finitefm · 3 years
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DEWANDA   WISE   /   /   have   you   met   PANDORA   GALILEE   yet  ?   SHE   is   a   38   year   old   CIS   WOMAN   HUMAN.   they’re   originally   from  ABREGADO-RAE   and   now   show   loyalty   to  THE   UNALIGNED.   they   are   best   known   for   being   a  POLITICAL   FIXER   /   CONSULTANT,   and   i   hear   they’re   pretty  DISARMING   yet   also   CUNNING  at   times  ;   i   hope   they   survive   the   galactic   civil   war.
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❛   i   know   it’s   selfish,   and   i   know   that   love   is   supposed   to   be   selfless   and   open-handed,   but   my   hands   were   made   to   HOLD   ON.   ❜
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abregado-rae   is   as   LAWLESS   as   the   core   worlds   get,   and   smugglers   have   long   called   it   a   haven.   pandora’s   parents   were   no   exception,   although   she   could   not   say   that   they   spent   too   long   there   --   the   galilees   were   always   on   the   move,   chasing   adventure   and   the   next   job.   dora   grew   up   running   underfoot   on   the   family   ship.   she   learned   dealmaking   and   VIOLENCE   peering   through   the   doorways   after   she   was   supposed   to   be   in   bed,   snuck   into   the   cargo   hold   and   stared   with   wide   eyes   at   piles   of   spice.   eventually,   she   stopped   hiding   :   who   would   suspect   such   a   SWEET   young   child   was   lying   to   an   officer   of   the   republic   about   her   parents’   business   ?
but   smuggling   is   a   dangerous   business,   and   luck   does   not   forever.   barely   a   year   after   the   rise   of   the   galactic   empire,   her   parents   were   caught   by   the   imperial   security   bureau.   a   few   weeks   shy   of   thirteen,   pandora   shoved   a   stack   of   credits   into   her   bag   and   RAN.   coruscanti   streets   are   hard   for   anyone,   nevermind   a   child,   but   she   survived.   no,   she   THRIVED.   she   had   no   choice   but   to.
she   always   wanted   more   than   simple   cons.   she   wanted   power   and   she   wanted   SECURITY,   to   be   able   to   control   her   own   fate.   at   nineteen   she   found   herself   playing   arm   candy   to   string   money   out   of   an   imperial   senator   and   after   catching   enough   whispers   of   politics   over   dinner,   she   began   to   LEARN.   she   had   no   love   for   the   empire   and   she   had   not   forgotten   her   parents,   but   she   could   fake   niceties   for   the   right   people   --   until   she   had   enough   chips   of   her   own   that   THEY   had   to   play   nice   for   HER.
far   from   running   for   office,   she   stayed   on   her   side   of   her   table.   she   consulted.   she   advised.   she   collected   names   and   secrets   and   gathered   up   owed   favors,   a   childhood   of   smuggler’s   tricks   keeping   things   quiet   enough   and   above   board   enough   to   keep   the   isb   from   destroying   all   that   was   left   of   the   galilee   as   she   gained   enough   strength   to   SLEEP   well   at   night.   finery   and   double   deals   suited   her,   and   she   did   it   all   with   a   smile.
in   the   privacy   of   her   apartment   she   cracked   open   a   bottle   of   champagne   when   the   empire   fell   and   was   not   surprised   to   find   that   the   new   republic   had   plenty   of   space   for   the   likes   of   her.   there   are   new   faces   and   new   rules   and   it   is   all   the   SAME   anyways.   if   she   is   assisted   by   a   past   of   handing   scraps   of   information   to   rebels   ?   what   the   empire   had   not   known   would   not   hurt   her.
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dora   remains   perched   in   the   shadows   of   government.   she   is   best   at   working   out   secret   leverage   and   brokering   impossible   deals   ;   she   is   often   called   by   senators   and   smaller   bureaucratic   cogs   alike   to   unsnare   sticky   situations   or   WIN   impossible   campaigns.   she   maintains   a   quiet   but   lavish   lifestyle   and   flickers   in   between   coruscant   and   the   new   capital   of   chandrila   and   still   feels   most   at   home   while   in   transit.
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her   reputation   can   make   this   a   surprise,   but   pandora   is   WARM.   personable   and   charming,   she   knows   well   how   to   gain   camaraderie   and   build   trust,   but   it   is   not   all   purely   manipulative.   she   likes   people.   she   likes   meeting   them.   she   is   always   kind   when   she   can   afford   to   be   but   her   priority   will   always   be   her   own   survival   and   she   will   not   LIE   about   any   moral   code   or   idealistic   belief.   she   has   little   tolerance   for   idiots   or   insults   and   will   dispatch   both   with   sharp   sarcasm.  
she   is   very   clever   and   methodical   in   her   profession   and   does   not   sugarcoat   the   truth   of   hard   situations.   politics   are   all   about   appearance   :   as   long   as   you   have   a   glimmering   facade,   the   details   do   not   have   to   be   pretty,   and   she   is   WELL   AWARE   of   that.   she   has   learned   to   live   with   the   harshness   of   it.
family   is   a   weak   spot   that   was   taken   from   her.   that   she   would   like   to   have   again.   there   are   not   many   who   get   too   close   to   her,   but   she   treasures   those   who   do.  
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cryanssance · 3 years
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It all started when [Sasha] met [Pieck] and they had me! Hi, I'm Ry!
*:・゚ i won't shit on your ships, don't shit on mine.
*:・゚ i do not plan to continuously reblog content with spoilers but if you are afraid, blacklist: #aot spoilers / #snk spoilers #jjk spoilers #hq spoilers
*:・゚ my current ships: rivetra ✧ pokkopiku ✧ yumihisu ✧ niccosasha
*:・゚ fanart tags: AOT/SNK ✧ DC ✧ JJK ✧ [more to come...]
*:・゚ anicomics recs. — DC ✧ Invincible [availble soon]
*:・゚ animangas recs. — AOT ✧ HQ ✧JJK [available soon]
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if you’re reading this, i’m taeyong. please call me the strongest scalp in k-pop because my hair is always goddamn changing. i’m always tired and currently panicking in america because my ever improving english is getting me into some situations. father of 19 (psa: not actually a father of 19 just a leader of a very big group) and a member of superm. i play way too many video games.
if you’d like to talk about the political climate or how goldie the dog is the best animal crossing villager, please contact me on taeyongplus19.
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underthemoment-blog · 5 years
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hey friends, it’s me. ya boy. i’m maxx danziger. i play drums for set it off and do twitch streams a few times a week when we’re not on the road. i like horror movies, conspiracy theories, dogs, and memes. let’s be friends. my gh is pinkcloudsummerz (because i really love the band movements).
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h2godkmo-blog · 5 years
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i’m corinna and i refuse to give @hotdilfinurarea anymore attention (also gross url). i abandoned the vlog squad for twitch and my dog carl. they’re heartbroken. 
my gh is honeymcon, lets be friends. 
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tiredboysclub · 5 years
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hi i’m ben, my bad habits range from chewing on things like straws and forgetting i’m a real human being, to buying books and never reading them. let’s talk bad habits @ 3morehours
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dobrikfanblog · 5 years
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okay I wrote out a nice intro and it got deleted so I am mad. I’m David, I make YouTube videos that I always post on time..... always. I’m nominated for sexiest heartthrob on people magazine, but personally I voted for Harry. Jeff suggested I say something like, I’m David and ruin lives but idk what he’s talking about cause I’m a nice boy.
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y’all on a real note this selfie took about fifteen minutes to take my arm got really tired but it happened anyways i’m kacey and i’m just your average yodeling witch i’m in the process of getting a black cat to really get into character anyways let’s go karaoke dixie chicks sometime @ softgalyeehaw
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thebetterseok · 5 years
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i’m jin. cornerstorefashion. this is my life. this is my intro.
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Hello, everyone!
My name is Kim Namjoon. I also go by my stage name RM. I'm the leader of BTS and one of it's main rappers. I enjoy reading, bonsai's, sea creatures and hanging out with my bandmates/family.
Please take good care of me!
gh: lilstarsandmoons
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guckyeyebags · 5 years
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my name is zak bagans 😊😊😊 i’ve never believed in ghosts 🔎📝🤔 until i came face to face with one 😱😱😱😱 so ❗️❗️❗️❗️ i set out on a quest to capture📷📷 what i 🚨����😭💃 once saw onto video….📹📹 with no ❌❌❌ big camera crews following us around 💎💸💎 i am joined only by my fellow investigator 😍🔥 nick groff and our equipment tech 😲🙈 aaron goodwin the three of us 👨‍👨‍👦 👨‍👨‍👦 will travel to some of the most 😊😍😜 highly active 🔥🚨🚨😭 paranormal locations where we ❗️❗️❗️❗️ will spend an entire night 🌑🌃 being locked down 🔒🔒🔒 from dusk… 🌆 until dawn…. 🌇 raw… 💎💎 extreme… 😨😨 these 👸💆‍♀️💅❤💋💗 are our ghost adventures👻👻💋💋
msg me @ marijuanacousin and tell me what conspiracy theory u believe ty
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chipchromes · 5 years
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it’s ya boy je$$e. style icon and intergalactic alien. intros are dumb if you wanna get to know me you can send me your zodiac sign on gh @ chokesmeout
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kelseykrappel-blog · 5 years
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Hi, I’m Kelsey. I used to be a preschool teacher but now I somehow make a living as an influencer. It’s wild. Anyways, please be my friend at kelseykrappel. I promise to not roast you too hard.
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akaessy-blog · 5 years
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thought i'd share this photo as i was feeling as legendary as barney stinson in this gown despite being blinded by it.
but anywho, my name is sierra deaton and i am the coolest person you'll ever meet. i've been sky diving way too many times. i like writing songs and being a foster mom to fur babies. i sing occasionally and may have won x factor usa or something like that. i'm nearly 30 years old and i'm addicted to tik toks and memes.
if you're down to discuss fur babies, tik toks, and/or memes then you can find me @phillybxtch on google hangouts.
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desrtemo · 5 years
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Altight, this a little late but I finally got around to following everyone AND managed to not take a nap today.  Hello! I’m Pat Kirch, the drummer of this band called The Maine. I have a lovely dog named Arlo, love getting out and traveling the world, and possible work a little ‘too much’ but who doesn’t once in awhile?  You can chat me up at bangthatemoji on GH!
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Hi I’m Harlow and if you’re wondering, these legs do go all the way up, here’s a wonderful diagram by my brother @pieballs if you’re confused. When I’m not taking pictures of his band you can find me hanging out with my cat (sadly not pictured but I’ll send you some @ thepasta.enthusiast
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