#discreet plural
thecovenofcrows · 20 days
TW: vent
"We love you"
No, you really don't,
You don't love us,
You love "Them",
But they don't exist,
But you don't love us,
You love the person we pretend to be,
Not the people we are.
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autisticundertale · 1 year
ATTENTION PLURALS! Whether you have DID, OSDD, UDD, or some other form of plurality, this could be extremely helpful for you!
Our mother has created and put for sale discreet plurality journals! These journals include spaces to write information about system members, important information (contacts, family, friends, partners, etc), system rules, pages to keep track of physical/mental health (diagnoses, suspected conditions, symptoms, triggers, etc), a built-in calender to mark and keep track of things, a section to keep track of switching, a mental health journal, and a section for general journaling shenanigans!
Note that it is queer friendly, including a segment for pronouns in each member's bios/the bios of loved ones, as well as not monogamous assuming in language or nature.
Here are the links to them, and the three cover options available to pick from! (Frog cover, flower cover, and owl cover.)
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Here are some example pages (minus the mental health journal and regular journal pages, both of which are at the end, and have 100+ pages.) Most of these pages have multiple copies, so there is plenty of room! For example, the "our switches" section has 50 pages.
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Order to support our mom (and in turn, our family) as well as get something that can help your system! Please reblog for more systems to see!
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
commonly confused words
accept: to receive except: with the exclusion of
advice: recommendation (noun) advise: to recommend (verb)
adverse: unfavorable averse: opposed to
affect: to influence (verb); emotional response (noun) effect: result (noun); to cause (verb)
aisle: space between rows isle: island
allude: to make indirect reference to elude: to avoid
allusion: indirect reference illusion: false idea, misleading appearance
already: by this time all ready: fully prepared
altar: sacred platform or place alter: to change
altogether: thoroughly all together: everyone/everything in one place
a lot: a quantity; many of something allot: to divide or portion out
angel: supernatural being, good person angle: shape made by joining two straight lines
are: plural form of "to be" our: plural form of "my"
accent: pronunciation common to a region ascent: the act of rising or climbing assent: consent, agreement
assistance: help assistants: helpers
bare: nude, unadorned bear: to carry; an animal
beside: close to; next to besides: except for; in addition
boar: a wild male pig bore: to drill a hole through
board: piece of wood bored: uninterested
born: brought into life borne: past participle of "to bear" (carry)
breath: air taken in (noun) breathe: to take in air (verb)
brake: device for stopping break: destroy; make into pieces
buy: to purchase by: next to; through the agency of
canvas: heavy cloth canvass: to take a survey; a survey
capital: major city capitol: government building
choose: to pick chose: past tense of "to choose"
clothes: garments close: to shut; near cloths: pieces of fabric
coarse: rough course: path; series of lectures
complement: something that completes compliment: praise, flattery
conscience: sense of morality conscious: awake, aware
corps: regulated group corpse: dead body
council: governing body counsel: advice; to give advice
dairy: place where milk products are processed diary: personal journal
descent: downward movement dissent: disagreement
dessert: final, sweet course in a meal desert: to abandon; dry, sandy area
device: a plan; a tool or utensil devise: to create
discreet: modest, prudent behavior discrete: a separate thing, distinct
do: a verb indicating performance or execution of a task dew: water droplets condensed from air due: as a result of
dominant: commanding, controlling dominate: to control
die: to lose life; one of a pair of dice dye: to change or add color
dyeing: changing or adding color dying: losing life
elicit: to draw out illicit: illegal, forbidden
eminent: prominent imminent: about to happen
envelop: to surround (verb) envelope: container for a letter (noun)
everyday: routine, commonplace, ordinary (adj.) every day: each day, succession (adj. + noun)
fair: just, honest; a carnival; light skinned fare: money for transportation; food
farther: at a greater (measurable) distance further: in greater (non-measurable) depth
formally: conventionally, with ceremony formerly: previously
forth: forward fourth: number four in a list
gorilla: animal in ape family guerrilla: soldier specializing in surprise attacks
hear: to sense sound by ear here: in this place
heard: past tense of "to hear" herd: group of animals
hoard: a hidden fund or supply, a cache horde: a large group or crowd, swarm
hole: opening whole: complete; an entire thing
human: relating to the species homo sapiens humane: compassionate
its: possessive form of "it" it's: contraction for "it is"
knew: past tense of "know" new: fresh, not yet old
know: to comprehend no: negative
later: after a time latter: second one of two things
lead: heavy metal substance; to guide led: past tense of "to lead"
lessen: to decrease lesson: something learned and/or taught
lightning: storm-related electricity lightening: making lighter
loose: unbound, not tightly fastened lose: to misplace
maybe: perhaps (adv.) may be: might be (verb)
meat: animal flesh meet: to encounter mete: to measure; to distribute
medal: a flat disk stamped with a design meddle: to interfere, intrude metal: a hard organic substance mettle: courage, spirit, energy
miner: a worker in a mine minor: underage person (noun); less important (adj.)
moral: distinguishing right from wrong; lesson of a fable or story morale: attitude or outlook usually of a group
passed: past tense of "to pass" past: at a previous time
patience: putting up with annoyances patients: people under medical care
peace: absence of war piece: part of a whole; musical arrangement
peak: point, pinnacle, maximum peek: to peer through or look furtively pique: fit of resentment, feeling of wounded vanity
pedal: the foot lever of a bicycle or car petal: a flower segment peddle: to sell
personal: intimate; owned by a person personnel: employees
plain: simple, unadorned plane: to shave wood; aircraft (noun)
precede: to come before proceed: to continue
presence: attendance; being at hand presents: gifts
principal: foremost (adj.); administrator of a school (noun) principle: moral conviction, basic truth
quiet: silent, calm quite: very
rain: water drops falling; to fall like rain reign: to rule rein: strap to control an animal (noun); to guide or control (verb)
raise: to lift up raze: to tear down
rational: having reason or understanding rationale: principles of opinion, beliefs
respectfully: with respect respectively: in that order
reverend: title given to clergy; deserving respect reverent: worshipful
right: correct; opposite of left rite: ritual or ceremony write: to put words on paper
road: path rode: past tense of "to ride"
scene: place of an action; segment of a play seen: viewed; past participle of "to see"
sense: perception, understanding since: measurement of past time; because
sight: scene, view, picture site: place, location cite: to document or quote (verb)
stationary: standing still stationery: writing paper
straight: unbending strait: narrow or confining; a waterway
taught: past tense of "to teach" taut: tight
than: used to introduce second element; compared to then: at that time; next
their: possessive form of "they" there: in that place they’re: contraction for "they are"
through: finished; into and out of threw: past tense of "to throw" thorough: complete
to: toward too: also; very (used to show emphasis) two: number following one
track: course, road tract: pamphlet; plot of ground
waist: midsection of the body waste: discarded material; to squander
waive: forgo, renounce wave: flutter, move back and forth
weak: not strong week: seven days
weather: climatic condition whether: if wether: a neutered male sheep
where: in which place were: past tense of "to be"
which: one of a group witch: female sorcerer
whose: possessive for "of who" who’s: contraction for "who is"
your: possessive for "of you" you’re: contraction for "you are" yore: time long past
commonly confused words part 2
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
Hey it's me so I was thinking that how the upper-moon react when they're jealous- like some girl or guys just woke up to the reader and start to flirting with him right in front of the upper-moon
Nice to got you here, thank you for always re-bloging. I hope you like it and sorry for the wait.
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Uppermooms getting jelous for gn reader. (I will use "them" for the person who started to flirt with reader.)
Warnings: Cannibalism, Death of unamed character, Self-harm (Gyutaro and his canonical violent scratching), Implied sexual content, Assault, Canon insecurity to ot's respective characters, Gyokko and Douma are their own warning, Torture.
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He knows when someone is about to flirt, you know where he lives. He can tell when you are going to approached, so he leaves before that happens as he scratches his face. He seems downhearted when you find him after rejecting the other person, and he refuses to talk about it. The next day he bahaves as normal, but you still try to see what is wrong.
When you tried to talk to him, Gyutaro scratches himself, hard. It's enough to tear skin and make him bleed. "NeEeEe, just cut it out! Go with someone that is not as ugly and disgusting as me! Neee! You can have anyone so stop nagging me, ne..." It's inpossible to comfort him, Gyutaro is convinced that is just matter of time before someone else can take your attention from him. You try everything, but he doesn't believe that he can compete with whoever flirts with you.
Again, he easily acts as always later on when you drop the subject and he doesn't act upon it ever, but he is still jealous and bottling it up. He is resigned and doesn't see reason to do anything as long as you fon't bother him.
Most of all, Gyokko is offended. How dare them to flirt with his darling in front of him? The disrespect! Second of all, he kills them. Easy as that, he doesn't ask questions or even react beyond that. Just a gasp, some few seconds to get even more offended and then he summons tentacles for them to torture that person.
After that, with the agonizing from behind as the tentacles squeeze, pull and twist limbs, breaking bones and ripping flesh, he just starts complaining to you, similar as if he had a bad experience at WalMart. "Can you believe it? They acted as if I wasn't even there! There is no respect anymore!"
Besides that, he understand that it's not your fault and doesn't take it out on you, but he is going to complain for hours straight. And heaven's forbid he remembers it later when talking with someone else, because he will spend hours complaining again. "Don't interrupt me, I'm not finished. As I was saying, it was insulting! How dare they?" And there is no way stopping it.
If Sekido is always angry, how could you explain how he's feeling now. Livid? Not enough. Furious? Not enough. There are no words to describe his rage, except one phrase. "You're jealous..." you say incredulous as he pants after having stabbed the person who was flirting with you with his staff.... plural. There are like 14 still electrified, five on the chest and stomach without fully going in to not pierce organs and the one he just killed him with, the head.
"Don't say that crap, they just made me angry!" He tries to explain himself, but... this is a lot for only "being angry" "Why did they have to flirt with you?" He mutters under his breath, he is still mand but doesn't want to take it out of you.... yet. He will if you become too annoying. You just let it be because after what you just saw you don't want to be beaten up by Sekido.
It passes after a while, and he even apologizes... for the wrong reasons... "Sorry for causing an scene. I was just so angry! I'll try to be more discreet next time." Still, you take it and shrug, there is nothing you can do anyway, he would not have stopped even if you asked.
Karaku is a chill dude, very relaxed. He can't get jealous, can he? "Oh, we are flirting with Y/N? Well, you had your turn already, my friend. Now is mine, so get lost." He is still chill as he throws himself over you, passing his arm over your shoulder and getting his face just inches from yours. He proceeds to flirt and rizz like the sex god he is, not caring if the other party is still there or not. "Babe, do ya like it when strangers flirt with ya~? Totally deserve it, ya know? Cuz you're so hot and cute one just wants ya~."
He really is chill about it, it's not fake or repressed. He is ok with others flirting with you, what he is not ok is others going around thinking they have a chance. "But they must know you are mine, ya know? Should we give them a show for them to realize it?" He kisses and licks your face.
"KARAKU!" You scream, face red because of how shameless he is as he grabs his own pants. Once he heard you Karaku starts laughing, only to start teasing you. "Sorry love, you're right. I'll leave some for the bedroom.~!"
"GET OFF MY Y/N!" Urogi attacks that person the second you make eye contact with him, taking it as a permission and an ask for help from your part. He is ok with people talking to you, but flirting? "Y/N IS MINE!" He takes them to the sky, grabbing them by his feet to them give a sonic scream once they are 200 feet high and drop them.
Then back down he stabs them with his claws. Once they are finally dead he brings the corpse to you (the eyes are missing, and you know he ate them. But he gor hungry, ok?) "Did I do good? Y/N, did I do good? I protected you, so I deserve a reward, right?" If he was a dog instead of a bird he would be wiggling his tail happy and proud, you can basically feel him shining. C'mon, how are you supposed to scold that?
"Yes, you did good. But don't do it again, ok?" He lunges over you to hug you joyfully. "Yay! Does this mean I can eat them? You don't mind?" Like a dog, he asks permission. And they are dead anyway, so there is nothing that should stop it. So you neither don't look at Urogi while being flirted or put a good poker face."Yummy!"
"I'm feeling sad." He tells you, tugging weakly your arm, pouting. "Y/N, I'm sad. Can I please have a hug? Please?" The person who was talking to you looks slight offended, not only for being interrupted, but the fact you switched all your attention to those sad eyes beghing for your attention. How were you supposed to not cuddle him?
Aizetsu smiles a little at them, who were flirting with you, just before burrying his face into you, arms wraped in a hug. He knows what he is doing. He gets needy whenever he gets jealous, but instead of having an outburst Aizetsu used his sad puppy eyes on you and makes sure that you only look at him besides showing the other party who is the one you answer to.
There are times he makes himself look so pitiful that you don't even notice that he isn't sadder than usual, he just wants you to stop talking with other people. "Thank you, I really needed. Sorry for being a bother." What a baby.
You didn't even know Nakime could get jealous. But now you just saw her opening a door in the floor to drop someone into her castle only because they told you some pick-up lines. You know you are not going to be seeing them again... ever. If she just send them away, killed them or just trapped them in her fortress, you have no idea.
If you bring it up with her, she plays dumb, even if there is no denying that it was her biwa, her castle, her demon blood art, her. "I don't recall doing so. Are you ok, though? They seemed like a bother." She will speak soflty and gently, smiling a bit to you. That is so scaru you don't push the issue.
At the end you both act as if nothing happened, but she will be doing it again without shame or guilt. She always knows, so forget having flirty people in your life.
Akaza has always been protective, not liking when others get near since he is forever paranoid something bad will happen if he isn't there. In other words, he is easy to make jealous. "Y/N IS NOT INTERESTED YOU PIECE OF-" he goes off to attack inmediately, and it just takes one uncomfortable look in your face for Akaza to kill them. But at least he kills them rather fast instead of torturing them.
"You didn't need to go that far." You try and get him to apologize easily. He was too fast for you to be able to do anything about it, but he would have stopped if you told him. "It's just that we are together. We are together and it makes me mad when others don't understand it ot let us be." He answers honestly. Akaza still understands that you can't control other people's actions so he would never take it out on you.
On contrary, he is the one to comfort and spoil you after it to apologize his outburst. He is usually very relaxed with you, so it was a bit scary, still he won't be doing it again unless (he will only attack if you are being hurted).
Douma is bad at feelings, bad with his own feelings, that you already knew. But he does understand the desire of others respecting distance or possesions (not that he ever cared), he would not like others taking his fans or his food away, for example. It's a similar sensation when they try to convince you to go un a date, even after you already said no several times. "Understand already that I don't want anything with you!"
Douma doesn't act, at all. He doesn't even know what of all of the situation he is against. If he dislikes anything that person, if he dislikes your actions or their actions, if he dislikes how tired you look, or if he dislikes how repetitive it is the scene, he doesn't know, so he can't act upon it right away. He just knows he doesn't like it.
That doesn't stop him from killing that person, who was still part of his cult, and eating him greedily. He still doesn't understand it, but it's definetely better. It could be that his stomach is full, it could be that they are gone, it could be that he just did something good and let them have an eternal life inside him. "Y/N, if something like this happens ever again, please tell me. I will deal with it."
Kokushibou is petty, but really petty about it. When he sees you being flirted by someone else he just... stares. And stares from afar, blank face yet you can see in his eyes both the yearning and resentment... x3. Then the second you look at him he looks any other way, and if you try to make a step towards him Kokushibou will basically run away. And then starts to avoid you. CAN HE GET ANY MORE PETTY?! He can, actually. He is yet to start making poetry about heartbreak, the one you catched him doing when you were fibally able to get close and talk to him after two weeks.
"Why do you let them speak to you like that? It's inappropriate." Well, it's not like you can do anything but reject their advances, like you did. But number one here is very insecure, so the fact that others flirt with you scare him and he dislikes that. "Kokushibou, please. You know I love you, and only you." But as a good lover you start to list why you like him and think he is better than everyone else. He becomes shy and runs away again.
But at least, once he gets over the outburst of his insecurity, is over is easy to reasure. Besides, apart from being a bit rude and shy, he doesn't hurt anyone.
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it-plural-coining · 1 year
Languages: [Post Em Português] - [English post]
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VARIOUS (OR "MORE THAN ONE") — It is someone who has more than one (individual) in a body. "Various" groups everyone who considers themselves to be more than one (individual), and is not restricted to those who do or do not have some type of disorder. Examples of people who may consider themselves "various":
→ Hear voices; have imaginary friends; experience "possessions"; etc.
→ "What is the difference between plural and various?" None! Plurals can be considered various and various can be considered plurals.
→ "Why does this term exist?" To prevent those who consider themselves to be more than one from being attacked when using the word "plural" or "multiple". This won't make attacks against them go away, however, some may feel more comfortable and discreet using the word "various".
→ "I have DID, can I use this term?" For sure! "I don't have DID, can I use that term?" Again, for sure!
→ "Can I use plural terms (like endogenic)?" Clear! "Can I create my own 'various' terms?" For sure!
→ "I am plural and don't consider myself 'various', but can I use specific 'various' terms?" Yes!
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v-tired-queer · 1 month
So You're A Queer Kid and You Spot a Fellow Queer In Public: A Very Quick Guide Because I Have Class in an Hour
I just saw (and reblogged) a post talking about how queer kids will all too commonly approach a fellow queer person in public and unfortunately, are putting others--and themselves--in potentially dangerous situations, not to mention just straight (*snorts*) out uncomfortable. So I got to thinking, "Did . . . did anyone teach the baby gays how to interact with fellow queers in public . . . ?" because, lets face it--technology is advancing, and weather you think it's a good or bad thing, that doesn't change the fact that culture changes with it, especially for kids, teens and young adults. Even language changes for them, like it did for us (I do, in fact, use Vine Language, but I have no idea what drip, rizz or cap is, and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask).
So, queer kids: first of all, hi, nice to meet you! I--a demiflux lesbian--know it's exciting to meet or see another queer person in public, outside of the internet, but remember: safety comes first. So, as stated in the title, here's a quick guide to interacting with other queers in public.
Don't: Assume Anything
Seeing a patch on a jacket or dyed hair and a lot of piercings doesn't always indicate that that person is queer. Maybe they're an ally and wearing the patch in solidarity with a loved one, or maybe they just like alt fashion. Of course there's every possibility that this person is queer, but remember that looks =/= sexuality or gender identity. I'm absolutely positive that you've passed by or met a lot more queer people in public than you realize because a lot of us don't "look" queer. For example, I'm fem presenting and wear a lot of floral print dresses, heels and makeup--a lot of people assume I'm straight (which, rude.) So remember, looks won't always tell you if someone is also queer or not.
Don't: Ask
You know that policy that the US military had called Don't Ask, Don't Tell? Basically, it allowed queer people to enter the military but only on a hush-hush agreement--higher ups didn't ask, and you, as a queer person, didn't tell. Unfortunately, being in public spaces, it's kind of like that. The world just isn't as safe as we'd all like it to be, so we have to be careful. That means not asking someone their sexuality or gender identity in public, where others could hear. If the wrong person overhears that conversation, it could trigger a whole host of bad situations for everyone involved.
Not to mention, it can just be plain uncomfortable. Not every queer person wants to be approached about their sexuality or gender identity. Use your discretion. If someone looks like they really don't want to be approached, respect that.
You also want to be careful about accidentally outing someone. If someone is out with another person, but has a pin on their bag, that doesn't always mean that that person knows about the other person's presumed queerness. For example, when I was a young girl, my mom took me into the city, to buy some new clothes. I used to have a pin with the pride flag on it on my bag, but I wasn't out to her yet. Someone flat out announcing my sexuality to mom because of a pin would have outed me way before I was ready to come out to her. So remember to be discreet.
Do: Complement Them
So, you see a person, you've deduced that they're probably queer, just like you--yay! That's a very exciting thing. I still get excited when I see other members of the community out in public. But again, safety comes first. So, how can you low-key let them know that you know? Complement them! But you want to do it in a safe way, too.
See a patch on their jacket? Complement their jacket, not necessarily the patch itself.
A person has a lot of pins on their bag and one or more is representative of who they are as a queer person? Compliment their pins, plural.
There's a person with blue hair that is just giving off That Vibe? Don't ask if they're queer, just smile and complement their hair.
Trust me, we'll know what you're talking about.
Do: Use Code in Social Settings
I. Freaking. LOVE queer codes. Basically, back in the day, there were a couple of ways that someone could discreetly ask another person if they were queer. For example, asking someone--usually a gay man--"Are you a friend of Dorothy?" was a way of asking if they're gay, Dorothy being a reference to the Wizard of Oz, as the actress who played Dorothy, Judy Garland, is widely considered to be a queer icon. I couldn't find any information on her sexuality, but I did find that a lot of queer people related to her back in the day, if not on a sexuality level than on a personal one.
There was also the green carnations, started by Oscar Wilde, as a subtle cue to fellow queer men that you yourself were a queer man. For women, you could give another woman violets as a representation of sapphic love and desire. Though, to be honest, I'm not sure how well known this one was, especially after the fall of using floriography, or the Victorian language of flowers (which can also be used to express negative feelings for someone, too, just so you know--don't like someone? Send 'em a bouquet. They probably won't get it, but you will).
Queer code still exists and is used to this day! For example, sometimes a sapphic person will ask someone if they listen to Girl In Red, which is a modern way to discreetly ask if someone is also sapphic.
Queer code should really only be used in a social setting. If you're at a café, and you spot someone who is fem presenting, and they seem open to conversation and you want to actually meet fellow queer people, you can ask if they listen to Girl In Red. But remember to read the room, and the person. Not a place where conversation can be had? Then probably not the appropriate place to be using queer code.
Long Story Short
While spotting a fellow queer out in the wild is a very exciting thing, remember that safety and comfort for everyone involved comes first. You never want to accidentally out someone, or put you and them in an unsafe situation. Use common sense and manners.
Happy socializing! 🏳️‍🌈🩷🏳️‍⚧️
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syscultureis · 10 months
Plural culture is half of the system wanting to mask and stay discreet while the other half wants to be known by everyone in our life so we can be treated like individuals.
It's a struggle to find a happy middle
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Shoutout to closeted systems!
Whether online or in person, sometimes systems have to keep their plurality a secret in order to keep themselves safe. This post is for those systems!
Shoutout to systems who are out online, but not in real life, or who are out in real life, but not in person!
Shoutout to closeted systems who have to constantly mask!
Shoutout to closeted systems who are only out about their system to one or two people!
Shoutout to closeted systems who have to keep their system a secret in order to keep themselves safe!
Shoutout to systems who had come out in the past, but for any reason had to go back into the closet!
Shoutout to headmates who work hard to keep their system stealthy, discreet, and under the radar!
Shoutout to systems who struggle with denial or fear of faking because they can’t safely be out as a system!
Shoutout to systems who feel bad because others around them can be open about plurality, but they themselves have to stay closeted!
Being in the closet doesn’t mean you’re not plural or not a system! Closeted systems are just as valid as any other system, and you are still a vital and important member of the plural community! Whether you have to keep your plurality a secret from just a few people in your life or everyone around you, we want you to know that you’re not alone, we see you, and we’re rooting for you!
Regardless of why your system has to remain closeted, please know that your plurality is real, and your life and the lives of your headmates have value! We’re wishing for each of you a future where you can be yourselves and take pride in your plurality! Until then, though, please take care of each other and treat yourselves with kindness!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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requiemsystem · 9 months
hii, do u hav any ideas for pk/sp/similar stuff for ramcoa-affected systems? esp for prog/mc-effected parts?
yeah! so for simply plural and pluralkit groups you could do groups for different programs (i would advise making these private and / or using code names) as well as programmed roles such as internal programmers and internal handlers (you could also use code names for these, like "coder", "executive", "enforcer", etc. if you want it to be discreet). you could also do groups based on organizational programming if you have it. if you have a sidesystem, you could also do groups to keep track of which parts are in the sidesystem and which are in the main system for custom fields in simply plural, we have 2 private custom fields where one lists if the part is programmed or not and if so, what programs they hold, and the other lists what they are in our organization systems. we find it useful to keep track of these things to identify patterns between the two this is all i can think of right now but if anyone else has more to add feel free to reblog this and add on - grey
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((Didn't break but it was getting long))
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Merrick had often wondered about that, the state of his home. It was making sense now as he spoke, and a swirl of emotions rage in her chest. She finds herself jumping down to the floor, standing between his legs and resting her hands on his thighs.
"Nothing would bring me more pleasure, than to tear apart anyone who wishes to try and destroy the sanctity of our home."
She doesn't even notice the plural as she keeps talking. "But...there is something I need to tell you. I've secured workers, to fix things around your house. Some of them also worked on my my cottage, so I know they are discreet and trustworthy."
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jalwyn21 · 7 months
Another proof that swifties have a parasocial relationship with her is that some of them keep track of the lawsuits she's involved. These aren't news that usually make it to the big papers and media, especially bc her team can be discreet about it, so that means her fans have to really keep track of it, and they celebrate when s.he wins something. Most of them just involve her work, why do they care? 🤡
Lawsuits. I love how it's plural. Multiple. 😹
No but can you imagine Joe trying to eat dinner in peace for 6 years while she was raging over whatever lawsuits she was involved at the time... "I'm gonna destroy xyz!!!" "Yes, darling, please pass the potatoes.." 😹😹😹😹
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can anyone help us on making sure every/most headmates receives a certain message? i don't really want to post about what it is publicly
our internal communication is decent but i think we'll need some form of external communication for this, but we still live with our family and can't unmask too much so the method will need to be discreet. but like every form of external communication we've tried only worked for a small number of us (private system discord server -> we forget it exists and it went dead in a few days, post-it notes -> won't be aware of it so we just don't see it (adhd is so fun /s)/, simply plural -> forget it exists, notebook -> won't be aware of it so won't check it/forget it exists/no executive function to write entries) so we need something that we won't forget exists. which is kinda hard because forgetting is about the only thing we can consistently do.
also i front over 90% of the time so it will take a long-arse time to reach everyone (the message could probably reach every member of the frequent fronting group in about a week, but could take over a month to reach everyone, but it doesn't matter so much to non-frequent fronters)
also it would be nice to find a method of external communication that consistently works in general.
we are pro-endo but anyone regardless of syscourse stance can interact with this post: we just want some help. but anyone starting any kind of syscourse will be blocked
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vampcoffeegyrl23 · 2 years
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Snowbarry Week Day 1 - Bloggers
Barry decides to write a blog as The Flash, to let people into what he believes in/ thinks of, to connect with people more, and to deal with the awful things he’s seen. He starts to notice some comments by a user who seems to know exactly what he’s feeling. At first, the comments are anonymous, but when a user with the handle frostygyrl3 “likes” the post as soon as it’s posted it’s pretty clear she was the anonymous commenter as well and has similar comments to what the anonymous poster wrote. After a particularly difficult fight, Barry decides to send a direct message to frostygyrl3. Barry can see that the message is read, but there’s no response. A few weeks later, he gets a reply - just a few words. Something simple, brutal, that cuts deep. He replies back, and the two message each other quite a bit. Around the same time that Barry starts the new blog, he has a few run-ins with a troubled ice queen metahuman woman - Killer Frost - who is not exactly a full villain but isn’t exactly winning any points with CCPD either. Barry has no idea that the metahuman who he spars with out on the streets of Central City as The Flash is really the silly, soulful, and flirty girl he has been texting with for weeks. Who is Killer Frost - frostygyrl3 - and will Barry be able to chip through the ice and bring out the girl whose words he fell in love with? Or will she fall deeper into villainy and freeze out the people most important to her?
*a brief excerpt below:
Blog #1 - Hi!
written by The Flash!
Hi. Greetings from my super top-secret-speedster-lair!
Okay, so this is my first blog. Ever. 
Wow, this is so weird. Like a diary entry the whole world wide web will see . . . but none of you know anything about me. Well, I mean I guess that’s why we’re here, right? You all know who I am . . . just not anything about me the person. (Obviously, I don’t intend to spill every single personal detail about who I actually am. That just wouldn’t be responsible as your friendly neighborhood scarlet speedster - yes, pun intended. No, my name is not Peter Parker - and I really don’t like spiders, but that is not my kryptonite. That’s right - I’m not Superman either. Wrong city - and planet.) I am probably, definitely, absolutely, outing myself as a big nerd right now . . . 
Anyways, a good friend suggested I start this blog as a way to introduce myself to the citizens of Central City (and, well, the world I guess) so here I am. Also, another friend was super helpful in helping me set up mazes and labyrinths (is that even the plural of that word!?) of passwords and security measures because what would be the fun of being able to discover them so easily? So . . . yeah. Good luck hacking into this, supervillains. Ha.
Why are we here again? Oh yeah . . . introductions and such.
Hello, Central City (and the world.) I am The Flash - the red blur you’ve seen racing around town stopping pesky bad guys and evil metahumans from mischief and mayhem. My birth name isn’t important, just know that while I do have super speed, I’m just a regular person like all of you. I have family and friends that I care about just like you, so being discreet is important to me in order to keep them safe. My intention is to use my enhanced speed abilities to keep the city safe, and to help other metahumans use their abilities for good as well. 
There has been a bit of a misunderstanding between The Flash and those who assist me, the Central City Police Department, and the people of Central City. 
As he hit send on his first blog post, Barry sat back in the Star Labs desk chair and let out an exhausted sigh. He still wasn’t sure if it was a good idea - or if it wasn’t going to completely backfire or blow up in his face - but he’d assured Iris he’d at least try. The city - his city, his precious Central City - was really not loving The Flash right now. At all. Iris suggested that if he tried to reach out to the city in his own words, then maybe it would help smooth the speedbumps of those trying to accuse The Flash of ill intent. 
“Barry - you’ve already reached over eight million views!!” Iris shouted from the other side of the room in front of her laptop.
“Oh my god . . . this was a bad idea . . . why did I let you talk me into this?”
It didn’t take long for the comments to start flooding in and to be honest it was a bit intimidating. Iris assured him it was a good thing - a great thing even - that so many people were already so interested in the blog and what “The Flash” had to say. 
Most of the comments he glossed over without really reading - especially the harsh ones that just spewed hate and criticism toward The Flash and all superheroes in general. There was one comment in particular, though, that caught his eye right away. It was from an anonymous user, but the words they used felt more personal to Barry than the other comments…
A.N. I'm sure I probably won't continue this anytime soon, but one never knows.
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talagalaxies · 2 months
Rewatching ep1 thots:
Indara saying "unidentified force user" like they own every force user in the galaxy??? Scale-wise, it's absurb af. Do they think each force user is a property of a jedi? Which thankfully that take was addressed eps later.
I've been wondering why Mae fixates on the jedi master's weapons, and I'm wondering what motives does she had to fixate on that up until this day. Methinks at that time, she found the Stranger's words bullshit; she wants that weapon all by herself! (?)
So osha is basically doing illegal work?
Osha trying to be affectionate to Yord but Yord remains stoic ☹️. Jedi upbringings smh
Everyone to Sol when he speaks about Osha:
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So that Rayencourt senator last ep is one of their political enemies? Why Vernestra wants the jedi killer thingy discreet? Aren't the jedi powerful enough to expell doubts of suspicion? Or their cracks are showing already, and Rayencourt is one of them?
So a person being called a Jedi Killer is accursed? Like in asoiaf how kinslayer is accursed? Well makes sense because at that time, the jedi are at the top of the political pyramid ig. To a rando, the jedi have weird godlike powers, so killing one of them is a big deal, a sin even.
Hmm Sol gets angry at that criminal who badmouths Osha. Okay faildad!
The fire motifs of this episode is recurring. Which could mean nothing.
I grilled Sol (affectionate) for him remaining in the temple teaching padawans while the rest of his brendok crew went to exile from trauma and guilt. What if him being there is his exile? "Oh I doomed a child because I'm hellbent in having so? Okay I'll be stuck in this job teaching kids then. Thats what I'm signing for, it's it?" Okay sunk-cost fallacy king.
The droids piloting the ship being literal chairs is such a big brain idea.
Did Pip SPEAK actual words? Because i hear "hello" and "what's happening"
I'm high-key sure Sol was hella upset that Osha decides to drop-out jedi school. I know he got a depressive episode after this.
Also, SOL IS POWERFUL AF. Like he just sensed something then Yord and Jecki followed without question. Not just he's the master, but he knows his shit. I mean this dude beats Qimir TWICE. No wonder Vernestra hesitates on the Getting Osha mission. Sol is VALUABLE. If he got his positive character arc, he's surely be seated in the high council.
Even if the jailbreak will be safe, Osha still chooses to stay because she wants to go to Coruscant to see Sol again ☹️. That's her dad, after all.
Speaking of, wdym Coruscant is pronounced as "Co-ru-sant", leaving the small C? It pissed me off man bc i thought I'd supposed to be phonetically pronounced! No silent letter shit 😭.
THE LAST SHOT OF EP1 IS AT THE UNKNOWN PLANET DOESN'T IT? WHICH MEANS MAE KNOWS TO NAVIGATE TO THERE. So she got the cave privileges like Osha does in ep6? Or she's just there to do mission report then leaves? Wait did she and Stranger go together???
Now i badly want a backstory to Mae and Qimir
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ryusxnka · 4 months
🌸 (Peter-Man)
    Send 🌸 for three things my muse likes about yours.
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      P eter Parker. ------- The plurality of denizens are familiarized with him exclusively by his arachnid-themed appellation, Spider-man. ----------- An unforgettable personification of righteousness whose capillaries course within an identity of fervent mortality and juvenility. There wasn't a factual segment, details stapled with momentary urgency, to apprise yet a plethora of things could effortlessly be articulated in apropos to this enigmatically apt adolescent shrouded in a textile of startling marvel, in discreet cataclysm. - The Shinigami, regally stern in disposition, had ne'er foreseen him to be an authentic, breathing, individual who had initially birthed the comics he so attentively indulged in. - A mere child wielding incessant burdens atop his fixed shoulders akin to subjugating weights; so much consideration, ambitions yet attainable, and anguishing expectancies without a doubt pressed by civilians and his own consciousness. His own longings to thrive and therefore acquire the approval of those 'round him. How comical. -- How pathetically relatable. -- Childish fools -- They were not meant to hurl their lives away as if disposable, as if it t'was naught but a vessel of triviality for the populace, the governance, to utilize and wither. - Unendingly and sans fallacies, would they irate him with their oblivious Immaturity - their egregious remissness towards their life's certitude in expiration. -- Soul society was not as pleasant as the world of the living, he ought to cherish it. Regardless of such objectionable facets, however -- his heart palpitated with commendable illuminance. The captain will ne'er disclose it publicly, but he was elated by the past transpiring event that a character, originally thought to be one of ingenious fabrication, he kindred to through graphic novels had become someone often present - reminding him hushedly that notwithstanding tribulations, life merited the opportunity to pare itself, as intended amidst one's lifespan, with the vastness degree of integrity. " There is no place for the young amongst the battlefield, yet he stands resolutely on its grounds, determined to protect those in need with the advantages his gift comprises. "
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thetruearchmagos · 1 year
On Narratives, The Plural?
As usual, I've been thinking about how I handle my writing and what it might one day end up manifested as, which is to say, its stories and narratives.
I've recognised for a while now that the way I handle perspectives, arcs, and events was gonna be an odd one, but as in many things I'm really quite prone to vacillating over what path my writing will take. I suppose I have the luxury of that, since it's unlikely that anything concrete will come out of it for some time anyways. Still, that question hangs in the air yet, and I'll keep at it as far as creating my answer goes.
One of them, I suppose, rests with simply expanding the scope of whatever it is that I write. Since I've already thrown off any taste for a linear, single-perspective approach when it comes to the stories I hope to tell, it'd make my job easier if I split the long, semi-distinct lines of narrative from each other a little more, though not completely. I imagine this'll take the form of collections of 'main' threads bound together, coming in full 'novels' and such or series of them if I can, while allowing myself to explore more discreet but nonetheless curious perspectives and lines of the same 'broad' event in stand-alone, companion, or whatever-you-call-them stories. The actual substance of what I'd like to make someday shifts constantly, or at least my image of it does, but even if there's no fixed plan to come out of my thoughts the process of having them is as useful as anything that might come out of them.
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