#effie 💕
myobmaya · 2 years
according to my recent research, you’re the right person to ask for joe keery pics because you always share the best ones… so can you share some of your favourites so i can put a joe keery sticker pack for messages together? i need looks but i also need reactions hahaha
Effie!! Lmaooo I love you! Alright, your wish is my command~
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topflights · 2 years
Effy is WHERE NOW?! elaborate plz I don't wanna scatter
I GOT U effy is right here on tumblr (link attached to “right here”), stated on twitter
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 20
chapter 35:
1. 😟 james’ first kill had a wife and two little girls. i- these chapters always start off by hitting hard
2. “James, who is—for some reason—glaring at Frank like he's kicked his cat. James doesn't even have a cat. His cat is dead. Has been for years, so Sirius isn't sure what that's all about.” 😭😭😭😭 girl wtf
3. “Pandora marches off after the mayor with the clear determination to organize that poor man's entire life, which maybe he needs, honestly.” queen 👑
4. girl, why is james so possessive of sirius around frank?
6. awww james is jealous. that’s actually kinda funny
7. poor frank is caught up in a lot of jealousy
8. i’m far too worried for effie and monty. like, unreasonably worries
9. i- bernice was a mother to an INFANT. i- all these people who are young parents fucking hurt. i know that’s the point, but it hurts
10. ew, we have to deal with the malfoys and blacks i don’t want to do this
11. “For example, Regulus did not understand when he was a child that Bellatrix is fucking insane. He understands now, of course” 😭😭
12. 😧 bellatrix just- got away with murder. and she did it just to make her younger sister’s life a little easier. he didn’t even do anything wrong. i- regulus is right in calling her fucking insane
13. “Narcissa is not, and never has been, fragile. Oh, she pretends to be, sure, but she's as dangerous as her sisters, especially because you don't expect it.”
14. 💕💕NARCISSA💕💕 asexual lesbian queen
15. “”I want to raise a child. He wants to train a Victor."”
god, that hurts. lucius needs to go rot in a ditch
16. i hate bellatrix, but she’s honestly a pleasure to read about
17. 😧😳 FUCKING WILD. every time reg tells someone not to touch james or he’ll [do something], nobody ever believes him, then he follows through with exactly what he threatened. also, maybe bella needed her hand to be stabbed with a fork
18. i love that sirius has no context, but he is IMMEDIATELY gonna throw fists with bella, no questions asked
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tetheredfeathers · 4 months
Victory tour fics pt2
All are canon compliant. PG-13.
Dance Lessons By: KnottedEnergy
This one is an absolute absolute favorite Peeta and Katniss teach Effie some Appalachian dances. "Let's show some district 12 pride shall we"
Love Bite by VanillaCottonCandy
Peeta gives Katniss a hickey to prove their love to the Capitol. One of my favorite authors their fics are always so sweet and tender.
A Breath of Air by bucket_for_antique_brass
Katniss and Peeta are on the whirlwind Victory Tour, and sneak off to a quiet spot where they can be alone for a few minutes.
I've always wondered what Katniss thought of the countless kisses during the victory tour, so this was a really nice insight.
a lit-up face. by thesmileykate
Thisssss onejkfkjahdkjh aghhhd. It was so cute I thought I was gonna explode. This author always creates such beautiful imagery through her writing.
Traditional obligation by Melacka for JavisTG
The Everdeens invite Peeta over for New Years Eve and Katniss muses on the nature of tradition and obligation.
This one is pure fluff, not exactly victory tour but I put it anyway cause I can.😘
Friends by JavisTG
Another one of my favorite authors. Peeta Katniss have a conversation before the victory tour. Their convo is so sweet my teeth could rot.
There's Got to Be a Morning After Pill by Abagail_Snow 💕💕
The morning after the Capitol Banquet, Katniss can't remember falling asleep, or Peeta arriving. Set during the Victory Tour in Catching Fire.
Katniss and Peeta get accidently drunk.
your arms guard against the night by double_l_and_an_e
After the victory tour Katniss has a nightmare and Prim calls Peeta over because Katniss won't stop crying.
Fluff and angstysgaygyg🙃
And that's a wrap on Canon compliant victory tour fics. I'm sure there are more out there but I only included ones I came across and stood out. I think we need to do victory tour smut next.
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eldritchreveries · 4 months
The draugen girls ☠️
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Of all the designs I did for my Hilda comic my favorites are Rita and Effie 💕
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throneofsapphics · 11 months
i LOVE your angsty poly!rowaelin x reader fics
can i request more? i will gobble up anything you write not even kidding 💕
some questions are better left alone
Rowaelin x f!Reader
(part two) (part three)
Summary: He shoved a plate of sweets at me. “For both of our sakes,” he said carefully, “I’m going to pretend those words never came out of your mouth. Do you understand?” 
Warnings: Angst, drinking, nightmares, small injury, rowan is mean
Word Count: ~5k 
A/N: You are so sweet! I swear, angst is my love language. Reader is from a foreign court/country, has magic, and is able to mindspeak - I kept it a bit vague!
I scribbled the note, leaving it on my desk in my room. Going out. Not very descriptive, but I was in a rush, I’d forgotten what night it was, and I’d promised a friend I’d meet them - some bard was coming through. 
My mates weren’t opposed to me having friends. They knew I did, I just kept them separated, tried to keep a life separate from the castle. 
Maybe I should’ve left a better note, because a certain Wolf showed up halfway through. I caught a whiff of his scent - fresh too, and I knew he was in the damn tavern. But - I didn’t know if he’d come alone or come after me. 
“I’ll be right back.” I leaned in, whispering to my friend, and keeping my voice low. I slid through the crowd with ease. I spotted him in a shadowy corner, leaning up against the wall. I dropped the glamor after I got within a few feet of him. His eyes glinted, a smirk crossing his face. He had come here after me, and waited for me to track him down. I let out a long breath, but stood next to him. His eyes were constantly scanning the crowd. 
“Why are you here?” I kept my voice low enough that only he could hear me. 
“Enjoying the songs, of course.” His voice was honeyed with false innocence, and I could tell he was messing with me. 
“You missed the one about you.” 
“Shame. Which one?” 
I groaned. “I’m not playing into your ego.” 
“Pity, maybe I should’ve let them see your note.” 
“What’s wrong with my note?” My voice went taut. “And why were you in my rooms?” 
“Two words.” He tutted. 
“I was in a rush.” I hissed, then he handed me the paper. He took it. “You bastard.” I snarled. 
“Calm your tits.” He laughed, “I left a better one - ‘taking Y/N out to have fun for once.’” 
“Thank you.” I said, begrudgingly. He did save me some grief. A lot of grief now that I think about it. 
“I am a bit hurt you left without me. Now, are you going to introduce me to your friends?” A shark-like grin appeared on his face. 
“Are you going to play nice?” I countered, crossing my arms. 
“Me? I’m always nice.” He scoffed. “Besides, I’m your best friend in this world. I have a right to know your other ones.” I rolled my eyes, even though the statement warmed my heart - just a bit. 
“Alright. Best friend.” I teased, “Are you going to scare them off?” 
“Do your mates know about them?” 
“Yes.” I sighed. 
“And who your mates are?” 
“Indeed.” I fought back my annoyance. 
“They’re not scared?” He raised his eyebrows. Any sane person would be intimidated by the Queen and King of Terrasen. 
“I won’t let their majesties anywhere near them.” He chuckled, but I could tell he understood. I wasn’t ashamed of my friends, not by any means, but if either of my mates somehow thought they were a threat … it would make things very difficult. I pushed off the wall, and led him back through the crowd. I reached our booth, about halfway down the wall and with a good view of the stage, and dropped it. Instead of two benches, it was rounded, one long bench around a circular table. Cian, Isla, Effie, and Arran. To their credit, they only gaped for a few seconds, before shuffling around to make room for both of us. I scooched in, and let Fenrys sit next to me. 
I gestured towards each of them, “Effie, Arran, Isla, Cian,” And then towards Fenrys. I was halfway tempted to introduce him as ‘pain in my ass,’ or ‘bastard’, but I went for something that would piss him off more. “Lord Moonbeam.” I bit my lip as he stomped on my foot.
“Please don’t call me that. It’s Fenrys.” 
“Pleased to meet you.” Isla squeaked, her face bright red. The others echoed the sentiment, but thankfully not looking at him like he’s a God. I saw the way he was eyeing her, 
Are you really going to bed my friends? I said in his mind, a bit louder than necessary. 
Why would you deny them a good time? 
I swear to the Gods Fenrys. 
Calm your tits. 
That’s twice you’ve mentioned my tits. Should Aelin be worried? 
Don’t you dare. He growled, but didn’t use that phrase again. 
It shouldn’t have been surprising that he got along well with them. He charmed them easily - none of the bitter bastard I’m used to. He and Isla, to my chagrin, got along very well. I didn’t move to interrupt or interfere, even though I wanted to keep them as far away from each other as possible. They could be cute together, but I had a feeling Fenrys was toying with her - flirting for fun. Maybe she was doing the same. I didn’t know her that well, after all, only meeting her a few weeks ago. 
A few hours later, and after several drinking contests, I was feeling very tipsy. Maybe even drunk. Definitely drunk based on how the room spun. But, with a glamor firmly in place, I’d managed to drink a group of soldiers under the table. Where are they from? I have no idea. But every time one started to eye me in a more-than-friendly way, they seemed to pale, and look away very quickly. It took me a few times to figure out Fenrys was glaring daggers at them. I stomped on his foot. 
“Leave them alone.” I whispered. He gave me an incredulous look. “They don’t deserve you looking like you’ll murder them.” 
“You’re not doing anything.” He countered. 
“I am ignoring them.” I emphasized. “And that works well enough.” 
Effie returned, sliding a goblet across the table towards me. Fenrys snatched it before I could, and took a sip. He nearly spit it out, his face turning red, and shoved it back at me. “What is that?” He coughed. 
“Apparently something too strong for your delicate sensibilities.” I took a large sip, enjoying the warmth it provided as the liquid burned, sliding down my throat. 
He gaped at me - but I kept drinking it anyway. 
“It’s a homemade liquor.” Effie replied instead. He grimaced, staring at my glass like it might jump out and attack him. “It grows on you.” She added, biting back a laugh at his expression. 
I finished it, and stood to bring it back up to the bar, but swayed slightly on my feet. Before I could grip the table, Fenrys’s arm shot out to steady me. 
“We’re going home.” He stood. 
“You don’t get to make my decisions.” 
Effie grabbed the glass from my hands. “It’s almost closing anyways.” 
“Traitor.” I mumbled. The others had left ten minutes ago. 
Effie lived above the bar - how we met in the first place. “Go home.” She ordered instead, giving Fenrys a look. One that said - get her home safe, like I needed a minder. 
He only laughed and looped an arm through mine, half-dragging me out the door. 
“You’re not nearly as drunk as me.” I complained, disentangling my arm once we’d left the building. I watched my feet carefully on the cobblestones. 
“I didn’t beat half of the Bane in a drinking contest.”
“So that’s who they were.” I mumbled, and apparently wasn’t paying attention, because I walked right into a column. 
“Fuck.” I muttered, stumbling backwards and pressing a hand against my face. My cheekbone will be bruised. Fenrys grabbed me under my arms before I could fall, and howled. 
“Asshole.” I muttered, shaking off his grip. He looped his arm through mine, and didn’t let me wiggle out this time. Thankfully, we were almost to the gates and Fenrys quit singing. I tugged my hood up as we got closer to the castle. Nobody needs to know just how drunk I am. 
“They’ll see you stumbling.” He drawled. 
“They’ll know to mind their business.” I snipped back at him. 
“Oooh. Someone’s not looking forward to seeing their mates.” He teased me, his voice a sing-song. I sent a vulgar gesture his way, and he just snorted, dragging me through the halls and depositing me at their door. I waited until he’d walked away before heading to my rooms instead, no sense in waking them up. Besides, on the nights I go out I usually sleep in my own rooms anyways, wanting to wash the alcohol off - and Aelin and Rowan need time alone. They don’t say it, but they were a couple long before me. Maybe I’m assuming things. I’m too drunk to think too much. 
Normally Y/N stays in her rooms if she’s gone out, and they won’t argue or try to drag her into their rooms. If she needs space, they’ll let her have it. 
But, tonight, Rowan had a feeling. A feeling he needed to be there. To see her. Like something might be wrong. He slipped out of bed, looking at the clock. Three hours past midnight. She should be back by now. 
“Rowan?” Aelin mumbled sleepily, her eyes opening. 
“I’m going to check on Y/N.” 
Those turquoise eyes opened further. “I’ll come with you.” She yawned. He didn’t fight his wife as she climbed out of bed, grabbing a robe and wrapping it around herself. They moved quickly and silently, through the passage that connects both of their rooms. 
He slowly pushed the door open. Asleep, sprawled out on her side, on the couch. 
Safe - but a giant blue bruise blooming on her cheek. And absolutely reeking of alcohol. Did she get into some sort of brawl? He’d kill Fenrys. Slowly. Aelin placed a hand on his arm, but he could tell she was just as angry. 
“Y/N.” A voice murmured, and I felt a hand running down my arm. A mumbled, some intelligible noise. 
“Y/N. Wake up.” The voice, feminine, was more insistent. Aelin. Why was Aelin in here?. 
Her eyes opened, glassy, pupils slightly dilated. Drunk. And very drunk. How fucking much did she drink? Y/N could almost drink Aelin under the table. 
“Petal.” His mate's voice was low. “Did you get in a fight?” 
“A what?” She was confused. 
“Did you get in a rutting brawl?” I said from the door, not bothering to keep my voice low. Aelin turned and glared at me. 
My eyes narrowed. “Don’t play dumb.” 
Her hand went up to her cheek, wincing, and she threw her head back in laughter, nearly howling. “I walked into a pillar.” She said in between laughs.” 
Aelin was biting back a laugh, but I was just getting more pissed. Maybe it was a bit funny - but she was drunk enough she got herself hurt. 
“Where was Fenrys?” My sharp tone had Aelin cutting a look at me. Don’t start.  
“Caught me before I could hit the ground.” Her words slurred together. 
“Come on.” Aelin tugged at her arm, pulling her up. “I’m not going to let you choke on your own vomit.” 
She looked offended. “I am not throwing up.” The words came out very insistent. Aelin gave her a bemused smile, but pulled her up anyway, leading her towards her bathroom. “You reek.” She told her.
“That is rude.” Y/N stuck her tongue out. 
I rolled my eyes, but followed them, grabbing a nightgown for Y/N to put on. 
“What do I smell like?” She asked Aelin, stumbling next to her. Aelin’s arm wrapped around her waist holding her closely. 
“Right now? Alcohol.” 
Y/n let out an over dramatic sigh. “No, what’s my scent? You’re jasmine and lemon verbena, and he’s pine and snow.” 
“Nutmeg and honey.” I answered from behind her, and her head turned, giving me a goofy smile. 
“That’s nice.” She mumbled. I fought the smile threatening to form on my face.  
Aelin was very sweet, helping me get in the tub, even washing me. I tried to stop her, but she cut me a glare. A nasty one. After that I let her. 
“Who did you go see?” She asked, scrubbing my shoulders. 
“Some Bard came into town.” I said, before sighing. Her touch feels incredible. “You have magic fingers.” I told her. 
Her eyes crinkled, “and you’re drunk.” 
“Maybe a bit. Fenrys told me I beat half of the Bane in a drinking contest.” 
“The Bane?” Rowan’s voice came from the door. Low. And deadly low. 
“That’s what he said.” I confirmed, looking at Aelin instead, who pressed her lips in a tight line. “What’s wrong with the bane?” 
“They have a reputation.” 
“I have a reputation.” I exclaimed. 
“Excuse me?” Her voice grew a bit shrill. 
“I drank half of them under the table.” 
“Right.” She breathed out. 
She thought Rowan was going to explode when he heard her say she has a reputation. He relaxed - barely. He needed something to do or he might blow up. 
“Rowan get a towel.” I ordered without looking, and heard him moving around, before the soft fabric was pressed in my hands. “Help her out.” 
“I don’t nee-” I pressed my finger to her lips. It’ll help him. I told her, speaking mind to mind. 
Okay. Her sweet voice floated through my mind. 
Even though anger rolled from him in waves, his hands were gentle as he lifted her out, holding her steady. I wordlessly handed him the towel, and gave him the chance to fuss, slipping a nightgown over her - one he’d already picked out. He went far enough to make her clean her mouth, and dried her hair for her. That brought a smile to my lips. 
“Thank you.” She told him after, and me. 
She tried to wobble off towards her bed, her legs shaky under her. I cut her off before she could reach the door. “You’re coming with us.” 
“But it’s your-” 
“No buts.” But … What was she going to say? Before ‘it’s your-’ 
“It’s our what?” Rowan asked for me. 
She frowned. “Your night. For the two of you.” 
I frowned, looking at Rowan. “We’ll talk about this in the morning.” When she’s more likely to remember it. He added to me. 
“Nothing to talk about.” She mumbled, but let him pick her up, carrying her back to our room. 
I groaned as the morning light hit me, streaming through the windows. My head started absolutely pounding. “Gods.” I groaned, pressing my palms into my eyes - like I might shove the headache away. A rough hand tugged one of mine away, pressing a glass vial into it. I peeked the free eye open, squinting to see Rowan. 
“I’m surprised.” I murmured. A pain tonic. “Thank you.” 
“We need to talk.” He grunted. “And I don’t want to deal with your whining.” Several months ago, I might’ve been hurt by the comment, but I was used to it by now, and ignored the second part, swigging the slightly vile liquid down. Fighting back the urge to make a face. 
“One day I’ll figure out how to make those taste better.” I glared at the offending piece of glass. Rowan snatched it out of my hands. 
“Lets go.” He jerked his head. 
“Alright alright.” That’s when I felt the heat on my face. I looked across in the mirror. A large purple bruise bloomed across my feet. “What did I do?” My eyes were wide. 
“You don’t remember?” He snorted, and left the room. 
“Bastard.” I muttered under my breath, low enough he wouldn’t hear, and grabbed a robe before following him. “What did I do last night?” I repeated, walking into the sitting room and digging through my mind for what the hell might’ve happened. 
He didn’t answer, pouring tea instead. “Where’s Aelin?” I tried. 
“Training.” He said curtly. 
“Rowan.” I said quietly. “What happened?” My memories cut off right before leaving the Tavern. 
He shoved the cup in my hands, watching and waiting for me to take a sip. I did, and waited for him to respond. 
“What do you remember?” He questioned, his voice was cold - usually meaning I’m about to be extensively lectured or punished for something. 
“Up until leaving, with Fenrys.” He can almost always tell when I’m lying. 
“You hurt yourself. Walking into a pillar.” 
I sucked my lips in, fighting the urge to laugh. “Of course I did.” I choked out. 
His eyes narrowed. “It’s not funny. What if Fenrys wasn’t with you?” 
“I have other friends.” I countered, crossing my arms. 
“Who we’ve never met.” His words came out flat. Emotionless. 
“Would you like to meet them?” I said, feeling a bit on edge. “Do you not trust me to be a good judge of character?” That wasn’t exactly fair … but I didn’t and don’t need them to approve of my friends. 
“Don’t put words in my mouth.” He growled. “Are you embarrassed by us? Do you not want them to know you’re with us?” 
Cruel. He was playing dirty. “Of course not. They know” I kept my voice calm. 
“Then why?” 
“You never asked.” I countered. It’s true. 
“You never asked to meet our friends, and we introduced you.” 
My breaths got heavier. This wasn’t fair, that’s not the same thing. “When you introduced me, I was just a member of a foreign court, a delegate.” 
He stalked up to me, standing so close that if I took a deep breath, my breasts would brush against him. “Was? Aren’t you still just a member of that court?” His voice was taunting, and cruel. Absolutely cruel. He meant for his words to hurt, and I could feel the slight satisfaction running through him when it did, but it was quickly pushed out by regret. 
“Maybe I am, and maybe it’s time I go home for a bit.” Silver might’ve lined my eyes, but I hit right back. I turned sharply on my heel, walking silently towards my rooms, out the main door. I didn’t look back as I closed it softly, a slight click. 
He didn’t follow, and maybe that’s what hurt the most. 
I collapsed on my bed, my knees pressing into my elbows, my head held in my hands, trying to figure out what about last night set him off. Made him so angry he’d say those things. Not that I acted much better. 
I wanted him to follow me. To tell me not to go - or to yell at me. Something. I paced for the better part of an hour, before deciding to go back. Porting off back home wouldn’t do anything, it would just make things worse. 
I took the direct passage this time, hearing another door creak open at the same time as mine. Rowan looked directly at me. “Aren’t you supposed to be gone?” The same cruel tone as earlier. Maybe I imagined that regret. I couldn’t say anything, or my voice might’ve broken. I took a step back, closing the door. 
I heard Aelin’s voice, “gone where?” But I’d already turned, heading back. “Rowan. What did you do?” 
Is this what the rest of my life will be like? Cruel barbs, hurtful words from both sides. A traitorous thought ran through my mind, why couldn’t it just be Aelin? But I dismissed that immediately. I couldn’t imagine not having both of them, not having two mates. It would be wrong, it wouldn’t feel complete. But for them - they could imagine it, they’ve lived it, and likely were perfectly fine before I came along. The two of them fit. Balanced each other perfectly. 
Am I some kind of wrench thrown in? A piece being forced into a puzzle, one that doesn’t quite fit? I’ve heard of mating bonds being rejected before. Ours is already sealed but … Even thinking about it brings a sharp pain in my chest. Gods they’re already a part of me, dug in so deep it would take something horrible and cataclysmic to drive me away from them. 
I hadn’t told them I loved them. They hadn’t told me. A final barrier that hasn’t been crossed. 
I sought out Fenrys around lunch, convincing him to come eat with me in my rooms. He seemed wary, considering this is definitely out-of-character for me.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked, shoving a tart in his mouth. 
“What were Rowan and Aelin like before me?” 
He choked slightly, coughing into his hand, but finishing the food. I watched him intently. I needed to know. Had to know. 
“Fine. They were fine, at least it seemed that way.” He stared back at me. “What are you thinking?” 
“I’m an outsider.” I started. He gave me a look that said, no shit. “I don’t … I don’t know if I belong here.” 
“I was an outsider.” Fenrys leaned back. “You know I’m from Doranelle. It was difficult at first, but I found my place.” He spit out the country’s name, like it was poison. 
“You rejected Doranelle.” 
“I did.” He nodded, his tone cautious, like he knew where I was headed. 
“I don’t reject my home.” 
“You can belong to more than one place.” He argued. 
“But me being here is causing an issue.” 
“Rowan and Aelin fought. Still fight sometimes. Does that mean they don’t belong together?” Fenrys is more perceptive than people give him credit for.
“They’re different.” 
“How?” He sounded a bit exasperated. 
“Because they share bonds together I never will.” That truth finally came out. “And if there was a situation they had to …” My voice broke. 
He shoved a plate of sweets at me. “For both of our sakes,” he said carefully, “I’m going to pretend those words never came out of your mouth. Do you understand?” 
I nodded. A warning - if those questions were brought up … the results that come out might cause irreparable damage. Sometimes those things are better left swallowed. At the same time, I want to know my place with them. We ate in silence for a few minutes before the door breezed open. Aelin, I’d know the jasmine and lemon verbena anywhere. 
“Really?” She sighed, “Choosing that dog over me?” 
“I wasn’t aware there was a choice.” She raised an eyebrow, but sat next to me, grabbing some sweets. 
“You always have the best sweets.” She popped a truffle in her mouth, moaning. 
“And you always raid my collection.” 
“They’re bought on Crown gold.” She winked. Fenrys winced across from me, the action thankfully going unnoticed by Aelin, who had her eyes closed. 
I didn’t reply, but drank some water instead, the chocolates suddenly seemed unappetizing. “I do keep them just for you.” I covered smoothly. She placed a grateful kiss on my cheek, before turning, throwing her legs over my lap and lounging on the couch. I absentmindedly rubbed circles into her calves. 
“I heard you beat half of the Bane in a drinking contest. Aedion is ashamed. I’m quite proud.” She grinned. 
“Are you complimenting someone else's drinking prowess?” Fenrys looked amused, leaning back and crossing an ankle over his knee. 
“I’m giving credit where credit is due.” 
“Very kind of you.” I kept a smile. A forced one, and kept rubbing circles into her legs. Where credit is due. Drinker, bed warmer, what else? Aelin seemed to notice the shift, because she kicked Fenrys out, he left with a tight glance between the two of us, but no complaints. 
“What’s wrong with you?” She nudged my thigh with her toe. 
I flinched slightly. “A bit homesick.” Close enough. 
“Rowan told me about that.” I could see the bored expression on her face from the corner of my eyes. She’s keeping a tight lid on her emotions. 
“I sometimes say things I regret.” Regretting something doesn’t mean it wasn’t true. 
“We all do.” I could hear the same echo, doesn’t mean it wasn’t true.
Ask the damn question Y/N. I chided myself, I can’t put words into her mouth. “Did he mean it?” The words came out quickly. 
“Isn’t that a question you should ask him?” 
She has a point, so I countered with something I should ask her. “How do you feel about it? Both things.” Please don’t make me repeat them. I pleaded to her silently. She took some pity on me. 
“I wouldn’t mind meeting your friends, but I understand we can be … intimidating. But I don’t know if you’re keeping them from us because of that, or if you’re scared we’ll drive one of them off.” I waited for her to continue. There wasn’t technically a question there. “Do you want to be a member of this court? Would that mean you’re choosing?” 
Choosing. Right. Absolute loyalty - something I can’t promise. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” 
“You’re our mate.” She said softly. “And you have your place here.” 
“Are you telling me to know my place?” Maybe that wasn’t fair. 
“I didn’t say that.” She said sharply. But you didn’t not say it. Gods I wanted to hear all of the things that weren’t said, but I wanted them to soothe me. I don’t want the truth right now. I want sweet things meant to make me feel better. I’d even take little lies over these tiny cracks I’m feeling. The faltering, the hesitation. “Are you having trouble adjusting?” 
“Aelin it’s been nearly two years.” 
“And we’re immortal.” 
“I’ve found a life here.” We’re both skilled at non-answers. I still hadn’t looked at her, couldn’t meet her gaze. Around her, and him, my eyes tend to show everything. A wall I can’t seem to put up. 
“Look at me.” Kind, but unyielding. I do. 
Tears are threatening to flood down her face, I can see it. I can’t help but think maybe she’s being a bit oversensitive. I’ve seen her in her own court .. well, the one she doesn’t really claim. Tough love? Or soft? 
“Was it better without me?” 
Oh Gods I did not expect that. I moved fast, tugging her to straddle my lap. “Don’t ever say that.” My voice was harsh, my hand gripping her chin, making sure she looked directly at me. “Did we make you feel that way?” 
She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, I just noticed it was bloodied and bruised - like she’d been biting on it all day. “I don’t know how much of it is just in my head.” So we did make her feel like that, at least partially. 
“We can’t reassure you or fix ridiculous notions if you don’t tell us.” 
She laughed darkly, pushing my hand away from her face, and turning her head. “That’s part of the problem. They’re ridiculous to you.” I wrenched her head back to face me. 
“Don’t look away from me.” I snarled, holding her even when she flinched. “They are ridiculous, even if you believe them. We weren’t better off without you. You’re a wonderful part of us, part of us we didn’t know was there. Just like we’re a part of you. You belong with us.” I emphasized. “Come to us when you feel this way. Let us fix it.” 
“There isn’t anything to fix.” Her eyes kept steady on mine, although I could see her temptation to look away. 
“Then tell me exactly what’s been running through your head.” She swallowed harshly. “You either know it’s wrong, or you’re scared to bring it up.” Her eyes gave it away. Both. 
“Can we talk about this later?” She pleaded, breaking eye contact, her bottom lip quivering.
“Look at me.” I gritted my teeth, and she did. The vulnerability in her eyes made me sigh. “Promise you’ll actually talk about it.” 
I watched her hesitate, but she did promise. 
Falling asleep was uncomfortable. There was a tension drifting between the three of us, but I didn’t feel like talking about it yet, and they respected that. Barely, I could see both of them aching to have the conversation - to get it out of the way, but I needed time to gather my thoughts. A night to sleep on it. 
Eventually we did drift off to sleep. 
“Leave.” Rowan said harshly, his face set in a nasty look. One I’d only seen him give to people who were rude to Aelin or I. What did I do? 
“Leave.” Aelin repeated his words with that same look. It was unnatural, it wasn’t them. 
“Now.” He growled, taking a menacing step towards me. 
Another voice came from behind me. “I lied, they were better without you.” I whirled around. Fenrys. The look, they all had the same one.
“I can be better.” I stuttered through the words. 
“You don’t get it.” Aelin laughed harshly. “We don’t want you.” 
Rowan shoved me through the gates, just a bag in my hands. “Step foot in Terrasen again, and you’re dead.” 
They slammed shut in front of me. 
“No, no, no, no.” I whispered, tears running down my face, my entire body shaking.
“Y/N.” A disembodied voice said, repeatedly. 
“It’s a dream.” My eyes flew open, I felt magic flooding around me. A hand rubbed my back. “Breathe, breathe darling.” Aelin’s voice, but I couldn’t see her. A dream, it was a nightmare. 
I heard Rowan, his voice strained. “Bring your magic back in. Call it back to you.” 
I did, and it came back joyfully, swirling against the shield of wind holding it in, with teasing pokes, before flying back into me, and the room was encased in moonlight. 
“Gods, I’m sorry.” I sighed. “Please, don’t be. I’ve burned several bed sheets before.” Her voice was light, a smile on her face. “Besides, your magic isn’t scary, it’s quite beautiful actually.” I could feel her magic bubbling, wanting out to play, mine reacted in kind. 
“Tomorrow.” Rowan said, and we turned in sync to glare at him. The serious look on his face remained, and Aelin huffed before tugging me into her arms - pointedly leaving him out. 
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jesstasticvoyage · 6 months
Finnick & Effie reunion 💕
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lycheepoo · 8 days
here’s more one shot stuff !! Really embarrassing but I really enjoyed writing them
haymitch sat awaiting the news. his leg was bouncing. He was so anxious he couldn’t stand it. He sat for what felt like hours waiting to hear an update.
He rubbed his sleepless eyes and took off his toboggan to push his hair out of his face. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, he wanted a drink so bad. After sitting in his quarters for what felt like hours, the door creaked open.
“Haymitch.” It was Plutarch Heavensbee. “They got her.”
Haymitch and Plutarch intently watched through the window on the door.
“They say it was really bad. Blood everywhere, urine, everything. I know what these people are capable of Haymitch. It’s the worst type of evil you can imagine. There’s really no telling what they did to them. What they did to her.” Plutarch grimly spoke without looking at him.
Haymitch held back angry tears. He didn’t like people to see him cry especially not over a woman.
Haymitch’s eyes were fixated on her tiny body on the hospital bed. She looked pitiful like an injured animal. She had bruises and scratches all over her. Her eyes were bloodshot, she looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks. Her hair was gone. Her top lip was swollen. She looked like a rabid animal. Haymitch had never seen her this way. She was being held down by 2 nurses as they gave her a shot to soothe her. She looked so scared. Her eyes slowly softened and she lay still.
A nurse walked to the door. Haymitch quickly moved away as to not let anyone in the room know he had been glued to the window.
“Are you Haymitch?” The nurse looked at him.
“That’s me.”
Her eyes studied him.
“Ms Trinket has been asking for you. I assume you’re-“ the nurse stopped.
“They’re really close.” Plutarch chimed in seeing Haymitch wasn’t going to answer anytime soon.
Haymitch glanced over to him with thankful eyes.
“Well before we let you in we need to talk to you about what’s going on.”
Haymitch nodded.
“She was kept in a small cell in the capitol, similarly to the victors. We don’t know exactly what they did to her but she’s in shock right now. She has some serious trauma and I doubt she will ever open up to you about what they did to her.”
“I wouldn’t expect her to.” Haymitch interrupted.
“All we know is she’s been beaten pretty bad, we’re guessing for her affiliations with the mockingjay. She is very scared and very frightened and we don’t know how she’s going to react to seeing you.”
“I understand.” Haymitch fought tears again. He couldn’t think about how his bubbly Effie who would jump into him was gone.
“She’s on heavy medication right now but you can go into the room if you’d like.”
Haymitch nodded and Plutarch stayed behind as the nurse opened the door.
Effie’s eyes were welling with tears when she caught sight of him.
“Hey Trinket”
He kneeled beside her bed. He reached for her bony hand but she winced and jerked back.
“That’s okay we don’t have to touch right now” He was upset but trying not to let it show.
She started inching closer to him. She wanted to embrace him more than anything but physical touch was daunting to think about.
Finally she got up close to him and reached her hand towards him. She cupped her trembling hand around his face.
“I dreamt of you every night” Her voice sounded soft, as if it hurt her to speak.
Haymitch swallowed the lump in his throat upon hearing her voice so different.
Haymitch’s face was so warm in her cold hand. It got warmer and warmer.
Haymitch’s hand slowly moved to her face. She pulled away at first but then let her face settle into his rough hand. The tears were coming now. They felt hot against her face.
Haymitch’s thumb wiped her tears as they fell. He cupped her face with his other hand. She trembled.
“Is this okay? I’m not hurting you am I?”
Her lips quivered. She shut her eyes and shook her head and tried to smile with all her strength.
He pulled her head closer to his face and gently kissed the top of her bare head. She started to sob. He kissed her head some more and then moved to her forehead, then her cheeks, then her lips. He pressed his forehead against hers as she softly cried.
“I couldn’t sleep a single night without you.” Haymitch whispered.
Effie buried her head in his chest. He stroked her head with his hand. She sobbed into him. He wrapped his arms around her and tried to be as gentle as he could. He wanted more than anything to hug her with all his might but he didn’t want to hurt her. She reached her skinny arms around his neck. They held each other for what felt like forever.
Haymitch spent the majority of his days next to her hospital bed. Effie couldn’t speak at all about what they did to her. She simply asked about Johanna and Finnick and Annie. She cried for poor little Peeta.
“They should’ve left me and got him.” Effie choked back her warm tears.
Haymitch would climb into bed with her most nights when the nurses weren’t around nearly as often. Effie would wake up screaming and crying most days. Haymitch would hold her and tell her she was safe and he was safe. He would kiss her hairline and hold her hand until she fell back asleep. He could never sleep though. He just held her as his eyes got heavy but never closed.
When it came time to bathe her they realized she had been tortured with water similar to Johanna. She would cry and reach for Haymitch who would often have to step into the shower with her.
“Look at me Effie look at me baby” Haymitch would cup her face.
Her eyes move quickly around trying to focus on his eyes.
“You’re okay it’s just water it’s not gonna hurt you I’m here” Haymitch would repeat.
Haymitch would be in his underwear in the shower under the water trying to coax her into stepping in. He would try not to focus on the giant gashes and bruises all across her naked body.
“Could you all leave us for a minute I think you’re making her nervous” he spoke to the nurses.
They moved out of the room and watched through the window on the door.
Haymitch tried to get her to forget about everything and focus on happy memories.
“Remember on the victory tour we were in district 7 and it was raining?”
He was slowly inching her into the shower.
A faint smile crossed Effie’s lips.
“The rain got your makeup wet and it was running down your face. So I grabbed some mud and rubbed it on my face to draw attention away from you.” Haymitch chuckled.
Effie laughed a weak laugh.
She was almost in the shower now.
She winced when the water splashed her skin.
“Look at me Eff.”
She met his eyes again.
“And back when I first met you, you kept hiccuping because you were nervous to be on stage?”
Effie smiling now more than before. She is completely under the water.
“Remember in district 12 I asked you to have dinner with me and I ordered a rabbit and it came whole and you started crying when you saw it”
“That was awful!!” She beamed.
He started to lather her skin with the soap.
“This is okay?” Haymitch looked at her.
She nods looking at her feet.
Haymitch would make sure Effie was eating. He would sit in the room as the nurses brought in her food and medicine everyday.
Haymitch had been in Effie’s room so long the nurses would start to bring his food in there too. He would scoot his chair up next to her bed.
“Let’s see what we got today.” Haymitch would say picking apart his tray. “We got mashed taters I know you like them. Carrots I know you like them too. Meat?? Some kind of meat?”
Effie would chuckle softly even though he told the same joke every day.
“Oooh and I see your favorite.” Haymitch smiled a big smile and held up a small roll of bread. “Bread!”
He took his bread and put it on her plate every single day.
“And we got a glass of water how exciting is that” Haymitch said dryly. Another joke he said every day.
He would spoon feed her everything. One bite for him and one for her.
“I’m proud of you Eff.” He would say after every couple of bites.
After a while she felt more comfortable feeding herself. They would sit and eat together and it would almost be like it was before. Haymitch would still give her his bread every day insisting he didn’t like the bread.
Her hair was starting to grow back. It was a peach fuzz texture now that Haymitch loved to run his hands across.
While he would stroke her hair she would tell him little things about her torture, at least what she could muster up to say to him.
Once she felt well enough, her nurses and doctors decided she could be discharged. She got her own room in district 13 but she didn’t spend much time in there. She spent every night in Haymitch’s room, her body intertwined with his. Once she was feeling better and hadn’t had a nightmare in a while, Haymitch found his eyes close and not open again until morning.
When she was issued her clothes in district 13 she was thrilled to see a bandana. She would wrap her head in bows. Her hair was for Haymitch’s eyes only, like a special gift for him to unwrap her bandana every night.
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katnissmellarkkk · 5 months
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siriuslyhotterthanyou · 2 months
Sup bitches
The names Sirius Black
He/they/she (depends on how I’m feeling)
I am genderfluid and gay
17 years old
Single but not for long ;)
I am a student at Hogwarts and am in Gryffindor (the superior house)
Likes: my friends, rock music, makeup, quidditch, partying and of course dogs!
Dislikes: my idiot brother, slytherins (except for Dorcas and maybe Barty), bully’s, homophobes + transphobes
other rps:
@prongsieb0y my best mate 😜
@remus-john-mo0ny-lupin moony 😍
@the-one-and-only-lily-evans she is my mother (other than Effie) 🫶🏻
@mar-lean-into-me she is an icon she is a legend and she is the moment 🤟🏻
@maryhadalittlemaggic if I was straight 🤩
@reg-can-swim my annoying little brother 🙄
@cas0meadows the only acceptable slytherin 🎀💕
@bartythebabygorljr my enemies to lovers story that belongs on ao3. BitchKiller 4 life 🤭
@panda-is-pan don’t know how someone this stunning is friends with my brother 🤔
@evanmp3 my second enemies to lovers situation. RoseStar is real 🥵
@emmy-vance333 gorgeous gal! 🤑
@alice-f0rtesc franks gf and the kindest soul 😇
this is a role play account and if you don’t like what you see, get out
(ooc: My main account is cheekyboybeth)
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atelierlili · 15 days
Anything you want to share about Birds of a Feather? 💕
Birds of a Feather is part of my Poisoning Pigeons Universe! It’s contains two concepts right now, one with Haymitch (and probs Effie) another with Gale.
Haymitch’s part is all I have right now and it’s mostly just him and Katniss snarking at each other. I have yet to decide where in the timeline this one takes place in.
Here’s a snippet!
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mizz-sea-nymph · 9 months
Yo can I see Effy during Titanomachy (or just any war she fought in general) 👁️👁️
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Oceanus got butt hurt by the other titans, so he sent his eldest daughter to lead a few troops of nymphs as a big fuck you 🦈
I’m answering all the asks finally! Thank you for the support my loves!!! 😈💕💕
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 19
chapter 33:
1. awwww being close to sirius again is the best part of reg’s life now
2. “James nearly breaks his fucking neck to do a double-take as soon as Regulus is led out again. If he was a dog, his ears would be standing straight up in intense interest. Sirius whacks him on the back of his head in what seems to be a reflex, most likely because James is doing absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he's currently undressing Regulus with his eyes.”
😭😭😭 james, keep it in your pants
3. i love that when people are jokingly mean to james, the first thing he does is call for his mum. he’s such a momma’s boy
4. james and reg being dressed up pretty <3333
5. effie and monty 💕💕🥰🥰
6. i love everyone teasing james and regulus for their crushes. they’re so funny 😭😭
7. oh. james leaving a flower at the door everyday is reg’s reason for getting up in the morning
8. their disabilities are not being ignored!!!!
9. i- they’re gonna have to visit the districts of all their friends from the arena, knowing that they walked those same streets and breathed that same air, and have to be fine
10. 😧 district twelve was where remus lived. i- sirius is not gonna do well
11. plsss lyall is so scared of why sirius would be knocking at his door
12. stop, this conversation with lyall is making me cry
13. lyall is gonna write remus a letter. i’m SOBBING
14. sirius missing remus is making me miss him too
15. “"You just found out my son is a murderer," Lyall informs him, raising his eyebrows slowly.
Sirius blinks. "Mr. Lupin, I'm also a murderer. I've killed twelve people."”
😳 they’re both on thin ice but that exchange is also unnecessarily funny
16. 😭😭😭😭 sirius, buddy, you just told lyall that you and remus had sex. my boy, pls think before speaking next time
17. 😭😭😭 he just rambled more and admitted to being in love. sir 😭😭
chapter 34:
3. i’m so mad at the riches that victors and the hollow receive, while there are literally people in starvation
4. god, they’re so gay. dorcas just gave marlene her ring
5. i can’t fucking deal with this. james sees vanity and hodges’ families
6. i knew i couldn’t deal with it, cause james’ speech to the families is making me cry
7. 😬 shit they just did the hallow is hollow chant. shit shit shit
8. james, stop being so harsh on yourself. you deserve the same grace that you gave sirius
9. 😧 evans only friend was regulus. i- i am not okay at all
10. sobbing, shit shit shit. they’re looking at evan’s tree
11. “They talk a lot, him and Evan. Or Evan's ghost. Regulus tells him secrets that he's never told another soul. Evan is his best friend, so why shouldn't he?”
12. 😭😭😭 regulus deciding that he must climb the tree even tho he doesn’t really want to
13. !!!! progress!! reg wants to sleep in james’ room!
14. “He won't see Evan in his dreams again for a long, long time.” 😐 i want to stare into author’s soul cause i hate them for this line
(also, if anyone knows author’s pronouns and could let me know, that would be great. idk if it’s something they shared or not, but if it is, i’d like to know)
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tortoisebore · 6 months
EFFIE AND SIRIUS’ CONVERSATION 😭😭😭😭😭 do we find out what effie and remus talked about
i don’t think we’ll get a ton of detail about it other than maybeeee a bit of remus reflecting back on it in the next chapter of that fits into the flow of it. nothing extremely life-altering or important was said, it was probably just more effie being like “sirius really likes you, we’ve never seen him like this, etc etc” and remus like….internally exploding & going “😭💖 i really like him too 💕🥰”
it probably wasn’t very extensive or anything, just reaffirming for remus to hear one of sirius’ parental figures speak about how much they see that sirius cares for him, and a chance for effie to hear that this rando sirius brought home is actually obsessed with him and has no intentions of messing around and breaking his heart 💕
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kuruna · 1 year
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Old Effie sketch I slapped some colour onto. For the mean fat woman enjoyers out there 💕
( she / it / xe pronouns )
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losingmymindrn · 3 months
『Happy as a clam, that woman is』
Effie x D4!fem!reader ○~~~●~~~○~~~●~~~○
"Oh! What do you think about this one, dear? It would look devine on you!" Effie chirps, a sun-bright smile on her face. She holds a lovely blue gown, looking as if it was covered in sapphires. Her excitement couldn't help but get to you, forcing a smile on your face.
"It's lovely, Effie. Truly." You say sincerely. You could totally see the dress on you, but it wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Effie must of noticed your hesitancy, as she tosses the dress to the floor. "No no, it's not right." Eiffe clicks her tounge and pouts, and you can not help the giggle that bubbles out of your throat.
Her expression is quickly turned around as she gazes into the massive closest full of clothing you were sure you could and would never wear. She lands on a sand colored number that had frills adorning the sleeves and skirt. Blue sequence shimmered like the ocean under the sun.
You are quickly in awe of the dress.
"Wow... Effie, it's... it's beautiful." You say, approaching her and the dress. Her smile is a proud one. "Well, go on now! Go try it on!" She encourages, pushing the dress into your arms. With such a smile on her face, it is impossible to say no. "Whatever you say, beautiful lady." You tease, lifting your eyebrows in a flirty way. She huffs, turning a bright red, and crosses her arms.
You giggle and go into the changing room. Putting on the dress proves to be a slight challenge, it's tight and the frills got in the way, but oh, it was so worth it. You looked stunning, and you couldn't wait to show Effie.
Stepping out of the changing room, Eiffe squeals. Her reaction is only slightly delayed, as your beauty knocks the air out of her lungs. "Oh, darling, you look stunning!" She rushes to you, holding your flushed cheeks.
"Thank you, Eiffe." You smile, grabbing her one of her hands and kissing her palm. She retaliates with a kiss to your forehead. "You do look amazing, dear. Truly." She whispers sweetly, her brightly painted lips curved into a smile. You couldn't help but kiss them. Taken by surprise, Effie squeaks, but returns the kiss with the same amount of love you started with.
You both pull away with a giggle. "You will ruin my makeup." She scolds with no annoyance in her tone. You shrug and lean in to kiss her again, smudging her lipstick on both of your lips. "You can fix it later." You whisper against her lips.
She giggles, her face filled with love and adoration. And for you, it is the same. You would do anything to see this woman smile, it was a beautiful thing, one of the only things that can bring you happiness nowadays. Not even the ocean, the one thing you could always count on for being there for you, could not bring you such joy.
The ocean's beauty is nothing compared to Effie's smile, though. And the ocean isn't always happy with you. In comparison, Eiffe, will always be happy with you.
And you will be happy with her as well.
I have never wrote for Eiffe before😭😭
@sparklebear11 I hope you enjoy pooks💕 sorry if it's a bit short
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