#energy pill
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years ago
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Keiji's facial expression that changes every second. 😗😘
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journiland · 1 month ago
Just a memo that I started these today. Energy and mood has been about a 5 before starting. The B12 does seem to help, especially mood, but I keep coming up with ideas that I don't quite have any energy to follow through.
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bonesmarinated · 6 months ago
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revisit Edgerunner with my friend, gotta draw some Rebecca in street style
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prettieinpink · 1 year ago
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MAKE YOUR GOALS/HABITS AN IDENTITY. Your lifestyle makes up who you are, quite literally. If you want to wake up early, then start identifying yourself as an early bird. If you want to get good grades, then start identifying yourself as a studious student. And so on. 
This helps with feeling more accountable and committed to our goals and habits. However, don’t use this as a reason to overexert yourself. 
THERE IS SOMETHING UNDERNEATH CERTAIN BEHAVIOURS. All of your bad habits stem from your subconscious. This is why mentally healthy people tend to think more about their physical health. 
The best way to recognise patterns beneath your bad habits is just to talk to yourself. In any way or any form. Identify it, see what might’ve caused this subconscious thought and then work towards a way to replace the feeling that these bad habits give with a good one. 
DETACH FROM THE OUTCOME. The more you fixate on the long-term results, the more longer, strenuous and exhausting your journey is going to be, especially because you’re going to want to give up as soon as results don’t appear. Focus on the short-term results. 
You exercised? Now you feel good inside. You studied hard and understood everything? Great job for being so productive. You did that one really scary thing? What a great start!
THE PART OF YOU THAT DOES BAD HABITS IS NOT BAD. It is the complete opposite of bad. It loves you and wants to keep you safe, so it refrains you from doing anything ‘scary’ (which is typically new things in our lives) and makes you fall back on ‘safe’ habits which are a coping mechanism. 
So, instead of berating that part of you that participates in bad habits even if you know it’s bad, understand it. As these coping mechanisms usually stem from our childhoods, we turn to these habits when we feel stressed, anxious or depressed. 
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marronje · 1 month ago
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Marama has fallen ill so low effort steampunk au designs for you guys (I liked designing alternative gear yup)
@lily-claw I fooled you here's the surprise cuz our random chats give me the best ideas
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basketobread · 11 days ago
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lunara my beloved
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crimsonender · 5 months ago
Lily is literally the preaching vegan stereotype of sober people.
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Lily Orchard showing her ass as a hypocrite and someone with toxic neoliberal values? Wowie I sure didn't see that coming.
Also, guess who has AuDHD (A combination of ADHD and Autism spectrum disorder) and also is no longer on Adderall? Meeeeee. I also had to quit cold turkey!
and. you don't get withdrawal symptoms unless you're abusing the medication. Either Lily was misdiagnosed with ADHD or she takes too much. If you have ADHD and you're taking the appropriate amount, the only thing that happens is you start experiencing ADHD symptoms again... which, you don't really notice as a physical symptom, as the symptoms are entirely behavioural.
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dotjpeg · 17 days ago
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more self-indulgent memes I didn’t feel like actually drawing out
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chronicsyd · 6 days ago
and of Course when I announce a break something ELSE happens. so, if you aren't caught up on the Arcane side of tiktok apparently someone got a Mel funko instead of a Caitlyn one and proceeded to use their Vi gauntlet to smash it (because switching it out just Wasn't an option right? I mean if i WERE going to smash any of them my pick would be Heimerdinger but that would just be a waste of my time/money)
Was this a racially motivated thing? I wouldn't doubt it, Mel faces the Brunt of the racism from the fandom.
HERE'S my issue though:
I've seen more callouts against Caitlyn and Caitlyn stans in the past 24-48hrs than I've seen against Jayvik stans who've had Worse behavior towards Mel in the past Three Years I've been apart of this fandom (like we Literally JUST went over the Mel organ harvesting thing people!). People have been going ON AND ON about how All Caitlyn stans are bad and apparently we're All racist because of ONE person being a little shit; and NOW we're jumping into the "Caitvi's the Worst ship I've ever seen and you're disgusting for shipping it!" like if you're a complete PUSSY who can't handle complex characters and storytelling JUST say that. Because Caitvi? not even in the top 10 worst, and this is coming from someone who used to get death threats for saying Ezaria was shit.
like most of us Caitlyn and Mel stans have been ride or die together because we've faced the Brunt of the shit from this damn fandom.
and then there's the irony of people being racist towards Caitlyn calling characters like Vi and Jinx "POC" over her like Those two aren't the most UNDENIABLY WHITE women in the ENTIRE SHOW. like once again trying SO hard to be "politically correct" that you swing and miss entirely.
so all that being said, any Caitlyn or Mel stans in the crowd? we can band together against this nonsense :)
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year ago
the happy pill⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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maintaining joy and building a lifestyle or habits that can sustain joy is important for mental health. even though circumstances may arise, im a firm believer that hope is possible and you can be happy.
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if ur someone with a negative mindset in general and you wanna change it to a more positive mindset here are some ground rules..
let the little things slide - don't worry about the little things, dont stress over something that isn't worth stressing over. that includes letting the little things that you have done slide too. dont beat yourself up about something that you've done before. thinking "ugh why'd i do that" is useless. instead, flip that thought to "what can i do to improve if i find myself in that situation again".
surround urself with things that spark positivity - surround urself with things that u love and the things that make you smile. and enjoy the little things/tasks that u do. ROMANTICIZE.
giving out some -> reaping double - when u give out positivity. encouraging words, compliments, even a simple smile, you get that DOUBLED. it actually helps so much to be sweet to others and compliment others and its even sweeter for you bcuz it brings so much happiness.
dont give anyone or anything the power to make you unhappy. ofc there are circumstances that are unique to everyone but in general dont let someone else's bitterness or negativity influence ur own happiness. protect your energy. bcuz you are responsible for making u happy.
have self identity audits every now and then to keep yourself in check. to make sure that ur following thru with ur goals or that ur balancing ur distractions properly. and also, reflect on whats constantly draining ur joy or what u are doing to drain ur joy. some things that can drain you include..
social media detox - although social media has lots of positives, we cannot ignore the negatives. social media provides a false sense of connection that we crave (cuz human beings are social creatures) so taking a break from social media every now and then a couple times a year rly improves ur mental health in the long run.
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some things that can feed into ur joy can include..
gratitude - practicing gratitude without comparing your own achievements to someone else's. just being present and grateful for what u have.
laughter - learn to laugh and smile at things instead of getting worked up about it. laughing is such a mood booster.
literally ANYTHING, you know urself best and u know what makes you happy and what makes u smile so whatever it is that does that for you, DO that.
doing things that are refreshing and replenish ur energy is a game changer for ur mental and emotional state and happiness. some refreshing things to do alone include..
watching the sunset/sunrise
practice self care
do something that u used to love doing
dance (it helps mentally too, taking u from rigid -> fluid)
when your constantly striving for perfection and you put all this pressure on urself, you'll end up growing into a bitter person, and thats not hot. so allow yourself to have distractions and have experiences and try new things bcuz thats what life is about.
however go about this with DISCERNMENT. allow yourself to have distractions that aren't harmful to you or others. an example of an unhealthy or harmful distraction is drinking. you can enjoy those things but enjoy them SAFELY. dont be too uptight with yourself and LET YOURSELF LIVE. but in that same breath protect yourself and get rid of whats taking away from ur happiness.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
U love how we just established that König just eats. So. Much. Like he will ransack your fridge and eat everything and if you're cooking for him and give him a portion made for 3 adult men König will scarf it down anyway :(
He's a big man and he needs it woman! How will he have the energy to protect his territory, his woman and (future) offspring! He needs to have the strength to breed with you as much as he can to give you strong n healthy babies so he needs the extra nutricions!
It’s only cold hard facts if you look at the size of this man, I’d wager he needs to eat at least 3500 kcal per day if not more. Sex counts as a heavy exercise for him too so you can bet he’s pillaging that fridge again after trying his best to knock you up :/
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skunkes · 9 months ago
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Finally got ikea shelf i bought several months ago up yesterday wit help of dad and brother...turned into a whole ordeal because the wall is thin (and also the attic is right behind it). Its the only fixture in my room that isn't blue but i was too lazy to fix that...yeeey ^_^ excited to figure out what else to put on it
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sir-illmatic · 2 years ago
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Not for the flex.
Not for the attention .
For the freedom!
For the experiences!
To go where the fuck I want , when I want, to do what I want. It’s merely a tool for access to environments I like to occupy. The other trivial benefits come as a by product of having it. Even though I’ve grown up with a pinch of privilege , upward socioeconomic mobility is still the goal for me and mine. Fuckin around with the “fuck arounds” isn’t going to get us anywhere . Paying attention to the sequence of events and the company you keep proves that every time!
Its all of what my ancestors wanted🤌🏽
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prettieinpink · 1 year ago
Hello 👋🏾, so recently I got a new job and I’m definitely starting to stick to a stricter budget, while working on myself. Truth is since it my first solo date, what do you think a great for solo date is. Also, I love your content 🫶🏾🫶🏾🩵
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Going to a local cafe or restaurant with a nice view, or a bustling atmosphere.
Have your mini picnic at your local park. Cook all of your favourite foods, or just go to your local takeout.
Go outside with headphones or a book with a cold/hot drink, and watch the sunrise or sunset
Go to your local pharmacy, and purchase a bunch of sheet masks, bath salts or fizzers and anything else you like. Then have your own spa day from head to toe. Wash your hair then wrap it around in a cute turban, do a rejuvenating face mask, paint your nails & toenails and more. Bonus points if you blast music while doing this.
Make a pillow fort with what you have, then just cozy up while reading, meditating, listening to a podcast, or just doomscrolling.
Do a paint and dip/sip at home. Put on some relaxing music, get your favourite (non) alcoholic drink or set aside some chips and dips then paint whatever you feel like.
Pretend you are your own partner/best friend, and do something that matches what activity your current/future partner or best friend would do.
Go to the library just to chill. You don’t have to do any work, but just sit in that atmosphere. You can read a book, study on your favourite topic or just bring your macbook to do some olineshopping.
Make your own breakfast in bed. Make a nice, hearty and filling breakfast to put on a tray then bring it back to your bed to eat.
Buy flowers for yourself and put it on display. OR you can buy some seeds, plant some as a reminder of self love and actually take care of it like how you want to take care of yourself.
Imagine anything on your bucket list that you’ve always wanted to do with someone else, then just do it solo.
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deathtodickens · 5 months ago
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I do still draw. It’s the energy and ideas I lack. I’ll comic something eventually.
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pippin-pippout · 7 months ago
How is Bege x Chiffon one of the healthiest romantic relationships in this show? (although I cannot think of many romantic relationships). And especially if they came out of an arranged marriage (I assume Bege offered an alliance and then was paired off with her).
I have also just now realized that their baby's cigar is actually a cigar-shaped pacifier so I feel better about them as parents.
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