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wowzah2nd · 3 months ago
I'm Home
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
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Wordcount 2k
Loki has been acting suspicious and it wasn't just today but its been like this for a few years now no one really thought anything of it until today, today was the day they figured this out
For the longest time loki had been acting far from the normal it started and all the avengers noticed but never really bothered to think more of it. It started a few years ago  after a mission he had disappeared after the battle and appeared just as if he had no be gone for hours now and ever since that day it had kept on happening.
If he was ever needed in the tower he wouldn't go running off since he knows his needed but he would constantly look at his phone if a message ever popped up. Which surprised everyone since when did he get a phone. But thor the never suspecting and trusting brother he is thought loki was finally acclimating to his new life on midgard but not everyone was convinced. 
Loki when not needed in the tower would disappear for days and would magically appear back if he was needed on a mission which was great but it was still a mystery where he went until today.
On this day particularly tony had an idea that he decided  he'd enact today.
Tony walking to the living room where everyone else was relaxing 
Tony: today is the day 
He shouted, everyone not looking surprised by this but looking at him curious
Natasha: and what is today gonna be 
Clint: oh id love to hear this 
Tony: as you all know loki go for days on end without coming back to the tower unless needed and we all turned a blind eye until today
He paused for dramatic effect 
Steve: why are you talking like that 
Tony: come on let me have my fun we're finally gonna know where reindeer games goes during his off time haven't you all ever been a little bit curious where he goes off to. 
Thor: i do wonder where my dear brother goes
Bruce: even if we wanted to know how are you gonna do it 
Tony gives a shit eating grin like evil master mind 
Tony: im glad you asked my friends, i have created a tracking device, everhard to plant on your brother by the way thor but very hard to detect by any type of magic or technology ( pretend like i know what im talking about and this devices is possible please hahaha ) 
Everyone look at him shocked
Steve: there is no way you made something like that and stuck it on loki nonetheless 
Tony: but ho ho my friend i did 
As he says that he pulls out his phone with loki's location 
Tony: so who wants to go on a field trip
Reader POV
You were in you house with your daughter Asta cooking, she wanted to help you make apple pie so you decided you'd let her help since watching her do so was so adorable.
Y/N: okay sweetie lemme show you how to do it and i'll let you do it next okay 
Asta: okay mummy 
You showed her how to carefully cut the apples using her own little knife
Y/N: are you okay to dry it you self now 
With confidence she nodded her head and started to cut the apples, while you were do that you decided to roll out the pie do to make the pie crust once done you decide to see how your daughter was doing and with a proud smile you saw she had cut all the apples perfectly 
Y/N: you did heart sweetie now what were gonna do is grab a bowl and put them in her okay 
You go to grab a bowl and put it in front of her to put the apples in 
Y/N: now we add cinnamon and brown sugar can you put that in for me 
Asta: Yes i can 
So she does so with great enthusiasm and without having to be told she started to mix everything together 
Y/N: look at you already getting ahead of mummy 
Asta started to giggle feel so proud of herself
Asta: now what do we do mummy 
You grab the already made pie crust and put it in front of asta 
Y/N: now we put the mixed and and we’ll baking it in the oven 
Asta then started pouring everything into the pie, but just as she was finished she look at the apple pie and thought something was missing 
Asta: mummy doesn't the pie need a top 
Just as she said that you realise you forgot that and were about to put it in with out one 
Y/N: your absolutely right baby thank you for reminding mummy 
Asta proud of helping her mum remember an important step puffs out her chest 
Asta: your welcome mummy 
You then help asta of the bench so she can watch you put the oven and once in she stare as the pie she help made wanting to watch the pie baking 
Y/N: sweetie is gonna be awhile till the pie bakes why do we set up the table for dinner and wait for daddy 
Hearing that her dad would be coming home tonight she runs to the cupboard to grab the plates and put them on the table then coming back and opening the drawer to grab the cutlery 
Just as she was finishing up making the table the doorbell rings, and hearing it makes you smile he was home again 
Asta: daddy home 
She sprints to the door and flings it open and on que loki was already squatting down ready to receive his daughters embrace 
Loki: Hello my little witchlit im home , how are you?, ive missed you so much 
He then starters to smother her cute cheeks in kisses causing asta to giggle uncontrolby
Asta: daddy stop that tickles
He then stops for a moment then gives her one finally big long kiss on the cheek and puts her down, as this was all happening you were looking at them with so much love from the dining room 
Once loki puts asta down he makes his way to you, cupping your face with both his hands
Loki: how have you been my love
Y/N: im been okay my love ive just missed you so much 
Tiptoes to meet his height you give him a long awaited kiss
Astra:can i give daddy a kiss too 
You break the kiss and go to pick up your little girl 
Y/N; of course you can sweetie 
Once carrying her you face her towards loki and she leans in and kissed loki on the cheek
Asta: we really missed you daddy 
Loki: and i have missed you both
Y/N: you must be tired why dont we all sit down for dinner, i made apple pie for deseret 
Lokis eyes light up in delight 
Loki: my favourtie darling you really didnt have to 
Y/N: it was no effort at all since i had help 
Loki looked at your surprised making he way to the dining table and taking a seat
Loki: and who he-
Before he could finish his sentence asta told him who
Asta: i did daddy 
Loki: you did?. Well now i know it will taste eve better 
Small time skip
As you were enjoying dessert and catching up with loki thers is  knock at the door, who could that be as yuo were about to get up loki stops you 
Loki: i got it my love you sit and eat 
Y/N; thank you my love 
Loki Pov 
Who could this be at this hour, i open the door im an greeted with a surprise it was the whole of the avengers infront of my door step
Loki: what are you all doing her 
Tony: what are you doing here?
Natasha: do you live here?
Steve: how long have you been living her?
As they were asking all these question i can hear Y/N getting up from her seating and making her way to the door 
Y/N: whos at the door my love 
I gave out a long sigh even though Y/N has known that i was part of the avengers i didnt want them to find out about her and luckily she was understanding of my reasoning of wanting to protect our family but also keep them away from these annoying bunch
She had shown interest and meeting them and i promised her i would but this was too soon and unplanned 
Y/N: ohh
She said in a surprised tone 
Loki: seems like we have some surprise visitors
Everyone look at Y/N with surprise and shock, everyone was silet for a moment but in tony fashion he decided to be the one to ask 
Tony: who that 
He point at Y/N, i gesture for Y/N to answer her self since i knew she wanted to do it herself, seeing her smile proudly she answers
Y/N: Im his wife 
Everyone eyes go wide in shock 
Everyone: you married
Reader POV 
You laughed at all their surprised face you always wanted to know what theyed all look like once they found out and it was just as good as you thought it would 
Y/N: Yes we are 
And on que you both show your rings 
Clint decided to speak
Clint: i've never seen you wear that ring before 
Loki chuckled and showed them that he put a glamour on the ring to make it look like he wasn't wearing one since he never wanted to take it off. You had told him you could for work but he wanted to it was the symbol of your love until your daughter was born and she become the greatest symbol of your love and as if on que she decided to pop her head to see what was taking us so long
She was shy either, walking up to the door and seeing her favourte super heros
Astra: Oh my gosh mummy, daddy it’s the avengers 
Everyones eyes widen in shock again
Everyone: daddy 
Thor: your married and have a daughter brother why didn’t you tell us 
Loki then gave them a guilty look knowing this was gonna be a long talk you decided to suher everyone in and to take a seat in the living room. As they were all talking you decided to put your daughter to sleep which was very hard since her heroes were all doesn stairs but you were stern and made sure she slept
Once asleep  you walk back downstairs to see everyone still talking
Clint: i know you did  this to protect them but we would have kept them safe too
Thor; indeed brother we would have 
Loki gave out a long sigh and you'd decided to walk to his taking his hand in yours fo support 
Loki : I know you would but we just wanted to to be just us for a while before they were exposed to this kind of life you know plus i know clint is in the same situation but they live somewhere farther but i just couldn't live that far from them. I know i have magic but if there were anything to happen to it i wanna be close just in case 
You decided to add in youe piece next
Y/N: he was just trying to protect us please dont be too cross with him 
Everyone look at one another and decided that it was not something worth being mad at 
Steve: your right. If i was in your shoes loki i would do the same 
Loki looked up at everyone happy that no one was disappointed ta him he was worried that he had lost their trust but knowing that it was for a good cause they understood 
Tony: so now that out of the way lets get to the good stuff… how did you two even meet 
You smiled at the memory of meeting loki it was as if fated intended it to happen 
Y/N: why dont we tell you over some apple pie we have some left over from dinner
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wowzah2nd · 5 months ago
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83K notes · View notes
wowzah2nd · 5 months ago
And just like that.. I’m back on my Bucky Barnes bullshit.
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wowzah2nd · 6 months ago
The Hidden member
Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Wordcount: 3k
When the umbrella academy returns to their time, they realize that things have changed, and strangers are now living in their home. A fight soon starts, which causes Five Hargreaves to blink out of the chaos. In doing so, he discovers a hidden room in the library's walls. Meeting someone unexpected.
Number five and the rest of his siblings seemingly appeared in their home everything seems to be back to normal finally he thought then a voice interrupted his thoughts and gained the attention of his siblings 
Slir Reginaled Hargreaves: i knew you'd return eventually 
Everyone turned to him in shock
Luther: your alive 
Reginaled: why shouldn’t i be 
Questioning the absurd statement 
Luther: your right i-im just happy that were all home and together again 
Everyone looked at Reginald suspicious this didn’t feel right to any of them something was off and it was just because their so called dad was alive now but something was definitely wrong 
Reginaled: home this isn't you home 
Everyone looked at him as if he’d gone mad of course this was their home five thought 
Alison: what are you talking about this is the umbrella academy  
Looking at her dad confused 
Reginaled: wrong again 
Everyone was staring at him how could they be wrong this was clearly their home. He then spoke again 
Reginaled: this is the sparrow academy 
Soon after his statement 7 figures appeared standing above them on the balcony of the living room.
Everyone turned around to face them diego retrieving his knifes ready to fight everyone seemingly getting ready to do the same thing. 
Then a voice from the balcony spoke 
Man: Dad who are these assholes?
Taking a better look at the man everyone soon realised who it was and were in shocked how could this be possible 
The umbrella academy: shit!!!
Klaus: ben 
Ben looked at the umbrella academy confused, everyone from the umbrella academy looking at him in shock and luther and klaus walking a bit closer to get a better look at him 
Luther: is that really you  
Diego then decided to yell
Diego and who are those weirdos on the balcony 
Reginaled: those are my children the sparrow academy 
(slight time skip)
Thing started to get heated in the sparrow academy quickly people yelling and screaming at each other but Five seems focused on trying to get the brief case 
Soon after a fight broke loose started from just a punch from ben. Which then water falled into both academies fighting one another. As this fight was going on someone was watching  them in a secret room behind a bookshelf within the library. Who was this person, well she was the academy's biggest secret.
The eighth member of the family Y/N Hargreaves 
as she stares at the umbrella academy using her powers she smiles
Y/N: welcome Umbrellas 
As she watches the two academies fight she notices one of them disappear with a blink of light. She was intrigued she knew he had a teleporting ability.
As she stared at the projection she has created watching the fight she wasn’t able to see what the other member of the umbrella academy was up to since she needs to follow them to allow the projection to split off to a separate person but since he had seemingly just poofed and gone she couldn't watch him anymore 
She was a bit sad about that she thought he was cute 
But then a thud in her room startled her causing her to lose focus and in toe the projection disappearing 
Y/N: damn it 
She turned from where she was looking to see what that sound was. It was only her supposed to be in this room, no one ever was in here or even visited her beside sloane.
The she saw him which cause her to stand up in joy 
Y/N: oh my goodness it's you 
This caused the boy to looked confused why was there a girl in this secret room by herself and about his age too
Boy: who are you 
This caused Y/N to pout 
Y/N: thats a bit rude to ask since your in my room 
He looked shocked 
Boy: your room?  more like it with the grade A holding cell with the locks they used on that door and the walls being so thick that only Luther could break them if he tried. 
y/n looked at him unfazed by his statement she knew why the room need to be like this it was for her safety but also the families too
Y/N: yeah it always been like this, haven't really left since forever 
He looked at her in shocked 
Boy:Are you serious 
Y/N: yeah…i mean of course when i was younger i shared a room with sloane but then one day i got moved 
This caused the boy to really look at her and ask again why a girl around his age seemingly locked up in a heavily fortified room seems like child abuse.
Boy: your not 13 are you 
She smiled seeing how fast he figured it out 
Y/N: technically my body stopped again at 6 but eventually i started to age normally again at mental age 23
This cause the boy to chuckle 
Boy: how is this even possible
y/n made a thinking face thinking if she should tell this strange boy about her self but her intuition was telling her she could trust him.
Y/N: weeeeell…its because of my powers i stopped aging 
The boy gave her a questioning looks how is that possible 
Boy: What are you powers exactly
Y/N: They are related to time in a sort of way such as this
y/n waved her hand creating a projection to the living room showing the two academies fighting 
Y/N: i can create live projections of places ive been to and see whats happening currently 
Boy: so pretty much a glorified security system 
That statement caused y/n to get angry, this caused her eyes to glow white and thing in the room started to shake 
Her outburst caused a wave of energy to realise it self from with in her breaking nearly everything in her room and even causing the boy to be blown back against a wall. After realising what she had done she started to panic
Y/N: og my goodness i am so so sorry i didnt mean to do that 
She then ran to the boy to check up on him kneeling infront of him helping him up then grabbing him from his face to his arms and cheking his legs if he’d been hurt 
Boy: Im fine dont worry about me but what was that 
y/n stepped away from the boy to give him some room but also out of embarrassment she literally just met him and shes already fawning over him 
Y/N: That was one of my energy burst when i get really upset or have a lot of repressed energy or even emotions if i don't let them out in a calm way or slowly or even somehow calm myself down that can happen.The room is pretty much to protect the family and myself 
The boy had a look around the room and nearly everything but the room itself was damaged 
Boy: you did a number on your room sorry 
Y/N: don’t be sorry i shouldn’t have yelled knowing my powers i should be more careful and don’t worry about my room i can fix that 
The boy look at her puzzled 
Boy: How?
y/n gave him a mischievous smile 
Y/N: like this..
Putting her hand out and open a white light emitted from it she then processed to move her hand from her right side to her left this then causing everything to go in reverse things that were shattered or broken started piecing them sleeves together until they were fully repared 
Y/N: Ta Da… that another one of my time related powers i can reverse time on items, places and even people. Places are a bit harder though the larger the area the harder but if it's a small area such as a room pretty easy even and item as well
 This new information intrigued the boy and was now curious about the part where you said you could do it on people too
Boy: you also said people how does that work
y/n tried to think of a way of explaining properly then just did her best 
Y/N: lemme give you an example 
She then proceed to grabs the boys hand and scratched with a small pocket knife she had grabbed near by
Boy: what the fuck
He then pulled his hand back 
Y/N: shut up and give me back your hand of you want that cut gone 
He proceeded to give it back and let her work. She then repeated what she did to reverse the room back to normal he was amazed watching his cut close
Boy: wow 
Y/N: i can pretty much reverse your body to how it was before the injury 
The boy was amazed people who didn’t know her powers would assume she was just healing but this was completely different she could reverse someone's body to how it looked or how it was to its original state before an injury. This got him thinking about her situation why was she still young
Boy: does this have any involvement of why your still 12
y/n was a silent for a moment most likely still traumatised from it 
Y/N: Yes…
The boy looked worried but he needed to know 
Boy: what happen?
Even though she was hesitant to tell him anything her intuition told her she could trust him
Y/N: It happened when I was 17 dad wasn’t satisfied with me just doing recon, cleaning up after giant fights or even “healing” the team he thought I could do better. So what best way to practise then on yourself he wanted me to practise ageing. 
This caused the boy to become more intrigued 
If I aged myself young or even old no one would suspect a sweet little girl or even an old lady nearby. It took awhile but I got there being able to age myself up or down. Once I had mastered both he became satisfied with how fast i was changing and wanted me to do it faster. 
Along the way I somehow got stuck at 6 while rapidly ageing and no matter how hard I try i was stuck. somehow dad broke me 
I assume it's due to how fast I was changing my cells, the rapid changing stretching them back and forth so much that they couldn’t handle it anymore. I honestly thought i was stuck but over the years dads research what happened and he found out that my cells were slowly repairing themselves took about 6 years for me to start ageing at a normal rate before that i was ageing at a snail's pace
Even thought she was trying to hide it he could see through the sarcasm and the jokes that she was in pain and that there was more t the story ‘
Y/N: The day that i stopped ageing was also the day i started having those energy burst due to the amount of frustration and rage building up not being able to age myself back…
y/n look at her hands nervous to continue but she knew she had to 
Y/N: it was in the training room my sibling could here me just screaming and yelling in frustration so they call came in 
Y/N Flash back 
Dad: Come on number 8 try harder 
Y/N: im trying dad 
She was starting to get even more frustrated and angry having tears in her eye 
Dad: stop crying, you are one of my children and my children are not weak NOW CHANGE BACK
Just as she said that her sibling had entered the room want to see what was happening causing them to be now in the blast zone 
Everything in that room and even the rooms near by were shattered broken it was a surpise that the room was standing. Everyone that was caught in the blast was blown away and injured 
Seeing what had happen y/n started to panic, she started look for her sibling through the rubbled luckily they were all okay with minor or mild injurys only ben getting the worst of it having shard of wood imbedded in him y/n decided to work fast before it was too late
Y/N: oh my god ben i am so sorry 
She knelt down to his level examining him for nay further injurys, but it was only the shard 
Y/N: Im going to pull it out okay if i done you body will reverse with the shard still there so it needs to be gone okay 
Ben look pissed but he knew she was the only one to save him right now so he let her work.
In her six year old body she pulled the shard as hard has she ensuring it all came out and then checking for any remaining shards after knowing for sure there was nothing she started to reverse his body as soon as the wound closed she signed with relief then hugged him.
But he pushed him off her in rage 
Y/N: what do you mean 
Y/N: B-but i didn’t mean for any of this to happen i didnt even though i could do this 
y/n looked around the room her sibling now staring at ben yelling at her marcus came by to try calm ben down but he wouldn’t making marcus to just pull ben away from the situation. Sloane then cam by to comfort her 
Sloane: hey you know i don’t think this i your fault this was obviously an accident 
Due to her age being much younger now sloane couldn’t help but baby her a little bit even though she knew they were still the same age mentally 
Y/N: i know
She said in a sniffled voice. Sloane then decided to hug her in comfort 
But ever since that day everyone except sloane had avoided her most likely worried she would caused another outburst over the smallest thing. Which did happen eventually  Even thought you were mentally 17 your body and brain was of a 6 year old so there were time over the years where outburst had happened and that was when dad decided to build that room for you 
Y/N: and thats how i got moved her. Once i started again properly it got easier to contain my outburst or prevent them by calming my self out or even realisimg the energy at a slowly and safely but sometimes it can still happen so i live for their safety 
That got the boy thinking bu you also said for you safety. By the way the room looked it was supposed to hold something either dangerous or of value 
Boy: you said before this was to pretect your family i understand why now but what is this room protecting you from 
This caused you the ause for awhile even though your intuitions said you could trust him you were still hesitant you knew nothing of him 
Y/N: I dont know anything about you so why should i tell you why im in here
The boy paused he didnt know if he could trust her but the possible information she help could really help or even slightly assist him 
Boy: fair enough what do you wanna know 
She smiled 
Y/N: everything 
He scoffed 
Boy: I dont have time for this 
y/n then grabbed his hand 
Y/N: but i do 
Light again emitted from her hands but this time her eyes glowed aswell but not as if she was about to cause an outburst but as if she was seeing things the boy just stared at her waiting for her to go back to her normal state and eventually she did 
Boy: what did you do 
Y/N: well if you have to know
She said in a sarcastic tone 
Y/N: had a look at your past 
Boy: what no. thats not possible 
Y/N: with me it is. I saw every single bit of your past even from when you were a baby five 
He looked at her shocked, she could definitely see his past 
Five: well shit i guess you can 
Y/N: and seems like you guys are going through it 
Five gave out a loud sign making his way to your couch and sat down y/n following and sitting down next to him 
Five: yup me are. But now that you know everything about me i need to know the other reason your in her 
After seeing his past y/n knew her intuition was right. But its never been wrong but seeing his past was just extra proof and an excuse to get to know him better. And without hesitation she told him 
Y/N: cause i can also see the future 
This cause fice to jump out of his seat and stare at where she was sitting 
Five: That impossible 
y/n then made a slight hissing noise as if to say okay maybe not the right way to say it 
Y/N: okay i can't see the future fully but i get bits and pieces from time to time and i got really good intuition about things that could happen. So its not fully seeing into the future more like saaaaay a sixth sense i just know feel if something is gonna happens nd sometimes i get picture or views of what it to happen and my job is just to piece together 
Five then looked at her with a squinted look 
Five: So that's why the old man keep you in here cause you can see the future i mean i get it you in the wrong hand is pretty bad but that can be just ot yes powerful but theres something else 
y/n then started to giggle in joying seeing that he can tell she was holding something back
Y/N: okay then you caught me but i dont wanna tell you so how bout i show you. Do you mind taking us to the fight 
Five looked concerned was she gonna help her family fight his or something else but he somehow trusted her 
Five: fine
He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and blinked them into the room seeing that both their familys were still fight and both familys noticing two children entered the room 
Umbrellas: FIVE
They all said at the same time but still didn’t stop fight 
Y/N: now lemme show you 
She then lifted her hand as if to point at something and pointed at a random spot in front of her 
Ben noticed what she was about to do but was too slow to stop her
Ben: Y/N N-
Y/N: Boop 
Ben was too far to even try and stop her but good effort she thought 
She then turned to face five who looked dumbfounded 
Y/N: I can also stop stop time but only for about 1 min and about anything in a 50m radius of me so they were like this for 1 min unless i unpause the whole area or specific people 
She then started to make her way to the umbrellas touching their shoulders to unpause them they all look shocked at her why was she helping the 
She then walked by to five 
Y/N: think of this as a thank you for getting me out of that room can’t really leave unless dad lets me out and I dont like using people as hostages when they come visit so you getting me out was my ticket out so thank you
They all looked at y/n surprised turns out five was right she was basically a prisoner 
Y/N: now you have about 30 sec before they unpause of their own so you all better get going
Five decided to listen to her and take his family and leave now left alone wither her family she turns around to face them knowing she only has a few secs to speak her mind uninterrupted 
Y/N: i'm not going back into that room you make me and ill purposly cause the biggest outburst youve seen and not help any of you understand so dont even try it 
They all unpause ben tried to go at her but marcus stopped him no wonder he was number 1 and ben wasn’t. Ben shrugged marcuses hand off and walked off everyone did the same no one wanting to interact with you but marcus and sloane stayed 
Marcus: Welcome back 
He then walked away. He was always the diplomat so he was neutral to everything that happen in the house so makes sense for him to welcome you back 
After that sloane cam running to you 
Sloane: Ohhh my goodness i'm so glad you finally out of that box ive missed you so much 
Even though Sloane didn't visit as much as she used to, y/n knew it was probably the cause of Dad or the others
Y/N: I'm glad i can be with you again sis
Sloane: me too
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wowzah2nd · 8 months ago
The Joys Of Marriage
Loki x Reader
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wordcount: 1.5k
In a realm where Alfheim and Asgard have been embroiled in a centuries-long war without knowing its cause, Princess Y/N L/N of Alfheim lives neglected and despised by her father, King F/N L/N. Despite being the eldest, her younger siblings receive affection while she is marginalized within the palace. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her father informs her of an arranged marriage to Loki Odinson, what will this marriage hold for the princess and prince?
For some reason, Alfheim and Asgard had been at war with one another for centuries to the point that the two current rulers, F/N L/N and Odin Borson had no idea what the fight was about. You could most definitely research what was the reason but you couldn’t be bothered. Why bother to help your father who barely cared for your existence?
In all honesty, you had no idea why your father hated you. He loved your sister, the youngest one Alara. She was elegant, sweet as can be at least to others. she saw you as lesser than her, then there was your brother Cohnal he was the middle child. He was always berating you saying “ how could you possibly be my sister”. Even though you were the eldest he was to be next in line for the throne which saddened you since it was supposed to be you to be heir to the throne.  Father had spoken to you when you were young about how you'd be an amazing ruler then one day just before your mother had passed that changed. You never knew why.   
The Day your mother died was the saddest day for you it felt like you whole world crumbled you of course attend the funeral and so did you father but he looked like he didn’t even want to be there. Soon after the funeral your father remarried and got her pregnant. She also hated you. 
 Over the years you've learned to accept and ignore their attitude towards you and accepted it. To help avoid any more conflict you were moved to the other side of the palace. At some point, people started calling you the forgotten princess and honestly, you wish they did so maybe you could run away and live somewhere more peaceful. But for some reason your father kept you around but you never knew why till today.
Today was the day the Alfheim and Asgard would create a peace treaty and  the meeting was to held in Alfheim. And for the first time in thousands of years your father visited you personally in your chambers.
you were reading next to the Window to better see your book but also because you occasionally liked to look up from your book to look at the view. That was one of the only things great about you being moved to the other part of the palace you had a beautiful view of your private garden. But your reading was disturbed by a knock at the door.
Man: May I come in 
Y/N: Enter 
as you watched the door open you were surprised to see it was your father. You quickly stood up as a sign of respect, even though you hated him for the years of neglect you rather not get banished or killed for treason.
Y/N: What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today father 
You could see on his face that he didn't wanna see you or even talk to you but you had a feeling that it there was a reason for it
F/N: You will attend today's peace treaty and attend the meeting 
Y/N: Why do I need to attend you've never needed or wanted me to attend any sort of event why now
he gave you a stern look that told you to shut up 
F/N: You watch your tongue child, or else...
Y/N: Yes father 
you were always scared when he got like this, but you really hated the fact that for thousands of years you never attend ball, public appearances or even family dinners but now he needed you it pissed you off
F/N: you need to attend because you have been arranged to marry one of the princes of asgard. More specifically loki odinson.
you started at him in shock you were arranged married with out your consent or even knowleged. you were just abotu to blow uo at his face till you calmed down and thought for a second. This was your chnce to leave this wreched palce to live a life away from a family the hated and dispiseed you. Even though you knew there could be a possiblity that you husband to be would hate you it couldnt be any worse then living with these people
Y/N: Very well i shall attend
your father looked at you surprised he was probably expecting you to kick and scream that you won't get married. This was easier than he thought.
F/N: ill see you this afternoon at the peace treaty signing 
After he had left you room you collapsed back into th chair you were sitting in and gave out a long sigh, this may be your only chance to leave this palace so you were a little excited for something knew.
Later that afternoon
Your personal maid had helped you to get dressed and then had lead you into the meeting room. Once there she left you to enter on your own. Before going in you took a long deep breath then knocked
F/N: Enter 
Even though no one had seen you in thousands of years people knew by the clothing as well as the tiara you wore that you were clearly one of the princess on this kingdom and rose as a sign respect.
Y/N: please no need to stand on my account please be seated 
Everybody listened and sat back down, you made you way to your father side there was no seat for you so you stood next to him as he spoke.
F/N:Today we sign this treaty as a sign that the war is over and that by signing it we agree that war between our kingdom is forbbidon and that if any of the rules in the treaty is broke then war shal resume.  Are we all in agreement
Everyone: YES!!
As your father signed the treaty he gave it to one of the knights in the room, where he took it from your father and walked to the other side of the table giving it to the man who you've seen in illustration in books as Odin. The knight placed the treaty in front of him and once placed it was signed then given to someone who you assumed was a notary from both your kingdom and theirs to verify the signing and announce the treaty has been officially signed and to inform both kingdoms.
The room erupted in cheer since an era of peace for both kingdoms was to start and that war would be no longer. Then you father stood up from his seat to announce something as well. You knew what was coming and gave a solemn look knowing that he only needed you for this and nothing more, you were nothing but a tool to the man.
F/N: And to further the peace between kingdoms my daughter Y/N L/N princess of the Alfheim kingdom is to marry Loki Odinson prince of Asgard to solidify the two kingdoms' union.
Odin gestured for his son to rise and for the first time you saw him and made eye contact with him he was beautiful and you felt bad for him having to marry someone like you. You felt as if something was wrong with you since not even your own family wanted you and now you were gonna be given to someone else. Odin told everyone in the room to leave besides yourself and lok saying “ let's allow the betrothed acquaint themselves with one another”. Everyone left but you and loki you knew he didn’t wanna be married off but seemed like he was doing this for a reason so before he could speak you spoke first.
Y/N: I’m sorry you have to marry  me. I can kinda tell this isn’t want you wanted and think that you had to do this cause of you father. Ill tell you this now i was too so i know how you feel.
He looked at me surprised most likely thinking i knew of this arranged meant and that it was him forced 
Loki: well im glad im not alone in this then 
You point to a seat and he made his way to the chair and sat down and you sat down next to him. Even though you had heard storieso of the prince he was different in person it seemed like he had changed in a way even though you didn’t know him personally but he wasn’t what the stories made him to be. 
Y/N: ill make you a deal my prince. If you promise to marry me and take me away from this place ill make you life a bit more interesting and make this life long sentence of marriage easier for us 
He looked at me shocked he didn’t think i was going to be so forward or even confident
Loki: oh really now and how would you do that…my princess 
You gave him a genuine smile seeing as he entertained your question you knew he’d marry you 
Y/N: well my prince i promise to fill you life with both mischief and joy 
At that he was silent the mischief part he loved but he never had anyone promise him joy all his life he was ignore by his father and lived in the shadows of his brother. This could be a somewhat enjoyable marriage
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Should i continue the story????
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wowzah2nd · 11 months ago
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
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A Siblings Dilemma
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5, part 4
word count: 2.9k
Everyone was still surprised to see you and Draco hanging out so often some were shocked, some had no opinion, somewhere even okay with it but there were other who definitely didn't agree or tolerate it.
After a few hours you ended up falling asleep even though there may have been a murderer hiding around the castle. You were still pretty tired but were also confident that if they were in the castle the professors would do everything to protect their students. After a long night you finally woke up as you were adjusting yourself you realised there was a hand over your hips, it was Dracos, you quickly had a look around to see if anyone had seen, luckily everyone was still asleep so you slowly took his hand off your hip. But as you were doing so Draco finally woke up and in a whispered voice greeted you a good morning.
Draco: Good morning there love You blushed as the nickname as always but more so being shy since what if someone saw Y/N: Draco what if someone sees or hears us
Draco: Don't worry were being quite plus no one is awake yet, plus i've never been able to wake up next to you before
At this point he had pulled you into his chest and buried your head into his chest so he couldn’t turn even more red. Which made him laugh seeing you so shy since you were always somewhat confident and outspoken.
Draco:If this is what my future looks like i can’t wait
You then pulled you face away from his chest to look up at him
Y/N: you’ve thought about having a future with me?
Draco: Of course I have, even before we dated I may have day dreamed a bit here and there
You giggled at his admission it was good to know he was as in love with you as you were with him
Y/N: let get up thought and maybe pull ourselves a part before someone sees
He gave out a reluctant sigh practically say “fine then”, you pulled yourselves apart
After a couple more minutes everyone started to wake up as well. Once everyone was awake everyone was given the okay to head back to their dormitories to get ready for classes for the day. One of the first classes you had was defence against the dark arts which as always you were excited for. Ater getting changed and readying your things for the day you head into the great hall to eat breakfast. You decided to sit with the twins Fred and George Weasley today since you were always friendly with them, same thing with Lee Jordan. As you sat down you were immediately bombarded with questions by the twins and lee as always was there for the show.
Fred: so i heard you in a bit of a tiff with your brother
George: His a bit of a git so i bet it was his fault
Fred and George: so what did he do?
He gave out a long sigh they were my friends so they did deserve to know
Y/N: they think that Draco's only friends with me to get to him, which i think is so self absorbed of him. He does know im a potter too right
The twins looked at each other then back at me
George: I mean it's strange he is friends with you
Fred: you gotta admit the serpent prince and our Lioness princess
Fred and George: An odd combo if you ask anyone
Fred: but knowing you, you know how to pick friends and if anyone did mess with you they get hell for it
George: So we definitely know he’s being friends with you cause he wants to
you were a bit annoyed that they agreed with Harry but if you looked at it from an outside view it did look a bit strange to gryffindor and slytherin friends. Unheard of,even though you hated the stigma it was so rude
Y/N: Well I'm glad you guys can at least see I know how to pick my friends but until Harry does i'm not speaking to him. Also can you guys stop calling me the Lioness princess you've been doing that for years now and people won't stop calling me that
They both laughed, at first the nickname was a joke towards your temper being like a lions but after awhile the nickname ended up sticking and now your stuck with it
Y/N: you two are insufferable
After finishing your food you notice draco had finished his as well and was making his way towards you
Draco: hey you done eating breakfast
Y/N: yeah i am, why?
Draco: wanna go to class together?
Y/N: Sure thing, let me grab my things
You picked up your bag and said goodbye to the twins as you were getting up from the table. You noticed everyone's faces from your house in shock that draco came to you. You weren’t really bothered but you were bothered at the expression you brother was making. If he'd just apologise things would go back to normal
As you were walking to your class Draco was looking around as if checking if anyone was following you two. Once he knew no one could see you he gave you a quick hug and kiss on the forehead
Y/N: what was that for
Draco: can’t i just miss my girlfriend
Y/N: you were literally just cuddling with me this morning
Draco then gave you a look that said yes and, you gave out a sigh he was just so silly and you loved it
Y/N: whatever i missed you too anyway
You then got on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek
Draco: i think you missed love
Y/N: what did i miss
You said teasingly, draco was clingy at times which would surprise anyone if they knew, draco then grabbed your waist to pull you closer to him
Draco: A proper kiss on the lips
You gave out a sarcastic sigh, but complied and gave him a kiss on the lips, once you pulled away you could see his stupid grin starting to form
Y/N: come on let's head to class before YOU make us late
You walked ahead of him, he waited a bit before following after him
As you entered the class, you knew something was off since professor Lupin wasn’t there to greet the class, as everyone got into their seats while sitting next to draco. You were surprised that professor Snape had entered the class. He walked towards the front of the class closing all the windows to darken the room, soon as he wa front and centre he let the students know
Snape: turn to page 394
Timeskip ( brought to you by my laziness)
To say the class was quite odd was an understatement.
You and draco left the class wondering why you had to write about werewolves when the topic wouldn’t come up till a week from now. Then snape gave you homework to write 2 rolls worth of parchment about werewolves. It really ticked you off. After classes had finished for the day draco asked you take spend time with him at the astronomy tower and who were you to deny him of your company, you laughed a bit. Dinner was now over and you made your way towards the astronomy tower. You knew draco was already there so you tried to hurry as to not make him wait any longer as you got up to the top you noticed some lights and as you got closer you say a blanket with some pillows as well as some lit candles around it. And there you saw draco standing there waiting for your arrival
Draco: Surprise
Y/N: w-whats all this
Draco: well i thought i would do something nice for you, i know your still a bit sad about your brother so i thought i'd cheer you up
You were left speechless at the scene everything was beautiful and perfect and you couldn't ask for anything else
Y/N: thank you darling this means so much to me, you have no idea
Draco: i'd do anything to make you happy love
The whole night you just star gazed and talked about what you wanted to do once you were older and a little bit about the future. Which excited you a lot for what was to come next. As the night went on it was starting to get late and you had to part way, you helped draco pack everything up and put it all away in an enchanted back he had that could fit it all in. He also decided to walk you back to you common room.
Y/N: thank you for tonight draco i loved every bit of it
Draco: anything to make you smile like that everyday my love
Luckily for you when you went back to your common room, everyone was asleep which saved you time from explaining where you had been. But for Draco it was a different.
Draco Pov
After a wonderful evening with y/n i headed back to my common room expecting everyone to be asleep i made no attempt to sneak in but i was sorely mistake when i see pansy arms crossed sitting on one of the couches.
Pansy: where have you been
I gave out an annoyed sigh
Draco: that not really you business pans
Pansy: You were out with her weren’t you?, why are you always spending time with her she’s a filthy mudblood
As I was heading to my dorm room I stopped as soon as i heard what pansy said and turned around and marched towards her and got right up her face.
Draco: don't you ever call her that again, i don't care what you call anyone else but you do not call her that ever and if i ever hear you or anyone for that matter call her that i will personally deal with you myself
She looked at me shock and confused as to why i would defend her, if she knew i could be in big trouble or worse y/n could get hurt
Draco: no buts or else
She didn't say anything after that i assumed she got the message but i would be sorely mistaken later on.
Y/N Pov
it was now the next day and today was the quidditch match, it worried you a bit since you brother was playing in such bad weather and even though you two were in a fight you still worried of his safety
as the game went on you noticed that harry had found the snitch and was heading far up into the sky to try and catch it to the point he was no longer in view it was a while till you noticed he was falling. everyone was gasping seeing harry fall and you thought your brother wasn't going to make it but thank merlin Dumbledore casted a spell to allow for him to slowly decent onto the ground. harry was immediately take to the hospital wing and you followed along everyone else.
you were waiting for a bit until he had finally woken before anyone could say anything you flung yourself to your brother
Y/N: i thought i had lost you was so worried for you
harry a bit shock you were there did hug you back
Y/N: hey, are you okay does your head hurt, did i hurt you, maybe i should be madam pompfrey
But before i could the twins grabbed me
Fred: i think his fine
George: just think his a bit in shock seeing you here since
Fred: yeah know, your fighting
duh no wonder he was surprised but it kinda made you sad why wouldn't he think i wouldnt be there for him even though you were fight he was your only family of course your would be there for him. but the moment of silence was broke by ron being ron
Ron: he looks a bit peaky doesn't he
Fred and George ( cause i can't tell them apart) peaky?, what do you expect?, he fell over 100 feet, come on Ron lets walk you off the astronomy tower and see what you look like
Y/N: stop it you three
Fred,George and Ron: Sorry
Y/N: hey how are you feeling
Harry: never better
he said in a sarcastic tone
Y/N: seems like your alright if you can joke about
you started to laugh, but harry didn't seem to be in a joking mood
Harry: What are you doing her any way
this left you a bot speechless, same with everyone else in the room
Y/N: i came her to see if my BROTHER was okay, i was worried
He scoffed
Harry: well as you can see i'm okay, you can go now
you just stared at him in shocked, is he being serious right now he nearly died and he wants to shoo me off
Harry: are you deaf, GO
You picked you thing and left, with tears in your eyes, Hermione tried to follow you but you heard harry tell her to let you go and she did, some friends you had
after that you went straight to your room and found the book Draco had gifted you to talk to him when ever you couldn't find him in person
Book Pov Y/N: Draco where are you Draco: in my common room, why? Y/N: i really need to see you please Draco: come to the Slytheirn common room entrance ill wait for you there Y/N: okay ill see you soon
you shut the book and grabbed some stuff to maybe sleep over if you could as well as thing you may beed for the next day, you ran to the Slytherin common room and once the entrance was in view you saw draco standing there waiting for you. once you saw him you immediately ran into his arm bursting into even more tears
Draco: what happen?
Y/N: my brother h-he-
Draco: hey hey hey, deep breathes
you did what he said and suddenly you felt like you could breathe again, you didn't even realise you were struggling to breath
Draco: before you tell me what happen why don't we go to my dorm and talk there
you didn't respond only nodded
he lead your through the common room and you were both getting lost of stares especially from pansy but you didn't care, you had no energy to care right now. once you were in his dorm he lead you towards his bed and sat you down
Draco: Now tell me what happen
he took a seat right next to you wrapping his arms around you for comfort
Y/N: he pushed me away, even though i was so worried that he could have died he pushed me away and told me to go... he could have died and he decided to let this fight still go on and be petty
you started to cry again. draco wasn't to sure what to say so instead he comforted you by hugging you and gave you forehead kisses
Y/N: can i stay her for tonight
Draco was about to ask you if you wanted to but seems like you beat him to it
Draco: of course you can
but then something else made you re think the idea even thought you were ready for a sleepover
Y/N: wait what about your roommates
Draco: i don't have any
you swiftly turned your head to look at him shocked and surprised, you then decided to have a look around the room and he was right he had no roommates it seemed he had a room to him self. having a queen size bed, a bed bench, his own closet, fire place and couches
Y/N: must be nice having rich boy privileges
you said with a bit of a laugh, hearing you joke made Draco happy since it showed that you were starting to be okay again but he coudl still hear the sadness in your voice
Draco: it had its perks
after just sitting on his bed and hugging him you both decided it was time to get some sleep, crying really made you tired Draco insisted you take his bed which made you feel bad, you tried to tell him you both could share it but was told that he had nosey friends who didn't know how to knock. you both didn't wanna risk the relationship being outed so you decided this was the best way to go.
Before going to bed him self he sat onn the bed next to you while you were laying down
Draco: you know i love you right
Y/N: of course i do, why would you say that?
Draco: i'm worried that you might start thinking that i dont after what harry said, and i just wanted to reassure you before had that i do, and i won't stop loving you for any reason
you put your hand to gently cup his cheek and started to stroke it lovingly
Y/N: how did i get so lucky to have someone like you love me
Draco: i don't know, must be fate i guess
you both laughed at the statement, you cupped the back of his neck to pull him in for a goodnight kiss
Y/N: i love you Draco
Draco: i love you too Y/N
after that you fell right asleep, Draco kissed your forehead then made sure you were warm and covered with his blanket before making his way to the couch to rest for the night.
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wowzah2nd · 11 months ago
"I'm Glad I Did"
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
WordCount: 4k
You and Draco have been married 19 years now, but the start of your relationship did have a bit of downs but eventually you life started to look up as the years went on and you both couldn't be happier.
You and draco have been married  for 19 years now, it was rough in the beginning of your relationship, especially being in different houses. Him being in slytherin and you being in hufflepuff. You were a pureblood that was from overseas and moved to hogwarts in your 5th years that was when you first met.
Quick flash back 
 You were walking down the hall rushing to the library, you woke up a bit later than usual and were running late to meet a friend to help with their homework. As you were running you bumped into someone
Boy: watch where you going
 He then got up, as he was getting up you followed him with your eyes till they met him, you stared at them for a long time admiring them till you snapped out of it.
Y/N: oh my goddess i am so so sorry i wasn’t watching were i was going and i didnt mean to run into you
You saying all this while trying to pick up tha books you had ended up you then look up at him again this time he was the one staring at you causing you to panic
Y/N: oh my gosh is there something on my face
You rubbing your face trying to get whatever you thought may be stuck to it, then looking back at him 
He then started to blush realising he had been caught staring at you 
Boy: n-no i was just looking to see if you needed help
That made you stop panicking, you saw his robes after you bumped, you knew they were green which surprised you even more he would wanna help you
Y/N: you wanna help me?
Boy: Y-yeah it was also my fault i was really looking either 
He then knelt in front of you to help pick up you books, you couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in your chest when he help you
You then saw him look up at you causing you to look down and continue picking up your books. Once all your books were picked up you got up and so did he then handing you books back to you.
Y/N: thank you for the help
Boy: no worries it was the least i could do
 He was about to walk away before you stopped him 
Y/N: HEY, could i get you name you never told me 
Boy: you don't know who I am 
He said in a confused tone as if i was suppose to know it 
Y/N: sorry i'm new here so i don’t know everyone in my year yet,
He then made a face in relation as if the pisces just started to fit together 
Boy: no wonder i didn't recognise you, you new duh?
He started to laugh at himself but you decided to stop him since he still hadn’t answer your previous questions 
Y/N: you still haven’t told me your name stranger  
You giggle at him 
Boy: oh right, My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Y/N: well thank  you Draco Malfoy for your help 
You then put out you free hand to give him a hand shake
Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N nice to meet you 
End flashback 
That was the first time you had met him and you both admitted it was both the best days of your life and the most life changing. Over the years you got to know each other more and more and since you were pure blood it was easy to talk to him. Most of the Syltherin didn’t mind you coming around but some did give you looks such as Pansy Parkinsons. You really hated her. She always had something to say to you, even though you were nothing but nice to her.
Your mother always taught you to never let anything get to you and if someone was bullying you to always kill them with kindness. But that never alway ways worked. One particle day really got you and you didn't leave you room the whole day not even for classes which worried draco
Flash back 
Draco Pov 
Apparently Draco had been looking for you and came all the way to the hufflepuff common room to try and look for you. Even waiting for a hufflepuff near the entrance to get to you since he wasn’t friends with anyone from your house besides you. He  stoped a hufflepuff girl and ask about you
Draco: Hey, by any chance do you know Y/N L/N 
Girl: Yeah ofc everyone knows her, why?
Draco: i just haven't seen her all day and im getting worried 
The girl then made a nervous face, saying that she knew where you were 
Draco: w-what happen to her you clearly know
Girl:... she been in her room all day we don’t know what's wrong she won’t talk to anyone from any year and the whole house is worried about her 
Draco then made a worried expression what could have happened to you to make you stay in your room all day 
Draco: can you please let me in i need to see her and see if she's okay 
The girl thought for a moment then decided to let draco in, probably knowing you two were friends. No one would stop talking about the slytherin prince always hanging out with the sweet hufflepuff princess
The girl knocked on the barrel as the password and let draco in, she then let draco up into the girls dormitory and led him to Y/N rooms
Y/N pov
You were laying face down on the bed eye still full of tears, you havent been able to stop crying all day. Usually you didn’t let anything bother you this much but this one particular thing really got you and you were doubting yourself more then ever 
As you were crying you hear a know at the door, thinking it was another hufflepuff house mate being worried you tried to shoo them away 
Y/N: please go away i said i was fin 
The knocking stopped but a voice you recognised surprised you 
Draco: Hey, it me i've been worried about you all day can i please come in to see you 
You contemplated not letting him in but in the end you decided there was no point fighting it. Anyone could have unlocked your room but everyone was too considerate to try but draco with all the worry you could hear in his voice you knew he’d come in either way 
So you got out of bed, made your way to the door, unlocked it then headed back to laying facing away from the door . Draco immediately entered the room and looked around to find you laying in your bed. He made his way towards you and decided to sit down in your bed
Draco: what's got you all down in the dumps love
You always had a weakness for the nickname he gave you 
Y/N: nothing you should be worrying about, you can go now 
You still won’t look in his direction trying to hide the tears flowing from your eyes, at this point draco was more worried than ever so he decided to get in your personal space. He grabbed you shoulder softly and encouraged you to face him.
And you didn't really didn’t have it in you to fight him off so you turned to face him. ONce he saw the tear in your eye his heart broke and he leaned down towards you and gave you a hug and you gave him a hug back and ended up crying even more.
Draco: What happened to love?
Y/N: you’ll think it’s stupid 
You said still crying 
Draco: nothing you ever say will be stupid to me 
You stayed silent for a bit and draco waited patiently for you to tell him 
Y/N: someone came up to me yesterday asking why someone like you would want to hang around me. I tried to defend myself by saying we're friends but then she said no that can’t be it's probably because I'm your pet since I seem to follow you around. 
You decided to sit up and sit next to him but you couldn't look him in the eye, scared that maybe you were just a pet to him. There was always a saying that every slytherin had their pet hufflepuff and maybe you weren't friends. Maybe you were just a dumb pet.
Draco then gently held you chin and pulled it to face your face so that you now facing him,  the expression he was showing wasn’t one of malice but one of someone who was really worried and cared for you 
Draco: Who said this?
Y/N: I dont wanna tell you
Draco: please tell me love who said this to you 
You paused for a moment contemplating in the end you told him 
Y/N: it was your friend Pansey 
Draco got up from where he was sitting and started to pace angrily, you thought he was mad at you so you decided to apologise for telling him, that made him stop pacing and kneeled in front of you
Draco: I'm not mad at you love i could never be mad at you. I'm mad that my own friend called you my pet, you are not my pet. You're not my pet, you my dearest friend.
It made you happy to hear you weren't some pet to him but you were also sad that he only saw you as a friend since if you had to tell the truth you were madly in love with him ever since you first bumped into him. You looked draco in the eye and noticed he was getting a bit nervous and this worried you 
Y/N: draco are you okay you look nervous, did io do something 
Draco immediately looked back at you 
Draco:no no you didn’t…i just don’t know if i should tell you something 
You gave out a sigh of relief that you didn’t do anything wrong but you were still worried for draco 
Y/N: draco you know you can tell me anything, you worried ill get mad, sad or uncomfortable you'll never make me feel that way so please whatever you gt too tell me get it off your chest
Even though you were worried what he had to say to you, what you said was true you'd always be there for draco no matter what especially how he had been here for you today 
Draco took a deep breathe then spoke 
Draco: y/n l/n i've been in love with you ever since i first laid eyes on you and i would like for you to be my girlfriend. But if you don't feel the same i will gladly stand by your side as your friend  
That left you speechless for a moment then pure joy and happiness just flowed through you body that you flung yourself to draco giving him the most bone crushing hug. You then pulled away and gave him a passionate kiss you've always wished for. You pulled away making eye contact with draco giving him the biggest smile you've ever given. Even bigger when he had given you a puffskein for your birthday 
Draco: i'll take that as a yes then
Y/N: 100 times yes i'll be your girlfriend and also i've loved you since that day too draco i really have 
You both just sat on the floor looking at each other happily until draco broke the silence 
Draco: come on let's head to dinner i think it just started and i dont think you've eaten all day 
You couldn’t say anything just out of pure happiness so you nodded, he took your hand lead you out of your room towards the great hall and the whole way there you never let go of his hand and he never made an attempt to stop either. Once you got to the great hall you were about to let go of his hand and head towards the hufflepuff table but before he could he spoke
Draco: Would you wanna come and sit with me?
Even though you've known draco for a year now you've never sat with him feeling you weren’t welcomed by his friend’s so this surprised you 
Y/N: Are you sure? 
Draco: of course i'm sure, now come on let's get you something to eat
He led yo9u towards the slytherin table which caused most people in the great hall to start looking your way and to whisper to each other especially the slytherin’s. Once you sat down draco started to make your plate which you thought was so sweet since he remembered your favourite food. Once he made you plate he gave it to you so you decided to start eating you noticed he wasn’t so you decided to give him some of your food 
Getting some of your favourite food you decided to feed him, and he gladly accepted which made you smile. But the moment was ruined by someone slamming their hand on the table which got yours and draco’s attention 
Pansey: What the hell is she doing here?
She looked at draco then turned to you to speak 
Pansey: And what are you doing feeding my dracy huh? 
You didn't wanna start a fight so you stayed slightly. You were still upset about what she said so you didn't really wanna look at her. Draco seeing that you were getting upset again decided to stand up for you 
Draco: pansey what is wrong with you speaking to her like that 
Pansey: b-but dra-
Draco: no buts pansy your not allowed to treat her like that, especially now that she’s my girlfriend
Hearing this your turned back to look at draco, you thought you'd have to keep the relationship a secret since draco was always a prideful person but guess you were wrong
Pansey: t-thats a lie why would you be with her a not me a pureblood whos in slytherin 
Draco: because pansy she's a sweet,kind, caring person who is considerate for everyone even slytherin’s. And your a cruel and bitter obsessive person who doesn’t understand i will never be with you
At that last sentence pansey started to cry and ran out of the great  hall, everyone in the room was left speechless even you but draco wasn’t done
After that he sat back down next to you and all you could do was stare at him, after that day you knew he truly loved you 
As the years went on things never got easy especially during the war draco had to be with his parents and you understood that and never got mad at him for it. Even after the war was over people still looked at him as a death eater but you never did and you always told him.
Once the war was over draco found you and asked you to marry him and you said yes. The time apart you spent when he was on the other side broke you and made you realise you couldn't live without him 
Married life was amazing. Instead of moving into malfoy manor draco got a cottage in france where you could live in peace, far from people who may still have malice for draco or death eaters who may want revenge.  Draco's mother was always supportive of the marriage seeing that you did some good for him but his father never approved of you even though you were pure blood he just saw you as a lowly hufflepuff.
But with Draco's constant love and reassurance it never got to you again and you both lived happily.  Draco became a position master and opened a shop in hogsmeade to sell potions to people who are in need and people are always referred to him when they need a potion. As for you you opened a herbologiest and botanist opening a store where you would grow and sell plants. Which worked really well with your husband's store, you were always his go to supplier.
After 8 years of working and marriage you both finally decided to have a child since you were both feeling ready and more than financially stable. 9 months later scorpius malfoy was born he had his father's hair for sure but he had your eyes draco said.
Having scorpius kept you busy meaning you had to hire people for your store which sadden you a little bit since you wouldn't be working as often but you didn't mind if it mean more time with your son. As soon as scorpius was able to walk draco bought him his first broom which you were mad about but you later got over seeing how happy scorpius was.
5 years later you found out you were pregnant again which excited scorpius so much seeing as he always wanted a sibling mainly a little brother but you had to tell him that it might be a sister.
Scorpius: what do you mean he might be a girl, i want a brother not a sister 
Y/N: i know you do sweetie but i can’t control if we have a boy or a girl so you have ot wait a see 
After hearing we couldn't do anything about the gender he sat in his room sulking for a bit until he heard his father come home. Immediately he forgot all about it.
As the month went by, Scorpius was more open to the idea of a sister but he still wanted a brother. But you a draco didn’t mind as long as the baby was healthy
9 months later a baby girl named  Astra Malfoy was born, she also had a malfoy hair which you were not surprised about the gene was just too strong not to come through. As soon as you got the okay to go home you immediately wanted to introduce her to scorpius.
Y/N: Hey, darling do you mind getting scorp so we can introduce him to Astra 
Draco: of course love 
He gave you a kiss on the forehead before heading upstair to grab scorp, you immediately heard little footsteps running from upstair to the stairs then they stopped right in front of you 
Y/N: hey there sweetie ready to meet your baby sister 
Scorpius: It's a girl?
Y/N: yeah she is i hope that's okay
You immediately lowered yourself so that scorpius could see Astra and the moment he say her you knew he didn’t mind at all. 
19 years after the war
Today scorpius  was heading to hogwarts and to say he was excited was an understatement 
Scorpius: come on mom were gonna be late 
He said as he was pulling you hand trying to make you move quicker
Y/N: we can't go through the wall just yet scorp we have to wait for your father, you know he wants to go through with you 
As you both were waiting for Draco and Astra scorps excitement turned into worry 
Scorpius: hey mom, do you think ill make any friends 
As little sad scorpius thought he wouldn’t make any friends, you knelt down to his height to look him in the eyes as you talk
Y/N: of course you’ll make friends scorp, you the most funny, amazing and fun kid to be around who wouldn’t want to be your friend
At hearing you words he started to smile more but his smile grew even wider when he looked behind you 
Draco: what happening here
He said as he put Astra down, even though she was 6 years old she's still a daddy's girl 
Y/N: i was just telling our amazing son here that he doesn’t need to worry about not making friends cause he’s so amazing 
Draco then looked at scorpius and knelt down to his height 
Draco: your mother is right you know any kid would be lucky to be your friend 
Scorpius smiled again then gave draco a big hug
Draco: well be better be going through that wall now before we miss your train son 
And just like that they got ready with the trolly, scorpius looked scared to go through but draco encouraged him and told him they would do it together and just like that they disappears throught the wall.
Astra looked at the wall amazed 
Astra: where did they go mummy 
Y/N: they went to platform and 9 ¾  and we should be going too 
Astra looked worried too but you told her she would be find and that you'd hold her hand as you went through 
Y/N: let's get a running start okay 
Astra: okay 
So you both decided to run through the wall and once through the nostalgia and wonder hit you once again. Seeing the train once again was magical and it made you nearly tear up 
Astra: wow this is amazing mummy, did you get to ride the train too 
Y/N: yes i did and so did your father, but let's go find them so we can say bye to your brother 
As you were trying to find your husband and son you saw so many familiar faces even though you weren't friends with all of them a lot of them remembered you which was heartwarming to think you made such an impact in their life that they’d remember you. 
Walking through the crowds of students and parents saying goodbye you finally found them 
Y/N: getting on the train before saying goodbye to your dear mother 
Scorpius started to laugh at you silliness 
Scorpius: i would never dream of it mum 
He then walled up to you giving you a big bone crushing hug and you returned it with a kiss on the head 
Scorpius: i already said bye to dad and told him i'll miss him. But i'm gonna really miss you too mum 
Y/N: and i'm gonna miss you so much too sweetie we both will, just promise me not to get into too much trouble 
Scorpius gave you a mischievous grin telling you that he probably wasn’t going to keep the promise long 
Scoprius: of course mum i will 
After giving him one last hug and draco giving him one too, Astra decided it was her turn to say bye as well
Astra: im going to miss you 
Scrpous: and ill miss you too 
Astra started to cry which broke your and draco’s hearts, but scorpius being a good brother that he is comforted her 
Scorpius: dont worry Astra i promise to write you every week and ill also be coming back for the holidays so don't cry so much okay 
Wiping her tears away she say’s
Astra: do you promise 
Scorpius: I promise 
After saying goodbye the train's whistle started to sound indicating it was time to get bored, you watched as Scorpius got on the train and found a sit waving to you as the train left. After all the struggles you and draco had you finally had your happily ever after with two beautiful kids 
Draco picked up Astra and held your hand indicating to head home 
Y/N: do you think he’ll be okay 
You say looking at draco
Draco: i think he’ll do heart, he has his mothers kindness and patience as well as his father amazing good looks
At that comment you started to laugh, your daughter was a it confused as to why you were laughing but she smiled at the comment 
Astra: why are you laughing mummy, daddy is very handsome
Y/N: i know sweetie, he is but let's not say it to much or else daddy might get a bigger forehead
Draco gave out a fake offended gasp as if saying you really did hurt his feelings but you knew he was being dramatic 
Draco: hey you chose to say yes when i asked you to marry me 
Y/N: and i'm glad i did 
At that you gave him a kiss on the lips which caused Astra to giggle
Astra: you two love each other very much 
Draco: yes we do my little star we do 
Y/N: and we love you and your brother too
The End
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wowzah2nd · 11 months ago
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
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Concealed emotions p2
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5
word count:2.4k
Within Hogwarts many secretes and mysteries were held some solved and discovered. The castle may hold many secretes but within those wall were student holding their very own secrets. Y/N potter being one of them holding a secret that would shock not only her brother and friends but the whole school it self. What is that secret you may ask well. She was dating non-other the Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy
As me and draco made our way towards the class I noticed other students heading that way as well but as they were walking past I heard a conversation about Sirius black. They must have talked about it after we left.
As we made it to the door of the class room I noticed Harry and the other waiting by the door. The classroom was clearly open but I guess he was waiting for me. As soon as he noticed me he made his way to try and talk to me 
Harry: I am so sorry you felt neglected for the past three years y/n i really had no idea i also wanna apologise for making everything about myself and never thinking of you 
I looked at him surprised that he apologised so fast. I thought he would have sulked or felt too proud to apologise but maybe I was wrong. I decided to give him a hug to show him i forgave him
Y/N: thank you for apologising harry that really mean a lot to me 
Harry then looked at me happily and excited 
Harry: does that mean we can go back to normal again 
Y/N: yes harry we can 
I was excited to go back to normal until he had to say something so stupid that i was lost for words 
Harry: does that mean you'll stop being friends with draco cause ill-
I cut him off immediately 
Y/N: Are you seriously asking me that question right now? NO i won't stop being friends with him he has literally done so much for me and to just drop him like that is so unthinkable. You asking me this is so unthinkable 
Harry: B-but I thought you were only friends with him because you needed attention. I'm trying to say that I'll pay better attention to you so your really don’t need him. 
I scoffed i cant believe that he somehow turned my problems back on to him how typical of the chosen one 
Y/N: I didn't become friends with him because of that. I became friends with him because he was a genuinely kind and caring person. I'm friends with him because he knows how to trat me as a human being. I'm friends with him because he is genuine unlike you who only come to spend time with me if you need something or if i'm being nice to draco
I took a long deep breathe before continuing 
Y/N: you know what harry i take back what i said i don't forgive and i don't think i will for a while not until you understand that i'm friends with draco cause i want to and not cause i needed attention or to get back at you 
I grab draco hand and head into class
Y/N: let go draco i don't wanna hear anything else he has to say 
Just as we entered the class had began and we decided to stay at the back with the slytherins they looked  at me and draco confused as to why we were together
Pansey: what are you doing here potter shouldn’t you be with , the mudblood, the povo and your ugly twin brother 
I was about to lunge at her when draco grab my shoulders i looked at him and was about to ask why he stopped me but then he answered 
Draco: PANSEY!! Shut up and don't say shit like that again especially around her
Pansey: B-but draco why do you even care huh, we say stuff like this all that time
Draco: Cause shes my friends and she'll be hanging out with us for awhile soi if i hear that shit again you’ll be sorry 
She looked shocked but agreed. She’s always had a crush on draco but he was never interested in her not once at one point i was jealous at the amount of time she’d tried to touch him but lucky me he always pushed her off and he always reassured me that there was never anything there and it was all one sided 
After that interaction we look towards the front the the class to listen to Professor lupin he was the new defence against the dark arts teacher and honestly i've only heard good things about him, every year level love him and how he taught the class it made people actually pay attention 
Professor Lupin: intriguing isn’t it
Everyone stared at the moving cupboard scared at its erratic movements 
Professor Lupin: does anyone want to guess what's inside 
Dean: that a boggart isn’t it 
Professor Lupin: that correct Mr Thomas
The cupboard moved again cousin everyone to jolt due to the loud sounds it kept making 
Professor Lupin: now can anyone tell me what one looks like
Hermione: no one knows sir, boggarts are shapeshifters and take the shape of whatever the person fears most. That what makes them most-
I wondered when did she get her i could have sworn i would have saw her enter the class 
 Professor Lupin: terrifying yes yes yes, luckily there is a charm for that to repel the boggart and let practice it now 
Everyone was about to get there wands but were told to practise the charm without it first 
Professor Lupin: after me, Riddikulus 
Everyone else repeated what he said then the boggart shock again causing everyone to move back a bit
Professor Lupin: again please and a little bit louder 
Everyone: Riddikulus
I think draco knew i was still a bit upset at what harry said so he decided to pop a joke
Draco: This class is Ridiculous
At that i elbowed him in the side
Y/N: Draco shhhh 
He looked at me with a smile knowing he got me to stop thinking about harry for a bit 
The class went on as normal and professor Lupin decided to ask Neville to be the first one to demonstrate how the charm works. 
Which was a hilarious experience to see, when asked what he feared the most he had answered professor snape causing everyone to laugh and Professor to joke about how he frightened all. After that he was told to imagine professor snape in his grandmother's clothes.
Once Neville had done that professor Lupin released the boggart which then turned into professor snape which scared neville, Professor lupin reminded him to think then neville spoke the charm, the next thing we saw was professor snape in neville's grandmother's clothes.
After that Professor Lupin put on some music to lighten the mood a bit more and make the class more fun with everyone lining up to take turns. Some people in the class had normal fears such as spider, clowns but there were a few odd ones such as a duck. Once it was Harry turn everyone was waiting in anticipation thinking it would be voldemort but was mistaken once a dementor appeared 
Lupin then jumped in front of Harry causing the dementor to change into a moon, this puzzled you why would he fear the moon. But soon after class had been dismissed, He then asked everyone to collect their books before leaving.
As you were collecting your textbook with Draco and his group you decided to look back, you saw Harry staring at the cupboard, you wanted to talk to him and tell him not to worry too much but you were still very angry at him.
It was now the weekend and you were excited till you remembered your permission slip hadn’t been signed due to some arguments with uncle vernon. As you were sitting near the exit to the castle look at everyone who had their permissions signed head off, Draco saw you and was confused why you were going with everyone else
Draco: Hey y/n, why aren't you going off with everyone else 
Usually he would use his pet name for you but since you were out in public he probably opted out of using it 
Y/N: Cause i didn’t get my permission slip signed my brother and i kinda had a fight with our uncle so we never got him to sign it 
Draco: oh the sucks, is there anything i can do to help
As he finished his sentence his friends came by to see what was happening 
Crabe: hey draco what are you doing 
Goyale: Yeah what's taking so long 
Before Draco could speak i decided to speak for him
Y/N: Hey you should go dont worry about me ill figure something out 
Draco: are you sure i don’t have to go i can hang out with you in the castle 
You smiled at the kind gesture
Y/N: Draco it’s fine really go have fun 
Draco: okay if you say so ill see you around 
Draco wasn’t usually sweet in public with you but since the word had gone out that you were now friends he decided to act nicer. He’d always express his hate about having to act slightly mean to you but you always told him it was fine.
But ever since people found out you were now “friends” he's been much happier being able to be nice to you in public 
While everyone was at Hogwarts you decided to get some work done in the library. After a while it got pretty boring for you so you decided to take a walk. Somehow your walk caused you to end up at the bridge and there you saw professor Lupin by himself. For some reason he felt familiar to you 
Y/N: hello there professor
Lupin: Ah Miss potter, i just spoke with you brother not a bit ago 
That made you a bit tense hearing his name 
Lupin: I heard you two are having a bit of a tiff
Y/N: More than just a tiff, he thinks just because draco is friends with me that his using me to get to harry
You take a deep breath before speaking again 
Y/N: why doesn’t he just understand that draco really just wants to be my friend, and also that not everything is about him
Lupin laughed which ticked me off 
Lupin: you remind me so much of your mother you know, especially when she would complain about james bugging her, you two are quite alike 
Thinking of my mum made me very happy even though i never met her i always feel her in my heart watching over us
Y/N: did you know her 
Lupin: yes i knew her well she was a prefect just like me and we did patrols together, but you father would never shut up about her either. He was indeed smitten with your mother 
You then imagine what you family would have looked like if they were still alive, causing you to be a bit sad Lupin then decided to go back to talking about harry 
Lupin: Harry is just being protective, look at it this way the boy who has been bullying him and his friends suddenly wants to be friends with his sister. It does sound suspicious 
You quickly defend draco
Y/N: but it's not like that…his not like that,even thought he seems like a jerk at time hes really kind,sweet and caring once you get to know him 
Lupin then looked at me with a knowing smirk 
Lupin: maybe there more to things your not tell me 
Damn this smug Professor
Y/N: well everyone may be coming back soon so i'm gonna head off, thanks for the talk professor 
Lupin: Please call me Remus, but only when there's no one else around i still am your professor   
As you were walking back into the castle you noticed students were already back, so you decided to make your way back to the common room but noticed there were people gathered around the door.
You then see your brother and his friends then ginny running down the stair towards the group 
Ginny: Guy the fat lady is gone 
You were shocked where or what happened to her. YOu then decided to speaking you needed to know what happen 
Y/N: what happened ginny? Wheres the fat lady?
Before she could even answer me percy was already making way to get past the students allowing you to see the fat lady's portrait it was torn like a beast had scratched it 
Dumbledore and filche then came up the stairs to investigate and have a look at the scene, you and everyone else just stood there looking at what had happened.
Dumbledore: filche find the fat lady
Filche: i dont think we need to sir
He then points of a painting right up another set of stairs causing everyone and dumbledore to run over the questions her 
Dumbledore: Who did this to you?
Fat lady: eyes like the devil, here I say, the one everyone has been talking about. Sirius Black
This was a name you were familiar with when you saw his picture on the night bus in a newspaper the man was reading. You didn’t know much about him but only that he was a murderer. Every one was murmuring thing about him you couldn’t quite hear still in shock that a murderer could be on the school grounds. This was the safest place he could have gotten in.
Dumbldore: the rest of you to the great hall
Everyone headed to the great hall most likely staying safe in numbers, you then heard they were locking down the castle which scared you. Nothing like this happened before.
Once you all entered the great hall you were still mad at hair so you decided to sleep near draco as you were walking towards draco harry stopped you grabbing my arm.
Harry: where are you going?
Y/N: i'm going to sleep near draco 
Harry: you can't do that 
Y/N: why not? Hmm
Harry: cause his in slytherin 
Y/N: well watch me 
I then pull my arm out of this grip continuing my way towards draco 
Y/N: hey, is it okay if i sleep here, i'm still kinda mad at my brother 
A few of the Slytherins looked at you weird, some even gave me threatening glares especially pansy who was near her girlfriends you presumed.
Draco gave you a smile without a care if people thought it was weird then tapped a spot next to him. You then set up your sleeping back 
Y/N: thanks Draco
You gave a smile
Draco: no worries, what are friends for right?
At that comment you laughed which caused him to laugh too
Y/N: yeah what are friends for
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wowzah2nd · 11 months ago
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
Tumblr media
Conceal Emotions
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5
word count:4.7k
Within Hogwarts many secretes and mysteries were held some solved and discovered. The castle may hold many secretes but within those wall were student holding their very own secrets. Y/N potter being one of them holding a secret that would shock not only her brother and friends but the whole school it self. What is that secret you may ask well. She was dating non-other the Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy
As the days passed, Y/N struggled to keep her emotions concealed from her oblivious brother. The weight of the secret relationship pressed on her, creating a rift between the twins who once shared everything.
After getting a good night's rest and attending your class you got ready for your last class of the day Care of magical creatures with Hagrid. It was a class where you were very excited about something you looked forward to. You headed down with Ron, Hermione and Harry honestly you didn't have other friends but them but that was mainly due to harry you never understood why he wouldn't let you just make friends of your own 
As you were walking down the steps ron started to talk about divinations class and sirius black that the omen they got from class was serious and that harry could be in real danger 
At time like this you were glad that you were to intertwined with that stuff cause he definitely scared you but you always someone got in the middle of their schemes 
Hermione:Oh honestly Ron if you ask me divination is a very woolly all guess work if you ask me, now ancient runes that’s a fascinating subject 
You always laughed when they argued seemed like they had a lot of chemistry and you never understood why they both couldn’t see it themselves 
Ron: ancient runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term
Hermione: a fair few
That got you raising your eyes brow how was that possible you wondered 
Ron: Hang on that's not possible 
He paused for a second to think
Ron: ancient runes is at the same time as divinations you have to be at two class it once 
Hermione: don't be silly ron, how could anyone be in two classes at once 
After that hermione just started to mock the divination class she must have been very insulted if shes taking it this much to heart 
But you really liked that class beside the part when harry got the grim it was interesting sadly you weren't that gifted either but you weren't to upset their were other magical professions you could try and right now was care of magical creatures 
When you all arrived at hagrids hut you saw him gathering all the students so decided to gather around as told
Hagrid: i got a real treat for you all today
This go you excited 
Hagrid: a great lesson, now follow me 
You followed hagrid into the forest walking past trees and walking over logs it was such as lovely day for a lesson outside 
As you arrived at your destination hagrid intrusted the student to stop chatting and form a group and open our books
Draco: Exactly how do we do that 
At hearing that and worried draco would hurt him self i answer for hagrid to the surprised of him knowing the knowledge and other wanting to help a slytherin 
Y/N: oh here draco you just stroke the spin of the book see 
You showed draco with your own book and gave him a smile he did as you instructed and look at the book surprised it work
Draco: thanks potter 
Y/N: no worries malfoy wouldn't want you hurting that pretty face 
You giggle he would have laughed if other weren't looking so he decided to just be malfoy and stay silent at my comment 
Hagrid: listen to what Y/N just said make sure to stroke the spin of the book to open then don't get yeer selves hurt 
You walked back to your group but then noticed neville did stroke the spin of his book and was getting attacked oh neville you thought 
Draco: Don't be such a wimp long bottom 
Neville: im okay 
He did not look okay within ripped clothes and was then attacked by the book again at that you did laugh 
You saw your group near a rock and went up to them to put your stuff with them but as you got back harry look angry at you 
What was his problem
Harry: why did you do that 
Y/N: why did i do what harry be specific for all i know you could be asking about why i breathe
He was not happy with that remark and just kept glaring at me 
Y/N: just in case you didn't know that answer its so my body can get oxygen to live 
Harry: you know what i meant, why did you help malfoy you know he bullys us all the time right 
Y/N: i know he does and that doesnt make me happy about it either and also i help him cause no one deserves to be eaten by a book kinda embarrassing way to go if you ask me 
Harry: why didn't you help neville then aye 
He looked at me as if he finally caught me doing something bad
Y/N: well i did say out loud what to do and other did follow my instruction neville clearly didn’t or didn’t hear 
He was now fumming at me 
Y/N: relax harry you know i'm nice to everyone please don't read too much into it plus being kind is the best way to go you know
He scoffed at that remark oh he better not say anything dumb or else id get him 
But before he could say anything hermione decided to comment of the books 
Hermione: i think their funny
She says a bit sarcastic but draco decided to add on to that statement
Draco: oh you terrible funny, really witty 
Oh no not this again he always had to comment at the wrong time 
Draco: got this palace has gone to the dogs wait till my father hears that dumbledore has this oaff is teaching classes
I looked at him to shut up but it was too late  
Harry: shut up malfoy 
Dracos and  group started to ohhh, draco took off his bag and started to walk up to harry. He was was handsome when he did that not gonna lie  then draco looked scared and caused me to worry 
Draco: dementor dementor
We all look behind us scared but they wasn't any there we all look back seeing them put up their hoods making scary noises those jerks harry was pulled away by hermione and i decided to follow as we were walking i take out my special and start writing angrily and draco saw and decided to look at his
Book Pov
Y/N: I can’t believe you just did that, i know my brother is a git but your being one too rn also you scared me could have had a heart attack you jerk you said you'd try to be nicer to them that wasn’t nice
Draco: well-
The writing paused for a moment before continuing 
Draco: well he started it i was just finishing it. Also i wasn’t think about scarying you im sorry and i do mean that bit okay i am sorry for doing that to you it was a dick move and i also know i said ill try and im not showing a good job at it its just a force of habit you know
Thinking for a bit about what he just wrote you replied
Y/N: you know he didn't start you made a comment about what hermione said and about hagrid that always gets him started you know that but i know you're trying so i guess i can let this go for now im still a bit angry but i know your doing your best for me so thank you.
Draco: i guess i did start it sorry but i'll keep trying for you, i hope you know that love
Oh he knew how much you loved that nickname 
Y/N: thank you <3
You closed the book and look towards draco making eye contact you gave him a smile that said i'm not angry which made him smile 
After that little talk class started as hagrid brought out a hippogriff he look so beautiful
Hagrid: isn't he beautiful  
Everyone watched in awe,  shock, some people looked scared as he brought out buckbeak but i thought he was beautiful too
Hagrid: say hello to buckbeak
Hagrid threw him some dead ferret i assumed, buckbeak ate it up quickly alot of us thought that was pretty gross even me 
Ron: Hagrid exactly what is that?
I looked a ron shocked 
Y/N: seriously ron you don't know what that is 
Ron: how should i know 
I rolled my eyes at him, he was right though how would he know unless he did some reading in advance which i highly doubt or he was genuinely interested in the creature which again i doubt due to his question and reaction to it 
Hagrid: that right there is a hippogriff, first thing you wanna know about hippogriffs is that their proud creatures, every easily offended, you do not wanna insult a hippogriff it may be that last thing you'll ever do
I started writing notes immediately to remember this for later, this was already my favourite class 
Hagrid: now would want to say hello
Everyone suddenly backed away except me a harry, me even raising my hand 
Hagrid: Well done Harry and Y/N, well done
Harry looked back seeing why he just got picked i laughed thinking of how bad his perception was 
Hagrid: come on now
Me walking willingly while harry got pushed by ron 
Hagrid: now you have to let him make the first move, its only polite
Me and harry waited for buckbeak to approach i could hear shuffling behind us not sure if they were backing away in fear or forward to get a better look 
Me and harry then decided to walk on hagrids instructions slowly making sure to listen to what he had just told us
Hagrid: so step up give him a nice bow, then you wait and see if he bows back, if he does you can go and touch him, if not.. Well, we’ll get to that later 
We walked up to buckbeak then did our bow listening to hagrids instruction to do it nice and low, occasionally looking up to see if buckbeak had bowed back 
Then we heard buckbeak squawking and flapping his wings
Hagrid: back off, back off
We did as we were told i was starting to get a little scared 
Hagrid: keep still
We stayed as still as possible i was shaking a little but i trusted hagrid, me and harry looked at each other for a sec then looked up at buckbeak to see if he had bowed back and as we did he bowed back to us
Hagrid: well done you two well done 
We stopped bowing and just looked at buckbeak and hagrid waiting for his next instructions 
Hagrid; you two can go pat him now, go on don't be shy
At hagrid saying that i made my way to buckbeak immediately to pet him but tried to do it as slowly as possible not to scare him as my hand got closer to his beak he accepted my hand and that made me very excited 
Harry was a little hesitant but got there eventually and liked petting buckbeak
Hagrid: well done you two well done
Everyone started to clap as us and i felt pretty could about what i did today i decided to look at draco and he seemed pretty happy for me smiling even but i could tell he was worried 
Hagrid then made his way to us saying something that made me excited and harry not so much
Hagrid: i think we may let you both ride him now 
Y/N: what!!! ( i said in excitment)
Harry:what!!! ( harry said in worry)
Hagrid first picked up harry putting him onto buckbeak then myself i could tell harry was scared to do this, i was too but my excitement help me get over the fear 
Hagrid: dont pull out any of his  feathers, cause he won’t thank you for that
He then slapped buckbeaks behind causing buckbeak to rear up then start running  then he took off
I held onto Harry tightly as he held onto Buckbeak. The force of the flight felt very strong at first but once we got high enough it felt amazing the wind blowing against us was cooling.
We then flew towards the castle and it looked more beautiful and magical from above. Seeing it from a different angle really gave you a new appreciation for the school.
Then buckbeak flew a bit closer to the water allowing me and harry to touch it and it was an experience i dont ever want to forget
Y/N: isn't this amazon harry, who would've thought you and me flying on a hippogriff it just magical isn’t
Harry: its amazing and of course its magical everything here is magical
Y/N: i'm glad this is something we can both share harry 
Harry: me too
Buckbeak then flew back to where the class was being taken place and as we landed everyone clapped at our arrival 
Hagrid helped us off since it was a bit high to get off 
Hagrid: how am i doing on my first day
He whispered to both of us 
Y/N: i think you doing amazing hagrid
Harry: absolutely brilliant 
I then hear some people groaning i look towards the group and see draco making his way towards buckbeak this wasn’t going to end well
Draco: yeah, your not dangerous at all are you 
Hagrid tried to warn draco but it was too late 
Buckbeak wasn't too happy with malfoy approaching without bowing causing buck beak to rear up and scratch Draco's arm 
Hagrid and I immediately ran to Draco worried he could have been seriously injured.
Hagrid calmed buckbeak while i went to look at draco 
Y/N: oh my god draco are you okay, does it hurt are you hurt very badly 
Looking at me draco could see how worried i was nearly in the burst of tear seeing that he may be seriously hurt
Draco: hey hey hey i'm okay see just a scratch nothings wrong see
I took a look at him but still wanted to make sure he was okay 
Y/N: i think we should take you to be check properly just to be sure, HAGRID he needs to be taken to the hospital 
Hagrid: i'm the teacher ill do it 
He then picked up draco, which caused draco to act more dramatic for the crowed even though he told me he was fine
Draco then started saying he was going to regret this and i decided to follow still worried that he may actually been seriously injured 
Y/N: i'm coming to wait up hagrid 
I caught up to then before anyone could question why i was going to 
[slight timeskip]
As we made it to the hospital draco was finally checked out his arm was then wrapped and put into a sling, as madam pomfrey was done with draco she left us alone
I hugged him tightly worried that he may have been seriously hurt but it was just a scratch luckily, he hugged me back and kissed my forehead 
Draco: hey hey im okay so please stop worrying love, i swear im okay now 
I looked up giving him a glare and then stopped hugging him 
I was now huffing in anger after my huge rant, he looked guilty and a bit scared. I guess this is what he meant when he said he never wanted to be on the receiving end of my anger but he deserved it today. How could he do that to himself?
He then let out a sigh before grabbing my hand to hold it then spoke
Draco:I'm sorry that I did that i was a bit jealous that potter was getting a lot of attention and i guess i wanted some of that attention too
He then pulled my hand toward his lips giving it a kiss before looking at me again 
Draco: I am really sorry that was dumb and i saw how much it worried you and it made me feel even worse that i did that im so sorry 
I sighted letting go of his hand, moving it towards his face to cup both his cheeks to pull him for a kiss he kissed backed and it was my way of saying i forgave him for real we then pulled away from the kiss and put our forehead together
Y/N: i forgive you but don't do something that dumb again or else i will die of worry or will kill you before anything else gets you got it 
He pulled away to look me in the eyes 
Draco: i promise my love 
I kissed his forehead getting up from wear i was sitting 
Y/N: we should head to our next class 
Draco: you would force and injured man to go to classes, i thought you were nicer then this 
I rolled my eyes at him
Y/N: the nurse said you were fine and can go to class so lets go now
he sighed before getting out of the hospital bed
Draco: fine, but only cause I love you so much
i stopped in my tracks to look at him in shocked, he always called me love but he never once said i love you once 
he looked at me confused
Draco: what?, did i do something wrong again 
he laughed while saying that
i looked him right in the eyes before saying what i was going to say still shcoked he said it
Y/N: you just said you loved me Draco
He then realised why i was so shocked and was shocked him self but shook it off quickly before walking towards me then holding my hand again
Draco: i know we haven't been together that long not even a full year, But i truly do love you with all my heart and only you i do 
i started to cry tears of joy i always wanted to say it to him but was scared id be saying it too soon and care him off but he felt that same and that made me so happy 
Y/N: Draco i love you too i do and only you 
i flung myself to Draco giving him a big hug 
Draco: i'm glad or else else id be crying myself to sleep tonight
i giggled at that thought and looked at him and saw nothing but love in his eye and that moment i knew he was the one for me 
 We made our way to our next class which was a free period he walked in first i waited a few moment before entering the class as i made my way towards my friends and brother i could hear draco's friends talking about his arm 
I rolled my eyes at the thought of how he was being dramatic again saying how he could of lost his arm 
I then looked their way seeing a girl from draco's house i think her name was pansy, try to touch his arm that really pissed me off but luckily draco wasn’t having any of that either which made me happy to see he was so loyal to me
Before she could touch his arm he pulled it away from her quickly 
Draco: please don’t touch it
Pansy: oh sorry 
After that he went back to do his work but then notice me  walking by looking towards him
Draco: got anything to say potter 
Y/N: Nothing really but i think you being a bit dramatic about that arm i was there when they patched it up yeah know 
Draco: bug off potter 
I gave him a small  sarcastic wave 
People looked shocked hearing i went with him but i shrugged it off as someone wanted to be helpful in the moment which most believed due to my reputation but my brother and his group not so much 
Just as i sat down at the table i was questioned heavily by my brother and our friends 
I just stared at him surprised he just went of at me like that, everyone was now staring at us and i could feel my face heating up in embarrassment 
I decided to grab harry and lead him outside to talk no one needed to hear this as i lead him outside hermione and ron decided to join in probably to ask questions too 
I yelled at him in a whispered voice 
Ron: I mean he kinda has a right a little bit, you've been acting really strange lately and we think it cause of malfoy
I looked at the hermione seeing she too had the same feeling as ron and my  brother 
Y/N: seriously i'm just being civil with him just because you're not doesn’t mean i have to do that same thing. Firstly, I went with him to the hospital wing because no one else was going too. Secondly, I'm practically the only one who’s nice to him just because I think everyone deserves to be treated humanely.
They looked at me surprised that i would stand up for him like that, just as they were gonna say something Draco walked out of the class coming our way 
Harry: what do you want malfoy were a bit busy here
Draco: Dude she was just being nice to me, she was triy to help i tried to tell her to bug off but she wouldn’t
I looked at him worried that he may accidentally reveal out secret 
Y/N: Malfoy this isn't your business you can go really 
I looked at him  pleadingly to let me handle this he really did need to come out and defend me 
Harry: Oh yeah if she was just trying to be helpful then why did you call you draco and not malfoy every other time you've talked 
I was still facing draco when he said that and i froze oh no he heard that shit shit shit what ami gonna do he's gonna try kill him 
Just as i was trying to cover for us draco beat me to it 
Draco: Cause a couple weeks ago i asked her to be my friend and to stop calling me malfoy if no one was around.
I started at him what the fuck are you doing dumby
Draco: she the only person whos nice to me genuinely so i just wanted to be friends with her i knew people would find it weird so i suggested to keep it secret for both our sakes and when people are around we act civil. 
The trio looked at him in disbelief as if what he just told them was a joke but then harry face changed in to one of disbelief to one of a boy just discovered something 
Harry: i knew it, i knew you were up to no good
At that i turned around in disbelief at what he said
Y/N: harry what are you talking about we're just friends 
Harry: No, I knew he was up to something but now I know it's true. Y/N his only being friends with you to get under my skin he doesn't care out you like that or ever will his using you for his own game 
I looked at him in shock at what he just told me i can’t believe he was actually using this argument
Y/N: i cant believe you harry, i can't believe you would think someone would use me to get under you skin, also i cant believe that you think so highly of yourself that someone of even do or think of that. Draco is a kind and caring person who would never do that 
Then again he may not do that to me but i certain he might do that to crabe and goyle but that's not the point rn  
Harry: i cant believe your defending him right now, we’ve been through so much together and you defending him and not me as well as just throwing away my warnings like that 
Y/N: yes i'm defending him because he at least cares about me. Harry ever since we came to Hogwarts you've left me and that fine you know you have your own life. But you only come to me when you need something. 
I took a deep breath before continuing with my rant toward him 
Y/N:First year you hadn’t talked to me for months and when i tried to talk to you you kept brushing me off saying you had things to do but when you needed help finding information of the philosophers stone all of a sudden you had the time as well as when you needed help finding  and thought of me and in second year, i tried to talk to you just for normal thing catch up even hang out from time to time but again you kept brushing me off even when i was also hearing the voices you brushed me off. And as always when you need help finding information and going on a dangerous adventure I finally pop up. Finally this year, you've gotten better at talking to me but i know for a fact you hiding something from me when arthur talked to you and you won’t tell him i wasn’t going to ask because you know my brother will tell me when he's ready but apparently you won't 
After yelling at his face I walk to draco’s side facing him and the others. They looked at me shocked that i just yelled at harry and walked towards draco’s side 
Y/N: so yeah ill defend draco cause at least i know my company and friendship aren’t conditional and that when he wants to talk,hang out or ask for help that his doing cause he cares and not cause he needs something from me 
I then look at draco smiling and he smiles back at me 
I look back at the trio 
Y/N:I dont wanna speak to you until you apologise and learn to treat me as your sister and not as someone who you can talk to when you just need a favour. Lets go draco 
I grab draco's hand and walk away with him. I quickly let go of his hand thinking what other people might think 
Draco: sorry you had to do that i feel bad that i go in the way of you too i never meant to do anything like that i hope you know that 
I gave a  gentle smile 
Y/N: i know you'd never do something like that on purpose so don’t worry. Also i hated when they talk badly about you and when they think your using me. I know you not like that 
Draco: Thank you for defending me, my lioness. It really means alot that you'd defend me even to your brother i know how much he may annoy but i also know that you cherish you bond so much so im still sorry and feel that it my fault that this happened
I stopped to look draco in the face properly 
Y/N: draco it not your fault its all his own fault and until he apologies i won’t be talking to him so i have a favour to ask 
Draco: what's the favour love
Y/N: i know this may be alot to ask but would you mind that we make our “friendship” public so we can finally spend time together and so i can sit with you during break
Without hesitation he hugged me tightly and checking around for anyone around then kissed before saying 
Draco: Of course love we can do that and how about tonight you have dinner with us 
Y/N: Thank you draco 
We decided to walk together to our next class
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wowzah2nd · 11 months ago
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
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Midnight Meetings
part 1, part 2, part3, part3.5
Word count:2k
Within Hogwarts many secretes and mysteries were held some solved and discovered. The castle may hold many secretes but within those wall were student holding their very own secrets. Y/N potter being one of them holding a secret that would shock not only her brother and friends but the whole school it self. What is that secret you may ask well. She was dating non-other the Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy
Under the cloak of darkness, Y/N and Draco found solace in secret midnight meetings by the Black Lake. The stars bore witness to their whispered confessions and stolen kisses, hidden from the prying eyes of the wizarding world.
Later that evening Draco and I decided to meet up near the black lake. We hadn't seen each other since last year and I had missed him so much as I was making my way down from the girls' dorms. I noticed that people were awake so I decided to wait it out till they went to bed. I wasn’t too worried about them coming this way since it sounded like there were only two boys away. But as i was listening i realised it was harry and ron talking curious i decided to inch a bit closer to listen in on their conversation.
Harry: I hate that she seems to always be around him. She says she's just being nice but i don't know i feel like there's more there
Ron: I don't know mate maybe your reading way too much into i mean she's your sister there's no way he would go near her let alone like her
Harry: It give him more of a reason too since she is my sister i bet he’s only nice to her to get under my skin 
Thats ade me a bit angry how could he say that his only being nice to me to get under his skin how self centred is he
Ron: No way mate you give him too much credit to be thinking like that 
Harry: But what if he is what if he just starts out being nice to her, then he starts being friends with her to get closer then boom tries to date her he knows that would piss me off the most 
Ron: I mean he could but come on man Y/N is a nice person she's nice to everyone even every single slytherin house she a literal angel mate
That was a very nice thing of ron to say about it glad his my friend to 
Harry: Well *scoff* Either way i aint letting that happen if he ever gets near her when he doesn't need to be i'm gonna stop it right then and here he ain't getting any closer then he needs to be. 
Ron: Alright mate but I really think you shouldn’t  meddle in her life you see how she gets. One time I told her to slow down eating and she glared at me as if she was going to murder me if I didn't shut up. She didn't physically hit me but man i felt my soul leave my body imagine doing something even worse than that i think you'd end up dead in a ditch somewhere
Harry: Well i dont care shes the only remaining family i have to protect her no matter what
Ron: Your funeral man better hope she doesn’t find out. Let head to bed now i'm pretty tired 
Harry:y eah your right 
As they got up to head to bed i could feel my anger bubbling to the surface but i had to stop my self or else id get caught as soon as they reached the top i bolted out of the common room straight for the lake i nearly got caught by filch but finally made it to the lake
Y/N: i am so sorry for being late my brother and ron were in the common room and i couldn't get past them till they left
Your groaned thinking about the conversation they had how dare harry try to control you life even if you weren secretly dating Draco you can be nice or be friends with anyone 
Draco: its okay but i'm sensing that's not the only reason your seething with anger 
He chuckled i swear if i didn't love him so much i push him into the lake
Y/N: You're not wrong about that, get this harry is planning to keep you away from me by any means necessary and does want you around me unless needed like class. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT.
Draco : I can and i can't really blame him i do bully him and his friends 
Y/N: don't agree with him plus you've been toning it down, which again thank you for that it was really nice of you to do
Draco: anything for you my love plus I rather you happy with me then angry, you angry is scary
I looked at him shock  what the heck is he being for really right now 
Y/N: that's exactly what ron said when he warned harry, am I that scary
Draco looked worried and scared to answer my question, he didn't even need to answer anymore i could see the answer on his face 
Y/N; oh my god im scary i thought i wasn’t im nice, how can i be scary but nice
Draco laughed at my statement as if what i said was the funniest thing in the world 
Draco; love your the most kind and caring person in the world and when you like that you look so sweet and innocent but when someone crosses you which is rarely your looks could literally kills someone no joke i mean
I stared at him shock what the fuck i mouthed at him unable to get the words out at that he chuckled
Draco: its true pls i've seen it with my own eye when a slytherin from a year above us was bullying a hufflepuff you came rushing in blazing a path behind you and let me say i've never seen someone and scared as that guy trust me and everyone around wouldn't wanna be at the receiving end
I was in  shock, people were that scared of me. That is why the slytherin’s started being nice to me. I thought that was because of Draco but apparently not. 
Y/N I don't know if i should be offended or proud of myself 
I gave a nervous laugh 
Draco: proud cause of you that hufflepuff wasn’t bullied anymore you really help her out 
At the thought of helping someone else it really made me happy and not feel too guilty at scaring people
I leaned my head onto Draco shoulder the leaked really looked beautiful tonight no clouds so the moon was in full view as well as the stars i never wanted this to end 
The i heard bushes rustling 
Y/N: did you hear that 
Draco: yeah i did
He got up from where we were sitting pulling me to stand behind before yelling towards the bush
Draco: Who's there? Come out we know your there 
Draco pulls out his wand pointing it in the direction of the sound. I did the same waiting for whoever was out there to reveal themselves. The wind started to pick up blowing stronger  creating more sound causing me and Draco to tense but then the rustling started again getting closer and closer till..
Y/N: oh thank god its just a dog
It was a cute black dog can’t believe a dog got us all riled up i ended up giggling at the thought
Draco sighed in relief 
draco : glad it was just a dog and not an intruder 
Y/N: me too
I start to walk towards the dog wanting to pet it but Draco grab my hand to stop me
Draco: Hey we don't know this dog what if they have rabies and hurts you
Y/N: don't worry Draco it's a good dog look
The dog started to approach me and sniff my hand, once knowing i wasn't a danger it got up and jumped on me try to lick my face
Y/N: hey stop that 
I laughed at the situation but Draco was still wary of the dog
Draco: oi get off her you annoying dog you're ruining our date 
The dog stopped licking my face then turned to Draco giving him a growl the dog did not like that
Y/N: hey don't growl at him his just trying to protect me and you
I look towards Draco and he looked surprised that i was reprimanding him 
Y/N: don't be mean to the dog his just being friendly aren't you cutie 
The dog stopped growling at Draco and turned back to me looking happy again even wagging his tale 
Draco let out a sigh
Draco: well he seems like he likes you and seems like i'm not gonna win this so ill let it go 
You look at Draco thankfully you always loved animals especially dogs since you were a kid see people taking their dogs on walk and always wishes you had your own fluffy friend
Not that you forgot about you owl O/N she was a sweet bird and will always have number 1 spot in your heart right next to Draco 
You ended up laugh out loud again catching Draco attention 
Draco: Hey what are you laughing about aye 
He asked with a huge smile on his face 
Y/N: oh nothing don’t you worry your pretty little head
He gasped in offence jokingly 
Draco: i can not believe i own girlfriend would hide a secret from me how could you i am deeply wounded
He then turned away from folding his arms like a child throwing a tantrum
I stopped patting the cute black dog and stood up making my way towards Draco still facing away from me 
Y/N: im sorry darling did i hurt you feelings
With a huff he replied
Draco: yes very hurt why would you keep anything from me you loving and amazing boyfriend
I rolled my eyes at his dramatic and fact outburst 
Y/N: how can i make it up to you then 
This tip i tried to make him look at me by trying to make eye contact but he would keep moving 
Draco: you can't do anything i so oh so deeply hurt
He was enjoying this way to much i swear ill get him back for this 
Y/N: would you forgive me if i gave you a kiss
That got him to relax his shoulders seeing that i was winning i decided to go for the kill shot
Y/N: How about a kiss on the lips maybe would that make you forgive 
At that statement he turn around so fact and grabbed me by the waste and gave me a loving but passionate kiss
I put my hands on his cheek to try and deepen the kiss but was rudely interrupted by a loud bark
Y/N: what is wrong with you why are you so mad that his kissing me hmmm
The dog just sat their innocently as if to say i didn't do anything after we stopped kissing i had realised we were out later then we intended 
Y/N: i think we should back into the castle its getting late i dont want you getting in trouble 
Draco: don't worry about me plus i rather you not get in trouble you know how your brother is 
Y/N: your absolutely right about that his such a git  
Draco: i knew that from day one sooo
I laughed thinking of all the time the two fought. They were both so childish at times.
Draco: so can i walk my beautiful Lioness back to her house or will you deny such an honour
He looked at me pleadingly even though he knew i say yes 
Y/N: Of course you can my handsome serpent prince 
I patted the dog once last time before walking backing to Draco ready to leave the lake and back to the castle 
Draco: lead the way princess
I held onto Draco's hand pulling him along with me 
Y/N: not without my prince of course 
At the we laughed today may not have started the best but it ended in the nest way possible 
Being with the one i loved 
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wowzah2nd · 11 months ago
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
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Forbidden Attraction
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5
word count:1.9k
Within Hogwarts many secretes and mysteries were held some solved and discovered. The castle may hold many secretes but within those wall were student holding their very own secrets. Y/N potter being one of them holding a secret that would shock not only her brother and friends but the whole school it self. What is that secret you may ask well. She was dating non-other the Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy
In the bustling halls of Hogwarts there was a girl named Y/N potter, yes you heard correctly harry potter had a sister, a twin sister to be exact. This was her third year and it was one she was very excited about. The 2nd term of last year was a surprise for Y/N since she had received a letter asking her to meet someone at the owlery at midnight this worried her but also excited her so she decided to go. Once there she had notice no one was there think she was early she stayed but as the night went on no one had arrived for 5 mins thinking someone had pulled a cruel joke on her she decided to leave but just as she made it to the exit someone else came into view. It was hard to see who it was until they came into the light emitted from your wand. It was Draco Malfoy confused and shocked you stayed silent until he decided to speak 
Draco: I’m sorry I was late no one was asleep yet so i had to sneak out 
Still in shock you remained silent waiting for him to carry on speaking 
Draco: you must be wondering why im here. Actually you probably know your pretty smart uhhh i sent you that letter and wanted to tell you something.
Finally snapping out of the feeling of shock you decided to speak 
Y/N: I won’t lie im very surprised that it’s you, i mean you and my brother hate each other id assumed you hated me too
He looked a bit surprised at that statement
Draco: I could never hate you i mean i dont have a reason to not even you being related to potter could make me hate you
Y/N: But you never really interacted with me, i even tried to talk to you once and you ignored me 
Draco: that on me sorry im not very good with people outside my own house but its a bit more harder with you 
That caused you to furrow your brows confused
Y/N: what do you mean its harder with you 
Draco stayed silent for a bit then taking a deep breathe 
Draco: well thats the reason i asked you here to night i want to confess something to you 
He paused again
draco :im actually in love with you Y/N potter…ever since i saw you in our first year i have been in love with you. From the kindness you showed me that day.
Y/N  Pov
You remember that day very vividly it was the day you were to begin your journey as a witch but also the day you saw the most beautiful grey eyes. 
You didnt rember much of that day only when you first saw him he looked smug and cocky but you didnt really care you were just focused on those eyes they were beautiful then you heard the boy speak to harry he introduced his friends crabe and goyle then finally himself finally finding who this boy was. Draco Malfoy 
He tried to befriend harry but failed due to insulting ron his new found friend which was a bad move on his part after harry rejected dracos offer professor mcgonagall had returned to usher the students to the great hall to be sorted. Before it was draco turn to be sorted you made your way to him no one really noticing since they were distracted with watching the students ahead of them being sorted
You tapped his shoulder to make him face you 
Draco: who are you? 
He asked confused at the thought someone would come up to him like that 
Y/N: Im Y/N potter 
You said with a big smile 
Draco: your related to that other potter
Y/N: yes i am, his actually my twin brother
Draco: In that case what do you want? Here to rub it into my face he said no to me
I lookd at him confused why would i do that seemed a bit rude and mean 
Y/N; no, why would i do that? Im actually wanted to say sorry about my brother being like that but you did insult his friend
Draco: And? Not my fault he was offended 
I giggled at that answer
Y/N still you could have done it alot better then insulting his friend 
Draco: oh yeah and how would you have gone about it then
Y/N: well id ask them nicely and not insult their friends like this
You first held out your hand for a hand shake then said
Y/N: would you like to be friends draco malfoy
You said with a big smile showing how genuine you were in your question 
Dracos Pov
I looked at her shocked. I knew for a fact she didn;t know who i was seeing as her brother didn’t know either. Most of the time people only wanted ot be my friends for family gain since my family is very influential in the wizrding world meaning most oh my friendships were transactional and non-genuine just people trying to social climb by being my friend. But she actually wanted to be my friend not cause my family was well known but just wanted to 
Draco: I-
I was going to answer but i was interrupted 
Magonagoll: Draco Malfoy
I made my way to the seat to be sort but before the hat was placed on my head it yelled slytherin
The slytherin table clapped i decided to look at Y/N direction seeing her happy for me and clapping as loud too.
After the ceremony i tried to talk to her again but her brother always stopped me from talking to her saying “ leave us alone” or “ leave her out of this” i never really could get near her so i decided to stop
End Flash Back
Y/N: so youve liked me ever since that day why didnt you talk to me then after that\
I said a bit angry
Draco: i could never get near you or alone your brother was always stopping me thinking i was gonna have a go at you too but i wasn’t then one day i just stopped cause i thought you didnt wanna be friends anymore cause maybe your brother said something
Y/N: draco i still wanted to be friends nothing he said changed anything all i sw was someone who wanted a friend not the bully they saw and to be hinest ive always had a crush on you but thought id never geta chance due to us being different 
Draco: you always had a chance more chances then any of the slytherin girl that try to talk to me all i ever saw was you Y/N only you
At that i smiled, blushing even this is so romantic. He walked towards be taking a hold of both of my hanf and bringing it towards his chest 
Draco: i love you and would you do me the honour of allowing me to date you and eventually maybe be my girlfriend
That made me smile so hard my cheeks hurt i let go of his hands and swang mine around his neck in pure joy and excitement 
Y/N: yes yes yes absolutely yes draco i love would love that.
And every since that day she’d be in and abnormally good mood. Over the last term draco and her had been going on date and eventually after enough of them he had finally asked her to be official which she of course she said yes.
And that brings us back to today walking though the bustling halls of hogwarts towards her next class potions excited to see her boyfriend even though they were allows to be public due to dracos family and y/ns brother they still dhows some form of affection even if it diddnt look that affectionate to other 
Walking into potions i already noticed students waiting for the class to start. Making her way towards her seat she noticed draco was already seating there waiting. Honestly harry wasnt happy about the seating plan and i wasn’t to bothered of course but was surprised that we were sat together and thought draco might have had something to do with. I giggled at the thought 
Taking my seat next to draco he greets me 
Draco: Hello Potter 
Y/N: Malfoy 
As i sat down making sure no one could see i held his hand giving it a little squeeze this was our way of saying it nice to see you 
As class started i pulled out a special book along with my quill and paper to take notes as well. What was this special book? Well it was a thoughtful gift that draco made that would allow me and him to talk with out having to exchange letter or passing notes.
Book Pov
Draco: how was your day love?
Y/N: it was pretty good but had a bit of an argument with harry in the common room again
Draco: what did the git do this time 
Y/N: he was mad that im nice to you and i argued im nice to everyone. He then tried to counter that statement by saying that you should be the exception. So i shut that down then and there
Draco: sorry to hear that love i wish i could do something about it 
Y/N: dont worry about it draco really it not your fault plus nothing he can say will make me stop loving you 
At that he turned towards you giving you a smile and you giving one back. Unbenounced to you harry saw the whole thing 
Class had finally finished and you stand up to head of of class but before leaving you decided to say bye to draco
Y/N: Bye malfoy
Draco: Bye 
It may have sounded mean to other but you know he didn't mean it to be as walk out the door to go to lunch you were pulled harshly by someone 
Y/N hey what the hell 
 You turn to look at who had just pulled you seeing that is was harry
Y/n what the hell is wrong with you that really hurt you idiot
Harry: what the hell was thay
I looked at him confused
Y/N: what  the hell was what im so confused 
Harry: you know what im talking about dont you lie to me 
Y/N: im not lying what are you on about harry 
Harry: why did you look at him like that 
Y/N: who the hell are you talking about
Harry: malfoy. Why were you looking at him like that 
I tensed up a little 
y/n: looking at him like what i just looked at him i cant really help having eyes you know 
Harry: dont play dumb i saw that way you looked at him, you smiled at him like you liked him 
Honestly does he have better things to do then monitoring my every move jeez this boy 
Y/N: harry i smiled at him cause he helped me he didnt even smile at me back 
I was really hoping he couldnt see draco smiling form his angle or else he’d know i feed him a dead lie
Harry: Still why would you do that you know his evil right 
Y/N: oh my god not this again harry you dont know him that well stop pulling theories out your ass 
Harry: yes i know that his family are death eater his dad tried to kill me second year 
Y/N that may be true but his not his dad his him 
At that i walked away he was ridiculous throwing accusations like that yes his father are those things but Draco would never
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wowzah2nd · 1 year ago
Double Trouble
Fred weasley x reader
George Weasley x reader
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WARNINGS: slight smut, hand jobs, fingering, rough kissing
you know how the saying goes, two is better then one and why not apply that saying in real life
You had been dating Fred and George for a year now. It was definitely not a normal relationship but for the three of you it worked. You mainly kept it to yourselves not actively telling anyone of the relationship mainly due to your fears of everyone judging you. They were very popular especially with the ladies so you had been surprised when they showed an interest in you in the first place. You mainly thought they thought you were just cool since you were kicked from your previous school but them showing romantic feeling towards you was a surprise indeed
Flashback ( Fred and George's 6th year)
You had recently been kicked out of Beauxbatons and transferred to  Hogwarts due to an “ incident” happening that you didn’t think  would be such a big deal. You really thought it was just a funny joke but your peers or teacher didn’t think so at all. Now you're here at Hogwarts waiting for your turn to be sorted to your house. You were wondering what house you would be in. Hufflepuff didn’t suit you that much, yeah you were loyal but you weren’t very patient or that hardworking when it came to things you didn’t like, Ravenclaw you definitely had wit but weren’t very wise seeing as you got kicked out of your previous school, slytherin you were absolutely ambitious when you have something to push towards you do everything you can to achieve it but you weren’t cunning. 
So your best choice was to be in Gryffindor,  and once the first years were sorted Dumbledore made an announcement that a new 6th year was to join this year. That was when you went towards the chair to be sorted. And just as you thought you were put into Gryffindor.
Making your way towards the Gryffindor table you are greeted by three handsome boys that introduce themselves straightway. 
Lee was the first one to introduce himself
Lee: Hello there Y/N my names Lee Jor-
Not being able to finish saying his last name properly he was pushed aside by a very handsome red head who you’d come to know has Fred Weasley and he also introduced you to his also very handsome twin brother
Fred: Hello there love the names Fred Weasly and this right here-
 Pulls his twin brother to his side to introduce you to him as well
Fred: Is my less handsome looking twin brother George 
George: Hello there darling, don’t mind the lesser handsome twin he just says that to make himself feel better for being the ugly one
Fred: oi you git 
He smacked George’s head, you to giggle at the interaction getting there attention back
Fred: look at that George we made our girl laugh
George: Yeah we did 
Hearing them say you were there made you blush but you didn’t read to much into it 
After that day you had been indoctrinated into their daily shenanigans meaning always being stuck in detentions with them constantly. One day they were acting suspicious, to you they were always acting suspicious but you were being suspicious with them usually, this time you weren’t
They had been avoiding you all day and it worried you that you did something wrong. They avoided you during breakfast, after classes, even free periods, and lunch. The last straw was when you didn’t see them at dinner you knew then and there that it was time to confront them. Leaving the great hall you go towards the gryffindor common room then the boys dormitories. Even though it was forbidden for the opposite gender to enter the dorms, the boys showed you a trick to get past that. You were now standing outside their dorm room you took a deep breathe opening the door slightly, then pushing it open with your foot making a loud bang as the door hit the wall scaring the twins 
You made your way towards them. They were sitting across from each other looking like they were having a discussion. You pulled their collars so that they were looking at you. 
Y/N: WHY!! The hell have both of you been avoiding me?, it better be a good answer or else I'm gonna beat the shit out of both of you.
 They looked at one another contemplating whether to tell you or not. There was a pause before Fred decided to remove your hand from his collar,George following after they then stood up, they were much taller than you so you took a step back to better look at them before they spoke
Y/N: explain then, since it looks like you two are ready to talk
They both took a deep breathe but Fred decided to start off
Fred: we were avoiding you cause we needed to clear our head and talk about some stuff
You looked at them surprised you were their friend why wouldn't they go to you for help
Y/N: why didn’t you come talk to me you know you two can come to me for help-
George then cut you off
George: but we couldn’t, this was something we needed to do by ourselves
You were really upset that they wouldn’t talk to you about their problem since by the look on their faces they were really struggling 
Y/N: but you can i've always been there for yo-
After Fred said that your brain started to work a thousand miles per hour trying to figure out if you had done something to upset them or did you do something wrong what did you do that they couldn't talk to you
Y/N: did i do something wrong, what can i do to fix i-
you were cut off by George 
George: you didn’t do anything wrong there, nothing to fix…
There was a long pause before they looked at each other ,They had to tell you 
Fred: we need to tell you something Y/N, and dw you didn't do anything wrong but you might think something is wrong with us 
Y/N: i would never think that of you two never…what could be so bad you’d think i would think there was something wrong with you two 
They both took a deep breath before speaking at the same time 
Fred & George: We really like you Y/N
You were taken aback that you were getting a confession. But more shocked that they confessed at the same time. You had always had a crush on both of them and knew deep down in your heart that you couldn't pick one or the other. They were both amazing.
Y/N: i-i don’t know what to say, i do really like you both but i couldn’t pick one of you to date i like you both alot and dont wanna have to choose
At your confession they also looked shocked, there shocked faces then turned into one of joy and a glint of mischief 
Fred: well that’s great then-
George: you can date both of us
You were the one shocked now but even more confused 
Y/N: what do you mean date both of you? 
George: we mean it like how we said it-
Fred: date both of us at the same time
George: we were well and prepared for you to choose one of us-
Fred: but seeing as you fancy both of us why not date both of us 
You were still in shocked but decided to question them further still confused
Y/N: but i'd be dating you both at the same time doesn’t that bother you at all 
They both laughed making there way towards you standing on either side of you to whisper in your ear
Fred: we don’t mind sharing-
George: plus we could tell from all the flirting you were into both of us we just didn’t if you were into the poly thing-
Fred: but the moment you said you couldn’t choose we decided to see you reaction to our proportion
George: and seeing as you didn’t say no straight away we knew then you very much liked the idea 
They had caught you red handed. You were really into the idea of dating them both you were just scared they didn’t and wouldn't have to choose which was out of the question you liked them both equally so you kept your feelings a secret.
You were turning as red as a tomato and they loved it 
George: look at her fred she's blushing, embarrassed darling
Fred: there's nothing to be embarrassed love we both want you and we’ve always shared thing no problem
At that you quickly turned to face them 
Y/N: have you dated the same person before?
You sounded really jealous saying that, they laughed at the question 
Fred: no we haven't but we both know we both don’t mind sharing you 
George: your one of a kind y/n and neither of us wanna miss out being with you 
You were flattered that you were the first and even more flattered that they were both willing to share just to be with you
Y/N: i don't know what say 
Fred: don't say anything 
Fred then turned you towards him cupping your cheek and leaning in to kiss you, you kissed him back of course and it felt amazing it was hot and it made something within you burn. You then felt George behind you putting his hand on your shoulders, leaning down to start kissing your neck. At that you moaned into Freds mouth, he pulled away for a moment
Fred: i think she really likes that George
George: I think she does, can I have my turn to kiss you darling?
You turned around to face George, tippy toeing to reach his lip he started to kissed back it was just as amazing as when you kissed fred it was just as hot and passionate as you image this moment happening 
As you were kissing George, Fred decided to start kissing you neck just like George did but was a bit more handsy but you didn;t mind at all.  While kissing your neck Fred put one hand under your shirt and bra fondling your breast and teasing your nipple while his other hand made its way under your skirt and felt your panties. He stopped kissing you neck for a moment to talk
Fred: look at you all hot and bothered  i can feel how ready you are for us 
George: Is she really that wet?
Fred: she gushing like a waterfall
Fred continued back to kissing your neck and continued his way with his hand into your panties
Once past the waist band he could really feel how wet you were and started to rub your clit.
You started to moan even more into George's mouth which made both of them grin knowing they were causing you so much pleasure.
Feeling bad that they were doing so much for you, you decide to do something back for you with both you hand you decide to undo there pant first doing Georges then Fred then with one hand you went past Georges waistband of his briefs freeing his cock and with your other hand you do the same for Fred. You then start stroking both cocks at the same time keeping a steady pace.
You knew they were enjoying it since both were moaning at the initial touch. George starting to grip your hair a bit, Fred started to nibble at your ear giving you tingling feeling throughout your body and started to rub your clit faster
Y/N: fuck  i think im about to cum 
George: fuck yeah cum darling i was see how you look cumming on Fred’s fingers 
Fred: you gonna cum on my fingers love? Come one cum
Y/N: oh my- im gonna came 
Fred:  shit i think im gonna cum too
George: holy shit same, fuck don’t stop y/n
As you came Fred and George ended up finishing right after you, cumming on your uniform this was gonna be tough to clean 
George: holy shit that was hot 
He was panting as he said that 
Fred: fuck yeah it was 
Fred then grabbed you chin to face him 
Fred: so how did you like that love 
Y/N: i fucking loved it 
They laughed at your answer as they were putting themselves back into their pants 
Fred: well we glad you loved it so much cause-
George: cause you're our girl now. No ones but ours darling
Fred: and were no ones but yours love 
After your very fun confession you started to officially date, the both took turns taking you out on individual dates and doing some dates with all three of you. No one ever suspected you dating them since when people ever saw you with one of them or both they just thought it was normal since your dates didn’t look too much different from your hangouts. Only difference was when they knew no one could see them they started to get handsy
5 dates later they had both asked you to be their official girlfriends which you were delighted about. But you had asked them to keep it a secret scared people would judge you and they both agreed to keep it secret for your sake even though they wouldn’t mind screaming it out to the world that you were theirs
 End flashback
1 year later you're in your 7th year and going as strong as ever. During the beginning of the relationship there were some bumps to get over but after some discussions and scheduling it was a bit more smoother down the line.
Not saying there were no bumps along the road cause there was especially that very evening. The twins had decided to do some late night shenanigans setting up pranks for the morning and as a prankster yourself as well as being a supportive girlfriend you decided to tag along for fun. As you were they were finishing up the prank you were looking at the marauders map as the look out and saw filch heading your way 
Y/N: guy we gotta go now filch is right around the corner 
 Fred & George: Shit 
They quickly finished up but it wasn’t quick enough since filch saw the three of you 
Filch: you there stop right there
You said in a whispered voice 
You all ran but you knew you couldn't make it to the common room without being caused so you decided to take a few turns and found a storage closet. You grabbed the handle and flung the door open 
Y/N: get in quickly 
You all went into the closet, closing it behind you, one they were both in. you looked at the map to make sure if you lost filch and luckily you had he went another direction
Y/N: we lost him 
You all let out a sigh of relief of not being caught 
Fred: that was close
George: yeah it was but thanks to our lovely look out we lost him 
George then gave you a peck on the lips but decided it wasn’t enough and started to full on make out with you. You weren't complaining of course 
Fred: well you two are eager tonight 
You stopped kissing George for a bit
Y/N: why don't you join in then my love 
You then continued to makeout with George and Fred joined in this time kissing at your neck and fondling your breast. As things were starting to get good the door opened suddenly causing the three of you to stop and look towards the door.
Getting caught was bad but getting caught by a slytherin was the worst. The three of you were taken to umbridge and were forced to write lines with a special quill
Y/N: there's no ink
Umbrigde: you don't need ink these are special quills, i want you to write “i shall not be out past curfew”
As you were about to write you she stops you, Fred and George stop too
Umbridge: you won't be writing that line, you will be writing “I shall not act like a slut”
After saying that George and Fred get up looking like they were about to go after her but you stopped both of them 
Umbridge i suggest you start writing till you learn your lesson
You all start to write and few seconds later what you wrote on the paper appeared on your hands. You started to cry due to the pain but tried to hold back tears seeing this umbridge her message got to you 
Umbridge: you may go now 
 As you got up to leave and exited the room your started to cry, Fred and George ran to give you a hug and comfort you. You weren’t just in physical pain but you were also emotionally in pain what she said really got to you 
You look up at both of them
Y/N: am i really a slut 
Fred & George: NO
Fred: of course your not your our girlfriend and it's none of her business what you do 
George: plus i bet she's just jealous that you have 2 guys after you and she got no one 
At that comment your started to giggle 
Fred: there's our girl, lets head back to our dorm tho and get your bandaged up 
Y/N: okay then 
George: i hope you know we love you though with all our hearts 
That made you hearts swell full of love know they loved you as much as you loved them
Y/N: i love both of you two 
Time skip (sry)
After the incident rumour went around about you getting caught with the twins but no one really believed it since it came from slytherin and also cause they thought you getting caught with the twins were normal. People just thought the hooking up part was made up.
So you decided to act normal as if the rumour didn’t scare you a little and eventually it died down.Once the rumours died down you were less stressed and the twins were happy their girlfriend was feeling better 
But something worse happened, as you were in the room of requirements with the rest of dumbledore army members practising spells. The wall started to shake, dust was falling from the ceiling and a hole was blown into the wall exposing your secret club.
After being caught you were brought back to her office to write lines, you already knew how this felt and was not looking forwards to do it again Umbridege was walking around and stopped at your desk
Umbridege: i see you haven't stopped your promiscuous ways dear 
You tensed hoping no one heard that luckily for you everyone was in too much pain to hear. Once that shit show was done everyone headed back to there dorms it was a shit day
You really hated the methods she used you’d complain and rant on and on to your boyfriends and they would listen carefully knowing you needed to get it off your chest or else you might explode but one evening while walking the halls you find a boy crying on a bench your run towards him to see what was wrong
Y/N: what's wrong sweetie 
All he did was show you his hand Fred and George decided to sit with you and the boy and try comforts him too by showing him their scars 
Fred: it's not as bad, see? It’s fading away already 
George: hardly can see it 
You give the boy a comforting hug while patting his head. He returned the hug and cried into your chest. You see Harry heading towards the The four of you but as always Umbridege has to come along and say something .
Umbridge: u-hm, as i told you before Mr Potter naughty children deserved to be punished and as for you Mrs L/N be a bit more lady like and stop being promiscuous always being around boys 
With that she walked away that made your blood boil you were finally done taking her shit 
Y/N: we need to do something i hate her 
Fred: you know George i always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement 
George: i was thinking the exact same thing 
They then both look at you 
Fred: what do you say love
George: wanna join our little adventure 
Y/N: Absolutely
The next day you and everything ready your brooms, fireworks and of the big boy your be throwing as a last fuck you  
Y/N: ready boys
Fred & George: Ready
You started to make some noise and took a bit but finally Umbridge came out to investigate. As she opens the door you set a little fireworks off to fly to her face. It looked like the golden snitch. It then flew past her into the class exploding into more little  fireworks. Once you heard the little fireworks go off you get on your broom and fly around the corner and into the exams room.
As you flew in the papers flew off people desks and you started to throw fireworks up in the air to cause more commotion. It was lie a work of art seeing the fireworks go off. You kept throwing more and more of them up into the air just having the time of your life with your boyfriends. This was gonna be a story to tell one day.  They then threw you the big firework, oh you were so excited 
Fred & George: ready?
Y/N: ready 
You then threw the fire work up into the air , causing it to go off and turn into a giant dragon made of fireworks. That chased Umbridge out of the exam room. The dragon engulfed her and it looked like she had been eaten due to the smoke. The dragon then went off into tons of fireworks and broke the rules that she had put up on the walls.
The three of you then flew out of the school into the courtyard, everyone followed after you trying to witness your final goodbye. But your boyfriends had a surprise for you seeing everyone in the courtyard. They let out more fireworks and everyone was cheering.
Fred: for out finally goodbye
George: we would like to confess something 
They then flew a bit closer to your broom to kiss your cheeks causing your to blush to the public displayed
Fred & George: Y/N L/N is out girlfriends, you heard it here folks she ours so back off 
After that they threw one more fireworks that formed a giant W for Weasley Wheezes something you knew they were working on then flew away 
Y/N: i can't believe you did that
You laughed as your said that 
George: well since we're leaving might as well tell them 
Fred: plus we didn’t want any lovesick fool thinking they had a chance with you 
At that you flew to the only place you knew you needed to be right now even if you would get a ear full 
and that would be the burrow
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wowzah2nd · 1 year ago
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A Not So Secret Relationship
Severus Snape x reader
Word count: 2k
after years of a not so secret relationship a student catches then sharing a loving kiss. Which cause rumours to spiral around the school, whats going on with professor Snape and professor L/N?
You had been working at hogwarts since you were 20 which was the youngest the school had seen to teach muggle studies since you were muggleborn. 2 years later your dear friend severus snape joined you to teach as well but was offered potion professor and not defence against the dark arts professor. Even though you were very different, you being a gryffindor and him being a slytherin you got along very well. You actually didn’t become friends till both your last years at Hogwarts. You always saw him alone or being bullied by the same gryffindor as James Potter, Sirius black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew also called the marauders and one day you decided to stand up for him seeing how cruel it was.
It was a normal day at Hogwarts. You were walking around the hall when you heard a commotion coming from around the corner. You'd decided to take a peak and see what was happening and you could see the marauders bullying someone and hanging him upside down. As soon as you saw that you made a run for it towards James who was the one casting the spell as you went near him you pushed him to lose focus luckily the boy wasn’t too high up when he fell.
Y/N: what is wrong with you lot doing that to someone that is just cruel and mean
James: well he deserved it y/n you know what he called lilly, he called her a mudblood
I paused for a second looking between them the boy was no sat against the wall but i still thought what he did was cruel
Y/N: still doesn't give you the right to treat someone so cruelly, if he did say something like then your the one that's supposed to be better and not do things so idiotic you head boy after all lead my example
The group stared at me in surprised that i would defend a slytherin
James: come on boy let's get out of here
Before they were fully out of ear shot i heard them call me a traitor to my house but i didn't care no one deserved such cruel treatment
As soon as I couldn't see them I turned to the boy that got bullied. He was a little hurt getting a scratch on his head from being dropped. Which was my fault, maybe I should have made me put him down slowly instead of pushing him. I crouched down to his level grabbing my handkerchief from my school bag to wipe the little blood on his head
As i was wiping his head he decided to finally speak
Boy: their telling the truth you know
Y/N:I know
He finally looked at me and look surprised
Boy: then why did you help me aren’t you a muggleborn too
I gave out a long sigh
Y/N: I am, but no one ever deserves to be treated less than anything human also how did you know i was a muggleborn
Boy: i was friends with lily before i called that name and she mentioned you a couple times
Y/N: oh did she now i didn’t really think we were friends we barely talk
Boy: yeah she talks about how smart and nice you were apparently you helped her out a few time and she felt grateful for. You are really nice by the way
I giggle at his comment it seemed he was shy when saying it
Y/N: well thank you…
Severus: snape, Severus Snape
Y/N: well snape, can i call you severus instead
Severus: only my friends call me that
I gave him a big smile
Y/N: well wanna be friends then
It took awhile to get him to agree to being friends but it was a great friendship even if people thought it was weird me being friends with him but i never let it bother me and over time i started to develop feelings for him but never got to tell him at school
Flashback ended
It had been 2 years since I graduated and I had become a muggle studies teacher here after Dumbledore gave me the offer and I gladly accepted . another year passed when a new teacher can when i found out it was severus when i saw him in the staff room i ran to him and gave him a big hug.
He was a bit taken aback from the hug and luckily no one else was in the staff room to see
Y/N: i miss you so much severus why did you ever write me
I started to let out all my suppressed emotions that i didn’t realise i was holding in. he let out a sigh before speaking
Severus: I had my reasons that i can’t tell you just yet but i will say that i have missed you too and i was actually scared yo see you
Y/N: why were you scared to see me
Severus: well that because… i wanted to confess something to you..
I was looking hopeful at him now had he been feeling the same way about me like i have about him
Severus: i have liked you for so long and every day that ive thought about you that feeling has grown and developed into love. Even though its been years since i last saw you i finally realised that i love you and wanna be with you. So if youd allows me can i take you in a date
I immediately jumped him and gave him a bear crushing hug
Y/N: of course severus you can and i love you too i loved you every since we started to be friends
He gave out a sigh of relief at my answer
Severus: you have no idea how happy i am right now
Ever since that day you have started to date everyone knew but ever brought it up since it wasn’t their business but what they saw warmed their heart. Seeing the one cold and withdrawn severus actually turn happy when you walked into a room or were in the area. But of course he still tried to hid that side of it since they thought only you deserved to see that side of him but he could not always hide it. Few years later after dating you'd gotten married it was a big ceremony it was a small one of just you and him just how you always wanted
And that now brings us to the year 1993 10 years after being married you still loved teaching at that school mainly because you also wanted to be close to Severus and he never complained. But only complained about harry potter it was the boys third year and as alway severus did really like him since he was a reminder of his youth and i would never blame him
Y/N: hello severus how are you this morning my love
I made my way into in classroom due to not seeing him during breakfast
Severus: not so good if im honest
I placed down a small plate of food he can eat since i know he didnt grab anything before heading back to the classroom
Y/N: and why is that love
Severus: well it’s because i'm teaching potters class
I let out a sigh
Y/N: you know he’s not his father right so please cut the boy a little bit of slack and the rest of the kids they have me later in the day and they still complain
Severus: i know his not his father but he remind me so much like him
Y/N: he won’t be like him the school will teach him better
Severus let out a sigh before grabbing my hand to say come sit with me, so i sit on his lap as we continue our conversation
Severus: your right, but i still won’t go easy on him or the student they need to learn one wrong move they’ll all end up like mister finnigan
I giggle at all the memories i had over the years that id seen the boy come in my class with missing eyebrows
Y/N: give the poor boy some slack he’s not very good at potions it's a hard subject for him
Severus: your beautiful when you smile you know…also i'll never stop loving you laugh it just brings be joy every time
At those comments i started to blush
Y/N: severus stop you're embarrassing me
Severus: i'm just trying to tell my dear wife how much i think she's beautiful and how much i love her presence
Y/N: well Mr snape i love you too
Severus: well Mrs snape i love you more
He cupped my cheek before he leaned in for a long passionate kiss, but without realising it students had filed into the class a a few had saw that kiss both. One of the student decided to get our attention and we both broke away from the kiss in surprise
Student: u-um excuse us professors
Y/N; o-oh im so sorry i should let you teach severus
I got up from his lap and made my way out of the class
Y/N: bye severus see you later
That potion class was a even bad one for those students since any student who tried to ask about what they saw would question it
After morning classes it was lunchtime and whispers and rumours already spread around the school about Severus and you. Causing severus to be annoyed he hated when people talked about you but it made you giggle more than anything since the amount of theories people thought of
Class had resumed and you had the third years first and you knew they were gonna ask questions but you didn;t mind telling them the truth it really surprised you though not more people new about you and severus marriage you neve had your affection but severus did always acted indifferent to it but you knew deep down he loved and didn't want people to see
As everyone was making their way into class you could sense they had questions but decided to ask later. As the class went one you decided that taking a 10 min break would be good for them since that class can be boring
Y/N: okay that's enough for now let's take a 10 min break ok
After saying that it was a que for students to start asking questions
Y/N: yes mister Weasley
Ron: is it true what they’re saying
Y/N: you'll need to be specific mister weasley
He looked a bit nervous to ask the question but the whole class was looking at him to ask it. Seems like everyone else wanted to know to
Ron: is it true you kissed professor snape i hear from some slytherin’s who went into the classroom they saw you
I gave out a long sigh i might as well be honest or else they may go wild with the rumours
Y/N: not that its anyone's business but yes it’s true we did kiss
Everyone was shocked and all started to talk either saying “ i told you so” or “ how can that be”
Then one of the slytherin’s asked a questions
Blaise: but miss aren't you a gryffindor and mister snape a slytherin
I was disappointed at that statement i hated house rivalries they always went to far
Y/N: yes its true mister Zabini but house should never matter when it come to love
That made the commotion even louder they didn’t think love was involved yet, most likely think this was a new occurrence
Then some one in the class decided to ask a smart question to finally put the pieces together
Hermione: Professor L/N what your relationship with Professor Snape
I gave a smile finally someone had maye notice i never really talked about my relationship unless asked same with severus so getting this question was a little bit exciting to me
Y/N: well miss granger good question my relationship with Professor snape is actually a simple question to answer
I paused for dramatic effect looking at all the anticipated face of the students giving them a sweet smile
Y/N: were actually Husband and Wife
Everyone was shocked giving out surprised gasps at the very thought
Student 1 : no way that can’t be true
Student 2 : why are you married to snape
Student 3: how long have you been married ?
Student 4: unbelievable
I decided to hush the class to explain this was such a big surprise to all of them apparently
Y/N; 1 it is true me and severus have been together for a few years now and quite happily married we’ve known each other since out student days, 2 severus is a very kind person and i would not appreciate you all bad mouthing my husband around me and 3 it very believable
After answering all their question classes resumed and it was finally finished the day went on as normal but you next classes were pretty much the same as the third years asking questions and being very shock at a gryffindor and slytherin were together
Classes were now done and it was time for dinner as you were waiting for dinner to start you waited for Severus but it seemed like he was a bit late, probably marking. But after a few minutes he had finally arrive while dinner was in full swing.
Y/N: hello love how were classes today
He seemed very grumpy probably due to the students constant questions
Severus: no very good student don’t know how to keep questions to them seleves
As he said that i look towards to student seeing them looking at our interactions, and a plan came into my head it could anger him a little bit or maybe help
So i decided while everyone was looking at us and he was talking, to give him a kiss on the cheek and i did
He froze for a sec but then relaxed guess the kiss worked and for a moment he ignore everyone around us and cupped my cheek to give me a quick kiss on the lips
Severus; i love you, i really do my darling wife
I smile at him i was so in love with this man
Y/N: i love you too my darling husband
After that everyone said awwww in the great hall which cause severus to snape out of it and go cold once again i slid my hand under the table to hold his hand to make sure he was okay and he squeezed back telling him he was fine then i brought it to my lips to give it a kiss causing everyone to awww once again
And to this day people say they could have sworn they saw professor snape blush
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