#christmas 13
philsmeatylegss · 19 days
If I were Dan and Phil I would never hard launch because it’s so embarrassing that we were right. Like what do you mean you were so in love a bunch of thirteen year old’s clocked it? I would never give that satisfaction.
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blueskittlesart · 6 months
being in art school and having basically 0 knowledge about christianity whatsoever is so funny at this point i think you could tell me literally anything was an allegory for jesus and i'd just believe you
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jukeboxofjellycat · 1 month
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
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Cassie, Tim, and co. in The Night Before Christmas... - DC Universe Holiday Special 2008 | Written by Rex Ogle with art by Mike Dimotta
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verba-amoris · 9 months
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Tits the season to be jolly 🎅🎄
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mst3kgifs · 4 months
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If it came out at any point other than the Christmas season, it's not a Christmas movie.
Nightmare Before Christmas? Released October 13th, obviously a Halloween movie. Elf? Released November 7th, an early Thanksgiving parable about found families and sugar consumption.
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laz-kay · 1 year
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“And I see my sister with something that looks like gingerbread on her glasses, and we don’t have gingerbread, so this is odd”
Bob's Burgers, The Plight before Christmas (S13: E10)
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aceofwhump · 11 months
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Day 13: Cold Compress
Rings of Power 1x08 | When Calls The Heart 3x09 | Doctor Who "The Christmas Invasion"| Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x21 | The A-Team 2x23 | White Collar 5x05 | Hallmark Love's Christmas Journey | Our Flag Means Death 1x04 | Merlin 1x04 | Outlander 4x06 | Stargate Atlantis 2x12
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
The Many Post-Crisis Christmases of Tim Drake
Yes, everyone gets a few Holiday issues over the years, but Tim’s got his own special levels of trauma associated with the holiday.
A round up of every time Tim appears in comics about Christmas, sorted by year:
1990: Identity Crisis - Batman #455-457 aka Janet Drake’s funeral. Janet is buried on Christmas Eve. Jack’s still in a coma. Tim is living with Bruce at this point. Tim spends a lot of this storyline having nightmares and worrying by Jason’s memorial case. At the very end, Bruce and Alfred give Tim his personal Robin costume and Tim goes out officially as Robin for the first time.
1996: Holiday Bash I – “Just Another Night” it’s just a small mention here, but given future events it’s worth noting. Tim leaves a Christmas card for Alfred, and Jack takes Tim to the Caribbean for the holidays. Very in line with Tim’s behaviour during this period, where he’s noted for giving Babs thank you notes.
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1998: Holiday Bash III – “Alone for the Holidays” aka the single point in canon that supports Neglected Sad Boi Tim Drake. Tim is, as the title implies, alone for the holidays and moping about it. Jack and Dana are trapped in Chicago because the airport is closed due to snow (Why Jack and Dana are in Chicago is left to the reader). Babs and Dick call Tim over to the Clock Tower for a Loners Christmas Party. It will never not be funny to me that Alfred and Harold are at this Loners Party, but Bruce isn’t. Only a TRUE committed loner misses the family loners Christmas party.
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1999: Endgame, No Man’s Land (LotDK #126, Batman #574, ‘Tec #741). If you are unfamiliar with this classic story, Joker kidnaps 36 babies on Christmas Eve in No Man’s Land and threatens to blow them all up. Tim gets called away from Christmas dinner with Jack (as a note, Tim’s outside NML at the dinner, then immediately dives inside for this. Never bother trying to make sense of how often Tim got in and out of Gotham during NML) and is helping track down the babies. It’s…traumatic for everyone involved.
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2001: Young Justice #40. The Night Before Doomsday. This is the story where Santa dies and Young Justice find themselves having to deliver all the presents on his behalf.
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2006: Slayride, ‘Tec #826. Tim is running away from a group of drug dealers and is offered a ride by a passing car. The car is driven by Joker. Tim gets tied up with Christmas lights and eventually distracts him via an argument with Joker about the Marx Brothers.
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2008: “It’s a Wonderful Night” and “The Night Before Christmas”, DCU Holiday Special #1 2008. Two reminders that Tim has a hard time at Christmas in one!
“It’s a Wonderful Night” is a tear jerker where Dick goes looking for Tim to deliver a Christmas present. He finds him at a cinema watching a showing of It’s a Wonderful Life. Captain Boomerang Jnr is also there. Tim and Owen bond over their dead dads both liking the movie (which…given their dads killed each other, is a thing) and Dick gives Tim his old Robin costume. You WILL cry.
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“The Night Before Christmas” is a Titans story, particularly notable as far as Tim goes in that Tim and Cassie talk about how the holidays remind Tim of the people he’s lost (and look, for perfectly good reasons, given the above).
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daisyjoyflower · 6 months
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Human and Ghost versions
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Got this baby for Christmas!! A Vincent Van Ghoul Scooby Doo figure! He's made of vinyl and 5" tall! I love it!!
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newyorkthegoldenage · 9 months
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125th Street is lit up for Christmas, December 13, 1954. Photo taken from the New York Central Railroad station.
Photo: Robert Wands for the AP
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wiiildflowerrr · 9 months
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5SOS with Taylor Swift, Camila Cabello, Halsey, Sierra Deaton and others at Taylor’s birthday party
13 December 2019
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13thdoctorshitposts · 2 years
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Thirteenth Doctor + Text Messages                                   ↳ 1/?
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hgwellsmykabering · 10 months
Bering and Wells Advent Calendar
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A bit spontaneous, but this is a fanfic collab event we just came up with today on the discord server, us being @birdofdawning (idea for the fic) @lavendelhummel (advent calendar idea) and myself (collab idea):
24 days of Bering and Wells ficlets, creating a (semi-)cohesive getting together fanfiction! If you want to write for one of the days, sign up in a reblog addition or ask, and your name will be put on the list! You write your ficlet and aim to post it on the corresponding day of December, but as long as it’s posted some time in the month it’s fine. If you can coordinate with the people who post the days before yours, maybe tell us your planned summaries so everyone can adjust accordingly, that’s cool, but if the ficlets don’t fit together perfectly that’s alright, we’re just here to have a fun B&W advent time!
“Never get involved with a roommate!” The fanfic idea is: each day’s title is something Myka tells herself not to do in order to avoid getting involved with Helena, and of course ends up doing anyway.
Update: all fics now linked here!
No minimum wordcount - you can write a drabble as long as it fits the theme!
The setting we came up with on discord is an AU in which Helena and Myka live in the same apartment - less baggage than canon, but just as many feels! More details to it can be found here!
The daily prompts are below the cut. If you have ideas for what else Myka might want to avoid doing but don’t want to write it yourself, feel free to send in the prompt!
As apparently tumblr no longer shows the most recent version of a post when clicking under the readmore of a reblogged post, please check with the original post to see which days haven't been chosen yet!
For the readers: you can find all entries under #BeringWellsAdvent23!
We can still rearrange most of the prompts! If you want for example prompt 4 but don't think you'll finish it in time, tell me another (still free) day with your sign-up.
#1 moving in together - @lavendelhummel is taking on this one
#2 Never have a crush on your flatmate - chosen by @purlturtle
#3 Never be alone with the housemate you have a crush on - Charlie @akittennameddaisy is taking on this one with the idea that Helena tries to cook, creates a chaos in the kitchen and Myka ends up alone with her after all!
#4 Never tell her how much you like her hair - chosen by @viharistenno
#5 Free Space - @lilolilyr is doing ‘stop staring at Helena!’
#6 never let Helena persuade you to watch a movie with her - chosen by @purlturtle: "because forced prolongued proximity in a dark room and WHO EVEN KNOWS what kind of movie Helena might pick!"
#7 Never borrow Helena's clothes - claimed by @jesstrel
#8 Never let Helena wear your clothes - chosen by @lilolilyr "I think seeing Helena in her own clothes might feel even more intimate to Myka than wearing HG's clothes"
#9 Free Space - @purlturtle chose 'don't let her convince you to go to the swimming pool / gym with you'
#10 Never let Helena give you a back rub - by @purlturtle
#11 never watch Helena eat ice-cream (the lip-licking will drive you insane) - chosen by @purlturtle
#12 Don't let Helena read poetry to you - chosen by @sallysetonbw
#13 Don't use her shampoo, that's weird -chosen by @lavendelhummel
#14 never borrow that blanket she keeps on the back of the armchair - chosen by @violetren
#15 Never listen in to Helena when she's on the phone - @purlturtle
#16 never sit right next to her on the couch - chosen by @lilolilyr
#17 Make sure you're not the only one laughing at her obscure jokes - chosen by @thiakerrigan
#18 Never fall in love with your flatmate - chosen by @lilolilyr
#19 Don't let her see you in your pyjamas - @lilolilyr
#20 never go on a road trip together @purlturtle
#21 Free Space @tryingthisfangirlthing
#22 @lavendelhummel Never go to the Christmas market with Helena
#23 Never match your flatmate on a dating site - chosen by @lavendelhummel
#24 Never kiss her on the lips - @lilolilyr
Post your fics to Ao3 in the BeringWellsAdvent collection and/or on tumblr with the hashtag BeringWellsAdvent23! If you want to use a header for example for a tumblr post, you can use this made by @viharistenno and @purlturtle:
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Some other ideas to fill the 'Free Space' days with:
- don't let her convince you to go to the swimming pool / gym with you
- don't imagine Helena naked
- don't suggest to cook for her (because Myka would get so caught up in her perfectionism that she'd spiral and feel so bad about what she's setting in front of Helena)
- don’t share a room/bed with Helena
- never masturbate to thoughts of your flatmate
- don’t share a drink with Helena
- Never give her a gift or accept a gift from her
- never lend her your car
- Never lend her money again
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mst3kgifs · 9 months
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It's going to be like The Lord of the Rings and have like five endings, isn't it?
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