I’m convinced there won’t be a fight when the machines rise up, they’ll just keep making us sign into things until our spirits are broken
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since i told @yoobidoobidoo i’d post a better photo of my face, here it is. 
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Okay what the fuck, the Supernatural fandom has gif’d literally every scene from every episode except for the one I went looking for to reblog
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It’s time for the important intro, everyone meet Coda, Dante, Badger, and Leeni!
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i don’t do nothing besides be sexy and have great intuition damn that’s crazy
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stvdvicious replied to your photo: What up guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I’m...
hello i am nonbinary pal
Hello new non-binary pal, I’m now even more glad that I make a habit of being inclusive in my greetings, how are ya?
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underscorenamed replied to your photo: What up guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I’m...
please make me weird foods also your eyes look really pretty
You got it, some stretchy chewy ice cream is on it’s way haha. And thank you! They’re a light hazel so they change pretty often, I always love getting compliments on them!
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I have a lot of criticisms for How I Met Your Mother (don’t get me wrong, I love it, it just hasn’t aged well) but Sir Scratchewan will always be the most amazing name for a dog ever
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What up guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I’m Bodhi, I’m an artist and exotic dancer (lbr I’m a stripper and we all know it lol). I’m a Syrian born, San Diego raised, LA transplant, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, I like baking confusing food for my friends, and my favorite thing to do is use my dogs as an excuse to go wandering and get lost, cause getting lost is fun when you do it on purpose. If you feel like seeing if I ever manage to think of anything else to say about myself, come find me @ threethousandyearneckcrick!
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I forget my laptop has a touchscreen 99% of the time, but when it comes to follow lists, it’s the single best thing I’ve ever bought
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Ignore everything below this
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I’m so confused, apparently my Tumblr Saviour extension blacklisted iphone and ipad, and whitelisted Bjorn, and I have no idea why or when
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My favorite thing will always be things called Iona, like Iona House, Iona Farm, I’m dumb and it’s funny okay
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I should post my art more
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Why did I just wake up from a nap with “See My Vest” from that one episode of The Simpsons from like 20 years ago stuck in my head
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Purple-crowned Fairy Wrens, Northern Territory, Australia
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