#emotional help
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loveyourlovelysoul · 8 months ago
the more you hide yourself (out of fear of not being seen or being seen as not enough), the more you forget who you are and the amazing things you've done. you stop acknowledging all this. you focus on comparing with others on their field/level, but you just belong to another field/level, a different one, not a better nor worse one. you too have beauty, you too have successes, you too are important, worthy and valid. stop focusing on what you're not, on what's not working, find again who you are and what is actually good. you too have worth. a lot of it. stop hiding it, shine bright.
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This spread is designed to illuminate the hidden corners of your psyche. Delve into the intricate layers of your consciousness, unraveling the complexities that hinder your emotional well-being.
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lavkactapkami · 1 year ago
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— Я уверен на 100%, что у Билли были припадки головной боли и жестокости, и я так же хочу верить, что Стю помогал ему с ними!
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astrogirlythings · 2 years ago
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Trust me when I say that your emotions can (negatively) affect your eating habits, your sleep schedule, your routine, your hormones, your overall health & your looks.
Especially when you are suppressing them.
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Journal entry. 📓
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juliatv · 11 months ago
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my dears, if anyone feels emotional emptiness, like nothing makes you happy, doesn’t make you angry or sad, then soon I will release one video advice for dealing with emotional emptiness, and remember, you are not alone, I love you 💜💜✨🫰
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hjellacott · 2 years ago
Please don't go to Prince Harry and Meghan for mental health advice (maybe come to me instead!)
For those who don't know, among my studies there's a BSc in Psychology and I post psychology stuff now and then in @thepsychologytemple. I'm not a psychologist, but I've got the qualifications and I've also been a patient and received therapy and, similarly to Harry, a lot of it was due to grief and family drama. And I am telling you nothing he says speaks "I'm an emotionally and mentally healthy guy qualified to give others advice on mental health". So even though I normally don't care about Harry and don't have bad nor good opinions, I was quite horrified to find out that apparently not only is he trying to make a career out of providing advice for others' mental health and struggles, but he's having people pay +30 dollars to hear him speak about his intimate struggles.
Look, if you're so desperate that youre willing to pay Harry for help, please sink the money into actual therapy. It takes years of studying hard to become a certified psychologist and even then, you're supposed to continue to do research and be subjected to the continuous review and criticism of your peers. And you know what therapists and psychologists are never supposed to do? Among other things, saying anything about their own private, personal lives. The only reason any mental health professional or business is giving Harry any voice is because we're in the middle of a worldwide mass mental health crisis and if famous voices talk about it then perhaps people will get help. And some people admittedly only want the money that Harry can bring through convincing people to go to them. I promise you no half-respectable mental health professional would EVER deem Harry is a good option to receive even the slightest bit of advice, unless that advice is go to proper therapy.
Harry has NOT healed. He is NOT in peace. He is NOT happy. And none of his public actions could possibly give him a true mental and emotional health and healing.
When you're in peace, when you heal from a traumatic event, it stops violently affecting you. For example, you know you've moved on from a loss and are OK when the thought of it out of the blue on a regular day may make you sad, but only a bit. When your emotions remain under control and do not make your day to day more difficult. When you don't feel overwhelmed with negative emotions, like sadness or anger.
I know a fair bit about loss because it was the main thing thar dragged me into first therapy and then psychology. I already had a University degree when I decided I was struggling too much (I'd lost my dad, other seven relatives, and my best friend), so I began going to therapy and reading lots of therapy and self help stuff. And then I decided I needed more and went into formally studying psychology. That's when I actually, truly healed, so I know what that looks like and I guarantee you I'm not writing books profiting from the trauma caused to me by death, life, family and my stupid brother. I could, but I'm OK, so I don't need to spend months writing about it, dwelling on it, then ranting about it to everyone publicly, then going to the telly and dwelling on it so much and making documentaries about it. Instead, I'm busy being happy. And happiness does keep you busy. When you have clear purposes in life, a happy family, work (I'm an actress, camera woman and production assistant), hobbies (I do lots of writing and piano)... you don't have time nor energy to go on national television and be bitter, angry and resentful and talking about the intimate stuff from your own family.
It worries me that young people specially look up to Harry like a saviour and I want you to know, if you need any free advice about your family, love life, friends, mental health, emotional stuff, whatever! You can come to me at @thepsychologytemple . No judgement. I don't care who you are. I will treat you with all the objectivity I can, you can even send anonymous messages if you want. And I'll do what I can. Better me than Harry.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year ago
balancing out the two works as well, like eg. yeah maybe [negative thought/comment] but there's also [positive thought/comment]. you and life, even if at times seems so, don't stop and aren't just about anything negative. there's so much more about both of you, just take your time to realize it and see it again (when we focus on the negative it's a difficult process to see the positive; at first you'll need to concentrate to make it but try cause it's gonna be worth it and you'll soon do it automatically)
it’s so easy to get lost in negative thoughts and comments. it’s okay to have them, it’s normal. take a moment and a deep breath, think of something nice, something cute, or something soft. tell yourself something nice. it’s small, but it’s a start.
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askthecritters · 1 month ago
Hey DogDay...
I think.... I think I had a rough time recently...
I saw the whole playthr- uh, video of what's been happening... it made me feel traumatized. I was wondering if you could help me cheer up..
(btw, idk if venting's part of rules so I hope you won't mind)
DogDay: "No no, it's okay! And I think you'll find someone who can relate."
[Thanks, DogDay. Hi, annon. I'm the mod for this blog. You can call me Torch. When I first saw the Smiling Critters short for Chapter 3 in November of 2023, it's really scared me, too (I was 8, so this scared me to my core). I'm no therapist, but I had family to help me, and the fear was just lost to time. And now, im a big fan of the Smiling Critters. It may not be the same situation as you, but you're not alone. I know you can make it through this fear. And if a 9 year old artist that's well-known on tumblr can make it through, then chances are so can you. If anyone or you need any kind of emotional help, then I'll be there.]
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creativepromptsforwriting · 10 months ago
How to show emotions
Part V
How to show grief
a vacant look
slack facial expressions
shaky hands
trembling lips
struggling to breathe
tears rolling down their cheeks
How to show fondness
smiling with their mouth and their eyes
softening their features
cannot keep their eyes off of the object of their fondness
sometimes pouting the lips a bit
reaching out, wanting to touch them
How to show envy
narrowing their eyes
rolling their eyes
raising their eyebrows
grinding their teeth
tightening jaw
chin poking out
pouting their lips
forced smiling
crossing arms
shifting their gaze
clenching their fists
tensing their muscles
then becoming restless/fidgeting
swallowing hard
holding their breath
blinking rapidly
exhaling sharply
How to show regret
scrubbing a hand over the face
sighing heavily
downturned mouth
slightly bending over
shoulders hanging low
hands falling to the sides
a pained expression
heavy eyes
staring down at their feet
More: How to write emotions Masterpost
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year ago
you can understand even a couple of day later, when you get back to it and read it with a hopefully clearer mind. it doesn't even have to be written in a conceptual/grammatical perfect way at all. make it messy it's fine, you can put infos together later on
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year ago
Sometimes we wait for something to be perfect or we call us perfectionists, but in reality we are just fearing being judged, failing, feeling not at ease or been perceived as not good enough (very likely cause in your childhood or past, we had to overwork or do something "special" in order to be praised by our caregivers or authority figures -in school too). So yeah, more often than not perfectionism is a mask: a sign of insecurity, a search for external validation about things we actually don't ever feel satisfied about (and therefore unsafe). And this need only creates an endless cycle of uneasiness, or better, feeling threatened in our nervous system.
Perfectionism wants us to believe we actually hold control of something that in reality we cannot control: others' judgement (which often doesn't even depends on us directly). And this constant threat and need to be better and to push harder, only produces even more distress in our mind and body too, all of which may create space for some chronic conditions as well.
The only way to fight with this, is to accept that nobody is really perfect, that we're all our own type of perfect and no matter what standards we set to achieve, not everyone will like us anyway. So, next time we try to get more from ourself and wait for things to be really perfect (like 200% perfect), never really taking a leap because we're not secure of the result, we may try to take a breath and find a compromise between what we can humanly do at this time and the standards we want to achieve (which we may even reach one day with practice -trying more and failing more-, time, patience... who knows).
Remember that sometimes being messy, imperfect but true to ourselves, accepting and acknowledging our limits and knowing we've done our best anyway, is the first step to self awareness and to help ourselves ease the effects that that continue search for a fake perfection produces in us.
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hinamie · 6 months ago
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selfhealingmoments · 2 years ago
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hit-talks · 8 months ago
i can't tell if something is seriously wrong with me. i've been to nyc many times in the past, and my boyfriend is visiting for the next week as well. i helped him plan the trip and gave him some restaurants to eat at and places to see. he just landed in newark and took an uber to his aunt's house in the east village, and while he was driving through i asked him how he liked the city. he said the city was good, and that he liked it and was ready to explore the next day. in that moment, all i felt was pure, concentrated salt. i couldn't tell you why. i've never felt something like that, over a whole CITY. sure, i've felt jealous when he has a fun time with his other friends and not me, but it's pretty light and i think i handle it pretty well. this is the first time i've been slightly upset about someone or him enjoying a CITY? it's the way i helped him plan it and everything so enthusiastically too... i'm so confused rn
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beets · 11 months ago
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9-1-1. 7.04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered [details]
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melxhunter · 1 year ago
I feel like there are a lot of people out there who needs to hear this:
If you dropped out of school because of diagnosed (or undiagnosed) ADHD, Autism, ADD, OCD, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia etc… You did not fail. The education system failed you.
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