daily-fable · 6 hours
Something I didn’t really do on purpose but enjoy is that kai and Faye both got endings they didn’t think they’d ever be able to have
Like Faye started Mer as a relatively weak character, she was someone who was constantly hiding behind Theo and Nel when stuff happened and when she needed support. She was a character who almost felt like she needed to watched and coddled so she didn’t get into trouble- but by the end of the server she’s self sufficient. She’s doing well for herself, she’s trying to help others and she’s powerful. It’s just her and Nel now and she’s doing good for herself being able to protect herself and the people around her.
On the other hand there’s kai. A character who had to constantly be self-sufficient and keep her walls up to protect herself, she’s spent most of her life alone and at the start of fable she thinks that she’s going to be alone forever. Kai barley considered herself a person. But by the end of the server shes okay to rely on people. She’s still confident and strong but she’s okay to put her issues in the hands of others and she knows that centross and Jerry aren’t going anywhere. She even gets to a point where she allows herself to have a whole family. The woman who never had a solid home built a whole kingdom and family.
I love them
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daily-fable · 6 hours
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The actual art I did forever ago of Future!Faye!!! It never got colored but I love all the bits and bobbles you can’t really put on a minecraft skin
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daily-fable · 6 hours
finale of mer smp means you guys get krit crumbs so here you go :))
as you saw in otherside, krits eye stopped bleeding around 4 years ago in canon (when icarus became quixis), but they did keep their robot arm! there’s some sherbverse reasons for that but don’t worry about it—
their robot arm did start rusting though after their eye stopped bleeding- but luckily raylan and caspian figured out how to keep it in good condition!
krit still lives with solaris, percy, cas, and raylan on their little island- and cas and raylan are expecting! krit is going to be a crunkle!
krit has a bunch more friendship bracelets and friendship necklaces now from their family, and still writes and visits the reef often!
and here’s the little art i did of their final fit- they get a lil vest now :D
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thank you to the rest of the cast of mer smp for running an awesome server over the last couple years- im so glad i got to be a part of it! and thank all of YOU for being such awesome fans and enjoying our story 🧡💚
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daily-fable · 6 hours
Thank you, for everything.
I wouldn't be where I am today if MerSMP didn't exist.
Writing this story and playing this character for all of you has been such an incredible experience and it's left a permanent mark on me that I can't explain. It's so so important to me and it means the absolute world that all of you have been here with me through it all. Highs, lows, and everything in between.
I still have some post-epilogue bits for c!Gyn that I'll be releasing- I'm sure you'll all be happy to know he got his family. But for now, thank you. Enjoy these final words from Gyn himself.
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"Growing up, I was told that I was meant for greatness. It was drilled into my head from the moment I could understand words that I would be important, that I would change the world.
I like to think they were right, but maybe not in the way they expected.
I've been through hell. But through all of it I've retained my love for the world- even when I lost the one I knew.
And that stubborn love resulted in me changing my own world.
I have friends. A family. A partner. And I get to stay here with them, and grow old alongside them in a safe home. I don't have to watch them leave. That's more valuable than any kingdom I could have ever hoped to create, or rule.
It's time to begin. Something new.
And to my spirits, though I can't understand you any longer. Thank you for being with me, all of this time. I hope you're happy, wherever you are.
- Gyn Angevin
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daily-fable · 3 days
something something the way bound treats and talks about disability makes me *sob*
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daily-fable · 12 days
Before we get to Gyn's finale later today, I want to talk about how important his story is to me.
It didn't start how it is now. It started as me making a scrunkly lil character, bouncing off the walls about him for a bit, then releasing him into the world in all of his cryptic glory.
I didn't expect him to become who he is now. I expected to have him be a throwaway, a character that I didn't care all that much about but still played because it was fun.
I didn't expect him to become one of the most important pieces in my storytelling journey. I didn't expect him to become one of the most important characters I've ever made, if not THE most important.
I didn't expect him to time and time again show love, forgiveness and compassion in the face of hatred, fear and villainy. I didn't expect him to develop a darker side- one capable of crushing someone in his bare fist- to protect himself and the ones he loves. I didn't expect him to lay down his life, again and again, because he feels he's the only one who can and survive.
I didn't expect him to help me so much in learning how to let go.
He wasn't intended to be anything more than just a silly mermaid with a sad backstory. But he's become something that I'm so proud of- my first ever character that has a complete story from beginning to end. And I'm so grateful to everyone that has watched him grow from the beginning alongside me. To everyone who loves him, just as much as I do.
I hope our story brings you joy. Thank you.
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daily-fable · 15 days
Red got a False Bloody Crown and this appeared in my head
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daily-fable · 16 days
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daily-fable · 19 days
Fistfuls of Jam.
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You will not regret fistfuls of jam.
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daily-fable · 19 days
fun eod fact: red covered daze in moss durring a tornado in season 10 to keep him safe from the storm, and that was the last time red saw them until the waffle house at the end of season 12
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daily-fable · 19 days
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introducing redbite from my new minecraft project, wild west smp! i love her so dearly it's gonna be soso good and i'm really excited to share it with yall :)
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daily-fable · 19 days
hey what if the scene of red killing rin in season 8 lining up with that specific lyric in the anniversary video was my last straw
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daily-fable · 20 days
EoD, or as we like to call it, Rev draws Ajax and friends for two weeks straight.
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daily-fable · 22 days
is there any full art of gyn? I’m just curious
Have I really only fully drawn him three fucking times??????
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And one of them is a fucking spiteduo piece. Oh my god.
The answer is yes but I don't have. Very much. Dear god I've made it through this whole SMP only drawing Gyn fully like 3 or 4 times what the hell.
Anyway here u go. Jfjgkh
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daily-fable · 22 days
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So real.
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daily-fable · 23 days
here ya go!!
Does Terramortis SMP have a discord/twitter or does anyone know where I can find the Cast/Character references? I’m only just finally watching Beck’s VODs on YouTube 😅
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daily-fable · 24 days
God, the platonic tension is crazy. They wanna be friends so bad.
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