#eating-habits quotes
muqingfx · 2 months
xie lian: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 11 months
"You need Dedication, not Motivation." -
-Alan Roberts
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padawansuggest · 19 days
Anakin: *taking a call from Space CERN or some shit asking him to help them fix a machine and a hard equation* -listen, I’m sorry, I can’t actually travel all the way out to SPERN (Space CERN) right now, my grandkids are teething and my daughter’s husband is in over his head, I found him crying and panic eating cake last night-
SPERN employee: No, Master Skywalker-
Anakin: *flinches, shields going up because he doesn’t want the kiddo on his shoulder to feel it* Please, call me Jedi, I don’t like that term.
SPERN employee: *through gritted teeth* Jedi Skywalker, I ask you; do you know the purpose of the machine you are helping us fix?
Anakin: I don’t know; trying to find god or something?
SPREN employee: The Higgs Boson is what we call it; but it’s essentially a way to detect the force through gravitational waves-
Anakin: Yeah, that seems about right.
SPERN employee: -and the machine is constantly tracking you. Like a constant lock on your location. It’s- we would like you to come in and do some tests, is all.
Anakin: *sighing to the force for making him deal with this AND teething twins at the same time, for the second time, even* And as I have said, I don’t really have the time to travel to your planet. Now, do you need any other assistance with recalibration?
SPERN employee: -_- no. Thank you for your time, Jedi Skywalker.
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bigger-than-ana · 13 days
remember when i was so sick?
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i wish you had believed
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gothsuguru · 1 month
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my fyp on twitter making me sob
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d3adgayw1zzyr3ad3r · 1 month
Remus:*sitting on the guest bed at the Potter's, munching on a bowl of green beans*
Sirius: *knocks at the doorway, a wild James Potter behind him*
Remus: *waves, then fans them closer so they know to come in, mouth full"
Remus: "whatssup?"
Sirius: Not sure, bored I suppose. You're here all week, and James and I got tired of sneaking up on Mr. Monty
Remus: okay *takes another bite*
James: Hey moony?
Remus: Yes prongs?
James: what the fuck are you eating?
Remus: Green beans..?
James: where the fuck did you get a bowl of green beans?
Remus: Your mother, literally. She's very hospitable.
Sirius: So you're just eating green beans? Nothing else? At all?
Remus: Yes..?
Sirius: I don't even know the last time I touched one of those...
Remus: *stabs one, and gestures it towards Sirius, threatening*
Sirius: *jumps back in gay European repulsion*
James: *ignoring Padfoot* So is there a reason why or-???
Remus: they're tasty, I suppose.
Sirius: You know what else is tasty? 😏
Remus: *throws a green been at him, hitting him directly on the tip of his nose*
Sirius: *shreiks and scurries away into the corner, sort of behind a mirror*
Remus: Yes, *gets up from bed with his now empty bowl* James. *pecks James on the hand as he walks out to return the now empty bowl into the kitchen*
James: *bi confusion*
Sirius: *offended gay confusion*
Remus: *downstairs* Hey Monty, you won't believe what happened this time!!
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kreachvera · 1 year
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N: *laughing, mimicking Colress* "Nooo, N! Don't eat the uranium rod!"
N: *big, happy smile*
N: It was tasty.
Anthea and Concordia: NO.
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gxlden-angels · 8 months
do you have any thoughts on the story of abraham and isaac? my parents talk about it and praise abraham for being willing to kill his son which..... scares me to say the least, and i'd love to hear your perspective as someone who seems more well-adjusted
Where I am now, it disgusts me more than anything. The interpretation of "I'm willing to sacrifice your life if I was told to" feels like the step before "I put you into this world and I can take you out of it." It's entitlement to a child, who is an independent individual, just because they are dependent on you for survival. I prefer the interpretation of understanding the actions you're taking and the reasons why (like how there's multiple religions that don't eat pork because it was so unsafe to eat at the time), especially if it's at someone else's expense.
Where I was in the thick of it all, it gave me morbid comfort that scares me now. I had fantasies of being a martyr for the church and the idea of being the next Isaac was just so appealing. Being a hand-selected sacrifice chosen by the Good Lord Himself? Sign me the fuck up, babey!
I think if I admitted that to my family, they'd be horrified.
It's another one of those stories or beliefs where I think the majority of christians just regurgitate what they've heard. It's a point of pride and devotion, but there's no personal reflection or cross-cultural awareness of it. Lean not unto your own understanding and whatnot. It's the potential that scares me the most, like the Quiverfull movement with the Duggars or Turpins. I'm sure there's stories now, but I can't remember them off the top of my head
(Also I will be telling my therapist someone on Tumblr called me "more well-adjusted" thank you anon)
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Conversations I’ve had as incorrect MHA quotes part 27:
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Uraraka and izuku:
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I’m better now!
Kaminari and sero or Shouto and Uraraka:
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Kaminari or Sero:
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Izuku and mic:
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Izuku was that dude:
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colourfulfoodtips · 1 month
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
TG: just ate cranberries
EB: like, on their own?
TG: ya
EB: why?
TG: theres a bag here
TG: and i ate half of one
TG: and then looked up
TG: can you eat cranberries
TG: and it said yes
TG: so i ate like 3 handfuls
EB: wait you actually looked that up word for word?
TG: yes
EB: did you actually doubt that?
TG: well ya because
TG: never saw anyone try
EB: ok fair.
EB: thats why i asked why after all, who the hell does that?
EB: you, apparently.
TG: ya
TG: tastes like cranberry
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b-lightwalker · 11 months
Michael: Why do we need labels? Gay? Straight? We're all humans. Clara: Are you eating mayonnaise? Michael: It's just food, why do we need labels? Clara: STOP.
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stillfertile · 1 year
I have to eat... Nhl superstar Sidney Crosby wiuld be proud of me
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rainyfestivalsweets · 5 months
I am sitting in my workout clothes staring at my phone.
My now broken phone.
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Because my mom is watching a Bible show where the elliptical is.
Doh! Sounds like she just turned it off.
Well, alright then.
I worked my 4 hours today but have been tired. Tried to nap but the Bible show interfered.
Plan for today is to clean out the leftovers, & clean the kitchen. Do taxes and school work.
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fitveganlifts · 1 year
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From The 22 Day Revolution
I don't know if I like the book yet but I like this part
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