corvid-general · 3 days ago
"Unfortunately, yes. It has everything to do with her..."
He perks up a little, looking at his alter, his feathers fluffed out in interest. Oh? He might know who they are?
"Have you... met them before? Is that what you're implying? I'm curious.."
"Another me? Ah, hello!"
-@corvid-general [Venomshank]
There was a bunch of papers strung about the living room. Venomshank and crow demon were picking them up. The crow demon dressed up all proper and had golden glasses placed on their face. They look over at Venomshank, their feathers fluffed up.
Venomshank got up and addressed the other with papers in his hands.
“Oh- this is new”
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corvid-general · 3 days ago
His eyes, which were behind his mask & mostly concealed, were studying the photograph. How interesting!
"The one I know... they try to isolate & shun themselves from everything, but I refuse to let them hurt & punish themselves. I refuse to let them do so..."
"I still remember them after they were released... they hid away from me for months.."
Released? Released from what?
"Another me? Ah, hello!"
-@corvid-general [Venomshank]
There was a bunch of papers strung about the living room. Venomshank and crow demon were picking them up. The crow demon dressed up all proper and had golden glasses placed on their face. They look over at Venomshank, their feathers fluffed up.
Venomshank got up and addressed the other with papers in his hands.
“Oh- this is new”
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corvid-general · 3 days ago
He sat down beside his alter, keeping some space between them, adjusting his tail feathers so he wasn't sitting on them.
"Emotions are... a difficult thing to handle at times. I won't blame you nor hold it against you for not being able to control them all that well. As long as you recognize your mistakes & strive to learn & grow."
"My sibling... Darkheart is an absolute wreck. They're not very good with handling their own emotions, they- lash out alot. I understand why, but that doesn't excuse that. I tell them that all the time..."
"Another me? Ah, hello!"
-@corvid-general [Venomshank]
There was a bunch of papers strung about the living room. Venomshank and crow demon were picking them up. The crow demon dressed up all proper and had golden glasses placed on their face. They look over at Venomshank, their feathers fluffed up.
Venomshank got up and addressed the other with papers in his hands.
“Oh- this is new”
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corvid-general · 4 days ago
You ok Venni?
The deity was...unresponsive. The only noises from him were low, snarling noises. He was also trembling & shaking like crazy, feathers all fluffed out. Thats... probably not good.
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corvid-general · 4 days ago
He nods, understanding. He goes silent for a moment, pondering about his next words carefully.
"No need to blame yourself, I get it. You had no control of yourself in that state..."
He obviously- didn't hear that last bit... maybe it was for the best.
"Another me? Ah, hello!"
-@corvid-general [Venomshank]
There was a bunch of papers strung about the living room. Venomshank and crow demon were picking them up. The crow demon dressed up all proper and had golden glasses placed on their face. They look over at Venomshank, their feathers fluffed up.
Venomshank got up and addressed the other with papers in his hands.
“Oh- this is new”
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corvid-general · 7 days ago
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 7 days ago
He hesitates. Darkheart... last time he checked up on them they were in a bad spot mentally. He really doesn't wanna invoke more stress on them. But then again...
He fidgets with his fingers a little, feathers fluffed out from worry & such. He worried so much about them.
"I- I think it's best if you do.. just be wary that they were not exactly in the best mindset last time I saw them... I don't want to put more stress on them."
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 7 days ago
The deity's already soft & warm demeanor & masked expression somehow manages to soften up even more. Sword... oh Sword..
"I love you too, Sword. I just... I wish things didn't have to be this way. I wish you didn't have to deal with this."
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 7 days ago
He flinches ever so slightly. He's scared, he's scared of hurting him. He can feel that disease building up in his mouth.
"Maybe... maybe it'd be best. I just.. I don't want to hurt you."
He holds his son's hands gently, clawed fingers gently caressing the other's knuckles.
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 7 days ago
The deity goes silent for a moment, feeling drool, green, awful & oozing disease, dribble down his face & down his chin. It lets out a small hiss as it oozes out of from under his mask.
He knew Sword could tell. It was kinda obvious now, with the disease dribbling down his chin & such. He didn't necessarily try to sugarcoat the fact either.
"I apologize I just... I'm not exactly feeling myself right now. I don't want to potentially- do anything.."
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 7 days ago
"I'm happy you're glad you're like me. Wow that was a mouthful... I'm glad you look up to me."
He gives his son another squeeze, before pulling away. Behind his mask he was getting a little ravenous, he could feel that stinging drool dribbling down from his mouth. Maybe he shouldn't risk it when he was like this... especially not with Sword. He managed to conceal all that though, he didn't want to worry Sword.
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 8 days ago
"I understand that completely. Infact, I'm the same way. Well that would only make sense, heh.. always looking up to me..."
"I just want to be a guardian, someone can come to & know they'll be safe. It hurts me to see some people so utterly helpless & defenseless, especially the people I hold dearly to me. I just want them to be safe."
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 8 days ago
He pauses, pondering. He... understands that feeling. Not wanting to hurt someone when you have no control over yourself.
"I... I understand that completely. But, surely they would've come back by now, right? Or maybe thats just the case for me... the murder & I communicate alot. We have quite the bond."
"Another me? Ah, hello!"
-@corvid-general [Venomshank]
There was a bunch of papers strung about the living room. Venomshank and crow demon were picking them up. The crow demon dressed up all proper and had golden glasses placed on their face. They look over at Venomshank, their feathers fluffed up.
Venomshank got up and addressed the other with papers in his hands.
“Oh- this is new”
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corvid-general · 8 days ago
"Me & your zizi just- we really clicked, y'know? Maybe that was because we were so young & clueless, utterly helpless too, but we just befriended each other & got along from the start."
"Our relationship has only grown & it'll continue to grow. We... we swore to be by each other's side until the very end. To be siblings, & to always be there for each other, even when times are tough & rocky. We'll always help each other through it."
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 8 days ago
"You were a rather adventurous & bold young man... you still are one, just... less reckless- how about that?"
"I was like that when I was young too... really small, I don't think I could even speak very well yet. Me & your zizi used to go into little tunnels & caves to play. That arm of theirs... believe it or not, it used to just be a splotch on their finger!"
"They figured out how to... make sparks from it. They thought it was so cool & so pretty, it was cool & beautiful, but it was silly now that I think about it... They loved seeing those sparkles & the light shoot out of their fingertip, unfortunately they didn't understand it very well so they- got hurt a couple times..."
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 8 days ago
"Yep! I'm so glad I took you home with me... probably the happiest day of my life! Or- maybe second? I dunno, it ties very close to when your zizi & I found out we were actually siblings.."
He chuckles at the fond memory. When the Inpherno was still young... they were all so clueless & helpless, so young.
"We swore each other as siblings before we met any of the others. We spawned so close to each other! It was just me & them... ever since the start."
There was a hint of bittersweetness, solemn maybe? He didn't really let it show. Looking back & seeing Darkheart so... happy. So healthy & joyous, full of spirit- it disgusted him looking at them now & seeing how all of that had been taken from them.
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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corvid-general · 8 days ago
He pauses for a moment. Out of all the things he remembers so vividly- that's not one of those things. He tries to think before he responds, hesitant.
"...I'm not sure. Maybe I saw something in you, that would make sense."
"I still remember carrying you back though, heh. I just went to get a snack with your zizi... I came back with more then I planned for!"
"Sword! Oh Sword..."
Here comes dad! Oh boy..
-@corvid-general [VENOMSHANK]
-> The dove's wings puff up at his father's voice, making him spin around and smile. "Dad!" -> He hurries over to the deity, stretching out his arms excitedly.
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