#cw shipping discourse
roomwithavoid · 11 months
whatever your stance on proship/antiship/whatever i think we should all agree centering your personality around how “problematic” you are and how you make everyone around you uncomfortable and/or upset like a lot of proshippers do is really fucking insufferable and childish.
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AITA for 'outing' someone for writing inc*st?
I (20F) am in a moderately large fandom that got popular during the pandemic. Most of the fic for this fandom is gen and platonic pairings, which is a rarity and fantastic. One of the most popular creators in the fandom puts out a ton of gen fics that I really loved. Unfortunately, I learned after that they write fics on a different account, and not just any fics, but inc*st. I'm not talking about found family. These characters are literal brothers in canon. I can't believe anyone would ship them together, much less this person. I unfollowed them and now, whenever I see anyone talking about how much they love this creator, I inform them about the alt account and their ships. Ignorance may be bliss, but I felt awful when I found out and realized I'd been supporting them for so long and I don't want anyone else to feel that way. But someone replied to one of my comments calling me the asshole, telling me I was outing the creator, and to mind my own business. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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fanby-fckry · 1 year
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I feel like some people need to see this, tbh
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qiu-yan · 2 months
wow this post got depressing really fast. sorry
if you think about it. if you were just some random no-name cultivator who somehow got invited to the phoenix mountain night-hunt, and you heard something about 1. hanguang-jun of the sterling reputation, 2. wei wuxian the demonic cultivator already flouting social norms, and 3. a forced kiss....which would you believe? that lan wangji forcibly kissed wei wuxian? or that wei wuxian forcibly kissed lan wangji?
depressing thoughts.
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enemywasp · 3 months
Tiktok antis are getting WAY too comfortable with the insane stuff they say about proshippers
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Like what the hell makes them think that's okay??? And I hope these are just them trying to be funny cause I have known antis to send actual shit to proshippers.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 9 months
Vent about Antis
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obvs this convo would never happen they would be blocked already but. aguhgh.
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haley-harrison · 4 months
tbh the main cause of shipping wars is that jackles is too good at his job. Man has convincing chemistry with most of his coworkers, so depending on which scenes you focus on, you can gather a convincing argument for your ship of choice.
like if you look just at the first three seasons, j2 have such insane chemistry you have to be blind not to notice. (case in point, even my mother, who is otherwise a normal 62-y-o was like 'well that's not a normal brother relationship'). add the lack of significant alternative options, and it's clear why the early days had so many wincest shippers. Like, duh. You see two hot guys who look at each other with adoration (and lip-licking), brain's gonna ship. Fiction isn't reality anyway.
However, then comes s4. Now, I think Misha is awesome and funny and great, and obviously he and Jensen hit it off. Enough that it shows on screen. That said, the script was still written as Kripke intended, which is that Sam and Dean are obsessed with each other.
Because it's a fact, that Kripke read Siken's Crush, and also On the Road, and wrote Sam and Dean very much under that influence. And if you read either of those, you know they're about gay lovers.
So. There's a conflict between the script (which is samdean coded), and the acting (where jenmish actually gets more and more intense with time).
And the thing is, both sides of the fandom have solid 'evidence' on why their ship is (practically) canon. And it sucks to see people actually fight and insult each other.
I am a multishipper: I have an OTP but I see the appeal of other pairings and occasionally read those too. And I wish we could all see that plurality of opinions is good. Fiction is meant to be discussed, there isn't one correct answer.
At the end of the day, we're here to have fun with this trash show (affectionate), so maybe let's do that without judging?
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dead-unicorn · 1 month
"i care about minors that are proshippers, they're just groomed children :(" and then those same people will tell me (and others) i deserved to be groomed, do you care about real children or do you care about pixels because you clearly care more about pixels.
same applies when you say you care about mental health until you see someone (a proshipper usually) say they want to be groomed again as if it isnt a natural trauma response, and then you shame for it instead of either scrolling/blocking or trying to help.
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nullbutler · 8 months
look i try to stay out of ship discourse as much as I can, but I can't even believe people would look at the musicals (specifically tango and circus, which have ciel as a tiny 11-13 year old child actor, a tiny tiny tiny little thing who my scrawny ass could probably pick up with one arm) and use them as awful ship fodder
like. straight up. that's a crime. i don't know where it says on paper, but on the basic premise of what divides us as human beings with kindness and self-awareness, and fucking bundles of harm, sexualizing someone that small is a crime. it's different when it comes to drawings and writing (this post isn't about that, its about the musical actors) (this is about the actor, not the character) (there are posts about that, that isn't one, nor do I feel comfortable going on such an angry rant about that), but imposing sexuality onto someone who barely learned fractions is completely ridiculous. you don't sound 'kinky' and 'dark' and 'invested in the true nature of BB' you sound like you need to be on a watchlist.
i don't care if it's black butler. it doesn't matter what fandom that's from, that's not okay. that's never okay. that's never going to be okay. that's a real child. If I found out a friend was viewing the musicals like that, I'm out. it's just revolting, I wouldn't trust anyone who thinks that around real actual kids. does it matter that he's on a screen? no! because he's a kid! that's reality! the. reality. is. that's. a. real. kid. a real kid. a kid that is real. a real kid that walked onto a real stage and sang a real song to a real audience about a fictional universe. thats a kid that had to do schoolwork on set and fell asleep in the greenroom and missed his parents and rehearsed an awkward little speech at the end of the performance. that is not 'ciel' the amorphous blob of eyes and bows, that was a real fucking child.
if anyones asks, if there was a season 2 musical, I would be JUST AS insistent that people leave whatever poor soul they force to play alois ALONE. thats why its important to cast adults, even as child characters, to protect them from people like that!! at least the later musicals did that. but it's ridiculous that that's even a protective measure, when these are at the end of the day children's stories
I can't make anyone stop anything, but I can say that's really weird and not cool at all. stop desensitizing yourselves to the point where that's a reasonable conclusion
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
🚨 Scam alert 🚨
The antis vs pro ship bullshit is going too far with NOW SOMEONE TRIED TO SCAM PEOPLE just to own proship or whatever and prove a point
Listen... You are taking this god damn bullshit too damn far! Why are you literally going to commit fraud over shipping and discourse?! Forget about pros vs antis whatever, you are planning to commit fraud and taking random people's money wtf
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Also that person have Tumblr account as well and she seemed to be friends with a serial harasser: aster-disasters who trolling and harassing on pro ao3 post or whatever i remember someone sending me DM about it but i don't remember details because it happened some time ago... Holy fuck...
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Imagine you plan to do fake commission or whatever, taking people's money + lying about your situation because you are so deep in online BS... Oh my fuckin' god some gen z are fucked beyond help...
Don't commit fraud over shipcourse!
Look if anyone with those account names babykn1fe or slime whatever asking for donation/offering commission project. Don't trust! 🚨
That person is on TikTok as well with the same name as Tumblr
Edit: Correcting pronouns + Wtf that twitter account saying "Good luck, have fun!!" To someone who's going to scam people online out of their money
It's like saying to Bernie Madoff:
"Oh! Bernie! You wanted to steal 70 billion dollars from people? Good luck! Have fun old boy!"
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AITA For Not Tagging a Work?
I, 32F, write primarily for my own enjoyment, my main platform being AO3. I currently have a multi-chaoter series that includes several major plot twists, including one that includes non-con. To avoid spoiling it, because I believe my stories deserve to be read with as little background info as possible, I only tag it as "Creator CHOSE not to Include Archive Warnings". Which is, as I hope is obvious, is not synonymous with "There Are No Warnings". The point is, I don't use the Rape/Non-con tag. Recently, I got a very upset reader in my comments complaining about how triggering that chapter of my work is, and that's where I have a problem. I believe the corporate obsession content warnings pervading even fanworks to be a major problem. I don't want to sanitize my work, but I do get that they contain pretty heavy themes. But I feel like I seriously do give my stories a disservice by adding labels on them, and maybe I am the asshole for this, but I value my pride and joy (my work) over strangers online. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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Tw for vague csa/abuse mention
Sometimes, yeah, I "get off to" the fics I write. And I definately like hearing that other people enjoy them, because I think everyone deserves things they enjoy and it truly makes me happy to provide a little of that for others.
But the reason I write what I write is so my brain has a place to spin out scenarios to try to make it okay. And by that I don't mean the things that happened to me. By that I mean the fact that I exist as someone who those things happened to. The fact that I live every day with the rammifications of one man's evil decision, wrapping themselves up and weaving themselves into every aspect of my life. And when I write I come at it from all angles- including sexual because I was a prematurely-sexually-awakened kid and that can make a person's relationship with sex a little confusing to say the least- to try to figure out how to live with it.
Fic writers don't write to normalize abuse. We write to normalize suvival. And survival isn't always pure and pretty and fluffy. I was not healed by a wholesome loving relationship, I was not healed by friendship or forgiveness or by trying to banish all darkness from my life and mind. I am healing myself by looking it in the eye. By getting elbows-deep in the darkness, letting it coat my skin again now that I am grown and safe. By forgiving myself for the tracks it left in my mind and body, accepting that it is part of my story and trusting myself to keep me safe.
That's what I'm trying to normalize. That it's good you survived, and it's okay to be "messed up by it". You are normal, and your existence isn't bad or tainted or dirty or wrong. You are good and innocent. You deserve to be here and you deserve a full, satisfying life with all the things you enjoy in it.
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wandering-wolf23 · 2 years
As a proshipper, it is not my problem if children wander into an area that is clearly marked for them to avoid. If they can't monitor their own internet usage, they have their parents and a multitude of internet apps.
If the dove is dead, don't be surprised to see maggots when you open the bag. Your inability to heed warnings is not my problem
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galedekarios · 10 months
it’s been a day and i still can’t believe there are ppl out there who believe that gale‘s narrative arc is about learning to communicate better
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suffersinfandom · 5 months
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Okay. At the risk of sounding really petty... I think that you can be critical of OFMD with little to no chance of being called a hater or a racist if you're not being a hater or racist. I would argue that calling the indigenous lead "a homicidal psycho" when he is not shown to be that isn't not racist or hateful.
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Ed is not a psycho who tortures his whole crew for fun.
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Big "Ed needed to be put down like a wild dog" energy.
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No, that is not the message the show was sending.
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Everything else was hate for David Jenkins and disdain for the "GBs" and their cult-like behavior.
Like, girl (gn). Friend. Have you considered that people are calling you a hater and racist because of the things you type? That maybe this is not something that everyone who is critical of OFMD faces? You go on and on about how the show and David Jenkins are abusive, racist, and ableist while grossly misinterpreting everything about Ed's character in season two in a way that feels kinda racist.
For the record, I have nothing against people who just don't like OFMD in a normal way or have actual, substantive, genuine criticisms to offer. Unfortunately, most of the criticism I've seen comes from people who have decided that it's "racist zionist slavetrader yaoi" or people who were obsessed with it up through S2E7, but then decided that the whole thing is morally reprehensible after the final episode dropped. There's nothing to be gained from entertaining people who hate the show without watching it or people who, like this individual from Twitter, demonize Ed in a way that canon absolutely doesn't support.
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its-arson-time · 2 months
“So, what is a proshipper? Though there is not one universally accepted definition, it is safe to say that a proshipper is one who supports romantic pairings that are deemed problematic, as well as supports creating fanworks of this nature” according to google. So basically like incest shippers, abusive relationships, etc. Stupid thing to be judgmental of imo buttt
okay except what falls under it like if i wrote a ship as toxic in a fic would that be considered proship
like. lets suppose i wrote a fic where they were abusing each other. would that be proship even if theyre not necessarily toxic in the source material does being anti proship mean you cant explore unhealthy dynamics
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