#zeev buium
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toasttt11 · 11 hours ago
allison cove hughes
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summary: the youngest hughes sibling, allison hughes and her story.
allison hughes
introducing allison
allison x james
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frostbeees · 3 months ago
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USA vs FIN | 1.5.25
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peachhcs · 4 months ago
friendsgiving in michigan
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
because thanksgiving falls so late this year, samy manages to arrange a friendsgiving weekend with everyone up at the lake house and pulls off a guest surprise in the process
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a thanksgiving special from samy & the crew + emma cooper mention from my other au (that i still haven’t worked on). wanted to put together something fun for thanksgiving so enjoy and happy turkey day!! 🦃
au masterlist
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ME 2
ME 3
ME 4!
u think we can bring the hagens, stiga, and buium along too?
yes!!! bring them all we'll have a full house this year i'm so excited!!
julianne, emma, & tell zeev's gf they're all welcome too
hannah's coming up with me
can't wait to be back in mich for a few days
gonna be the best reunion can't wait
can smitty come by chance?
shit i have a game the 25th and 27th 😔
fuckkkkk dude
smitty will be missed 😔😔
wish i could be there i'll be thinking of u guys ❤️
the entire house was buzzing with people everywhere either catching up with one another, cooking, or playing video games. samy was busy in the kitchen making mac and cheese while ryan and gabe attempted to help with the turkey after being put to work by samy (even though they asked if they could help her with anything).
sometimes others would pop in to see how it was going or steal some of the food knowing they couldn't eat it yet, especially jacob and drew. those two were notorious for getting a dip of something and then hurrying back out of the kitchen before samy or hannah yelled at them.
the house was filled with a lot of warmth which the youngest hughes loved. people were only in the house over the summer, so being able to fill it with people during the winter really made the girl happy, especially since she hadn't seen the boys since summer ended anyway.
the only thing that was missing was will and what no one but samy knew was that he was on a flight over right after his game to surprise everyone. she kept checking her phone to know when he was almost there so she could go out and get him. the couple planned it a few days after samy asked everyone if they were free for friendsgiving and who didn't love surprises?
"this is actually so gross," gabe complained while buttering and seasoning up the inside of the turkey. his hands were deep under the skin slowly rolling the flavoring into the meat. ryan snickered.
"sucks you got stuck with that job," the brunette taunted.
"shut up, dude," gabe rolled his eyes and samy laughed to herself at their minor bickering. her phone buzzed against the counter and her eyes flew to the screen, smiling when she saw will's notification.
"hey, gabe, you mind taking over this cutting for a second?" the girl held the knife out to the boy and he sent her a relieved look.
"yes, thank god. i don't wanna do this anymore," he scrubbed his hands off and eagerly took the knife from her to finish cutting up her potatoes.
samy swiped her phone from the counter to read her boyfriend's message.
WILL SMITH five minutes away
the brunette grinned to herself. she slipped out of the kitchen and out the back door where no one would see her leave or catch sight of will coming in when he got there. a bubble of excitement grew in her stomach knowing she couldn't wait to see everyone's reaction.
will's uber rolled down the drive and the girl's grin got even wider as she waited in anticipation on the porch. the blonde climbed out, waving to her as he grabbed his backpack and hurried up the wooden porch.
"hey pretty," he smushed her into a hug as she breathed him in and took her moment with him before everyone else took his attention inside.
"it's good to see you. everyone's inside. they're gonna be really excited to see you," she nodded towards the door. will smiled, leaning down to place a kiss to her lips, also wanting his moment with his girl before the guys stole him away.
"i'm kind of nervous, is that weird?" the blonde chuckled to himself as his gaze drifted towards the house again.
"no, but don't be. they're gonna be really excited," samy rubbed his arm and then waited for will's cue that he was ready to go inside. he nodded and she slowly pushed the door back open where everyone's voices filled their ears again.
samy led her boyfriend back towards the living room where mostly everyone was. they were scattered across the couches, chairs, and floor taking turns playing mario kart and too invested to notice the boy's presence until will knocked on the entryway.
aram's head snapped that way first. his eyes widened in surprise, shoving everyone out of the way as he jumped up and bounded his way to the blonde.
"holy shit! smitty!" aram exclaimed and basically tackled the boy into a hug. his excitement caught everyone else's attention and a whole new eruption of commotion broke out.
"yoo! what are you doing here?!" ryan and gabe came in to see what was going on, eyes wide when they saw their old friend standing before them.
samy stepped back, letting the boys have their moment together. her heart warmed seeing them all look so happy and jump around like little kids on christmas morning.
soon they were chanting "smitty, smitty, smitty" and the girls laughed at their behavior. hannah nudged her friend's arm, "now how'd you pull this off?"
"we pulled a few strings to get him out here for a day before his game on wednesday," the brunette explained with a little smile, still watching the boys take turns hugging will.
she sometimes forgot how much they all missed him too even if they didn't explicitly say it all the time. it really showed watching them all embrace will and express how excited they were to see him and spend time with him even if it was just for tonight and tomorrow before he had to get back on a plane for his next game.
after another thirty minutes, everyone settled down again. samy was finishing up a few last minute things in the kitchen while everyone else helped set up the table and find extra chairs from around the house so everyone had a seat. will stuck his head in for a moment.
"hey," he caught her attention.
"hey, what's up?" the girl wondered.
"need any help?"
"maybe just arranging all the food so everyone can just come in and grab what they want for their plates," samy explained how she wanted the food on the counters, so will quickly jumped in to do it for her.
"thank you for this. it's really great getting to see everyone," the blonde smiled softly.
"of course. i'm glad you were able to make it out," she reached up to peck his lips. will leaned in more, wanting a better kiss when she pulled back. samy giggled and obliged his wishes by leaning across the counter to kiss him better.
"hey lovebirds, the crew is getting hungry," hannah poked her head into the kitchen which broke the couple apart in a small blush.
"tell them to come in with their plates. it's all ready," the soccer player giggled.
her and will let everyone go first down the line, the boys filling their plates high. it was a good thing she made a lot of food knowing how much hockey players ate. she came back into the dining room last taking a seat right by will near the end. ryan tapped his fork against the glass before everyone started eating to get their attention.
"i just wanna say how thankful i am for all of you and getting to spend this holiday all together for the first time in two years. a big thanks to samy and her brothers for letting us stay for a few days and another really big thanks to samy for getting will here with us," the taller brunette looked at the girl who flushed under all the attention. she felt will squeeze her leg and kiss her cheek.
"also a big thank you for making most of this food. it looks amazing," gabe added and everyone agreed.
"i'm just glad we were able to make this happen," samy grinned.
"alright, let's eat!" ryan exclaimed. everyone clapped and then started digging in, the conversations flowing across the room.
the boston boys took turns sharing stories from the semester so far and filling will in on everything he's missed. hannah and samy took turns talking about what's been going on at michigan and the successful season the women's soccer team has had. julianne chirped in with things from providence and zeev and his girlfriend filled everyone in about denver and arizona. it was nostalgic hearing about the different lives everyone had been living since being together in michigan.
it didn't even feel like two years ago that the boys were playing in the usntdp and samy was graduating high school, but it was and that thought was a little scary with how much time has passed.
halfway through dinner, julianne brought out the wine. it was popped open and the bottle was a quarter of the way empty by the time everyone got a glass.
"emma and olivia might be a little new to this, but samy and will would not admit their feelings until literally we left for college," aram said with a low chuckle. the girl's face flushed while will rolled his eyes a bit. his arm was draped across the back of samy's chair, his fingers rubbing little shapes into her shoulder.
"i can imagine," emma giggled.
"they were insufferable at dev program. so, so oblivious," drew shook his head.
"well, i wanna know how gabe and emma got together," hannah chirped up. the other couple exchanged a glance, smiling at one another and everyone shared knowing smiles.
"we took french together and i sucked at econ, so she helped tutor me," the darker-haired boy explained with a bit of a blush.
"he would not tell us he was seeing her, so we had to literally find out ourselves," ryan rolled his eyes a bit.
"you guys were just being nosy," gabe grumbled making the boys chuckle.
"or you were just being secretive. either or," jacob shrugged.
"whatever. let's talk about something else," gabe shifted the conversation away from him and emma who just giggled at the teasing.
they all talked for a bit longer before helping with the dishes and getting the food put away. a lot more thanks were thrown around to everyone and then it was just samy and will left in the kitchen together after she shooed the others out promising they did enough and didn't need to keep helping with clean up.
the couple worked in comfortable silence with will rinsing the dishes and samy putting them into the dishwasher. "thanks again for this. tell jack and quinn thanks too," the blonde hummed.
"i will. they gave me very strict instructions about not destroying the house," she giggled.
"just watch minnetian and leonard. when they get beer in their systems they go kind of crazy," will laughed too and both of their eyes flicked to the living room where the group retreated to.
"i hope we can make this happen again during winter break too. hopefully this won't be the last time i'll see everyone until summer," the blonde's lips turned into a small frown.
"i'm sure we can make something happen, don't worry. maybe we'll even plan a trip out to san jose to see you play at a game. at least leno, gp, and i will," samy assured. her boyfriend's lips flipped back into a smile at her words.
"i love you," he paused their movements for another kiss which she reciprocated. they connected their lips, tasting the remnants of the wine on one another's lips.
"will get in here! teddy's about to take your nhl high score!" ryan yelled from the living room, breaking the two apart. the blonde sighed a little, the interruptions reminding him of summer and never getting a second alone.
"be right there!" he called back.
he helped samy finish the dishes before pulling her into the living room with him. will took the empty chair and then patted his legs as samy's indication to sit in his lap. she flushed a bit before cuddling into the blonde's side and fitting into the chair with him.
teddy and drew were playing quinn and jack's nhl video game where will had the highest score—something he worked hard to build up over the years. the others giggled, a bit wine drunk watching the two boys battle it out on the screen together.
"i win! i win!" teddy jumped up and reached for the high fives.
"damn. who's next then?" drew wondered and will immediately raised his hand.
"i wanna keep my record," the boy handed him the controller where will reached his arm around samy's back to hold it with both hands. she giggled, finding a comfortable spot on the boy's chest to watch the tv.
gabe took the other controller and a few of the guys oohed seeing the two best friends matchup against one another. they spent the rest of the night switching between mario cart and the other sports games samy's brothers had. it wasn't until at least 3:30 in the morning when everyone went to sleep. they all wanted to spend as much time as they could together, especially with will since he was leaving the next day.
"hey samy?" gabe and ryan stuck their heads into the kitchen one last time before going to bed where the girl started the dishwasher.
"yeah?" she wondered.
"thank you for doing this and thank you for getting will here. best friendsgiving yet," ryan grinned making the girl flush.
"of course, guys. it was really good seeing everyone together," she brought them in for a quick hug. "now get some sleep. it's late," she pushed them back to the spare room, careful not to step on the others asleep throughout the house.
when she finally got up to her room, will was already fast asleep in her bed. she smiled at his sleeping figure, shutting the lights off and climbing in beside him.
even though he was asleep, he felt her presence and turned so he could wrap his arms around her frame in a strong hold. the youngest hughes cuddled herself into will's side, kissing his cheek and falling into a deep sleep.
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carsonlambos · 9 months ago
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Behind the scenes of the NHL Draft
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three-headed-monster · 9 months ago
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draft mini primer! it's tradition at this point, so i had to, but i'll be real, i don't know too much about these boys. but i hope this might lead you to your next favourite little guy, so happy draft day!
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smittyscurls · 3 months ago
Magic 🎱 ball with the boys!
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annieqattheperipheral · 9 months ago
sid still the tops but his children nate & davo have crept up
berkly catton + hughes connection
nate thanksgiving dinner at team dad jarome's (avs 14-17)
"i saw mackinnon yesterday. guy's a giant" gonna live w me forever
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hischiersgirl · 3 months ago
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smiley boys so cutie⭐️🎉
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middstape · 10 months ago
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puckpocketed · 9 months ago
doing my due diligence with scouting the vibes of this draft class and a bunch were recently asked what they think they’d be pursuing if they weren’t playing hockey and my highlights are:
Zeev Buium said he’d like to be an Astronaut <3 something crazy [pic of woman with frozen potatoes on her head]
Cole Hutson “probably nothing” [visibly processing] “maybe, maybe real estate”
Macklin Celebrini cheated and said he’d coach hockey and like with zero awareness that this isn’t how the game works !!!! what having a jockdad does to a mf….
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boqvistsbabe · 3 months ago
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toasttt11 · 7 days ago
back to back
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December 24, 2024
Mary had her hands in her hoodie pocket after she waved bye to the boys after their morning practice and headed to a different part of the hotel where her parents and sister are starting and Will should be there too by now.
Will had gotten into Ottawa early this morning while she was practice. Her practice was early in the morning so the team could all have the rest of today and tomorrow off for the holidays and time with their family.
Mary scanned her card on the door and walked into the large hotel room. She slipped her shoes off and dropped her bag by the front door and followed the sounds seeing her family all sitting around the couch in one of the rooms.
“Mars!” Will looked up and beamed, he immediately stood up and crossed the room quickly hugging his sister.
They haven’t seen each other since Will’s first game and that was over two months ago, it’s been the longest they have ever went not seeing each other and both of their lives have changed so much in the last two months.
Mary smiled happily letting out a sigh of relief and she hugged her brother back and rested her head on his shoulder just squeezing him tightly.
They get two whole days together before Will has to head back to San Jose.
Mary and Will eventually pulled away after hugging for at least a couple of minutes and Will pulled her to the couch squeezing her in between him and Grace.
And they all stayed like that for hours just catching up and enjoying time together. Until Colleen had all of them get dressed into nicer clothes as she planned for them to go out for Christmas Eve, she found a close Church for a Christmas Eve service and than out for a fancier dinner after.
December 25, 2025
Christmas Day was a simple but perfect day for the Smiths. All of them staying in their pajamas all day and just staying in the hotel opening presents and just catching up on time where they are all together.
The day went by so quickly and before anyone could blink they all were yawning and starting to fall asleep and they started saying goodnight.
Mary shifted in her bed feeling the bed move next to her, she looked and saw Will getting under the covers and laying down next to her.
Mary turned over facing Will, “Hello.” Mary whispered. Will or Mary would always sneak into each other’s beds growing up because they have always hated sleeping alone and always ended up talking for hours.
“Hi!” Will whispered back and they looked at each other and broke into tired giggles, just like they always did as kids.
“Are you happy with the team?” Will asked her softly, obviously they face time almost every day and they keep up with each other lives but he didn’t want to miss her being upset like her past team, even if didn’t think the BC team would be like that.
“I really like there. Everyone’s really awesome.” Mary answered softly, she loves it at BC and felt like she was so close to her family there especially her grandfather.
“Are you happy?” Mary asked back, she’s seen all the media of Will with Macklin and knew Will was happy with him. Especially because most of the times they facetime Macklin is with Will.
“Really happy.” Will answered honestly back, it was hard in the NHL and he was leaning more and more everyday but it made easier with the team he has and Macklin.
Mary nodded softly back.
They talked about a few more things and Mary took a deep breath wanting to talk to Will about Ryan.
Mary’s never had the courage to actually tell Will about her feelings for Ryan and she has always assumed he knew and never said anything.
“Uh i wanted to talk to you about something.” Mary said and waited for Will to say something.
Mary furrowed her brows when he didn’t say anything and than she heard a little snore.
Mary just laughed softly, Will has always fallen asleep so quickly.
Mary swallowed slightly before whispering and admitting, “I’m in love with Ryan.” Mary let out a breath after she said it, it’s the first time she has never said it aloud or admitted it before and it only felt right telling Will first even if he was asleep.
“Night Willy.” Mary placed a soft kiss to his blonde curls.
December 26, 2024
Mary had her hands in her purple trench coat with her headphones on as she walked off the bus and into the arena. She had said bye to Will this morning and now it was time for her to play in her first game in the 2025 WJC.
Their first game was against Germany.
Mary walked into the locker room to her stall and smiled softly seeing where her stall is, James as always next to her but this time Hutson isn’t across the room but next to Mary and Cole is next to James and Teddy is next to Hutson.
Mary sat down in her stall and started getting ready.
She was laughing and smiling as her and her boys were all sitting in their stalls together, she forgot how much she loves sitting with Hutson and Cole.
Mary is really happy she gets to play with her two best friends again. Especially because this could be the last time she plays with Cole as she most likely won’t be at the WJC next year. Granted they could play on a US team together in the future in the NHL but she doesn’t know. Hutson at least will be her teammate again when they both head to Washington so she knows she will be playing with him again.
And with James she has the rest of the BC season with him because most likely he won’t be getting drafted to the Capitals.
Mary shook off her sad thoughts and focused on the game about to start.
She smiled as she got to do her warm ups on the ice with all of her boys again and then the puck was about to drop.
Ryan took the face off and the game started.
Mary took off down the ice as Hutson got the puck and passed to the center to Ryan, Ryan times the pass perfect to Mary just before she skated past the last German player and she got a breakaway and tapped the puck right into the top corner getting the first goal of the game.
Mary laughed as Hutson skated right to her hugging her so tightly they almost knocked over, she has missed sharing the ice with him.
Ryan laughed softly and skated behind Mary making sure she didn’t fall and wrapped his arms around her from behind squeezing her tightly.
A couple minutes later Mary and James were passing the puck back and forth before Mary passed to Gabe and Gabe scored.
First period ended 2-0.
Mary jumped on the ice just as Cole got the puck and he passed to her, Mary brought the puck up and passed back to James setting him up for a one timer, he scored.
Cole jumped on James first and Mary skated over jumping on James next.
Germany scored two goals next.
Mary was out with James and Gabe for a couple shifts and she passed the puck to Gabe and he quickly passed it across the ice to James who scored.
Four minutes later the same line was out, Hutson grabbed the puck away from their net and passed to James, James darted around the other player and passed to his left to Gabe.
Gabe brought the puck around the back of the net and passed right to Mary as she skated to the net and she just tipped the puck in.
Gabe patted Mary’s head smiling at her as James and Hutson just tackled her in huge hug making Gabe laugh.
Not even a minute later Mary got the puck and passed back to the blue line to Hutson and Hutson took a shot and it tipped right off Gabe’s stick into net.
US was leading 6-2 at the end of the second.
Half way through the third period the score was 8-3.
Hutson passed the puck to Ryan and Ryan was in front of the goal and passed to his right and Mary grabbed the puck and flicked it, right into the net and getting her third goal, her hat trick.
Ryan beamed looking at her so proudly as he reached her first hugging her and pressing a kiss to the top of her helmet making her giggle as she leaned into him. Hutson reached her next and jumped into the hug shaking her head.
Mary was just about to come off the ice and she had the puck come towards her and she just flicked it up the ice towards Cole and then hopped off.
Mary cheered as Cole scored off her pass.
US won 10-4.
December 31, 2024
US had played against Canada and won 4-1, it was New Year’s Eve and they had the day off tomorrow so of course the whole team went out in Ottawa.
Mary and Hutson going in a corner and they spent most of the night munching on snacks they kept ordering together and laughing watching their teammates especially Cole and James be silly.
���One sec.” Hutson told her as he got an alert on his phone and walked away and outside of the restaurant/bar.
Mary just popped a french fry in her mouth and Hutson came back a few minutes later with a bag in his hand, “What’s that?”
“For you.” Hutson answered handing her the bag with a smile.
Mary furrowed her brows and opened the bag seeing a bag of grapes and she started laughing, She was talking to Hutson about how it’s good luck to eat twelve grapes under a table at midnight.
“Now you can do it.” Hutson just shrugged with a simple smile.
“Thanks Cole.” Mary said sincerely squeezing his arm softly and he just smiled and nodded back.
“Hutsy i need you to prove this point.” James came over and took Hutson’s arm making him stand up and be dragged away by James.
Mary look amused as Hutson glanced back at her waving making her wave back.
She looked at the time and saw it was almost midnight and she grabbed her grapes and decided to head to a quieter part of the restaurant.
There was another room of tables that no one was in and she grabbed a towel and plopped it on the ground under a table and sat down.
Ryan was sitting next to Zeev and Gabe and he glanced around not seeing Mary sitting at the table anymore.
He got up and walked through the restaurant looking for a quiet area knowing that’s where Mary would go and he saw a pair of boots sticking out from a table, Mary’s boots.
“What are you doing under there?” Ryan asked amused as he lifted the table cloth and leaned his head down looking at Mary sitting on the floor with a bag of grapes.
“Uhh.” Mary grimaced slightly at getting caught sitting under a table.
Ryan just smiled to himself and gently tapped her leg, “Scoot.” Mary listened and scooted over letting Ryan slowly get under the table and sit next to her, he barely fit under the table.
“So why are we eating grapes under a table?” Ryan playfully whispered with a soft teasing smirk.
Mary bit her lip and then answered softly, “It’s supposed to bring you good luck for the next year.”
“Good luck for anything?” Ryan asked her softly, he knows what he wants good luck in.
“Anything, Life, success, money, hockey, love…” Mary trailed off as she glanced Ryan’s lips before quickly looking away. She knew what she wanted good luck in.
Ryan bit back a smile, “Do you have enough for me?”
Mary blinked surprised he wants to do it but then again she shouldn’t be surprised because Ryan always does everything with her, “Yeah you have to eat twelve.”
Ryan nodded softly and he heard the minute countdown start for the new year and he grabbed twelve grapes handing them to Mary first and then grabbed twelve for himself.
Mary and Ryan waited till the countdown and once everyone started cheering and they started eating the grapes.
Mary ate her last one and smiled at Ryan, who she finished before her, “Happy New Years Ry.” Mary mumbled softly.
“Happy New Years Ellie.” Ryan mumbled softly back and promised himself next years he would have his girl.
January 2, 2025
Mary was playing in the quarter final game against Switzerland, it was the third period and US was up 7-1 and Mary had two goals and two assists already.
Mary looked over as the Switzerland player hit the puck and she immediately winced seeing Ryan getting whacked right in the face by the puck and going down on the ice, she skated over quickly not caring if the whistle was blown yet and kneeled down next to Ryan and could heard the curses he was letting out. Mary rested her hand on his back gently rubbing his back.
Mary let out annoyed sigh at how long it took for a whistle to be blown and she immediately gestured for the medical team to come over.
Ryan slowly sat up and being handed a towel and he held it to his nose and saw Mary kneeling next to him looking worried.
“It’s crooked?” Ryan mumbled out against the towel, his eyes wide from how much pain his nose was in.
“Just a bit.” Mary reassured him softly, “You still look great.” Mary whispered making Ryan smile and then wince in pain from smiling.
Mary got up as the trainers had Ryan get up and Ryan bring Ryan started talking to the referee about a penalty. He didn’t get one.
Mary shook her head softly and just grabbed Ryan and dragged him to the bench, he can argue later.
US won 7-2.
Mary headed out of the locker room after the game and headed down the medical room, Ryan had gotten dressed quickly and headed there after.
Mary leaned on the wall waiting for Ryan to come out.
Ryan walked out and saw Mary waiting for him and his lips quirked up.
“So?” Mary immediately asked looking at Ryan worriedly especially seeing good sized gash from a high stick and how dark the bruising already is.
“Broken.” Ryan just shrugged.
“Let’s get you some ice.” Mary decided and linked her arms with him and stared pulling him out of the rink making him just look at her fondly and happily be pulled.
January 5, 2025
Mary looked across the locker room at Ryan, whose stall is right across from her and he gave her a little smirk and nod, she shook her head softly smiling slightly back.
They were playing in the gold medal game against Finland.
“One more.” James mumbled glancing at his three best friends and Teddy who honestly was honestly becoming another one of his best friends.
This is most likely the last gold medal they are all gonna play together.
“One more.” Mary said back squeezing Hutson’s hand softly.
“Then we better win it.” Teddy smirked softly and looked at them fondly.
They all headed onto the ice and the game started.
Finland scored first but US quickly got a goal back once Mary passed to Ryan and Ryan passed across the net to James and James scored.
James cheered loudly as he crashed into Mary and Ryan after his goal. The game was tied.
A minute later Finland scored again and the first period ended with US down 1-2.
Second period stared and Finland scored again.
Mary shared a look with Ryan and Hutson nodding, Hutson got the puck and passed to Ryan.
Ryan flicked the puck up right near the goalies shoulder and before the goalie could block it, Mary hit the puck with the handle of her stick just below her shoulders and it went it.
“Atta girl.” Ryan immediately praised pulling her into his side as Hutson slammed into her other side, the three capital prospects are a dangerous trio on the ice together.
Next shift out Ryan got the rebound after Gabe’s shot and he passed it over to Mary and Mary dropped the puck back for Hutson and Hutson scored tying the game back up.
Mary and Hutson slammed into each other after his goal cheering.
Second period ended tied 2-2.
No one scored in the their period. It was going to overtime.
Eight minutes of nerve wracking overtime, Mary was stuck on the ice as Ryan and Hutson got off as Teddy and Zeev got on the ice.
Zeev got the puck and passed to Mary, Mary looked up and just whacked the puck down the ice and right to Teddy and Teddy easily got the puck into the back of the net.
Meaning US won the gold medal and won back to back medals.
Teddy slid across his knees and got up slamming into Mary screaming as he hugged her, Mary was screaming just as loudly back.
Teddy was jumped on by everyone meaning Mary was too as Teddy was hugging her and eventually as they got out of the giant hug. Cole, James and Hutson tackled the two to the floor. This time their dog pile had Teddy.
Mary got off the floor after a little bit and was looking for Ryan, Ryan snuck up behind her wrapping his arms around her neck and resting his chin on her head.
Mary quickly spun around and hugged Ryan tightly.
Gabe skated over to them and shook his head fondly, Mary glanced over as Gabe skated and opened one of her arms making Gabe quickly join the hug.
After a little bit they all lined for the national anthem and Mary was right in between Ryan and James.
Ryan got the trophy and lifted it up skating over to the team, the trophy was passed around and Ryan got the trophy back and lifted it up for the families.
He handed it to Mary next and patted her back softly as she skated over beaming holding up the trophy, she smiled at her family and waved when her Mom turned her phone around letting her see Will on facetime.
Mary handed the trophy to Trey next.
Mary laughed as Cole, James and Teddy started doing snow angels in the gold confetti and she shared a look with Hutson and shrugged joining them.
Slowly the team got off the ice and headed into the locker room.
Mary was tucked into Ryan’s side as he got to sing their song and she and Gabe shared a look and hair started giggling at Ryan’s voice crack making Ryan pinch her side.
After a long time in the locker room the team made their way back to the hotel to see their family and it was only eleven by the time they got back meaning by the time everyone starting going out it turned midnight.
Mary was standing on the patio of the bar they were all in here getting a few minutes of quiet time and she glanced at her phone seeing it was now her birthday.
January 6, 2025
“Happy birthday.” Ryan snuck up behind Mary and rested his chin on her shoulder and gently kissed her cheek.
Mary slowly spun around in his arms and her arms wrapped around his neck, “Thanks Ry.”
“Besides a gold medal what do you want for your birthday?” Ryan asked her with a small smirk.
“Anything?” Mary asked back raising an eyebrow, her eyes glancing down at his lips.
Ryan caught her glance and swallowed dryly, “Anything.” Ryan whispered back.
Mary bit her lip and slowly leaned closer to him, “I want you.” Mary quietly admitted before finally pressing her lips back to Ryan’s.
Ryan let out a relieved and happy sigh finally kissing her again, he cupped the back of her head holding him to her as she all but melted against him.
Mary’s hands tangled in his hair as neither of them wanted to pull away until her nose bumped his nose making him hiss in pain and pull away.
“Guess the grapes worked.” Ryan softly teased smiling happily down at her as he tried to catch his breath, he’s been waiting for four years to kiss her again.
Mary beamed up at him and leaned up on her toes again, “Guess so.” She pressed her lips softly back to him making him hum happy and kiss her back.
Mary slowly pulled back making him frown for a second before she rested her forehead against his forehead.
“I’ve been waiting for years to do that.” Ryan softly admitted to her, it felt like every moment they ever had was always interrupted by Will.
“Me too.” Mary admitted back, “Just everytime….”
“Will.” Ryan finished for her and they shared a soft laugh.
They heard Mary’s name being called and she frowned not wanting to go yet, she wanted to talk to Ryan about the feelings they obviously have for each other.
“It’s okay.” Ryan softly reassured her seeing her frown, “We can talk later today after we sleep.”
Mary softly nodded at his words and leaned up again pressing a few mores kisses to his lips before she heard her name getting called again.
“Later.” Mary promised and pecked his lips once more before rushing inside.
Ryan watched her go with a love sick smile as his hands touched his lips shocked, he cheered to himself, he is so close to getting his girl.
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frostbeees · 10 months ago
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( x )
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peachhcs · 9 months ago
steal my girl | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
a requested fic about some of will’s dev program friends flirting with samy before they got together
3k words
hahaa i kind of got carried away with this, but i enjoyed writing it. i made zeev and will lowkey enemies, but i promise they’re not. will’s just super jealous and it shows :)
au masterlist
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will's eyes glued themselves to samy's back where she stood out in the open arena talking with zeev, cole, and teddy. she'd just gotten in a few minutes ago with a hoard of treats for the guys from her mom who made way too many extras meant for samy's senior banquet a few nights ago. zeev seemingly came out of the locker room at the right time to help her set them up on one of the back tables and then he just got her talking when everyone else came out to get something to eat.
the blonde was out on the ice doing a few warm up drill with ryan and gabe, promising to be done soon when he waved to samy, but now he could not pull his gaze away from the three guys talking her up by the bleachers.
they were all laughing about something because they were bent over and hanging off one another with red faces. will was too far away to catch the conversation, but his face twisted even more when he saw zeev's hand lingering on samy's arm.
"dude, you're being so obvious," ryan muttered as he skated by his friend, finally catching his attention and breaking him from his harsh glare.
will spun around, his two friends looking at him with a look that said "stop being so jealous." his expression crinkled up, "i'm not being obvious."
"i can literally tell how jealous you are right now," gabe rolled his eyes a bit while the blonde just shook his head.
"i'm not jealous."
"then why are you staring at them like you wanna punch them, huh?" ryan knew he got will with that one because his face burned in embarrassment.
"i'm not. i just..i'm not jealous," the forward tried skating away from them, but they only followed after him with their pucks.
"they're not gonna steal your girl, don't worry," gabe laughed lightly, but will didn't find it amusing. not even in the slightest as he looked back over at the four still immersed in a conversation.
"yeah then why does zeev and all of them talk her up like that? i mean they know they're flirting with her," will made his case.
"i don't know. maybe they're trying to get a rise out of you so you finally like admit your feelings," ryan poked his friend's chest in a way that said they've been bothering him about this since they confirmed will liked samy.
"well that's stupid."
"because it's working?" gabe smirked.
"look, i just don't like how they know i like her yet they flirt with her in front of me because she flirts back with them," will rolled his eyes a bit, but he couldn't really be mad because samy has always had a flirty personality. it was just who she was, so she wasn't intentionally trying to indulge in all of the guys' behavior.
"well maybe you should be the one over there flirting with her instead of getting mad that zeev and all them are doing it," gabe pushed his friend towards the door of the rink.
will glided across the ice until he landed against the boards. he glared back at ryan and gabe who gave him little thumbs up and when he turned back around, samy appeared. the boy flushed at her sudden close proximity, noticing zeev, teddy, and cole wander away for now meaning he got her all to himself for a few minutes.
"hi," she smiled, leaning herself against the small wooden board separating them from the ice and the floor so she was even closer.
"hey," will returned her smile, pulling his helmet off for the moment.
"how's warmups?" samy reached her hand up to fix some of his misplaced curls making the poor blonde blush an embarrassing red all over his face, but he hoped she would just think it's from the cold.
"fine. we were just trying to get some more time in before actual warmups started. i see your mom brought a lot of food," will laughed, watching the others grab from the trays still.
samy pulled her hand away, tucking it into the warmth of her coat pockets, "oh my god, she went crazy. she made way too much for the banquet. she'll be glad it's getting eaten."
"yeah, we'll eat it, don't worry. how was the banquet?" will leaned further over the wall so him and samy were inches away from each other. he couldn't tell if she was blushing or not, but either way their closeness had butterflies in both of their stomachs.
"it was good. your card was cute and so were your parents there," colleen and bill showed up to the hughes' kids events as much as ellen and jim did for will and grace. since they were only thirty minutes away, the drive was made quite frequently.
"sorry i couldn't be there. i wish i was," will frowned a bit, but samy shook her head.
"don't worry, i knew you were there in spirit. how are you feeling about the game tonight?" she finally sat down on the little ledge where will lifted his legs over so he could sit down next to her.
"good, i think. i'm kind of nervous to play against luke though," it was the game where the usntdp got to try their hand at playing against a college team and the michigan boys came up to play in the arena.
"why? don't be. you know how he plays," samy nudged the boy's arm, making him flush as he stared at the ground.
"i know, but all the other guys are like..kind of good. they're gonna destroy us probably," the two shared a small laugh.
"if anything it will be good experience. i know luke's looking forward to playing against you anyway," that made will smile. he hadn't seen much of the older hughes because of how busy both of them had been with hockey, so he was glad he got to see him even if it was against one another.
the two kept talking for a bit longer while will's gaze occasionally bounced over to zeev and the others at the food table. sometimes they'd meet gazes and there was something unreadable in zeev's expression. either way, the blonde tried forgetting it and focusing his attention on the girl beside him talking about how her week at school went.
will prided himself in the fact that he got to hear all the mundane details about samy's life and all of these other guys (except his closer friends) didn't. plus, zeev wasn't the one having drunk make outs with her. even if they didn't remember it or even talked about it the next day, will was still the one samy went to when she was a bit too drunk and started kissing in a bathroom.
"will, you need to get one of the cookies. they're amazing," teddy came back over with a cookie in his hand.
"i know, i've had them before," the blonde laughed at the younger brunette.
"your mom makes such great food," teddy nudged samy's arm and the girl smiled.
"i'll make sure to tell her that because i'm sure she'll be happy to cook for you guys again," the girl chuckled.
"please do. i could eat a hundred of these."
"but don't actually because you'll probably kill yourself before the game," zeev reappeared with cole and carter in tow.
"i know, i know," teddy rolled his eyes a bit.
"oh! how was your game last week?" carter wondered with a mouthful of cracker. since all of the guys were fairly close to girl, they always had a million questions to ask about her games whenever she wasn't at their games because of her own.
"oh, it was good. we won 6-0," samy smiled.
"shit, 6-0? that's crazy. you guys must've dug them to the ground," zeev laughed a little.
"yeah, we kind of did. they were also a shitty team," the youngest hughes shrugged a bit.
"okay, but still. i bet you scored most of those points?" his hands poked into samy's shoulders again where will once again found himself clenching his jaw at the way zeev always found the need to touch her when he spoke.
"i mean..i don't wanna..toot my own horn or anything but i did score half of them," she shrugged like it wasn't a huge deal.
"hey, up top. you should always be bragging about that," the darker-haired boy raised his hand for a high-five. samy quickly reciprocated which led to the rest of the guys holding their hands up for a high five.
will went last, putting on his best smile so no one could see his jealousy sinking back into his system.
"when you're really cool and famous one day playing on the women's national soccer team, remember us," teddy said making the others laugh.
"oh, don't worry, i will. i wouldn't forget you guys," she ruffled up his hair.
"obviously not. we've got pretty memorable faces," zeev flashed one of those smiles he only gave to girls he flirted in the stands with.
"right. you're actually in my dreams every night," samy said and that was finally will's tipping point.
he knew samy didn't mean that literally, but he hated the way zeev's face reddened into a blush at her words and the smile on her face when she said it.
"i gotta go get ready. i'll see you," will mumbled, pushing off the wall towards the locker room. he didn't even look at anyone as he walked away, the anger and jealousy becoming too much and he didn't wanna snap at anyone as much as he really, really wanted to.
samy stared at her friend's retreating figure. she knew something was off as soon as the others wandered over to them, but she couldn't put her finger on it. she just let it go for now knowing she'd talk with him later and returned her focus to the conversation with the three guys in front of her, her smile quickly returning.
the umich boys arrived an hour later along with samy's parents. she hung down by the ice behind luke who laced his skates up on the bench while her eyes occasionally flicked up to will who was now dressed in his uniform and hitting some of his pucks a little too hard into the net.
"okay, you're staring really hard," luke mumbled as he stood back up, eyes now on his sister.
"at what?" she played dumb.
"oh come on, i'm not stupid, samy," the brunette rolled his eyes that his sister thought he wouldn't know.
"i think he's just nervous to play against you and the guys," samy said with her eyes back on will.
"why? he knows how i play. he could beat me if he really tried," the middle hughes chuckled
"i dunno. just don't go too hard on him," she looked at luke a bit seriously. he rolled his eyes again.
"i'll go as hard as i want to on him. he can take it," luke shoved samy back gently before he swung his legs over and got onto the ice to warm up.
samy watched as him and will exchanged a quick bro hug and hello. they spoke to one another for a second before luke went over to his teammates for warmups. her eyes wandered back over to will where she gave him a quick thumbs up after meeting his gaze.
he managed a smile in her direction, some of his anger dissipating within the last hour, except it really didn't last long when he saw zeev skate by. he smiled at the brunette too and it was incredible that will hadn't actually punched him yet.
"maybe this anger will be good for the game," ryan said, skating up to will.
"yeah, right," the blonde mumbled as he went back to what he was doing.
the game was a tough one between the u18s and the umich boys. samy didn't know who to cheer for so she just ended up cheering for both of them. despite luke being two years ahead of will, the two went neck and neck trying to score on each other. it was a good thing they practiced together a lot during the summer because will knew a lot of luke's tricks and vice versa.
samy enjoyed watching her brother and best friend play one another. even though they probably wouldn't ever play on the same team together, she was glad they could at least play one another.
whenever will scored, samy was on her feet. that made will feel a little better about himself because he was seriously wondering if zeev was his competition because at least she didn't do that when he scored.
the game ended in a quick 3-2. the u18s were close, but michigan quickly showed who had the upper hand and the experience. while waiting for the guys to shower and talk with their coach, samy helped her mom clean up the food.
"i'm glad this was a success," ellen determined.
"yeah, they loved it. i told them you would do it again," samy giggled a little.
"you could feed anything to those boys and they'd eat it all," colleen laughed as well.
gabe and ryan came out first. they put their things down to say hey to the brunette since they hadn't properly talked to her yet since she got there.
"hey hughesy, it's good to see you," ryan smiled after he let go of their hug.
"it's good to see you guys too. you played good," she beamed at each of them.
"thanks. it was fun playing your brother," gabe chuckled.
"i'll tell him that. he said he wasn't going that easy on you all tonight."
will trailed out of the locker room a moment later. he quickly joined their little group, putting on another smile despite the exhaustion in his features.
"hey, you played good," samy pinched his cheek from where he stood beside her.
"thanks. i sort of had luke figured out," he chuckled, flushing at samy's hands on his face.
the four stood there taking with one another for a moment until the others began pouring out of the room. they greeted their parents in quick hellos while zeev inserted himself into the group.
"hey, good game, right?" he asked samy who quickly nodded.
"awesome game. you were quick," she grinned.
will glanced over at ryan and gabe who read his look and slowly started seeing how much zeev flirted with her.
"honestly, you might be the good luck charm," the darker-haired boy chuckled while samy flushed.
"aw, that's sweet of you to say. maybe i am," she beamed some more at his words all while will could only stand there because if he started an argument, it'd escalate real fast.
"there's gonna be a small get together next weekend if you wanna come up. it'd be cool to see you," zeev continued. he was talking about the so-called party some of the other guys were throwing to sort of commemorate the end of the dev program since that was also rapidly approaching.
"yeah, i'd love to. i think i'm free," the brunette agreed to it.
will really couldn't take it anymore so he just walked away without saying anything. gabe quickly followed while ryan stayed back so it wouldn't look as suspicious and they walked until they were out of earshot and sight.
"see how he flirts with her? it's so irritating," will rolled his eyes.
"yeah, i get it now. you know she doesn't actually like him," gabe tried.
"i don't know about that," the blonde mumbled, suddenly worrying that samy did like zeev or something.
"she doesn't. i promise. we'd know if she does. she's just being nice," the darker-haired boy tried reassuring his friend.
"i just hate how he treats her like some actual puck bunny, but she's not. i really can't tell if he's being serious sometimes," the blonde huffed out.
"even if he is, it's all the more reason you need to tell her how you're feeling so she stops indulging in it because she's gonna catch on sooner than later," gabe made his point and sometimes it also irritated will how right he was.
"whatever," the blonde mumbled, ready to walk back to where they were when samy appeared without ryan or zeev.
"there you guys are. you ready to go, will? i think our parents are hungry. i know luke is at least," she chuckled.
"yeah, i'm ready. i'll see you later," they said goodbye to gabe before heading out of the arena to samy's car.
like always, will threw his stuff in and climbed into the passenger seat. it seemed to be their little thing after his games where she'd drive up by herself, will would ride with her to wherever their families decided to eat, and then sometimes she'd go back to his place or will would drive down with her to her place.
at least zeev didn't have this privilege.
"are you doing okay? you've been off," samy finally wondered as they pulled out of the parking lot.
"yeah, i'm fine. long day," will lied a bit because why would he tell samy he's jealous of his own teammate?
"yeah, i bet. you played well, though, i meant it earlier," she smiled his way and it made all of will's problems disappear seeing that smile directed at him.
"thank you. i appreciate it. i'm just excited to get some food in me," the boy beamed, his sour mood slowly fading away the more time he spent alone with the girl.
by the end of the night, zeev was the least of his worries. especially when will went back to samy's place for the night and she curled up next to him on the couch as they watched their favorite movie and ate mint rocky road together.
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calritchie21 · 9 months ago
bauer combine
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three-headed-monster · 8 months ago
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you look good. i look better.
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