#doc alter intro
doc-system · 24 days
Alter Intro 18
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Name: Nate
Age: 22-26
Pronouns: he/him; it/itself
Species: Parasite in skeleton host
Source: undertale au shit
Sign Off: 🦑
Roles: emotion blocker, prosecutor, physical protector
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I haven been here inna hot sec but wassup everyone, I use a lotta slang n all n I'm pretty cool id say lol. Don got much else ta say doe lol
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the-hydra-sys · 8 months
Pinned Post / Introduction!
We are Hydra.
@the-hydra-sys-spam - Spam, mostly reblogs
@hydra-creates - Requests for templates, userboxes, banners, writing snippets, sketches, etc etc
@tales-from-systok, @tales-from-syscord, @tales-from-sysblr - Askblogs all about people's experiences with system spaces. Positive and negative submissions welcome!
@demonized-infodumps - A blog for rants, rambles, infodumps, and just general community around demonized and stigmatized disorders. A judgement free space.
Discord: the_hydra_sys
Collective Pronouns: Xe/xem and they/them. While most alters are okay with one of these, we prefer you use each specific alter's name/pronouns to talk about/to them unless referring to us as a collective.
Find us on TikTok
Read our system dictionary (google doc)
See Plague's anti-endo community blog masterpost
Join our system-centric discord
[Discord contains a 16+ RAMCOA sector and a sector for systems of colour. Singlets are allowed, but there is a seperate category without them for those that want a system-only space.]
Feel free to send asks, we like answering them!
Sometimes we post about stuff from communities we aren't in, please correct us if we say something wrong, and let us know if we're misusing your community's tags.
Blocklist of narc abuse believers. People w/NPD you are safe here.
Tags, DNI, Alter Info, Alter Sideblogs & Sysboxes under the cut.
#[alter name or emoji] blogs = [alter] is fronting, and they are the one who created a post
#[alter name or emoji] reblogs = [alter] reblogged this post
#[alter name or emoji] opinions = [alter]'s opinions may not align with the rest of the system
#[alter name or emoji] likes = posts [alter] likes
#[alter name or emoji] replies = posts [alter] replies to
#hydra blogs = blogs from our system
#hydra reblogs = reblogs from our system
#hydra opinions = collective opinions
#hydra likes = collective likes
#hydra replies = posts we collectively reply to, typically from our inbox
All posts should have some of these tags. If you see us reblog a post with no tags, or create a post with no tags, it's probably Echo forgetting again. If a post is tagged with 'blurry' or 'anon' in place of the alter name, then it's a blurry alter or an alter who wishes to remain anonymous.
Zionists, nazis, etc.
Misogynists, sexists, etc.
Homophobes, biphobes, lesbophobes, etc.
Arophobes, acephobes, aphobes.
Transphobes, transmisogynysts, transandrophobes.
Anti-furry, anti-therian.
RCTA, DCTA, NCTA, and other transIDs.
Endogenic systems.*
Anyone who uses the word "sysmed." (Pro)endo or not.
Those who say littles can consent to sex/romance.
If you are under the age of 15, please interact with care. Our blog is SFW, however some topics may be heavy and some alters may vent. Please skip these posts if you wish to interact with us as a younger person.
*We are anti-endo, pro-belief, endo-critical and anti-fakeclaiming. If they say they are endogenic, we will simply not interact.
*This DNI does not apply to our syscourse posts.
Fluid Opinions
If you don't agree with these, you can still interact, and we're open to discussion about these.
Transfemme alters in AFAB bodies and transmasc alters in AMAB bodies can exist, but they should clarify that they aren't bodily transfemme/transmasc. The way we see it is that if an AFAB system can't have transfemme alters, then doesn't that imply all of their male alters are trans? Does that mean AFAB systems can't have cis male alters?
Alter Information
In our system, frequent fronters change rapidly, but we'll list our alters most likely to front. Others may sign off from time to time, and you may hear about an alter once but never again - this is to be expected, our alter count is high and constantly fluctuating.
So, with that in mind:
Serpent Hill Fronters
The Nightmare Gang
If we get more frequent fronters, I'll add them!
Alter Sideblogs:
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All sysboxes from sysboxes on tumblr!
Made by Echo
Later edits by: Angeldust, Lexi, Orion
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myezblog · 1 month
The only puzzle that needs to be solved to make sense of timelines, potential to change future etc..
And that is Lukwa.. and her timeline and her story
Ep 1 - we are watching the past and we learn Doc is doing his research and there is this patient who relived her past during cardiac arrest with the exception of that she could look into the future 4 minutes. She seems to be perfectly normal and happy now, nothing crazy or out of world happening to her
Ep 2 , 3 - Great comes to know that another patient had similar experience. He "dreams" of meeting her in a room
Ep 4 - we meet Lukwa again and talks about the 4 minutes room and seeing another man there. She also starts talking about what part of her life did she relive... and the scene cuts
From Lukwa's perspective (and assuming it is all normal timeline) we gather -
a) during cardiac arrest one has 4 minutes to live and brain is hyper active in that time
b) brain is reliving past dictated by one's strongest beliefs (regrets?), religion etc with the exception of seeing 4 minutes into the future (all imaginary)
c) multiple people in same room (now THIS IS WEIRD).. if two almost dying people reach the same limbo place then there is supernatural intervention... and this plot would make sense only if it is about second chances (now add the other pateint's story of seeing white angels performing on her... and she survived.. so maybe the end is supernatural intervention giving you second chance and saving you)
From patients in general and doctor
While we hear different experiences, we HAVE NOT HEARD of reality changing for anyof them... that would be mind boggling finding right? and everyone seems pretty sane talking about their experience as just an experience and also the doctor... reality changing would defy real world science and Doc seems chilled out so his research - whatever it leads to - doesn't seem to have led to Reality alteration
Assuming Lukwa is normal timeline and truth (her conversations, her scenes are true) then she met Great. Great must have gone into cardiac arrest or got into his accident (while being rushed to hospital) to meet Lukwa in the 4 min room? If so, then Lukwa has recovered recently (assuming great has been out for a few days before cardiac arrest) and her interactions with Doc are in real time.... However, doc and tyme keep interacting so time continuity does not hold true
2. Let's assume since ep 1, we are in Great's dream - time does not flow normally here... nanosecond can be days..
Every character that we see (except the scenes before intro) Great has met them already and at time of his near death, he already knows about a lot of convoluted relationships/motivations etc
Now, in the past great and tyme were still entangled.. he would have met Dan Doc, he would have met Win (with respect to Title's murder), tonkla etc... ... So, if he interacted with Dan in the past he MIGHT HAVE LEARNED about his research work and 4 minutes case of another patient.. Did he meet the patient ever (crossing paths or something.. don't know)???
NOW, if we consider this.. then even the part where we see Doc speaking with his patients is happening in Great's dream world...brain is building its entire narrative... and now meeting the lady in the same 4 min. room makes sense because, again, it is not real .. and time continuity makes sense, continues to make sense
If writer plans on keeping supernatural out of the way, a logical ending for this should be
a) either great and tyme meeting up in some limbo state being together but dead in real life (more to imply that both cared about each other the most that they ended up in same place post death)
b) Great waking up.. giving evidence to Win to catch Korn, Dad, Tonkla etc... and somehow saving Tyme.. and reconciling
But, i don't see reality changing in any of that.. aka.. woman in ep 1 still died in car accident, Dome still died being killed, Title still dead - killed by Tonkla, Nan/girl still shot and dead
So, net net we need Lukwa's story, her demeanour etc.. because this Lukwa that we are seeing is still Great's dream world.. and that's not a reliable world with respect to any character
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disabled-sysboxes · 6 months
We are an account inspired by @sysboxes! We are ran by one system and create our own system userboxes for fun.
This account will focus on system userboxes for disabilities and mental illnesses.
To search for alter & system userboxes separetly, search the tags: #system userbox for system user boxes ("this system...") #alter userbox for alter user boxes ("this alter...")
If you want to find a box that you requested if you didn't see it when it posted, you can search #requested box.
Most posts will have the disorder in the tags and the description of the post, so please use the search function before asking if we have a set of userboxes for a specific disorder!
Sign Off List ───── RAMCOA Terms + Information Google Doc System Terms + Roles Masterlist Google Doc RAMCOA System Label Definitions RAMCOA System Labels Disclaimer Post What you can and can't request ───── Our RAMCOA focused Discord Server
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[IMG ID: A medium blue rectangle with medium teal squiggly lines on the background. A mail icon sits to the left while text reads 'REQUESTS' on the right.]
Please feel free to request any kind of userbox that pertains to disabilities! They can be any combination of disorders, any silly thing to do with a disorder, anything!
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[IMG ID: A medium blue rectangle with medium teal squiggly lines on the background. A paper icon sits to the left while text reads 'RULES' on the right.]
All requests must be SFW and not explicit in nature
Due to personal preference, we will not do any userboxes that contain mentions of (recreational) drugs (inlcu. medical use of them) outside of the typical prescribed medications (anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotics, etc).
Requests must not perpetuate disorder specific harassment / stigmatisation such as: narc abuse, bpd abuse, cluster a abuse, all people with [xyz] disorder are awful people, etc.
Requests can include colour combinations, font requests (such as the dyslexie font), and icon requests.
If you are rude, you will be blocked. Sending hate or harassment or rude messages on anon will not be tolerated and the ask will simply be deleted.
We do not owe you anything!! We are just one mod, so things will take time!! Please be patient.
We will tag everything according to this list of common triggers. Please do not ask for things to be tagged unless we mistakenly didn't tag something that should've been. We are not responsible for your personal triggers.
Relating to tagging, bright colours will be tagged with both 'cw / tw bright colours' and 'cw / tw bright [colour name]' so people who know what bright colours they can handle are able to determine if they can view the post.
You can send it asks that are just 'how are you?' or stuff like that, we don't mind!
Our DNI is at the end of this post!
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[IMG ID: A medium blue rectangle with medium teal squiggly lines on the background. A pencil icon sits to the left while text reads 'MOD INTRO' on the right.]
We are Danse Macabre, a polyfrag DID system that is physically disabled and neurodivergent. We use he / hir / ask pronouns collectively and currently ID as a gay, intersex interfluid tfemmasc guy!
We have dyslexia, autism, inattentive adhd and a plethora of other disorders. If you notice a spelling mistake in a box please send an ask in with the link to the post and we'll be sure to fix it.
Our main blog is @radpocalypse if you want to see us losing our marbles over anything ever.
We are an avid user of sysboxes from the sysbox tumblr account, and we have a lot of ideas for our own sysboxes - which is why we started this blog.
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[IMG ID: A medium blue rectangle with medium teal squiggly lines on the background. An X icon sits to the left while text reads 'DNI' on the right.]
Our DNI is as follows - those who fall under this criteria cannot use our boxes.
Endogenic Systems / Pro-Endogenic systems (Traumagenic w/ neutral stances can use our boxes)
MAP / NOMAP / Pears
Terfs / Radfems
Proshippers / Comshippers / Darkshippers / etc
Basic DNI critera (racist, homophobic, etc)
Anyone who believes in cluster a / b / c abuse
Anyone who believes that alters can have disabilities / disorders the body doesn't (i.e one alter having BPD but the rest of the system doesn't). Alters can hold symptoms and show off more obvious traits than others, but the entire system has the disorder.
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mayimkjs · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Which Kayano is the Killer
This is like, an entire section of FOOL's MATE so this will probably change. I'm probably not going to update this post, but if your interested in seeing if anything's changed, I encourage you to look at the research doc. This section also has a lot of things that were taken from replies to a post I made on Reddit back in February. All contributors will be credited.
Overall, what this post is, is a compilation of all the theories I've seen about who did what.
There’s no way to know who committed the murder yet. There are multiple possibilities of who is the culprit. 
We also don’t know how recent all of the murders are. It seems that Mikoto was working right up until he wound up in MILGRAM it seems. Some of the murders do seem fairly recent (ie. Fuuta is still shaken up, Muu saying “before I knew it, I was here” during her first interrogation when asked about the police).
Who is the victim? How many people were killed?
I believe that only one person was killed. In each MV, we only see one person directly killed. All of the mannequins in Double could represent how many people caused him to break due to stress. Here is a list of possible victims, ranked by how likely they are.
His boss (Chief / チーフ)
One of his coworkers
A gang member
A stalker
An abuser
A random person
His dad
Other Alters
Why is his boss the most likely victim?
MILGRAM is careful about giving people names, even if it's something as simple a nickname. He’s the only other name we’ve seen in Mikoto’s story. We’ve also only ever seen one other person. This might be his boss. 
John is Telling the Truth
Even though Mikoto is the prisoner, John committed the murders. There are 2 possible reasons for Mikoto being the prisoner in this theory.
MILGRAM isn’t working correctly as it’s never had to deal with someone with DID and thus, marking the host as the prisoner and letting John do as he pleases. 
Since Es, Jackalope and Mikoto didn’t know he had DID, Mikoto is treated as the prisoner since he is the host. (u/Nekokittykun)
He doesn't remember details due to being in some type dissociative or otherwise non-coherent state.
John Forced the Other Alters into Dormancy
A theory that sprung up after the release of Double as none of the mannequins have faces. They’re season 2 trailer line can also be interpreted as John talking about the other alters, right before he attempted to get rid of them all. In Double, the majority of the mannequins appear in the train, which is likely representative of Mikoto’s mind. Then John breaks and "kills" them. 
John might not have killed anyone.
Why is it that MILGRAM treats Mikoto as the prisoner if John is the one that committed the murders? It could be what was just mentioned, or he didn't do it. There are several holes in John’s story; he just killed whoever and does not remember how many he killed. This would leave Mikoto or Midokoto to be the culprit. 
The reason why John acts aggressive, is because he thinks that's the best thing to do to protect Mikoto.
Mikoto as the Culprit
Mikoto killed someone and John is taking the blame. His actions caused him so much stress that John was born. Some scenes in Double that add to this are:
The scene after he gets off the phone with his mom, Mikoto is surrounded by blood and he quickly switches to John.
When Mikoto and John communicate, all of the blood is in Mikoto’s shot. 
There are multiple variations of this theory. 
Why he Can’t Remember
The murder was traumatic to the point of John being born to handle the trauma of Mikoto’s crime and holding all his memories of the murder. John only has hazy memories of the crime and this could explain that. He knows what he did is wrong so he wants to make himself out to Es as the ideal monster that needs to be slain. (u/Sleepy-Head999)
An extension of the last theory, John is trying to cover for Mikoto to protect him. He’s trying to make himself look bad even though he technically didn't do anything. 
He knows what he did but he can't physically remember what happened because it triggers a switch due to stress or he just doesn't remember it. 
Mikoto is very clever and manipulative. He's actually confident about his talents and abilities and knows how to deal with people. He’s been lying the entire time. (u/Chareste17)
Despite John saying that Mikoto would have reached his limit if he hadn't been born, Mikoto actually did reach his limit. Mikoto killed someone because of it, and John was born from that.
Why Did He Do It
Because he feels he has no control over his life whatsoever, he did it as an unhealthy way to forcefully gain control. 
He snapped from the stress. 
Midokoto as the Culprit
Mido manipulated John to commits the murders. He turned all of his pent up emotions into a weapon to get what he wanted. 
Multiple Culprits
Joint Effort Between John and Mido
In MeMe, it seems John and Midokoto are working together. John does the deed and Mido deals with the cleanup and aftermath. There are 2 variations of what happens next.
They are working together to keep this from Mikoto. Mido also has gave John special treatment, as seen in the lyrics to MeMe. 
Mido was watching John and suddenly stepped in to deal with the aftermath because he didn't trust John to deal with it. 
“Joint Effort” Between John and Mikoto
Mikoto briefly fronted when John was about to kill someone. During the murder scene in MeMe, the first time the train passes, it goes left. The second time it passes, it goes right. Using the train directions from Double, this means that Mikoto was in front. He either thought he was in a dream so he swung the bat or John was in the process of swinging the bat. Midokoto or John quickly fronted to deal with the damage. This would make Mikoto a culprit. 
Mikoto Started the Attack, John Finished
This explains that shot in Double where the background is white but the person in the scene is John. Mikoto initiated the kill, and John fronted in the middle of the swing. u/madokabri
Mikoto killed one person, John continued to kill
Mikoto first snapped and killed someone out of his pent up stress. The murder was traumatic to the point of John being born to handle the trauma of Mikoto’s crime and holding all his memories of the murder. He saw that it helped Mikoto in some way, so he continued to kill people who bothered Mikoto a dangerous amount. MILGRAM is judging Mikoto on his one murder which he doesn't remember due to John holding those memories. 
Mikoto is Responsible but John Committed the Murders
Mikoto is what caused John to kill in the first place. Due to Mikoto not creating proper boundaries with others, things kept getting piled on top of him until the stress was to the point where John was born. John doesn't remember exactly what happened because he might have just been born.
In MILGRAM, you just need to be responsible for someone’s death. Mikoto would also be a witness, and if you are a witness but don't do anything, you will be considered an accomplice to the crime.
Mikoto was being Blackmailed
In Japan, getting fired puts a stain on your record and makes it extremely difficult to find a new job. Getting fired by a top-tier advertising agency would be even worse. It would destroy any chance of Mikoto gaining any opportunities for the rest of his career. So his victim had evidence of him doing something unfavorable. 
Him and the victim met up to talk about the blackmail and it escalated to the point were Mikoto killed him. He brought the bat just in case something happened where he had to defend himself. After he realized what he did, John fronts to take care of the rest. When Mikoto wakes up the next day, he can disregard it as a bad dream.
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everafter-life · 1 month
what do u use to track &chat with ur alters?? im transplural and been wanting to transition but didnt rlly know which app thingy-ma-bob to use. simplyplural seems like what most people say, theres a few different discord bots if i wanted to track it on there (though i have my reservations with doing so due to discords security and such), 0ct0c0n ( 0=o bc i dont wantcha to be bothered by haterssss) looks super interesting but it is antiendo on the community side, and also theres a bunch of other little apps not made specifically for plurality but could be used for it like antar or thsoe fake social media notes apps. so uh, what do u think? :3
I personally use SimplyPlural and PK, but some other things you can do is use TwiNote even if that can be difficult to use. You can also make Pinterests boards for each alter, if you’re sly you can use pronouns.cc (they don’t allow transids and paras from what i know but if you don’t have that obvious you can use it!), you can make alternate tumblrs for each alter too! You can also find templates for system alter intros and fill those out in notes apps or google docs!
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broadcast-sys · 10 months
something of an intro post!
Call our system EBS, Emergency Broadcast, Broadcast, or just Cast
our main blog (on which all we do is reblog stuff) is @m-practice but reader beware we reblog untagged blood/gore, unreality, and innuendo on occasion
Our shell identity (referring to us as one individual/body) is something along the lines of Mal, Doc, Malpractice, or in full, Dr. Mal Practice.
#original broadcasts (not linking that rn) is our original posts tag. that’s where all the cool stuff is
We don't do syscourse on this blog- That being said, a system just existing is not syscourse- any system. Don't be a dick where we can see and we’ll be cool. We don't block folks unless they're actively being cunts or whatever
we gain and lose hosts every few months, so some individual intros might be of folks who don't front anymore
literally dm us or send us an ask or anything- we're always looking for system friends & mutuals!!
emergency-broadcast-system on SimplyPlural, dead_broadcasting on Discord
Alter Intros
Michael - pronouns
Third - pronouns - @angelofhubris
Rowan - pronouns - @averageratfan
Tom - pronouns - @bloodhater
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doc-system · 3 months
Alter Introduction 13
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Name: Neptune
Age: 19-25
Pronouns: he/him; they/them
Species: Human
Source: Zeusko/Wincel's human planets
Sign Off: 🐟
Roles: Emotion blocker, social protector, autism holder, depression holder, gender dysphoria holder
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Hello I am Neptune. I am making an introduction because I know others have. It is nice to meet everyone. ~🐟
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
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avens-system · 4 months
Alter intros extended : Hosts
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Aventurine . . . fictive : HSR
He/Him | Masc/Neu terms
Human, Adult, Male
Role : Host, Accodare
Boundaries : Dms/Touch = Yes | Source talk = Yes
about me : "I love soulglad, gambling, nsfw activities.., playing roblox and watching movies with Doc. My favorite food is bread."
extra : In a relationship with a Dr. Ratio fictive <3
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Leon . . . fictive : Dark fall
He/Him | Masc/Neu terms
Nonhuman, Adult, Male
Role : Co-host, Protector
Boundaries : Flirt/Touch = Okay | Source talk = Ask
about me : "Usually sleeping, I'm awake every once in awhile. Doesn't mean I'm not aware when you're talking about me."
extra : taken by a Cliff fictive
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unsys · 1 year
intro loading....
intro loaded. enjoy!
Hi! We're the
Unsure System.
As a little PSA, you can find our system carrd here. A warning is that not everyone is on there as there's 70+ of us, and even then we find more people.
Since the person writing this is the Host, let me introduce myself.
Hi! I'm Jeremy, the Host/Core. I am 15 with us being the same age bodily and go by He/They. I am trans, gay, and additionally Asexual! I (we) am Autistic, have ADHD, ODD, and most obviously, DID. I sometimes can't read tone, and have been hyperfixating on things like Call Of Duty, Silent Hill, and Stranger Things. I am additionally looking for mutuals!! Hello fellow mutuals, I will suplex you as a greeting!
Sometimes other alters will post here and such as to be expected and we do ask you to keep in mind to be kind and normal to them as we are fictive heavy and most if not all want to be treated like normal people.
Tag Code.
#[name].doc - The tag of the person writing this!
#system.convos - Little interactions that happened in system.
#unsys.stupidity - General interactions, like stuff that happened during daily life and convos with people we find silly.
#littles.txt - Obviously, a little posting. This one is used in aide of a little wanting to say something and helped with a caretaker.
#[name].post - A way to catalog posts we've replied to and such!
#[name].ask - How we categorize asks!
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butterflyheartau · 1 year
Welcome to the Butterfly Courts.
Generations ago, there were small groups of cats living in the forest. They called themselves Circles and were constantly fighting. Then one day, they awoke and a meadow had bloomed in the center of their woods. Intrigued, these cats entered tunnels around their territories, and at the bottom, they found it. The Butterfly Heart: a giant opal with a swirling lavender core in the center of the biggest cave. As they beheld it, the cats underwent a change that continued to alter their way of life until today, when there are four great Courts who live in (relative) harmony.
~Blog Intro~
The Butterfly Heart is an AU I created because I wanted to use different terms for certain things in the world of my fanClans. As these Clans grew, so did the world, until I ended up with a six-page Google doc about the lore of this world, seven separate docs of (mostly) genetically accurate cats, and one doc that was a page and a half of lore about a group not part of the Courts, so they’re separate. I decided I wanted to share it and my fanClans with the denizens of Tumblr, which is what this blog is for! 
The following tags are what I will use to categorize my posts:
#butterfly heart territory post
#butterfly heart lore post
#butterfly heart culture post
#butterfly heart termswap post
#butterfly heart allegiances post
#butterfly heart character intro
#butterfly heart art
And of course the normal Warriors tags. These tags are how you will find things on my blog. Every lore post I make will be linked in a public Google doc that I will link in this post as well as the allegiances and art posts in their own docs. 
I do have three other blogs:
My main blog (https://www.tumblr.com/o5-7-firefox?source=share) where I just reblog stuff and never remember tags. Some of it may be triggering to some but I don’t remember what all is there. Most of that blog is, however, one of the following: agere, Nico di Angelo, Warriors, Welcome to Night Vale, LIOM, or random things from my mutuals.
My hypokits blog (https://www.tumblr.com/fox-hypokits?source=share) which currently has one post in drafts and zero posted. I swear I’ll get around to posting my Leafpool design. I promise. I’ll trans a lot of cats’ genders on there.
My OC blog (https://www.tumblr.com/foxgloves-oc-blog?source=share) which also has no posts but is mainly for those OC prompts and OTP prompts that you see. I might draw for it. Probably not. 
Feel free to follow these blogs, or to stay on this one! I don’t mind at all. <3
Google doc links are below the cut :3
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jayextee · 1 year
Mega Man 4
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So, I skipped Mega Man 3 like I said. In short, that game's always where my decision to explore the classic MM series comes to an abrupt halt as I struggle through some nonsensical robot master weaknesses to be forced to do half the stages again (but remixed, tougher) for the Doc Robot and they're the previous game's bosses but now I have to start the whole accursed journey of weakness-discovery all over again and, well, no thanks.
So, onto Mega Man 4 with a sense of utter dread at having to keep shooting in the dark until I find some weaknesses yet afuckinggain due to my lack of knowledge as to what the everliving fuck a ring is supposed to be strong against.
As it turns out, that wasn't so bad. Because, in a roundabout way, most of these make some sense. A light-themed time-stopper vanquishes a sun-worshipping relic from the past; a skeleton is bested not by ashes-to-ashes but dust-to-dust; and the spooky weapon that surrounds your person is the ideal tactical foil to a robot master who moves far too fast to realistically aim at. There's some vague logic at play here that makes just enough sense to memorise for the eventual boss-rush set of rematches at the end.
Because there will be, as the Mega Man formula is at this point completely solidified and codified and I'd argue this is the game where all of that took place in the manner that would be most-recognisable to this day (even if, in that respect, the series started on such a strong footing there wasn't really a lot of work to do).
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Overall I had a fantastic time here. The game's challenge seems to be a lot more considered and has a better curve than either of the first two games, and the polish is incredible compared to what came before; the intro's great and sets the scene well, the stages look better than ever, the music's still at that very high standard (even if it doesn't match MM2 for catchiness; a nigh-impossible goal, admittedly). Of late I've played this several times through; from my initial savestate-reliant blind playthrough to a single-session no-continues run without such aids. It's a great experience. But also;
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The 'Episode Red' homebrew on Megadrive, as the first part of 'The Sequel Wars', a fan-created follow-up to The Wily Wars that brings the rest of the NES sextology to my favourite console ever.
A slick piece of work, from all involved. This plays almost identically to the NES version; and any changes in 'feel' could've been placebos on my part due to the different audiovisual stimuli altering my overall experience ever so slightly. I've a few complaints about the game (one of which being that half the music was a little noisy for my tastes, reliant on a Thunder Force-esque synth guitar approach over the funkier efforts by YM2612 sorcerer Savaged Regime, who contributed a handful of tunes) but seriously a game this good, this damn high quality made by fans belies belief entirely.
A good version of a damn good game though; one I want to give a 5, but I feel like that's just too generous and I can't fully elaborate on why. 4.5/5
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doodleybugg · 2 years
i. apologize for the inactivity guys. i had a rlly bad episode recently and although im back rn i can't promise how long i'll stay JDBDHD
ANYWAYS how about we have a little update? (triggering topics such as sh, ed, etc descriptions will be in red, bold text! i'll try to keep most of the negative stuff at the bottom but no promises :/)
so i forget how long i've been gone exactly, i remember logging in some rare occasions to like and reblog a couple posts but otherwise i've been extremely M.I.A (pun very much intended) and honestly that's been a bit stressful for me.
i've had a LOT of drama in classes. yeah that's right, ya girls in uni now! and i am failing SO BAD. it's rlly hard going to school everyday, like i hate it i just wanna go back to working at a shopping mall or smth lol. but hey the map of my cities kinda set up well, being the uni is right next to a lake, and on the other side is a parking lot w mcds, circle k, chatime, etc. and next to the parking lot, like legitimately across the street, is my house. i moved back in with my mom cuz rent was getting too steep, and honestly id rather be on the streets lol
probably the biggest update ihave; i'm a did system. i got the diagnosis early december, and with a shit ton of research and help from friends who have the disorder because the doctors are no help, i'm getting comfy with the label.
if you're not sure what did (disassociative identity disorder) is, it's basically a disorder which defines the presence of two or more different persons in your mind, alike to multiple personality disorder. again, i'm not a professional, and you'd think my doctor would have given me a run down on why it meant before he diagnosed be but here's how it went:
me: hey, so i haven't looked much into the subject, but my one friend who has did was telling me about their experiences and they lined up with a lot of mine. i think i might want to go about being tested
doc: mia. you don't need to get tested, it's already in your file. we've spoken about this before?
me: ...i don't think we have?
me: so you're saying you diagnosed me with did and didn't even tell me about it?
doc: well, at least you're aware now, right?
yeah. so that's two doctors i've gone through in the past three years. i didn't throw a stressball at this one, but fuck i wanted too!!
anyways, i guess i should introduce some of my alters :)
i'm mia (she.they.fae.), the host and little, i identify with how the body looks.
enzekai (he.they.it) is the co-host and caretaker, as well as the first alter i purposefully made. kai has many sources, but his main is actually an oc of mine, cairo!
and dwelle (it.she.boo) is our resident trauma holder and nonhuman. she formed recently while i was splitting and hasn't had much time in the front. her main sources are casper from girl in pieces and cassie from skins.
i'll give everyone a better intro but i'll save that for another post!
i have gotten absolutely zero progress done in my book, the toll it takes, and i find it harder and harder to write anything but immensely sad poetry anymore. on the rare occasions i can make up some headcanons but i don't think i'll be able to write any (good) fanfics for a while now, sorry
okay, onto the bad stuff. if anything listed is triggering or unappealing, please don't read ahead: ed (anorexia), sh (cutting, self sabatoge), anxiety and depressive thoughts, suicide mentions, death mentions, and otherwise explanations of feelings like abandonment and lonliness that while, in retrospect wasn't nearly as bad as i thought so, can still be upsetting just to read.
you've been warned
recently, as mentioned above, i've just gotten out of an episode; a bad one. by gotten out of, i mean i've attached myself to select people and depend entirely on them to keep me from self harming or starving. and that's completely unfair, so i've been trying to recover. my friend @my-elysian-love is helping me immensely to eat full meals and reminding myself that i don't deserve what i think i do. i'm so eternally grateful and i can never repay any of them back <3
before my choice to try recovering though, it was getting worse. i weighed 68 pounds at 19 years old. a couple nights ago, i've cut deeper than i ever have before, and i've been stuck with this sinking feeling in my stomach that i can't quite explain. i took out all my bad feelings on people i knew and loved, and when they finally held healthy boundaries and left me to my own devices so i couldn't hurt them, i took everything out on myself. i know, real remus lupin move haha.
but that wasn't fair. and even now i still feel bad, i still hate myself for what i said and did, for how i acted and it scares me how easily people are forgiving me. because i said some messed up shit while i was splitting, and that's not an excuse. and i just keep thinking it's only a matter of time before i blow up again, and maybe i'll be worse next time. maybe people won't come back, and i can't honestly blame them because i'm fucked. and as scared as i am, i'm grateful. or maybe it's just selfish. selfish because i just hate when nobodies around for me to love, to love me back. but i'm still terrified. it's hard to change up my thinking, but i'm trying. i'm trying rlly hard and i just hope that it's enough.
i'm a couple hours clean for self harm, and yesterday i didn't technically eat a full meal like i was supposed too (my older sister got mad at me and wouldn't let me eat anything). i had multiple cookies, a fruit roll up, two cups of tea, a packet of uncooked ramen noodles, a bite of a chicken finger and also i drank water! just water! for the first time in a while.
i hate that it took me fighting with everyone i loved to the point where i didn't even need to push them away anymore, they went willingly, and having multiple panic attacks in public restrooms to finally start on the road to recovery. it is so fucking hard, it's really hard. but fuck, it's worth it to see my friends happy. to not detect worry in their eyes and to believe it when @my-elysian-love says they love me (again i'm so sorry for spamming you aaa). it's worth it to finally eat cinnamon buns again, and drink tea with real sugar, not cal free sweetener. i get a shit ton less headaches cuz i don't constantly need to count cals anymore, and i haven't passed out of dehydration in 2 whole days. ik people without eds are probably like "wtf is this bitch on about?" and that's what i'm talking about. recovery is never the same as sobriety, but it's the next best thing. and i might still struggle with my body or cover up with baggy clothes sometimes but at least i'm alive to do so. cuz a while ago i was too close to death.
i attempted to kill myself again. this time by starving and eating a buncha pills. i'm lucky cuz it didn't work, and i'm still alive. i can only think of what would've happened if it didn't work. if the last. thing i did was tell someone i loved and cared about that i didn't care if they were dead. that the last thing i did was get mad at them for feeling for someone else the same way i felt for them. yk, bpd moments ✨. but i'm glad i lived to apologize and now i'm trying to recover. and ig that's all the updates i have rn
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fribbitz · 5 months
sure, he can carry cal around if youre more fond of that, a Doc Scratch alter would be a bit more interesting anyway
~ B^y
sunglasses sbahj face anon you are just a fountain of wisdom and creativity,,,, im actively making an intro doodle page for doc scratch rn he is a perfect weird asshole for this
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Week 6 - “It’s a trust fall baby”
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Readings - April 5 - 11
Group 1
Sound Effects Library
ChatGPT Hyperparameter Tips - Temperature, Top K, Top P, Repetition Penalty, Length Penalty
Uberduck - Tik Tok
Uberduck AI alternatives:
Flixier flixier.com
The API-based program Flixier allows you to build your voiceover with just a few clicks. With the help of an AI synthesizer, you may choose from 20 options and change the tone, loudness, and tempo. Your audio is preserved in a library, so you can immediately add it to your movie editor.
With the help of Speechify – Audio Text Reader, you can read lengthy passages and other content faster. 20 different languages, more than 30 different accents, and more than 30 AI-engineered voices are available.
The only file types that eSpeak can read aloud are TXT and XML, which is a somewhat minimal file format support. You can select from a few different voices, alter the volume, and change the tone. All of the typical voice control and reading options, including pause, skip, and reset, are also available.
Multi Voice TTS System
AI Scam Using Cloned Voice
Group 2
Active Ragdolls in Unity
https://sergioabreu-g.medium.com/how-to-make-active-ragdolls-in-unity-35347dcb952d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF-cp6yW3Iw&ab_channel=SergioAbreuGarc%C3%ADa https://github.com/sergioabreu-g/active-ragdolls
Create An Animal Ragdoll in  Unity
Algorithm creates Digital Copies Of Real World Objects
Digital Twin of a Robot In Blender
Intro video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCcKe_KH84M Github Repo: https://github.com/knee-koh/MarIOnette In-Depth Tutorial Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJkThBeOZog
Group 3
2.2XL Stable Diffusion
SD Chad Stable Diffusion Aesthetic Scorer
How To Use Aesthetic Gradients In Stable Diffusion
Personalizing Aesthetic Gradients
Laion 2B Multi Aesthetic Gradients
Replicate Aesthetic Gradients
Brian Eno 77 Million Paintings
Stable Diffusion With Brain Activity
Other Postings
Funding For AI Projects
Chat GPT Plugins
Claire Bishop on research based art
GPT-5 On Its Way
Finding The Basic Facts About Government Algorithms
Open Source Chat GPT
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gb-patch · 3 years
Hi! I was curious, how does your process to make a VN script look like? Do you write the outcomes of different choices in different documents or the same one? Do you make a diagram of the paths different choices take? As a person that's interested in making visual novels but doesn't know much I'm a bit curious how you go about it!
That's cool that you're interested in making VNs too! I personally don't have a very detailed organization method. I just break things down into smaller and smaller pieces until they can fit into a reasonably sized word doc. So for Our Life as an example, the full game was broken into Steps, the Steps were broken into intros/Moments/endings, and the intros/Moments/endings were broken into parts (usually 2 parts for a single Moment and 5-7 for intros/endings). Every part got their own word doc and then in the documents the content is divided once more into Scenes.
Each "Scene" has all the choices/alterations included right there as part of it, unless a choice has such a big change that it makes its own brand new "Scene".
And every part/scene gets doubled in another doc. It's made once for the original drafting/outlining of content and then a new doc is made for finalized scripts. So I've got a couple hundred word docs of original drafts/outlines and of the game's real script in different folders.
I don't use diagrams and the only kind of additional plotting tracking I use is that I will sometimes have a "Step overview" doc along with the drafts where I keep lists of what's done, what's not, and note down any misc. ideas I've not been able to implement so far. But that's just the method that works for me.
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