#christopher Flores
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calebs-hangout-corner · 1 year ago
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Shoutout to Beneath The Sugar Sky, gotta be one of my favorite books
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thelivingartgod · 5 months ago
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The Skeleton Prince to-be
*drops the skeleton fucker and runs*/j
Christopher! I think this mans got big brown dow eyes nobody can see cuz he’s too tall, he���s got a bump in his nose, a dimple on one side but not the other and a little harness necklace thing for his flute. He :)
The base elements of this (and the entire necklace thing) comes from @calebs-hangout-corner who I loveee
Drew Cora Drew Kade and Sumi
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thelivingmemegod · 6 months ago
Wayward Children moodboards cuz this was too long to be a reblog! And for the same reason, this isn’t everybody!
These are in introduction order cuz I felt like it. Some titles are made up, cuz I wanted to do titles and I don’t like inconsistency.
Nancy Whitman: The Living Statue
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Eleanor West: The Waiting Women
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Onishi Sumi: The Candy War Hero
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Kade Bronson/West: The Goblin Prince in Waiting
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Dr. Jack Wolcott: The Mad Scientists Apprentice
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Jill Wolcott: The Master’s Daughter
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Katherine Lundy: The Hero of the Goblin Market
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Christopher Flores: The Prince of Skeletons to-be
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Cora Miller: The Hero of The Trenches
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we-do-bones-bracket · 1 year ago
Round 1 Match 10
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Number 1 Warcraft necromancer. Responsible for everything scourge-related on Azeroth and roughly 50% of the setting's problems (Gul'dan did the other 50%). Shows up fleshed(ish) in Warcraft 3 and gleefully gets killed by Arthas to further his plans. Comes back as a boney frost lich after a bath in the Sunwell. Spends a weird period as Arthas' necromantic stepdad, encouraging him to be the worst he can be, then built a big pyramid in the sky with a bunch of crazy monsters inside. Has an undead cat called Mr. Bigglesworth.
His Hearthstone adventure has a Bard Shark theme that's pretty fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwgPuxSECBU
Christopher Flores
He’s a latino teen who went through a portal to Mariposa, the Country of Bones, a world of flowers and death. There he met the Skeleton Girl, their ruler, who removed his ulna and carved it into a flute. He can use it to play beautiful music that only the dead can hear, and make skeletons dance.
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shannon-loves-bones · 2 years ago
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Christopher Flores ✨️💀🏵🦴☀️
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emma-dennehy-presents · 7 months ago
Just saw what the next Wayward Children book is. X3 NADYA IS GETTING A BOOK! NADYA IS GETTING A BOOK!! NADYA IS GETTING A BOOK!1!
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Need an acknowledgement after Buddie goes canon of them having had latent or explicit feelings for each other for years. This isn’t a case of “oh, we were best friends for years and then one day we woke up and were in love.” This is a case of “we’ve been best friends for years, and we’ve been falling in love with each other since the day we met. We just didn’t understand it yet.” We’ve already had Buck’s realization that he’s bisexual, but his arc was chock-full of obliviousness to his attraction to Eddie, his feelings for Eddie, whose attention he actually wants. He still doesn’t really get it, but he gets that he likes men too, at least. Eddie is a whole other ball game. From the Catholic guilt to the toxic masculinity to the childhood emotional neglect to the pressure he keeps putting on himself to perform in relationships. He’s repressed as hell, and he isn’t to “I’m gay” yet, but we see hints of him understanding that how he feels might be a little different (his pause at “follow your heart, not Christopher’s” from Carla, his two talks with Bobby, admitting to performance anxiety on dates to the whole team, his talk with Buck about Marisol being an ex-nun, his acceptance that Ana and a ready-made family was the reason for his panic attack).
We know that the two of them are bad at identifying how they really feel, or at least allowing themselves to feel it. So, it makes way more sense for the show to admit that they’ve had romantic feelings for each other for years, rather than trying to convince the audience that what we’ve been watching these past seven seasons isn’t a product of two characters’ struggles with their identity and relationships. And while I’d be satisfied with a light-hearted snark from Hen or Chim about how they’ve been seeing it for years, I’d be so much happier with a full circle moment of the boys actually fully knowing themselves, acknowledging that they were never just best friends, they just didn’t understand it yet. It would show their series-long growth, as well as being an enormous tip of the hat to the audience. Because we aren’t misinterpreting it. We’re reading the queer-coding directly from the show, yes through subtext of course, but also the literal text. There have been so many moments deserving of acknowledgement in this regard, and I would hate for Buddie to go canon without it being clarified that those moments were exactly as queer and/or romantic as we thought.
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nofatclips · 2 months ago
A Distant Dark Source by Hypno5e - Video directed and edited by Emmanuel Jessua
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bi-and-bewildered · 7 months ago
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gifing every episode of 9-1-1: season 4, episode 8 “Breaking Point”
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poughkeepsies · 2 years ago
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9-1-1 as The Onion Headlines (Part 2) (Part 1)
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calebs-hangout-corner · 2 years ago
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Wayward Cuddle Pile
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idealuk · 10 months ago
Here's the thing:
If we ignore how Ryan has always acted Eddie out around Buck, how Oliver has acted right back as Buck, the fact that Buck is now canonically out as bi, how they've been co-parenting Christopher for years, the gayest break up ever being filmed between Eddie and Ana/A(h)na, and the Catholic guilt of it all [insert GIF of Crowley's list], Marisol could've been Eddie's endgame, but Edy made the audience hate her.
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ranbling · 10 months ago
I think if the people in Eddie's life stopped trying to force the idea of a traditional family onto him, he would actually have a healthy and happy relationship
Because first of all, his parents pressured him into marrying Shannon (I do believe, if not for Chris then they would gone back to being friends, instead of being in a relationship), and like it's obvious he loved her and being married to her, they were also apart for the majority of their marriage. Running away into the army (and enlisting for a second time), then Shannon leaving and I don't think they actually lived together for more than a 2 years. So I do think a part of this love comes from nostalgic lenses
Then the whole Ana thing and the things leading to that were such bullshit. Chris doesn't need a new maternal (or any kind of parental) figure, he has enough of a support system and found family. Also I get it, that they wanted to bring back a kinda existing character, but after the skateboard accident and Eddie's reaction to it (which justified, but like a little bit over the top), they should have just introduced a new character. Ana is like the perfect addition to his family, Chris already likes her and she's nice enough that Eddie might actually love her in time, but like we know it doesn't work out and he gets panick attack at the thought of being a family
His whole relationship with Marisol feels like a way to prove he's not lonely and it's only a response of Pepa setting him up on blind date and Buck gushing about Natalia. I think he got kinda scared, that he will actually be lonely, because Buck (who is his best friend, and they mimic each other with being in relationship) was seemingly moving on in his love life, and Chris is growing up, he doesn't need Eddie as much as he did when he was little.
But you know who he is not afraid to involve and invite into his family? Buck
He was leaving Chris with Buck for a day after a year into their relationship, was ready to trust Buck with Chris again right after the tsunami, written Buck into his will as Chris' legal guardian after 1.5 years of knowing him, Chris ran to Buck after learning Eddie is dating again and told Buck what bothers him about it, Buck was ready to help him and Chris after his breakdown
But, the most important thing is that Eddie asked Buck to talk to Chris about him dating multiple girls. All the instances where Buck acted like an actual parental figure to Chris came as a spur of a moment thing, but that was the first time Eddie asked him (with his words, giving him permission) to take up a role like that
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my-brain-soup · 2 months ago
(Also, eddie is unsure about talking about their date with Chris, but he gets home to Buck taking care of him)
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bam-bi-buck · 4 months ago
Buck & Chris’s relationship + abandonment issues - long post
Do y’all think part of the reason Christopher went with his Grandparents is because he felt safe enough about Buck’s love and commitment to him that he knew Buck wouldn’t be mad at him when he came back?
Before I continue with that train of thought, this thought process is shaped by theories I’ve seen about why Chris called his Grandparents instead of Buck when Chris has gone to Buck for support with his anger/fear due to Eddie’s whole thing twice before (4x08 & 5x13) but he didn’t this time? Why? maybe because viewing him as a parental figure in this case impacts how he views Buck likelyhood to be completely on his side as his grandparents (especially Helena) are instead of being on both of their side - which he was
Chris was really angry and hurt, he didn’t want Buck to try to fix this, to try to keep them together, he wanted Buck to be angry at Eddie with him, but that’s not who Buck is and both Chris and Eddie know that
That’s why Eddie called him and Chris didn’t
Now back to Chris, his abandonment issues, and his relationship with Buck and how we can interpret it based off 7x10
Chris has severe abandonment issues, which is not surprising at all based on what he’s been through - Eddie being in active duty throughout his early childhood, then working himself to the bone with three jobs, Shannon leaving to California and then dying
Then he had feelings of abandonment during the pandemic, he lost contact with both Ana & Marisol after their relationships with Eddie ended, his bisabuela moved back to Texas, and we didn’t heard about Carla at all season 7 (I’m like 98% sure - please correct me if I’m wrong)
In season 7 he even said he feels like girls leave when Buck had that dating talk with him
(Even Buck technically left him for a bit, during the lawsuit era but I’m unsure is he views it that way or not though we do know that Chris missed him during that time - Grocery Store Divorce and all)
However, Buck has since made a promise to him and their relationship has evolved a lot since then
We know that Chris goes to Buck when he’s mad at Eddie (4x08) and there’s lot of evidence that indicates he views Buck as a parental figure (he talks to Buck in a similar fashion as he does Eddie, he seeks out Buck for support, the way he spoke to Buck while he was in a coma, just to name a few)
Plus there’s a reason Eddie chose Buck as Chris’s legal guardian and why the writers chose to include that plot
Because of Buck & Chris’s bond
And he lost his mom, he’s almost lost his dad several times, he’s gotten attached to two different women Eddie was seeing and has now lost them
When Chris ubered to Buck’s place and said that everyone leaves, Buck promised he wouldn’t leave Chris
And then when he talked to Chris before he left with his grandparents, Buck did flounder a bit (as would I in that situation, not judging here) but he does make a comment about understanding Chris wanting to go which would probably reassure Chris that Buck isn’t and won’t be mad at him
I think Chris would have had a harder time leaving if he was scared of Buck not being there when he got back
We all have our assumptions (mostly negative from what I’m seeing but I’m not judging I do too) but we don’t actually know what Helena’s saying to Chris, if she’s talking down Eddie’s love for him or not
But while it’s possible she is, Eddie told Chris himself that he can come home at any point he wants
We can also assume that part of why Chris left is because he’s mad + hurt and lashing out wanting Eddie to feel the same as him / doesn’t trust Eddie right now and is waiting for Eddie to do something to prove himself before he’ll be ready go home
I do believe that Chris knows that he can go home to Eddie (no matter what Helena may or may not be saying) and thus him leaving isn’t triggering his abandonment issues and that he’s just waiting for, as I theorized above, for Eddie to prove he won’t be hurt again if he does
and thus his abandonment issues won’t be triggered regarding Eddie (this time) unless he’s convinced he can’t go home, something happens with Eddie, or Eddie fails to prove himself to Chris
OR his abandonment issues were already triggered and he felt like he was losing Eddie (again) to Kim and her madness and he left as a means to protect himself from that, and is, again waiting for proof that he’s safe to come home from the aftermath of all that
All that to say I don’t think his abandonment issues would stop him from leaving Eddie with his grandparents in this particular instance
Ethier way though… because Chris has had a lot of experience of not having both his parents, losing parents, dealing with the fear of losing parents, and losing positive authority figures, it had to be really tough to leave Eddie himself, no matter how angry and hurt he is
And if I’m right and he does view Buck as a parental figure as well then we might assume he’d also fear losing Buck as well by leaving to Texas
I think his abandonment issues would have been triggered regarding Buck while living in Texas, especially since he’s probably always worried about losing Eddie to a certain extent (army, overworking himself in Texas, work as a firefighter, etc) he lost his mother twice, lost both Ana and Marisol who may not have been parental figures but were positive authority figures in his lives, except Buck promised Chris he wouldn’t leave him
And so I think independently of his feelings regarding abandonment and Eddie, Chris still feels secure in his relationship with Buck to not fear losing him during his time away
Just a theory and I could totally be off but it’ll be really interesting to see how they address everything when Buck and Chris reunite (if they do)
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It feels rather predictable to say because he’s a firefighter, duh, but Buck can be very observant, and that’s such a fun thing to play with about his character. He’s observant on calls of course, and we just saw how quick he is during the scene where he is overstimulated by Gerrard berating him, but still noticed the saw coming loose. But what’s most fun to play with is Buck being observant about Eddie.
Buck can be a little self-absorbed at times, but every moment that we see Eddie going through something or needing a push for a little exposition, it’s Buck who’s there to jumpstart the conversation. He notices Eddie trying to get a hold of Christopher during the earthquake. He notices Eddie acting weird about Ana, and the HIPAA violation exchange between the cardiologist and Eddie. Buck practically spends every waking moment of 7x04 observing Eddie while his friendship with Tommy is all shiny and new (and Buck gets jealous because of it). And then in the most recent episode, Buck walks into the Diaz house like it’s his too (it is, it is), thoroughly distracted by his baking and desire to call Tommy, and yet Buck still manages to turn around and catch Eddie in the act (turning his screen face down), and trying to act innocent eating that scone.
It’s like Buck sees Eddie acting even slightly off, and kill bill sirens start going off in his head because something’s up with his partner. And it gets ridiculous the more scenes they share together because Buck is always seeing right through whatever mask Eddie is trying to put on, and he always calls Eddie out about it (even if it takes him a few scenes). His Eddie-awareness is just insane and unparalleled.
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