Royal Law
2 posts
Prosecuting organized white collar crime since 2022
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royallawx · 1 month ago
Ross was attacked by the same criminals in courts as many people across America:
Entrepreneur who has assets or business is selected as victim of racketeers from court system and gets much more harsh sentence than anybody else “on discretion of judge”
This racketeering schema was repetitively used against people who I know in Silicon Valley - regardless of type of the case or types of the assets.
Typically person is unreasonably arrested, “judge is so harsh” and gives unreasonably harsh sentence for nonsense, and some asshole lawyer comes to help to “find a way out of prison”
Lawyer in this scheme is sucking money from imprisoned victim until all resources of victim are completely depleted.
After that they either release victim, or give a life sentence like with Ross - because with Ross reason for imprisonment was clearly extortion of money, and for extortion both judge and lawyer by the law must be prosecuted under RICO and will get life sentence.
Yes, read it again:
For racketeers keeping victim in prison for life is simpler - since victim cannot fight racketeers from prison, cannot report act of racketeering and extortion to FBI, and ultimately is deprived all rights.
How friends and family saved Ross?
By reaching Donald Trump.
Glad Donald started releasing victims of court racketeering. This is the great day for America
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royallawx · 5 months ago
Welcome to the blog of the Royal Law independent agency.
We challenge the most complex problems and ensure proper prosecution of organized criminal syndicates committing racketeering and extortion under color of law in court system.
Typically such organized criminals have complete control over state courts, police and DA office. Such organized crime is developed over decades, and is deeply rooted in judicial system and government.
Typically such organized criminals completely obstruct justice, use direct attacks, threats and coercion to completely destroy life and safety of their victims, and extort assets, custody and property rights under color of law, so it looks like there is no way to fight racketeering attack.
In simple wets words, such organized crime is named MAFIA.
Though, it’s not so desperate. There are effective techniques to capture and prosecute criminals, and government agencies like FBI, DOJ, offices of Attorney General, Governor and President must act to stop outbursts of organized crime and prosecute organized criminals.
Of course, history of fighting organized crime in California has lots of cases where mafia completely destroyed lives of people, and very few were mafia was stopped and prosecuted.
So it’s important to being realistic when facing this evil.
This blog is a backup for RoyalLaw.Club, since criminals regularly commit attacks on our infrastructure, and while we are improving security measures, we don’t want you to be cut off from or public resources during possible outages.
Among resources that we make public so you can immediately start your anti-corruption campaign not waiting for our first contact, are:
- Contacts of agencies prosecuting organized white collar crime (FBI, DOJ, CJP, AG, etc)
- Public knowledge resources (Public Libraries, Online Services, YouTube channels and blogs of professional law agencies and people experienced in legal fight against organized corruption)
- Templates of legal documents (like Statements of Disqualification, Request of Permission to Video Record Proceedings, etc)
- Description of legal procedures and typical case flows
- Real case examples, court files and video recordings of criminals in courtroom and on streets - used in further prosecution
We believe that your safety, safety your family, your assets and property, are the top priority, and you must have enough knowledge and tools to protect yourself and your family against organized criminals.
This is possible only with your active involvement, direct fight against organized crime, and through active involvement of correct tools from the very beginning.
The very beginning of battle has tremendous effect on your position and your ability to continue fight. So don’t hesitate, grab available information and start acting right now
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