#dbda christmas
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aceofturtles · 2 months ago
I made them into ornaments!!!
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I did a timeline post too, but I did this random image drop into tumblr, and it just made everything into a pretty little collage?? Who knew!
(As previously mentioned, I am shite with technology.)
Anyways, please enjoy all the photos together!!
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distracted-and-diffused · 2 months ago
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The tree is up!
(Closeups of the boys with more accurate colors in an earlier post)
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distracted-and-diffused · 3 months ago
Possibly interspersed with slow pans over various weird and interesting ornaments that might decorate the office Christmas tree
(I feel sure that they have a collection)
Season 2 DBDA Christmas special where the opening theme is played on bells and the Charles skeleton tries on various Christmas themed hats while dancing
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technically-human · 2 months ago
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*Reverses your Christmas*
A gift from @i-am-as-normal-as-you-are to all of you :) we really wanted the boys to get along for once, and what better occasion than Christmas? anything to make the Edwins happy!
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makemeimmortalwithahug · 2 months ago
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idliketobeatree · 18 days ago
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❤️ valentine's day card from the dead boy detectives (and visitors) agency ❤️
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distracted-and-diffused · 2 months ago
My version would definitely feature some unusual holiday decorations, and each of the main four reminiscing about traditions and people they miss (or don't miss!). And since it's all in my head, I don't have to worry about the budget or the double-length runtime!
❄️ Crystal used to love holiday parties in the wintertime, and she'd host them while her parents were away and busy. But now things are awkward with a lot of her old friends, and her parents haven't changed at all. She's disappointed and relieved when her parents go off on a trip without even thinking about her. (They do call her when they get there — they just didn't tell her they were going.) At least she doesn't have to think too much about all of that, since things are busy at the agency.
❄️ Niko has an idea for the gang to decorate the office so they can have their own agency party at Christmas. She's particularly enthusiastic about it, but it turns out that it's partly because she wants to keep herself busy — she's really missing her dad around this time of year, and it's been almost a year since he died.
❄️ It really is a busy time of year for the agency, though, and so they're all putting up decorations while talking through potential cases. Ghosts keep popping in throughout the day, some with potential cases (most of which are relatively easy to solve), others just to send holiday wishes and deliver gifts.
❄️ The Ghost Postman makes several trips. There is more than one delivery from Port Townsend, and Jenny — who has traveled back to Washington to see her extended family — sends a letter with an update about what everyone is up to, so we get to see little peeks into what Mick and the Cat King are doing now.
❄️ The Night Nurse is increasingly annoyed with Edwin, because he keeps disappearing for some reason, even though he pops back into the office with incredible timing when they receive each new visitor.
❄️ Charles is mostly happy to be busy; he has some nice holiday memories from when he was very little, but most of them are about tastes and smells and holiday cooking, which he can't appreciate in the same way now. When he was older he stayed at school for the holidays and it was lonely, so he likes being busy and having a lot of people about.
❄️ Charles looks in on his parents a couple of times this episode, and shows Edwin for the first time. He's nervous about it, since Edwin doesn't have that kind of opportunity, but Edwin is glad that Charles has the chance to look in on his family, even though he's aware that Charles has complicated feelings about them.
❄️ It turns out that Edwin has living relatives, but has never met any of them — distant cousins, nephews and nieces once or twice removed — and thinking about them is just another reminder that the world moved on when he… didn't. So he knows they're out there, but he doesn't check in. Not much, anyways.
❄️ Edwin has been very happy about the Christmas party and associated decorating project, although he hasn't joined in too much with the decorating this year. Charles asks about it, because Edwin always decorates for Christmas — he's always assumed that Edwin's family always went all-out every year without fail, and that Edwin was keeping up that tradition. But that's not the case at all — Edwin's family kept a very quiet Christmas. But Edwin has always loved reading Christmas stories that featured trees and garlands and candles and a warm fire, and so when he got the chance, he went all-out, and he's enjoyed it ever since.
❄️ By the end, they finally have their party, but it gets delayed a bit by the case. (I have no idea what the main case is; only that there is one. Is there a frost demon? Do they have to help a lost child? Maybe… but yeah, I really have no idea.)
❄️ Crystal finds that she's glad that she's spending Christmas at the agency; this is exactly where she wants to be.
❄️ Niko is still missing her dad, but she knows it's okay to be missing him, and it's okay to be happy to be with her friends.
❄️ Charles is thinking about how he keeps learning new things about Edwin, more and more now, even when they've been friends for nearly thirty-five years.
❄️ We find out that Edwin has been disappearing because he has been working on his gifts until the very last minute; he's made scarves for everyone.
🧣Crystal's is a fine knit in a soft purple and is subtly sparkly. It suits her down to the ground and she adores it.
🧣Niko's is green and has a dandelion pin on it (for courage). She gives Edwin a big hug — he remembered.
🧣Charles's is red (of course) and has a tiny heart stitched in one end. (For courage, and for protection, of course.)
🧣There's even a scarf for the Night Nurse, in a lovely coppery orange, which she receives while wiping a suspiciously-timed bit of dust out of her eyes.
Another day, another Dead Boy Detectives question! ✨
In the hopes of getting the fandom tag trending and getting more eyes on Dead Boy Detectives, please use the tag "dead boy detectives" when you reblog to reply.
Today's question:
If you could write a holiday episode for season 2, what would be in it?
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lilartifex · 3 months ago
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Saw a post by @khorazir and couldn't resist XD
I'd like to imagine the reason Crystal is wearing a Christmas hat is because Charles made her.
Crystal: I'm not wearing that thing, Charles. Charles: Aw, c'mon, one of us has to, and Edwin and I are ghosts, so most of the people we pass won't see it. But if you wear it, then everyone gets a little bit of Christmas cheer from the Dead Boy Detectives! Crystal: I'm NOT wearing - Crystal, three seconds later:
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khorazir · 3 months ago
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“Do you think I should release them? The danger has passed, and they have been tied up like this for over an hour now.”
“Oh, I don’t know, mate. They’ve stopped arguing a while ago, and now they’re just staring at each other. Give them another half an hour, and they’ll start kissing.”
“Sure. Look at them. Totally gone for one another, but too stupid or set in their ways to realise it. Guess they’re gonna need all the help they can get. Unlike us.”
“Unlike us?”
“Yeah. Took you a trip to America to figure things out, and me a couple of months after that.”
“After about thirty-five years of quasi courtship, you mean?”
“Yeah. Brills, innit?”
“Sherlock, are they still there?”
“Yes, and not even trying to hide. They probably think we can’t see them.”
“I’m still somewhat shocked that we can. But then, given that we’ve both had near-death experiences at some point in our lives ... Anyway, anything you can do about this ... thing tying us together?”
“As I’ve told you before, John, no, I can’t. It’s clearly magical, a binding spell of some sort.”
“There must be a way to break it.”
“Aren’t you happy that we’re returned to our traditional way to spend Christmas Eve?”
“What ‘traditional way’? Being tied up together in some God-forsaken place?”
“Exactly. Wouldn’t be Christmas without it, would it now?”
“Haha, yes, guess not. And those two chaps over there are ... what? The ghosts of Christmas Past and ... Christmas Even Longer Past come to haunt us?”
“Perhaps. We could ask them to undo the spell. I’m rather convinced it was cast by the Edwardian schoolboy.”
“Oh, right. Actually ... you know what, Sherlock?”
“We also could ... you know ... wait a little. Because it’s tradition.”
“I was hoping you would say that, John.”
This is for @paynelandpromptfest Day 1
It’s also this year’s Christmas Card. Those who have been following me for a while know the drill: if you would like to be sent one, please DM me and do a little charitable thing in and for your community. Previous card motifs (and accompanying ficlets) can be found here:
1. Fairylights (2019, ficlet)
2. Reindeers (2020, ficlet)
3. Spice (2021, ficlet)
4. Bridge (2022, ficlet)
5. Cold (2023, ficlet)
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adskayapanda · 2 months ago
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«Keep calm and kiss me under the mistletoe»
Merry painland Christmas ❄️❤️
@dbdayuletide @dbdaghostmas
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dbdaghostmas · 4 months ago
Save the date, Dead Boy Detectives fandom! You've been invited to a holiday event! 🔎
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12 days and 12 prompts to create any and all fanworks to celebrate Dead Boy Detectives this holiday season!
More information will be released soon! If you have any questions you can send asks through this account or reach out to me on my personal blog, @alltimefail!
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aceofturtles · 2 months ago
I made the boys into ornaments!!
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Here we have the glass layered together, before firing.
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Say goodbye to those sharp edges! Agghghh. Waiting for them in the kiln was the most nerve wracking part.
This is how they were packaged for me to take home. <3
I was so relieved to see that the colors hadn't shifted dramatically, like I thought they might. No secret striker colors here!! {:
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And here's them unwrapped!! All that was left was to add the wire, and bada bing, bada boom!! Payneland Ornaments!!
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dbdayuletide · 4 months ago
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Dead Boy Detectives Yuletide 2024
Let's celebrate the Winter Holidays in the Dead Boy Detectives fandom!
Prompt list.
For this event, we have 5 prompts that can be developed in as many weeks, running from 2nd December to 5th January, though whichever medium you can think of (art, fics, poetry, cosplay, photography, etc...)
Post it on social media on the same week or afterwards, whether on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and/or AO3 (more rules and guidelines coming soon) with the hashtag #dbdayuletide2024 and mentioning the account @dbdayuletide.
The prompts:
Putting up the Decorations (Dec. 2-8)
Playing in the Snow (Dec. 9-15)
Under the Mistletoe (Dec. 16 -22)
Exchanging Presents (Dec. 23 - 29)
Coziness around the Fireplace (Dec. 30 - Jan. 5)
Wish list (Gift Exchange).
We'd like to set up a gift exchange where people could fill in a wishlist that can be picked up by creators.
Simply download the template, fill it with your requests and wait to see if someone gifts it to you!
As a creator, you can pick up as many requests you want to fulfill.
(The Gift Exchange is in collaboration with DBDA Ghostmas)
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feminist-dinosaur27 · 2 months ago
dead boy Christmas headcanons!
when giving gifts, Edwin says “I know it’s not much..” and it’s literally the most sought after magical trinket. He also feels very chuffed when the response to a gift is “This is exactly what I wanted!!” (Nobody knows how he does it) (how does he do it??) Despite the trauma, he does quite enjoy a traditional Christmas and insists on a nativity scene in the corner of the office.
Niko takes gift giving very seriously. She starts her Christmas shopping in July, and loses track of how much she’s buying, because if she sees something someone would love, it’s coming with her. Her favourite part, however, is decorating. Leave her alone with an empty space and some decorations and you will return to something magnificent.
Charles does like Christmas, but it makes him quite anxious, considering his childhood. He does his best at gift giving, and you’ll likely end up with a little thing that means a lot. He leaves Niko to the decorating, but you’ll see a family heirloom here and there. Although his strong point is definitely the food. It may not be authentic, but he can whip up some delicious desi dishes as a Christmas dinner replacement. Yorkies? No. Paratha? Yes.
Crystal has always had a very material based Christmas. And this has stuck with her. In her head, if she doesn’t spend lots of money on people she hardly knows, it wouldn’t be Christmas at all. The Christmas lights give her a migraine, but she does secretly think the decor is super cute. She knows her cooking basics, and does help Charles out, but gets flustered when something isn’t done her way.
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 4 months ago
Got my icon from @anaart-stuff and IT IS GORGEOUS.
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For those of you who don't know, Christmas tree garlands used to be made with popcorn and cranberries in the 1800s and early 1900s. The tradition originated in the US, but was adopted in many countries in Europe (including the UK) as well. Popcorn was usually about a day old when strung together since new popcorn breaks really easily.
Eventually, the tradition faded out since the garlands would become damaged in water and moisture easily. But Edwin is very likely to have made them during his life. I like to think that when he died, he showed Charles how to make them and they continued to decorate trees in the Agency using them.
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ghostofthegallows · 3 months ago
Dbda as vines
Christmas edition✨
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