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etheric-echoes · 1 month ago
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I’ve chosen to live a life that’s real, raw, and free from all the noise. -Etheric Echoes Art: Etheric Echoes #AuthenticLiving #SoulfulJourney #RawAndReal #EthericEchoes #ConsciousLife #SpiritualFreedom
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aesthetelabel · 4 years ago
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Meditative moments - sometimes our most productive moments are when we take time out from our busy schedules and just let ourselves be in the here and now. . . . . Image via @ievajournal #meditation #meditativemoments #qotd #meditationpractice #meditationspace #mindbodysoul #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #consciousness #higherconsciousness #yoga #awakening #bepresent #relax #selfcare #simplelife #slowliving #consciousliving #consciouslife #plantbased #crueltyfree #vegan #aesthetelabel #sustainableliving #freethemind #freedom #life #highervibrations #restandrelaxation #rechargeyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CHjKxu1JEQA/?igshid=15z3f3sxknysm
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iranajian · 5 years ago
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[ mystic morning ] . There is so much magic in the early morning. Waking up before sunrise and going for a 20 minute walk, no caffee, just water before and after your walk, will absolutely boost your metabolism and give you so much more vitality than sleeping longer. After one week of doing this you will feel completely renewed and serene. . Simple changes can light your life. . #hydration #consciouslife #nofilter #changethefocus Yoga Rasa Sādhanā is a subtle experiential process of transformation that awakens new levels of consciousness within revealing your essence. . This Online 7-week Course Sadhana is for women who aspire to live joyfully & Inspired, who see Life as a dynamic state of ever-expanding awareness. . https://app.namastream.com/#/irana-jian-anapnoe-yoga/product/9154 . .Personal Coaching Sessions .Asana and flow practices to support the breath and connect to your heart . Access to ongoing recordings & course updates .Questions for self-study and contemplation .Discussion and community connection through FB Group .Bonus offering: Access to Living Yoga Sadhana Online Live Sessions 3 times per week & a media library with more than 45 Live recorded practices. . What is Rasa? Rasa is a Sanskrit term meaning "essence". In the spiritual tradition, this term refers to the essence of human experience; the emotions that govern human life. Tantric system identifies nine basic human emotions. In the practice of yoga however, only three of these rasas are considered to be fundamental: the vira rasa (refers to the power of controlling the breath, mind and body), the shanti rasa (refers to the serenity of equilibrium) and the sringara rasa (refers to the spiritual and physical unity achieved through yoga). . #onlineyogacourse #hathayogaonline #meditation #consciousliving #yogaonline #lifecoach #yoga #lifestyle #stayhomeConscious #Anapnoeyoga #yogashala #HathaYoga #consciousevolution #womanyoga #woman #essence #innerwork #realizeyouressence #soulessence #stopdestroyingmothernature https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVAflxgIuu/?igshid=1niyr1my8u4ld
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thehomewares-blog · 6 years ago
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Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Nothing is random, the universe is ordered and intelligent. When we are ungrateful for our lot, it means we are questioning the perfection of the ordering principle and this causes dis-order on a universal level. What is meant for us will come to us, do not strive for more or less. #philosophy #healthylife #consciouslife #sustainable #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #health #mentalhealth #love #greekphilosophy #motivation #mood #instamood #food #love #fit #fitness #summer #garden #organic #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tbt https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt4ZzBrAaoW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1egr76zc6gxss
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ayodeleviva · 2 years ago
And again and again and A GAAIN!
Gerade habe ich meinen letzten Eintrag vor 2 Jahren gelesen - ich wusste nichtmal mehr dass dieser erstellt wurde! Naja, er spricht mir mehr denn je aus dem Herzen und es freut mich - ich habe in den letzten 2 Jahren so viel gelernt und mich entwickelt, stehe heute an einem ganz anderen Ort und doch denke ich noch dasselbe! Einmal mehr habe ich wieder das Bedürfnis mich mitzuteilen. Dein Entscheid ob du diese Einblicke in meine Reise mitnehmen willst. Warum solltest du? Vielleicht bist du neugierig was dieses „Gör“ (was für ein Ausdruck?!) so treibt. Oooder du stellst dir ebenfalls des öfteren die Sinnfrage, magst Inspiration zu Selbstentwicklung, aussergewöhnliche Lebensgestaltung, Weltverbesserung & Reisen. Ja es geht um die äussere und die innere Reise. Ich bin nämlich immer mal wieder in der grossen weiten Welt unterwegs und dabei sehr oft verträumt in meiner eigenen kleinen Welt.
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Welcome to India! Erster Eindruck in Fort Kochi, Kerala, South India
Gerade sitze ich neben meinem Driver im Auto, höre interessante Musik aus dem indischen Radio und freue mich auf mein bevorstehendes Ayurveda Treatment. Ich habe keine Ahnung was mich erwartet, mein lieber Kollege Soraj, der in Kochi aufgewachsen und mit mir im Beachhouse in Murten gearbeitet hat, der hat mit das alles organisiert! Ein riesenfettes Dankeschön an dieser Stelle Soraj, welch wunderbare Gastfreundschaft aus der Heimat!
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Erster Eindruck? Amazing! Die Natur ist wunderschön - Dschungel, viele Palmen und Seen #backwaters, angenehme 30 Grad. Das Essen ja überraschenderweise hervorragend! In Kochi gibt es alles! Von krutzigen Streetfoodständen mit Plastikstühlen über tibetisch, PizzaPasta bis fancy western zum dreifachen Preis. Die Leute sind mein favorite:) guter Humor, sehr hilfsbereit und wirklich witzig! Ich denke, es gibt grosse ortsabhängige Unterschiede. Kerala gilt als bestausgebildetes Volk und ist vergleichsweise weniger von Armut betroffen. Ansonsten kann mani schon erahnen, wie unglaublich riesig dieses Land ist - wir fahren nämlich bereits eine Stunde und sind noch immer mitten in der Stadt. Und langsam geht mir dieser Radio auf den Sack!🙊 Musik und dann noch Werbung in einer von vielen (!!) indischen Sprachen, phuu. Gutes Training für Nervendtägke und Gelassenheit ;)
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Magst du mitkommen auf diese Reise? Ich bin 1 Monat in Indien und mache langsam meinen Weg über ein paar Yoga Ashrams, Beachlife & Goapartys hoch nach Mumbai. Zudem folgt bald noch eine Zusammenfassung meiner 5 Wochen in Thailand, die ein wenig transforming und sehr heilend waren. Ich schäme mich jetzt nämlich nichtmehr, für das was ich bin:) #previouspost. Ich habe auch noch ganz viele Erkenntnisse, Weisheiten und Anstösse zu teilen. Jap, ein weiteres western girl auf dem Yogitrip und besten Weg zur Weltverbessererin😋
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Ich freue mich, wenn du dabei bist, deine Gedanken da lässt und dich mit mir connectest. #staytuned
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themodelscoach · 6 years ago
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And we always recognize each other!!!! And by doing that, we find back hope in this difficult world! #weareeternal #weareone #gaia #wiccans #conscience #consciousliving #wordpornoftheday #realfriendship #learningaboutlife #theuniverseknows #cosmiclove #spiritualawakening #conscienceness #consciouslife #universallove #cosmiclife #energylife (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqSUsgBP_2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qyg0faaudm22
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modernagespirituality · 7 years ago
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Life is not something that happens to us; rather life is something that we create. We all are born with the powers to create our lives, as per our will.
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themysticeye1-blog · 7 years ago
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Its times like this where I realize I may be doing too much at one time. Then again I realize I absolutely love what I'm doing and incredibly passionate about it. I'm starting to question whether you can do too much of what it is you actually love to do. Maybe you can't do enough of what you're passionate about. And maybe thats how some people operate on 5 hours of sleep. I dont know the answer but I sure as hell know that I ve never been this focused and on point in my life. What is your favorite thing to do? And how can you make a living out of it? #businesscoaching #lifecoaching #coaching #masteryourmind #selfhelp #selflove #selfworth #selfmastery #selfempowerment #selfrealization #selfactualization #selfimprovement #mindfulness #goalsetting #successmindset #inspiredliving #awakening #consciousliving #consciouslife #inspiredlife #lifeworthliving #consciouslife
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lentilsandpotatoes · 7 years ago
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I had #quinoa for the first time today and I really liked it 💛! Thank you so much for your recommendations I’m really eager to try them all! After getting home from the #farmersmarket this morning I was looking forward to the gorgeous Hokkaido pumpkin I had bought. I had the quinoa along with said pumpkin, leftover chickpeas, sauerkraut, sprinkles of green onions and drizzles of tahini (of course) 🎃 I must say though, regarding the price of quinoa I’ll most likely stick to the more affordable alternatives such as millet, couscous, buckwheat etc. Let me know about your favorite kind of grain! 🌿 #healthy #lunch #lunchbowl #pumpkin #hokkaido #sauerkraut #kraut #vegan #veganfood #plantbased #vegetarianfood #vegetarian #flexitarian #tahini #tahinisauce #tahiniaddict #consciousliving #consxiouseating #consciouslife #sustainableliving #sustainablelifestyle #sustainability #student #studentfood
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aesthetelabel · 5 years ago
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Interiors - The beautiful home of Sonja @modern_naturalesque Notice the mid century Scandinavian glass tea light holder on the side table identical to the one on or site for £10 plus shipping Ships worldwide DM to buy or visit the Collected section of the website . . . . Photograph @modern_naturalesque #interiors #vintageinteriors #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianglass #midcentury #midcenturymodern #beigeinterior #buylessbuybetter #lessismore #sustainable #sustainablelife #eco #slowliving #consciouslife #crueltyfree #veganlifestyle #vegan #plantbased #homecorners #interiorstyle #interiordesign #aesthetelabel #veganlifestylestore https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXGE5lpnaB/?igshid=1hza8u0so2tau
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kailasasskunyogicscience · 4 years ago
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Vastrapur, Gujrat
14% of Humanity are able to see now. Visually impaired students of the Blind Peoples Association of India, were initiated into the power of the Third Eye.
Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam empowers people who are blind or visually impaired to participate on an equal basis in any aspect of life through Third Eye initiation and spiritual powers.
In 2019, SPH initiated a program for visually impaired and blind students absolutely free of cost with the initiation, food, and all the course material provided. SPH initiated Third Eye awakening to blind students. As a result, they were able to manifest powers like blindfold reading and able to read print material with consistency while recognizing shapes, objects, and colors for the first time in their lives.
This initiative have helped and healed those who’s struggled with visual impairment and gave new hope for those born blind. More importantly, SPH is proving this science and bringing back scientific legitimacy that the Third Eye science as taught in Hinduism is real. SPH has changedthe course of humanity through the revival of the power manifestation science, enlightened living and spreading the teachings of the spiritual knowledge belonging to the greater science of Hinduism,
#Nithyananda #Hinduism #yogicscience
#visuallyimpaired #spiritualscience #thirdeye #thirdeyeopen #shakti #manifestation #transformation #humanity #healing #Gujarat #hinduism #vedic #awaken #kailasa #SHRIKAILASA #KAILAASA #Nithyananda #yoga #EnrichingLives #revolution #breakthrough
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kindledspirit-blog · 7 years ago
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“What is the gift?” Is the key question to everything. Every sticky situation, every soul contract, every physical, mental, emotional pain. When we ask this question the purpose and wisdom of our suffering can be unlocked. Every journey in life has a deeper purpose a hidden gift. Search for the gift and then be quiet and open enough to hear it. Don’t listen for what you already know. Be open enough to be surprise. This is the key to stop fighting and start loving. I find this question particularly powerful on the conception journey and post natal. What is the gift 💝 #eatherism #aparaba #whatisthegift #personalgrowth #spiritualgrowth #consciousconception #ttc #fertility #pregnancy #postnatal #consciouslife
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iranajian · 5 years ago
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[ mystic morning ] . There is so much magic in the early morning. Waking up before sunrise and going for a 20 minute walk, no caffee, just water before and after your walk, will absolutely boost your metabolism and give you so much more vitality than sleeping longer. After one week of doing this you will feel completely renewed and serene. . Simple changes can light your life. . #hydration #consciouslife #nofilter #changethefocus Yoga Rasa Sādhanā is a subtle experiential process of transformation that awakens new levels of consciousness within revealing your essence. . This Online 7-week Course Sadhana is for women who aspire to live joyfully & Inspired, who see Life as a dynamic state of ever-expanding awareness. . https://app.namastream.com/#/irana-jian-anapnoe-yoga/product/9154 . .Personal Coaching Sessions .Asana and flow practices to support the breath and connect to your heart . Access to ongoing recordings & course updates .Questions for self-study and contemplation .Discussion and community connection through FB Group .Bonus offering: Access to Living Yoga Sadhana Online Live Sessions 3 times per week & a media library with more than 45 Live recorded practices. . What is Rasa? Rasa is a Sanskrit term meaning "essence". In the spiritual tradition, this term refers to the essence of human experience; the emotions that govern human life. Tantric system identifies nine basic human emotions. In the practice of yoga however, only three of these rasas are considered to be fundamental: the vira rasa (refers to the power of controlling the breath, mind and body), the shanti rasa (refers to the serenity of equilibrium) and the sringara rasa (refers to the spiritual and physical unity achieved through yoga). . #onlineyogacourse #hathayogaonline #meditation #consciousliving #yogaonline #lifecoach #yoga #lifestyle #stayhomeConscious #Anapnoeyoga #yogashala #HathaYoga #consciousevolution #womanyoga #woman #essence #innerwork #realizeyouressence #soulessence #stopdestroyingmothernature (at Awakening Yoga Retreats & Trainings) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYVWCfpZ29/?igshid=tqqchqe76m33
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hazardcrusher-blog · 5 years ago
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Tag someone whom you want to say this 👈 .Love you all 💟 comment below if there is something you like to say 👇 website 👉 https://hazardcrusher.com 👈 . . . . . . #healers #spiritualguidance #goodvibesquotes #freethinkers #throatchakra #findyourtruth #freeenergy #sevenchakras #healthyminds #reikienergy #1111awakening #reikimaster🙏 #Learnreiki #rootchakra #shineyourlight #crownchakra #consciouslife #connectedness #universalguidance #stressreduction #sucideprevention #mentalhealthcounseling #backpainrelief #sacralchakra #arcturian #tarotreaders #chakrabalance #brokenhearted #truefeelings #instafamily (at Stay Home - Stay Safe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAAGqElHSST/?igshid=1cehgiqgyvn8m
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haveuevr · 5 years ago
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#consciousawakening #consciouscollective #consciousvibrancy #consciousawareness #conscious_knowledge #consciousmind #higherconscious #consciouslife #consciousevolution #consciousdance #consciousnesscreatesreality #consciousminds #congruence #congruency #subconsciousness #unconscious #unconsciousmind #collectiveunconscious #consciousawakening #streamofconsciousness #themind #controlyourmind #controlyourthoughts #controlyouremotions #mindsetofachampion #mindsetofexcellence #mindsetofawinner #haveyouever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XftvOH3fu/?igshid=1ht0ir1ox4zwf
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lovesoulinspiration · 5 years ago
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The Daily Magical Dimensions card for today. A great reminder today is to be kind to one another, this is a great opportunity for healing. Sanctuary Sanctuary resonates to Archangel Raphael's sacred healing colors and recalibration of the body, mind, and spirit back to its true Divine nature of purity, wholeness, and light. Hold the wisdom of timing to lay down the sword and shield, and allow for the new; the newfound frequencies will purge and reformat old patterns and systems, and in place, will overlay a soothing balm of Divine sanctuary. Call upon the power of self-healing from within. This situation calls forth healing in all forms, including wounds of the past. And it is not on the battlefield that you will be victorious, but rather in surrendering to Divine will. Have faith in yourself and in the Divine intelligence that has a plan for everything, including your own growth and healing. If you need a time out, take it. Call forth your Angels to assist in the healing process. Allow your healing abilities to come forth now. #healing #divine #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualjourney #conscious #consciouslife #metaphysical #metaphysicalhealing #metaphysicalshop #soulinspiration #loveandlight (at Soul Inspiration) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LGdweAviH/?igshid=1mxaq0y7lfr9x
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