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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 4 images in 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed homestuck character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
The Psiioniic from Homestuck is a trans woman glitchgender genderbruised denchigender postgender cursimmorteon biofragmentive pesmentropian goldhemaec corutres visceratechic erogthem femme lesboyconnec bi straight turigirl gay gaybian who uses he/him pronouns!
The Grand Highblood (GHB) is a GNC trans man paintgender bloodaesic goreaesic rainbowgender clowncoric clowngender purplegender purplehemaec carniqueer juggaloweirdo juggalothing boybeing butchboy/boybutch queerweirdo T4T gay who uses he/him!
For @urfavgirlfag !
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Quenya names and Quenya names written backwards, plus Irish forenames
Abendorp Abhán Abmairotárd Abmendúnuon Adablis Adnamre Adnussiled Afinn Agnacron Aiginyart Aitiadlaräe Aitnoider Alagolyaly Allav Amari Amorom Amralic Amriondë Amíric Anindloit Anlauqal Anluct Annap Annilallurw Annór Antairiel Anyar Aratnil Armac Arnam Artoople Artún Arudno Aráthri Atanwë Ataynir Athghach Atimól Atsor Attatal Auqam Avalang Aylerif Aytar...
Barmorildón Beachán Begdenil Beleinë Belic Bendol Birmar Blámë Bodastain Brictows Béannéy Béaoir Calaolop Calava Calindë Callohc Camastira Camianivina Canala Caretsin Chorim Cilasus Cildil Coifiono Coláma Coren Corut Crincán Damanatsus Daream Deano Deavyh Deept Derght Deroc Dessal Dlein Dnatheatan Dnoiw Docileán Dredlo Drinrut Duruts Eagni Eatretlen Ecalameld Ecoiruows Eiliard Eiratarusta Eldautuoh Eldónë Elenol Eleyb Elmac Elocabmain Elwodh Emlugnar Eranaëf Erinauc Erlegelufer Eruoy Eróiróna Estin Evanalindo Eälómë Eälórel Eärnav Eärniv Eärrevic Faitro Falannatnul Falirodno Farthfhla Feibards Feiril Felped Fiamow Finayrissë Fingsli Fingwa Finihchinn Finya Fireanih Flaimachal Flandonemól Folma Forins Fornë Frame Frinyë Fëang Fíongast Gendë Gnand Gnieht Gnielo Gniumnarb Gnuadh Gobley Graytir Greav Hainnán Haltsi Hilín Hingin Hröani Hsafts Htang Htraclinírë Htronnait Idarayni Idhröa Idnifted Ilantirús Illodnack Ilvel Imarda Inatant Inquen Inquibhem Inulessar Irran Iryadnatar Irávandrow Islicalo Jeronde Khalaundur Knalnion Knorambë Lafiak Lamlac Lasac Lavalc Lehtneuq Leniondo Lerut Letil Liack Licklundil Lidna Lidnahs Lidno Lidnuaira Lilauren Limhísë Limór Linivnelen Lionám Lionón Lirit Lisín Liter Litsam Livin Llandubhán Lliefinë Llotreh Loarólick Lochlanail Lodlis Lognis Lohtnern Lufrisso Látsi Lómil Madnoi Madrap Magánar Maitnanólë Majohtel Maltál Manam Mandow Margeri Marniefion Maynacramak Mbastoldaeb Mento Methe Migín Milbar Minwol Mirbhlatsin Mirican Muinór Muirep Nachord Narnë Navagnid Naëvírë Negeb Nemeródnap Nemranwë Nemratiahán Nermë Nerudnewd Neulemion Nevae Niahtaw Ninnalómë Niryards Nisnraver Nithyar Nivic Nocamba Noiluma Noinaira Noiran Noiry Nolindë Nomeful Nosir Nácureldë Néimadha Númirwë Obhaniantë Odahk Odnew Oiplein Oliallion Omámacholám Ondeemindë Oreftark Orghs Orlal Orothnadh Oscam Ostoron Othín Ottolán Otárë Partsar Pilin Praghta Priednist Profyella Puramo Pádron Quendih Raciaght Rambeala Ramingae Ramrap Ramylkcon Rannáv Rannín Ratari Rathe Rathgirial Ratië Ratsed Rearair Reassendav Relat Relch Releánair Renat Rendecith Rendë Rentól Reren Rerutalë Restem Rewinail Reytserom Riatper Ricary Rokure Rualma Ruata Rudner Ruivirace Ruthnestoc Rátaírë Réaoi Salótë Samba Sandië Sarma Sarnor Sawloh Sdned Sdneniquet Sdnoidle Sdrathemórë Sdrindo Sealafinam Sellidniv Sgimos Sgnips Sidlidrampa Sifalapa Sighs Sillan Sinwë Sirian Slings Snegilín Sondilín Sorontól Soutarer Spalayh Sreldalav Srondiley Sseruleivás Ssusaht Stanólië Strom Stsew Swormaol Taitalanm Talquen Tandussor Tanirgire Tavae Tedna Terohtirp Teron Testaitna Teugnik Thghtayneim Thnait Tnungollac Touniba Tramlinna Trellog Tsaelgamar Tulion Tummeach Turealviéno Turesaptang Tyeluat Ualendië Uiratritë Ulkcandie Undil Unúmerta Vaeldonds Vaerut Vaglo Valachamo Valloh Vatarya Vatneards Vawgnuseár Vieniter Vindo Vinques Váynahy Wester Wiahs Wodna Yattaul Ytian Ytirmë Áriondo Éiléideaca Ëdlet Ëdnad Ëdnanah Ëdnel Ëdnifaoda Ëdnolo Ëdnorá Ëilande Ëildar Ëilileh Ëilíonácnul Ëinúlidna Ëirind Ëitso Ëlach Ëlatelcal Ëmleilk Ëmronórabm Ëmrornoindo Ëmúnaf Ënódlen Ërudnulets Ërunáhalië Ërólisrimen Ëssecnaxa Ësser Ëssourcar Ëssout Ëthanorow Ëtiar Ëtnairandë Ëwlav Ëwlië Ëwnaval Ëwniar Ëwnirs Ëwniródle Ëwniseál Ídetornallë Óseleivilín Úroniviadna Úvand Ānrial
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daily-fable · 2 years ago
Back on your theroy that Periz like likes Enderian, I was thinking what if she didn't when she started in the end corut but as she worked her way up and stared spending more time with Enderian she stares to like her more and more. And when everything with Isla happend and Perix starrd to grt jelous and when she infected Rae she found it as the perfect revenge on Enderian even if she didn't know abt the crush she had. I have lots of thoughts about this
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princess-of-the-corner · 2 years ago
More about the Arch-Demons, we don't know all of the court goals. Off the top of my head we don't know Logic and Compulsion's overall goal other then their goals being the only ones explicitley against humanities.
Innerworld-Introspect a ton. You won't find any innerworld demons as when they're created they immidietly begin introspecting.
Beasts - Believes the world is too human focused but doesn't hate humans. They record everything that doesn't involve humans.
Death - Manages death. They were actually way more active in this world then like any other because one of the PC's turns out to have been revived, there's also now an NPC who was revived so Court of Death isn't happy. According to a charecter Corut if Death usaully operates in the shadows and in the background.
Gotta love cheating death
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elfwreck · 2 years ago
U.S. District Judge Thomas Parker, an appointee of former Republican President Donald Trump, ruled late on Friday that the law was "both unconstitutionally vague and substantially overbroad." "Simply put, no majority of the Supreme Court has held that sexually explicit — but not obscene — speech receives less protection than political, artistic, or scientific speech," Parker said in the ruling.
The law:
The ruling:
"the Court finds that the legislative transcript strongly suggests that the AEA was passed for an impermissible purpose."
The AEA was passed for the impermissible purpose of chilling constitutionally-protected speech, and the secondary-effects doctrine does not save it from strict scrutiny review. The Court concludes that the AEA fails strict scrutiny review. Tennessee has a compelling state interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of minors, but Defendant has not met his burden of proving that the AEA is both narrowly tailored and the least restrictive means to advance Tennessee’s interest.
The AEA’s “harmful to minors” standard applies to minors of all ages, so it fails to provide fair notice of what is prohibited, and it encourages discriminatory enforcement. The AEA is substantially overbroad because it applies to public property or “anywhere” a minor could be present
Defendants tried to claim that the "harmful to minors" meant "harmful to 17 year olds" and therefore any teen-appropriate risque performance would be safe. Judge said no, the statute says "minors" not "17-year-olds," and therefore a cop who thinks "this show is inappropriate for 7-year-olds" could arrest people.
the Parties did not dispute that the AEA is content-based because it targets “speech based on its communicative content”—that is, content that is not obscene for adults but may be indecent and harmful to minors.
There is no question that obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment. But there is a difference between material that is “obscene” in the vernacular, and material that is “obscene” under the law.
Whether some of us may like it or not, the Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amenment [sic] as protecting speech that is indecent but not obscene.
Judge goes on to discuss a long-standing law about stripper businesses - and notes that the phrase "male or female impersonator" in the types of performers regulated, may be in need of review.
The bill criminalizes, or at least chills, the expression of a class of performers, rather than the business operators, or even parents, who facilitate the exposure of adult cabaret entertainment to minors.
This District Court does not find that the Tennessee General Assembly’s predominate concerns were “increase in sexual exploitation.” Rather, the Corut [sic] finds that their predominate concerns involved the suppression of unpopular views of those who wish to impersonate a gender that is different from the one with which they were born.
The AEA inflicts no punishment to the parent who brings their minor child to view adult cabaret entertainment. If the AEA was truly designed to advance “the state’s interest in protecting children independent of the parents,” then its punitive scheme belies that design.
...and so on.
He very nicely said: Nope; no good; I am not buying any of your Your Honor THIS is what we really meant bullshit. If you meant that, it should've been put in the law. If you want to require adult ID for drag performances, you can say that; if you want to restrict them to locations not near schools or churches, you can say that; if you want limits for shows inappropriate for 6-year-olds but allow ones that are okay for 15-and-up, you can say that. I am not reinterpreting the text in the law for you (and then having you go enforce it by your original unconstitutional intentions).
Defense kept trying to say they were just establishing "adult-only" zones for drag performances. Judge pointed out that the statute doesn't say a damn thing about "adult-only" zones, just places where they "could be viewed" by anyone not an adult.
Not even, "could legally be viewed." Or, "could permissibly be viewed." If it is possible at all that a 17-year-old could see the performance, the performers can be charged with a crime.
Judge decided that's bogus, that the fact that a 15-year-old might potentially be able to sneak into a show does not make the actors criminals.
A law is unconstitutionally vague if it “fails to provide a person of ordinary intelligence fair notice of what is prohibited, or is so standardless that it authorizes or encourages seriously discriminatory enforcement.”
Tennesseans deserve to know that their State’s defense of the AEA primarily involved a request for the Court to alter the AEA by changing the meaning of “minors” to a “reasonable 17-year-old minor.” In other words, while its citizens believed this powerful law would protect all children, the State’s lawyers told the Court this law will only protect 17-year-olds. This is only one of several ways in which Tennessee asked this Court to rewrite the AEA.
Judge is not buying the idea that "we really meant late teenagers" and that no cop is going to bust a drag show for having performances that would be inappropriate for 7-year-olds.
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cloudbattrolls · 4 years ago
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Prone to changing as all my designs are but I’m still pretty fond of my initial pass
Corutellary, Corute when masquerading as a troll. The equivalent of a college student on their own planet, which is an Alternian colony but Corute’s species is believed to be non-sapient, so they haven’t been enslaved or killed off. They’re colorful, fun to watch, and, as far as trolls know, harmless, so they’ve been left alone.
They in fact have natural abilities ranging from deadly venom, shapeshifting, regeneration, toothy tongues that can scrape flesh right off bone, and using light as an energy source for a variety of effects. But they don’t have a big interest in reclaiming their home; they see trolls as troublesome, but they’ve been there for hundreds of years now, so they’ve essentially become a fact of life. Annoying, but far more trouble to eradicate or drive off than they’re worth.
And given the other species that liked to attack their planet and the predators whose populations trolls cut down on, you win some you lose some.
So Coru is on Alternia with a few others of their kind (but all in very different regions) to study trolls and bring information back home to help their leaders continue deal with them and keep up their charade.
Coru likes their studies but is also prone to slacking off and just wandering around trying different kinds of food, going shopping, or taking a million photos for their species’s equivalent of Instagram.
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kickfoxing · 6 years ago
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the foxhole court ---> the king’s men (x)
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sahrahaber · 5 years ago
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KOVİD-19 HASTALARI YAŞADIKLARINI ANLATIYOR – Dr. Corut: “Önlemlerin kaldırılması rehavete düşürmemeli” https://sahrahaber.com/kovid-19-hastalari-yasadiklarini-anlatiyor-dr-corut-onlemlerin-kaldirilmasi-rehavete-dusurmemeli/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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affinityraee · 2 years ago
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thewitchwench · 2 years ago
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Pssst hey...do you want to come fondle some moss with me? Maybe lay under a tree for a bit, carve a little mushroom from a stick? Have lunch round a fire we made ourselves? Make a bird feeder and watch them come visit? Pick some cleavers and nettle and make a potion that cleanses the system of all the stagnation that's built over winter? Sign up for this Sunday's forest school for grown ups ends tomorrow. Come along and find whatever it is you're looking for. Email [email protected] for bookings and enquiries. . . . . . #witch #witch🔮 #solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan #priestess #witchschool #oldways #goth #forestschool #innerchildhealing #naturetherapy #rewilding #wildwoman #playtherapy (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoruT-jrVBN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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in the moments in between, I thought of the mass incarceration that had made many men crazy, evry woman in ther trapepd dwihtout a single moment of rest, the countless cse brought on by proverty, lack of education, the own emotinal trauma that one goes through. Even as my last dasy on unit came to a halt. Those who stayed there still waiting on corut dates, their own cases to be tried, what di dit matter? Were would all still be seen guilty in the eyess of the law. TYhe injustice of ehst hsf happened
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lavendergrace13 · 5 years ago
riptide - a TS8 album concept
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So... I saw a lot of album concepts going around online and I got inspired to create my own. Here’s ‘’riptide’’, an album that is like Lover and reputation’s love child with RED lyrics and Speak Now vibes. It’s pop country with a lot of other influences.
The idea behind this album would obviously be the riptide and how it can confront you with good and bad stuff as well as wash away both the good and the bad. It’s a representation of how Taylor has grown and how much she has learned over the course of her life and her career, and there’s a lot of different styles on it. It’s very reflective, maybe a little darker, but with a lot of love and light as well. Promo for it would start in early summer, with a September release. - because in September everything is brand new and as a nod to ‘’you’ll have new Septembers.’’ She’d announce it with a special video of her standing at the beach, what we will later learn is the location for the album photoshoot, telling us that this is a continuation of Lover’s vulnerability and reputation’s power. The era will have a lot of photoshoots, interviews for magazines and a lot of performances and singles, and she will bring back the polaroids. However, tis will also be a closer look into what her life is like now and it will help us understand more of why she has gotten so private. It really is all about where Taylor has come from and where she is now.
1. golden linings
the lead single and basically a continuation of Daylight with the use of the word ‘’golden.’’ It’s about how she’s happy now, how she has found a way to grow and evolve from everything that happens and how she has found that this is the best way to defeat the negative. Key lyric is something along the lines of ‘’baby, why settle for a silver lining when you can make it golden’’ and there’s a spoken word piece in it about turning her lessons into legacy (because this album is the very definition of that). It’s uptempo and the music video offers Easter eggs that are clear references to her earlier eras, with a lot of colors, pretty dresses and her doing a really pretty dance in the daylight.
2. welcome to court
a killer track in the same style as Cruel Summer, I Did Something Bad etc. It’s a call-out to the music industry and how that is like a corut full of intrigues and dirty games. It’s the fourth single - the first post-release - and Taylor goes all out with it by shooting the music video at a lavish castle and wearing the most awesome dresses, and it has scenes of her swordfighting, horseriding, dancing at a masquerade and being a queen. There’s also a small storyline in the lyrics about how she found ‘’a prince nor a king’’ who helped her flee. There’s Love Story references and this is heavily promoted as a diss to Scooter/Scott. It also resembles Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince. 
3. riptide
the title track that is like a mix of This Love and Clean and uses metaphors of the riptide. The song wins two Grammys because of the gorgeous poetic lyrics and is completely self-written and played by her on acoustic guitar (first part) and piano (second part). It’s very personal as Taylor describes the things that have been her ebb and flow. It doesn’t have a music video, but Taylor promotes it in the same kind of way as she did with her journals, but this time by releasing a poetry collection to go along with the album called riptide, which also features drawings and bonus polaroids. 
4. heavenly
a mix between Holy Ground and Long Live and dedicated to her fans and how she feels when she’s performing, also dedicated to the newfound happiness she experienced during the reputation tour. 
5. caged butterfly
the ‘’track 5 syndrome’’ and the track we’ve all secretly been waiting for: it’s about how she sometimes felt held captive by her record label and about what Big Machine did to her, about how she was never artistically free, but also about the things about her career that damaged her, such as body image, the fact that she couldn’t go to college or have a normal life, the mockign and all that. It’s very emotional, like a continuation of The Archer as one of her most personal songs. It’s also the longest. 
6. heartstrings & headlines
a very sweet acoustic song and the second single. it’s intimate along the lines of Call It What You Want and Cornelia Street. It’s about her private relationship with Joe, and in the lyrics - it’s self-written - she uses a lot of picture details about what their life is like. It’s also about their decision to keep things private and have their own little bubble hidden away from the public eye. Key lyric: ‘’our heartstrings don’t make headlines, because they’re only yours and mine.’’ a fan favorite. the music video shows Taylor and an actor in a very cozy home, with cameos for the cats. 
7. catching fireflies (ft. Kelsea Ballerini)
a classic country song and the third and final single before the release. It’s super catchy and the music video has butterfly wings, glitter, birds, sidewalk chalk, pink champagne and all those things. It’s basically It’s Nice To Have A Friend meets 22 and is about how even when things are rough and dark, there’s always fireflies, AKA bright spots AKA good things. 
8. crumbled fairytale
a song that turns out to be entirely different than people initially think based on the track list: they suspect it’s sad and vulnerable, but it’s actually a feminist anthem about how girls aren’t princesses and they should shatter their glass ceilings and glass slippers and toss away their fairytales. It references the Women’s March and The Man and in the bridge she also talks about Time’s Up and #MeToo and her sexual assault trial and women in the music industry. It’s the fifth single and the music video has a variety of female-identifying fans in stunning power outfits breaking stereotypes: they each start in a princess dress and then tear it off with a sword to reveal butterfly wings. 
9. one million midnights
a self-written, vulnerable song about the darker times of her life. It references a lot of ‘’2am’’-parts from previous songs when she lay awake with a broken heart or a mind wandering about insecurities or scars from what people did to her, and it’s a lot like The Archer. a song she never performs live because it’s too painful for her to think back of those times. 
10. reins of fate
another song that is a deep cut and hits hard, about ow her image controlled what she did for a long time, like invisible reins in her spine from the life she chose, but not the choices se chose. It’s about how for a long time she wasn’t free to curse or drink or dress in a certain way and it’s also about her system of doing what people wanted from her or said she couldn’t do. the bridge is about cutting those reins and is very powerful. 
11. rewrite the stars
a continuation of track 10, but in a more empowering way with a very alluring beat and an encouragement to take control over your story, to adjust and rewrite the stars and determine your own direction. Kind of like New Romantics.
12. picture book (ft. Selena Gomez)
 the sixth single and the long awaited collab! It’s about nostalgia and growing up, referencing The Best Day and Never Grow Up, with a lot of memories and a really cute music video that resembles the Everything Has Changed one, but this time with two girls becoming best friends. There’s also some emotional parts about monsters under your bed that turn out to be nothing like the real life monsters, a nod to Out of the Woods and Soon You’ll Get Better. 
13. thirteen years
a hugely emotional, acoustic, very long, self-written song about the thirteen years of her career, the significance of the number 13 and the reflection on who she was and has become. the most anticipated track. she performs it with a 13 on her hand.
14. when push comes to shore
an acoustic ballad about letting go parts of yourself, parts of your life and realizing that you also sometimes need to let people go. it’s the continuation of riptide and it’s about how when push comes to shore, you will know who you really are and what you hold close to your heart and what you can let go of. the most underrated song off of the album. it’s the seventh and final single and the music video is very serene, switching between Taylor sitting at a campfire on the beach with her guitar singing the song and her standing in the riptide. 
15. slumber
a very sexy song much like Dress and False God, but on the next level, about temptation and experimenting and discovering your sex life and those slumbering moments right before or right after sex, moments when you can really feel close to someone and the whole world and everything fades.
16. olive branch (ft. Katy Perry)
the biggest surprise of the album: a song that is both upbeat and slow. it’s about forgiving people when the time is right and when you’re both better people, but also about how you sometimes don’t have to forgive, and also about how you should sometimes forgive yourself. Taylor’s quote ‘’you don’t have to forgive and you don’t have to forget, you can just move on’’ is a big part of the song’s philosophy. 
17. tightrope dancer
a slow, subtle, but powerful song about a relationship when you’re so trusting of each other that you know you’ll fall together, but that you’ll also be able to do the most complicated dances and catch each other. it’s about how you can sometimes tumble off the tightrope, but how that will be okay because the other person will catch you and you’ll climb back up together, through it all, and that the tightrope will never brack. it’s a lot like Delicate and people make expressive dance videos for it.
18. love letters only
a self-written, acoustic song that is basically a letter from Taylor to herself, about everything she has learned and how she has grown. it’s about the things she’d like to say to her past self and her future self and to her current self, and there’s a lot of gorgeous self-empowerment lyrics. it becomes an instagram trend to post love letters only to yourself.
In December, Taylor surprises us with a deluxe version of the album that features five bonus tracks, all acoustic collaborations. There’s no singles or music videos, but she does release an intimate video for each song of her and the other artist in the studio performing it, much like Ed Sheeran’s Abbey Road videos. She brings those other artists out on tour frequently.
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1. night dreamer (ft. Ellie Goulding)
a song about sometimes wanting to escape, run away, and laying awake at night imagining that you’d leave and build another life for yourself somewhere else, to just drop off the face of the earth to start over.
2. kaleidoscope (ft. Ed Sheeran)
much like Everything Has Changed and a fan-favorite, it’s about how each person is a kaleidoscope of so many colors and shades and that it’s always hard to figure out what someone’s true colors are, referencing the backlash Ed got for not publicly supporting Taylor while they never got any less close.
3. you never had the right (ft. Halsey)
a smash song that is very powerful, addressing everything people think they’re entitled to when you’re famous. it strongly references Taylor’s sexual assault case and her stalkers and the ‘’I want the old Taylor back’’ people.
4. heartstrong (ft. Ariana Grande)
a power ballad about being confident and strong when people give you a hard time, about standing your ground and fighting back instead of shaking it off. very strong lyrics and a lot of power notes from Ariana.
5. karma (ft. Lorde)
a ‘’welcome to court/Cruel Summer’’-esque song about fighting fire with fire and being a snake or a dragon when you are wronged, but also abotu throwing off your armor because you know fate will pull at the strings to get them what they deserve. a song, in short, about knowing when to enter and exit the battlefield. 
So... what do you guys think? 
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brattylikestoeat · 5 years ago
Because when you get brought up on charges they gonna read your tags out loud during the corut case.
Deny, deny, deny, then you deny again.
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mossy-goblin-child · 3 years ago
Njoy a thing I mdate- -Corrupt
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mm corut;l
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loulou1943 · 3 years ago
All four Oklahoma abortion businesses have stopped killing babies now that Governor Kevin Stitt has signed the new Oklahoma abortion ban. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed into law the most protective abortion ban in the country yesterday. The new law went into effect immediately and began protecting babies since no corut stepped in today to […]
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lcrtl · 3 years ago
The Supreme Corut today rejected a request from over 2,000 health care workers in Maine to stop the state’s COVID vaccine mandate that would make them lose their jobs if they don’t get the COVID vaccine despite their religious objections to it. Some of the health care workers are Christians who object to the COVID […]
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