#emotional/verbal abuse
jujulebee · 1 year
She's lost track of how many days it's been.
"If you would just fuckin' do what you're told, we could be done with this. You're comin' home one way or another, an' so is your—"
There's a haze of static that clouds Honey's mind as she listens to her father speak. She's hardly conscious of his presence at all, more aware of the blood that drips down over her lips.
She's not sure she could support herself if she tried.
Her eyes aren't on him. They never are. He gets angry when she meets his eye.
She's vaguely aware of him approaching, of the way he grabs her by the hair and pulls her to her feet.
"Are you fuckin' listening or not?"
She stumbles as he starts pulling her forward, trying to get her footing, but he's too rough and her muscles too sore to move properly, so she falls to her knees, gasping in pain. He doesn't stop, though, instead dragging her the rest of the way to a mirror on the wall.
"Look at you. Disgusting lil tramp. I said you'd end up goin' t'hell for actin' like a whore."
His grip on her hair tightens and he pulls her up to standing once more, Honey's eyes pulsing painfully as she tries to keep herself from crying, desperate to not waste any blood.
He refuses to feed her.
Once she's up, he shifts his hands to catch her in a chokehold. It may not cut off her air anymore, but it's still enough to get her to panic, her sudden attempt to move only causing him to tighten the hold.
"Y'ain't endin' up there fast enough for my taste, Honey Bonnie. You're gonna remember this lesson. I'm makin' sure of it. You take a good long look, cause this is what you deserve."
The hold tightens and her head pulses painfully.
"Once I got Lily I'm draggin' you both home. I ain't lettin' you give yourself to the Devil. You belong to me."
Honey's heart rate spikes and her eyes widen, voice weak as she hisses out, "Better the Devil'n a cuck like you."
She doesn't register how his hold shifts. Doesn't even register the movement from where she's at to when her head collides with the mirror, but she certainly feels each shard. She can hear the glass crunch against her face as he holds her against the broken surface. When he lets go, she falls to the ground, small chips stuck in her skin, a large gash on her face from one of the bigger shards mostly hidden by her hair.
She sees him standing above her, staring down at her through the shattered reflection. Delusion tries to protect her, to save her from what she's seeing. Just the head of a wolf, lips curled and licking its chops. She closes her eyes, a single bloody tear running down her cheek. She hears his footsteps leaving the room, hears the muffled sound of his voice as he yells and rants, hears the slam of the door.
Another moment of peace.
She stays on the ground for a few minutes, gathering herself, before slowly shifting to push herself up. She ignores the glass that sticks to her palm, quietly hugging herself once she's in a relatively comfortable sitting position.
She won't leave.
She can't.
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cubbihue · 26 days
Have there been times the Turner parents have suspected something but shrugged it off?
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They have never suspected Timmy Turner of anything! Despite often expressing regret or disappointment, they still very much love their son! And all the benefits he brings them!!
The Turners are a well established family in the neighborhood. It wouldn't bode them well to go around casting doubt against their own son. It'd affect their reputation terribly!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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buggachat · 9 months
(random s5 finale musings) tbh I don't think Marinette chose to keep The Secrets™ from Adrien because Gabriel asked her to. I feel like Marinette keeping secrets like that is so consistent with her character; she hates giving people bad news, she hates rocking the boat, she hates upsetting people, she always chooses to keep any 'controversial' information to herself for as long as she can get away with (examples: bubbler scarf, telling Queen Bee she was benched, confessing to Adrien, warning Chat Noir about Scarabella or Rena Furtive, never told Chat Noir about Chat Blanc, etc) that I just totally believe she would've done it either way. She was even already having nightmares about Adrien hating her for finding out she defeated his father, so I feel like Gabriel's request was moreso giving her a go-ahead than it was a primary deciding factor, yknow?
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4spooniesupport · 1 year
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
abusiveness and predation is not unique to men. abusive women (and the abuse of men for that matter) are much, much more common than you think. if your support for abuse survivors only extends to women or people who were abused by men, you don't actually support survivors.
so to all the survivors who aren't women, and the survivors whose abusers weren't men: i believe you, and i see you. you deserve to be safe and supported. you are not alone. your pain and suffering matters just as much as others' does. what happened to you is just as awful, and i'm wishing you so much healing and happiness.
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a-sip-of-milo · 6 months
Guess what. You can recognise that your parents were trying their best and still acknowledge that they messed up. Stop telling people who open up about their childhood trauma that they're ungrateful because they haven't forgotten about the fact that the people who raised them hurt them.
DNI if you believe in cluster-B abuse.
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cryptcatz · 6 months
i hate how much of my life revolves around asking myself “am i being overly sensitive/dramatic or are my feelings valid here?”. being so easily hurt and upset sucks. i feel like im too soft for this world
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evenmoreofadisaster · 10 days
Picture this: The Foot decides that Usagi keeps getting in the way or he’s too much of a distraction. So the Lieutenant tells One and Two that Usagi has to be killed, and that they have to do it. One is struck with the shock and horror of the knowledge that his friend(or lover maybe at this point I don’t know?) is in danger. He whispers “No…” in such a soft voice that Two looks at him in confusion. Only for One to repeat himself, screaming “NO!!!” When I say screaming, I’m talking wide eyes, angry tears pricking them, fists clenched tightly, and straight up defying the order to kill the one he loves.
Just something angsty I thought of just now. Why? Because I can.
okay this got my brain GOING. I did make some tweaks, but I LOVE where your head's at!
Basically, a what if scenario where Two tells Draxum about Usagi in Bug Busters
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The vines must loosen, because Two releases a huff of air and squirms to adjust his position. “I  have found evidence that Number One has been coming and going from the Nexus Hotel as he damn well pleases, despite your orders and without your permission. If you release me, I can show you.”
One’s blood turns to ice, but before he can defend himself, Draxum puts them down. 
As soon as One’s feet touch the floor and Draxum releases his hold, he lunges for his brother. Draxum’s vines catch him by the shell and arms, pulling him back. One growls and tugs at his restraints. “Two,” he warns. 
But Two pulls up the video feed, a time lapse of every one of his escapes to the Nexus. One’s chest tightens. Even though it’s sped up, there are short glimpses of the slider just sitting down and crying. His weakest, most lowest moments are displayed on camera, right in front of him. In front of his brother. In front of his commander. And every time… every time Usagi was there to cheer him up. Two freezes the frame in one particularly suspicious shot of Usagi leading One down a hallway, holding his hand. 
Slowly, Draxum’s vines loosen and slide away, but One just stands there, staring at the moment frozen in time. 
If he wasn’t in trouble before, he sure as hell is in trouble now. 
“You have been deceiving me.”
One stiffens at the sound of disapproval in Draxum’s voice. “Just let me explain—”
“I’ve heard enough of your explanations!” the commander shouts. Instinctively, One flinches and looks at the floor, caught in his own web of lies. He hates the tight feeling in his throat. 
“You have made a fool of yourself,” Draxum continues. “By coming here, you’ve hindered this mission. Not only that, but your actions have made me question what else you've been keeping from me. You’ve become distracted. Weak. And I will not tolerate this inane behavior any longer.”
A large shadow engulfs One, making him feel small and boxed in. Oppressed. Suffocated. He doesn’t have to look up to know Draxum is the one who’s looming over him. He just hopes that’s the end of it. The silence that follows seems to last forever. Then the commander gives him his order. 
“Kill him.”
One stops breathing. 
“This is your final chance to redeem yourself, Number One. I suggest you take it.”
“No,” One’s mouth runs faster than he can think. It’s not the logical choice, but One knew then and there that he can’t— won’t— follow Draxum’s order. Just like he knew that he couldn’t bring 003D and 004D to Draxum. 
“One,” Two hisses. 
The slider breaks away. “No!” he shouts, fists tight. “I won’t.”
All of a sudden a vine snatches One by the throat and shoots away from the rooftop, holding the slider above the street far below. One gasps as his neck is squeezed. He kicks his legs pathetically and claws at the branch.
“I cannot afford you indulging these insignificant distractions,” Draxum growls. “If you can’t handle these simple tasks, then tell me why shouldn’t I just drop you now?”
“Do it,” One chokes, meeting Draxum’s look of annoyance with defiance. “You’re obviously done with me, so let me go.”
The alchemist narrows his eyes. One’s heart thuds, panic and doubt flooding his mind. He fights it, struggles to hold on to reason. 
This is all talk. One knows it is. Draxum isn’t going to just let him fall to his death— fourteen years of the alchemist risking his life and career to protect them makes One sure of it— but that doesn’t mean he won’t find another way to punish One for slowing him down. 
After a moment, Draxum pulls him back to the ledge and drops him. One falls unceremoniously onto the rooftop, behind Draxum, hitting the ground with a weak grunt. “That would be a waste,” Draxum scowls. “However, I have another solution to this… complication.”
One looks up as Draxum stands next to Two, with a hand on his shoulder. The softshell glances up hesitantly at their commander. 
“Engage deactivation protocol: 001D-Alpha 9.”
WUGGHHH this made me sad. um anyways here's a song rec...
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secretlykoishi · 1 year
i was a child
everything i was, was something you hated
but you always said you loved me
i wish you’d said you hated me
because that would be easier
than believing you cared
everything you did to me still defines me
all of the pain and the misery
you were the only one i could have trusted
and you used that against me
i was a child
i didn’t deserve that
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family-trauma · 1 year
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I think these words can only said by those who are empathic and can put themselves in other people's shoes. Among all those who I am close with, I believe there is only one person who had validated how I felt about being emotionally abused.
Find the right person who understands you and your situation. As it is the situation itself is hard to deal with, the last thing you need is to deal with people around you who don't understand your pain.
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mooestriovermind · 2 months
need help
I don't know what to do anymore. I experience verbal and emotional abuse from my parents (especially my mother) on an almost daily basis and I'm scared to leave my room. I have my door locked but I don't trust either of my parents to respect my space. I can't leave this house because I don't have a driver's license, I'm unemployed, and there's nobody willing and/or able to help. I'd say I'm running out of options, but I didn't really have any to begin with. My mother looks at my Tumbr on occasion so there's a chance that she will see this and yell at me.
Somebody please help me. I can't help myself.
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jujulebee · 2 years
Returning to yesterday...
"After you left there was a lot of yelling." Lily glances at Honey, rolling his eyes and giving an almost comical gesture as he says, "I mean more than normal of course." He flashes a brief smile when she can't help but giggle a little.
"Oh he was pissed. Eomma was yelling about you probably running off with some boy and dad agreed. He called you every foul thing that he could think of until he was sputtering for insults and repeating himself. I don't think they even called the police until day two of you missing."
Lily idly fidgets with his nails with one hand, "Eomma wanted to call Johnny and ask if he'd heard anything from her, but dad got pissed about it, said," He puffs up his chest, giving a bad impression of their dad, in a whisper of a yell, "If that little slut went t'go live with my sinner of a brother I don't want any part of it. F'I see her again I'll fuckin' kill'er. They're both goin' t'hell an' she can die out there for all I care."
He rolls his eyes again, which helps alleviate some of the anxiety that weighs on Honey's chest. Still, she squeezes his hand for comfort, and the motion is returned before he continues.
"After, I dunno, a couple weeks of searching? The Baek family said they got back in contact with their daughter and the Rhodes family followed suit. I guess Mr. Jalife never put out a missing person's report, because I never saw anything about Julián going missing."
The fact that Jules was never reported missing makes her twitch, but Honey holds her tongue as her brother continues.
"Dad insisted you were dead. He said you had died and gotten what ya deserved, a one way ticket to hell. I really only knew he was lying because Yas would give me updates at school from her sister, so I'd get to see you at least once a week through pictures." He laughs, "If I hadn't see you turn into such a bright and rainbowy person I don't know if I would have recognized you when I came to visit, even if you are such a recognizable silhouette."
Honey laughs a bit, but it's muted, tinged with concern. She knows worse is coming. Lily knows too, and he fidgets as his face falls a bit, hesitating to continue.
"Just like with you he never left me with any cuts. Nothing that'd scar. Really, I got off easier than you did. I didn't have any kind of history of missin' class or anything. Wasn't allowed to do sports so I didn't have that excuse. Didn't try and do stunts around the neighborhood so it would have looked extra suspicious. So... really, I got off a lot easier than you did. The worst that happened was a broken rib, and we played that off as me hitting the stairs weird when I tripped."
Her purses his lips, squeezing her hand. "After what you went through... I dunno... it's hard... I guess... to see it as abuse? It just kinda felt... par for the course? But like I was getting some kind of special treatment. Maybe he went easier on me because I was bigger than you. I was almost as tall as him already, I mean. Plus I wasn't malnourished like you. Eomma didn't restrict my food access. If anything she tried to get me to eat more."
"I genuinely don't even know if Eomma was abusing me. I mean I guess neglect? She wasn't super attentive or anything, but at least she was't as bad as she was to you."
Honey rolls her eyes, shaking her head, "Eomeoni didn't abuse me, Lily, she was just worried about my weight."
There's a solid 20 seconds of silence between them, Lily staring at his sister in disbelief, searching for some hint of a joke on her face. "Are you fucking serious?"
She blinks in response, genuine surprise in her expression, and Lily rubs his free hand over his face. "Okay... no... no you definitely were. Promise that much. Uh..." He hesitates, taken off guard and thrown off track by what she said, "That's... that's about it. I mean, aside from being forced to stay in the closet and him still hitting me, just... y'know... not as bad... that's about it... I just kept my head down... stayed in my room a lot."
Honey breathes a small sigh of relief, "Thank God it wasn' too bad... I... I still feel horrible for leavin' you in that situation at all... that I... that you got hurt even once but... I was scared of it bein' so much worse..." She gives her brother's hand another squeeze, lifting it to press her forehead against his fingers. "I'm so sorry you had to see what you did. I'm sorry I didn't do better."
Lily's face falls, watching his sister, even now, put him before herself. Watching her push away everything that happened for his sake, to worry about him instead. He adjusts to scoot closer to her, moving his hand away from hers so he can instead pull her into a hug. He holds her close, mimicking the very same hold she'd use so often to protect him, to shield him.
"You did everything you could. You did more than anyone should have to. Most importantly, you lived so I could see you again." Honey's heart races, her body tense until she feels his chin rest on top of her head, a hand rubbing comforting circles against her back. She does her best to not tear up, to not cry blood onto her brother as she finally relaxes, listening to him speak, "You're okay..."
The words are so familiar. Of course they would be.
"You're safe..."
She's said them hundreds of times.
"I'm right here..."
She doesn't cry. Not yet. She doesn't want him seeing that. He doesn't know for sure, after all. Even if he does insist it's "this is vampires". Honey just... lays there... in his arms. She lets him do the comforting this time. Lets him do the protecting.
After an hour or so, she finally speaks, though she doesn't move from her position. "I was gonna go to Dolls' house today... Sam and Jules'll be there too, we're gonna watch movies... did you wanna join?"
"Yeah, I... I wanna involve you in more things. Even if I'm a lil nervous boutcha gettin' hurt."
"Y-yeah I mean, I'd like that, of course." Lily blinks in surprise, his brows knitting together at her mentioning him getting hurt. Of course, it makes sense. It is straight up vampires. She's probably afraid of him getting turned into a vampire, or... getting attacked by a vampire.
His thoughts are disrupted by her speaking again, "I should tell Uncle Johnny... shouldn't I?"
"I didn't realise you hadn't," Lily says, truthfully, "I figured you told him as soon as you moved here."
She shakes her head a bit, "No... I was afraid. Afraid he'd see me differently. That he'd love me less. I... I know that's silly but... I can't... I can't help but think that way..."
"Honey, I'm pretty sure Johnny would love you if you murdered in cold blood right in front of him. He'd probably come up with a hundred reasons why you'd be justified." Lily gives his sister a squeeze and sighs, "I get it, though. I know where you're coming from... you should tell him though."
"Yeah... I... I'll tell him tomorrow... if I ask him to come over now he'll be here in ten minutes regardless'a where he is now." She waits a beat, brows furrowing, "I'm still nervous... I ain't even sure I know all the details anymore."
"We can tell him together. It'll be fine, nothing you say will make him love you any less."
Honey looks up at her brother, needing to shift away from his hold to do so, "Promise?"
Lily holds up a hand, pinky extended. "I promise."
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another example of catra’s actions being trivialized is how the show treats her relationship with scorpia in s4. she’s clearly being verbally and emotionally abusive to scorpia and scorpia shows clear signs of trauma. she flinches and looks terrified whenever catra mistreats her, she makes excuses for catra despite everything, she keeps trying hard to please catra and be a good friend, she tries to protect catra from the consequences of her own actions, the entire sequence in ‘princess scorpia’ was just the aftermath of catra’s abuse towards scorpia.
yet the show just keeps rephrasing it as “catra being a bad friend”. which could mean anything. when i think of a bad friend, abuse is not the first thing that comes to mind. it’s just vague enough for people to be like “well catra didn’t mean to hurt scorpia, everyone makes mistakes” when she absolutely did mean to hurt scorpia. she knew what she was doing but because the show frames this as a trivial thing, that’s how the audience views it.
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annabelle-house · 6 months
how do you expect me to get better in the environment that made me sick in the first place?
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
abusive parents when they make a gross negligent error that damages the child permanently: *angrily* well I meant well! Nobody can judge me because my intentions were good! If you make me feel bad for this you're a heartless monster, think of all of the things I did for you! I was doing my best!!
abusive parents when a kid makes a well-meaning mistake that doesn't do any real damage: demon! horrid despicable scum of the earth, you are monstrous, I know you did that on purpose to make me miserable, you enjoy my misery! Everything in the world is your fault and you need to be put into order! There is no punishment enough for what you did, you little scoundrel, you monster, just wait until you see what happens to you, you're going to regret the day you were born!
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One of my favorite things is realizing,"Wait, I'm an adult now.. I don't have to take this." And walking away from another adult. 😂
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