#day 1: winning a teddy for the other
fanfictasia · 2 years
Flufftober Day 1
Alt. Winning a Teddy for the Other
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Shadows of Tomorrow
It’s close to sunset when they get back to their house – that an the directly neighboring ones are where everyone in his family stays when they’re on Mandalore. The Ghost crew and Leia’s family don’t actually live here, even if they’re here very frequently. Leia prefers staying on Alderaan, much of the time, though she’s here on an extended visit right now. Marr can understand that. He wouldn’t want to be away from Mandalore, either, and he’s fortionate he doesn’t.
The Falcon is landing right outside when they get back to the house, Han stepping down the ramp. Personally, Marr thinks the amount of moving around the Solo’s do is what keeps Han sane, because he’s just… not the kind of person to sit still, even if he has a family.
Ben squeals eagerly, running over to Han. “You’re back!”
“I brought something for you,” Han says.
“What?” Ben asks, excitedly.
“Here,” he replies, shuffling around in one of the bags he’s holding, withdrawing a stuffed teddy bear. “Your mother said you’d like it.”
Ben snatches it away gleefully, running back to Anakin, waving it around. (If the poor thing was alive, it would have a concussion from that.)
Marr doesn’t bother to keep up with his babbled stream of excitement, but somehow Anakin always manages too. Maybe that’s why he seems to be Ben’s favorite… adult, period actually. Because Leia only has so much time with all her duties.
He’s excitedly announcing how he’ll name him ‘Teddy Bear’ – um boring, though Marr is pretty sure he’ll change his mind in an hour  – as they reach the house and he runs inside.
“Hey Dad!” Vizma calls cheerfully from the kitchen. Sometimes, it’s still jarring to think of how old she is, at twenty-four. And Force, she’s already married.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were coming,” Bo says lightly.
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Marr complains.
“Because of how much it happens?” Vizma offers cheekily.
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Devil's Snare part.2
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Description: Having realised that he's fallen in love with his handmaiden, Aemond tries to sway her heart to him despite her shy and introverted disposition. But he quickly finds that her heart is not easily won. Can the Prince succeed in winning his Lady with an unlikely combination of books, Vhagar, and advice from his sister Helaena.
Part 1 Part 3
Writer's note: thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed part 1. Hoping this doesn't stray too far from the direction you want it to go in. I have another part planned but would also welcome suggestions :)
Warnings: female reader, dual-pov narrative, slow-burn, mention of Granny Vhagar (she deserves her own trigger warning), lots of angst and lots of fluff too, pining, potentially ooc Aemond (although our Lord and saviour Ewan Mitchell agrees he's really just a Teddy Bear). Lengthy as always because if there's one thing I can't do it's get to the point.
Y/N huffed in frustration as she tried to replicate the braided hairstyle Helaena's handmaiden had shown her to little success. She tended to wear her hair in the same practical style each day, not having much skill in this regard. But her newfound intimacy with the Princess had led her to a friendship with her maid, who had a particular skill for elaborate hairstyles. Realising she would be late to her morning duties should she restart, she tied off the braid and set off for Prince Aemond's chambers. In truth, she now preferred to arrive at the Prince's chambers early so she could greet him for the day before he headed off to the training yard and she wouldn't see him again until that evening.
They had come to form what Y/N supposed could be considered a friendship, if any such relationship could exist between a servant and a Prince. Though she could not help her natural timidity, which prevented her from ever feeling truly comfortable in his presence and often prone to stuttering over her words. Prince Aemond seemed more than willing to accommodate this facet of her personality. He always listened to her so attentively, never interrupting her when she stumbled over her words as others often did in frustration.
With the gentle encouragement of Prince Aemond and his sister the Princess Helaena, Y/N had slowly begun to come more and more out of her shell. She recalled only a few nights ago how the Prince had made her laugh so carelessly, completely forgetting her introverted tendencies. He had been kind enough to lend her books from his private collection as she became more comfortable with reading under Helaena's guidance, and he had explicitly told her to select any that should interest her. As she was dusting the upper shelves in his chambers one evening she'd reached for an ornate tome of red leather that she could now tell concerned dragons. Y/N had always been fascinated with the creatures, thinking them godlike and otherworldly and was eager to learn more about them now that this was possible. It took a few attempts of her reaching as far as she could on tiptoe for her fingertips to even graze the spine of the book, it being on the top shelf and Y/N eventually resorted to jumping for it to no avail. Giving up with a huff to blow the hair that had escaped from her braid out of her face, she startled to see a hand reach for the book she'd wanted.
It had amused Aemond no small amount to see his handmaiden's ill fated attempts to reach the book she wanted from his shelves but he'd quickly stepped towards her as she'd made a jump for it, not wishing her to do anything which might cause her injury. He felt a satisfying sense of pride at being able to be of assistance to her, extending his own arm for the red book which he easily reached with his tall stature. It gratified him to feel she might have need of him and that he could be someone she looked to. Handing it out to her, he smiled encouragingly as he saw what volume had taken her interest this time. "So it is dragons you wish to read of? Have they long held your interest Y/N?" Taking the book from him, Y/N's eyes lit with a spark of uncontained excitement Aemond had rarely seen in his handmaiden. "I have since I was a young girl, they are such magnificent creatures. So beautiful and yet so powerful."
Humming in agreement at her assessment, Aemond's smile only grew as he leaned his head closer to her. "Would you like to meet one? I should be glad to introduce you to mine own, Vhagar." Y/N's face paled slightly at his suggestion. "I think I would be terrified if I were to actually meet a dragon in the flesh, My Prince. But I thank you for your most generous offer." Aemond feigned a pensive look for a moment. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Y/N the fierce dragon rider has a certain ring to it? Does it not?" Aemond's heart swelled at the sweet sound of her laughter, the laughter he had provoked from his shy girl. And yet, he wished her to know that she would never have been in any danger had she taken him up on his offer, Vhagar would heed his commands and surely sense the importance this girl held for her rider. Looking at her earnestly as her laughter quietened, he spoke in a tone he hoped would convey the truth of his words. "You would always be safe with me, Y/N."
Y/N felt her heart flutter at the memory of Prince Aemond's words and as she passed along the halls of the Red Keep she briefly wondered what the Prince might think of her new hairstyle. She almost scoffed at herself for the ridiculousness of the thought, unsure of where it had even come from. As if the Prince should ever think of her hair, or indeed think of her at all when she was gone from his sight. Y/N looked down to ensure she did not trip in her haste as she neared the Prince's chambers. Just as she rounded the corner to his chambers she collided with a hard figure, letting out a yelp and closing her eyes tightly as she braced for a fall. Arms quickly wrapped around her to stop her momentum, one encircling her waist, the other wrapping around her shoulders. Y/N opened her eyes to find it was the Prince Aemond himself holding her and she smiled sheepishly up at him in embarrassment at the situation they found themselves in.
"I apologise My Prince, I was not looking where I was going." Quirking his lip up at her, Aemond pulled Y/N back up but maintained a gentle hold on her elbows to steady her. "I am only glad I was here to catch you little one." Y/N blushed at that and turned away from him slightly to hide it. A second later the Prince had let go of her entirely, taking a step back.
"I will see you later, Y/N."
Y/N tried to look anywhere but at Prince Aemond's eyes as she nodded.
"Yes, My Prince. I wish you a good day."
The Prince wasted no time in turning on his heels to stalk away from her and she could not help but feel that perhaps she had made him angry.
Aemond had waited in his chambers longer than was usual that morning, hoping to catch even a brief glimpse of his pretty handmaiden before he left to spend the day training with Ser Criston. He'd noticed she had begun to arrive earlier at his chambers and he felt hope surge in him that perhaps she sought him out, that she might enjoy their conversations as he did. When she did not show and he could tarry no longer he let out a growl of frustration and practically stormed from his room. Coming round a corner at such a great speed Aemond's eyes widened in alarm as he smacked straight into the very girl who consumed his thoughts. Quickly wrapping his arms around her so she would not fall, he frantically ran his eyes down her form to reassure himself he had not hurt her.
Aemond was momentarily stunned as Y/N opened her eyes and graced him with a sweet smile that had him tightening his hold on her, relishing the feeling of holding her in his arms. He scoffed inwardly at her apology, he had been only too happy to catch her, and had hoped to amuse her with his playful response. But as her cheeks reddened to a deep scarlet and she turned her face away from him, he relented. He pulled her to stand upright, though he could not help maintaining a light hold on her elbows in case she should stumble. Aemond did so love to see her blush, having convinced himself it must mean he had some power to affect her as she did him. But he did not wish to embarass her and cause her to put any more distance between them. He felt keenly that there was a wide enough chasm already.
The Prince tried to keep his tone even and remove any hint of the frustration he felt. He had begun to fear the worst, that Y/N would never feel truly comfortable with him, and if that were the case how could she ever learn to love him? Was he truly so displeasing to her, so terrifying? Anger coursed through his veins at the blow he had been dealt by the Seven in losing his eye, a disfigurement which he feared would also cost him the love of the woman before him, which he had come to covet above all else. Not wishing to show his already timid handmaiden his anger, he took his leave quickly.
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Y/N gnawed on her bottom lip in her anxiety. She'd been stewing the entire day over her brief meeting with Prince Aemond that morning and inwardly cursing herself for her reaction to his simply helping her. It had clearly angered him, though she knew not why. She found herself wishing she were not so timid, that she could meet his gaze more easily, not stutter so much when she spoke to him. But the Seven had made her so and she could not see her natural disposition disappearing anytime soon. Nevertheless, she endeavoured to present a more welcoming figure when he returned to his chambers that evening and mend any infraction she had inadvertently caused.
As Prince Aemond reentered his chambers for the evening, Y/N turned to greet him with a warm smile lighting her face. "Good evening, My Prince. I trust you had a pleasant day." Y/N often greeted him as such, and the Prince would always readily respond with details of his training with the knight Ser Criston. She had hoped that falling into their normal routine would smooth over any irritation he might still feel towards her, but the smile fell from her face as he only continued to stand in the doorway staring at her. They passed a few moments in silence before Aemond spoke, so softly she had to strain to hear him. "You've changed your hair." That had been the last thing she'd expected him to say to her and she felt her heartbeat increase at the fact that he had noticed.
"The Princess Helaena had her maid show me some braiding techniques when I expressed an interest. She is kind to me."
"It is lovely." At Prince Aemond's words Y/N felt her cheeks burn and butterflies erupt in her stomach. But she forced herself not to shy away from his complement, lest she offend him as she had that morning.
"Thank you, My Prince. I am glad you should think so." Aemond's already handsome features lit up in a genuine smile, seemingly content at her accepting his compliment.
"You are always lovely."
Y/N's mouth parted slightly in surprise. Complimenting a change in hairstyle was one thing, calling her lovely another entirely. She could not understand his motivation for such a compliment, and felt immediately suspicious of it, despite the wild beating of her treacherous heart. She was just a servant girl, and could not possibly hope to have any claim to the heart of a Prince, so what did he mean by calling her lovely? Not knowing how to respond for the best,  Y/N bystepped his words altogether and cleared her throat awkwardly. "I had the wine you requested brought up, it is on the console, and the books you requested brought from the library are on your desk. Will there be anything else this evening, My Prince?"
Y/N watched with regret as the Prince visibly stiffened at her cold tone, his eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion. "That will be all, Y/N."
"My Prince", with a deferential curtsy she strode past Prince Aemond. Y/N quickly grew ashamed of her suspicion in him and her subsequent rudeness as she saw him cast his head down and shift to let her pass.
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"I cannot sway her heart to me, Sister. Everytime I believe I have made progress, it is quickly followed by another mistake on my part which only seems to push her farther away from me." Aemond had sought his sister's advice, following his disastrous attempt at complimenting Y/N. He feared he had only made her uncomfortable given her cold reaction. He felt pained at the possibility it was him she found so objectionable, as opposed to an ill advised compliment.
Helaena looked thoughtful as she considered her brother's words. "What have you attempted so far to win her affections, brother?"
Aemond reccounted everything he had tried to do to make Y/N more comfortable around him. He'd hoped to build a friendship with her at first as a conduit for expressing his true romantic affections for her at a time when she would be more amenable to this.
He watched as Helaena pondered for an agonisingly long time on the correct response. But as a woman he expected she would be able to find a solution more ably than he could. "I think you should find a way to spend more time with her. You say it is normally only in the mornings and the evenings that you are together for a very brief time. Perhaps with more time spent in your company she will grow accustomed to your attentions and develop her own affections for you in turn." Aemond thought Helaena's suggestion wise and one he should have considered earlier. All this time he had been so concerned with ensuring he did not overstep any lines with Y/N, so very aware of her shy disposition, that he had not tried to orchestrate any more interactions than those she was already used to. But perhaps he needed to try a more direct approach to win his handmaiden over to him. He quickly developed a plan Helaena would have rejected out of hand had he voiced it.
For the second time that day, Y/N was frantically preparing tea in the kitchens, nestled in the lower levels of the Red Keep. Careless in her haste, she accidentally tipped some of the hot water she'd been pouring onto her hand. Letting out a string of curses, she quickly applied some cold water until she could no longer feel the sting so keenly, then hurried to set the already cooling tea on a tray, aware of the distance between the kitchens and the royal chambers where she needed to be. Prince Aemond had started to ask for tea to be brought to him twice a day about a week ago, having never expressed any inclination for it before. It did create some challenges for Y/N in trying to ensure the Prince's tea was delivered to him hot, all the while having to cross such a great distance in the Keep to do so.
And yet he always asked her to sit with him as he drank his tea, asking her various questions about herself, her childhood, her likes and dislikes. His line of questioning was often quite strange to Y/N, asking her what colours she liked best, whether she preferred the colder or warmer months, what flowers were her favourite. She had not thought any of these things about her should interest a Targaryen Prince. But she could not find it in herself to be irritated with his regular requests for tea, as she had come to look forward to these moments with Aemond. She did not know when she'd begun to think of him so informally, as Aemond rather than the Prince. It seemed to occur naturally over time as their tentative friendship grew and she spent more time in his presence. If Y/N was being completely honest with herself she'd even begun to harbour somewhat romantic feelings for the Prince. Blushing every time he met her gaze or their fingers grazed as she handed him his tea, she was sure he'd find her ridiculous if he should ever find out.
Rushing into his chambers, aware she'd taken much longer to deal with her burn, she began setting the tea before Aemond, stiffening as she heard him speak behind her.
"What is this?" His eyes had fallen on her injured hand and he spoke tensly...dangerously. "Did someone hurt you?"
Y/N quickly moved to dispell this theory as she noted how his hand clenched and jaw tightened. "No, My Prince. It is only a small burn. I was not careful enough when handling the tea this afternoon in my haste to make sure it arrived still warm." At her answer a look of pain seemed to cross the Prince's face as he stood, gently taking her hand in his to assess her injury. She realised she did not like to see him so distressed over her. "It is only a little thing. It will heal."
Gazing down at her, his own good eye boring into her own, a penitent look fell over his features. "I do not much like tea. You do not need to bring it to me any longer. I would not have you hurt yourself again on my account."
Y/N was confused for a mere moment before anger took its place. She had thought it strange when he'd begun to ask for tea so regularly, having never expressed an inclination for it before. And here she'd been running about the Keep several times a day, trying and even burning herself in the attempt to fulfill his request when the kitchens were so far from his chambers on the upper levels of the Keep. Only to find he did not even enjoy the tea. Why would he do such a thing? She roughly ripped her hand from his hold, stepping back from him even as he began to follow her. "Were you laughing at me? Was it a mere jest to watch me run about the Keep all day for no reason?" She did not know where she'd found her courage, or perhaps the audacity to address the Prince in such a manner.
He looked positively alarmed now at the fierceness of her glare, having never inspired it before.
"No, of course not."
"Then why?"
"I only wished to spend more time with you"
The unexpectedness of his answer halted Y/N where she stood, allowing Aemond to close the distance between them until they stood nearly chest to chest.
"With me. But why?"
Aemond moved slowly as if she could bolt at any second, perhaps giving her the chance to pull away from him again if she wished. Recapturing her hand in his, he raised it to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss on the palm of her hand where the burn was. Pulling away, he held her hand against his heart and Y/N couldn't fail to take his meaning even though he didn't say the words directly. He must have an affection for her, perhaps not so strong as that which she held for him, but still there. In this knowledge, she supposed his actions though misguided could be considered sweet. She found herself at a loss for words, her mind swimming with the possibilities of what this could mean, and the inherent dangers of having feelings for a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms as a lowly servant girl.
In the moment she felt unable to decide whether she wanted Aemond to reciprocate her feelings or not, and whether she was comfortable with his advances. He'd seemed to sense her indecision as he gazed down at her face. Releasing her hand and lowering it back to her side, he stepped back from her until he was leaning against a side table. He was always so respectful of her, attentively watching for any signs of her discomfort and responding in kind. She was torn, wanting to reach for him again but knowing within her heart that nothing good could come of their feelings for one another. Better to repress them now rather than let them continue to grow and inevitably lead to dissapointment when he married a courtly Lady or Dornish Princess.
"Good night Y/N."
Y/N's eyes snapped up to meet Aemond's, expecting to find irritation or perhaps disspointment with her confused state. She was startled to find only steely determination in his eyes. "Good Night, My Prince." Willing herself not to turn around and look at him, in case she did something truly reckless, she headed straight for the servant's quarters.
Aemond felt more sure of himself than he ever had that he could win Y/N's love. He felt certain she already harboured an affection for him, she was only indecisive on whether to act on it, perhaps unsure of his intentions. This was understandable and he would seek to remedy it, for he had seen how her eyes had softened as he'd kissed her hand, how she had subconsciously curled her hand around his tunic once he'd placed it against his heart, as if to pull him closer to her. But watching her inner turmoil play out in her expressions and in her silence, he resolved to be patient, stepping back from her to allow her space to think. He loved her and was now convinced she at least held some feelings for him, in the end it did not matter how long it took to convince her of the fact.
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itsphoenix0724 · 10 months
Meet Me On The Ice (Azriel x Reader)~ Chapter 1
Summary: You and Lucien Vanserra have been skating together since you were children, but when he has an accident that takes him out right before championships you turn to your brother and his hockey team to fill the position. His best friend Azriel has lethal grace on the ice and owes your brother a favor, which seems like a match made in heaven, except you can’t stand each other. Can you and Azriel pull a routine together in time for your competition, or will it all spiral out of control?
MMOTI masterlist
Warnings: mentions of injury, blood
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Hello everyone! Happy December, my final exams are over so I'm so excited to get back into writing! As you all know I've been planning this for a while, so I hope you're all as excited as I am!!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a figure skater or a hockey player, so while I'm trying to be as accurate as possible, it's likely some things may not be correct and/or are bent a little to fit the plot!
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Figure skating is a lot more thrilling than people give it credit for. Only a few people are willing to be thrown 5 feet in the air at 20 miles an hour and completely trust the other person to catch them. 
The ice was always your happy place. The biting chill against your skin, the feel of gliding across the rink faster than light. It was thrilling, to say the least. You and Lucien had worked so hard this season to advance this far, and you only had a couple of competitions left before the both of you graduated from university. The two of you were on a winning streak, and this competition looked like it would turn out no different. Your coach smiled from the sidelines as the two of you performed in perfect sync, his hands around your waist as he lifted you effortlessly into the air before resting you safely back on your skates. It was time for the big finish, you sped in a circle around the rink executing a triple toe and Lucien built up his momentum to launch his axel. Your eyes dart to the judges' impressed faces before you whip your head back to him and- 
Something’s wrong. 
The angle– the spin, is all out of balance, and in the blink of an eye, Lucien hits the ice. His head makes a sickening crack on the ground as red floods around him, and his right leg is twisted in the wrong way. The scream you let out doesn’t even sound like yours as you race over to him, the sounds of the crowd echoing around you in a sick symphony. 
“Oh my god” 
“Someone call an ambulance!” 
“Get him off the ice quick!” 
You don’t hear any of them too busy trying to shake Lucien awake with tears streaming down your cheeks, but he’s knocked out cold. A blur of red is next to you and it takes you a moment before you realize it’s Lucien’s mother. It’s another gut-wrenching eternity of trying your best to hold a towel against his head to stop the bleeding, Lucien still unresponsive, before the gentle hands of a paramedic ease you away from your best friend. You watch with abject horror as they load him onto a stretcher, and carry him out of the rink. Helping Lucien’s mother off of the ice, she follows them outside. The ringing in your ears still hasn’t stopped, not even when your own mother and father come racing down the arena steps, a hand coming out to hold your jaw, and another wrapping your coat around your shoulders. Before you blink again they’re ushering you out of the rink and into the car. 
It’s two days before you can see Lucien in the hospital. 
You had driven in complete silence, anxiety coiled like a viper in the pit of your stomach. Parking your car in the visitor lot you look at the teddy bear you buckled safely into your passenger seat, its soft brown hands clutching a heart with cursive writing spelling Get Well Soon.  It had been dumb and cheesy, but you snagged it at the grocery store while picking up some of Lucien’s favorite snacks and couldn’t resist. 
Hopefully, it would make him laugh at least.
The nurse at the desk smiles at you kindly before pointing you in the right direction of his room. The atmosphere of the hospital weighs painfully on your shoulders as the elevator ride seems to stretch on for decades. You thankfully find Lucien’s room easily enough, his russet eyes light up at the sight of you even with the angry red stitches that run through his hair. 
“There she is!” He bellows, eyeing the bear and the bag of treats with interest. You set them on his bed and he laughs a joyous sound as he props the bear next to him on the bed, declaring it his new best friend. 
“How are you feeling?” You ask tentatively, settling into a chair next to his bed. His leg is in a cast, elevated, and you run your bottom lip between your teeth with worry. 
“I’m alright, all things considered.” He promises rifling through the bag to dig out the pack of spicy chips, “I’ve got a concussion, and my legs broken so bad I’ll be in physical therapy for months.” Lucien meets your eyes mournfully, looking as if you’d just punched him in the face. “I won’t be able to skate for the rest of the season. I’m so sorry.” He dips his eyes averting his gaze to the broken leg, like glaring at it hard enough will force it back together again. You feel your heart sink to your feet, but you refuse to let it show, trying to keep a happy smile on your face. 
“None of that matters, all I care about is that you’re okay.” You reach out to grip his hand, and his warm palms engulf your own.
“You can find another partner to finish the season,” He urges,  Lucien’s other hand comes up to cup your cheek, wiping away the silver trying to fight its way out of your eyes despite your best efforts. You had already registered in the partner skate division, so it was too late to switch now. But even thought makes your stomach turn.
“No one could ever replace you,” You promise, leaning into his warmth. It’s the truth. You had been skating with Lucien since you were small, and now you’re about to graduate from university. There could be no one else. No one else that, without fail, had such a warm touch even on the ice rink. No one else you could trust to catch you every time, even if it means sacrificing his safety. 
You had tried to skate with one other partner, once, in freshman year when Lucien caught the flu so bad he was puking for weeks. It hadn’t ended well and you hadn’t trusted anyone since. 
“You should skate your last season. Even if this new guy will never be as good as me.” It’s a lighthearted attempt at a joke, and you accept the crutch of humor, chest rising with a breath of laughter. “You could ask Rhys, maybe he’d do it? He used to skate before he switched to hockey right?” That was true, but he switched to hockey right before middle school to play with his friends, maybe he’d consider it if it didn’t conflict too much with his schedule. 
“I’ll think about it, let's focus on tearing through these snacks in the meantime,” You snag the peanut butter cups out of his bag despite Lucien’s vehement protests and turn the staticky hospital tv to shitty afternoon cartoons. 
You held your tears in successfully until you got home. You didn’t want Luicen to feel guilty, didn’t want him to see you cry, so here you were curled in a ball under your covers. Hiding from your problems like a child, hoping if you just ignored them long enough they would magically solve themselves. You had asked Rhys earlier about possibly skating with you, but between learning to take over your father’s business, university, and hockey he understandably regretfully declined. The bedroom door creaks open, hearing the delicate tread of Rhys’s footsteps before he settles next to you on the bed, rubbing a soothing hand along your curved form. 
“It’ll be alright I promise,” Rhys mutters. “I think I might have a solution, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” You rise from your chosen shelter, raising a brow and wiping at your tear-stained cheek. 
“What is it?” You question, and Rhys almost flinches. “I’ll do almost anything to skate again.” He must see the desperation and he carries on anyway. 
“Azriel is still suspended from the team at the moment, and he owes me a favor…” Rhys watches your eyes catch up to his words, the disgust flashing in them. Both of Rhys’s best friends had couched surfed at your house at one time or another, and you and Azriel had never gotten along. Not like sunshiney Cassian, who may be viscous on the ice but was one of the most gentle people you knew. Cas was the one who made an effort to include you in activities, who playfully tossed you in the pool in the summer, and took you for long drives when you were upset. Azriel spent those summers by the pool brooding in the shade until you left, and was currently suspended from the Velaris University hockey team for throwing another player so hard into the glass he was concussed. “You said you would do almost anything to skate again,” Rhys raises his hands in surrender and you roll your eyes. 
“What about Cassian?” you offer. He would probably do it for you, but Cas wasn’t suited for figure skating. His style was too brutish, it was nothing against him, he just wouldn’t pick up the flow and patience you needed to skate with the music fast enough in time for the competition. As much as you hated to admit it, Azriel moved across the ice like smoke, flowing and ebbing with a lethal grace you couldn’t help but admire. 
“Cas is too busy with school and hockey,” Rhys had clearly already run through the option. You knew that if you begged Cassian he probably would, but his stance at the school depended entirely on his grades and his performance in hockey. You wouldn’t give him any chance to mess up his scholarship.  “Please just talk to Az with me tomorrow.” 
“Fine.” You relent, perhaps with a little more attitude than necessary. So you correct yourself, Rhys is going out of his way to help you. “Thank you.” He gives you a small smile, pressing a kiss to your forehead before leaving your room. 
So that was how you found yourself bundled up at the rink, at six in the fucking morning, with Rhy watching Azriel practice. He moved like a panther, prowling around the ice and slapping the puck with such ferocity the crack makes you flinch. He tears off his helmet, skating over with a mop of sweat-soaked hair. Az’s hazel eyes flick over you once in distaste before dismissing you completely and turning his attention to Rhys, which makes your temper rise to a heated spark of fury. Your brother clears his throat, nudging you on the back to speak. Azriel turns back to you and raises a cold dark brow.  
“Would you please consider being my skating partner for my last few competitions this season? Please” you choke out, trying your best to send him a pleasant smile. Then, Azriel actually has the balls to laugh at you. 
“Yeah, I heard about what happened to Vanserra. What makes you think I would ever want to do that?” Azriel chuckles out, voice dripping with sarcasm. You’re about to agree, call this whole mess off, and return to the comfort of your bed when Rhys cuts in. 
“Because you owe me,” The two of them have some silent stare-down that you wish you could be privy to. Whatever Rhys had done for Azriel in the past it must have been big because after a moment Azriel fixes those molten eyes on you again. 
“Fine, I’ll do it. Be here tomorrow at five so we can try to figure out this shitshow.” He tucks his helmet back over his head and prowls back around to the ice. You guess you’ll be meeting him here tomorrow night and you find yourself agreeing with the sentiment that this will be a shit show indeed.   
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jinxs-gf · 29 days
Dating Kaldur Headcanons
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Kaldur’ahm x Reader
no warnings!
word count: 700+
a.n. I wasn’t sure what to do here so I just went for a general dating thing!
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there’s a glaringly obvious thing we need to address first.
Kaldur is THE most loyal person you’ll ever meet. romantic and non-romantic wise
you don’t gotta worry about anything with him 🙏🏽🙏🏽😭 what about him screams ‘you have to worry about me getting too cozy with someone else…’
NOTHING!!!! he’s loyal and devoted to you and makes it obvious
so obvious it hurts. so obvious the team makes fun of him for it
he’s a serious/blunt man because he cares. it’s his way of making sure his loved ones are safe (and others: take for example, the people he saves??? the whole reason he’s a hero is bc he’s trying to protect people). he orders the team around and tells them when they’re wrong because he wants what’s best for them
now you’re a person he doesn’t just care about, he loves you. you’re his dear, his light in very dark times (this man has been through it). so when it comes to you, there’s two sides to this:
1. he bosses you around if you don’t take care of yourself.
he uses his stern voice on you (very hot btw) if you haven’t eaten when you should’ve.
“Did you eat?” He sits next to you on the couch, presenting the dinner he’s cooked.
You stay quiet. And he knows what that means.
“You barely had breakfast this morning.” Your silence continues.
Gently, he pinches your chin between his fingers, “you can’t keep doing this to yourself, love.”
“I don’t do it on purpose! The day goes by too fast and I forget.”
“So you don’t feel the empty space in your stomach? You can’t hear it when it’s asking to you for food?”
You shrug.
He squeezes your chin softly, an action of affection and worry. He brings up a forkful of food, “eat.”
In his mind it’s:
“I don’t mind taking care of you, I love it in fact. But you need to know how to care for yourself when needed. I can’t have something happen to you. I won’t let it happen.”
2. he’s very very soft with you. he’s stuck in the honeymoon phase of the relationship, it’ll never end for him
he doesn’t usually show much affection with a lot of people around. he’s not too big on PDA
which isn’t to say he won’t be affectionate outside of your private time, he WILL be. it’s just small touches:
forehead/hand kisses (oh how he’s a huge fan of hand kisses, just like the proper gentleman), and of course standard lip kisses. they’re sweet, typically short, but sososo good. the two of you make the most out of those tiny kisses
you’ll also have the hand on your back at all times. that man will not let go. trust me.
if you’re not by his side or close enough that allows him to do this, he’ll seek you out. you tease him for it but he’ll simply tell you it’s to make sure you don’t do something stupid (he’s teasing, he just wants to be with you 24/7)
they’re small but meaningful touches
(which make you go crazy)
you’ll usually lean into him, hand on his chest (he sweats a little every time)
so you’re not “theme park line couple” you’re just…‘keeps it private’ couple!
the team doesn’t see him behind closed doors, which is where his lovey-dovey/certified teddy bear comes out
but when they DO see it? they can’t take him seriously as the team leader anymore :( (jk it makes them respect him more, they just like to tease)
Kaldur’s all neck kisses, cuddles (he’s always in protector mode so he likes being the big spoon for your benefit, but he admits later that he loves being the little spoon…), arms wrapped around each other’s waists, setting your legs over his thighs while y’all are sitting on the couch…slow dancing!
they find a way for you to be able to breathe/see underwater, which means so much to him because that’s where his home is!
he loves spending quality time with you in Atlantis.
swimming around, teaching you tips and tricks, having races (he lets you win every time)
kisses kisses kisses.
and a few make outs here and there…
he also loves getting massages. he never outright asks for them because he doesn’t want to “bother” you but he can admit that he needs them.
he genuinely feels like he’s in heaven when you give him a nice, thorough neck/shoulder massage. he’ll kiss you all over the face afterwards, praising you for being so good to him.
that’s all I got for now!
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if y’all request something expect it to be short formed content like this HC. as well as blurbs, random thoughts on (character) x reader, etc.
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glennk56 · 6 months
Tom Bosley before Happy Days (1 of 2) (1959-1972)
Tom Bosley's big break came when he landed the lead role in the Broadway Musical Fiorello! in 1959 about the Mayor of NYC from 1934-1946 and winning the Tony Award for his portrayal.
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Tom Bosley as Fiorello La Guardia on Broadway in 1959.
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Tom Bosley as Teddy in a TV Movie version of Arsenic and Old Lace in 1962 which starred Tony Randall and even included Boris Karloff.
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Tom Bosley in an episode of Car 54, Where Are You? as a counterfeiter posing as a Preacher boarding with the Toodys not realizing Toody is a policeman.
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Tom Bosley appeared in an episode of Naked City in 1963 as a judge hearing case of spousal physical abuse.
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Tom Bosley as an executive in an episode of Route 66 in 1963.
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Tom Bosley in his first theatrical movie Love with the Proper Stranger in 1963 with superstars Natalie Wood and Steve McQueen as an awkward, nervous date of Natalie Wood. Tom was 35 years old at filming.
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Four months later in 1964, Tom Bosley appeared in The World of Harry Orient as the father of one of the girls tormenting Harry Orient played by Peter Sellers. Bosley's wife was played by Angela Lansbury.
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Tom Bosley was in the first episode of Jericho in 1966, a WWII show about a team of Allied members working behind the lines as sabateurs and intellegence agents. Bosley, a civilian radar expert is called into duty, but his lack of confidence and bravery threaten the mission. This show lasted only 16 episodes. But the picture quality is very good. Other shows Tom Bosley guested on during this time were Ben Casey, Dr. Kildare, Ther Defenders and The Girl from UNCLE.
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Tom Bosley's next movie role was in 1967, Divorce American Style starring Dick Van Dyke and Debbie Reynolds. Tom played newly divorced Debbie Reynolds first date where she learns how vast the extended families of multiple divorcees can be.
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Bosley's next film was a spaghetti western, Bang Bang Kid in 1967. In the late 60's many American actors did at least one.
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Tom Bosley's next movie was The Secret War of Harry Frigg starring Steve McQueen in 1968, playing one of the Generals taken as Prisoners of War. This was his first, maybe only shirtless scene as far as I know.
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In early 1968, Tom Bosley was in an episode of The F.B.I. as a criminal suspect.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
notes: another short part, because it seems like these devils website streamed games are harder for me to write for? so sorry!
au masterlist
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liked by nicohischier, ehaula, and 218,966 others
y/ndevils00 greetings and salutations! welcome to another preseason recap! as always, strap in and get ready!
just a reminder that as this is preseason, not all of satan’s favorite children played! tonight we had swiss cheese, swiss roll, uncle haulaback girl, uncle lizard again, best friend number 1, V², and ginger snap!
we started off the game by giving up a goal to the annoying orange’s 😐
BUT lizard man tied us up almost halfway through the 1st! POP OFF, UNCLE CURTSY!
captain whore was jailed tonight for being too cute, and ya know what? i think it’s fair! make him stay there!
not long after cap’s penalty, we got a goal from holtzy! giving us a 2-1 lead!
but then ham sammich also got a penalty for tripping!
we made it almost all the way through 3rd with our lead and i was really looking forward to going home! until one of those orange fucks tied up the game 🫠
i had a few choice words for that player… lindy didn’t like my words, i don’t think
which means your devils are 4-0 in the preseason!! 3 games left!
p.s. this is my formal request to never have to be around gritty again. i thought adam fantilli was my biggest fear, but i’ve been proven wrong
tagged curtislazar95, nicohischier, holtz_10, dougieham, ehaula, dawson1417
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curtislazar95 i always look forward to your praise, niece!
y/ndevils00 i’m so glad! can i babysit your children (my cousins) one day?
curtislazar95 quite literally never 💚🦎
y/ndevils00 eh, probably the right choice
jackhughes are you seriously afraid of a mascot, dove?
y/ndevils00 look at him! i think he would plan my murder and get away with it
grittynhl i would
lhughes_06 dawson sent him a video of you throwing your phone and now jack is currently doubled over on the floor, tears rolling down his face, as he laughs at this
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes glad to know you find my FEAR amusing
ehaula i try, i try 🤗
y/ndevils00 you did better than dawson! (don’t tell dawson)
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 no you can’t, this is a private conversation!
dawson1417 i can assure you, it is NOT
john.marino97 i’m loving this
dawson1417 @/john.marino97 shut up, you’ve been stealing my affection!
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 @/john.marino97 boys, boys, i love you both equally!
dawson1417 no you don’t
john.marino97 no you don’t
dougieham why does it look like you took that picture of me from on the ice?
y/ndevils00 i have my ways
dougieham were you ON THE ICE somehow?!
jackhughes are you kidding? she would’ve broken her neck
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes okay and who’s fault is that? my boyfriend is a professional hockey player and you’ve never TAUGHT ME how to ice skate
jackhughes umm i TRIED to teach you! you fell on your face and then bribed luke to distract me so that you could get yourself hot cocoa and hide from me so you wouldn’t have to get on the ice again
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes hmm that doesn’t sound like something i would do. nope, not at all
nicohischier i didn’t miss this
y/ndevils00 yes you did
nicohischier i missed you calling me “captain whore” and taking pictures of me in the penalty box?
y/ndevils00 well maybe if you didn’t get penalties, i wouldn’t be ABLE to take pictures of you in the naughty boy box
nicohischier oh wow, i never thought of that before 😐
y/ndevils00 i know, you’re welcome
dawson1417 i got that assist for you!
y/ndevils00 awww i appreciate that, merc-dawg!
y/ndevils00 a goal would’ve been nicer tho
dawson1417 i’m feeling very under appreciated right now
y/ndevils00 aww i’m sorry, i love you! (do better)
dawson1417 i love you too! (yes ma’am 😔)
grittynhl i’m coming for you
y/ndevils00 help me 🥲
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embarrasingmf · 2 months
my masterlist!
phone troubles — After Butcher leaves you to watch Soldier Boy, you decide to teach him how to use a mobile phone. (Series)
moving up — Ben comes to you with a laptop after you taught him how to work a mobile phone. (part two of phone troubles!)
old wishes — Ben decides to look some stuff up on Hughie’s laptop, finding how different certain videos are nowadays. (part three of phone troubles!)
awakening — After the fight with Homelander, Ben patches up your injury and realizes how differently he treats you compared to the others. (part four of phone troubles!)
TFW headcannons — what’s their favorite sleeping position?
a surprising discovery — after finding a baby on a hunt, team free will discovers you’re actually quite good with handling kids.
S/O headcannons — what is TFW like as lovers?
fluff ‘n feathers — dean helps angel!reader pick out loose feathers in their wings.
playing doctor — dean gets injured on a hunt and reader helps patch him up.
silver springs — (request!) dean comforts reader after they awake from another night terror.
what an idiot — (request!) you don’t listen to dean’s orders on a hunt and end up getting hurt, now dean is smug about it.
What Was I Thinkin’ — you find yourself sneaking out of bobby’s house to be with your boyfriend, dean.
living dead girl — sam has been noticing the scars on your arms and decides to ask you about them.
carnival games — sam tries to win you a teddy bear at the carnival.
lazy mornings — you and sam have the ‘day off’ from hunting, so you decide to keep him in bed.
unwanted calls — you don’t like talking over the phone, you prefers texts. castiel always seems to break this rule.
MISC FICS (aka oc’s):
close proximity makes for great discoveries — you and adeline have to hide in a cramped closet to hide from ghouls, the close proximity making you notice a certain feature of hers.
taking a sick day — when cap gets sick, you volunteer to be his personal nurse for the day.
nothing yet!
nothing yet!
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
i'm the anon that's been sending those long domestic drabbles of the fish-y mafia, can I be the "chatter box anon" ? a prime nickname for all of them would be "Cuddle fish" Azul likes bodily contact, he had 8 extra limbs, not counting arms, to work with previously, and frankly, he might lose his mind if he can only use 2 to hold his S/O ever; slip him into water and let him hold you like a teddy bear, he might cry on stress if you don't- his tentacles like to just.. curl around your legs and waist, it's just their resting state, it's almost like holding hands except Azul is a whole lot clingier than even a typical octopus; feign ignorance and let him snuggle. Being held gently by 10 limbs is the new therapy babes, Floyd's squeezes are actually a whole less painful than one would think, why? Because you hug him back, happily!- He becomes hyper-aware of how frail his shrimpy is when you attempt to squeeze him during the hug and it's such a soft thing. He still holds you off the ground when you hug, in fact, he's now your main way of transport; did you know shrimps ride moray eels? (yes, it's a reference) Yeah? Good, buckle up because you're the shrimpy and he's your captain speaking- Jade now understands the urge to squeeze things; and bite, and nuzzle, and frankly he's drunk on the physical affection. He will wake up with a lot of kisses all over his face, or wake you up with many kisses, would stand in the doorway in every single room and make you give him a kiss as a "toll" for walking around your shared living space- Jade is far more love drunk and affectionate than anyone would ever expect, but expecting him to be anything else other than that was when bets went out the door anyway; he talks about his 'siren' or 'little pearl' to his terrariums, picking up pretty shells in the deep waters (1/2)
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Honestly I absolutely adore all your little headcanons and domestic fluff content. It makes my day honestly and I can totally see all of these things happen. Clingy Fish Mafia is for the win.
I'm just sayin, Chatterbox, if you ever wanted I think you should make a Twisted Blog. Your ideas are honestly amazing and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks like this. You seriously brighten my day with your long posts. If you ever do start the Twisted Chatterbox blog, let me know so I can follow and promote you, aight? If not, then feel free to keep coming into my inbox. I can always use some domestic fluff for the fish mafia...not to mention you seriously inspire me so much. I'm currently writing a cuddling headcanons for the fish mafia at the moment.
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Ask for sakamaki bros (just Shu if you can't do all)
I've been going through so much recently. One of my closest friends left me for her boyfriend after everything I have done for her.
Some other girl who dates my ex crush was a fake friend the entire time and she was just trying to make me jealous about the fact that she's with him when i don't even like him anymore.
I seriously don't know what I can do anymore bc so many people have switched up on me and now it feels as if everyone is against me. I don't feel like going to school and it's giving me depression. Is there any advice I could get?
Advice for Anon #1
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“Hm… that seems tiresome. I’d suggest not wasting your energy on those who don’t give a damn about you. People will come and go, so it’s better to have respect for yourself and your boundaries… and never let those sorts of people back into your life again. Don’t allow their actions to dictate your happiness. Maybe find a hobby…? I enjoy music… just this once I’ll let you listen with me, how’s that?”
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“My, I hope you are prioritizing your health, especially that of mental. If there is anyone you are able to talk to, I’d start from there. Finding a support system of any kind will prove to be beneficial, even with the stress piling up. Perhaps you should attempt self-soothing methods, anything that can provide a distraction, whilst serving as a remedy to your aches.”
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“Tch. What idiots! You shouldn’t be caring about those guys anyways! They sound like real assholes, and are probably bored…! So don’t go wasting your time with people like that. Maybe play some sports? They always let me blow off some extra steam. Just focus on yourself, and then you’ll come out on top! Hehe, that’s what Ore-sama always does, and look, aren’t I the best?”
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“Eh? How dare they treat you this way!? They don’t deserve anymore of your attention, or your kindness! You should only reserve it for those special to you. Hmph, you’ll find others who will be worth it. But Teddy and I both agree that you should separate yourself and cut all ties immediately! Just this once I’ll share some of my sweets with you, okay? So smile for me, Dolly.”
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“Jeez… with friends like that who needs enemies? Fufu, kidding, kidding. If I were you, I wouldn’t bother with them again. People shall play their games to suit their own idea of entertainment. It’s better to leave them yearning for a reaction than giving in, right? Focus on what you love, perhaps even take a spa day! I hear those are quite enjoyable.”
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“I ain’t the best with this sort of stuff… But I’ve been through my own fair share of fake friends, kinda the reason why I keep to myself… So take it from me, you shouldn’t let ‘em win by separating yourself away from school… even if it is boring…! Keep finding motivation or somethin to keep you here. Maybe try some meditation? I’ve heard from Yui that it makes a difference… ‘specially if you’re super stressed out. But just remember you’re tougher than this!”
Admin/Iris: Hi hun!! I hope you seriously are ensuring that you prioritize yourself during this time. As someone who’s been through fake people coming in and out of my life, along with experiencing many thoughts linked towards depression— I’ll say that it will get easier. Time is really a remedy, and it may seem as though it’s hard right now, but you need to let it run its course because there’s always going to be something after it. Hope everything will turn out for the better <33
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kirbyystar · 1 year
soft rengoku - headcannon
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A/n: i can only imagine his soft spot he has- the protective and loving kyojuro. This is somewhat similiar to Obanai in format wise- i will prolly end up doing almost all the hashiras lmao
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when kyojuro is in love, he's in love. he has a weak spot for your love- he easily folds for you. he's just very happy and proud to call you his. He loves the idea of you belonging to him, he isn't afraid to admit or confess. although at first- he didn't realize yet he was in love.. he just rather seen it as spending a lot of time with you. he enjoyed your visits, your presence, it soothes him. I think kyojuro would make lunches just for the two of you to enjoy together. he cooks a lot, especially your favorites kyojuro would definitely massage or pamper you if you had a long day. He'll gladly take you in his arms to hold you, his scent being your favorite thing to take in. He's very groom, loves to stay clean and work out a lot. He likes to invite you! But every time he does, he manages to turn it into a training session of you pushing your limit lol Big BIG fan of kissing. on the face, specifically. he'll pull you in to just attack with pecks down to your neck which causes a giggle out of you. he loves your voice, especially your laugh. Probably one of the first things he loved about you. How soothe and comfort your voice is. When you're feeling down or upset, he likes to spoil you! I think spending money on you is one of his love langauges. He'll come home from work with your favorite drink- your favorite meal. He loves to keep you happy Kyojuro bluntly talks about marriage- its been a few months of dating but he is set YOU ARE HIS PERSON. he cannot imagine feeling the way he does over you with another. No, he loves YOU. and he makes it very clear
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spending money is def a love language of his.
very openly of the fact hes in love with you
hes big spoon in bed, he likes to scooch you in to him and fall asleep like if ur a damn teddy bear lol
dinner and lunch are his favorite part of the day because he cooks, and he loves to make you happy with food
even if hes had a long day of work, he puts you first. but alas you always baby or comfort him like a good s/o u are
he likes your music! he recommends a lot of artists for you
matching pjs are a must.
surprisingly, he lets you try make up on him
he mocks u if he does lmao ^
you both like to be competitive
both of you start a book, and whoever can finish first wins, the loser has to treat the other lol
hes very good with kids and definitely wants his own.
kyojuro is willing to try anything with you
he likes to teach you new things
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You were introduced as a hashira during a meeting amongst the others. Nervous, you didn't know anyone so all eyes were just on you lol. Mitsuri firstly introduced herself to you, among Shinobu. The three of you almost became a trio pretty quickly. You were always intrigued by kyojuro but never got to properly meet him. One day, you were assigned a mission and upon arriving met the flame hashira himself.
He was very impressed with your skills, and before you both knew it, majority of missions were spent together. This is when kyojuro realized how he felt. It wasn't anything big when he asked you to be his s/o, it was on way back to the estate he had popped the question. Of course, you said yes!
you really keep him happy lol
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his favorite thing to do with you is training or working out
although you become tired first, he doesn't stop until HE wants to
"c'mon my flame! you can do it!"
hes your literal #1 supporter
regardless of how much pressure he puts on you, he simply does it to encourage you!
favorite nickname: my flame, darling, baby, good girl
his love for you is an endless flame. Kyojuro loves you, and nothing can change that. you and him will always be a flame dancing around each other never blowing out.
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Break (Bernard the Elf x Reader)
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Request: Ok I've been brainstorming an idea for Bernard and ok here's what I got ok Reader is Santa's introverted kid and them and Bernard are in an established relationship and he's like the reader's emotional support so they follow him everywhere like an introvert dragged to a party but they would totally back off if he told them to
A/N: @fo-babes I believe this was your request ;) just in time for the holiday season and some new Bernard content next week. Part 1 of your birthday one shots. No matter how retired I am on this blog, I'll always room to post for you. This blog brought us together and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, you've kept me sane this year when nothing else would. Here's to another 19 years of life for you, hopefully that I'll be able to tag along for! I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Also, yes you did make me that gif I used of Bernard. Thanks!
“Make sure the painting gets done before Santa gets back or he’s going to freak out. Nice work though!”
Bernard stood up straight from where he’d been bent over, assessing one of the many jobs that needed to be done in the workshop. Christmas was still, thankfully, a ways off. Just over 100 days to be exact, they had time to perfect every little thing before it came. He was in good spirits today. There was a lot of time to get things ready and Santa was out, visiting the Millers, leaving him to run the workshop on his own.
He loved having Santa around, but sometimes it was nice to have him gone so he could keep all the elves on task.
Another reason for his good mood was the lack of Curtis, the keeper of the handbook. Normally he was attached at Bernard’s hip, talking his ear off and giving him a splintering headache. Today, however, it seemed he decided his talents would be better used elsewhere. Bernard was grateful for that, he began to continue on his way.
In Curtis’ place, was you. Santa’s eldest child, you’d made the move to the Pole with him when he came to stay here full time. Your relationship with the Millers from what he understood was rocky, you rarely left the Pole with your dad to visit. The only way you would come was if Charlie, your little brother, specifically requested your presence.
He wished he understood why. Laura and Neil had been a little too much when he’d encountered them, but they were generally harmless. In his opinion, at least. Santa enjoyed spending time with the family so that had to account for something.
He wouldn’t pressure you to tell him, though. Some things were just better left unsaid.
When Santa was gone, you always hung around him, even if you hated being around the workshop. The alternatives were hanging out with the other elves or sitting at home with Carol, who you were still getting used to and neither were super appealing to you.
Bernard had noticed when you first arrived here that people (or elves) were not your thing. In the beginning, being around anyone but Santa and Charlie would immediately cause you to shut down. He had been determined to win over both the Calvin kids, and his persistence was eventually rewarded tenfold. The two of you ended up becoming close friends, then later a couple. Everyone was really surprised you warmed up to him, none moreso than your father.
He felt extremely blessed to be in the fortunate few who got to see the real you.
You huffed behind him as he walked to the next table. The long hours in the workshop were starting to get to you, he knew. But there was no way you were going to leave, unless he told you to and he wasn’t about to force you out of the comfort that being near him brought.
He did feel a little guilty though, this was probably very exhausting to endure and he wasn’t about to be finished any time soon.
He smiled apologetically back at you as he bent down to oversee the teddy bear fluffing.
While he offered his advice, your gaze wandered around you to the bustling around you to get work done. The amount of elves here made your head spin, back in the regular world being in a place like this would be something you avoided, of course, you had to date a guy… an elf… who worked in one of the busiest places in the world.
“... we can go somewhere quieter.”
You came back to your senses when you realized Bernard was talking to you, his hand gently went up to rest on your forehead. You leaned into the touch, bringing yourself back to reality as his concerned eyes searched your face.
“I’m fine, you have work to do. You can’t leave the workshop,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. Soon dad would be back and then you could spend more time with Carol without feeling awkward. You could make it until then, but Bernard didn’t seem convinced.
He set what he’d picked up from the work table in his other hand back down, patted the elf seated there on the back and turned back to you. Taking your hand, he pulled you along with him to the front doors of the workshop.
“Bernard, what are you doing- you have work and dad-”
Stepping out into the cool air where there were less loud noises and bustling immediately calmed you inside. You still felt tired from the long exposure but at least your senses weren’t being constantly inundated with new stimuli.
He pointed to the edge of the little North Pole village. “Do you remember when we grabbed cocoa and snuck out here while Santa was busy being distracted by a mess Curtis made? And you still wouldn’t talk to me so I did most of the talking?”
You did remember that day. Back in those days, Bernard often looked for moments to steal away with you. He had been so determined to spend time with you, it didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest that you weren’t too keen on making friends. It had been a huge shock for you, so used to the people back in Lakeside. Back there, if you weren’t super extroverted and talkative you just kind of fell to the wayside.
You had never told him but you’d been super bummed that day, it was one of those rare days where you wondered if moving to the North Pole was a good idea. You missed your brother and weirdly, your mother and Neil. It had been a shock to find yourself missing them, considering you’d always been closer to your dad. During the divorce, you’d taken his side which had stung your mother. The relationship ever since had been rocky, but you knew she still wanted the best for you.
Sneaking out for cocoa with someone had been exactly what you had needed that day.
“Yeah. And dad found us hours later. He dragged you back to work, I’ve never seen him so annoyed with you,” you laughed as the two of you began a leisurely stroll. 
His cheeks turned slightly red, as he looked away. “Not one of my brighter moments, I’ll admit. I’ve never had a Santa lecture me like that in the thousands of years I’ve been working here.”
There was comfortable silence between the two of you for a few moments after that as you thought about what he’d said and wondered why he’d brought it up.
“The next time we talked, you spoke to me for the first time outside of forced, curt introductions. I was ecstatic, I think getting in trouble really broke the ice.”
“I felt bad for getting you in trouble. After all, you only suggested leaving because you noticed I was getting uncomfortable in the workshop. And dad shouting orders wasn’t really helping. I felt like I owed you something,” you kicked the snow, smiling, “you just did it again. Risked your spot, even though dad’s not here, to comfort me.”
He looked at you. “It was worth it then and it’s worth it now. You’re worth it, I mean.”
You nudged him with your shoulder, not knowing what to say. After all, everyone here knows Bernard is proud of his position as Santa’s Head Elf. To hear him say he’d risk it any time for you, is a little surprising.
The shock must’ve been apparent on your face because he suddenly stopped walking. At his side, you stopped yourself from walking forward abruptly not expecting the sudden stop. The stop made you lose your balance and he reached out to steady you, realizing that he should’ve warned you vocally before randomly deciding to stop.
“Are you surprised?”
“To hear you’d prioritize anything over work? Surprised is an understatement. I know I can be a little much, especially when dad’s not around-”
Bernard nudged you with his shoulder. “You’re not a little much. You just need time and patience, the best things in life do.”
Your face heated up at his words, it was hard sometimes to be the way you were. To struggle with speaking to people, to fight the urge to isolate yourself from everyone. You had always assumed that was a burden to everyone around you, even the ones who managed to crack your hard shell.
To hear Bernard speak as if it was just perfectly normal…
“We should go get cocoa! On me!” You broke the weird mood that had temporarily settled over the two of you and before he could say anything, began to pull him along in the direction of the nearest spot for cocoa. 
He let you drag him.
Sure, there were a lot of things about you that other people might find annoying but seeing you in moments like this made it all the worthwhile. He rushed to keep up with your pace, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he caught up with you, no longer needing to be dragged.
You smiled and he felt his heart skip a beat.
He needed to take breaks more often.
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ncityavenue · 1 year
Haechan having a crush...
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Whipped!haechan..him constantly giving his s/o nicknames every other day for example "baby cakes"
Whipped!haechan..showing you off as if your his partner already, " guys look they got a A+ on the math exam!!" "Haechan its not that serious—" "yes it is."
Whipped!haechan.. getting sulky anytime you give anyone more attention, or reject his aggressive love. You're basically like another renjun.
Whipped!haechan.. always trying to have you go on trips with him and his friends even if it's strictly the boys, will definitely vouch for you- "c'monnn let y/n come! You know they're fun!"
Whipped!haechan.. giggles and becomes a school girl with a crush when you praise him, say if he won a game and you were watching him intently and he won a match- "Oh my God you did so well!! Perioddd!" *haechan anime girl giggles starts*
Whipped!haechan.. constantly saying how pretty/handsome you are and literally staring at you admired
Whipped!haechan.. didn't really have to tell you he liked you, his actions spoke louder than his words. His friends telling you "haechan likes you alot" 99% of the time.
Whipped!haechan.. always comes 1st when you're having a terrible day, you could text him 1:00am saying you can't sleep and he will wake himself up just to drive over to help you fall asleep or if you guys are far away from each other you'll call him and he'll sing you to sleep or rest his phone up against a pillow so yall can watch some cartoon show together.
Whipped!haechan..finally asking you out and you accepting him, he's the happiest go lucky boy ever!
Whipped!haechan.. sending you photos of him throughout his day at work, once he sent a video of him getting out early and going to the cat Cafe with a text reading "join me".
Whipped!haechan..on a first date with you would be tooth rotting sweet, you guys went to a carnival and you guys competing of course because he can't be normal and just win games by himself. You definitely got more prizes than him but he got a giant teddy bear for you of course.
Whipped!haechan..just worships the ground you walk on honestly.
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strxwberry-milku · 1 year
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𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠🍰 : Jimmy Uso x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 🎀: No warning as of now until i release the nsfw part .
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 🍰: 444
Headcanons of JimmyUso in a relationship: ˚୨୧⋆˚୨୧⋆
. First of , I feel like he knows how to cook ; and i ain’t talking bout toast or making noodles , proper food like : Steak and chips , Homemade pizza , Foods from his culture etc
. He defo enjoys PDA more than his brother does . Have you seen that man ? Cuddles for DAYSSSS i’m telling y’all 😭.
. Like Jey he sometimes makes you breakfast in bed , and if he has to go somewhere he’ll quickly write you a cute little note ( It’s mostly cringe tho Lol ) .
Something like this 🤷🏾‍♀️
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As you can tell , this man ain’t serious AT ALL 🙄
. Anyways he rarely gets jealous cause he knows that he belongs to you and you belong to him fosho .
. Y’all would most definitely trend on social media for being the most cutest couple bc i mean…. LOOK AT YALLL !! cute as shit 💋.
. # number 1 best boyfriend ever cause the way this man strives to see you smile is unbelievable. Like Jey on your birthday, Valentine’s day , Anniversary etc he’ll do so MUCH . It’s like he feels as though if he doesn’t over spend then he ain’t doing something right . ( You go queen 🙌🏾 get special treatment) .
. He most definitely trusts you with his life and tells you secrets he swore he would take to the grave
. If he can’t take you to the trips with the boys for his job , then best believe this man is calling you every second of the day and even if u miss one phone call , you’ll never get to hear the end of it 🙄.
. When he first met you he most definitely told his dad and brothers abt you and couldn’t stop cheesing about you all day long .
. I feel like on y’all’s of day , you guys would go to those couples activities: Couples cooking , yoga , art class , hiking etc .
. He loves taking you to carnivals and fun fairs mostly because he enjoys seeing your face when he wins a big teddy bear for you .
. One of those people who can’t go to bed mad at each other and will have to sort it out before hand cause he hates seeing you mad at him for to long . ( Period 🥴)
. And last but never least he defo he likes laying on your chest a little to much 🙄. It could be 100 degrees and he still would wanna be all up on you .
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Bye babies love y’all. 🎀🍰
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subnautica-reviews · 19 days
Welcome to total drama persona. I’ve pit three teams of persona users (well, two teams of all persona users and one team that has a goddess but they needed an 8th member) against each other through the challenges of total drama island 2007 tosee who comes out on top. Since there’s three teams, i’m putting in AS’ spa hotel as a reward for the winning team, while the losing team has to vote someone off.
For our teams we have:
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Not So Happy Campers:
The three teams will first compete in a cliffdive competition. The team with the most divers gets carts that make bringing crates to base camp easier. There they’ll construct hot tubs from the parts in the crates. The team who has the best hot tub in Chris McLean(the host)’s opinion wins.
The cats win the carts, cause even Futaba would probably jump, given that she always goes directly with the thieves through all their dungeon crawling adventures. Given these are the Royal thieves, they’re all making huge leaps in palaces n stuff.
I also think that the bears are more likely to get all their members off the cliff cause Chie would just push everyone. I doubt Fuuka or Yukari’s jumping without any pressure though, meaning the dogs have more chicken hats.
The dogs would get their carts to camp before the bears cause they have more strong members. Also the bears have the least techsperience of anyone here, so their hot tub is easily the worst.
The cats win here not because of tech, cause fuuka is the most techsperienced person competing, but because Yusuke painted their hot tub, which Chris thought looked nice, meaning the cats get luxury tonight.
The bears have to vote someone off. They’re voting their bear.
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Marie survives because Teddie likely said something out of pocket (as he usually does). 7-1 vote, most likely.
The Big Sleep:
The first part doesn’t matter. The challenge is simple. Stay awake as long as possible. First team to be fully asleep loses. Last team to still have members/a member awake wins spa hotel.
Aigis is actually first to fall asleep, cause she’s on a 24 hour timer. Nobody else is, though Ken isn’t exactly far behind.
Between the cats and dogs i feel like being able to pull an all nighter in the metaverse is more impressive than any staying awake feats sees has. Sees has fuuka’s ten day stay in tartarus, but that was 10 hours for her. The thieves had at least twelve in Maruki’s palace. Tl;dr Dogs Lose.
The bears win against the cats though, cause goddesses don’t sleep. Tl;dr Marie sweep. IT get luxury.
Alliances formed. For the dogs: Yukari and Mitsuru formed an alliance. Fuuka and Junpei formed an alliance. Ken, akihiko and shinji formed one (we are assuming post femc still alive shinji).
For the bears: Chie and Yukiko (obviously). Kanji and Naoto (begrudgingly on Naoto’s part) and nobody else.
For the cats: Futaba and Yusuke (+Akechi, because Futaba’s scheming). Ann, Haru and Makoto formed one. Ryuji and Sumire just kinda paired up cause there’s nobody else willing to work with either.
Futaba tells Akechi to convince Ken to get the dogs to vote off Aigis. Akechi understands how that’d be advantageous and uses is best detective prince smile while speaking to Ken. Ken’s strong social position allows him to also get Fuuka and Junpei in on the vote.
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Meaning that in a (probably) 5-2-1 vote (idk who Aigis, Yukari and Mitsuru voted for tbh) Aigis goes home. If only she had a more durable battery.
The challenge is slightly different. The teams will be doing 7 v 7 games of dodgeball (One Cat sits out). Team with most wins gets luxury. Team with least wins votes someone off.
Initially Futaba sits out cause she sucks at physical activity. During the Dogs v Cats game however, Ryuji loses his footing because of his knee injury, costing the Cats the match. They make him sit out the next match.
First the dogs face the bears though. Easy win for the dogs. The bears have hard hitters like Chie and Kanji but it’s not enough.
The cats, now with futaba instead of Ryuji cause he’s injured, now face the bears. It’s tense. Chie and Kanji hit like trucks, but so do Makoto and Yusuke. Yosuke almost dodges everything, but a well timed Sexy Technique❤️ sacrifice play from Ann takes Yosuke out of the game. At that point, the Cats’ numbers advantage overwhelms Chie and Kanji.
Rise decides to work on an alliance with Yosuke. She also convinces Naoto and Kanji to help her with a vote against Marie (Rise doesn’t like Marie). Chie and Yukiko vote Rise with Marie (Chie and Marie don’t like Rise).
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4-3 vote sends the Bears’ goddess home despite the fact that she carried them last episode, all because Rise was a little annoyed by her.
Not Quite Famous
Talent show. Each team sends three acts. Each act gets judged. Team with the most points by the end wins, team with least points sends someone home.
The Dogs: Akihiko wants to punch something very hard hard and break it. Junpei plans to hold another Junpei’s Believe it or don’t. Finally they decide Shinji should cook.
The Bears: Kanji’s making a plushy. Rise’s singing and… idk Chie’s doing backflips or something.
The Cats: Yusuke’s painting, Ann’s modelling and Sumire’s doing a gymnastics routine.
While the performances are happening, Futaba gets to work on Ryuji. She convinces him that the girl’s alliance is planning to boot him. She suggests that he and Sumire vote for Ann tonight, should the cats lose, as Ann’s their weakest link. Ryuji agrees, mostly to save his own skin.
In an attempt to make herself useful, Yukari decides to sabotage one of the other performances, specifically Yusuke’s paint. As a result, the Cats have a rough start. Junpei’s believe it or don’t also doesn’t hit with the audience that well. Chie’s backflips are ironically the winner of the first round. Futaba saw Yukari sabotage the paint, since she planted the paint there in hopes someone’d try the sabotage.
Akihiko, Kanji and Ann all do pretty well. Ann’s Sexy Technique❤️ gets the cats their first points. The other teams are still ahead though.
Finally, Shinji’s cooking and Rise’s singing knock it out of the park. Sumire unfortunately messes up part of her routine. Rise got 1 point more than Shinji though, making the Bears this episode’s winner. The Cats lose, meaning they finally have to send their first person home.
Futaba talks to the girls alliance and tells them about Akechi talking to Ken and about Yukari sabotaging the Cats, insinuating that Akechi’s falling back on old habits and betraying his team. The girls agree to vote Akechi. Futaba also tells Yusuke and Akechi to vote Ann. Akechi’s getting a tad sus but plays his part for now. Futaba throws her own vote on Ryuji.
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4-3-1 vote, Ann goes home. Futaba mentions that she voted Akechi as intended. Akechi, noticing Futaba’s plan, claims to have voted Ryuji. Makoto and Haru are made to be suspicious of one another.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS GRAND EDITION Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD “A Heated Battle! The Ball-Game Competition’s Preliminaries!?”
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Original title: 熱闘! 球技大会前哨戦!?
Source: Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION Yoyaku Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: This is definitely one of those CDs which would benefit a lot from visuals. There’s the background noises - of course - but those can be rather vague. During the dodgeball sequence, you can constantly hear the boys making random ‘hah’ and ‘ugh’ noises as they throw the ball. I didn’t actually translate all of it though because at times other characters start talking on top of it and it would just become a mess. ^^;; Overall this was a pretty fun CD though. Personal highlights being Shuu doing a slam dunk and the MC outsmarting the boys not once, but twice. She’ll probably end up regretting it afterwards though, poor girl. 
Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan! Have you decided which event to join at the upcoming ball-game tournament? (1)
You shake your head. 
Shuu: You still haven’t made up your mind? Still the same old Slowpoke, huh?
Subaru: They’re all mixed teams with students across all three different grades, right? So why can’t we just let the people who want to participate do their thing and call it a day? 
Reiji: If this was a normal school, the different classes would be facing off against each other. However, Ryoutei Academy does not have a large enough number of students to apply said system.
Shuu: They should just cancel it already then. What a drag…
Kou: Per usual, you guys lack any kind of motivation, huh? Oh well, that only plays in our advantage, I guess.
Ayato: Keh! Those Mukami bastards…!
The Mukami’s approach them. 
Ruki: What a rude way to greet someone. 
Azusa: Good…evening…
Kanato: What brings you four here today?
Yuma: Isn’t that obvious!? ーー Oi, Sow! You’ll be joinin’ our team for the ball-game competition!
Azusa: I’m sure…you’d have a much better time with us…than if you were to join the Sakamaki’s team…Justin wants you to team up with us as well…
Kou: I’m sure you would want to make the best of the day, right? We’re actually going to try our best so I’m sure you’d be able to enjoy the different events as well!
Ruki: There you have it. If you understand, come with us. 
Ayato: Che…Don’t be decidin’ that by yourself now!
Ayato: Chichiashi’s gonna be on my team. …Right? 
Kanato: Ayato. She will obviously form a team with me. That was your intention all along, wasn’t it? You’re always so indecisive, so I’m being so kind as to make the decision for you. You belong to me after all. … Right, Teddy? 
Laito: Look who’s Miss Popular all of a sudden! What will you do? The choice is yours~
Shuu: Haah…What a drag…Then why don’t you just participate in all categories? 
Ayato: Oh! Mr. Sloth actually has a decent idea for once!
Reiji: I suppose that would fix the issue. 
Laito: Nfu~ I like the sound of that. I can’t wait to pamper you after you’re all worn-out and exhausted from having to participate in all games~
Ruki: Heh…You guys never change, do you? 
Kou: You should just leave these tyrants and come with us instead! We’ll treat you much nicer, you know?
Subaru: Fuck off…Oi, come here!
Reiji: You should team up with us. …If the message is clear, thenーー
You make a suggestion. 
Reiji: Haah? We should all form one big team together? …Are you out of your mind? 
Shuu: …Hah. You really have a few loose screws. 
Kanato: You really think our families would gladly team up together? You can’t even figure out that much?
Laito: I’m impressed, Bitch-chan! You’re being loved by so many different men! …So, what will you do? Will you choose us? Or the Mukami family?
You frown. 
Azusa: You can’t…make up your mind…?
Laito: You really are indecisive, aren’t you? 
Kou: In that case, why don’t we use the different categories of the ball-tournament to decide on the matter? Whichever team wins gets to have M-neko-chan on their team!
Ayato: A showdown, huh? I like the sound of that!
Reiji: If we’re going based on the ball-game tournament, that would be five different sports in total, being  basketball, soccer, table tennis, softball and dodgeball, correct?
Kou: Exactly! We’ll hold five different rounds for each category with one member of each respective family participating at a time. Whoever wins a total of three rounds first is the winner! The rules will be the same as during the actual tournament. That’s fair enough, right?
Reiji: I see. That does sound reasonable. 
Ruki: It’s settled then. 
Shuu: Pwaah…Whatever. 
Ayato: Hehe…I’ll make you regret challengin’ me!
Reiji: Well then, to keep things fair, let us decide who shall play which sport by pulling straws. 
Ayato: Haah!? I’m goin’ for basketbal, obviously!
Kou: It wouldn’t be fair if you get to choose the sport you’re best at, right? I figured we’d have to decide it this way, so I’ve already prepared a lottery!
Kou: Voila!
Laito: You thought of everything, didn’t you. Well then, I suppose I’ll draw first.
Kanato: Excuse me!? Who said you could go first!? I’m going before you!
Ruki: No redraws. You have to settle with whichever event you pulled on your first try. Am I clear?
Reiji: Well then, let us start with the table tennis competition. Subaru, Azusa. Please get ready.
Subaru: Che…Why me!? 
Azusa: Good luck…
Subaru: Tsk…I’ll get this over with real quick. Hah!
Laito: Wow! Look at that ball go!
Subaru: Hell yeah!
Ayato: Keh…Don’t just send the thing flying!
Reiji: Haah…Subaru. Do you know the rules of table tennis? When you serve, the ball has to bounce once on your side and once on the opponent’s side of the court.
Subaru: Wha…!? O-Of course…!
Ruki: So you were playing without even knowing the rules? 
Subaru: N-No…! I just went a lil’ overboard, that’s all!
Azusa: Well then…My turn next…There!
Azusa: Ah…It got caught in the net…
Reiji: That’s minus one point for the opponent as well. I suppose that covers for Subaru’s blunder from earlier.
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Don’t mess up on the serve this time!
Subaru: Fuck off! Just you watch! …Hah!
Ayato: And there you go fuckin’ up again right as I warned you!? 
Azusa: Then…I’ll try one more time as well…There. 
Yuma: In the net again!? 
Ruki: Haah…Azusa as well, huh? 
Subaru: Che…This time I’ll get it right for sure! Hah!
Azusa: This time for sure…I’ll get the ball to the other side…
Subaru: I’m only just warmin’ up!
Azusa: Why can’t I get it over the net…? …There.
Subaru: Hah!
Subaru and Azusa continue to fall to land a proper serve.
Shuu: …Say, what is this sport called again? 
Yuma: Table tennis…I think? 
Laito: Heeh~ I had no idea that in table tennis, both parties just continue to exchange serves forever and ever~
Ruki: At this rate, a winner will never be decided…
Reiji: I suppose that leaves us with no other choice. Let us decide on a winner through rock-paper-scissors.
Subaru: Hah!? Don’t decide that without us!
Kou: What’s the point in continuing at this point? We’re all bored of watching you two, Subaru-kun. Azusa-kun, you’re good with rock-paper-scissors, right?
Azusa: Mmh.
Ruki: It’s decided then. 
Subaru: Fuck…! 
He tosses his racket away. 
Subaru: Guess I have no other choice then. …Oi, let’s hurry up and settle this score.
Azusa: Oh…Sure. 
Subaru & Azusa: Rock…! …Paper! …Scissors!
Subaru: Fuck yeah!
Azusa: Ah…
Yuma: Azusa lost, huh? 
Azusa: I’m sorry…If this was a fist fight instead…I would have gladly taken the L…
Yuma: No you should win that one!
Laito: Well then…Basketball is up next, right? Let me think…I guess we can make this a one-on-one shooting show-off? 
Ruki: Yes. Each person gets three attempts and whoever lands the most shots wins, okay? …I am up next. 
Reiji: From our side…It’s Shuu. 
Shuu: Haah…Why me?
Reiji: It was decided in a fair manner. Go ahead and make use of your height for once.
Shuu: What a drag…
Azusa: Ruki…Try your best…
Ruki: Yes, I will. …Well then, I shall go first.
Kou: Wow~! Nice shot!
Ayato: Tsk…That bastard, I can’t believe he landed from far away like it was nothin’! ー Oi, Shuu! Don’t you dare miss now!
Laito: Good luck, Shuu~!
Shuu: Haah…What a drag…
*Thud thud thud* 
Shuu: …
Laito: …Ah.
Kou: …Ah-ah~ He missed. 
Ayato: What are you doin’, lazy-ass!? 
Reiji: Haah…You’re putting us to shame as the eldest son of this family.
Ayato: Lame-o!
Shuu: Shut up. Why must I even do this? ーー Besides, why would you even try to land from far away? It’d be much easier to just put it straight through the ring, right?
Azusa: Eh?
Shuu dribbles towards the ring and performs a slam dunk. 
Ayato: Oh…!
Azusa: Wow…
Kanato: I think…this is the first time in my life…I’ve seen Shuu move around this much…
Reiji: I suppose miracles do happen after all. I just hope this isn’t a bad omen for what’s to come. 
Kou: However, Ruki-kun takes the victory here, right? Slam dunks are forbidden according to the tournament's rules after all. 
Ruki: Yes. …Too bad for you, Sakamaki Shuu. 
Ayato: Haah!? That doesn’t matter right now, does it!?
Azusa: We’ll hold five different rounds for each category with one member of each respective family participating at a time….and the rules will be the same as during the actual tournament…That’s what we decided on, no?
Ruki: Breaking the rules leads to disqualification. I am fairly certain we established that beforehand. 
Reiji: We most definitely did. We take this loss. 
Laito: Nfu~ Shuu tried so hard too. What a shame. 
Ayato: Tsk…!
Kanato: I do not mind. We just have to win the next one, that’s all. 
Laito: So, what should we do next? Soccer? Softball? 
Ayato: I’ll go next! ーー Oi, Yuma! Compete with me in soccer!
Yuma: Heh! Ya sure have a big mouth! I’ll crush ya real quick!
Reiji: ーー Listen carefully. You will compete in a penalty shootout and alternate to take single-shots at the goal in a penalty format. Whoever has the most points after five turns is the winner. 
Ayato: Bring it on!
Yuma: Hell yeah! Gimme yer best shot, mate! …Ey!
Ayato: …In your dreams! 
Ayato: How’s that!? I won’t let a single one of yer shots through!
Yuma: Che…
They switch places. 
Ayato: How’s that!? It’s my turn next! …Ugh!
Yuma: Heh! Ya think ya stand a chance with a weak shot like that!? 
They switch places again. 
Yuma: I’ll show ya what a real shot looks like!
Ayato: …Ugh! Yours is just as weak!
Ayato: The way you talk like you’re the shit really gets on my nerves!
Yuma: …Ugh! Ayato…You can kick like ya mean it, ya know!?
They continue switching places and successfully stopping each other’s shots. 
Reiji: …They’ve long surpassed the five shot mark. 
Laito: This back-and-forth is giving me flashbacks…
Shuu: Just having to witness it feels like a chore…
Azusa: Should we resort to rock-paper-scissors again?
Ruki: We already had to rely on it earlier, so it wouldn’t be ideal. 
Kou: In that case…Ah! Look! There’s takoyaki over there!
Ayato: …What!?
Ayato looks away. 
Yuma: Hah! You’re wide open, mate!
Ayato: Aah…!!
Kou: Goal~!
Ayato: You bastard…Kou!
Shuu: Who is even so stupid to fall for that…? 
Subaru: Oi! Doesn’t that go against the competition’s rules as well!? 
Ruki: There is nothing in the rules which mentions it is prohibited, therefore Kou’s actions are perfectly legal. 
Reiji: Haah…With Ayato’s loss, it is now 2 against 1 in their favor. We cannot afford any more losses. 
Azusa: Fufu…Aren’t you glad, Eve? You should be able to take part in the ball-game competition together with us…
Kou: Pwaah~ I want to go home already…So let’s quickly take the victory home. 
Kanato: Ugh…I do not like this one bit. Whether it’s Ayato’s sheer stupidity…or the way those Mukami’s are acting as if they have won already. Softball is next…I shall turn the tables by winning this one.
Ayato: Haah? Kanato, you can play softball? 
Kanato: It’s your fault for losing! That’s why I have to step up now! So let’s hurry up and get started already! Who is playing from the Mukami team!? 
Kou: That would be me~ 
Kanato: Okay. …Please watch me, okay, Teddy? 
Laito: Kanato-kun, huh? …Do we think we have a chance at winning? 
Reiji: It’s not like we have much other choice, do we? 
Laito: I know but…Do we consider it a win for Kanato-kun if he can hit one ball?
Ruki: Yes. The other competitions already took far too long after all. If Kanato gets three outs, Kou is the winner. However, if he can hit one ball, Sakamaki Kanato takes the W instead. 
Laito: You heard him! Kanato-kun, what do you think? Do you think you can hit it?
Kanato: Oh, shut up, Laito! That would be a piece of caーー 
Kou: Here it comes!
Kanato: Ughー!
Ayato: A miss right away?
Kanato: Shut up! I 
Kou: Here comes number two!
Kanato: Wha…!? 
Kanato: Ugh…!
Shuu: Pwaah…I guess this competition is as good as over, huh? Which means I finally get to go home, thank god. 
Reiji: What do you mean, ‘thank god’!? Good grief…The Sakamaki house must never lose to the Mukami’s!
Laito: Right? They’ll take Bitch-chan away from us as well. …I suppose I have no other choice. ーー Kanato-kun! Subaru-kun just told me that he’ll throw Teddy out if you don’t hit the next ball!
Subaru: H-Haah…!? The fuck!? I never said anythin’ like that!
Kanato: I won’t let you…lay a single finger on Teddy, Subaru!!
Subaru: But I never said I would!!
Reiji: Not a bad provocation coming from Laito…Kanato! If you don’t want to lose Teddy, you better hit the ball and end this showdown!
Kanato: Hic…Throw away Teddy…Uu…Outrageous…
Kou: That’s three outs for you!
Kanato: Not in a million yearsーー!!
Kanato hits the ball.
Kou: Hah…!
Ayato: Oh!
Laito: A homerun~!
Kanato runs up to Teddy. 
Kanato: Teddy~~~!!
Kanato: How foolish of me to leave you alone with that brute of a Subaru, Teddy! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are never in danger again…by locking that guy up!
Subaru: For the millionth time, it wasn’t me!
Reiji: We’re not even with two points each.
Ruki: Only dodgeball remains. 
Reiji: How about all ten of us compete in this one? 
Azusa: All of us…? So four against six…? Shouldn’t we get some kind of handicap then…? 
Reiji: Oh dear? Are you implying that you stand no chance against us otherwise? 
Yuma: Haah!? Don’t be spoutin’ bullcrap! 
Kou: Exactly! That sounds a bit unreasonable, doesn’t it? …You agree, don’t you, Ruki-kun? 
Ruki: Like the others are saying, I do question the fairness of it. However…Right. We are willing to compete under those circumstances but if we do manage to win despite the disadvantage, I assume we will be rewarded accordingly? 
Reiji: Very well. If your team wins, not only will she join your team but we will grant any one of your requests. 
Ruki: Hmph. Deal. It’s settled then. 
Ayato: Heh! This time we’ll crush you for sure! 
They start playing dodgeball.
Laito: Ahーah~ Everyone’s totally fired up…
Azusa: Ah…The point of this game…is to avoid getting hit by the ball…right? …That seems really difficult…
Yuma: Oi, Azusa! Don’t ya dare jump in front of the ball!
Ruki: Kou, Yuma, Azusa. We should aim for Sakamaki Shuu first since he is the least likely to try and dodge. The middle triplet is second on the list. 
Kou: Roger!
Yuma: Let’s get this over with and settle the score! …Take this!!
Shuu: …Ah. 
Yuma: Hah! Bingo!
Reiji: Ah! The ball’s in the opponent’s hands again!
Yuma: Next!
Kanato: Ah! Teddy, watch out!
Kanato: Guah!
Ayato: …The fuck, Kanato!? Why did you let yourself get hit to protect that stupid bear!?
Reiji: We’ve lost two members because Shuu failed to claim the ball…I cannot believe he allowed himself to get hit so easily. Pathetic…Good god.
Ruki: It’s four against four now. We’ve evened the playing field. …Let’s go!
Azusa: …Woah. That was close…
Reiji: Hah…!
Yuma: Wait, you little…!
Shuu: Pwah…I’m sleepy…
The remaining eight boys continue playing dodgeball. 
Kanato: Nobody’s getting hit…It will be morning soon. Just how much longer until this is over with?
Shuu: You really think there will be an end to this? 
Kanato: There better be! We can’t even return to the manor like this! …You feel the same way, don’t you? ーー Ah!
Shuu: Hm? 
Kanato: …She’s gone!
Subaru: Hm? What’s wrong, Kanato?
Yuma: …!! The Sow’s gone! What’s going on!? 
*Thud thud thud* 
Ruki: This is…? 
Ruki: A letter?
Ayato: ‘...I’m sorry. I just can’t.’ ーー Chichinashi! She made a run for it! 
Ruki: Kou, Yuma, Azusa. Split up and search for her. 
Reiji: You lot as well. Hurry up and find her!
Subaru: Don’t tell me what to do!
Yuma: Che…Who does that damn Sow think she’s dealin’ with, huh!? 
Laito: Haah, haah, haah…Bitch-chan! We finally found you!
Yuma: Sow! Explain yourself!
Azusa: Haah, haah…Exactly…I tried so hard…to stay in the game…and not let myself get hit by the ball…
You explain. 
Ayato: Haah!? You already decided to join the girls’ team!? 
Ruki: …!? 
Reiji: What do you mean!? 
Azusa: So…We can’t get hurt together at the…ball-game competition…? 
Kou: No, I don’t think that was ever the intention…
Ruki: I see…If she has already submitted her application to the school, then there is nothing we can do about it. Let’s go home. 
Yuma: Tsk…I can’t believe we got played like this…
Laito: Ah-aah~ I never thought you out of all people would do this to us. I guess today was just a wasted effort then. I better get plenty of blood in return to make up for it, okay? So, Bitch-chan, why don’t the two of us ーー Hold up…She’s gone again!? 
Subaru: Where did she go!?
Shuu: Guess she ran away? Actually doing the smart thing for once. 
Reiji: She sure has some nerve to run away from us not once, but twice.
Kanato: Kuh…I can’t forgive her. I better punish her thoroughly after this!
Ayato: Fuck! You best believe I’m suckin’ you dry next we meet, Chichinashiiiiーー!!
ーー THE END ーー
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2024 Megaman Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest Rules Thread *CLOSED*
Hiya. Anybody still using social media or drawing and not using AI? OK, cool. Drawing neat Meganman pics contest #17 for Lovey Dovey Day sponsored by me and stuff is go time. After last year was a little different, and went the gift exchange route, it's back to your regularly-scheduled competition this season. The deadline this year will be on Tues., Mar. 12th, 2024. Nearly a month AFTER Valentine's Day? Wh…why? Because I'm tired, and you all are too, that's why. Or, well, read on to find out. XD As is the usual norm, there are two categories this year, one for Talent and one for Humor. You are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Black and White Day
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This year, good ol' Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, went into public domain and people got somewhat excited about that. On top of games like Cuphead or Bendy and the Ink Machine, the retro look of 'Rubber Hose' animation has had a bit of a revival over recent years. You might even know a fellow Mega Man artist or two who has experimented with that style, or maybe even own a Mega Man shirt that has the pic above on it, as I do. So, for this year's talent category, your goal will be to create a beautiful monochrome piece in a retro Rubber Hose art style celebrating the pseudo-Valentine's holiday known as White Day. What is White Day? How would you draw something for it? If you've played X DiVE, you certainly know about the White Day outfits for characters such as Alia, Cinnamon or Axl. But here is a basic explanation via Wikipedia: "White Day is relatively new, created by the confectionery industry in Japan. White Day was first celebrated in 1978. It is celebrated one month after Valentine's Day, on March 14th. It started as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day on the grounds that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day. Men are expected to return gifts that are at least two or three times more valuable than the gifts received in Valentine's Day. The color white was chosen because it's the color of purity, evoking "pure, sweet teen love", and because it's also the color of sugar. Gift exchanges happen between romantic partners, friends, and coworkers. Traditionally, popular White Day gifts include food like white chocolate, marshmallows, candy, cookies, and other "white" accessories like jewelry, bags, lotions, and lingerie."
Content Requirements: * Mega Man characters of your choice celebrating White Day * Mimicking retro "rubber hose" art style (Eg: Steamboat Willie era Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, Popeye, Cuphead, etc.) * Black and white/monochrome palette. Seeing as this is a Mega Man contest, a retro Game Boy screen-like greenish tint is acceptable. As it is for love, I will also accept a garish Virtual Boy reddish tint, if you are that daring. Otherwise, try to keep your art retro-looking, using black, white and grey. No full-color illustrations for this category. * As this is the talent category, judging will be primarily based on the effort, creativity & overall concept of your piece. How well you pull off the rubber hose style for your characters and how well your picture fits the White Day theme.
CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Showing Some Skins
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If you are like me, you have a favorite skin/outfit in X DiVE and you never end up changing it out. It may not be Christmas or Halloween anymore, but you might be that person who always uses Christmas Ferham or Halloween Vile, regardless of the time of year. So, forget the Cupid costumes or giant teddy bear outfits this Valentine's. Create your own holiday skin/outfit you wish would have been implemented in DiVE, but it's being worn at the wrong time of year. For the humor category this year, I would like you to create a funny Valentine's day pic where some character is wearing the wrong holiday outfit/skin that kinda changes the whole mood of a romantic evening together. Then again, it may or may not kill the romance, and might enhance it. Whether it be St. Patrick's Day Toad Man driving Snake Man and Ophiuchus out of a candle-lit restaurant, Tron Bonne picking up her date on her Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Float Gustaff, Tax Day Armor X crunching numbers with Alia in bed while asking her if she plans to file single or jointly this year, or someone risking themselves for President's Day sexy Mr. Lincoln skin Proto Man, the romantic holiday mismatches are endless!
Content Requirements: * A Megaman character of your choice wearing any holiday-themed skin/outfit that does not really belong for Valentine's Day, in a Valentine's Day setting. * As this is the humor category, judging will be based primarily on how funny your piece is. Creativity, concept and execution may get you some bonus points. But the focus of this category is how well you make us laugh, not how technically skilled you are at art!
The winners for both the Talent and Humor categories will receive the following:
1st Place: $175 USD 2nd Place: $100 USD 3rd Place: $75 USD
When you submit, I would prefer you include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
(Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says. A link to your preferred social media account also works.
(Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1/2, or Talent/Humor
Anything else you feel I need to know about your piece is always welcome.
Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Pairing characters from different series is totally allowed. Same-gender pairings are completely fine. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin’s, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just DM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this thread, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I’ll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won’t be in the dark about whether or not I’ve received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, by the global end of the day. This gives you nearly 2 months to finish your entries! And if I'm lucky, results can be posted on or near White Day, which is March 14th. A little different this year, both to give people more time, and to fit in with this year's themes mixing it up.
As usual, If you don’t plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Confirmed Entries:
Cat 1 Talent - HikariLux, @eulogysinger, Kaitlin.EXE, @wennastudio, Komito, @sylviidaee,
Cat 2 Humor - AbilityField, @aurantia-ignis, Miralie
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