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chubbymuffinclub · 1 year ago
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Happy New Year from Redefine Wellness! 🎉⁣ We’re not even 24 hours into 2024, but how many promotions or sales for a new diet or cleanse? Probably more than enough. 🙄⁣⁣​​​​​​​​
⁣​​​​​​​​Our recommendation? ➡️Delete, block, or remove these messages from your inbox, social media feed, and real life. ⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ Here are three things you can consider starting this year. And the best part? None involve weight loss or dieting! 👏⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ ✅ Start a new book series or TV show. ⁣​​​​​​​​ ✅ Start to journal. ⁣​​​​​​​​ ✅ Follow @redefine_wellness_ for tips on breaking free from diet culture in 2024.
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biohackingmasters · 1 year ago
If you're fed up with diets that promise the world but leave you drained, Keto might be your answer. It unlocks your body's fat-burning potential through ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of glucose, leading to weight loss. Our Keto Mastery Workshop offers expert guidance on keto science, tailored exercise, common mistakes, and a supportive community. Limited seats available, with early registrants receiving a free keto recipe book. Say goodbye to diet frustrations and join us on the path to a healthier you. Sign up now and unleash your weight loss potential with Keto.
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quashstigma · 4 years ago
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A memory came up on my Facebook feed. It reminded me how when I was in the grips of anorexia seeing pictures of myself repulsed me. But they repulsed me no matter how I looked, as I got sicker the more warped this became. When this picture came up on my feed, I didn’t tear it apart. I don’t “love my body” I’m not sure anyone truly does. I’m grateful for what it allows me to do. I have bad body image days but nothing like when I was lost in my own head fighting the eating disorder voice. You can learn to change your thoughts. #hypothalamicamenorrhea #hypothalamicamenorrhearecovery #anorexiarecovery #anorexiasucks #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiafighter #anorexiabingepurgesubtyperecovery #bulimiarecovery #bulimierecovery #ditchdiets, #antidietculture #antidiet #fuckanorexianervosa #fuckanorexiaforever #atypicalanorexia #atypicalanorexiarecovery #atypicalanorexianervosa #fuckeatingdisorders #edrecovery #fuckana #healthateverysize #healthateverysizemovement https://www.instagram.com/p/COMty0vJIyQ/?igshid=d2k2id42qlda
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thefeliciastarks · 3 years ago
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So many women STILL believe that eating somewhere between 1,200 and 1,400 calories a day is the ideal number that “should” be sustained for weight loss, despite there being NO scientific literature showing that’s the case. Not one study. And....although they're eating the minimum, they aren't seeing ANY changes anymore. In fact, that's about the minimum about your body needs to simply exist and carry out its processes, and not actually move. . To the health and fitness “experts” who continue to perpetuate this myth: Please go home. You're DRUNK. 👉🏾Continuing to follow their advice can lead to serious nutrient deficiencies, thyroid and adrenal issues, and mental and emotional stress.....unless it's WORKING for you....(you feel great, losing weight, etc), then, disregard this ENTIRE post! . Long-term energy deficits are seen by the body as a stressor, and as a result, the body adapts by slowing down your metabolism, increasing your desire for food in the brain, and holding on to any ounce of food you eat..meaning...you store what's not needed. Your body wants to do everything it can to keep you ALIVE. ⚠️ A healthy body is fed, full of nutrients, and at a weight that is right for YOUR body. . By feeding your body what it needs (ESPECIALLY when working out and pursuing fitness goals), and reducing the overall stress your body is exposed to, you allow your body to be in balance. The majority of women need at a minimum.....1800 to 2000+ depending on your current weight and activity. Fact: When your body is fed, it operates appropriately and allows you to be capable of all the things you want to look and feel like. . And 1,400 calories? Well, if you’re three years old, that’s works great. P.S. Keep telling yourself and me..."but that's too much food" and then consider the alternative....believe and try something different or continue complaining about the excess fat you're lugging around. . If you need guidance to see RESULTS from the work you're doing....DM me. #ditchdiets #fatloss #fatlosshelp #girlboss #femaleentrepeneur #howtoloseweight #nutritioncoach #weightlossadvice #weightlossfoods #fatlossprogram #fatlossgoals #fitspo #fitfam #bodytransformation https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSFYV6n5tA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amyclover · 5 years ago
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You know when you chat with someone and you just let your full geek flag fly? That was this interview. ⁠ ⁠ @emilyaarons and I fully nerded out about all things health, spirituality and body stigma...you're gonna wanna listen in.⁠ ⁠ Check it out via the link in my bio >> Aligned & Unstoppable⁠ ⁠ #alignedandunstoppable #ditchdiets #fuckdiets #bodyneutrality #thisishealth #intuitiveeating #mindfuleating via Instagram https://ift.tt/32KolyH
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sexyfitvegan · 7 years ago
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When the manager of the sports bar has no vegan dessert, but has peanut butter and celery!!!! Winner winner 🤗🎉💚 #vegancoach #vegantreats #govegan #easyvegan #eatclean #eatgreen #balance #ditchdiets #veganfun #veganism #veganfit (at Yard House)
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quashstigma · 4 years ago
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Friendly reminder, food can not be “good or bad” it has no moral value. Junk is junk food is food NOT the same thing. You can eat all foods and nothing bad will happen. #antidietculture #antidietproject #antidiet #ditchdiets #ditchdietbrain #ditchdietculture #edrecoverywarrior #edrecovery #edrecoveryquotes #eatingdisordersurvivor #eatingdisorderrecovery #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiafighter #anorexiarecoverymeal #bulimiarecovery #atypicalanorexia #ednosrecovery #bingeeating #haes #fuckanorexianervosa https://www.instagram.com/p/CNLtq2apsiF/?igshid=1d1liysh0sfl6
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quashstigma · 4 years ago
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I’ve lost my appetite a bit this week. But as someone with a history of a restrictive eating disorder I cannot afford to under fuel my body. - In situations where I lose my appetite I still eat 3 meals and snacks. I make myself eat. It’s easier for me to do that than deal with pulling myself out of a relapse. - I saw a smoothie stand today when I was out shopping. I fancied a smoothie. This would have been really hard for me to allow myself to have when I was in the depths of my eating disorder. I would have used the fact I have allergies to avoid it. But I gave myself permission today. I don’t need to micromanage or question my cravings. And no I did not just have a smoothie- a smoothie is not a meal. I’m about to go and make myself lunch too. - I also don’t need to question why I have lost my appetite. It doesn’t matter . I just have to make sure I give my body what it needs. #hypothalamicamenorrhea #hypothalamicamenorrhearecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery, #anorexiarecoverywarrior #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiarecoverymeal #bulimiarecovery #bulimianervosarecovery #bulimierecovery #fuckana #fuckeatingdisorders #fuckanorexianervosa #fuckbulimia #fuckdiets #fuckdietculture #fuckfatphobia #ditchdietculture #ditchdiets #atypicalanorexia #atypicalanorexiarecovery #atypicalanorexianervosa #healthateverysize #healthatanysize #HAES #anorexiarecoverywarrior #anorexiafighter https://www.instagram.com/p/COB3utyJmdz/?igshid=smzyzavujcrx
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thefeliciastarks · 4 years ago
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Up for a challenge to transform your habits, mind & body? . . Workouts are cool, but if your mindset is jacked up & negative, you won't be able to appreciate the small things/wins that happen along the way. Believe it or not, your mindset is a big factor in your ability to stay committed to your WHY even when life is crazy!🤔 . Mindset really is EVERYTHING! . . Start tomorrow & don't skip anydays unless the calendar shows 𝗢𝗙𝗙! Change something you do daily & you'll change your life! Let me know when you're starting in the comments. . . It takes more than 21 days to change your habits and then you'll be more MOTIVATED than ever! . . #ditchdiets #fatloss #fatlosshelp #girlboss #femaleentrepeneur #howtoloseweight #nutritioncoach #weightlossadvice #weightlossfoods #fatlossprogram #fatlossgoals #fitspo #fitfam #bodytransformation #lifefit #fitness #fitmomsover45 #busylifestyle #protein #nutrition #lookgoodstarknaked #femalefatloss #femaleweightloss #femaleweightlossspecialist #entrepeneur #accountabiltyninjaQueen https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzluRwDVKQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thefeliciastarks · 4 years ago
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You're the architect of your transformation. There MUST be a shift in: Your mind Your actions Your thoughts Your eating Your habits 𝗗𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗬 If you have missed a step....you'll KEEP circling🔁 back around to that LESSON until YOU realize that there's NOT just 𝗢𝗡𝗘 thing that's 🔑 to seeing even a small difference...but many small things/habits done 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗟𝗬. There's 100s of ways to get to your transformation...the 1st step is DOING and thinking differently! It starts today! What's your goal to crush for the next 4️⃣ weeks that's not related to the scale? Need help? Click that link in my bio & schedule a free health chat & get some recommendations to help you transform your mind, body & spirit ✨ . . #changeyourmindchangeyourlife #ditchdiets #fatloss #fatlosshelp #girlboss #femaleentrepeneur #howtoloseweight #nutritioncoach #weightlossadvice #weightlossfoods #fatlossprogram #fatlossgoals #fitspo #fitfam #bodytransformation #lifefit #fitness #fitmomsover45 #busylifestyle #protein #nutrition #lookgoodstarknaked #femalefatloss #femaleweightloss #femaleweightlossspecialist #entrepeneur #accountabiltyninjaQueen https://www.instagram.com/p/CQl5fE0DU4y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thefeliciastarks · 4 years ago
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When you try to even think of a reason to stop or think starting over will take too long, you're too old, you have too many things going on and "now isn't a good time" to focus on getting healthier....remember this picture of me. From January 2014 at 39 I had a sad story too, the timing was horrible but I couldn't keep putting everything before my health & sanity. I was unmotivated most days but I pushed through anyway. Fact: It may take longer than you thought...so what! When you look & feel better naked...will it matter if it took you 366 days? (Side note: I competed in May 2014 but wasn't no where lean as I needed to be to be a CONTENDER) It took me years to figure out my body responds to certain foods & I'm still learning today! The timing will never be perfect Something is ALWAYS gonna come up, learn how to navigate through obstacles instead of stopping every time I'm just saying....if I can transform my mind & body into an amazing healthier lifestyle Why won't you? . #ditchdiets #fatloss #fatlosshelp #howitstarted #fat2fit #howtoloseweight #nutritioncoach #weightlossadvice #weightlossfoods #fatlossprogram #fatlossgoals #fitspo #fitfam #bodytransformation #rememberyourWHY #fitness #fitmomsover45 #busylifestyle #protein #nutrition #lookgoodstarknaked #femalefatloss #femaleweightloss #femaleweightlossspecialist #entrepeneur #accountabiltyninjaQueen https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPsdpLjSz3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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quashstigma · 4 years ago
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I just heard myself saying “I’ll just have 1 biscuit” Realistically, who really ever wants 1 biscuit?? My brain then shifted to, I could have xyz to fill me up. So I blocked that, and had a few biscuits until I felt satisfied. Craving fulfilled, hunger satiated. ED voice 0 healthy voice 1. Filling ourselves up on foods we are not craving is restriction. It’s common and it is disordered. Not allowing ourselves to have as much as we want of a food type is restriction. If you want the biscuit and not the rice cakes, or fruit then allow yourself the biscuits. Not allowing yourself all foods makes bingeing more likely. No food is good or bad despite what diet culture or your ED voice leads you to believe. #equity4eatingdisorders #nodiet, #antidietculture #antidietrevolution #fuckdietculture #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiafighter #anorexiasucks #fuckanorexia, #edrecoverywarrior #edrecovery #orthorexia #orthorexianervosa #orthorexiarecovery #hypothalamicamenorrhea #hypothalamicamenorrhearecovery #bulimiafighter #bulimiarecovery #haes, #ditchdiets https://www.instagram.com/p/CPWo4Z-pUvc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carotranquilo · 4 years ago
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The best quality at the best price.
#10_9 #fearfoodchallenge #emotionaleating #allfoodsfit #foodfreedom #copingmechanism #intuitiveeatingjourney #sleephabits #stresseating #healthtip #everythinginmoderation #sugarcravings #bingeeatingdisorders #bingeeatingrecovery ##eatingdisordersawareness #overeatersanonymous #bedrecovery #recoverywin #orthorexiarecovery #stresseater #anorexiarecovery #bodydysmorphia #ditchdiet #nondietdietitian #ditchdietculture
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carotranquilo · 4 years ago
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TRANQUILO HEMP OIL The best quality at the best price. IT’S THAT SIMPLE ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ #10_9 #fearfoodchallenge #emotionaleating #allfoodsfit #foodfreedom #copingmechanism #intuitiveeatingjourney #sleephabits #stresseating #healthtip #everythinginmoderation #sugarcravings #bingeeatingdisorders #bingeeatingrecovery ##eatingdisordersawareness #overeatersanonymous #bedrecovery #recoverywin #orthorexiarecovery #stresseater #anorexiarecovery #bodydysmorphia #ditchdiet #nondietdietitian #ditchdietculture (at Hubbardton, Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQxCwolnyq/?igshid=1mfyjayy0v3r9
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carotranquilo · 4 years ago
TRANQUILO HEMP OIL The best quality at the best price. IT’S THAT SIMPLE ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ #10_9 #fearfoodchallenge #emotionaleating #allfoodsfit #foodfreedom #copingmechanism #intuitiveeatingjourney #sleephabits #stresseating #healthtip #everythinginmoderation #sugarcravings #bingeeatingdisorders #bingeeatingrecovery ##eatingdisordersawareness #overeatersanonymous #bedrecovery #recoverywin #orthorexiarecovery #stresseater #anorexiarecovery #bodydysmorphia #ditchdiet #nondietdietitian #ditchdietculture (at Philadelphia, Pensylvania USA.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfChRhlqTE/?igshid=bd1nhxlmdhr9
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carotranquilo · 4 years ago
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The best quality at the best price.
#10_9 #fearfoodchallenge #emotionaleating #allfoodsfit #foodfreedom #copingmechanism #intuitiveeatingjourney #sleephabits #stresseating #healthtip #everythinginmoderation #sugarcravings #bingeeatingdisorders #bingeeatingrecovery ##eatingdisordersawareness #overeatersanonymous #bedrecovery #recoverywin #orthorexiarecovery #stresseater #anorexiarecovery #bodydysmorphia #ditchdiet #nondietdietitian #ditchdietculture
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