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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 4 images in 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed homestuck character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
The Psiioniic from Homestuck is a trans woman glitchgender genderbruised denchigender postgender cursimmorteon biofragmentive pesmentropian goldhemaec corutres visceratechic erogthem femme lesboyconnec bi straight turigirl gay gaybian who uses he/him pronouns!
The Grand Highblood (GHB) is a GNC trans man paintgender bloodaesic goreaesic rainbowgender clowncoric clowngender purplegender purplehemaec carniqueer juggaloweirdo juggalothing boybeing butchboy/boybutch queerweirdo T4T gay who uses he/him!
For @urfavgirlfag !
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year ago
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Scout from Team Fortress 2 is an autistic queerplatonic nebularomantic nebulasexual mspc straight boydyke transfeminine boy genderpunk bulletsgender autigender lesboyconnec trans man with hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, misophonia, NPD, psychosis, and tics who mainly uses he/him pronouns, but occasionally uses she/her, and he's in a QPR with Pyro and Sniper!
Soldier is an autistic disabled polyamorous T4T aspec pansexual boydyke bear transfeminine boy autigender raccoongender warhistogender genderqueer guy with delusions, hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, schizophrenia, and tics who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and he's married to Demo and Zhanna and dating Engineer!
Pyro is an autistic GNC thistle femme polyamorous T4T queerplatonic objectum aromantic aegosexual gaybian leather bear genderpunk autigender agendercute unicorngender pyromanienigmatic pyrogender firething girlboything genderqueer bigender thing with delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, MaDD, misophonia, OCD, C-PTSD, psychosis, and schizophrenia who uses he/him, she/her, and any neopronouns, and pop is in a QPR with Scout and dating Demoman!
Demoman is an autistic disabled polyamorous T4T queerplatonic omni gay bear genderpunk trans man with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, psychosis, and tics who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Soldier and Zhanna and dating Pyro!
Heavy is an autistic disabled objectum demiqueerplatonic demiromantic gay lesther bear cassgender trans man with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, and psychosis who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Medic and dating Engineer!
Engineer is an autistic disabled polyamorous T4T queerplatonic objectum cupioromantic acespec mspec gay bear autigender techfluid nonbinary man with chronic pain, delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, and psychosis who uses he/him, it/its, and she/her pronouns, and it's dating Soldier, Heavy, and Medic!
Medic is an autistic GNC polyamorous T4T aroacespec gay leather twink dovegender madsciencegender agender person with delusions, ASPD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, NPD, OCD, psychosis, and tics who uses any pronouns, and xe are married to Heavy and dating Engineer!
Sniper is an autistic queerplatonic objectum aroflux demisexual unlabeled transmasc animalcoric autigender agender person with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, C-PTSD, psychosis, and tics who uses they/them and he/him pronouns and is experimenting with ve/veir, and they're in a QPR with Scout!
Spy is an autistic GNC futch polyamorous arospec apressexual abosexual girlfag monsieurgender gendernoir genderfluid pronounfluid lesboy turigirl with alexithymia, combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis!
Miss Pauling is an autistic thistle femme demiqueeplatonic T4T acespec lesbian girlfag genderpunk trans woman with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, and psychosis who uses she/her pronouns!
Zhanna is an autistic disabled butch polyamorous T4T bisexual girlfag cassgender trans woman with alexithymia, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, and tics who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns, and she's married to Soldier and Demoman!
Merasmus is an autistic disabled GNC soft butch aromantic bi lesbian transmasculine girl bigender demiboy lesboy with chronic pain, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis who mainly uses she/her pronouns, but occasionally uses he/him or any pronouns!
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acronym-chaos · 2 months ago
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[IDs: 12 square icon images in pairs of 2. Both icons in said pairs have the flags listed below in order as background and the left ones have the image of mentioned characters outlined with white in order of them getting mentioned. End ID].
Applejack is an autistic applegender sapphic aroace trans woman with BPD who uses she/her pronouns. She is dating Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is an autistic rainbowcoric speedcoric neuropresentix butch demienby lesboyconnec girlloud polyamorous biromantic asexual T4T trans woman with ADHD and OCD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns. They are also in a QPR with Fluttershy. Fluttershy is an autistic softcoric amicumian transfeminine agendercute faunagender demiromantic asexual lesbian who uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns and 🦋/🦋s pronouns. All of them are friends with Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie is an autistic genderfluid pinkgender confettigender cassgender sillything bi lesbian asexual transfem genderfunny magigirl with MaDD, BPD, HPD and ADHD who experiences tics and uses any pronouns but prefers she/her, pink/pinks and 🎈/🎈s the most. Twilight Sparkle is an autistic casualic genderflor malificae magicia magicgender nonbinary aroaceflux with OCD and OCPD who uses no pronouns. Rarity is an autistic bipolar hypersexual contrafem contramasc girlboyic boygirlic egogender hypersgender dramagender omniromantic acevague bigender with ADHD, BPD and HPD who uses she/her and he/him pronouns.
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
Made for @cocajimmycola's 1k Follower Event for Day 2 using the Prompt: Ponies
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neopronouns · 2 years ago
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lesboyconnec | veldigirlconnec
lesboyconnec: a gender in which one feels connected with the lesboy label, but does not identify as one
veldigirlconnec/turigirlconnec: a gender in which one feels connected with the veldigirl/turigirl label, but does not identify as one
figured these would be useful!! they use the same format as my rosboyconnec and azurgirlconnec flags, with the larger blue stripes representing a connection to the lesboy/veldigirl labels and the faded xenogender stripes representing a lack of identification. the terms are 'lesboy'/'veldigirl'/'turigirl' + 'connec' from 'connected'!
flag id: two flags with 8 stripes, with the first and eighth stripes being twice as large as the rest. the left flag's stripes, in order, are soft blue, faded indigo, light faded pink-red, very light dull orange, bluish-white, very light faded blue, faded blue, and soft blue. the right flag's stripes, in order, are soft blue, dark dull purplish-pink, dull soft blue, light faded aqua blue, red-white, very light orangish-red, light pinkish-red, and soft blue. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
dni link
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moldqueer · 2 years ago
somnos, ey/em (+ more) genderqueer, omnigender, maverique+ trans man idemromantic lithioromantic, demirosboy + demiazurgirl, lesboyconnec, turigirlconnec. you can't handle my multi-gendered swag is there an umbrella term separate from xenogender? i'm probably it! (spiritine, kenochoric, soporine, macarshric, luxine, wilderic, kasvionan, inbissiec, fantasium, sonderous, ambedoric, dimensen, etc..)
autistic with a special interest in liomogai terminology, moved accounts again.. warning! this account is not tagged! like.. at all. i only tag eyestrain and flashing lights/colors. be warned for content related to and mentions of: horror, gore or otherwise violence, death, hospitals and hospital equipment or otherwise sensitive topics. no nsfw/sexually 18+ terminology will be displayed, as i am not an adult. this is not my main! @burgerfanboy is! love me a borger.. if it hasn't been obvious yet, this is a hoarding blog! i am a simple man and i do not have enough labels. i am harbringer of microlabels and you will feel my wrath (notes on your tumblr blog)
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losergendered · 1 year ago
The Psiioniic from Homestuck is a trans woman glitchgender genderbruised denchigender postgender cursimmorteon biofragmentive pesmentropian goldhemaec corutres biofragmentive visceratechic erogthem femme lesboyconnec bi straight turigirl gay gayian who uses he/him pronouns!
The Grand Highblood (GHB) is a GNC trans man paintgender bloodaesic goreaesic rainbowgender clowncoric clowngender purplegender purplehemaec carniqueer juggaloweirdo juggalothing boybeing butchboy/boybutch queerweirdo T4T gay who uses he/him!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
Scout from Team Fortress 2 is a autistic nebulasexual nebularomantic queerplatonic mspec straight boydyke transfeminine boy genderpunk bulletsgender autigender lesboyconnec transman with Hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, misophonia, NPD, psychosis, and tics thats mainly uses he/him pronouns but occasionally uses she/her, he is in a QPR with Pyro and Sniper
Solider is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T aspec pansexual boydyke bear transfeminine boy autigender raccoongender warhistogender genderqueer guy with delusions, Hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, schizophrenia, and tics thats uses he/they pronouns, he is married to Demo and Zhanna and is dating Engineer
Pyro is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T aegosexual aromantic queerplatonic objectum gaybian leather thistle femme bear gnc genderpunk autigender agendercute unicorngender pyromanienigmatic pyrogender firething girlboything genderqueer bigender thing with delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, MaDD, misophonia, OCD, C-PTSD, psychosis, and schizophrenia thats uses he/she pronouns along with any neopronouns, pop is in a QPR with Scout and is dating Demo
Demoman is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T queerplatonic omni gay bear genderpunk transman with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, Combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, psychosis, and tics that uses he/him, he is married to Solider and Zhanna and is dating Pyro
Heavy is a autistic polyamorous demiromantic demiqueerplatonic objectum gay leather bear cassgender transman with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, and psychosis thats uses he/him pronouns, he is married to Medic and is dating Engineer
Engineer is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T cupioromantic acespec queerplatonic objectum mspec gay bear autigender techfluid nonbinary man with chronic pain, delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, and psychosis that uses he/it/she pronouns, it is dating Solider, Heavy, and Medic
Medic is a autistic polyamorous T4T aroacespec gay leather twink gnc dovegender madsciencegender agender person with delusions, ASPD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, NPD, OCD, psychosis, and tics that uses any pronouns, xe are Married to Heavy and is dating Engineer
Sniper is a autistic demisexual aroflux queerplatonic objectum unlabeled transmasc animalcoric autigender agender person with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, C-PTSD, psychosis, and tics that uses they/he pronouns and is experimenting with ve/veir, they are in a QPR with Scout
Spy is a autistic polyamorous apressexual arospec abrosexual girlfag futch gnc monsieurgender gendernoir genderfluid lesboy turigirl with alexithymia, Combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis is pronouns fluid
Miss Pauling is a autistic T4T acespec demiqueerplatonic lesbian girlfag thistle femme genderpunk transwoman with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, and psychosis that uses she/her pronouns
Zhanna is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T bisexual girlfag butch cassgender transwoman with alexithymia, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, and tics that uses she/he/they pronouns, she is married to Solider and Demoman
Merasmus is a autistic disabled aromantic bi lesbian soft butch gnc transmasculine girl bigender demiboy lesboy with chronic pain, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis that mainly uses she/her but occasionally uses he/any
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Scout from Team Fortress 2 is a butch bisexual trans lesboyconnec man with ADHD and OCD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Sniper, Miss Pauling, Pyro, Engineer, and Demo!
Demoman is an autistic unlabeled bear who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Soldier, Scout, and Sniper!
Sniper is an autistic bi gay man who uses he/him pronouns and doesn't mind they/them, and he's dating Scout, Medic, and Demo and has a crush on Saxton!
Soldier is a neurodivergent butch abrosexual sapphilean bisexual transsexual pangender man with traumatic memory loss who uses he/him and occasionally she/her pronouns, and he's dating Demo and Spy, married to Zhanna, and in a relationship with Merasmus!
Spy is a straight bisexual turihet transfeminine bigender genderfluid femmefluid marfluid man who uses he/him and she/her pronouns in English and il/lui, elle/elles, and iel/ellui in French, and he's married to Scout's mom and dating Engineer and Soldier!
Heavy is a gay bear who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Medic!
Engineer is a disabled queerplatonic aromantic alloaro queer bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns and doesn't mind they/them from friends, and he's in a QPR with Pyro and dating Spy and Scout!
Pyro is an autistic schizophrenic queerplatonic aroaceflux trixic pan abroromantic voidsexual gaybian transfeminine pangender demiboy xenine genderfluid agender panxenogender firething girlboything with ADHD and OCPD who uses all pronouns and prefers it/its, they/them, she/her, and xe/xem, and xe's dating Scout and Miss Pauling and in a QPR with Engineer!
Medic is an autistic gay man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Heavy and dating Sniper!
Miss Pauling is an autistic bisexual genderqueer woman with a preference for woman who uses she/her and occasionally they/them pronouns, and she's dating Scout, Pyro, and Zhanna and has a crush on the Administrator!
Zhanna is a femme aromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns, and she's married to Soldier and dating Miss Pauling!
The Administrator is an aromantic bisexual lesbian who uses she/her and it/its pronouns, and it's in a relationship with Scout's mom!
Scout's mom is a bisexual woman who uses she/her pronouns, and she's married to Spy and in a relationship with the Administrator!
Saxton Hale is a bisexual man who uses he/him pronuons, and he's in a relationship with Mr. Bidwell and married to Maggie!
Mr. Bidwell is a trans gay man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a relationship with Saxton!
Maggie is a biromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns, and she's married to Saxton!
Merasmus is an aromantic mspec pangender demifluid perosn who uses they/them and it/its pronouns, and it's in a relationship with Soldier!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
(could you use versions of the characters from the comics? thank you!!)
scout from tf2 is a trans butch lesboyconnec bi man who has ADHD and OCD and uses he/him! he's dating sniper, miss pauling, pyro, engineer and demo!
demo is an unlabeled bear who's autistic and uses he/him! he's dating soldier, scout and sniper!
sniper is an autistic bi gay man who uses he/him pronouns, but doesn't mind they/them much either. he's dating scout, medic, and demo! He also has a crush on Saxton hale. (can you use both the bi gay man flag and the bisexual and gay flags? tysm :) )
soldier is a neurodivergent transsexual pangender abrosexual bi sapphilean butch man who has traumatic memory loss and uses he/him pronouns as well as occasionally using she/her! he's dating demo and spy, is married to zhanna, and is in a relationship with merasmus!
spy is a straight transfem bigender genderfluid femmefluid marfluid bisexual turihet man who uses he/him and she/her pronouns in English, as well as il/lui, elle/elles, and iel/ellui in French! He's married to scout's mom, and is dating engineer and soldier!
heavy is a gay bear who uses he/him pronouns! he's married to medic!
engineer is a disabled aromantic queerplatonic alloaro queer bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns, and doesn't mind they/them from friends. he's in a QPR with pyro, and is dating spy and scout!
pyro is an autistic schizophrenic transfem pangender demiboy xenine genderfluid agender panxenogender firething queerplatonic aroaceflux trixic pan abroromantic gaybian voidsexual girlboything who uses all pronouns, preferring it/they/she/xe! It also has ADHD and OCPD! Xe's dating scout and miss pauling, and is in a qpr with engineer!
medic is an autistic gay man who uses he/him pronouns! He's married to heavy and is dating sniper!
miss pauling is an autistic genderqueer bisexual woman with a preference for women who uses she/her, or ocassionally they/them, pronouns. She's dating scout, pyro, and zhanna, and has a crush on the administrator!
zhanna is a femme aromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns! She's married to soldier and is dating miss pauling!
the administrator is an aromantic bisexual lesbian who uses she/it pronouns! It is in a relationship with scout's mom!
scout's mom is a bi woman who uses she/her pronouns! she's married to spy and is in a relationship with the administrator!
saxton hale is a bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns! He's in a relationship with mr bidwell and is married to maggie!
mr bidwell is a trans gay man who uses he/him pronouns! He's in a relationship with saxton hale!
maggie is a biromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns! She's married to saxton hale!
merasmus is a pangender aromantic mspec demifluid person who uses they/it pronouns! it is in a relationship with soldier!
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