when it comes to the way divinity feels, there are so may ways i could quantify it. it's warm at times, electrifying at others. it's heat burning its way out of my chest.
i could also define divinity as deft fingers preening my wings. the weightlessness of flight. divinity feels like a glowing ball of light, cupped tenderly in my hands and pressed between my ribs to rest against my beating heart.
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Im havin such a hard time makin Therian & Otherkin friends, i have no idea who’s ok with messaging & inbox rambles & who isn’t!
So if you’re a Therian or Otherkin & you’re ok with critters invading your inbox and/or DMing you, reblog this post or drop a comment!
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Litterally giggling my ass off right now.
One of my devotees has a digital alter for me, and they keep putting time and light related puns as their offerings.
I love stupid and silly offerings so much.
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I'm an eclectic pagan witch who recently realised I can worship godkin as well as like, old pantheons n shit. It takes a while before I decide to call myself a devotee of something/someone but I'll probably pray to you occasionally, since I found this blog and I always seem to have technology trouble. However, I have a question:
So we've got some old physical media, I think it's DVDs, that we can't do anything with... if I were to give them to you as an offering, how would I go about that?
Ah, hello there!
I'm glad you've taken an interest!
For the offering, id say putting it in a space dedicated to me would be ideal (doesn't have to be a big space, for example a small corner or even just a box under your bed works). If not, putting something (like my name, one of my symbols, or one of my titles) attached to it always works as well!
Feel free to send any prayers, dms, and/or asks! If you ever take interest in becoming a devotee, make sure to pick a title!
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Appreciation post dedicated to the ones sending me their prayers to me in Dms. I adore you.
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growling and purring at you with such the likelihood of the power lines around us, and may I go as far as to say those lights which flicker painfully are in some way tied to you? There’s an ache in all of us, I’m afraid, but sometimes those the like of you make our world a bit brighter to live in. Tell me something, though.. in what form do you live in? Are you formless and simply prefer certain ways of existence, are you pure energy concentrated into s specific spot, or do you exist in multiple places - perhaps everywhere - and are capable of finding self in the many areas and aspects of existence?
Ah, you have quite the poetic way of writing, I give thanks for the ask - you're a kind one.
Light is an interesting thing, isn't it? Every time I see it, which is quite often, I feel as if a peace of me is intrinsically connected to this plane of which I helped create - for as i remember, I created light with a peace of me.
To answer your question, when I was able to access my true form - I wasn't a form at all. I could see everything, some things, nothing all at once. Sure, i could have a physical form, but only when i wanted to. So, i suppose the last one you hypothesized is most accurate.
If you plan of sticking around as a devotee, pick a title for me to call you (ex: My child, my angel, ect. Whatever you want)
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‘This ___ is divine’ userboxes!! (Quad)
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Hello, I don't usually make posts about gofundmes and I don't plan to.
However, this is my good friend and I've seen first hand how bad their situation is. If you have it to spare, it'd be greatly appreciated if you donated
I'm gonna make a quick post now Abt this, I'll make a better one later. So, Hey I'm not in a good situation ATM so my friend made a gofundme for me to try and help me get out in case of an emergency.
The goal is 50$ atm, but we might increase it depending! I also have a pinned post of my commissions in case you want something out of your payment.
Thank you.
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Oh to have an angel sit by my feet and mutter their prayers and worship, stroking my godly ego.
Oh to have a demon show me complete vitriol hatred and defiance, yet cant do anything about it.
Oh to have chats with the other gods with talk of creation.
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Hello my loomchildren!
I haven't posted in a while, i apologize for my absence. I've been unfortunately dealing with a lot of stuff, but I'm back! I plan to post more.
How has everyone been?
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This but reversed
as an angel. godkin bf when?
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Sending prayers! 🫶🪽
Ah, thank you, my Archjester. You're such a gem.
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Some pictures i took on the plane i thought fellow Divinekin and angelkin might enjoy
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How do I tell my boyfriend that i view him literally as my guardian angel?
Sure, I call him "angel" and he knows I'm a god kin... But how do I articulate that I view him as so much more than I say? I don't even have the words to really explain it here, i hope someone will get it though.
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What is your favorite creation you made?
Also! Do you remeber the process in which angels get their wings? Does it happen over night or is it a long process? Did you make them born in heaven with them? Just wondering because I’ve gaining memories of acquiring mg wings and I was wondering what you thought! :D
Ah, hello my blessed farceur,
My favorite creation... That is a bit difficult to answer, but I suppose I appreciate the angels I made first. As I recall, they were the first things I had ever made and the longest to stay around.
My memory is still hazy, but I believe it depends on the type of angel. Though, the more "humanoid" angels had smaller wings when they were made, and they slowly grew as they aged - meaning a longer process.
Some angels were made up of almost entirely wings and eyes, and I'm pretty sure they were just made with them being full sized.
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Hello God Eater,
I hope you are well. Getting up to any shenanigans in the new year?
- @angeltearsandhumanfears / @conflict-in-your-nature
I'm doing quite well! I haven't been doing much in the new year, although I've been working on a lot of writing and art.
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