corvid-general · 9 days ago
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lil-mr-slipstream · 7 months ago
A collection of portraits depicting the voices from Slay the Princess, taking inspiration from the style of the video game Disco Elysium! The Voice of the Hero, a knight, an iconic silhouette against a luminant halo. A color palette of black, blue, and teal.
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The Voice of the Hunted, a beast trying to protect its heart from danger, represented here as a crosshair.
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The Voice of the Smitten, the knife wound letting loose lovely streams of swirling bodily juices into the air.
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The Voice of the Cold, dark, and angular. Something completely unafraid to kill.
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The Voice of the Skeptic, attempting to fly, tearing himself away from chains and what looks like his own body.
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The Voice of the Paranoid, Frantic and multi-eyed, clutching at a wound.
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The Voice of the Contrarian, flying in stark contrast to the others, glowing instead of secluded, a mischievous fairy or will o' the wisp, instead of a grotesque figure.
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The Voice of the Broken, shattered and leaking. A humanoid figure is no longer recognizable.
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The Voice of the Stubborn, Fiery eyes, and big meaty claws. The brushwork is chaotic.
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The Voice of the Cheated, smoke leaking from puncture wounds still embedded within him. He's holding a cigar, too; probably where all the smoke is coming from.
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The Voice of the Opportunist, carrying multiple masks on his person, and wielding a poorly concealed knife.
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And finally (for now) The Long Quiet itself, the night sky, swirling sigils blurred in the dark.
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duckysprouts · 6 months ago
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please read the books for my boy jaime lannister who speedran his character arc when he realized that 99 percent of his problems can be cured with buff girl tiddy
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chaosroid · 1 year ago
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lost-in-yahargul · 4 months ago
if you're looking for bloodborne art requests, may i humbly offer Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen? as a chalice dungeon-only boss she's v underrated imo. alternatuvely, one of those fucked up crow things that are all over the damn place in central yharnam
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This was a super fun one, thank you! :D
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wanderingibon · 23 days ago
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mirror, mirror
alternate version (warning for spoilers)
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athenascrows · 4 months ago
I genuinely don’t understand how ppl can appreciate characters normally cause this is what usually happens with me:
THEYRE SO SILLY- *explodes*
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padfoot-lupin77 · 7 months ago
Time for the debate of the century: what music does Kaz Brekker listen to?
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barkingcrows · 7 months ago
“Your father was your last real anchor, wasn’t he?”
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[click for better quality!]
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deadboyween · 24 days ago
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(now slightly just under) 3 WEEKS TO GO UNTIL DEADBOYWEEN!!
Meant to post this yesterday but there are 20 days left to get creating!! I'm so excited for this event and I can't wait to see everyone's brilliant works!!
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variousfandomthoughts · 3 months ago
Calahan Skogman’s accent as Matthias is so good that if I can’t have him in the Six of Crows spinoff, I at least need a full-cast audiobook to hear him say things like “I. SHOULD. LET. YOU. DIE.”
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katygorl · 3 months ago
Hello DBDA fandom! :D I am so sorry if this poll has already been made before by someone else, but this was a curious question that came to my mind when seeing good support for all three ships across the fandom. Since Edwin has had the most love interests on screen, I'm curious to see who everyone ships with him the most!
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sxnctxxry · 1 year ago
freddy, kit, jack, and dani: (looking away from the camera)
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thechaotichorselord · 5 months ago
Charger — PT. 1
TW: Blood, implied drilling of the body
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The lady is a Crow by the way. She’s the creator of the entire Parable and is sort of like Nar’s parental figure.
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smolandweirdwriter · 5 months ago
unpopular opinion but i really think inej would change the name of her ship. she told kaz herself that she didn't want to be the wraith anymore. she and her ship would be the Jackal, the suli's holy animal
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wall-eye · 6 months ago
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King Felix, just because! Its almost the pirate campaigns 1 year anniversary, isnt that so exciting?!!
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