can find the free test online.
Yep I did the test! I got clarity. What did you get, Suo?
Thank you for the information on this personality test, @tigreblvnc !
I found a free test online which didn't require personal information: https://www.truity.com/test/disc-personality-test
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tigreblvnc · 21 hours
Your match is...
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— Isagi Yoichi
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✦ Fluffy.
✦ That’s the word that comes to mind when I read your bio.
✦ Fluffy.
✦ And as I often say: not everyone can handle fluffies.
✦ Right away, I ruled out all characters that displayed excessive, toxic, or unhealthy aspects from my choices to favor those who could create a positive ++ chemistry with you.
✦ I often have two preferred choices in terms of matchups: the duo ++ like with you and Isagi, and the duo +- where the + serves to bring balance and potentially help the - become a + in turn.
✦ Honestly. Were you expecting someone else? :)
✦ I wasn’t.
✦ Isagi is perfect for this kind of tandem, very sweet, simple, and honest.
✦ (Headcanons and the one-shot are usually included in regular matchups; since you asked for just a relationship analysis, I’m leaving them out of your matchup.)
✦ Let’s go!
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✦ "I see myself as a really friendly and caring person. I always want everything best for my friends and loved ones. I'm that friend who's everyone's therapist but also needs one lmao." This screams Isagi, you know? Without a doubt, I affirm that he is the healthiest and most balanced character in the entire manga. He benefits from the considerable advantage of being the main character, after all. For as many characters and dynamics as possible to revolve around him, he’s designed to be very balanced in his characteristics—those less developed being the ones subject to evolution on the field.
✦ Your relationship, therefore, is based on trust, and that’s basically how we define a healthy and steady romantic relationship. Something that seems improbable with the rest of Blue Lock's roster.
✦ "I'm an introverted dude who almost never leaves his room, it's hard to make me go somewhere." I think Isagi is very versatile in terms of relationships and can connect with both introverts and extroverts. I don’t see him as someone who pushes others, but rather someone patient and attentive, which is a great quality, giving you the time to do things at your own pace. He lets you choose when you want to go out or stay inside. It’s not a problem because he knows how to keep busy outside with football and doesn’t need to be constantly glued to you—or anyone, for that matter.
✦ … Even though we know in-game, he can develop a kind of dependency because his skills really peak when he plays with someone.
✦ "I always want people to feel safe with me, I treat them with no judgment, I'm creating a comfort space for them to open to me." :D
✦ "I'm pretty much an overthinker, I'm overthinking everything CONSTANTLY, every little detail of my interaction with someone, and it's exhausting sometimes." I could see the puzzle pieces racing in your mind like Isagi on the field. We’ll come back to this when we talk about MBTI, but being an overthinker is due to your second cognitive function, Extraverted Intuition (Ne), which gathers data in bulk and processes it constantly, without pause. That’s why you often keep thinking about a conversation long after it’s happened or wonder, "What could I have said at that moment?" You might even understand a joke years after hearing it. When you finally get it, it’s because your function has managed to connect several ideas and give you the answer you didn’t get back then.
✦ "I often find myself overreacting to the smallest problems, I'm quickly panicking. I also tend to think lowly of myself." These are among the reasons I didn’t choose another character, not even Hiori, because I find him prone to a lot of anxiety and defeatism. Isagi knows how to stay positive, get back up after a loss, and even motivate those around him. He’s naturally talented at recognizing others’ strengths and helping them bloom in the best conditions. Since he also asks a lot of questions, it makes him able to understand your thought process. It’s easier to communicate with someone who gets how you think.
✦ "I have low self-esteem and often compare myself to others in terms of appearance or skills." Isagi's ambition and pride are very contextual due to football triggering these traits in him; outside of that, we’ve seen him in more normal settings, where he’s very easygoing, accommodating, and open-minded. I see him as someone humble who knows his place and is content with simple things. Even in terms of clothing (especially in terms of clothing, actually), he’s often the most simply dressed character, reflecting someone who doesn’t feel the need to overdo it. So I think he’s great at naturally making you feel comfortable and not in competition. Some people automatically make you feel like you have to prove something, like you need to be good enough or not let them down. In my eyes, Isagi doesn’t provoke that at all in others; it’s actually the opposite. People tend to underestimate him because he doesn’t physically exude something impressive. It’s simply because he’s spent more time working on his strategies and being in his head than focusing on external appearances.
✦ I definitely see you two talking for hours about both simple and complex topics. Redoing the world together until late at night. A thought pops into your head at a random moment, and the message is sent. I imagine Isagi taking the time to carefully craft his replies, even writing long messages to explain his thoughts from A to Z. This might have scared away many of his past conversation partners, but I think you’ll particularly enjoy it because, on one hand, it reflects his depth of mind, and on the other, it stimulates your own thinking, giving you something to reflect on. It’s mental nourishment.
✦ "I love, LOVE making gifts and giving them." I believe the love language Isagi most enjoys receiving is probably words of affirmation, especially from people he holds in high regard. That’s the case with Noel Noa when he suggests that Isagi could beat him; it triggers a big reaction in Isagi. Not verbal, but very internal. His heart races, it works on him, it’s as if Noa indirectly told him he’s very good. Well, I think that’s exactly the kind of words that could greatly improve Isagi's mood—the fact that someone validates his game, his analytical skills, his rapid development since the first chapter.
✦ On his side, he naturally leans toward valuing others. It’s a natural ability he has, with acts of service (like when he cleans up for others) and quality time (the fact that he spends time thinking about others’ problems). If he were to have a more specific love language reserved just for his significant other, I think it could be physical contact (holding your hand, seeking your company, getting close to you, wrapping his arm around your waist in public…) and giving gifts. I can easily imagine him spending hours in front of stores thinking of the perfect gift for you, from the content to the wrapping, to how he’ll give it to you, where, when, how, and why. He considers every possible parameter to ensure the moment unfolds in the best possible conditions.
✦ The Wiki said: "He thinks his strong point is being able to find other people's strengths."
✦ Definitely, his other love language to receive is getting YOUR gifts, especially handmade ones. And if they’re knitted clothes? You bet he’ll wear them all the time in public!
✦ "And for the last one, I learned how to crochet! I want to make cool bags and plushies for me and my friends." Hihi.
✦ "I'm a touch-starved person." Oh my god, I’m so glad I was spot-on with this.
✦ YES.
✦ Isagi holding your hand at the bus stop, Isagi waiting for you after work, Isagi hugging you at home when he senses that’s what you need... Isagi is perceptive; he understands without words, even what isn’t said. He’s the ideal partner to approach you with tenderness without ever rushing you.
✦ "So I like when the other side also initiates physical contact." Quoting this just for the pleasure of confirming my assumptions.
✦ "I like when the other side’s patient and caring." (Again.)
✦ In terms of communication, Isagi is one of the best choices. Just because he’s an introverted temperament doesn’t mean he’s unable to express himself openly—quite the opposite, in fact. He does it better than most extroverts; it’s a very important quality that many introverts have over extroverts, by the way. The fact that you both spend so much time in your heads makes you very careful with your word choices. You like your sentences to reflect your feelings as accurately as possible. You’re typically the ones who write a message, erase it, and rewrite it until the text is as faithful as possible to your thoughts. That’s the case with Isagi, whose natural tendency is never to speak without thinking: he analyzes for a long time before drawing conclusions and verbalizing them.
✦ This type of communication can still pose another problem if you are not aware of it: the fact that his reflection takes time sometimes makes him silent for a while, the time he needs to structure his speech. From your side, it may seem like indifference or ignorance, but he will teach you that this is not the case: he simply needs time to think and come back to you with the best possible solution. Since Isagi is INFJ, this behavior is a reflection of his Introverted Intuition (Ni). This particular function needs a lot of time but constantly works in the background. It is known for suddenly bringing forth an idea out of nowhere in the middle of its user's mind.
✦ This complements users of Extraverted Intuition (Ne), whose ideas are constantly flowing and always in motion. One thought leads to another; it's like tree-branch thinking. On the other hand, for Introverted Intuition (Ni) users, these thoughts all converge towards the user themselves, leaving only the purest and most refined essence, that one idea that will eventually emerge in their mind.
✦ Quoting the Wiki on Isagi after writing all this: "He likes when he is praised or given sweets." Words of affirmation and giving gifts confirmed ;)
✦ "I'm watching anime since I was, idk, 7 or 9, and it's a big part of my life." We don't know what kind of manga Isagi reads, but we know that he does read some. Given that he's rather curious and likes to learn about other people's preferences—well, to beat them at football, but outside of that, he's genuinely interested in the person. So, I think he's open to your new discoveries and likes when you pitch him the synopses, which sometimes makes him want to dive into them too. I believe he might occasionally binge-watch on his own to come back to you with his thoughts and spark a debate, or he might watch with you under the covers, commenting out loud on what's happening on the screen.
✦ "I also love to play games like Hades or Cult of the Lamb." I don't know this video game, but we know Isagi is more interested in football games. If you like puzzle, thinking, moral choice, immersive, or story-driven games, I think it could easily captivate him as well. In fact, anything that engages his brain can absorb him for hours. Maybe you'll both start playing Inazuma Eleven together, who knows. (Wow, that’s an old reference.)
✦ "I often find myself forgetting to eat or drink when I get caught up in the game." :) I don’t need to mention that Isagi, along with Barou, is the perfect character to remind you when it’s time to eat, shower, and sleep. But I’ll say it anyway because it adds a bit more nuance and realism to your relationship: Isagi cares about your health, and even though he knows it's important to you to be on the computer for everything you love to do, he cares about your well-being and will often poke his head around the door to ask, "By the way, have you eaten?" Until one day, when he knows full well that the answer is no. So, he comes into your room with a meal tray, without saying a word, because he wants to make sure you’ve got something in your stomach.
✦ I'm canonizing Isagi as a man who knows how to cook perfectly well.
✦ And with that, I confirm that the love languages you give match well with those Isagi loves to receive, just like the ones you love to receive are naturally what he gives.
✦ (I think the physical contact moments between you will be intense.)
✦ (Like… curled up under the blankets, cuddling for hours? He’s totally up for it.)
✦ "KAISER'S HAIRCUT" :) I think it’s the first thing he noticed about you when he saw you from behind at your first meeting, and he probably looked at you suspiciously.
✦ He’s definitely handling your next haircut.
✦ (Honestly, I love that haircut too, so fight to keep it.)
✦ (I want a picture.)
✦ Last little MBTI note as promised; the INFP-INFJ couple reminds me a lot of a parent-child duo. In the sense that the INFP tends to be more influenced by their own emotions and reacts on impulse, while the INFJ naturally has the ability to absorb and process information before manifesting any kind of reaction. I think this dynamic is very present between you and Isagi, and in the long term, it’s a very healthy and close relationship that awaits you. You may have some difficulty stepping out of your comfort zones, as you are both introverted and home-loving profiles. But the major advantage is your ability to easily understand the other’s psychological workings.
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A word about your match: Probably one of the sweetest matchups I've made. I love writing for Isagi; he’s underestimated too often when he’s a true gem in the midst of this bloodthirsty jungle of competitors. Take care of your Kaiser haircut and your adorable boyfriend. Go on, now!
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tigreblvnc · 2 days
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I can feel a duality somewhere.
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tigreblvnc · 2 days
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@reapkusho @kuro-min @wabatle @rinitoshiplzdateme @rinitoshisgirl ☆
@tigreblvnc @starfire7 @ssstar @soleilonthesun @galaxynajma ☆
@someprettyname @bachi-the-bee ☆
i wanna try and do something and include you all but likeeeeeeee idk if youre all comfrotable so uh
its a bllk fic...
but its the rin idol agenda (and six others...)
so uh, idk if you wanna be taken out lmk, i kinda need a picrew so i can at least get ur hair color right :cri:
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tigreblvnc · 2 days
Suo, do you believe in magic?
Ness would be disappointed, but no, I don't believe in magic. I believe in science and facts.
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tigreblvnc · 2 days
Thanks for the tag!
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I look nice :)
Tags: @browsing-my-favourite-fandoms, @lxcalmenace, @m1ckeyb3rry, @waffledforbreakfast, @fishii28 + anyone who wants to join.
cute thing im coming up with
this picrew of yourself and your current hyperfixation !!
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no pressure tags @pearlzier @julesssyy @reidsfavoritegirl @whitney23317 @willowsblanket @flowercrownsandtrauma @rottenletter
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tigreblvnc · 2 days
Your French is really good! I've tried learning basic French before, but I gave it up along the way lol :')
French is my native language so hopefully I can speak it!
I wanted to reply to your last message, but Tumblr doesn't allow you to reply to messages that have been replied to using the "answer privately" setting.
So yes, I'm still reading the Blue Lock scans. I'm waiting for season 2 to come out!
How are you?
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