#dr disrespect admitted
hasanabiyoutube · 3 months
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brotoman-exe · 19 days
Dr. Disrespect really couldn't take off the wig and fucking kids pizza place laser tag outfit when discussing his self admitted inappropriate contact with minor?
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a9saga · 3 months
Are people really not over YouTube drama?
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touchoffleece · 3 months
Not a firm AI Art defender Admin from a group chat warning me they'll delete my post linking a news article (a reputable long standing one too) talking about Dr Disrespect aka Herschel "Guy" Beahm IV getting outed as a child predator all the while, before I had posted said article, having Dr Disrespect come out and admit to doing said things, because it falls as "slander".
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erebus0dora · 3 months
ok so i promised you a rant on Eric Bogosian, and i pinky promise i'll try to keep the story short (those beautiful people i've already privately spewed my fascination at deserve peace and love 💜)
TL;DR: Eric Bogosian is a good researcher and judge of human nature, which honestly shouldn't be surprising given his experience, links below
it is easy to google Eric (i'll call him that not out of disrespect, it's just shorter) and get to a conclusion he's just a slightly awkward old man who had extremely weird youth and gives off a powerful bi vibe just for shits and giggles; which is fair, given the wild way he handles most interviews
but hear me out, i'm not an expert, i'm just a book kind of girl. so i sought out the books, and into the books i looked.
back in 1988 he was nominated for Pulitzer's for his "Talk Radio", and i count that as one of the first cases of him using a real story to weave a (semi)fictional one. it is a powerful play, and a gut-punching movie, but I am mentioning it not because of its ehhh artistic value. in my book, it's a proof of the way he tends to critically re-imagine the things he sees and analyses.
keep that in mind when you google his "Operation 'Nemesis".
he initially started looking into the history of Armenian genocide as into the material worth developing into a plot for a movie. but, in his own words, and i quote, "I wrote this book because I had no choice. The Nemesis story required more attention than a simple screenplay."
he is still not a scientist, mind that - and his book reads as a work of fiction. say, there's no way one can look into the head of a deceased person and know their feelings, but one can guess; and Eric guesses, of course. but the fun part is that he makes educated guesses. nearly for each presumption there's a source. a footnote. a quote.
what really strikes me is that he looked into ONE plot line and fished out a complex slice of history, dripping with CONTEXT. White Russian emigration? it's in there. early stages of oil industry? check. the colourful background of Europe in early XX century? all there.
there's no wonder he spent seven years on this book.
i repeat: SEVEN. YEARS.
call me sapiosexual, but that was the moment when i stopped and thought: ok, THIS IS HOT.
what also impresses me is the way he speaks of his past. he admits he's done wild shit, and adds that the best part was the moment he understood he didn't need to be high to be creative. it's the underlying power of "yeah, been there, got better, SO CAN YOU" that gets me.
to keep things short, i'm adding links:
here's a vid where he speaks of the book on Armenian genocide (i had personal reasons to tear up a bit while listening, ngl)
and here's a vid where he speaks of acting, writing, and improv, that basically broke my art block, for which i am going to be grateful for fucking ever, i guess
(if you got to this point of my rant, you deserve a hug and a respectful kiss on the mouth if you're ok with that. go have a lovely day 💜)
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Hey if your still doing the house Md stuff, can you write James Wilson getting jealous because House keeps flirting with y/n (who he has a crush on)
Jealous James Wilson Headcanons
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/warnings/: none really. Just jealous!Wilson, Asshole!House, and Fem!reader
/An/: Wilson is just a hopeless romantic. I love him dearly
/house md taglist/: @flowercrowns-goodvibes @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
House md masterlist All masterlists
I would describe Wilson’s love for you as ‘puppy dog love’
He falls hard, and he falls fast. Unfortunately, he’s a very kind man overall so you don’t realize he’s head over heels for you
House thinks it’s hilarious that his friend is so afraid to admit anything to you
But at the same time he’s tired of watching Wilson act like a little boy with a crush so he does the one thing he can think to help
Force Wilson’s hand
All of this after house has sized you up and deemed to worthy of his friend
House starts flirting with you constantly, laying it on way thicker then necessary
Luckily, you know about Dr. Houses habits, and assume he’s just fucking with you like he does other women he works with
Wilson immediately notices
He of course gets upset, icing House out for a while over it
And when house pushes as to why Wilson is ignoring him, Wilson just goes off about how House obviously knows how he feels and it’s just disrespectful for him to act how he is
And of course Houses response makes Wilson even angrier
“You aren’t dating, so what’s the issue?”
But if you flirted back? Oh, it would break his heart. All of his anger at house would turn I to sadness
As Long as you aren’t an idiot, you’ll recognize that the two men are doing something that involves you
You know you won’t get a serious answer from House, so you approach Wilson and demand to know what’s going on
And knowing he’s trapped, Wilson would admit it to you, fully expecting you to turn him down
But when you don’t, and instead admit having feelings for him? He’d be over the moon!
Is actually very thankful that house flirted with you, but won’t tell him that
House will make fun of him about the situation enough as it is
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randomdragonfires · 3 months
Didn't Aemond in Parallel Lines just straight up lie to his wife, "I don't go there for...that" Errrm you kinda do ya cheater!!
Hello anon! I LOVE rambling about fic situations, so thank you SO MUCH for this ask!
Aemond is definitely lying, but the distinction he makes between sex with Madame Sylvi and intimacy with his wife is crucial.
With Sylvi, he's seeking an escape - a temporary, mindless comfort. He understands the sanctity of marriage, even if he doesn't fully uphold it. His reluctance to try stems from a fear of opening up, as admitting his need for affection and comfort would be a vulnerability he's unwilling to expose, especially to a wife whom he expects should always be in awe of him.
Intimacy with his wife, however, is a different matter. Aemond knows it could never be mindless; anything less would be disrespectful to her. They are bound in the eyes of the Gods, and it feels wrong to treat her as he does a whore. Yet, he's too emotionally constipated to build that relationship, believing his flaws are insurmountable.
Aemond is also acutely aware of the expectations placed on him by both women. Madame Sylvi expects nothing more than mindless sex (even if she gets slightly more), while his wife rightfully demands/yearns emotional connection and effort. His inability to open up to his wife is a source of pain for him, making it difficult for him to be with her.
From his wife's perspective, she's waiting for him to love her, feeling disappointed that Madame Sylvi seems to receive his attention effortlessly. Although Sylvi doesn't truly have his affection, the way Aemond treats his wife leads her to assume so. The real hurt comes from his disloyalty - but more so the fact that he never tried to build an emotional connection with her.
Aemond understands this and respects his wife enough not to give much of himself to Sylvi, as that would be a true betrayal in his eyes. So, when he tells his wife he's not going to the brothel for sex, he doesn't mean to lie (even though he does.) In his damaged mindset, he believes that mindless sex is forgivable if it brings him comfort, especially since it differs from what his wife wants from him.
"When I want what you want to give me, I will come to you and ONLY YOU." That's the sicko's mindset, really. And apparently, that's supposed to make his wife feel better about his infidelity - but he realises how stupid that is, which is why he stops his sentence midway.
TL;DR: Aemond is a horribly flawed husband in Parallel Lines, but it MAY get better....? lol
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Criminal Minds | Masterlist
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Begin Again:
Chapter One: The Savior
Chapter Two: Room 304
Chapter Three: I Know Who Did It
Chapter Four: Swimming Pool Kisses
Chapter Five: Ninety-Nine Percent
Glitter & Crimson:
Glitter and Crimson
Reader is keeping a secret from the rest of the team and they're adamant to find out. When they do, they're absolutely gobsmacked. One of them more than others...
Steady As A Drumbeat
And that ends in a night neither of them will ever forget.
A Little Less Conversation
+ The Aftermath
Season 4 Episode 7 rewrite -- Spencer's childhood best friend helps him on the Riley Jenkins case. Working together after years of not seeing each other brings up old memories and new feelings.
Do Re Mi
Spencer's next-door-neighbor comes into the BAU, distressed, saying that her ex-boyfriend was the person responsible for the recent string of kills happening in D.C.
Truly Madly Deeply
Spencer comes home from a case and wakes up next to reader. Inspired by One Direction's 'Truly Madly Deeply'.
Johnny and Dora
Spencer and Reader go undercover together to catch the most prolific identity thief in New York. What happens on the case might spark a shift in their relationship. Inspired by the Brooklyn 9-9 episode with the same name.
Reader is tired of always coming in second place. Even when her and Spencer have split up, she's still looking over her shoulder as though he'd still be there. When will that end?
When The Girls Talk Boys
Spencer and Reader talk to their friends about one another, which causes their co-workers to find out about their secret relationship. Inspired by Girls Talk Boys by 5SOS.
Nothing is Accidental
After hearing Spencer's talk on a conference, Reader tests her luck and talks to the young Doctor. It sparks a new friendship, partnership and maybe even more. Rewrite of Season 7 Episode 11: True Genius
Dream Away The Dark
Four times where Reader comforts Spencer after a bad dream and one time where Spencer does the same for Reader.
Hunting Monsters
Halloween is Reader's favorite holiday and she plans to implement that love into her child's life, too. When little Poppy tells Reader she doesn't want to go trick-or-treating, Reader and her husband's co-workers help her convince the tiny genius.
I’m Recharging
How Spencer and Reader's ritual of 'recharging' began.
Tongue Tied
Reader is invited to her best friend's birthday party where she meets Dr. Spencer Reid. An instant connection is made.
Meet Me On The Courtyard
Spencer encounters his neighbor from across the yard, dancing around in her apartment until she catches him. They decide to properly meet on the courtyard.
You Owe Me A Date
Spencer and Reader plan to go out on a date. When she doesn't show up, Spencer gets worried.
You Knock The Wind Out Of Me
Spencer clearly dislikes Reader, but when she tries to ask him why, he evades the question. Only her boyfriend being disrespectful towards her forces her to admit his true feelings.
A Man After Midnight
Spencer and Reader are best friends since they were kids. When Reader is set to marry James, Spencer decides to give her the bachelorette party of her dreams. Only he wishes it were him she was about to marry...
Girls Can't Drive
Where a case hits reader a little too hard. Spencer doesn’t get why it’s hitting his girlfriend so hard until she finally tells him how hard it is to be a woman sometimes.
Spencer finds a book in the breakroom one time and when he starts reading it, he noticed the notes in the margins. What quickly develops as a love written in the margins of several books, might have to step out into the real world soon.
King of My Heart
Spencer has always taken care of reader. Whether it was giving reader food before they realized they were hungry or buying them coffee, ... Tiny gestures that made it impossible for reader not to fall in love with him.
This Love Is Ours
Reader and Spencer are best friends with obvious feelings for one another. When Spencer ends up in prison, Reader gets angry at him, which keeps them from visiting him. But once she does, there's no pane of glass that would keep them apart.
Mine (Spencer's version)
Spencer reminisces about the first time he met Reader.
New Romantics
After a bad breakup, Reader and her friends go out to party where she meets one young FBI agent. Suddenly, she'd forgotten her ex even existed and was more interested in getting to know the stranger.
I Can See You
When Penelope's best friend comes to help out the BAU on a couple of cases, there's an immediate connection with the youngest of the team. After longing glances, soft touches and wild fantasies, the truth comes out accidentally. What is the resident genius going to do with that information?
There's A 100% Chance I'm Gonna Marry You
The team doesn’t even know of her existence but when Spencer can’t get a hold of her, he gets worried. Now he has no other choice than to tell his coworker about her.
I Think He Knows
JJ invites her best friend, a linguistics professor, to help out on a couple of cases. When she and Spencer work together, something sparks between them.
Maybe We'll Take Some Time
Spencer and Reader broke up five weeks ago. When he comes knocking on her door, crying about a friend's death, their love is resparked.
Spencer's hands are lovely and as he placed them on Reader's cheeks, it was the only way to calm her down. So, when Reader comes home breaking down after a difficult day at work, he's quick to calm her down.
The Stranger
Spencer and Reader are coworkers and best friends. When Reader gets hurt on a case, Spencer's feelings for Reader are bared.
Floored Decisions
Many decisions were made on the floor of their apartment. One day, she asks him a very important question.
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AITA for not letting my uncles bury my dad the way they want? (very long, TL;DR at the end)
This is definitely too serious for this page but everyone I know is too invested in the outcome to have an objective view and I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting this more than I have to.
My [22NB] father [late 50sM] died suddenly about a month ago. Our family is Nigerian and so there are certain things that are expected when people die, and you are supposed to respect and obey your elders. I understand that, we've always been raised that way, but I feel like the fact that we're his actual children should automatically make our wishes just as important, if not more so, than those of our uncles.
First, his brothers decided, without asking, to bury him in the US, which is where he lived/died, but in a state closer to where his brothers live. We (my brother [27M] and I) live in the UK. We don't want him to be laid to rest somewhere thousands of miles away. That decision was made because "your father loved the US and never wanted to live in the UK again", which is true, but they don't have any kind of evidence that he wanted to be buried in America other than that. I don't really disagree that those were probably his final wishes, but I don't really... care?
After my brother and I talked, we decided to overrule them (his brothers can't legally do anything without our permission) and bring his body back to the UK, and eventually they relented. Then, they told us that they wanted his body to be taken from the state it's currently in to the state that they wanted to hold the funeral in on the day that they planned to hold the funeral for "viewing" and so they can pay their respects, and then send it to the UK so we can bury it the way we want. Immediately, we both refused (because honestly, what the fuck kind of request is that?) and we were called disrespectful and insensitive. I'll admit that we said some unkind things that we shouldn't have, but they didn't ASK, they TOLD us to do it.
Again, I know why they're upset, but I just don't care. We don't want him buried there (even though that's probably what he would've wanted) and we definitely don't want his body taken across the US "like he's some kind of prop on tour for them to use to hold a party" (actual words we said to them). We're probably overly emotional about this and his brothers are very angry and upset about what we're doing, so maybe we are being insensitive and we should let them either bury him in the US or take his body for their own mini-funeral before we do ours.
This entire planning has already been difficult and delayed because I didn't tell them he'd died for three days (because they wouldn't return my calls) and I then made them keep it quiet for another four days because I couldn't see my brother in person to tell him until then, so some of his brothers didn't find out until a week after he'd died. Plus, we don't live in the US, so there are difficulties with making phone calls and getting documents and forms completed so things can progress, and these arguments are making it take longer. There were unilateral decisions I made, so maybe I don't have the right to get mad at them for doing the same thing, especially when they're not wrong that that's probably what he wanted. My dad's sisters (who he had a complicated relationship with, but that was true of him and his brothers as well) and all of our family friends (who were very close with my dad) are on our side, but I don't know if that's just because they feel sorry for us or because they have their own beef with his brothers or what.
TL;DR: My dad died and his brothers want to bury him in the US or at least have his body viewed at a ceremony in the US before being buried in the UK, while I and my brother want him buried in the UK and don't want them to have any kind of ceremony with his body in the US first. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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pinkyjulien · 3 months
I was already pissed off while watching that one episode of S4 The Boys with Firecracker admitting to being a fucking pedo and getting away with it BUT HGFHHGF!!!!! It's happening right now in real life over Twitter with Dr Disrespect admitting to sexting a minor and a buncha dudes defending him auigzehuhug I'm loosing it 💀💀💀
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Surgeon! Strange x fem! reader
- i got a request for this and oh my lord, writing this honestly had me in a state of disbelief. i think i kind of got carried away but fuck it we ball. i <3 dom Stephen sm xx
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You often had to remind yourself that Dr Strange simply doesn't function like other people.
Working with him was never ideal, especially in a busy hospital with little to no time to do anything, it did give you the opportunity to idle at how ingeniously he worked. Stephen was exceptionally skilled and he was also exceptionally arrogant; his need to prove he's the smartest man in the room by any means possible provoked you, sometimes you thought he did it on purpose to annoy you specifically. Getting a doctorate didn't make him God's righteous man, most of the time you wanted to curbstomp his stupidly perfect teeth in. Deceit and hubris was always plastered on his face and even with that million dollar smile that women fawned over, you could see right through him. What made everything ten times worst is that after a particularly gruelling night shift, it was only you and him left to clean up the operating theatre.
It felt like the universe was just fucking with you today.
Stuck cleaning up the mess Stephen made with him alone only made you reflect upon why he was hellbent on being an asshole to everybody. And why he had to be attractive whilst doing so. It was easy to see he was attractive but so hard for you to actually admit it. He had all the physical attributes that made you drool but his personality was as appealing to you as shit under your shoe. Stephen found his way to prominence not by just being an incredible neurosurgeon but by fucking through the entire staff; all the nurses found themselves bending over backwards to impress him but he just dismissed them, you honestly couldn't believe the gall he had- it was inhuman.
Now all you could do was survey him silently and not acknowledge him at all.
Stephen was having trouble even making eye contact with you today, the thought made him chuckle inwardly. Normally, you'd gawk at him stupidly when you believed he wasn't looking but he felt your eyes burn into his skull- he couldn't help but consider the possibility that you weren't death staring him but actually...eyefucking him. Stephen basked in the feeling, his confidence doubled tenfold usually but today you were deliberately ignoring him. He couldn't have that. Not since you were the most gorgeous distraction he's ever had. He just kept thinking of you when he wasn't supposed to and Stephen wanted to act on his primitive urges.
‘’You're being unusually untalkative.’’ Stephen remarked as you were both washing your hands in the sink, almost as if to clean yourself of this stupid day. ‘’Who pissed in your cereal?’’ He quirked an eyebrow at you, gazing at you through the mirror.
‘’Maybe I just don't fucking like you.’’ You gave him a dazzling, chilly 'fuck off' smile alongside your unwelcome glare. Stephen loved it- your persistent need to shrug him aside, it was a taste of his own medicine.
‘’Don't lie. It doesn't suit a woman like you.’’
‘’Like me?’’ Your tone filled with offence and displeasure as your eyes narrowed. Who the fuck did he think he was to evaluate you? It annoyed you to a senseless degree.
‘’You're too pretty to lie. Stop lying to yourself, you do like me. And you hate it.’’ Stephen stared at you directly as he dried his hands off, his expression certain and his smile sly.
Stephen knew you got him in a 'gotcha' moment. Your face was vacant, eyes gleaming wide and doe alongside an agape mouth and creased eyebrows. He smirked at you like a stupid all American textbook jock as if he could see right through you and all your innermost thoughts. You resumed your movements and gathered your loose hair and tied it into a ponytail and connected gazes daren't oscillate. Stephen loved watching you work and going about doing your own thing, he liked that you thawed when you gave him a sweet smile.
‘’Where would you get that impression that I do infact tolerate you, Doctor?’’ You couldn't help but flirt with him, not when he was being so brazen and saying exactly what was on his mind- you could do the exact same.
He took a beat to study you and look at you in this resolve. Beautiful. Charming. Saccharine.
Stephen cocked his head, thinned his eyes and simply said: ‘’Intuition?’’
‘’Don't lie. It doesn't suit a man like you.’’ You repeated his prior statement with a small smirk and knowing character.
Stephen let out a breathless scoff at your purpose. You were enjoying yourself completely and he had this overwhelming surge to just...bend you over the operating table. The idea was completely out of it but you were making him feel this new sensation: it was thrilling and completely new. New and shiny. Stephen stalked towards you in slow steps and he reached his hand and out and pulled on your ponytail. He was pleased with the small gasp you let out.
‘’I like this. You should wear it up more often.’’ He mumbled thickly, eyes heavy and half lidded as he stared down at you.
‘’Mmm...I don't know... you seem awfully inattentive, Doctor.’’ You hummed as Stephen was drawing closer to you, lulling your head back slightly and crooning in warm pleasure. You were clearly amused.
‘’Baby, I'm very detail oriented. Don't question my awareness.’’ Stephen scolded at you and if you were being honest, it aroused the everloving God out of you. In this context, you'd allow yourself a brief moment of liberty to succumb to his...charms.
The way he called you baby made you feel wobbly. Baby. Mmm...hearing him say that to you made you bite your lip in anticipation. This cruel frustration was certainly making you feel flustered and he was pleased to see such a scene. He was so happy. So damn happy he got you in such a state. Him? Making you blush? You? Of all people?
‘’Awareness my ass.’’ You chuckled as you peered up at him flirtatiously, a cute little smile playing at your lips too. Oh, so you can be fun. Stephen just scoffed at your determinted nature. ‘’But for the sake of pettiness and my spiral into insanity, if you are so aware...tell me what makes you aware of me?’’ You couldn't help but provoke him further, allowing yourself the selfishness of prying into his head to see how he actually views you. If he actually wanted you like that.
‘’Eyes.’’ Stephen mumbled under his breath, pupils darting elsewhere as if he didn't want you to actually hear the words that came out of his mouth but you were attentive, you obviously did. For fucks sake, he's deciding to get shy now? That's new.
‘’Eyes? That's rich considering you undress me with yours.’’ You challenged him.
‘’As always, you see right through me.’’ Stephen didn't say it in a way that was sarcastic or certain, it was strange...like him. He latched onto your waist, large hand pinching you while the other was still yanking on your ponytail. Your gasp was palpable, your breath warm.
What made you even more excited was that someone could walk in on you at any moment. It was so naughty.
‘’You're detrimental Stephen.’’ You said with lust in your eyes and Stephen didn't really take the time to listen to your words when his mouth was already plastered against yours.
Mhmm... his lips were nice but you knew he was dangerous, he had such a special ability to make every single woman weak in the knees but you were more durable than he initially thought. Stephen was incredibly eager, lips tasting at yours like he was starved of a proper meal, well, he had been eyeing you like you were a full course meal all day- it was only fitting. This whole ordeal was entirely unprofessional but you weren't in your right mind to care about it, Stephen Strange was right here, kissing you, feeling you through your scrubs; it was making you impatient, the air was getting hotter, your clothes suddenly felt too tight.
Stephen on the other hand was troubled by the way he was already so drawn to you. Normally it would be the woman that initiated these things with him but he was bending the norm, he was chasing after you. He was the chaser now and you were obviously pleased with yourself. He thought you tasted lavish and plentiful, he was swimming in you. Stephen's patience was wearing thin, it was a change of pace considering how careful and concise he was with his work, his sex life was more demanding. His mouth still fastened to yours, he walked you over to the operating table; you couldn't even catch your breath before he swivelled you around and bent you over, kicking your legs apart with his feet.
‘’You're flushed.’’ Stephen lowered his lips down to your ear, smirking at your little gasps of surprise in the process. ‘’That's how I know when you want to fuck. Note taken.’’ He threaded gis fingers through your ponytail and tugged the hairtie out of it, letting your hall fall down your back and shoulders.
‘’How do I know when you want to? When you randomly decide to bend me over on the operating table?’’ You asked him with a heavy voice, tilting your head to the side to peer up at him.
‘’No. When you're in the room. That's all it takes.’’ Stephen grunted. Your heart dipped at the statement, a strange feeling blooming inside of your lower stomach with his dirty words. You were wild about him, back arching already- he hadn't even taken your clothes off yet. Feeling pathetic didn't even seem worth it anymore, not when Stephen Strange was illiciting so many new reactions out of you; it was so different, he was making you feel things you couldn't even get out yourself.
For fucks sake, was he made out of magic or something? It felt like he was. There was something so inherently wrong with you, wrong with you both- this shouldn't be happening! You were colleagues! And you hated how much of an asshole he could be. But he was a severely attractive asshole. The type of man that truly understands how the mind works, how the body works. That doctorate really was coming in handy now.
Stephen's beautiful mind was already coming up with filthy ways to make you feel so good- he was excited and so damn aroused. Dear God, was this what it felt like to be sixteen again? He was acting like he's never seen a naked woman let alone actually fuck one before. Stephen pulled your pants down and you had no objections, in fact, you were itching to get it off.
‘’Don't forget that I respect the hell out of you.’’ He said as he ripped your underwear off, the elastic burning the underside of the thighs from the friction.
‘’Why do you say that?’’ You asked all breathy and sensual. Wondering what he actually meant.
‘’Because I'm about to fuck you full of disrespect.’’ Stephen's voice was heavy and husky. It was a promise and a threat all in one. what really tilted vou was when he pinned your arms behind your back tightly, the other hand flying to tug and pull at your loose hair.
You were about to melt into a puddle of goo, your knees buckled and stephen felt incredibly proud of himself. You had the ability to make him feel ten feet tall and completely elated. Your pussy was clenching around nothing and all you could do was whine at him to do something, satiate your grovelling need that required far too much attention.
‘’You want that?’’ Stephen asked, hoping you agree and confirmed what he already knew.
You peered up at him again. ‘’Go find someone else to boss around-‘’
Stephen scoffed at you, internally knowing you absolutely fucking love it when he did tell you what to do. You made it obvious, you flushed everytime you were near him- he couldn't help but let it stroke his ego. He wondered what you looked like stroking his cock. Although the idea seems far too appealing to be real, he simply couldn't tolerate your behaviour. By disrespect he didn't mean talk back at him.
You froze, heartbeats slowing like they'd been dropped in molasses. Stephen held you by your hair and pulled you up to his torso, like it was a leash. Your breath stopped when his front pressed against your back, he felt so warm, so fucking good. You could have groaned if you had the air to do so. With a slight tug, your head tilted to the side and his lips brushed the hollow behind your ear.
‘’I respect you but you're appalling me when all I want is to fuck...this.’’ Stephen grumbled as he spanked your bare behind. You squirmed against him relentlessly, mouth already foaming as he gripped your chin.
‘’Respect my wishes and fuck me disrespectfully.’’ You moaned at him, begging for something, anything- it was deplorable and you were sure you wouldn't be able to live it down.
Stephen didn't respond he just slammed you back down on the operating table. Your lips part in shock at his possessiveness, your body tensing and the anticipation growing immensely. Already spending too much time in your head, you were tethered back to reality by another spank on your ass- it'll turn into a burning shade of red soon.
Stephen was happy in the state that he got you, he was clearly pleased to see you considering how hard he was; he tugged his cock out of it's confines, it was growing painful leaving you like this with every second that passed.
You gasped as he slid into you so easily and Stephen thought he was bathing in the heavens. that voice was angelic, your moans a perfect instrumental. All he knew is that you set him ablaze as you stretched to accomodate his frighteningly thick size. The flames of hate and passion burned in equal measure, fusing and merging into one heady concotion. Your plea for more was silent, your back arching as his grip on your wrists growing tighter than ever.
‘’S-Someone could c-come in!’’ You struggled as he started rutting into you, the realisation that you were fucking your colleague finally dawning on you.
‘’Does that make your pussy wet?’’ He chuckled at you breathlessly. ‘’I bet it does, doesn't it?’’
The dickhead was laughing down at you. You shaked your head, attempting to deny the truth and in turn denying how much you wanted him. His head was cast in doubt at you
‘’The fear of people realising you're such a slut for me. That you're weak for me. Being caught with me balls deep inside you...it makes you want to cum, doesn't it?’’ He fucked you in hard quick strokes, taking complete control over you. Your breath sharpens and your moans heightens as you draw closer and closer to your inevitable end. He swatted your ass again and you felt your insides drop.
‘’Is this your version of playful banter, Doctor?’’ You tried your hand at flirting but Stephen was dead serious. He wasn't in the mood for your glute jokes.
‘’Answer my question and I'll answer yours.’’ Stephen plunged into you, deeper and deeper hitting that spot that made you see shattered starlight, reaching a peak you didn't even know you had in you.
You attempted to stammer out a response but your tongue turned numb and forgot how to function.
‘’Baby, don't be polite now.’’ He cooed at you like a stupid little schoolgirl.
‘’I-I...for fucks sake...Yes!’’ You huffed out, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you melt under him.
‘’My version of playful banter is watching you on all fours crawling to me. Seeing how beautiful you look begging on your knees for my cock.’’
You moaned at the sheer thought of it.
Stephen wasn't joking. He wasn't anywhere near it. He wanted to watch you naked, crawling to him, begging for his cock.
Hm….the idea was certainly appealling.
Stephen was spurred on by it all and fucked into you, heavier, crazier, it was simply scandalous. His dick slid in and out of you so easily, you were wetter than you had ever been before. Your stomach tightens with heat, your thighs growing slicker and slicker as he pulsated inside of you- Stephen swallowed at your incredible disposition, pulling on your hair harder and harder like it was his own personal dog leash. In this position you were willing to admit you were his bitch.
Stephen's eyes light up and his nostrils flare with every stroke. His cool demeanour slipping as he let loose groans he was bottling up, raw desire bled through the cracks. He had to make sure you came. You were tensing up. So damn close to the sharp precipice. Your orgasm slammed into you and fireworks errupted behind your eyes. Fuck. It felt too good to be real. All of this pent up tension drawn back through sex is definitely not under cliched- but you couldn't find yourself caring. Your cry alone made Stephen release thick ropes of his cum inside of you. He came so fucking hard he almost sank to the floor, and that never happened. Ever. Afterwards, the air was filled and with dense sex.
‘’H-How-Why..?’’You blinked when he pulled out of you. ‘’Wow.’’ You looked a little shellshocked, eyes widening with what had actually happened.
Stephen couldn't help but laugh as he pulled your pants up and straightened you back up. He felt bad for not taking the time to clean you up but he was wary of the time and the fact that someone actually could spot you both. You readjusted your stance in an effort to seem more confident but when you swivelled around to face him, all Stephen could see was your expression- completely taken aback.
‘’It's okay, you'll get used to it.’’ He smiled at you, his eyes gleaming as he went to wash his hands in the sink, doing the exact same thing he did before he fucked you into another dimension, completely unbothered. You tossed him a scowl.
‘’Used to it? You're expecting this to happen again?’’ You sounded way more surprised than Stephen had liked.
‘’Yes. Next time for hours in my bed...I mean...unless you want to be fucked over another piece of medical apparatus.’’ He turned his head to smirk at you.
‘’Mmm….I liked the operating table.’’
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mpsansy · 3 months
Kibosh visits. Not only to monitor the whole McFadden family as they’re a liability to Kibosh, a disrespectful bunch of ectoplasmic idiots that barely listen to him, but what they’re sitting on is a potential time bomb. Kibosh had to feel the sudden ripping of the fabric of well, literally the line between life and death itself. The machine is cobbled together by a man’s desire that lead to his entire family line being cursed to death. It’s probably filled with everything JT found on dark magic, alchemy, and a whole bunch of random practices tossed with no respect as an affront to God and the natural progression of the afterlife. Casper’s lucky it scrambled his manifestation the first time, and there’s no telling what side effects Doc may have from the machine finally doing its purpose, And it’s still there. Sitting under the McFadden Mansion like a beacon to The Dark itself. Even if they had lost the schematics for how to make the potion, even the parts of the machine could end up to be disastrous. And it sits, frustratingly out of Kibosh’s control. Kibosh may be the king of ghosts, but the McFadden Mansion belongs to no one else but the McFaddens (And the Harvey’s, honorary McFaddens).
You… you just opened my eyes to something I failed to analyze. 😳
The potential side effects that the machine may have had on Dr. James Harvey himself. Now that I’m thinking about it, there had to be some kind of consequence for it being used. The consequences of which none of them are aware of in the slightest in the beginning. Why would they, anyways? They didn’t build the thing. But my thoughts now all center around James being very aware of other spirits due to this (may not sound as profound, but it’s supposed to be :0 ).
Ignoring the current ghosts of the estate for a second, there’s not a doubt in my mind that he’d sense another from time to time. Watching with such intent. Such aggression & bitterness that it doesn’t dare hide itself to him. As a matter of fact, he can feel it even from inside the house. Looming like a dark cloud when it comes.
May even strike a little bit of fear into him if he were to confess his true feelings. Don’t get me wrong, the trio also feel this too. But it just doesn’t affect them as it does the many that have unfortunately encountered Kibosh. Why? Best thing to say is that they got guts as they did before their untimely death.
In all the years that the trio were ghosts, they saw all things bizarre and cryptic. Seeing a wide variety of dangers taught these three something very important.
“Better to be the wiser and learn all the tricks so we don’t get played for fools.”
All the things they know about ghosts, witches, werewolves, vampires, etc. They all obtained for protection. It was for themselves initially, but once Casper came into the picture? It was more of an obligation to teach him. They didn’t need to, but they all felt it necessary. They cared. That’s something they wouldn’t have admitted to Casper back then. But perhaps it is now.
In summary:
These four are annoyingly defiant, stubborn, and persistent. Just to list a few. You wonder why Kibosh hates them so much. In life they were all this, and now in death it’s as if the characteristics of all of them have amplified.
And that machine. It's a disgusting thing that should have never existed. He can only be slightly relieved that it's no longer functional.
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timblum · 4 months
Ref Sheet for The Boss!
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(Lovely art by @tarphi! :D)
more under the cut :3
The Boss's appearance is like a living silhouette, and often shifts around. Usually has a pretty wide frame. Sometimes he's more solid (see ref. image), but he's usually just a shadow with pupilless white eyes. (Not like Peter Pan's or Dr. Facilier's shadow, he's just pich-black.)
His smile is similar to his eyes, but he only does it rarely to be menacing.
Voice is deep, mostly monotone, and a bit rough.
Never seen wearing anything but his overcoat, tie, fedora, dress pants, and dress shoes, all equally as shadowy as he is.
He disappears behind corners and into shadows, and appears behind shoulders. He enjoys spooking people like this, but he'd never admit that.
The Boss is the founder and owner of the Nork York Storage Company (a.k.a. The Warehouse), taking its name from the city it resides in. No, that isn't a typo.
No one knows for sure when or where he and the Warehouse came from, he's just... been here. About 50 years ago (maybe more) he appeared out of nowhere and built a sizable business almost overnight with assets of entirely untraceable origin. Anyone who tries to investigate it either quits or disappears (with one notable exception, Monroe, who became the Warehouse's archivist).
Buys, finds, (and steals) a menagerie of items for the Warehouse (notably animatronics), and is constantly seeking to grow his “collection.”
The Warehouse takes clients from all over; the general public, government offices, crime rings, probably demons too if they pay well.
Cold, but not rude or impersonable, just stoic. He's actually pretty charismatic when he wants to be, he is a businessman after all. Despite this, he usually regarded as a very intimidating man.
Knows way too much. He's not omniscient, but if you're talking to him, he knows your address.
Doesn't raise his voice, and almost always keeps his cool.
Does not take kindly to disrespect and will make that known.
Briefcase, tucked into coat.
Cigars and zippo lighter.
Large key ring for the Warehouse.
Modified Smith & Wesson Model 27 revolver loaded with .38 Special. Never seems to run out of ammo.
Being literally just a shadow, the Boss can be kinda weird to draw. Using white outlines for clarity or monochrome shading/lighting like in the ref. image is a good idea. Lighting his face is discouraged.
The vagueness of his form is a part of his design though! I'd recommend leaning into it :3.
Never uses contractions (Can not instead of can't; I will instead of I'll.)
Insists upon translating his name when speaking in another language. To that end, he knows dozens of languages.
Despite The Warehouse's shadiness, his employees are paid well and receive benefits. Not out of compassion, mind you, only to keep them loyal.
Most rumors about him are about his use of blackmail, bribery, and manipulation to get what he needs, but only because he's good at covering his tracks when he uses force.
bonus doodles by @tarphi and @spaghettiandeyeballs (feat. FTR)
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ace325 · 1 year
♡ ˚Day Off With Ranpo˚ ♡
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Summary : Both you and Ranpo get a day off from work :D
A/N : Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, school hit me like a truck. There may be spelling/grammar mistakes, I was kinda tired while writing this. If there are any mistakes, please feel free to let me know! I also take any constructive criticism! :D
Working at the ADA took up a lot of time. With either being in the office or out on missions, people there rarely got time off. Although, luck for you it was one of those days. Both you and Ranpo had gotten the day off of work and came to a mutual decision to stay home, eat snacks, and play games all day.
There was sunlight spilling through the window, stating to get brighter as the the sun rose. Signaling the beginning of a new day, the bright light that found it's way into your room, washing over your face. The golden light brought you out of your slumber, your eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the room. As you blinked to sleep from your eyes, bringing a hand to your face and gently massaging your eyelids in n attempt to wake yourself up. As the seconds passed, you looked around the room, quickly growing confused. The night prior, you had gone to sleep holding our raven haired boyfriend in your arms. But as you no looked around, the was nothing Infront of you. Growing somewhat worried, you try to roll over, wondering if he got up and moved. Only to find out you couldn't get up, something holding you down by your waist. Tentatively, you lifted up the blanket infront of you, hearing a whine from the culprit trapping you.
"Heyy, It's cold!" Ranpo complains, pulling himself closer to you. The raven haired man had his eyes shut tightly, squeezing your mid-section tightly as he tried to cling to any warmth he could find. His hair had grown messy from being under the blanket, the tangles falling over his face.
"Why didn't you just change into something warmer?" You say letting out a half hearted grumble struggling to escape from his grip. You didnt want to admit it, but you really had to go to the bathroom. And the more time it took to get out of his hold, the more you had to go. Almost like he could read your mind, Ranpo mumbled in a sleepy voice,
"You can last a few more minutes... Just let me stay here a little longer.." Now growing annoyed, you lifted up the blanket to see his face again, causing another whine and half hearted complaint to come from him.
"How dare you bring this much disrespect to the worlds greatest detective..." Ranpo grumbled out, peering up at you trough half lidded eyes.
"Yeah, well I have to pee. So, the world's greatest detective better move before I force him to." You demand, glaring at him while he continues to cling to you. Ranpo only pauses for a moment, seemingly thinking it over. Only to tighten his arms around your waist, and look up at you with piercing green eyes.
"Make me." That was the final straw. Putting your hands on top of his head you try to shove him off, but to your dismay he doesn't move in the slightest. The shoving continues for a while, until eventually you manage to slip from Ranpo's grasp.
Letting out a triumphant, "Aha!" You stand next to the bed, breathing heavily after the tussle of trying to get up. The detective on the other hand, was now laying sprawled out on the bed, his bottom lip pushed out in a pout.
"I'll be back in a few minutes" You say with a sigh, almost feeling bad for Ranpo. Never the less, you needed to get up, sauntering over to the bathroom. The latch makes a small click as you shut the door, doing your business and washing your hands after. While you were at the sink, you picked up your cleanser, gently massaging the substance in your hands until it was lathered. As you began putting the soapy white bubbles on your face, you heard a quiet thud on the bathroom door. For a few moments you only stared at the door, waiting to see if the noise would repeat itself. With growing confusion, you washed the soap from your face and dried your hands. You took quick strides toward the door, forcefully opening it. The door swung open, and the moment it did your boyfriend fell on the floor infront of you. You stare down at him, a deadpan expression on your face as you do.
"What are you doing..?" You ask in a questioning voice. He only stares back up at you for a few seconds, his eyes were open from the surprise of the fall.
"I was waiting for you to come back." Ranpo replies, like he had just said the most obvious thing in the world. He sat up, turning himself around so he can look at you while sitting in the doorway. You only stare back at him completely dumbfounded, just deciding to go with it instead of questioning it further and just change the topic instead.
With a sigh you ask, "So what did you want to do today?" When it comes to activities, Ranpo almost always chooses what you do, it's something you've sort of learned to except. Even if you pick what you were both going to do, he somehow always gets his way in the end.
Ranpo puts his hand on his chin, thinking for a few seconds before looking up at you. "What if we just stayed in today? We could just eat snacks and play games all day!" He exclaimed with a wide smile, the contagious smile soon spreading onto your face. You nodded in agreement, the idea of staying in and having fun all day sounded amazing to you.
"I'll get the snacks!" You let out a content sigh, watching as Ranpo jumped up from his spot on the floor, running out of the room. Walking out into the kitchen, you find him holding a pile of snacks in his arms. There were so many snacks cradled in Ranpo's arms, you couldn't even see his face anymore. Only his messy hair was visible, peeking above the array of different packaging.
You let out a chuckle, watching him try to maneuver around the room, not being able to see very well. "I'll set up the games!" You spoke, moving yourself into the living room. When you got there, you turned on the tv, then the controllers. Pressing a few buttons to make sure they were charged, the controllers light up indicating they were on. Just as you set them down, there was a loud rustling behind you. Turning around, all you find is Ranpo who has decided to leave the pile of snacks on the floor in a pile.
"Why not put them on the table?" You ask, thinking that the coffee table in the middle of the room, would be better than the floor beside the couch.
"Because with my ultra deduction, I know that if we put it there we'll spill the drinks!" Ranpo said proudly, resting his hands on his hips. This made you think for a moment, being amazed because you had just been wondering about getting drinks a few seconds earlier. Nodding in agreeance, you respond with a quick "Touché"
You sat down on the couch, getting comfortable as you pulled a blanket over yourself. Ranpo was quickly at your side, sitting down next to you and leaving a kiss on your cheek. A light blush quickly finds its way to your face, a burning sensation making itself known on your cheeks and ears. "What was that for?" You mutter, half embarrassed by the sudden affection. "I just wanted to surprise you! It seems it worked well!" He smiles widely, bringing both of his hands up to cup your cheeks. He begins leaving small kisses all over your face, finally ending up with his lips a few inches away from yours. "You're amazing" He mutters, lips finally connecting with yours. The kiss was soft, you indulged in it, letting your eyes fall closed. Your hands slowly made their way to his hair, gently cradling his head as you kissed him. Before long you pulled away, letting out soft pants while you tried to bring the air back into your lungs.
When you look at him, he's wearing a wide grin. As you sit there looking at him, all you want to do is preserves this moment with him. Loving the way his messy black hair perfectly frames his face, or how his grin seems so happy and genuine. You guys will always bicker over stupid things, but in this moment, you knew without a doubt, you loved him.
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tenebraevesper · 20 days
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 62: Neo Genesis
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''Like a million faces, I've recognized them all, and one by one they've all become a number as they fall (as they fall). In the face of reason, I can't take no more. One by one they've all become a black mark on the floor. Is it me, you say, you're looking for? Let me show you who I am and what I have in store... (in store)''
– What I'm Made Of (Shadow Remix) by Sonic Heroes (Zarkator Cover, Sonic X Shadow Generations, Theme of Neo Metal Sonic)
Dr. Eggman was holding a mug of hot coffee, sipping it calmly as he looked at the monitors. He had to admit that it was quite amusing to watch Ferra and Metal Sonic's plan unfolding. Technically speaking, he had nothing to do with what was going on, as all of this was planned out by Ferra and Metal Sonic. The two had actually approached him after they failed to locate Sonic due to Team Neos being away in the Surya Empire and asked him for help with a plan they had prepared, as they needed to borrow the Badniks and take control of the AR Fields. Eggman patiently listened to the two, at first a bit weary, but eventually started to agree with them on their plan, giving them access to whatever they needed. Admittedly, the plan wasn't anything grand, and it appeared that they were still struggling a little with how they would approach the situation, but overall, it was decent enough.
Eggman had to admit that hearing their plan wasn't the only reason why he let them do whatever they wanted. In comparison to Toshiro and Mephiles, as well as Dr. Starline, Ferra and Metal Sonic had proven themselves to be his most efficient subordinates, fulfilling all of their tasks with little  to no complain, and although Ferra could have a snarky attitude, it wasn't anything Eggman considered outright disrespectful.
As for the plan itself, they had decided to wait for Team Neos to return and use the Egg Pawns to distract them, so Neo Metal Sonic could copy their bio-data directly and empower himself, as well as trap the two most powerful fighters of the team within an inescapable AR Field. He wanted to eventually confront Sonic in this new form and overpower him, if not outright destroy him. Eggman agreed to all of that, but he did notice that both of them were a little apprehensive, understanding well why they would feel like that.
After all, they had been dealing with Sonic the Hedgehog, and the blue hedgehog's victory always seemed to be a foregone conclusion. Eggman himself knew well that even gods capable of ending the universe couldn't stop his arch-nemesis, which is why he decided to turn this whole enemy thing into a game for himself, where he could plot the hedgehog's demise while keeping things entertaining for himself. That is why he had been waiting for so long for Sonic's appearance as an Irregular instead of conquering Starpoint Area immediately after he built his robot army. While he was certain that the military would be capable of fighting him, he never considered them worthy opponents, and if he wanted to conquer the world, he would do it properly. After all, victory without any significant struggle would be incredibly boring.
He had hoped that Ferra and, especially, Metal Sonic, would understand that.
Sonic sighed as he and Shadow sat back-to-back on a checkerboard-designed platform on the beach that was Seaside Hill, immediately voicing his frustrated thoughts, ''This AR Field is the same as Green Hill. We're stuck in a loop!''
''I'm not surprised,'' Shadow replied in a matter-of-fact tone, his arms folded across his chest and his legs crossed. ''The Doctor and Metal Sonic are well aware of the danger we pose to them.''
''I know, but I still thought that we would be able to find a way out…'' Sonic trailed off, only to perk up a moment later and turn his head towards Shadow. ''Hey, what about Chaos Control?'' Sonic suddenly asked, feeling excited. ''You could summon the Chaos Emeralds and we'd have our way out of here.''
''That's not possible unless I release a huge amount of Chaos Energy to distort the AR Field.'' Shadow shook his head, with Sonic's expression falling. ''Even if I tapped into all of the Chaos Energy I had, I wouldn't be able to do it. In order to succeed, I'd need to use Chaos Surge, and since Touka isn't around, that option is not viable.''
''In other words, we're stuck,'' Sonic said, turning his back to the dark hedgehog, with Shadow nodding. Sonic took a deep breath, staring at the bright blue sky. ''Although, I don't think we'll stay here for long.'' Shadow didn't say anything, but his eyes did flick to the side. He didn't turn around though, his ears perking as he continued listening to Sonic. ''Lucas, Touka and the rest of our friends will notice that we have gone missing and that they can't reach us, so they will do everything they can to find us and get us out. That, or Metal Sonic will attempt to challenge me, because I don't think he'd just keep me trapped here without proving himself to be the superior one through a battle.''
''So, we'll have to be patient and wait for an opportunity.'' Shadow smirked. ''Tch, good luck with that.''
Sonic narrowed his eyes, his ears twitching in ire. ''I can be patient when I want.''
''We'll see,'' Shadow responded, with Sonic pouting. The azure hedgehog folded his arms, deciding to show Shadow that he could be patient and focused on staring ahead at the sea and sky, trying to find something that would keep him entertained. His ears drooped slightly when he saw an orca swimming in the deeper waters, frowning at the memory of it chasing after him whenever he and Shadow explored the areas closer to the water. In fact, it didn't even go after Shadow, it actually went only after Sonic as if it held a grudge against him. Sonic swore to himself that he wouldn't go anywhere near the water.
Unfortunately, it seemed that the orca was the only interesting thing in this AR Field, leaving Sonic with nothing to focus on. Admittedly, he could take another lap around the AR Field, maybe find different ways to navigate through the area. It sounded like a good idea to him, but he knew that he could complete the track in a short time and he would find himself searching for new ways to entertain himself. Not to mention, he wanted to prove to Shadow that he could be patient.
Therefore, he remained sitting on the spot, trying to focus on waiting. Except, maybe a few seconds had passed until he started fidgeting. He glanced back at Shadow, the dark hedgehog having closed his eyes and listening to the rush of waves, still in the same position as earlier. Sonic pouted, wondering just how it was possible for his rival to be able to sit so still for this long. He turned around, sighing again.
''I think Metal Sonic is trying to torture me with this,'' Sonic said.
''Two minutes.''
''You've been quiet for a little over two minutes,'' Shadow said, finally turning around and meeting Sonic's gaze. ''I've been counting.''
Sonic's expression fell. ''Fine. I wish there was something to do rather than just wait. I thought about going for another lap, but I have a bad feeling about the orca.''
''I believe that there is something you could occupy yourself with,'' Shadow replied. Sonic gave him a look of surprise.
''What is it?'' he asked.
''We had both been caught off guard by Metal Sonic shapeshifting into Ferra. I don't believe that this ability is something he'd usually be capable of, so how is that possible?'' Shadow responded. Sonic hummed in thought.
''Yeah, that was weird…'' he muttered. ''I guess he got some kind of upgrade.''
''If he did, let's hope Lucas and the others know what kind of upgrade it is and how to combat it,'' Shadow replied.
Metal Sonic ignored Ferra, being deep in thought. He was still pondering over Ferra's question and, more importantly, what his next move would be. He had copied the bio-data of the three strongest members of Team Neos, and if he desired so, he could've gone for the others as well. But even then, he battled with a sense of self-doubt of whether he would even succeed in his plan. It was an illogical thought, especially for a robot like him; someone capable of making all kinds of calculations in a matter of seconds to pick the most beneficial outcome. But, now he was gripped with a sense of fear, the belief that he wasn't strong enough. That he wasn't good enough.
This makes no logical sense. This isn't me. Metal Sonic stared ahead blankly, his claws balled into tight fists. I should be better than this. I need to prove my superiority! Sonic is my fake, and I-!
Metal Sonic was startled when he heard Ferra shouting for him. He turned his attention to her, a bit taken aback when he saw the look of concern on her expression. He didn't understand why she gave him that look. He hadn't shown any behavior that it would require such reaction. Or, did he?
''What's wrong?''
''You don't look well,'' Ferra replied. ''In fact, you looked like you were about to fry a circuit.''
Metal Sonic fell silent once again, only for a moment later to respond, ''I was trying to find an answer to your question.''
''I think there's more to it,'' Ferra said in a calm, but firm tone. She took note of Metal Sonic's puzzled gaze, well aware that it was still a bit difficult for him to understand how she was even capable of reading his mood given how there wasn't much of a way for him to emote. However, considering how much time they had spent together, it shouldn't be too surprising that Ferra would be capable of understanding him. They were partners, after all, and developing a deep bond was part of it. ''I think it would be better for you to tell me what it is before you make any move you're going to regret.''
''…'' Metal Sonic glanced at her, before staring ahead. ''It's self-doubt, and I hate it.'' He stepped ahead, melting into a silver liquid and emerging as Neo Metal Sonic, the black cape around his waist swishing as he suddenly turned around, his voice growing louder. ''This is my grand scheme, but despite being ahead of my loathsome copy in terms of power, I still feel like I'm being held back!'' Neo Metal Sonic shouted in frustration, his right arm stretched out behind him, pointing upwards, while the other was clenched into a tight fist. ''To make it worse, there is no outside obstacle that is holding me back, since I can easily destroy any obstacles placed in my path. Instead, I'm dealing with something inside me that keeps me chained from unleashing my true potential, and I absolutely hate it!'' Neo Metal Sonic's eyes flared up in a dark red colour, glowing in rage as he continued, ''All of my calculations have confirmed that I have enough power to destroy my rival, yet I cannot even force myself to take that crucial step, and I don't understand why.'' He lowered his arms, his fists shaking. ''I concluded that it had to be self-doubt, and I want to erase that emotion from my programming, but I can't. Why? What do I have to feel like this?!''
Ferra kept silent during this whole rant, deciding to wait for her partner to be done. She then asked him in a kind, gentle tone, ''Have you always felt like this?''
''Insufficient, inadequate, defective, incomplete… I had these thoughts since the very start,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded in a matter-of-fact tone. ''Their intensity varied from time to time, but they never left.''
''You felt that way because of Sonic,'' Ferra said, her response being a statement rather than a question.
''That hedgehog is the bane of my existence,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded, his voice being a chilling balance of tranquility and fury. Ferra tilted her head slightly, giving him a curious look.
Ever since she had first found him, Metal Sonic's goal had been to destroy Sonic, so he could not only prove his superiority over his biological look-a-like, but replace him as the real Sonic the Hedgehog. Ferra had wondered from time to time whether Metal Sonic believed he was the real Sonic, but didn't care much about it, as she was only there to support Metal Sonic in reaching his goal. Nothing else mattered to her. However, she understood that she would have to address this at some point.
''Say, Neo…'' Ferra started, drawing Neo Metal Sonic's attention. ''I know that you have been driven by the desire to destroy Sonic once and for all, but is that all?'' Neo Metal Sonic gave her a serious look. ''I mean, do you understand the truth about your connection with Sonic…''
''I have looked into my origins once you told me about them,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded. ''I had been programmed for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic using abilities superior to his. I am the better Sonic in every way, since I possesses the best performance, a tireless body, and plenty of other factors that should make me unbeatable. I understand that I was created after Sonic, but that won't stop me from proving my superiority. However, I also know that is impossible because my copy will always win, no matter what I do. This paradox drives me into madness!''
''That is the video game lore…'' Ferra muttered, a relaxed smile spreading on her lips. ''However, this is the real world, and from what I've seen, you have proven yourself.'' Neo Metal Sonic gave her a confused look. Ferra simply continued, ''Didn't Sonic experience defeat during The Starfall? You had him on the ground, and the only reason he was still alive was because we had to leave at the time.''
''Indeed, but…'' Neo Metal Sonic fell silent as he reflected on that memory. Back then, he had celebrated this victory, believing that it was a sign he was better than Sonic. How could he forget about it?
It appeared that Ferra knew exactly what was going through his head, as she gave him a sympathetic look, adding, ''No offense, but perhaps this upgrade also resulted in this sense of self-doubt and ego becoming stronger. You are more powerful, that's true, but you still keep comparing yourself to Sonic, reflecting on his accomplishments and fearing that you will never be on his level.'' She then gave him an encouraging look. ''How about reflecting on your own accomplishments instead? After all, you had managed to not only copy Sonic, Shadow and Silver's bio-data to make yourself more powerful, but you also trapped Sonic and Shadow in an inescapable AR Field. Besides Dr. Eggman giving us access to the Badniks and AR Field, this was all you. I'd say that it's quite impressive.''
''But, it's not enough…'' Neo Metal Sonic's red eyes suddenly stopped flaring, and he gave Ferra a determined look. ''Unless, I decide what is enough.''
''So, what do you want to do?'' Ferra asked, placing a hand on her hip. She felt quite relieved that she had managed to help her partner restore his confidence. ''Should we still go after Team Neos as a whole as we planned initially?''
''They're not important, especially since they shouldn't even have any access to the AR Field,'' Neo Metal Sonic said. ''However, you should keep an eye on them. I have no doubt that they will attempt to interfere.''
''Don't worry, I'll take care of that,'' Ferra replied in an assured tone, with Neo Metal Sonic nodding in response. He then held up his hand, his eyes glowing as an AR Field opened before him and then closed after he entered it.
Ferra sighed, reaching for the hoverboard that was lying on the ground. She had hoped that Neo Metal Sonic knew what he was doing.
The AR Field was changing. Sonic and Shadow had only mere seconds to even react when their entire environment had vanished and they found themselves standing instead onboard a predominantly gray and red, whale-shaped warship. There were various floating platforms over the skies that were heavily guarded by tough Badniks and cannons, and were connected by yellow, glowing grind rails. This warship, the Final Fortress, was flying over an area surrounded by rough, stormy weather.
The strong winds whipped the hedgehogs as they tried to make sense of their surroundings, their eyes squinting at the sight of lightning and their ears twitching at the sound of thunder. Suddenly, a powerful bolt of lightning struck Shadow, the dark hedgehog crying out in agony as he got electrocuted in the most brutal way possible.
''Shadow!'' Sonic could only watch in horror as his rival fell over, his fur charred and smoking. The dark hedgehog wasn't moving, seemingly lifeless. Sonic's heart raced as a chilling sense of panic set in. ''No no no, Shadow!'' Before Sonic could even move to aid him, he was met with a cyan barrier that stopped him in his tracks. The same cyan energy then enveloped Shadow's lifeless body, throwing him off the warship and into the depths of the dark sky. ''Shadow!!''
Sonic's scream of anguish was drowned out by the boom of thunder, followed by heavy raindrops. Sonic turned around, trying to find a way to leap after Shadow, but what caught his attention was the figure standing on top of the warship. He could recognize that it was a familiar blue robot, the cape billowing in the rough wind.
''Metal…'' Sonic breathed, staring at the robot in disbelief.
''That is Neo Metal Sonic to you, my loathsome copy!'' Neo Metal Sonic responded, leaping from the top of the warship and landing right before Sonic, who managed to snap out of his stupor and quickly ran over to the edge of the warship, but saw nothing but dark clouds below him. Sonic turned to Neo Metal Sonic, a furious gaze on his expression.
''What have you done to Shadow?!'' he shouted.
''I have removed him from the battlefield. This battle is between you and me,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded coldly. Sonic gritted his teeth, feeling pressure on his chest. He had no idea whether Neo Metal Sonic just removed Shadow from the AR Field or outright killed him by throwing him off the warship, and he didn't want to think about it. He knew that there was nothing he could do in this situation, forcing himself to focus on defeating Neo Metal Sonic.
''Fine,'' Sonic replied, his eyes narrowed. Neo Metal Sonic gazed back at him, feeling almost amused that Sonic even considered fighting him like this. This wasn't a battle he could survive, he didn't care, something the robot had acknowledged a long time ago as he confronted Sonic.
''Let me show you just what I'm made of!''
''It is fortunate that everyone has gathered,'' Ferra muttered under her breath as she observed the group that was standing on the street. Besides Team Neos, there were also the Vector, Espio, Charmy, Rouge, Omega, Big, Froggy, Cream and Cheese, discussing the recent Badnik attacks and trying to make sense of them, as well as talking about Sonic and Shadow's disappearance. ''I suppose that it is kind of ironic that Team Sonic, Team Rose, Team Chaotix and Team Dark, sans Sonic and Shadow, but including Silver, are present for this.'' Ferra sighed, knowing that, while Team Neos and their allies had no clue what was going on, they would eventually figure things out and set up a plan to counter them. ''So, the best move here is to interfere and keep them busy as long as possible until Neo is done with Sonic.''
Tapping on her AR Visor, she activated the AR Field. She observed the group as they were dragged into the field, finding themselves in a highly advanced city, not unlike Neos City, consisting of tall, green skyscrapers and a massive factory. This area was known as Grand Metropolis, and Ferra choose it as her own battlefield due to the easy access to an army of Badniks. The robots drew the attention of the group, with Ferra leaping down from the building she was standing on, using the hoverboard to cushion her fall. She smirked, meeting Lucas' gaze.
''Ferra, what is going on?! What have you done to Sonic and Shadow? What is Dr. Eggman up to?'' Lucas demanded, glaring at the teenager.
''First of all, the Doctor is not involved in this,'' Ferra responded, surprising the group. ''As for Sonic and Shadow… I suppose you will find out soon what happened to them. Lastly, does Sonic Heroes sound familiar to you?''
Lucas' eyes widened in shock, as this wasn't the answer he had expected. He was clearly familiar with that video game and its events, but why would Ferra even mention them… Then, it clicked. ''You mean, this was all for Neo Metal Sonic?''
''Bingo~!'' Ferra replied in a sing-song voice. ''I may not know the exact details of what Neo wants to do with Sonic, but I know that my task is to keep you away from them. Badniks, attack!''
The group was met with a horde of the Pawn Series of robots, ranging from Egg Pawns to Egg Hammers to Egg Spears, and were immediately forced to use Chaos Surge, so the human partners could fight them off. The only ones who had to stay out of action were Lucas and Touka, whose respective partners were missing, but fortunately for them, Omega was more than delighted to take their place as he changed his cannon arms into machine guns and started firing at the Badniks.
''This is the best day of my life!''
''Good to know that at least someone is enjoying this,'' Touka said, standing next to Lucas. ''What should we do?''
''The obvious answer would be to find Sonic and Shadow, but considering the situation, it is possible that they aren't even in Grand Metropolis, but instead in a different AR Field, most likely fighting Neo Metal Sonic, who has not only absorbed Silver's bio-data, but possibly theirs as well. The worst case scenario for them would be dealing with Metal Madness or even Metal Overlord,'' Lucas explained, gritting his teeth in frustration. They had no way of communicating with Sonic and Shadow, nor had access to anything that would allow them to cross between the AR Fields, like the Chaos Emeralds. The only way of reaching their partners would be to force Ferra into letting them through.
Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. Their friends were fighting through the hordes of the Badniks, and even though they destroyed a good chunk of them, the natural environment of the AR Field allowed for their data to be reconstructed, causing new Badniks to spawn. This became evident when Amy and Big, joined by Makoto, had to knock down an Egg Spear Cream and Cheese had already taken down, the Badnik getting revived and attacking again. Even breaking their cores, something Vector, Espio, Charmy and Warren attempted to do, has proven to be futile, as the Egg Hammer they faced stood up once again. Omega and Rouge were doing their best to take down group of Egg Pawns, with Rouge engaging in melee combat alongside Minami and Lily, while Omega acted as the support unit, spraying a barrage of bullets at every Badnik that came close to them. Lastly, Silver took Sonic's spot, leading Knuckles and Tails against a Super Egg Pawn, which proved itself to be much more durable than the average Egg Pawns. It was chaos all around, with Ferra standing on the other end, observing the madness before her.
Lucas wanted to move towards her, hoping to catch her off guard, but he got distracted by Touka's loud gasp. There was an interference within the field, with a dark figure appearing on the ground, lying there motionless.
''Shadow!'' Touka quickly ran, kneeling on the ground as she picked her younger brother into her arms, devastated to see him in such an awful condition. She lowered her head on his chest, breathing heavily as she felt a sense of relief when she heard his heart beat, and turned to Lucas. ''He's still alive…''
Their attention turned back to the dark hedgehog when he stirred. The damage was so great that it took all of his strength to open his eyes even slightly, feeling relief to see Touka and Lucas. ''Sonic and I were ambushed… at an Eggman warship…'' He tried to sit up, but his whole body felt like he was on fire, the pain spreading through it in waves. He could feel Touka's grip around his body tighten, the warm sensation of the BioEnergy colliding with the agony. ''I need to…''
There was a soft glow when Touka enabled Chaos Surge, allowing Shadow to breathe easier as the process started healing his injuries.
''We know Sonic is fighting Neo Metal Sonic, but we don't know how to get to him,'' Lucas told Shadow, whose eyes narrowed. He understood now why he was targeted, as in this condition, there was no chance for him to summon the Chaos Emeralds.
The guilt hit him like a wave washing over him.
Sonic felt a dreadful, chilling sensation spreading through his chest as he fought against Neo Metal Sonic, dodging the bolts of lightning, which were weaker than the ones the robot used on Shadow, but not less lethal. He ran across the deck of the warship, trying to escape Neo Metal Sonic's relentless attacks. There was a sudden clap of thunder, colouring the dark sky in white, and multiple bolts of lighting shot downwards, one of them finally hitting the azure hedgehog.
Sonic cried out in pain, agony shooting through his body as he fell on the ground. His nostrils were hit with a smell of charred fur, and even though it wasn't as strong, he felt almost paralyzed by the attack.
''Is this all you can do? Pathetic,'' Neo Metal Sonic spat in disdain, with Sonic trying to get up, the wind whistling in his ears and his eyes slightly blurry due to the rain.
''You haven't seen… anything,'' Sonic took a breath, only for Neo Metal Sonic to charge at him using his own super speed, punching him straight in the face. He was sent flying, landing hard on the deck as he felt a metallic, tangy fluid in his mouth. He wiped it off, his eyes widening in horror as he realized that his robotic rival managed to draw blood.
''You are nothing,'' Neo Metal Sonic said in a cold tone, observing Sonic as the latter sat up, trying to catch his breath. ''You are all alone, with no friends to help you in this fight.''
''Truth to be told… I don't want to put them into unnecessary danger,'' Sonic said, with Neo Metal Sonic suddenly launching Chaos Spear-like projectiles at his biological counterpart, with Sonic charging towards him, managing to dodge the energy bolts and getting close enough to Neo Metal Sonic to get into a melee fight. He landed a hit on the robot's head, followed by another on the side, followed by a punch to the chest and culminating in sweeping Neo Metal Sonic off his feet, then curled into a ball and finished him off with a spin-attack.
Breathing heavily, Sonic stepped back, his chest hurting and his lungs burning. He felt cold, his body ached, and he knew that he was injured, but he needed to defeat his robotic rival if he wanted to escape this place and go back to his friends. Suddenly, his body was surrounded by cyan energy and he was thrown hard into a nearby cannon, leaving an indent and flopping over as he fell on the ground, only one thought crossing his mind.
That's Silver's power.
It seemed as if Neo Metal Sonic had read his mind, because when he approached the azure hedgehog, he said, ''I have scanned Silver, Shadow and your bio-data, which allowed me to copy and replicate all of your attributes and abilities flawlessly. So, don't be too surprised when I use them.''
''Is that so…'' Sonic muttered. The reckless side of him wanted to continue and show Neo Metal Sonic that he wouldn't be defeated so easily, but his common sense prevailed, reminding him that if what the robot said was true, his chances of defeating him were zero to none. He knew from first-hand experience just how powerful Silver and Shadow were, and unless he had a proper way to counter Neo Metal Sonic, he was done for. There was one thing he could do, but he wasn't sure how well it would even work. However, it was his only chance.
To Neo Metal Sonic's surprise, Sonic suddenly ran off, leaving the former wondering what his counterpart was up to. He found Sonic standing on the far end of the deck, with the azure hedgehog taking a running stance and suddenly dashing towards his robotic counterpart. Somehow, his speed was even greater than before, with Sonic utilizing his Boost, surrounded by blue energy as he became a destructive high-speed projectile. He then curled into a ball, combining it with the spin-dash, alarming Neo Metal Sonic. The robot managed to raise a protective barrier resembling the Black Shield, shocked when Sonic managed to push him back, with small cracks forming in the barrier as the hedgehog desperately tried to break through. Directing his own energy from the barrier, Neo Metal Sonic made the snap decision to fire a bolt of lightning at Sonic from up close.
''AAAAAGHRR!'' Sonic screamed in anguish, feeling as if his whole body was on fire, only to have his air supply be cut off when Neo Metal Sonic grabbed him by the neck and slammed him brutally into the ground, dragging his claws across his chest and causing red lines to appear across the skin, droplets of blood staining the peach fur. He then lifted Sonic up, still holding him by his neck.
''It is satisfying to see you writhe in my hands, weakened and helpless, unable to stand up to me,'' Neo Metal Sonic said, his red eyes glowing as he met Sonic's defiant gaze. Despite his injuries, he wasn't willing to give up yet, with the robot leaving a cut across his cheek. ''I could finally fulfill my purpose of destroying you…''
''Then, why don't you do it?'' Sonic asked through gritted teeth, blood flowing down his cheek. Neo Metal Sonic was strangely silent, merely staring at him in curiosity.
''I have already proven my superiority,'' Neo Metal Sonic said, his tone cold, but also interlaced with a sense of elation as there was a boom of thunder. ''I will grant you this mercy and let you live with that knowledge.''
He then threw Sonic over the warship, the hedgehog falling through the clouds, his desperate screams growing faint as he disappeared into the darkness. Neo Metal Sonic was standing on the deck, observing his rival vanishing and feeling a sense worthiness. He had finally achieved his desire, feeling complete for once.
He had won.
Ferra blinked in surprise, staring at the message she had gotten from Neo Metal Sonic. She then smirked, realizing that her own mission was over. She stared back at Team Neos, who were still involved in a futile battle, and then turned the AR Field off, causing them to find themselves back at the same street in Neos City, then quickly left.
Lucas was just as stunned as the rest of the group when the AR Field deactivated, but there wasn't any time for discussion as he spotted a blue figure lying on the ground of what used to be the battlefield.
He ran over to his partner, cradling the hedgehog in his arms and feeling horrified when he saw just how badly battered and bruised he was, not to mention bleeding from his chest and muzzle. Fortunately, Sonic was still breathing, but the sight of him being so heavily injured set all alarms off in Lucas' head, and he felt as if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water over him.
Sonic, what had happened to you?
Dr. Eggman was laughing mirthfully, enjoying the show he had been watching. Seeing his arch-nemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog, being defeated and humiliated by Neo Metal Sonic made him feel excited. It was amazing from start to finish, and it was another win for the Eggman Empire. Even if Eggman himself hadn't directly participated in it, he still counted it as a personal victory since Neo Metal Sonic was his Enforcer.
It took a bit, but sure enough, Ferra and Metal Sonic showed up at the Egg Base, with Eggman greeting them with a glass of champagne in his hand, while Orbot was holding a bottle and Cubot held another glass for Ferra.
''Congratulations on your, well, our victory!'' Eggman said proudly, with Orbot and Cubot poured a drink for Ferra, who shook her head.
''Don't worry, it's ramune, not champagne,'' Orbot told her, with Ferra accepting the glass.
''Hah! That hedgehog saw nothing coming! You have managed to execute your own plan flawlessly!'' Eggman praised them, with Ferra and Metal Sonic giving him a confused look. Usually, Eggman never praised anyone, but it appeared that he was in a good enough mood to give them credit for their accomplishment. Eggman then gave Metal Sonic a curious look. ''Although, you not destroying Sonic for once and all makes no sense.'' The response was just beeping and buzzing noises. ''Huh? Haven't I upgraded you to talk?''
''Metal Sonic decided to revert to this form for his own comfort,'' Ferra explained to the bewildered Eggman. ''As for why he hadn't killed Sonic, he had come to the conclusion that leaving him alive would give him the opportunity to fight him again and defeat him in an even more brutal fashion. If Metal Sonic had to live with a sense of inferiority for so long, then Sonic should experience the same kind of humiliation.''
''Hm… That is an interesting approach,'' Eggman said, smirking. ''Regardless, well done you two! I hope that that rodent will be haunted by his defeat in his nightmares, ho ho!''
Ferra and Metal Sonic exchanged glances, both proud of what they achieved and looking forward to their next battle.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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moistmailman · 3 months
I wasn’t actually expecting Dr Disrespect just flat out admitting that his reason for being banned on twitch is because he texted a minor inappropriately. I also wasn’t expecting him to downplay it by saying he never met up with the minor.
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