#especially after hanging around pest so much—what who said that
thinking about justification for famine having a catboy disguise:
thinks she’s an Apex Predator™️, but actually solidly in the middle of the food chain
standoffish and aloof unless a) she REALLY likes you or b) wants to be annoying/contrarian
easily overstimulated and responds by biting probably
“feral gremlin” to “feral gremlin that we took inside but still doesn’t let us pet her” pipeline
the very important mental image of her sitting on top of paperwork knocking pens on the floor
reb said so
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winxanity-ii · 2 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 15 Chapter 15 | gauging reactions⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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A satisfied smirk played on your lips as you both reached the large, white and gray bus. Iida, ever the gentleman, gestured towards the open door. "After you, Akuma-san," he said politely, stepping aside to allow you on board.
"Thank you, Iida-kun," you replied with a gracious nod, stepping onto the bus. The chatter inside immediately died down as everyone turned to stare at you. The confusion was evident. They were expecting Iida to return, not you.
"Hey, Four Eyes! The hell took you so long? Had to take a crap or somethin—" Bakugo's booming voice cut through the silence, but the sentence died abruptly on his lips as his crimson eyes landed on you. The amusement instantly drained from his face, replaced by a scowl that didn't reach his eyes. "Y/N? The hell you doin' here?"
You ignored his question, choosing instead to unleash your secret weapon—a sweet, closed-eye smile. It was a weapon you'd discovered held surprising power, especially over the other pests in your life—especially your little puppy, Bakugo.
And sure enough, a faint blush crept across Bakugo's cheeks, momentarily breaking his tough-guy facade, shutting him down. He quickly scoffed and turned away toward the window in a futile attempt to hide his flustered reaction.
Aizawa, who had been dozing in the front seat, finally stirred at the commotion. He slowly dragged himself to his feet, his hair a mess as ever. "Took you long enough, Iida," he mumbled in a monotone voice. Noticing the surprised looks on everyone's faces, he sighed dramatically.
"Alright, alright," he drawled, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "Seems the message wasn't clear. Akuma-san here will be joining you on your little field trip to U.S.J. Consider it a... motivator. A chance for Class 1-A to see that they're not the only ones vying for hero licenses." His yellow eyes flickered across the students' faces, a cryptic message lingering in their depths.
There was more to this than a simple observation session; that much was clear. But what exactly? Aizawa left the unspoken question hanging in the air, a tiny smirk playing on his lips.
With another tired sigh, he gestured towards the back of the bus. "Find a seat, Akuma-san. Just try not to cause too much trouble." His voice held a hint of contemptment, a silent acknowledgment of your unpredictable nature. There was a flicker of suspicion in his eyes, a single beat where his gaze narrowed slightly before smoothing back to normal.
It was subtle, but it didn't escape you.
You mentally noted to be cautious around the tired-looking teacher. He might just be the first to catch on to your act. Offering a polite bow, you replied with a sugary-sweet voice, "Of course, Aizawa-sensei. I'll be on my best behavior." Turning away, you began walking down the aisle, a playful smile still plastered on your face.
Internally, however, your smile faltered.
Aizawa's suspicion was a wrinkle in your otherwise perfect plan. You'd need to tread carefully, to maintain your facade of the friendly, eager student while subtly probing for information. This unexpected hurdle only made the challenge more exciting.
A silent thrill coursed through you. You thrived on challenges, and Aizawa's suspicion just added another layer of intrigue to the upcoming trip to U.S.J.
The bus rumbled to life, carrying you and Class 1-A towards their unknown destination. Surprisingly, the atmosphere was subdued. Gone were the throngs of curious classmates eager to bombard you with questions. Instead, a tense silence hung in the air. You suspected Bakugo had something to do with it.
The moment Aizawa dismissed you to find a seat, Bakugo had taken charge, kicking his classmate Jiro out of the seat next to him with a booming "Move it, Earphones!" before gesturing curtly for you to sit. You complied readily, taking note of the simmering tension emanating from the blonde.
The subdued chatter from the rest of the class proved to be a goldmine of information. You listened intently as they discussed their Quirks, their hopes, and their anxieties. It was like eavesdropping on a live episode of a hero reality show, and you were enthralled. Right now, the group was discussing each other's Quirks.
"...Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be that popular."
Bakugo tensed visibly, his grip tightening on the armrest, a low growl rumbling from his chest. Before he could even take time to a moment to seethe and take up for himself, another voice cut through the tension. It was the boy you remembered rescuing at the physical entrance exam—Kaminari. "Y'know, we basically just met you and haven't known each other that long. So it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage."
Bakugo's entire body seemed to vibrate with rage. The smell of caramel, a telltale sign of his Quirk activating, grew stronger. Veins bulged on his neck, and his crimson eyes burned with fury. "What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!"
Tuning out the ensuing argument, you found your gaze drifting across the bus. Your eyes met familiar ones—black sclerae framing bright yellow irises.
It was the pink girl from the U.A. entrance exam.
A smirk played on your lips as you recalled how easily you'd flustered her. A simple brush of your finger against her cheek had sent her brain into a delightful overload, causing her to screech and flee.
Catching your gaze, her already pink cheeks flushed an even darker, vibrant pink. She bounced nervously in her seat, clearly battling an internal struggle of wanting to talk to you. You accentuated the invitation with a playful smile, tilting your head slightly.
That was all it took.
In a flash of pink lightning, she was hurtling towards you. She squeezed between you and Bakugo, effectively shoving the blonde further into the window and creating a comfortable space for her. Bakugo let out an enraged bark, "Mina!" but she completely ignored him.
Mina practically vibrated with excitement as she stared up at you. "Hi!" she chirped, her grin so bright it could rival the sun. "I'm Ashido Mina, but you can call me Mina!"
Bubbling over with enthusiasm, she launched into a tirade about Bakugo. "He's so mean!" she declared, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Always keeping you all to himself, acting all mysterious. What gives, right?"
For the next ten minutes, Mina became a human hurricane of questions and chatter. Every topic seemed to revolve around you, a whirlwind of curiosity about your life, your connection to Bakugo, and everything in between.
Just as she leaned, her voice filled with curiosity, "So, what's your Quirk?" a hush fell over the bus. Even those who had seemingly been engrossed in their own conversations suddenly perked up, their ears straining to catch your response.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Midoriya, quickly fumbling to pull out his phone. You knew exactly what he was doing—taking notes on your Quirk, weaknesses, anything you might reveal.
After all, throughout your middle school years, you'd kept your Quirk a closely guarded secret. The only one privy to its true nature was Bakugo. But Midoriya, with his analytical mind, probably believed it must be powerful enough to earn Bakugo's begrudging respect.
Bakugo, barked at Mina. "Mind your damn business, Pinky!" His voice crackling with irritation that anyone would dare try to get closer to you.
"It's alright, Bakugo," you said in a sugary-sweet tone. "A little curiosity never hurt anyone, right?" A pointed look in his direction effectively silenced any further protests.
Turning back to Mina, a mischievous glint dancing in your eyes, you leaned in conspiratorially. Your voice dropped to a whisper, sending shivers down the girl's spine. "Well,I can't exactly tell you everything. After all, our classes are a bit... competitive, wouldn't you say?" you purred, leaving the implication hanging heavy in the air. "But what I will say is that it's very mind-blowing."
Just as you finished your cryptic sentence, the bus lurched to a halt. Aizawa's tired voice echoed through the bus. "Alright, everyone out. Time for your little observation session at U.S.J." The bus doors hissed open, revealing a sprawling complex bathed in the warm afternoon sun.
The spell was broken. The students, momentarily captivated by your words, scrambled out of their seats, their curiosity momentarily forgotten in the face of the unknown that awaited them.
"Hello, everyone! I've been waiting for you!" A voice suddenly boomed as you all were exiting the bus.
Looking over, you spot a towering figure clad in a spacesuit-inspired hero costume, bouncing over with an enthusiasm that rivaled a sugar high.
A familiar voice piped up from beside you. "It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!" Izuku practically vibrated with excitement.
"Woo-hoo! Thirteen is so awesome! She's one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka, a girl with a brown bob and pink round circles on her cheeks chime in, pumping her fist in the air.
Thirteen, used to the fanatic excitement, gestured grandly towards the building behind them. "I can't wait to show you what's inside!"
The students erupted in a chorus of awes and excited chatter. You, however, remained detached, observing the scene with a practiced cool. This "training facility" felt more like a glorified amusement park.
Inside, the building was a kaleidoscope of zones—a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire simulation—all meticulously crafted to resemble real-world disaster scenarios. A collective gasp rippled through the group as they took it all in.
"Holy smokes! It looks like some kind of amusement park!" Kirishima, a redheaded boy with a rather impressive physique for you guys age, pointed at the complex with wide eyes; his muscles straining against his hero uniform.
"A shipwreck," Thirteen boomed, "a landslide, a fire, a windstorm... and so on! I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short!"
A few students muttered comparisons to Universal Studios Japan under their breath. You smirked, unsurprised by the uninspired name.
As Thirteen continued her introductory speech, Aizawa sauntered in, his usual stoic expression etched on his face. He stopped beside Thirteen, a brief conversation passing between them that only served to deepen the furrow on his brow.
As the two adults talked, a smart part of you wanted to eavesdrops and see what it was, but ultimately decided against it; it's not like you'll actually learn something from it.
"That man is the height of irresponsibility," Aizawa sighed, shaking his head before glancing back at the students. "The clock's ticking. We should get started." He moved aside, clearing the way for Thirteen's grand demonstration.
Thirteen raised a hand, her voice booming once more. "Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing... well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or..." she trailed off, earning a collective sweatdrop from the student body.
As Thirteen expounded on the power and potential dangers of their quirks, emphasizing the importance of responsible quirk usage and the true essence of heroism, you found yourself stifling a yawn as your mind wandered.
Yes, quirks could be used for destruction as well as heroism, it's practically common sense, yet here you all were.
Honestly, with so many rules put in place, you couldn't help but feel like being a villain seemed like a much less tedious career choice.
Just as Thirteen finished her speech with a dramatic bow, a sudden plunge into darkness sent shivers down everyone's spine.
A dark purple mist-like portal materialized in the center of the plaza, the swirling vortex pulsating with an unnatural light. Then, figures began to emerge, their forms obscured by the shadows cast by the portal.
A collective gasp rippled through the group of students. Confusion morphed into fear as the students buzzed with questions. Kirishima leaned forward, peering curiously at the portal. "Woah, what is that thing? Some surprise training exercise? High-tech villain simulation?" he asked. "Wait, has the training started already?"
The word echoed in your head, a foreign concept whispered in hushed tones but never truly experienced.
Ever since you woke up in this quirk-infested world, heroes were all you'd ever known. Sure, you'd seen countless reports of villains being apprehended and brought to justice, dramatic displays of power broadcasted on every news channel. But to see them here, in person, was an entirely different experience.
Your mind raced, sifting through the possibilities. A villain attack during a training exercise? Either a brilliant diversion or an incredibly reckless gamble.
Aizawa's eyes widened as the portal began to spew forth figures clad in villainous attire. "Stay back and together! Don't move!" he barked, his voice tight with urgency as he yanked on his goggles, his gaze hardening as it landed on the approaching villains. "Thirteen! Protect the students!"
Aizawa's pronouncement hung heavy in the air, shattering the atmosphere like a dropped glass.
Your focus shifted to the pro-hero. His reaction confirmed your suspicions—this was no simulation. These were real villains, a fact driven home by Aizawa's harsh glare directed at the figures emerging from the portal.
These were the outcasts, the rule breakers—the very antithesis of the heroes you'd grown accustomed to observing.
A thrill, a subtle current of excitement, snaked its way through you. This wasn't part of the plan. This was chaos, a disruption to the established order—a wrinkle thrown into the carefully constructed tapestry of your "observation session."
The portal began shrinking as all the villains—except two—spread out to the different zones. One was a large, hulking, muscular figure with skin like polished onyx, etched with a roadmap of jagged scars and an exposed brain. The other, a lanky figure with grayish-blue hair, covered in dry patches and old scars marring his pale skin; fourteen embalmed hands were strategically placed to cling to his body.
The mist-portal soon coalesced into a head with two glowing gold eyes. "Thirteen... and Eraser Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day...said that All Might was also supposed to be here." The mist spoke, a hint of amusement in his raspy voice.
A nervous tremor ran through the crowd. Your gaze, usually veiled with practiced indifference, sharpened as it flickered between the approaching villains and the faces of the students of 1-A, now etched with a mixture of fear and confusion. You subtly observed the students, gauging their reactions.
You couldn't help but smirk internally. This unexpected turn of events was far more interesting than any pre-planned exercise.
A genuine villain attack would provide a much clearer picture of Class 1-A's strengths, weaknesses, and most importantly, how they worked together under pressure.
This was exactly the kind of chaos you thrived in.
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***le gasp, villians!?
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When He Smiles.
This felt rushed... and it's short. I might edit it at some point, but no promises. Hope you enjoy!
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“Remind me why I’m here again?” you were tired and not in the mood, but…
“I missed you!” he grinned. 
You could never say no to this sunshine. That damned smile was your weakness and he knew it. He knew damn well that you could never say no to that smile and those eyes. The smile that makes the sun sweat and melts your heart into a puddle at your feet.  
“Right…” you sighed, but couldn't deny him. 
When he smiles, it's like the world finally makes sense and shit. Or maybe you're just desperately in love with him, who am I to say? We’ll leave it as that, only because it was true. Wukong was your everything, so it wasn't your fault that your boyfriend was a cheeky and adorable Monkey King. How could anyone not love him?
“Whatcha got there, (Y/n)?” his voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you held up the doggie bag that you got for him.
“Oh, I got you some noodles from Pigsy’s,” you said and offered the bag to him, which he took with a childish glee you thought was absolutely adorable.
“Thanks! How’d you know I was starving?” he asked as he took out the bowls and immediately started scarfing down noodles. “You got some kinda boyfriend-sensing powers I should know about?” he teased with his mouth full. 
“Stop talking while you're eating, you'll choke,” you folded your arms and gave him a stern look. “You're also spitting on me and everything.”
“Oh, sorry,” he said and turned to walk back to the couch he was playing video games on. “Come sit with me.”
“I shouldn't,” you tried to decline. 
“Nonsense!” his tail wrapped around your torso. “C'mere,” he said as he picked you up and dragged you over to his side using his tail. All you could process was his tail around you, the connection with you and the floor being no more, then being plopped onto the couch beside him. 
“Yeah?” he looked at you with a gentle smile. You felt that one in the pit of your stomach and felt your face turn red. 
How is he the most cutest thing ever?! No… why does he have to be the cutest thing ever?
“(Y/n)?” he tilted his head as he slurped his noodles. “Do you want some noodles?” he asked as he offered the bowl to you. 
“I ate before I came, it's all yours,”
“Sure you don't want any?”
“I'm sure,” 
His smile has made him get out of so much trouble with you. He was just such a cheeky little pest, you loved him so much, maybe even more than he loves you. Your heart always did skips when you see that smile, especially the one where it’s all teeth and his tail would sway behind him. 
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged, then continued to eat. 
“So what’s the real reason you asked me to come over?”
“Can't I call my girlfriend over to hang out?” he looked at you and that look in his eyes felt like gravity, it was the only thing keeping you grounded.
“Yeah, but-”
“Is something wrong?” he asked, wanting to get to the bottom of your strange behaviour. How on Earth could you tell him to his face that after all this time, his smile makes you breathless?
“Guess I just ate too much, is all,” you waved it off. 
“Oh,” he nodded, too focused on his food to go in-depth, mostly because he knew for sure that it wasn't anything life-threatening. The cheeky little monkey who had your heart didn't know the true power he had… or did he?
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aurora567 · 15 days
Little Mouse Ch. 29
Warnings this fic will contain mature themes. Such as but not limited to teasing, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, very unhealthy relationships, some elements of non-con/rape, threesomes, drug use, breath play, voyeurism, branding, sex.
Summery: Rin is suspicious and has Skeptic looking into Hawks. Also some more sexy time with Dabi and Rin.
Word Count: 3122
Last Chapter
Rin did not expect that finding information on one single human being could be so hard. Whoever was pulling Hawk’s strings worked incredibly hard to keep the hero and the man well split apart. Hawk’s the hero was everything. But the blonde haired nameless man was almost a ghost. Sure some hero’s kept their personal life’s as separate from their hero life’s as they could. But Hawk’s almost did not seem like he was human at all. No real name could be found. No family ties, no information about his childhood. No information on where he went to hero school. Then again maybe all that would come to light if she could just learn his real name. And yet she even stooped so low as to beg the annoying string bean under Re-Destro to go hunting for her.
After all, Skeptic was a pretty good hacker it seemed. She had to strike a deal with him. Swapping what knowledge she knew of hero’s and the works for what he could find out about the winged hero that called himself Hawk’s. Though even Skeptic seemed to struggle. Weeks were passing and Rin was getting nowhere with her attempt to figure out just who really is under the alias of the winged hero Hawk.
And said hero was an annoying pain in the ass. He seemed to be trying his hardest to hang around those who were higher ups. Working his way up to trying to chat with the lieutenants. Most paid him no attention. But poor Twice was the only one who seemed to put up with the annoying blonde. Rin had started to wonder. Was Twice lonely? Did he feel a need to try and always make new friends? Or was he just too nice and gullible?
The hero could not be trusted. His persona was fake. She had seen it many times among hero’s. The hero persona was a completely different person from the human behind the mask. At first she had assumed it was a type of dissociation. A way to leave the job at the agency and not take it home. Especially the hero’s who saw more grueling sights. Those who dealt with the true scum of the underworld or those who helped after disasters. Seeing a lot of death and just how horrible the world could be wore a person's brain down slowly.
Those people would wear their hero name the same as a mask. The hero and the human behind it were not always the same person. Was Hawk’s persona a symptom of his line of work? She did not think so. Nor originally. She had remembered him being much the same as when they were younger. His fake smile had been plastered on the blondes face since the first time she saw him grace her tv. It made her believe that the persona was not a way of coping. It was simply something he seemed to do for some reason. She assumed it was to get people to like him, to trust him, to hide what was really behind the persona. A lying slithering snake felt like it had made its way into her home.
And she did not hesitate to voice said thoughts to Dabi. Even at that moment as she laid among their bedsheets naked she watched Dabi’s naked ass as he bent over to pull the pack of cigarettes out of his discarded pants pockets.
“I don’t like him. Slimmy pest. It doesn’t sit right that we just let him come and go as he pleases,” she complained as she listened to Dabi give an exasperated sigh. She was sure that the poor man was tired of listening to her bitch.
“He passed the test. He killed the former number 3 hero in order to be brought in. All we can do is hope that annoying fuck can find something online,” Dabi says as he stuck the cancer stick into his mouth and proceeded to light it up with a pretty blue flame.
She frowned as she mulled that information over. She would have to have Skeptic look into that. Fuck she hated dealing with the creepy man who she was sure hated all the league members. But he was indeed valuable. She could see why Re-Destro kept him so close.
“Are you sure he was dead?” She couldn’t help but ask. The look he gave her told her that he was sure and she was sounding stupid.
“I’ve seen enough dead bodies. I think I know when someone is dead,” he growled at her with an exaggerated puff of smoke in her direction as he sauntered over to the bed before sitting down on the edge.
“I trust you. But I don’t trust that blonde pigeon. Till I know who owns his leash I am not going to be able to relax. Just thinking he could be walking around snooping makes my skin crawl,” she snarls herself. It reminded her of how it felt when she stayed with Overhaul. It felt like there was no privacy and someone was watching her. Great, she was growing paranoid. Her sanity was surely gone now. Oh well she was embracing it now.
“You got that skinny fuck working hard looking for you. If there is anything to be found he will probably find it. Just wait,” that earned the man a snort.
“Being told to be patient by you is fucking hilarious,” she said unable to help the snort as she struggled not to laugh. Of course Dabi did not appreciate that. The hard glare she earned herself would have once scared her. But now she saw it almost like a challenge. One that she rarely backed down from any more. Even though her body was still reviving from their last round only minutes ago. She would happily go again with him.
“Don’t fucking test me,” he threatened the half smoked cigarette still sitting between two fingers. Her eyes lingered on it as the tip turned bright red as he took a drag on it. Hmm she almost wondered would it hurt the same way to be burned by a cigarette than by his fingers? Did she want to learn the answer to her own question? Yes. But maybe not tonight, her body was already sore enough as it was.
“Mmm but it’s so fun,” she purrs at him as her half lid eyes move to look up from the burning cigarette at his lips up to those beautiful bright blue eyes of his.
“Fucking slut,” Dabi growls at her. Though she just giggled at the insult.
“You fucking love it,” she teased with a playful smirk.
She watched Dabi’s lips curl up into a wide smirk. But before he could do anything a knock at the door cockblocked them. Both contemplated ignoring it and just starting to fuck. But another loud knock had them both glaring at the door.
“Put on clothes and open the damn door. I have found something,” it was Skeptic who yelled through the door at the pair.
Rin perked up with excitement that finally something had been learned. She slipped from the bed. Throwing Dabi his pants before she stole his old white shirt, pulling it down her body as she was walking up to the door and swinging it open. She watched the string bean glare down at her.
“And you couldn’t put on more clothes?” He glared at her.
“Be happy we ain’t fucking while you talk,” she returned with her own glare as she watched the man look at her as if someone had suddenly slammed a piece of lemon into his mouth.
“Disgusting,” he spits at her.
“Just get this bull shit over and done with already,” Dabi calls out from his sat position on the bed. A second cigarette sitting between his lips but not yet lit up.
“Fine. Rin, what can you tell me about the Hero Public Safety Commission?” He asked, looking back at her after glaring at Dabi.
Rin paused as she blinked and thought over the question. As a sidekick she had dealt with the commission a little bit. But not as much as some hero’s would.
“They are a branch of the government that is responsible for hero civilian relationships. They are not hero’s themselves though. They are responsible for the hero licensing exams and a few hero related events. But honestly I never payed them a lot of attention. They don’t usually pop up too often in everyday stuff,” she said after a moment of thought as she tried to think of the last time she even talked or saw someone from the commission.
“Close enough,” the string bean grumbled, “they appear to have some sort of connection with the number two hero. They appear to be his benefactors. In short I found a trail of money that leads from the commission to the hero Hawks. I also found another regular payment going to another person. This one was less hidden as to their identity. When I looked into them I found that it was simply some old woman. No record of being a hero or a civil servant.”
“Where are you going with this long ass bull shit,” Dabi barked.
“If you would shut up and listen then you would quickly learn,” Skeptic snapped back. Ah yes the man did not hide his hatred for the League members well. Rin and Dabi both fell silent as a sign to try and encourage the man to continue.
“I traced some regular payments to one woman. A Tomie Takami. It seems she lives completely off of the Commision. It was odd, a woman with no past job, no obvious connection to the commision. She does have a husband who is in jail due to his list of felonies. I feel like she is someone who should be talked to,” Skeptic said as he pulled his laptop almost out of thin air and proceeded to pull up some informational page about this woman.
Rin took in the view of the woman. Her shaggy blonde hair looked very similar to that of the annoying blonde pigeon she hated. If this woman was not related to Hawks she would have been surprised.
“You’re a genius Skeptic,” the woman smirked as she took in the information he gathered on the middle aged woman. Her praise just earned her a scoff. Whatever she would no longer have to put up with the man’s sour mood now, “can you print me off all the information about her you learned?”
“Of course. Now if you do not mind, never ask me for anything again,” the string bean announced before he shut his laptop, turned on his heel and started walking away as Rin rolled her eyes before closing the door to their bedroom.
“I’m gonna roast that fucker,” Dabi growled about to stand up and chase after Skeptic to no doubt follow through with that threat.
“Sit your ass back down. You can’t do that even if you want to. First, that annoying bastard is important. I hate his annoying ass too. But his skills are important and we still need him alive,” she said, pressing her right hand on his chest when he started to stand up and pressed Dabi back down to the edge of the bed. She watched his scowl at her about to yell at her before she moved to straddle his lap. That seemed to have his temper simmer down a little as his hands started to roam over her soft flesh and under his shirt.
“We should go talk to that Ms. Takami. See what information she may have on the commission and our annoying pigeon,” Rin said as she straddled Dabi’s lap. Her hips started to find a slow and languid pace. That earned her a soft hiss as air rushed through clenched teeth beneath her.
She was simply teasing Dabi with her body and they both knew it. But neither were complaining. Her hips found themselves grinding against him with a lazy ease. It did the job, he was already growing hard beneath her and it kept Dabi from chasing after that fucking asshole who showed them no respect.
“Yeah yeah we will look into things but not right now,” Dabi said, biting back a groan.
Ah yes Rin liked how much more easy going Dabi could be some times when he was horny. Well sometimes. It was never a guarantee that sex would keep his anger at bay but sometimes it did offer a distraction.
“Thanks,” she purred at him as she ran her finger along the marred and unmarred skin of his chest. She leaned forwards and started to trail kisses over the line beside his lips and followed the line of mixed skin. Careful that she did not do anything to irritate the staples or the injured skin. She assumed the burnt skin could not feel anything. Still that did not stop her from gently trying to show the skin some attention. Gentle glances of her fingertips along the staples, kisses along the lines of good and damaged skin.
Her hips moving against him. The material of his pants against her bare pussy was not enough for her. And knowing the only thing between her and that wonderful dick was the rough material of his old worn pants was annoying. As much as she wanted to explore the body beneath her to her heart's content, she didn’t have the patience to do so. Fingers danced down the marked chest before reaching the pants that were in her way. Fingers were swift as the button was undone, and the zipper nearly ripped open.
His hard cock sprung free with ease once the confinement of his pants was removed. The muscles in her body were still screaming from their last round they had barely finished before being interrupted. And yet she was not going to let some sore muscles stop her from having a little fun. Hot hands had grabbed her hips as she found herself being pulled closer to him.
Her arms wrapped around his neck as she nearly clung to him. Her hips shifted and his length slid along her folds. The cold feeling of the metal bar on his tip earned a hiss from her at the sudden cold sensation at the first touch. Luckily it warmed quickly with the heat from both bodies. Then the ball became a lovely feeling any time it glimpsed her swollen and still very sensitive clit.
She was already letting out soft moans and pants and Dabi wasn’t even buried deep into her body. She needed to fix that and she was going to fix it now. Her hips shifted and she let her body drop lower. The stretch burned slightly from the earlier abuse. And yet she loved it. She let out a low slow moan as her hips met his. His hard cock buried deep within her hot body. Her head nuzzled into the crock of Dabi’s neck as she panted. Her hips moved slowly as she tried to keep him buried deep in her and just gave slow rolls of her hips.
The stench of burnt flesh filled her nose as she buried her nose against the damaged skin. It was far from a pleasant smell, and yet it was all Dabi. And in a way she loved it.
The hot hands on her hips finally took control as the man grew tired of her languid pace. The hands tightened their grip before they started to lift her up and nearly lift her off of him before she was dragged down fast and hard. It drew soft screams from her lips in pleasure. She did not fight him as she let his hands control the pace of her hips and his hips would thrust up to meet her as she dropped.
She was chanting Dabi’s name as if that the man fucking her was some god. Then again to her he was one. If Dabi told her to do something she would do it without hesitation. His words were law, her life was his to do what he pleased with her. Her body was for him to use as he pleased. And so when the low growl in her ear told her to cum she was unable to stop it. In a second her toes had curled. Her head was thrown back and she screamed out as an unexpected orgasm crashed into her hard. She could feel him fill her with more of his cum. But she couldn’t focus on the fun as she was slowly blinking her eyes as she waited for her orgasm to finish crashing into her body. Her body went limp once the sensation of her orgasm started to fade.
Her face crashed into a shaking chest. She grumbled an almost inaudible, “what?”
“Well aren’t you a well trained little pet,” she listened to him taunting her. Ugh she did not have the energy to deal with him. And yet she still slowly pushed away from him so she could look up at him.
“What the hell are you talking about?” She asked, looking unimpressed with him.
“You just came on demand. Like were you even close before I told you to cum?” He asked as he chuckled at her. She opened her mouth about to bite back that of course she had been. But then again she wasn’t so sure. Sure she had been having a hell of a fun time. But had she been ready to cum? She did not think so.
Did she really just cum on command? Like some dog told to sit and she did. Fucking hell that was both hot as hell but also embarrassing as she watched the smug look on his face.
“No. I had been about ready to cum. I had simply been trying to find the right time to cum,” she said simply. But they both knew that was a load of shit. Sure she had been incredibly turned on. But she had not been ready to cum when she did. And holy fuck it has been a hell of a good orgasm. She could only hope she could do that next time.
“Ugh I’m too exhausted to deal with you right now. Let me nap,” she grumbled as she snuggled up into Dabi’s warm chest as she let out a yawn.
“Nap. Then we will see if we can find that woman Skeptic mentioned,” Dabi offered.
“Yeah sounds good,” she mumbled as she closed her eyes and let herself drift off while Dabi’s cock was still buried deep into her.
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thisfairytalegonebad · 9 months
Floral Bouquet - Whumptober day 19
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Gladiolus Amicitia Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Ironically, Gladio discovered that he has a pollen allergy when he started to sneeze around the flowers his mother always kept in her study - the very flowers he’s named after, gladioli.
Ever since, spring has been the most miserable time of the year for him, and any time he’s in close proximity to just about any plant, he starts tearing up and sneezing before too long.
It’s annoying, especially as someone who loves the outdoors, but whatever - just keep antihistamines ready and don’t go camping during spring if you can help it. Easy.
Except, he’s long since run out of antihistamines and while it’s thankfully not spring, it turns out that crawling through the woods in search of some pest the locals want gone is not the ideal pastime for someone with hay fever.
“Gladio, are you quite alright?” Ignis asks when Gladio sneezes five times in a row and nearly walks into a tree in the process.
Sure, Gladio wants to say, but what comes out instead is another sneeze.
“Ah,” Ignis says, as if that answers everything, and to be fair it probably does. “I’d forgotten about your allergies.”
Noct eyes him with some concern. “Wanna turn back? We can come back some other time, maybe when it’s raining. The rain would wash away the pollen, right?”
It would, but Gladio’s allergies have always been pretty bad and chances are he’d still end up a sniffling mess, so he waves off their concern.
“Nah, ‘s fine,” he says. His voice sounds stuffy and he has to clear his throat a few times, but it doesn’t really do anything. “Just like to get it over with as soon as we can.”
Apparently, Malmalam Thicket’s mandrake population has been growing uncontrollably over the past few months, and some of them have started venturing out of the woods near the roads. Passing drivers being attacked by a walking flower isn’t very good for business, so a hunt was posted in Old Lestallum, and the pay’s surprisingly good for a bunch of flowers.
So good that everyone, including Gladio, forgot about the allergy that is currently making his life hell.
Gladio trudges after the others with none of his usual wilderness enthusiasm. The woods are quite pretty, all things considered, but with the way his eyes are itching and burning and tearing up, it’s kind of hard to appreciate.
Ignis gave him his handkerchief a while ago and he holds onto it like a lifeline, but it’s starting to look a little worse for wear. Unfortunately, though, he’s not getting anything better because none of them has thought to bring tissues and Ignis is the only one fancy enough to carry an actual fabric handkerchief.
He also has to rely on the others during fights far more than he’d like, and by the time they discover the mandrake nest, he feels ready to drop.
“Hang back, big guy, we got this,” Noct tells him, and Prompto nods in agreement.
“Yeah, what he said!”
Gladio, begrudgingly, does what he’s told, recognising Noct’s words for what they are - a hidden order. Besides, as much as he hates to admit it, they’ve got a point. He’d probably be a liability more than anything else.
So he gets out his shield instead of the greatsword and focuses on defense instead because he’s not about to just stand by and watch even if he can’t do much more than keep himself alive.
Prompto does a good job keeping the mandrakes away from him, and Ignis is sticking close to Noct the way Gladio usually does, so for the most part Gladio is left with nothing but a few beasts who break free from the group.
But then, he has to sneeze mid-block and he falters at the wrong moment. One of the mandrakes bats him away with its tail like it’s nothing and he’s sent flying, crashing headfirst into a shrub.
Obviously, he hasn’t suffered enough yet - the mandrake pounces and nearly crushes him under its weight. Noct warps into it a few seconds later and finishes it off easily enough, but between the mandrake’s flower and the greenery he’s landed in, he’s caught in a sneezing fit that leaves him unable to perceive anything that’s happening around him.
“Steady,” Ignis’ voice cuts through the fog in his head. Gentle hands help him sit up, and Gladio squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to stop the burning.
“Ugh, I feel like shit,” he finally admits, as if it wasn’t obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes or ears.
“Look like it, too,” Noct says with all his princely charm, but he comes over and starts picking leaves and flowers out of Gladio’s hair.
Prompto hovers uncertainly. “Can we leave now? We got them all, right?”
Ignis helps Gladio stand, then when he’s certain Gladio can stand on his own, inspects the mandrake that nearly killed Gladio.
“I believe so. We’ll have to take a few of the flowers as trophies. Proof we’ve finished the job.”
With a quick glance at Gladio, he decides, “Four should be enough." Usually, lugging around trophies from their hunts is Gladio’s job because those are rarely nice and pocket-sized, but this time, that’s obviously out of the question. The flowers are huge but not heavy - they’re flowers - so Prompto and Noct each carry one while Ignis takes two, one under each arm.
They probably look pretty ridiculous and under normal circumstances, Gladio would leap at the opportunity to laugh at them, but he neither has the energy nor a leg to stand on in this case - he’s sure he looks terrible, all red-faced and snotty. Ugh.
Since the other three quite literally got their hands full, he summons one of Noct’s swords and trails behind them, ready to come to their defense should something attack them on the way out.
There are some issues when it comes to the logistics of delivering the mandrake flowers, which they quickly discover when they get back to the car.
“Why can’t we just put them into the Armiger?” Prompto asks, which is a fair question.
“Because if we do that, we’d have to pull them out of the Armiger in front of the tipster, and we’re still technically travelling incognito,” Ignis reminds them.
Prompto deflates. “Riiiight, normal people don’t have access to an infinite magical space. I keep forgetting.”
“If we put them into the car, Gladio’s gonna die,” Noct points out helpfully, as if Gladio weren’t already dying just from being somewhat near the flowers.
Ignis pinches the bridge of his nose. “Alright, here’s what we’ll do. Noct and I will take the chocobos to deliver the flowers. We’ll use Gladio’s and Prompto’s chocobos as pack birds. Prompto, you and Gladio get us set up at Telghey Haven and we’ll join you as soon as we’ve made the delivery. Any objections?”
It’s a good idea, as Ignis’ ideas usually are, so there are no objections as expected.
Prompto, with a dangerous sparkle in his eyes, leans forward, getting into Ignis’ space.
“Iggyyy… does that mean… the car..?”
Ignis looks like he knows he’ll probably regret everything he’s about to say. “Yes, it does mean that you’ll drive the car to the haven. But Prompto, mark my words - if you put so much as a scratch into that car, you’ll be the one to explain to Cindy exactly what you’ve done. Understood?”
“Aye aye!” Prompto cheers. “I won’t let anything happen to the car - or Gladio!”
True to his word and much to Gladio’s surprise, Prompto drives them to the haven without any incidents. Not that Gladio would have noticed most incidents that aren’t a collision with a garula - he feels like he’s ascended to a different plane, one of pain and suffering and misery.
His head feels as if it’s stuffed with cotton, his eyes are burning and his throat is so swollen that it’s hard to swallow. He keeps sneezing and sniffling and his nose is running something fierce, and simply existing is an entirely new hellish experience.
Once they’re at the haven, Prompto deposits him on a camping chair and goes to set up the tent, with moderate success. It’s not put up as neatly as Gladio would like, but it’s standing and can probably withstand some wind at least.
“Here, go lie down in the tent,” Prompto suggests once it’s all set up and ready to use. It’s only early afternoon, but the idea of lying down in the dark without the sunlight increasing the urge to sneeze, and without the struggle of sitting upright, sounds heavenly right now.
Prompto disappears for a while and returns with a soaked cloth that he puts over Gladio’s eyes, and the coolness brings such relief that Gladio can’t quite stifle a groan.
“Thanks,” he croaks, sounding every bit as pathetic and weak as he feels, but Prompto doesn’t give him any grief for it.
“Welcome!” he says cheerfully, and then he busies himself outside the tent, leaving Gladio alone to regain his bearings.
When the other two return, Noct immediately crawls into the tent to show off their latest purchase.
“Here, we got you antihistamines, nasal spray, and eye drops.”
Gladio removes the damp cloth from his eyes and peers at Noct.
“You guys are the best,” he sighs gratefully.
Noct helps him sit up enough to take the antihistamines and drink some water, then lets him lie back down and carefully administers the eye drops before he puts the newly wet cloth back over Gladio’s face.
“Need anything else?”
Gladio shakes his head. “Nah, just gotta let this stuff kick in. Thanks, Princess.”
Noct mutters something indistinct and leaves him alone.
Outside, the others are making themselves useful. Ignis has promised him tea with honey for his throat and the kettle is just starting to whistle, Prompto quietly narrates his attempts to get a fire going to himself, and Noct promises to go catch some fish for dinner down by the stream.
And Gladio simply lies there, listening to them until the medication kicks in enough for him to fall asleep.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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Pest Control
When David returned to the motel there was a cardboard box sitting next to the television with a post-it note affixed to the top.
Thought you might appreciate these.  -Angie
Inside were three stacks of VHS tapes, all bare plastic rectangles without any sleeves or adhesive labels to indicate what might be on them.
David spread them out on the bed counting eighteen in total; he picked one at random and slotted it into the VCR.
The display changed from bright blue to deep red and a moment later a white capital R appeared followed by an E and then a V until eventually the full title, REVENGE OF THE SEWER RATS, had materialized on the screen.
David chuckled to himself.  
He liked low-budget horror flicks, especially ones that came out in the early consumer video era when anyone with a camcorder and some crimson corn syrup could make a movie.  This one wasn’t a film he was familiar with, though the first few minutes made it look like a bargain basement version of Willard.  Strange guy hanging out in a storm drain holding court over chihuahua-sized rodents that were obviously made out of rubber.
David restacked the remaining tapes and placed them back in the box so he could stretch out on the bed.  He’d considered heading back to the office to see if they’d left any information about his next assignment, but figured waiting till tomorrow morning wouldn’t hurt anything.
When David opened his eyes the only illumination was coming from the flickering blue screen of the television.
The last thing he remembered was the protagonist in the movie telling his whiskered minions to flee right before the cops shot him full of holes in an abandoned shoe factory.  He couldn’t recall feeling tired much less falling asleep, but it was dark outside again and when he sat up David could feel his stomach cramp in hunger.
David grabbed his clothes and threw them on, intending to make another late night trip over to Round The Clock.  He exited the room and was halfway to his car when he heard a voice call after him.
“Wondering if I might get your assistance with something?”
Angie was standing just outside the motel office smoking a cigarette.
David jogged over, nearly tripping in the process when the tip of his sneaker snagged on one of the many deep divots littering the parking lot.
“Careful there.” Angie said.  “Dipshit who owns this place ain’t real keen on upkeep.  It’s the reason I never throw anything away, cause god knows when I’d get a replacement.”
“That reminds me, thanks for those tapes.”
“I can’t vouch for their contents, but figured it was better than staring at nothing.”
“Appreciate it. So how can I help?”
“There’s a critter in the dumpster that needs dealing with.  Normally I’m a live-and-let-live kinda person, but this thing bit one of our cleaning staff and that poor girl is in the hospital with a nasty infection.”
“Shouldn’t we call animal control?”
“Closest thing we got is local law enforcement and I don’t think the sheriff or his slack-jawed deputies are likely to be of much help seeing as how they’re usually at the bar by now.”
“I see.”
“All I really need is for you to flush the thing out and I’ll handle the rest.”
“Are you gonna shoot it?”
Angie looked at David like he’d just suggested stepping in front of a speeding bus.  
“That’d be a real good way for one or both of us to join Becky in the E.R. assuming we didn’t bleed to death first.”
“Well then what are you planning to do?”
Angie held up a finger and then slipped back into the office.  A few minutes later she returned with a wooden baseball bat that looked like it could be a museum piece.
A shiver ran up David’s spine and the palms of his hands felt clammy.
“You sure you’re up for this?”
David nodded.
“Alright then, let’s go.”
The two of them walked past a row of turquoise doors until they’d reached the opposite end of the building.  Three dark brown dumpsters stood side-by-side.
“Pretty sure I heard it moving around in the middle one.”  Angie said.
“Any ideas on how to get the thing out of there?”
Angie shrugged. “That’s your job.  I’m just here to dispatch the little fucker.”
David sighed and looked around.  
Leaning against the side of the dumpster paddock was a wooden pallet.  He pulled off one of the slats, using it to prop open the plastic cover on the center trash bin.  David grabbed hold of the pallet on either side and hefted it up just high enough to clear the lip of the dumpster.  He gave it a hard shove and there was an echoing boom as the wood impacted against the bottom of the container.
“Think that’ll work?” Angie said.
This time it was David’s turn to shrug as they both stood back and stared at the opening.
There was some scuttling back and forth between one end and other, but then it fell silent.
David cautiously approached the dumpster and crouched down on his haunches.  He repeatedly struck the front of the bin with the side of his fist, making it sound like peals of thunder were emanating from the inside.
There was a frantic scrabbling of claws as David watched a shape leap from the end of the pallet and land next to him.  The creature was partially obscured in shadow, but its size was clearly much larger than any possum or racoon.
It reared up over his hunched form on hind legs as David tried and failed to make his body respond.
His eyes winced shut, bracing for the inevitable, when he heard the meaty crunch of Angie’s bat as it slammed into the animal.
Other sounds followed that made David sick to his stomach, and he waited for the silence to return before daring to open them again.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Of Jealousy and Friendship - Pt. 2
**I'd like to first take a second thank @obey-mes-treasure for being so awesome being a beta reader for me for this! Your input really helped! Thank you so much 💓
Also THANK YOU EVERYONE SO SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE YOU'VE GIVEN THIS FIC, I'm so blown away that you guys really like this that much! I love you all ❤❤
Summary: MC makes a lower demon friend who may secretly be hoping for something more than friendship. The Demon Bros are not about to let this happen.
TW: Scenting (NOT SEX! I REPEAT! It is intimate, yes, but we’re just cuddling here. I put this just in case)
Part One: Here, Epilogue: Here
Previously on Of Jealousy and Friendship:
With another nod, the demon, Cane left, leaving you alone with six of the seven brothers bubbling with jealousy, anger, and concern.  
The moment Cane was out of sight, Mammon, still in his demon form, grabbed onto your wrist and began to drag you inside. 
You yelped at the tightness of his grip and tried to pull your hand away. “Hey! Mammon, stop it! That hurts!” 
The second born merely growled and tossed you onto the couch. As you looked up you were met by the fierce glares of several of the brothers and looks of disappointments from the rest.
“What the hell were ya thinkin’?” Mammon wasn’t shouting. He wasn’t screaming. His voice remained low and steady with a dangerous venom that dripped off every word. “Ya can’t just go frolickin’ through the Devildom with some second-rate demon ya just met. Especially not when ya haven’t told any of us where ya went or how long you’d be out. You could’ve been killed tonight, MC! And none of us would’ve known!”
You returned his glare as you shifted yourself to sit up on the couch. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m allowed to make my own decisions. You guys don’t control me! If I want to make friends and hang out after school, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” 
“We aren’t trying to control you, MC,” Beelzebub calmly stated. He stared down at you with a concerned frown and furrowed brows. “We just want to make sure that you’re safe. You know from experience how dangerous it is down here, and we want to keep you from getting hurt any more than you already have.” 
“Besides that demon, Cane I believe you called him,” Satan began, his arms still crossed in restrained frustration, “was clearly after something a little more than friendship.” 
You blinked at Satan in confusion before glancing at the others, who all seemed to be awaiting your response. “Wh-What...What are you talking about? Cane’s just a friend.” 
Belphegor tsked and rolled his eyes. “Ugh, Diavolo, please tell me you are not this stupid. He’s saying that the pest obviously had a crush on you or at the very least wanted to get into your pants.” 
“Which we can’t entirely blame him for, I mean, look at you, darling, you’re delicious,” Asmodeus said  matter-of-factly as you squawked in protest. “But he stepped out of place,” the Avatar of Lust’s eyes flashed as he gritted his teeth. 
You felt your confusion grow more and more inside of you as questions swarmed inside your head. “I don’t understand.” 
Lucifer sighed and looked over at Beelzebub. “Go get Levi. He’ll want to be here for this discussion.” 
You frowned as Beel left the room and looked over at Lucifer. “What discussion? You guys are making no sense!” You ran a frustrated hand through your hair as you groaned. “I get it. I should’ve been more cautious and let you guys know in advance. I’m sorry,” your eyes desperately searched Lucifer’s gaze for answers. “But there’s really no need for this...this intervention! I’m fine! He didn’t hurt me. I’m-” 
You whipped around at Levi’s voice.  He stood in the entry way with Beel, his face bright red as he held a hand over his mouth and nose and shakily pointed at you. “He scented you. Y-You let him scent you?” 
Lucifer face palmed himself and slowly let his hand fall off his face in clear annoyance. “We were just about to get to that, Leviathan.” Lucifer’s black and red eyes found your own as he raised a single eyebrow. “What do you know about scenting?” 
Your head tilted, even more dumbfounded than before. “You mean that were-wolf thing?” 
“WHAT?! NO, IT’S NOT A WERE-WOLF THING YOU NORMIE!!!” Levi shouted, clearly flustered by the topic. “Scenting i-is a... i-i-it’s...when two people...GAAAAAH!” he let out a shout as he threw himself into one of the chairs and hid his face in a cushion. “Someone else explain it, please! I-I can’t do this! It’s too high level!”
The brothers all exchanged glances, all in varying states of blush, as they silently debated on who would explain the apparently taboo subject. 
Eventually it was Lucifer who cleared his throat and seemed to be attempting to appear unbothered by all of this. “As you know demons are very possessive creatures. We don’t particularly like when others meddle with things that either belong to us or that we are fond of. As a result of this behavior and our heightened sense of smell, when a demon finds a person whom they are greatly fond of, we have the tendency to transfer our scent onto that person’s being, clothing, and belongings. It’s meant to be a consensual act of intimacy and a mark of one’s close bond with someone. It strictly marks that person as “off-limits” to all other demons.”
You blinked a couple times as you took in the information, your cheeks heating up. “A-And you said Cane did that to me?” 
You opened your mouth to argue, but then was suddenly hit by a flashback of the two of you dancing at the club. You could remember the music pulsing around the two of you and the way that Cane kept holding onto your shoulder, waist, or wrist with lingering touches. Thinking back on it, you remembered finding it odd that someone was so touchy with someone they just met, but blamed it on the cramped space that the dance floor provided. Your stomach twisted at the newly revealed implication. “S-So he was scenting me without me even knowing?” The brothers’ concern and anger suddenly made a lot more sense as a wave of guilt and unease washed over you. 
Mammon huffed, avoiding eye contact with you. “Exactly. The guys an asshole. I’ve been wanting to scent ya since we made a pact but ya don’t see me gettin’ all touchy feely!” He froze, with wide eyes as he realized what he just said. “I-I-I mean, what?! Pfft! Who would want to scent a human like you! Not-Not the GREAT Mammon, that’s for sure! I-It makes so sense!” 
The brothers collectively sighed. “Mammon, you absolute moron.” Belphegor mumbled as he shook his head. 
Asmodeus laughed and plopped himself into the seat beside you. “Please Mammon. You being love-sick over MC is old news. There’s no use even trying to cover it up. But even so, we all know there’s no way you’d be the first one MC chooses to scent them,” he draped an arm over your shoulder and leaned in close, “It’d obviously be me, right~?”
Levi scoffed from where he was still hiding behind the cushion on the chair. “Wh-Whatever. Not that it even matters now. That nobody of a demon already scented them. Now none of us will get to be their first...” He squeaked as he trailed off, suddenly shooting up from the chair. “I-I mean the first to scent you! N-Not anything weird! Not that you would do either of those things with a yucky otaku like me. I mean that kind of stuff only happens in animes.”
The brothers all went quiet after the first part of Levi’s rambling and seemed to become lost in their own train of thought. Your jaw dropped a little as realization finally clicked in. They hadn’t just been concerned about you missing or angry about you being so reckless... “You all wanted to scent me,” the room froze at your words. “That’s why you were all so frustrated when I came back with him. You were jealous.”
“What?! N-No!” Mammon sputtered in defense, weakly glaring at you. “I don’t get jealous! I’m Mammon! Avatar of Greed, second born of the Lords of Devildom! I can have anything I want! I especially don’t get jealous over wimpy, pathetic-” “Yes we were jealous.” Lucifer admitted, effectively cutting off Mammon and surprising everyone. He met your eyes and smirked. “Is that particularly surprising? I thought we had all been quite clear with our fondness of you.”
“Scenting you would have many benefits. It would help keep you safer when you’re alone. It’d also establish that, similar to how we all are yours through the pacts, you’d then be seen as ours by all demonic beings,” Satan smiled as he placed a hand under his chin, seemingly unaffected by the implications of his own words. “The idea is certainly appealing, don’t you think?” 
You gaped at the group of them as your face became hot with blush. You weren’t expecting this. Even as you threw the idea into the air, you were not expecting the emotionally constipated brothers that you had become so fond of to actually admit that they cared about you.  “You all...H-How would that even work?”
“Well we’d get his nasty, normie scent off of you for starters,”  Levi mumbled not quite as quietly as he meant to, and squeaked when he realized just how loud his words were. “I-It’s true! Scenting them will be more difficult since they’re already coated in his scent!” 
Beel nodded scrunching up his nose. “It does smell bad. It really doesn’t mix well with your scent at all.” 
Asmo nuzzled his head against your shoulder. “We’d have to cuddle you all night to cover it up. Not that any of us would mind~”  You yelped as Belphie plopped himself by your other side and put his head in your lap. “I suppose I can just sleep with you as my pillow.”
You opened and closed your mouth several times as you felt your heart leap into your throat with all the sudden attention. After all the revelations of the night, the sudden contact just seemed too overwhelming.
“That is if you would allow this, MC.” Lucifer sharply cut in, causing Asmo and Belphie to stiffen. “It’s like you said. We don’t control you. We will continue to respect that and you regardless of your decision,”
Belphegor huffed and looked up at you. “Well? Are you gonna let us scent you or not?” 
The air tensed as each of the brothers waited with bated breath for your answer.
You gulped as you thought about it for a minute. Being in the center of a cuddle pile of seven of the most powerful demons of the Devildom wouldn’t be that bad would it? Besides, it’s not like you didn’t love them all in their own special way. They annoyed you from time to time, and knew how to push your buttons, but at the end of the day, you all cared for another and you could depend on that. You knew that no matter what happened, they would always look out for you, and by the sounds of things this whole scenting thing would allow them to keep you safe even if they weren’t around. You could feel your heart warm at the sentiment of it all. 
Your decision made, you smiled softly at them. 
“I think I’d like that.”
Asmodeus let out a cheer and instantly starting snuggling up close to your arm as he nuzzled his face into your neck, causing you to giggle and gently push him back a little.
Belphie shrugged and closed his eyes as he laid back down on your lap. He was obviously trying to act as though he didn’t care, but the small smile that graced his lips gave him away in an instant.
Mammon’s face became extremely flushed as he shoved Asmodeus off of you. “Oi! Don’t hog, MC! Y-You’re not the only one here!” He avoided your eyes as he shakily took your hand into his and stared at the two of them intertwined.
Asmodeus snorted and merely moved over to the other arm, “If you’re going to claim one of the prime cuddling spots Mammon, at least do something that’s actually effective in scenting them.” You made the choice to mentally block out Mammon as he started arguing with Asmo.
Beel stood awkwardly beside you. “I’ll, uh, I’ll take up too much space for the others if I go by your side. So I was thinking maybe it’d be best if I sat behind you?”
You smiled fondly at the gentle giant and, with a bit of effort and complaining from the others, moved forward enough to make room for Beel to sit down behind you. Once comfy, you felt his two strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you against his chest with a satisfied hum.
Satan pushed up the sleeves of his jacket and took a seat beside Mammon. “Since Mammon’s too idoitic to scent this side properly, I suppose I will have to suffice,” he smirked as he tilted his head. “If you don’t mind that is?”
You huffed in amusement, much to Mammon’s displeasure, and nodded in consent.
Satan grinned brightly and began to rub his inner wrist along your shoulder and neck. He inhaled gently and sighed in relief, seemingly pleased with the result of his action before resting his head on your shoulder and continuing his ministrations. “Contact from one’s inner wrist to another’s neck or wrist is one of the most effective ways to scent someone. You can rest assured that you won’t smell anything like him by the time we are through.” 
You chuckled and patted Satan’s head. “Thank you, Satan.”
You glanced over at Levi as he shifted from foot to foot looking over at you anxiously. “Are you going to join us, Leviathan?”
His face turned bright red as he tensed at the question. “A-Are you sure you want a gross shut-in like me to scent you? C-Cause everyone will know! You won’t be able to h-h-hide it at school or pretend like it d-didn’t happen or-”
“Levi?” His head shot up as he looked at you once more. He gave him a reassuring smile and patted your other leg that wasn’t being used as a pillow by Belphie. “Get over here, please.”
He sputtered for a second before nodding, and nearly tripping over himself as he rushed over to the cuddle pile and hesitantly placed his head on your leg.
You could feel your heart flutter at being surrounded and held by the demons that you had come to love, but it still wasn’t perfect yet. You looked over at Lucifer, who stood watching the group with an uncharacteristically soft expression, in confusion.
Lucifer understood your thoughts without you even having to speak them. “I’m in no rush. Now that we have your consent, I’m sure there will be another time when I can personally scent you without the annoyances of my brothers being around.” He stood and began to leave the room. “Enjoy your night. I will see you tomo-”
“Lucifer.” You commanded, causing him to tense and freeze on the spot. “Get your pompous ass over here.”
The demon sighed and turned around, making his way back over to you. He moved between you and Asmo, and nudged Beel to scootch over, before settling in slightly behind you, nuzzling in close. “You really are insufferable.” He mumbled as he pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
You grinned, feeling joy and content buzz within you at finally being in the arms of your found family. In that moment, everything felt right and whole.
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saurexhas · 3 years
Love is Blind - Part 1
So I’ve been hanging out with @studionovella​ and the team for @nightmare-castle​, and the sheer talent in their discord server is so amazing. It led me to be inspired, and while I’m typically more of a Sanscest writer, I figured that it’d be fun to try something new considering the source of my inspiration! So have some Nightmare x MC (Nightmare x Reader).
Be warned, this story handles blindness and... probably some other sensitive topics considering it’s me. So just watch the tags for any relevant triggers!
You didn’t think that it was possible, but somehow you had fallen for Nightmare. On the surface he was cold, cruel, and calculating, using everyone he could to advance his goals. But if you could tolerate the coldness, get past his clinical treatment of those he believed were beneath him, then there was so much more to him. Nightmare was a scholar, a brilliant mind with a vision for a world all his own. He appreciated the arts, often enjoying his downtime with a good book and a calming cup of tea. And believe it or not, there was a small part of him that genuinely cared for the skeletons under his charge. You’ve seen that side of him more than most, managing to open even his eye to what was hidden beneath the centuries of anger and hatred.
Even if negativity was still a large part of who he was, you found yourself able to accept that darkness, because it only made the small lights within him shine brighter. Just like the stars the two of you were gazing at. Though as your gaze shifted to the skeleton currently dominating your thoughts, you found that piercing cyan eye of his locked onto you instead of the sky. If there was ever any doubt in your mind that your feelings were reciprocated, one look at his gaze would sweep it all away. There was a tenderness to him, reserved only for you as he would say. It was only in these moments where the two of you were alone that he would let his imposing demeanor slide.
Getting moments to yourselves was easier said than done though. Despite the sheer size of the castle, the others always seemed to be around. They knew how Nightmare favoured you, how he treated you special and wasn’t as harsh. You were pretty sure that they’d managed to piece everything together on their own, even if none of them ever said anything for fear of angering their king. That said, some of them, namely Killer, seemed to delight in getting in the way of your fleeting moments alone. And there was always no shortage of work to be done, not when your partner was as ambitious as he was. Nightmare aimed to create an empire, and you were doing what you could to further his goals. Even if all that work and Killer’s interference left you and Nightmare fleeing to other worlds in order to have some semblance of a relationship.
Outertale was a favourite destination of yours, the beauty of the cosmos always taking your breath away. It always seemed so far removed from the chaos of the multiverse, or the chaos of the castle.The peace and quiet out here made it perfect for when both you and your partner just needed a break. You could stand out here for hours, watching the subtle shifts in the sky or mapping constellations.
But for now, you were seemingly locked in a staring contest with the lord of darkness, neither willing to look away or break the silence that had fallen. Unsure of what to do, you simply reached out with your finger and booped the tip of his nose. The look of utter surprise on his face left you giggling, only for his own rich laughter to mingle with yours.
“You dare to lay a hand on the God of Negativity, hmm?” He teased, pulling you close with his tentacles before wrapping his arms around your waist. “You are either very brave or very foolish… maybe a bit of both. How shall I deal with your crime, my little moon?”
You couldn’t help but swoon a bit at the pet name he called you, grinning up at him like a fool as you took advantage of the close proximity to snuggle close. “I could swear my love to you, would that appease the great Nightmare?”
“Perhaps,” he chuckled, the distance closing between the two of you even further as he ducked his head down to be level with your own. Nightmare opened his mouth, perhaps to say something else or to move in for the kiss you were anticipating. Before either option could happen though, the dark skeleton froze for a split second. There wasn’t even time to ask what was wrong before you found yourself hefted into his arms, the two of you dodging a volley of bright blue arrows that had speared where you’d been moments ago.
Your heart hammered in your throat, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you tried to get a grip on what was happening. Nightmare still had you cradled to his chest, dodging arrows and… was that paint? Following the paint’s trajectory, you could see your partner’s enemies had managed to crash your little date.
The Star Sanses stood on the other end of the floating chunk of rock you were on, the portal they’d used to arrive closing behind them. Blue was just coming through the portal, his gaster blaster hammer in his grip. Dream had another arrow ready to fire, though he hesitated upon seeing you staring back at him. Ink on the other hand wasted no time in splattering more of his paints everywhere, a tentacle raising to block you from the oncoming attack. The paint hissed and fizzled on contact, a growl leaving Nightmare as he jumped to another nearby rock to escape the barrage.
“Night, are you okay?!” You look up to see him trying to hide his pain, showing you that those paints are far more than something to be smeared on a piece of paper. While you’d heard stories from the others about the chaotic creator, you’d never met him in person or seen him fight. Seeing that paint flying towards you was way scarier than the guys’ stories had led you to believe.
“I’ll be fine,” Nightmare insisted as he set you down, even if you knew that attack hurt. “Look, you need to remain here where you’ll be safe. I don’t care what kind of training you’ve been partaking in with the others; I refuse to let you endanger yourself by fighting them. Ink especially is dangerous, keep away from him at all costs. If you cannot dodge his attacks, make sure to shield your face. His paint can burn like acid if he wishes, and while liquid negativity protects my body, you have no such defenses. Give me your word that you will remain safe while I deal with these pests.”
As much as you wanted to argue that you could help, even you couldn’t muster the confidence to speak against him with such a stern glare directed at you. It was clear that Nightmare wouldn’t take no for an answer on this one, so you had no choice but to nod your head meekly. “I-I’ll stay here,” you promised, glancing up to see him seemingly satisfied. Without another word, he rushed off, preventing Blue from getting any closer with his large hammer.
Watching Nightmare take on all three of the Star Sanses by himself was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, much like the first times you’d joined sparring sessions with the guys. But there wasn’t the assurance in the back of your mind that nobody would be out to kill you. While it might not be the goals of all of the Stars, there was very much mortal danger in this fight for both you and the one you loved. Staying on the sidelines like this was painful, leaving you feeling useless as Nightmare struggled to hold off the onslaught.
Were they not essentially your enemies, you’d be impressed by the coordination and teamwork the Stars possessed. All three of them were capable of both melee and ranged attacks, and wordlessly organized themselves so that one of their own was never in danger of being hit by their own attacks. Dream’s precision with his arrows allowed him to stay primarily a ranged fighter, while Blue’s blasters and Ink’s attacks were a bit too widespread to risk while one of them fought in close combat. Nightmare was the only one without a specific ranged attack, which probably explained why the others rarely got close to attack. Your lover’s tentacles gave him reach though, and the ability to hit multiple targets at once, so he was somehow able to hold his own against all three.
The battle looked to be a stalemate… until one of the Stars suddenly switched tactics. While Blue rushed in with a hammer and bones at his side, Ink actually turned his back on the fight. He seemed a little lost, like he was trying to remember something, only for his eyes to light up as he locked gazes with you. Instant panic seized you as the one skeleton that Nightmare warned you about came straight for you, manic glee plastered over his face as he quickly crossed the distance between the two of you. A glance back at the battle proved that Nightmare had seen what was going on, but Blue was keeping him from coming to your aid. So it was up to you to think fast and avoid the creator, hope bubbling in you that this might actually make things easier. If you could keep Ink busy by dodging his attacks, then Nightmare might be able to take on the remaining two with better success before coming after Ink.
With this admittedly crazy plan in your head, you began a game of cat and mouse with Ink, jumping from one place to the next. If you didn’t have a splash-happy maniac chasing you, it would’ve been cool to enjoy the low gravity of Outertale. For now though, it was all that was allowing you to escape most of the attacks directed at you. You were far from unscathed though, small splashes of paint eating away at your arms and legs. It burned, but was nothing you couldn’t deal with as you continued to dodge and weave the bulk of the attacks. So long as none of it touched your face, you would be fine.
Glancing back at the main battle going on, your hopes of Nightmare doing better against two targets instead of three were steadily being crushed. He seemed distracted, constantly looking up to watch you kite Ink around the area. Instead of focusing on the two he had to deal with, he was so worried about you and Ink that he was now losing. It wouldn’t be so bad if he was facing off against Ink and Blue, because there was little the two could do beyond superficial damage. Dream on the other hand was still very much a threat, his arrows of pure positivity being about the only thing that could seriously hurt. And you could see several piercing the ground, coated in the black negativity that Nightmare relied on for protection. It was a surefire way to see when he’d been hit, and the staggering amount of these soiled arrows made it clear that your partner wasn’t holding his own anymore. Guilt welled up in you, because you were the reason he was now losing this fight. While there wasn’t much you could honestly do to shake Ink from your trail, reason did little to quell the negativity rising inside you. All you could hope for was that your own despair could give Nightmare just a bit more power, enough to keep himself safe at least.
As time dragged on, both you and Nightmare were running out of stamina. Your legs cried for rest as you continued to run away from the creator, while your lover’s movements were growing noticeably sluggish. More arrows seemed to connect than not at this point, and he had barely any time to recover from one attack before dealing with another. The two of you were badly losing, and it was quite clear now why Nightmare rarely let anyone from the castle venture out on their own.
The Stars seemed to sense this sudden weakness in their target, Dream finally stopping his barrage to call out to the one going after you. “Ink! Stop playing around, I need your help!” Help? What help could Ink possibly be? Even his corrosive paints couldn’t breach the surface of Nightmare’s negativity, the only thing that could was Dream’s… oh… oh no.
As the realization hit you, Ink finally gave up his pursuit. “Woo! Looks like my plan actually worked… at least I think this was my plan. Whatever, let’s do this!” Laughing at some untold joke, Ink hopped away from you to return to the large rock that most of the battle had been on. At the same moment though, you felt your legs moving as the horrific reality of their plan hit you. Ink purposefully went after you to distract Nightmare, allowing the others to weaken him enough so that their special attack would hit. The creator might not be able to damage the surface, but if Dream’s arrow ripped through first, then there’d be a narrow window where Nightmare’s greatest defense would be gone. In a single spot he’d be vulnerable, which is why they needed to slow him down enough to ensure their hit would work.
You weren’t going to let that happen. Promise be damned, your soul was screaming at you to protect the one you loved, and you were going to heed its call. The ache in your legs went completely ignored, adrenaline pushing you forward with more speed than you thought you could muster. You needed to be faster though; Ink was already there, and Blue had set about corralling Nightmare to keep him still.
Only a few floating chunks of rock were between you and your beloved now, but you still weren’t fast enough. Panic rose once again as you watched Dream draw back his bowstring, the arrow glimmering faintly in the surrounding darkness. Ink stood ready beside him, the paint coating his brush a dangerous shade of red. That same paint had left such horrible burns along your limbs, and you could only imagine the damage it might do to the weakened god of negativity. With Blue running interference and drawing Nightmare’s attention, it was only a matter of time now.
As your feet touched down on the large space rock, several feet from everyone else, you knew that you were out of time. Nightmare was too absorbed in his fight to hear your warning calls, and it would only alert the two and likely cause them to reset before trying again. This attack would only work once though, because once Nightmare knew of their plan, he wouldn’t let it work a second time. That meant that you had one chance to stop them, especially when you saw that Dream was aiming towards his twin’s soul.
Courage and determination welled within your soul, driving you forward despite the risk you were running straight into. Any number of things could go seriously wrong, but… you couldn’t risk them killing him. Nightmare was the bane of the multiverse to many, but he was everything to you. Gritting your teeth, you timed your steps so that you’d only enter Dream’s field of vision after he fired, preventing them from stopping you and trying again. The second he saw you, the god of positivity’s expression changed from one of grim determination to one of shock and horror, his hand reaching out as if he could stop his attack or stop you. His hesitance once again wasn’t present in Ink, the creator wasting no time in flinging the red paint directly after the arrow.
With mere seconds to spare, your outstretched hands made contact with the cool goop that covered Nightmare’s body. All of your momentum and might went into a push, knocking the deity away from the incoming attack. Your lover turned back to look at you the second you made contact, his eye conveying the same shock and horror as Dream’s had when he saw you. All you could do was smile, knowing that you’d managed to save him no matter what danger you’d put yourself in. Nightmare reached out for you just as the arrow whizzed past, its trajectory leaving it slicing past your eyes. Pain bloomed as the minor cuts scratched the outsides of your eyes, but it was nothing compared to what came next. You’d been so concerned about the arrow that you temporarily forgot about Ink. His attack followed as per the Stars’ plan, splattering over the both of you with its acidic effect. The scratches to your eyes had left you temporarily blind, so you weren’t able to see that red paint as it splashed all over your face. The last thing you saw was instead Nightmare, reaching out to you as if to save you from this pain.
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whereistheonepiece · 3 years
Missing You
Quick summary: Sanji misses Zoro.
Note: I haven’t outright stated it before, but my collection of short Zosan oneshots is connected to my fic “To Run.” This one makes a few references to it.
Sanji woke up to the feeling of Zoro’s lips on the corner of his mouth. His eyes flitted open and his lips curved upward in a groggy smile as he took in the sight of Zoro, partially hovering over him in bed, smiling down at him. Sanji made an amused sound in the back of his throat, laying a hand on his love’s bicep. 
“Hi,” Sanji said, his voice still thick with sleep. Sanji wound his arms around Zoro’s solid, warm torso, and pulled him down so Zoro lay on top of him. He chuckled softly as they both repositioned themselves to be more comfortable. “Morning breath,” Sanji whispered, putting his palm in Zoro’s face and pushing him back when Zoro leaned in for yet another kiss.
Sanji let out a small, undignified yelp in surprise when Zoro’s tongued darted out of his mouth and pushed between the gaps between Sanji’s fingers, poking out at Sanji in defiance. Zoro’s grin grew as Sanji withdrew his hand from his face.
“Child,” Sanji said accusingly.
“You had to know getting licked was a possibility when you put your hand there,” Zoro, incorrigible as ever, shot back.
“Actually, I thought you might just bite me like the savage you are,” Sanji said, staring up at Zoro with partially closed eyes.
“And that wouldn’t have bothered you?”
“No, because I was expecting it.”
Zoro snorted, rolling his eyes. “Dumbass,” he said, the playfulness in his voice turning the old insult into a term of endearment.
“Barbarian,” Sanji said in return, grinning to himself when Zoro laid his head on his chest.
“You love me,” Zoro said, more to annoy Sanji than to state the obvious.
“You’re so sure of that,” Sanji said, his voice glib, his fingers soft as he ran them along the path of Zoro’s spine all the way to his head, pushing through the soft green hair.
Contentment rumbled from deep within Zoro’s throat as Sanji played with his hair. “Yeah,” he said dreamily. “I am.”
Sanji lifted his head to kiss the top of Zoro’s. If only those who called Zoro the Demon of East Blue could see him now. They’d change their minds quickly if they could see him practically purring like a common house cat at having his hair stroked.
They lay there together, Sanji petting Zoro until his hand grew tired, Zoro lying on Sanji like a living, breathing blanket. Usually Zoro preferred to have Sanji lying on top of him, but Zoro had become somewhat clingier as of late, coming to Sanji for physical affection more frequently than he normally did whenever they had time alone together. 
It had been a bit of an adjustment for both of them when Sanji brought Zoro onto the Baratie. Back when they sailed on Sunny, Zoro could come to Sanji when he was preparing food for the next meal. He would hold onto him like the clingy, affectionate pest that he was. Zoro was less clingy whenever he had Sanji’s full attention, but he’d been receiving less of it lately.
It had been easier to give Zoro his attention back when all Sanji had to worry about was keeping a small crew fed and didn’t have a restaurant and its guests to look after, a staff working under him, or the constant pressure to prove himself worthy as Zeff’s successor. It was even harder to give Zoro his attention when he couldn’t let him hang onto him while he was cooking like he used to. Sanji was sorry that he couldn’t give Zoro that anymore. While he used to tease Zoro for being needy or accuse him of being annoying when Zoro grumbled at him for needing to move around the kitchen while they stood like this, Sanji did enjoy it. It was a nice compromise that kept Zoro happy, and Sanji did enjoy the company and the fact that Zoro wanted to be close to him. But Sanji was a boss now, and it was hard to be taken seriously when he had a grown man hanging off him.
So Zoro found a new way to get Sanji’s attention. He’d observe restaurant activity until there was a lull, and then he’d waltz into the kitchen, grab Sanji by the wrist, and announce, “Break time!”
The other chefs were always overjoyed to see Zoro. Sanji was aware he wasn’t an easy boss, especially if the day was stressful, and Zoro pulling him into the office to kiss him always left him in a better mood. The staff had noticed this, and so they welcomed Zoro in the kitchen, showing their appreciation with booze and a snack whenever he and Sanji came out of the office.
“You’re spoiling him,” Sanji would always chide the chefs, although secretly he was grateful that Zoro and the chefs were on good terms.
But maybe Zoro was growing restless with the way things were on Baratie. Sanji had less days off than he did back when they were part of a pirate crew. There were no more islands to explore, less opportunities for them to have a day all to themselves. So Zoro found more reasons to initiate physical contact with Sanji. He pulled him onto his lap when they sat down together. He grabbed him in his sleep and was always hesitant to let go upon waking. He’d touch him in some small way throughout the day whenever he saw him.
And then came the suggestions. It first started with simply telling Sanji what he should do regarding his work schedule.
“You work too hard, Cook,” Zoro would say. “You should ease up a little.”
“That’s what happens when you run a restaurant, Marimo,” Sanji would retort.
“You should go on vacation,” Zoro said one day, leaning against the wall and staring out the window. His arms were crossed and his stance was relaxed. He spoke as if this had just occurred to him, though Sanji was now starting to suspect it had been on his mind for longer than he’d let on. “Take a break from restaurant life. We can go visit the rest of the crew. Or just go wherever. Doesn’t have to be super far.”
“I don’t have time for a vacation,” Sanji said dismissively. He placed a cigarette between his teeth as he lit up.
“Why not?” Zoro asked, looking at Sanji.
“Who’s gonna run this place with me gone?” Sanji replied.
Zoro blinked. “Zeff. It was his restaurant, originally.”
“Zeff’s worked hard enough for three lifetimes,” Sanji said, waving the idea away with his hand.
“Okay,” Zoro said tensely, sounding as if he was forcing himself to be patient. “Couldn’t your cooks manage without you for a little bit? Some of them’ve been here as long as you.”
Sanji abruptly stopped in the middle of a drag of his cigarette, holding the smoke in his lungs as he tried and failed to imagine those idiots getting on without him. It was why he still hadn’t gotten around to appointing a sous chef.
He cringed, exhaling sharply through his teeth. “No,” he said firmly.
“You’re just making excuses now, Cook,” Zoro said, his brows pulling down in a scowl.
“What do you want from me, Zoro?” Sanji snapped. “I told you I can’t go on vacation! Can we talk about literally anything else? I don’t have much time left on my break and I’d rather spend it doing something else other than getting pestered by you!”
Zoro grew silent, his scowl easing somewhat, but not going away completely. “You know what?” Zoro said, pushing himself off the wall. He walked past Sanji, his boots treading heavily across the floorboards. “Forget it.”
And Sanji had, at least until now. And he thought Zoro had, too, since he hadn’t brought it up again, though he’d kept his distance during the next few days, leaving Sanji to himself until they retired to their bedroom. Sanji hadn’t said anything, preferring to leave it alone, and now, with Zoro lying on top of him, he felt guilt gnawing away at his heart.
“Hey,” Sanji said some time later.
Zoro took time to answer, his breath coming out in a short puff against Sanji’s bare skin. “Yeah?” he said groggily.
“Did you fall back asleep?” Sanji asked.
Zoro groaned, rolling off Sanji and onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling. Sanji rolled onto his side and laid his elbow on the pillow, propping himself up and cradling his head in his hand while he awaited Zoro’s response. “I think I did,” Zoro said.
Sanji smiled. He stared at Zoro, struck by a moment of clarity as the realization that this life, going to sleep with Zoro and waking up next to him each morning, was actually his. Zoro looked at him and caught him staring. He smirked. “Enjoying the view, Curly?”
“Maybe,” Sanji drawled. “You are pretty easy on the eyes, Marimo. Bedhead notwithstanding.”
Zoro rolled his eye at Sanji as he held open his arm invitingly. “Well, what are you waiting for?” he asked when Sanji didn’t move closer. “Come here already.”
Sanji obliged, laying his head on the junction between Zoro’s shoulder and his chest. Inhaling slowly, Sanji loosely wrapped his arm along Zoro’s stomach, enjoying the quiet stillness of their bedroom on this day off work. Idly rubbing his leg against Zoro’s, Sanji reflected over his decision to close the restaurant one day a week when Zoro had asked him about it. Not only did the rest of the men enjoy the free time, but it gave Sanji and Zoro peace and quiet all to themselves. It may have upset some of their clientele, and Zeff had given him some grief over it, but if it made Zoro happy, then Sanji would gladly deal with a few complaints.
Zoro had his arm around Sanji, rubbing the pad of his thumb against his shoulder. Several minutes passed before Zoro spoke again, and the hesitance in his voice made Sanji pay close attention. “Cook...”
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you.”
“What is it?”
“What would you say if I told you that Luffy wants to take me with him, Usopp, and Nami on a trip?”
Sanji blinked. They’d spent days, even weeks, apart back when they were searching for the One Piece, including those two years the whole crew had spent apart. In theory, Sanji had no reason to hesitate before answering. But it had been a year since he’d taken Zoro onto the Baratie with him, and they hadn’t spent a night apart since. Sanji had become accustomed to starting and ending his days with Zoro by his side. He found the idea of something disrupting his routine to be daunting.
But he did not voice these thoughts. Instead he said, “How long were you thinking?”
“A few weeks,” Zoro responded. Sanji swallowed. “Maybe a month?”
“Why so long?” Sanji asked.
Sanji felt Zoro shrug. “You can ask Luffy that,” he said. “Something about visiting a few islands before heading back.”
“I see,” Sanji said quietly.
“You didn’t tell me what you think,” Zoro said, his thumb coming to a stop.
Sanji closed his eyes, his thoughts turning to how quiet Zoro had become when Sanji had shot down the idea of the two of them going on a trip together. It wouldn’t kill him to allow Zoro to have some fun with their friends. “I think,” he said, “that I’m going to have to prepare your and the others’ favorite meals before you go.”
“All right!” Nami said brightly, looking Zoro up and down. “Got everything you need, Zoro? We’re not turning back once we leave.”
“I made sure he does, Nami-san,” Sanji spoke for Zoro, winking at Nami.
Nami smiled at Sanji, nodding at him. “I know you did, Sanji-kun,” she said, demonstrating her faith in him by turning her attention to the map in her hands as she and the others made the final preparations before they boarded Sunny with Zoro.
Watching her go over the map of the islands she and the others intended on visiting, Sanji felt himself longing for the simplicity of the life he’d shared with his crew. He felt his heart filling up with nostalgia for the days when he and his friends could explore strange islands together, days when they could gather around the same table together and share stories and food. They still occasionally saw each other, but when their crew was scattered around the world, it was difficult to get everyone together at the same time.
Taking a drag from his cigarette, Sanji looked at four of the most important people in his life, and he felt the pull of adventure tugging on his heartstrings.
But he could feel the weight of Baratie and its responsibility all around him.
So Sanji exhaled smoke from his lungs and walked up to Zoro, who had Luffy wrapped around his torso. He held his cigarette between two fingers with one hand and he grabbed Zoro’s face with the other. He pulled him in for a long goodbye kiss, Luffy’s voice in his ear as his former captain tried to convince him to come with them.
It was quiet as Sanji got ready for bed. It was often quiet when he and Zoro got ready for bed together, as Zoro was not a loquacious person to begin with, and both had long ago learned to share an easy silence with each other, but this was an empty quiet that Sanji was now unused to.
Sanji stared at his reflection in the mirror as he brushed his teeth, his eyes blank and his jaw stiff, his movements mechanical. He looked at the unoccupied space next to him in the mirror, the beginning of a story about an entitled customer waiting to spring forward from his mouth. If Zoro were with him, Sanji would have pulled his toothbrush out of his mouth and, mouth full of foam, started telling him about his encounter with a customer that had insisted on being served a meal that currently wasn’t on the menu. And Zoro would have listened until Sanji popped his brush back into his mouth to finish brushing his teeth. Zoro, in that straight to the point way of his, would have asked him, “So did you kick his ass?”
Air escaped Sanji’s nose in a small burst of amusement at the thought. He pointed his eyes down toward the sink and spat out the toothpaste, wondering if Zoro was keeping up with the nighttime routine they’d established, and therefore brushing his teeth at the same time as Sanji. Rinsing out his mouth, Sanji could feel the weeks without Zoro stretching out before him, opening a chasm between the two of them.
Sanji had intended on waiting at least a week before picking up the Transponder Snail to call Zoro. He wanted to give Zoro time to himself with their friends, but also wanted to prove to himself that he wasn’t so needy that he couldn’t last a week without hearing Zoro’s voice. After all, Sanji thought as he chopped carrots for the stew he was working on, he’d gone longer without talking to Zoro. Surely Sanji wasn’t that needy, that clingy. Surely he had enough going on with the restaurant to keep him preoccupied. Maybe Zoro would end up calling him first.
But Sanji felt his restlessness steadily rising within him as the days passed. Work was as hectic and demanding as ever, and one of Sanji’s primary releases—taking a break in his office with Zoro—was gone, leaving Sanji trembling with an undercurrent of frustration and pent up aggression throughout the day. He’d tried channeling it into work, tried dealing with it on his own in his and Zoro’s room, and he tried calming his nerves by chain smoking like there was a secret prize at the end of each cigarette, all to no avail.
It was when he tried picking a fight with Carne and Patty that he finally gave in. 
Sanji, at the end of his patience, goaded the longtime staff members into a fight that they could not possibly win. Carne and Patty, to their credit, fought back as valiantly as they could, but they were no match for Sanji. They knew this. Sanji knew. Zeff, who’d been watching from a corner, knew this. 
Zeff had given Sanji one look and jutted his chin toward his former office, silently insisting that they talk. And suddenly Sanji was ten years old again, following Zeff until he came to his senses and took a few quick strides to catch up to Zeff and then move past him on the way to Sanji’s office.
Behind the closed door, Zeff simply told Sanji, “Get your affairs in order, Eggplant. You have no reason to bark at your men like that when they’ve done nothing wrong.”
Sanji had bristled at Zeff and told him to mind his own business, telling him, “Oh, you’re one to talk about lashing out at people when they don’t deserve it!” Privately he knew Zeff was right. However, instead of telling him so, Sanji engaged Zeff in a screaming match until their argument had petered out into little more than red faces and heavy breathing. Zeff had skulked out of the office, remaining silent for the rest of the day. Sanji had come out a short time later, angrily adjusting his tie, daring any one of the chefs in the kitchen to look his way.
Everyone in the kitchen, save Zeff and Sanji, kept their heads down as they worked on their individual tasks, the air thick with tension and their collective unease.
Sanji, walking stiffly back to his station, heard one chef mutter to another, “I miss Zoro.”
Sanji deflated a little at hearing that. Clenching his teeth, Sanji pointedly kept his eyes down as he worked, thinking, I miss Zoro, too.
He called Zoro later that evening.
Sanji smiled at the sound of Zoro’s tinny voice on the other end of the receiver. He’d never heard a more beautiful sound in his life. “Hi, Marimo,” he said, reclining on their bed. “How’s the ‘adventure’ going?”
“Pretty tame,” Zoro said. “I was just thinking about how much more dangerous East Blue seemed back when we were all starting out. Now it feels downright peaceful.”
Sanji chuckled. Zoro’s assessment of the sea they called home brought back memories of how young they’d been when they’d all started sailing together, back when the odd Sea King was their biggest threat. They really had no clue what they were getting into back then. “How’s Luffy?” he asked.
“He’s having a blast,” Zoro said. “I think all he cares about is getting to sail with his friends again.”
The longing to be out on the open sea with his friends again awakened in Sanji, manifesting itself as a weight in his chest. He imagined himself on Sunny again, preparing lunch for them while Luffy and Usopp fished, Zoro napped in the sun or polished his swords, and Nami read in a lounge chair.
“That’s good,” Sanji said. He lay on his side, grasping the receiver in one hand. He comfortably draped his arm along his middle and drew his knees up slightly, imagining Zoro lying in bed behind him and spooning him, rather than talking to him on a Transponder Snail on another ship. “And you? How are you, Zoro? Not missing me too much, are you?”
“Missing you a regular amount,” Zoro said cheekily. The Snail, on its perch on the bedside table next to Sanji, mimicked the relaxed smile Zoro would wear while enjoying Sanji’s company. The only thing better than seeing the Snail replicate his love’s smile would be to see that smile in person.
“So you do miss me,” Sanji teased.
“Course I do,” Zoro said. “You know I do. Why wouldn’t I?”
“I know,” Sanji said. He imagined Zoro wrapping an arm around him, right under Sanji’s own. “It’s just nice to hear you say it.”
“I miss you, Cook,” Zoro said for Sanji’s benefit, and it made Sanji melt.
“I miss you, too,” Sanji said softly, hoping the Snail had picked up his voice.
“And what about you, Cook?” Zoro said. “You wanna tell me what happened today?”
Sanji frowned as he thought back to the fight he’d started with Patty and Carne, then the argument he’d had with Zeff. He shrugged into the open air, wondering if the Snail on Zoro’s end was currently mimicking his movements. “Nothing to report. Everything’s the same as usual around here. The men miss you.”
Zoro laughed. “You’re not being too hard on them without me around to help you...ah...relieve your stress, are you?”
Sanji grimaced, covering his face in shame. “Nope,” he said, his voice slightly strained. He made himself yawn, pretending he’d suddenly been overtaken by exhaustion. “Well, I’m pretty tired. I’ll talk to you later, Zoro.”
“Oh,” Zoro said. “Okay. G’night, Cook.”
“Night, Marimo,” Sanji said. “Love you.”
Sanji ended the call before Zoro could respond.
While Sanji slowly adjusted to spending his nights alone, it was in the quiet, stolen moments that he most missed Zoro. Finding a patch of sunlight, perfect for napping; stepping out for a smoke when the lunch rush had finished, picturing himself reaching his hand out and threading his fingers through Zoro’s; stepping into his office for a moment of solitude and picturing Zoro sitting at the window seat, inviting Sanji to sit with him.
Sanji decided to go for walk along Baratie’s deck before turning in for the night. He looked up at the moon and brought his cigarette to his lips, his mind on his and Zoro’s conversation earlier that night.
“When do you think you’ll be coming home?”
“Well, I think Nami’s had enough. Luffy’s begged her to let us visit one last island, and then we can go home. So as soon as we’re done with the next one, we’ll be heading home.”
Sanji inhaled deeply, trying to do the math in his head to figure out how much longer until he got to see Zoro again. Zoro and the others had been sailing for a couple of weeks now, but Sanji figured the trip back would be slightly faster since they wouldn’t be stopping at each island they came across. He only had to wait for just a little longer until he could have Zoro by his side again.
He stared up at the full moon, chuckling at himself for how ridiculous he was being. A month was nothing in the grand scheme of things, really. A month was speck of sand on the beach in the rest of his natural life. Just when had he become so soft? When he’d invited Zoro into his life, he supposed, and all the compromises and changes that entailed.
He let his gaze drift across the sky, taking in the map of constellations as familiar to him as the skin on the back of his hand. Was this how Zoro had felt? This yearning for more, this desire to spend more time with someone inaccessible to him? Sanji hoped that he didn’t make Zoro feel as lonely as he currently felt, hoped that the time they did spend together was better than total solitude, but a picture of what Zoro must have felt was beginning to form in Sanji’s head.
Sanji frowned, gaze falling until it landed on the sea. Remorse seized hold of his heart as he remembered all the small ways Zoro had sought Sanji’s touch in recent months, as if trying to squeeze out every last drop of quality time with Sanji in the fleeting minutes that they had. Just a little of Sanji’s time, that was all that Zoro asked of him. A week, at least, to visit a nearby village and spend some quality time together. Was that really so much to ask for? Sanji no longer thought so.
He thought of leaving the restaurant alone for a week. He could let Zeff watch over things, just like he had for so many years, but Sanji still didn’t like the idea of asking him to take over for him just so he could run away with Zoro for a short time. Running a restaurant was hard work and Zeff had more than earned his rest. So that either left one of the chefs onboard or looking for someone new. Sanji was hard on the men, but he knew any one of them was skilled enough to work as head chef, so long as they put in the work. It was just a matter of finding a man with the right personality.
Sanji would tell Zoro this when he saw him again. The idea of finally relinquishing some of his many responsibilities and letting someone else help out was strange, but Sanji had already alienated Zoro to the point of running off on a month long adventure with their captain. He didn’t want to end up losing him. He’d already lost Zoro once and he wasn’t going to let that happen again.
Sanji jumped on Zoro the moment he stepped foot on Baratie’s deck, tightly wrapping his four limbs around him. One hundred men couldn’t remove Sanji from Zoro if they tried.
Zoro took this in stride, supporting Sanji by the thighs. “Hi, Cook,” he managed to say before Sanji started kissing him.
Luffy hooted somewhere behind Zoro, shouting, “Sanji missed Zoro!”
Aware they had an audience, Sanji pulled back, but he grinned at Zoro, whispering, “Guess you should let me down now.”
Zoro laughed softly, his eye crinkling at the corner in a way that made Sanji’s heart melt into a puddle of mush. “I guess so,” he said, setting Sanji down.
Slipping an arm around Zoro, Sanji called to Luffy, Usopp, and Nami, inviting them onto Baratie for a meal to welcome them all back.
Pleasantly exhausted, Sanji relaxed into Zoro’s arms. Content smile etched into his face, Sanji breathed in Zoro’s scent, felt the heat of Zoro’s skin against his cheek. All was right with the world. Zoro lay there in bed with him, happy to share this moment with Sanji.
Sanji laid his hand on Zoro’s abdomen, relishing the solid feel of Zoro’s body beneath his touch. “I missed you,” he whispered.
“Missed you, too, Curly.”
“I don’t think you know how much I missed you, though,” Sanji continued.
“I dunno,” Zoro said, “you just gave me a pretty good idea of how much you missed me.”
Sanji paused before responding, frowning. “I’m serious, you know.”
“Yeah,” Sanji said. “I...had a lot of time to think while you were gone.”
“That so?”
Sanji nodded against Zoro’s chest. “Yeah, it is. And I think... I think you were right.”
“About what?” Zoro asked.
“It wouldn’t kill me to take a vacation.”
Zoro paused at Sanji’s admission. “Yeah?” he said, his voice soft with uncertainty.
Sanji wrapped his arm around Zoro’s torso, gently squeezing. They hadn’t talked about it in so long, but he remembered that nightmarish time when Zoro was convinced that Sanji didn’t value their relationship. It made his heart ache to think that he could potentially make Zoro feel that way again. “Yeah,” he said.
He continued, “I mean, I still don’t want to dump this all on Zeff. But I really gave it some thought, and it wouldn’t hurt me to have someone who can step up for me when I’m not around. Maybe even make the workload a little easier on me. I don’t know, the idea of it is still so new to me. But I want to make you happy. And if that means I need to find someone who can watch over the restaurant while you and I take a small trip together, then I’ll do it.”
Zoro tightened his hold on Sanji, saying nothing. Sanji returned his embrace with the same fervor, smiling against Zoro’s chest.
“It’s really not too much trouble, is it?” Zoro eventually asked.
“It really isn’t,” Sanji responded. He lifted his head off Zoro’s chest so he could properly look at him. “And I’m sorry for making you think that it was.”
“Come here,” Zoro whispered, having nothing else to say.
And Sanji did, closing the gap between their mouths.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— You’re caught in a web after flying a little bit too recklessly and along comes your one and only savior who requests a little help from you too as the price of freeing you.
pairing: naga!kirishima eijirou x fem fairy!reader
warnings: fairy!reader, naga!kirishima, smut, 18+, coercion, dubcon, hypnotism, oviposition, double penetration, begging, heat/rut, size diff
word count: 4,004
a/n: BAHAHA I wrote this in like 3 hours because I decided to instead watch some soul eater last night & I like it so far! ah, well, ive never actually read naga fics before, or oviposition,,, so fair warning, enjoy! also, read the damn warnings.
kinktober day 7 main kink: size difference
The world was a magical one. 
The planet was crawling with mythological creatures steaming from the smallest of pixies to the largest Kraken. The world was full of mystery, wonder, and adventure. Fire breathing dragons and cursed powerful swords were hidden away from the few humans and elves to discover. As in any civilization, there were those who got along and those who didn’t.
Some species of creatures got along with everyone, there were others that were feared beyond reason, and a few that were loved for moments and feared for others. 
You were a fairy.
And you were tiny.
Standing no more than three apples high, you had iridescent wings that curled and shone in the glimmering light whenever you so much as moved. You were a good fairy, you always have been. You were often found assisting with a multitude of mythical creatures and humans on quests and as companions. Despite your small stature, you were fast, zipping, and gliding faster than most could ever dare to catch up with.
You loved your wings, loved flying, loved having the wind whistling through your ears while you dove between branches and branches, laughing while your pixie friends failed to keep up with you. Your mother had always fluttered her wings in annoyance and partial anger when you were younger and would often outspeed her, leaving her screaming your name while she desperately tried to keep up.
What could you say? You were a daring fairy, an adventurous one at that too.
But she always warned you, even back then, of the dangers of being a small, tiny, pretty fairy who flew at speeds much faster than you should be capable of.
The wind whipped against your face, stinging at your nose, chapping your lips, and whooshing through your ears as you grew faster and faster. The traces of magic falling from your wings creating a beautiful, sparkling trail behind you as you whooped out in excitement and thrill. 
“Slow down, y/n!” your friends screamed from what sounded like many trees behind you, and like the daring showoff you were, you cork spiraled around a set of hanging branches with a loud laugh.
But as you straightened out, ready to move onward, you realized that something, thick, heavy, and sticky had caught onto the tip of your wing, and you catapulted backward. 
A spider’s web.
Even in a world of fantasy and mystery, spiders existed to catch flying pests, and to some, you were just that.
Panic consumed you, white fire coursing through every magical vein in your body as you thrashed and shook in the webs. Your hands grabbed onto the sticky strands around your wings, a desperate attempt to free yourself only to find yourself even more tightly wound up in the damp, near-transparent threads. 
A pathetic whimper left your mouth, your head dropping to your chest as silent, hot tears streamed down your cheeks. Your wings fluttered weakly, looking nothing too far from the insects and flies you were so used to seeing caught up in these webs. You strained your ears, trying to listen to the few pixies you had been flying and playing with, but even with your immense speed advantageous over them, you knew that they should be near.
But nothing.
You sat there on the web for minutes that seemed to bleed into hours, silently waiting for your friends to come and save you… but it seemed for naught.
“Please help…”
You had been trapped for hours.
Each passing second both dooming you to a life as spider food for the Arachne that had still yet to return home. Or maybe possibly a snack for any large creature that may pass, or an undeserving elf or human plucking you free and demanding to use their powers on a quest you would never approve of. That, or maybe you’d die of hunger.
There was no stopping the growl in your stomach or the parched dryness of your throat for your desperate, pathetic cry of help.
But it seemed that when your friends not-your-friends anymore said this part of the forest was for the most part void of all pixie and fairy eating creatures, it seemed that it was just void of all creatures. Pouting, you felt another rush of frustrating tears well up in your eyes, your cheeks huffing and face steaming as soft chimes of bells erupted from you while you seemingly threw a temper tantrum, not one-second closer from freedom.
Your breathing turned sharper, heavier, and overall shallow. In a flash of fury, you thrummed your wings as fast as you could, trying your best to fly out of this entrapment. To your slight excitement, you managed to loosen the webs around your wings for just a moment, your smile bursting oh so prematurely onto your face before it all went wrong again. As if the web was alive as well, it seemed to suddenly stiffen and drag you back into its sticky confines only for you to be even more trapped onto the mass web.
Like a broken dam, the tears streaming down your face were stinging, plentiful, and unable to stop.
You mourned the end of your life like this, so pathetic, so absolutely stupid way to go: caught on a spiderweb.
“Now, now, little one, why are you crying?” came a voice so soft yet incredibly loud voice, and you stiffened straight despite having a potential savior. 
You couldn’t see them, and with how the web was wrapped around you, you couldn’t even dare to turn your head around to stare at them. You couldn’t look at him, sure, but you knew just through the tenor and low thunder of his voice that your potential savior or wolf in sheep’s clothing was undoubtedly a robust, powerful mythological creature. 
Despite the way his voice seemed to whisper in your ears, you heard the familiar noise of someone moving through the grounds of the forest. The fallen dead leaves that scattered on the floor crackling with his movement. You trembled although you didn’t make a noise, not even a small bell chime of your wings. 
“Are you in need of assistance, little one?” he continued to ponder as if blind to the was you oh so very not discreetly clammed up at the sudden sound of his voice. “If you so require it, I would be more than willing to assist you in your freedom. It pains me to see such a beautiful, full of potential little fairy go to waste.”
The tongue in your mouth felt pathetically dry, your chest rising and collapsing at incredible speeds for someone of your composition of size.
“Oh, are you fearful of me, little one?” he seemed to laugh, finding your fear to be humorous, comical, really. “Most individuals at least wait until they peer into my eyes to find themselves unwilling to move or speak.”
The web shook with the vibrations of his voice. And you whined at the back of your throat as that small fact merely confirmed the size of the male creature standing behind you. You found yourself fearful of that playful tone on his voice, but you also knew that as a tiny fairy, you were quite foolish in fear when found in predicaments such as this one. You had to trust the creature behind you should you wish to escape.
“W-Would you mind freeing me?” you asked, making an attempt to sound powerful and in control despite the tremor on your lower lip and the way your voice was near childish in comparison to his own. How you actually thought fairies sounded on the same pitch as to many creatures before was beyond you, for at the moment, you deemed yourself to be no greater than a child speaking to an old man. “I was trapped while racing, and well, these frisky spiderwebs are quite the worst at capturing things that don’t deserve to be captured.”
Oh? Is that so?” his voice chuckled. His body, without a doubt, moments from yours if the way the gentle breath of his laugh brushed against your neck had anything to say about it. “I’ve always been told that they’re especially good at capturing pests.”
You flustered. 
“Yet here we are!” you pathetically countered, your wings fluttering in your distress. “If you wouldn’t mind freeing me, I would greatly appreciate it!”
“But, of course,” he spoke with great pride, and you shuddered when warm, large finger seemed to easily scoop you out from the webs. Your wings fluttered when the tight restraints of the traps were done, but not entirely freed from your beautiful wings. “Relax your wings, little one, I know you’re antsy to move, but there are still a great number of leftover webs on those wings of yours. Relax, I promise you no harm as I take these webs off.”
You shivered as his warm, strong fingers worked the plenty of sticky strands of webs off of you as if they were nothing but flyaway thread used for clothing. Speaking of clothing, you peered down at the daisy and red dandelion seed dress you wore, your eyes wide with the hope that it hadn’t been ruined. You loved this outfit. But as you peered down at your cotton shoes, you froze when you finally took in the hand you were resting upon. 
It was huge.
Without a doubt, his palm was the size of your entire body, the fingers long and thick with intimidating claws that demanded a bit of concern.
“There, all done,” he hummed, and you shook your wings, looking at the thing iridescent wings that made you a fairy, and you felt him turn his hand around where you rested. Your eyes, already wide with the looming dread in your stomach, seemed to become saucers the size of the moon when you came face to face with a naga.
Nagas, half-snake half-human, were a few creatures in this world that were both loved and hated by others — your kind included.
His scales were black, glinting red under the setting copper sun, and he was absolutely massive. You had seen nagas only a handful of times, three to be honest, but each other those times, you knew that they were hardly more massive than humans. But this male naga before you was enormous as he was solid. Rippling muscles on every exposed part of his human body and his snake bottom were large, thick, full of rippling coiling muscles that could probably strangle anyone who attempted to fight him. He had full, spikey red hair, scars on his arms, and one splitting his eyebrow. His red, slitted eyes seemed vast, cunning, and terrifying while he lifted you up to eye level. And his smile, oh his smile. Jagged, sharp teeth with lips pulled into a cunning, just a bit too sweet smile.
Naga, for the most part, were peaceful creatures. They were strong fighters, fierce protectors, all due to the fact that they were just so much larger than their co-inhabititors of the world, but they were peaceful. They slithered about most of the year, helping those who came and went, but there were moments in the year where they were of concern.
During the late spring, early summer, they were hit with their heats and ruts. Powerful naga soon filled with the lusting, overwhelming desire to shove their fertile eggs into anything that would hold them. Nagas, who mated with nagas, were known to have wrestled as their mating dance, almost wiping out many towns in their horny, hot desires, and you froze suddenly feeling the thick waves of heat coming off the naga before you.
“W-Well, thank you!” you stammered, your body bowing lowly for the naga before you whose splitting smile was becoming stamped in your brain. “I appreciate you freeing me, but I must go now. Supper is waiting for me!”
“What’s your name, little one?” the naga instead asked, his clawed finger caressing your cheek so softly, so accurately, you nearly thought he was set on taking off your head. “I would like to know the name of the beautiful fairy I saved today.”
There was power in knowing names in this world, fairy names especially, so you couldn’t help the pit that formed in your stomach on account to this, or the way fear stimulated every cell in your body. 
“I-I can’t um, I can’t tell you,” you whimpered when his thick, large finger hooked underneath your chin to raise your head.
“Ah, it’s okay, little one, I promise I won’t do you wrong,” he promised, the lure in his voice — an advantage that nagas held in their times of heat. His voice was a warm blanket, smoothly pulling your eyes closed, making your wings flutter in your lulling excitement. “You can trust me.”
“Trust… you?” you spoke, mimicking his words, feeling like you were swimming in a warm, gooey honey trap. You bit down on your lower lip, heat rushing to your face as you stared upon his still cunning, sly grin as he traced his massive finger down from your wet, pouty lower lip to your hip. “I don’t… I can’t stay for longer?”
“Is that a question on your tone, little one?” he asked, his forked tongue flicking through his pointed teeth. “Can’t you stay? I have a favor to ask of you.”
A heavy, pitchy moan broke through your mouth as the tip of his claw dragged from your navel to your suddenly blistering core. Were you always this wet? How did you get so wet?
“But I…” you struggled to think, your eyes shut tightly, face twisting as you tried to figure out where you were needed right now. “I need to go… somewhere?”
“Somewhere?” he asked, voice light, buttery smooth. “I thought you were coming with me?”
“I… was?”
“Yes, little one, look at me,” he kissed the air, and you found your eyes pressing open, your jaw dropping when his piercing red eyes hypnotizing you. “Open those pretty little legs for me, I want to see if you’re fit enough to be my dam, my mate.”
Why that sent bubbling gasps from your tongue and sent your legs apart was beyond you, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He had called you his mate… his dam.
His finger shoved between your legs, gently rubbing the massive finger that was probably nearly your height between your legs, catching onto your clit, sending resonating, shaking mewls from your throat. You collapsed forward, hips rutting back against his finger, your tiny fingers holding onto his knuckles, your eyes fluttering in this euphoria.
It felt so good.
So good, so good, “please more!”
You sobbed at the feeling of his finger coming up to allow more friction between you and your throbbing cunt, the bone of his knuckle-dragging so deliciously, so roughly against your throbbing clit that you started to feel weak in your knees.
“Call me Kirishima,” he growled, his finger flipping underneath you so that the pad of his finger could now press onto your clit, gathering your dripping slick as he does so. “Kirishima Eijirou.”
“Ei,” you spluttered, eyes barely open to watch the way his slitted pupils were dilated with his lust, the smell he was emitting without a doubt one of an alpha male plunging further within his rut. “This feels so good, please give meeeEE ahhh, oh god, give me more!”
Kirishima growled out a peal of chilling laughter, one that had your wings fluttering in their heavy, lucid attempt to fly and kiss the man that could swallow your entire body as if you were nothing more than a potato chip to him. You keened, one of your hands shakily removing themselves from his finger, stretching out to him.
“Kiss me, please kiss me,” you beg, your heaving breathes almost in synch with your wildly bucking hips.
“You want a kiss?” he hummed, bringing your tiny body close enough to tease you, but not near enough for you to plant a desperate, small kiss to his smooth, curling large lips. “Promise me two things.”
“Anything,” you promised, watching as his forked tongue flashed between his teeth, his eyes flashing with his shaking control on the situation. Your cheeks scorched at the sight of him wanting you just as badly as you wanted him. The dam in you jittering at the knowledge that he was a good mate, a good person by holding back, trying to keep his control before giving in. But you wanted him as deep as you were. You wanted to feel his finger intruding your clenching, spasming walls, to try and take on his undoubtedly huge cock.
You wanted to try it.
You wanted him.
“Anything you want, I will give you!” you shriek with promise, your clit feeling numb from the overstimulation and lack of release as you could not reach it without penetration. 
“Your name,” Kirishima growled, his lips dangerously close. “And promise to carry my — our children.”
“I promise, I promise, I promise!” you frantically claim, knowing you would do it all just for his lips against yours, and finally, he was close enough, his bottom lip nearly the size of your entire face as you kissed him again and again.
His lips were pursed, allowing your frantic kisses to have lain all over his awaiting soft lips. You shuddered at the electric sensation coursing through you with every second, and your wings fluttered in your excitement, bringing you up into the air, lifting you off his palm.
“Your name?” he commanded, the hand you abandoned running a taloned finger down the spine of your back, pleasantly, orgasmically feeling as he reached the spot between your sensitive wings. You loved the feeling and keened against his mouth. 
“Y/l/n y/n!”
“And you will have my children?”
A possessive, all encompassing cross between a growl and a hiss slipped through his lips, and you looked down with your lust dipped eyes to see the two, twisted cocks he was rutting into his free hand. You cried at the fact that it wasn’t your cunt the sharp, near hook looking tip of his cock wasn’t ramming into. 
“Where do you think you’re going, little one?” Kirishima snarked, his eyes bright and humorous as he caught you by your wings. You moaned loudly at the lusting pull of your wings that you could feel pulsing into your core. “You’re not ready for my cock or eggs just yet.”
“But I wanna…” you cry, fingers stretching out toward the two writhing cocks that seemed to call your name. “I wanna try!”
“Shh, shh,” he cooed, his hand that was not occupied with his massive cocks releasing your wings and gently stroking your face. “It’s okay, it’s okay, you can try in a bit. I just don’t want my little one splitting in half before she’s been made useful!”
Your pouting and mouthwatering person turned to face Kirishima again, whose once red eyes were completely black in his rutting lust. 
“Split in half?” you echoed, a slight pain pinching your pussy, the thought of being split in two for those cocks not quite as horrendous as it should be. “Will I be?”
“Not if you stretch yourself out first,” Kirishima corrected, entirely missing your slight hope to be torn in half by his cock. “I want to see you fuck yourself on my finger at first. Do that, and I’ll let you sit on my cock and birth my eggs.”
A chill ran down your back, and you nodded, suddenly more than willing to throw yourself onto anything he would give you to prove yourself. And with his free hand, he presented his long ring finger whose talon was missing, most likely gone from some sort of battle.
But it didn’t matter. It was enough for you to prove yourself. 
Fluttering over to his finger, you dropped the small panties you owned onto his exposed palm before placing your sopping cunt right above his extended finger. You lowered yourself onto the tip, spreading your essence slick against his skin, your eyes unabashedly half-lidded as you watched the muscles in his arm pick up speed as you made eye contact with the excited naga. 
And with a twirl of your hips and a moan that vibrated straight through your chest, you sank onto his finger. 
It truly did feel like his splitting you in half. You recognized immediately at the way your walls nearly couldn’t keep up with how he opened you up. His finger was already giant within your spongey, tight walls. The heat and the callouses of his appendage unreplicable as you silently screamed, your walls spasming tightly around him, an orgasm taking you out without warning. You heaved, exhaustion ticking your brain as the soft bounces you made to further his finger up your cunt making you whine. He was huge, his finger huge. But you liked the fullness it brought you, the way you struggled not to send yourself flying off his finger like some rocket while you continued to fuck yourself against him.
You could do it, you could do it.
Soft wet noises filled the air as Kirishima’s aggressive stroking of his leaking cocks, and the way his finger seemed to be so loud in your tight cavern filled the forest.
More, give him more.
Pressing the collar of your outfit down, your legs wrapped around his finger as you continued to fuck yourself up and down his finger while your hands groped and pinched at your breasts, your eyes rolling back in your horny excitement. You could feel your orgasm growing again. You could tell by the clenching quivering of your spongey, velvet walls against his finger that you were close yet again.
“Fuck, little one, you’re taking my finger so well,” Kirishima sang in his praise, his snake tail coiling and thrashing wildly beneath the both of you, and you longed to feel the snake scales beneath your blazing core too. “Are you ready for my cock? I’m so close, so close. You made me like this, little one, so fucking hot, so sexy, fuck.”
You mewl loudly, your body well aware of the lewd scene he was creating with the way he wrangled his twin cocks in his hand. Your head dropped backward, a high pitched wail shooting through you when his finger moved within you, and you nodded your head as quickly as you could. Your legs relaxing around him as Kirishima quickly picked you off his finger, and without even three seconds of being empty again, two sharp, writhing cocks slammed within your cunt.
You staggered against his hold, body convulsing at the feeling of his snake cock flicking and twirling within your womb, stimulating the puffy, wet walls that were erratically beating, as the both of you came with loud, joint moans.
White filled your vision as your wet juices splattered down his cock, and the weirdest, almost constipating feeling filled you as solid, cold, and round objects filled your womb. Making the drool in your mouth dribble down the corner of your mouth as your eyes crossed.
Four eggs.
Four eggs for you to grow, four kids you would have with Kirishima, and you sobbed in elation.
“I can feel them, Ei!” you sobbed, content with the babies he just gave you, already expanding your tiny little stomach to the optimal length it could reach. “Our babies!”
Kirishima chuckled, removing your from his cock and placing your pregnant little tiny body onto his shoulder, a sign that he would protect you through anything and everything.
“I can’t wait until they hatch, little one.”
And with that, he nuzzled against your face. And you vibrated in your happiness, more than willing to take on the world as Kirishima continued forward in the world. There was no looking back now.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
did we see good girl eddie and goose yet?
‘cause bagwell is already scared of Anthony, but imagine if it’s good girls!anthony
We haven't officially seen Eddie and Goose yet!
But let's take a look! Especially at Goose+ Anthony
Matthew Bagwell seemed to spend 90% of his life being sickeningly nervous these days. Ever since he'd gone the the library one Saturday morning, and seen a girl, around his age, be jostled roughly past sending all of the books she'd been carrying back to her table flying. Matthew had leapt forward to help her after the man had shrugged barely apologetically. He's squatted in front of her, and the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen looked up at him through wire rimmed glasses.
"Oh thank you, You don't need to help." She'd said a little kindly, still smiling despite the fact she'd just had her possessions scattered everywhere.
"No um, it's fine. I like helping." Matt had said, like a complete bloody moron. And she'd smiled as their fingers brushed when he handed her her books.
"I'm Edwina. What's your name?"
"Beautiful." It had leapt out of his mouth before he could stop it. His mouth dropping open in horror at himself. "Fuck, Matt, I'm Matt. I'm not beautiful, you are. I mean, Shit, sorry, I'm not like a sex pest or anything I-"
And she'd burst out laughing, her beautiful face crumpled with joy, "You're cute, come sit with me." And he'd started what he was pretty sure was going to be the rest of his life.
Matt knew Edwina's older sister, Kate, was at Cambridge. Their entire family was, pretty rightfully Matt thought, very proud of that fact, and she and Edwina were close, Edwina was always telling hims stories about Kate, and the antics they'd gotten up to
"I really want you to meet Kate. You'll love her." She sighed and honestly, the thought made him a little unwell. Because Edwina had said so many times that there was no one whose opinion mattered more than Kate's. And what was worse, Edwina's parents, as lovely as they were, practically gushed about her boyfriend. Anthony was so lovely, such a nice boy, they wondered when he was going to propose, though Matt knew they couldn't be more than 21.
"Kate and Anthony are coming to visit!" Edwina said excitedly one morning, almost as soon as she arrived at the library. And as happy as he was for her, anxiety bubbled in his stomach. "You have to come and meet Kate! Please!" And how could he say no.
The minute he'd met Kate Sharma, he was sure, he'd never met a more intimidating young woman in his entire life. She was tall, and her cheekbones were high and proud, and just as strikingly beautiful as her younger sister, if in a slightly more menacing way, and she was impeccably dressed in a smart skirt and blouse, her blazer hanging over her shoulders. But her smile was bright and kind as she greeted her family and then Matt, she took a genuine interest in his plans to go to Oxford when he graduated.
"Katie, it's a shame Anthony couldn't travel with you." Mrs. Sharma had hummed a little sadly, and Kate had sighed.
"Yeah, he had to work, he'll be down Saturday though." And Matt had immediately formed an image of what Anthony must look like, probably wore a sweater vest and suspenders, he figured.
Matt just happened to be at the Sharmas for tea on Saturday, Edwina had insisted he come, though he felt a little like he was intruding. When the roar of a motorcycle sounded down the street. Kate immediately abandoned the book she'd been reading, dropped it on the floor and sprinted from the living room.
"You'll see." Eddie shrugged rolling her eyes affectionately, and seconds later Matt heard an excited squeal in the hallway as the door opened.
Matt couldn't help peer curiously into the room and what he saw was the most confusing sight he'd ever seen. Kate Sharma, had her legs wrapped around the waist of an absolutely behemoth man. Matt was sure he'd be taller even than his own six foot frame. His hair was braided back, tattoos running up his thick arms, a leather jacket clearly abandoned on the floor as he'd caught her leaping towards him. And yet the expression on his face was nothing short of lovestruck.
"We missed you, Princess." He grinned down at her, accompanied by a yip which, matt was startled to realise , had come from a corgi, strapped into a backpack wearing jesus christ were those motorcycle goggles?!
Matt was roughly shoved past by Mr Sharma as this man set Kate gently on the ground, followed by the dog.
"Anthony, son, how was your ride?" This was Anthony?! This terrifying man was the boyfriend the Sharmas loved so much?! Matt was baffled as Mrs. Sharma bustled past him.
"It was great, thanks Tom." Anthony was saying. Tom?! Matt had hardly been able to get Eddie's Dad to say three words together to him. "Newton had a great time."
"Anthony sweetheart, you look skinny!" Mrs. Sharma was saying, practically dragging Anthony past Matt. Skinny?! His arm was thicker than Matt's neck. "Doesn't Katie feed you up there?"
"He does the cooking, Mary!" Kate was saying, rolling her eyes as Anthony grinned.
"Not at all, Mary, I'm wasting away."
"Oh you poor thing, I'll make you something." Mrs. Sharma said completely ignoring her daughter.
"hey Kiddo." Anthony grinned at Eddie as he passed.
Matt watched, his mind desperately trying to catch up, as Mrs. Sharma placed an entire banquet platter of samosas in front of Anthony not too long after.
"Mary, these are some of your best. Beautiful!" Anthony said happily kissing Mrs. Sharma on the cheek as she past, Kate humming happily in his lap.
'Oh you're sweet."
And finally, Matt was terrified to say, Anthony's attention fell on him. "Who's this then Eddie?"
"Eddie's boyfriend, Mark." Mr Sharma said a little dryly.
"Matt, Dad." Edwina said rolling her eyes.
"Oh right, Matt." Mr Sharma said, still paying him no mind.
And honestly, as if the day wasn't odd enough, Matt had to scoot, his bicycle past Anthony's enormous motorbike, and he was positive, the dog had come out of that sidecar.
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cuziloveyou7 · 3 years
Festering feelings
Pairing: Bokuto Kōtarō x gn!reader
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Also kind of mentioning eating disorder?
A/n: I know I said I don't like angst and stuff, but since I'm a walking angst piece right now... here ya go! I did it! Someone help me out bc idk how to do tw! If I missed something please tell me! Also please bare in mind that this is my first real fic after not having written anything for 7 years.
This is not proof read, I made this around 1.30am bc I had an idea.......
It was slow, very slow, yet very fast. The first thing that happened was just build up tension. You were mad, frustrated. You needed to vent but didn't want to bother anyone. You would usually confide in Bokuto but he was so busy. The Olympics were coming up and he was training so hard. Each time he came home he was even more tired than the day before and the day before that. So you just did what you always do, suck it up and keep your mouth shut.
You were slipping. You felt it gradually happening. Not like the times before, when for the most part you didn't know what was happening. No this time you knew.
A week. That's all you could handle. Slipping up here and there, mentioning tiny details to your best friends. Until eventually you just wanted to scream on top of your lungs on the highest building you could find at that moment. Luckily one of your friends caught on and asked you out for a walk around the park.
The two of you talked for hours. Finally getting it off your chest. It felt like such a relief. You felt like the situation was under control again. Nothing wrong. A false alarm? Or maybe just in time before the damage was out of anyone control.
Another week passed. You absorbed yourself in work, house duties and watched some episodes of your favourite anime. You cherished the little time you could spend with Bokuto and loved the stories he would tell you about the team. Your best friend also checked in on you, because they were still worried about you even though you brushed them off saying all was well.
But that nasty tiny feeling inside you was still there. A little unconscious, but festering each day, oh so slowly.
It started with getting tired more often. You blamed it on work. But even on your days off, you would wake up feeling exhausted. You would be so drained even when you did nothing but watch TV or play games to pass the time.
The next thing that happened made you more aware of your situation. Your friend asked you to go out for a walk again. You guys talked, gave an update on what was bothering you but switched the topic to an update about your friend's life. While they were telling you about their life you noticed you weren't exactly paying attention. Your mind wandering off to nowhere, zoning out of the conversation. You felt bad. Your friend had been there for you, listening to all your problems and yet here you were not really paying attention to them.
The same goes for Bokuto. He would come home, ask you how your day was and continue with telling you about his. As much as you loved his stories about the antics of Hinata and Kageyama or the other players, you actually couldn't be bothered in the least. Responding with a 'really?', 'Oh yeah...', 'that's nice'.
Next came closing yourself off. You just wanted everything to get over with. Counting the minutes down for when you could finally go home from work and curl yourself in a blanket on the couch. When Bokuto came home you would usually be "too absorbed" in whatever was playing on the TV or you would already be in bed, blaming it on work or just being tired.
You started losing interest in all the things you liked. You couldn't occupy yourself anymore. The days became longer and longer. You started losing your appetite. Only eating when your body basically screamed for nutrition and even then you would sometimes ignore your own body's scream for food.
At some point, you were just so done. Not caring to force a smile on your face anymore. Plain up ignoring your friends when they texted you. And when Bokuto would come home. The lights would already be out and you would lay in bed with the covers over your head and your back facing him.
Usually, Bokuto picks up very fast on your moods and emotions. Having gone through his well famous emo modes when he was younger. The two of you were always open and honest with your feelings and emotion towards each other. It was something you guys as a couple prided yourselves on.
It was also something you especially needed. Having gone through horrible panic attacks, anxiety and depression. Talking yourself down was/is also something your very good at. And Bokuto picked up on that very quickly when you just started dating.
To some Bokuto seems very carefree and not aware of his surroundings. But in actuality, he's very emotionally intelligent. So he struck up a conversation you would've never guessed you'd have on one of your many dates. Bokuto eased you into it, told you about his emo modes and made you comfortable enough to let you open up about your experiences. This actually helped you go past the blockade that was stopping you from making this relationship official.
But with Bokuto training for the upcoming Olympics and him being away from home more often than not, it was easier to go unnoticed for him and easier for you to slip and fall into a deeper depression.
After weeks of walking around like a zombie, you finally broke down. You had a day off. When you woke up Bokuto was already gone. He texted you later that day saying he would sleep at the training centre because training would go on longer than normal.
It had been a beautiful day, the weather was nice, the sun had been shining, the warmth of summer started to peek through. It would have made you giddy had it not been for the nasty pest growing bigger and bigger inside you. When dusk came you felt it bubbling up. You tried really hard to ignore it. Tried to soothe it with some episodes of your comfort anime. Tried to pick yourself up and pamper yourself with some extra steps in your skincare routine but it was all in vain. Once you stepped inside your shared bedroom you felt the tears trickling down your face. Through your tears you searched for your earbuds, plugging them in and searching for the best sad songs playlist you could find. Shutting off the lights as you lay down in the middle of the bed.
At first, you just lay there, looking up at the ceiling, silent tears streaming down your temple, past your ears into your hair. You felt the tears slowly make their way past your scalp until they finally touched the soft pillow behind your head. You turned your head getting uncomfortable from the feeling of your tears. The pillow your head lay on smelled like him, it's smelled like everything you loved, comforted, his favourite shower gel, a hint of sweat, it smelled like warm sunbeams on an early summer morning, it smelled nice. This made you break down in sobs, which became louder the longer you went on. You stuffed your face in his pillow, threw the covers around you, trying to silence your sobs and screams. They were too loud for you, agonising pain shot through you. You felt alone. Spiralling deeper into a dark hole that was your mind.
When Bokuto stepped inside your shared apartment he tried to be as silent as he could. The lights were out, a sign that you would probably be asleep already. While trying to get his shoes off Bokuto debated whether or not he should wake you up. He noticed you being unusually tired and sleeping earlier than you normally would. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 9.04 pm. A soft smile crossed his features. Maybe he was a bit selfish but he decided to wake you and tell you about his surprise day off coach gave the team. Shuffling around in the dark apartment trying not to bump into any furniture he neared the bedroom door.
The smile Bokuto had on his face disappeared in an instance. His heart dropped when he heard your muffled sobs. You sounded tired. As if you had been crying for a while now. Bokuto rested his head against the door, gripping the handle until his knuckles turned white. How could he not have noticed it before? Sure he was busy, but he always noticed when you started feeling down. Was he not paying attention to you? Had he been too absorbed in his own world? Why didn't you tell him anything? You guys told each other everything. What got you down like this so bad you wouldn't open up to anyone, not even him. But most of all, he was angry, angry at himself for letting it get this far.
But right now that wasn't important. What's most important is you. Without further hesitation Bokuto softly opened the door and stepped towards the bundled up form on the bed.
You felt a cold rush of the air when your blankets lifted up from you. Goosebumps made their way onto your skin. But it wasn't long before you felt a comfortable warmth surround you. Nothing like the suffocating warmth from your blankets. Two strong arms held your body. You didn't have to look up to see who the arms belonged to.
No words were spoken between the two of you. You started sobbing a little louder again until you felt the soft vibrations of Bokuto humming. Taking your earbuds out you looked up at the man 'Kou..' you sniffle softly, but before you could continue Bokuto laid your head back on his chest and started petting your head 'It's okay now. I'm here. Let's just stay like this okay? We'll talk tomorrow' he gave your head a soft kiss before continuing humming again.
Tired from all the crying combined with the soft vibrations coming from Bokuto humming you closed your eyes. Your worries drifted away, tomorrow was another day. You would tell Bokuto everything. But for now, you felt content, safe in his arms. The bad feelings slowly subsiding for at this moment, he was your light, he was the warmth you were desperately searching for, he is your home.
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primalsouls · 3 years
white rabbit pt 4
langa hasegawa x gn! reader (pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3)
anon: will white rabbit have a part 4? ( if yes pls pls give them a happy ending hehe ) but its oki if you dont want to, no pressure! i just really enjoyed it and i love ur writing btw :)
⚠️ : im terrible at picking up what's a trigger, so let me know is there's anything uncomfortable!
theme: general
note: ooh my heart 💔 rip white rabbit 🐇🙏🕊 anyway, here's pt 4! :> i hope you like it and enjoy it! and thank you for reading! let me know what you think. :) i really like this chapter the most lol
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
"Leave... Wonderland?"
Reki and Langa stared at Adam with frowns on their face. Eyes widen at the words. Whispers surrounded them quick, destroying the small silence that gave the words to settle in for everyone. Blue eyes looked back at the [h/c]-haired skater. Their head still hanged low but he could see the sheer rage their fists held.
"He's saying that... [Y/N] [L/N], the White Rabbit, is leaving S." Miya repeated.
"Forever. Meaning.... They're kicked out." Shadow sighed, shaking his head.
Hearing those words, [Y/N] gritted their teeth and unclenched their fists. They looked up at Adam, a pleading expression on their face as they pulled their hoodie back.
"P-please... I don't wanna leave." They said, voice cracked in the beginning. Langa's heart broke at the sight. But before he could do anything, Adam walked up to them. "I'll do anything, please. Let me stay!" They continued but they flinched when their board was taken away from them harshly by Adam.
"A bet is a bet. Besides, it's about time S gets rid of its pests." Adam grinned. He snapped his finger, a couple of men bringing in a can of gasoline and a box of matches. Their eyes widen. Langa and the rest of his friends stood frozen, unable to believe the scene before them. Silence took over the crowd. [Y/N] knew they couldn't do anything to stop Adam from destroying their skateboard. "You should have won and this wouldn't happen. Remember, it's your fault." He said quietly. And with sheer power, he lifted the board and broke it in half with his knee. [Y/N] stared at him with wide eyes and mouth gaped slightly in shock. Tears pooled up and streamed down their cheeks one by one, one after the other.
"N-no... please, don't..." They whispered, a hand reaching out weakly but it didn't move much. [Y/N] was too shock to move any more than an inch.
Adam threw the broken board on the ground. He was handed the gasoline and the box of matches. He poured the liquid over the pieces, his masked eyes never leaving his younger sibling's face. Their look of terror filled him with chills. He loved it. Such as he loved the finish touch to the punishment. With elegance, Adam pulled out a match and stroke it on the igniter side of the box. Fire bursts on the matchstick. Adam flicked it onto the broken board like it was nothing and within seconds, flames burst to life, consuming the skateboard.
Langa watched with horror. [Y/N] didn't deserve that. They didn't deserve to leave. A bet wasn't even established. So, why? Why was this happening? His eyes went up to [Y/N].
"White Rabbit-"
"They're no longer go by that title." Adam interrupted coldly. "By losing this beef, no only are they banned from S, their title is no longer theirs to claim. White Rabbit is dead." Langa's eyes widen as his frown deepened. He couldn't believe it. This was not supposed to happen. Not supposed to lead to this results. No one supposed to be kick out or strip from their title. Adam reached a hand out. Langa saw how tensed [Y/N] got as the hand grew closer to them. The gloved fingers gently held into the S pin. It was on their collar of their hoodie but the next second, it wad ripped off from them. He threw it into the flames.
"I... I'm sorry..." [Y/N] apologized. Langa didn't understand. There was nothing to apologize for. Was it for Adam? For losing the race and everything they built for themselves? [Y/N] kept staring at the board, not noticing Adam turned his back on them. But his last words lef them in breaking in pieces.
"And don't bother coming home. A wild animal like you don't belong there. Never had and never will." As his final saying, Adam picked up his board and walked away but stopped to face Langa with a smirk. "Oh, and once again, my dear SNOW, congratulations." Langa blinked, watching Adam disappeared from everyone's sight.
"Damn..." Shadow muttered.
"Vanished from S... what a turn of events." Miya commented quietly.
Reki frowned at Adam's disappearing figure before he turned to Langa and [Y/N]. Everyone else slowly departed. Reki walked up to the two skaters, the broken board still caught in flames. Tears continued to spill from their eyes, Reki saw. Before the two could say any sort of comfort words to them, [Y/N] turned away from them and ran, ran as fast as they could. Away. They needed to get away and breathe. They couldn't breathe properly. Their chest was killing them. Sobs caught in their throat when they tried to cry. It hurts them. Their heart hurts. Everything was always their fault. They deserved. They believed they deserved it. They weren't a Shindo. They were a pest in the family. That was why Adam-no-Ainosuke told them not to come home. He was kicking them out. He was probably make up a lie to their aunts to make it seem it was their decision. For the better of the Shindo Family, they would say.
Life truly wasn't fair.
"C'mon, let's go!" Langa said, getting ready to chase after them but Reki grabbed his arm, pulling him back. He winced, the grip on his arm reminded him of the injuries he received during the race. "Wha- what? We have to go after them, Reki." He said, pointing towards [Y/N] running off.
"But you'll hurt even more with injuries like this. Besides, it's not our business. What happened with them was between them and Adam." Reki said. Miya nodded as he walked up to them.
"He's right, Langa. We should stay out of it. They're no longer of importance." Miya added in, crossing his arms over his chest. Langa frowned at the two boys.
"It's probably not the best time to even go after them. It's best that we mind our own business for now." Shadow advised, the other two boys giving affirmative responses. Langa tried to come up with reasons to go after them, but Reki shook his head and led Langa awau from the factory, pointing out the cuts once again. That was the last time Langa saw [Y/N].
The past couple of weeks, they were no were in sight. No familiar white hoodie resembling a white rabbit was found around S. No one spoke about them. It was like they never existed in the first place. As if S never heard of a skater called White Rabbit. Langa tried to find ways to get into contact with them but whenever he mentioned them, he was ignored, shut down, avoided. He was worried for them, for their safety. If Adam truly meant his words, then where would [Y/N] be? Langa wanted to make sure they were okay. That was all he wanted to know.
"[Y/N]... where are you?" Langa muttered as he walked through the park. He was planning to meet Reki at their usual hangout. Although, he wanted to clear his mind out of [Y/N] and the events that occurred. It wasn't their fault. It was his. If he never beef against them, Langa would had still see them every night at S, even from a fair distance to admire them. They would still be in his life, somehow.
"Ah, sorry..." A tired voice said. Langa looked down, not realizing he bumped into someone. He did felt something hit him as he walked, but he didn't pay too much attention. Langa opened his mouth to apologize instead but words were caught in his throat. His eyes widen. He couldn't believe it. The board in his hand dropped to the ground beside him, both hands reaching up a bit.
"It's you..." Langa whispered. Confusion replaced the apologic gaze on their face. "White Rabbit." When the title left his lips, it was their turn for their eyes to grew wide. Langa smiled brightly. "It's you, White Rabbit. [Y/N]." Langa was happy. He found his white rabbit once more. But no more words left Langa's lips as a hand slapped his cheek. It took him a second to register the outcome. A shaky hand of his reached to touch the burning cheek. He flinched when his fingers came into contact. "Wh-what?" A handprint appeared as a light red shade on his cheek. His eyes focused on them. They didn't wore their signature hoodie. Only a black one with dark blue jeans and white Vans shoes. Their eyes were still the same crimson color but filled with anger. And sadness? Langa parted his lips, unable to say anything.
"Don't call me that name. Because of you, I'm no longer.... that..." [Y/N] spat out, glaring dangerously at Langa. "You took everything away from me. You ruined my life!" They yelled, all the feelings they tried to bottle in exploded. Langa watched with a shook expression as they ranted off on him. He may be dense to others' emotions but he could pick up the hurt in [Y/N]'s voice. The way they trembled with rage. He didn't like that. Langa didn't like seeing them upset. Especially when hd was the one who caused it.
"I'm sorry."
[Y/N] paused, staring at Langa with wide eyes. Their frown grew deeper as they tried to find any sort of pity or joke in his baby blue eyes. In which they felt like they were looking at the ocean. So blue. Like the sky. [Y/N] shook their head rapidly, gritting their teeth.
"Oh, shut up. I don't need your pity. And I doubt you're sorry! Because of you, not only was I kicked out of S, I was kicked out of my home... Not like it ever felt like home anyway..." They said, mumbling the last words but Langa caught them.
"Wait? Home... Where were you staying at?" Langa asked, voice filled with concern. [Y/N] scrunched their nose, eyes narrowed. "I swear, I'm not pitying you. I'm actually... worried. I've been worried for a long time now. Ever since you left S." Langa said, looking away from them, sudden feeling timid for no particular reason. They raised a brow, watching Langa's movements to fact-check his worries. There was no hint of him lying. But they still kept their guard up. "I even asked around back in S for the past few weeks. Not one single person said anything...It's like you-"
"-never existed." They continued for him softly, eyes casted down to the ground. Their features relaxed but Langa noted the sadness stayed. No anger in sight. They sighed tiredly, running a hand through their hair. "Doesn't matter... Just stop it." [Y/N] crossed their arns over their chest, raising a brow. "Beside, the hell you kept asking about me? Aren't you happy I've been kicked?"
Langa shook his head right away once the question next their lips.
"No. I'm not happy. In fact, I..." Langa took a deep breath, trying to think on his words before they left his mouth. "I'm not enjoying myself." He mumbled, making [Y/N] take a step closer to hear him properly. They tilted their head, lips tugged down a bit as they urged him to repeat himself and keep going. "It makes me sad not to see you at S anymore. I didn't want any of that to happen. I didn't even know what was going on." Langa shrugged, looking at them with a pout. A pout they found adorable. He looked like a kicked puppy who didn't like the fact their owner left their home everyday. [Y/N] mentally cringed at the thought. What were they thinking? This was the same guy who went up against their brother and banned them from S. They hated him. They were supposed to hate him. [Y/N] clicked their tongue, throwing Langa off the sense, wondering if he said anything wrong. A faint red hue decorated their cheeks. They turned their back on him, hugging themselves.
"Whatever. Whether you knew what was going on or not, doesn't matter. My board got destroyed and I can't go back to S. Everything happened..." [Y/N] whispered, arms slowly fell back to their sides as they watched the sun beginning to settle down for the rest of the day. "I've got nothing... I've got no one-"
"You got me." Langa butt in. The words made them do a double take on him. It caught them off guard. And Langa continued to surprise them. A determined glint in his eyes as he stepped closer. "Reki can build you a new board and we can all skate. Together. We can skate outside of S, anyway. It'll be fun!" Langa bounced a bit in his steps, smiling brightly. "We can hang out together. And if you don't have a job, you can work with Reki and me. You even move in wi-"
"We can go to school togeth-"
"Stop it."
"You got us! So, you don't have to wor-"
"Shut up!"
Langa blinked, taken back by the sudden outburst from [Y/N]. He focused back on them, confused why they told him to quiet down. Their brows knitted down, hands clutched by their side. The sunset shoned behind them. The soft breeze brushed against their figure out. And if Langa squinted, he could had notice their faint blush reddened slightly. They looked cute. He wanted to see them blush again.
"Just... why are you doing this?" They asked, their eyes looking anywhere but Langa. They were shy. They found it unbelievable but it happened. They were shy.
Langa stared at them for a moment, making [Y/N] nervous.
"Because I like you."
Those words froze [Y/N] on the spot. Their eyes widen, lips parted slightly. The words ran through their mind like an echo. Langa's charmed smile implanted with it.
"And I want to be your friend."
"That's..." [Y/N]'s face was burning up. Cheeks redder they matched their eyes. "That's stupid." They blurted out quickly, taking a step back. Langa frowned a bit, not unexpecting that sort of answer to his confession. A confession they weren't sure if they were happy about or sadden by it.
"No one wants to be my friend. No one likes me... That's what they always told me." [Y/N] took another step back, brows knitted down but not in anger but in sorrow. Every step they took back, Langa takes one forward. "I'm unlovable... I don't... deserve it." The young former skater shook their head, as if snapping into reality. Tears welled up on their eyes. "You don't like me. You don't. You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't," They repeated quietly, hugging themselves as the tears rolled down their cheeks. Langa panicked. He didn't wanted to upset them. What they said made him wonder who told them such statements. They trembled and he didn't know what to do.
Except for one thing. And he hoped he don't get slap doing so.
Arms wrapped around their frame, a hand on their head as the other rest on their lower back. The hand stroke their head as the other ran their back in a circular form. Langa closed his eyes, hugging [Y/N] closed to him.
"Shh... shh... It's okay, [Y/N]..." He whispered. "Whoever told you those things, they... they don't know what they're talking about." Langa took a deep breath. "But I'm telling the truth. And you do deserve it." He pulled away a bit, cupping their face with his hands and made them looked at him. "I like you. I like you very much. And even though I want to be more, I do want to be your friend." Langa smiled genuinely, blue eyes staring into red ones. "So, please... let me be your friend."
[Y/N] stared at Langa, stunned in his embrace. The blush darkened as Langa continued. They couldn't believe it. Their heart pounded little by little with every word Langa spoke. The hands on their face felt nice. The comfort hug was something they never experienced. They only got hurt by the hands of those who dared say they loved them. But, for whatever reason, they trusted Langa's words.
"Please... don't hurt me..."
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antebunny · 3 years
Field Trips with Wei Wuxian
Opening–the Jiangs
(post-SSC) in an effort to restore his reputation and run away from responsibilities, Wei Wuxian agrees to spend three months in each sect. Full series here.
Jiang Yanli is the one to suggest it. She comes swooping in as always after Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng have another argument, and this time beyond soup and comforting words that they’ve both grown used to, she offers a plan. 
“Are you serious,” Jiang Cheng says, squinting at his older sister like that’ll make her make sense. “They’re going to snap and kill him within a month.”
“Hey,” Wei Wuxian objects immediately. “Don’t you mean try to kill me?”
“No,” Jiang Cheng says absently, but jerks upright when he notices Wei Wuxian trying to make off with his soup. “Hey! Watch those thieving hands!”
“A-Xian, don’t steal his soup,” Jiang Yanli intervenes immediately. “Jiang Cheng, be nice.”
They both scowl at each other but then smile at her, settling back around the pavilion’s table. The small, square pavilion they’re gathered in is on one of the far edges of Lotus Pier, calm waters lapping at the wooden sides. 
“Are you serious?” Wei Wuxian asks after a moment of silence. 
“But he needs to stay and help us rebuild,” Jiang Cheng says immediately. The thought reminds him of their fight, and he shoots a glare at Wei Wuxian.
“But what would we even get out of it,” Wei Wuxian says, bewildered.
“Right now, we are the strongest sect,” Jiang Yanli says. The brothers share a look, neither wanting to be the one to tell her that that’s not true, but she’s still talking. “But only because of A-Xian. And the other sects don’t trust A-Xian, because they don’t know him. But if they just got to know him–”
“Then everything will be sunshine and rainbows?” Jiang Cheng scoffs. “I’m telling you, they’ll kill him within the first month.”
“I don’t care what they think of me,” Wei Wuxian says, almost offended at the thought.
“A-Xian,” Jiang Yanli says, still gently, but there’s a tremor in her voice. “A-Cheng. Please. They’re afraid of A-Xian because they don’t understand him, but if they just knew that he’s a good person–”
“I–what!” Wei Wuxian squawks. He reaches for her hand and grips it tightly, his cheeks coloring. 
“Am I wrong?” Jiang Yanli demands. She turns to Jiang Cheng. “Am I wrong?”
Jiang Cheng swallows a spoonful of soup harder than he should. “No,” he admits, the word pulled from clenched teeth. “But still–what would we even tell them?”
“That A-Xian has volunteered to live as a guest in each sect for three months,” Jiang Yanli answers. “To ease their fears about his demonic cultivation.”
“That makes them sound like paranoid idiots,” Jiang Cheng says thoughtfully, and Jiang Yanli only smiles in response. 
Wei Wuxian swallows his next complaint with a mouthful of soup and thinks for a second. “But I can’t go to the Lan sect,” he says. “And…I don’t want to go to the Jin sect.”
“If you are a guest of the Lans, they will not do anything,” Jiang Yanli counters.
“Well,” Jiang Cheng says, “I suppose there’s a difference between a guest disciple and a guest…but would they rather uphold their impeccable hospitality or, you know,” he waves vaguely at Wei Wuxian, who doesn’t even bother to act offended.
“Yes,” Jiang Yanli says firmly.
“Maybe,” Wei Wuxian admits.
Because here’s the thing: Wei Wuxian is tired of living with the secret of his golden core hanging over his head like a noose. He’s tired of constantly letting down Jiang Cheng, who needs his support, and the Jiang disciples, who need a Head Disciple. He doesn’t want to leave Lotus Pier, but he also needs some time away–away from the memories, away from the people, away from the responsibilities he’ll never be able to fulfill again. Maybe after nine months, he’ll have figured something out. If he can just clear his head long enough to think, he’s sure he can. 
“But he doesn’t care about his reputation,” Jiang Cheng says, a tad bitterly. 
“I do,” Jiang Yanli says. Her cheeks flush when they look at her in surprise. “I just–I won’t always be able to protect you, A-Xian.”
“That’s,” Wei Wuxian says, silver eyes wide. “I don’t want–I don’t need you to protect me–” He reaches for Jiang Yanli’s hand, but she yanks it away.
“But I always do!” Jiang Yanli says, raising her voice. Her hands are visibly shaking before she hides them in her sleeves. “I am always intervening, whenever–” she cuts herself off and presses her lips together.
“A-Li,” Jiang Cheng says, somewhat worriedly, “you don’t have to stop.”
“You’re right,” Wei Wuxian admits, putting his soup bowl down guiltily. 
She is right. He doesn’t ask her to, he would never ask her to, but she is always the one stepping forward or intervening whenever Wei Wuxian gets the wrong sort of attention in public. Wei Wuxian doesn’t cause trouble on purpose, but he doesn’t want Jiang Yanli to have to protect him forever. Isn’t it time he grew up?
Wei Wuxian doesn’t care about his reputation, and never will, but he does care about Yunmeng. If the only way he can help is by convincing the sects that he’s not evil or crazy (okay, he’s maybe a little crazy, but not that sort of crazy), then he’ll do it.
“I’ll do it,” Wei Wuxian says abruptly, shocking both of his siblings.
So this is Wei Wuxian’s plan: he’ll go to the Nie sect first, because that’s the only one he’s sure he’ll get through. He’s already friends with Nie Huaisang, and even if he doesn’t get along with Nie Mingjue, at least he respects the man. That’s where the only possible source of tension will come from–not Nie Mingjue disrespecting Wei Wuxian, but Wei Wuxian disrespecting Chifeng-zun. The Nies don’t know how to season their meat, but at least they have meat.
Wei Wuxian puts the Lan sect second, because he’s only half-sure he’ll make it out alive. Well, that’s an exaggeration, but Lan Zhan didn’t spend the entirety of the war trying to get Wei Wuxian to come to Gusu because they’re fond of demonic cultivation. Wei Wuxian knows that Lan Zhan is pretty much the paragon of Lan rules, but if he was badgering Wei Wuxian about it all throughout the war–from the very moment they reunited, without so much as a hello, how’ve you been–then Wei Wuxian has little to no hope that he’ll convince the Lans that demonic cultivation isn’t that bad within three months.
The Lan sect is the only one that Wei Wuxian expects will lower their view of him over the course of three months, not that it’s particularly high at the moment. But he guesses, or rather hopes, that it’ll be in a good way. If he goes from the fearsome, uncontrollable inventor of demonic cultivation to an uncontrollable pest that they can barely stand to look at without their disdain for him blinding their eyes, then that’s…an improvement. It’s the failure that Wei Wuxian hopes for, anyway. 
He expects constant attempts at cleansing at best, not to mention the complete lack of food with taste and climate (“I’m not going there during winter.” “Fair,” Jiang Cheng says) and the rules. At worst, well. In Gusu it’s fair to give a guest disciple 100 lashes for breaking curfew. That’s lighter than Madame Yu, although she never made a curfew, but she did find some sort of joy in beating Wei Wuxian, but it’ll still be life-crippling for a non-cultivator. So basically, the worst that could happen is that they retroactively find out about Wei Wuxian’s missing golden core, because he’s dead, and then he won’t be there to explain himself to Jiang Cheng. 
Look, Wei Wuxian will be the second person to admit that he’s paranoid, but it’s not easy to get through war without seeing death around every corner. Especially since he recently lost his golden core. He also has first-hand experience with the Lans, and there’s no way he’ll get through three months without badly breaking their rules. He knows they’ll treat a guest Head Disciple differently than they’d treat a guest disciple, but he doesn’t know by how much, and he’s at the mercy of whatever they decide.
Wei Wuxian also doesn’t particularly want to see Lan Zhan. Or, well, he does very much want to see Lan Zhan, but not like this.
Lastly, Wei Wuxian doesn’t want to go to the Jin sect because the Jins are trash. They’ve been trying to recruit him for almost a year now, as if Wei Wuxian would ever abandon the Jiangs–for the Jins, no less!–and Wei Wuxian doubts that they’ll suddenly grow a moral backbone in the six months before he has to go there. That said, he doesn’t expect any major trouble from them, just their usual insufferable personalities and intolerable sect leader. 
So if Wei Wuxian, by some miracle, makes it out of the Lan sect alive, then he’ll go to Lanling. But if, more likely, he ends up high-tailing it out of Gusu because they’re about to do something that’ll paralyze him for life, then he never has to suffer through Jin Guangshan and his stupid peacock of a son.
But first: Qinghe Nie. 
 The great forested mountains of Qinghe sprawl across the horizon, and Wei Wuxian stands at the bottom, with an annual supply of spices, various notes and sketches, and both Suibian and Chenqing tucked in his side. The rigid stone fortresses of the Nies rise halfway up the mountain, and not for the first time, Wei Wuxian feels the deep, aching loss of Suibian before he gets back on his horse and heads up the mountain.
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jishyucks · 4 years
Dollarstore Mistletoe ‣ ljn
‣ genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers, female reader
‣ wc: 2.7k
‣ summary: Jeno looked up at the mistletoe then at you, cheeks heating up from the situation. So that’s why Hyuck had mistletoe. 
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this was going to be a short blurb but sike... enjoy!
You sat at the corner of the room, eyes drawn nervously at Donghyuck who was holding a tied up bunch of mistletoe in his hand. Though he was tossing it to himself, you could already read his mind from across the room. He had a sly smirk on his face as he glanced between you and Jeno who chose to sit between Jisung and Chenle.
Donghyuck, I fucking swear. You texted him, eyes growing wide in a subtle warning once he looked back up at you. 
He laughed out loud before texting you back, I’m not doing anything.
Not rn but ur going to.
He loved going over to your place just to tease you about your (apparent) undying love for Jeno, constantly pushing you to make a move because Jeno was a ‘giant wuss’ and ‘would not grow balls to do so himself’ while you ‘had potential’. And honestly, you weren’t sure what to believe when it came to Donghyuck. He was a trickster. Who knew if he was lying this time or not. 
You could easily recall maybe a week back when you were hanging out with this pest of a boy. He had been spontaneously mustering up a plan to get you and Jeno to kiss underneath some fake mistletoe he could find at the dollar store, which could then lead to confessing. 
“Please don’t. We’re not living in some rom-com, Hyuck,” you glared at him, hoping that his ridiculous plan would be thrown out the window, “It’s not going to happen.” There was not a single bone in your body confident enough to kiss the boy you’ve held the longest crush on. Donghyuck was wrong when he said you had potential, meaning he could be wrong when it came to this plan he barely put effort into arranging.
“I know,” he replied simply, “But shit like this is inevitable.  Plus you’re forgetting that I have the brain of a mastermind.” You ignored the way he wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to persuade you, obviously failing. He knew he had to do everything himself, whether you liked it or not. Besides, he knew things you didn’t. He knew these plans were going to work. 
So now, here he sat at Jeno’s house, waiting for the perfect time to dangle the plant above you both. He already knows you had the capability to run if you saw him move even an inch towards you. You were probably as alert as those animals being preyed on on National Geographic, ears perked and everything. Your fight or flight response was already activated just because of him. 
As for Jeno, he was probably the complete opposite of you. He was leaning back on the couch with a delicate looking smile sitting on his face. Donghyuck was glad that he didn’t have a single clue about what was going on. But also... did he ever know what was going on?
A Christmas movie was playing on the TV even though barely anyone was paying any attention to it. Jaemin and Renjun were in the kitchen baking gingerbread cookies, following a recipe they found tiktok, while Jisung and Chenle were playing the nth game of PubG on their phones. Mark and Jeno were probably the only ones paying attention to the film, occasionally letting out a snort or giggle at a cheesy joke being delivered. Then there was you and Donghyuck, the only two aware of the plan that you didn’t even want to take part in. 
“Why are you holding weed?” Jisung finally lifts his head from his phone’s screen, brows furrowed at the mistletoe in Donghyuck’s hands. He pointed slightly towards them, arm falling to his side soon after. 
The older boy gave Jisung an unreadable look, “It’s not weed. It’s mistletoe.” Again, he tossed it up, barely grazing the popcorn ceiling before catching it. 
“Ohh~ like that Justin Bieber song!” Jisung pointed out. His attention was soon directed back to his phone, probably beginning another game alongside Chenle. Jeno glanced at the younger boy and just shook his head in adoration and slight genuine confusion. It seemed like he literally had no idea, no clue, why Donghyuck was holding mistletoe. This, again, was good news to Donghyuck. 
“Cookies!” Jaemin barged into the living room dressed in a holiday apron and oven mitts. He had flour sprinkled along his chest and collar bone, probably thrown on there by Renjun, who followed closely behind him. 
Like young kids, attention spans were cut off and brought towards the gingerbread cookies, its aroma soon flooding the room. Through the pride that Jaemin gave off while standing there, you already knew the cookies were good. Especially with the help of Renjun.
Ditching your tense position, you had completely forgotten of your silent duel with Donghyuck, hopping up from the couch and skipping over to Jaemin. The others followed you shortly, Jeno being the second there. 
Donghyuck pushed himself off the couch last, still playing with the mistletoe between his fingertips. Once spotting you standing directly next to Jeno, he stopped himself from audibly gasping and darted towards you both, holding up his arm above the space between the two of you, “Ah! Mistletoe~” 
Your heart dropped, hand physically letting go of the cookie. It plopped back onto the tray as you spun around to face Donghyuck and then to an equally thrown off Jeno. You wanted to beat yourself up for letting your guard down for cookies. 
Jeno looked up at the mistletoe then at you, cheeks heating up from the situation. So that’s why Hyuck had mistletoe. The math was mathing. 
Jeno took in what was happening. Even if it was so sudden, Jeno didn’t feel like resisting. Instead he stood there and tried to read the non-verbal cues you were showing, trying to figure out whether or not you would want to carry out this unexplained tradition. Your face seemed to express no emotion, though he figured you were deep in thought, trying to process what was happening. And that was exactly what you were doing.
“I told you not to,” you mumbled towards Donghyuck’s direction. The looks you were sending Donghyuck could be used as weapons in some other dimension, but in this one the most you could do was intimidate the boy. In a brief state of panic, assuming Jeno found this situation weird, you tried to leave the situation, avoiding Jeno’s gaze as you did.
“It’s tradition!” Donghyuck attempted to pull you back. He was trying to be Christmas Cupid, knowing that feelings were being exchanged without the other’s knowledge. He thought he’d be helping.
Jeno shook his head, “N-no, Hyuck, it’s fine… if Y/N doesn’t want to do it, we can’t force her.” He felt himself gulp, mostly from the subtle rejection he’d received, before quickly reaching for a cookie and fleeing the scene. 
Donghyuck turns to you, arm dropping to his side and mouth wide open, “He was going to kiss you!” 
For a second, you doubted Donghyuck, shaking your head. But then at the realization that Jeno had left the room in a rather disappointed state, you probably were wrong and for once, Donghyuck was right. But there was no way you were admitting that in his presence. 
It would’ve been completely silent if it wasn’t for the movie playing in the background. Everyone was still trying to process what had just happened, while you were still staring Donghyuck down. 
“Are you blaming me?” You gestured to yourself. Sure it could have actually been your fault but that really wasn’t good for your degrading self-esteem right now. 
“Yes,” Donghyuck threw the fake mistletoe onto the three seater couch, “It looked like you didn’t want to kiss the boy. You basically stomped on his heart.” Sure Donghyuck was over exaggerating but knowing how much Jeno liked you, you probably did. 
“No I didn’t,” you try to deny everything, not wanting your hopes to be crushed by false information and beliefs. 
“You did,” Mark butted in, “He looked like a kicked puppy.” You shifted your gaze from Donghyuck to Mark, someone who you could trust a bit more, and felt your frown deepen. Feeling yourself stumble back in the slightest bit, you glance at the stairs where Jeno had gone, probably to his room. Should you talk to him? 
“Just go talk to him,” Jaemin pushed on, as if he could read what you were thinking, “But take an extra cookie with you.” He held the tray of baked goods in front of you and you complied, slithering past Mark, Renjun, and Chenle before going up the stairs. 
You had no idea what you were going to tell Jeno. That you wanted to kiss him? That would come off as weird. 
The pair of cookies in your hands could be your conversation starter.
Upon reaching his door, you raise a fist to knock. 
If it was possible, Jeno would slap himself so many times just so he could knock some sense into himself. He was sitting at the edge of his bed with his palm to his forehead, feeling like an entire circus. Why the hell didn’t he even act like he was weirded out by Donghyuck and that fucking mistletoe? Why did he act like he was waiting for a long time for that opportunity to kiss you? 
Maybe because he was. But he should’ve at least pretended like he wasn’t.
Jeno threw himself back into his bed, blinking at the ceiling while he mentally attacked himself for being so foolish. How would he recover from this? He shouldn’t have ran out of the room like that. It made him so obvious. It gave away the feelings he hoped he had been hiding well the entire time. 
Jeno you’re so fucking stupid, he thought, teeth gritting. 
He clenched his fist and started to hit the middle of his forehead lightly with his knuckles, startled when he heard a loud knocking sound. 
Was that my forehead or was that the door?
Sitting up, he pivoted his head so that he was facing the door, brows furrowed as he waited for another indication that the sound was (hopefully) the door and not his skull. 
“Jeno, it’s me.” Your voice was muffled and your shadow could be seen through the bottom. 
For a second, Jeno hesitated, unsure if he was ready to face you at that moment, but he soon decided against it, standing up and towards his bedroom door in order to let you in. Opening it just a crack, he peeked out, seeing your shorter figure staring up at him, eyes slightly unreadable, “I brought cookies.”
Jeno couldn’t help but feel his chest warm up at the sight of you. He held back a smile to keep himself grounded. Pulling the door to create a wider opening, he let you in.
“Are you okay?” You knew he wasn’t okay. Just by the look in Jeno’s eyes, you could tell he had a lot going on in his head. You didn’t want to start the conversation off with ‘I actually wanted to kiss you too’ because in all honesty, anyone faced with that statement would be scared in one way or another, regardless of their feelings for the other. 
“I guess you can say that,” Jeno hummed and sat at the foot of his bed. You handed him one of the cookies and bit into the second one you brought. Jeno couldn’t even make eye contact with you. He was a smidge too embarrassed to do so. 
You sat next to him, the heat of your bodies bouncing off of each other from how close you were, “What do you mean?” You were drawing the conversation out while you still tried to run through what you were gonna say as your version of a confession. 
He shrugged, taking a small bite, almost a nibble, from the cookie, “I know you’re not stupid, Y/N… Donghyuck was painfully obvious and so was I.” Feeling his heart pick up its pace scared him. This only meant he could either lose total control of his words, or just not speak at all. He focused on keeping them tame, “I’m sorry you had to witness that. Just forget it happened, okay? Sometimes, Donghyuck doesn’t know he’s going overboard.” 
Jeno spoke softly, head dipping down and bangs falling over his eyes. The glasses he wore slipped down his nose as he did, but he quickly caught them with the tip of his index finger. 
“Donghyuck doesn’t normally pull shit like that unless he has to,” you say as a reply, “He somehow always knows things we don’t.” You hoped Jeno got the hint from what you were saying, but by the way he kept his attention at the cooling gingerbread cookie in his hand as he nodded, you knew that he was completely clueless. Were you being too subtle?
“Do you know why he decided to buy that plastic plant in the first place?” You took a bite from Jaemin’s cookie and swung your legs. 
Jeno shrugged again, “Because he’s Donghyuck?”
 You both let out brief chuckles but you regained your composure and sighed. From downstairs, you hear the others laughing at something, some background noise from the near silence in the room.
“Because he knows how I feel.” 
Jeno’s ears perked up at this statement, still afraid to look at you. He shifted in place, “How you feel?”
You rolled your eyes at Jeno, hitting him playfully, “Lee Jeno!” Yeah, you did want to drag the conversation in the first place, but it was getting too long. You wanted to get to the point and Jeno wasn’t taking any of the hints you were throwing. 
“What?” He whined, acting as if you hit him hard when everyone knows he’s got the muscle to resist that pain. This familiar feeling between the two of you, the wave of comfort he felt, caused him to turn towards you. Once he realized what he had done, he turned away quickly, feeling himself grow timid once again. 
“I know you’re not that stupid either, Jeno. Can you please look at me?” To no surprise he doesn’t listen. He was getting all flustered. The shy, blushy type of flustered. 
Lifting your hand up to his face, you grabbed it softly and turned it so that he was facing you. He complied, letting you turn his head, only, his eyes were shut tightly. 
You huffed, “Jeno! Please open your eyes.” He shook his head while his face was still being held with your hand, “Please?” 
Again, he refused, this giving you permission to attempt to pry his eyelids with your own fingers. Though you gave up quite quickly. You didn't want to force them open as any sort of mishap was bound to happen. 
“Last chance to open your eyes,” you warned, only he didn’t know what you were warning him about. He still kept them closed, feeling comfortable in this position he was in now, “Fine, Jeno, if you don’t open your eyes, then I will…”
“You will what?” He smirked. Though you couldn’t see his eyes, you could see his emotion through his raised brow. Deep down he knew what you were about to do. But he wanted to sit back and wait for it to happen. 
Without thinking, you leaned in and brought his lips down to yours. At first there wasn’t any response from Jeno, but once he had finally processed what was going on, his eyes shot open, and as if it was some sort of instinct, he kissed back. 
You liked this feeling. Maybe you would’ve felt it sooner if you hadn’t refused to kiss him earlier. But also you liked it how it was right now, and Jeno felt the same. Private, without any of the others watching. And it wasn’t because you had to follow a tradition, it was because you both wanted to do it.
After a few more long seconds, you both pulled away, beaming shyly at each other. You finally let go of his face and sat yourself back. 
“What was…?” Jeno was at a loss of words. 
You laughed softly, almost coming out as a giggle, “That’s how I feel.” 
Maybe Donghyuck was right when said you had that sort of potential. 
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
Justice League Headcanons
So...yeah. Blame @fickle-tiction and @fanficsandfluff but I can’t get JL out of my head. I know next to nothing in terms of canon and I only enjoy a handful of DC movies, so this is the beginning of what I am calling the BEU (Bug Extended Universe). 
Essentially, in the words of Nick Fury, ‘I recognize your canon, but seeing as it’s a stupid-ass canon, I have elected to ignore it :)’. A mish-mash of everything I’ve learned about DC through osmosis and my own personal vibe checks :)
This is absurdly long so everything is under the cut:
Clark Kent
- Superman? NO, Superdork. 
- He’s extremely clumsy. If he wasn’t as fast as a speeding bullet he’d get his ass handed to him ten times over. He has two left feet. 
- He has a sweet tooth like no one’s business. Lois once found him perched on the kitchen counter at 3 am eating the donuts she brought home from work. 
- Super playful and affectionate! King of bear hugs! Country boy I love youuuuuuu
- Curses like a sailor. Do you really think Clark ‘Smallville, Kansas’ Kent is wholesome? He stubbed his toe once and yelled FUCK so loud that the windows vibrated. Everyone who isn’t in the league thinks he’s a boyscout but the league knows the truth. 
- Forgets about his powers a lot. He has been known to run through walls/take doors off their hinges when he’s excited. 
- Goblin. He loves messing with Bruce and roping Barry into his schemes. 
- Clark being ticklish is actually smth that can be so personal? His laugh is so loud and he always goes ‘sorry’ and tries to be quieter but it does NOT work. He has flight instincts more than fight instincts so he often starts unconsciously floating away when he’s tickled it’s so cute. He giggles a lot and he’s not particularly embarrassed by it.
- Do NOT get me started on ler Clark I could write a dissertation. He is SO playful and teasy but also sweet? He definitely is the type to laugh along with his lee. He definitely allows any sort of retaliation/fighting back like,,, if you manage to crawl away it’s because he let you, and if he wants too, he can be very mean and immovable.
- Bruce and Barry are his favorite targets. He doesn’t go after Diana because, frankly, he doesn’t have a death wish. He loves to cause problems on purpose by squeezing Arthur’s side and then blaming it on Barry. (Hal Jordan isn’t in the DCEU Justice League but I wish he was...they’d be partners in crime <3)
Bruce Wayne
- Okay let’s clarify some things: he’s not actually an asshole. He can be abrasive and snarky but he’s more towards the sarcastic gruff side vs straight-up mean.
- A lot of people think he’s genuinely an asshole/disconnected rich guy because he has a terrible habit of zoning out/interrupting people? Bruce actually just has intense ADHD that he refuses to get diagnosed, no matter how much Alfred pushes him. He doesn’t care what people think about him and he’s mostly learned how to manage it, so he leaves it alone.
- That being said, his friendship with Barry has me :’) Yes, he thinks Barry’s a pest (affectionate), but they share a few science-related hyperfixations (robotics, chemical engineering, etc). They can frequently be found holed up in the Batcave with a week’s worth of food and caffeine, and they’re just....tinkering. Watching them at work is amazing because as much as they annoy each other, they respect each other :)
- He’s 100% a cat person. He doesn’t have a problem with dogs, he just prefers cats. He feeds the strays that hang out around the Manor all the time...
-...which Alfred begs him not to do, because Bruce is severely allergic. He thinks he can power through the allergies until one of the stray cats does the face-headbump thing and he’s incapacitated emotionally and physically for the rest of the day. 
- He severely restrains his emotions but like...catch him on a good day or in a good mood and he’ll smile and laugh, especially in friendly company. He just generally believes in maintaining a poker face so no one can read him. 
- Not to be disrespectful but...thighs. I am Looking. 
- Bruce has a wonderful laugh. He’s not much of a giggler tbh but he has this open, clear, slightly scratchy kinda laugh (his voice is permanently hoarse from the Batman Voice). It’s so lovely. He has a habit of covering his mouth bc he’s embarrassed of his smile but if he finds something very funny he’ll laugh openly. 
- Thee Batman is ticklish and he...doesn’t hate it? Like of course he protests ten ways from Sunday but he more minds the ‘guys stop you’re ruining my dark and brooding facade’ bit. He hates being teased though and he will throw hands. 
- Circling back to the emotions thing, he’s very good at controlling his reactions, which means he has thoroughly convinced everyone he’s not ticklish. Except Clark, stupidly perceptive Clark, because he can hear Bruce’s heartbeat and see the way he clenches his jaw to avoid smiling. 
Diana Prince
- WIFEY!!!!! 
- Diana is hilarious okay? She’s just...so fucking funny. Her jokes never miss. You wouldn’t think she’s the quippy type, but she is, and she’s damn good at it. In a distant alternate universe, Peter Parker senses a rival. 
- Loves fresh fruit, but especially strawberries? She makes frequent trips to the local farmer’s market. 
- She also has a raging sweet tooth. She and Clark work together to steal sweets and buy snacks. 
- Will not back down from a challenge, ever. It’s kinda a problem.
- She has such a sweet laugh :’) It’s so bouncy and melodic and she scrunches her nose. She WILL snort and it’s the cutest thing ever. Yes she’s ticklish, but no one gets more than five seconds of laughter out of her before she turns the tables. 
- World’s meanest ler. Not only is she frequently on the prowl, she is near-ruthless, especially if she’s been baited. Once she sets her sights on someone, she won’t rest until she’s heard their laugh. 
- Diana is very mischievous and loves hearing her friends laugh. It’s impossible to be in her vicinity for more than five minutes without at LEAST a few pokes. She is not above just,,, random tickles either. 
- Nails. That is all. 
Arthur Curry
- Why are his tiddies always out? Someone please explain.
- The most targeted for pranks ever. Diana especially. Something about him just attracts goblinism. 
- He’s coming for Clark’s bear hugger crown. He picks people up so often that they’re just used to it now. 
- Playfighting and roughhousing is his love language. He absolutely loves wrestling with anyone who’ll humor him. He and Diana frequently tussle because they’re both good sports about it (Bruce is a little bit of a sore loser. Just a smidge). 
- Thinks he can get away with anything, which is decidedly not true. He just nopes his way out of the room and everyone’s like D:< get back here and atone for your sins!!! But Arthur’s already in the Pacific Ocean. 
- I like to think he’s ticklish, just not super ticklish y’know? He probably has a couple hidden spots that make him lose it though. Like he’ll definitely laugh and fall over, but he can and will fight back. Oh boy, will he fight back. 
- Batman: No fear.
Diana and Arthur sneaking up behind him:
Batman: One fear. 
- Y’know that picture of Jason Momoa sneaking up behind Henry Cavill on the red carpet? That is extremely relevant. Arthur loves to sneak up behind people and just...take them down. 
- Thinks Barry is annoying (affectionate) and the two of them are constantly chasing each other around. Barry is fast but Arthur’s strong (and wayy less ticklish than Barry)
- Physical affection!! He always has his arms around someone’s shoulders or something. He’s just a touchy kind of guy :)
Barry Allen
- Speedy boy! ADHD king! Sometimes his thoughts are also at superspeed, which means he talks way too fast and no one can understand him? But Bruce speaks fluent Barry and he translates often (though not without a labored sigh beforehand). 
- Physically affectionate but casual about it? He likes to play with people’s hands while he’s talking, bump shoulders with whoever he’s next to, etc. He doesn’t really realize he does it either. It’s not uncommon for him to be talking to Clark or Diana and they just...unconsciously give him their hand before he reaches for it.
- Okay so y’know how Bruce feeds the strays? Who do you think lets them in the first place? Barry has tried to adopt every stray he comes across, and when Alfred inevitably says no, Barry runs them to the shelter himself :’)
- Gifting is his love language!!! If he sees anything that remotely reminds him of his friends, he brings it to them. 
- He likes to hang out with Victor because he’s quiet, but doesn’t mind when Barry rambles, which he tends to do quite often. Barry will catch himself rambling and trail off, but Victor will encourage him to keep going, because he’s listening. 
- Thee Pillsbury Doughboy. Just these high-pitched, bouncy, frantic giggles that only get worse and eventually morph into cackles. He hiccups a lot too :’)
- Okay so he’s not a flailer but he’s super squirmy. Barry will cling onto his ler’s arms just to hold onto something. He kicks his legs too (he does this when he’s not being tickled either, if he laughs and he’s sitting somewhere he kicks). He also just constantly tries to crawl away. If he isn’t pinned down he will drag himself to safety. He also has a habit of curling up :’)
- Absolutely invented the speed-tickle. He actually doesn’t often use his powers (unless he’s chasing down Clark, because Clark isn’t above breaking the sound barrier to escape). He’s just got incredible hand-eye coordination and precision. His hands will be absolutely everywhere and he is so teasy about it. 
- Tries not to start fights he can’t finish, but he always gets roped into Clark’s mischief and gets targeted with revenge tickles. 
- He has tickled Clark once. It was incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular. Literally his crowning achievement. Did Clark absolutely destroy him afterwards? Yes, but it was so worth it. 
Victor Stone
- Quiet and stoic, but he’s always preferred listening and interjecting with a joke or two. 
- Closest with Barry and Diana, but he’s making an effort to bond with everyone.
- Unfortunately not ticklish :( I like to think soft touches on his face will make him smile and lean away, but it’s not going to get a laugh from him.
- Doesn’t often get involved in tickly shenanigans, but when he does, he surprises everyone with how much fun he has. A different, warmer side of him comes out when he’s among his friends.
- He’s a hugger! Definitely awkward about it, but he loves hugs and just...holding his friends. 
- He collects hoodies. He can’t really feel them when he’s wearing them, but he likes them and the idea of it. Barry seems to slip him a new hoodie every week. Victor has no idea where he gets them from but he’s not complaining. 
- He is an enabler. He will look at Bruce like :| “no, I don’t know where Barry and Clark are, nor do I no what they’re planning” But they’re literally right behind Bruce, about to squeeze his sides. 
- That being said, he won’t do that with Diana. If she asks where they are, he’ll subtly nod his head in their direction. Even in jest, he will never lie to her. Which makes him Thee person to avoid when Diana’s on her mischievous streaks.
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