#cardiologist 9-1-1
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It feels rather predictable to say because he’s a firefighter, duh, but Buck can be very observant, and that’s such a fun thing to play with about his character. He’s observant on calls of course, and we just saw how quick he is during the scene where he is overstimulated by Gerrard berating him, but still noticed the saw coming loose. But what’s most fun to play with is Buck being observant about Eddie.
Buck can be a little self-absorbed at times, but every moment that we see Eddie going through something or needing a push for a little exposition, it’s Buck who’s there to jumpstart the conversation. He notices Eddie trying to get a hold of Christopher during the earthquake. He notices Eddie acting weird about Ana, and the HIPAA violation exchange between the cardiologist and Eddie. Buck practically spends every waking moment of 7x04 observing Eddie while his friendship with Tommy is all shiny and new (and Buck gets jealous because of it). And then in the most recent episode, Buck walks into the Diaz house like it’s his too (it is, it is), thoroughly distracted by his baking and desire to call Tommy, and yet Buck still manages to turn around and catch Eddie in the act (turning his screen face down), and trying to act innocent eating that scone.
It’s like Buck sees Eddie acting even slightly off, and kill bill sirens start going off in his head because something’s up with his partner. And it gets ridiculous the more scenes they share together because Buck is always seeing right through whatever mask Eddie is trying to put on, and he always calls Eddie out about it (even if it takes him a few scenes). His Eddie-awareness is just insane and unparalleled.
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fruitydiaz · 2 years ago
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Buck, can you hear me?
[Image description: 5 gifs of Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1. Gif 1: During the lawsuit, Eddie gestures angrily at Buck and says, "No but he filed a stupid lawsuit and now I can't even talk to you because of it." Gif 2: After the lawsuit, Buck drops his arms in exasperation and tells Eddie, "I just want you to talk to me." Gif 3: Eddie sits in his hospital bed while waiting to be discharged. He looks up at Buck and says, "I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Gif 4: After finding out about Eddie's visit to the cardiologist, Buck tells him, "Look you need to tell me if something is wrong." Gif 5: After lowering Buck down after he's struck by lightning, Eddie runs up to the 118 as Chimney's doing compressions and screams, "Talk to me! Talk to me!!" /end ID.}
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naviculariis · 10 months ago
Okay so. Serious post time. I'm gonna put this entire thing under a cut, but I'm also gonna post some TWs here: medical malpractice, uncertain diagnoses, family trauma / drama, grief, anxiety rambles???
But I am gonna take like. A semi-hiatus, just so I can catch up on what I owe.
I haven't talked about this over here, or on Tumblr in general. Only one person who follows me here knows about this bc we're friends on another platform.
Y'all have noticed, my days don't follow a set schedule. I've been unemployed since my campus suddenly closed with very little warning back in '22. Immediately after that closing, we took a small trip to MS to be with family for Christmas, and that trip was... Bad. And on the 1st of last year, I had an accident- i was taking down Christmas lights and fell and busted open my head. I had an untreated, late diagnosed concussion thar no one really... followed up on, and have had slight memory loss even now from it.
So I couldn't work until my head healed up from that.
But that's not the medical thing. That is my mother. In October 2021, my mother went in for a routine stint placement that resulted in loss of almost total blood flow to her left leg for 36 hours. They almost had to amputate, she almost died on the table twice, she was hospitalized for a year. ( we've tried the legal route, but because the doctor never admitted fault on paper, he cannot be held liable & suing hospitals is... Difficult. Even though she has permanent damage, can no longer feel anything below the knee, and has to wear a brace to walk. ) My mother already had a weak heart to begin with due to years of smoking + cardiac disease. This was the first nail, essentially. This damaged her heart... a lot.
Back to the concussion. 4 days after my concussion, she had a massive heart attack that nearly killed her. She flatlined twice on the table. It was after this that we got confirmation that she is in congestive heart failure. My grandfather died from it. It's
... It's hard. We don't know which stage she's in because her cardiologist won't tell us, but we think she's in stage 2, or maybe 3. We don't know. But because of this, I am the one who takes care of 95% of everything around the house & outside. I do lawncare, I do the planting, I do the garden. She can do a lot, still, but when her heart gets going- it's painful. So I've been her caretaker since 2021 when the initial accident happened.
My grandmother is nearly 90 and has... Many health problems but somehow is also doing better than most folks I know. She's a mystery. And my aunt had a double knee surgery but somethings wrong with her knees, and they think the surgeries rejected, so she can't get around well or drive longer than an hour away. My grandmother no longer drives & isn't renewing her license. My mother can drive, but we don't want her to unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
So I'm the only one who can drive them around.
I have my own medical issues [ anxiety, depression, type 1 diabetes, cracked tailbone that never got treatment & is giving me hell for that- ]
So. Basically. A lot of my time isn't my time. And when I do have free time, I do try to write and chat as much as I can. At night, after I get mom to bed, I call my partner warner and we get a few hours together and then we have to go to sleep bc we're in a ldr & their timezone is an hour ahead of mine.
... I'm rambling.
It's just. It's hard sometimes. And a lot of the time I sort of sit on my back porch and cry because I'm doing this- physically- alone. Literally everyone else is 4+ hours away across the state. Or 9 hours south on the Gulf Coast, or 7 hours south in Louisiana.
I do try to stay on top of things the best I can, I really really do, but things slip through my fingers. I'm gonna try my best to get all caught up over this coming week, I think. But if my responses are delayed for threads, for discord messages- chances are, I'm busy with one of my lil ol' ladies.
On top of all of this, I live in a town of less than 900, the nearest city is 45 minutes in any direction, and the nearest BIG city is 2+ hours in any direction. Finding a job that isn't in Healthcare is impossible. And I have nothing against those who are in healthcare- I applaud you. But all of my trauma can be tied back to hospital ERs and any time I step foot into a hospital, I immediately have anxiety & can only hear the night we learned about my dad. So I physically cannot force myself to go into that field.
Which is... a whole other thing, this is getting too long. But I've been searching for a job for the past year and a half, have had 5 interviews, each one ended with "thanks for interviewing! However,". It's hard.
So I just.
My plate is a lil bit full. But I love writing. I love the rpc. It'sa comfort and a joy and I love meeting new friends and making new connections and I want to do this as long as I can but sometimes things get a little slow. That's all.
... anyways yeah. Semi hiatus. Cool.
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bizarredefib · 7 months ago
Use the ask me anything feature and pick a number/question and I will answer
1. Favorite type of heartbeat
2. Do you have a heart condition
3. Favorite spot to listen on yourself
4. Favorite spot to listen on someone else
5. Ear stething or stethoscope
6. Have you ever been to a cardiologist
7. What kind of heart exams have you had
8. Ever been stethed by someone
9. Do you like to feel your heart beat
10. Ever feel someone else’s heart
11. Favorite pulse point
12. How many people have you told
13. How many stethopes do you own
14. Do you wish you could have a certain kind of heart exam
15. What color is your steth
16. Favorite procedure to watch
17. Does your cardiophilia have a dark side?
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foxsley · 9 months ago
The finale for 9-1-1 was good but it left me so confused
- Buck didn’t rush in a way I expect him to like Bobby did with Buck
- Bobby was down 14 minutes and in a coma, for a day. Is a known addict, but woke up fine and smiling for someone who had technically been dead a significant time, would have had ribs cracked or broken in cpr. But no sign of discomfort?
- Is discharged surprisingly quick and walking through burnt home again no signs of discomfort when bending down exerting self etc.
- Is back at work after two weeks??? Buck was down 1/4 of the time Bobby was but was out multiple ‘episodes’ to heal, told by cardiologist that he couldnt return just yet and had to deal with the mental side? But Bobby is perfectly fine to hug, move and go back to work after two weeks with a miraculous recovery?
Honestly makes me think if Bobby Nash really is Clarke Kent. I love his character storylines but I swear he magically walks everything off 😅😅
- LSD? More AA but walks it off
- Radiation scare? Walks it off
- Gets shot? Walks it off
- Roof collapse on his back? Walks it off
- Falls with collapsed bridge and is trapped? Walks it ofd
- Cruise ship situation? Walks it off
- Crashes in desert and walks for survival? Walks it off
- Has a heart attack? Walks it off
Not saying characters should have episodes upon episodes of recovery. But also don’t understand the miraculous recoveries either. If it was Buck, we’d see it drawn out, not allowed back to work etc. Comes across hypocritical if Bobby returns after two weeks whilst heart stopped 4x longer than Buck
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shaeeldera · 1 month ago
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This is my precious son, Newt. I’ve had him since he was 7 months old and he turned 10 years old back in August. At the end of November, I noticed that he’d lost some weight and hadn’t been grooming himself well. Took him to the vet (my sister-in-law owns her own cat-only practice and she’s great) and after some x-rays and radiology - and subsequent foreign body removal surgery - discovered he had 4 dryer sheets in a mass the size of my fist blocking his little tummy. He was doing well until about 9 days later I found him breathing heavily and drooling. Took him to the emergency vet where they found he had congestive heart failure. Got him on some meds and he recovered well.
All this was to preface that I took him to a cardiologist yesterday and he’s doing really well! I’m not a vet or medically knowledgeable myself, but apparently the left side of his heart wall is thicker than normal (the vet said it’s one of the more common conditions in cats). But his aorta (or whatever vein comes out of the heart) is also a little bigger than normal so it kinda balances out. She figured his event was triggered by getting so much extra fluids during surgery putting pressure on his heart. He gets to come off one of his medications and she said he should be able to live with his condition just fine.
I’m so glad that 1) my son is okay and will continue to live a long and happy life 2) I have a sister-in-law to text with questions 3) I currently have a big-kid job that pays well enough that I can drop thousands of dollars to make sure my son lives.
tl;dr: This is my son Newt. He worries me sometimes, but he’s happy, heathy, and every vet I’ve brought him to thinks he’s the sweetest boy. Just wanted y’all to know
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a-lanterninthenight · 1 year ago
Shrike - Part 1
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Hi there! This story has been sitting in my Google Docs for quite a bit, and I had honestly forgotten about it until I found it in when I was going through them. I really hope you like it. I feel like there aren't enough Danny fics out there, so hopefully this one will be able to aid all my fellow Danny laners out there. The title was inspired by the gorgeous song Shrike by Hozier, which I'll link here: Hozier - Shrike (Official Audio) - YouTube I'd greatly appreciate any feedback you have, so don't be afraid to drop something in the comments or message me. My deepest thanks to @kaedepo for helping make the moodboard and reading the draft as I wrote it. Now, without further ado, let's get started...
Reader x Danny
TW: none
Word Count: ~2.7k
Sunlight streamed through your gauzy white curtains as you opened your eyes. As they adjusted to the bright summer sunshine, you sat up, taking in the view of your small but cozy bedroom. You had just moved to Nashville last week, and this small apartment was your first real place of your own. It had taken several years of waitressing, pet sitting, and other odd jobs to pay your way through school, but you had finally done it. Nashville was your dream home ever since you were little, and to your elation, a small bookstore in town had offered you a position as a marketing manager. Graduation was three weeks ago, and after a short but much needed vacation, you had packed your things and moved in. 
The soft meows of your cat Stevie greeted you as you walked down the hall from your room into the kitchen. Stevie rubbed up against your legs, purring loudly and leaving some of her ginger colored fur on the pant legs of your black sweatpants. “Good morning, Stevie girl, today’s a big day,” you said to her. Today you started working, and you were eagerly but also a little nervously looking forward to it. “Let’s hope that everything goes ok.” After feeding Stevie, you went back into your room to get dressed and ready for the day. Opting for a comfy but dressy enough pair of jeans and a flowy blouse, you applied a light dusting of makeup and curled your hair in loose waves. Right as you were putting away your curling iron, your phone buzzed. Looking at it, you saw a text from your best friend from school, Stella. “Hey! Big day today, but you’ve got this! Good luck and let me know how it goes.” 
You and Stella had been best friends since your freshman year of college, where you had been in the same freshman seminar. She was heading off to medical school to become a cardiologist in the fall, and despite the big difference in majors, you had been inseparable since you first met. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I have to be in at 9, so I’m going to be leaving soon. I’ll keep you posted.” Once you clicked send, you slipped into your comfy white Vans, grabbed your keys and small purse, and walked to the front door. “Bye Stevie,” you said to the cat as you walked out the door and down the stairs to your car. The drive to work was only 15 minutes, and after a quick stop at a local Starbucks to buy your usual iced latte and a croissant, you were pulling into the parking lot behind the bookstore. 
The bells on the door rang as you stepped foot inside. You took in the rows of bookshelves and the comfy reading nook in the back corner. You could definitely get used to working in a place like this. 
“Hello! You must be y/n,” a cheery voice called from behind the cash register. A woman with beautiful auburn curls smiled at you, and you immediately recognized her as your new boss, Rosalind. “Hi, you’ve got that right,” you said as you walked and shook hands with her. “We’re so happy to have you here with us! I promise I’m not the only other person working here right now, the others are back in the breakroom.” She led you to a small door in the back that said employees only, which opened onto a tiny but nicely furnished room with three people in it. Rosalind introduced them as Emma, Owen, and Allie. Emma was the store’s resident children’s book expert, while Owen and Allie handled the other genres. Along with being a marketing manager in charge of publicity for the store, you had accepted a part time role as a salesperson, which you were more than happy to do. Sharing your love of books with others was a passion of yours, and you were excited to interact with the customers. Rosalind gave you a quick crash course in how to deal with certain situations, and soon you were out amongst the shelves in the store. Today was going to be entirely about selling books, and you were going to meet and discuss marketing tomorrow.
The store was fairly busy throughout the morning, and you patrolled the floors of the store, ready to be of assistance to any customer who needed it. Around noon, you had stopped to look at the back cover of a new book when you glanced up and saw a young woman with light brown hair staring at a bookshelf. Sensing that this was your cue to sweep in, you strolled over and asked if she needed any help. “Actually, I would love that. I came here for some new books to get while I’m here on vacation and I’ve read pretty much every book on my tbr list,” the young woman said to you. “Well, I can definitely help with that. What genres do you enjoy reading?” you prompted. She listed off several ones, and you immediately got a few ideas. Walking over to the fantasy section, you grabbed a few that you thought she might enjoy. “I think these should be perfect for you. They’re quite popular right now.” 
“These sound great! Thank you so much for the recommendations.” She smiled at you, and you walked over to the cash register to ring up her purchases. While you scanned barcodes and completed the transaction, you made small talk. “So, you’re here for vacation?” you asked. “Yes! I usually come here a few times a year, but mostly for weekend trips. I’m staying for two weeks this time though.” “Wow, you must really love Nashville.” The girl laughed, “You could say that. My brother lives here, so I’ve learned to love the city. How about you?”
“Oh, I’m brand new to this place. I just moved here last week. This is my first place post-grad,” you explained. “I’ve wanted to live here since I was very little though.” The girl smiled, and she explained that she had just graduated college too. She had come down from Michigan to stay with her brother as a vacation to celebrate her graduation, and after her visit she would be heading back home to work as a real estate agent outside of Detroit. The more you two chatted, the more you realized how much you had in common. You were both younger siblings, and reading had been one of your favorite hobbies since you were little. Your birthdays were only a week apart, and you both had pet cats that you loved dearly. You were amazed at how in a few short minutes, a complete stranger had become as close to you as a friend you’d had since grade school. 
“My name’s Josie by the way,” the girl smiled as she put her credit card back in her wallet and slung her purse over her shoulder. “Unfortunately, I should really let you get back to work, so how would you like to meet me for dinner tonight? I’d love to chat more with you.” You enthusiastically agreed, and she gave you the name of a bar within a short distance from the heart of the city and your apartment. She headed toward the door, and waved goodbye as she walked out. The bells jingled, and you smiled to yourself. It felt good to make a new friend. 
The bright lights of the neon signs on the wall and the familiar smell of alcohol greeted you as you walked into the bar that Josie had suggested. The place was the perfect mix of old and new, and the vibes matched yours to a T. Josie was sitting on a stool at the bar and she waved as you headed towards her. “Hey there! So glad to see you again.” She gave you a hug before you sat down next to her. The bartender turned to face you, asking for your order, to which you responded with your old faithful, Jack and coke. The drink was quickly placed in front of you, and you sipped it as Josie began to speak. “Since you’re new to Nashville, I had an idea. Why don’t I introduce you to my brother? You can never have too many friends in a new city.” “That does sound nice. To be honest I don’t really know anyone else here besides people from work, and you,” you replied. “Perfect, I’ll text him now,” Josie pulled out her phone and began typing. Shortly after she hit send and put the phone down, her lock screen lit up with a notification from a contact named Danny. “Ah, that was fast,” she exclaimed as she read the message. “I’ve got even better news. Danny said he’s actually in the neighborhood right now and he’d be more than happy to swing by and say hello. This is great!” You weren’t sure what to think about this news, as you could be a bit shy when meeting new people, but you happily responded with “Wonderful, I can’t wait!” 
About fifteen minutes had passed by, and suddenly you were broken out of your conversation by Josie calling someone’s name. You turned around, and realized someone was walking through the door of the bar. Not someone, it was a group of 4 men. The first one to walk in was short, with hair that could only be described as a cross between a mullet and a mohawk. He was wearing a brown linen jumpsuit and white sneakers, and he had a big grin on his mustached face. Following right behind him was another man who looked very similar, though he had wavy brown hair cut in a bob and no facial hair. His outfit reminded you of a rockstar, as he was wearing sunglasses and a shirt with only the bottom few buttons done. He oozed confidence, and you found yourself wondering just who he was. Next to walk in was a man who looked like he could be related to the first two, except for the fact that he had a few inches on them. This one was tall and lanky, with long brown hair and facial hair in a look that was very George Harrison-esque. He wore a button-down shirt in a blue paisley pattern, and he had navy pants with a shoestring belt. Finishing out the group was a man who you could only describe as looking like a Greek god. He was tall, taller than even the long haired one, with dark curly hair with a few faded blonde highlights. He had an angular face and tanned skin, and he was wearing a blue and white striped shirt with the top buttons undone. The tiniest bit of chest hair peeked out, and you had to quickly stop yourself from staring. Given that the other three men looked like they were siblings and Josie had only ever mentioned having one brother, you deduced that this man must be her brother. 
“Hey guys!” Josie exclaimed as the four men approached you. The lanky one wrapped Josie in a hug as the mustached man greeted her with a “Hello sunshine!” Hugs were shared all around as each of the other men gave Josie a hug. “Hello there!” the mustached man said to you. “Y/n, right? Danny said his sister would be introducing us to you. My name is Josh.” He flashed you a smile as you confirmed your name. Josie leaned in, saying “Y/n, meet the Kiszkas and my brother, Danny.” You quickly learned that the other short man was named Jake, while the taller brunette was Sam. Your hunch proved correct, and the curly haired one was identified as Josie’s brother, Danny. 
The six of you moved from the bar to a big table towards the back, and the boys ordered their drinks while you and Josie chit chatted. Once they returned, they took their seats and conversation resumed. “So, how are you liking Nashville so far?” Sam asked you as you finished your drink. “I love it! I’ve wanted to live here my whole life, and it’s everything I could have wanted it to be. Granted, I’ve only been here for a week, but I’m very happy with it.” 
“That’s great! It’s honestly kind of impossible to not fall in love with the city. I know it was love at first sight for me.” Sam confessed. “Well, anything beats Frankenmuth.” Jacob joked, and Sam shrugged in acknowledgement. “Frankenmuth? I’m assuming that’s your hometown?”
Josh nodded, and Danny quipped “It’s not exactly the most… cosmopolitan place. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wonderful place to grow up, but you can only live in a tiny town for so long before the walls close in on you.” Josie raised her glass in agreement. You pondered this, agreeing with their points. You had grown up in a small town in upstate New York, and you were all too familiar with the remote, rural life. Escape was necessary, and college had provided that for you. Like them, you loved your home, but you knew how stifling it was to be in a town where everyone knew everything about you. You had yearned for your independence, and Nashville was the place where you could finally strike out on your own. 
The rest of the evening was spent playing darts, pool, and taking shots with the boys and Josie. You learned that Danny was VERY good at darts, and Sam was a sore loser when it came to it. He complained that “Daniel’s hand-eye coordination is unfairly good because he’s a drummer,” to which Danny retorted that Sam should have just as good coordination from playing the keys. Sam was silenced by this remark, and he returned to the booth where Josh was sitting and sulked for a short while before Jake was able to drag him and Josh over to play pool. The dynamic between the four men was very entertaining, and you eventually learned that Josh and Jake were twins, while Sam was their younger brother. Danny and Josie were unrelated to them, but they were equally family, with Jake emphasizing that Danny was just as much a brother to him as Sam and Josh were. You smiled at this. You could clearly see the bond they had, and it warmed your heart. 
Once the clock struck 12:00, you all agreed that it was time to start going your separate ways. You hadn’t been able to figure out what the guys did for a living, though they did mention instruments, so you wondered if they were involved in Nashville’s vibrant music scene. You tucked that question away in your mind, hoping to ask Josie in the future. Without a doubt, you knew you’d be seeing her again before she returned to Michigan. The June air was warm as you stepped outside the bar to wait for the Uber you had called. Soon after a car pulled up, and you gave Josie a hug and waved goodbye to the boys before climbing in.  
As you got into your Uber, you couldn’t stop seeing Danny’s face in your mind. Though he hadn’t spoken much, you were drawn to him. It wasn’t just his good looks though. He had an energy that oozed comfort. You felt like you had known him forever, and you found yourself wondering how you might see him again. 
The front door creaked as you let yourself into your apartment, and you smiled as you heard the soft tinkle of Stevie’s bell. You went into your room and put on your pajamas, taking off your makeup shortly after. Once you were all ready for bed, you climbed under the blankets, and you decided to put on a playlist of quiet music to help you drift off to sleep. The last thing you heard before you succumbed to sleep was the gentle acoustic guitar and quiet tenor of Hozier singing “Remember me, love, when I’m reborn, as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn…”
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beautiful-flutey · 1 year ago
So I saw this and went back and forth on if I was going to do it. I have decided I want to so to start off strong here are days 1-4.
1. Type of Dysautonomia you have: I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTs. This is a condition in which upon standing up from laying/sitting my heart rate jumps at least 30 beats per minute OR rises above 120 on prolonged standing.
2. Diagnosis Story: I feel like I had some of the “lesser” symptoms for awhile before this but wasn’t too worried about those. But one day my mom was doing my hair and I passed out. We went to the doctor, then to a Neurologist and a Cardiologist. The neurologist couldn’t figure it out with the tests done, the Cardiologist followed a sneaking suspicion did a tilt table and diagnosed me.
3. How long did it take to get diagnosed: I’m one of the luckier POTs people in that my diagnosis came within 1-3 years of the initial main symptom (passing out)
4. My most bothersome symptom: Probably my Presyncope. Because I have to sit or lay down and stop what I’m doing. And I never know if it’s the day that it will go further and become full syncope meaning I passed out. I’m fine if a pass out but I’m still terrified of it.
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[Image Text: Dysautonomia Awareness
Month Challenge
Share your responses every day in October on your grid or story with the hashtag #VitassiumChallenge.
1. The type of dysautonomia you have
2. Your diagnosis story
3. How long it took you to get diagnosed
4. Your most bothersome symptom
5. Day in the life with dysautonomia
6. Your medication regimen
7. Your favorite products to manage your symptoms
8. Favorite way to hydrate
9. Your "saltcuterie" board/salty snacks
10. Favorite pair of compression socks
11. Your mobility aids
12. How you manage a flare
13. The thing that has helped me the most since diagnosis is...
14. Tips for cooking/cleaning with dysautonomia
15. Managing dysautonomia at work/school
16. Favorite dysautonomia-friendly hobbies/activities
17. Your go-to comfort show/ movie during a flare
18. Your support system
19. Best interaction with a healthcare provider
20. Worst interaction with a healthcare provider
21. One misconception I want to debunk is...
22. Dysautonomia co-morbidities
23. How you deal with heat intolerance
24. Your morning/nighttime routine with dysautonomia
25. What's in my bag, dysautonomia edition
26. Dysautonomia has taught me...
27. Advice for anyone who is newly diagnosed
28. What you wish others knew about having dysautonomia
29. What others can do to support the dysautonomia community
30. What Dysautonomia Awareness
Month means to you
31. Anything else you want to share?]
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 10 months ago
I've been thinking of how queer-coded Eddie (from 9-1-1) is, and the way his cardiologist (a heart doctor, how symbolic!) suggested Eddie might be repressed and...
Skip this post if the concept of repressed sexuality is uninteresting to you, this is mostly me talking about myself, to spread some knowledge about repression.
Anyway. Since anyone who has read any of my posts already knows I'm unhinged beyond comprehension, there is no reputation to lose here...
I just realized that I keep saying that I think Eddie is repressed and bi, and it just hit me that maybe people don't know what I mean by that? Maybe people don't know all faces of what repressed bisexuality can look like? It's not talked about a lot, I think.
So fic writers of the world, or whoever likes to learn, let me share my personal flavor of insanity - what my repressed bisexuality has looked like at different times!
Ah yes, first stage was Buck. Outrageous, oblivious flirting with anyone pretty... Without any clue that I was in fact flirting with everyone, including other women (I'm a woman). I just thought I was joking, teasing... Until it got just a bit too intense, and I finally went "Wtf. I'm flirting now. Like seriously, to get their attention! This isn't straight. What am I doing?"
And I was definitely nowhere near ready to get out of the closet or act on these instincts, so hey, we enter stage...
2. Repressed - and aware of it. Yes, may sound bizarre. To make things even more bizarre, when I say I started to repress my behavior... I don't mean just around women!!
By that time I had a lovely, open-minded friend group, I'd always been into queer rights etc. So I definitely felt like this wasn't really anything I should hide, or be ashamed of...
But I still grew up religious, and even though I left religion behind quite early in my teens? My family didn't.
So I wanted to come out. And was scared to come out.
And somehow... The longer I stayed silent, the more the mask of conformity started to suffocate. It disturbed me, to have people think I was 100% straight.
I started to feel like I was betraying my people, other bisexuals and queers in general, by conforming, and slipping notice under the cover of heteronormativity.
I thought, why should I talk about the men I like... if I can't also talk about the women I like. It just means I'm shoving myself deeper inside the closet!
So my logical solution to this problem...
Was just stop talking. Of anyone! I became this sexless creature, no flirting, no admiring comments, no dating, nothing. Even if someone made a comment about a random person on tv... I existed in a cage, not wanting to comment on anyone's attractiveness. Simply because it felt like betrayal to talk about some part of my identity if I could not talk about all of it.
So to summarize: while it's true that some bisexuals hide under the blanket of fake straightness, and some will actually also pretend to be fully gay or lesbian...
Some of us just attempt to disappear off the map completely, and show no interest to anyone at all.
That doesn't btw necessarily have anything to do with our fantasy life - that may still be rampant. Or equally repressed in some way or another!
And we may also act differently around different people. But not necessarily. It can feel awkward or scary or "unimportant" to come out even to fellow queer friends.
The point is... There are many kinds of masks. Repression is a freaking chameleon. Everyone does it differently, even the same person can do it differently with different people, at different stages of life.
And btw, unbecoming this self-made onion of a person can be annoyingly slow and difficult. Personally I'm still not done untangling the mess I am. But maybe getting there!
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dotsunflowers · 1 year ago
"After the visit to the cardiologist, and after his fight with Marjan, Paul can't stop thinking about his heart. Or the way heart metaphors now seemed to be absolutely everywhere." (Gen / T / 1,603 words)
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the-witching-ash · 1 year ago
🌟 + Richie?
10 Facts About My Characters
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟
1) Richie’s first job was with Luke at the diner, he’d been working odd jobs prior to that & started working to save up enough for a car. By his and Rory’s sixteenth birthday, he’d saved almost enough for it but not quite - with Lorelei’s blessing, Luke’s present for him was the remainder of the money. Richie asked if Luke would go with him to get the truck.
2) While in physical recovery for his leg after his football injury, his physical therapist strongly encourages a mental therapist as well, which is where he gets diagnosed for his social anxiety. (Luke was at the game where Richie got injured, managed to convince Lorelei to let him pay for anything regarding Richie’s recovery.)
3) He got into photography because of Rachel - he was twelve and wanted to know how her camera worked, she showed him how. Luke has pictures from that time, neither of them know.
4) Started off labeling himself as bi but realized it didn’t feel right, so he switches to labeling himself as Queer.
5) His was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid, & after Jurassic Park came out, it became a major comfort movie for him. (Fast forward to later ages & many rewatches later, Jeff Goldbum as Ian Malcolm was definitely apart of his queer awakening.)
6) Even after retiring from dance & skating, he still helps out Miss.Patty by either playing the piano during practices, ocassionally teaching the younger kids the dance moves & getting them to pay attention, or by lending his free time to use the truck to help her transport equipment.
7) He doesn’t do all of them, but once he gets a better grip on his studies & depending on what musical Chilton is doing, he’ll audition for it.
8) He’d known he wanted to be a doctor since he was nine, but it took until Richard’s first heart attack for him to decide he wanted to be a cardiologist.
9) He doesn’t get his first psychiatric service dog until season six when he’s living at his own place and not in the dorms.
10) Between Luke and Sookie, Richie learned how to cook and by the start of the series, he often cooks and meal preps for himself as he tends to eat less take out then Rory & Lorelei do.
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zuuriell · 1 year ago
i felt like doing something so imma do this for the month! i’ll put all my answers below the cut because it’ll probably get quite long lol
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1. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (aka POTS)
2. well, it’s pretty complicated 😭 i’ve had some symptoms for probably like a year, but around late april/early may this year i couldn’t even shower or stand up too long from how bad it got. the uk healthcare system is absolute shit though, so even tho i’ve been a&e multiple times and tried to explain how much it’s all been affecting me, i still don’t get to see a cardiologist until february 2024 :( but we’ve ruled out other options of what it could be, and my mum’s cardiologist friend agreed when i said i thought i had POTS, and my GP agrees, and my potsie friends agree so i’m kinda like unofficially diagnosed as of now?
3. relating to the last point, i am not officially diagnosed yet because of the slow asf NHS so yeah :,) but i mean to figure out what i was experiencing was POTS, it did take me like 8 months? but probably around 10 for me to accept the fact that i most likely have it too 😭 an official diagnosis unless i can rack up the money to go private is probably gonna take me like another year at this rate, but hopefully it won’t be that long
4. i have to pick just one? LOL uhh probably the blood pooling! it’s so annoying because especially when im out and about, i can’t be with my legs in the air 24/7 so it’s always bound to happen. compression socks help but only to an extent, and it stops me from doing so muchhhh :( it means that queueing for things and standing for more than a couple minutes is so so much harder, and if i have too much blood pooling in one day then my can legs ache for DAYS after that. it’s so painful and annoying and just aaghhh i hate it
5. on a regular day: i wake up, chug water which i leave by my bed for the mornings, get out of bed slowly and walk downstairs to make breakfast. i chug electrolytes and go for a short dog walk, then come home to do schoolwork and my family make lunch/dinner so i don’t have to stand around too long. i’ll make sure i get any chores done that i can, and i’ll try to chill in the evening
on a bad day/flareup: i wake up a lot later, have my electrolytes with water and only get out of bed when i need to. i’ll do schoolwork from my bed (if i feel well enough to concentrate), and have salty snacks rather than proper meals, unless my family make me anything. i stretch from bed to combat deconditioning, and if i feel decent enough i can have a bath
6. i don’t have access to any specific medication unfortunately, so i currently just manage with painkillers when my chronic pain is extra bitchy + anti-nausea meds when i feel sicky
7. salt sachets (the little ones you get at like mcdonald’s and stuff) to shove in my purse/pocket in case symptoms flare while i’m out, compression garments, electrolyte tablets, and a recliner bed so i can raise my legs more when resting
8. electrolyte drinks!! not the tablets though (i hate the taste of all the tablets except like 1 lol) - my fav is making electrolyte drinks from scratch! at the moment i really love iced lemon water with honey and salt. i also saw smth about this fancy coconut water drink to make so i may try that and it may become my favourite :0
9. salty crackers, salt and vinegar/ready salted crisps, mcdonalds fries (stfu i know these aren’t healthy but they’re my favs 😭), pretzels, nuts
+ my fav foods to dump a bunch of salt on: pasta, veggies and dips (SALTED CUCUMBER IS SO GOOD), pizza, chips, soup, risotto, probs almost anything i eat tbh
10. i’ve only got one pair but i love them so shoutout to my knee-length black compression socks <3
11. i don’t have any 🥲 i really wish i could have a cane or maybe even a rollator but my family make fun of me and i can’t afford one lolsies
12. i try to do some stretching in bed so that i can safely work against deconditioning, keeping very hydrated, trying to stay upstairs as much as possible so i don’t have to suffer my staircase, asking family to make food for me so i can save energy, taking pain meds when needed, having a cold bath (if possible), trying to keep preoccupied with work if i can, but if not i’ll watch movies on my ipad and stuff
fun fact: i wrote this on a flare LOL so oddly fitting and now i’ve already made myself a plan for the next few days!
13. the thing that’s helped me most is accepting that something is wrong and remembering to listen to my body. going through life pretending that i’m perfectly abled and don’t have anything wrong causes much more harm to me than letting myself rest a few days. it definitely isn’t easy though - i still find myself getting stressed over work deadlines don’t get me wrong, but i’d like to think i’m getting better at adapting to things and noticing when a flare is coming on so i can be prepared to take the time for my body to rest.
14. chairs are your best friends now. i steal the chairs/stools from the kitchen table whenever i’m doing chores standing up for more than 30 seconds. compression socks also help! OOH and if you’re using hot water/heated stuff and struggle with temperature dysreg, i usually grab myself a cup of ice to munch on or an icepack to hold on my chest so that i don’t overheat :)
15. i’m afraid i don’t have much input for this as i left school for health reasons 😭 but i suppose keeping hydrated, getting accommodations such as not too many stairs + being allowed to take more days off to rest for flares, compression gear where possible, staying high on sodium + electrolytes, and extended deadlines would be good!
16. i’m gonna sound so silly for this but i love rewatching my comfort stuff. i’ve got my fav youtubers + fav films/series all compiled in a list, and i spin a wheel to decide which one i’m gonna watch! other activities i enjoy though are reading, playing video games, doing goofy quizzes online, chatting with friends, and going on pinterest sprees!
17. leading on from the last prompt, my fav is a marvel movie - tbh all of them bring me so much comfort but my favs are avengers, black widow, loki and any of the thor films <3
18. my main support system is my wonderful boyfriend, kurtis @agere-tomhiddleston-imagines 💚💛 he’s helped me through so much and he’s so supportive of me no matter what, and i love him dearly for that (and how awesome he is in general ofc) <3 other than that, my parents are semi-supportive! they still get things wrong sometimes but overall they’ll help if i need things and they handle all the shitty healthcare workers for me so i truly appreciate them for that 😭🙏 ooh and definitely just the general online community of chronically ill people/potsies!! i love y’all so much 🫶
19. okay i don’t know if this counts because she was an orthodontist rather than a doctor/nurse, but when discussing me getting braces she asked about my medical history and i explained it all but said i haven’t been diagnosed so i understand if she can’t accommodate me. then she said to me, “hun.. just because you don’t have a piece of paper with a few words on it, doesn’t mean you aren’t ill. if you’ve got symptoms but no confirmed cause, you’ve still got the symptoms, and i’m not gonna ignore those unless you want me to” - the validation was so relieving after years of fighting for doctors to listen to me and believe me :,) ❤️
(i’ll update this throughout the month! <3)
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vikings-til-valhalla · 1 year ago
I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog on the situation with my mom in almost 2 weeks.
Long story short, it's gotten worse. In every way.
I think I said last time that mom was sent home New Year's Eve, and that was where I'd left off. Well... the next day, New Year's Day, everyone woke up and we gathered together to open presents from Christmas. As we did, mom couldn't lift anything beyond a glass of water. And even then, it was a struggle. She could barely breathe, and kept complaining about her shoulder hurting. She kept using her inhaler. Too much. 3x in a day and you're supposed to go to the hospital. And she'd used it 3x in an hour.
I tried to convince her, and my father, to go to the hospital. But my father doesn't believe in any doctors ever, and argued there was nothing anyone at the hospital could do except tell mom to set up a cardiologist appointment, and that cardiologist will take care of this. I was absolutely livid, seeing as my father always refuses to admit he's wrong or even hear he's wrong. I told him the hospital could inject painkillers, and do X-rays, and give her the IV she clearly needed. And still, father wouldn't listen. I, angry, went to my room and fell asleep for many hours.
At 9pm I was woken up to a knock at my door. Father said he was taking mom back to the hospital. Finally. I said ok, and fell back asleep.
I woke back up again at 2:30am. I checked my phone, and realized a mass text had been sent to everyone, extended family and immediate. It said everything. All of it. The cardiologist who'd done the first surgeries, he drove in immediately. He ordered painkiller injections, and X-rays. Just like I'd said the hospital would do. Minutes later, Mom had stopped breathing, and couldn't talk. She was in a panic. Doctors sedated her, and instantly airlifted her by helicopter to the original hospital where she'd gotten her first surgeries. Examining the X-rays, they learned mom had fluid all around her heart, and multiple blood clots in her lungs. Immediately, the surgeons got her into a room and began yet another surgery.
9 clots were removed from her lungs. Mesh had been placed inside her lungs to prevent any other clots from reaching them again, which would kill her if they did. The fluid was removed from around her heart. But she remained under sedation, and to be honest, from the sound and urgency of the texts, I thought I'd surely lost my mom. I don't remember if I slept anymore after that, I don't remember anything else except for the next text I received at around 9:30pm the next night. Father was on his way home. Mom was still sedated, I think, maybe she wasn't, I don't remember. But after over 24 hours waiting, I'd seen a message saying she was at least stable.
The next days were a blur. Mom woke up at some point, and had lost all recollection of being brought home for 2 days, and had no idea where she was or how she got there. Whereas I'd been doing video calls with Mom every day since her first admittance to when she got home, I hadn't heard her voice or seen her face in days. All I had was the word of my father, who kept me updated on how she was doing.
I worked 1 day that week. And when I got in and checked the schedules for the upcoming weeks, I saw I had been cut back to just Saturday work. Despite the fact that I gave full time availability, and dropped out of college to work more, I'd gotten a kick in the ass. And that exact same day, a giant bill went through, overdrafting my only bank account by $140. I was worse than broke, and with no way to pay off the debt with working one job that utterly betrayed me.
The next day, I saw my mom at the hospital. For the first time in... a while, I'd seen her face. And she was doing alright. She said she was better than she'd been feeling. She had another giant blood clot that formed in her leg, and so she couldn't walk. Additionally, she was on oxygen, and given Albuterol treatments 5-7 times a day every day. We cracked tons of jokes to the point even the nurse was laughing, and we talked a lot. Then, when she was tired, my siblings, father, and I, all drove home. I was starving. I realized I hadn't been eating much. One meal a day. Every day. For... I'm not sure how long.
Father ordered pizza, and I scarfed down two slices like my life depended on it. I was about to go for more, but everything that was ordered was eaten between the 4 of us. And I went to my room, hungry. After father went to bed, I checked the fridge for something. Anything. I found nothing beyond some molded cheeses, and a partially stale roll. No slices of bread. So, hungry and tired, I found shredded cheese in a bag, slapped it on the roll, and threw it in the microwave a few seconds. I scarfed it down. Then, I went to bed.
I woke up shaking and weary the next day. I looked for something, anything to cook, but all I had was breakfast foods, and some vegetables. None of the basics. No proteins. I think I made a grilled cheese with what remained, but that was all I ate that day. Everyone else in the house had money, and plenty of it, and they were buying meals daily, or groceries that only they were allowed to eat and wouldn't share with anyone. They went out with friends all day, or ordered in, and father spent all his time at the hospital with Mom. So, I was alone. Broker than broke. With no food. And no way to get food. If I asked anyone in my house, I'd have to pay them back. And I'll be damn lucky to pay off the $140 I owe the bank with this paycheck that's coming.
I considered going to my friend's parents for the night, and asking if they'd feed me by some miracle. But, ashamed, I didn't go. I cried myself to sleep, hungry, weak, and made an executive decision for myself: I'd, for the first time in my life, go to the food pantry, and see what I could get my hands on. Bring that to my room when nobody was looking so I wouldn't be judged or asked questions, and keep it hidden. I fell back asleep until the pantry opened, and, checking my phone as always, found that some kind stranger sent me money for food. I cried again.
That moment, desperate for anything protein to eat, I ordered chicken and cheese to be delivered to the house. I ate it all in one sitting, starving up until that moment. Then, for dinner, I got a pizza and giant cookie, which I split across two days.
Today, I got a call from my mom for the first time since I saw her in the hospital. She was on and off with health. Her legs are probably going to be bound tomorrow. She's still on oxygen, and there's a chance, when she comes home, she'll remain on it via a tank. Nobody is sure yet... And I'm scared.
She, at the latest, was supposed to come home today. But, like every day, the doctors extended her stay for another 3-4 more days at least. But in my heart, I know it'll be far more than that. 3 weeks overall since the first surgery. And things have just kept going to shit.
Today, I ate 2 bowls of pasta, which was at least 1lb of pasta. I also ate the last of my cookie. The remaining pasta will sustain me another day or two. But after that, seeing as I didn't go to the pantry, I don't know what I'm going to do. All I can do is hope that mom is back by then, and then I can ask for her money to go shopping for groceries with.
My friend returns tomorrow, after weeks away. 3 weeks I believe. I've lost track of time and how much has passed. I just know that I work again on Saturday, and that today, I'm meeting with my friend to talk after weeks apart. And, maybe, if I get the courage, I'll ask if she can buy me a bag of chips or something to help me out. If not, I understand, no big deal. But I'm scared shitless.
Things look bleak for me. When I gave everything to my job, it took everything from me without notice, at the worst possible time. I'm alone, on my own, until further notice. Until mom returns. Until I can land a new job that, maybe, just possibly, gives me more time. I'm not sure, though. I'm not sure about anything... I'm truly at my lowest. But I keep going, anyway, for the simple hope that it'll be better tomorrow than it was today. And someday that'll become reality. Like everything else, I'm not sure when that'll be. But I'll keep going, anyway. Through debt, hunger, and worse.
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year ago
My Aunt posted this and it’s really good! I hope I remember this if I ever need it! I know when I have had problems with a racing heart (I wake up from dreams with it out of control sometimes!) I have learned that if I bear down a few times (for a good bit of time each time) it helps, so I can imagine how this coughing thing would help a heart attack!!!!!
“Have you thought about ❤️
❤️If I’m alone and have a heart attack. What am I gonna do then?
One rarely good post that can't be shared too often:
1. Pause for 2 minutes and read this:
Let's say that it's 5:25 pm and you're on your way home after an unusually hard work day.
2. You are really tired and irritated.
All of a sudden you start to experience pain in the chest, which begins to radiate into the arm and pain in the jaws, a knife in the chest and into the heart. You're just a few kilometers from the nearest hospital or home.
3. 3. Unfortunately, you don't know if you'll make it.. .
4. Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person who took the class didn't tell you how to do it on yourself.
5. How to survive a heart attack when you're alone, because many are alone when they have heart attack and are helpless. A person who starts feeling weak and her heart beats hard has only about 10 seconds before he/she loses consciousness.
6. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Take a deep breath for each cough, and it has to be deep and lingering, like coughing mucus from the bottom of the pelvis. You have to repeat breathing and coughing every second until you get to the hospital or until the heart starts to beat normally.
7. Deep breathing makes it possible to get oxygen into the lungs, and the coughing movements strengthen the heart and blood circulation. The pressure on the heart also helps in regaining a normal heartbeat. This way, victims of heart attack can come to the hospital to receive proper care.
8. Let's say that many others are interested in this topic. You can save your own life!!
9. Cardiologists say that if anyone who receives this message will send it to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
10. Instead of posting jokes, please help save lives by copying this message.
❤️ COPY (hold your finger, on the text, and select copy, go to your own page and where you normally want to type, put finger again, and paste ❤️ YOU ❤️ MAKE ❤️ THE ❤️ DIFFERENCE 🙏❤
if this helps save one life it's worth the repost.”
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dragonedged-if · 2 years ago
15 Tags, 15 Mutuals
I wanna thank you @smzeszikorova for tagging me, also I want to apologize for those who is tagging me and not being able to answer.
For now free tag who wants to join, I'm running late for school lol.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Somewhat yes, My first name is a title; Chancellor, My family is into titles. For example we have; Princess, Duchess, Contessa, Duke.
Yup all titles in the fam lol.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday but I was crying in laughter because I watching a comedy movie.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, but I consider my pups and doggy my kids.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Yup and a lot actually, in tagalog we call that person a “philosopo”.
For example we have a saying in tagalog; Matigas ang ulo mo(You’re so hard headed)
Then we children we will reply; Alangan meron bang malambot na ulu(Well duh? is there a head soft?)
Here's another one and one of my favorite.
Children: Ang init!(It's cold)
Parent: Eh ditangalin mo jacket mo(Then remove your jacket!)
Children: Magiging malamig naman(Then Its gonna be freezing cold)
Then the paretns will whoop the chid's ass lol.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
For me a lot of things because I tend to stay quiet and observe the people around me, I will notice the way they speak, their mannerisms, attitude and etc.
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both if possible because I found very cliché’ that in every horror movie that the evil is still alive and the end credits will roll in.
8. Any special talents?
Writing, a good listener , improviser, a confident speaker.
9. Where were you born?
Batangas City, Philippines
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, listening to music, playing chess, reading, playing video games.
11. Have you any pets?
Yup, 1 mother and 4 rascals pups :)
I named my 4 pups using my favorite ice cream flavors.
Choco, Vanilla, Mocha, Cream(Shortcut for Cookies&Cream)
12. What sports do you play/have played?
A lot actually, badminton, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball and others but I like badminton the most.
13. How tall are you?
I think either 5'6 or 5'7
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Literature, a bit of science but most of all Social Studies.
15. Dream job?
Finish Medicine and apply for cardiologist.
But the job I’m aiming for is making my parents happy :)
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alldoctorsinin · 5 days ago
Best Cardiologist in Chennai: Your Guide to Top Heart Specialists
Maintaining heart health is vital for overall well-being, and finding the best cardiologist in Chennai is a crucial step in ensuring optimal cardiac care. Chennai boasts a plethora of esteemed cardiologists renowned for their expertise, experience, and patient-centric approaches. This comprehensive guide highlights some of the top cardiologists in the city, their qualifications, areas of specialization, and the services they offer.
Understanding Cardiology
Cardiology is a branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologists diagnose and treat various heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders, and heart failure. Their expertise encompasses preventive care, accurate diagnosis, and advanced treatment modalities to manage and rectify cardiac issues.
Top Cardiologists in Chennai
Here are some of the distinguished cardiologists in Chennai:
Dr. R. Hari Harakrishnan
Qualifications: MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Cardiology)
Experience: Over 8 years
Affiliation: VS Hospitals, Kilpauk
Specialization: Interventional cardiology, handling complex cardiac cases with advanced treatments.
Availability: 24x7
Address: #815/306, Poonamalle High Rd, Kilpauk, Chennai – 600010.
Dr. M. Kathiresan
Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology), FNB (Interventional Cardiology)
Experience: Over 20 years
Affiliation: MK Heart Clinic, Velachery
Specialization: Complex angioplasties, endovascular procedures, structural heart disease interventions.
Availability: Mon – Fri: 6 AM – 9:30 PM; Sat: 9 AM – 1 PM; Sun: Closed
Address: 40, 52, 100 Feet Rd, opp. to Tanishq Jewellery, Periyar Nagar, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600042.
Dr. U. Ilayaraja
Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology)
Experience: Over 20 years
Affiliation: CTS Hospitals, Anna Nagar
Specialization: Comprehensive cardiac care with a focus on patient education and preventive measures.
Availability: 24 hours
Address: V2, Plot 4047, 4th Main Road, V Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600040.
Dr. Deepesh Venkatraman
Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology)
Experience: Over 17 years
Affiliation: CTS Hospitals, Anna Nagar
Specialization: Interventional cardiology with expertise in advanced cardiac procedures.
Availability: 24 hours
Address: V2, Plot 4047, 4th Main Road, V Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600040.
Dr. Binoy John
Qualifications: MBBS, DM (Cardiology)
Experience: Over 23 years
Affiliation: Rela MS Hospital, Redhills
Specialization: Hypertensive heart disease, coronary artery disease, congenital heart disease, heart failure.
Availability: 24x7
Address: 4/833, GNT Road, Padiyanallur, Redhills, Chennai 600052.
Dr. Jaishankar
Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology)
Experience: Over 28 years
Affiliation: Medway Hospitals, Kodambakkam
Specialization: Director and Clinical Lead with extensive expertise in managing complex cardiac conditions.
Availability: 24 hours
Address: 2/26, 1st Main Road, United India Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai – 600024.
Dr. G. Sengottuvelu
Qualifications: MBBS, MD, DM, DNB
Experience: Senior Consultant
Affiliation: Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Specialization: Interventional cardiology, structural heart valve interventions, complex coronary stenting.
Availability: By appointment
Address: 21, Greams Lane, Off Greams Road, Thousand Lights West, Thousand Lights, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600006.
Dr. A.B. Gopalamurugan
Qualifications: MBBS, MRCP, MD, FRCP, CCDS, FACC
Experience: Senior Consultant
Affiliation: MGM Healthcare, Chennai
Specialization: Interventional Cardiology and Electrophysiology, TAVR, Endovascular Therapy, Device Therapy
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