#especially when it’s anti something that people are known to enjoy
valewritessss · 2 months
Guys I just found an account that is dedicated to being anti percabeth and anti annabeth and only making content about that
I’m so happy I don’t feel so much hatred towards something fictional that I make a whole account to be negative about that thing instead of just finding things I do like and being positive about those
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
It’s All Written Down [Part 1]
Hobie Brown x Spidey!F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Miguel being a prick, protective Hobie
—> [Part 2]
Summary: Due to your silent nature, you haven’t been the best at bonding with people. Miguel and Jess decided to give you a chance due to your skills. But as time passes, and the only person you warm up to is Hobie, Miguel’s patience grows thin and he decides to hold a meeting, without you, to make the call that you can’t be a part of the team anymore. You end up overhearing them and decide to make it easier by just listening to Miguel… and leaving.
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Hobie should’ve known something was off when you weren’t at the meeting. He thought you might be late but even that was a stretch knowing you. It seemed that he was the only one who really knew you, no one else picking up on your disappearance.
You’d always been a ‘lone wolf’ of sorts… not because you wanted to be, but because you weren’t the type to really approach people, or even open up to them. You’d always learned that being quiet kept you out of trouble, it also kept you out of people’s hair.
Hobie picked up on it the moment you joined, you hadn’t taken your mask off once the day you arrived, it immediately intrigued him. He ended up commenting “love that anti-establishment vibe ya got, all going against the grain by not showing your face to these A tier strangers. I like it” you only gave a small nod, that was all it took for him to become fascinated by you.
He’d run up to you whenever he saw you at HQ, rambling on about his most recent demonstration or performance. He didn’t expect a response, rather liking how you’d only nod your head or let out short laughs when he cracked a joke. “Nah, I can only tell you this stuff, seeing as Miguel would get all on my ass bout it” when he hears your soft laugh he grins.
“Was that a laugh? Eh?” When you ignore him, and glance away he just pokes at your arm. “I know ya got your mask on but I can tell you’re grinnin” you try to nudge him away playfully, “you can’t tell nothing” but he continues to poke at you before throwing his arm around your shoulder. “I can read you like a book” He was right, you were smiling… the fact that he knew only made you smile more.
You’d have never expected Hobie to be so warm to you. Your silent and curt nature often pushed others away, thinking you were narcissistic or self-centered, or even just straight up strange. But not Hobie, he’d welcomed you with open arms, not trying to change you, or make fun of you. He made you feel safe.
After the first month, you began to spend more nights in Hobie’s dimension, killing time together, simply enjoying each others company. And one day, as you both decided to knock out for the night, you took off you mask right in front of him. Freezing immediately as you did. He hadn’t seen your face yet, no one in the team had.
When you began to stay over, he had made you a little sign to put on the door handle of his guest room which read “Mask off, so fuck off”. It made you giggle when he gave it to you and he just shrugged. “Wanna make you feel comfortable Briney Marlin, especially if you plan on crashing here more often” you found the act endearing.
“Briney Marlin?” You tilt your head and he just smiles at you. “It’s cockney love. For darlin’… is it alright if I call you that?” You think for a moment but nod “I don’t mind Marlin” and from then on that was his little nickname for you, you liked it cause it was unique… and cause it was from him.
But now, there you stood, mask in hands, eyes looking down at it. You look at Hobie’s figure lying on his bed with wide eyes, his eyes still focused on the guitar in his lap, he wasn’t even looking at you. You don’t speak, so he does. “I haven’t seen a thing yet Marlin… you can still put it back on” those words warmed your heart, you pause for a moment, thinking over his offer, but decide otherwise, shaking your head slightly and smiling.
“No. That’s alright” at those words he looks up at you, his eyes focusing on your features, he then gives you a reassuring smile. “Well aren’t you just ravishing love” he said it in a tone which made your face heat, but there was still a platonic nature to it. Letting you know that he wasn’t going to make a big fuss over this.
After that, you never wore your mask in Hobie’s place, enjoying that it was only in his company that you feel comfortable enough to do it. Over the three months you’ve been with the team, you bonded the most with Hobie, you became practically inseparable at HQ and the more comfortable you got with him, you slowly became more comfortable with the others.
You did a lot of missions together, getting to know the team more, specifically Gwen and Pavitr, seeing as they both knew Hobie in a similar way you did. Although, it did warm your heart how often Hobie would choose to walk with you, even if it was just to ramble to you about his life.
However you still didn’t open up to them about your life outside of your spider-persona. They didn’t seem to have any problems with you, just happy to hear your voice more and seeing you become more confident in taking action during the missions. You really didn’t think there were any problems with your secrecy.
That was… until todays meeting. You were at Hobie’s place, fidgeting with a small tennis ball he kept somewhere among the mess of clothes, stolen gadgets, and music gear. You had no clue where he was, you hadn’t gotten any info about a meeting at HQ and just thought he was out. Even though he usually told you when he was.
Back at HQ, everyone stood around waiting until Miguel finally walked in. “Perfect. Everyone’s here” he says before standing at the front, hands on his hips. Before he can begin, Hobie speaks up. “Oi, wait a sec, Marlin isn’t here, I’ll call her over” he goes to pull out his phone but stops when Miguel speaks “No. She’s not a part of this meeting”
Everyone looks at Miguel now, brows furrowed before exchanging glances with one another. “What d’you mean by that?” Hobie tried to hide his growing unease, not liking the tense mood shift in the air. Miguel just lets out a long breath, Jess butting in with a hushed voice. “Told you they aren’t gonna like this…”
“They don’t even know what ‘this’ is” Miguel retorts back. Hobie then steps forward, closer to the front, closer to Miguel. “And I already don’t like it… seeing as it doesn’t involve our lil Marlin” Miguel brings a hand up, rubbing his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Just hear me out. Then we’ll discuss it.” At that Hobie just nods as a sign for him to explain. The others moving in closer, curiosity growing as more silence fills the room.
You sigh, checking the time again, feeling as if it was passing slower. You sit up on the bed, tapping your fingers on the bedsheets impatiently. You finally stand up and decide to look for Hobie. “Maybe he got hung up at HQ…” you think to yourself, using your watch gizmo to open up a portal to it. Stepping through it.
As you walk through HQ, greeting a few other spider-people with a kind nod or short wave. You ask a few of them if they’ve seen Hobie. Most of them shake their heads before one finally points to the main room where Miguel usually is. You thank them then continue walking.
As you walk closer to the main room, you hear raised voices, quieting your footsteps. “That’s not fair to her Miguel!” Gwen’s voice sounds frustrated, and you can then hear Miguel’s stern one. “It’s the best move for everyone. You can’t deny her lack of communication skills” your brows furrow as you begin to wonder why you weren’t invited to this meeting.
“Doesn’t make her any less valuable” your ears perk up at Hobie’s voice. You’ve never heard him talk like this, his tone serious and hostile, as you peeked your head around you saw his expression was full of rage. “I’m sorry Hobie but your ‘Marlin’ just isn’t fit for this work” that’s when you step back in shock, realizing they were talking about you.
“What, just because she doesn’t like to run her mouth?” You watch as Miles also steps in, feeling your heart warm at everyone standing up for you. Peter then tries to calm everyone down with a soft voice “Miguel just listen to them… you can’t make such a rash decision for her. I’m guessing she doesn’t even know about this?” Miguel’s silence tells him everything he needs to know.
“That sounds about right. You’re being a right prick… and you don’t even seem apologetic for it!” Hobie raises his voice which causes everyone to look at him, shocked. Expect Miguel, whose expression only becomes more stern as he tilts his head up looking down at the Brit.
“You’re right, I’m not. But don’t worry, she’ll get a choice… either she does solo missions or she leaves” you take another step back, fully grasping the situation. The voices of the others begin to fade out as you start to get caught up in your thoughts.
“Miguel you can’t put that much on her… she only joined 3 months ago, you really think she’ll manage on her own?” Peter speaks with his voice laced in concern, Miguel looks at him, expression reading indifference. “That’s up to her. Do you think she’ll manage on her own?”
Everyone goes silent. Not because they don’t think you’re capable, but because they don’t know how to respond. That is until Hobie speaks up. “She’d manage just fine, but we both know she’s built to work in a team, solo missions are too much pressure” Miguel then shrugs and simply says “Well… then maybe she should choose option two”
Those are the final words you hear before you decide to run off, opening a portal back to Hobie’s apartment. You jump through and then stumble before sitting down on the bed. You try to control your breathing, feeling as if your heart was beating out of your chest. You take off your mask, hoping it would help.
‘Maybe she should choose option two…’ Miguel’s words ring in your mind. As much as you wanted to deny it, you thought he was right. You weren’t ready to work solo, the idea of trying to contain an anomaly all by yourself? You weren’t ready for that. You realize that this is exactly what Miguel wanted…
He knew you wouldn’t be ready to complete missions by yourself, so he gave you only one other option. To leave. You quickly search the room, finding a pen and paper and began to write something down. Trying to find the right words… the right way to say goodbye. To you, the only thing that was worse then this, would be saying goodbye to Hobie’s face.
Hobie stood face to face with Miguel, their foreheads practically touching, the others swear sparks could be seen between their heads. “Back down you old Geezer…” Hobie smirked as he spoke, wanting to get under Miguel’s skin. He knew he succeeded as he watches him bare his teeth as a low growl can be heard in his throat.
That’s when Peter steps in, putting both his hands on Miguel’s chest, meanwhile Pavitr begins to pull Hobie away as well. “Both of you… relax. This decision isn’t even final until we talk to her about it. I’m sure we’ll figure something out” his tone is calm but cautious, not wanting to upset either of them.
Gwen nods in agreement. Pavitr gently pats Hobie’s shoulder trying to get him to calm down. Hobie then shrugs off Pavitr’s touch, and then puts his hands in his pockets. “You were never on her side…” he scowls towards Miguel before walking off. Ignoring the calls of his friends from behind him.
He opens up a portal back to his place, feeling his body relax slightly as he steps through. He places his guitar against the wall and looks around. “Marlin? Ya there?” He calls out to you, but hears nothing. He throws his mask onto his bed, his brows furrow as he spots a note next to where it landed.
He picks it up and immediately recognizes your hand writing, he feels his breath catch in his throat as he begins to read it. He slowly moves to sit down on the bed, gripping the note tighter the more he reads.
Dear Hobie,
I choose option two. I hope you’re not mad at me… I can’t bear the idea of you remembering me in anger. I just couldn’t tell you this to your face. I went looking for you and then overheard your meeting with the others… I understand why you guys didn’t invite me. I’m not fit to be a part of this team. You’re the only one I really trust, the only person who I comfortable enough with to drop my spider-persona around… I can’t thank you enough for that. Please don’t look for me, I did what I had to do, but couldn’t leave without finding some way of saying goodbye. So here’s it is… all written down. Goodbye Hobie… I’ll miss you.
Your Marlin.
Once he read it all he curses under his breathe, then notices your watch next to him on the bed. He picks it up, recognizing the small customizations you both put on the band together. The way it matched his own. It made him smile at the memory but then he felt grief all over again.
He grabs his mask, putting it on hastily before pocketing both the note and your watch. “Where did you go Marlin… you’re not leaving me that easily” he jumps out of his window and swings off into the night.
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feroluce · 2 months
SO LIKE. As much as I roll with the Emanator of Elation Sampo theory, I do have. Some doubts about this specific instance of it. Not that I think Boothill is lying, or that I think Sampo isn't an Emanator, but I wonder if the person Boothill actually met was Sampo.
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Just! Sampo is so careful. The only reason we even knew he wasn't of Belobog was due to a dialogue-dependent fourth wall-breaking dream sequence that no other character could have seen. It took a missable dream bubble in an out-of-the-way spot that was seemingly left only for the trailblazer at the very end of a side mission just to confirm him as a Masked Fool. Like it's not just the fact that Boothill mentions this person being an Emanator. It's that he knows they're also a Masked Fool, which is also something Sampo is incredibly dodgy about. Sparkle even seems to call him out on this in her party join line fjkdjaskldj
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((But also, Boothill, baby. WHY were you trying to get them drunk????))
And regardless of if you believe him when he calls himself an old timer, he obviously has a lot of experience in doing what he does. He knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he is viciously capable and competent, unfortunately for his victims smhznskdn
So it just. Feels very unlike him, for him to let his guard down enough to not only let himself get drunk in front of Boothill-
a total stranger btw whom Sampo has absolutely no reason to trust, and a dangerous Galaxy Ranger to boot who has plenty of blood on his hands and a significant bounty on his head
-but to get SO drunk that he lets loose the secret that he's an Emanator.
When Boothill brings this up, he mentions that if Emanators were obvious and known at a glance, it would lead to atrocities. And for as much as Sampo is disliked by his victims (there's an entire anti-Sampo organization in Belobog JFDKLASJFDL), it's all for fraud. He's wanted by the IPC as an intergalactic thief. He scams people out of their money, and only rich people at that. That's mostly all that he's known for. Nothing he does is violent, even though Sampo surely has the capacity to inflict a lot of harm.
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And I don't mean that he's exactly a pacifist or anything; Firefly comments that Sampo seems like a highly skilled covert fighter. His voicelines make it sound like he enjoys combat- hell, his ult line makes him sound like a hitman. I like to hc him as being a pretty high ranker in the fighting rings at the World's End Tavern, like we see in the Simulated Universe occurrences.
But I don't think he would enjoy being the cause of uncontrollable violence and bloodshed.
Like yeah he's a dick who scams people on the regs for funsies, but he has lines he refuses to cross, which we see a lot of in how he interacts with Sparkle. More than just not enjoying it, I think he would hate it if he were found out and it caused an incident, especially since he seems so endeared to Belobog and her people now and it looks like he plans to return there. He wouldn't want to bring any of that back to them.
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So I just can't imagine him carelessly fucking up bad enough to out himself to a random stranger that could easily put a bullet right through his head.
Sparkle maybe could, though.
Because as we find out later the dreamscape had expanded FAR beyond what it seemed, far enough that the trailblazer had been dreaming since the warp jump in. Most people enter it unknowingly, and don't realize they're already dreaming when they think they're still awake. Boothill and Dan Heng should have already been dreaming during their exchange on the Express that started all this.
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And as long as someone knows they're dreaming, completely changing their appearance is easy, even for the common layman. We see this with a couple of NPCs and also Sparkle herself, with her (in)famous impression of Sampo.
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Thank youuuuu Sparkle
And yeah, the trailblazer and almost all of the other characters wouldn't know about the expansion until near the very end. None of them realized they were dreaming even outside of their dream pools, and surely none of them would think to be suspicious of another person's appearance outside of the dreamscape like that.
But Sparkle has a script from Silver Wolf.
She knew all the secrets of the dreamscape, and she knew them from the very beginning. There would have been nothing stopping her from appearing as Sampo in front of Boothill and spilling all his secrets.
And she apparently has a long-standing history with Sampo, including trying to get him in on her own much more fiery and aggressive version of Elation.
Maybe all Sampo needs is to be outed as an Emanator, and then when all the violence and bloodshed catches up to him, then he'll finally understand! ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩
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thelilylav · 4 months
Hmmm... very interesting to me that Taylor Swift is trending rn and yet for some reason no one in that tag is complaining that her trending is taking away from what's going on in Palestine and what's happening in Rafah. And yet for some reason, people couldn't seem to shut up in the Kendrick Lamar tag when he was trending about how the whole beef was just two celebrities beef (it's much deeper than that) and were making up theories abt how the whole thing was taking attention away from Palestine and everyone talking about it should feel ashamed of themselves (every single account I saw in that tag was posting about Palestine too).
And the thing that's really getting me is that Taylor is trending bc of a change to the Eras tour. An objectively unimportant change to make, especially when compared to what's going on in Rafah. But that's not what gets hate, no, it's the predator getting called out in an industry known for exploitation by one of the biggest artists in said industry. The racism isn't even implicit atp...
Edit: ok so just to clarify no this wasn't meant to insinuate that Taylor trending was some setup of Israel (that's just... like objectively wrong lmao), it was to point out that when it comes to a black artist in hip hop (a predominantly non-white genre) people wouldn't let fans of said genre just enjoy the music and shenanigans happening in that genre and that's it's hypocritical to act like people can't care abt two things at once, but they can enjoy their white "feminist icon" pop star (a much whiter genre) without anyone bringing hate into that tag. like i put in the tags, the anti taylor tag is for filtering bc i honestly don't see this post as particularly negative for taylor swift, it's a critique of the fans. and i'm calling out swifties particularly bc the ones who were saying that the beef was manufactured to take eyes off of rafah were swifties, and the ones being racist in the kendrick tag were swifties. i'm not exaggerating like almost every hate post i saw mentioning the beef being manufactured was a swiftie account. it is weird to act like people caring about very serious allegations happening in a genre of music isn't reason enough to make a big deal of the situation and go INTO THE TAG and complain, but it is especially hypocritical and frankly quite infuriating to see the same people who complained about a big deal of a situation being a "distraction" from gaza and then blog abt taylor swift . it's fine if u want to blog abt music u like, honestly idc abt that, if that's all u do then this legit isn't targeted at u, this is targeted at the swifties who came into the kendrick tag to complain and then went back to talking abt swift two seconds later like they weren't doing the same thing they were complaining abt two minutes before. (sry for the long explanation, but i just don't want ppl taking my words out of context and i rlly tried to word this all clearly, but idk man sometimes u think u word something well and then nobody undrestands wtf u were on abt so i wanted to make sure it was clear) also, if you're a zionist or israel supporter, i will be blocking u if u interact with this post. ok ty bye bye
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cherryg · 2 years
The internet censorship is coming..(again)
There are two well known censorship bill known as KOSA and the EarnIt act.
These bills both promised that they will protect children but unfortunately these are misguided bills that says they’ll do something but then they will do the opposite or make things worse.
Both of these bills are serious threat to the LGBT community and will censor a lot of content especially there
the EarnItact will also get rid of NSFW content and deem it as illegal, and will also get rid of section 230
The KOSA act will let attorneys from Florida and Texas take control and decide what people could and could not watch and sue websites and anything they don’t like and will not protect children but mostly put many vulnerable teens and children at risk while going as far as to even censor important information like sex education, health issues, suicide prevention hotlines and many more
We have stopped these bills from passing before but the cofounder Richard Bluemenhal is clearly not giving up and trying hard and hard again to push these bills back on congress
Last year more than 90/100 human rights groups urged lawmakers and congress to not pass KOSA in the omnibus bill and it got shelved and the same then happened to Earn it last year on February/March
But now he is trying a third time,using and manipulating grieving parents and young people into supporting and lobbying his bills, whiles even accepting anti trans and LGBT groups into supporting his legislations. He’s trying to find any type of scandal a platform is currently facing and turn and twist it on behalf of his agendas.
He says he supports abortions and the LGBT community but his bills will censor those things he claims to support. He can’t have it both ways.
But he was stubborn enough to ignore every criticism and scrutiny he gets about the legislations, being childish and all.
Not to mention that they are also both privacy nightmares to everyone and globally too
That’s why it’s important that you call and email your representatives and lawmakers and urge them to drop Kosa and the earn it act
Let any human rights group you trust knows and tell anyone you trust about it weather it be a friend or family member.
For more information, click these links below ⬇️
You can also help us by joining our discord server on how to stop internet censorship
There also a petition made from Fightforfuture recently about the KOSA act
(Update # 2)
Hey guys I’m back to warn everyone about yet again another bad internet bill it’s called the safe tech act
This act is supported by 7 democratic senators including bluemenhal which is never a good sign with him when it comes to internet bills.
This is a misguided 230 reform and when reading it, all it shows is that these people have no understanding of 230 whatsoever.
It’s just another dangerous censorship bill that threatens everyone’s free speech. The creators claim that it’s won’t hurt free speech but it actually does and they do not understand how important 230 is in its current form right now!
Here is a good article explaining the safe tech act really well and why it’s dangerous :
Also talk to your representatives about this and why it’s bad and if you can, try to explain to them about why section 230 is important. Support digital advocacy, human rights and any other groups that supports free internet and expression and let them know about these legislators and their bad ideas!
Update 3
The EarnIt act is sadly coming back after failing two times, now they are trying a 3rd time.
This legislation is dangerous for privacy and free expression and speech. It will bring lots of surveillance and is just as bad as the restrict act.
Now it’s being reintroduced by two senators and two representatives if you don’t know what this bill actually does there is more information about it here from these links : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/earn-it-bill-back-again-seeking-scan-our-messages-and-photos
The second one is called KOSA (KidsOnlineSafteyAct),
now this bill has failed to pass last year because a lot of opposition from 90/100 human rights.
It claims it’s would protect kids but it’s actually has a lot of censorship and is very dangerous to lgbt/trans kids and many other kids that are in abusive households. It will actually hurt them instead of protecting them.
If that’s not bad enough it’s tragically gaining momentum and attraction by these child advocacy groups and being sponsored by Dove and Lizzo. And there has been petitions in supporting this unconstitutional bill, One of them having somewhere around 30k signs…
I really wish I could say I’m joking but this is sadly true.
If you want more info on KOSA here they are:
Please everyone call your senators and representatives and tell them to oppose these bills. We really need help into fighting off these bill so we could keep a free opened internet!
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longing-for-rain · 4 months
I don’t even understand the character Sokka stans are stanning. It’s not even Sokka. It is like they are taking the big strong tough guy Sokka thinks he is and acting like that is his actual character when it isn’t. I know not all of them are z*kkas but it does seem like atla renaissance and z*kka popularity added to this trend of taking Katara traits and giving them to Sokka instead
Me neither? I honestly don’t dislike Sokka as a character. I never particularly related to him like I do with other characters, but what frustrates me is how the fandom treats him in relation to other characters, especially Katara.
I definitely agree with you that there was a noticeable shift with the ATLA renaissance in 2020. I was in the fandom long before then and the biggest shift I saw was character bashing taking a faux-progressive spin. For example, Mai bashing used to involve calling her ugly and abusive, but shifted into shoving her into sapphic side ships for the aesthetic instead (while still making jabs at her appearance and demeanor, of course, because people can’t be normal about lesbians). As for Katara, it’s even worse. I’ll get into that.
I remember that historically, Katara has been one of the most bashed and hated on characters in the fandom. People would call her bossy and self important, say she was too emotional, that she was too rude, that she didn’t care about other people’s problems, etc. It was blatant back then, but I honestly see the same trends now, just more covertly. People acting like Katara is not as mature as Sokka, not “mom friend,” or otherwise downplaying the responsibilities she had to take on, fundamentally, are operating on the same logic. They do it in a very jokey way a lot of the time or even act like they’re “letting her be a kid” but really it’s just erasing the nuance of her character in the same way overtly misogynistic fans once did.
Because here’s the thing. We can all recognize Katara was forced into a parental role at an early age and that wasn’t fair to her. But acting like that was something that randomly happened on its own is not addressing the problem. But these fans refuse to address the problem by answering the question of why Katara constantly has to take this role…because that would require them to hold Sokka and Aang accountable for their actions and these people will not do that.
I really do think this is tied in with zukka too. I will say that I’m not a zukka anti. I actually really enjoy some zukka content because it can give a refreshing perspective. But I do see a lot of characterizations that are deeply annoying because they really seem like they’re trying to replace Katara. They want the Zutara dynamic but want slash. And I know these characterizations are no longer unique to zukka, but I would agree they were popularized by it.
Just off the top of my head:
The character who is the first of the group to trust Zuko? That was Katara. Sokka was the one in favor of leaving him to die whereas Katara trusted him twice during Book 2.
The character who emotionally connects with Zuko? That’s Katara.
The character who Zuko feels safest letting his guard down around? That’s Katara.
The character who helps Zuko heal from his trauma? That’s Katara.
The character known for showing the most compassion to others? That’s Katara.
The character who primarily bears the burden of having to step up into a parental role? That’s Katara.
The character who represses their emotions to be strong for others? That’s Katara.
And yet, for some reason, there is this new wave of fans who take all of these traits central to Katara and give them to Sokka instead. It’s just frustrating. Sokka is his own character. He’s different. I really just think this is a new brand of misogyny where we take traits like these for granted in female characters but overemphasize them in male characters.
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pjohoo-reclists · 4 months
hi! do you have any percico fic recommendations? i’m sure you do but i couldn’t find them, lol
Actually I dont have any posted yet!! Here you go. Thanks for the request. Enjoy!!
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo Fic Recs
A list of fics featuring the romantic relationship between Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo.
Dog Sled Racing by robindrake93
T | 600 words | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Puppies, Fluff, Short One Shot
Percy and Nico try to train Mrs. O'Leary's puppies.
To Give Yourself To Someone by cabin13 (friendlypeach) 
T | 1.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Wedding Fluff, Speeches, Married Couple
Percy laughs, watching one of his closest friends stand up, almost bringing the tablecloth with him. “You’re being ridiculous!” Nico yells as Grover runs to the centre of the room. Eyes alight, slightly shadowed by black curls, a smile pushing insistently at his lips even as he tries to tamp it down – Nico is glowing with happiness. They’ve come a long way. And there's longer to go, still. Percy grabs his husband’s hand, warmth blooming in his chest.
a well-known fact about feelings by nlieco (madin456)
G | 1.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Angst with a Happy Ending, Internalized Homophobia
The thing about being a boy and liking another boy is: it’s not supposed to happen.
A Happy Ending by HK44
G | 1.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Fluff, Happy Ending, Domesticity
People make jokes that Percy would never handle domesticity. That he attracts danger like Hazel attracts cursed metals. He laughs along because they’re not wrong.
Something Bitter by sulucandles
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Canon Compliant, One sided, Coming Out
Percy's not as oblivious as everyone thinks he is. Or an examination into Nico and Percy's relationship through PJO and HoO
It's a Seal! by Takara_Phoenix
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
AU - No gods, Merman Percy, Selkie Percy
Nico loves the aquarium, especially the turles and one marine biologist in particular.
My College Boyfriend by Takara_Phoenix
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Good boyfriend Percy Jackson, Fluff, Age Difference
Nico is seventeen and the best damn thing that has ever happened to him is his five years older boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Now if only Nico's friends would believe him that gloomy, anti-social Nico could land a gorgeous college student... Something always came up when Nico wanted to introduce them and at this point, Percy is known as Nico's imaginary boyfriend. Good thing Percy is awesome and knows how to change that though.
Pass the Eggs by DancingInTheSliverGlow
G | 3.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Canon Compliant, Protective Percy Jackson, Gay disaster Nico di Angelo
“Yes.” Percy says. “You don’t have to befriend everyone in Camp Half Blood. I just want you to have somewhere you feel safe and welcome. Okay?” A lump forms in his throat, and Nico looks away. It’s been a long time since anyone has looked out for him, the way Percy is doing now. He nods. “Great!” Percy grins, ear to ear, and Nico thinks that it’s a bit like looking in the sun. Beautiful in small quantities, but overwhelming and blinding in too much. Percy speeds off to his room to get changed and to get his skateboards, and Nico leans back against the wall in the hallway, head in his hands. He’s so, so far in over his head. Aka. Post BotL Nico visits Percy. They talk about how Nico's powers are perceived, and about how camp half blood treats children of the big three.
Perspective by chiiyo86
T | 6.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
AU - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Outsider POV
Sally knows her son, knows that something isn't right. She just isn't sure what he could be hiding from her.
A Bat in the Hand by Takara_Phoenix 
G | 8.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Fluff, AU - Supernatural Elements, Vet Percy
Percy is a hard-working student, on his way to become a vet, because he loves animals. And then a cute, little bat crash-lands on his balcony. Of course he has to take the little guy in and nurse him back to health. Nico is a dangerous and powerful vampire lord. And then he has a run-in with vampire hunters and, in his bat-form, loses conscience and crashes on a balcony.
Some of Them by betsib
M | 11k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Abuse
Percy haven't seen Nico di Angelo in five years, then he suddenly turns up in Percy's living room in the middle of the night, injured and asking for help. At first Percy thinks it's a fight gone wrong, but he soon realizes the truth is far worse than that.
you're never lost at sea by kat777
M | 20k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Acceptance, Suicidal Thoughts
The second time he tries to kill himself, Percy doesn’t talk his ear off, just gives him an ultimatum—he can either come live with Percy and Annabeth in their apartment in New Rome, or Percy will tell Hazel what he’s done. Nico pictures the devastated look on her face, the tears welling up in her eyes, her lips trembling and pressed in a thin line. Percy says he has a choice, and it makes Nico laugh for the first time since the battle at the House of Hades, because it’s no choice at all. OR, Nico attempts suicide, Percy saves him, and years pass before either of them are even remotely all right.
Kiss a Boy in Tokyo Town by antistar_e (kaikamahine)
T | 57k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Novella, Infidelity
You know what they say, Percy Jackson. If you can't stand the heat, get out of hell.
Enriched By Envy by HK44
M | 63k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Magic, Protectiveness, Dark Percy Jackson
Waking up at the bottom of the ocean was not on Nico's bucket list. Trying to figure out why Percy was suddenly so clingy and possessive of him wasn't on there either.
The Case of the Dying Flower by chiiyo86
E | 72k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Murder Mystery, Slow burn, Soul Bond
It's not that Nico has been avoiding Percy for the past two years, of course not. It's just that he doesn't like to be reminded of the stupid crush he had on him when he was younger. So when Percy seeks him out with the message that the goddess Aphrodite wants to see both of them, Nico is less than enthusiastic. Before he knows it, he finds himself forcibly bonded to Percy and they're sent on a strange quest: solving a murder that happened thousands of years ago and whose primary suspects are gods.
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solarwynd · 28 days
Exactly. I tired of this "He didn't do anything!" bullshit. He literally did something illegal. Was it as bad as some were making it out it to be? No. But I feel armys are almost taking advantage of the fact that some of the information that came out was false to pretend like everything was false. But he still did something wrong, that part is still very much true. He's being punished by the law for a reason. And it doesn't sit right with me the way armys are 'supporting' him. They're just trying to shield him from all accountability and coddling him like he's some innocent baby who didn't decide all own his own to drive while drunk. And it's one thing to defend him against lies, but it's another very different thing to essentially reward him for breaking the law. And how exactly is buying and streaming his old songs gonna fix the crime he committed? And isn't it sad that that this is the first time in over a year armys have cared about his music? And they don't even actually care, this is just the only thing armys know how to do. They just mindless stream and buy. I swear Jimin is the only member who's music people actually enjoy and not just listen to out of either obligation or a need for records to brag about.
And the fact that this 'support' armys are doing is at the expense of Jimin, someone who actually did nothing wrong? And that this is the second time that man has derailed a Jimin album release? And that armys are apparently so good at defending a member, unless that member is Jimin. That man can fuck up and have the entire fandom come to his defense, but Jimin (and his family) will do literally nothing wrong and the best he gets is the fandom downplaying the harassment he's being getting for over a fucking decade, trying to make it into a group thing when they know very well the hate the other's get have never been as vile, as insistent, as consistent, as insidious, as massive, as long lasting, etc as the hate Jimin gets. And that's the best he gets, cause at it's worse it's the actual fandom that's behind that hate. And armys can say all they want that "Those are not real armys!", but who are they then? Other solos, but especially tkkrs have hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers, were did they come from? Every other day a known Jimin anti gets tens of thousands of likes because apparently armys don't bother to check Jimin report accounts. Most armys have interacted with these accounts. Most armys are either tkkrs themselves, or follow at least one. They're everywhere in the fandom, they're interacting with everyone in the fandom, their presence is tolarated in the fandom. And you wanna tell me they're "Not one of us" ? Shut the fuck up actually.
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vallification · 3 months
suguru geto / ☀️ aquarius / 🌙 taurus / 💫 scorpio
☀️ - sun in aquarius makes geto independent, introspective, unaffected, unusual, and autonomous. at first glance, geto is the poster boy for aquarians. he moves to the beat of his own drum, and sometimes it seems as if he’s living in his own world. geto enjoys thinking for himself and finding unusual ways to navigate situations; often, this is done silently and is only revealed when he is satisfied with what he comes up with. despite being closest to gojo, who is a natural leader, geto values his independence especially when it comes to choice. geto’s values are extremely important to him, which we can see in his choice of clothing and accessories. his stretched ears and his pants reflect his claimed buddhist values, despite both styles deviating from the modernity of his peers. he didn’t care to keep quiet about his opinions that differed from his peers; for example, in his younger years he argued that there was no sense in reasoning about the purpose of jujutsu. although he valued speaking his mind, geto was well-mannered and dignified, which also amplified his aloof, unaffected demeanor.
however, sun in aquarius makes geto unattached, obstinate, and impersonal. geto’s descent into his anti-non-sorcerer ideology showcases how easily (for lack of a better word) he was able to detach himself from his sentiment that sorcerers existed to protect non-sorcerers. these attributes also ring true for how devoted geto became to his new ideology; no matter how much gojo and others tried to pull the idea from his head, it didn’t budge. geto had found a new set of rules and there was no turning back from that, especially in light of others telling him what he should be doing. his decisions following his defection were for a greater purpose, and were often for impersonal reasons, despite those decisions personally hurting people he once cared about.
🌙 - moon in taurus makes geto grounded, strong-willed, foresighted, and appreciative of pleasures and nature. throughout his life, even after his defection, geto is incredibly grounded and he exudes a sense of stability. geto’s stable demeanor, juxtaposed against gojo’s excitable one, gives him an air of serenity. his choice of a more traditional style of clothing amplifies this trait, as well as his appreciation of pleasure. many people pair moon in taurus with laziness, slobbiness, and materialism, but geto redefines the placement by taking pleasure in what he sees as important, which is a better description of moon in taurus. we also see geto’s strong-willed nature heavily throughout the series, both before and after his defection, which is a pillar of moon in taurus. he is unwilling to change his opinions, ideas, and methods in favor of bending to someone else’s— even gojo’s. i also find it interesting that his csm manifests animal-like curses, which rings true to his taurean appreciation of nature.
💫 - it’s just a headcanon, but i believe geto is a scorpio rising. scorpio risings are intense, alluring, mysterious, and passionate, which describes geto at first glance perfectly. gege explained that geto is more popular with the ladies than gojo, and being a scorpio rising would explain the initial attraction quite well. geto is handsome, yes, but not in a way that commands attention like gojo. his appearance lures in attention, like a mystery that people would beg to solve. his bedroom eyes are the pinnacle of scorpio risings, who are known for the captivating nature of their intense gaze. his height, build, dark eyes, and dark hair are undeniably seductive in a way that only scorpio risings can achieve. his passion for his ideology rings true to these attributes, too; when a scorpio rising wants something, they will stop at nothing to get it, and they take pleasure from getting what they want.
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chantsdemarins · 6 months
😅Real Villain Training [Tom Hiddleston circa 2012 X Fem.Reader]
Chapter three of Breath of the Æsir is almost here. I’m SO sorry for the wait! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy a very brief Tom story...
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Honestly, I pledged to myself, no more Tom stories just focus on Loki. But I think I just can't help it. Especially when slutty inspiration like this photo comes my way (@lokischambermaid and @lokisgoodgirl 😳)
I am humbled by this era of Tom. In 2024 he is a husband/father/seasoned iconic actor in perpetual good cheer, but in 2012, he was a bad boy. As always please reblog and comment if you feel inspired!
Summary: Tom is hanging out with some real jerks for a new role, and he runs into you, literally. Your depression has caused your life to turn a little black and white, could this handsome stranger possibly add some color back? (at least to your cheeks🥵).
Smut factor: I hope...HOT 🔥
(Authors note: I have no concrete proof he was in fact a bad boy so please don't take seriously my young Tom plot themes of drugs and sex, which once again appear here. I could be totally wrong about him. It's art! It's a fabrication! Also, this story does involve mental health!)
I also don't know who would want to be on a tag list for a Tom fic these days! These are a few people who might be interested?? @lokischambermaid @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokisgoodgirl @wheredafandomat @sailorholly @mrs-illyrian-baby @superficialdomina @gigglingtiggerv2 @fictive-sl0th @muddyorbs @tbhiddlestan83 @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger @kikster606 @mjsthrillernp @hiroyukinasukawa
Los Angeles, 2012
That afternoon, the rooftop pool at the Saint Avalon was a pink swirl of bathing beauties in early spring. Tom tried to focus on his deadpan conversation with his agent, but polka dots and silly cocktails danced around him. He pushed his Ray-Bans back into place, his sweat—or perhaps nervousness—causing them to slowly slide off his nose.
"Serious British actor succumbs to being typecast as a Norse sociopath. That's where this is headed, Tom, if we don’t do something, get you something else.” “Do you really want to be known only for Marvel?” he repeated his plea. The words just weren’t sinking in.
Tom laughed and inadvertently tried to change the subject. "Have you been to the La Brea Tar Pits yet, John? It’s wild—10,000 years' worth of dire wolf bones.”
His stare remained galvanized by the poolside girls. They just didn't look like that in London. Number one, the sunshine. Number two, the tans. Number three, well, his girlfriend—or ex-girlfriend, rather—made it hard to look too long at anyone else. So had he ever found himself at a rooftop pool party, he wouldn't have had the chance he was having now.
“Tom, are you paying attention? This is important. You're only here for a week, and we need to move on this role. I need to know if you're a yes.” The truth was, Tom was suddenly filthy rich with his own money for the first time in his life. He really loved being a Norse sociopath and already had big ideas for Loki’s eventual character arc into becoming an anti-hero someday. He had filled three journals on his bedside stand with his ideas for Loki.
His agent tried again, “Just hang out with Giorgio. It’s less than a month. Then the movie should be a very easy shoot. You get to embed yourself with some real hedge fund cats.” Tom’s attention snapped back. “Wait, I like that.” “Right? It’s like if Loki worked on Wall Street.” “Well…” Tom hesitated. He didn’t think Loki would actually ever bore himself that way. Those guys were boring to Tom and to Loki.
His poor agent was right, though. He did need another role. Things had gone so well; filming for the next Avengers movie was starting this summer. If he could find another gig, a time filler, a totally different genre, it really would be the best for his career. “Then a play next,” the agent mused, taking a sip of his own cocktail. “Shakespeare, or something 70s.” “70s? As in the 1570s? Or the 1970s?” “Tom.” “How should I know?” Tom laughed to himself, eyes still canvassing the poolside display around him. His agent leaned across his lawn chair and placed his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “So, you’ll do it?”
Two Weeks Later
Deep down, he knew he didn’t have the dissociation required for the job. He was too corporeal, too embodied. Years of being a long-distance runner and a trained athlete had fastened his mind, heart, and soul firmly into his muscles. He clearly wouldn’t be able to hide his feelings in his highly emotive, sensitive body. That was the first thing he noticed about the guys he was forced to hang out with for this role. They were covered up with their suits and sexist jokes. It was like they had Hadrian’s Wall around them. Which was, in fact, what exactly led to his sudden departure from the bar at Rue 23.
He had been embedded with short and loud Glen, buzz-cut Ellis, and the tall and lanky, just like him, Brad Nelson. There were a few others, but they were too milquetoast to be memorable. Role be damned. He left so fast the thick glass door almost hit a nice young couple as he bolted into the cold Los Angeles spring night.
He wasn’t dressed right; in his haste to leave London, he didn’t remember that California got into the 40s after the sun went down. He didn’t even pack a suit coat. Thank God he remembered to grab his leather pack from under the bar. It contained exactly five cigarettes, a finicky Zippo, his aftershave, a white t-shirt, and a travel toothbrush. There might also be a rolled-up Popular Mechanics magazine from the Burbank airport, something he never would be caught dead reading at Heathrow.
He also hadn’t done so much coke since he was in college. Why was LA always so incredibly cliché? He couldn’t blame Luke. He couldn’t blame anyone but himself for this role. He said yes when he was distracted. He was in over his head. They had hired these real blokes to make sure Tom looked authentic when they started filming next month, and given his intense drive for perfection, he had agreed that it was “brilliant” of the casting director to force the eight of them to spend these weeks in Los Angeles and one week in Manhattan, in a true immersive centrifuge of shallow materiality.
The night spun around him, a neon ball of yarn, teasing open his pupils until his eyes were black and not at all blue. As he walked, he ran his large hands down the surface of his body, the material of his shirt feeling like a fancy pillowcase from a boutique hotel.
One finger lingered over his jawline, tracing it as he brought his hands back up to his face. Engrossed in the comfort of his form a moment too long, he was distracted once again. This part of LA seemed to always be full of clusters of locals and tourists, laughing and talking. He was unfortunately moving against the flow of the crowd, a wayward salmon when he almost ran straight into you.
“Watch where you're going!” you yelled, dropping your purse onto the dirty LA sidewalk. It opened enough for your things to tumble out. Tom immediately stopped and bent down to help you, but you batted his hands away. “What the hell? I can pick up my own damn Chapstick,” you scolded. “Ma’am, I am so sorry, I am obviously not from here, and I am a little overwhelmed,” he rattled off. “Why is that obvious?” “My accent, of course.” “I didn’t honestly notice,” you spoke as you inspected the tall man’s face with squinting eyes.
You, of course, did immediately notice the timbre of his voice, his height, and the buttons on his tight shirt which looked like they were in the process of unbuttoning themselves. “Would you believe I’ve been doing coke all night with a bunch of Wall Street assholes at the Rue 23, and I had to get the fuck out of there,” he continued, not sure if you were listening, but you were definitely looking at him, so he continued.
“So now I am wandering the streets of Beverly Hills, and I haven’t the foggiest how the rest of my night will go.” You shuffled your feet for a moment before speaking. You had been heading home after a long day at work. You felt genuinely unprepared for navigating a handsome foreigner in the right direction. Yet there was a certain appeal to a man suddenly without his ship or his crew, so to speak. So you didn’t immediately walk away.
He had been shuffled from the airport to the bar in a hired car, he tried to explain, and his sense of direction bordered on problematic. Further, his flip phone was really only good for texting, and that even took way too long most days. He really did seem high, overwhelmed, and a little lost. He also seemed the type unable to handle any silence in a conversation.
“Do you live far?” he said after suffering through 30 seconds of no discourse. “It’s LA, everything is far.” “Fair enough,” Tom muttered sheepishly, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, which were still somehow unbuttoning themselves. He thought he had bought the right size shirt. Maybe not.
You realized that if you were to ask this too-high, too-hot British man back to your apartment, you would inevitably cave and end up sleeping with him just because he caught you in this particular moment of your life. It was an in-between time. You weren't quite your old self and your new self that you'd been working so hard on, hadn't emerged yet.
“Want to grab something to eat?” You finally offered a neutral segue. That seemed to be just what the man needed to hear. His demeanor calmed. “Oh sure, yes, I could go for a big American cheeseburger, honestly.” “Okay then, let’s go to Patty’s on Vine, we can walk,” you said as you pulled at his shirt to turn him toward the right direction. He bristled at the feeling of your touch.
His whole body was even more sensitive than usual. You looked like the queen of the ancient British Iceni to him. In truth, he didn’t much care for the California look. He loved that you appeared out of nowhere and you looked like Boudica, not like Gwyneth Paltrow. Even though he was sure he heard she was nice. RDJ seemed to really love her.
The diner where you were headed was the second-tier after-hours hang, so it wasn’t populated with the usual crowd, not yet at least. You had some time before you would be inundated, and perhaps before someone would recognize him, which you still did not. You could ask him, of course. Although, sometimes in Los Angeles, the worst part is knowing who someone is.
Although Tom being Tom was unable to resist personal questions. “Tell me a little bit about yourself, just a little,” he had to ask as the night air propelled him quickly down the sidewalk. You considered telling him about your job, but it was just how you paid the bills. Your passions were your passions and not for a stranger. So you decided to be a little goth. It couldn't hurt.
“I have something like anhedonia, I suppose,” you finally said. Tom seemed to know what you meant right away. “The inability to feel?” He spoke. “More classically refined, which results in numbness, making capturing interior somatic sensations nearly impossible,” you clarified. “Sounds like you are depressed,” Tom flattened out your creative retelling of your current state. “Maybe,” although you weren't sure of his simple label. "You think it will pass?" Tom continued, ever the optimist.
You considered one way to try and test if this state you'd been in could possibly change, would be to see if he could provoke feelings of passion or at least some kind of low-grade horniness. You’d been feeling functionally blank for a while now.
He was stunning, after all.
He seemed game for anything, his amphetamine grin taking up the majority of his handsome face. He looked so lovely under the hanging light in your dingy booth. You ate the two-egg special you ordered and watched him devour his American cheeseburger with genuine joy.
“So, you're here to practice for a new part?” You sincerely tried to keep the conversation flowing despite the growing desire to test your theory. “Yes, they want me to branch out. In my career, there’s the fear I am already 'type-casted,' I guess you could say.” “Type-casted? So early on?”
He looked young to you. Possibly younger than you actually. “Yes, I had a big role as a villain, it really blew up, but, he's like a mythological comic book one. I am misunderstood mostly. I mean my character, not me.” "Sure." You nodded in understanding and agreed even if you didn’t quite pick up what he was putting down. You wondered if he had ever seen 'The Last Starfighter.' A favorite movie of yours, you rarely shared with anyone else. Or had he been in that? Your mind wandered. You really didn't recognize him, but you also didn't want to offend him by this fact.
“So how would this role be redefining your abilities? If you are playing a heartless hedge fund dude, isn’t that also a kind of villain? Maybe that is why you got this part.” Tom pondered your insight. He again fell into overthinking and was only a text away from bailing on the entire endeavor. He was becoming that kind of guy, emotionally uneven under his elite veneer.
“I guess they feel like I don’t have the chops to be a 'real world' baddie.” “I needed more practice.” “You don’t?” you said very timidly, suddenly you weren’t hungry anymore. You gently pushed your plate aside so you could focus.
You realized his bromance compadres would find him eventually. Another LA truth: it was hard to get truly lost for long. You had been studying his face during the conversation. His pale complexion was slowly becoming flushed in small increments. Was it shyness or a hidden boldness he was bursting to demonstrate, you couldn't tell.
You had worn your espadrilles today, maybe it wasn’t the right season yet, but they always went so well with your outfit-a flowery dress from H&M. Gently and playfully, you kicked one of them off your foot, making a soft thud. Tom dipped his eyes beneath the table for only a moment and brought them back to you, a new flash of crimson emerging. Why were you taking off your shoes? Maybe your feet hurt from the walk?
He picked up his water and chugged almost all of it.
Your right leg lifted up and found purchase exactly between his, landing on the soft seat. Tom chuckled nervously and grabbed your foot. “Just what are you doing?” “I thought you were in training to be a real villain. Or did I misunderstand that?” You teased. Tom’s sincerity and earnestness were effulgent. “Oh no, I am, I really want the part, I need this role.” Suddenly when the idea of something illicit going on beneath the table loomed, he was not reticent about this new role. “Then you better continue to practice.” You laughed, your own smile forming across your face. “How long do we have until they find you?” You inched your foot closer to his crotch.
Tom took a deep breath in and pulled out his flip phone eyes squinting, trying to see the rectangle text banner across the tiny screen. He held the phone up to you. “Can you read this at all?” You grabbed it from him, feeling his hand shaking a little. It was charming. He was nervous.
You read the tiny screen aloud, “Not really, something about where are you at…you wanker, we are about to call your agent." It did say exactly that, and you wondered if possibly Tom was throwing away this role. Were you watching him collapse his career before your eyes? “Are you one for self-sabotage Tom?” The question seemed to catch him off guard. Maybe no one had asked him so bluntly. “Maybe,” he said after a long minute of typing something on the seemingly minute phone with his long fingers and even larger hands. “Just like I am possibly depressed," you offered. He looked up and sat his phone down. “Yes, I think so. Just like that.”
Just then the waitress came by filled your water glasses and gave you another quick refill of coffee. Your chosen sobriety was a strange foil to Tom’s imbibed stimulant cocktail which showed no sign of waning. “So, are we on?” He finally said after biting his bottom lip, for what seemed like a year, until it was slightly puffy.
“For what? A staring contest?” You offered, laughing nervously too, your foot still stationed between his thighs. You wondered what you could accomplish at this hour with the looming threat of an incursion at any moment.
The glimmer in his dilated orbs registered that Tom was now aligned in a mission of testing the perpetuity of your anhedonic state. Suddenly under the table, you felt his long legs spread yours apart, like opening a long-closed window that had been painted over.
You gasped but didn’t say anything. He laughed and widened his legs further. You moved your eyes to watch him under the table, his hand reaching down to adjust his cock, which was obviously becoming hard.
At that moment you wanted to jump over to his side of the booth, you wanted to concede and take him to your far away apartment in embarrassing Marina Del Rey.
Tom went silent and finally let go of your bare foot, he had been holding it so hard with his other hand, that you were sure it would be bruised. You immediately placed it on his now impossibly hard cock, tenting his pants obscenely. Honestly, you’d never given a “foot job” before and only seen something like this in a French film once. You had no idea what you were doing.
You slowly began to move your foot up and down his length, which was quite impressive and required more force than you had anticipated. You curled your toes around him to try and create more friction, dragging your heel just at the base.
You placed your hands on the edge of the diner seat so you could put some real weight into getting him off. That seemed to work, and Tom let out a guttural moan. He quickly grabbed your water glass and drank it in addition to his own.
“Should I stop?” You let yourself wonder out loud. “Are you crazy? No.” Was Tom’s quick reply. “Does this feel good?” “Fuck yes.” His voice was breathy, and he shifted in his seat, daring to look around at the customers, but none showed any sign of noticing anything other than themselves. “But this isn’t fair,” he spoke again softly, panting. “How so?” “Because I am um, I am receiving.” “Aren’t you supposed to be a selfish cold surface-level junior business asshole?” “Yes.” “Then this is what they do, they get foot jobs in diners, amongst other perks of course,” you laughed. “Shit, you’re right,” Tom barely squeaked out.
Just then the diner door opened, and you could see the dim faces of the guys he had been partying with. They finally found him. “Don’t look now but your Republican friends have arrived.” Tom’s flush became pale. “Should I stop?” You checked in again. “No.” His response was as clear as mid-day.
So, you increased your speed, you took a deep breath. You were so turned on at this point. You were positive there would be a wet spot on the cracked vinyl seat. You lifted your skirt up further. Tom noticed and peered beneath the table again. He saw your hand brush past your underwear and a finger curl inside the lace trim. You matched his erratic breathing to your motions as you fucked yourself intently. His eyes were glued to you, his fists almost punching into the flimsy placemats. You laughed to yourself about the chances of you both coming in public, surely, he wouldn’t, or you couldn’t.
You were about to mention that perhaps you should stop. When suddenly Tom let out a muffled cry. His breath hitched. You could feel moisture beneath the bottom of your toes as you brought your foot back to the tip of his generous cock once more. “Ah, I see,” you laughed. "Well looks like we are done here." There was no more time to discuss what just happened. The bros had spotted him and you and made their way to your back corner.
Tom closed his eyes in what looked like a silent prayer. He had just had one of the best orgasms of his life. The short blond one with cropped hair spoke up, “Hiddleston, where the fuck have you been, your agency was about to call the cops, which would have been lame.”
“Hiddleston,” you said his surname out loud. Realizing you never got his last name. Tom looked at you with both lust and remorse. Then turned back to the assholes. “You found me, good work,” he said assuredly. “Well we gotta go dick we have a strip club that closes at 3am and it’s in the contract that we take you there.”
Tom slowly got up and used one of his long fingers to expertly untuck that white button-down shirt to conceal the mess you had both made. He looked your way, the pale blue of his eyes returning.
You exchanged numbers for the pleasantry of it, as the assholes looked on impatiently, probably wondering why Tom was wasting his time on a girl who looked like Boudica, but that's just what assholes do you remembered. Although you really didn’t expect to hear from him again. To your surprise right before dawn, perhaps as he was leaving said strip club, a text came over your Blackberry.
“I hope you felt something, I know I did.” Shit.
You did feel something, a lot of things actually. Tom had brought something back to the solemnly plain bagel of your life. You quickly wrote back.
"Don't let the bros see you texting me Tom, you laughed knowing he was probably squinting and barely able to see your words. You picture all of them looking over his shoulder.
"They went home. Can I come over? I feel like we aren't done quite yet. My asshole-in-training self expires at sunrise and I turn back into the real me. Is that okay?" You blinked a few times just to make sure you saw that correctly. "So you're actually Cinderella," you laughed nervously.
You managed to type your address and push send before pulling your covers over your head and screaming quietly enough to not wake up your still-slumbering roommates. You then looked around your room in quiet delightful horror, you had about 30 minutes to hide all your dirty clothes from the past three months under your bed...
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useramor · 5 months
honestly as a lifelong fan, I enjoyed the back half more (the bonus tracks). some of the songs were her usual quality and some felt like she was trying too hard to sound poetic idk. will be bopping to at least several of the songs for sure. but idk music sounds really different when you’re entrenched in the artists style vs when you’re not and a lot of lyrics sound dumb out of context for any artist. so short answer yes I liked it as a sad slow music enjoyer but I can understand why others didn’t.
see i am a sad slow music enjoyer and i used to like taylor (folklore and evermore era. i hosted a speak now tv listening party with my cousin. some of the songs on folklore are among my all time favs across artists!) but midnights and now ttpd feel so. cash grabby. she said she felt a need to write this new album but not all art needs to be released. sometimes you can write poetry just for the sake of getting the emotion out, getting the feelings out. it’s too long of an album for all the songs to be genuinely and consistently good especially considering how she’s been favoring quantity over quality recently. more songs = more streams i guess. if she had picked the 12 songs that were genuinely good, that were honest and heart wrenching then maybe every release wouldn’t be so upsetting. i really did like her, i haven’t always been anti taylor but she’s not creating art for the sake of art anymore. she’s creating for the sake of capitalism and you can tell. back to back to back albums all with 20+ mediocre tracks and 1 or 2 that are actually good. taylor swift, who’s been a beloved artist and who’s been known for her writing skills since her debut, is doing to her music what tiktok artists do to theirs, almost. write one good line or chorus or bridge and then that snippet will go viral and people will listen to get to that moment. it’s so cheap i guess. and sad, too. that hitting streaming records and being the biggest artist and collecting those billions became more important than putting out work than means anything.
everyone’s entitled to enjoying whatever they like, but i would be so disappointed as a fan if the quality was consistently dropping the way it is. i mean, i AM disappointed because i WAS a fan. just feels upsetting.
also, i do think she made a major mistake titling the album ‘the tortured poets department’ because that implies hozier level lyricism. ethel cain level lyricism. hell, at the very least evermore level lyricism. but she didn’t deliver, which is why i think people have been side eyeing her lyrics more than normal. big name. tortured poets department is a lot to live up to, and she didn’t. if the album was titled something else maybe i wouldn’t even be so shocked at the writing to be honest because i wouldn’t be actively expecting actually good poetry.
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lorelune · 4 months
hey fellas and folks i have been meaning to write something up about this but haven't known where to start or where i'll end up. but i DO feel like it deserves addressing.
(having my joker moment joker moment)
i really love this niche. i found a home in it during a very difficult time in my life, and have found many friends and lasting irl connections from the writings shared and conversations had. this place is so incredibly, INCREDIBLY dear to me. despite going through many horrors (tm) while in this community, i continue to stay because there is a lot about it that i love.
however, in the last... i don't know, year or so? there has been such an abundance of discourse, gossip and drama both publicly and privately that has exhausted me to no end. these things have always existed, they always will, but in the past year they have felt so draining and despairing that it has made finding the same comfort and joy in this community is hard. a lot of times, impossible!
one of the things that genuinely makes me SO sad is the tags. i made most of my lasting friendships in this niche but seeing a writing in the tags that i enjoyed and dming the author and shouting together. i have found so many great writers in the tags, and i still crawl around them today looking for fic!! HOWEVER. i find it difficult, not just because of the abundance of vague smut-related comphet posts with a slew of character names underneath from unrelated fandoms (to each there own but it isn't a posting style i enjoy!) but moreso because of the INSANE number of posts by antis that get thrown into the tags. main tags, character tags, x reader tags. it is so deeply disheartening to be looking for fic to enjoy and get jump scared by a posts saying horrible things about those who enjoy dark content. respectfully if you're above the age of eighteen and looking for writing on tumblr dot gov, i HIIIIGHLYY recommend using your literacy to first read ANY article or study summary about human psychology and sexuality and why fantasy does not equal what someone actual desires! signed a sex-repulsed ace spec mf who writes and enjoys smut. hate to use myself as example, but i hate even more to see folks in the tags be puritanical and pro-censorship under the guise of progressive ideology.
i want to say that there are parties within this niche that are CONSISTENTLY at the center of drama and conflict. no matter what fandom, no matter the url changes and lurking, they are there and its the same mfs. this is a complete vague, as i'm sure the parties in involved in the targeted harassment and ensuing drama do not know who i am, nor know that i know. but i DO <3, and so do plenty of other writers in our niche who have politely blocked and left you alone. do us all a fucking favor and do the same, instead of instigating harassment and being hateful cunts.
in this vein, in my closer circle, i know that these events (especially in the last six months) have caused folks to become conspiratorial and assume bad faith. i understand this is a protective measure because folks have gone through the wringer. however it makes me so sad to see what is often folks who likely do not know any context or horrors of the community, be painted so poorly in casual conversations when most of the time, communication is made to create a connection, not to start a fight.
i find myself reflecting on WHY i have come to not feel comfortable in this community. why i don't enjoy writing the same way, why i don't feel the same security i once felt, why i get so damn nervous to post a silly thought or thirst on main, and i find myself coming back to these experiences and the subsequent fear that follows. perhaps i am a weak-hearted coward, but i find it hard to find joy when i feel surrounded by constant negativity and genuine cruelty. it is hard to want to share any of myself when i am so deeply aware that whether it is strangers or people i have become close to, what i enjoy and what i choose to express and share can be so easily twisted into something it is not.
i know it would be easier if i had a thicker skin, or felt secure enough that this didn't bother me, but part of the core problem is that this community has made me insecure. it's a loop. it is one that makes me genuinely sad, as this place once felt so much like home. i know it still can be, but it certainly won't be sitting here, starting at blank documents and text posts wondering to myself 'why can't i just put words on paper' while i have the cortisol levels of a prey animal.
i'm not sure if other folks have felt similarly, or find themselves in the same point. however if you do, or you find yourself resonating, here's to feeling seen 🥂
- papa salami (lore) 🌙
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phoenixlionme · 6 months
Vaggie Defense Post
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Okay. I need to get this off my mind. I've been seeing alot of anti-Vaggie (sometimes crossing with anti Chaggie posts) about how she's a "bad/evil" person for lying to Charlie, that Alastor or Adam are better than her because they didn't lie. And I'm just floored at the blatant mischaracterization of her. And I need to set the record straight by making reminding these certain fans of a few things they are deliberately not acknowledging
EVERYONE at the Hotel are FLAWED, including both Charlie and (especially) Alastor. None of the m are without fault and all of them (sans Charlie for now) have a body count. Plus, Alastor was a serial killer in life and even in Hell and he makes no qualms about enjoying his kills; and while we haven't seen how Vaggie felt as an Exorcist prior to her fall, in the present she is deeply ashamed of her past and is looking for redemption.
I understand people find Alastor appealing and that's great but make no mistake: ALASTOR IS NOT A GOOD PERSON. While Alastor has kept his promises to Charlie and the Hotel crew, he is also blatantly clear that he's only there to see them fail. He ONLY gave Charlie vital info against the Exorcists when it was convenient for him; if he was truly a good person from the start (as many of his fans seem to think he is), he would've given the info freely. And as side note, he also would've put more effort into remaking the Hotel but didn't because he doesn't care. He's an abusive soul owner to Husk. He only referred to Charlie as his daughter to get under Lucifer's skin. And his lyrics in "Ready For This" shows he wants to guide aka manipulate Charlie to harness her power so he can use it for himself. In short, Alastor is an entertaining character but's he's a selfish, prideful, manipulative, and sometimes pettily cruel person with his true goals still not known.
In contrast to Alastor, Vaggie has been with Charlie since the beginning, before they got traction. Yes, she hid her origins and that was a fuck up (something Vaggie acknowledges) but she still genuinely and openly supported Charlie not only out of love but also to redeem herself. She sang part of a whole song about how she wants to be her partner and protect her; not of some end goal but simply because she loves her girlfriend. While she's not perfect, she's also protective and honest with the Hotel occupants and gave them a choice to leave the Hotel in "Hello Rosie", understanding that none of them asked to be in a war. Vaggie may be flawed but she's a caring, loyal, protective person who would fight for those she loves with no pretense.
Going to the people (or, in my case just the one commenter on YouTube) who think Adam of all people is better than Vaggie as a person? No. Entertaining character? Sure. But he's a violent, arrogant sociopath who tried to blackmail Vaggie into compliance and lied at various points during the trial; so he's not as honest as some fans claim. Vaggie, in contrast, lied about her past but other than that, has been truthful about her feelings and goal from the start.
Honestly, I think some of the Vaggie hate comes from some (not ALL) of the Charlastor shippers. I don't like, I love Chaggie but ship who you want. But don't character assassinate, it's not cool. You can like a fanship without being nasty to a canon ship, which flaws or not, isn't unhealthy or bad.
While I do agree to an extent that Vaggie needed her own special moment to shine, I think it may have been out of the crew's control; just speculating but given how Hollywood is doing only 8 to 12 episodes to save money, I wouldn't put it past them. But maybe with the global success of the show, Vaggie may get more screentime. Her VA even hinted at to some extent by mentioning how Vaggie's bow would be symbolic for her character's journey.
For people who are anti-Chaggie - Fine, ship who you want, it's not the end of the world. But for god sake, could you please put your anti-chaggie posts in the anti-chaggie section and NOT the chaggie section? It's just good manners.
In summary, like who you like and ship who you like to ship. But don't character assassinate someone to do it.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
okkkk, i got tempted, too
10, 17, 32, 33, 35
For drarry! I know they're FIVE questions!! So if you get bothered, answer whichever you want!
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
How could you make me choose? I'll go with the Manor sequence though in book 7. (And as a bonus, in the movies I like the extended dialogue in the Room of Requirement where Harry brings up the fact that Draco totally recognized him and didn't say anything.)
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Mikky Ekko's song Who Are You, Really? No idea why really. Just has the right vibes I guess. But sometimes I listen to it for inspiration when I'm working on my drarry fics.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Each other. After the war, after they get together, they both get just a little bit softer - at least when they're together. They still snark at each other constantly - but now there's no hostility to it. It's playful banter. And they enjoy it so much. And enjoy each other so much. They're constantly bickering back and forth in an easy, comfortable manner and teasing smiles and laughs out of each other.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
The death of a loved one.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
There's two answers. First of all, there are the days where everything is safe and nothing happens and they can just be, together and at peace in a way neither of them ever really imagined after everything they went through. Where they are surrounded by friends and no one is trying to murder them and somehow, miraculously they have each other and all the old enmity is gone. That's what they would think of as their perfect day. And they love those days.
But here's the deeper truth - when they have too many days in a row like that, they get a tiny bit bored. They are inquisitive, active people with a penchant for getting into shenanigans for all they both strenuously deny this and claim the shenanigans simply find them. This would be true anyway, and especially after all they lived through a life with no excitement at all would just seem a bit too dull. Plus, after all the dangers they've faced their sense of what constitutes a risky situation is a bit skewed. What has other people saying 'Merlin why didn't you call for backup?! Yes it worked out this time but you couldn't have known that' is just a fun bit of excitement to them.
They're not daredevils by any means, but really, compared to what they've accomplished and survived, getting themselves temporarily pretend captured so they can bust an anti werewolf extremist group trying to tamper with the wolfsbane supply or rounding up an errant herd of escaped hippogriffs is not that big of a deal. Especially when they two of them are doing it together. Because they're both quite skilled alone and they compliment each other perfectly. And if sometimes they have a bit too much fun doing it and love watching each other being competent, well, that's nobody's business really.
(Also an answer here about Draco that touches on drarry.)
Send me a character/ship from any fandom and a number.
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deadmomjokes · 1 year
Getting this started early this year.
A little PSA for animal owners in places where fireworks are a known occurrence:
Keep your animals indoors during fireworks evenings. I don’t care how well behaved or well adjusted or “chill” your pet is. I don’t care if your fence is escape proof or they’ve never been bothered by it before.
I worked at an animal shelter and in the days around firework holidays we were full to bursting, and it was always the “chill” ones who “never did anything like this before.” Unfortunately, we also heard the same story from the local emergency vets.
Repeated loud explosions and lights and colors in the sky can make even the best-behaved animal lose their mind; they have no framework to process it, and no way to understand what's happening or why or when it's going to stop, or whether it's going to hurt them etc. And even if they were fine with it in past years, formulations for fireworks can change, and maybe this is the year that the pitch is just right (or just wrong), or two go off at the same time and something about it pushes the wrong buttons and suddenly there goes Scruffy over the fence you swore Houdini himself couldn’t escape.
Set them (and you) up for success and safety this fireworks season.
Keep them home, and put them inside. Don’t let them out during fireworks hours. Get all the potty trips in before the sun starts going down.
Make sure they have their collar with tags on, just in case they slip out while someone is coming home or leaving for work.
Cover windows. I saw more than one dog with head injuries from charging at the window during fireworks shows.
Set up a safe zone for them. Offer treats and favorite toys, and consider white noise or soft music to help drown out the sounds. Make it a puppy/kitty spa night with things they enjoy to help counteract the stress of The Unknowable Horrors going on outside.
If you know your animal is reactive to sounds like thunder, loud engines, or gunshots, they will most likely react to fireworks too. Deploy anti-anxiety measures like calming sprays, a Thundershirt, and/or a blanket-covered kennel (if kennel trained).
Also, general tips for making sure your pet gets back to you if they get lost at any time:
If your pet is microchipped, call the company now and make sure your current, correct contact info is registered to the chip. Chips don’t do squat if it doesn’t link back to your information. I can’t tell you how many times we had a microchip show up on the scan, but the people never registered it because they didn’t know that was something they had to do. Check in at least once a year to make sure you’re still in the system!
If you don’t already know where your local animal control takes strays, find out now. (You especially don’t want the added stress of having to find out on or around a holiday while you’re frantically searching the neighborhood and making posters.)
On that note, have your local animal control’s nonemergency number written down or in your contacts somewhere. As soon as you lose a pet, contact them and let them know. Sometimes they will be willing to bring the animal back to your home instead of taking it to the shelter/pound, which could save you the fees.
Keep your animal’s current vaccination and registration tags on their collar at all times. In most places, you will get fined if your pet is found outside your property without them. Some places even have it down as a misdemeanor.
Controversial take: keep their collars on them, even at home. I know a lot of pets prefer to be “naked,” and sometimes it’s annoying to hear the jingling. But pets can be sneaky when they want to make a break for it, and the annoyance is totally worth it if it helps get them back to you, and/or avoids a citation.
Slightly less controversial take: If someone is pet-sitting for you, make sure they keep the collar and tags on at all times no matter what, no excuses. Most home escapes happen on someone else’s watch. Don’t get cited for the sitter’s slip up. Make sure they know it’s a non-negotiable.
Special notice for cat owners: Don’t freak out if your cat doesn’t show up at the shelter right away. Dogs are generally bigger and more noticeable; people report and catch them quicker than cats, because cats are really, really good at hiding and getting away from ‘predators’ (aka, strangers with a catch bag). They have amazing survival instincts, which tell them to hunker down first rather than wander in a panic. They will find a safe place and wait for quite a while, venturing out only to look for food and water. It’s normal for a lost dog to turn up at the shelter within a few days of being lost, but a cat can sometimes take weeks to come out of hiding. If Fluffy isn’t at the pound 2-3 days after you lost her, don’t panic and give up. Keep looking! At least once a week so you don’t miss her! We had a guy come check in every week for a little over 3 months, and actually found his cat. It was found less than a mile and a half from his home, within 3 blocks of where it had escaped from his car. Obviously this isn’t the norm, but it can happen, so please don’t give up hope after just a day or two.
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gayedmundo · 4 months
how are you feeling about the buck/tommy ship these days? because i'll be honest i'm getting more annoyed by it as time goes on
oh man. ok you want me to be really honest? i'm gonna be really honest but i'm gonna put it under the cut so that anyone who ships them that follows me doesn't have to see me being a hater.
I truly, TRULY do not get it. I think my taste in ships is just very different from some people because I'm more confused and baffled than anything else. Like, I get being excited about Buck being in his first relationship with a man and being happy about that! I feel that too. However, the intensity in which people are shipping it is what is shocking me and the amount of love that people have for Tommy as a character after so little screen time is confusing me.
They've had cute scenes, I don't dispute that. I want Buck to be able to enjoy this relationship for a little bit. However, people acting like they should be endgame or that they are fated for each other with an invisible string is CRAZY to me personally. Tim has already said he thinks this is an "entry-level" relationship for Buck. Oliver has already said he wants to see Buck exploring his sexuality by dating more people after Tommy. Narratively, episode 6 made it pretty clear where the story is heading just with the costumes at the party. A character setting up a costume party that they're very excited about and their current love interest not joining in on it while their endgame love interest goes all in with them is such a classic and on-the-nose trope.
I'm not inherently anti-multishipping. I just think that the idea of settling for a ship that got together after knowing each other for one episode when we have the potential to have an epic, groundbreaking love story is. Odd to me. It's probably just a difference in how I engage with media and shipping, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me personally. Also, while I don't think that Tim or the other writers would likely change their minds on a potential Buddie endgame just because of the people shipping Buck and Tommy right now given how popular Buddie still is, it is still something that makes me a bit nervous because I know how much networks do NOT want to take risks on behalf of LGBTQ viewers ever so I also don't want people to just say "ok I'm fine with this" and stop fighting for something that could be so, SO much better.
I'm also an Eddie Girl first and foremost. Like my love for Buck is very VERY close but Eddie is my fave. So it's hard for me to just forget about him and be okay with him never getting to have his coming out story when it is really vital for his character arc. Especially since we know that they have gotten so close TWICE now before getting shut down. So Buck/Tommy potentially being endgame makes my tummy hurt WAY too much on behalf of Eddie.
Generally I didn't mind it as a ship at the start but I agree with you that over time it's getting more grating to me as certain shippers get more bold in hating on Buddie and Eddie. I've seen that much more on Twitter and Tiktok than on here, but still it's souring it more for me. Ultimately, I don't want to stop anyone from having fun and shipping what they want but it will just NEVER come close to Buddie for me and I will continue to feel really goddamn confused when people act like Tommy, a guy we've known for 2 minutes, is Buck's soulmate instead of Eddie, a guy we've known for 6 years that has been raising a kid with Buck and understands him more than anyone in the world and would die for him in a second.
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