#clark ‘i’m vengeance’ kent
superbat-love · 8 months
Superman’s passionate and teary-eyed vow to seek vengeance for Batman
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mzminola · 2 years
Was telling @alexmaybe​ the other day about my delightful realization that while Cass & Jason’s several month age gap means they can’t both be Shiva’s kid, there is enough of an age gap between Cass and Tim that they could be siblings. And that we have no idea when Willis Todd got Shiva’s contact info, so you can just daisy-chain the half-sibs of Cass & Tim sharing a bio-mom and Tim & Jason sharing a bio dad.
This resulted in us brainstorming lots of other “So-and-so’s bio parents is actually...” AU’s. Enjoy.
1. Shiva had a second kid after she had Cass, adopting the baby out to a “normal” family to compare how the two turn out. You know, for science. That kid is Tim. The bio dad is:
A. Willis Todd, so Tim is half-sibs to the two Bats on the most polar opposite sides of the “is killing okay” spectrum.
B. Ra’s, making Tim Talia’s half-brother and Damian’s uncle.
2. Dick time traveled and is the bio dad of:
A. Tim: Dick never met Janet before, why would he recognize her?
B. One of the Kents: there’s a grainy photo of Dick in Clark’s glasses, because he had them in his pocket when the time travel happened, and that photo later inspired Clark to try glasses as a disguise,
C. Talia: Ra’s is still her other bio dad, Dick had some clone machine blueprints in his pocket too, which Ra’s promptly stole along with his blood,
D. Bruce: Martha and Thomas were friends, not dating or engaged, when Martha found herself in a family way, and Thomas was game to help his friend legitimize her baby,
E. All of the above.
3. Ra’s is Dick’s biological father because John & Mary Grayson had a very adventurous summer. Ra’s has known the whole time, and is frankly a bit disappointed in Dick for not killing Tony Zucco (Ra’s refrained from killing the murderer of his lovers himself because sons have first dibs on vengeance).
Dick is unhappy about being related to Ra’s and Talia (and learning that both his parents had sex with Ra’s, ew ew ew), Talia isn’t too happy either, but Damian is thrilled to have a blood connection to Dick.
4. Talia is Dick’s biological mother via time travel. He is both her second born and eldest son.
5. Bruce is Tim’s biological father, also via time travel. Look, he did a routine gene test on Tim and discovered their degree of relation, but knew for a fact he had never slept with Janet Drake. Kept an eye out for time travel shenanigans, and when they struck, made sure to seek Janet out and father Tim. Tim is happy to exist but feels very weird about this.
6. Talia is Tim’s second mom (maybe via time travel, I’m unsure of her age). Maybe Talia is transgender, maybe she’s cis but the Lazarus Pits just do a swapsies sometimes. It happens!
7. Damian is Tim’s bio father via time travel. Tim gives him so much shit for trying to kill him while spouting ‘true blood son’ bullshit. Bruce bluescreens at the realization he has technically been a grandfather longer than he’s been a father.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 7 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 21
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20
Bruce rolled his eyes as he listened to the board members arguing in the background over the phone while he talked to his CFO Lucius Fox. They were trying to push a vote on expanding Wayne Enterprise to Canada. Most were for it. They just couldn’t agree on where the corporate headquarters should be. The places being thrown around were Toronto, Quebec City, Halifax, and Vancouver. Bruce honestly didn’t care about where they built, but his board members fought back that it was all about location, location, location. 
Lucius sighed and said, “If it wasn’t for the fact that you pay me handsomely for this bullshit, I would have bailed on these idiots an hour ago.”
Bruce smirked and asked, “So it isn’t the box seat passes that I got you for the Giants’ games for the rest of the season?”
Lucius chuckled and said, “Oh, that definitely took the edge off.” Lucias paused for a moment and said, “What exactly do you want me to do with this stalemate they have about Canada? We tried holding a vote but ended up with equal votes for all the cities.”
Bruce rubbed his head for a moment and said, “Have one of the associates make out a proposal for the mayor of each of those respective cities. We know what we can offer in terms of job opportunities and increasing value to the city. See what the representatives can offer us in terms of tax breaks and things of that nature. Whoever offers us the best benefits is the one we go with.”
Lucius sighed and said, “This is why I wished you were here with us an hour ago. We could have ended the meeting in five minutes with an idea like that.”
Bruce chuckled and said, “I needed to be here for Damian. This is an important milestone for him.”
“Are you sure you are not using this as an excuse to get out of a board meeting? Disneyland was a weird choice, but I have seen you choose stranger places to avoid the Board.”
Bruce rolled his eyes and said, “Damian really did have a field trip for Disney. I wasn’t going to let him go by himself. The PTA already think I am an idiot and absentminded as it is….”
Lucius burst out laughing for a few minutes. 
Bruce narrowed his eyes and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Lucius’ laugh started tapering off and said, “I’m sorry. I just never thought that you of all people would care what other people think. Imagine what your opposition in your second life would think.”
Bruce gave a deadpan stare and said, “Ha, Ha. Very funny.”
Lucius chuckled and said, “You know I’m kidding right?”
Bruce smiled coyly and said, “Sure you are.”
“Anyway, how is Damian taking to Disney? I’m sure it is different to the other eclectic things he has been exposed to in his childhood.”
Bruce sighed while rubbing the back of his head. He knew going to Disney would be a very foreign concept for his youngest, but he didn’t expect him to fight him the whole way. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. It would definitely explain the looks his other three boys gave him when he mentioned their trip. Dick and Jason just bursted out laughing at the suggestion and Tim started to do research into securing Damian an attorney in case he decided to burn the theme park down in vengeance. 
Bruce shook his head and said, “Damian hasn’t taken too kindly being here. He has already pressed the panic button he has twice to try to get Tim to pick him up since he is with the Titans this week in California. When that didn’t work, he tried to ditch me to go back to the main road to hitchhike before I caught up with him.”
“Considering his other antics are you really surprised by this?”
Bruce sighed and said, “My three older boys have already indicated the same thing. I just want him to have people his age to associate with.”
Bruce looked out the corner of his eye and noticed Lena coming back with several Dole Whips.
While looking at her thoughtfully, Bruce said, “Lucius, if there isn’t anything else, I am going to have to call you back after I get back to Gotham on Monday.”
“Okay, hope things go better with Damian this weekend.”
“You and me both,” muttered Bruce under his breath as he hung up the phone. 
He quickly changed his frown to a passive smile as Lena finally walked up to him. 
Lena smiled and said while handing him a Dole Whip, “Damian and Kara wanted some. I got some for you in case you wanted one as well.”
Bruce gave her a blank stare. He knew that Kara trusted her implicitly, but he still had some nagging thoughts about her. 
Lena chuckled nervously and said, “If you don’t want it, that is fine. I can just give it to Kara. She would probably be excited at the prospect of having two more.”
Bruce let out his charming smile which took Lena off guard for a moment. 
Bruce said, “I would actually like to try some. Some of my employees have talked wonders about this so I am curious if it lives up to all the hype.”
Bruce took the cup from Lena. He began to eat. His eyebrow went up in surprise. He knew that this was similar to ice cream but this is the best ice cream that he has had in a while.
Lena smirked and said, “I take it this means that it far exceeded your expectations.”
Bruce chuckled and said, “Definitely.”
They stood in weird silence with one other. Bruce could tell that Lena kept nervously looking around. Probably wish that Kara would come back as quickly as possible. Originally, Bruce thought about keeping silent until his son and Kara came back but then saw it as an opportunity to get to know the girl. Clark hadn’t been too keen on anyone approaching Lena. Several veiled threats were made if anyone did. If asked, he could use this as an innocent run-in, although he can hear it now from Clark accusing him that it was planned. 
He sighed and said, “Kara has said that you run a children’s hospital.”
Lena smiled and let out a sigh of relief and said, “Yes. I believe in the importance of getting children the best healthcare they could as possible no matter what the cost.”
“What caused you to want to focus on children’s health though?”
Lena looked up thoughtfully and said, “My niece Ruby inspired me actually. She was sick. Most doctors thought it was a cold or at most the flu and said with just over-the-counter medicine it would go away. However, she kept getting sicker and nothing was working. We went to doctor after doctor until one actually did their research and found out what was wrong with her and got her the treatment that she needed to get well. I don’t want any family to have to go through that. Being dismissed and thinking that your concerns aren’t valid. I wanted to have doctors look into everything instead of looking at what is most common. That is when I decided to scout for the best of the best in pediatrics and start my own hospital.”
Bruce gave her an insightful look. Many had regarded Lena using her hospital for nefarious purposes, but he has seen that the commercial that Kara and Lena did a couple of weeks back had changed the discourse around it. Now, more patients have been giving reviews and it has been overall positive. It was good to know that Lena created the hospital as a way to inspire change. Bruce was about to comment as such when he heard his phone ring again. He sighed and looked down and saw that Alfred was calling. He looked at Lena sheepishly and mouthed “One moment.”
Read the rest on AO3
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Rec 10
This is my tenth week doing this!  And still going strong!  I though as a special treat, I would rec some of my favorite fics from the first fandom I got into, Hannibal.  But first, exercise fic recs!  I finished up my reread of “the cost of being a good dad” but then a *new* Superbat fic by Mawiiish was dropped.  I was Very Excited.  In the new fic, both Bruce and Clark are so dumb about their feelings.  So, so dumb.  It was great!  The third fic “end of the line” was written in the point of view of a drunk person who tried to get in a fight with Clark Kent.  Bruce is there to try to sooth things out.  Shenanigans ensue.  The next two fics are still in progress, but the updates were fun to read as I was exercising!
the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish
Sure Thing by Mawiiish
end of the line by TheResurrectionist
Patroclus by LilyFlowerBat
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury
Like I mentioned above, Hannibal was the first fandom I got into and started reading fan fics.  I remember reading the books as a teen and enjoyed them (I was a weird kid, don’t judge me), so when I heard there was a TV show, I was intrigued.  I think I watched the first couple episodes then stopped, but I kept on seeing gif sets, fan art, and memes on Tumblr, so I started watching again.  Then I started reading all the fan fic people were recommending on Tumblr.  It soon went all downhill from there for me, lol.
As someone with a meat science background, I always found the Hannibal books and TV show so interesting.  I remember when Hannibal and Will were discussing meat tasting “frightened”, and my meat sci brain perked up.  Short-term stress in hogs can cause a meat quality issue called PSE (pale, soft, and exudative (watery)).  Long-term stress can cause another meat quality issue in hogs and cattle called DFD (dark, firm, and dry).  I feel like if Hannibal was going to run into meat quality issues with his uhhh, preferred protein, it would probably be PSE, since what he’s hunting is undergoing short term stress.  Well, unless he decides to play with his food for a few days, then maybe he would get DFD meat.  If I remember correctly, he does reference a “metallic taste”, and that’s more prevalent in DFD meat.  PSE meat would be so dry and tough to eat, and not have a nice reddish-pink color.  He would probably have to grind and mix it with other proteins to make something tasty.  
All of these fics are Hannigram, except for “He Who Pours Out Vengeance”, but you can read that one as Hannigram (I think the second story in the series is slash, but it’s uncompleted).  Not going to lie, after going through my old bookmarks to find these, I’m really tempted to reread a few (and by few, I mean all, haha).
Anyway, here are some of my favorite Hannibal Fics!
Ladders series by emungere
What Dreams series by emungere
Blackbird by emungere
Page Six by ThisBeautifulDrowning
Pattern Break by ThisBeautifulDrowning
He Who Pours Out Vengeance by Underground
Shark Tank by xzombiexkittenx
Overcoming by purefoysgirl (I may or may not have this one in book form when the author published it. (I totally do.  They hold a special place on my book shelf))
There are plenty more favorites that I have, but these are just a few.  My AO3 page has all of my fan fic bookmarks, just sort for Hannibal if you want to check them out 😄
My obligatory coffee and pastry photo:
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Spring is showing up at the arboretum! 
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I just really like this tree that was along the river:
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The moss along the path was kinda neat:
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This is my favorite spot along the path and I always take pictures here:
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A nice picture of a white-breasted nuthatch:
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I also stopped by the local plant nursery and got some more flowers to feed my plant addiction.  I almost got a citrus tree, but I was strong and resisted (No I wasn’t, the only reason why I didn’t buy one because they were 60 dollars 😔)
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twistedtummies2 · 6 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 2
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
We’ve reached our penultimate choice in the countdown!
Number 2 is…Batman.
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As I said in my rules at the start of this event, I wouldn’t be counting characters I consider more “superhero” than “detective.” HOWEVER, some exceptions do apply: I spoke of the Question in my Honorable Mentions, and Rorschach and the Shadow earlier in the main countdown. These are all characters you could classify as “super detectives”: where they do count in the vein of superheroes (or, at least, pulp-style heroes), but also do qualify as detectives, by virtue of them BEING detectives being a major character trait and element. Out of all the comic detectives out there, in the annals of superhero fiction and anything similar to it…I think it’s fair to say none are as well-known, or as well-enjoyed, as Batman.
Frankly, when a character gets their start in a comic series called “Detective Comics,” and one of their titles is “The World’s Greatest Detective,” I challenge anybody to say they DON’T count. :P
Anyway…I’m quite sure Batman hardly needs an introduction, especially for those familiar with my page, but I might as well go into the basics for anyone who’s been living under a rock for almost a hundred years: Batman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time, if not perhaps THE most popular. The fictional character’s biography is as follows: as a child, Bruce Wayne – the son of Thomas and Martha Wayne, a pair of wealthy philanthropists and the owners of a large and thriving corporation – saw his parents murdered by a mugger, shot down in a back alley. The experience scarred Bruce for life, and he vowed to symbolically avenge his parents’ murder by devoting the rest of his life to fighting crime. He wanted to make sure no other children would experience similar horrors, as long as he could prevent it. He studied forensics and various sciences, trained his body to peak physical perfection, and – inspired by the sight of a bat flying through his window one night (bats being a phobia of his as a boy) – the now-adult Bruce chose to adopt the image of a bat as his motif. He thus became Batman – the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader – a mysterious vigilante who stalks the streets of Gotham City, facing everything from mad supervillains to common hoodlums, in a neverending war against crime.
The real-life origins of Batman are almost as interesting as his fictional beginnings. Batman was created due to the popularity of Superman, whom many consider to be the first TRUE superhero. DC (which went under another company name at the time, for the record) wanted to create another superhero who could match the Man of Steel. Artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, taking inspiration from various places, jointly created this new character…although I should state that, for a very long time, Kane took sole credit for the matter. (By all accounts, Bob Kane was something of a swindler behind the scenes; for example, Batman’s very first appearance was a direct ripoff of a Shadow magazine story, and this apparently was Kane’s idea.) The thought process behind Batman was to go the opposite direction of Superman: if the Man of Tomorrow was bright and colorful, then the Dark Knight would need to be Gothic and shadowy. If Superman was bold and jocular, then Batman would be stoic and sardonic. Where Clark Kent came from ostensibly humble beginnings, Bruce Wayne would come from wealth and stature. And of course, while Superman had almost Godlike superhuman abilities…Batman, rather famously, was the first “proper” superhero to have NO powers at all.
This is the point where Batman’s abilities as a detective very much come into play. Because for all of the many things you can point to for Bruce Wayne’s success as a crimefighter, I think it all comes down to him, again, being a sort of “super detective.” Even the Shadow, Batman’s chiefest inspirational source, had arcane abilities at his disposal: Bruce Wayne has no otherworldly talents at all. He’s simply a man, with a boatload of money, a brilliant mind, and a LOT of stubborn determination. Many of the best takes on Batman use their mind, not just their fists and gadgets, to tackle problems: he searches for clues to track down culprits, analyzes the way certain criminals tend to operate in order to guess their next move, and frequently uses his wits to outmatch them and find ways to defeat them. Whether he’s facing mortal foes like the Joker or Catwoman, or superhuman beings like Clayface or the Orca, Batman’s greatest asset is that he thinks everything through, and keeps track of everything he’s learned, so he can pursue, battle, and capture the enemies he faces.
To say Batman has been adapted to other media beyond the comics, or even that the comics have continued to evolve and be printed as time goes on, is almost a redundant fact. Indeed, Batman has become one of the most frequently reimagined and re-interpreted characters in fiction; I believe he might be the single most frequently used and reused superhero, in particular, of all time. It’s gotten to a point where actors who get to play the character have declared him to be on par with such famous roles as Hamlet. Meanwhile, writers, critics, and psychologists have compared him to Greek heroes like Prometheus and Odysseus. When a character gains this much clout, and has lasted for so exceptionally long, with so many different interpretations – from colorful and campy to grim and gritty, from noir-esque to flashy and wild – I think they’ve more than earned their place VERY high in the ranks.
That and…well…I love Batman. A lot. So do I really need any of the other reasons I just described to begin with? XD
Tomorrow, the countdown concludes with my Number One pick!
CLUE: “Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
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ao3feed-superbat · 1 year
shifting realities
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ULTP4Ql by concrastinator Bruce narrows his eyes and almost tilts his head in confusion. His Batsuit is drenched in rainwater, making it impossible to glide. “Where is Robin.” If this… thing doesn’t start answering his questions he’s gonna start punching. The thing giggles. It's smile widens, revealing a maw with too much teeth. “Silly, Batman! That’s not how it works.” A ninja star in the shape of a bat is thrown at the anomaly who disappears with a FWOOM! right as the projectile makes contact. “I’m Bat-Mite by the way.” the voice says behind him. How it crept up on him, Bruce doesn’t know. “Here’s what’s gonna happen: You, Bruce Wayne, The Batman, Vengeance, Gotham’s Dark Knight! You, my friend, are gonna learn.” __________________ When the fifth-dimensional being named Bat-Mite decides to sow chaos in Gotham City, Batman and Robin were immediately on the case. Robin regrettably gets kidnapped and held hostage by Bat-Mite, and Batman reluctantly enlists the help of Superman, who has faced Mr. Mxzyptlk in the past. Will they be able to save Robin in time? Or will Bat-Mite prevail? Words: 1499, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman (Comics), DCU, The Batman (Movie 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Dick Grayson, Gotham City Residents, Batfamily Members, Batman Ensemble, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Bat-Mite, Mxyzptlk (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent, Bella Reál, Dory (The Batman Movie 2022), Vicki Vale, Lois Lane, Pamela Isley, assorted DC characters Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Case Fic, Dimension Travel, Inspired by Everything Everywhere All at Once, Inspired by Movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), Slow Burn, no beta we die like jason todd, Slow To Update, Alternate Reality, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, i decided to publish this fic otherwise itd be stuck in wip hell so bear with me here read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ULTP4Ql
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
There was that one post about how Clark Kent does good because he can and not because of the trauma of losing a parent that made him want to seek vengeance or fight to protect others to prevent such loss in the future. That, essentially, Jonathan Kent dying isn’t something needed for his story.
And that’s true. And I still prefer Jonathan dead, I killed him in my own universe too for more or less no reason. And I paused to ask myself “why”.
I came across a Smallville GIF set today and oh right yeah that. That’s the reason why. Because watching Smallville just... makes you... gradually hate Jonathan Kent more and more with every interaction that man had with or about Lex Luthor.
So, on a subconscious level, I am still killing off Smallville!Jonathan because I need that bitch dead earlier.
I’m sorry to every other Jonathan Kent, who hasn’t been a massive cunt, I know 99% of y’all are actually loving and supportive fathers who would encourage their son to befriend a traumatized and isolated young man instead of trying to demonize him exclusively for the sins of his father which include said father having the hots for Martha, but I have Smallville trauma to work through, I guess.
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miraculouspenta · 4 years
Different Limits
Original Idea by @jinx-jade​​
Thanks to @moonlitceleste​ for beta reading :D
'What have I done,' Damian thought. Dick was lying on the floor with an arm that was clearly broken. He had surprised Damian with a hug from behind, triggering his instinct to attack. Damian had reacted by twisting his arm, resulting with Dick being on the floor. Jason entered the door when he heard Dick’s shriek of pain. "WHAT THE F*CK, DAMIAN!" he shouted when he saw Dick. His whole family had scolded him, Bruce had benched him for a whole two months, and Alfred had given him a disappointed stare.
Damian couldn't stand it. Not anymore.
He snapped.
He had tried, he really had.
But it was never enough.
As the heir to the Demon's Head, attacking at unknown touch has been burned into him. Touch had always meant danger. It was second nature to him now. Unfortunately, his family did not know nor do they understand. Two years of constant reminders that he had done terrible things. Two years of constant reminders that he was merely a killing machine. Two years of greater expectations, both in standard and amount. He had enough.
Damian said goodbye to his pets and ran.
After a good hour of running, he dropped into an alley and cried.
In his vulnerable state, he didn't see a man creep up. A man holding a gun. The unknown adult was planning to kidnap the boy, but as soon as his hands reached Damian, he reacted. He flipped the man over his shoulder like what he did to Dick earlier. But in his state, it didn't affect much. The man pulled out a knife and stabbed him in his side. It ended the fight.
The kidnapper ended up running away, leaving a heavily injured Damian to slowly watch the world as his vision turned black.
Marinette, who had just finished some business with Superman, decided to take a walk in Gotham before going home. Along the way, she spotted a boy covered in blood as she crossed an alleyway. He was already unconscious, and Marinette knew she couldn't just leave him there. So she opened a portal and went through it and carried the boy in her hands. She laid him down in her spare room and left to get her medical supplies.
Approximately six hours later, the boy woke up. His eyes scanned the room as he tried to up and leave. Limping, he tried to head to the window. "Hi sweetie, you need to calm down," Marinette’s soft voice said as she walked slowly to the boy., "You should be resting; moving might agitate your injuries." The boy just stared at her. Marinette stood up slowly and walked over. "May I?" she asked, reaching for his hand. When he nodded, she carefully took his hand and led him to the bed. Once there, she helped Damian into a comfortable position. "Do you have anyone you can call?" she questioned. When he didn't answer, she simply nodded her head and asked him what he would like to eat.
Damian ended up staying for three weeks because Marinette refused to let him leave until he was fully healed. The twelve year old grew closer to the woman. Once healed, he confessed that he has nowhere to stay. Marinette took the information in stride and told him he was more than welcome to stay with her. And stay he did.
Living with Marinette was incredible. Unlike his grandfather and his father, she didn't place any expectations on him. At one point, he slipped and called her mom. Damian had froze after he said that, scared of how she would react. It ended up with Marinette asking him whether or not he would mind her adopting him. Damian happily agreed and they soon got the paperwork done. (Chloe is conveniently Marinette’s lawyer). Damian wore the Dupain-Cheng name with pride. As Grand Guardian, Marinette took it upon herself to teach Damian magic. Starting with glamour, they covered the basics of magic.
Two weeks after the adoption, while reading the daily news, Damian came across an article on the front page.
The Daily Planet
Not more than six weeks ago, twelve year old Damian Wayne was reported missing. The only biological child of Bruce Wayne was suspected to have ran away for an unknown reason. He was last seen running to his room before he left. “Maybe I was a little too harsh,” Bruce Wayne admitted, “But this isn’t the first time I had to ground him because he wasn’t able to control his strength.” The young boy had somehow managed to flip Richard John Grayson, Bruce Wayne’s eldest, when he had surprised him with a hug. “Damian and I may not get along, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care,” Tim Drake, co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises said.
Damian Wayne is a tan boy with dark hair and striking green eyes. He weighs around 90 lbs at 4’9 ft tall. Currently, he is twelve years old. Multiple search parties have been launched. I myself know Damian personally from all the times he has visited my son. If you find the boy, please contact xx-xxx-xxx-xxx and we will get to you as soon as possible.
- Clark Kent
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After reading, Damian had a breakdown. Marinette rushed in when she heard the sobs of her child. She didn’t say anything and instead she approached slowly wrapping him in her arms. She let him cry as she rubbed his back and once he calmed down, he told her his story and why he left.
“All these new expectations were just overwhelming,” he said, “‘No killing’, ‘justice not vengeance’—it’s like they were expecting me to turn back. I never wanted to hurt them, but it’s something that is a reflex now. It’s not easy to let go of a habit.” Marinette was silent throughout his whole rant. She knew how terrible Ra’s and Talia were but that didn’t make it better. She knew the Batman could be cold, but the fact that he didn’t listen and try to understand infuriated her.
“Ra’s and Talia should know not to mess with me, but if I ever see your father I can and will punch him,” she growled. Damian smiled as he nuzzled into his mother’s chest.
Three years passed. Damian and Marinette’s bond grew stronger while the search parties grew hopeless. The Justice League was also involved; so were the Titans and the Young Justice. They concluded that Damian was either dead or hiding really well. The former option was discarded when Zatara and Zatanna had almost managed to track him, but unfortunately the spell suddenly shattered when it was nearing.
Desperate, the batfamily decided to reach out to the Grand Guardian of the Miraculous. Imagine their surprise when they saw Damian on their way to her house. When they ran to him, Damian, now fifteen, went into an alley and disappeared. They rushed to Marinette’s house and knocked. They heard hard breathing and a gentle voice trying to calm the other party down. Leaning towards the door, Dick found that it was unlocked and tumbled in.
What they saw was Damian kneeling on the floor crying in the middle of a breakdown and Marinette trying to soothe him. “Out,” Marinette glared. The boys obeyed and waited anxiously. The person that they had been searching for was under the protection of the Guardian all this time. It made sense why even both Zatara and Zatanna couldn’t track him down.
An hour later, Marinette opened the door telling them to come in and wait. She took some water and placed them on her coffee table saying that Damian was taking a shower. As soon as she sat down the boys began to fire questions. They stopped after a good fifteen minutes and noticing that Marinette wasn’t saying anything. “I know why Damian ran away, yes, but it is not my place to say. I can ask him later, and I will not say anything without his permission. But I will say this,” Marinette said, voice colder than ice, “You f*cked up.” Marinette stood up to check on Damian. “By the way,” she stopped for a moment, “I adopted him three years ago.”
Damian ended up being the one to tell them everything. Everything from why he ran away to why he decided to stay. The Waynes felt bad; they hadn’t even bothered thinking about his perspective. Looking back, Jason and Bruce realized what Damian had said about the League was true. “I’m- We’re sorry Damian,” Dick apologized. “Are you willing to come back?”
“No,” he said. The Waynes were visibly saddened.
“But I am willing to start over.”
1445 words
I had tons of fun writing this fic, hope you guys like it
@animegirlweeb @battybatbat @crystalangelluna @dorkus-minimus @galaxylightmoon  @iglowinggemma28  @insane-fangirl-of-everything  @jayjayspixiepop​ @jjmjjktth​ @karukofox21​ @lunathealphafemale​ @megaafangirl​ @miraculouslydumb​ @myazael​ @nickristus-dreamer​ @our-preciousss​ @samiamack​ @sh31bin0​ @user00000003​ @waffleyunsure​
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opalinedaydreams · 3 years
warm | clark kent/bruce wayne
He hasn’t told anyone this, except for Diana. But when he’d been close to the edges of his awareness, when he’d felt the light creeping in on all sides, he’d sworn he could hear them. Feel them, even—his parents, their hands cool to the touch upon his temples.
or, in the aftermath of a near fatal injury, clark and bruce celebrate the holidays 
The sun hasn’t even risen over Kansas when Bruce wakes to featherlight fingertips dusting along his brow, his collarbone, his throat.
He pulls Clark closer. Marvels at the way he comes willingly, the way he tucks himself into Bruce’s side like he belongs there.
“Morning,” Clark mumbles, somewhere against Bruce’s collarbone.
Bruce drags the tip of his nose over Clark’s forehead. Buries his face in Clark’s mess of hair and breathes deeply, without pain, for the first time in weeks.
“Good morning,” he returns, voice scratchy with sleep.
Clark yawns, and stretches, and somehow finds his way even closer, which really should not even be feasible. “I think I need a shower.”
Bruce hums. Runs a hand along Clark’s spine, soaking up warmth. “I didn’t want to say anything.”
Clark grins. Pokes at Bruce’s cheek in retaliation.
They make their way out of bed slowly, Clark helping Bruce carefully upright. Bruce’s breath hitches at the pull of stitches, and Clark winces. Runs a gentle hand over healing flesh and sets Bruce on his feet again.
It had been a closer call than most. Two spears of light through Bruce’s chest—one barely missing his heart, one not missing his left lung.
He almost hadn’t made it.
He remembers lying in a hospital bed, hearing Clark over the constant thrum of machinery, of the things keeping Bruce alive.
Don’t go yet, Clark had whispered into the skin of Bruce’s palm. It may have been the only part of Bruce’s body that hadn’t been covered in bruise, in torn and mending skin. I’m not ready.
Bruce had wanted to ask what for, but the truth was, he already knew. They’d talked about this before. They’d made the deal, and they'd sealed it in every way they knew how.
Where you go, I go. To whatever end. No matter what.
It was as sacred a pact as any that Bruce had ever made—more sacred, even, because it had been made with something bigger than fear, or hatred, or vengeance. It had been made with love.
Clark had spent ten days in the hospital beside Bruce, holding his hand. By the end of it, his hair had been a matted mess, his eyes sunken in and dark.
Alfred and Ms. Kent had never been more than an arm’s length away the whole time, with Diana setting up a permanent guard over the hospital room. Their protective detail’s rotation had seen the likes of Barry, Hal, Arthur, and Diana herself, all keeping watch over the proceedings at Gotham General until Bruce could be moved somewhere safer. Until he could be taken home.
Now, Bruce stands on his own two feet. Steers Clark towards the shower, and heads for the door.
He follows the scent of freshly baked banana bread downstairs. Ms. Kent is nowhere to be seen, but there’s a note on the counter in front of the coffee pot, because she knows them, and she knows they’ll worry.
Went into town for groceries, will be back soon. Coffee’s ready to go.
Bruce feels something warm, and ridiculous, and altogether terrifying blossom in his chest. He presses start on the coffee pot and finds his way outside, onto the Kent’s wraparound porch.
He’d had spent the better part of yesterday evening helping to hang ornaments on the low branches of the Christmas tree in the living room, careful to avoid pulling stitches. And then he’d made the mistake of wincing once, and had been subsequently fired from decorating duty and sequestered to the couch.
Bruce had offered to order takeout for dinner when Ms. Kent and Clark had finally finished hanging the tinsel, and had nearly been laughed out of the house.
Instead, Martha had warmed homemade bread from the freezer, and Clark had started chopping vegetables for soup.
Bruce had been given the strikingly banal task of setting the table, and then of sitting the hell down before he passed out—Clark’s words, not Ms. Kent’s.
Bruce hadn’t set a table in years, but it was also probably the only task he was actually fit to do. And since he’d refused to just sit down in the first place, Martha had indulged him with effortless busywork, the kinds of things that Bruce imagined happened in a normal home, a full home.
He hasn’t told anyone this, except for Diana. But when he’d been close to the edges of his awareness, when he’d felt the light creeping in on all sides, he’d sworn he could hear them. Feel them, even—his parents, their hands cool to the touch upon his temples.
His mom had smiled, warm and fearless. It had done something to Bruce’s chest, then—torn it apart, and put it back together again.
You are not done. Not yet.
When Bruce had tried to look away, to pull away, because it had all simply been too much, his mother had caught him by the chin. She had pulled him close and held him steady, and she had not let him go.
But you already knew that, didn’t you?
And the truth is, just a few years ago, Bruce would have given anything to join his parents. To be at peace with them, wherever they were now.
But these days, he has so much to live for. He has early mornings and late nights with Clark. He has a standing appointment for afternoon tea every Tuesday with Diana. He has training with Barry, and long talks on the porch with Ms. Kent—call me Martha, please, Bruce—and he has this: the sprawling Kansan sky, stretching on for what feels like infinity.
If anyone, when he was younger, had told him that he would one day feel at home here, nestled amongst cornfields, Bruce would’ve laughed in their faces.
But nothing has ever turned out exactly as he thought it would—least of all his life. He thinks it’s probably for the best. Whatever his life has become, he would not have had the courage to dream of it, before. To make it real.
Clark finds his way out onto the porch some indeterminate amount of time later, in threadbare socks. The plaid blanket from the back of the couch is wrapped around his shoulders, and he looks warm. It’s so incredibly Clark that it settles something in Bruce’s chest, makes him feel at home.
Clark comes up behind him. Wraps the blanket around them both, and pulls Bruce back into his chest.
He nuzzles at the patch of silver behind Bruce’s ear. “Hungry?”
“Starving,” Bruce admits. He can feel his stomach rumbling, the smell of coffee and fresh bread wafting through the screen door from the kitchen.
“Want to head inside?”
“Not yet.”
Clark exhales deeply, and Bruce thinks it might be with relief. Clark winds his arms a little tighter around Bruce, mindful of stitches, of old bruises.
They have time, now.
Ms. Kent will be home soon, and there will be coffee in the glow of the Christmas tree lights. There will be quiet conversation that drags on into late morning, and there will be something homemade for breakfast. Clark will blush and laugh and dispute as Martha tells stories of his childhood, of his father. Alfred will call from where he’s on holiday in Paris, and he will tell Bruce to eat well, and he will call a hello to Ms. Kent as she passes by in the background of their FaceTime call.
Everything will be warm, and bright, and real—too real, so real that Bruce will have to pause, to take a moment, to let it all sink in.
For now, though, Bruce settles back into Clark’s chest. Lets Clark hold up his weight, hold them steady. And for the first time in a long time, he breathes easy.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Consolation + The “Talk”
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 9: Consolation and Day 10: The “Talk”
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
This got a little long, sorry not sorry
One week, one week has passed since Damian started school in Paris. One week since the tower of lies that Lila has built began to crumble and fall. 
By the beginning of the next day she had backed off all her lies about the Wayne family but she just re-doubled all her efforts on lies that included Prince Ali, Clara Nightingale, and Jagged Stone. But the tower she had built was going to fall. 
And Damian was ready to bring an end to this liar’s reign.
So you can trust that he would find a way to avenge his sister without the use of violence against her, especially in Paris, and especially knowing his father’s mantra of vengeance not revenge. But revenge is needed. So, Damian made a few phone calls. Over the course of the next week he would have enough video and audio evidence to prove his little sister is innocent. But what would really put the icing on the cake is if he could convince the principal to hold a career day or week. Granted it shouldn’t be too hard, he is the only blood son of Bruce Wayne after all. So, telling his sister that he would meet her after fencing practice he went off early in search of principal Damocles. He found the man quite simply and was it far too easy to convince the man to go to career day parents of the students will be able to come in to do you demonstrations or speeches as well as anyone else who they would like to invite.
Damian left for his fencing practice which left me packing up my things getting ready to leave. I was one of the last ones out so of course something had to happen. Adrien came up to me then “hey Mari can we talk.”
‘Sigh’ “If this is about the highroad again Adrien. Her lies are hurting people it doesn’t matter if you think it’s right, she’s hurting people’s futures their chances it…” He cut her off, great this is going wonderfully.
“It’s not that, well it is that but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” He was stumbling over his words and she softened her expression slightly “Marinette what’s the difference between infatuation and love?”
“What?” That was not what she was expecting. This is confusing, and where was this coming from anyways. Never mind why “can you explain it to me more I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around the question.”
He had sheepish smile and started “I. I love ladybug but I’m not sure if I love her or what she represents more”
“You don’t know if you like the idea of her more than the person who she is?” Marinette asked him seeming to understand where this conversation was going. 
“before we go even further down this rabbit hole, Adrien why don’t we meet up somewhere more private”
“why? “
Marinette simply pointed towards the door “We seem to have gained an audience”          
There at the door was Alya filming but unknown to her someone else was behind her. “Bean we have to go” Alya you jumped at the sound of Tim’s voice.
“OK Tim I’ll be out just give me a minute,” Tim nodded and left Alya having scurried off when she was found out. “I’ll text you place and time to meet up and talk further that is if you’re still confused about your feelings about this girl”
“Sounds good and thank you Marinette” he whispered as she left the room. Once she got to the car she glanced at him oh no, was the only thing that went through her mind “you look like a cat who ate the canary Tim spill” she was moving in to tickle him to get the info out. “Fine, fine, fine I give I’ll tell, but” she shot him a look. “only if you make me some coffee, today feels like an all-nighter”
“Deal! Now spill”
“Damian set up that next week there is going to be career days for the entire week at the school.”
“Okay” she nodded her head understanding where her brothers’ train of thoughts were heading. “The career week will be the perfect opportunity to expose the rest of Lila’s lies. At least that’s what you and Damian are hoping to accomplish isn’t it.”
“Mari, you do know you’re my favorite sister” Tim replied with a smirk that would rival even Damian’s.
So, the two of them got to work. Damian may think he’s clever and the most discrete out of everyone, but he wasn’t able to pull off hiding the cameras and microphones well enough that Mari wasn’t able to figure it out. This means they are going to have plenty of video and audio evidence use against the liar.
Now when Damian got home from practice the three of them really set out to destroy the liar. With all the audio evidence as well as the footage proving it was Lila speaking Marinette made several phone calls.
Jagged and Clara were both on board completely and wholeheartedly, especially after hearing what was going on. With those two she called the principal and he had agreed to keep them as a special surprise for the last day.
She called her father and he was willing to fly out to speak on one of the first days. Her father also happened to be able to get into contact with Prince Ali, and once hearing of everything that was going on, he to agree to come and speak.
Damian had called the Kent’s so Lois Lane, Clark and, and Jon were all going to come to speak, well Lois Lane in Clark were going to speak, Jon was coming to hang out with his two best friends.
Once Mr. Kent heard it was going on well it wasn’t long afterwards for Barry Allen to come to speak about forensics science, Oliver Queen to speak further on different aspects of business, and several other members of the league who seem to have fallen in love with Mari.
Everyone knew that as soon as Lila saw the names on the list, she would be tempted to spread the lies about every single one of them, so they would continue to record everything that was said in the class.
And who’s to say that a couple of the heroes may or may not make an appearance was well, but it was to be determined if Lila lied about them or not. Within the hour the three Wayne siblings knew, oh they knew this liar would not have a chance to escape. And anyone left believing her by the end of the week, well they felt sorry for those poor souls who still believe her every word.
After about two hours getting our allies ready for the incoming slaughter of the liar I met up with Adrien. And that was different.
“Mari” Adrien seem unsure of how to start. We had we decided it would’ve been best to meet up at the Wayne Enterprises Paris branch that way we can have a conference room to discuss it somewhere private, I won’t have to worry about people eavesdropping. Well everyone except for my brothers but it’s a price I’m willing to pay. “This is the first crush I’ve ever had, I, I don’t know…”
“Adrien I’ve known you now for about a year. You are quite honestly still sheltered. Well that’s the best way I can describe it.”
“What I’m not! I’m no?” Adrien began to stutter because that was not where the conversation was originally going.
“Adrien you are still quite sheltered. The way you think things should be handles when it comes to lies or personal space is the same way that people deal with the paparazzi and those are not the same at all. But I’m saying that because it’s normal to be confused when it comes to a crush. I had a crush on you for the longest time and was unsure how to act on it. I got to know about you a bit more and the crush well it changed.” He was looking at me shocked by my proclamation.
“How? Why? What are you mean? I’m not.” Adrien seemed a little taken back before he finally decided what he was going to say. “You said had?”
“I had the biggest crush on you until I learned you were a coward, or what seemed like cowardace. You decided that someone you didn’t know was more important than the person you claim to be a friend. This past week has shown me that you are a pacifist, not a coward, but you strive for peace with everyone. but that’s not how everything goes. I learned that about you that’s what made me move on. So what is it about this girl that makes you stay or is there something about someone else who makes you want to stay with them instead?“ He was silent he wasn’t staring at me, but he was starting off into space. He seemed to not know exactly what to say, but the thought was there. 
“Ladybug she’s my…” He was about to say something but stopped himself, almost as if he knows her as more than just the heroine. But that is not possible the only ones who interact with her while in the mask are now her family and…
“Your Chat Noir” she said it’s so calmly and as such a fact that he just stared at her calm and unblinking until the inevitable freak out which cost him to pass out. Great now she’s stuck at a conference room trying to revive her partner who doesn’t know she’s his partner. Once he finally came to, she just watched as it to make sure he wasn’t about to faint again.
“I’m not! I can’t be! I’m not superhero, that’s crazy Mari your” he was rambling. In the past month she has perfected the Batman Glare and well Adrien was getting it, because she was not believing the bullshit that was coming out of his mouth.
“Are you paws-itively certain about that Chat.” He went silent, but doesn’t know if it was because of the pun or because she called him Chat.
“How?” Adrien whispered to her.
“Well I figured it out since it seemed like you knew Ladybug more than just a hero.” She stated hoping that her identity was not compromised. “anyways Ladybug’s your partner but what were you going to say afterwards”
“she’s my partner and my best friend. She’s the person who may know me the best out of everyone, except I think that goes to you now” he began to chuckle, but it evolved into full-blown laughter and Mari couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“You know it makes a lot of sense of your Chat. Chat is always carefree and bubbly, but he always makes sure to keep it professional. Sure, flirting in the middle of the battle isn’t the best. But knowing Adrien and Chat Noir are the same person makes the whole so much more. What’s the word complete” she muses tapping her chin.
“Ladybug is the hero Paris deserves. But I don’t think I love her. I thought I did. I thought about this a lot, I love that when I was with her, I was free. I don’t know the girl underneath the mask. But I do you know the girl beneath the mask is strong and courageous. She is undoubtably amazing. But maybe you are figuring out my identity snapped things into focus, because I love the way I feel around her. But I also love the way I feel about my friends. Thank you, Mari.”
“For what I haven’t said anything this was all you.”
“Exactly, I needed someone to hear me, and not force me into a conclusion they thought was best. And at this point you are my first true friend. Can we. Can we be friends again Marinette?”
Mari looked at him for a second and then broke into a smile. “Of course, Adrien we’re friends”
“Good now let’s bring down a liar”
Of course the week leading up to career week was unexpectedly full of lies, all coming out of the Italians mouth. Oh, Barry Allen yeah she met him on Central city oh Oliver Queen she once saw him at a charity event in Star City oh she’s practically Lois Lane and Clark Kent‘s daughter, Jonathan their son, is her best friend. The list goes on and on. Everyone on the left side excluding Adrien do believe every word that came out of her mouth. The three in the very back on the right side, being herself, Damian, and Chloe couldn’t contain their laughter. This usually resulted in a Alya yelling at them from laughing that of course Lila wouldn’t be lying and then defending Lila as she began to cry her crocodile tears.
The entire school was informed that the entirety of career week was mandatory and missing a single speaker would be equivalent to failing a midterm for and class, meaning there was no skipping at all.        
Today there were three guest speakers, them being Bruce Wayne, Prince Ali, and John Stewart.
Prince Ali was the first to go up go up and just let’s just say that many people we surprised that he did not do go green charities but in fact did children’s charities called a few things in the question specifically from Rose and Mylene.
Luckily for Lila she didn’t lie much about John Stewart, who spoke of his time as a marine and about currently being an architect, but that was a short-lived victory on her part, when he showed up as the final school guest at the end of the day as Green Lantern. He gave her a speech about honesty and the importance of discipline and hard work in order to succeed.
Bruce spoke about honesty and a hard work when building a company as well as the importance of working with reputable companies and brands.
At the end of the day she had two ceases and desists, one from Prince Ali and one from the Wayne family.
On the bright side a new Wayne charity was in the works alongside Prince Ali for children’s medicine.
Was Barry Allen who spoke about pursuing forensic sciences and the work he does alongside the police.  
Wonder Woman who was speaking as an ambassador of Themyscira, and way at being an ambassador entailed. 
And Mayor Bourgeois spoke on what it means to be a part of the political and legislative sectors of the government.
Again, Lila received two cease and desists from Barry Allen and Wonder Woman respectively.
Went similar to the previous two. Oliver Queen spoke about ways to modify businesses and expanding them in order to change with consumers.
Wang Cheng, Marinette’s uncle, spoke and gave a demonstration of cooking techniques for the school.
Tomoe Tsurugi, Kagami’s mother, spoke about fencing and also about ableism against disability, mainly that even being blind she can hand many fencers their asses without breaking a sweat.
Lila only received one cease and desist.
Nora, Alya’s sister, spoke of being a professional boxer and the training she does for it.
Lois and Clark gave a joint presentation, and of course Alya wanted her idols to review her blog. And well that did not go so well for her, Lois tore her interviews with Lila apart stating she gives no further evidence and simply takes what the girl says at face value. However other interviews she did provide more links to her information which prove she is a capable journalist, but there is room to grow.
The Kent’s also presented Lila a cease and desist, luckily for Alya she hadn’t posted anything in the past two weeks since Marinette’s return about anything Lila had said, and she was glad for that right now.
Jagged Stone and Clara started Friday with a mini concert, that included a special duet with the two artists. Jagged spoke about Rock’n Roll and the changes and subcategories of the genre.
Clara Nightingale spoke on the pop side of the music industry and how she got started at a young age, as well as her background in dance and choreography.
Gabriel Agreste was the final speaker, we’ll he was on video call actually, and spoke on the fashion industry, the standards that come with the consumer market, and the way public opinion shapes brands and companies.
Gabriel was about to log off when Jagged walked in front of the camera.
“Too true Agreste, public opinion does shape the way many of those who have spoken this past week” many don’t know this about Jagged but mess with his family and he will not hold back. “That is why you should know, your model, Lila Rossi has had a total six cease and desists field against her this past week. As un-Rock’n roll as it is Clara and I will be adding two more to that list. I will also be suing for defamation of character as well. Clara?”
“Lies and cheats, make for poor feats. I will also be suing as well for defamation of character. This has made me so mad I can’t even come up with a rhyme.” She called out to the crowd.
“So Agreste, how will your totally not Rock’n Roll model affect your business?” Jagged asked. Everyone was watching the screen for Gabriel’s reaction.
“It would seem it is best we terminated contact Miss Rossi. Also, Adrien.” The poor boy practically jumped in his seat.
“There will be no contact between you and Miss Rossi until we are able to discuss this further. Goodbye”
The entire school was in a shocked silence. This final day as set up so the whole school would see it altogether.
Lila began to cry until she became furious. She jumped from her seat and yelled. “You did this! You set me up! You ruined my entire empire Marinette!” She was glaring daggers at me.
“If it’s any consolation to you Lila you made me miserable for eight months. You took my friends, those I’ve known since I was practically in diapers. You made my life hell and if that’s consolation to you fine. I will also be suing you for slander and defamation of character. But just know this I have people who genuinely care for me and I’m sorry if you felt threatened by me to blame all this on me, but I don’t care about your opinion or the opinion of those who turned on me without batting an eye not anymore.” It’s so liberating to say that to them. Oh, a weight has been lifted off my chest and so I walked out of the school side-by-side with Damian, Adrien, and Chloe with my head held high. And for the first time and I can’t remember when I could breathe. They weren’t going to hold me down any longer.
Just for to clear this up Marinette is the youngest out of all the children. She and Damian are the same age but he is older by a few months.
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bonillart · 4 years
Figuring out the Batfam age in a way that makes sense.
Let me preface this by stating that the timeline is all messed up. I got inspired by a post that had the years that each Robin was a Robin, i.e. Dick was robin for like 40 yrs, Jason lasted around 6 years, Tim around 20, Stephanie less than a year, and Damian has been Robin for 11 years now. 
This took me approximately 9 tries to make it seem as seamless as possible, I wanted to maintain continuity and certain years/ages that are explicitly stated in the comics. 
Also do to technology use and references in the comics now we are assuming that their age (in the post) is their current age in 2020. 
Alfred: He is 72 years old, he was a spy for some years and later went to the Wayne Manor as a favor to his father when Thomas and Martha Wayne had a child. Alfred was 29 yrs at the age of Bruce’s birth. 39 yrs when the Waynes were shot. 
Bruce: His parents were shot when he was 10 yrs old, he started training fairly soon after maybe 11-12, and travel the world with the company of Alfred until 16 when he emancipated himself and went to train with the likes of Ra’s Al Ghul, he also briefly saw a young Clark Kent seeking to train as well (I forgot the comic but it was like a glance). Comes back around 24, sees the bat, becomes Batman. At 26 years old, takes in Dick Grayson as his ward. At 30 years old, he and Talia have their affair and Damian becomes the result. Fast forward 13 years, he is now 43 years old. Clark Kent is 42 years old. 
Dick: His parents died at 9 years old, he becomes the first Boy Wonder at 10, after a year of training. Get’s kidnap at the age of 13 by the League of Assassins, creates the Teen Titans at 15-16, quits being Robin at 18, and becomes Nightwing 2-3 months later. At 23 becomes Batman after Bruce’s death, and takes Damian under his wing. He is now 26. 
Jason: Steals the Batmobile’s wheels at 14, trains and takes the mantel of Robin before his 15th birthday. Dies at 15 around April. comes back to life around 16-17, comes back to Gotham at 18 yrs old to take his vengeance on Bruce and the Joker, becoming the Red Hood after the Joker’s alleged first alias. He is currently 22 years old. 
Tim: (So here’s the thing, due to the fact that DC does not care for chronological order unless you want Jason and Tim to be the same age- which is what I originally had because it’s the most logical based on storylines- Tim’s story had to be changed a bit, because fandom likes Tim to be younger than Jason). His parents takes him to see the Flying Grayson when he was 2 years old (2003), while he doesn’t remember the show- obviously- he did get a DVD of the Flying Graysons which he used to analyze when he went all Charlie Kelly on Batman. He figures out who Batman is at 13, and takes becomes the 3rd Robin in the process. At 15 his father is killed by Captain Boomerang, and he is adopted by Bruce, at 16 he meets Damian. He is now 19 years old. 
Stephanie: I made her the same age as Tim but you can add one year if you would so please. Becomes pregnant at 15, as well as being Spoiler, briefly becomes Robin. Gives child up for adoption at 16, dies, comes back, becomes Batgirl. Later on goes back to Spoiler, and is now 19 years old. 
Damian: Born and trained in the League of Assassins, “met” Jason Todd when he was still a child around 7-8 years old while Jason trained under Talia. Jason leaves, and Damian has still not earned the right to know who his father is. On his 10th birthday Damian finally defeats Talia and is granted his wish, he meets Bruce and Tim a week later, and lasts less than a month before being taken back to the League. The following months go crazy between Ra’s wanting to use Damian’s body as his own, and the shorty after his own father dying. He moves into the Wayne Tower’s penthouse to be under the care of Dick Grayson and Alfred Pennyworth. Fast forward 3 years and he is now 13 years old, and created his own Teens Titans. Jon is 10 turning 11 years old. 
Duke: I put Duke around the age of 16 because he is definitely a teenager but he was also placed in foster care after his parents death so he has to be less than 18. 
I’m missing Barbara and Cass so I will be updating this soon. spoiler- Barb is also 26 give or take but I just want to solidify her timeline and Jim’s.  
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wendimydarling · 4 years
Henry's characters as Greek/Roman Gods 😆
OKAY girl. I’m finally getting around to this. I did a lot of research as I’m not superly familiar with all of the greek gods and their stories, but I did a pretty good job I think, and I ran the list by @littlefreya and @agniavateira; they stan (for the most part)!
All of my info (including the quotes I will use) I pulled from this website, so if anything isn’t accurate, I’m sorry! Here we goooooooo!
Stephen Colley
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Stephen Colley is Aristaeus, minor patron god of useful arts, such as gardening and hunting. I’m basing this off of who he was and his role to the family, NOT on the sudden acting career that was thrust upon him.
“In Greek mythology, Aristaeus was the god useful arts, such as bee-keeping and cheese-making, olive-growing, herding, and hunting. He was a rustic god, a god of the countryside and pastoral places.”
Aristaeus also would visit cities, see the problems, and find a solution, which is basically what Stephen did for the bitch he was in love with, to the detriment of his own heart.
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Mikey is Momus. the god of Mockery and Satire.
“Momus is typically depicted as a man lifting a mask from his face. In more modern art, he is depicted as a fool or king’s jester.
Greek tragedian Sophocles wrote a satyr play called Momus. Satyr plays were tragicomedies with choruses of satyrs. The plays were often full of drunkenness, sexuality, sight gags, and other forms of merriment.”
Mikey loves a good joke and to fool around. He didn’t take life seriously, he wanted to have fun. 
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Melot is Dinlas, god of chaos and hatred. Dinlas was abandoned by his mother and banished to the underworld where Hades discovered him and turned him into an agent of darkness, similarly to how Melot wasn’t as well received by his uncle as Tristan was, and so was taken in by Wictred and used for evil.
Hades gave Dinlas a job that seemed right and good, much how Melot thought that he was doing what was best for the kingdom. Both of them sought acceptance and love wherever they could find it, and for both of them it was ultimately their downfall. 
Evan Marshall
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Evan is the god Paean, physician to the Olympic gods. Paean treated everyone from Ares to Hades, he didn’t differentiate. This may seem like an obvious choice, but it goes a step further.
“The name “Paean” was also commonly used in a general sense to refer to anyone who could save people from evil or calamity.”
This is Evan. He was brought in by his brother to save their home from the evil that resided in that bunker, and he did what he had to, wishing to save not just his family but the family that lived there, regardless of what his brother thought. He didn’t differentiate, same as Paean.
Charles Brandon
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Charles is Kratos, god of strength and power. I’m basing this off of the myths that include his lineage as the son of the Titans Pallas and Styx, which makes him a relative of the Olympian gods but not one of them directly.
“In this form, Kratos is seen as a companion of Zeus and the guardian of his throne. He is usually one of Zeus’ primary enforcers and is an extension of his will.”
This is Charles. Friend of the King and Enforcer of His Will, even when it means carrying out unnecessary vengeance, similarly to how Kratos was required to chain Prometheus to a rock to be tortured for all eternity after Prometheus stole fire for humans.
Clark Kent/Kal-El
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Clark is Atlas, who was a Titan instead of a god. This might seem like an unusual choice, but hear me out. Atlas chose a side and lost, and because of it was forced to carry the weight of the heavens on his shoulders for the rest of his life. Clark too was forced to choose a side, and though he didn’t necessarily “lose”, he still had to carry the weight of that burden on his shoulders for the rest of his life.
“Atlas was known as being ‘stout-hearted,’ strong, resilient and only a little gullible”
Clark is all of those things. And when I say gullible, I more just mean that he’s so good, so innocent, people have been able to take advantage of him before. 
Napoleon Solo
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Napoleon is Hermes, god of trade, thieves, travelers, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld. 
“Hermes was known to be quick and cunning and had the ability to freely move between the mortal and divine worlds. 
In some myths Hermes is also depicted as a trickster where he would outwit the gods either for the good of humankind or for his own personal amusement and satisfaction.
Both Homer and Hesiod portrayed Hermes as the author of skilled or deceptive acts, and also as a benefactor of mortals.”
This depicts Napoleon to a T. He played both sides to his benefit, and often “went against the man” if it benefited the greater good or if it amused him.
Captain Syverson
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Captain Syverson is Zeus, god of law, order, and justice.
“Hesiod described Zeus as a god who “brought peace in place of violence” and referred to him as the “lord of justice”.”
There are many different character traits of Zeus that Syverson embodies: hospitality, willingness to avenge wrong, keeper of oaths, and he struck terror in his enemies. 
“According to “Work and Days” by Hesiod (line 59), Zeus was a carefree god who loved to laugh out loud. He was regarded as wise, fair, just, merciful, and prudent. He was also unpredictable – nobody was able to guess the decisions he would make.”
This also seems to me like Syverson. Although we don’t see him laugh much in the film, we do get a snippet of that smile when he greets Mahmoud.
“He is often described as a strong, imposing man with a regal body and long, often curly, hair. He usually had a short beard or scruff and carried his trusty thunderbolt at all times.”
Syverson is all of this except the long curly hair. His thunderbolt is the Beretta 92FS he’s always got tucked into his belt.
August Walker
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August is Hades, god of the underworld. 
“Hades was depicted as stern and unyielding, unmoved by prayer and sacrifice.
[He] had a cap or helmet that made its wearer invisible.
His wife was Persephone, Demeter’s only daughter, whom he kidnapped and made his queen.”
August’s mission is his manifesto. He is unyielding in that sense; he will do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal, unmoved by the opinions and pleading of others. He worked for the CIA and they had no idea of his true intent, which makes him pretty invisible, and he would absolutely kidnap a woman to make her his bride (Trapped, anyone????). Although I think he would make her fall in love with him first.
Walter Marshall
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Walter is the Hypnos, the god of sleep. Again, seems like an unusual choice, but hear me out. 
“Hypnos is said to be a calm and gentle god who helps mortal humans in their time of need.”
This is Walter. He is a gentle giant, who aids people when they need help the most. This is his job, this is his life. Hypnos lived in the underworld, in a cave that received no sunlight or moonlight. Walter lives his life in a similar darkness, his mind engulfed in the horrors of his job. Hypnos’s cave was surrounded by poppies and other plants that produce sleep, which explains why Walter always looks so tired. *cue laughing emoji*
Geralt of Rivia
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I see Geralt as Heracles (Hercules). He did not choose the life he was given, but he used it for the good of people. 
“Heracles was known for his extraordinary strength, courage and cleverness. When his brawn would not suffice, he would call upon his wits...”
Hercules also had his Twelve Labors, which I equate to Geralt running around slaying monsters. Hercules often acted impulsively, and though done out of love, it would get him into trouble. Geralt does this too, though he would never admit it. His love for Jaskier, Yen, and Ciri gets him into heaps of scraps and trouble, which he is then often forced to serve his way out of. 
Thanks for this ask, @wondersofdreaming! Sorry it took me so long; it was a bit of a research project and I felt like I was in school again! 
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, December 18th
SPIKE: I hope it's just dirt you're after. If the spell calls for anything more than that, you're into zombie territory & that's bad news. DAWN: Spike, I wasn't... SPIKE: I know good & well what you're up to. That book you've got is infamous. DAWN: Please, don't tell Buffy, I just... I have to get her back. I have to... SPIKE: Not gonna tell, Little Bit. I'm gonna help.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Nature of Vengeance (Anya/Buffy, T) by kitkatt0430
When it Rains... (Buffy & Dawn, Marvel movies crossover, G) by pprfaith
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scheherazade (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Trevino
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 227 (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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The First Months, Chapters 1-3 (complete) (Buffy/Giles, E) by rip24
Change of Hearts, Chapters 1-5 (complete) (Drusilla/Spike, Doctor Who crossover, T) by MercurialMagpie
Bring Out Your Dead, Chapter 18 (Dawn, Silmarillion crossover, T) by Grundy
The path to redemption, Chapter 86 (Scoobies, T) by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 46 (Buffy/Tara, E) by Tuxedo_Mark
144 Days Chapter 93 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
Slayers and Trollhunters, Chapter 38 (Scoobies, Tales of Arcadia crossover, T) by Starfox5
Yvette, the Vampire Slayer - Arc 2, Chapter 32 (OC Slayer, Castlevania crossover, G) by TheSovereigntyofReality
Athena Luthor - Vampire Slayer, Kinda, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Clark Kent, Smallville crossover, not rated) by Hermione2be
Marmelade Skies, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Popsy
You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Decipher Him, Chapter 20 (Dawn, Batman crossover, not rated) by Hermione2be
Buffy's Father Chapter 62 (Ensemble, Stargate SG-1 crossover, T) by Vidicon666
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Stolen Moments, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Feanix88
Changes, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Jws1993
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You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Bitch About Him, Chapter 36 (Buffy, Young Justice/DCU crossover, FR13) by Hermione2be
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Spike - Original illustration (worksafe) by ZirconaWorks
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Artwork: Spuffy comics incorrect quote song lyrics lockscreens (worksafe) by demolitiondarla
Artwork: Spike (worksafe) by sunnyhellcalifornia
Artwork: BTVS “Every Outfit” “the Pack” part 1 (worksafe) by whatshisfaceblogs
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Fanvid: spike & buffy - paradise by edensraven
Fanvid: Westwood: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction Intro by Elizabeth Johnson
Fanvid: Faith Lehane - The Dark Slayer (Bad Reputation) by Popster Poppy
Fanvid: Buffy & Dracula || Undisclosed Desires by xXVenomsGloryXx
Fanvid: Faith: The Vampire Slayer by Elizabeth Johnson
Fanvid: Buffy & Angelus - Scare Me To Death by Diego Vega
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel / The only way is up by darkswordfish7xx
Fanvid: spike & buffy - the coast by edensraven
Fanvid: Angel/BTVS || I'll Be Good by moonheartx and rising okami
Video: Buffy the vampire slayer - Walk through the fire (remake) by Philippe Grenier
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy: The Last Vampire Slayer by oveliagirlhaditright
S7E15 -Get it Done- by you-were-mythtaken
S7E16 -Storyteller- by you-were-mythtaken
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Angel Season 4 is a beautiful mess by sezduck1
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Video: Imaginative But Highly Flawed | Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer #1 by Joe's Geek Show
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Podcast: 6.4 – "Flooded" by Beep Me Pod
Podcast: Episode 67: Fear, Itself by Myth Taken
Podcast: Gingerbread by Buffy the Vampire Straya
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Fanvid rec: Buffy & Spike | From Hate to Love by GossipVal1 recced by girl4music
[Community Announcements]
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Solstice Free-for-All Announcement! by Seasonal Spuffy
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Solstice Free-for-All Announcement! by Seasonal Spuffy
[Fandom Discussions]
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Forever is about a lot of things and is also about the limits and constraints and shortcomings and yearnings of the nuclear family structure by chasingfictions
[Buffy and Dawn shifting into their new roles in Forever] by chasingfictions
[Spike just wants to be seen] by chasingfictions
[About Spike helping Dawn in Forever by chasingfictions
[All the times Spike yells at the Ghora demon aren't in the shooting script] by chasingfictions
Buffy headcanons by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback
never gonna stop defending season six by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback
[The overall impact of Buffy Season 4] by girl4music
How Faith conflates being killed by Buffy with being loved by Buffy by herinsectreflection
How ineffectual all the other vampire antagonists have been up to [Spike and Dru] by july-19th-club
The symbolism when it comes to buffy and willow scenes in bedrooms by lqvewillow
The reason that Angel and Spike aren’t with Buffy in “Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer” by oveliagirlhaditright
[Cordelia turning into a Mary Sue and acting too old in AtS S3] by deanscarlett and we-pay-for-everything
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How evil is Spike vs Angelus? by cherrycranberries
S5 E1 dracula, is a great insight into buffy's future turmoil by ilily
Angel earned a life, could Willow have done the same? by UmadSummers
Did Buffy know about Connor by depthlikeshallowness
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Steven DeKnight by Bulletproof Screenwriting
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tiamat-zx · 3 years
Okay, sure!
Why I like them
He’s just a man who uses his intellect and his gadgets to fight crime. Plus, that voice. I think Kevin Conroy is the best Batman.
Also, he’s practically prepared for anything. He adapts quick, not unlike Tony Stark and his level of adaptability.
Why I don’t
His One Rule of “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is more problematic and restrictive than he wishes to admit. Hell, I think the Injustice games more or less made a point, even if Superman and his Regime were also in the wrong with the extremes they went to.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
So many to choose from, but… I think if I were to pick one, it’d be from, out of all things, Batman Forever. The moment in question is when he is about to apprehend the Riddler and affirms what he had been grappling with the whole movie, something that Nygma himself posited: “Can Bruce Wayne and Batman ever truly co-exist?”
Favorite season/movie
The animated series. Again, Kevin Conroy.
Favorite line
See “Favorite episode (scene if movie).
“I had to save [Chase and Robin] both. Because you see, I’m both Bruce Wayne and Batman. Not because I have to be. Now… because I choose to be.”
Favorite outfit
Either his Injustice 2 armor or the Arkham Knight Batsuit.
Him and Selina Kyle/Catwoman. I mean, come on.
Him and Clark Kent/Superman.
Head Canon
Unpopular opinion
I feel like he will never be able to stop being the Dark Knight, because there will always be evil and therefore he will never truly find peace.
A wish
That the new Batman movie doesn’t suck.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I hope he never truly utilizes those “countermeasures” he has against the Justice League.
Also, that he ends up having to use guns because there are no further options.
5 words to best describe them
Crimefighter, billionaire, vigilante, over-prepared, Vengeance.
My nickname for them
I doubt I could come up with a nickname that no one else already has lol
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Some BnHA Thoughts I’ve had recently
Warning: this gets long and rambly and is a personal opinion.
I know I’m probably not the only person who’s thought this but the whole Hero System of BnHA/MHA is just kind of...weird. 
The origins are explained in the spin-off, I think. IDK I don’t read Illegals. 
Nothing against Illegals I just don’t want to read it. What I’ve seen is ok, but anyway, back to my point.
Heroes working legit and for money is just very.....weird for someone like me who has grown up with the older Western comic hero canon where superheroes were, and still are, vigilantes who don’t get paid and don’t get to really enjoy any sort of public accolades, unless you’re particular heroes in the DC or Marvel universes. 
Even then, someone like my favorite hero of all time—Superman—doesn’t get to really be Superman 24/7. He still has to be Clark Kent and live Clark Kent’s life. Honestly, it’s what makes an alien with OP godlike powers relatable. That is if writers actually take the time to write his relationships with his family/friends and not jettison off the other characters in stupid OOC ways that previous characterizations of Clark wouldn’t have tolerated.
Sure, Clark can do all that super-powered stuff but it doesn’t get his articles in on time or his bills paid. He has to still participate in society and keep his lives relatively separate. 
My second favorite hero of all time—and my love for Superman is pretty unshakable so this second place has a decent gap—is Spider-Man. Specifically Peter Parker the original. The others are ok too but Peter is the one I grew up with, so he’s the one to which I’m most attached.
Peter Parker’s life—in a proper adaptation—always is full of struggle between being Spider-Man and being Peter Parker. 
Even after he comes out as Spider-Man during the proper Civil War story arc (nope, still not over what the MCU did to it especially when they gave my favorite Cap quote to a glorified extra and made it so IRON-MAN WAS IN THE RIGHT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME) Peter’s life is still a struggle, it’s just now a public one like the Fantastic Four who, probably, are the only group close to a sort of BnHA/MHA style of heroics for their whole existence (even Tony had a secret identity for a while in early Iron-Man. Look it up). And their lives were a struggle. Plus, I’m also pretty sure they didn’t get paid for their heroics? I’d have to do research to verify that because I’m not actually a Fantastic Four fan.
My point is, I’m just much more used to heroes who have to do heroics as a side job(more like a calling) but still have a day job (unless you’re Bruce Wayne but he’s got other stuff to balance that out). 
The Illegals, though I don’t read their manga, are a bit more like traditional superheroes, but they also sort of don’t remind me of them because they live in a society where there are legit vs illegal heroes. Unlike all of the western canon superheroes who are, by legal definition, committing a crime by stopping crimes. It’s an aspect that Marvel for a long time had better than DC because the cops were treating some of the heroes like Spider-Man like the vigilantes they actually were. 
I think that Horikoshi will explore stuff about this system later but I can’t help but feel that the system he created within his universe is ripe for exploitation by the wrong sort of people.
Look at the reviled purple one. His superpower is actually excellent. His spheres can easily contain a criminal until they need to be processed and if he’s paired up with someone like Sero, their combo as a capture team is amplified. Stick some of the spheres onto a strip of Sero’s tape and it’s an instant sticky bola. 
If his life had progressed without being an ancillary background character who keeps being shoved into shit to keep him in the story artificially by authorial bias, Mineta would have graduated and become a hero and would have been doing it for all the wrong reasons and (if he kept his nose clean of scandals) been able to live a decent life while also using his position to be a total piece of garbage.
See Captain Celebrity from Illegals for the adult version of this motivation taken to its extreme.
People rag on Endeavor for being a hero for the wrong reasons, but actually, he still does do a lot of good even if he’s a flaming jerk and he’s still popular enough to be the eternal number 2 prior to All Might’s retirement. 
Then there’s Mount Lady who swooped in and sniped Kamui Woods’s villain for the attention. And snake lady, Uwabumi, who seems more into being an idol of sorts than being a hero. The point is, the heroes of the BnHA/MHA universe aren’t actually incentivized to be heroes for justice or the general good. I personally blame the popularity aspect for a lot of the exploitation I see potentially within this system.
With that popularity aspect, the hero system has become tainted by people who are just in it to be idols and make money off of side hustles/brand deals/commercials/toys. There are enough in the system like Izuku—who genuinely wants to save people— that keep it from being overrun by people who are just in it for themselves, but as it is, the BnHA/MHA system is just so weird and ripe for twisting (which I as a fic writer & reader appreciate for the fertile ground it provides).
We flip back to the Western Canon and we have maybe a handful of characters at best I can point to that fit this “hero for popularity reasons” mould, with DC character Booster Gold the time-traveling con-man being the only one I can name off the top of my head. 
This is because Western Canon heroes are, usually, in heroics/vigilantism for personal reasons that tend to be motivated by justice, vengeance, or some mix of the two. 
Or, as quoted to death in most every adaptation of Spider-Man, Uncle Ben’s immortal words,
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
Plus, popularity and merchandizing is next-to-impossible for the Western canon hero because they actually have secret identities and don’t compete in highly publicized school festivals as minors that are said to be more popular than the Olympics where their real names are on display (sorry, the more you look at the UA Sports Festival, the less it makes any damn sense from a security standpoint). 
So, a character could go into heroics within the western canon wanting to be popular but unless they want to be a public hero (which is technically illegal) they can never profit from said-heroics directly. Again, we have Booster Gold who tried it and the other superheroes of the DC universe despised him.
He’s had a moment where he realized being in it for fame and glory is not a good thing and has turned over a new leaf, I think, so again heroes in it for themselves are generally not a major thing in the Western canon universes. 
Horikoshi has been using the system and its flaws for some great story moments and will likely continue to do so. 
It still doesn’t stop me from looking at it like the beautiful piece of weirdness that it is. I may never stop thinking it’s weird but that’s ok. 
Note 1: I know The Incredibles showed heroes being heroes without it being vigilantism but they were also employed/protected by the government and still had to maintain secret identities and when told to stop by the government, did. That, in and of itself, was explored by the movie to being a bit of an issue somewhat. 2 did an ok job of also exploring it but neither played the angle as well as they could have.
Note 2: Sky High’s heroes might have a hero school but they still have secret identities and day jobs.
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batsupes-love · 4 years
My DC Fanfics
Ancient Age - Joker x Batman. Omegaverse.  WIP -  Rated: Explicit Summary: Memories of ancient days long since passed are triggered. Memories one man doesn't want to remember and that confuses another. Memories stir of long ago when monarchies did reign before that of a lovers woe his wrath unable to contain did the blood of enemies flow his anguished cry full of disdain for they'd dealt a fatal blow and so he grew beyond insane Shining in the Dark - Joker x Batman. Elseworld AU. Omegaverse. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: Bruce Wayne, too, has survived the world after a missile attack though he was buried alive - unknowingly - by one of his superfriends that doesn't stop him from his quest. Simply survive and learn all that he can about his new world despite the pain of loss. However, there is the little thing niggling at him. If there are no Omega's who survived, a protandrous individual like himself might just wind up in trouble he never imagined he would. His Unsettling Demands - Joker x Batman. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: Bruce Wayne gets a disturbing call from the new director of Arkham Asylum in regards to The Joker. When The Joker makes his demands known, what lengths is Bruce Wayne really willing to go to, to ensure The Joker does not escape? Voyeuristic Gals - Ivy x Harley. COMPLETE Rated: Explicit Summary: Poison Ivy and her lover Harley Quinn have stolen some very private videos featuring The Joker and Bruce Wayne|Batman. The two lovely ladies delight in each other's bodies while watching and commenting on the rather risque video footage. Unsettling Urges - Lex Luthor x Superman. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: Superman, after a minor argument with his friend Batman at Nightwing's twentieth birthday party he returns to Metropolis with Lex Luthor on his mind in a way which confounds him. Then overhearing a strange conversation he decides to pay his arch-nemesis a visit, and follow through on his Gotham friends out of the blue suggestion. Unsettling Riddle - Riddler x Nightwing. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: After helping out with renovations at Arkham Asylum, where The Riddler helped keep him from injury, he's decided to offer a hand in friendship, or... is it more? Unsettling Shores - Black Manta x Aquaman. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: After a late evening meeting with the Justice League and the 'strange' events that took place there, Aquaman decides to take refuge on a small deserted beach and give himself some time alone having been aroused thanks to the 'display' of a certain pair of couples that just didn't seem able to keep their hands off of each other. Though his interest isn't in them they did set off something. Unsettling Pursuit - Lobo x Kon-El. WIP Rated: Explicit   Summary: Conner goes for a flight after getting an eyeful of his friend Dick Grayson and The Riddler during one of their role-play sessions. He's feeling a bit embarrassed and just wondering about the Kryptonian side of his biology when the space traveling bounty hunter who rides a space-hog descends from the sky to speak with him. Is Lobo hitting on him!? Cruise Calamity Capers - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: When a new owner purchased The Daily Planet, Clark Kent is sent on a five-day cruise. It wouldn't be so bad if an Alpha hadn't been booked into the same cabin as him while he's nearing his heat. And not just any Alpha, but a well-known playboy. But Clark finds he's not as terrible as he thought. Unfortunately, there happen to be trouble afoot and more secrets than that of hiding an omega status.
Caught by Surprise - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit   Summary: Clark has been married for some years now. But his spouse doesn't know he's Superman and decides to punish him. Which makes things awkward at the Watchtower when it's just him and Batman's turn for Monitor duty. You’re My Destiny - Batman x Superman. Sequel to Loved You to the Last. WIP Rated: Summary: Clark Kent didn't have a soulmate, or at least he didn't think so, because he didn't have a soul mark. The humans of Earth were born with their soul marks. He hadn't been. None of his relationships lasted. Humans wanted their soulmates.Bruce Wayne was born without a soul mark. He thought it was because the Universe knew what would happen to his parents and so he didn't deserve one for not being able to save them. But then one day a mark appeared. Instead of being elated, he cursed the Universe for its bad joke. Loved You to the Last - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Clark Kent loved Bruce Wayne. It was a Universal Truth. Except for as long as the Earth's Sun was Yellow, Clark could not die. But Bruce was never far from Clark's thoughts throughout the eons he lived until finally the sun turned Red. Take My Hand - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Before the horrid evening in which Thomas and Martha Wayne lost their lives, their son Bruce was told of a decision his father had made which would change the course of part of his life. And so began his yearly summer vacation at a farm in Kansas. Brighter Than Gold - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary:  Even though they're now engaged, Bruce still has some reservations. Clark isn't too happy about this and asks some difficult questions. To Dream Again - Batman x Superman. Omegaverse. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary: Lois has just dropped a bombshell on Clark after five years of marriage and the miracle that is their son, Jon. Unable to stand the thought of going to their apartment even during his week off of work, he visits Wayne Manor where Jon is being babysat by the Wayne family and his elder adopted siblings. A Sky Full of Stars - Omegaverse. WIP - Rated:  Summary: The King of Krypton and his family find themselves in dire circumstances as one of their top Generals turns on them and orders an assassination. Only the King's brother may be able to help keep the young prince's safe by leaving the lands of Krypton for those outside the veil. Gotham, one of Earth's great kingdom's soon faces a tragedy of it's own and it's two young princes will have to learn how to deal with the nightmares the traumatic scene instilled in them. But can they let it go, or will the thirst for vengeance be all that keeps them going? Feel Again - Batman x Superman WIP - Rated: Summary: Superman is visited by his future self who asks him the impossible. Of course, he decides to go along with it, until he doesn't. His path takes a very different direction than that of his other self, or even what his other self had planned. Will he manage to befriend Batman, or just make things worse? Ultraman’s Dilemma - Owlman x Ultraman. WIP - Rated: Explicit   Summary: Ultraman had no idea what was happening, until he did, and then he was filled with rage. Not that he could do anything about that rage. Of course Owlman had to take advantage of his weakness. And there was only one way Ultraman could think of to get back at the bastard. Mine Tonight - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit   Summary: Superman is tired of denying his feelings for Batman. It doesn't matter that they don't know each others identities. When he makes up his mind to confront Batman with his needs, he finds Batman has found some incriminating evidence. I’m in Love with an Angel - Batman x Superman. WIP - Summary: Clark can't believe that Bruce is being taken away from him. Again. However a chance is soon offered to him that will keep him in Bruce's life. But he learns some unexpected details along the way. Legend of Valors Echo - Batman x Superman. WIP - Summary: Clark Kent has entered the game, Legend of Valors Echo, and one of it's long time players who preferred to do just about everything alone needs help with a quest. Paranormal Phenomena Investigators - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. WIP - Summary: Bruce Wayne, a doctor who works for a government agency has just been assigned a new partner after years of not having one. Just, why did it have to be someone with eccentric beliefs?Clark Kent has no idea about who, or what he is. He's just a rookie at a government agency who just happens to be interested in all things not of the Earth. Potential Disaster Averted - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: M Summary:  Bruce wakes up and discovers he's not alone. But it's who is in his bed that has him wondering what happened. Invisible Chains - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: E for Explicit Summary: With Jonathan "Pa" Kent gone, they can't make the payments to the bank. But the bank is now owned by a notorious mafia family. The boss of which is visiting the Kent family farm household and when Clark walks in, things spiral out of control from there. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 7 Prompt, Mafia AU. Taking Chances - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE -  Rated:  Summary: One hero decides it's time to take another chance on love. Another hero is the target of his heart. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 6 Prompt, Blindfold All of You - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Co-written with Leo_Our_Queen. Clark has been hiding something and Bruce is determined to get to the bottom of it. But once Bruce learns what it is, he just can't help himself from invading Clark's privacy. The whole ordeal leads to serious confrontation but an understanding revelation. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 5 Prompt, Free Day.
Backward in Time - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Batman finds himself two years into the past. Before one awful eventful day. What will happen to his determination to put an end to the alien threat as new lessons are learned? Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 4 Prompt, Time Travel.
Only For Master - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: They do not fall to their knees for a villain, only for their master. Together he and Master thwart the villain and reassert their roles in the privacy of one of their lairs. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 3 Prompt, On your knees.
Cutting the Red Tape - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Bruce Wayne, in order to cut through some red tape is in need of a relationship, but no one he currently knows seems suitable. That is until he bumps into someone who may be just the ticket. Written for Superbat Week 2020, Day 2 Prompt - Fake Dating.
Nightbright Brothel - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: One member of the Justice League thinks there's something shady with the latest brothel to popup on the outskirts of their city. What they learn is something unexpected and they're not sure if they like this new information or not. Day 1 of Superbat Week 2020 - Day 1 - A/B/O
For Your Sake - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: I helped Leo write a portion of this. It was so fun working with them. Batman has discovered something affecting the health and wellbeing of Clark and seeks answers to help him. The knowledge he gains leads to him giving into instincts he may otherwise have tried to ignore. Got You in My Sights - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary: Omega's have gone extinct upon the Earth, but one may wonder if that is truly the case and if it is, why? But no matter how one lonely Alpha tries to find a reason for it, and even a cure, he's got other responsibilities. His mission. And one of his missions is to see to it that a certain extra-terrestrial wasn't going to become a problem once it came to light that there was one among them. Close Enough to Kryptonian - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Kal-El was sent on a diplomatic mission to Earth. He hadn't expected to receive the call he had, or to go into heat while away from home. Written with JusticePlague who did the majority of the writing. Temptation at the Gala - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: This was written for the Batsupes Secret Valentines Exchange event of 2021.1. Prompt: DCEU: BVS - Bruce and Clark bang in an empty room at Luthor's gala *Rating of Fic Preferred: * Explicit Up to Four Deal-Breakers: Bottom Bruce, choking, deepthroating I especially enjoy: Daddy kink, d/s dynamics, mirror sex, rough sex Reward for a Good Man - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Clark's day was horrific, but he hadn't expected to meet someone with some integrity at the place he'd wound up. Child From Another Universe - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: I was a Batsupes Secret Valentines Exchange pinch-hitter for the following prompt.12. Prompt: There‘s a child that looks suspiciously like them and the kid says they fled from a universe where their parents died and now need a new home???? Rating of Fic Preferred: any and all! I enjoy whatever! Up to Four Deal-Breakers: I especially enjoy: fluff, seeing my favourite characters cry, bruce and clark actually being able to show feelings..... (if you decide to go for smut, I do enjoy some of the more harmless/usual kinks. Bondage, spanking, daddy, stuff like that. Generally stuff that makes people feel /safe/ and /loved/, too, by giving them attention.)There is also the addition of the Bottom Clark 2021 prompt for Day 54 which is "Grief". Good End to a Bad Day - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary: After a soul-wrenching search and rescue due to a natural disaster, Superman overhears something he wasn't meant to. One Dark Valentine Night - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: Clark wished he'd known at the beginning of Bruce's visit. When Idiots Give Flowers - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Clark just wanted revenge, how did it end up like this?Or:That time an idiot gives another idiot flowers in the most annoying way possible. So the other Idiot must get revenge and it blows up in his face. Written with JusticePlague. Concerned and Caring - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: Batman watched in horror as Superman plummeted from the sky, and is determined to help in regards to recovery. Not Really a Boyscout - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Clark flustered Bruce. Bruce couldn't ever let Arthur win. Really, they had Barry to thank. JusticePlague wrote the majority of this one. It Started as a Simple Netflix ‘n’ Chill Date - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: Batman watched in horror as Superman plummeted from the sky, and is determined to help in regards to recovery. Happy Ironing - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary:  Bruce has a rather important reason to take a break from being Batman. He has to do something while hiding at home. At least Clark is there, when he's not called out on a mission himself. Romantic Date Plans Gone Wrong - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   Like it says on the tin, any romantic plans Bruce and Clark have had of late have just gone wrong for one reason, or another. That doesn't stop them from trying again of course. Hot Coffee Break - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   During Bruce Wayne's coffee break a surprise visitor drops on by and things get a bit out of hand. There's also the surprise news his visitor can't wait to tell him. Love at Second Attempted Murder - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary:   Batman and Superman have a problem with each other. It takes an inopportune moment due to worrisome news for them to learn that neither is as bad as they seem. Consummation - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent begin their new lives together. Shooting Stars - Jonathan ‘Pa’ Kent/Martha Kent COMPLETE - Rated: Gen Summary:  The night the Kent’s dream came true. Caw Rok - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   When Superman starts hearing strange things the closer Samhain approaches, he speaks with the league and Batman decides that the two of them should investigate. Little do they know what tests they'll be put through. If they fail they may forever be trapped, or worse, lose their very lives. What Has to be Done - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   When they meet a discovery is made that may just keep the people safe, though it is not without its cost. Gotham’s Lost Hope - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary:    Gotham, a living entity decides to give their most favorite a gift, only for that gift to be lost and with it the hope of the city. Moonlight - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary:   Underneath the Moonlight a pair of lovers meet. Trapped - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary:   Superman is trapped by his arch-nemesis. It's up to someone else to save him from whatever plans said arch-nemesis has in mind. Proposal on Ice - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary:   Clark is nervous at the ice rink, because he has an important question to ask, but that doesn't mean he'll get the answer he seeks, does it? After I Win - Darkseid/Suprman. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary: Darkseid sets his eyes not on Earth, but on its mightiest guardian, Superman. A Superseid fic. Engulphed - Batman/Suprman. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:  Clark tries to hide in the Fortress of Solitude when things get a bit strange, but they only get weirder. Luckily for him there's someone willing to stick it out with him despite any oddity he might find he has.
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