#dry food for dog
atla-suki · 2 years
random HC:
at kataang’s wedding there’s this stunning ice sculpture of the two of them (bc y tf not) and everyone kinda assumed that aang or katara or some other waterbender made it but it was actually sokka who sat there carving it for hours upon hours…
and katara cries when she finds out.
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fyanimaldiversity · 1 year
I’m glad you guys like Poptart! You guys are lucky my beetles are all typical colored for their species otherwise I’d spam you with pics of them too.
Anyone have any fun pics of their interesting colored/patterned/etc pets for me to look at? Even ‘normal’ types are interesting!
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chalkrub · 2 years
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angry cats. FURIOUS cats. cats that are just not having a good time
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
every time my dad does anything he has to do it in the most annoying and loudest way possible. and honestly i'm not sure if he means to or he's just really goddamn stupid but it's really really grating. and i'm suffering the werewolf curse rn so i'm ready to die
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Someone save me from myself dry dog food looks and smells yummy
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greyias · 1 year
Purina apparently discontinued and then reformulated the only canned food I've found so far that Griffin's extraordinarily sensitive tummy can tolerate, adding one of his potential worst allergens to nearly the top of the formulation list. I have sent a Karen-like e-mail to Purina, and am now having to have five million tabs open on different pet food websites to put the ingredient lists of everything under a microscope to try and find something remotely close.
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penumbralwoods · 2 months
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oh my god theyre all so cute
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shape-of-your-body · 1 year
the first night cal is on the mantis, greez makes stew for the three of them. it's the first actual full meal that's not rations that cal has had in... ever. at first he picks at the food, but with some urging from greez and cere, he devours the bowl. greez is kind of surprised that he doesn't lick the bowl clean. when he's done, he asks if there's more. there's not and cal is obviously kind of disappointed, but then the pilot supplies that actually... he can whip up some more, without a problem, give him a few minutes and retreats to the kitchen.
cere follows him after a few minutes while he's fast cooking, giving him this knowing look. and he's like "look, the kid likes my food!" and then after a few more minutes of Stare Down he's like "okay fine, but i don't think he's had a real meal in a long time, look at how thin he is! a stiff wind would probably knock him down" and cere laughs at how quickly he's taken to the ship's new inhabitant despite his earlier misgivings
and after that he always makes a bit more food.
... so when cal comes back with a nightsister of dathomir, he's already prepared to make even more. have to make sure the kids are well fed!
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baelavelaryon · 9 days
I have dumb bitch disease and it's incurable
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tearfest · 15 days
womp womp
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mirainawen · 1 month
"i only feed my dog an all raw diet, just the kind of stuff they'd eat in the wild. anyway, i put fried egg and cottage cheese on top of your dog's food for the same-"
bro where they getting them skillets and fermentation processes in the wild
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rosymiel · 2 years
i think i just got adopted by a cat
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petfectioncorner01 · 2 months
Adorable little one who's always with their owner~~~
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devilmass · 1 year
do y'all remember that old dog sanctuary. that's my blog. all these middle aged chara's are welcome here. c'mon, you're all puppies and you all get peanut butter in ur favorite kongs.
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Ok people acting like feeding anything that isn’t owned by Purina or hills will kill your pets are being a BIT dramatic here. I have never used either and all of my animals are miraculously alive and fully healthy.
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waspsinyouryard · 11 months
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Thoughts and opinions
It is abundantly clear to me now that the Devil is real and spreads his profane word through Tumblr advertisements.
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