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stochastique-blog · 9 months ago
Im Human
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Today make a commitment to look for the #beauty 💛in all things…starting with yourSELF. #Appreciate exactly where you are 🙏and then acknowledge that is the PAST! Whether you perceive it to be good or bad…every thought and decision you’ve made previously is NOW your reality. So if you don’t like something…change something #now and declare a new you! A new opportunity to create yourself is available to you with each new breath. We are all in the process of #becoming You are AMAZING 😉…remember that!✌🏻#namaste #soulpolishcoaching . . . . #HighVibes #selflove #manifesting #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourvibe #spiritualcoach #onlinecoach #mindset #raiseconsciousness #consciousliving #consciousminds #consciousness#transformationcoach #SoulWork #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealth #holisticcoach #holistichealth #yogalifestyle #yogalife #therealyoga #yogatherapy #yogacoach (at Scottsdale, Arizona)
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viviennemaeve · 21 days ago
Reprogram Your Mind : Crush Insecurities & Unlock Unshakable Confidence
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Training Your Conscious Mind & Overcoming Insecurities
The mind is a battlefield. Every day, we fight against doubts, fears, and insecurities that try to hold us back. But what if you could reprogram your conscious mind to work for you instead of against you? What if you could train it to overcome insecurities, build confidence, and manifest the life you want?
Understanding the Conscious Mind
Your conscious mind is the part of you that makes decisions, processes information, and shapes how you see yourself and the world. It’s where self-talk happens—the constant stream of thoughts that influence your emotions and actions.
The problem? If your conscious mind is filled with insecurity and self-doubt, it will keep you trapped in negative patterns. But the good news? You can train it, rewire it, and shift your perspective. Here’s how:
1. Challenge & Reframe Negative Thoughts
Most insecurities come from the stories we tell ourselves. If you keep thinking, “I’m not good enough” or “People don’t like me”, your mind will start to believe it.
How to Reframe Your Thoughts:
Identify negative thoughts as soon as they come up.
Ask yourself: Is this really true?
Replace it with a more empowering thought. Example:
❌ “I’m not talented enough.”
✅ “I am constantly improving my skills, and that’s what matters.”
Your brain needs repetition to form new beliefs, so the more you do this, the more your mind starts to accept the positive version.
2. Visualize the Best Version of Yourself
Your mind responds to imagery. If you constantly see yourself failing or looking awkward in your mind, your brain will follow that script. Instead, visualize the version of yourself who is confident, secure, and successful.
Visualization Exercise:
Close your eyes for a few minutes every morning.
Picture yourself speaking confidently, walking with ease, and radiating self-assurance.
Feel the emotions of being that version of yourself.
Let that feeling guide your actions throughout the day.
Your brain doesn’t distinguish between imagination and reality, so the more you do this, the more your conscious mind aligns with that version of you.
3. Use Affirmations (But Do It Right)
Affirmations are powerful, but only if you believe them. Saying “I am confident” when you don’t feel it might trigger resistance.
How to Use Affirmations Effectively
Start with something believable:
Instead of “I love myself completely” (if that feels false), try “I am learning to appreciate myself more every day.”
Say them with emotion—feel the words as if they’re already true.
Write them down or repeat them in the mirror daily.
Example affirmations for overcoming insecurity:
I am growing into the best version of myself every day.
My worth is not defined by other people’s opinions.
I deserve to take up space and be heard.
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4. Break the Habit of Seeking Validation
One of the biggest causes of insecurity is relying too much on what others think. The more you seek approval, the more you give your power away.
How to Stop Seeking Validation:
Practice self-approval – When you achieve something, acknowledge it without waiting for external praise.
Limit social media comparison – People only show their best moments online, not their struggles.
Ask yourself: “If no one could see this, would I still do it?” If the answer is yes, it’s coming from your true self, not the need for validation.
5. Take Action Despite Fear
Insecurities grow stronger when you avoid situations that make you uncomfortable. The only way to break them is by facing them head-on.
How to Push Through Fear:
Start with small challenges – If you’re scared of speaking up, start by making small comments in conversation
Reframe mistakes as learning – Instead of “I embarrassed myself”, think “I took a step toward growth.”
Keep a confidence journal – Write down every time you did something outside your comfort zone. Seeing your progress will build trust in yourself.
6. Cultivate a Strong Self-Identity
Your insecurities often come from not knowing who you truly are. The more solid your self-identity is, the less other people’s opinions affect you.
Ways to Strengthen Your Identity:
Discover your core values – What matters most to you? (e.g., creativity, independence, kindness)
Do things just for YOU – Pursue hobbies, interests, and passions that make you feel alive.
Dress & carry yourself with intention – The way you present yourself affects how you feel inside
When you know who you are, insecurities lose their grip because you’re no longer looking for external approval to define you.
7. Train Your Mind to Focus on What’s Going Right
Insecurity magnifies flaws and mistakes while ignoring strengths and progress. To shift this, start training your mind to notice what’s working.
Daily Practice:
Every night, write down three things you did well that day.
Celebrate small wins, even if they seem minor.
Shift focus from lack to growth—instead of “I’m not there yet,” think “I’m making progress.”
Where your focus goes, your energy flows. If you train your mind to focus on growth, you’ll feel more confident naturally.
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The Power Is in Your Hands
Your conscious mind is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes. Overcoming insecurity isn’t about suddenly feeling 100% confident all the time—it’s about shifting your mindset, rewiring old patterns, and taking action despite fear.
Start small, stay consistent, and watch how your confidence transforms.
What’s one insecurity you’re working on overcoming? Drop it in the comments—I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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trappedalive · 2 years ago
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thevachak · 8 months ago
The Servant and The Swordsman
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A great swordsman, a great warrior, came back home and found that his servant was making love to his wife. According to custom, he challenged the servant — gave him a sword and told him to come out of the house and let it be decided; whoever remains alive will be the husband of the woman.
The servant did not even know how to hold a sword — he was a poor servant, he had never been trained in swordsmanship. He said, “Master, although you are following a convention, and respecting even a servant and giving him an opportunity, this is for you just a game. I don’t know anything about swordsmanship. At least give me a few minutes so that I can go to the greatest master — who lives nearby in a monastery, a Zen monk — to have some clue.”
The man agreed. He said, “You can go. And if it is needed, a few hours, or even a few days, or even a few months — you can get disciplined. I will wait for you.”
He went to the great warrior, the Zen master. The Zen master said, “Even years of training will not help you. Your boss is just second to me in the whole country — you cannot hope to compete with him. My suggestion is: this is the right moment to fight.”
The servant could not understand. He said, “What kind of puzzle are you giving to me: this moment is the right moment?”
And he said, “Yes, because you have one thing certain — your death. Now more than that you cannot lose. Your master has many things to lose: his wife, his prestige, his respectability as a warrior; he is a great landlord… all his money — his mind cannot be total while he is fighting. But you can be total. You have to be total — just a moment of unawareness and you are gone; you have to be totally alert. This is the right moment; don’t bother about any discipline — you simply take the sword and go.”
The servant came back within minutes. His boss said, “Have you learned anything?”
He said, “There is no need of learning anything. Come out of the house!”
And the way he shouted, “Come out of the house” …. The boss could not believe what magical change had happened to his servant. As he came out, the servant, according to convention, bowed down to the boss; the boss bowed down to the servant. That is, in Japan, part of their culture; even with the enemy, you have to respect his dignity, his humanity, his divinity.
And then the servant started hitting the warrior — knowing nothing about swordsmanship. The warrior was at a loss, because where any expert would have hit, the servant would not hit because he had no idea; he would hit somewhere where no expert would have ever hit. And he was fighting with such totality that the warrior started moving backwards, and as the warrior started moving backwards, the servant gathered more courage. He was moving his sword without knowing why — to what purpose, or where he was hitting. And since it has been decided that his death is certain, now there is nothing to worry about — all worries belong to life.
Soon he cornered the master. Behind, there was the wall surrounding the master’s garden. He could not move backwards anymore. He was so afraid of death, for the first time in his life, and he said, “Wait! You can have my wife, you can have my properties; I am renouncing the world, I am becoming a monk.”
He was trembling with fear. Even he could not understand what happened. From where did this courage come? From where this totality? From where this awareness? But it can be only in such special situations that without any discipline, just the situation can create so much awakening in you.
Moral: When you have nothing to lose, no one can beat you. You triumph life and whatever lies beyond it.
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theformulaforsuccess · 1 year ago
Delving into the core of achieving dreams and goals, Douglas Vandergraph emphasizes the pivotal role of understanding the brain and distinguishing between its subconscious and conscious aspects. While the conscious mind embodies free will and decision-making, it's the subconscious that holds unparalleled power, influencing every cell in the body. Douglas illustrates how thoughts accepted by the conscious mind are seamlessly integrated into the subconscious, driving actions that shape life's outcomes. Through his personal example, Douglas inspires viewers to embrace change, cultivate daily improvement, and make a meaningful impact on others' lives. With a compelling message of possibility and guidance tailored to individual aspirations, Douglas invites viewers to envision their desires and learn the practical steps to achieve them. Don't miss out on this transformative video series aimed at empowering every viewer to reach their full potential.
#AchieveYourDreams #MindsetMastery #SubconsciousPower #GoalSetting #PersonalTransformation
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keysto-my-kingdom · 1 year ago
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louisekayofficial · 6 years ago
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The mind is in a hurry. It wants answers and it wants them now. "When will such and such happen?" "When will I get that?" For the mind the present moment is incomplete and unsatisfying and it continuously and desperately seeks completeness. It believes that completeness will come at some point in the future when a different emotion is experienced, when certain information has been attained, when a particular status has been reached or when material gain has been achieved. "When will I feel differently?" "When will I finally be happy?" "When will I know my purpose?" "When will I meet my life partner?" The barrage of thoughts never ends and if one question is answered, another appears. If one desire is fulfilled, another appears. The only way to end this vicious cycle of seeking and to experience a true and lasting sense of completeness is to transcend the mind by totally letting go of all thoughts and surrendering fully into the present moment. Letting go of thoughts doesn't mean that thoughts stop appearing. It means that they are noticed but not believed in. They are observed but they are not given any power and they are not identified with. Transcendence of the mind cannot happen in the future. It can only happen in this moment, regardless of how this moment presents itself. Become still right now and notice how this moment feels. Simply perceive whatever is here without any judgement. Observe the thoughts, notice the breath and feel the body. Open to the completeness that is already here. Accept this moment fully, exactly as it is without trying to change anything about it. Maybe that means feeling sadness or heaviness or anger. That's ok. Feel deeper and deeper into the sensations in the body and gently welcome whatever is here. This moment is not a mistake. This moment is perfection. It is only the belief that this moment is flawed that prevents us from experiencing the perfection that is here. When we release ourselves from the grasp of that belief by recognising it, and we have the willingness to embrace our experience fully, we naturally open to the completeness that is already here. ~ Louise 💚
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haveuevr · 5 years ago
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#unconscious #unconsciousness #unconsciousmind #collectiveunconscious #subconsciousness #consciousawakening #consciousvibrancy #consciousawareness #conscious_knowledge #consciousmind #higherconscious #consciousevolution #consciousnesscreatesreality #consciousminds #consciouscollective #awakenedmind #surrendertotheflow #surrendering #beinthenow #calmthemind #balancedmind #transformyourmind #presentmomentawareness #streamofconsciousness #connectedness #deepinthoughts #mindsetgrowth #higherconscious #haveyouever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_z7PalHqqZ/?igshid=bae05nlre9sm
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justvonyse · 7 years ago
Use your story...to uplift others. Love this woman! #consciousminds #poetsinautumn #keepitreallife
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sy4ndene-44 · 2 years ago
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Raise your vibrations
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orujov · 7 years ago
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#planning #delivering #control #reporting #simulation #roleplay #variousscenarios #communication #projectmanagementtraining #traininginbaku #businesstrainerinbaku #heat #hugeinvolvement #consciousminds #learning #learningviaplay #cacmmc #trainingdelivery #baku #azerbaijan #retailbusiness #retailbaku #peoplemanagementskills #communicationskills #MamedOrujov Get in touch! Ask your questions! Make decision! Order your training!
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aesthetelabel · 4 years ago
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Words - ‘Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.’ - David Lynch . . . . Photograph Adam Pretty #blackandwhitephotography #diving #lapiscine #meditation #selfcare #selfcaresunday #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #dive #qotd #consciousness #consciousmind #consciousliving #yoga #crystalhealing #vegan #crueltyfree #plantbased #divingintotheunknown #igvintage #igvintagesales #interiordesign #interiors #wallart #interiorstyling #interiordecor #vintagehome #sustainableliving #aesthetelabel https://www.instagram.com/p/CRfHIKJL3Xq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spiritualceo · 7 years ago
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💥SPECIAL INVITE--->I'll be going live inside my closed FB group #highvibemanifestingwomen next week for a free 3-part training on how to uplevel your health, lifestyle and business by integrating my 3 Soul Polish Approach (SPA) coaching core commitments. Just go to FB and Search 👩🏼‍💻"High Vibe Manifesting Women" to get the 3 LIVE trainings ✌🏻💋 . . . . . #HighVibes #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourvibe #SoulWork #spiritualcoach #onlinecoach #positivevibes #raiseconsciousness #manifesting #transformationcoach #consciousliving #consciousminds #consciousness #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealth #holisticcoach #holistichealth #soulpolishcoaching #yogalifestyle #therealyoga #yogacoach #wellnesscoaches #lifecoaches #wellnesslife #designyourlife #wellnesstips #spiritualcoaches (at Scottsdale, Arizona)
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louisekayofficial · 7 years ago
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Our true self is pure awareness. It is always at peace. It doesn't want or need anything and it has no preferences or beliefs. The 'person' wants peace, joy, happiness, bliss, abundance (in fact this list is endless because the 'person' can never be truly satisfied. It always wants more and it tries to hold onto everything it gets). If we look closely and honestly at our experience we discover that everything that the imaginary 'person' wants, including peace, is just a thought. If when these thoughts arise we simply observe them without believing them or identifying with them, we are able to recognise that which is here before the thoughts arise and after they've passed. Our eternal, true, unchanging, infinite self ~ pure awareness. No searching is necessary to find that which we truly are. It reveals itself when we stop searching and then we realize that it was here all along! ~ Louise 💚
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marandaluza · 7 years ago
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Together we will get it ...! #ethicalbrand #sustainability #discoveringuniquetreasures #consciousminds #handmadeunique #artisanlove #slowliving
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ladyflava · 6 years ago
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Black Stax #SeattleMusic #IndieCreatives #LifeMusic #VibeMusic #StoryTellers #CommunityBuilders #ConsciousMinds #PayAttentyonPlease blackstaxmusic.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ma7ezn8Hm/?igshid=1q1bi0l242aul
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